The Tangible and the Intangible: Diversity Promotes Democratic Cultural Conservation

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  • 8/19/2019 The Tangible and the Intangible: Diversity Promotes Democratic Cultural Conservation



    The Tangible and the Intangible:Diversity Promotes Democratic Cultural Conservation

    Debborah Donnelly15200636

    University College DublinWorld Heritage Conservation

    February 19, 2016

    Feb 13, 2016

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    In 2003 UNESCO defined the distinction between tangible and intangible cultural heritage by

    producing the Convention for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.1 This document

    was created out of the necessity to cultivate a process to ensure that those parts of human

    culture that cannot be clearly understood in a physical, tangible way like artefacts and sites,

    are still protected. The importance in the conceptual differences between intangible and

    tangible culture has been revised and clarified with subsequent international conventions

    which will be reviewed herein. This concept of tangible and intangible heritage will be further

    illuminated with examples from both Egypt and Canada, which are countries whose culture

    this author is most familiar with.

    The idea of a democratic approach to cultural heritage conservation is both valid and

    particularly important in that governing bodies do not dictate which culture (tangible orintangible) should be safeguarded and which is not. The concept of cultural diversity is

    paramount for ensuring the protection of culture of all people. This paper will explore the

    principle of why cultural diversity is essential to achieving a democratic approach to cultural

    heritage conservation.

    Evolution of the Definition of Culture

     According to Deacon, et al (2004: 1) Japan was a leader in enacting legislation to preserve

    their ‘intangible’ as well as tangible culture by way of its 1950 Law for the Protection of Cultural

    Properties. Under Article 71, The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and

    Technology may designate an element as, “Important Intangible Cultural Property” (UNESCO,

    1950), but they do not specifically define the concept ‘intangible’ within. This national

    development was later followed by other nations defining and including the term in their own

    cultural heritage documents.

    The Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies (UNESCO, 1982) was one of the first to use

    the term ‘intangible’ in an international context.

    ‘The cultural heritage of a people includes the works of its artists, architects, musicians,writers and scientists and also the work of anonymous artists, expressions of the people'sspirituality, and the body of values which give meaning to life. It includes both tangible andintangible works through which the creativity of that people finds expression: languages, rites,beliefs, historic places and monuments, literature, works of art, archives and libraries.’(UNESCO, 1982: Item 23)

    1 This convention specifically references prior documents on which it is built, including the UNESCO

    Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore of 1989; the UNESCO Universal

    Declaration on Cultural Diversity  of 2001; and the Istanbul Declaration of 2002 adopted by the Third

    Round Table of Ministers of Culture.

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    Subsequently followed by the 25th Session of UNESCO (1989) inscribing its Recommendation

    on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore. 

    ‘Folklore (or traditional and popular culture) is the totality of tradition-based creations of acultural community, expressed by a group or individuals and recognized as reflecting theexpectations of a community in so far as they reflect its cultural and social identity; itsstandards and values are transmitted orally, by imitation or by other means. Its forms are,

    among others, language, literature, music, dance, games, mythology, rituals, customs,handicrafts, architecture and other arts’  (UNESCO, 1989: 239). 

    From this very early definition, recommendations were made to encourage Member States to

    develop a national inventory of such folklore, to create identification and recording systems,

    and a standard typology. “Certain countries, often by means of presidential decrees, have set

    up national mechanisms of identification and of enhancement of intangible cultural property,

    founded on the institution of distinct inventories, records or listings,” (UNESCO, 2002: 6).

    This conceptual framework of culture was further established by the idea of ‘heritage as a

    human right’, which was articulated in the 1998 Stockholm Declaration of ICOMOS Marking

    the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This document stipulated


    ‘the right to cultural heritage is an integral part of human rights considering the irreplaceablenature of the tangible and intangible legacy it constitutes, and that it is threatened to in aworld which is in constant transformation’ (ICOMOS, 1998).

    The Stockholm Declaration also provided for five specific rights to ensure global cultural diversity.

      The right to have the authentic testimony of cultural heritage, respected as an expressionof one's cultural identity within the human family;

      The right to better understand one's heritage and that of others;

      The right to wise and appropriate use of heritage;

      The right to participate in decisions affecting heritage and the cultural values it embodies;  The right to form associations for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage.

    (ICOMOS, 1998)

    The concept of cultural diversity was additionally expanded under the Universal Declaration

    on Cultural Diversity  adopted by UNESCO in 2001; it recognized that diversity comes in a

    variety of cultural expressions and forms of heritage.

    ‘Culture takes diverse forms across time and space. This diversity is embodied in theuniqueness and plurality of the identities of the groups and societies making up humankind’.(UNESCO, 2001, Article 1)

    ‘Heritage in all its forms must be preserved, enhanced and handed on to future generationsas a record of human experience and aspirations, so as to foster creativity in all its diversity’.

    (UNESCO, 2001, Article 7)

     All of these changes led up to the UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of the Intangible

    Cultural Heritage (2003) which defined intangible cultural heritage as follows:

    “Intangible Cultural Heritage” means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge,

    skills – as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith

     – that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural

    heritage. This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is

    constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their

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    interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and

    continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity...’  (UNESCO,

    2003, Article 2).

    The convention entered into force on 20 April 2006, after 30 Member States had ratified it. To

    date, there are 166 Member States who have ratified the 2003 Convention,2 and an approved

    list of Intangible Heritage is maintained by UNESCO (2015) which currently contains some

    391 elements from 108 countries.3 

    The map below shows the distribution of recognised elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage

    (UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Website – accessed 12 February 2016).

    It is visually apparent from this map that Asia has led the world in the recognition and listing

    of intangible cultural heritage with China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea with the most

    items approved by UNESCO to date.4 

    However, the concept and evolution of the idea of culture does not stop there, and will likely never

    cease to be readdressed, particularly with the change and development in technology and the

    expansion of the sharing of knowledge and ideas that sees culture constantly morphing. Along with

    education and access to information, cultural groups otherwise unacknowledged or ignored by

    states will be able to demand their rights to have their cultural heritage recognized.

    2 Accessed on 12 February 2016  ;

    Notable is that the UK, USA and Canada have not ratified it, Ireland recently did however in December 2015.3 UNESCO 2015 – accessed on 12 February 20164 China with 38, Japan with 22, and the Republic of Korea with 18 elements listed.

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    These basic rights became principally evident, at least for Europe, with the Council of Europe’s 

    Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society   (2005) known as The

    Faro Convention.5 To date some 17 member states have ratified the convention.6 

    In the Aims of the Convention (Section 1, Article 1), the Parties of the Convention agree to: 

    a) Recognise that rights relating to cultural heritage are inherent in the right to participate incultural life, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;7  b) Recognise individual and collective responsibility towards cultural heritage;c) Emphasise that the conservation of cultural heritage and its sustainable use have humandevelopment and quality of life as their goal;d) Take the necessary steps to apply the provisions of this Convention concerning:

    - the role of cultural heritage in the construction of a peaceful and democratic society, andin the processes of sustainable development and the promotion of cultural diversity;- greater synergy of competencies among all the public, institutional and private actorsconcerned.’ (Faro Convention - Council of Europe, 2005)

    UNESCO also created the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of

    Cultural Expressions in 2005, which provided a new definition on cultural diversity.

    ‘Cultural diversity’ refers to the manifold ways in which the cultures of groups and societiesfind expression. These expressions are passed on within and among groups and societies.

    Cultural diversity is made manifest not only through the varied ways in which the culturalheritage of humanity is expressed, augmented and transmitted through the variety of culturalexpressions, but also through diverse modes of artistic creation, production, dissemination,distribution and enjoyment, whatever the means and technologies used. (UNESCO, 2005: 4) 

    The idea of distinct cultural heritage as classified into either tangible (e.g. monuments,

    buildings, artefacts, and sites), or intangible resources (e.g. values, traditions or skills) is not


    Cultural heritage may have originally been classified into the broad categories of tangible (e.g.

    monuments, groups of buildings, and sites) and intangible resources (e.g. values, traditions,

    and skills), but with the ICOMOS Québec Declaration on the Spirit of Place (2008), “it is useful

    to think of the intangible cultural heritage as interdependent, not separate, with the tangible

    heritage” (Cave et al, 2015: 3). The Québec Declaration clarifies the inclusion of tangible items

    associated with intangible cultural elements. It defines both place and spirit as the tangible

    and intangible components that work together.

    Québec Declaration on the Spirit of Place (2008)

    ‘Recognizing that the spirit of place is made up of tangible (sites, buildings, landscapes,routes, objects) as well as intangible elements (memories, narratives, written documents,

    5 The Faro Convention entered into force on 1 June 2011.6 Parties to the Faro Convention – In addition to the 17 states that have ratified, five states have signed the

    convention: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy and San Marino. accessed 17 February 2016.7 The Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948

    under General Assembly resolution 217 A.

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    festivals, commemorations, rituals, traditional knowledge, values, textures, colors, odors,8 etc.), which all significantly contribute to making place and to giving it spirit, we declare thatintangible cultural heritage gives a richer and more complete meaning to heritage as a wholeand it must be taken into account in all legislation concerning cultural heritage, and in allconservation and restoration projects for monuments, sites, landscapes, routes andcollections of objects.’ (ICOMOS,2008).

    The division between state recognition and indigenous engagement on intangible culture is

    something that Kearney addresses, and should not be overlooked.

    “The UNESCO Convention, like other instruments developed to identify, protect andmanage cultural heritage, is formulated and administered by state and global powers.State parties are responsible for taking the necessary measures to identify ICH 9 andto ensure the safeguarding of ICH. Bestowing ultimate discretionary power onto thestate renders Indigenous owners of ICH mere stakeholders,” (Kearney, 2008: 217). 

    With the advent of twitter and YouTube, the concept that direct, personal development of

    ‘digital intangible heritage’ being streamed, saved and changing the idea of intangible heritage

    has not been recognised or clearly defined yet by UNESCO. “As YouTube is in large part

    produced by user-generated content, it has the potential to continuously store heritage as it

    occurs in lived circumstances, to a certain extent capturing the shifting nature of embodied

    practice,” (Pietrobruno, 2014: 742). Even twitter discussion on what is intangible culture (cover

    page) contribute to the ever-changing concept. Thus the debate on what is and what is not

    culture goes on.

    Clearly what constitutes intangible culture is complex and, “identifying what constitutes

    heritage and assigning heritage value is thus a deeply subjective process. It happens in the

    context of current national and international social trends and politics, and often favours certain

    groups over others” (Deacon, et al, 2004: 9). This position therefore requires a

    recommendation therefore to be as inclusive as possible in designating who has the right to

    say what is, or is not intangible culture.

    Tangible vs Intangible Culture

    While the list of tangible cultural heritage has a requirement to meet the concept of

    ‘outstanding universal value’, this is not true for intangible cultural heritage, which is

    community-based. “Intangible cultural heritage can only be heritage when it is recognized as

    such by the communities, groups or individuals that create, maintain and transmit it – without

    their recognition, nobody else can decide for them that a given expression or practice is theirheritage,” (UNESCO, 2011: 5).

    8 As an aside, as a Canadian I note that because this document was drafted in Québec, that they chose the

    American version for the terms ‘colors’ and ‘odors’, over the British spellings which include the ‘u’ and which

    are more commonly used in English areas of the country. This could be construed as Québec making a political

    statement about their preference to disassociate with English culture (British history). I t is always difficult to

    separate politics completely from culture in this country.9 ICH – Intangible Cultural Heritage

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    The selection of examples from Egypt and Canada to illustrate are based on the close

    academic and personal relation the author has to these two particular regions.


    Egypt ratified the 2003 Convention in August 2005,10 but according to the UNESCO List of

    Intangible Culture Heritage (2015) Egypt has to date only inscribed one element, the Al-Sirah

     Al-Hilaliyyah epic , which was inscribed in 2008. It is an oral poem, known as the Hilali epic,

    which “recounts the saga of the Bani Hilal Bedouin tribe and its migration from the Arabian

    Peninsula to North Africa in the tenth century.” 11 

    It should be noted that Egypt has also submitted a nomination for the 2016 UNESCO ICH

    review, the ‘Tahteeb stick game’ which is an ancient game dating back to the 5th  Dynasty

    (Egyptian CDF, 2015: 4) that has continued to be played up to the present, primarily in Upper

    Egypt. It has been variously described as a martial art, a ‘cane dance’, a ‘stick game’, or a

    performing art.

    Fig. 1 Taktib photo, 1959 – by Farida Fahmy.12 

    Following are included select examples I consider as being particularly expressive in defining

    the differences between tangible and intangible culture.

    10 The States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) accessed 11 February 201611 Accessed 9 February 201612 (note alternate spelling of tahteeb) accessed 9 February 2016

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    The wonderful examples of Egyptian beautifully carved alabaster 13  from the New Kingdom

    have been admired and considerably described regarding the technology used, drawn from

    both literary and tangible evidence (tools, artistic scenes, and actual objects) by modern

    scholars (Lucas and Harris, 2011; Shaw, 2012; Stocks, 2003 for example).

    Fig. 2 Drinking Cup14 in

    the shape of a Lotus

    (replica), Exhibition

    Frankfurt/Main 2012 –

    By Sat Ra - Own work,

    CC BY-SA 3.0

    [original from the Tomb

    of Tutankhamun, KV 62,

    alabaster – displayed in

    the Egyptian Museum,


    What has not been adequately described, or inscribed on the list of intangible culture is the

    continuing technical skill that has been passed on (and modified) and is used by many still

    making handmade alabaster bowls and vases in modern Qurna (ancient Thebes).

    13 Alabaster in Egypt is a, “compact crystalline form of calcium carbonate” (Lucas, et al 2011: 59).14 An interesting Irish connection shows that the Belleek company created a ceramic copy of this alabaster cup

    sometime between 1922 (when it was first discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb) and 1930, for which there is

    evidence given by Fox (2005). This Belleek cultural heritage object would therefore be considered as part of

    the ‘Tut-mania’ phenomena described by Tim Masters (2014).

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    Fig. 3 Mostafa Mohamed, master

    alabaster artist, Qurna, Egypt (29

    May 2015 – photo D.A. Donnelly)


     According to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO, 2015), surprisingly, to date

    Canada is still not a signatory to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural

    Heritage (2003). Gauthier (2011: 2) provides an opinion on why this is so, “this abstention

    relate [sic ] to the argument that the Convention contains a definition of ICH that is too vague,

    and creates significant obligations for the state that are almost impossible to fulfill [sic ] (i.e.inventories and their regular updating), especially due to Canada’s multicultural population.”

    However, Deacon, et al, (2004) does draw a distinction about Canada compared to other

    countries. “The federal Department of Canadian Heritage is unusual compared to other

    national governments in that it deals with both tangible and intangible heritage. There is a

    growing interest in that Department in ‘bringing issues of ecological integrity and diversity

    [together] with those of cultural integrity and diversity, and exploring the relationships between

    natural and human ecology ” (Deacon, et al, 2004: 62).

    Several Canadian provinces and the British Columbia First Peoples’ Cultural Council15

     haveall commenced creating inventories of intangible cultural heritage. Their efforts are briefly

    outlined below.

    15 The First Peoples’ Cultural Council serves: 203 B.C. First Nations; 34 languages; 61 language dialects; First

    Nations arts and culture organizations; Aboriginal artists; Aboriginal education organizations  

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    British Columbia enacted the First Peoples’ Heritage, Culture and Language Act  in 1996 in

    order to:

    (a) protect, revitalize and enhance First Nations heritage, language, culture and arts,

    (b) increase understanding and sharing of knowledge, within both the First Nations andnon-First Nations communities, and

    (c) heighten appreciation and acceptance of the wealth of cultural diversity among allBritish Columbians;

    The First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) defines intangible culture for B.C. First Nations as

    including, “traditional knowledge, practices and skills. These things that define the culture—

    language, oral history, art techniques, rituals, stories and place names,” (FPCC website,

    2013).16 Notably, they also stipulate the following exclusion:

    “It’s important to note that not all intangible cultural heritage can be shared with the generalpublic. Some includes secret or sacred information that must follow traditional customs thatlimit who can hold the knowledge. Regardless, it still needs to be safeguarded. Secretknowledge must still be passed from one generation to the next, and doing so means theknowledge is safe and the heritage is protected.” 

    Newfoundland and Labrador was the first province to recognise the importance of intangible

    cultural heritage, and produced a Cultural Blueprint in 2006 entitled Creative Newfoundland

    and Labrador  with the aim of making the province a, “national leader in the recognition and

    support for ICH which includes traditional knowledge, skills, languages and the tradition-

    bearers who perpetuate them,” (Procius, 2010: 44). This was followed by a Strategic Plan that

    was issued by the provincial government in April 2007.

    In 2008 the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador (HFNL) was designated as

    the agency responsible for pursuing the strategy on intangible cultural heritage in the province.

    This strategy not only encompasses settler and indigenous groups of the region but also “new

    Canadians who have come” to the province (Jarvis, 2014: 1). The strategy stipulates four

    major goals: documentation, celebration, transmission, and sustainability.

    Memorial University17 maintains an Intangible Cultural Heritage website for the province and

    includes the provincial ICH inventory,18 searchable by topic. Topics include:

    1. Oral traditions and expressions;

    2. Performing arts;

    3. Social practices, Rituals and Festive Events;

    4. Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe;

    5. Knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts; and

    16 accessed 12 February 201617 In St. John’s Newfoundland18  

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    6. Ephemera19 

    Ephemera include retaining (hard and digital) copies of things like this 2009 poster 20  of a

    hooked rug event in Shoal Brook, Newfoundland (Fig. 4 below).

    In 2008, the Province of Nova Scotia issued a Heritage Strategy document that clearly defined

    their heritage priorities including intangible culture (Nova Scotia, 2008: 4).

    “Heritage is that which society inherits from previous generations and deems worthy of taking

    special measures to preserve for future generations, including our tangible and intangible

    cultural and natural heritage.

    Tangible cultural heritage includes artifacts, buildings, and records.

    Intangible cultural heritage includes folklore, language, oral history, music, skills, and belief


    Natural heritage includes land, water, air, and wildlife.”

    19 Ephemera, in an archival context, usually refers to transitory written and printed matter not intended to be

    retained or preserved.20 

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    Quebec’s Cultural Heritage Act  was adopted on October 19, 2011 and came into effect one

    year later. “Quebec has included clauses inspired by the 2003 Convention and by its

    Sustainable Development Act. This makes it the first Canadian province to recognize ICH at

    the legislative level,” (Gauthier, 2011: 2).

    While Ontario has not yet addressed the issue of intangible culture, I propose the following as

    an excellent example that should be protected.

    The Black Donnellys

    One cannot speak of Irish-Canadian heritage without mentioning the Donnellys. The story of

    the ‘Black Donnellys’ revolves around an Irish emigrant family who moved to Ontario in 1842.

    In 1880, five of the family were brutally murdered by an armed mob, and their family farm was

    burned down. No one was ever convicted of these grisly murders, despite two inconclusive

    trials and an eye-witness to the burning of the house and the murder of the first four.

    There have been books21  and numerous articles, a (fictional) television series,22  plays,

    music,23 a band,24 paranormal investigations,25 a museum,26 an ‘official’ website,27 alternate

    websites,28 Facebook,29 YouTube,30 and twitter pages, and walking tours,31 all dedicated to

    the folk history of the massacre of the Donnelly family from Lucan, Ontario in 1880.

    With the patronym, I grew up with the tales and relished the notoriety (at times) of being loosely

    associated with this unfortunate clan of Irish immigrants. It is a story heaped in murder and

    intrigue that continues to garner significant interest to the present day. The actual historical

    site, the homestead and gravestones, the original police and other archival documents are all

    part of our Canadian tangible heritage.

    21 Including a recent (2014) book by Peter McKeown, A Donnelly Treatise - After the Massacre; and the (2013)

    The Donnelly Album: The Complete & Authentic Account of Canada's Famous Feuding Family by Ray Fazakas.22 The Black Donnellys was a (fictional) television series that ran for a single season in 2007 based on an Irish

    criminal organisation in New York. It was touted as based on the criminal characters of the original Black

    Donnellys from Lucan, Ontario.  23 Stompin’ Tom Connors wrote two songs: Black Donnelly’s Massacre and Jenny Donnelly 24 The Black Donnellys (Dublin) ; ; @blackdonnellys25

    Homestead.html 26  27  28  29  30 Spirit Seekers – The Donnellys  31 The owner of the land today, J. Robert Salts, offers walking tours of the property. 

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    Fig. 5 (below, left) The original Donnelly tombstone which was removed in 196432 (courtesy of

    London Free Press)

    Fig. 6 The replacement Donnelly headstone (Canadian


    On the other hand, the oral tales, the ongoing interest that seemingly, continuously produces

    new material (both fiction and non-fiction), and theories, and offshoots of media continue the

    intangible heritage of our macabre interest in this gruesome massacre. Perhaps it can be

    considered an early example of a Canadian ‘traumascape’ as defined by Tumarkin (2005: 13).

    While Canada may not have become a signatory to the 2003 Convention many federal and

    provincial initiatives have already started the inventory and preservation of Canadian

    intangible cultural heritage.


    It is only in the idea of inclusivity (i.e. diversity) that culture can be fully recognised and

    understood. Humans are constantly making comparisons to understand their own position in

    the world (social comparison theory), and without the protection and conservation of all culture,

    we may lose the ability to understand ourselves. As an archaeologist it may seem obvious to

    me that we should want to conserve all culture so we can learn from our collective path, but it

    is readily apparent that there are many social and political forces at play which choose to

    define culture in their own terms as a means of power. Having international conventions and

    32 Erected in 1889 by William Donnelly, the original Donnelly tombstone stood in St. Patrick's Cemetery for 75

    years. It was removed in 1964 by descendants of the family following vandalism. 

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    the ability to enforce them are the most powerful tools we currently have to protect past,

    present and future culture.

    I have endeavoured to describe the process of determining intangible culture from the

    perspective of two very different nations, Egypt and Canada. One with an extraordinary

    ancient history which is also confined by religious and political (and I daresay economic)strictures, the other by the fact of its own diversity. The examples chosen and illustrated were

    to distinguish the differences between tangible and intangible culture, but to also provide a

    glimpse into our changing concepts of what is intangible culture, particularly with the addition

    of the internet and digital media.

    It is unlikely that there will ever be a universal definition of ‘intangible culture’ because it is

    inherently fluid and a definition would be too restrictive. However, it is in that idea that the need

    to protect and conserve elements of our intangible heritage that is necessary to ensure that

    the entirety of human culture is preserved, whether openly shared or not.

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