6500 Southway Dr. • Clayton, OH 45315 • (937) 836-6500 SalemChurch.org • facebook.com/mysalemchurchofgod LEADER’S GUIDE TABLE The Nourishing Body & Soul

The TABLE - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/salemchurchofgod/documents/The...Jesus modeled the importance of life around the table and in this 7 week series we will look at conversations

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6500 Southway Dr. • Clayton, OH 45315 • (937) 836-6500SalemChurch.org • facebook.com/mysalemchurchofgod



Nourishing Body & Soul


Life Groups Ideas & Tips 1. Consider serving snacks or a meal each week. This will help create a comfortable environment and allow people to have natural conversation before the discussion begins.

2. Serve together! Over the course of “The Table” series one of the best ways to grow spiritually, relationally and to make an impact is to serve together. You can make a decision about when and how you will serve or you can ask the group if they have ideas. 3. In an effort to encourage EVERYONE to participate in the discussion, write out the week’s discussion questions on a card (one question per card) and place them on the center of the table. Ask each family unit to choose one question that they will share and answer first and then ask the whole group. This is a way to keep everyone engaged and participating in the discussion.

4. Week 6 will be a great week to experience communion together as a group. The discussion will revolve around our IDENTITY in Christ. Communion reminds us of what Jesus did for us as He invites us to His Table.

5. The group is scheduled to end the series at the end of October. However, you may want to schedule additional group meetings throughout November and December. In fact, having a Thanksgiving meal and/or a Christmas party together is a great way to stay connected throughout the holidays.

Thanks for being a Life Group leader and creating an environment where people can grow in their relationship with God and their relationship with others. I’m filled with anticipation with what God is going to do as you meet around the table this fall.

The goal for this 7-week journey of “The Table” is simple: existing relationships would grow deeper and there would be new authentic relationships developed. As people meet around the table, I’m claiming the promise found in Matthew 18:20. “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

Please know that you are being prayed for by name and if there is anything I can do to help, let me know.

I can not wait to hear the stories of how God meets you and your group around The Table this fall.

Cheering for you –

Pastor Steve


“The Table” Life Group SyllabusGod created us for relationships and for centuries the table has been a primary place where relationships have grown. Jesus modeled the importance of life around the table and in this 7 week series we will look at conversations that happen around the table. After all, it is not just about feeding our bodies, but it is also about nourishing our souls.

WEEK 1 - September 13 The Table ... pg. 4

WEEK 2 - September 20 Praying around the Table ... pg. 5

WEEK 3 - September 27 Celebrations around the Table ... pg. 6

WEEK 4 - October 4 Table Talk ... pg. 7

WEEK 5 - October 11 Messy Table ... pg. 8

WEEK 6 - October 18 My Seat at the Table ... pg. 9 Communion ... pg. 10

WEEK 7 - October 25 Pass the Salt ... pg. 11


WEEK 1 - September 13The TableThe table is not just a place to nourish our bodies…it is actually a place to nourish our souls. Jesus modeled the importance of life around the table. In this first week we are going to build a biblical foundation for the series, talk about the upcoming weeks (including the Life Group Challenge) and end with key applications that help us rediscover the lost art of relationship.

Life Group Leader:As people arrive, bring out all of your charm as you greet and give them a few simple instructions before you start the discussion. This is a great time to serve snacks or a meal.

Life Group Questions: 1. Introductions…(Name, kids, how long you’ve been attending Salem)

2. As you approach this experience, what do you hope happens?

3. What are some things we can all agree to that will help us ensure that this is the best experience possible? (See the Group Leader Handbook for more resources on Life Group Ground Rules.)

4. What is your story?

5. How would you describe your relationship with God on a scale from 1-10? (1-weak and 10-strong).

6. If God were at The Table, what would He want to say to us?

Scriptures for additonal study:Proverbs 17:17, Hebrews 10:24-25, Proverbs 13:20, Matthew 9:9-13

End with prayer.

Before you dismiss be sure to share any instructions for next week as well as distrib-ute the Syllabus for the next 6 weeks.

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 2 - September 20Praying around the TableOne of the most common places for people to pray together is around a table. This week we will look at some of the challenges that people encounter when they pray and ways we can make our prayer life more impactful.

Life Group Leader:Since this is the second week for your group, you may want to remind the group of the ground rules that everyone agreed to the week before. After you’ve had your steak dinner (or whatever kind of food your group shares ☺) you also may want to start the discussion with an ice breaker question like: “What happened this week that you want to share with the group? Or “As you reflected on our conversation from last week, what thoughts do you have that you want to share?”

Life Group Questions: 1. How do you define prayer?

2. Who’s been an example to you of the kind of prayer life you want to have?

3. Tell one story about an answered prayer; or even an un-answered prayer.

4. What makes it difficult for you to pray?

5. If you had a guarantee of an answer, what is one thing you would pray for in this season of your own life?

Scriptures for additonal study:2 Chronicles 7:14, James 5:16, Matthew 6:9-13

End with prayer. (You may want to use the prayer resource in the Life Group Leader Handbook to glean creative ideas of how to pray as a group.)

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 3 - September 27Table CelebrationsWhat are you thankful for today? One of the most important conversations that can happen around any table is celebrating the blessings in life. However, it is so common for us to focus on what is wrong instead of what is right. This week we will talk about the importance of adding a spirit of gratitude to our table discussions.

Life Group Leader:Hopefully your group has started to gel now that it is week three. However, if your group is like most, there may be someone who is an “overtalker”, an “undertalker” or a “tangent starter.” To see how to deal with this check out the Life Group Leader Handbook.

Life Group Questions: 1. What or who are you thankful for this season?

2. What has been an unexpected or surprising gift of this past year?

3. Even in the midst of gratitude, is there something you’re desiring or experiencing?

4. What are 1 to 3 ways you can infuse gratitude into your life on a regular basis?

5. What are 1 to 3 ways you can infuse gratitude into your family or friends on a regular basis?

Scriptures for additonal study:Phillipians 4:11-13, Colossians 3:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalm 107:1

End with a prayer of thanksgiving.

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 4 - October 4Table TalkThe table is a place where honest conversation can happen and difficult questions can be asked. Today we will talk specifically about doubts we carry and how to move from doubt to fueling our faith.

Life Group Leader:Before this discussion you may want to remind your group about the ground rules you created... especially that this is a safe place to be honest.

Life Group Questions: 1. Who is a safe person for you to talk with about your doubts?

2. Share a time when you really struggled with doubts.

3. Where do you find hope even when you doubt?

4. Could doubt mean we are thinking and engaging our minds and hearts? We are wrestling with an issue and I am trying to decide how I will let my faith guide me through doubt.

5. If God were at the table, what would He want to say to us?

6. Was there a time in your life when it was easier to not trust God?

Scriptures for additonal study:Proverbs 3:5-6, John 20:24-29

End with prayer.

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 5 - October 11Messy TableTables get messy. In fact, the mess grows with each person who eats around the table. More people means a bigger mess. Spiritually speaking, tables are also a place where God can enter into the messiness of our lives through other people. This week we will talk about the way that Satan wants us to hide from God and hide our sin and yet God has a plan for healing and hope.

Life Group Leader:Today’s discussion can be challenging to some as it forces people to be vulnerable. Keeping a safe environment in your group is really important. In addition, remember that as leaders, we can create a culture of authenticity by leading the way and being authentic ourselves.

Life Group Questions: 1. What is one thing that keeps you from being truly authentic with others?

2. Share a time when you felt completely “safe” to be real with other people.

3. What kind of “mask” do you hide behind the most? Successful, competent, happy, etc?

4. What does it look like to be “stuck” in your weakness?

5. Think of one area of your life that seems messy or weak. How has that affected your relationship with Christ? With others?

6. If Jesus were at the table, what would He want to say to us?

Scriptures for additonal study:Proverbs 28:13, Galatians 2:20, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

End with prayer. You may want to spend time praying specifically for some of what was shared in today’s meeting.

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 6 - October 18My Seat at the TableOften times people talk about having “their seat” around the table because they are a part of the family. The same is true with God…He invites us to His Table because He is our Daddy and yet so many of us struggle with this because we feel so inadequate. This week we are going to talk about moving from being a SLAVE FOR God to being a SON/DAUGHTER OF God.

Life Group Leader:This is another week where creating a safe environment for people to be authentic is especially important. A creative way to end your discussion this week is to experience communion together as a group.

Life Group Questions: 1. In what ways do you feel inadequate?

2. In what ways are you perhaps fueling your feelings of inadequacy?

3. What are the differences between being a slave for God vs. being a son or daughter of God?

4. Why do we let others define us instead of letting God define us?

5. How does being a child of God change how you view yourself or God?

6. Describe how you think God sees you.

Scriptures for additonal study:Ephesians 2:10, Romans 8:15, Philippians 4:13, Luke 22:19-20

End with communion. (See pg. 10 for devotion during communion time)

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.


WEEK 6 - Continued...Devotion & Communion for “The Table” The leader is free to decide the appropriate time for communion. Perhaps at the end of your “Table Talk” discussion, this could be said by the leader, “We’ve talked about some really important life issues and as we end I want to read a few verses from the Bible and experience communion together. Jesus gave us this reminder (communion) of the cost He paid (His death) for our forgiveness. Read Matthew 26:26-28

We refer to what Jesus told His disciples to do, take and eat the bread and drink the cup, as the Lord’s Supper or communion. This simple yet meaningful act done by Christians all around the world reminds us that our sins have been forgiven (V.28) by the blood of Jesus being poured out. Forgiveness speaks of complete release, deliver-ance or a dismissal. The root meaning of forgiveness is to “send away.” When we forgive someone we “send away” their offense. When God forgives our sins, He does not remember them anymore. He “sends away” our sins. Maybe we need to put a “No Fishing Allowed” sign over our minds so we stop fishing for things we remember from our past sins or the sins of others? Maybe we need to put a “Keep Out” sign on our spirits to help us resist temptation when sin tries to enter? As we experience commu-nion we remember and declare – “I AM FORGIVEN!” Suggested portion of your prayer: ………. It is easy to live without forgetting – forget-ting our sins. But we thank You, Father, that You know how to forgive and forget and that You do both consistently. ……… A suggestion on serving communion: Invite a couple, two children, a parent and a child, or a woman and a man to serve. This will create a way for a variety of people to participate. Be creative!


WEEK 7 - October 25Pass the SaltJesus has called his followers to make a difference in the world. Interestingly enough, often tables are placed where these critical meetings happen and plans are made. In this message we will look at one of the common elements found on the table... salt and talk about how God wants to use us to impact the world.

Life Group Leader:Just because the series is over doesn’t mean your group has to stop. You may want to secure plans for your group to get together a time or two in November and December before you dismiss today. Also, don’t forget to remind everyone about the bonfire celebration for all of The Table groups on Nov. 1. (See the back cover for details). By the way, one way to celebrate as a group is to ask the question: How has this group helped you in the past 6 weeks?

Life Group Questions: 1. Share a time when you did something that made a big difference and made someone else’s life better?

2. What makes you mad, sad or glad?

3. How is your life salty?

4.What are the most pressing physical and spiritual needs in our community that God may be calling you to address?

5. Dream together about the next steps you could take to make a difference.

Scriptures for additonal study:Matthew 5:13-15, Matthew 28:16-20

End with prayer.

*Encourage people to catch the message online if they are unable to be at the service on Sunday.

6500 Southway Dr. • Clayton, OH 45315 • (937) 836-6500SalemChurch.org • facebook.com/mysalemchurchofgod

S AV E T H E D AT E !“The Table” Celebration Bonfire

Sunday, November 1, 2015Watch for more details coming soon!