eaoeeeen A rood ad idle more goods than the but drummer Try one In J S THE SUN S- and su S ulnnnnuupana I It VOLUME VII NUMBER 86 PADUCAHKY MONDAY EVENING APRIL J 1901 J i 10 CENTS PER WEEK BOILINGPOLITICS t Hot Fights Occurred In Many Mado In Evansville BIG EXC1ITEMENT IN 01110 s JM Tomorrow St louiS and Chicago Will Elect MiyortGreat Interest U Manifested s BOTH SIDES ARE CLAIMING VICTORY OUiTUnJ 0 April 1 1There I is great excitement over the niajroralt election hero and In Dayton youngs town and In nearlorery city In Ohio except Cincinnati Tho local elections lure quite i a bearing on state marl national politics M QoTfmor Nash and Benator Foraker who are candidate for reelection has taken an acttre IlIrt- U e Ulerelaiul Indlcntlons point towant tlw election at William J Aim the Hepublleon raiKlldatr amt s the tinted of Tom 1 Johnson Demo I crat br a small plurality Clerelanc to nominally Heimbllean by about 8000 rlnrallty In Tolnto the Republican declare that Ornrnl HoMaken will In elects major by at least 3000 niajerlty am the Jooe managers say they will have not leer than 1000 plurality Tlu betting vale from 100 to 78 to 1 W I on Jones with plenty of Jones mono a y and few takers IN MISSOURI 4t St Louis April 1 The contos here for Worlds Fair mayor I 1s the hottest ever known The election I Is- e onMrrow and the candldatr are George H Parker Republican Roll Well OU Democrat Ie Merlwetb rt Silver candidate and Chaunce Ftlley running as a good government candidate IN ILLINOIS Chicago April ITho mayoralty I 1 Ion lake plao tomorrow Oarte Harrison claims victory by 30000 t h1t IK INDIANA ETanaTlll AptU tThe hottest lection for years Is oa for city onions t today Both sides are clalmbiK tho victory The candidate for motor T are J W lloehne and Mr Covert The following offierra from other clllos I are here to guanl the polls John M Ashby Owenb oro Ky Eli jah Henry Henderson Ky T J otter raJncah Ky Otto V Knapp Newburg Int1 t L N rVirage and W 1L Aitou Rockport Inl ami to Mr Uoyce Mount Vernon Ind t DR BRIGGS t AN ntOQUKNT LKCTlRK AT Till V it C A YHSTIJRDAY- AKTHRNOON Dr Brlgg oi the Broadway Mttho did charch talked oa The Gospel ol the Italy at the V M1 C A yesterday afternoon Abut duty were present There was a special musical program Ir Sperry ol Obeillu 0 will talk out I Sunday COLORED i RECRUITS The colored recruiting omcer left I today at noon with five recruits The following an the names of thorn en Rated Oren Clark Elijah Evans Carl W Lucas Tom Tolliert ant Ar thur Brewer Brewer I U now in jail charged with stealing a dog and trad tog It fr sty pent In money and two j shirts He did not leave with the other recruit w BOARD OP IIELATII MEETS 7are will be a called meeting of 1Ibo boanl of health this afternoon Some Important matters of Interest t- ot the public will U brought before the board I DR FRANK BOYD OFFICE IN i di PfBROOK BILL BUILDING e Telephone 238 Fourth and Broadway r tar Take the elevator 1 Just Received an- Elegant Line of Lazells and NkWodworths FINE PERFUMES- Call and See ThemG- ARDNERS DRUG STORE Third Iii 4 CLERKS UNION SRVHRAt CANDIDATK3 WILL TO NIUHT UK INITIATED BV RETAIL CLERRS The following persons wilt be laltlat ed Into the Clerks union tonight- Messrs Guy Robinson 1 A Urban sktr Al llsai John L Ray A H Priant Ernest Sister and Miss Klla An tenon The membership of the union hai been steadily Increasing and now the enrollment shows ninetyone names Clerks unions are bring formed all- over the country anti are gaining strength steadily Nothing of Importance excepting the Initiation of the new members will tx placed before the body at toutghti meeting NEW PREACHER REV RI1I WILL ARRIVE PROM NA8I1VILIK TOMORROW RevJC Reid of Nuhvllle Tenn will arrive Tuesday evening to tube charge of the pulpit of the Cumberlsni Presbytetlan church lie will conduct the prayer meeting on Wednesday night apt go to Mayfield Friday evening to attend the Presbytery Dr Reid will then return Saturday evening preset Sunday morning and return to Mayfield to stay uutil the close of the Presbytery lie was eipected to preach his lint son men ytstenlay WAS INDICTED DORIS NOBLE IS CHARGED WITII WILFUL MURDER MEMPHIS Attorney J M Worten who has been employed by Mrs 1 Months h Hamilton to defend her daughter Dorl Noble whose real name Is I Maggie McMsn < and who killed W A Hogln a priu ncnt men at Memphis last week has re turned from Memphis The womsn was lidlcted for wilful murder and the trial will take place sometime within the nest mouth PARTIES SPLIT CUBANS OPPOSE PLATTAMEND MENT Washington March SQSanor VII bends of the committee on relations of the Cuban constitutional conven Lion yesterday signed the report of tenor Juan Gnaltvrto Qomei thus placing a majority of the committee In opposition to the principal feature of the Platt amendment Neither the radical nor the conservatives seem anxious to put the question to an 1m medUttote The plan to tend a del egation to Washington IInll Is being favorably considers mlIn I fictlwu Wail politics being the chief subject of discussion it I Is doubtful It the convention would aeocpt the amendment as Ibis Rcpubllcandelegate from Santiago and Santa Clara though they have ken repudiated by their party tot cot ing against the amendment still hold their seats Radically opposite views an held by different groups of the same party and this tends to substan Slate the assertion of the conservative pweas I that the opposition to the amend ment U csntcrwl In lInn and that the delegate da njf represent the feel lg Of their constituents A split is threatened In the national party of pavans because of a resolu tion adopted against the Platt amend ment fVncr Tamayo secretary of stele resigned from the party today Orlala ef a rtwss The expression robbing Peter to par Paul had its origin In the rivalry sibling between Westminster Abbey formerly Hf Petera cathedral and fit Paula cathedral In London In 170 then was a deficiency In u fffMury ot St Paula and an appropriation of money belonging to SL Peters was male to cover the deficiency The peo- ple who weep averse to the action ask- ed the quMtlo it Wby rob St Peters to pay at Paul t The BUN Ms no superior any wa- rPAUPERISM I Tile drat of the thdrty the bane of any pit Ion le to epslily prevented that there is smell escdeter Arpn Ibo dr laborer al small ever yesgh the almshouse Ior time 1HO men chant or the man on a fair salary Its a crime when life Insurance Is so chap and the test companies offer so many good plans toepfmlutisafeature f for the bachelor See us about It The old reliable l Phoenix Mutual ol Hartford Conn writes the mot liberal upl44t l ° policy and one which pro- tects your f Jllil1 ender all circum tttucel JULIUS FRIEDHAV I h The Paducab Sun SIGN AT ONCE Practically an Ultimatum Has Been Sent to China by Russia r A RUPTURE ISTHREATENEi An Uniucceitiul Attempt WM Made to Assassinate Cia Nicholas Yesterday THE FANATIC THEN KILLED HIMSELF Washington April 1 Authentic omelet reports today state that Russia has sent practically an ultimatum to China threatening severe diplomatic relatlonslf China does not immedl ately sign the Manchurian treaty This was done despite the fact that England Germany and Japan pre sented identical notes to Russia and China warning them that the signing of the Manchurian agreement will In voice the partition of Chins France while declining to cooperate with England Germany and Japan has In united to Russia that she would re gard the conclusion of the Manchurian treaty as an unfriendly act London April IThe News today prints a cable from Kleff stating that great excitement has been created by a member of the Imperial household firing twice on Ciar Nicholas Fall lug to assassinate the emperor the man suicided OFFICIAL COUNT IT BEGAN AT THE COURT HOUS THIS AFTERNOON AT 1 OCLOCK The democratic county committee this afternoon began the official count of Thursdays primaryauawilt prob ¬ ably finish br evening Secretary Eaton stated hat there would probably be chugs In all till precincts as a result ol uncounted votes but likely not enough to alter results already announced PASSION WEED 4 T GRACE CHURCH Passion week service In One church Rev D Eo Reed rector Monday Tuesday Wednesday 430 p m Wednesday 780 p mj Mann dy Thursday with Holy Communion it 8 P m Good Friday 1030 n m Saturday Easter eve 8 R m Those who offer plants or flowers for the decoration of the chancel on Easter day will tend them on Saturday The lower dppr of f Ihe church will be open- ed for their resepUon EPWORTII LKAOUp 8EHV10ES The Epworth League of the Broad wy Methodist church will have an interesting meeting In the league par Ion this evening at 730 oclock Dr O W Brlgg will conduct the deco lonal scfvlco and the talented young lawyer Mr A V JkeT will make an address on Success J a BROKE TIER LEFT WRIST Jl ill KtWfr Uo nfteen year old I daughter of Kurk perry fell down the stairs this morning at has homo comer of Eighth and Clay tIL and broke her left wrist J1r Reddlck dressed the Injury TIIEE TEA IIEIt The government forecast is I for rain I followed by colder weather I mess the coufk Id cart tls eoN U t twa wltiseat unartle0 Prix enU 0 SON POLICE COURT ALL Tilt SALOON MEN FINE D sib AND COSTS FOR SADDATII- ViOLATIONS About lityav8 saloon keepers were fined tlO and cost today In the pallet e court for violating the Sabbath Th finer and cost amounted to about 1800 John Bennett colored was fined 11 and oat Ion being drunk and door derly coo locl- TomOIrk was find tl and tout for a plain drunk Homer Williams colored was fined 11 and costs for disorderly conduct Harry Wok colored for striking another boy was fined t5 and coauI W 0 Whitney for keepln ga disor derly house at the Red Fox was lined t25 and cost on motioned Prosecuting Attorney Campbell Thomas Glass for being drunk and disorderly was fined 15 and costs and recognlted In the sum of t200 to keep the peace and not molest his family againMaahallOwen colored for a breach of the pesos was fined tlO undo osts no slapped Easter Gray Charles Foster breach of the peace case was continued The housebreaking case against Lou Hutchlnson was left open Ile 1 h charged with breaking Into Sam Good mms and will no doubt be acquitted KILLED IN MILL MAC DAVIS CRUSHED AT THE FERGUSONPALMER MILL Hit Body Was Horribly Mangled by Being Caught In the ¬ Held Mao Davlcoloredws killed In the FergusonPalmer mill on South Third street this afternoon shoat S oclock by being caughtby a shaft He was horribly mangled his head being torn off and his limbs wrenched In two Ha was about 40 yean old married and lived on South Fifth street An inquest wu being held at press time + PIEPJ N GEORGIA Mr G W Edwards has received notice of the death of his onlnlawi father Rev William Hunter at Co lumber On The deceased had been rector of tha Episcopal church there for 17 years and stood high In the oommnnlt1I A SUIT W WILL ICII WEAR iqI look well I Is Bade of good material That is the basis of everything Nest cornea the tailors work It doesnt require talent to pro dace a rwellII nit It does require honesty and honestyIs here In hunt ance Every little detail has attention Every stitch 1 is perfect We hare a large stock of both foreign and domestic dotheao varied that something here must please y- ouGrand Leader 323 BROADWAY Iie A MTTtf 3JT 1 Of ICE i IN ONE OF HARTS j CELEBRATED REFRIGERATORS Is tho One Thing NetcssaryJ p ECONOMY COMFORT AND HAPPINESS t DEPEND UPON IT t Prices Extremely Low > 14 Refrigerator Perfectly Made r- J The only 1 Refrigerator tjtft has itgod tfif t teat of years r J We have soldIt many years and still it ANpS LOADER OF THEM ALL tILE REFRIPRATQRS FOR ZlSQ- v 2 2- s fully wjirfjotfJj 1 U41 l tel thcjjf ecattej l1rtc tic as muchI I GEO HART Hardwarei i And Stove Company i 303 to 30lBruaataI n i V I L rlu to 3O1 uro Jw FEDERAL COURT The Flag Foats Over Uncle Sams Building Today The U S 1Court In Session GRAND JURY IS DISMISSED Judge Etins end Hit Offlcen ire Dispatch- ing the Dullness of the Court In a Rapid Manner INTERESTING NOTES OF THE COURT The April term of federal court be gan at the government building thin morning with a Urge crowd In attend anoeThe court officers are Judge Walter Evans R D 11111 district attorney John O Fitzpatrlck assistant A D James marshal M 0 James deputy W A Blackburn rubies Court convened at t oclock and al once got down to work The grand jury with Mr F M MoFarland foreman was Impaneled follows C R Rollinger Hazel wood IV A Woodall Crayneyville James Williams Palmer Peter Steph ens Mllbern TE Hopper Cadis Joe Dupes Columbus A J Crttten don Marlon F M McFarland Fut ton R M paler HIckmsn J T fins sell Shiloh aa Wilson Pryors burg J II Nelson Hampton W D Hurt Benton 0 W Merrrlweather J N Anderson and J T Durrett Pa- ducah R A Sale Mayfield R F Brown Hughey Tho petit jury was ImVpnoled as follows A M Bellow Hlckman j W N Neville Arlington I a S Grit flth Padneah A M Chastaln Pate cah Willis Morgan Paducah E B Prathher Hlckman W D Clayton Hazel George O Terrell Caldi J A Davidson Levies Ky n J Box tell Clanton Ey Q 1 Lane Florence John W Adams Hickory Orovej Ahlthal Wallace Cerulean Springs W J Clayton Princeton George W Ilouser Florence T P Wayne Moscow I Ii V Stone Marion John W Fry Melber a G Wood Benton i John Boyd Eddrvllle iQeorge Owing Murrar 0 0 Butt Lamasco J N Riley EuttawaW a Preshell SmlthlandiM L Cummins sod Joe Dupes Arlington SUITS AGAINST PADUOAH The suit of Roberts do Co of New York against the city of Padncah for 110000 damages for alleged breach contract has been continued br acrttt msnt Time suit oj Sf Louts persons against the city to collect Interest on the re pudiated bonds was also continued by agreement The grand jury returned several in ¬ dictments J W Tally Leonard Copeland Soup Williams and Prank Elliott were Indicted for bootlegging but only Elliott and Copeland were con viotedboth being fined tlOO ant given thirty dayi la jell Wm Robertson for running a iteamboftt without s license pleaded guilty and was fined 1100 Motions were mite to remand In the cases of 1 P Itohsrt Md Join Whttworth against the Illinois Cen ¬ tralRobert Gray of near Princeton Ky who passed a t50 confederate bill on a saloon keeper was released I demurrer to the Indictment was sustained Gray is a country boy who cannot ret and claimed tht hJH was passed on hlnj I Tha p44r1 hoM tbfttI xratcdf rate aIIPIfIIl U Dot counterfeit money and released the prisoner Leonard Copeland toy postofflce robbery wai given ona yepr IO the rovernmnt rejoim Mfeojg- r J 3jt tte = FFEOT3 KpNTVOKY WHISKEY Local whiskey men and whiskey lealera all over the state are dlspleas eel with a bill recently piqued by the Missouri legislature and awaiting the Igaatnra of Governor Dockerr Tt- fires a tai of 10 cents ojj varg ffttl 1 af wl tttj 4f44B M wQ lk state and I Is i Vl the governor will sign It Kentucky whiskey dealer signify theft Intention If he does of fighting the matter through the courts claim log that U class legislation Whiskey I men say tho law if declared cowtttu lonal will drive hflndjfj pr whole tiers jobbttl fps retallort out of bnstueQ- C 05 br pIUII- The penny lu the slt I svstem of dist- ributing l gas I Iq tip poorer tttricta ot- Londoo has pressed a q woceaaful that altppmyp at tax bslnx Wade to apply eleptrtHgkt l Ia tke acme way Toe estry ef Ntenes has meted a large generator station and laid the neces nary caMs The BiturMar Installed In earls house the of oat to the cua merwho simply pays for the amount ot electricity he consumti HOLY WEEK YESTERDAY WAS PALM SUNDAY EASTER JS NEXT SUNDAY Yesterday won Palm 8nnd y tho be ginning of holy week which I fa ob erredlln the Catholic Episcopal and Lutheran churches The tat of Lent ends with Eater Sunday a week from yesterday Daring Holy week the services will be Imposing and solemn particularly on Thursday when the Institution of the holy encbarlit li commemorated On Friday Chrliti crucifixion I la brought to mint by the services known u the way of the cross The churches are draped In mourning and the boll CIO loving nntl Eaiter Sun ¬ day In several of the states Good Friday Is a legal holiday SURPRISED BURGLAR ONE SEEN AT WORK OX MR At OLSr DRNKKRS SAlE An attempt was made bout I oclock this morning to crack the sate at Au gust and Charles Bunkers grocery and saloon at Ninth and Washington SU Sirs Sam Llebel who lives nest door heart someone sewing and after listen log for quite a while she went and aroused ilr Henry Foreman who boards there f Mr Foremen with pistol in hand went outside and saw a man at workon Mr Denkera safe r using a small light lie could not discern the burglars col or He find his pistol and the burglar snuffed out his light and vanished through a hole in the door afterwards found to be there he had sawed out a panel He did not get Into the safe A Tint PASSOVER The Feut of Passover one of the most important In the Jewish calendar begins LVedneelynight and continues one week In all Jewish churches or thodox and reformed there wilt be see vices Wednesday night and Thursday morning Ulhe orthodox churches there will glee be services Prldsy morn lug 1 Investigate Osteopathlq treatment for all female troubles Dr IIeedI Brookhttl building 37m6 All the Very Latest Fads in Ladies Misses and Crras Shoes afid Sli cyab Ladles Oxfords from 125 150 and 2 IT TO 3 3 In Patent Vid English Enam ¬ el Vici Kid and Velours Leathers < HATS Ie I all your butlnca need Secure it for it through i e GRANDJURY I Judge Husbands This That August Twelve MR TOM J REID The Petit Jury Will Be Impaneled To ¬ Are t85 Cues for Trial COUNTY AND COURT The April term of the MoCraoken circuit court began this morning at 9 oclock Judge Husbands presiding The reports of officers were received and deputy sheriffs sworn In The grand jury was Impaneled as follows T J fowl foreman Phil antler Pool J M Brewer Henry Ru dolph John Dean W A Langston J J Clark JW Mitchell J B Wyatt Hugh Burrows Chris Llotel l usury Rouser The court instructor them J and they are In session this afternoon Motion was made to trader the I suit of Mrs Zoo Mallonre against the Illinois Central for 110000 for tho loss of a leg to the federal court but not passsed upon Court adjourned at noon until to- morrow I when the petit jury will heI I ImpaneledThere be about 18S to dispose of with 40 or 50 prisoners In jail awaiting trial or indictment COUNTY COURT Eliza Griffith qualified as admlnis ratrlx of the estate of R O eceased Ellen Colyer deed to John Walker for 13300 property In F Foster has made settlement e t 010 It fie A It u Ruanllaa of Willie Leo i COURT j Judge Tully held court today but there were no carat of terest disposed FISCAL COURT t Judge Tully and all the will tomorrow convene In regular sea don of fiscal court a county road I la lobe eltctedj OIL FOUND IN BATH ML Sterling Ky March 30 Abundant success seems about to re- ward ¬ the effort of the Mt Sterling Oil and Oas company Last summer and fall this company sank two wells In 4thls city and later on one at Spencer In the county While neither ofthese oil the com pony and Its manager Mr tLewis Craig an Indiana oil expert exam ¬ inert tho sand and were convinced that they wero on the right track and that oil was surely In the lead They worked their way into Bath kcountT where near the mouth of Bearer creek were sunk each of which baa to be a producer in paying From the first well sunk at this point barrels of fine oil an pumped each fay and the other two are doing equally as well This success of the Mt Sterling company has treated a Harry in oile circles and are flock ing to the from all over the county to that locality anXJ teasing property at high rrit r MANS LEOAUE The Working Mens met ant several of work clubs The fret Is to be probably at hill he r aster Novelties I ROCK I i Geo Rock I SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK ONLYfie EASTER Publicity aSunieeeie THE SUN 1 11 PlacesArrests TeJluSllect MachineryIn- quell Morning Impaneled FOREMAN morrowThere QUARTERLY Indictments Griffiths Mechanicsbnrg- H Son FORIt QUARTERLY quarterlly Thompson I ott magistrate Wednesday supervisor persistent produced thoroughly gradually quantities twentyfour nowprospectors nelhgborhood WORKING PolltlcalUagna yesterday afternoon 914nit organization organized Wedwsday Qajlman DrikUrA Pamade electiontbt TIz hisoD1lPllon blIlnmach phrrfaallr drhkfntIL AT r I OxI ¬ season Is the Cuban heel alb > the full XV style ASK TO SEE THEM 1 jrFa todate at A MODERATE PRICES j Youll flnd it at Rockst Broadw 321 y 0 J f i25i ei i CENTS L BUYS Any BOYS SHIRT WAISTa IN THE HOUS With the single exception of the Friend brand Former Prices 50 cents and 75 cents Mothers ofos pt < Take Notice f SUITS FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Inl proven < Mothers

THE SUN S- It ottnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4nmd5s/data/0362.pdffollowed by colder weather I mess the coufk Id cart tls eoN U t twa wltiseat unartle0 Prix enU 0 SON POLICE COURT ALL Tilt

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Page 1: THE SUN S- It ottnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74qr4nmd5s/data/0362.pdffollowed by colder weather I mess the coufk Id cart tls eoN U t twa wltiseat unartle0 Prix enU 0 SON POLICE COURT ALL Tilt

eaoeeeenA rood ad idle more goods than thebut drummer Try one In J


and su SulnnnnuupanaI



tHot Fights Occurred In Many

Mado In




Tomorrow St louiS and Chicago Will

Elect MiyortGreat Interest

U Manifested



OUiTUnJ 0 April 11There Iis

great excitement over the niajroraltelection hero and In Dayton youngs

town and In nearlorery city In Ohio

except CincinnatiTho local elections lure quite ia

bearing on state marl national politicsM QoTfmor Nash and Benator Forakerwho are candidate for reelectionhas taken an acttre IlIrt-

Ue Ulerelaiul Indlcntlons pointtowant tlw election at William JAim the Hepublleon raiKlldatr amt

s the tinted of Tom 1 Johnson Demo

I crat br a small plurality Clerelancto nominally Heimbllean by about8000 rlnrallty

In Tolnto the Republican declarethat Ornrnl HoMaken will In electsmajor by at least 3000 niajerlty am

the Jooe managers say they will have

not leer than 1000 plurality Tlubetting vale from 100 to 78 to 1 W

I on Jones with plenty of Jones mono

ay and few takers


4t St Louis April 1 The contoshere for Worlds Fair mayor I1s thehottest ever known The electionI IIs-

e onMrrow and the candldatr areGeorge H Parker Republican RollWell OU Democrat Ie Merlwetb

rt Silver candidate and Chaunce

Ftlley running as a good governmentcandidate


Chicago April ITho mayoralty

I1 Ion lake plao tomorrow Oarte

Harrison claims victory by 30000

th1tIK INDIANAETanaTlll AptU tThe hottest

lection for years Is oa for city onions

t today Both sides are clalmbiK tho

victory The candidate for motorT are J W lloehne and Mr Covert

The following offierra from otherclllosI are here to guanl the pollsJohn M Ashby Owenb oro Ky Eli

jah Henry Henderson Ky T Jotter raJncah Ky Otto V Knapp

Newburg Int1t L N rVirage and

W 1L Aitou Rockport Inl amito Mr Uoyce Mount Vernon Ind





Dr Brlgg oi the Broadway Mtthodid charch talked oa The Gospel olthe Italy at the V M1 C A yesterdayafternoon Abut duty were present

There was a special musical program

Ir Sperry ol Obeillu 0 will talk outI Sunday


The colored recruiting omcer leftI today at noon with five recruits The

following an the names of thorn en

Rated Oren Clark Elijah Evans

Carl W Lucas Tom Tolliert ant Ar

thur Brewer Brewer IU now in jailcharged with stealing a dog and tradtog It fr sty pent In money and two

j shirts He did not leave with the


7are will be a called meeting of

1Ibo boanl of health this afternoon

Some Important matters of Interest t-ot the public will U brought before the




e Telephone 238Fourth and Broadway

r tar Take the elevator

1 Just Received an-

Elegant Line of

Lazells and


Call and See ThemG-


Third Iii






The following persons wilt be laltlated Into the Clerks union tonight-

Messrs Guy Robinson 1 A Urban

sktr Al llsai John L Ray A H

Priant Ernest Sister and Miss Klla Antenon

The membership of the union haibeen steadily Increasing and now theenrollment shows ninetyone names

Clerks unions are bring formed all-

over the country anti are gainingstrength steadily

Nothing of Importance excepting theInitiation of the new members will txplaced before the body at toutghtimeeting




RevJC Reid of Nuhvllle Tennwill arrive Tuesday evening to tubecharge of the pulpit of the CumberlsniPresbytetlan church lie will conduct

the prayer meeting on Wednesday nightapt go to Mayfield Friday evening toattend the Presbytery Dr Reid will

then return Saturday evening presetSunday morning and return to Mayfield

to stay uutil the close of the Presbytery

lie was eipected to preach his lint sonmen ytstenlay



Attorney J M Worten who has beenemployed by Mrs1 Months hHamilton todefend her daughter Dorl Noblewhose real name IsI Maggie McMsn <

and who killed W A Hogln a priuncnt men at Memphis last week has re

turned from MemphisThe womsn was lidlcted for wilful

murder and the trial will take placesometime within the nest mouth



Washington March SQSanor VII

bends of the committee on relationsof the Cuban constitutional conven

Lion yesterday signed the report oftenor Juan Gnaltvrto Qomei thusplacing a majority of the committeeIn opposition to the principal featureof the Platt amendment Neither theradical nor the conservatives seemanxious to put the question to an 1m

medUttote The plan to tend a delegation to Washington IInllIs beingfavorably considers


fictlwu Wail politics being the chiefsubject of discussion

it IIs doubtful It the conventionwould aeocpt the amendment as IIbis

Rcpubllcandelegate from Santiagoand Santa Clara though they haveken repudiated by their party tot coting against the amendment still holdtheir seats Radically opposite viewsan held by different groups of thesame party and this tends to substanSlate the assertion of the conservativepweasI that the opposition to the amendment U csntcrwl In lInn and thatthe delegate da njf represent the feel

lg Of their constituentsA split is threatened In the national

party of pavans because of a resolution adopted against the Platt amendment fVncr Tamayo secretary of

stele resigned from the party today

Orlala ef a rtwssThe expression robbing Peter to

par Paul had its origin In the rivalrysibling between Westminster Abbeyformerly Hf Petera cathedral and fitPaula cathedral In London In 170then was a deficiency In u fffMuryot St Paula and an appropriation ofmoney belonging to SL Peters was

male to cover the deficiency The peo-ple who weep averse to the action ask-

ed the quMtlo it Wby rob St Petersto pay at Paul t

The BUN Ms no superior any wa-



Tile drat of the thdrty the bane ofany pit Ion le to epslily prevented thatthere is smell escdeter Arpn Ibo drlaborer al small ever yesgh thealmshouse Ior time 1HO menchant or the man on a fair salary Its acrime when life Insurance Is so chapand the test companies offer so manygood plans toepfmlutisafeaturef forthe bachelor See us about It

The old reliablel Phoenix Mutual olHartford Conn writes the mot liberalupl44tl ° policy and one which pro-tects your f Jllil1 ender all circumtttucel



The Paducab SunSIGN


Practically an Ultimatum Has Been

Sent to China by



An Uniucceitiul Attempt WM Made tto

Assassinate Cia Nicholas



Washington April 1 Authenticomelet reports today state that Russiahas sent practically an ultimatum toChina threatening severe diplomaticrelatlonslf China does not immedlately sign the Manchurian treaty

This was done despite the fact thatEngland Germany and Japan pre

sented identical notes to Russia and

China warning them that the signing

of the Manchurian agreement will In

voice the partition of Chins Francewhile declining to cooperate withEngland Germany and Japan has In

united to Russia that she would regard the conclusion of the Manchuriantreaty as an unfriendly act

London April IThe News todayprints a cable from Kleff stating thatgreat excitement has been created by

a member of the Imperial householdfiring twice on Ciar Nicholas Falllug to assassinate the emperor the man






The democratic county committeethis afternoon began the official countof Thursdays primaryauawilt prob ¬

ably finish br eveningSecretary Eaton stated hat there

would probably be chugs In all tillprecincts as a result ol uncounted votesbut likely not enough to alter resultsalready announced


Passion week service In Onechurch Rev D Eo Reed rectorMonday Tuesday Wednesday 430p m Wednesday 780 p mj Mann

dy Thursday with Holy Communion

it 8 P m Good Friday 1030 n m

Saturday Easter eve 8 R m Those

who offer plants or flowers for thedecoration of the chancel on Easter day

will tend them on Saturday Thelower dppr of fIhe church will be open-

ed for their resepUon

EPWORTII LKAOUp 8EHV10ESThe Epworth League of the Broad

wy Methodist church will have aninteresting meeting In the league parIon this evening at 730 oclock DrO W Brlgg will conduct the deco

lonal scfvlco and the talented younglawyer Mr A V JkeT will make

an address on Success Ja


Jl ill KtWfr Uo nfteen year oldI

daughter of Kurk perry felldown the stairs this morning at has

homo comer of Eighth and Clay

tIL and broke her left wristJ1r Reddlck dressed the Injury


The government forecast isI for rain I

followed by colder weather I

mess the coufk Id cart tls eoN

U t twa wltiseat unartle0 Prix







About lityav8 saloon keepers were

fined tlO and cost today In the pallete

court for violating the Sabbath Thfiner and cost amounted toabout 1800

John Bennett colored was fined 11

and oat Ion being drunk and doorderly coo locl-

TomOIrk was find tl and toutfor a plain drunk

Homer Williams colored was fined

11 and costs for disorderly conductHarry Wok colored for striking

another boy was fined t5 and coauIW 0 Whitney for keepln ga disor

derly house at the Red Fox was lined

t25 and cost on motioned ProsecutingAttorney Campbell

Thomas Glass for being drunk anddisorderly was fined 15 and costs andrecognlted In the sum of t200 to keep

the peace and not molest his family

againMaahallOwencolored for a breach

of the pesos was fined tlO undo ostsno slapped Easter Gray

Charles Foster breach of the peace

case was continuedThe housebreaking case against Lou

Hutchlnson was left open Ile 1hcharged with breaking Into Sam Good

mms and will no doubt be acquitted




Hit Body Was Horribly Mangled by Being

Caught In the ¬


Mao Davlcoloredws killed In theFergusonPalmer mill on South Thirdstreet this afternoon shoat S oclockby being caughtby a shaft

He was horribly mangled his head

being torn off and his limbs wrenchedIn two Ha was about 40 yean old

married and lived on South Fifthstreet An inquest wu being heldat press time


Mr G W Edwards has receivednotice of the death of his onlnlawifather Rev William Hunter at Co

lumber On The deceased had been

rector of tha Episcopal church therefor 17 years and stood high In the





iqI look well IIs Badeof good material That is the basis ofeverything Nest cornea the tailorswork It doesnt require talent to pro

dace a rwellII nit It does requirehonesty and honestyIs here In huntance Every little detail has attentionEvery stitch 1is perfect We hare a largestock of both foreign and domestic

dotheao varied that something heremust please y-

ouGrand Leader323 BROADWAY

IieA MTTtf 3JT1 Of ICE i





t Prices Extremely Low >14 Refrigerator Perfectly Made r-J The only1 Refrigerator tjtft has itgod tfift teatt of yearsr J We have soldIt many years and still it




s fully wjirfjotfJj 1 U41l tel thcjjf ecattej l1rtc tic as muchII

GEO HART Hardwarei iAnd Stove Company i

303 to 30lBruaataI ni V I Lrlu to 3O1 uro Jw


The Flag Foats Over Uncle Sams

Building Today The U S

1Court In Session


Judge Etins end Hit Offlcen ire Dispatch-

ing the Dullness of the Court In

a Rapid Manner


The April term of federal court be

gan at the government building thin

morning with a Urge crowd In attend

anoeThecourt officers are Judge Walter

Evans R D 11111 district attorneyJohn O Fitzpatrlck assistant AD James marshal M 0 Jamesdeputy W A Blackburn rubies

Court convened at t oclock and al

once got down to workThe grand jury with Mr F M

MoFarland foreman was Impaneledfollows C R Rollinger Hazelwood IV A Woodall CrayneyvilleJames Williams Palmer Peter Stephens Mllbern T E Hopper CadisJoe Dupes Columbus A J Crtttendon Marlon F M McFarland Futton R M paler HIckmsn J T finssell Shiloh a a Wilson Pryorsburg J II Nelson Hampton W DHurt Benton 0 W MerrrlweatherJ N Anderson and J T Durrett Pa-

ducah R A Sale Mayfield R FBrown Hughey

Tho petit jury was ImVpnoled as

follows A M Bellow Hlckman j

W N Neville Arlington I a S Gritflth Padneah A M Chastaln Patecah Willis Morgan Paducah E B

Prathher Hlckman W D ClaytonHazel George O Terrell Caldi JA Davidson Levies Ky n J Box

tell Clanton Ey Q 1 LaneFlorence John W Adams HickoryOrovej Ahlthal Wallace CeruleanSprings W J Clayton PrincetonGeorge W Ilouser Florence T PWayne Moscow I Ii V Stone Marion

John W Fry Melber a G Wood

Benton i John Boyd Eddrvllle iQeorge

Owing Murrar 0 0 Butt Lamasco

J N Riley EuttawaW a PreshellSmlthlandiM L Cummins sod JoeDupes Arlington


The suit of Roberts do Co of New

York against the city of Padncah for

110000 damages for alleged breachcontract has been continued br acrtttmsnt

Time suit oj Sf Louts persons againstthe city to collect Interest on the repudiated bonds was also continued byagreement

The grand jury returned several in ¬

dictmentsJ W Tally Leonard Copeland

Soup Williams and Prank Elliottwere Indicted for bootlegging butonly Elliott and Copeland were conviotedboth being fined tlOO ant giventhirty dayi la jell

Wm Robertson for running aiteamboftt without s license pleadedguilty and was fined 1100

Motions were mite to remand Inthe cases of 1 P Itohsrt Md JoinWhttworth against the Illinois Cen ¬

tralRobertGray of near Princeton

Ky who passed a t50 confederatebill on a saloon keeper was releasedI demurrer to the Indictment wassustained Gray is a country boy whocannot ret and claimed tht hJH waspassed on hlnjI Tha p44r1 hoM tbfttIxratcdf rate aIIPIfIIlU Dot counterfeitmoney and released the prisoner

Leonard Copeland toy postofflce

robbery wai given ona yepr IO therovernmnt rejoim Mfeojg-


J3jt tte =


Local whiskey men and whiskeylealera all over the state are dlspleaseel with a bill recently piqued by theMissouri legislature and awaiting theIgaatnra of Governor Dockerr Tt-

fires a taiof 10 cents ojj varg ffttl1af wltttj 4f44B M wQ lk state andI Is i Vl the governor will sign It

Kentucky whiskey dealer signifytheft Intention If he does of fightingthe matter through the courts claimlog that U class legislation Whiskey I

men say tho law if declared cowtttulonal will drive hflndjfj pr whole

tiers jobbttl fps retallort out ofbnstueQ-


05 br pIUII-The penny lu the sltI svstem of dist-


gas IIq tip poorer tttricta ot-

Londoo has pressed aq woceaaful thataltppmyp at tax bslnx Wade to applyeleptrtHgkt lIa tke acme way Toeestry ef Ntenes has meted a large

generator station and laid the necesnary caMs The BiturMar InstalledIn earls house the of oat to the cuamerwho simply pays for the amountot electricity he consumti



Yesterday won Palm 8nnd y tho beginning of holy week which Ifa oberredlln the Catholic Episcopal andLutheran churches The tat of Lentends with Eater Sunday a week fromyesterday

Daring Holy week the services willbe Imposing and solemn particularlyon Thursday when the Institution ofthe holy encbarlit li commemoratedOn Friday Chrliti crucifixion Ilabrought to mint by the services known

u the way of the cross Thechurches are draped In mourning andthe boll CIO loving nntl Eaiter Sun ¬

day In several of the states GoodFriday Is a legal holiday



An attempt was made bout I oclockthis morning to crack the sate at August and Charles Bunkers grocery andsaloon at Ninth and Washington SU

Sirs Sam Llebel who lives nest doorheart someone sewing and after listenlog for quite a while she went andaroused ilr Henry Foreman whoboards there f

Mr Foremen with pistol in handwent outside and saw a man at workonMr Denkera safer using a small lightlie could not discern the burglars color He find his pistol and the burglarsnuffed out his light and vanishedthrough a hole in the door afterwardsfound to be there he had sawed out apanel He did not get Into the safe



The Feut of Passover one of themost important In the Jewish calendarbegins LVedneelynight and continuesone week In all Jewish churches orthodox and reformed there wilt be seevices Wednesday night and Thursdaymorning Ulhe orthodox churchesthere will glee be services Prldsy mornlug

1Investigate Osteopathlq treatment

for all female troubles Dr IIeedIBrookhttl building 37m6

All the Very LatestFads in

Ladies Misses and Crras Shoesafid Sli cyab

Ladles Oxfords from 125150 and 2

IT TO 33

In Patent Vid English Enam ¬

el Vici Kid and VeloursLeathers



IeI all your butlnca needSecure it for it through

i e


Judge Husbands This

That August



The Petit Jury Will Be Impaneled To ¬

Are t85 Cuesfor Trial


The April term of the MoCraokencircuit court began this morning at 9oclock Judge Husbands presidingThe reports of officers were receivedand deputy sheriffs sworn In

The grand jury was Impaneled asfollows T J fowl foreman Philantler Pool J M Brewer Henry Rudolph John Dean W A Langston JJ Clark JW Mitchell J B WyattHugh Burrows Chris Llotell usuryRouser The court instructor them J

and they are In session this afternoonMotion was made to trader the I

suit of Mrs Zoo Mallonre against theIllinois Central for 110000 for tholoss of a leg to the federal court butnot passsed upon

Court adjourned at noon until to-


when the petit jury will heII

ImpaneledTherebe about 18S

to dispose of with 40 or 50 prisonersIn jail awaiting trial or indictment

COUNTY COURTEliza Griffith qualified as admlnis

ratrlx of the estate of R Oeceased

Ellen Colyer deed to John Walkerfor 13300 property In

F Foster has made settlement


t010 It

fie A It

u Ruanllaa of Willie Leo iCOURT j

Judge Tully held courttoday but there were no carat ofterest disposed

FISCAL COURT tJudge Tully and all the

will tomorrow convene In regular seadon of fiscal court acounty road Ila lobe eltctedj

OIL FOUND IN BATHML Sterling Ky March 30

Abundant success seems about to re-


the effort of the MtSterling Oil and Oas company Lastsummer and fall this company sanktwo wells In 4thls city and later onone at Spencer In the county Whileneither ofthese oil the compony and Its manager Mr tLewisCraig an Indiana oil expert exam ¬

inert tho sand and wereconvinced that they wero on the righttrack and that oil was surely In thelead They worked theirway into Bath kcountT where nearthe mouth of Bearer creekwere sunk each of which baato be a producer in payingFrom the first well sunk at this point

barrels of fine oil anpumped each fay and the other twoare doing equally as well

This success of the Mt Sterlingcompany has treated a Harry in oilecircles and are flocking to the from allover the county to that locality anXJteasing property at high rritr

MANS LEOAUEThe Working Mens

met ant several

of work clubs The fretIs to be probablyat hill



aster NoveltiesI ROCK Ii

Geo Rock





PublicityaSunieeeieTHE SUN 1




























PolltlcalUagnayesterday afternoon914nitorganization

organized WedwsdayQajlman



seasonIs the Cuban heel alb> the full XV style

ASK TO SEE THEM 1jrFatodate at A

MODERATE PRICES jYoull flnd it at





i25i ei




With the single exception of the Friend brandFormer Prices 50 cents and 75 cents

Mothers ofos pt < Take Notice f





