The Sun Our Very Own Star Assembled By Ken Mitchell Livermore TOPScience Copy this URL into your browser

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The Sun Our Very Own Star Assembled By Ken Mitchell Livermore TOPScience Copy this URL into your browser Slide 2 Star Forming Region NGC 3582 Slide 3 Accretion Disk A rotating disk of gas and dust matter that may form around any of a variety of stars or other massive objects. In the case of young stars, accretion disks contain unconsolidated material, such as cosmic dust grains, which may subsequently accrete to form planets and other sizable objects Slide 4 The Beginning A Protostar A star's life is a constant battle against gravity, the force that wants to compress it, and pressure support which is trying to hold it up. That battle begins as soon as a molecular cloud begins to collapse into a protostar. Slide 5 SOHO Best Sun Photo Slide 6 HR Diagram - Star Sequence Slide 7 Cutaway of Our Only Thermonuclear Power Plant Slide 8 Sun Physics Basic Fusion Reactions in the Sun Paste the URL into your browser before starting: Slide 9 Terrestrial Planets Close to the Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Slide 10 Mercury Slide 11 Venus against a starry background Slide 12 Welcome to Planet Earth Slide 13 Mars in Opposition, 2001 Slide 14 Outer Planets The Gas Giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Slide 15 Hubble spots rare triple eclipse on Jupiter Slide 16 Saturn from Cassini Slide 17 Uranus two views Slide 18 Spring time on Neptune Slide 19 Dwarf Planet Pluto and its satellite Charon Slide 20 Planet Summary Sheet Distanc e (AU)AU Radius (RTE) Mass (RTE) Orbital Period Rotation (RTE) Axial Tilt # of Satellite s O Orbital Inclinatio n Density (g/cm 3 ) Sun 0109332,800---25 36*--- 9 1.410 Mercur y 0.390.380.0588d58.80.1 O 0 7O7O 5.43 Venus 0.720.950.89224.7d244177.4 O 0 3.394 O 5.25 Earth 1.01.00 365.2d1.0023.45 O 1 0.0005.52 Mars 1.50.530.11687d 1.88y 1.02925.19 O 2 1.850 O 3.95 Jupiter 5.21131811.8y0.4113.12 O 63 1.308 O 1.33 Saturn 9.599529.2y0.42826.73 O 59 2.488 O 0.69 Uranus 19.241783.75y0.74897.86 O 27 0.774 O 1.29 Neptun e 30.1417163.7y0.80229.56 O 13 1.774 O 1.64 Pluto** O 1 - 3 17.15 O 2.03 KAM: 3/29/08 Slide 21 Our Suns Life Cycle THE END Cometh