THE SUN SATURDAY APRIL 15 IflOS f tl- I Th hi > > + THE REAL ESTATE MARKET E SMtKS UTTOVS 4VI PUBLIC llECOIUH- iB Smith 4 Co B Sllr for a Urj Good and Fur Stare In Tlilrlyfourlli- Nt ear Ilflli Av Slornlnicilile IBrh Jock Huld to Apartment llulldrn- Deallnc at private contract wa only moderately active yo tprday A majority of the nalei oToct l Improved property Bpeoulatlon In vacant being discourage by tlio MiriRaRO Tux bill However a block on Mornlnxlilo Park Vet WM bought by a firm of builder and eirnl lar ploti on Jerome and Lenox uvenuoj changed hands Fifth avcnuo contributed speculative deal and several were mode In Seventyfourth street Park anl Loxlngton nvenuot which seem to promUo a comUlerablo reconstruction of that block R Smith A Co sold No 49- Wewt Thirtyfourtli utroot to tho Floyd Mute which owns No 4 They paid JKOOOO for it lout February and rotelvHJ- 2J3000 Tno company taket a lease of 49 ani 48 from the citato for sixty three yean at a rental of IMOOO a year for the tint fire yoan and t000 for tho next sixteen utter which a new agreement- will be Tho live tory building on the site remodelled at the expense of tbp wtate oc uplel u a dry good and fur toro by It Smith Co IrHatc JBnOMR AVFNTKIoiiU Iloln y lUrc- ha Mold fur Margaret lai k ou rutirti on the nortli sit of tsul urnl between loroinB Vtdtoi urvnuei a Plot ol cieht Inn 9fi fwt 011 Icr- omp avonae 191 fwi on ctrect uau M fet on Yaltou nvniii Hi ha aUo nold alt tots on the west idf or Walton uvntib- twrtMi l 3d und Ittd street tu J Oweii Hurhbereer- BEVENTVFinST STIIEETCharts llib on A Co bam Kohl for illnin K loinko No 249 Horeutynr t trf t a live itory ciLiate Hat on lot 19lu2 to uii investor t Levy sold for Gtn Watts d to Urn the block front ot twdvo Iota on MoriiiriKiidn Iark Wwi txtwuon- listh and luth utreetK a plot aiiixioxtM- iTlxrn la a rrxtrirtion on Cnnn- illornlncsldr Iark on tlm WIMI Ixtwr n- 110th and IJM KtreetK wlih forWU tie revtlon or anr atnuture I H than ten- t H bark of tlio Htrwt line 1aterno Hro Will build on a portion of tlmlr pttrrli- Hrwerrine the rest for r al They are now two HIV tory on the block roth of thi one of which hat been sold to an Invonior TENTH AVKNTEMartln t SchmonuM have told for jorge Knier the live story doubl tenement with two stores nt No Ml Tenth arenue on lot JlTlcO ant for Joseph M CSoldbore tour story doubln tenement at No 4j Wet Kortyrourtli street on lot MIOO- UBTII KTItEKTIXli Solomon ha bought from the Thomas Frririmon tonu aiiy the story room apartment at Yoa 19 and 571 cst Street on plot coxuio WARREN 8TI1EFT Leopold Weil hat old for J to J Mai bach for No 4 Varr rn Street a Ire story buolncM bulldlni- B STREET Collins A CWIIna have sold for John II Honey No Ito Last meet a story and bawment on lot tsx IOJ 2 for Uavla Kosenberi No i East Ftreet a three tory dwell let on lot is 01102 I for Barton 121 a three tory dwelling I78XKKC- r on lot I7xli2 for Henrietta o ST a three story on lot 17x103 2 Severn other houses on street have been sold re- cently SIXTIETH A Pr ler iaa old to J w Van No IM Sixtieth treet a tour story dwelling ofl lot 70x1006- TJIFTH AVENTE Ceorce H Brad A Co have old for AUBUKIIIB lo the City No sni fifth avenue 21X100 tlm Ity InveMlnc Company a plot i7xtio at the northeast corner avenue and Thlrtyflrcl TKEMONT ArENITIohn A Stelnmetz for C A Becker president or the Borough hank No cs Tremont hreo tory double tint with etnrrn Paul o nine lots Washington avenue to H STREET S Stelneut A Co hare Told for Samuel Orowman the plot noiion- cn the north of 174th street 100 feet Audubon arenue and al o abutting plot 70x100 on the south street US feet of Audubon avenue LENOX Metropolitan Street Company block side of Lenox avenue between 140th aRid 141ft streets with front asea of 200 feet on the avenue u fret on 148th and Ji feot on Hist street mEting fourteen lots Brothers have told for a client to n Mrs No 22 Wrsst 118th street a three story and base meat dwelling on lot I5IW II 1IIST AVEXt Tin Liberty Lund and Jm frovement Coinpaty hot bt throneh A No 2012 FIrst avenue a new six story tenement with stores on lot 2 ixlii I riFTYFJilST P hot drldje voId for a client No IU West a throe story brick stable on lot 24X100S I 0 Mor rthan baa I old for Iaiil Mayer to Levy A Friedman i J os IM to 111 t I0lt street live three hlch stoop private each lot I5 X7S the corner of Park avenue Some of the houce are leased intll l oe for i arrle Marx to i West Ulth street ve story slnele fiat on lot 2nxiOO II SEVENTYFIFTH KT1IKETI wensteln A j 0 In with H Klnrieband have told for Ierlman A Ilernlkoff Noa 304 to h Knst tseventynith street two six story nrrtrtment IOL H with store lo rovrse of on plot 7SH02 2 AVENTi II J Hruder has bought Nos 7J and 274 Avenue II northwest corner of Six teenth street two four story tenements lnl1 AT 1 I I front a tlC j I NtH rare r an 1 I i Sails I the all I I t I j 1 K lot I tw d nOn hurl rt I or Wiialn So a ttire ompany street aol S roll pfd tie A I east II I Edward hal IOIST STnrET s S1REET And I 3 a Ion on plot G 1 retire Iota 11 It I hat 1tJ aIder have J 4 the lath i e 123 slOT t Nest East S llel on- t east STREET Bach iTIlFET Morltz ict A II Levy Co M prank have sold 3anvel hadli No 43x72 < < > < ¬ TENTH HTHFKT SchweItzer Tiros snj Tenth street a tenement on lot 22x94 9 sold for leorue D llenkrl the vacant plot 4Sx9 at tho t corner of IMth Street and Brook avenue CAMRHEUNU Stone li rld for ornelks ilearon of Lakuwood N J lo Mllllam J llreen the lot Jtiiro on the east side of Coinbrellnff avenue MI fiet north of IM Street HTnFET Max no enbaum has re- sold to hmmirl Williams the plot tniiin with frame hulldlnvs on the south side of I8 lh street 71 feet east of Melrtwe avenue GRAND AVENUE E Osborne Smith A Co bare sold two lots on drand avenue north of Buchanan place KTItEKTSol I ha bought from Mrs Agnes cor ncr of I7 th street Townsend avenue a plot Moo ISflTIl Sol from Mrs Catharine K lolinHon the plot east of llrooklvn avenue I2x Irregular DIIOXX A Shat7kii A have sold for a Mr Diller to a Mr a tint of four I lot lonun on the touth of street east of Fourth avenue for the I II Mace estate to a client a 7 xIOO on I the east side of tIltS 1lnlin avenue so I fet south of Magenta street for a Mr to n Mr Nioola 2 Hughes avenue n three family on DAIY II Smith has sold for It Clarence Dorselt the southwest corner of avenue and I7thstreet plot itOT1l also sold for Dr Jlosey four on the east si le of drand avenue M tween 172d and I7VI strmti also retold 2 M Daly avenue to Mr ITaeh- Itun A Murphy sold for Anna M Hnlieny to 164 t st in street a rive story brown- stone double Hat on lot KT11EKT Ix on8 Allmayer has sold lleorge F six brownstone flat house Xos 230 232 234 21 and J4o PAst ElchtysUth vtreet known as the apartment houses Tlif has a of I tan feet and a depth of 102 feet AVKNI r Lionel ll h Inc report the sale of the plot on re hest r avenue north aide fe t ol Pro irtt nvvnue MJX Robert L Momvm to II J Adler sad has re saute to H jj I4ITH UTUttrTbomaa k SOD UVB sold baT I East Sons bays nst I j d t t 7 fEet Rays hot I on north or Ion 01 plot 6010 Mpmpnt I 0 t t fly Ai7 N E II I hirowns E William rIdge Inc 3 ae te the ide 139th street eo S house STREEI ltell EraIIrrsIxrir 2 I Froeh IL sl s r1J < < ¬ > for John J to a client the nva- flvn story lInt house with stores 1734 avenue on lots HTHEFT William Htonehrldce has old for K J the southeast corner of iSftth street llrlmotitavenue xiwT- UCUIlt Mlicrllaneouf William II Talconer has leased the at No 51 Warren street and 24 and 21- KUhth avenue antI the dwelling at Noa 131 and IM st Twelfth street J2 324 3I and 3M lat t H T WUon U buyer of IS street u A Eldrlde cud Douglas lloblraon Churlen brown A Co were broker HumUel RoxenbLitt U the buyer of No too street J 0 James h n said for J Lawrenos wall him country seat nt tonKud on two a acres with a stone dwelling unit outbulldlim anti for the esiaU of the siding of about live ucris a Stone rent deinv odjoinliiir the eotAte of U P ilorotlnl tol Rogers of Hyde Park Is the buyer of Nos M and Vi l Fiftythird street J Brown A Co Col KOKTS lie InUiidn to erect a residence for hi own occupancy J M U the buyer of NOB 40 and 42 FAst HixirMfth ureot- Tlu Iloulty Mortgage Company U the buyer of the Such property Ht corner of avenue and Thirty John I onn lly has leased for the Canton- V Bltrclt twuto to the H Koehler Brewing Company the northeast corner of Twenty xtrecl und Mocorid avenue 20x80 a four story brick building for a term of year Ht a of I22o0 per annum The company will Heal Estate Transfer souTh 01 lvurUtntA if- iTUeimejiu c aland ton quit dana deed bands fur barralu ana salt deed cat Sot Used contslmuj- cvtvuaiU against rranior unlyi- Na Ku hnstIHU7J4 Edward l Contrail vt hOtel l all tItle nom Same property Johu V Cuvkcrufl lu lame all nom Same prupciu Jatno Cuckcrufl to arue all hOe nom samo propciu J au Cuckcrolt ear lo cant lMifM- WllllamTrcrrlitorredertck- K Way nom Nassau kt a w r June il ruaa w iDitx n IJJ e OOlOi e 4 IU a il Frtdtrtck K Ujy lo Hooker Cu nora Naswu al 11 w eon John It lx l Jaraea D- CutlEcroM et al to Vtllllam V Ferrla all title nom Avenue C Mi w iiixTO Leon Grrenberv to Louts Dlckatiln 100 Water it 4I3 I u a illxVxlutO H mae OurJoj and aao to U zle reidman- 23 part non tl wa 2JO 10 a w Rlvlnrtuu it HtwOolJc 4 foaencorporalion lo ham ueijtr ralre 113 JO J 10 Suilolk it lie a J tli Cnailtk tluerr 10 Israel L uivJO IM- Druomt M3 7a l U4xtuj3x2i3xlOCJ liar HainUuritr et al to Abrahun- i Komlntn 10- 0Soutu it iw xi Dcnui McEvoy to urrnnurd Uruors lw- tioerck it 2r a ttHM tttlllam II Schmolil to Uimci MWhulj mire IISOJO M single lat on lot So Ilntt the I to Alva two Jn feet o I lAd pln eu ut lurlbard tttlnfr ur Ilr i hW I on rer of the proper OTWH w Iot all tern I i I U mLle stor 2xlflfl f43 WesI- l49tft F rh lker the lour 26 street lit Last bits Charles 1 the property to lilthI1lU Ala Arc hiubh1 lie north- east fIrst ttetl brewIng 0 oe SULlu Aura ant T3Oe > > < > < > > rUT SIDC Euif et Fttt a tnlvttn Fourttirult and HOfA 87ih t 5HW n Park av Ittria- I a iilwi 7tn t n a 2W e farn av iwo vilo llarrla A guacxenbuiU to Mmuert Sgjacittnauati aaJ Lao 110- 0elh tla i SvUc av Harris uanilclnaum rt al to Solomon Lewtoe inter 11000 100 7 m at n a e Avenue A SOxiU2 Samuel Iaiiry to laaae rartHritkr pan raige- iti i4 nom il a I yo e M av ixl03t Kalbarlna to Oscar Iactte and wifr mice IM B9ttiatasiajwIakariaxloallKiTdrrlckai- lryirtollfrniiard Herman too IMth si JUl t 37laiuull Harris Man dribaum et al to JulIus WeInsteIn mice jlJilJU IW- Mj al Ill K Jarub Neniower to David lieu tntre KtJMO IM- 57td al 211 TOiluOS Emma K Itltiler lo- Xew ork TUnxt Note aad Lunc HOT nital 100 714 tl 301 R 2JXIOJ 73d It 3M R II072 Kavanafb den to Samuel U- IXttiflaa 2SOOO lit av e a M n It SixMi Uarcua led erer to itldor UlumenkroDn and auo- Leilncion av 110 w a ID x77 Citllne C to Eveline G McDonald Park av t w con twi it MUM Mtb at n t- 1MJ w 2J av 3I11WS Haute A Quacken I bu a to Lambert S guackrnbuth and ano Ullilam naucb and sea mire tltouO- Oih it IIB K JoxtO Sara to Lena Gowmnnn mice Mtoo Uadltoo av MIe a WJx Irrtr Louts lo KKIscBmaa Conalructlon Co tntfe- UIOOO- Mm it Ot K UU022 Theodore Stewart a corporation to fiamuel U et al mIre liltM ns 12 Uw lJxlopa Isaac 120000 100 4th av a e cer 30th it IBBxW Cbarlri B IVaae and ano to M nom Same property Laura A Smith to same com 3Jd it n s 7i w lit av RX7IS J A lo- L E riaher nom eth ar e a Mll a 70lh at 30xl7ii M Brady and ano 10 Margaret 1 P Graves oem BSd it n a US w Perk av SOUOJ 2 Daniel B Freedman to Henry Ill20on 100 5M it n a wl t ar Sara Uairath to J A Oiborae 100 Park av 114 w s 11 nxM Wolf Levin rt al earl to luvtd Fruehter mice 117000 100 4lh ae COT 30th at latiW Martial W Hrrtden to Harry U Aun ae nom Mtb t 318 E Meyer loeb et al to laAC heal and wife mite IliTiO too 7W it 304 K MilWJ Samuel D and to to deration Ooldbaum ano mice II320 100 S3d t 907 E MH022 I W Uuberf and ano to Sidle llernard mite Jtsou jooo WIST BtttE- JT of FW tt tttxttn and 1IOA Columbus av ae cor 77th it 102x0 James A rarity ear lo Nora M and 110000 1210000 nth M a i SW Amiterdam ar 20x1022- Karon A Smith to Sarab A Columbia oem 62J al n a Amsterdam av MHOOS Mary E Lynch to Sarah A llartlo part mite tlOjOvo nom Amiuplam ar 1437 e s 27 ipuw Thomas Kit it 12 f UK7 Julian S Jonea and ano to VVeiley Thorn Win it i a 2S e Amaterdam av 20H02J- Ihomai H Columbia to Sarah A Smith 4S 1 il 310 w 22x1004 James Ward and sac lo James w sillf rt mire 110000 Mth tl W V SllOOJ Ix ula Stahl to William II Kllnker If part mire l 003- th ar e a 214 a tilt at John A May et al to Oorte P MHIlck 2 lh it 4 W V U4IM4 Jacob Hlrah to Alfred II Uunn mite iiiAM ciA DUI Thorn Slit 100 Dom I 100 Mill St 21 E 24U02Z Cllarlea 10- 100 100 100 IX 3d I LlbermLII et allO Moths mire Ausila qc qe L Dyer mire TI a 2 Douglas I I I IteyOolUi tnna lo mice U7II 100 100 Dom 100 100 Ito ito I stat 3 mtc 32800 Kel- ler iv Fauna iJ Far ano- Inter C l IC > > > > > > > Mtnkalttn IslaM north ef Wh if 147th t til W IUxMil Guitav Denter- lo Hannah U Wallace mice 11000 0fl th ar D w a at i wa 2O410 at 1W10HOO Mat Marx to Cathleeo mire I2UOOO 100 Sbernun ay a e oor Hawthorne it lOOxlCO 100 Iknn at sis W Jaii Irrcr IWtn Itrally Co 112000 100 il n a idow Amsterdam av liixlrrer- I7llbit n a 100e Audubon a Ui iTii- lit a a IU w Amiterdam av 71x1041- 0Sirnufl Grossman sad ano to Bernhard 120000 nttltalaa lio w Amsterdam ar 7lilMllx- x734xl7tll Mary E Jacobson et al to Samuel Urouraann part joo Same Anna M to tame I pan 14X134 Same property Samuel Oroaamann to Uoi B H part jog Ith av n e act It 2I1X Irre Solomon L Cohen et al to Samuel II rink mt Ito Ililh 114137 K Ill lrr r Harry L too Bib av n wa at wa 2O4th at IMIOHOO sod Lao mtr UJoo llaratlton pi 101 a e a l 4x7Sllxlli 77- Comrllua Sullivan to henry Sallniky- mlreM000 Mm lltth it 4 W xM7x24lxRB Uartta r llaum to Saul Adami mire Amsterdam ar e i 4SII n Utn at Julia O Urdrtrk to Aojuila O HOVM i pan Icier 1flX R 21exlCOtl Jane A Uallarher to Julius Ilrrkowitt mire IXtn it aa 200 e Amsterdam av I3ttbttii i7lsAmaterdamav2iiiuan mth II l a 134 e av niaa to Harry Shwltier mtreP- JjfOO DOS Lenox av a w ten cUb it Uax Kobre et M to Henry I Jacobs If pan mice 1137000 it W Samuel Cohen et to Slmpaoo mire t22jOOO Wadsworib ar n e eon at iBiluO Mail suaplro to Herman llarrli 141 00 IM Sam e Adolph Wunburrtr CI ai 113th it 134 and 137 E ill John Thompson and ano to Iloibury Realty Co q c nom Ulth it 30 r 23X10010 Welt 4 Zerwetk 10 Uamle Molt mire MSOO nom IS7ih II 17 and 175 MxSOil Hermao Cohen to Hirtaret too IMth II aa IM e 12th ar ioxMti Adelaide LOroaaelal to Uantn H Payne too 127th II n a too w Lenox ar MxMtl flamed Urmaman et al to Solomon Mmon CI 144AM IM at a a IU e l th ar SOxMll Uarrta It Payne to John J Hopper ntr luoa in nrken et al to Abram Dart racb mIre I Uixn taa- Ha st a 100 ABBt rdaa r U I 114PolJlI I r Im 100 ID S cell 011110 John Thompson mite It n Ito 100 u Ito Ito 100 ItS OdD II ItO mire nr to Sin ItO a- Ir C I 100a170 nm n n Sterling to rlisba mt5 p21 C lliiiofl to occidental property a Tune to ltontli flos athaI 99 rOpe tapIre ltre 0 av S cur it 1 I a li L1Jc > IMIft Salomon Simon rt al to iUmurl el al mtri Item it n i ito 7iiMil Isaac la Frederick Oamtli ar e iMll i lioYb si iittlfil J lo Anthony N Cooper t n i iu w Hawthorne el lOOilpft ire rr uo w juiwui Daniel P Mabone- xuwoo ISlth n a a 2i 7th ar Mal el al to William Goldiion and mt- clUibnn a Vise LroadwayJixWli James KIM 711 W toiwll FlelKh rUb Co 10 LouIs Keller mite UOooo- Amalerdarn tr cor IB3d it icuilrrer Union Real K ut Co to Joseph rate lUMO flame property Joseph Polatela to Morris M7100- I7W t I a Me Audubon ar 7txlOO Abram liachracn to Julius Davidson mtc ll 5W Sioux Dtrovft tf tt arm Wathliirion av w i u10x160- Vandcrburr O Hammond to Jennie Ilosea thai Same Samuel 0 Baum to SopbU Michael mtre MSOO Avenue I i M ISiS it 3UIO Union Und r e lit lUib it AmhroM- a Murray Jr nor 10 Joseph U iv i cor Cedar Rudolph Vutiker CI at to JuUu Uriun mt llXO- Mou av MO e 1IBIXIOO ClOned A Calrey et U 10 llllam W Cameron Uoit av js7 i i axiio Mary E carUy- tOIIOlt ar lit cs Sarah U UcKa- rt Joint F Hahn HannAh WUla to Thoraaa D Malcolm Brook a 7 a Hlrtl it lUWO JulIa 1911 it i WO w courtlanilt av lOOxM1 Martin Hue to Leo huller rales ll 00g Honeywell w 1M3 a 3Ux anti and 34100 Lots C3 and At ma p iio loU ThomMon male Hudson H ROM to William A Itllc y Lot Ito mc map same to rJdward J Cra vto and sob 1 U av w i 116 w It lot J01 map WakeHeld mill Edward Sherman to AUDI L lltb at n i Tot 778 WHO Frank Uaia to Put Robert M ar e Zil n ISetb It 17 7X3 IOXI7U- WJ Mary A Skeel to Olin i tephena title Same property ttlllUm II Robertson ct elms u same ie pin U UUe Samt property N Robertaon to Mine port all aU lIenS 18 farm nt Charles UerrUa at Kite Lurch to Julia L Uerdtnc it 11 100 M Jerome av IOU Henry S Clark and ano to William N Clark 4 Ooo Gerard av r a 17 Atculartui pi U1U- I08iOxjuill S Oeorte C Uebera to Sabina I Ltelxrt- ISth it n a 1M7 St ar 2U1W- tMllp Keller to laaao Friedman tail ItO IlNAllw mIre hugh IX DOIII Jacob to CllarlCS IItr soot mire mooo ItO IUd GI C 37191511 1I0rotlill and sac to Ilanjamla Landau mile loot inn 100- IoIcAlllatpr to soot 212 lOG soot n lOG 100 OO noon IIMI DOIII Jon 3000 Ito 10m I sam 100 sv w n l u 100 aIOOO t 175th Joseph iofllau sad ano to Cart Mr Loot JIOIII soot tiJ Dpcirt Ito p Is 5010 1 I I soot Same Mary K Kelley to 5010 Benign lv e Dom s gIll W Ana 100 ILJ S siS titus at Led SI and S C s port Little H Ifickos to ynank Lisa 1 s a1e S 100- I0J1 it a s 3 0 w Counilsadt iv 5Ut00 to mtg lLSOO I av St I0 Ito sOot 443 tItle property satne S lot 03 5010 > > > > > Derfen ar 641 w i JJiHU Autuna Sbrtmpt to Joaona II nice Moon Uott iv 331 e i 35HJ7 W11lira L Carley to William U Cameron 11th av n i lot IT map WakeAcld I00 111 brank tUumann to John T U Tat tan and ann It3d it w Park r KunxUlx- nnt William n Sanders sod aao to Au Itletb UiOOO Worth ar w i M n Wirrtn it lOOx John II fOnd to Julia I Gerdlnc All liens Lou 77 and 7 map 81 toll eilate Susan A Valentine William K Valentine ct al to Charles V Campbrll Demon it n w cor Topping it Ml 10- 0Iharlci W Kleminn et aJ excra to Ida H Nrularr ralre 1300- 0notdlt it a r cor Poplar it MHOOU34- XICJ Pftllls Paul 10 J n DUIon IUd M x 8710 w Hughes ar iMxn Paul I Klemin referee to Pitrtck J Walih W ilailon av i w cor Itlit it Mtx meg John J Amtler to Arias K Amiler Avenue C I lib it SJHOi Istler Wclnhener to Georce Seller nno IXOU Beaumont ar r a 114 lUd it 33U133 John Lalor to Jon J Rran Hf tf f n ar utw i 55iM to Carolina K Dlacb mire Sino CrtmmlM ar lUll it M0x- Wlllam R Deal and ano to Mix Up mm and ano Brook r ea 2701 n 1Mb it IT U95 Adam felder rotr tlooa- Sovt of Ffurutnlh IVThere no interest It stated cent John it U to II a w cor Nassau it 71 and 71 Hooker Co to K Day due 11WT H09jOOO Same property tame to Cedar Street Co due OI MOjBOO Suffolk it w a290101 Rlrlnrton it A Gelber to Gold 4 Cohen I yr per cent l James it 81 and M V fllrkel et al to Henry V Alllen due nee It 1108 X E lit ir Meyer hear to U Rosenthal t yr 8 per cent tJM- Id av w i e n dtb it Deulacbe Poltkllnlk to German hospital and Ulipeniarr I yr 71800 L Hannea to Jobn II Klall it D Utcbalorer to William tt- ScbmailInitalli 8percent OM t 104 dlenaan to Van Co I yr percent WOO Avenue 201 Leon to liraelltlab Sick Fund 6 irs tjOCO Same property same to C Ret due June It per rent tMO- Mi it U Friedman to A Handle prior tollS twooo due July 2 1MB e per- cent 400- Wortfi at a w COn West Kate Pur- cell et al to J A Stewart lyra 4W percent UOOO- b 14 IWM I J7 aOID 100 ItO boot I aom 100- AnnIe Ii Haddock to James D HOPklnl- boot beta t DO10 aDd tOO tOO aom I n Ito a < per r S I l 419 1800 r rilitci Same property to ref land prior table 133000 due Oct II3O- Ierw a C 5 203 5 IOn HIll 5400 s wear 5 5 W 054 B Wthtler aod sac to Dora Ito- fletorded MortgsgegDO- WNTOWX sit reid S percent haaz I yr Ill Orchard same > Eail ot Ftttn as oertmn rtmrtnnOi tnt IIOM itt 4lb av 331 Harry M Austin to U A C Taylor I yr 4 per seat 40000 Same property SlIDe to Mary T Belt prior mire due April I IWOS I per cent 10000 Mth at D a both 2d av hater lltOOO il n l 3UB e 3d av Harrla Uaran ud aDo lo Oerrnanla USe lnauraac Co as build 41000 Park av ISM D Fruchter to Wolf Levin et al prior mite Il7 x aa per bond 1400 Sid it na e M ar H and ano to S- Jarmulowiky prior mire U74coo I yr percent 11043- Mtb at E Isaac lieu to M Loeb and aao- 3dtT iiiKi DHtrt to Ifs t percent 4000 RSlh it William tlauch lo Charles Motpplrr prior mitt llsooo I yrs 1300 B7lh si a a e ar Solomon LaDe et al to II prior mtre liOO- Olyr 11000 it a a 310 e 3d and ano to II Mandelbaum and lao prior mire IMOOO I yr 6 40000 97tn at a a 380 e 3d ar Salomon Levine et al to H Mandelbauo I yr t per Leilnrton ar wa Hi a ih at A McCabe and ano to Peter A McCabe I yrs 4 per WOO al 317 and E JulIus Weuuleln 33411 n t J9iil id art ijarria Varan and ano to Germanla Life Iniuraaoa Co at per bond HMD- 33d it n l HI I 3d av aama to same u HMO it na IM s 3d ar same to same aa per bond 40000 at a a 300 e 3d ar O Pacha to John Kennei dui July l 1W per cent MOO Mth at n a 3ml w Id ar et al to OUtm S llX7- 3d it a a 110 e 3d ar Samuel D Douriaa to American Co B yn UOOO 17th at 231 E Threat Ncxa sad percent IIJOO- TJd e 3d ar rTamutl D DourlM to American Mortrare Co B 10000 73datas 100e av O Ooldbaum Sam- uel II 3 yn a per cent 33M- Ttth at na IIO w 3d av A Stern to LouIs Halmi B yn Per cent iooo a IM e 3d av O Ooldbaum to Sam- uel 3 yn 0 per teat SIb 214 it 149 K J A Oiboro to Edna A Roth well t yn 4U per real joon- 3d ar a s cor III u ma Oreeaberr to EMI River Savlnra I yn 44 percent 3100 woor Uth it P LoweBfeld sod e percent M000 lit av WI Orccnbert to Jullna Levy 4i per cent Ulb it Ui Wi WUUm H Kllnker to Fnacta- Delcen prior mice July I 1W8 8 per cent ooo l W C Peter to it Ernir ai per bond 3400 3d it a a 200 w Amiterdam ar terah A hauls to J Lefflar I yr per rent 1000 Uth it t w 8tb ar it IM W CnarlM U ban to o McnlMlnrer demand per cent WOOO Broadway w a 4Jd at Daniel 3 MeFJ- ihClat Ws Eifineen dub to Lajud WO Engineering Soctetr 30 yn 4 r coil 100000 per bond Utb l IM W Chaste B to Lawyen1 Tltl Inaoranew and Truat Co- M per bond loa t Cltr Mortgage O yr Per rr t- UtuU M iitnt men tflltom- H Pt ij IU tg Hi OoraeflM ZAfl DL- I 11 c o lId Ino Jacob S r conl ceDI TIOOO 11 lilt to If Uandelbaum JIll inc t rr no Lung lloePll110 Emma K luizler I 7n b Inn to It Worrenl due Oct ii 1500 i J Itnunan 000 to Saving t yr JIOOO tit t pita t chtHII TotIrfHftDI as lIbSA alL S tit 501 eon to 01k SayIngs Bank III per 1O no II mma 0 maid to tild tJaa ottg 13000 III i lb SUOO MOOO I GOO LDf L r- n I Schiosaer av S per- cent S ocr bond ltd S Hub iew sunk I most Bcu las 3ynIpereent0- 0th it a w eon an sad Lao 38mirtant Dank VII stat a oto g I 5 t Wesi 3 1003 t S 100 wAnlaIeram at A V Dead I aM3s L > ° = = > flulllvaa to C A Knetlaad X yn- lltmUtoa 101 llrnry to C Hui- lUTUV u a fo 6 Oeliier fi Oiiweii totweru Ward Beak I yr per rent aecure- illAhit IM and 117 JtnoBpaoa ib Annie LMacdrecor to B wnennan 1 174th at IM w Amilerdam Uern hard kllni rnitetn to TIlt laauranc Co miSl l i lio W Am terdam vj B kilnc- cnateln to Title Iniuranc 00 I yn- Amiterdira ar e a 444 n tuth it Louti nd ano to lull Aab yn- 8araeproperty ametoM ternb W Alfred E Dunn to Hlr- mlnn olb arV M M to Mary U Crook due Mated I lUth at B a IOU i Anaterdam an Sarnutt- Orowman et al 10 Solomon Simon sad 14 I M- Ainaterdlm ar a 74 a imk at 31 H Realty Co to Ray Auibicber I yr per iswfit UibiiBftolCharieiS- elferd lid aDO prior mif Feb II 190 8 per eeqt j- aa per bond ar n a cor 1 7Mb at Stnal Snaplro to P Lowenfeld sao prtor ntr I yer Slot i Same property sam 10 A VTurxbwrjer and ano yn- lUtb it a a lltb ar Fred Obrmela to William Opptabetra aa per hood 1 1 at 312 314 to FleUehma- atC ttt 30 tn to 2 ih- ita C Tumey to U Marx due Sib I 107 Audubon a aa tOt I7 d it Abram ratS to GeOrge F Pick en and aao I yr IIMbitft27udi2iriiFaiktoiJacxioaaada- no demand I per Till ar n w cod at FlcUobroan Coo itructlon Co to City M ncaf Co I M E Mamie Molt to J siemme- I ynI- TW it i a M Andubon IT Abram Bach rich to Gtoife F Plcktn sad ano 1 rr Van Contest wicker pi to H C Boeddleker and aDo I yn 7th ar w a 40 a I4ltb al Plrlichman ConstructIon Co to Clly Montage Co l yr 8 per cent I 147th it na too w 7th ar tame to same t yr 8 per cent 7th ar a w cot loath at same to aami I yr 8 per cent IMtb at e Broadway r Darnell 10 Title Iniurance I yr Amsterdam a i ocr tud at XI Ocmatela to JPoliirinlyr 8 per real 2 vn t per cent 128th at 18 W H D Burnbam to Enoch 0 UelJlyraI- TM it i a H e Audubon ir J Oavlaon to ADacbrach a lu e Broadway F Ohmltl to nUb it n a tW w lib ar J 1 Kennedy to IMtb it aa IM e I2lh av It Payne to A L Amsterdam ar a e ocr lUd at J Polateln lo 8 1 yr 8 per cent Jooo tm 1000I- IU Apt11 II not 2100- 1111h II II a SOH ILIl av ilL I0Il rIo S per clot 220- 0mlh tl a t IV 2100 av 15000 0000 10000 2 10000 J JrIo cent 1000 ii t Payne U Od 100 I 000 100- 0lUb 111114 t21 Talk to P W U1OlJ 40030 3030 Co I tUOO ti ow whols from eelll 7000 Blab 6000 4030 46000 11000 eeoi 3403 5030 12000 ioA 1503 1000 a I yr uooo rlliin ru 1t11 2 12000 2220 15003 Ill Well 3 115 w S 44 I I ii 01003 I 125 I yr ay I I rant 147th yr- S per cent at S S a a 4540 14030 540- 0Illihi3i3 CJultua Powell I 2100- II8tb si sIlls Inaurinee irs > < > Summit it aa 4 l e Marlon av II S Hat vordaon to Reuben N Cramer I yr per- cent rdee cor ITBtb it UtnUlen etc of Flnt Reformed Proteitant Dutch Church- to Guarantee and Truit Co aa per bond Plot betas on e i of lane on map of property tItles Oarke M7 n e road to Wtlllarnabrldfe Emma Mead to F R Thorn due July I 180- 8I cent juuu Braun to American Co I yr IMth at n i 1287 w St Anni av Isaac Fried- man to P Heller due June I IW7 per- cent Petty ar a i 2S2 i Qua HIU rd James D HopkIns to JC Hancock 2 IT w i 73 n mm it J H Kebmelraann to Harlem Savings Sank I yr per cent Lot 4M map Via Nest Park Anion to St Owen pi al Iota II and II map S Vernoa Park Mary Reuer to A Honeywell av w i IM n ITSth at Cart 10 Jacob Lrllaer loitalla rr rent Brook ar e a 2301 n Ittm it C Elaea felder to Adam B Wacbler 3 yn Road from Weal Farma to Runts Point ad land to heirs Webb Jennings Rote Frey to Title Ouarantee and Trust Co aaperbond- Vilenlln ar w i I74J i l0ih it J Sand to Andrew Urar l yr I Mulberry it w i lot MJ east firm D Saladlno to Mary McDrtde I yr Mechanic it i wa 107 from Poet rd U Boo to J Roo Jyn- d at a a IK e Mb av Andrew Newell lo R lllckoxlyra ISM n 11 u w Pen ar A llleib to William Rtandenlniulli 6 per cent Ametbyil ar wa 440 w White Plain rd M- lletacber to North New York Cooperative BuIldIng and Loan Aaaoriatlon 3 rr av w i in4 n lax Lip n Saturate ar w a 2411 n I74tb it Louis E Id ar e U 8 n IMtb at Olla J Stepheaa lo- M A Skeel due Jane i tt ti oer Waibtnrtoa av wa lot M map rlaanla laaac sac to New York Savings flank aa bond Und ar e a lit i IBM at Joseph H Jones to Murray Jr IUd it aa IM w Courtlaadt ar Thomas D Malcolm to H Wllla I yn Fort Independence al n i IM II i w files to Charles E Abnemin and ann at bond Northern Terrace a a 271 w Wettcheale- rar 0 Hullin to Jame Doutlaa due May I l oa Southern Boulerard a e a at n w a De- catur ar A T Bolloa to Ada L Harris t- yn Freeman at na 1MS e Union ar Jolla H Orem ct al to CIty Mortgage Co I yr 8 percent ar CM C K RiseS to A Schrtmre of Th uoo 11000 et t 1000 15030 G 1000 100 104 toooo D yr a0oo I 1550 Dora lgoo 1100 3003 I 5000 3003 7tIO 1oca 3003 Itl roan and aoo to H to City Nol1rC Co I yr S per rfat 001 I I for 5233 Rome r 37003 A I 5400 1003 OIIC 2103 1003 i ISOOO t I SLooo slow fl0r0550 flronrt 6 eagle as s e cor Cpdar i Mortgage 4 Ma S Charles WUIla Real 3 20003 Derienar Ml J R RuM to same Beaumont ar e 110 4 a Columbui ar J J Ryan to J Lalor I yn ar e i 2 l al George H Ackerman to C Stock 7 yn Boston rd JOn Frank A Decker sad ano lo Michael Boos I yn Morris ar a w cor IMth it A E Delaney lo- U I yn Bronx Park ar 83 R Faatow to Samuel Cohen aa per bond St Anna ar w a M a 13Mb at A Fradua and B per cent 81 ar Ins Sot FreUua and aao to E F Taylor s yn st n w con at Ida I to Charles Jr et at- aa bond Brook ar w a n a Uth at Brook ar w s IU s 144th it Hugh Oolwell to J McLagrh lID 2 yn Mechanic Urn Greenwich at 27 aad 171 Jobn W dart n MaxAmi 11711- I2d at 14 and ME Frank O MerrUm et al- va Oeorre L Fell and ano 702 Amsterdam ar 2124 Jobs Lever va Ole II- Olien in- 4d it 107 W Sherman Contracttac Co va Army and Club M7- IJIlh at a a between Amaterdam ar ud Sarerio Nappl va Up man Gold jxio Beach ar 12 Jackson n Unto Arenue Realty and ConitrueUoa Co it iio Wi William J VI AnnIe Kemble Abnef r Blceknir FortyNinth Street and Madison Ave one Oo- Ulh it 2 and 4W sam t FUtyflhn Street Co Satlffled MfoUanlo1 Urni 1024 it 212 Abnbam flaflr ra VaronUa Ella Nov II r7J Knb at a e cor Madlaon ar aOilOO hIram ballDciBa Co n Madison Arenue Real Eatave Oo Avr U 10 7 Foreclosure SuIts III at a l 211 w M 100x1001 Lily W Bereiford- aa trustee ra DanIel fallacy et al two actions silts DeWltt L 1J- TWb at a a 2IOe lIlA ar ISxlOO Minnie K ai 23d at a a 200 lit KUM Fruit Olntrel i Suaaaaa WUaemaan et al atlli C Ma it n i 2C w Amilerdam ar MxlOOt lolfml A llemo va C Web et al any Miller U Pcodtn2- Kb It nI IU e 3d BT 2lxM Racbel Mope ra Joel Rtaaldo to lrapmaallroallyi Oallert AH par Tlnton ar loot Isaac sod tao ra John Plans PlIed for Mew nnlldroKiB- OBOUB or MIWBATTA Hit II I a n a tnb ar three story stable W 43d it architect coat koaoooB or T B BBON- ZValon ar n a 10 e 4th ar three story dwel liar S 647 ar owner An bony Vaadruao iu Brook ar architect coal Caatle Hill wa IU a areen lane two story dwelling John 1 lard mm 0 Oreen lane owner Cost story av ar owner C spark 711 Tr ar architect coil e ar w a 73S a 2Mtk it one story liable Samuel 107 R I30ib at owaer- Ulaaaer Bbert 70 Uaabaltaa it arch Ptam rued for AHrratlonV- AKIUTTAX AXO m sooxz Itk arl4a three sad Stofe cewpawr Kmt rn3 w B l I 3 1000 niSI 3500 5000 S Todd 2100 1000 3150 17000 r Jon o1 Urn sate IJ1ItS 200 cur and I 11 W a guardian VI clarence WUIOglI e II stty W Ii YII j Brook av uollrao J talabll h a tnaat C obwlok no a lIen I II fiwalo lbatlel Appltbr owner A 0 Koenlr lie ItS IUOO eS 4000 8vmml1Y four lour Jon I U omltdJ poses uuu u n n yr 3710 a lao to Cohen doe I 1900 5000 6500 A lAth si t W Ionzat Holly Brick ma Co vi Jath ii III- 4Kb ano- vs a w vs Muth Cl al- to LIlY ed lisT h w S 40 5 100151 Ii 4003 e Iec11r040 S under > t- fiyiETftLBOOFS Presents rust Klaitlc Weatherproof No CakIng No ran ie IA1 T COMlAMTi 100 Hllllaro Hi New Tork- I RIKAINC IROWN A P W KINNAN tSTAIILISnED I 1M- OJ ROMAINE BROWN CO Broken Agents Apprtlie- Mo si nesr san HniKKrh- OHTHEAST lXnEIl DROAUWAT Telephone No UlSSth- Withlmten HeIghts Iroperty A HpeetaUr UNITED STATES TITLE Ouaraaty and Indamnlly Capital raid U B oooOOO I 0oo Loans Money on Ibid Mortr fe- I03IM New fori- cmtto Montarua St Brooklyn nonoLan OF IIIIONXWALK on nnvr ONLY VMiKsnticTHn convKnI- OXO1VOOD ASK S H t0lt IIEHITT PI- STOIUE4 4 FAIIUJIM OV EACH FLOUII CONSISTIXJ OP 7 IIOOJI ItKNT BHOOOI PKICK 7EOOO UE tEES TO ItR APIKECIATED- JACOIl LEirXEII PltOSIKCT AND WEST CIIEHTKH AVE OR TllinU ASh UEMIOVER AVE CgfiA Cash new 12 family houses all Improvements J4500 up terms TOY WALLACE 131 West Farmt Road Just Across Bronx River Bridge I 1 2 and 3 famllv houua convenient I to Itapld Station excellent lo ILavclle So rreeminat 7 ROOM IIOfSR on W iSlnrton av 13700 4 KOLPH 777 lUtt IMth it- DOnOLCill OF HHOOKLY SALC Oil RENT ISTATI U S 0 J- ILl liST H i EASY TERMS ron at rcatAnahl prIces and terms L4ALI CITY flEMa tar- o Inarrs Titles ci 1111 Catate a w wruW a APA WIEA38 hEAT hOT WATLIO TransIt bojievard car y house near 111100 11000 > BARGAIN NEW HOUSE Bay Ridge Fort Hamilton Av Mlle liullt for owner ArtIstic ball wtlb Rreplace 12 roomi bardnood open plums Inr butlers anlry hoot and ack stairs water extra ground ts500 pan mortcare M S ALLEN lB MONTAnCE ST DUOOKLTX- I MUST IIIOCK IN 21I WARD FIIONT AVU KXlEInoVAILV FINE No acant lots tr make turrouadlnr doubtful SU DECATfll PRICK KIOUUO IINLY BISOO Lot 2HXIW house S itory and ba vracnt brown I stole 20114 well built tnrojzbout decorttloni Include many mlrrorr ttjnc In front Ii from one or bent In the country FRED M SMITH Tempe lIAr 41 Oiuri St Te suone SOU Main MUIIU HAItI il l II AV mOil Seven ajalil frame u l rent IMO mort Impu 2JHOJ trees and aarjbbery 13OJO lour 2itary sal itorr ble 0ati rent SXW rolf ISlW- UTW Twjttary sarI b ement brown tune II rooms harJirool decanted MJOJ Twofam hk It noon 3 sets li X mite 12500- UUItLEV A CO S4I1 Bib Ave Teleplione connection WHY PAY RENT When you can buy one of my beautiful upto date 2ttoiy and basement brick and stone houies on iota it itn and 19 av contilnlnx It- rootnj 2 baits only 2 left See them before buy log Building M more JOHN P on premlws OTIce SID ar and 21 t BAY RIDCE LOTS- We control choice lots between tnlrd Lad Set avi Sixty fifth U Ninetieth ma wrte or better phone uc a cinnn prices A J WALDRON 1113 I1KDFORD AV Tel 7NS bedford DYKER HEICHTS overlooking Lower Day handsomest luburb In Greater New York houses ella hardwood trim up VALTKH L JOHNSON 11th av and Mth it nroakly- nTT Tis bargaIns Then rend ask l C J for list InvevirateV- Sluiiw tnuti tell preltl house iflOO detached two Others WESTOV Minarer Ileally PAVILION 28ft Fulton itrcet liellable- 9tOO and north It US Hancock St Urookl n N Y Handsome block fine three sad baxment brownstone noute new decoratIons open to move tight In near Sumner L statIon OIAHLES K 111 Sumner av i i t i f Itt 1t AIn I rate frame sill i lmU house Jtro nat NG gas 3 try 0o 843 One fanln houses hot with best ofles I stor > > ¬ > one family house ready for occupancy May i rood 10 rooms and vestibule halO price 14000 Moo down balance to suIt For further particu- lars call or write D W CHISMOLM 74J Coney j lUand av near Ave D llrookl n PROSPECT PARK AND 5 RAILROADS loll S72S any terms CAll EDWARDS FUtbuib ar lUlyn Open Sundayi 3 BRICK sIngle with klorrt u rent f 2 each 1731 17- SUDURHAN HOMES Twonory and attic frame Queen Anne amall cull MACGIL LIVRAY 311 7th av Brooklyn proremcnta- av PRICE tinoo renla SM4 mortrare I27M new house ENutUU M 7th ar Brooklyn 100 MAONIFICENT detached homra to select from In beautiful Borough Park EDVVARtl JOHNSON Builder DKTACHED HOUSE worth WSOO for 11750 MOO cash JOHN PER1IY CO 373 Yuton st- klXKCr APAIATMICNTSI Select Apartments up to date i light rooms and beth cain mild bathroom pantry parquet Coon rent ioo to I7 Park place ant av UnxJujyn urru mMJKU COMPIBTED 4 i IO 171 4th St Bet 7th and 8th Ayes Apartments of S and 7 rooms and bate elegantly parquet floor fluteS room steam best wIld tKlephune KENT 35 TO 40 W EDWAKO COIIltlOAA Act on Trem PARK SLOPR Latett and upto late apart meals decorated C and 7 room and bath water and iteam beat renli 3M to ID No i3- 6llthatbetween SevcntU and Brooklyn JERK J GILLIOAN Owner Inquire on prrmlsci STEAK IlrATr0 APAUTSIEVTS 790 to 009 Waihlarton av near Prospect lark and Museum improvements rents to US IIO 10 it Brooklyn TO LET FOR nrSINKSS PLTtPOSn1 Barclay Building BROADWAY S W COR DVANE STFLOORS CONNECTING ANt FOR CORPO RATION OR OFFICES SINOLY on KN SLMTF TO LET FROM MAY front ofBce- cor Broadway and Chambers at before May lit Apply Ht superintendent on premIses HKICCT APAIIT1IKNT4 ST HI F- ANDff APAKTMEVrlA- ON WASHINGTON HlilUHTM- rViuthwcit orner iMtn it and Audubon av 4 i 0 fooDs and batS all llrbl handsomely trimmed and draW new sac up lu particular feats till to toM per annum JM Columbus av Uth st owner Ducbman A Fox U E Uth at archliecta Cost tiiono 134 at 40 c enlarging four and base- ment Leonard P Mcnol- lreaawar archiiect coil JJOM- Itndion il n w cor Franklin at seven alary otncM and aloes s I M Powell KM W owner roucnaux Broadway lad arcWUct f a AW SAL IW n t Sate C i NEAR nClOADAV3 bnrk flat III Ira OlIOS la Ralph AUU u uu- r114 ekrll1c dccnrsttons I UILUEK j I n I rooms and bath III PJ W about 2300 feet la Won loT I A I Apply to Qf a hORns near 721 t owner Rogers un I tilL FOR iodste 735 Not triad lv Owner VKls po3 IjIntle an famIly 10500 tights telepbonc JUST hut water modern 1K large Citamlwni a WEST wnw pw tcn1s at DrettlIses WaISt and s s ¬ > ° CITY nEAl ESTATE nonntnii nt HVKKK MJR on IIEVT I aawr CITV A l- CflLNTnY j The Ideal Place to Live EAST ELMHURST L I ON PICTURESQUE FLUSHING DAY hilt Hour from Herald Square te by Trolley The moat In toots improvements sad far anything laths market We The sales are root without Lots with every Improvement at MM upward on monthly Will bo worth SlMOeaeh within two years on ol fsaaarlvaUa Tuniel and HUckwctla laUcd Brtdre Iliad Postal lot Circular and Views PRIVATB lirACIl AND PIER von LOT UWNERM Mortgage Corp 887 Manhattan ve j I IIJIIIPI lit u Tow lle OhIo ebal nr n meet ant In pa nU I f Bankers Land tIMhllNfl aitractlve will tbtw p0811 HAUlING HUATJ4n > > BROOKLYN MANOR LNOELIIAnUT CONSTRUCTION OOS MOUKL tXJTTAOEi To Order or llaadr II all t For one or two families NKVEKAL NOW UnnnUAVrH Jamaica Art of Queens Telephone 330 nichmoad HU- InKAl FSTATE OUT OF FlIP CITV WliSTCHESTEU COUNTY SALE OB RENT A UKCIDED llARUAIN300 feet from Vail Con landt Park 147 llruce av Yonkera O C depot 21 mInutes 13 rooms 2 baths hot water trim all improvements clly convenIences coua to plot 100x100 worth 122000 coat me far lest as so submIt oBen anxloua Open for every day inspection Take train to writ 3 rent I10UO JJOKT- JAGin room n 71 Wall at SAilTAitlUU or lintel Molt ex locatlan ample grounds lIne hade 10NO ISlAXn AM3 OH HEVT- CEDAilllfllST L I Elerantly furnished cot October IIAX K FiiANK lie street OVSTEIt lIAr U I Entire LIlt Purnlihed Cottare II T OfllNrV 7 PIne it N T SEW JKHRKY SALK OH RENT AT EAST ORANGE N J BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSES- AT A UA1WJA1V Will sell of beautifully decorated haute every convenience exclusive like lora ever offered al low i lures Apply HASKELU 123 Liberty at New York or owner Dodd it sad lUit Orange N J FOREST HILL N J- adlolnlnr the 400 acre Pubtla Park within ten miles of New York dir high healthy country lurroundlnra with city convenience a few miMlero houses anti a number of ebolca buIlding lots for sate Write for Illustrated booklet to rOHESr hILt ASSOCIATION Newark N J- GHEATHSr nAIIOAIN IX ThE OHAXCES No lit Alden it Orange earner house of B rooms bath sod all rroundi 44IIOO for rent at 134 per month for sale at I1MO abov mortgage for inoo at 4 mIght consIder amall trade K L PARrniDOK 40 Wall it N V A COUILETK UESCntlTIOV Or PROPERTY In tbe Oranrea tot Sale or Exchanre will my personal Inspection and prompt offers from waiting clIents who are barraln hunter C P HCYWOOU Metropolitan BuUdlor Oraare N J VOn SALE Ocean front oottare Seaside Patio X J exterior porches surround lag unique Interior yachtIng bathing Addre 2 Court at Brooklyn SEABRIGHT ansi ROAD COTTAOE3 to let from KOO to KS100 WM H HtVTELUAX SeabrtrSV N J A GREAT SACRiriCKNew house M000 worth llOorxc must be teen to be appreciated i HlDENSEY opp Erie Depot N J llttt nol bilance monthly buys two fatally 13300 how Kant Orange 1 MaIden Line AIISCIOXANEOU8 DO YOU WANT A PLEASANT HOME- I hive one In a beautiful location on a huh ele- ratlaa 30 minutes trum City Hall N V floe from elatIon FrIends who have been me are called away sod 1 will rent furnished I remain house as a boarder If not I prefer t sell which I will oo eaay terms to the rtcat party Modem Souse 10 rooms sad ua beautiful views Heated by hot water lIghted by Lot M feet front 140 fret deep board wilt pay malt the rent If beta wish such an arranrement Rent 140 per monta or will sell at I7JOO half down balance oa y terms Good train servIce A L S Post ome box 184 New York AVE I n 10 lel1 tinlabeti never now lIoute town mostly lUrDllllod 40 toomal trolley JOhN WeUIIIR 7 BteklllBD ork i v K r lAN NasSaU n s i Rl SOS modern- S I j mID- i e Near O let stable trees Pastes 51- rlew tate S bedrooms baths all Ifay to neighbor- hood an reedy bath M eat snORCTAXDS- nMktct en application that will ten you aD about splendId property Nothing on the Sound that surpasses It aa a summer residence place Five acre sItes or smaller ones If BootIng the water elevated ii cbarmlnr Manager Warner Bulldlnr Bridgeport Coon COfXTHV SEAT SITES Greenwich Coon choice location Sound view S acres 129000 non accepted for 110000 at 6 per cent H acres Improved 130000 mortgage 120000 10 acres I40or Improved mortgage MOXWO Hudson at New York HANDSOME DWELLINGS for sale In lUtlilon Spa near Maratora Springs WEST ROOXZ box T IllusIon Spa COIVrilY HEAL ESTATK SALE On- I CCXTLEIIAXn COUNTRY SEAT Poeono Mountain Union Ienn Colonial style boost mod- ern improvement sanitary artesian well carriage anti stable Illustrated de icrlpUon rlvlnr all na Ad dress Ifl Decatur it Brooklyn X Y HOME Lots restricted delightful coun tr shore surroundings will be 20 minutes from Herald Niure prices moderate will soon double OPPORTUNITY hot 120 Sun office lIEU WANTED MALE i PLUMBING SCHOOLS UanteJ men and boys to learn plumblar trade Coyne Bros Co Schools of Practical Plumbing tend for catalogue 497371 Eaatoa Ave St Louis Mo 107t W Third St Cincinnati O- HOY In law urnee P O box M Hoboken SPLENDID OI1OHrUXlTY for bright man la solicit for reputable house liberal salary and oimmluJon to tight party Call I LoS P tlH- rjom 3 Wall it WE WAXT lIEN TO PILL 00 hIgh grade posi- tion competent Salesmen or call or write HAIUOODS Suite 6O1 0 Broadway K T WANTED First claaa automobile trimmers all round met standard ware for t hoUr no trouble MAXWELL11IUSCOB MOTOR CO Tarrytowa N V KITLATIOVS WAVTKUFKllAlraF- XPERT STENOGRAPHER and eleht year eiperlenee desires employment Ad dreti box 120 Sun FIRSTCLASS HELP at ISis Lanona emrloy TvrETmnEns- PFNK TYPFAR TPPS LOWCBIpriee- iCCIIC ANYotyie Tho Typewriter Exchanges 1H llarclay Nt Telephene makes rested and kept In order ribbons machines sold from 70 to Kf manufacturers pflce- moaibt rent applied on purchase nrotdw- ayFfnLsiuu nnoMg TO LIT MTH ST ZJS EAST Larre front furnlabsd roiin private houav LOST FOUND AND nFTTAADS LOST A number of untndoned check toads I payable to Houlder liberal reward If ra i teller Farmers Loan sod Trust cu ntpany William street KO EXTRA CHARGE FOR IT Aclrtnisemeau tot the flue and Ertnlar nun I lId feel slew dellghiful breeds of the sea A C ORNDORFF 06 RENT w on InC mclii Office 33 West 34th 51 Telephone Mad ItiosO All Makes RebuIlt Guaranteed I TYIFWRITEIlS All I trees I cent leas tb P 5 A Co 10 1lace 5470 Cortlandi L East Sid I I rosy be 1db It an Aotsgtca Msnsgsz OZoSiatbeUy > CITY REAL rrrATED- OIIOUOII OF QIJEENS4SALE rn HOTELS AND nESTAUHANTS WHERE TO DINE Co 3 Park PI Tel Ale a la carte Tdh Table CAFE MARTIN DINNER rnOM TO P 112 Saturdays Sundays and Holidays ilM In the and beat room la NT Telephone 1500 MadIson Cabs from Cite UarUa to Theatres up to Utb street fOe BEAUXARTS tw ntarr 4om ST SELECT RESTAURANT a la Carta TAHIE 1I11OTE DIVNERA BIBO MUSIC ET CHANTS Private DinIng Rooms for partlea Tel ooiinta HOTEL I Ton Winner Bl LAFAYETTE CnhlBs Fraucalw Old Hotel llsrtln 1 Also serviCe a la cine Ialf trsliTPIAOthlt I Mualo by Amato Orix CAFE DES AWIBASSADEURSTHIR- TTEIGimi ST WEST near Broadway Culitne franeslie SpecIaltIes a DINNER Royal Hungarian OrcheMra Tel UllMth St BURNS lath HCreet and Otis Arnn iUilanraat Junction llroaawar and HE ALT S AT mh si M CDIUPK West 31th at Dohemlan rendeirout THE ARENA IB WEST 1ST HT Teltpbcne I Madlaoa DINNER 1I3S- Reitanraat a U Cart Private Roams for parties MusIc it to B u to t U17 East lUmton at tOt Band Royal Neapolitan a Sr i IJrfa fltn st Just west ot HERALD HOTEL ijroadwar carts NEW HOTEL EMPIRE T f Weddings Parties Private Dinners a Specialty Eletamt large ball Prtvau dining room Dinner 6 to 9 One Dollar REISENWEBERS 9 W ocr Mth tt trd tth AT Special Smdij Tibli dHili A 13 to t B to s one dollar Theatre Supper 1124 LUBcJuon We- t aU sari prt vIle notion Brery ra MaltiforolabetJ MOTOR CAR RUNS WHERE TO ills Ufa Uf TOWN TOCRWO CARS SUPPLIED TeL OMI Oort For Mttor Bo Park PL V T Blossom Heath InBum frnVodst UrchBMt So lOwly Yonkers 8EVCVTII AYE DElVE HOTEL IT GEORGE ir HUNTERS ISLAND INN 1 An elegant furnished apartment with pri- vate bath meali one 120 130 weakly hotel service private telephone GAL LATIN HOTEL 70 Weit near ita av EUROPEAN HOTELS HOTEL CECIL LONDON Historic Situation Magnificent menu Reasonable Charges Unequalled Cuisine JttLflflflfl Broadway sad 5th- tANT A LA CARTE Hvniu S 9 Superb AppoIntments So AfterTbeatrs Pardes CAVE DM8 U5R3 l1ILIGHTFULLY DES TI4OUBAUOURi I Cal 232 CAFE LITTLE HUP4GARV Wine hungarian SQUARE 534 trest Carte Mail Cotilint SOT erevySled of adOrns Auto alan Francaiss Tdh Al FRANCFORTS HARLEM CASINO oor 324th Street Malta NYACKNY from ilast Entrance VelbimparkNT < < > ° LEGAl NOTICES SUPREME COURT of the State of New York County of New York BIC11AJID KYLE FOX PlaintIff HELEN A FOX PlalntlO desires trial to be had la- Uc County ot New York Action for an ib To the above named Defendant YOU ARK HFREItr SUMMONEr to sniwer complaint In till of your answer on the Plalntina wIthIn twenty 201 days after the service of this aummoni rirtu live the day of servIce and In ease of your fail- ure to appear or answer judgment will be taken agaInst default for the relief demanded la the complaint York March th IMS HOUSE GROSSMAN CORRALS Plalnlirra Attorneys OlSen antI Post Otnre Aldrrsa No U to 3 Park Row World BuIldIng of Manhattan New To HELEN A FOX The Summona la served upon you or publication pursuant to an order ot the lIon J roe ot the Justices of the Court of the State of New York dated March iBttt and filed with the Complaint In tfce once sf the Clerk of the County of Nrw York lo ibi County Court house In the Borough of Manhattu- Cllr of New York on the ulJ I7tn day of Marea Dated New York March 17th IMS HOUSE GROSSMAN A VoriHAVS Attorneys for IlalollI Office and Office Address Mes Park Row World Uulldlnr Borough of Manhattan CIty of New York SUPREME COURT YORK AMERICAN PRKSS PUInll- Satalnit TCLEOIIAPH 4 NEWS COMPANY Defendant Notice hereby In of the Snil Judgment In the above entitled action filed In office of the Clerk of the County of New York on the 3rd day of October linn and the order tar creditors to a for the lion Edward E McCall irtme Court and tint In the office of the rert the County of New York oa the 7IU day of Kto her IJ To all who are rredtors of the On- jner to m it the clOne of my Attorneys Nathan Leventrttt- Perham Street of Manhattan New York Cllr i or before tie Sib day of October 16 at 3 r M and to ippeir and prove their claims Ui me at said time and Hire 3 ill persons boldlnt any open or my attorneys Nathan Lerenlrlll PerSira- Ktqa No ft Street of Mm New York City on or before toe SIb ol October ItOS at 3 P M Dated New York aty March Itt l oS IIU4 It Reoelrer of OnnsolldalM 4 News To NATHAN A PFnilAU Attar William street New York fir DISSOLUTION OF COPAJITKEIUIUP M TICKS DlMolitlon Notice hereby rlrea test the of ErtNBST A and CHARLES V LEVK Wider B non LOWE A at No l 3 Street ManhallM New York baa this da beea dissolved by Mr Levrrtdif ii continue the busIness at the Above addrr i aU debts owing ttj the laid firm are to be paid i M and all demands on the said flrm are to be t seated to bUn for aIlment sod all payment of moneys due or hat may be de- arm and la claim saIl OTIS Dated New York April I lion u irvpnfv MEN AND WOMEN tl l for unnna1 dIscharge lnaamniJ isa or ncer of mueoua membriari- Palnlev ud M- trtnrert or i po- lbr expresa prepaid or a Summons sgaIat I DcScjidsot lutC divorce the anton ani iosernn a copy a S- Upreme Post ASSOCIATION the and prove tbelr claIms made Justice of It S Telegraph News 10 their accounts Lad demands PorouS tag contract said eorrsrstlon to lbS came In and i detail to me at the nBc of bitten sill MONTE IndIa bar ReceIver 010cc 3 Post Ones Address is lIllian business name I contracts with the irm are to be completed by Mr Lenezld Who alone is Is t IF- al N r rVEtTIdDIa nut b all isa nt sent In Wa for 3I os fi3i 1 w < ° > ° <

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-04-15 [p 10]....Ito Last meet a story and bawment on lot tsx IOJ 2 for Uavla Kosenberi No i East Ftreet a three tory dwell let on lot is 01102 I for

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-04-15 [p 10]....Ito Last meet a story and bawment on lot tsx IOJ 2 for Uavla Kosenberi No i East Ftreet a three tory dwell let on lot is 01102 I for




I Thhi

>> +



iB Smith 4 Co B Sllr for a UrjGood and Fur Stare In Tlilrlyfourlli-Nt ear Ilflli Av Slornlnicilile IBrhJock Huld to Apartment llulldrn-

Deallnc at private contract wa onlymoderately active yo tprday A majorityof the nalei oToct l Improved propertyBpeoulatlon In vacant being discourageby tlio MiriRaRO Tux bill However a

block on Mornlnxlilo Park VetWM bought by a firm of builder and eirnllar ploti on Jerome and Lenox uvenuojchanged hands Fifth avcnuo contributed

speculative deal and several weremode In Seventyfourth streetPark anl Loxlngton nvenuot which seemto promUo a comUlerablo reconstructionof that block R Smith A Co sold No 49-

Wewt Thirtyfourtli utroot to tho FloydMute which owns No 4 They paidJKOOOO for it lout February and rotelvHJ-2J3000 Tno company taket a lease of

49 ani 48 from the citato for sixtythree yean at a rental of IMOOO a yearfor the tint fire yoan and t000 for thonext sixteen utter which a new agreement-will be Tho live tory building onthe site remodelled at the expense oftbp wtate oc uplel u a dry goodand fur toro by It Smith Co

IrHatcJBnOMR AVFNTKIoiiU Iloln y lUrc-

ha Mold fur Margaret lai k ou rutirtion the nortli sit of tsul urnlbetween loroinB Vtdtoi urvnuei a

Plot ol cieht Inn 9fi fwt 011 Icr-omp avonae 191 fwi on ctrect uau Mfet on Yaltou nvniii Hi ha aUo noldalt tots on the west idf or Walton uvntib-twrtMi l 3d und Ittd street tu J OweiiHurhbereer-

BEVENTVFinST STIIEETCharts llib onA Co bam Kohl for illnin K loinko No249 Horeutynr t trf t a live itoryciLiate Hat on lot 19lu2 to uii investor

t Levysold for Gtn Watts d to

Urn the block front ot twdvoIota on MoriiiriKiidn Iark Wwi txtwuon-listh and luth utreetK a plot aiiixioxtM-iTlxrn la a rrxtrirtion on Cnnn-illornlncsldr Iark on tlm WIMI Ixtwr n-

110th and IJM KtreetK wlih forWU tierevtlon or anr atnuture I H than ten-

t H bark of tlio Htrwt line 1aterno HroWill build on a portion of tlmlr pttrrli-Hrwerrine the rest for r al They are now

two HIV tory onthe block roth of thi one of which hatbeen sold to an Invonior

TENTH AVKNTEMartln t SchmonuMhave told for jorge Knier the live storydoubl tenement with two stores nt NoMl Tenth arenue on lot JlTlcO ant forJoseph M CSoldbore tour story doublntenement at No 4j Wet Kortyrourtlistreet on lot MIOO-

UBTII KTItEKTIXli Solomon ha boughtfrom the Thomas Frririmon tonu aiiy the

story room apartmentat Yoa 19 and 571 cst

Street on plot coxuioWARREN 8TI1EFT Leopold Weil hat old

for J to J Mai bachfor No 4 Varr rn Street aIre story buolncM bulldlni-

B STREET Collins ACWIIna have sold for John II Honey NoIto Last meet astory and bawment on lot tsxIOJ 2 for Uavla Kosenberi No i East

Ftreet a three tory dwelllet on lot is 01102 I for Barton

121 a three tory dwelling I78XKKC-

r on lot I7xli2 for Henriettao ST a three story on

lot 17x103 2 Severn other houses onstreet have been sold re-

centlySIXTIETH A Pr ler

iaa old to J w Van No IMSixtieth treet a tour story dwelling ofllot 70x1006-

TJIFTH AVENTE Ceorce H Brad A Cohave old for AUBUKIIIB lo the City

No sni fifth avenue21X100 tlm Ity InveMlncCompany a plot i7xtio at the northeastcorner avenue and Thlrtyflrcl

TKEMONT ArENITIohn A Stelnmetzfor C A Becker president or theBorough hank No cs Tremont

hreo tory double tint with etnrrnPaul o nine lotsWashington avenue to H

STREET S Stelneut A Co hareTold for Samuel Orowman the plot noiion-cn the north of 174th street 100 feet

Audubon arenue and al oabutting plot 70x100 on the southstreet US feet of Audubon

avenueLENOX Metropolitan Street

Company blockside of Lenox avenue

between 140th aRid 141ft streets with frontasea of 200 feet on the avenue u fret on148th and Ji feot on Hist streetmEting fourteen lots

Brothers have toldfor a client to n Mrs No 22Wrsst 118th street a three story and basemeat dwelling on lot I5IW II

1IIST AVEXt Tin Liberty Lund and Jmfrovement Coinpaty hot bt throneh

A No 2012 FIrstavenue a new six story tenement withstores on lot 2 ixlii I

riFTYFJilST P hotdrldje voId for a client No IU Westa throe story brick stable

on lot 24X100S I

0 Mor rthan baa I

old for Iaiil Mayer to Levy A Friedman iJ os IM to 111 t I0lt street live threehlch stoop private each

lot I5 X7S the corner ofPark avenue Some of the houce areleased intll l oe

for i arrle Marx toi West Ulth street

ve story slnele fiat on lot 2nxiOO IISEVENTYFIFTH KT1IKETI wensteln A j

0 In with H Klnriebandhave told for Ierlman A Ilernlkoff Noa304 to h Knst tseventynith street twosix story nrrtrtment IOL H with storelo rovrse of on plot 7SH02 2

AVENTi II J Hruder has bought Nos 7Jand 274 Avenue II northwest corner of Sixteenth street two four story tenements

lnl1 AT


II front

a tlCjI


rarer an1



I the









hurl rt


or Wiialn So a ttire



aol S





I east








on plot G







hat1tJ aIder






e 123slOT

t Nest East

S llel







A II Levy Co Mprank have sold3anvel hadli No







TENTH HTHFKT SchweItzer Tirossnj Tenth street a

tenement on lot 22x94 9

sold for leorue D llenkrl the vacant plot4Sx9 at tho t corner of IMthStreet and Brook avenue

CAMRHEUNU Stoneli rld for ornelks ilearon ofLakuwood N J lo Mllllam J llreen thelot Jtiiro on the east side of Coinbrellnffavenue MI fiet north of IM Street

HTnFET Max no enbaum has re-sold to hmmirl Williams the plot tniiinwith frame hulldlnvs on the south side ofI8 lh street 71 feet east of Melrtwe avenue

GRAND AVENUE E Osborne Smith A Cobare sold two lots on drand avenue

north of Buchanan placeKTItEKTSol I ha bought

from Mrs Agnes corncr of I7 th street Townsend avenuea plot MooISflTIl Sol

from Mrs Catharine K lolinHon the plot

east of llrooklvn avenue I2x IrregularDIIOXX A Shat7kii A have sold fora Mr Diller to a Mr a tint of four I

lot lonun on the touth ofstreet east of Fourth avenue for the I IIMace estate to a client a 7 xIOO on I

the east side of tIltS 1lnlin avenue so I

fet south of Magenta street for a Mrto n Mr Nioola 2Hughes avenue n three family on

DAIY II Smith hassold for It Clarence Dorselt the southwestcorner of avenue and I7thstreetplot itOT1l also sold for Dr Jlosey four

on the east si le of drand avenue Mtween 172d and I7VI strmti also retold2 M Daly avenue to Mr ITaeh-

Itun A Murphy sold forAnna M Hnlieny to

164 t st in street a rive story brown-stone double Hat on lot

KT11EKT Ix on8 Allmayerhas sold lleorge F sixbrownstone flat house Xos 230 232 234

21 and J4o PAst ElchtysUth vtreetknown as the apartmenthouses Tlif has a of Itan feet and a depth of 102 feet

AVKNI r Lionelll h Inc report the sale of the plot onre hest r avenue north aide fe t

ol Pro irtt nvvnue MJX RobertL Momvm to II J Adler sad has re

saute to H jjI4ITH UTUttrTbomaa k SOD UVB sold



Sons bays

nst I







on north or



plot 6010 Mpmpnt






Ai7 N E II I hirowns

E WilliamrIdge Inc


ae te

the ide 139th street eo



STREEI ltell






s r1J

< <



for John J to a client the nva-

flvn story lInt house with stores1734 avenue on lots

HTHEFT William Htonehrldce hasold for K J the southeast corner

of iSftth street llrlmotitavenue xiwT-


MlicrllaneoufWilliam II Talconer has leased the

at No 51 Warren street and 24 and 21-

KUhth avenue antI the dwelling atNoa 131 and IM st Twelfth streetJ2 324 3I and 3M lat t

H T WUon U buyer of ISstreet u A Eldrlde

cud Douglas lloblraon Churlen brownA Co were broker

HumUel RoxenbLitt U the buyer of Notoo street

J 0 James h n said for J Lawrenoswall him country seat nt tonKud ontwo a acres with a stone dwellingunit outbulldlim anti for the esiaU of the

siding of about live ucris a Stone rentdeinv odjoinliiir the eotAte of U P ilorotlnl

tol Rogers of Hyde Park Is thebuyer of Nos M and Vi l Fiftythirdstreet J Brown A CoCol KOKTS lie InUiidn to erect a residencefor hi own occupancy

J M U the buyer of NOB 40and 42 FAst HixirMfth ureot-

Tlu Iloulty Mortgage Company U thebuyer of the Such property Ht

corner of avenue and Thirty

John I onn lly has leased for the Canton-V Bltrclt twuto to the H Koehler Brewing

Company the northeast corner of Twentyxtrecl und Mocorid avenue 20x80 a

four story brick building for a term of yearHt a of I22o0 per annum Thecompany will

Heal Estate Transfer

souTh 01 lvurUtntA if-

iTUeimejiu c aland ton quit dana deed bandsfur barralu ana salt deed cat Sot Used contslmuj-cvtvuaiU against rranior unlyi-Na Ku hnstIHU7J4 Edward

l Contrail vt hOtel l alltItle nom

Same property Johu V Cuvkcrufl lu lameall nom

Same prupciu Jatno Cuckcrufl to arueall hOe nom

samo propciu J au Cuckcrolt ear locant lMifM-

WllllamTrcrrlitorredertck-K Way nom

Nassau kt a w r June il ruaa w iDitx nIJJ e OOlOi e 4 IU a il Frtdtrtck KUjy lo Hooker Cu nora

Naswu al 11 w eon John It lx l Jaraea D-

CutlEcroM et al to Vtllllam V Ferrla alltitle nom

Avenue C Mi w iiixTO Leon Grrenbervto Louts Dlckatiln 100

Water it 4I3 I u a illxVxlutO Hmae OurJoj and aao to U zle reidman-23 part non

tl w a 2JO 10 a w Rlvlnrtuu itHtwOolJc 4 foaencorporalion loham ueijtr ralre 113 JO J 10

Suilolk it lie a J tli Cnailtk tluerr10 Israel L uivJO IM-

Druomt M3 7a l U4xtuj3x2i3xlOCJ liarHainUuritr et al to Abrahun-

i Komlntn 10-0Soutu it iw xi Dcnui McEvoy to

urrnnurd Uruors lw-tioerck it 2r a ttHM tttlllam II Schmolil

to Uimci MWhulj mire IISOJO M

single lat on lot SoIlntt the Ito Alva two

Jn feet


IlAd pln


ut lurlbard tttlnfr ur Ilr

i hW

I on rer of the proper


w Iotall tern





stor 2xlflfl f43 WesI-l49tft F

rh lker the



streetlit Last

bits Charles 1 the property

tolilthI1lU Ala

Arc hiubh1

lie north-eastfIrst ttetl













rUT SIDCEuif et Fttt a tnlvttn Fourttirult and HOfA

87ih t 5HW n Park av Ittria-I a iilwi 7tn t n a 2W e farnav iwo vilo llarrla A guacxenbuiU toMmuert Sgjacittnauati aaJ Lao 110-

0elh tla i SvUc av Harrisuanilclnaum rt al to Solomon Lewtoeinter 11000 100

7 m at n a e Avenue A SOxiU2 SamuelIaiiry to laaae rartHritkr pan raige-iti i4 nom

il a I yo e M av ixl03t Kalbarlnato Oscar Iactte and wifr mice


lryirtollfrniiard Herman tooIMth si JUl t 37laiuull Harris Man

dribaum et al to JulIus WeInsteIn micejlJilJU IW-

Mj al Ill K Jarub Neniower to Davidlieu tntre KtJMO IM-

57td al 211 TOiluOS Emma K Itltiler lo-Xew ork TUnxt Note aad Lunc HOT

nital 100714 tl 301 R 2JXIOJ 73d It 3M R II072

Kavanafb den to Samuel U-

IXttiflaa 2SOOO

lit av e a M n It SixMi Uarcua lederer to itldor UlumenkroDn and auo-

Leilncion av 110 w a ID x77 Citllne Cto Eveline G McDonald

Park av t w con twi it MUM Mtb at n t-

1MJ w 2J av 3I11WS Haute A QuackenI bu a to Lambert S guackrnbuth and ano

Ullilam naucb and sea mire tltouO-Oih it IIB K JoxtO Sara to Lena

Gowmnnn mice MtooUadltoo av MIe a WJx Irrtr Louts

lo KKIscBmaa Conalructlon Co tntfe-UIOOO-

Mm it Ot K UU022 Theodore Stewarta corporation to fiamuel U et almIre

liltM n s 12 U w lJxlopa Isaac

120000 1004th av a e cer 30th it IBBxW Cbarlri B

IVaae and ano to M nomSame property Laura A Smith to same com3Jd it n s 7i w lit av RX7IS J A lo-

L E riaher nometh ar e a Mll a 70lh at 30xl7ii M

Brady and ano 10 Margaret 1 P Graves oemBSd it n a US w Perk av SOUOJ 2 Daniel B

Freedman to Henry Ill20on 1005M it n a w l t ar Sara Uairath

to J A Oiborae 100Park av 114 w s 11 nxM Wolf Levin rt al

earl to luvtd Fruehter mice 117000 1004lh a e COT 30th at latiW Martial W

Hrrtden to Harry U Aun a e nomMtb t 318 E Meyer loeb et al to

laAC heal and wife mite IliTiO too7W it 304 K MilWJ Samuel D and

to to deration Ooldbaum ano miceII320 100

S3d t 907 E MH022 I W Uuberf andano to Sidle llernard mite Jtsou jooo


JT of FW tt tttxttn and 1IOA

Columbus av a e cor 77th it 102x0 JamesA rarity ear lo Nora M and

110000 1210000nth M a i SW Amiterdam ar 20x1022-

Karon A Smith to Sarab A Columbia oem62J al n a Amsterdam av MHOOS

Mary E Lynch to Sarah A llartlo partmite tlOjOvo nom

Amiuplam ar 1437 e s 27 ipuw Thomas

Kit it 12 f UK7 Julian S Jonea andano to VVeiley Thorn

Win it i a 2S e Amaterdam av 20H02J-Ihomai H Columbia to Sarah A Smith

4S 1 il 310 w 22x1004 James Ward and saclo James w sillf rt mire 110000

Mth tl W V SllOOJ Ix ula Stahl toWilliam II Kllnker If part mire l 003-

th ar e a 214 a tilt at John AMay et al to Oorte P MHIlck

2 lh it 4 W V U4IM4 Jacob Hlrah toAlfred II Uunn mite iiiAM






I100Mill St 21 E 24U02Z Cllarlea 10-




IX3d I

LlbermLII et allO Moths mire

Ausila q cq e

L Dyer mireTI






IIteyOolUi tnna lo miceU7II 100






ito I



mtc 32800



Fauna iJFar ano-






> >



Mtnkalttn IslaM north ef Wh if147th t til W IUxMil Guitav Denter-

lo Hannah U Wallace mice 11000 0flth ar D w a at i w a 2O410 at 1W10HOOMat Marx to Cathleeo mireI2UOOO 100

Sbernun ay a e oor Hawthorne it lOOxlCO

100Iknn at sis W Jaii Irrcr IWtn

Itrally Co 112000 100il n a idow Amsterdam av liixlrrer-

I7llbit n a 100e Audubon a Ui iTii-lit a a IU w Amiterdam av 71x1041-0Sirnufl Grossman sad ano to Bernhard

120000nttltalaa lio w Amsterdam ar 7lilMllx-

x734xl7tll Mary E Jacobson et al toSamuel Urouraann part joo

Same Anna M to tameI pan 14X134

Same property Samuel Oroaamann toUoiB H part jog

Ith av n e act It 2I1X IrreSolomon L Cohen et al to Samuel II rinkmt Ito

Ililh 114137 K Ill lrr r Harry Ltoo

Bib av n w a at w a 2O4th at IMIOHOO

sod Lao mtr UJoollaratlton pi 101 a e a l 4x7Sllxlli 77-

Comrllua Sullivan to henry Sallniky-mlreM000 Mmlltth it 4 W xM7x24lxRB Uarttar llaum to Saul Adami mire

Amsterdam ar e i 4SII n Utn atJulia O Urdrtrk to Aojuila O HOVM ipan Icier 1flX

R 21exlCOtl Jane A Uallarherto Julius Ilrrkowitt mire

IXtn it a a 200 e Amsterdam avI3ttbttii i7lsAmaterdamav2iiiuanmth II l a 134 e avniaa to Harry Shwltier mtreP-JjfOO DOS

Lenox av a w ten cUb it UaxKobre et M to Henry I Jacobs If panmice 1137000

it W Samuel Cohenet to Slmpaoo mire t22jOOO

Wadsworib ar n e eon at iBiluOMail suaplro to Herman llarrli141 00 IM

Sam e Adolph Wunburrtr CI ai

113th it 134 and 137 E ill JohnThompson and ano to Iloibury RealtyCo q c nom

Ulth it 30 r 23X10010 Welt 4 Zerwetk10 Uamle Molt mire MSOO nom

IS7ih II 17 and 175 MxSOil HermaoCohen to Hirtaret too

IMth II a a IM e 12th ar ioxMti AdelaideLOroaaelal to Uantn H Payne too

127th II n a too w Lenox ar MxMtl flamedUrmaman et al to Solomon Mmon CI

144AM IMat a a IU e l th ar SOxMll Uarrta

It Payne to John J Hopper ntr luoa innrken et al to Abram Dart racb mIre I

Uixn taa-Ha st a 100 ABBt rdaa r U I



r Im




cell011110 John Thompson mite It



u Ito


100ItS OdD II



to Sin ItO


Ir C

I 100a170

nm n n

Sterling to rlisba mt5

p21 C lliiiofl to occidental


aTune to ltontli

flos athaI





av S cur it1

I a

li L1Jc


IMIft Salomon Simon rt al to iUmurlel al mtriItem it n i ito 7iiMil Isaac

la Frederick Oamtliar e iMll i lioYb si iittlfil J

lo Anthony NCooper t n i iu w Hawthorne el lOOilpft

ire rr uow juiwui Daniel P Mabone-

xuwooISlth n a a 2i 7th ar Mal

el al to William Goldiion and mt-clUibnn a Vise LroadwayJixWli James

KIM 711 W toiwll FlelKhrUb Co 10 LouIs Kellermite UOooo-

Amalerdarn tr cor IB3d it icuilrrerUnion Real K ut Co to Josephrate lUMO

flame property Joseph Polatela to MorrisM7100-

I7W t I a M e Audubon ar 7txlOO Abramliachracn to Julius Davidson mtc ll 5W

SiouxDtrovft tf tt arm

Wathliirion av w i u10x160-Vandcrburr O Hammond to Jennie Iloseathai

Same Samuel 0 Baum to SopbUMichael mtre MSOO

Avenue I i M ISiS it 3UIO Union

Und r e lit lUib it AmhroM-a Murray Jr nor 10 Joseph U

iv i cor Cedar RudolphVutiker CI at to JuUu Uriun mt

llXO-Mou av MO e 1IBIXIOO ClOned A Calrey

et U 10 llllam W CameronUoit av js7 i i axiio Mary E carUy-

tOIIOltar lit c s Sarah U UcKa-

rt Joint F Hahn

HannAh WUla to Thoraaa D MalcolmBrook a 7 a Hlrtl it lUWO JulIa

1911 it i WO w courtlanilt av lOOxM1Martin Hue to Leo huller rales ll 00g

Honeywell w 1M3 a 3Ux

anti and 34100Lots C3 and At ma p iio loU ThomMon

male Hudson H ROM to William AItllc y

Lot Ito mc map same to rJdward J Cravto and sob

1 U av w i 116 w It lot J01 mapWakeHeld mill Edward Sherman toAUDI L

lltb at n i Tot 778WHO Frank Uaia to Put Robert

M ar e Zil n ISetb It 17 7X3 IOXI7U-

WJ Mary A Skeel to Olin i tephenatitle

Same property ttlllUm II Robertson ctelms u same ie pin U UUe

Samt property N Robertaon toMine port all aU lIenS

18farm nt Charles

UerrUa at Kite Lurch to JuliaL Uerdtnc

it 11 100 M Jerome av IOU HenryS Clark and ano to William N Clark

4 OooGerard av r a 17 Atculartui pi U1U-

I08iOxjuill S Oeorte C Uebera toSabina I Ltelxrt-

ISth it n a 1M7 St ar 2U1W-tMllp Keller to laaao Friedman tail





Jacob to CllarlCS

IItr soot

mire mooo ItOIUd GI C 37191511 1I0rotlill

and sac to Ilanjamla Landau mileloot


IoIcAlllatpr to soot212



n lOG




Jon 3000


10mI sam

100sv w

n l u 100


t 175thJoseph iofllau sad ano to Cart Mr




tiJ DpcirtIto



I I sootSame Mary K Kelley to

5010Benign lv e


gIllW Ana






SI and


sport Little H Ifickos to ynank Lisa

1 s

a1e S


I0J1 it a s 3 0 w Counilsadt iv 5Ut00

to mtg lLSOOI

av StI0




tItleproperty satne

S lot 03







Derfen ar 641 w i JJiHU Autuna Sbrtmptto Joaona II nice Moon

Uott iv 331 e i 35HJ7 W11lira L Carleyto William U Cameron

11th av n i lot IT map WakeAcld I00111 brank tUumann to John T U Tattan and ann

It3d it w Park r KunxUlx-nnt William n Sanders sod aao to Au

Itletb UiOOOWorth ar w i M n Wirrtn it lOOx John

II fOnd to Julia I Gerdlnc All liensLou 77 and 7 map 81 toll eilate Susan A

Valentine William K Valentine ct al toCharles V Campbrll

Demon it n w cor Topping it Ml 10-0Iharlci W Kleminn et aJ excra toIda H Nrularr ralre 1300-

0notdlt it a r cor Poplar it MHOOU34-XICJ Pftllls Paul 10 J n DUIon

IUd M x 8710 w Hughes ar iMxn PaulI Klemin referee to Pitrtck J Walih

W ilailon av i w cor Itlit it Mtx megJohn J Amtler to Arias K Amiler

Avenue C I lib it SJHOiIstler Wclnhener to Georce Sellernno IXOU

Beaumont ar r a 114 lUd it 33U133John Lalor to Jon J Rran

Hf tffn ar utw i 55iMto Carolina K Dlacb mire Sino

CrtmmlM ar lUll it M0x-Wlllam R Deal and ano to Mix Up mmand ano

Brook r e a 2701 n 1Mb it IT U95 Adam

felder rotr tlooa-

Sovt of FfurutnlhIVThere no interest It stated cent

John it U to II a w cor Nassau it 71 and 71Hooker Co to K Day due 11WT H09jOOO

Same property tame to Cedar Street Codue OI MOjBOO

Suffolk it w a290101 Rlrlnrton it A Gelberto Gold 4 Cohen I yr per cent l

James it 81 and M V fllrkel et al to HenryV Alllen due nee It 1108 X

E lit ir Meyer hear to URosenthal t yr 8 per cent tJM-

Id av w i e n dtb it Deulacbe Poltkllnlkto German hospital and Ulipeniarr I yr

71800L Hannea to Jobn II Klall

it D Utcbalorer to William tt-

ScbmailInitalli 8percent OMt 104 dlenaan to

Van Co I yr percent WOO

Avenue 201 Leon toliraelltlab Sick Fund 6 irs tjOCO

Same property same to C Ret due JuneIt per rent tMO-

Mi it U Friedman to A Handleprior tollS twooo due July 2 1MB e per-cent 400-

Wortfi at a w COn West Kate Pur-cell et al to J A Stewart lyra 4W percent UOOO-

b14 IWM I J7








AnnIe Ii Haddock to James D HOPklnl-boot





aomI n








r rilitci

Same property to refland prior table 133000 due Oct

II3O-Ierw a C 5 203 5 IOn HIll


s wear



W 054

B Wthtler aod sac to DoraIto-

fletorded MortgsgegDO-


reid S

percenthaaz I yr





Eail ot Ftttn as oertmn rtmrtnnOi tnt IIOM itt4lb av 331 Harry M Austin to U A C Taylor

I yr 4 per seat 40000Same property SlIDe to Mary T Belt prior

mire due April I IWOS I per cent 10000Mth at D a both 2d av hater

lltOOOil n l 3UB e 3d av Harrla Uaran ud

aDo lo Oerrnanla USe lnauraac Co asbuild 41000

Park av ISM D Fruchter to Wolf Levinet al prior mite Il7 x aa per bond 1400

Sid it n a e M ar H and ano to S-

Jarmulowiky prior mire U74coo I yrpercent 11043-

Mtb at E Isaac lieu to M Loeb and aao-

3dtT iiiKi DHtrt toIfs t percent 4000

RSlh it William tlauch lo CharlesMotpplrr prior mitt llsooo I yrs 1300

B7lh si a a e ar Solomon LaDeet al to II prior mtre liOO-Olyr 11000

it a a 310 e 3dand ano to II Mandelbaum and laoprior mire IMOOO I yr 6 40000

97tn at a a 380 e 3d ar Salomon Levineet al to H Mandelbauo I yr t per

Leilnrton ar w a Hi a ih at AMcCabe and ano to Peter A McCabeI yrs 4 per WOO

al 317 and E JulIus Weuuleln

33411 n t J9iil id art ijarria Varanand ano to Germanla Life Iniuraaoa Coat per bond HMD-

33d it n l HI I 3d av aama to same uHMO

it n a IM s 3d ar same to same aaper bond 40000

at a a 300 e 3d ar O Pacha to JohnKennei dui July l 1W per cent MOO

Mth at n a 3ml w Id aret al to OUtm S llX7-

3d it a a 110 e 3d ar Samuel D Douriaato American Co B yn UOOO

17th at 231 E Threat Ncxa sadpercent IIJOO-

TJd e 3d ar rTamutl D DourlMto American Mortrare Co B 10000

73datas 100e av O Ooldbaum Sam-uel II 3 yn a per cent 33M-

Ttth at n a IIO w 3d av A Stern to LouIsHalmi B yn Per cent iooo

a IM e 3d av O Ooldbaum to Sam-uel 3 yn 0 per teat SIb

214 it 149 K J A Oiboro to Edna A Rothwell t yn 4U per real joon-

3d ar a s cor III u ma Oreeaberr toEMI River Savlnra I yn 44percent 3100woor Uth it P LoweBfeld sod

e percent M000lit av WI Orccnbert to Jullna Levy

4i per cent

Ulb it Ui Wi WUUm H Kllnker to Fnacta-Delcen prior mice July I1W8 8 per cent ooo

l W C Peter to it Ernir ai perbond 3400

3d it a a 200 w Amiterdam ar terah Ahauls to J Lefflar I yr per rent 1000

Uth it t w 8tb ar it IM WCnarlM U ban to o McnlMlnrerdemand per cent WOOO

Broadway w a 4Jd at Daniel 3 MeFJ-

ihClat Ws Eifineen dub to LajudWO

Engineering Soctetr 30 yn 4 r coil 100000

per bondUtb l IM W Chaste B to

Lawyen1 Tltl Inaoranew and Truat Co-M per bond

loa t Cltr Mortgage O yr Per rr t-

UtuU M iitnt men tflltom-H Pt ij IU tg Hi OoraeflM

ZAfl DL-


11 c o


InoJacob S

r conl


liltto If Uandelbaum JIll inc t rr no

Lung lloePll110 Emma K luizler I 7n


Inn to It Worrenl due Oct ii 1500

i J Itnunan000

to Saving t yrJIOOO

tit t pita t chtHII TotIrfHftDI as lIbSA alL



eon to 01k SayIngs Bank III per


no II mma 0 maid totild tJaa ottg 13000 IIIilb SUOO










S per-cent


ocr bondltd



iew sunk


Bcu las

3ynIpereent0-0th it a w eon an sad Lao

38mirtant Dank

VII stata





1003 t S 100 wAnlaIeram at A V DeadI

aM3s L



= = >

flulllvaa to C A Knetlaad X yn-lltmUtoa 101 llrnry to C Hui-

lUTUV u a fo 6 Oeliier

fi Oiiweii totweruWard Beak I yr per rent aecure-

illAhit IM and 117 JtnoBpaoa ibAnnie LMacdrecor

to B wnennan 1174th at IM w Amilerdam Uern

hard kllni rnitetn to TIlt laauranc Co

miSl l i lio W Am terdam vj B kilnc-cnateln to Title Iniuranc 00 I yn-

Amiterdira ar e a 444 n tuth it Loutind ano to lull Aab yn-

8araeproperty ametoM ternbW Alfred E Dunn to Hlr-

mlnn olb arV M M toMary U Crook due Mated I

lUth at B a IOU i Anaterdam an Sarnutt-Orowman et al 10 Solomon Simon sad

14 I M-Ainaterdlm ar a 74 a imk at 3 1 H

Realty Co to Ray Auibicber I yr per

iswfit UibiiBftolCharieiS-elferd lid aDO prior mifFeb II 190 8 per eeqt j-

aa per bondar n a cor 1 7Mb at Stnal Snaplro

to P Lowenfeld sao prtor ntrI yer Slot i

Same property sam 10 A VTurxbwrjer andano yn-

lUtb it a a lltb ar Fred Obrmela toWilliam Opptabetra aa per hood

1 1 at 312 314 to FleUehma-atCttt 30 tn to 2 ih-

ita C Tumey to U Marx due Sib I 107

Audubon a a a tOt I7 d it AbramratS to GeOrge F Pick en and aao I yr

IIMbitft27udi2iriiFaiktoiJacxioaaada-no demand I per

Till ar n w cod at FlcUobroan Cooitructlon Co to City M ncaf Co I

M E Mamie Molt to J siemme-I ynI-

TW it i a M Andubon IT Abram Bachrich to Gtoife F Plcktn sad ano 1 rr

Van Contest wicker pito H C Boeddleker and

aDo I yn7th ar w a 40 a I4ltb al Plrlichman

ConstructIon Co to Clly Montage Col yr 8 per cent I

147th it n a too w 7th ar tame to samet yr 8 per cent

7th ar a w cot loath at same to aamiI yr 8 per cent

IMtb at e Broadway r Darnell 10Title Iniurance I yr

Amsterdam a i ocr tud at XI Ocmatelato JPoliirinlyr 8 per real2 vn t per cent

128th at 18 W H D Burnbam to Enoch 0UelJlyraI-

TM it i a H e Audubon ir J Oavlaon toADacbrach

a lu e Broadway F Ohmltl to

nUb it n a tW w lib ar J 1 Kennedy toIMtb it a a IM e I2lh av It Payne to A L

Amsterdam ar a e ocr lUd at J Polateln lo8 1 yr 8 per cent


tm 1000I-

IU Apt11 II not 2100-1111h II II a SOH ILIl av

ilL I0IlrIo S per clot 220-

0mlh tl a t IV2100av



2 10000J

JrIo cent 1000ii t Payne


Od 100


100-0lUb 111114 t21 Talk to P





Co I tUOOti ow whols from

eelll 7000Blab





eeoi 3403





aI yr uooo

rlliin ru 1t11 2 12000




Well 3115 w

S 44I




125 I

yray I



yr-S per cent



Sa a 4540


540-0Illihi3i3 CJultua Powell

I 2100-II8tb si

sIlls Inaurinee





Summit it a a 4 l e Marlon av II S Hatvordaon to Reuben N Cramer I yr per-cent

rdee cor ITBtb it UtnUlen etc ofFlnt Reformed Proteitant Dutch Church-to Guarantee and Truit Co aa perbond

Plot betas on e i of lane on map of propertytItles Oarke M7 n e road

to Wtlllarnabrldfe EmmaMead to F R Thorn due July I 180-8I cent

juuu Braun toAmerican Co I yr

IMth at n i 1287 w St Anni av Isaac Fried-man to P Heller due June I IW7 per-cent

Petty ar a i 2S2 i Qua HIU rd James DHopkIns to JC Hancock 2

IT w i 73 n mm it J H Kebmelraannto Harlem Savings Sank I yr per cent

Lot 4M map Via Nest Park Anion to

St Owen pi a l Iota II and II map SVernoa Park Mary Reuer to A

Honeywell av w i IM n ITSth at Cart10 Jacob Lrllaer loitalla rr rent

Brook ar e a 2301 n Ittm it C Elaeafelder to Adam B Wacbler 3 yn

Road from Weal Farma to Runts Pointad land to heirs Webb Jennings RoteFrey to Title Ouarantee and Trust Coaaperbond-

Vilenlln ar w i I74J i l0ih itJ Sand to Andrew Urar l yr

I Mulberry it w i lot MJ east firmD Saladlno to Mary McDrtde I yr

Mechanic it i w a 107 from Poet rd U Booto J Roo Jyn-

d at a a IK e Mb av Andrew Newell lo Rlllckoxlyra

ISM n 11 u w Pen ar A llleib to WilliamRtandenlniulli 6 per cent

Ametbyil ar w a 440 w White Plain rd M-

lletacber to North New York CooperativeBuIldIng and Loan Aaaoriatlon 3 rr

av w i in4 n lax Lipn

Saturate ar w a 2411 n I74tb it Louis E

Id ar e U 8 n IMtb at Olla J Stepheaa lo-M A Skeel due Jane i t t ti oer

Waibtnrtoa av w a lot M maprlaanla laaac sac to NewYork Savings flank aa bond

Und ar e a lit i IBM at Joseph H Jones toMurray Jr

IUd it a a IM w Courtlaadt ar ThomasD Malcolm to H Wllla I yn

Fort Independence al n i IM II i w filesto Charles E Abnemin

and ann at bondNorthern Terrace a a 271 w Wettcheale-

rar 0 Hullin to Jame Doutlaa dueMay I l oa

Southern Boulerard a e a at n w a De-catur ar A T Bolloa to Ada L Harris t-yn

Freeman at n a 1MS e Union ar Jolla HOrem ct al to CIty Mortgage Co I yr 8percent

ar CM C K RiseS to A Schrtmre

of Th



et t1000





104 toooo

D yr a0oo












roan and aoo to H

to City Nol1rC Co I yr S perrfat 001

II for 5233

Rome r 37003

A I 5400






slowfl0r0550 flronrt


eagle as s e cor Cpdar iMortgage


Ma S


WUIla Real 3 20003

Derienar Ml J R RuM to sameBeaumont ar e 110 4 a Columbui ar J J

Ryan to J Lalor I ynar e i 2 l al George H

Ackerman to C Stock 7 ynBoston rd JOn Frank A Decker sad ano lo

Michael Boos I ynMorris ar a w cor IMth it A E Delaney lo-

U I ynBronx Park ar 83 R Faatow to Samuel

Cohen aa per bondSt Anna ar w a M a 13Mb at A Fradua and

B per cent81 ar Ins Sot FreUua and aao to E F

Taylor s ynst n w con at Ida I

to Charles Jr et at-aa bond

Brook ar w a n a Uth at Brook ar w sIU s 144th it Hugh Oolwell to J McLagrhlID 2 yn

Mechanic UrnGreenwich at 27 aad 171 Jobn W dart n

MaxAmi 11711-I2d at 14 and M E Frank O MerrUm et al-

va Oeorre L Fell and ano 702Amsterdam ar 2124 Jobs Lever va Ole II-

Olien in-4d it 107 W Sherman Contracttac

Co va Army and Club M7-IJIlh at a a between Amaterdam ar ud

Sarerio Nappl va Upman Gold jxio

Beach ar 12 Jackson n Unto ArenueRealty and ConitrueUoa Co

it iio Wi William J VI AnnIeKemble

Abnef r BlceknirFortyNinth Street and Madison Ave

one Oo-Ulh it 2 and 4 W sam t FUtyflhn Street


Satlffled MfoUanlo1 Urni1024 it 212 Abnbam flaflr ra VaronUa

Ella Nov II r7JKnb at a e cor Madlaon ar aOilOO hIram

ballDciBa Co n Madison Arenue RealEatave Oo Avr U 10 7

Foreclosure SuItsIII at a l 211 w M 100x1001 Lily W Bereiford-

aa trustee ra DanIel fallacy et al two actionssilts DeWltt L 1J-

TWb at a a 2IOe lIlA ar ISxlOO Minnie K ai

23d at a a 200 lit KUM Fruit Olntrel iSuaaaaa WUaemaan et al atlli CMa it n i 2C w Amilerdam ar MxlOOt lolfml

A llemo va C Web et al any Miller

U Pcodtn2-Kb It n I IU e 3d BT 2lxM Racbel Mope ra

Joel Rtaaldo to lrapmaallroallyi Oallert A Hpar

Tlnton ar loot Isaac sod tao ra John

Plans PlIed for Mew nnlldroKiB-OBOUB or MIWBATTA

Hit II I a n a tnb ar three story stable

W 43d it architect coatkoaoooB or T B BBON-

ZValon ar n a 10 e 4th ar three story dwelliar S 647 ar owner Anbony Vaadruao iu Brook ar architectcoal

Caatle Hill w a IU a areen lane two storydwelling John 1 lard mm 0 Oreen laneowner Cost

storyav ar owner

C spark 711 Tr ar architect coile ar w a 73S a 2Mtk it one story

liable Samuel 107 R I30ib at owaer-Ulaaaer Bbert 70 Uaabaltaa it arch

Ptam rued for AHrratlonV-AKIUTTAX AXO m sooxz

Itk arl4a three sad Stofecewpawr Kmt rn3 w B l





S Todd 2100




r Jon


Urnsate IJ1ItS






guardian VI clarence WUIOglI e II stty W Ii


jBrook av uollrao Jtalabllh a tnaat C obwlok

no a lIen I II fiwalo

lbatlel Appltbr owner A 0 Koenlrlie



eS 40008vmml1Y four lour



U omltdJposes

uuu u n n



lao to Cohen doe I 1900




lAth si t W Ionzat Holly Brick maCo vi Jath ii III-

4Kb ano-vs



vs Muth Cl al-

to LIlY

ed lisT


w S 40 5 100151Ii4003


S under



fiyiETftLBOOFSPresents rust Klaitlc Weatherproof No

CakIng No ran ieIA1 T COMlAMTi

100 Hllllaro Hi New Tork-



Broken Agents Apprtlie-Mo si nesr san HniKKrh-


Withlmten HeIghts Iroperty A HpeetaUr

UNITED STATES TITLEOuaraaty and Indamnlly

Capital raid U B oooOOOI 0oo

Loans Money on Ibid Mortr fe-I03IM New fori-

cmtto Montarua St Brooklyn

nonoLan OF IIIIONXWALK on nnvrONLY VMiKsnticTHn convKnI-





CgfiA Cash new 12 family housesall Improvements J4500 up

termsTOY WALLACE 131 West Farmt Road

Just Across Bronx River Bridge

I 1 2 and 3 famllv houua convenientI to Itapld Station excellent lo

ILavclle So rreeminat7 ROOM IIOfSR on W iSlnrton av 13700

4 KOLPH 777 lUtt IMth it-



U S0


ILl liST



EASYTERMS ron at rcatAnahl prIces and terms




Inarrs Titles ci 1111 Catatea

w wruWa



bojievard car

y house near 111100 11000



Bay Ridge Fort Hamilton AvMlle liullt for owner ArtIstic ball wtlb

Rreplace 12 roomi bardnood open plumsInr butlers anlry hoot and ack stairs

water extra ground ts500 panmortcare



FIIONT AVU KXlEInoVAILV FINENo acant lots tr make turrouadlnr doubtful


Lot 2HXIW house S itory and ba vracnt brownI stole 20114 well built tnrojzbout decorttloni

Include many mlrrorr ttjnc In front Ii from oneor bent In the country

FRED M SMITHTempe lIAr 41 Oiuri St Te suone SOU Main

MUIIU HAItI il l II AV mOilSeven ajalil frame u l rent IMO mort

Impu 2JHOJ trees and aarjbbery 13OJO lour2itary sal itorr ble 0ati rent SXW rolf ISlW-UTW Twjttary sarI b ement brown tuneII rooms harJirool decanted MJOJ Twofam

hk It noon 3 sets li X mite 12500-UUItLEV A CO S4I1 Bib Ave

Teleplione connection

WHY PAY RENTWhen you can buy one of my beautiful upto

date 2ttoiy and basement brick and stonehouies on iota it itn and 19 av contilnlnx It-rootnj 2 baits only 2 left See them before buylog Building M more JOHN Pon premlws OTIce SID ar and 21 t

BAY RIDCE LOTS-We control choice lots between tnlrd Lad Set

avi Sixty fifth U Ninetieth ma wrte orbetter phone uc a cinnn prices

A J WALDRON1113 I1KDFORD AV Tel 7NS bedford

DYKER HEICHTSoverlooking Lower Day handsomest luburb InGreater New York houses ella hardwood trim

up VALTKH L JOHNSON11th av and Mth it nroakly-

nTT Tis bargaIns Then rend askl C J for list InvevirateV-

Sluiiw tnuti tell preltl house iflOO detached two

Others WESTOV Minarer Ileally PAVILION28ft Fulton itrcet liellable-

9tOO and north It US Hancock StUrookl n N Y Handsome block fine three

sad baxment brownstone noute newdecoratIons open to move

tight In near Sumner L statIon OIAHLES K111 Sumner av




Itt 1t



rate frame sill


lmU house Jtro



3 try0o 843 One fanln houses


with best ofles


> >



one family house ready foroccupancy May i rood 10 rooms and

vestibule halO price 14000Moo down balance to suIt For further particu-lars call or write D W CHISMOLM 74J Coney

j lUand av near Ave D llrookl n


EDWARDS FUtbuib ar lUlyn Open Sundayi

3 BRICK sIngle with klorrt urent f 2 each 1731 17-

SUDURHAN HOMES Twonory and attic frameQueen Anne amall cull MACGILLIVRAY 311 7th av Brooklyn


PRICE tinoo renla SM4 mortrare I27M newhouse ENutUU M 7th

ar Brooklyn100 MAONIFICENT detached homra to select from

In beautiful Borough Park EDVVARtl JOHNSONBuilder

DKTACHED HOUSE worth WSOO for 11750MOO cash JOHN PER1IY CO 373 Yuton st-


Select Apartmentsup to date i light rooms and

beth cain mild bathroom pantryparquet Coon rent ioo to I7 Park place ant

av UnxJujyn urru mMJKU


4th St Bet 7th and 8th AyesApartments of S and 7 rooms and bate elegantly

parquet floor fluteS roomsteam best wIld tKlephune

KENT 35 TO 40W EDWAKO COIIltlOAA Act on Trem

PARK SLOPR Latett and upto late apartmeals decorated C and 7 room and bathwater and iteam beat renli 3M to ID No i3-6llthatbetween SevcntU and BrooklynJERK J GILLIOAN Owner Inquire on prrmlsci

STEAK IlrATr0 APAUTSIEVTS 790 to 009Waihlarton av near Prospect lark and Museum

improvements rents to US IIO10 it Brooklyn



TO LET FROM MAY front ofBce-

cor Broadway and Chambers at beforeMay lit Apply Ht superintendent on premIses




rViuthwcit orner iMtn it and Audubon av4 i 0 fooDs and batS all llrblhandsomely trimmed and draW new sac up

lu particular feats till to toM perannum

JM Columbus av

Uth st owner Ducbman A Fox U E Uthat archliecta Cost tiiono

134 at 40 c enlarging four and base-ment Leonard P Mcnol-

lreaawar archiiect coil JJOM-Itndion il n w cor Franklin at seven alary

otncM and aloes s I M Powell KM Wowner roucnaux Broadwaylad arcWUct f a AW



SateC i

NEAR nClOADAV3 bnrk flat III IraOlIOS la Ralph

AUU u uu-r114

ekrll1c dccnrsttons




I rooms and bath III


about 2300 feet la

Won loT




Apply toQf a hORnsnear 721


owner Rogers un




iodste735 Not

triad lv Owner VKls po3 IjIntle an


tights telepbonc




1K largeCitamlwni


WESTwnw pw


DrettlIses WaISt







nonntnii nt HVKKK MJR on IIEVTIaawr


CflLNTnY j The Ideal Place to LiveEAST ELMHURST L I

ON PICTURESQUE FLUSHING DAYhilt Hour from Herald Square te by Trolley

The moat In toots improvements sadfar anything laths market We The sales are root

without Lots with every Improvement at MM upward onmonthly Will bo worth SlMOeaeh within two years on ol fsaaarlvaUaTuniel and HUckwctla laUcd Brtdre Iliad Postal lot Circular and Views


Mortgage Corp887 Manhattan ve j


Tow lleOhIo ebal nr n

meet ant Inpa nU


fBankers Land


aitractlve will tbtwp0811





MOUKL tXJTTAOEiTo Order or llaadr II allt

For one or two familiesNKVEKAL NOW

UnnnUAVrH Jamaica Artof Queens

Telephone 330 nichmoad HU-



A UKCIDED llARUAIN300 feet from Vail Conlandt Park 147 llruce av Yonkera O C depot 21mInutes 13 rooms 2 baths hot watertrim all improvements clly convenIences couato plot 100x100 worth 122000 coatme far lest as so submIt oBen anxloua

Open for every day inspection Take train towrit 3 rent I10UO JJOKT-

JAGin room n 71 Wall at

SAilTAitlUU or lintel Moltex

locatlan ample grounds lIne hade


CEDAilllfllST L I Elerantly furnished cot

October IIAX K FiiANK liestreet

OVSTEIt lIAr U IEntire LIlt Purnlihed Cottare

II T OfllNrV 7 PIne it N T



AT A UA1WJA1VWill sell of beautifully decorated

haute every convenience exclusivelike lora ever offered al

low i lures Apply HASKELU 123 Liberty atNew York or owner Dodd it sadlUit Orange N J


adlolnlnr the 400 acre Pubtla Park within tenmiles of New York dir high healthy countrylurroundlnra with city convenience a fewmiMlero houses anti a number of ebolca buIldinglots for sate Write for Illustrated booklet torOHESr hILt ASSOCIATION Newark N J-

GHEATHSr nAIIOAIN IX ThE OHAXCESNo lit Alden it Orange earner house of B

rooms bath sod all rroundi 44IIOOfor rent at 134 per month for sale at I1MO abovmortgage for inoo at 4 mIght consIder amalltrade K L PARrniDOK 40 Wall it N V

A COUILETK UESCntlTIOV Or PROPERTYIn tbe Oranrea tot Sale or Exchanre willmy personal Inspection and prompt offers fromwaiting clIents who are barraln hunter C PHCYWOOU Metropolitan BuUdlor Oraare N J

VOn SALE Ocean front oottare Seaside PatioX J exterior porches surroundlag unique Interior yachtIng bathingAddre 2 Court at Brooklyn


A GREAT SACRiriCKNew house M000 worthllOorxc must be teen to be appreciated i

HlDENSEY opp Erie Depot N J

llttt nol bilance monthly buys two fatally13300 how Kant Orange 1 MaIdenLine



I hive one In a beautiful location on a huh ele-ratlaa 30 minutes trum City Hall N V floe

from elatIon FrIends who have beenme are called away sod 1 will rent furnished

I remain house as a boarder Ifnot I prefer t sell which I will oo eaay terms tothe rtcat party Modem Souse 10 rooms sad

ua beautiful views Heated byhot water lIghted by Lot M feet front 140fret deep board wilt pay malt the rent Ifbeta wish such an arranrement Rent 140per monta or will sell at I7JOO half down balanceoa y terms Good train servIce A L SPost ome box 184 New York


I n

10 lel1 tinlabeti never now

lIoutetown mostly lUrDllllod 40 toomal

trolley JOhN WeUIIIR 7 BteklllBDork

i vK r lAN NasSaU











O letstable

treesPastes 51-


tate S bedrooms baths all Ifay to







snORCTAXDS-nMktct en application that will ten you aD about

splendId property Nothing on the Soundthat surpasses It aa a summer residence placeFive acre sItes or smaller ones IfBootIng the water elevated ii cbarmlnrManager Warner Bulldlnr Bridgeport Coon

COfXTHV SEAT SITES Greenwich Coonchoice location Sound view S acres 129000 non

accepted for 110000 at 6 per cent H acresImproved 130000 mortgage 12000010 acres I40or Improved mortgageMOXWO

Hudson at New York

HANDSOME DWELLINGS for sale In lUtlilonSpa near Maratora Springs WEST ROOXZbox T IllusIon Spa


CCXTLEIIAXn COUNTRY SEAT PoeonoMountain Union Ienn Colonial style boost mod-ern improvement sanitary artesianwell carriage anti stable Illustrated deicrlpUon rlvlnr all na Address Ifl Decatur it Brooklyn X Y

HOME Lots restricted delightful countr shore surroundings will be 20 minutes fromHerald Niure prices moderate will soon doubleOPPORTUNITY hot 120 Sun office


i PLUMBING SCHOOLSUanteJ men and boys to learn plumblar trade

Coyne Bros Co Schools of Practical Plumbingtend for catalogue 497371 Eaatoa Ave St LouisMo 107t W Third St Cincinnati O-

HOY In law urneeP O box M Hoboken

SPLENDID OI1OHrUXlTY for brightman la solicit for reputable house liberal salaryand oimmluJon to tight party Call I LoS P tlH-rjom 3 Wall it

WE WAXT lIEN TO PILL 00 hIgh grade posi-tion competent Salesmen or

call or writeHAIUOODS Suite 6O1 0 Broadway K T

WANTED First claaa automobile trimmers allround met standard ware for t hoUr no troubleMAXWELL11IUSCOB MOTOR CO TarrytowaN V


eleht year eiperlenee desires employment Addreti box 120 Sun

FIRSTCLASS HELP at ISis Lanona emrloy



Tho Typewriter Exchanges1H llarclay Nt Telephene

makes restedand kept In order ribbons machines sold from70 to Kf manufacturers pflce-

moaibt rent appliedon purchase

nrotdw-ayFfnLsiuu nnoMg TO LIT

MTH ST ZJS EAST Larre front furnlabsdroiin private houav

LOST FOUND AND nFTTAADSLOST A number of untndoned check toads I

payable to Houlder liberal reward If ra iteller Farmers Loan sod Trustcu ntpany William street

KO EXTRA CHARGE FOR ITAclrtnisemeau tot the flue and Ertnlar nun I


feel slewdellghiful breeds of the sea A C ORNDORFF






mclii Office 33 West 34th 51 Telephone MadItiosO

All MakesRebuIlt Guaranteed



trees I

cent leas tbP 5 A Co 10 1lace5470 Cortlandi


East SidI


rosy be 1db It an Aotsgtca MsnsgszOZoSiatbeUy






Ale a la carte Tdh Table


Saturdays Sundays and Holidays ilMIn the and beat room la NT

Telephone 1500 MadIson Cabs from Cite UarUato Theatres up to Utb street fOe

BEAUXARTStw ntarr 4om ST


MUSIC ET CHANTSPrivate DinIng Rooms for partlea Tel ooiintaHOTEL I Ton Winner BlLAFAYETTE CnhlBs FraucalwOld Hotel llsrtln 1 Also serviCe a la cineIalf trsliTPIAOthlt I Mualo by Amato Orix


Culitne franeslie SpecIaltIes aDINNER

Royal Hungarian OrcheMra Tel UllMth St

BURNSlath HCreet and Otis ArnniUilanraat Junction llroaawar andHE ALT S AT mh si M

CDIUPK West 31th atDohemlan rendeirout

THE ARENAIB WEST 1ST HT Teltpbcne I Madlaoa

DINNER 1I3S-Reitanraat a U Cart

Private Roams for parties MusIc it to B u to tU17 East lUmton at tOt

Band Royal Neapolitan a Sr i IJrfafltn st Just west ot

HERALD HOTEL ijroadwar carts


WeddingsParties Private

Dinners a SpecialtyEletamt large ball Prtvau dining

roomDinner 6 to 9 One Dollar

REISENWEBERS9 W ocr Mth tt trd tth AT

Special Smdij Tibli dHili A

13 to t B to s one dollarTheatre Supper 1124 LUBcJuon We-t a U sari

prtvIle notion Brery ra




Blossom Heath InBum frnVodst UrchBMtSo lOwly Yonkers



1 An elegant furnished apartment with pri-vate bath meali one 120130 weakly hotel service private telephone GALLATIN HOTEL 70 Weit near ita av



Historic Situation Magnificentmenu Reasonable Charges UnequalledCuisine


Broadway sad 5th-tANT A LA CARTE Hvniu

S 9

Superb AppoIntments So AfterTbeatrs Pardes






LITTLE HUP4GARV Wine hungarian


534 trestCarte Mail

Cotilint SOT erevySled of


Auto alanFrancaiss Tdh AlFRANCFORTS

HARLEM CASINO oor 324th Street MaltaNYACKNYfrom

ilast EntranceVelbimparkNT

< <




SUPREME COURT of the State of New YorkCounty of New York



PlalntlO desirestrial to be had la-

Uc County ot NewYork

Action for an ib

To the above named DefendantYOU ARK HFREItr SUMMONEr to sniwer

complaint In till of youranswer on the Plalntina wIthIn twenty

201 days after the service of this aummoni rirtulive the day of servIce and In ease of your fail-ure to appear or answer judgment will be takenagaInst default for the relief demanded lathe complaint


Plalnlirra AttorneysOlSen antI Post Otnre Aldrrsa

No U to 3 Park Row World BuIldIngof Manhattan New

To HELEN A FOXThe Summona la served upon you or

publication pursuant to an order ot the lIonJ roe ot the Justices of the

Court of the State of New York dated MarchiBttt and filed with the Complaint In tfce once

sf the Clerk of the County of Nrw York lo ibiCounty Court house In the Borough of Manhattu-Cllr of New York on the ulJ I7tn day of Marea

Dated New York March 17th IMSHOUSE GROSSMAN A VoriHAVS

Attorneys for IlalollIOffice and Office Address

Mes Park Row World UulldlnrBorough of Manhattan CIty of New York



Notice hereby In of the SnilJudgment In the above entitled action filed Inoffice of the Clerk of the County of New York onthe 3rd day of October linn and the order tarcreditors to afor the lion Edward E McCallirtme Court and tint In the office of the rert

the County of New York oa the 7IU day of Ktoher

IJ To all who are rredtors of the On-jnerto m it

the clOne of my Attorneys Nathan Leventrttt-Perham Streetof Manhattan New York Cllr i or before tieSib day of October 16 at 3 r M and to ippeirand prove their claims Ui me at said time and Hire

3 ill persons boldlnt any open or

my attorneys Nathan Lerenlrlll PerSira-Ktqa No ft Street of Mm

New York City on or before toe SIbol October ItOS at 3 P M

Dated New York aty March Itt l oS

IIU4 ItReoelrer of OnnsolldalM 4 News To




DlMolitlon Noticehereby rlrea test theof ErtNBST A and CHARLES V LEVKWider B non

LOWE A at No l 3Street ManhallM New York baa this da beeadissolved by Mr Levrrtdif iicontinue the busIness at the Above addrr i aUdebts owing ttj the laid firm are to be paid i M

and all demands on the said flrm are to be tseated to bUn for aIlment sod all

payment of moneys due or hat may be de-arm and la claim saIl OTIS

Dated New York April I lionu irvpnfv


tl l for unnna1dIscharge lnaamniJ isa

or ncerof mueoua membriari-

Palnlev ud M-

trtnrert or



lbr expresa prepaidor a



DcScjidsotlutC divorce

theanton ani iosernn a copy






and prove tbelr claIms madeJustice of It S

Telegraph News 10their accounts Lad demands


tag contract said eorrsrstlon to lbScame In and i detail to me at the nBc of

bitten sill


IndIa bar ReceIver 010cc 3 Post Ones Address


lIllian business nameI

contracts with the irm are to be completed byMr Lenezld Who alone is Is




rVEtTIdDIa nut

b allisa nt sent In Wafor

3Ios fi3i 1





