r f i SUNDAY DECEMBER is 1603 Rain today changing to and colder lair tomorrow with a cold wave VOL LXX1W 104 NEW YORK SUNDAY DECEMBER 13 1903 CopiirtoM IMS b The Bun PrtnHna and PubllMno A oC aUont THIRTYEIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS tfc- t I snoW F S1- 71g 1 3 1ij 4 t 4 I e ILtlt F 4 < = ALTHOUR WINS CYCLE IEAXDER SECOND AT FINISh O- HEEKLOXO STRUGGLE Uiidlnc Iloom In the Garden at a Pn- niluni When the Final Ruth for tli honors Deitns OouEOl- lIlnled Making Gallant Sprint Robert Walthour and Bonny Munrt the six day race which ended in ion Square Garden night teander and Nat were seconc Floyd Krebu and were third The finish of the was made in a mile sprint between the representative- of the seventeam that were tied for firs place- A occurred in the eighth lap of th mile and all the riders fell except Walthou and rode wide or ftll gained a lea that hn Increased in the last lap and h won by ton lengths The men who tell were Fisher Floyd Krebs Bedel The nil was caused by the bursting of tire on Contenets front wheel FlsheI- TU fourth Xcwkirk Contonot and Bedell had to ride another mile to decld fifth sixth and seventh places Tho finn score of the seven loading 231 miles and 3 laps Keegan and Moran were one lap behln and had to leave the track before the plate MB fired The order in which the men finlsha rusWalthour first Leander second Floyd Krebfl third Fisher fourth Newklrk fifth Cont net sixth John Bedell seventh OKDEII or TEAU rixiflu VffM Laps WaHhour and Munroe 3313 Duller 2318 Floyd Krebs and Peterson 3318 4 and howler aais- i Newklrk and Jacubson 231H 0 Centenet and llrcton 3911- T Dcdfll brothers 2318 a Keegan and Moran 2J18 The record for 142 hours Is 273V miles 4 laps tiade by Miller and Waller In Between 8 and 10 oclock last night th plugging or slower of the were on the printers did not leave the main floor however but rested on cots that wor brought to the trackfilde at the beginning of the last day some dozing or trying t do BO and the being massaged and trainers Thor MS apparently no of a sprint an very one knew it at 9 oclock interest in the race was indicat- ay the fact that a crowd of fully 1500 persons probably more were waiting fo the one milesprintby which the race would be decided By the time the finish of tuna wo only an hour off the crowd a good natured orderliness quiet reigned One Incjdent that broke tho orderly Iccurred when some joker on ono f the hydrants In tho lot i trenching torrent pour the ruining the gowns of several women after n oclock it was an bounced that at 10 oclock all tic toan- utrijiprmore lapn behind tho leaders v b off the track so that only those having an oven score for place rould remain for grand InJJh Some were given Ueh the men In tho long paused then at 035 oclock to the delight Moran started a lasted far a mile or so was productive ol change The for which the men as follows though all who tntahed will receive bonuses and most of base who started had contracts for bonuses- nd expense money First prize Jloo second prize 11000 7SO fourth prize 1500 llftrij- irlze late sixth prize 350 prize 100 The men will be paid tomorrow at the Hotel All day long yesterday the great American doors at Square to pay and seats at attended ind slowest six race ever hold Before JIB usual dinner hour all The free seats ere taken and much of the standing room Before 8 oclock nearly all the tents were occupied wero lively limes at both doors all the afternoon ivening Every old trick and a score of tew ones wore tried on the doorkeepers wouldbe deadheads protests ted scuffles were The crowd and not nders seemed tartly demented Inside the building scene often was turbulent and there but an extra detail If on hand and the disturbances Irero suppressed Standing room at a premium and venders on who hail chairs and boxes rented a quarter to spectators to use for foot om the lent or ipnted their chairs There was a variety of fast and slo the raccw the early even and even when they were riding lowly It was not dull crowd was a- iiirly as halt 7 oclock the custom In several years ago of Xlvortfcinc banners from alluries and lettlne them float to rae a performed this Is not a before the cloe of h- bte At five minutes after 5 oclock Breton tab leading the string at a when come out to relieve I was an intentional foul and a pro est After listening to Morana lowever he his complaint Tho most exciting Uy occurred at 0 in the evening it hud features sensational and aggra Little Breton a ry for a lap although neither he nor his Nirt iu r was a to it if won jt was a fine effort He gained almost quarter of a lap and ur over after a sprint of six or i Ho was his endeavor ek to the end of the string in tile com lilly of Vanderstuyft The other rider Uw the opportunity to lap the French and leading he way Floyd Krebs and fd turns the two French Den ground steadily and when come out of trp and pulled In to make pace Neither lipton nor hold the HCO furnished Gougoltz however and l ret of the field was with li m when Contcnot relieved Breton Ho on behind and followed Then the most magnificent piece W course of tim was behind and pulled Contend iced around and caught up with tho in loss than a It was nn show of and lid pluck on the part of Loth Frenchmen aggravating feature of this sprinting wns and partner lid been for the last twelve hours Ig themselves from the track together r two Qr hours at a time In Ml aa ns they were not off more than ur they would bo permitted to ride This was H RACE and on Mal lat Ale ono sp Lander Lander the Content the John tea 3 3 S 3S member teas other fed bop the- reat d the had lIP and rule lured downon crowd blow frt the ere sore double lon frequent hi cure n chair oar them- or en ivel one and fun for Aa- o tern the the for Usu h dow Tom I thought 0 siva lap Nun stare JOlt 1 were of a lap ue b I I ensue tat seen I fIt I hour 44 Jacob- son 1 Lendcr and S jabs I J k r 11 the A exhibition zdes during o raced artholdl II Itself Ut 1dm Both fell and raped clock ye l itch f 7 t i > > but wai anxious to be In at t finish and he had noted BO bravely generously that the were other ho over that had it not been for Contend and Breton would have lopped and there would have team tied fln t considered this and ordered Gougoltz of the rnoo At the finish of this sprint there was spectacular spill homeatreti- jvnon the won slowing up and bunch T I Mpnus Bedell went down with a loud one was hurt although their tired condition the men more than usual The crowd scorned I be wild with excitement throughout th sprint and or cheers and applause After this was resumed tho crowd amused itself in various master band played Bedella addressing his efforts to spectator who beat a tattoo a with ice cream t wooden platters The impromptu the was so that he scored two tremendous encore and tho real band had to twice repeat piece last day of the race with son k successlv several riding was while it lasted At 2 oclock morning nothing had been accompllshe subsided and i was dull all At 134 oclock in morning the referees ordered Dove out of the race because made no attempt tokeep up when a sprint was In progress were a menace to other The continued striving In certain after sensations and tho printing o made out of whole cloth i the extending an invitatio to the police to men in the scorer IK T and check the time of tho mon on off the track The policemen begun at 43- o clock on Friday afternoon one man takln the trick and then being relieved by another records official scorers and totallo it for themselves On Friday evenin and morning the trainers begat tho customary of saving the mom teams that were to do in tho final Whether it wo prearranged or not records were given th cops which furnkhed material for a sen yesterday afternoon was figured Butler had ridde twelve since 430 on Friday ofternooi arid he was notified that ho not again until 430 yesterday afternoon the the police score would end anti a new begin Tho notification to the concennni their time on tho track giver previously by tho chief of scorers police were working out th story it a good one and a 3 notified Monroe that he only nineteen more to ending at 43 oclock therefore went on a once HO that Monroe might havo the miiiMtoa in reserve be ablo to re Hove Walthour In sprint AH bounder ho went bravely on track t ride for two hours and a IM wus the eleventh annual six race The only wero ahead of the recor was at the end o- Iho third hour when Kramer was riiQ score then was 73 mIles 8 which by McFarland In tQO- OrjS WATT GETS A DIVORCE The Decree Gives Her saaooo In Full Alimony and the Costs of the Action GOSIIEN N Y Dec a upeclo tho Supreme Court held in Justice William J Gaynor granted an absolute decree of divorce to Adele Force Watt against her husband Archibald Watt The Interlocutory decree granted Justice Sewall in Broc klyn on Sept provided that tho same should not become absolute until three months after tho papers had been filed They were in tin jfflce of the County Clerk in following and the for final examination Tho which were filed under seal were tho County Clerks sate and read Justice Gaynor Mrs Watt attorney Henry L appeared rind support of attorney for Mr Watt also and tho motion After due deliberation of the arguments und testimony the final decree was It declares the defendant Archibald Watt is adjudged guilty of that Mrs Watt not voluntarily lived with him since the discovery was made ITio marriage existing between them is therefore each is freed all obligation thereof It provides that it for Mrs ti marry hut prohibits Archibald Watt remarrying any person until the ilaintiff shall It provides also tniit the execution b to for tho recovery o 133000 from the defendant in her support and maintenance for time to come The money must paid within ten days and in view of such vision and Mrs Watt voluntarily never to seek to annul or question of alimony is also iven to resume maiden name ol Adele Force and it is also ordered that she from the do costs of and all In connection therewith Tin iosts are to ho made a tax against tho do endant by County Clerk of1 this unty AD FOUGHT FOR SISTERS loy of 12 Severely Burned In Vain Effort to Save Younger Child Michael Woods 12 years old was ycster lay the hero of South Brooklyn In the eyes f all who of his presence of mind heroic tho lifo of his sister cnrietta 10 years old whom ho found rith her clothes on fire and almost dead f fright In tho dining room of their homo t 122 Thirtieth street Although hitch el fought valiantly nnd succeeded in tho flames after being sadly burned about time hands nnd arms lenrlotta will probably die Tho lad had In charge of tin tIle frame and his sister and two rothers while his mother went to pay tho Ho left tho house to cross street n some errand and had boon gone only a moments when Charlie a or roth r ran Into tho street screaming that Is sister was on ftro Michael rushed into tho homo and threw of water over her Them was not water to drown the flames and bravo boy throw tho girl to the floor rolled her over und over trying to the child and a number of neighbors and an was from the Nor egian Hospital Ambulnnco Surgeon girl Michaels and arms Were dressed by a local Subsequently the parents of the burned bud urxjn her returned their home although the physicians at e said she could not night The cause of the fire Is said havo an accidental swoop of the tie girls dress against a stove In tho torn 13 rather hood Cnampsine Alwaya reliable Ait and referee ben hen out n and ut no In a and was A In the this rug of a chaIr a bon the lender the lIvely and Wulthour anti enort to Walthour made force I co the th they tel mnna oment and hour the about At IM 0 cock It ride when co rider 0 clock had minute ride Wall hour for day the lap jut one made 12At ten Gosh n by 3 fed on the mater paper argue mo I and from for be the and adjudge rover LEE hear and ulshlng taxes few a pal the and smother the at the t the hr bOdy The cries brought Stork the to FIsher Petersen crash man as acted ifi bat or sprinting steal laps eorts hub interference t nine- teen time Is bettor by mile ecor ill from all dis- bursements t Ire same burning clothes from screams ands > ¬ < < CHICAGO GETS nEFUUUCA COMMITTEE LECTS THAT CITY i3 TO 8 Comniltteeman Stewart Plrdced to the Commuter and Pltttburc Rail Rid to SlOOOOO Appeal of Ft Porto i WASHINGTON Dec 12 The next R pu lican national convention to nominate didates for President and VicePreside will bo hold in Chicago beginning on Tui day Juno 21 1904 TIme national committee reconvened the Arlington Hotel at 1020 oclock morning with Chairman Hanna presldln and hoard invitations from Chicago I Louis and Plttsburg An executive sessli- wUs held and the committee voted to tho convention to Chicago The vote wt Chicago 43 Plttsburg 7 St 1 The first taken up wostl admission Rico Republicans representation on tho committee and time national convention Mayor Todd San Juan and Jos6 Brioso represent the Republican of Porto Rico ever that may Chairman Hanna were heard They urged that their o- ganizotlon be allowed to affiliate with tl Republican of tho nation V want your policies Todd but we want to bo thei with you and be identified with the grei Republican party Ho declared that tl Porto Eicon Republican party had more twothirds of the vote the Mr Brioso asserted that the Republican of the Island were coming to the conventlc anyway whether wore admitted not Vo dont know wo are but v know what we want we want to I American citizens and we want to bo men hors of the great Republican A decision in regard to the i the Porto Rico Republicans was defcrre until the executive session of the commute The roll of States was called for the pn sentatlon of Invitations for holding national convention When Illinois wi reached Chicagos invitation was presontc by Samuel B Raymond- We Imrlted you to Chicago four year ago said Mr Raymond but this year w In earnest we mean business It hi sixteen years since a Republican con vontion has como to Chicago and we we are due now The of St Louis were pn sented former an when Pennsylvania wax reached Senate Penrose We have a delegation from PIU burg said to t you come with the require- ment namely the entrance tot IIOOOOO for tho con 1 understand they have as to the oommunlt- ln the great commercial city and if f 100000 is in of Senator PenroM It v- leed oommitteo The committee then into exeicutiv session to tho Invitations an and to select tho conventlo business in executive bessioi crate to up the matter of the admiselo- if delegates to the national convoiitio and rotor the entire to a committee consisting of Post Gen Scott Gen Uov Franklin T Murphy c New Jersey and David W of committee will also coniido matter of inviting to tho con ention from and the Island o consisting of George H Sheldon of Xow Herrick of Ohio J Edward Addlcks o Delaware John G Capers of South Caro Iso appointed to ascertain to extent ocialtem into This com nitteo with an inquir nto tho question of guaranteeing f When the of n convention cit was reached Richard Kerens of Micsour- in behalf of St IX UM asked that tho seaipi proposal of St Louis bo opened I a written guarantee of ti national committee in caw St Loui was selected as the place for holding icnvention- Graemo Stewart on behalf of Chlcagi that ho would personally 75000 from Let that be reduced to writing win Senator Hnnnas businesslike comment Ill do that Mr Stewart forthwith drew up a document to which attached his name guaranteeing thi sum named to the national committee Pittsburg will raise the bid sold Sena Pcnrose when Pennsylvania was reached and make the offer 100000 whicl personally guarantee informal discussion ho vote was taken secret ballotwith result that Chicago received 43 votes Pills 7 and St Louis 1 of fixing the date was sooi Some of tho committpemei ranted to meet on Juno 14 but June 2 was more to Mr Stewart and again her wish Senator McComas Internal Hevenui Yerkes and Representative Jrownlow of Tennessee were i ornmlttw to prescribe the regulations for election to on vention from the District of Columbia here no election laws exist Tho following were designated as the ommittee on arrangements onotor Scott chairman Senator larry Sow of Indiana OrnJmo Stewart B Schneider of Nebraska A resolution providing that w ns the call for the convention o- KX This provides for four TIO from States and two from ich Congress district with six from the two from the District o- oluinbia all of whom must be chosen r before May 21 one month before the invention meets rice committee then adjourned subject the call of tho chairman LAXE IX FINE ARTS RUJLDIXl- til flnly SIBOO Damage and Injured None of the PaIntings The building at 215 West Flftyseventl treat which George W Vanderbilt gave tho American Fine Arts Society Ire a short time yesterday A of line were the galleries tho fire was confined to the top scone of them was fire as in tics quarters of the Art Students 11500 damage American Fakirs Society up tlsts lost some mementoes was would be hard to They eon Rt l of costumes and catalogues occurred at an hour the wns in the building It IB not known it are the only for trading sect dlntanro that are notre ended TdEO Optician 117 H r r- vttfr SF Tat or floe for this Luis mater to In ot pry pry dOlt pled tOn what pry the e- ar think abut b her fret vent the One hundred thou nd not 0 a or the birth frt from the Lun- A r W of enter the tin declare pledge and ho ho tor 1 the burl mater Mid loner the I and n cal for time on to lot but and The mae said janitor t CON VENTIO 7IOC Representstlc can a semi with them dollars Is and around o I will be for thorn to Applause that the e cibeuld be ijpo1asd- a ttceftmec1a anniversary of Ihie cnarant eds city sub- ject ins Georgia wan 40000 ii convention was The- re Iss sec > > JJVED OVER CRIME IX A TRAXC Hypnotist T tti Oabrlelle Dompard 8to of a Murder fiptclalCiiblf Dttpatch to Tile SON Gabriolle Bompard arid a man of the I of Eyrand for murder of a bailiff strangulation has been recalled In a strati fashion Gabrlelle Bompard and Fyrai escaped to America where they captured Eyrand was guillotined In Par Gabricllo Bompard pleaded that she oor mitted the crime under the hypnotic fluonoo of Eyrand She was sentence to penal servitude but was released a fe rnontht ago Her counsel recently arranged Prof filogcols to hypnotize her to that her unsuccessful plea in regard hypnotism was true The professor plow her in a hypnotic state and recalled mind to the day Immediately preceding crime The woman then lived the crin again with fearful realism and displayed the greatest mental torture She showed how she had been quarreling with Eyran about tho subject and had refused ago and again to assist his murderous schema She pleaded shrieked and coaxed in vain Then It was evident that Eyrand spran at her throat Oh he Is strangling me she cried writhing in Imaginary pain Let m go Ill bring him you are killing me she enacted the scene of the mur showed how left all night with th corpse about to commit suicide She also described the flight to America The sight of the writhing struggling woman enacting the scenes of horror both before and after the crime was startlln and weird Photographers took shots of her throughout and stenograph ers reported her words verbatim aroused from her trance Gabrlelle Born paul showed no trace of the and recollected nothing Prof Slogcois Ii convinced that she wa to participate in the crime in state and says he never met s easy a subject He will make a repot to the Academy of RUMOR THAT POPE MAY RETIRE Health Not Good and Family fne lila to Return to Venice Serial CaW Diipalch to Tas SUM ROME Dec vague rumor whic- is acquiring form is to the effect that Popes health Is not a good as it should tx His weak and he suffers for lack of air and scene His Holiness I perfectly resigned but his sisters are much worried over his condition The are mansions to advise him to abdicate aft return to Venice- It is improbable that the agre to his sisters wish to and It i noteworthy that a successor to him a Patriarch of Venice has not been named Only a vicar has been appointed irjvs ox riis LiT LEG Mftl Lena Enenshi Oawa ma to PrU n Keeper the city prison was a man named He passed the mental tion but when it came to the medical test the doctor told that ho could not go 01 tho eligible list because he was not up to the minimumheight of 5 feet 7 inches Say doctor measure me stand in1 on me left tnt Conlan What do you the exam inerWell one of me futs is longer than tother and mebba I cart make good on mo biggest tog Conlan explained The medical examiner took Conlon at his word He found that Conlon standing on his right heel was 5 t yt Inches tall while when standing left heel he was S feet 7 inches Whether or not Conlon ought to be passed on his left leg or rejected on right leg was a problem the doctor didnt care to tackle He referred the to the commissions committee peals Tho committee struggled for but found in favor of time left leg won last June and since then the com- mission has from time to time solemnly matter until it has now decided name on the eligible It realized that if went to the he would at least have a fair half of the best of the argument and would not bo In the class of litigants sometimes described- by to fight cases in court a on D OELRICllS FIXED larvard Man Arrested for Dliordcrl Behavior In Ilotton BOSTON Dec De L fbi ichs of New York n member of the sopho lucre class in tho Lawrence scientific school Harvard and a relative of Hermann Oel iclis was fined f 10 for drunkenness in the Municipal Court this morning Paul arrested him last night at the corner of Boylston and Washington treets According to the policeman Oelrlchi some college mates wore accosting the good looking young women passing n tho neighborhood He said that Oel Ichs was drunk and that after he had been warned speaking to young women went two more pleaded guilty and paid the ire He told beaten after he was taken to the stn lion house but tho Judge did not go Into any investigation along that line TO JIlL FOR POSTAL FRAUDS foCretor and Ipton Get Two Year and- a Fins of 8IOOO Each lUwiMonE Dec 12 Thomas W IcGregor and C Upton tho clerks the rural free delivery division of tho Office Department who wore convicted last Monday In the United States District of conspiracy to defraud tho Gov rnment on a postal contract sen enccd today Thomas o sec vo two years in the Maryland Peal and to a tIne 1000 were found a trial which lasted six days Motion for a new rial came for ai gument thIs morning Judge Morris Wines Ar Pure Buy of the Vvc are the Rperlal Send rice Ueweya IM Fulton at New York City gut Jaektonrllle and Flarlda Eaat C a t- Polati P U via Southern Railway Dining sleeping Cars New York 271 and lbs Ait SBOREUAM Wellington D O and European Best location best and beat making It the leading tbe capitol Jobs DevlneAtfa or M 12The famous ot by I with prove I t I her the Ten she t When sever ford Medici 12A the 1 her a Pop I Ala Jtb 1 tM l Michel F I I I apple I i I fet I his mater I debate I let t on Ian lawyer tying 12Charles at I and abut he I worth In I Court I werE Themen refuse Dew maker maker lat Ad- A and TiE alt ulan PARtS trial user I wet was vera Des Corilan him some- time This Chit RLIS Patrol- man all been Post Ogres = < LABOR UNION IS FINED 100 A CHICAGO JUDGE PUNISHES Tli PRESS FEEDERS Judge Holdom holds the Union neipontll for Violating an Injunction Throu of Violence Hie Decision Is of the Kind In the CHICAGO Pee fine of 1000 f illegal acts was Imposed upon Frankl Union No 4 Press Feeders by Holdom today The Court found union as a corporation of contem of court for an injunction r straining it as an organization from Inter ferlng with the business or employees ten printing firms members of the Cliica- iTypothetw Holdoms action creates a pro being the first tune in the of trades unionism in this country that has fined a union as a corporatIon decision Judge Holdom has handi down on opinion in which he severely the acts of pickets and union morn bets which followed the press feeders strike Such warfare cannot and will not I tolerated by tho in a land of poise whore people are by law Judge Holdom and the law looking in one of its most necessary attn butes If it was impotent to punish for sue violation- As soon as the decision was rendere John A Bloomington counsel for the union offered a cash appeal bond of 1600 and would carry the caseto a higher count Judge Holdom in hU opinion reviewed details of the strike declared on Sept and of the the injunction grante on Oct 10 recited various act of violence testified to in been bythe From the affidavits in evidence i this case said the Judge it that more than fifty people since the inception of the difficulties sc forth in the bill assaulted Intimidated called by opprobrious epithets and with harm simply becaube worked in a place vacated voluntarily- by members of Franklin Union I a of the alleged aggressors with the excep tlqn of John Mucher being members a the union John Mucher condemned twic for assault and unlawful picketing in com pany with members of tho union In viola of the injunction has been defends lawyer of the union in mind that the charge i the that of conspiracy and that tin acts enjoined were those used in further ance of such conspiracy it would seer from the evidential fact that the action of the union at tho meeting of Sept 27 in the establishment of tho strike head quartom on Custom House Court assault and intimidation by AssUtar- SergeantntAiTnB h and by Visit lag Conwiltteeman Hagbwg the payment strike benefits at thestrike headquarter treasurer with tho unio- m and thefact that no discrimtnatio- aVMaldrtlgabW tttYmerabore known to be guilty of acts in thomsclvt criminal establish the union as a con jpirator with its offending members and privy to tho violations of the sf which some of Its members stand rotc doted and therefore guilty of vlolatio- iif the injunction and amenable to dis- ilpline of such violation providing it can be so disciplined under the law Recounting the acts of the strikers Judgi Holdom said Punishment is meted out in accordant1 with tho gravity of the offence committed Tho consequences of violation of the In junction by the union have been man assaults on innocent persons seeking t work under contracts satisfactory to and their employers There Im- ijeen no discrimination between the sexes Women have been assaulted and ter- orized and followed to their homes their families intimidated Murder hm even resulted from the unlawful acts o union and its striking members Tin jomploinants have been interfered and arrested in the prosecution of their lawful affairs and have been put to great sxpenss annoyance and anxiety in ass3rt their rights before the law and Iri the protecting arm of this court The Court is impressed the Judge said before Imposing the fine rwith tin utter impossibility In this particular cast f attaining the ends of justice by tho of a nominal fine and that th resting upon the Court impels a flue somewhat measured by the gravity of limo jffences committed the continued of the Injunction and the perslsten persecution of honest wage canners win see entitled to tho protection of the law ii pursuit of their dally avocation T- he they have a right to look for pro confidence that such rights shall be maintained in their integrity Details of various acts of violence were told of by Judge Holdom On Oct 13 1903 he said D E Drydon employed by Marsh fc Grant was knocked down by Assistant SergeantatArms Kavunaugli- if Franklin Union No 4 and assaulted and kicked by other strikers Hertha was visited several times by Hagberg a member of the isiti ng committee of the union Ooolinick i visited by tho same John Sophia also iBlted said John all given union card and offered money to heir employment and also threatened with case of Baumcl TREASURE hUNTERS SUE Cross Dill Against Capt Brown Wio Led the Expedition SAN FRANCISCO Dec 12 ix uls H looser owner of the schooner Herman put up 20000 to send expedition to the South Islands to recover Cocos Island censure which Urown said had beon trans furred to one of the Society Islands tiara a cross libel to suit for 3S oyage that ho had knowledge icatlon of the treasure but j take the vessel to the charge im with misappropriating 2000 to him for with Tho cross libel asks for 20000 was advanced Moowsr and others tho expenses of the expedition Through to City of Mcslco Without Vhancr ot Cars a Iron Mountain noutc In elegant Pullman rAn St Louis 840 I M via Antonio id Laredo shortest ant Tickets reservations US Broadway Adr Holiday Rates South Via Southern By New York OfAcea n and K Adt Act tie 12A Judge the of Jude history n cur court sid Mid h the 27 ten cur having appear threat- ened they ton Daring the lon pry and the Ing just Im- position dUI court Keller the n told that would In the sue Fie and other fed al during the Brown fuJI d given 1 which for len I and Braw con- demned commItted them- selves with seek- Ing disre- gard the also her be rostetl neighborhood where resIded apt lea supercargo hermans < < > SLEVT1I HEARD TELEGRAM 0 Connecting New Yorkers With Counter fclten Arrested In Massachusetts Service KlinUo is a tele and he testified yesterday States Commissioner Shields to the transmission of a despnti which he iw Benjamin Farber write in telegraph office in Grand street It wi addressed to II Frankel who was arrest with John Davis the notorious Englli counterfeiter at Revere Moss This me sago Kllnke said was signed Harry Stein and was an appointment to mae Frank in Boston John Bennett and John A Howe sales man for a house in Beekman street identified Harry Stein one of the gan arrested here as having and tracing paper firma Whether or not time counterfeits shown 1 were on that paper the not bogus notes havin boon with chemicals to make resemble genuine notes M1XRRS IN FAVOR OF 1IANXA to De IMstnutful of lloosovrlt Attitude on Labor liANSPono Pa Dec 12 A careful vase among the in the souther part of the coal that there Is strong sentiment favoring the nomlnatlo of Senator Hanna for President on Republican ticket It is understood President Mitchell of the United Mir has to his lieutenant a the of miners in favor of picas him greatly and it was on this aecour that the miners wero sounded There a dispositionen of th miners to favor Hanna on the ground the he has shown himself to bo a more conslster friend of labor Tho Miller case they say showed that the President is not as gros a friend of organized labor as his action I mediating in tho coal strike would Ind LOOKING TO ROCKEFELLER Inlvmlty of Chicago Authorities in i Expectant Mood CHICAGO Dec 12 About any that Mr Uockefeller have with refer emcee to tho university I am as ignorant i a child But did you over see me when was not in an expectant mood In thcso words President Harper expressed the official attitude the toward tho rum that John D Rockefeller was contempla lag an unusually large Christmas gift t the institution Tho faculty and student are confidently exporting important nouncements of gift B anti plans at the wint convocation a week from Tuesday Since the extensive purchase of by tho university on the south side of Midway it has admitted by the co loge authorities great medical school would be built timers it is thought lilt will bo for iv WHAYfE LIFE INSURANCE Provident Ufe Loses Its Case JO Verdict tfrougKl fri Against It LOUISVILLE Ky Dec 12 A jury In tl Circuit Court this afternoon gave merit for 76000 against the Provident Life Assurance Society and In favor of executors of R C Whayne who was dead near town a year ago having jomraittcd suicide or been shot accidental white hunting Whaynes business was i had shape he had accumulated lifo a few amounti- nit the time of his death to 330000 O this 190000 had nm for more than a ind Incontestable including one policy For 130000 issued bv a New York company Tho Provident Lire refused 01- i 70001 and tho Equitable on i 130000 policy com were and the C BJ of the Prol lent was the first to bo tried The trial occupied nearly two weeks but in tin opinion of jury the insurance corn to prove suicide The Equit ible companys nuxt to be II4VKIVG ME ARRESTED rfslilfiit and Cashier of a Suspends Indiana Concern Taken Into Custody EiJviiAiiT Ind Dec 12 Deputy United states Marshal Boyd arrived from Indian ipolia totlay and arresjed President Brod and Cashier Collins of the suspended Indiana National Batik of tits city on the charge of violating the national bankiiif laws Nothing was known of the matter until tho Marshal started with for Goshen to arraign them before the United States The moil nsnortwl their innocence of an- delation of tho law It is said here that warrants were issued yesterday bj United States District Attorney immediately on lila return to was must ructod tho to lining criminal proceeding it once rice deposits when tho bank failed worn almost SfiCOOOO with hardly anything or mud as LAMARS COACHMAX SUES iloMBlions Successor Wants to Get 61- Waces Overdue LOKU BRANCH N J Dec 12 Davit dinars troubles continue to multiply iince his acquittal on tho charge of con to kill his former coachman James iIcMahon To Iay Patrick wh succeeded McMahon as coachman went leforo Justice I hall Packer at Seabrighi entered suit Lamar to recover wages amounting 135 in his to the Justice Mr Lamar dont mo I will tell omothing that will him nmnrt Dunphy is to be a witness for Lamar at trial for assault On unphy went to New York to see Mrs flinar Ho was to out and not once hack Ho was finally ordered to see Mr Lumars brotherin Dunphy said that he saw Smith ml got a in time face from tho caw will be heard on Dec 21 ypeirttcrShocked to nratli at Ills Machine CHICAOO Doc Czech a was killed by electricity today t the Polish latctlc office when ho formed circuit laying one hand a and tho a typesetting Without uttering a cry as felled lifeless to tho floor ThroiiKh Sleeper to Ilnrhortt G Seaboard Air Unc Itallway cominrnclnit will operate tlnoucii CArs Wuhlni to rinehurat every Tuesday Thursday iturtlay Leavn New York 12W Noon Inehurnt 7l A M Write orflce I1S3 Ilroad ray ion all Information Ait- Plnehnr t N V Sleeping Car Line flatly except Sunday train Unshlnelon via lUlhetn Hallway Iifccmber lllli New Oflltts 7l and tlW Broadwayidr- Thrunch Trains to Hot Hprlnc Ark M Louis via Iron Mountain Itmilr Ihillnian- impartment cars Tickets and booklet3J I Scot before Unite that a paper purchase curt print them Salt Organized mIner a the that Worker Intimate par the Is plans 1 yes- terday o an land the ben but doe t judg found either all in- surance I punies i rick the I the I i her b I I I I and telng stol sId et law latter 12Joseph printer I a b pip N nee u Ion all York from Of- f 7 u Agent bank- note can Roosevelt the part onto tic fl1M pub- licly assets mt Ads < < MURRAY HEADS ODELL SLATE- FOR COUNT CHAIRMAN HALPIN EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN ArmltKRe Mathews of flrubera District Secrctor1 Reorcanlacatlon and Re- form Proceed Right flown Tbrwigh the List to tics 8crseant t Arra Obsidian t the Ripnblltan Covtitv OtmHttk- CiiAiiLna II MundiT leader of Do Ate Chairman of tlu Eucu IM CommUM Wmam- llnlpin leaded of tde NinthIn place of Jtcqooduot commissioner WILLIAM II Tn KICK FIrst vtctPmUtni RArautl Slraabourfir leader of the Thlrtyflrtt Second vicePrttlOtnt AiimoulO NIAL le i of the Thirtieth district Sftriiarv ARurrnaK AT8cw of Abe Oratm- dlitrict In place of Otosoi n UAircBsar- mTriatunrLomt STruts if be will take It StroeantatArmi KDWXBD Boonni neleoMd This is for Odella slate for the York county committee put through yw at a caucus of district Leaders Hailed as the now boss of the Republican party in the State Qov Odell held all yesterday at the Fifth Avenue His first conferences with BepublioMW were in tho morning and were held In the apartments Senator Platt occupied from 1879 until the of his first wile a over taco The rooms known for nearly u quarter ot a century as 280 Oov Odcll when he arrived in town Friday desired to accentuate hb ac- quisition of the sceptre of leadership and ho wanted 280 It was in J80 that Senator Platt did his share of the work to elect QarflelJ Folger Blame port Harrison Warner Miller Harrison BRain in 1892 Black Roosevelt and Odell for Governor the same year It WCH In 280 In 1894 and 1895 thatSenator Platt thwarted Oov Odells plot to succeed Charles W Hackett aa of the Stato committee made Gov Odcll choirmin of the com mltteo of the State committee Hackett was not In robust health and Odoll couldnt wait for him to die It was in 280 that Senator Platt lectured Ctov Odell for hi efforts at Albany to defeat the Greater Now York charter probably the pet measure of Senator Platts long political career It was in 280 that Senator Platt death of Mr notified dor- Odcll that he was to be made chairman of the Republican State committee It in 280 Senator Platt notified Oov Odell in he was to be the candidate- for Governor Mr Odclls long cherished ambition Likewise it was in 280 Mr Odell after election day in 1900 Odell fervor and gratitude told Senator Platt that he never to his dying hour tho profound gratitude he owed to Senator Senator early in 1001 moved to apartments 150 It was in 168 last that Platt informed Coy Odell that lie was again to bo the candidate for and was 159 that Gov Odell repeated the expressions of gratitude anything a lectio more of the Odcll fervor returned to Albany and organized tho insurgent combination of and till ofwhojti against Senator Platt for reelection and voted to Frank M Baker Senator Platts in Owego to be a Rail- road Commissioner to himself Gov Odell sent in Bakers name to the Senate knowing bin insurgent Senators would got in their work Gov first conference in 280 and in fact his conferences all day con- cerned the selection of now the Now York Republican county committee A Odell saw Color his rival the New York city line roll up a plurality of 122000 he came to Now lit the Republican Club Insisted that the New committee needed and reorganizing and In the recent Mayoralty camo to Now York city A similar Slice election day GOT Odell has spent a good dual of time at tbo with Republicans and with Re- publican Assembly leaders and the New York county committee needed and re And he was especially de- nunciatory of leaders who wero great men on and voter on election Moreover GOT Ddell was especially displeased with leaders of not live in their districts and who were described by Mm AS absentee leaders Our Odell had recent conferences at Albany with a number of those Now York and as an outcome of these discussions at Albany started yesterday morning to reform and ccunty to the lines laid down in his speeches and based tim utterances lias since election Our Odcll has been criticised by Republicans who said that his attitude was Insincere unfair and that he had no other notion of reforming and reorganiz- ing the New county save to reform and it in the Interest sf Gov Odcll ns time new Republican boss of Ihu State that ho show that ho had control of the Now York Repub- lican county committee and that put own men but then the Gover- nors friends replying to these comments said that the was utterly sincere and that did demand that Assembly district leaders should live in ricts and that the chaps who wore great omen in cut vote at the primaries should bo relegated to the rear ho men who get out the vote on election Late on Friday evening few Odell had tent word to the Assembly listrict leaders of tho to it the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday and State committee come down morning when the following Leaders William H Ten William erdlnand Eidman Richard Van Colt cling forhls father Cornelius Van Cott Gunner Frank James Ambrose 0 Neal W kanamakor Samuel William cnliolWllliam Crumble Herbert Parsons Hannon Jacob Newstead and Samuel locniK- Gov Odnll informed these leaders that had been culled together to ex irossion to their as to the election f new officers to the York republican committee at the annui hich is to Im held nn Dec 17 and each jndor was invited to something The ball was by John II rho Wont on to the kind of mart rho fihouid bo elfjpted to succeed M Linn Irucc he must intro fine oxnoutlvo cations and should bo familiar lepubllcnn politics of Now York county declared that Alexander T Inpon loader of tho dIstrict ad nil of tin elmrnctorlHtics described y Mr iunnor i nd hi pro tho nnniB of Mr Mason for the idtration of c pHwmblod- Mr Koinic followed Mr Raymond by nnounclng Julius M Mayer if the Court of Spssion also lust 11 of the qualifications so InUrartlngly j our dOth 1 Dave Morn M Key car tat tat Jatt Platt vote Joseph M Gov Oe neighbor to bo a i 14 t2 f s i i 4 t i4 New itc 1 a little ere on c 1 5 I exec tFre aftert- ime was 4 a i I 1 c i a States Senate voted to eon firm Dickey Senator Railroad Comzniaslonor I getters t I I ni George W Dunn o the honc to time scanco- Odell and Ccl Dunn sat in district t j i Iohn I c c New c 7 started I quail C a 1 eon t tIn A Ii- I r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-12-13 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · r f i SUNDAY DECEMBER is 1603 Rain today changing to and colder lair tomorrow with a cold wave VOL LXX1W 104 NEW YORK

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1903-12-13 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · r f i SUNDAY DECEMBER is 1603 Rain today changing to and colder lair tomorrow with a cold wave VOL LXX1W 104 NEW YORK

r f i


Rain today changing to and colder

lair tomorrow with a cold wave






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Uiidlnc Iloom In the Garden at a Pn-

niluni When the Final Ruth for tlihonors Deitns OouEOl-

lIlnled Making Gallant Sprint

Robert Walthour and Bonny Munrtthe six day race which ended in

ion Square Garden nightteander and Nat were seconcFloyd Krebu and were thirdThe finish of the was made in amile sprint between the representative-of the seventeam that were tied for firsplace-

A occurred in the eighth lap of thmile and all the riders fell except Walthouand rode wide orftll gained a leathat hn Increased in the last lap and hwon by ton lengths

The men who tell wereFisher Floyd Krebs Bedel

The nil was caused by the bursting oftire on Contenets front wheel FlsheI-

TU fourth Xcwkirk Contonot andBedell had to ride another mile to decldfifth sixth and seventh places Tho finnscore of the seven loading 231miles and 3 laps

Keegan and Moran were one lap behlnand had to leave the track before the plateMB fired

The order in which the men finlsha

rusWalthour first Leander second FloydKrebfl third Fisher fourth Newklrkfifth Cont net sixth John Bedell seventh

OKDEII or TEAU rixifluVffM Laps

WaHhour and Munroe 3313Duller 2318

Floyd Krebs and Peterson 33184 and howler aais-i Newklrk and Jacubson 231H0 Centenet and llrcton 3911-T Dcdfll brothers 2318a Keegan and Moran 2J18

The record for 142 hours Is 273V miles 4 lapstiade by Miller and Waller In

Between 8 and 10 oclock last night thplugging or slower of thewere on theprinters did not leave the main floorhowever but rested on cots that worbrought to the trackfilde at the beginningof the last day some dozing or trying tdo BO and the being massagedand trainers ThorMS apparently no of a sprint anvery one knew it at 9 oclock

interest in the race was indicat-ay the fact that a crowd of fully 1500persons probably more were waiting fothe one milesprintby which the race wouldbe decided By the time the finish oftuna wo only an hour off the crowd

a good natured orderlinessquiet reigned

One Incjdent that broke tho orderlyIccurred when some joker on onof the hydrants In tho lot i

trenching torrent pour theruining the gowns of several women

after n oclock it was anbounced that at 10 oclock all tic toan-utrijiprmore lapn behind tho leaders

v b off the track so that onlythose having an oven score for placerould remain for grandInJJh

Some were givenUeh the men In tho long pausedthen at 035 oclock to the delight

Moran started a lastedfar a mile or so was productive ol

changeThe for which the men

as follows though all whotntahed will receive bonuses and most ofbase who started had contracts for bonuses-nd expense moneyFirst prize Jloo second prize 11000

7SO fourth prize 1500 llftrij-

irlze late sixth prize 350 prize 100

The men will be paid tomorrow at theHotel

All day long yesterday the great Americandoors at Square

to payand seats at attended

ind slowest six race ever hold BeforeJIB usual dinner hour all The free seats

ere taken and much of the standing roomBefore 8 oclock nearly all thetents were occupied wero livelylimes at both doors all the afternoonivening Every old trick and a score oftew ones wore tried on the doorkeepers

wouldbe deadheads proteststed scuffles were

The crowd and not nders seemedtartly demented Inside the building

scene often was turbulentand there but an extra detail

If on hand and the disturbancesIrero suppressed Standing room

at a premiumand venders on

who hail chairs and boxes renteda quarter to spectators to use for foot

om the lent oripnted their chairs

There was a variety of fast and slothe raccw the early even

and even when they were ridinglowly It was not dull crowd was a-

iiirly as halt 7 oclock the custom Inseveral years ago of

Xlvortfcinc banners fromalluries and lettlne them float to raea performed this Is not

a before the cloe of h-

bteAt five minutes after 5 oclock Breton

tab leading the string at a whencome out to relieve

I was an intentional foul and a proest After listening to Moranalowever he his complaintTho most exciting

Uy occurred at 0 in the eveningit hud features sensational and aggra

Little Breton ary for a lap although neither he nor hisNirt iu r was a to it if wonjt was a fine effort He gained almost

quarter of a lap and ur overafter a sprint of six or i

Ho was his endeavorek to the end of the string in tile com

lilly of Vanderstuyft The other riderUw the opportunity to lap the French

and leadinghe way Floyd Krebs andfd turns the two FrenchDen ground steadily

and when come out oftrp and pulled In to make pace Neitherlipton nor hold theHCO furnished Gougoltz however andl ret of the field was withli m when Contcnot relieved Breton Ho

on behind and followedThen the most magnificent piece

W course of tim wasbehind and pulled Contend

iced around and caught up with thoin loss than a It was nn

show of andlid pluck on the part of Loth Frenchmen

aggravating feature of this sprintingwns and partner

lid been for the last twelve hoursIg themselves from the track togetherr two Qr hours at a time In

Ml aa ns they were not off more thanur they would bo permitted to ride

This was




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Lendcr andS






exhibition zdes during





Ut 1dm Both fell andraped



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but wai anxious to be In at tfinish and he had noted BO bravelygenerously that the were

other hoover that had it not been forContend and Breton would havelopped and there would haveteam tied fln tconsidered this and ordered Gougoltzof the rnoo

At the finish of this sprint there wasspectacular spill homeatreti-jvnon the won slowing up and bunch


Mpnus Bedell went down with a loudone was hurt although

their tired condition the menmore than usual The crowd scorned I

be wild with excitement throughout thsprint andor cheers and applauseAfter this was resumed

tho crowd amused itself in various

master band played Bedellaaddressing his efforts to spectator

who beat a tattoo awith ice cream t

wooden platters The impromptuthe was so

that he scored two tremendous encoreand tho real band had to twice repeatpiece

last day of the race with sonk successlv

several riding waswhile it lasted At 2 oclockmorning nothing had been accompllshe

subsided and i

was dull all At 134 oclock inmorning the referees ordered

Dove out of the race becausemade no attempt tokeep up when a sprintwas In progress were a menace toother

The continued striving In certainafter sensations and tho printing o

made out of whole cloth ithe extending an invitatioto the police to men in the scorerIK T and check the time of tho mon onoff the track The policemen begun at 43-o clock on Friday afternoon one man taklnthe trick and then beingrelieved by anotherrecords official scorers and totalloit for themselves On Friday eveninand morning the trainers begattho customary of saving the mom

teams that were to doin tho final Whether it wo

prearranged or not records were given thcops which furnkhed material for a sen

yesterday afternoonwas figured Butler had riddetwelve since 430 on Friday ofternooiarid he was notified that ho notagain until 430 yesterday afternoonthe the police scorewould end anti a new beginTho notification to the concennnitheir time on tho track giverpreviously by tho chief of scorers

police were working out thstory it a good one and a3 notified Monroe that heonly nineteen more to

ending at 43oclock therefore went on aonce HO that Monroe might havo the

miiiMtoa in reserve be ablo to reHove Walthour In sprint AHbounder ho went bravely on track t

ride for two hours and aIM wus the eleventh annual six

race The onlywero ahead of the recor was at the end o-

Iho third hour when Kramer wasriiQ score then was 73 mIles 8 which

by McFarland In tQO-


The Decree Gives Her saaooo In FullAlimony and the Costs of the ActionGOSIIEN N Y Dec a upeclo

tho Supreme Court held inJustice William J Gaynor granted

an absolute decree of divorce to AdeleForce Watt against her husband ArchibaldWatt The Interlocutory decree granted

Justice Sewall in Broc klyn on Septprovided that tho same should not becomeabsolute until three months after tho papershad been filed They were in tinjfflce of the County Clerk in

following and thefor final examination

Tho which were filed under sealwere tho County Clerks sateand read Justice Gaynor Mrs Wattattorney Henry L appearedrind support of

attorney for Mr Wattalso and tho motionAfter due deliberation of the argumentsund testimony the final decree was

It declares the defendant ArchibaldWatt is adjudged guilty ofthat Mrs Watt not voluntarily livedwith him since the discovery was madeITio marriage existing between them istherefore each is freed

all obligation thereof It providesthat it for Mrs timarry hut prohibits Archibald Watt

remarrying any person until theilaintiff shall

It provides also tniit the execution bto for tho recovery o

133000 from the defendant inher support and maintenance for

time to come The money must paidwithin ten days and in view of suchvision and Mrs Watt voluntarily

never to seek to annul orquestion of alimony is also

iven to resume maiden name olAdele Force and it is also ordered

that she from the docosts of and allIn connection therewith Tin

iosts are to ho made a tax against tho doendant by County Clerk of1 thisunty


loy of 12 Severely Burned In Vain Effortto Save Younger Child

Michael Woods 12 years old was ycsterlay the hero of South Brooklyn In the eyesf all who of his presence of mind

heroic tho lifo of his sistercnrietta 10 years old whom ho foundrith her clothes on fire and almost deadf fright In tho dining room of their homot 122 Thirtieth street Although hitchel fought valiantly nnd succeeded in

tho flames after beingsadly burned about time hands nnd armslenrlotta will probably die

Tho lad had In charge of tintIle frame and his sister and tworothers while his mother went to pay tho

Ho left tho house to cross streetn some errand and had boon gone only a

moments when Charlie a orroth r ran Into tho street screaming thatIs sister was on ftroMichael rushed into tho homo and threw

of water over her Them was notwater to drown the flames and

bravo boy throw tho girl to the floorrolled her over und over trying to

the child anda number of neighbors and an

was from the Noregian Hospital Ambulnnco Surgeon

girl Michaelsand arms Were dressed by a local

Subsequently the parents of the burnedbud urxjn her returned

their home although the physicians ate said she could not

night The cause of the fire Is saidhavo an accidental swoop of the

tie girls dress against a stove In thotorn

13 rather hood Cnampsine Alwaya reliable Ait





andut no In


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lIvely and Wulthouranti

enort to Walthour madeforce




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FIsher Petersencrash

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Is bettor by mile ecor







Ire sameburning clothes from









Comniltteeman Stewart Plrdcedto the Commuter and Pltttburc Rail

Rid to SlOOOOO Appeal of Ft


WASHINGTON Dec 12 The next R pulican national convention to nominatedidates for President and VicePresidewill bo hold in Chicago beginning on Tuiday Juno 21 1904

TIme national committee reconvenedthe Arlington Hotel at 1020 oclockmorning with Chairman Hanna presldlnand hoard invitations from Chicago I

Louis and Plttsburg An executive sessli-

wUs held and the committee voted totho convention to Chicago The vote wtChicago 43 Plttsburg 7 St 1

The first taken up wostladmission Rico Republicansrepresentation on tho committee andtime national convention Mayor ToddSan Juan and Jos6 Brioso representthe Republican of Porto Ricoever that may Chairman Hannawere heard They urged that their o-

ganizotlon be allowed to affiliate with tlRepublican of tho nation V

want your policiesTodd but we want to bo thei

with you and be identified with the greiRepublican party Ho declared that tlPorto Eicon Republican party hadmore twothirds of the votethe

Mr Brioso asserted that the Republicanof the Island were coming to the conventlcanyway whether wore admittednot Vo dont know wo are but vknow what we want we want to IAmerican citizens and we want to bo menhors of the great Republican

A decision in regard to the i

the Porto Rico Republicans was defcrreuntil the executive session of the commute

The roll of States was called for the pnsentatlon of Invitations for holdingnational convention When Illinois wireached Chicagos invitation was presontcby Samuel B Raymond-

We Imrlted you to Chicago four yearago said Mr Raymond but this year w

In earnest we mean business It hisixteen years since a Republican con

vontion has como to Chicago and wewe are due now

The of St Louis were pnsented former anwhen Pennsylvania wax reached SenatePenrose

We have a delegation from PIUburg said to tyou come with the require-ment namely the entrancetot IIOOOOO for tho con

1 understand they have

as to the oommunlt-ln the great commercial city

and if f 100000 is

in of Senator PenroM It v-leedoommitteo

The committee then into exeicutivsession to tho Invitations an

and to select tho conventlo

business in executive bessioicrate to up the matter of the admiselo-if delegates to the national convoiitio

and rotor the entireto a committee consisting of Post

Gen Scott GenUov Franklin T Murphy c

New Jersey and David W ofcommittee will also coniido

matter of inviting to tho conention from and the Island o

consisting of George H

Sheldon of XowHerrick of Ohio J Edward Addlcks o

Delaware John G Capers of South Caro

Iso appointed to ascertain to extentocialtem into This comnitteo with an inquirnto tho question of guaranteeingfWhen the of n convention cit

was reached Richard Kerens of Micsour-in behalf of St IX UM asked that tho seaipiproposal of St Louis bo opened I

a written guarantee of tinational committee in caw St Loui

was selected as the place for holdingicnvention-

Graemo Stewart on behalf of Chlcagithat ho would personally

75000 fromLet that be reduced to writing win

Senator Hnnnas businesslike commentIll do that Mr Stewartforthwith drew up a document to whichattached his name guaranteeing thi

sum named to the national committeePittsburg will raise the bid sold Sena

Pcnrose when Pennsylvania wasreached and make the offer 100000 whicl

personally guaranteeinformal discussion

ho vote was taken secret ballotwithresult that Chicago received 43 votes Pills

7 and St Louis 1

of fixing the date was sooiSome of tho committpemei

ranted to meet on Juno 14 but June 2

was more to Mr Stewartand again her wish

Senator McComas Internal HevenuiYerkes and Representative

Jrownlow of Tennessee were i

ornmlttw to prescribe the regulations forelection to

on vention from the District of Columbiahere no election laws exist

Tho following were designated as theommittee on arrangements

onotor Scott chairman Senatorlarry Sow of Indiana OrnJmo Stewart

B Schneider of NebraskaA resolution providing that

w ns the call for the convention o-

KX This provides for fourTIO from States and two from

ich Congress district with six from thetwo from the District o-

oluinbia all of whom must be chosenr before May 21 one month before theinvention meetsrice committee then adjourned subjectthe call of tho chairman


til flnly SIBOO Damage and InjuredNone of the PaIntings

The building at 215 West Flftyseventltreat which George W Vanderbilt gave

tho American Fine Arts Society

Ire a short time yesterday Aof line were the galleriestho fire was confined to the topscone of them was fire

as in tics quarters of the Art Students11500 damage

American Fakirs Society uptlsts lost some mementoes was

would be hard to They eonRt l of costumes and catalogues

occurred at an hour thewns in the building It IB not known

itare the only

for trading sect dlntanro that are notreended TdEO Optician 117 H r r-



Tator floe for


Luismater to












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declare pledge










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The maesaid









with themdollars Is

and around oI

will be for thorn toApplause

that the e cibeuld be ijpo1asd-a

ttceftmec1a anniversaryof Ihie

cnarant eds




Georgia wan


ii convention



Iss sec




Hypnotist T tti Oabrlelle Dompard 8toof a Murder

fiptclalCiiblf Dttpatch to Tile SON

Gabriolle Bompard arid a man of theI of Eyrand for murder of a bailiff

strangulation has been recalled In a stratifashion Gabrlelle Bompard and Fyraiescaped to America where theycaptured Eyrand was guillotined InParGabricllo Bompard pleaded that she oormitted the crime under the hypnoticfluonoo of Eyrand She was sentenceto penal servitude but was released a fernontht ago

Her counsel recently arrangedProf filogcols to hypnotize her tothat her unsuccessful plea in regardhypnotism was true The professor plowher in a hypnotic state and recalledmind to the day Immediately precedingcrime The woman then lived the crinagain with fearful realism and displayed

the greatest mental torture She showedhow she had been quarreling with Eyranabout tho subject and had refused agoand again to assist his murderous schemaShe pleaded shrieked and coaxed in vainThen It was evident that Eyrand spranat her throat

Oh he Is strangling me she criedwrithing in Imaginary pain Let mgo Ill bring him you are killing me

she enacted the scene of the murshowed how left all night with th

corpse about to commit suicideShe also described the flight to America

The sight of the writhing strugglingwoman enacting the scenes of horror both

before and after the crime was startllnand weird Photographers tookshots of her throughout and stenographers reported her words verbatimaroused from her trance Gabrlelle Born

paul showed no trace of theand recollected nothing

Prof Slogcois Ii convinced that she wato participate in the crime in

state and says he never met seasy a subject He will make a repotto the Academy of


Health Not Good and Family fne lilato Return to Venice

Serial CaW Diipalch to Tas SUM

ROME Dec vague rumor whic-

is acquiring form is to the effect thatPopes health Is not a good as it should tx

His weak and he suffers for lack ofair and scene His Holiness I

perfectly resigned but his sisters aremuch worried over his condition Theare mansions to advise him to abdicate aftreturn to Venice-

It is improbable that the agreto his sisters wish to and It inoteworthy that a successor to him aPatriarch of Venice has not been namedOnly a vicar has been appointed

irjvs ox riis LiT LEG

Mftl Lena Enenshi Oawa mato PrU n Keeper

the city prison was a man namedHe passed the mental

tion but when it came to the medical testthe doctor told that ho could not go 01tho eligible list because he was not up to

the minimumheight of 5 feet 7 inchesSay doctor measure me stand in1 on me

left tnt ConlanWhat do you the exam

inerWell one of me futs is longer thantother and mebba I cart make good onmo biggest tog Conlan explained

The medical examiner took Conlon at hisword He found that Conlon standing onhis right heel was 5 tyt Inches tallwhile when standing left heel hewas S feet 7 inches

Whether or not Conlon ought to be

passed on his left leg or rejected onright leg was a problem the doctor didntcare to tackle He referred theto the commissions committeepeals Tho committee struggled for

but found in favor of time left legwon last June and since then the com-

mission has from time to time solemnlymatter until it has now decided

name on the eligibleIt realized that if went to thehe would at least have a fair half of the bestof the argument and would not bo In theclass of litigants sometimes described-by to fight cases in court

a on


larvard Man Arrested for DliordcrlBehavior In Ilotton

BOSTON Dec De L fbiichs of New York n member of the sopholucre class in tho Lawrence scientific school

Harvard and a relative of Hermann Oel

iclis was fined f 10 for drunkenness in theMunicipal Court this morning

Paul arrested him last night at thecorner of Boylston and Washingtontreets

According to the policeman Oelrlchisome college mates wore accosting

the good looking young women passingn tho neighborhood He said that Oel

Ichs was drunk and that after he had beenwarned speaking to young women

went two morepleaded guilty and paid the

ire He toldbeaten after he was taken to the stn

lion house but tho Judge did not go Intoany investigation along that line


foCretor and Ipton Get Two Year and-a Fins of 8IOOO Each

lUwiMonE Dec 12 Thomas WIcGregor and C Upton tho clerks

the rural free delivery division of thoOffice Department who wore convicted

last Monday In the United States Districtof conspiracy to defraud tho Gov

rnment on a postal contract senenccd today Thomaso sec vo two years in the Maryland Peal

and to a tIne 1000were found a trial

which lasted six days Motion for a newrial came for ai gument thIs morningJudge Morris

Wines Ar PureBuy of the Vvc are the Rperlal

Sendrice Ueweya IM Fulton at New York City

gut Jaektonrllle and Flarlda Eaat C a t-

PolatiP U via Southern Railway Dining

sleeping Cars New York 271 andlbs Ait

SBOREUAM Wellington D Oand European Best location best

and beat making It the leadingtbe capitol Jobs DevlneAtfa


M 12The famous ot















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I appleI







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on Ian

lawyer tying







I Court




maker maker





alt ulan

PARtS trialuser




















Judge Holdom holds the Union neipontllfor Violating an Injunction Throu

of Violence Hie Decision Isof the Kind In the

CHICAGO Pee fine of 1000 fillegal acts was Imposed upon FranklUnion No 4 Press Feeders byHoldom today The Court foundunion as a corporation of contemof court for an injunction rstraining it as an organization from Interferlng with the business or employeesten printing firms members of the Cliica-iTypothetw

Holdoms action creates a probeing the first tune in the

of trades unionism in this country thathas fined a union as a corporatIon

decision Judge Holdom has handidown on opinion in which he severely

the acts of pickets and union mornbets which followed the press feedersstrike

Such warfare cannot and will not I

tolerated by tho in a land of poisewhore people are by lawJudge Holdom and the lawlooking in one of its most necessary attnbutes If it was impotent to punish for sueviolation-

As soon as the decision was rendereJohn A Bloomington counsel for the unionoffered a cash appeal bond of 1600 and

would carry the caseto a higher countJudge Holdom in hU opinion revieweddetails of the strike declared on Septand of the the injunction granteon Oct 10 recited various actof violence testified to inbeen bythe

From the affidavits in evidence i

this case said the Judge itthat more than fifty peoplesince the inception of the difficulties scforth in the bill assaulted Intimidatedcalled by opprobrious epithets and

with harm simply becaubeworked in a place vacated voluntarily-

by members of Franklin Union I aof the alleged aggressors with the exceptlqn of John Mucher being members athe union John Mucher condemned twicfor assault and unlawful picketing in company with members of tho union In viola

of the injunction has been defendslawyer of the union

in mind that the charge ithe that of conspiracy and that tinacts enjoined were those used in furtherance of such conspiracy it would seerfrom the evidential fact that the actionof the union at tho meeting of Sept 27in the establishment of tho strike headquartom on Custom House Courtassault and intimidation by AssUtar-SergeantntAiTnB h and by Visitlag Conwiltteeman Hagbwg the paymentstrike benefits at thestrike headquarter

treasurer with tho unio-m and thefact that no discrimtnatio-

aVMaldrtlgabW tttYmeraboreknown to be guilty of acts in thomsclvtcriminal establish the union as a conjpirator with its offending membersand privy to tho violations of thesf which some of Its members stand rotcdoted and therefore guilty of vlolatio-iif the injunction and amenable to dis-

ilpline of such violation providing it canbe so disciplined under the law

Recounting the acts of the strikers JudgiHoldom said

Punishment is meted out in accordant1with tho gravity of the offence committedTho consequences of violation of the Injunction by the union have been manassaults on innocent persons seeking twork under contracts satisfactory to

and their employers There Im-

ijeen no discrimination between the sexesWomen have been assaulted and ter-

orized and followed to their homestheir families intimidated Murder hmeven resulted from the unlawful acts o

union and its striking members Tinjomploinants have been interferedand arrested in the prosecution of theirlawful affairs and have been put to greatsxpenss annoyance and anxiety in ass3rt

their rights before the law and Iri

the protecting arm of this courtThe Court is impressed the Judge said

before Imposing the fine rwith tinutter impossibility In this particular cast

f attaining the ends of justice by thoof a nominal fine and that th

resting upon the Court impels a fluesomewhat measured by the gravity of limo

jffences committed the continuedof the Injunction and the perslsten

persecution of honest wage canners winsee entitled to tho protection of the law ii

pursuit of their dally avocation T-

he they have a right to look for proconfidence that such rights

shall be maintained in their integrityDetails of various acts of violence were

told of by Judge Holdom On Oct 13

1903 he said D E Drydon employed byMarsh fc Grant was knocked down byAssistant SergeantatArms Kavunaugli-if Franklin Union No 4 and assaultedand kicked by other strikers Hertha

was visited several times byHagberg a member of the

isiti ng committee of the unionOoolinick i visited by tho

same John Sophia alsoiBlted said John all given

union card and offered money toheir employment and also threatenedwith case of Baumcl


Cross Dill Against Capt BrownWio Led the Expedition

SAN FRANCISCO Dec 12 ix uls Hlooser owner of the schooner Herman

put up 20000 to sendexpedition to the South

Islands to recover Cocos Islandcensure which Urown said had beon transfurred to one of the Society Islands tiara

a cross libel to suit for 3S

oyagethat ho had knowledge

icatlon of the treasure butj take the vessel to the chargeim with misappropriating 2000

to him for withTho cross libel asks for 20000

was advanced Moowsr and otherstho expenses of the expedition

Through to City of McslcoWithout Vhancr ot Cars

a Iron Mountain noutc In elegant Pullman rAnSt Louis 840 I M via Antonio

id Laredo shortest ant Ticketsreservations US Broadway Adr

Holiday Rates SouthVia Southern By New York OfAcea n andK Adt

Act tie




Jude historyn





tencur having


threat-ened they















ntold that would Inthe sue


and other

fed al during theBrown fuJI

















her be rostetlneighborhood where resIded



supercargo hermans




SLEVT1I HEARD TELEGRAM 0Connecting New Yorkers With Counter

fclten Arrested In MassachusettsService KlinUo is a tele

and he testified yesterdayStates Commissioner Shields

to the transmission of a despntiwhich he iw Benjamin Farber write intelegraph office in Grand street It wi

addressed to II Frankel who was arrestwith John Davis the notorious Engllicounterfeiter at Revere Moss This mesago Kllnke said was signed Harry Steinand was an appointment to mae Frankin Boston

John Bennett and John A Howe salesman for a house in Beekman streetidentified Harry Stein one of the gan

arrested here as havingand tracing paper firma

Whether or not time counterfeits shown 1

were on that paper thenot bogus notes havin

boon with chemicals to makeresemble genuine notes


to De IMstnutful of lloosovrltAttitude on Labor

liANSPono Pa Dec 12 A carefulvase among the in the southerpart of the coal that there Is

strong sentiment favoring the nomlnatloof Senator Hanna for President onRepublican ticket It is understoodPresident Mitchell of the United Mir

has to his lieutenanta the of

miners in favor of picashim greatly and it was on this aecourthat the miners wero sounded

There a dispositionen of thminers to favor Hanna on the ground thehe has shown himself to bo a more conslsterfriend of labor Tho Miller case they sayshowed that the President is not as gros

a friend of organized labor as his action I

mediating in tho coal strike would Ind


Inlvmlty of Chicago Authorities in i

Expectant MoodCHICAGO Dec 12 About any

that Mr Uockefeller have with referemcee to tho university I am as ignorant i

a child But did you over see me whenwas not in an expectant mood

In thcso words President Harperexpressed the official attitude

the toward tho rumthat John D Rockefeller was contemplalag an unusually large Christmas gift tthe institution Tho faculty and studentare confidently exporting importantnouncements of gift B anti plans at the wintconvocation a week from Tuesday

Since the extensive purchase ofby tho university on the south side ofMidway it has admitted by the cologe authorities great medical school

would be built timers it is thought liltwill bo for iv


Provident Ufe Loses Its Case JOVerdict tfrougKl fri Against It

LOUISVILLE Ky Dec 12 A jury In tlCircuit Court this afternoon gavemerit for 76000 against the ProvidentLife Assurance Society and In favor ofexecutors of R C Whayne who wasdead near town a year ago havingjomraittcd suicide or been shot accidentalwhite hunting Whaynes business was i

had shape he had accumulated lifoa few amounti-

nit the time of his death to 330000 Othis 190000 had nm for more than aind Incontestable including one policyFor 130000 issued bv a New York company

Tho Provident Lire refused 01-

i 70001 and tho Equitable on i

130000 policy comwere and the C BJ of the Prol

lent was the first to bo tried Thetrial occupied nearly two weeks but in tinopinion of jury the insurance corn

to prove suicide The Equitible companys nuxt to be


rfslilfiit and Cashier of a SuspendsIndiana Concern Taken Into Custody

EiJviiAiiT Ind Dec 12 Deputy Unitedstates Marshal Boyd arrived from Indianipolia totlay and arresjed President Brod

and Cashier Collins of the suspendedIndiana National Batik of tits city on thecharge of violating the national bankiiiflaws

Nothing was known of the matteruntil tho Marshal started with

for Goshen to arraign thembefore the United StatesThe moil nsnortwl their innocence of an-

delation of tho law It is said here thatwarrants were issued yesterday bj

United States District Attorneyimmediately on lila return to

was must ructod thoto lining criminal proceeding

it oncerice deposits when tho bank failed worn

almost SfiCOOOO with hardly anything ormud as


iloMBlions Successor Wants to Get 61-

Waces OverdueLOKU BRANCH N J Dec 12 Davit

dinars troubles continue to multiplyiince his acquittal on tho charge of con

to kill his former coachman JamesiIcMahon To Iay Patrick whsucceeded McMahon as coachman wentleforo Justice I hall Packer at Seabrighi

entered suit Lamar to recoverwages amounting 135

in his to the Justice

Mr Lamar dont mo I will tellomothing that will him nmnrt

Dunphy is to be a witness for Lamar attrial for assault On

unphy went to New York to see Mrsflinar Ho was to out and notonce hack Ho was finally ordered to see

Mr Lumars brotherinDunphy said that he saw Smith

ml got a in time face from thocaw will be heard on Dec 21

ypeirttcrShocked to nratli at Ills MachineCHICAOO Doc Czech a

was killed by electricity todayt the Polish latctlc office when ho formedcircuit laying one hand a

and tho a typesettingWithout uttering a cry

as felled lifeless to tho floor

ThroiiKh Sleeper to Ilnrhortt G

Seaboard Air Unc Itallway cominrnclnitwill operate tlnoucii CArs Wuhlnito rinehurat every Tuesday Thursday

iturtlay Leavn New York 12W NoonInehurnt 7l A M Write orflce I1S3 Ilroad

ray ion all Information Ait-

Plnehnr t N V Sleeping Car Lineflatly except Sunday train Unshlnelon via

lUlhetn Hallway Iifccmber lllli NewOflltts 7l and tlW Broadwayidr-

Thrunch Trains to Hot Hprlnc ArkM Louis via Iron Mountain Itmilr Ihillnian-

impartment cars Tickets and booklet3J


Scot before

Unite that




curt printthem

Salt Organized

mIner a


Worker Intimate par the





terday o




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ArmltKRe Mathews of flrubera DistrictSecrctor1 Reorcanlacatlon and Re-

form Proceed Right flown Tbrwigh

the List to tics 8crseant t Arra

Obsidian t the Ripnblltan Covtitv OtmHttk-CiiAiiLna II MundiT leader of Do Ate

Chairman of tlu Eucu IM CommUM Wmam-llnlpin leaded of tde NinthIn place of Jtcqooduotcommissioner WILLIAM II Tn KICK

FIrst vtctPmUtni RArautl Slraabourfirleader of the Thlrtyflrtt

Second vicePrttlOtnt AiimoulO NIAL le iof the Thirtieth district

Sftriiarv ARurrnaK AT8cw of Abe Oratm-dlitrict In place of Otosoi n UAircBsar-

mTriatunrLomt STruts if be will take ItStroeantatArmi KDWXBD Boonni neleoMd

This is for Odella slate for theYork county committee put through yw

at a caucus of district LeadersHailed as the now boss of the Republican

party in the State Qov Odell heldall yesterday at the Fifth AvenueHis first conferences with BepublioMWwere in tho morning and were held In theapartments Senator Platt occupied from1879 until the of his first wile aover taco The roomsknown for nearly u quarter ot a centuryas 280

Oov Odcll when he arrived in townFriday desired to accentuate hb ac-

quisition of the sceptre of leadership andho wanted 280 It was in J80 thatSenator Platt did his share of the workto elect QarflelJ Folger Blameport Harrison Warner MillerHarrison BRain in 1892

Black Rooseveltand Odell for Governor the same year

It WCH In 280 In 1894 and 1895 thatSenatorPlatt thwarted Oov Odells plot to succeedCharles W Hackett aa of theStato committee madeGov Odcll choirmin of the commltteo of the State committee Hackettwas not In robust health and Odoll couldntwait for him to die It was in 280 thatSenator Platt lectured Ctov Odell for hiefforts at Albany to defeat the GreaterNow York charter probably the pet measureof Senator Platts long political career

It was in 280 that Senator Plattdeath of Mr notified dor-

Odcll that he was to be made chairman ofthe Republican State committee Itin 280 Senator Platt notified OovOdell in he was to be the candidate-for Governor Mr Odclls long cherishedambition Likewise it was in 280

Mr Odell after election day in 1900

Odell fervor and gratitude told SenatorPlatt that he never to his dyinghour tho profound gratitude he owed toSenator

Senator early in 1001 moved toapartments 150 It was in 168 last

that Platt informed Coy Odellthat lie was again to bo the candidate for

and was 159 that GovOdell repeated the expressions of gratitude

anything a lectio more of the Odcll fervorreturned to Albany and organized

tho insurgent combination ofand till ofwhojti

against Senator Platt for reelection

and voted to Frank M Baker SenatorPlatts in Owego to be a Rail-road Commissioner to himselfGov Odell sent in Bakers name to theSenate knowing bin insurgent Senatorswould got in their work

Gov first conference in 280and in fact his conferences all day con-

cerned the selection of now theNow York Republican county committeeA Odell saw Colorhis rival the New York city lineroll up a plurality of 122000 he came toNow lit the Republican ClubInsisted that the New

committee needed andreorganizing and In the recent Mayoralty

camo to Now York cityA similar

Slice election day GOT Odell has spent agood dual of time at tbo

with Republicans and with Re-

publican Assembly leaders andthe New York county

committee needed and reAnd he was especially de-

nunciatory of leaders who wero great menon and voter

on election Moreover GOTDdell was especially displeased with leadersof not live intheir districts and who were described byMm AS absentee leaders

Our Odell had recent conferencesat Albany with a number of those Now York

and as an outcome of thesediscussions at Albany started yesterdaymorning to reform andccunty to the lineslaid down in his speeches and basedtim utterances lias since election

Our Odcll has been criticised byRepublicans who said that his attitude wasInsincere unfair and that he had noother notion of reforming and reorganiz-ing the New county saveto reform and it in the Interestsf Gov Odcll ns time new Republican boss ofIhu State that ho showthat ho had control of the Now York Repub-lican county committee and thatput own men but then the Gover-nors friends replying to these commentssaid that the was utterly sincereand that did demand that Assemblydistrict leaders should live inricts and that the chaps who wore greatomen in cut vote at the primariesshould bo relegated to the rearho men who get out the vote on

electionLate on Friday evening few Odell had

tent word to the Assemblylistrict leaders of tho toit the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday and

State committee come down

morning when the followingLeaders

William H Ten Williamerdlnand Eidman Richard Van Coltcling forhls father Cornelius Van Cott

Gunner Frank JamesAmbrose 0 Neal W

kanamakor Samuel WilliamcnliolWllliam Crumble Herbert Parsons

Hannon Jacob Newstead and SamuellocniK-Gov Odnll informed these leaders that

had been culled together to exirossion to their as to the electionf new officers to the York republican

committee at the annuihich is to Im held nn Dec 17 and eachjndor was invited to something

The ball was by John IIrho Wont on to the kind of martrho fihouid bo elfjpted to succeed M LinnIrucc he must intro fine oxnoutlvocations and should bo familiarlepubllcnn politics of Now York county

declared that Alexander TInpon loader of tho dIstrictad nil of tin elmrnctorlHtics describedy Mr iunnor i nd hi pro

tho nnniB of Mr Mason for theidtration of c pHwmblod-

Mr Koinic followed Mr Raymond bynnounclng Julius M Mayerif the Court of Spssion also lust11 of the qualifications so InUrartlngly






Morn M Key





voteJoseph M Gov Oeneighborto bo a







i4New itc








exec tFre








i a

States Senate voted to eonfirm Dickey

SenatorRailroad Comzniaslonor






ni George W Dunn o the

honc to time scanco-Odell and Ccl Dunn sat in













eont tIn


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