THE SUN FRIDAY AUGUST 8 1902 i 1 > > AN EARLY START IN DRAMA gnvrr IMWS TillS SIM VS FIIIST VJSIF itln Version by Jmtln Artanm of Viinkrc Storj l Cliarlfj 1elton Pidgin l IniriHlurrd at the Acadcm of Mmlc Mntri Among the Acton The nr t now drama of the theatrical a in f 180J3 In Nw York Quincy Adam Snwyor at Academy of Music last night defied those grumblers who frown rustic plnys nnd book plays for It wan both of those things Justin Adatni had made It out of Charles Pidgins novel Salient portions of tho had ron put together In an actable fequenco Tho joint work was of no dramatic conwquonco but It fulfilled Its purpose hy adding one to the large number of rural shows It was neither the best nor of them but good enough- to bvonv popular with an indiscriminate multitude Thero was central In It a young Bostonlan lawyer Quincy Adam Saiflier who went Malms tirners and stirred up the Ho began by making the girls tho fellows but ended by htrninK out the complicationsI- n the love of two couplet and be fides doing good for others he counted hliivelf In n his honcfnctlons by taking- for his wifo the pretty blind girl whoM eyes he succeeded in opening That part nun played by harlot Very littlo of this was In sober It was ino comical farco with some pathetic relief Its persons weTs cnrimturfs chiefly and Its Incidents- were burlesquo with few exceptions often IUd tho portraiture or the get tree of exaggeration and this true 1 the seriousness as It was of the hilarity- The place shown were a country store and Post Oflire a road crowing a sitting room a farmyard with a husking and the in lio nnd outsldo of n home during snow storm That layout of the scenery indicate the unoriginnllty of the piece But there safety in conventionality- The playwright in this case i a tyro in the author Is unlnventlvo In compoBitlon Both have looked at New England rusticity through furt and Judge jrjnwes and thereby seen It In the ways that make city folks laugh They have given none of the Shore Acres or Old Homestead fidelity but they provide a plenty of ludicrous stuff and It made the audience laugh uproariously The players wore nearly all to NVw York hut they averaged well In abilities that lay within the limits of the work had to do It wan n rather good perform mif The husking bee ending with a Virginia- reel was tho representation Here a cow kicked a from stable halt across the barnyard and- a freshly painted For sale being aid on a to dry offset It words on the rear clden spooning that wU on it Of course was a ear among the corn and the young it Ho was not content to ono girl but seized upon all within Ineluditg those and those who want him to The fun of this was changed to pathos Ingeniously Imri in orld iaui lit for breath I ln llo e Ivo kissed Vmnll All except In said a rustic point- ing to the blind nil exc ptln Tho laughter on the It did throughout the theatre of the eyes saw the fellow kla that sightless girl brimmed with A girl Btagenamod Little Elsie Is a re- markable inlmlo this week at Keiths She is a thin dainty apologetic creature but like Liiwy Loftus her nonentity turns to positlvenesi when who imitates peculiar actors Behldos May Irwin Anna Hold and other easy subjects she reproduces Daw and Jimmie KusHll with wonderful fidelity The Zaroigs who ore at Paradise Gardens more mystifying than any other of the many mind readorH since tho Hellers In- cited scientists to btudy tho system It then settled beyond a doubt that tho man who passed through the audience con- veyed Information to tho woman on the utat o means of a secret code of words intricately varied In Inflection emphasis sequence Mr Hellers left MIM unable to find a successor to hint hut there been numerous Iml tatorn The anolg uses very few word or gestures with tho woman will Their most puz- zling feat Is that In which reads a book any passage pointed out a specta- tor to the man a book How Mr Wormwood whoso dogs and are at Blossom Grove l t hU Newfoundland know what to Not a word Is spoken to the brute when he to figures written on a slate to add and divide them mental arithmetic Ho barks from flop time up to the right numeral with hardly ever nn error are fixed on Ms master who presumably a for each bark but observat- ion not discover what that Ii Two daughters of the late John Wild ill actresses this season In a farce Fanny who was In- HnrrlK nHart company when Mr wild was thero will return to the stage after eight yearn of retirement REFfSEIt TO LEAVE JAIL Heaion Wanted to Kervlcn of Pa pen In a Chll Suit Him A capias secured by Assemblyman Fallon of Holioken hu been hands of Sheriff holding him respon- sible for tho production In court of Frank U ner whose term of Imprisonment- has expired In tho Hudson County Jail wa sentenced for an assault upon Mrs labulla Jordan his boarding throat he slashed with a razor WissnerB term of imprisonment was drawing to a close Mrs civil pMcecdingH ngalnst hint for tho re covery of I30UUO domagoH claiming that was permanently affected by n nult To papers In the ci o Wijtner refusod to leave t held a prisoner the comes to FORXES ACTIXd MAYOR Maxor low start To4ay for Vacation In Mattie Mayor Low will begin his vacation to day Ho will bo away for threo wiuks and will spend his holiday at his country home at Northeast Hail or Mo President Ferae of thu Aldermen will bo tho acting Mayor Under tho Charter tho Mayor cannot make appointments C anti Low away for less than thirty days Three Killed In Creamer lire MIDDLETOWN N Y Aug 7In u flro which destroyed ono of tho Reid Ice Cream Company creameries In the town of Iruwford early this morning the wife two young children of Kmlllo I mbardo wore burned to death Lombardo was a rhe iw manufacturer who one part of the building Lombardo succerded In carrying child out In ho attempted to reSntor the building tho him back JfTER a th upon ton tIP t I pal ant Dick ply r fet ot acton I lr pall la er KIN ole nnl mal she dOll do and I n the teM who the the for cat trial a ur thirty sed l lnnc Sit IL I- An Yank iso stag t stage tears arc was liars seems does mu- sical Escape Against served ail whu time came lila release issner will Until until and oldest > > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > NEW YORK OYERSWIFT FOR HIM But Providence Mutt Had a Muddled Iloitonlan In Keeping This to a story of a Boston man gone wrong also a proof of the sayIng that special Providence watches over and seine others It was Just after t last night An unsteadily ffaltH man a ticket in the chopper oos a the Fourteenth street elation the Xinth cnu elevated and ugRereU beat i rl odpe of the plat- form Just then au uptown express train tho curve a I rushed to le The man regarded It hUiitly stepped back somewhat and as the train flew by without ttopiitf hU mouth opened and o flow of language gushed forth Ho approached tho ticket chopper Im from Borhn he declared Wanter get to Harlem Whish train The ticket chopper sized Inquisitor- up nml train The visiting Xiw Knulander d to the edge of 0 again A of the exp s flashed into covn upon the platform The Boston mal ewung forward and grasped wildly at the gate of tho first cat There was a parabolic streak of dark- ness anH n thud a the wouldhe parson ger lay quietly against tho railing at of tho platform The ticket chopper and the colored porter ni hed to him and curried tho limp form into the waiting room Just as were about to send for nn ambulance the man opened hU eyes nnd looked around Owli he sold Then IIP settled peace- fully back on the eat The porter and tho ticket chopper went back to their re- spective Jobs Experience had taught them that tact who exclaimed gosh with such fervor were safe The man from another city from the other cityopened his eyes again and sot up Slowly began to feel of hU anatomy muttering to himself the while Femursh all ri Fibln nil all ri Fibula- sh all rl Now lech see Vech vertabrro- Vh all rlno no I mean aro all ri KIMi all rl1 Humorush ish nil rl RadnUh- Vh Vi alt ri nIna sli nil right Frontal procesh all ri Clucsh Im all ri Hut Shay guard guard Come here The colored porter approached the man resumed Shay in name sh Richard Sturglshlo an I live in Hoshn Don give thlsh away umiershtan Hero sh nhome money ten dbllnrsh maybbe take It an keep Don let pllch or any damn V shay Richard Sturgish couldn cach train Im nn actor I am an twould ruin m reputashun Anti he of the hiMrlonlc powers arose and boarded a local train and vanished toward the north The colored porter MIl the ticket chopper had a whispered conversation and the incident seemed closed Wa that man hurt much asked a sympathetic woman Tho ticket chopper looked up amazed Youll have to inquire at the office madam he replied sol- emnly Wo are not allowed to speak about matters pertaining to tho road PERJURY IX A MECHANICS LIEX flan of Ialiol DoelarliiE hint irlf to lie a Iontraeturt tent In an examination before Magistrate Flammer in tho Tombs court yesterday morning Matthew A Ryan appeared ad the complainant against James T a contractor of IBM East End avenue charg- ing him with swearing falsely In causing to IK filed on March 8 a mechanics lien for 4000 on tho property 210 and 218 Wet Thirtysixth street owned by the Iudln fotmmnv- FltzpntrlpK It is charged represented an an agent for who IN IL builder living at 423 Boulevard Astoria and for a contractor named anti obtained MuRlhtrate Klammer held JtftJO bonds for further examination on Aug 24 on the charge of perjury KEPT TllK ROLLS HOT IHkrrs VUgon Iliirnod In the Street lllekrd to Tree Himself baker of his South Orange avenue Newark went to the third floor of n house In South Tenths stiwt yesterday to deliver some rolls and lila welltrained up the street to the house of the next When lutz emerged upon the street again he heard u racket and saw lUint coming from his wagon a block away Time horse wa trying to kick ittelf free from the burning wagon Lutz ran forward nnd out the animal loose Then he tried to save his wagon and neighbors assisted him An alarm of lire was sent out from a box and nn engine re- sponded hut there was litttle salvage wagon body and contents were destroyed The fir e probably started from a hanging wagon LATIMER CASK MADE lIEU HVIH1 Woman Threw Out a Process Server Whom She Mistook for a IturjUr William II Striker a law clerk on calling at tho Hancock tnt Hrooklyn about a month ago to servo some papers on George Garrett was forcibly ejected by Mrs Geneva Rarrctt tho Mrs Garrett had to appear yesterday in tho Adams street court to answer to a charge of assault made by Striker She explained to Magistrate Dooley that her WaS a few that In which Mr Jetliner had been shot anti killed a fow nights previous a burglar and that fearing might be u marauder she had determined to no chances and him out The hearing adjourned WILL SlHWVl Tfi VOTEltS There Wrrr 513 llallots anti lookr Ii Sure He haul More halt UTICA N Y Aug Quo warrant- oprocdliig brought by N T Ixicko tie de- feated candidate for Sheriff In Hamilton will com up for trial at the regular the Supreme Court In Fulton county In Intends to sulipulia voters front various of county- to show he luau n majority of 513 votes mst at cost for transportation alone will exceed 500 and the will make the of tho case exceed 11000 Some of voters live near the Hi Lnwrencx county line and will have to travel 200 a nlxmt route to get to Others will have wagon trips Juilge falls Indictment Outrage Judge Foster In the General Sessions yesterday sold that tire Jury had on outrage by eighteen yearold Fred SlneUlnoff of 152 for picking tho pocket of Honjamln Cooper without it anti that- it a cowartlly practice Ho sold This defendant to the expense anti humiliation of this trial with tit slightest Justification He has i ort In the police hi char- acter Is beyond The duty of grand au much to defend 8t of the accused as It U to find Indictments at the of tho District Attorney or citizen complainant laTe a tool e I runt I don station i I j pIc form lEnd eton die- back are all quiet pd thE lore horse welt tIOA b Tin culT r 32 th the court Grad on Its his juts gosh superin- tendents Fitzpatrick hun its house was t hurt costs lie Ridge street was tins I f r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HATDQC OT AFTER HER VIAMOXDS OUT 11 EH FAVOItlTE STEEDS Pot tlicene Saddled heady to title When IllanrheNpreailAUrmTlirouKlitiuaher lUnge Matter and Farm Listen Reporters and You Khali Hear Morvr VERNON N Y Aug 7 Blanche Dates the actress who with her mothe- rs llvhifc In tlo Carpenter manor house at Quaker Ridge which overlooks Mamaro nock on the Sound had an experience this morning with a band of robbers who attempted to rob the house and steal her trained honcs Pot Cheese and Molasses which rode last year at the Academy- of Music in her appearance 14 Cigarstte in Under Two hinge ML Hates de- clares that this is no am As a result of tho encounter at the Bates cottage one robber was shot and then carried away by his comrades leaving a pool of real blood a a guarantee of tho story Sidney Yardley a young man who is overseer for Miss Bates and who bravely foiled the robbers and saved her pets Is lying Id an upstairs room of tho cottage and Miss hates Is at his bedsldo trying to nurse him back to Ufo Ho n- colvtxi a terrible blow on tho back of the head with a blackjack or sandbag and Dr J M Hall of Mamaromck who is attending him fears that ho may have concussion of tho brain Yardley Is tho son of an Episcopal clergyman of Denver Col He sPoilt tour years on tho plains an a cowboy anti for thn last two years has been in the employ of the actress to look after her horses Ho Is only 23 years old Miss Rates was not nt home today when the reporters called Her mother sold that she had been up all night nursing Yardley and was so nervous over the en- counter that site had gone with a friend for a drive TIn robbers according to Mrs Bates were seen by a cook prowling the house early in the evening but paid no attention to them a she thought that they were servants on some of the neighboring estates The men Mrs Bates thinks intended to rob the house but did not it owing to tin presence of her nephews who were It was wh n who blipt in nn upstairs room heard talking- out near tin himself and taking a revolver ho went out A minute later Miw Bates her mother and the other orvupuntti of tho cottage were alarmed the of and thu cursing and shouts of tho robbers They nlco heard n vehicle of some kind dash out of I ho yard and go tearing down hill toward Mmiiaroncok Unto ran to room and found it She then went front room to roumnroucliiR tho servants and shouting Out out upon theml Sidneys murdcixill The servants ran out Into the yard and found Yardley lying under n tree Hates anti a lu d Sidney whats tho matter Have they Yurdley made no reply huts to the back of anti fainted He sine Ixen unconnelou mot f the Nicholas Rurtix a farmer arid his hired mart who live across the tnt trout thu cottage drow to Mnmaroneik for a doctor und notified tho police at 3 oclock this morning Yardloy did not recover conwlouenrss until late this afternoon and then he was able to talk a short time Ho Mid that lv hal heard voices and had gone to Investigate When he found that then went ho stood Ifhlnd a tree and was taking aim to shoot when ono of them snw him anti shout l Whos there Before could reply the man fired anti tired nt tin smn Yard- ley Is confident that ho hit as saw him stagger acainst the and throwing up his hands fhout to a com- panion mo As fired titan ho was struck in the hack of the bond with a I Iwlleved that after Ynrdloy out of the way the roMxTs u their companion placed him In iliolrcnrriagn man f ll U covord with hIred Tho had saddled both of Mlis BatesV pt lurns Col fforup While looker brothrrlnliiw of Jim Kl k diMl at hl in Itratllf horo Vt i W ln sday lirirt ilUiM lie wis horn ut ii X V Fob ti Uli eiilislcil in Auirunl IKH1 an a in Cnrniiuny F Fourth Vfriiiont oluntci ftir battle of h doc lined u- Ciitniiic In tin line niil its In tin staff of n K II Hloiieliloii in Jiini 1 H he WHS iipiKiintml Assistant Ailju- IHTI of with tln rank of IiriitcnantColoiicl He had rhartf of HIM orCiiiiizaiiun 01 tin I thou column Hint inarclnil into itiohiuonil on tho iiiurnini of Its cituri Hi a of honor trout ronerrsii for dMIiiKiuMieii tiallantr in nrtinn at South Mountain wounded tee times fit liold Mirhor in thn of lt 70 hi bfcniiio junior in tin firm of William lliKlcii Co hunkers and in Sew and In th samp your In removed to UrnttlolKirn In IlTs Im was M olnt Ml thief of ntulT wit lit he rank of Colonel by jot Irorlor In fxi h a n iU U Kute at to the Nntlnnal ltriulillcan Gnu ventlou In ChlcnRo nnd in the h was chosen a member of the National Coin inlttee In tho fall of in h was chosen to represent llrnttlebnro In liUlflutup was In l sz Uurini the fIrst session he WHS unanimously elected Judge AdvocateGeneral by the letl luturo Ha- M S vlionou SerkeuntatArin of this house of Kvprrsentntlves In the Fortynovcntk Con Brtss- Jarnes L Van Hcykrl aged 84 died at Uty N J He was elected- to tio KiHlaturn front IuinbetlaiiU county In tyH He was born In lluntcrdon county tirictlneil law In was ia for six years rrxldoil In Ulantlo City und rant on ttio ticket three years for City Hecordcr of a Mailltou street Uruoklvn who had been fHKUKod la the inetid a of a century died of apoplexy on Wednesday nt his Vie Ho was born In- Hrooklyn M years ago Ho wus a vrlerari of llm Iteclnient HUI a Member Avcnun Mrtliodlst Church He leaves a widow two sou and two daUBIitem Itcv Or Herman Camp Itlces emerltiM of ht Peters Church of Itochester died In that city on Wednesday- He was horn nt dmton county on 2 IMI2 Hr liliscn was grail muted nlvernlty of the City of Nsw York In w and took the ciiin o at Inlon- Theoloulcal Seminary Ho nan ono of the members tho i M C A IID was ordained to the ministry in IH7 His rharses Incluiled In St Canada Iolsditm N V West Iotsdam N V anti Itochester Ho leaves a widow who resides In mid a sun Dr II Clar- ence of lirooklyn- CJeorio V llalch eldf ftt of Hear Admlrnl- Oeorwo II llalch I S retired tiled at his homo In Washington on 54 years Mr was a member old iooraetown family In Civil War when lit years old lit served as clerk to hi ruttier triRitt 1awnco mid ItnniiKb ho held no iiinnilsiion partlel- latod In many eniracements Mr was a prominent Mason At tho tlmo nf- lili was In Iliu einldoy of thu los Orllco Department I former superin- tendent of the IkHion Police died at In Dorchester otter dire yours of ap- pointed to Htnto fore In isnj and was abolished In 1 7 tho- Ho ton department nn n patrolman In was superintendent He retired last yenr- Charlet U Arents head nf tho Mttlo Giant Fire Estimrulthlnir died of l fever on Wednesday nlchi nt hU hoot us hlxth street In his year He hind been In the Insurance bii lne silica ho wan M old Ho wits a member of tho MontiiuK Club antI the Areanum A widow ton anti two dauifhters survive him Dr Henry Durllnvr a wellknown physician- of Washington Ids homo at Ilrirlit Thursday aired Si years He wits a graduate of the of Klnla and of tie medlcd department of the Lnlverslty of Maryland There Ii lore Fun In THE SON lion In all the comic combined AJc THIEVES AT BLANCHE I I pre abut h hOI ou had hal roll Ilk t mInT I hOI ork pu p ten unrr let fro jon n old hOI thu Ir she t lie Miss Miss his iou t lie black- jack gilt log I mel 1 ers n I If I iri vat it ra- t t t lit itta iii tnl 1 r sits C It hitrg as rite lit lug atrr liverl Flu nih c Cat huartries lie dent ti sterdn his was Coin t fort tlrsL 1 rflr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > AbMlllALTr AND COMBINE Contract Between Theta Declared to lie a Fact New Liner Chartered Sfteiit cttti Dtipticlt to THI svx LONDON Au 7 The Belfast correspond- ent of the Halt Qattttc telegraphs that the the Morgan shipping combine and the Admiralty has become an accomplished fact The first new to for the combine been chartered by the Government ho 10000ton White Star liner Corlnthlo which was launched recently front the yard of Harland A Wolff tie left Belfast last night for London- In the house of today Lore Charles Bcresford Mink ter for an assurance that no binding agree- ment would be entered Into by the British Government with the Atlantic Shipping Trust without the approval of Parliament- Mr Balfour replied that he diLl not think It would bo possible to conduct negotia- tions If the proposed terms hu to be dis- cussed by Parliament before an agreement- had been arrived at If there was to bo a grant of public money Parliament of course would bo consulted In any ittfc the Government was most anxrp to take tho Into Its confidence a soon AU KOCH SEERS AT GAItXAVLT Says Latter Kxprrtmrnti In TnbprrnloiU Are Not Serious titettil Cubic DtifMIt 10 Ttti STO PARIS Aug Berlin correspondent- of the Figaro sends an interview with Prof Koch in regard to Dr narnaultrt experi- ments of inoculation with bovine tubercu lous bacilli Prof Koch said Dr Oarnnult was playing to the gallery experi- ments vero neither serious nor scientific Prof Koch maintains his theory that bovine tuberculous bacilli have no serious conse- quences on human beings and that con- sumption cannot Ixi communicated through milk front lloawd cows Pr Garnatilt Is very Indignant over Prof Kochs Interview Ho says he will prove that Prof Koch Is wrong even If it costs him his life He will publish a scIentific refutation of Prof Koch state- ments In the Vienna Ktut Freie Prtste- SAOASTA WOXT CO VET Desires to lletlre halt the Time Hat Not Arrived SpfrtjJ CMi ntipjtcb to Dna sex MADRID Aug 7 Prime Minister on Interview In tho erado sayi ha desires to retire but that the moment fur such action hna not yet arrived King Alfonso who Is visiting the Oviedo University complained to the Journalists ho met of the had condition of the Spanish telegraph system Ho said he had looking at newspapers printed in 1H08 that tlmo It required day to get news from Madrid Now It takes two days to get news front tho capital FRENCh STKIKEnS RIOT Coal Miner Wreck the houses of Mm Who at Work Spttltf DtspattH to TUB SCN PATHS Aug A despatch from Valen ciennes Department of Nord says that lOO of the 2000 coal mlnew thon are on strike DiitachmentH of cuirassiers hove been to protect the homes of those who remain at work Several of these houses have already beon wrecked and nn attempt was made to blow up onto cottage with ft dynnmito cartridge Fur- ther disturbances are expected Make mm fiirtallrr of the Ieclon of Honor for Sen lee to Irrneli Art Sptrtil npatelt to SC- PIHIS Aug 7 Henry Puveon of New York has Ixeti rand n chevalier of the Legion of Honor In rooognition of lila work in developing French art In the Mr U a dealer In furniture and place of business U In Fifth avenue AMFniCAXS X LOXIHtX Miss Ilorrnrr Mcoll of New hark Marries N or ClileaKO- tirtctnl CMt to THE SUP LONDON Aug 7 Edward Norman Scott of Dearborn street Chicago and Miss Florence Nlcoll of 081 Madison avenue Now York were married at St Georges Hanover Square today Slitnitial Kurprlird at BharrrUi Stand Stttctal CuWe Dnpattb to THE SUM SiuwoitAi Aug 7Great surprise U expressed here that T S Sharrets who U a tariff commissioner for the United and not a treaty commissIoner should have expressed himself on behalf of the American Government as opposed to tho proposals of Sir James Mackay the British commissioner for the abolition of the llkln and an Increase In the Import Drntirhlaud Still holds the Record HpfClol CMf Oupatclt ta THE Suns IlAMDuno Aug 7 Tho experts of the HamburgAmerican Packet Company and tho North German Lloyd Steamship Com- pany have jointly signed a statement to tho effect that time Deutschlond of the former linn still holds the Atlantic record and that tho calculation of tho master of the Kronprlnz Wllhelm according to which tho Deutschlandr record hind been beaten by lila ship erroneous Iollrle on 1 Morgan Ufo tipectal Cattlt epalclt lo Tuna SUN LONDON Aug 7 Tho Hcsiminufcr Jattltt states that speculators In American are growing nervous anti are pro- tecting themselves by Insuring the of J P Morgan They are paying mlum of o per cent per annum Insurance policies on Mr Morgans life have been taken out for a of three months only at a premium of 4S shillings por tOO Capt Freeman Gets a Hold Medal special Co tieiptttlt 10 Tins SUM LivEnrooD Aug 7 Tho Mayor of Liv- erpool today presented to Freeman of the British steamship the gold awarded to him by tho Mercantile Association for gallant conduct In taking his ship out of St Pierre roadstead at the time of tho eruption of Mont Germanys Stand at Shanghai aptctii CaM neipucit to Tat SUN BERLIN Aug 7 It In semlofflclally announced that Germany Is willing to with- draw her garrirfon at Shanghai when the preservation of order at that place and on the YangtsoKIang has been assured provided the other Powers withdraw their troops at tho same time KnjIUh Misuses Cut SixdJl Cafdi ntipstc la Stv LONDON Aug a meeting at Dur ham of the Owners and Miners Concilia- tion a reduction of Nit In agreed on ill j Pal eM- I Li Common I I I louse 7The Ra- g bon main cal IlOI C1 IlT ICY iSle DIn IliP 1 Scot StaiN tax I lie lt Cap mea Pel o Ware 7At Dar 2 per This lila FIf4CL 11 Till United States Edward was rail- roads s S Wk ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DINNER FOR MISS NEILSON IX HOXOH OF IIKit KMAfiKMEXT TO HMilXALO VAXHEHIIILT Alice llooievrlt One of the RursU lleiu- tlful Urcoratlon of Newport Casino Oilier rTiit of Ycntrrday Amoiifj the nUT l cllors of Fashion NEWPORT R I Aug 7Tho dinner given by Mrs Frederic Nsilson in honor of engagement of her daughter Miss Neilbon to HoglnsKl C Vander hilt tech place tonight oiu was the elaborate affair of tho kind thus far eoason It was ffiveu In 10 gilll rooms of hue Casino This decorations of the dining were effective On tho table In of a horse shoe there were baskets- of American Beauty roses and lilies of tho valley The clJth was covered with gar- lands of gardenias Around the room placed bay trees studded with yellow electric light bulbs which gave the effect of orange trees in full fruit Time room was inclosed with red hanging Dunning the dinner tho Hungarian band sao a concert At each place occupied by a lady there was placed a corsage boquet of gardenias anti thieve was a boutonnIere of the same flower for each gentleman The grounds- at the out rancw of the Casino ore illuminated with electric lights festooned from the plazns and outlining the and roof of the horseshoe piazza Thu special gileH of the evening was Miss Alice Roosevelt daughter of tine President tho other guests being Mr and Mrs Alfred G Vnmlwbllt Morris F B Hoffman Miss Cutting H R Taylor Miss hatch J F Talmage Miss inendolyn Burden Mr anti Mrs J A Harriman Mr Hormann Oelrlchu Count iki Ported Mlhs Gerry Mr nnd Mrs John II Drexel Mr and Mrs Vllliain E Carter Charles Hogue Baron Oppenheim W II Nellson Miss Mills Austin Gray Ogden Mills Jr Miss Laura Swan G Morgan Miss Sands Mlw Brooks MISS Newbold Albert Gray Miss Clarke S Leroy Miss Jay Jr Miss Mr Mrs Peter D MartIn Miss HochoMr Kldgeway H K Kldrldgo Mr Von VillInm L Stow Miss Hives Arthur Burden and MISS Edgar After dinner Mrs took liar to the hop nt the was tho largest most brilliant that has been there in years Another event Importance tonight was tho dinner given at B nch Mound by Mrs Benjamin Thaw in honor of Miss Kthel whose wedding in to take place on Saturday table docnra hero were of lilies and lilies of the while various rooms wore decorated will American Beauty roses and scarlet guests numbered twentyeight llnch Smith at forgers a luncheon F J Otis amid dinners tonight Mrs Hamilton Nathaniel and Mrs I Woll Prince Hohenrollern Mrs Cornelius Vanderbllt Jr and MiM May Ooolet today for Saratoga for Ipon return Mrs VumlTbilt entertain nunln hi honor of MUs Hoowvclt Mho lots onrdsout for dinriors on thus 13th nud- JJd f the month M Anna I ary will give a dinner next T urslav in hnno rf Cardinal Gibbons on Tin Mlav a luncheon in honor of Mrs John sioino It was learned that th vrddlng of MM May Van to H H H mlnrton will in Iho middle of Tbls will moan tho of Newport wHdlng will bo ono celebrated In Cliurrh Mr arrived nt Newport connT iin WITHOVT lifER llos love of llrniulniollier Killed by llKlitnliis Driven nun lo Suicide Soventpenyoarold William Lncey of Central avenue Wiat Hubokcri who carbolic on Weilnexlay night died yesterday at tho North Hudson Hospital Ho was fount In n lark room by nn older brother on Wednesday night hugging a picture of hula grandmother Mrs Julia Gorrity of Id Boulevard In tho last Mm Gorrity was killed lightning liar death deeply Bofore- Inking tho boy wrote a letter declaring that ho could not live without his grandmother lie was in a house in Manhattan nnd It Is supposed that ho got thin ucld thero anti It home with hunt REST FOR MOTHERSS- leep for Skin Tortured Babies and Rest for Tired Mothers la Warm Baths with And applications of Cut cura Ointment purest of and cures to be followed in severe cases mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent Pills This is the most speedy permanent and economical treat ment torturing disfiguring burning crusted skin and scalp humours with loss of hair in fants and children ever com- pounded Mnttoni or pEoriifurCcncniA SoAr Militeil crtlcuRA OIITMINT frlDf tht skIn for clcaii ln the Hialp sad tn of falling hair for ofl rlrj and red rou h and VA all iiiiriiAftAI 1nurf rr Jllrloniof womenu 0- TloUBA80Arln6athI ir nnojrlnitlrrtwtl ni Ite In wiHhfi for nlf r n weak noise it manY anlluptlo- purpoiei which rcadllr suggest lull tkmiknl n ri4 f o r U ft BMII l Tttt ChwI rn ii i riitPirti rail tu vac i vua teat i BoMn I tie mot I I rom VII I were Jr I ar lIMn IH A J b 111 torn tnk Trill nllln lon Zit SUllda nn SLEEP FOR BABYA- ND SOAP mol for whl for of loUd too or perspiratIon email lat OnT l tpot Ill Cots tu posts lie tie was todos Mrc wIll Alit a a mint Sept molsr lurch nfl ithug cult hllWtl add t hit C core salt the Ito anti eli 55 trap ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < < > A IVIlImfo 8 Great Demonstration at the End of the Third Act From- a Packed louse at the Academy of Music Last Night QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER A 4 USCK HIT No has ever hid such i flattering reception as that accorded this latest pastoral drama at the Academy of last is clean wholesome amus- ing and it the England drama ever written It has the sweetest love story ever told its comedy is genuine its characters are natural and the scenes in the village among the are as true to life as it is possible for canvas and paint to make them In fact it is the best and cleanest New Yorkers seen POPULAR PRICES 255O75100HEOV- LAU WrUXnsnAY AMI fUTVItHAV MATINRFS at 2 RVKKV KVKMM1 t anti CURTAIN CALLS i ever 8 j I1 1 e ¬ LEDERERS FIGHT FOR CHILD THEATRICAL MAX AND IllS WIFE BEFORE JlSTICE DICKEY CounterWulti for Separation PrintIng Karh Wants ruitiKly Hoy Conn- arl Na i Tliat Child Should lie at Mother Unee LearnIng Ills Ira frs George W Lcdercr tho theatrical man- ager and his wife Adele IHcu Lcderer were before Supreme Court Justice Dickey in Brooklyn yesterday each endeavoring to secure the custody of their bixyearold boy Mnitland Tlio Loderertt are suing each other for a eopuraliun Some time ago Referee John A Dutton awarded the custody of tho boy to his father for tx days each week and to tho mother for the seventh day referee also found hat neither tho husband nor the wife had been guilty of wrongdoing and that both were fit to have the custody of tho child Referee Outtonhowever reported that the fattier had meant to maintain the eon while the mother had not The referee also sug- gested that tho father have the privilege of taking the boy to the country during the summer months so long an the distance was less than one hundred miles from New York Lawyer Seagar counsel for Mr Lederer moved lint till report of the referee bo approved by tho Court said the couple had lived together from the limo of thoir marriage in 1894 until 1800 during which year they went abroad Then Mr Ixdoivr returned to this country while lila wifo with her mother und ouster went to Berlin Former Assistant Corporation Counted Carr counsel for Mrs Ledurer opposed the confirmation of time report Tine boy he raid is only 6 years old and at a critical period of Ills lifo when he In all ears and eyes and demands a mothers affection and to hlwpirltual ethical nnd physical upbringing In this case tho mother was not allowed to have the child bccauM she I not tine wage earner and the father l Mr Ltdtrer a busy manu With hit theatrical in lt can give little attention to anything lInt thinks tho refer tint m n hns money and tilt wile ono a enough for hl mother to have this proposition Is monstrous This man with Is nn adjudged to tho amount of lie these large shows and large resources In other linns he refutcs to pay alimony and his commonlaw to this wife until the issues in her suit are deter- mined Thin IH the time when that should bo at his mothers knen learning his prnyorw being tuught Ittwinn in fidelity and in the ways of llfo- Vou regald ns nioro essential for him unit to a whole lot of money asked Justice 1 certainly do said Lawyer rifoMKilicidid bicl goc dof the Lawyer ngar It Is not only became the better able to euro for the child but because tho mother abandoned her ntubnnd without in the first place caitl but the referee that tho mother Is a 111 person to have tho custody of the child until are asking me to him to the father Wo stand for tIm continuation of the referees report wild Mr Seagnr nnd the ndviced giving of the son to tilt hither hut if the report Is to bo opened it is no more than my duty to at the conduct of whether the testimony taken before tim referee shows her to a fit wonton to have the custody of child at all Mr said that Lodorer hud gone to the Arlon bull with two men without her husbands knowledge or con- sent and that it was late the morning when shin loft and then ho was under the Influence of My client is sitting In the court room In view of Honor snld Mr Cart and tier looks give the lie to any charge- of thnt sort Justice took the papers and re served decision TO USE HARD COAL 7V YOXKERS New York Central Herd a Complaint Against Slack Smoke NulianoeY- ONKEHS N Y Aug 7 Acting Health Officer Dr M Wolf line received word from the New York Central Railroad authorities that they are expecting a con- signment of hard coal and that as soon its It arrives they will use it on the divisions of their road running through this city This letter was in answer to a communication sent Or Wolf enclos- ing a of this complaint received from residents of Buena nventio mndo to tho Hoard of Health at its last mooting DIED CLANCVOn Aui 8 item Peter Clancy In hl 77th YOM Funeral from his lAte rctlilencc 14 Jefferson v Urooklyn Saturday Aug 0 Solemn requiem mus at Church of the Nativity Chas Madison St lOorl ck A M OLOVKn Aug 4 IIKK John II Olover In the Tilth year ol hi Funeral on Friday at 10 A M from the Church ot the Heavenly Hot lIlt av and tt lutatlves and Irlends are repectfullr In- vited to attend Interment itt FalrAeld Conn on arrval at Drldgrport of II oclock train from New York HOHSYOn AUK 6 at RIverside Coon nilznbetb- lllakeiley only daughter of George A Horsy and Marion V N Uuiton aged 4 years and 4 montlu Funeral iwrvlc i will be held at RIverSIde Conn on Trlday ai muse A V Carriage will meet the arrival of tba loot train from Vew York ZABIUSKIU AV Saudi idol I I on Wednes- day Aug A Itrglnald thIrd child of Ororjo sad Sarah Foireit ZibrUkle aged 7 years Funeral wrvlcea at ChrIst Cliurcb Macbuiet on Saturday tug t at 11 oclock train leaving Slih tt at 10 niGGa At ItocSMter N Y on Aug the Hev- Dr Herman Camp Illiai pastor emerItus uf St Ietert 1rejbylcrUn Church of Itntbeiter e KOI at r tersou V J Mary Mile ol William 0 Townley In ter Mth year Funeral from her late residence w Graham av on Saturday Aug it a I1 M CarrIage will meet the arrival ol the 110 P M train tram Chamber t Me II II Interment at convenience uf Uinll- yWIIUESSuddenlr on Weilnewlay Auc 1 Thomu Wlldea son of Eunice U and tbe late Thomas Wildes and husband of M LouIse Wlldei In bl Mth year Notice of funeral htretflcr of hut 1 care all ill lr else has w llt e Diclw err o child Nlid jut cause I OU rl IIIl 11 I our son cor age StIlt Iou 6 TOW LtOn Anus D hue dii hy- lie has loris lau for the in hue hi coo lie Mrs as > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < IU tMle1 Theatrical Advertising v TIIE SUN Daily aid SundtylI- fiCRBASen more than II If July 1901 i compared with the Jams month tail yttr- h I1 M mil KlllCnOllKS Saturday livening GRAND FIREWORKS DISPLAYI- N noxoit KING EDWARD THE 7TH i u iiirituiiiiA n ii riois- iitivr At MI vi crrri rs tense Cast and Chorus MATlMr SA ltl AV A I 4 I M Mf lsrn iv y i MVIii AT till csatiiM rourrowMt2U- am s Shuhrrt Mini linmermani- A CHINESE HONEYMOON Herald TIlE DEFENDER MADISON Kvrr KVl ay HJinouci- lKdocltllKailuil uincCpnlt ache fIt jrai- l5thIViK JAPAN BY NIGHT Japanese Japaneir Imperial incmiNAIJU Tr Geisha ilrl Japaneio Novrltlei ifAqnlns Orch PASTORS AIRSHIP WILL II IMS CHUTTV TKIO- IIOUM A uurit rox k roxiE JOHN F CLAKK MISS NOIITON and olhen- to ship thai Mleit the IIIBel Tower on elblMlUa- llrliiilun lleach sal evrnlDK prevloui to U saatai SIght Jemonjlntloni hourly A4- ralMlbii Si cents chlldrca FLOATING ROOF GARDEN Every Eec St irnnU 14TH lilUi HAM A VAUDliVI- LLJrtrWl2ilthinmW Wih pm llMleryil pm TERRACE GARDEN THK UEOQAR STUliENTi- tMnvCiuiiK Kiit T ill 11 n nnor M rv MS Mat sat sit rr IllLU IIUO- LrCTUIf u I iwrsnotr IN TOWS 3DOHCAT ACTMM llfci I II itisi IIICls J8c ill CHERRY BLOSSOM GROVE flsiU- VAtdlVlLIK IUIL OF tMSLAL HTKENOTU- AIIAHI1K HOOI lAltllKVH rl St Ev li- nririln Mat ts mug Vaudeville Acts SATftlltAYs restore V Hand of 00 Hisi irdst rlKI AVEXUE OPEN Ills lOJIflM 1 VAtlIb All KA LTIN MORN f fay ISTAR NlLbt I llnitreli- mmer Nlzhtt lltnd Cvnlvnli Mi Artlie llreezr Columbui Ave and Club Street N was Vev Orojp 11 i i it A r it ou k a t i I iiriiiii Vocal SoloIsts AMIitllCAX IAHH ASSOCIATIOX A Movement for the roiKiillilatlonnftiibllo Art Soplrtlfi BOSTON Ante 7 Tlio most significant move made at tIme mnvrntlon of the Ameri- can Park anti Outdoor Art Association been the cliitinri of n committee for o iifvdcrntlon hun object Is to bring into liarmoliiuiiM working order nil socIeties which nro Interented In the ndvunccmcnt of public art In the Inllod States Clinton of Iliilndelphla Is lu chairman The following officers of nsocla thou writ cliclotl Irroldent Clinton 1U Woodruff vicctiroldent- W Ormlxton Roy of Montreal lick J Crol y WnohliiRton WHrren H Manning IoMton Mxretnry n M Hoblnnon- Koohestcr treasurer 0 C Nlinoiulx Chi- cago Tine Womans Auxiliary Heeled the fol lowing ofrlc r Mrn Herman 1 Hall Chicago first nt Mrs Herpont Edward Dutcher Milwaukee MUi MniRaret K Christensen Lotibivlllp ccoritary MUs- JpsBt anliier ClilcnRo treasurer Mr- Mnrv M Kehnw Hout- nnioiiixns AMI st HOOIX For Youug Jlvu iul n inon Clly audCouaU MANHATTAN COLLEGE ChrhiUn irithiTi lioardlnt liny icbulari- II ii virl nnil I3l t t Nm York iritsrs IKADIMJ 10 IIA H Modern liinHiiiiii Situ linnlnrnlim Arc- hllrrlurrutJl krilillorturelrnernl Nrlrit tine IrdnaoKlKt liniinicrrlu Iliur rf- ITrpurutur Dcparlitirnt- Keopen Sept H into President REGENTS GOLLEUE BMmlnatlo- asrNMSKn snunii is VSTDII rucu hay KvenliiK or Invatr lur Catalogue N Y PRPARATORY SCHOOL IS n t 41il M V leleplmn 4iriil3 Kvtiini or Ilivali1 stat for u 1iiung Hinnen ID Frnrtwl Nnriiial lti i A iiu n Supl 4 Irving II 17in i Ian iiin Uil Sept IU iw For llnr und Tnunr lIen lty anti Country SACRED HEART ACADEMY sclirirnlhiill MlliMrj r inlluir Srhnol- l cm illie Snunil Wr lrhiilrr M Y- An Ideal loonin nn lie ion vl Ijinx Hlana- Koun 1 reiri i by tnr ritiit ir are for college an iniMiir lace r mm niiuu bulldlnei- nilllvnry iraminir hv iiipi tiromptort1 manliness OUdlrnn1 Trrit Bin Iltl- Artarns llltiiTlllil iuMfM nirector NEW YORK rhnol M NAVMU St LAW SCHOOL i eniruschmit vmuSi Him f LUD In two years LLU m tnfe yi i nct for cailoy iilitniii CHASE Ill Mt S M TI l MM M Union m- iteethlnir Mjun thf eur- vrlTi fr ealalo Old inrll h Novrlv 11 etna nip lor rhlldrag- n1 intUirmatloa- if Tench Tr nilallon- HoU wanted IlUrr All Mninni should renil th KnickiTtxicker hIck llohcd V lnc dnjfi lid trlrt j j In Tin hvLNiso Htv Koticty and tuhiou ioir Ictttutcs 1 illn oJl a311 I n u v IIUt nit Tomorrow 01 imO ttiO FLORODORA 9 p Ml t CAS I biiDi- onlght AtIal1T4ItOME SI hilL SF sum Tonlht h I to I OmhatIiear Pit the amass I unit I 4IN nit day 10 centS Irh eleeptel taritarudtarrtsrs- iT I inc ISIS p5 Leders ahett sal and lee hi PROCTORS sEpt unit lCtit I lit 530 Pip OlfIttjl tXt STitttSS IahI- TtctOTtliSmIYr3auo75 I I f mutt weeS DEN l I a Concerts S l I I lisa t J hue Clint F unit A and Scud imioi i a s piunl vu iii armi44 ncr For uric and I and Counr7 kltnIitohiutr i lfltINlI 2 Eat suit I r La a Stinii Sil ie got I tnl rem lull Dean- S S S aUsys ian cur t trih isrruuy c initli- ein iiutiu tiio3 Iii I lUg en t are lead > > > < ° < > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < < > > > < >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-08 [p 7]....Vh all rlno no I mean aro all ri KIMi all rl1 Humorush ish nil rl RadnUh-Vh Vi alt ri nIna sli nil right Frontal procesh allri Clucsh

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-08-08 [p 7]....Vh all rlno no I mean aro all ri KIMi all rl1 Humorush ish nil rl RadnUh-Vh Vi alt ri nIna sli nil right Frontal procesh allri Clucsh






itln Version by Jmtln Artanm ofViinkrc Storj l Cliarlfj 1elton Pidginl IniriHlurrd at the Acadcm ofMmlc Mntri Among the Acton

The nr t now drama of the theatricala in f 180J3 In Nw York Quincy

Adam Snwyor at Academy of Musiclast night defied those grumblers whofrown rustic plnys nnd book playsfor It wan both of those things JustinAdatni had made It out of Charles Pidgins

novel Salient portions of thohad ron put together In an actable

fequenco Tho joint work was of nodramatic conwquonco but It fulfilled Itspurpose hy adding one to the large numberof rural shows It was neither thebest nor of them but good enough-

to bvonv popular with an indiscriminatemultitude

Thero was central In It a young Bostonlanlawyer Quincy Adam Saiflier who went

Malms tirners and stirred up theHo began by making the girls

tho fellows but endedby htrninK out the complicationsI-

n the love of two couplet and befides doing good for others he countedhliivelf In n his honcfnctlons by taking-for his wifo the pretty blind girl whoMeyes he succeeded in opening That partnun played by harlot

Very littlo of this was In soberIt was ino comical farco

with some pathetic relief Its personsweTs cnrimturfs chiefly and Its Incidents-

were burlesquo with few exceptionsoften IUd tho portraiture or the gettree of exaggeration and this true1 the seriousness as It was of the hilarity-

The place shown were a country store andPost Oflire a road crowing a sitting rooma farmyard with a husking and thein lio nnd outsldo of n home during snowstorm That layout of the scenery indicatethe unoriginnllty of the piece

But there safety in conventionality-The playwright in this case i a tyro in

the author Is unlnventlvoIn compoBitlon Both have looked at NewEngland rusticity through furt and Judgejrjnwes and thereby seen It In the waysthat make city folks laugh They havegiven none of the Shore Acres or OldHomestead fidelity but they providea plenty of ludicrous stuff and It made the

audience laugh uproariously

The players wore nearly all toNVw York hut they averaged well In abilitiesthat lay within the limits of the workhad to do It wan n rather good performmif

The husking bee ending with a Virginia-reel was tho representationHere a cow kicked a fromstable halt across the barnyard and-a freshly painted For sale beingaid on a to dry offset It wordson the rear clden spooningthat wU on it Of course was aear among the corn and the young

it Ho was not content toono girl but seized upon all withinIneluditg those and those who

want him to The fun of this waschanged to pathos Ingeniously

Imri in orld iaui lit for breathI ln llo e Ivo kissed Vmnll

All except In said a rustic point-ing to the blind nil exc ptln

Tho laughteron the It did throughout thetheatre of the eyes saw thefellow kla that sightless girl brimmed with

A girl Btagenamod Little Elsie Is a re-

markable inlmlo this week at Keiths Sheis a thin dainty apologetic creature butlike Liiwy Loftus her nonentity turns topositlvenesi when who imitates peculiaractors Behldos May Irwin Anna Holdand other easy subjects she reproducesDaw and JimmieKusHll with wonderful fidelity

The Zaroigs who ore at Paradise Gardensmore mystifying than any other of the

many mind readorH since tho Hellers In-

cited scientists to btudy tho system Itthen settled beyond a doubt that tho

man who passed through the audience con-veyed Information to tho woman on theutat o means of a secret code of wordsintricately varied In Inflection emphasis

sequence Mr Hellers leftMIM unable to find a successor tohint hut there been numerous Imltatorn The anolg uses very fewword or gestureswith tho woman will Their most puz-zling feat Is that In which readsa book any passage pointed out a specta-tor to the man a book

How Mr Wormwood whoso dogsand are at Blossom Grovel t hU Newfoundland know what toNot a word Is spoken to the brute when he

to figures written on a slateto add and divide

them mental arithmetic Ho barks fromflop time up to the right numeral withhardly ever nn error are fixedon Ms master who presumably a

for each bark but observat-ion not discover what that Ii

Two daughters of the late John Wildill actresses this season In a

farce Fanny who was In-

HnrrlK nHart company when Mrwild was thero will return to the stageafter eight yearn of retirement

REFfSEIt TO LEAVE JAILHeaion Wanted to Kervlcn of Pa

pen In a Chll Suit HimA capias secured by Assemblyman Fallon

of Holioken hu been handsof Sheriff holding him respon-sible for tho production In court of FrankU ner whose term of Imprisonment-

has expired In tho Hudson County Jailwa sentenced for an assault upon

Mrs labulla Jordan his boardingthroat he slashed with a razor

WissnerB term of imprisonmentwas drawing to a close Mrscivil pMcecdingH ngalnst hint for tho recovery of I30UUO domagoH claiming that

was permanently affected byn nult To

papers In the ci o Wijtner refusod to leave

t held a prisoner thecomes to


Maxor low start To4ay for VacationIn Mattie

Mayor Low will begin his vacation today Ho will bo away for threo wiuksand will spend his holiday at his countryhome at Northeast Hail or Mo PresidentFerae of thu Aldermen will bo tho actingMayor Under tho Charter thoMayor cannot make appointments

Canti Low away for less thanthirty days

Three Killed In Creamer lireMIDDLETOWN N Y Aug 7In u flro

which destroyed ono of tho Reid Ice CreamCompany creameries In the town ofIruwford early this morning the wife

two young children of Kmlllo I mbardowore burned to death Lombardo was arhe iw manufacturer who onepart of the building Lombardo succerdedIn carrying child out In

ho attempted to reSntor thebuilding tho him back






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ail whu time came lila releaseissner will Until





















NEW YORK OYERSWIFT FOR HIMBut Providence Mutt Had a Muddled

Iloitonlan In KeepingThis to a story of a Boston man gone

wrong also a proof of the sayIng thatspecial Providence watches overand seine others

It was Just after t last nightAn unsteadily ffaltH man a ticketin the chopper oos a the Fourteenthstreet elation the Xinth cnu elevatedand ugRereU beat i rl odpe of the plat-form Just then au uptown express train

tho curve a I rushed tole The man regarded It

hUiitly stepped back somewhat and asthe train flew by without ttopiitf hUmouth opened and o flow of languagegushed forth Ho approached tho ticketchopper

Im from Borhn he declared Wanterget to Harlem Whish train

The ticket chopper sized Inquisitor-up nml train

The visiting Xiw Knulander dto the edge of 0 again A

of the exp s flashed intocovn upon the platform

The Boston mal ewung forward and graspedwildly at the gate of tho first cat

There was a parabolic streak of dark-ness anH n thud a the wouldhe parsonger lay quietly against tho railing at

of tho platform The ticket chopperand the colored porter ni hed to him andcurried tho limp form into the waitingroom Just as were about to sendfor nn ambulance the man opened hUeyes nnd looked around

Owli he sold Then IIP settled peace-fully back on the eat The porter andtho ticket chopper went back to their re-spective Jobs Experience had taught themthat tact who exclaimed gosh with suchfervor were safe

The man from another city from theother cityopened his eyes again andsot up Slowly began to feel of hUanatomy muttering to himself the while

Femursh all ri Fibln nil all ri Fibula-sh all rl Now lech see Vech vertabrro-

Vh all rlno no I mean aro all ri KIMiall rl1 Humorush ish nil rl RadnUh-

Vh Vi alt ri nIna sli nil right Frontalprocesh all ri Clucsh Im all ri Hut

Shay guard guard Come hereThe colored porter approached the

man resumedShay in name sh Richard Sturglshlo

an I live in Hoshn Don give thlsh awayumiershtan Hero sh nhome money tendbllnrsh maybbe take It an keepDon let pllch or any damn Vshay Richard Sturgish couldn cach trainIm nn actor I am an twould ruin mreputashun

Anti he of the hiMrlonlc powers aroseand boarded a local train and vanishedtoward the north The colored porterMIl the ticket chopper had a whisperedconversation and the incident seemedclosed

Wa that man hurt much asked asympathetic woman Tho ticket chopperlooked up amazed

Youll have to inquire at theoffice madam he replied sol-

emnly Wo are not allowed to speakabout matters pertaining to tho road


flan of Ialiol DoelarliiE hintirlf to lie a Iontraeturt tent

In an examination before MagistrateFlammer in tho Tombs court yesterdaymorning Matthew A Ryan appeared ad thecomplainant against James Ta contractor of IBM East End avenue charg-ing him with swearing falsely In causingto IK filed on March 8 a mechanics lien for

4000 on tho property 210 and 218 WetThirtysixth street owned by the Iudln

fotmmnv-FltzpntrlpK It is charged represented

an an agent for who IN IL

builder living at 423 Boulevard Astoriaand for a contractor namedanti obtained MuRlhtrate Klammerheld JtftJO bonds for furtherexamination on Aug 24 on the charge ofperjury


IHkrrs VUgon Iliirnod In the Streetlllekrd to Tree Himself

baker of his South Orangeavenue Newark went to the third floor of nhouse In South Tenths stiwt yesterday todeliver some rolls and lila welltrained

up the street to the house of the nextWhen lutz emerged upon the

street again he heard u racket and saw lUintcoming from his wagon a block awayTime horse wa trying to kick ittelf free fromthe burning wagon Lutz ran forwardnnd out the animal loose Then he triedto save his wagon and neighbors assistedhim An alarm of lire was sent out froma box and nn engine re-sponded hut there was litttle salvage

wagon body and contents weredestroyed The fir e probably started froma hanging wagon


Woman Threw Out a Process Server WhomShe Mistook for a IturjUr

William II Striker a law clerk on callingat tho Hancock tnt Hrooklynabout a month ago to servo some papers onGeorge Garrett was forcibly ejected byMrs Geneva Rarrctt thoMrs Garrett had to appear yesterday intho Adams street court to answer to acharge of assault made by Striker Sheexplained to Magistrate Dooley that her

WaS a few that Inwhich Mr Jetliner had been shot antikilled a fow nights previous a burglarand that fearing might be umarauder she had determined to nochances and him out The hearing



There Wrrr 513 llallots anti lookr Ii SureHe haul More halt

UTICA N Y Aug Quo warrant-oprocdliig brought by N T Ixicko tie de-

feated candidate for Sheriff In Hamiltonwill com up for trial at the regularthe Supreme Court In Fulton county

In Intends to sulipuliavoters front various of county-

to show he luau n majority of 513

votes mst at cost fortransportation alone will exceed 500 andthe will make the oftho case exceed 11000 Some of voterslive near the Hi Lnwrencx county lineand will have to travel 200 anlxmt route to get to Others willhave wagon trips

Juilge falls Indictment OutrageJudge Foster In the General Sessions

yesterday sold that tire Jury hadon outrage by eighteen

yearold Fred SlneUlnoff of 152

for picking tho pocket of Honjamln Cooperwithout it anti that-it a cowartlly practice Ho sold

This defendant to theexpense anti humiliation of this trial with

tit slightest Justification He hasi ort In the police hi char-acter Is beyond The duty ofgrand au much to defend

8t of the accused as It U to findIndictments at the of tho DistrictAttorney or citizen complainant





runt I donstation i

Ij pIc form

lEnd eton













32 th















t hurt


Ridge street



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Pot tlicene Saddled heady to title WhenIllanrheNpreailAUrmTlirouKlitiuaherlUnge Matter and Farm ListenReporters and You Khali Hear

Morvr VERNON N Y Aug 7 BlancheDates the actress who with her mothe-rs llvhifc In tlo Carpenter manor houseat Quaker Ridge which overlooks Mamaronock on the Sound had an experiencethis morning with a band of robbers whoattempted to rob the house and steal hertrained honcs Pot Cheese and Molasseswhich rode last year at the Academy-of Music in her appearance 14 Cigarsttein Under Two hinge ML Hates de-

clares that this is no amAs a result of tho encounter at the Bates

cottage one robber was shot and thencarried away by his comrades leaving apool of real blood a a guarantee of thostory Sidney Yardley a young manwho is overseer for Miss Bates and whobravely foiled the robbers and saved herpets Is lying Id an upstairs room of thocottage and Miss hates Is at his bedsldotrying to nurse him back to Ufo Ho n-

colvtxi a terrible blow on tho back of thehead with a blackjack or sandbag andDr J M Hall of Mamaromck who isattending him fears that ho may haveconcussion of tho brain Yardley Is thoson of an Episcopal clergyman of DenverCol He sPoilt tour years on tho plainsan a cowboy anti for thn last two yearshas been in the employ of the actress tolook after her horses Ho Is only 23 yearsold Miss Rates was not nt home todaywhen the reporters called Her mothersold that she had been up all night nursingYardley and was so nervous over the en-

counter that site had gone with a friendfor a drive

TIn robbers according to Mrs Bateswere seen by a cook prowling thehouse early in the evening butpaid no attention to them a she thoughtthat they were servants on some of theneighboring estates The men MrsBates thinks intended to rob the housebut did not it owing to tin presenceof her nephews who wereIt was wh n whoblipt in nn upstairs room heard talking-out near tinhimself and taking a revolver ho went outA minute later Miw Bates her mother andthe other orvupuntti of tho cottage werealarmed the of andthu cursing and shouts of tho robbersThey nlco heard n vehicle of some kinddash out of I ho yard and go tearing down

hill toward MmiiaroncokUnto ran to room and

found it She then went front roomto roumnroucliiR tho servants and shouting

Out out upon theml Sidneys murdcixillThe servants ran out Into the yard andfound Yardley lying under n treeHates anti a lu d Sidneywhats tho matter Have they

Yurdley made no reply huts

to the back of anti faintedHe sine Ixen unconnelou mot fthe Nicholas Rurtix a farmer aridhis hired mart who live across the tnttrout thu cottage drow to Mnmaroneikfor a doctor und notified tho police at 3

oclock this morningYardloy did not recover conwlouenrss

until late this afternoon and then he wasable to talk a short time Ho Midthat lv hal heard voices and had goneto Investigate When he found thatthen went ho stood Ifhlnd a treeand was taking aim to shoot when onoof them snw him anti shout l Whos there

Before could reply the man firedanti tired nt tin smn Yard-ley Is confident that ho hit as

saw him stagger acainst the andthrowing up his hands fhout to a com-panion mo

As fired titan ho wasstruck in the hack of the bond with a

I Iwlleved that after Ynrdloyout of the way the roMxTs u theircompanion placed him In iliolrcnrriagn

man f ll U covordwith hIred Tho had saddledboth of Mlis BatesV pt lurns

Col fforup While looker brothrrlnliiwof Jim Kl k diMl at hl in Itratllf horoVt i W ln sday lirirt ilUiMlie wis horn ut ii X V Fob ti Uli

eiilislcil in Auirunl IKH1 an a inCnrniiuny F Fourth Vfriiiont oluntci

ftir battle of h doc lined u-

Ciitniiic In tin line niil itsIn tin staff of n K II Hloiieliloii inJiini 1 H he WHS iipiKiintml Assistant Ailju-

IHTI of with tln rankof IiriitcnantColoiicl He had rhartf of HIM

orCiiiiizaiiun 01 tin I thou column Hintinarclnil into itiohiuonil on tho iiiurnini ofIts cituri Hi a of honortrout ronerrsii for dMIiiKiuMieii tiallantrin nrtinn at South Mountainwounded tee times fit liold Mirhor in thn

of lt 70 hi bfcniiio junior intin firm of William lliKlcii Co hunkers and

in Sew and In th samp yourIn removed to UrnttlolKirn In IlTs Im wasM olnt Ml thief of ntulT wit lit he rank of Colonelby jot Irorlor In fxi h a n iU U Kuteat to the Nntlnnal ltriulillcan Gnuventlou In ChlcnRo nnd in the hwas chosen a member of the National Coininlttee In tho fall of in h was chosen torepresent llrnttlebnro In liUlflutup

was In l sz Uurini the fIrstsession he WHS unanimously elected JudgeAdvocateGeneral by the letl luturo Ha-M S vlionou SerkeuntatArin of this house ofKvprrsentntlves In the Fortynovcntk ConBrtss-

Jarnes L Van Hcykrl aged 84 diedat Uty N J He was elected-

to tio KiHlaturn front IuinbetlaiiU countyIn tyH He was born In lluntcrdon countytirictlneil law In was ia

for six years rrxldoil In UlantloCity und rant on ttio ticket threeyears for City Hecordcr

of a Mailltou streetUruoklvn who had been fHKUKod la theinetid a of a century diedof apoplexy on Wednesday nt his Vie

Ho was born In-

Hrooklyn M years ago Ho wus a vrlerari ofllm Iteclnient HUI a Member

Avcnun Mrtliodlst ChurchHe leaves a widow two sou and twodaUBIitem

Itcv Or Herman Camp ItlcesemerltiM of ht Peters Churchof Itochester died In that city on Wednesday-He was horn nt dmton county

on 2 IMI2 Hr liliscn was grailmuted nlvernlty of the City of NswYork In w and took the ciiin o at Inlon-Theoloulcal Seminary Ho nan ono of the

members tho i M C A IIDwas ordained to the ministry in IH7 Hisrharses Incluiled In StCanada Iolsditm N V West Iotsdam N V

anti Itochester Ho leaves a widow whoresides In mid a sun Dr II Clar-ence of lirooklyn-

CJeorio V llalch eldf ftt of Hear Admlrnl-Oeorwo II llalch I S retired tiled athis homo In Washington on54 years Mr was a memberold iooraetown family In Civil Warwhen lit years old lit served as clerkto hi ruttier triRitt 1awnco midItnniiKb ho held no iiinnilsiion partlel-latod In many eniracements Mr

was a prominent Mason At tho tlmo nf-

lili was In Iliu einldoy of thu losOrllco Department

I former superin-tendent of the IkHion Policedied at In Dorchesterotter dire yours of ap-pointed to Htnto fore In isnj and

was abolished In 1 7 tho-Ho ton department nn n patrolman In

was superintendent Heretired last yenr-

Charlet U Arents head nf tho Mttlo GiantFire Estimrulthlnir died of lfever on Wednesday nlchi nt hU hoot ushlxth street In his yearHe hind been In the Insurance bii lne silica howan M old Ho wits a member of thoMontiiuK Club antI the Areanum Awidow ton anti two dauifhters survive him

Dr Henry Durllnvr a wellknown physician-of Washington Ids homo at IlrirlitThursday aired Si years Hewits a graduate of the ofKlnla and of tie medlcd department of theLnlverslty of Maryland

There Ii lore Fun InTHE SON lion In all the comic combined







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Contract Between Theta Declared to liea Fact New Liner CharteredSfteiit cttti Dtipticlt to THI svx

LONDON Au 7 The Belfast correspond-ent of the Halt Qattttc telegraphs thatthe the Morgan shippingcombine and the Admiralty has becomean accomplished fact The first newto for the combinebeen chartered by the Governmentho 10000ton White Star liner Corlnthlo

which was launched recently front theyard of Harland A Wolff tie left Belfastlast night for London-

In the house of today LoreCharles Bcresford Minkter for an assurance that no binding agree-ment would be entered Into by the BritishGovernment with the Atlantic ShippingTrust without the approval of Parliament-

Mr Balfour replied that he diLl not thinkIt would bo possible to conduct negotia-tions If the proposed terms hu to be dis-

cussed by Parliament before an agreement-had been arrived at If there was to bo agrant of public money Parliament ofcourse would bo consulted In any ittfcthe Government was most anxrp to taketho Into Its confidence a soon AU


Says Latter Kxprrtmrnti In TnbprrnloiUAre Not Serious

titettil Cubic DtifMIt 10 Ttti STO

PARIS Aug Berlin correspondent-of the Figaro sends an interview with ProfKoch in regard to Dr narnaultrt experi-ments of inoculation with bovine tuberculous bacilli Prof Koch said Dr Oarnnultwas playing to the gallery experi-ments vero neither serious nor scientificProf Koch maintains his theory that bovinetuberculous bacilli have no serious conse-quences on human beings and that con-

sumption cannot Ixi communicated throughmilk front lloawd cows

Pr Garnatilt Is very Indignant overProf Kochs Interview Ho says he willprove that Prof Koch Is wrong even Ifit costs him his life He will publish ascIentific refutation of Prof Koch state-ments In the Vienna Ktut Freie Prtste-


Desires to lletlre halt the Time HatNot Arrived

SpfrtjJ CMi ntipjtcb to Dna sexMADRID Aug 7 Prime Minister

on Interview In tho erado sayiha desires to retire but that the momentfur such action hna not yet arrived

King Alfonso who Is visiting the OviedoUniversity complained to the Journalistsho met of the had condition of the Spanishtelegraph system Ho said he hadlooking at newspapers printed in 1H08

that tlmo It required day to get news fromMadrid Now It takes two days to get newsfront tho capital


Coal Miner Wreck the houses of MmWho at Work

Spttltf DtspattH to TUB SCN

PATHS Aug A despatch from Valenciennes Department of Nord says thatlOO of the 2000 coal mlnew thon are onstrike DiitachmentH of cuirassiers hovebeen to protect the homes ofthose who remain at work Several ofthese houses have already beon wreckedand nn attempt was made to blow up ontocottage with ft dynnmito cartridge Fur-

ther disturbances are expected

Make mm fiirtallrr of the Ieclon ofHonor for Sen lee to Irrneli Art

Sptrtil npatelt to SC-

PIHIS Aug 7 Henry Puveon of New

York has Ixeti rand n chevalier of theLegion of Honor In rooognition of lila workin developing French art In the

Mr U a dealer In furniture andplace of business U In Fifth



Miss Ilorrnrr Mcoll of New hark MarriesN or ClileaKO-

tirtctnl CMt to THE SUP

LONDON Aug 7 Edward Norman Scottof Dearborn street Chicago and MissFlorence Nlcoll of 081 Madison avenueNow York were married at St GeorgesHanover Square today

Slitnitial Kurprlird at BharrrUi StandStttctal CuWe Dnpattb to THE SUM

SiuwoitAi Aug 7Great surprise U

expressed here that T S Sharrets who U

a tariff commissioner for the Unitedand not a treaty commissIoner

should have expressed himself on behalfof the American Government as opposedto tho proposals of Sir James Mackay theBritish commissioner for the abolition ofthe llkln and an Increase In the Import

Drntirhlaud Still holds the RecordHpfClol CMf Oupatclt ta THE Suns

IlAMDuno Aug 7 Tho experts of theHamburgAmerican Packet Company andtho North German Lloyd Steamship Com-

pany have jointly signed a statement totho effect that time Deutschlond of theformer linn still holds the Atlantic recordand that tho calculation of tho masterof the Kronprlnz Wllhelm according towhich tho Deutschlandr record hind beenbeaten by lila ship erroneous

Iollrle on 1 Morgan Ufotipectal Cattlt epalclt lo Tuna SUN

LONDON Aug 7 Tho Hcsiminufcr Jattlttstates that speculators In American

are growing nervous anti are pro-tecting themselves by Insuring the ofJ P Morgan They are payingmlum of o per cent per annum Insurancepolicies on Mr Morgans life have beentaken out for a of three months onlyat a premium of 4S shillings por tOO

Capt Freeman Gets a Hold Medalspecial Co tieiptttlt 10 Tins SUM

LivEnrooD Aug 7 Tho Mayor of Liv-

erpool today presented to Freemanof the British steamship the gold

awarded to him by tho MercantileAssociation for gallant conduct In

taking his ship out of St Pierre roadsteadat the time of tho eruption of Mont

Germanys Stand at Shanghaiaptctii CaM neipucit to Tat SUN

BERLIN Aug 7 It In semlofflclallyannounced that Germany Is willing to with-draw her garrirfon at Shanghai when thepreservation of order at that place andon the YangtsoKIang has been assuredprovided the other Powers withdraw theirtroops at tho same time

KnjIUh Misuses CutSixdJl Cafdi ntipstc la Stv

LONDON Aug a meeting at Durham of the Owners and Miners Concilia-tion a reduction of Nit In

agreed on

















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Alice llooievrlt One of the RursU lleiu-tlful Urcoratlon of Newport Casino

Oilier rTiit of Ycntrrday Amoiifjthe nUT l cllors of Fashion

NEWPORT R I Aug 7Tho dinnergiven by Mrs Frederic Nsilson in honor of

engagement of her daughter MissNeilbon to HoglnsKl C Vander

hilt tech place tonight oiu was theelaborate affair of tho kind thus fareoason It was ffiveu In 10 gilll rooms ofhue Casino

This decorations of the dining wereeffective On tho table In

of a horse shoe there were baskets-of American Beauty roses and lilies of thovalley The clJth was covered with gar-lands of gardenias Around the roomplaced bay trees studded with yellowelectric light bulbs which gave the effectof orange trees in full fruit Time roomwas inclosed with red hanging Dunningthe dinner tho Hungarian band sao aconcert

At each place occupied by a lady therewas placed a corsage boquet of gardeniasanti thieve was a boutonnIere of the sameflower for each gentleman The grounds-at the out rancw of the Casino ore illuminatedwith electric lights festooned from theplazns and outlining the and roof ofthe horseshoe piazza

Thu special gileH of the evening wasMiss Alice Roosevelt daughter of tinePresident tho other guests being Mr andMrs Alfred G Vnmlwbllt MorrisF B Hoffman Miss Cutting H RTaylor Miss hatch J F Talmage Missinendolyn Burden Mr anti Mrs J A

Harriman Mr Hormann Oelrlchu Countiki Ported Mlhs Gerry Mr nnd Mrs John IIDrexel Mr and Mrs Vllliain E CarterCharles Hogue Baron Oppenheim W IINellson Miss Mills Austin Gray OgdenMills Jr Miss Laura Swan G MorganMiss Sands Mlw Brooks MISS NewboldAlbert Gray Miss Clarke S Leroy MissJay Jr Miss Mr

Mrs Peter D MartIn Miss HochoMrKldgeway H K Kldrldgo Mr Von

VillInm LStow Miss Hives Arthur Burden and MISSEdgar

After dinner Mrs took liarto the hop nt the was

tho largest most brilliant that has beenthere in years

Another event Importance tonightwas tho dinner given at B nch Moundby Mrs Benjamin Thaw in honor of MissKthel whose wedding in to takeplace on Saturday table docnra

hero were of lilies and liliesof the while various roomswore decorated will American Beautyroses and scarletguests numbered twentyeight

llnch Smith at forgers a luncheonF J Otis amid dinners tonight Mrs

Hamilton Nathanieland Mrs I Woll

Prince Hohenrollern Mrs CorneliusVanderbllt Jr and MiM May Ooolettoday for Saratoga for Ipon

return Mrs VumlTbilt entertainnunln hi honor of MUs HoowvcltMho lots onrdsout for dinriors on thus 13th nud-JJd f the month

M Anna I ary will give a dinner nextT urslav in hnno rf Cardinal Gibbons

on Tin Mlav a luncheon in honor ofMrs John sioino

It was learned that th vrddlngof MM May Van to H H H mlnrtonwill in Iho middle of

Tbls will moan thoof Newport wHdlngwill bo ono celebrated InCliurrh Mr arrivednt Newport

connT iin WITHOVT lifER

llos love of llrniulniollier Killed byllKlitnliis Driven nun lo Suicide

Soventpenyoarold William Lncey ofCentral avenue Wiat Hubokcri who

carbolic on Weilnexlaynight died yesterday at tho North HudsonHospital Ho was fount In n lark roomby nn older brother on Wednesday nighthugging a picture of hula grandmotherMrs Julia Gorrity of Id Boulevard Intho last Mm Gorritywas killed lightning

liar death deeply Bofore-Inking tho boy wrote a letterdeclaring that ho could not live withouthis grandmother lie was ina house in Manhattannnd It Is supposed that ho got thin ucldthero anti It home with hunt



leep for Skin Tortured Babies andRest for Tired Mothers la

Warm Baths with

And applications of Cutcura Ointment purest of

and curesto be followed in severe casesmild doses of Cuticura ResolventPills This is the most speedypermanent and economical treatment torturing disfiguring

burningcrusted skin and scalphumours with loss of hair infants and children ever com-pounded

Mnttoni or pEoriifurCcncniA SoArMiliteil crtlcuRA OIITMINTfrlDf tht skIn for clcaii ln the Hialp sadtn of falling hair for ofl rlrj

and red rou h andVA all iiiiriiAftAI

1nurf rr Jllrloniof womenu 0-

TloUBA80Arln6athI ir nnojrlnitlrrtwtl ni

Ite In wiHhfi for nlf r nweak noise it manY anlluptlo-purpoiei which rcadllr suggest

lull tkmiknl n ri4 f o r U

ft BMII l Tttt ChwIrn ii i riitPirti rail

tu vac i vua teat i BoMn















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Sept molsr lurch nfl ithug

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A IVIlImfo 8

Great Demonstration at the End of the Third Act From-

a Packed louse at the Academy of Music Last Night


No has ever hid such i flattering reception as that accorded this latest pastoraldrama at the Academy of last is clean wholesome amus-ing and it the England drama ever written It has the sweetest love storyever told its comedy is genuine its characters are natural and the scenes in thevillage among the are as true to life as it is possible for canvas andpaint to make them In fact it is the best and cleanest New Yorkers













CounterWulti for Separation PrintIngKarh Wants ruitiKly Hoy Conn-

arl Na i Tliat Child Should lie atMother Unee LearnIng Ills Ira frs

George W Lcdercr tho theatrical man-ager and his wife Adele IHcu Lcdererwere before Supreme Court Justice Dickeyin Brooklyn yesterday each endeavoringto secure the custody of their bixyearoldboy Mnitland Tlio Loderertt are suingeach other for a eopuraliun Some timeago Referee John A Dutton awarded thecustody of tho boy to his father for txdays each week and to tho mother for theseventh day referee also found hatneither tho husband nor the wife had beenguilty of wrongdoing and that both werefit to have the custody of tho child RefereeOuttonhowever reported that the fattierhad meant to maintain the eon while themother had not The referee also sug-gested that tho father have the privilegeof taking the boy to the country duringthe summer months so long an the distancewas less than one hundred miles fromNew York

Lawyer Seagar counsel for Mr Lederermoved lint till report of the referee boapproved by tho Court said the couplehad lived together from the limo of thoirmarriage in 1894 until 1800 during whichyear they went abroad Then Mr Ixdoivrreturned to this country while lila wifowith her mother und ouster went to Berlin

Former Assistant Corporation CountedCarr counsel for Mrs Ledurer opposedthe confirmation of time report

Tine boy he raid is only 6 years oldand at a critical period of Ills lifo whenhe In all ears and eyes and demands amothers affection and to hlwpirltualethical nnd physical upbringing Inthis case tho mother was not allowed tohave the child bccauM she I not tine wageearner and the father l Mr Ltdtrer

a busy manu With hit theatrical inlt can give little attention

to anything lInt thinks tho refertint m n hns money and tilt wileono a enough for hl motherto have this proposition Ismonstrous This man with

Is nn adjudged to tho amountof lie these largeshows and large resources In otherlinns he refutcs to pay alimony and hiscommonlaw to thiswife until the issues in her suit are deter-mined Thin IH the time when thatshould bo at his mothers knen learning hisprnyorw being tuught Ittwinn in fidelity and

in the ways of llfo-Vou regald ns nioro essential for

him unit to a whole lot of moneyasked Justice

1 certainly do said LawyerrifoMKilicidid

bicl goc dof the Lawyer ngarIt Is not only became the better

able to euro for the child but because thomother abandoned her ntubnnd without

in the first placecaitl but the

referee that tho mother Is a 111 personto have tho custody of the child until areasking me to him to the father

Wo stand for tIm continuation of thereferees report wild Mr Seagnr nndthe ndviced giving of theson to tilt hither hut if the report Is to boopened it is no more than my dutyto at the conduct ofwhether the testimony taken before timreferee shows her to a fit wonton to havethe custody of child at all

Mr said that Lodorerhud gone to the Arlon bull with two menwithout her husbands knowledge or con-

sent and that it was late the morningwhen shin loft and then ho was under theInfluence of

My client is sitting In the court roomIn view of Honor snld Mr Cartand tier looks give the lie to any charge-

of thnt sortJustice took the papers and re

served decision


New York Central Herd a ComplaintAgainst Slack Smoke NulianoeY-

ONKEHS N Y Aug 7 Acting HealthOfficer Dr M Wolf line received wordfrom the New York Central Railroadauthorities that they are expecting a con-

signment of hard coal and that as soon itsIt arrives they will use it on the divisionsof their road running through this city

This letter was in answer to acommunication sent Or Wolf enclos-ing a of this complaint received fromresidents of Buena nventio mndo totho Hoard of Health at its last mooting

DIEDCLANCVOn Aui 8 item Peter Clancy In hl

77th YOM

Funeral from his lAte rctlilencc 14 Jeffersonv Urooklyn Saturday Aug 0 Solemn

requiem mus at Church of the Nativity ChasMadison St lOorl ck A M

OLOVKn Aug 4 IIKK John II Olover In theTilth year ol hi

Funeral on Friday at 10 A M from the Churchot the Heavenly Hot lIlt av andtt lutatlves and Irlends are repectfullr In-

vited to attend Interment itt FalrAeld Connon arrval at Drldgrport of II oclock trainfrom New York

HOHSYOn AUK 6 at RIverside Coon nilznbetb-lllakeiley only daughter of George A

Horsy and Marion V N Uuiton aged 4 yearsand 4 montlu

Funeral iwrvlc i will be held at RIverSIde Connon Trlday ai muse A V Carriage will meetthe arrival of tba loot train from Vew York

ZABIUSKIU AV Saudi idol I I on Wednes-day Aug A Itrglnald thIrd child of Ororjosad Sarah Foireit ZibrUkle aged 7 years

Funeral wrvlcea at ChrIst Cliurcb Macbuieton Saturday tug t at 11 oclock train leavingSlih tt at 10

niGGa At ItocSMter N Y on Aug the Hev-

Dr Herman Camp Illiai pastor emerItus ufSt Ietert 1rejbylcrUn Church of Itntbeiter

e KOI at r tersou V JMary Mile ol William 0 Townley In ter Mthyear

Funeral from her late residence w Grahamav on Saturday Aug it a I1 M CarrIagewill meet the arrival ol the 110 P M traintram Chamber t Me II II Interment atconvenience uf Uinll-

yWIIUESSuddenlr on Weilnewlay Auc 1

Thomu Wlldea son of Eunice U and tbe lateThomas Wildes and husband of M LouIseWlldei In bl Mth year

Notice of funeral htretflcr




care all







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TOW LtOn Anus








for the



hi coo















Theatrical Advertisingv

TIIE SUNDaily aid SundtylI-

fiCRBASen more than II If July 1901

i compared with the Jams month tail yttr-

h I1 M mil KlllCnOllKSSaturday livening


KING EDWARD THE 7THi u iiirituiiiiA n ii riois-iitivr At MI vi crrri rs

tense Cast and ChorusMATlMr SA ltl AV A I 4 I M

Mf lsrn iv y i MVIii AT tillcsatiiM rourrowMt2U-

am s Shuhrrt Mini linmermani-A CHINESE HONEYMOON


MADISON Kvrr KVlay HJinouci-lKdocltllKailuil uincCpnlt ache fIt jrai-l5thIViK JAPAN BY NIGHT JapaneseJapaneir ImperialincmiNAIJU TrGeisha ilrl Japaneio Novrltlei ifAqnlns Orch




to ship thai Mleitthe IIIBel Tower on elblMlUa-llrliiilun lleach salevrnlDK prevloui to U saataiSIght Jemonjlntloni hourly A4-ralMlbii Si cents chlldrca


14TH lilUi HAM A VAUDliVI-LLJrtrWl2ilthinmW Wih pm llMleryil pm



tMnvCiuiiK Kiit T ill 11 n nnorM rv MS Mat sat sit rr IllLU IIUO-

LrCTUIf u I iwrsnotr IN TOWS3DOHCAT ACTMMllfci I II itisi IIICls J8c ill


AIIAHI1K HOOI lAltllKVH rl St Ev li-nririln Mat ts mug Vaudeville ActsSATftlltAYs restore V Hand of 00

Hisi irdstrlKI AVEXUE OPEN

Ills lOJIflM 1 VAtlIb All


ISTARNlLbt I llnitreli-

mmer Nlzhtt lltnd CvnlvnliMi Artlie llreezr

Columbui Ave and Club StreetN was Vev Orojp

11 i i it A r it o uk a t i I iiriiiii Vocal SoloIsts


A Movement for the roiKiillilatlonnftiiblloArt Soplrtlfi

BOSTON Ante 7 Tlio most significantmove made at tIme mnvrntlon of the Ameri-

can Park anti Outdoor Art Associationbeen the cliitinri of n committee for

o iifvdcrntlon hun object Is to bringinto liarmoliiuiiM working order nil socIetieswhich nro Interented In the ndvunccmcntof public art In the Inllod States Clinton

of Iliilndelphla Is luchairman

The following officers of nsoclathou writ cliclotl Irroldent Clinton 1U

Woodruff vicctiroldent-W Ormlxton Roy of Montreal lick JCrol y WnohliiRton WHrren H ManningIoMton Mxretnry n M Hoblnnon-Koohestcr treasurer 0 C Nlinoiulx Chi-cago

Tine Womans Auxiliary Heeled the following ofrlc r Mrn Herman1 Hall Chicago first nt MrsHerpont Edward Dutcher Milwaukee

MUi MniRaret KChristensen Lotibivlllp ccoritary MUs-JpsBt anliier ClilcnRo treasurer Mr-

Mnrv M Kehnw Hout-

nnioiiixns AMI st HOOIX

For Youug Jlvu iul n inon Clly audCouaU

MANHATTAN COLLEGEChrhiUn irithiTi lioardlnt liny icbulari-

II ii virl nnil I3l t t Nm York

iritsrs IKADIMJ 10 IIA HModern liinHiiiiii Situ linnlnrnlim Arc-

hllrrlurrutJl krilillorturelrnernl Nrlrittine IrdnaoKlKt liniinicrrlu Iliur rf-

ITrpurutur Dcparlitirnt-Keopen Sept H into President

REGENTS GOLLEUE BMmlnatlo-asrNMSKn snunii is VSTDII rucu

hay KvenliiK or Invatr lur Catalogue

N Y PRPARATORY SCHOOLIS n t 41il M V leleplmn 4iriil3

Kvtiini or Ilivali1 stat for u

1iiung Hinnen ID

Frnrtwl Nnriiial lti i A iiu n Supl 4 IrvingII 17in i Ian iiin Uil Sept IU iw

For llnr und Tnunr lIen lty anti Country

SACRED HEART ACADEMYsclirirnlhiill MlliMrj r inlluir Srhnol-l cm illie Snunil Wr lrhiilrr M Y-

An Ideal loonin nn lie ion vl Ijinx Hlana-Koun 1 reiri i by tnr ritiit ir are forcollege an iniMiir lace r mm niiuu bulldlnei-nilllvnry iraminir hv iiipi tiromptort1 manliness

OUdlrnn1 Trrit Bin Iltl-Artarns llltiiTlllil iuMfM nirector

NEW YORK rhnol M NAVMU StLAW SCHOOL i eniruschmit vmuSi

Him f LUD In twoyears LLU m tnfe yi i

nct for cailoy iilitniii CHASE

Ill Mt S M TI l

MM M Union m-iteethlnir Mjun thf eur-

vrlTi fr ealaloOld inrll h Novrlv11 etna

nip lor rhlldrag-n1 intUirmatloa-

if Tench Tr nilallon-HoU wanted IlUrr

All Mninnishould renil th KnickiTtxicker hIckllohcd V lnc dnjfi lid trlrt j j In TinhvLNiso Htv Koticty and tuhiouioir Ictttutcs

1 illn oJla311 I n u v IIUt


01 imO ttiO




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