THE SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 100f J H jj r i 1 SUN F 0 s I u I 4 I SNAPPED AT THE NEW STOCKS rJUUJA0 music OV CMVO Iff- FgbtfaYLVANlA PREFERRED PheBomeaal RU In FTIPM Rwnlti From ptrtted Wddlng toy Nennl Itrnkrn Old Ones Were Caught Too Bun Movement In Wet floods Follow i IIi not often that tocka not on the Ut or In the unlisted department ar dealt In on the Stock Kzchange but yMtorday order wen reeked for lenn- ylranl preferred a stock of which no ona- la Wall Street or out of It liad ever haard of before It wu the future arid in the nly feature of the afternoon Born o the Exchange newest broken a well a on or two of older OHM were Induced by the prevailing excitement to jump Into the market end buy and oil the took At about hilt an hour buforu doe ln there wu a general butt movement In the neighboring aloona The rery young wiand their companion In mUtry bought and bought refreshment fur their tor Beaton Until the place olom d up There were rumor at half p t I that omethln wan going on In Pennsylvania Nobody knew exactly where from but there wee a strUng Inqulrle a to what the morement meant Mr Btemliach of O A Mixing A Co a young roan whoae horizontal dlmennloM are about equal to vertical measurements and William Coster of t k1 ir Knapp A Co were heard explaining to Inquirer that Pennsylvania preferred wa an UKUO re- oently made to cover tha iurchas of Nor- folk and Vetem Oi aj e l e and Ohio Baltimore and Ohio and Veatcrn Sew York and PewviylvanU Whan oma po pie a aiod a hit puuJed by thl plauwlhle explanation a wink from either of the put the in lu true light and their wt re not openly Broker Suwdorff who U Pennsylvnnla wan one of tho tiNt to bo winked it 1 at one liocan bidding no for 1onn- vlvania tirrfrrred Thorn werw a nun I I I I tat a pen ore maier 4 I 4as 1 rikr the his a > ¬ bet of J22 sent a three end shilling nrdur to llroker- BIdunburg of llalla A for a ahatw ll got tlu iii for 211 Hrokir Robert OffaDhnch who wa only admitted to the FxcLatigo last Thursday got mi unitr for tWO dhan aiivuted it most on wait A gononil rtiah to trade In the Mock Abcoluuly nothing fee IT JI going on and vet- eran of the h d ont another and ahouted bid and acted n though the day wee the moat critical thvy ceo In years In the of It nil an order came A 0 Drown nf C I Hudnon A Co ahAnw of Pennsylvania preferred at the market He wwit out on and Pick lime A Co nt him at 233 There was nt onco a In the price of the utook anti it ad- vanced to MU Mr Hrowu make another Ho loo shareit of hi order at the price Mr Drown cnught om Uxly laugh of ISIS ti U booths Th n ho wrote out an order fur loiw hnru Conn t Uie markM to l handed to hU young IVroy K HmUon Young Mr put in tire order with t Ho got other onl rn end slid a grmt btulniwM heard congratulating hlnm lf out that be at lout getting In tho giim The market went on f It- RpUgxborg a trader of Urn nort who U al ways after anything that U moving bought Tliun Mr hInd wire tokl that the Itock had droppnl IS points itnmnlln aft r hla lie wee dl l about being and proceeded to map a thouaand moro on own for J4l Tho stock Immediately fell to 7ll Then tho market for It Mr Hud n apjiroachxl andent utratcgK David r with an inquiry about the tock and Mr Mlazenhoimor was off gunnl Mild end tiiii which wcro much to Urn point Mr Everybody eetned to have tumbled at aam time o Mr Hudoon went over and Marled to fir thin firm boy Ho wee quite oratorical w itnnM and he had time to put in MM tmichiii delegation raint owr from the floor and a at him until h thn Exchange In disgust without mans mrvictM So ended the market In preferred At the offlcoi ot all tho con carotid In the darn IramuKtiima it warn afternoon that nobody knew anything about IYnn preferred no telephone boys had job Tell ef III Iiin rtrore nith Game Harileni tn the eit- KraMt BetonThompnon the wellknown writer of animal book wee arrwted- hi Colorado on Oct 1 returned to dty and yesterday told a Hfx ri parter the fact of hU trouble In the Went 1 was out there he saLt wltli John I- Ooffi the minter who hu always Ixwn the guide to ItooMiveh on hU visit to that there to photograph the animate and had no It hap- pened that a arty of were ramping at a dUtanca uf about four turk I ali t- ofu for h cull kid In thin I Hut ho- w r hit I All a Itt A RlJr9r OFY n iTOT no ro- n Pdt Ill thou- sand ray S cold lot end L wire seyera eon the very eLm fflH said who hat I his ¬ ¬ > < > ¬ > < I to K over to vlult My wife WAS Ul stayed Imhlnd but hog anti I wt out to nicks the trip Ho nut nlong to how in the way om of short cute to tire other after I jot to Colorado lofT took out hiss lion the fomoUH ii that huntnd with Imtldnnt ll HM ovelt- a they h en U l up during sum met fat Hn pro o xl that day to taut thorn with u on thn walk acnxM the mountain and I wits willing They will not chaste shoot and are 10 hunt lions If MIW urn of Uieiu tracking a door ha him On tho way to this camp two of the dogs tarted after a a uf But hut day warn wnnn toni the earth dry to the pack Iut then two men armed with rushed Into th road dm undernrrwtt one of them cried for wn kayo caught you tucking a bear trap Vn know who you are but we at Mton arrvnt ln Itoovivelt were hen We were both unarmed and I dtl ed lofT to nubinlt an It UH evident that orto of the soon would at nothing I tri d to pernundo them to allow turn to return to my minp thr nub away and let Mm know had happened a It would taken threw tit retuni from Mwker But one Instated tIM I must go Immidiately to Mker for trial Thw other w that we had no f r any Innate of halting a t vir imp tried to pwiwilu tho other Same who nin i wn hush to kt use KO hut reuw l I allowed to g tuck to and gnvn a bond for Dm uMmimtice ui irff anti tuVMlf nt Mnkor r trial Judge tn hi HmrK1 MH that OuflT wa ii l only nut guilty taut u at the pm iutoNi J T l t TUI1V J M inn I4M I H l Imt wnnwl It wxjd it t for lUlll to Sty UM It lmli nx anN dent that I M ne ef MI a t u imp In ray M O kin sod hl l tu UK i4ll tarn Ward IHI I i in Il m rmHily In Kar- in JIS IN 4 or M lw Uii l ewnr- if Wn HHaware all Men IN INne- Valley KtiMT will IX Kit 14 hold Utits 4 tem cap Cot two h JUt I I r IL I r I I m- l I 1 I lat I Ill n I r o I and one wo cur tIre tied thin 0 after a thre dogs alder hay uus itrdtu ire lniuhl wee nuts llsoi wo np lsIhs end tha intiril tiset thuds sitsmpin1 psi tie rn l The tint arise h4eu e t 4 t I og e < < > > > < > > > > > GALLANT LAWYER IN A NESS Pummelled a CMmti husband or Hubby Pummelled Him Mow Theyre In tourt Dentist John P Woattray of US We t Twentythird street and lawyer Samuel B Hart of JAO Woat Twentythird atrrot ought scab other with foot OAt and cone on Sept IS Dr Wotboy nwpoctod that Mr Wwitboy wa In lawyer Hart ofllco No arrmtfl were ninth at the time but a MUM of personal Injury along with a smarting scalp wound some utlnful- oontualoua and a blackandblue y prompted Lawyer Hnrt later to cau the dentlat arrest Yeotenlay in JolTernon Market police court Magistrate Hugun conducted an examination a to the tauoe and extent of the aakault which the lawyer charged the dentUt with perpetrating Lawyer Hart meld that Mr had oonultod with him at interral an to divorcing her huattand On the day of the tight ahe hash visited Urn with eight yearold child to airy that her husband had turned out of their home Tire I Lawyers In the baftoiiiont of the Iwulllug which he has occupied fur many years I took the child to Dr Wwitboy and told him that he must eupport It raid tho lawyer He anawnred I dont know whether It I rnyichlH or not I aaldVoure a coward and a cur to disown your child and p ik oo of your wife 1 upponed that the would follow him I wont back to and I saw Dr Weatboy go to a baboons In Uttla ha canoe to ofilco and I wnt out and pulled the door shut after ma Til talk to you on tho sldnwalk I Mild to him He put ahuulder against my oftlcn door and r eii he I beck and loomed up before inn then ha thwacked mo on my with a an anvil Now dont paint 4cture Just U II lu p ened Interrupted tire corn i attorney Mark Alter Well cut my liead nod punched my I eve ami lamed arid l right kni right through thivm broad- cloth breechiw And then when I down lie kicked throiigli the broadcloth on other knoo I covenxl with blood but I got the cnnn away from trim I I I leI I chili to for t alt I no 1 nsy o word whit because s West boy tier a- while lie lined was was > > < > ¬ you Dr WestlwyT Wall defended A crowd gathered and th doctor vrlle l out He wife In III ofllw Yen I with her chiLi thl brute ha turned Into thin street Then Mr W cnn out of iny- oftloi end toM inn to waists mr face You wifecouncil Mr Alter ake hi client unfortunately Mr wa naad Hart but wise not called to testify he learned that her t favor Mr We 80 Mi attorney r C McAdam examined her that ahu hail picket up tier hiixlnnds with a piece of shirt aftur kcrimm ta- Dr tloy when hi turn came I went to Mr llhrtn offlo to got mx wife and he went for me like a lion n- nflrti Hed a at me yet If I hndut- defotidd my lf Mr Hart U about five font tall and weigh hID pounds Dr Weattor U a HIlls older Mm Is feet 10 Incha tall and weights about 77 dn MO with and some diamond Maglstrulo HuKir rr rved decision Mr Hart In KMTCSOII of the dt fondant cano HOT irOHHS IV A POLICE COIRT- Ma titrate Crane and lawyer levy I change Lrftllandrd Compliments Here Is a portions of a dialogue which took place In the Centre street police court yesterday afternoon between MagUtrnta Crane and Lawyer Abe lory In tire course of the examination of one of cll entaTJw Magistrate had told the lawyer that- It appeared from a reading nf the corn tin prisoner who wa accused of compounding a felony wa guilty The that stenographer rocord curd Maglitrata Crane Mid that It wee not neo ary- Ilsretofora Mr U vy exclaimed 1 harn held you In the highest estevni per serially a well a profeooloruill- yDont you ever reoognla ma or speak to ma again said tire Mngstrate You violated my confldonc In you a H gentleman aunt an a lawyer cur one to corn on thn bridge behavo like a allow anybody to call iur Muipi d Mr l liavc effect lwcau partner Idea Mr Lngvr never etit n d- Well my l IM as clear a yours returned Mr I Ai DlMnct Attorney Train who WHH at olnt- If the complaint i trua thv Judga ha a right to Mi Mkvm th prUoner guilty have to bother you said Mr to Mr Train But you will hay to bother about the nUtrirt Attorney old Mr To Mr 1 will dlctnte to you wlint aru Xi you wont Court lit then proceeded Jot OnI- on hi more 1 mot to who lot cnn pnj dl1 thl you right you for mr mint I do lot bead tnt abut Ti- n th your hie which were the iotnsdanst Yea lAwyer testified ken it much gray ansi about Slut hut Levy have the prisoner tsa snubbed the Niagutrate wilt allow me- a man have no to tm Ar doing political nuir bte my tiuttea < < < > < 5iriviriMMi r Would Mot Impose the Principal Atiocla loss to CrlllcUiu- Tha Public Hchool Principal Association of flronklyn I to have lu annual banquet tonight tin llauover Club Several montlia ago exPrexident J f lw nl swat rtrom of thin School Hoard was InviN to this banquet anti wa included In th j list of sfirnkcrs The fact that Mr Nwnn- strom i true the lutlon conillduto for tire Irevldoiit of the Itorotigh- uf retvnlly b ii advann- by some Shepard sup itorN u an objoc lion to r rrH noo m thx nunlon of tho- piindpaU but list oRker nf the itwori even to list with drnwal f UM luvUalldii Mr HwtuiMroin- however ha deold d trot to attend th- baniiiet and hn M nt hi ixphuialloti uf the ooiiimltl of nrrniujfimiili- l hokl tho atjMKlatlon In too ostiwiu and too many good friend mining It iiHinbor to allow to I t il to adviirvn eriilrlm no IncIter hex uiireton- aliln this rritlciKin may l e I hat thuro hut roncludwl to forego the pli a urn t kaJd invitation VfLETEIllS HtltM A rVI V- TtUKe Mha Ship on llrttltrt TraiitparU Mill tMMl a Trip NKW OHLKANK Iwt M IN The havo Chipped on tlxi li- lrati urU to South Africa to louk after tilt nnil amid lttil oit u d by tlm llrlti h lied a ruse mevting and fnnixxl- H unuii nnl will lwreaft r ln is upon getUng 100 a trip for taking rare of th multi Iriotivid of Hi they hsvn b nu 1 union wa organUetl by a man tiamnl- Wllltam Brown nitiiir or ih Saltern i soil Kirenmii AwwUtlttli uf Imat Britain I anti HtltuJi tovmilHfirt bee l n altow Ing nmMe ri fki a month Iwl Utat issue Km else hat got lIst IWOIM Hie TnnilM Is Cruwileil 4 tin Juib iwlni of Otwral Si nloii aalteil i Itie aileMlmi wl Ika OUtrtrt AUMTHn lu- nu iH rs IlL 4 t 1 r tu Ill tiers I nn ll I II C Wtr rr I M 1- N t I II 11 I Nil bias hi bray I2O eukl uttorepo gvcn aroblt IrS who a a lie claims I hat Iii I tire 4miU11 uk thus the 1eiide lie w JivI eKg at hewn SIair th 1Nt rI unent s > < < > < > > > < FIGHT OVER N P SETTLED HEAVY DEAtXNO IN THE STOCK MAKES WALL STREET TALK General IniprrMloo That the Rival Mergan 11111 and llarrlman Interests Have Aarml arid That the Farmer Will Control Preferred stay lie BeUrrd Northern Pacific Railroad preferred was the most connplcuoua feature In the Stock Kxchangn trading yesterday and Northern Inrlfln affair were the principal topic of Wall Wr t comment Neatly 4JOUO shares of Northern Iaclflo preferred were wild at prices ranging frou lut to IOTK when tiiii market Lid for this utock were made ut Including the Northern talo of Thursday moro than 63fXo- hareM have changwl hand within two day Conjecture ai to thin meaning of I hew transaction have ajwumed a variety of form in WailBlreet The principalwllara of Northern Pacific prefemxl wore broken who aro frequently lilentlrlf with tire Morgan InUreat Al- most all of tIre Mock purchased went ap- parently to tiltS great banking booMs chiefly Identified with the Harriman syndicate Tha general Impression In the Htock Kx- cluuiga at tho clove of bualne that thn MorganHill and the Harrtman in tarmts ill Northern Pacific lad reached sir agreement by which Mr Harriman mill hU awiocUt wore to hava certain iMMixflt from tholr control of Northern 1ariflo preferred tock and the Morgan Hill interest was to lw left In full of the property between of th Harriman mind the Mor an Hill InteniitM were hold during tho day with rofjartl to tho rttirement at in early Iarific company Mr Morgan ontroM- tho of IHr ctor of cow won a iti l by partisans of Mr Morgan that the board January In any vejir prior to IP17 nt par tyndlcato ptitnl ntiiitlon and declared of tilt reorganisation plan and of till i rtlflcat of U ck trod cussed 105 Pacific the Conftn 1Indlllt tJI uretcrnMi stock or All J1 lIt toislii rtirt tls lrrcnrrt stock on thin I t- ot r that pro v II was tie tire orthients the hut the ¬ < > KiplleiUy r iulro l that th company the tight of retiroiwnt after rcaMonablo notion to tIre holilet of thin Bhaix- Kinliient rounnel as having dlMNl the Hoard of Director that tho- xiniKiny meant tho directors and other emlnriit cmmeel wa quoted a advising list irpferre l stock the com invant the stockholders and nothing Inquiry among the flnanciars who con thin Pacific elicited tire amur- ancw that there wee riot to bo any friction or controversy Thin financial In torestH Involved suit too largo to permit of any warfarw and n tate mont rustic thAt the of Nortlnnn- Padflo prefern meant nothing le than that an agiwiwnt mutually nitUlnrtorr to all parties In interest een reached In list of the Northarn 1acltlo the Harriman will re lra benefIts which will Im satisfactory A gained circulation In Wall Street Just Ixfora tIm of the Stuck KxelmnKo that Northern Iaclflo preferred woukl l i retlttNl very soon and holder wotilil revelv now common on thin Uvls of III for each share of pro firred- I7 O IV JKIfSBK CITY Ills llurger Plant of tba Americas fompaajr lleslroyrtl The Rurger plant of the American Can Company a four tory franw building lIOiOO feet at M to 274 Seventeenth atreet Jersey City wa destroyed by tire ycstorday afternoon Thin fire started on the third floor and sprwd rapidly causing seventy Ive aiiiplove a lha majority of whom were voung women to thin stairway a hurry Vlcer lud her and another girl nn nnklo by tripping on Urn stairs Thomas cnt M by sliding down a from tint thin tory Thre loud exploalon oo- cumil lOll aft r the finmen got Ktmam- on tin flattest Part of the roof worn blown tiff kit no wa hurt by flying tltnlitr the block nmt machinery Can Company of I8IIM Vnler Mrv t- thi iviro mov l to the llurger plant Tire OH estlmate at ISnco halt covered hwurnrioa Tire fonnerly owned by Theodora W Uurgur of Hoboken STOLE A LI Ml1 OF UOlMr- Iormer lniil ee of the Asia limro- n Trial for larren Charles K irs wa put on trial In Crirninal Part of th tnltitl States Qrcult Court before Jlldrfo Tliomo yentenlay- chnrg l with stealing a lump of gold from tho A ay ho was employed up to lutt wi- s AVpr was defended by Abram lUiso Thr wllne rt were eiatiilned nil of thorn of tho OOioo who wnrkid In th snout room with Ciern- lliev gavo tlctniltnl teritlinony a lo tIme location this vnriou funinc in tho rniilllng tooth and the dolly routinu of work nt A ny Ortke Inn of thin alt IIOWM Martin of thus te tlng nmiit told of the cnro exercliM In hue annual houso cltNining when the bricks and tiles tilt floor and fiirnao UUM M anti th woodwork on this testing tattle rut 1 fnrnocl f to thrn stock an ruMs Oil lit I lie lIt Iv Y l 1111 I I alt rlhrlll ry LIt J AII It lbs I hats Icsis warn sale oho chum lItter Cit y waR wits the ¬ < < < > > ar burnt to wivo been dnrlng Use year Ihe trial WON not conclml- ttliirstUMt Atrrsin or inttnrnY 1 llerentlant In llhnntt Null and Delee- IUe III Accuser Melvin A wife U suing him for an ab oluto tin and Arthur I Hanboin woiu artnigncd lieforo MagUtrata hooky In tho AilHin Mrwt polloi court Brooklyn yi anUy charg l with at to brllio wllmtwwt In tire divorce null whirh iHiiiiait uii for trial In tire Ku Court on Nlonday next jiliadi r t guilty and wore hold for rx- Htniiuitiori In lli o arh- In her ongmnl r Mr hIlts named a lit eoivipondent Mr hIatUs Mrlxxl- tho uf linun- HKtrhant of 7M1 Carroll hlrwt hi niwnded compUint Mm Mil irn name U not miit iH l Tlm oi in Ulnt sit lirlbory OHM HUM Jrnln III fitiwtloii oUnltHil from n of the ilo wl i up tlio llvoni C M- ugniiut Itl- Tr i writ or sir irnsrrII- Utit fiMtr tIred Tltelr Oli- lfninraile Iranhlln lurilij- A rMiiilon of the Thlrl nth Infantry IU gliiHHii Now Jeray Voluntiern look pUci in lerwv y l nl y Of thn IMO who went out wUi thin nKiiimnt i- re MM di l to roll fill nt iiiM tlng bm HI tin aftrrtHmn at liiimbolili Hall In- NV ark at im NI W n was itiixtrtlml Kiniiklin lli Itepubh- 1nn ainldliu fi r iovoitinr of w r v MT HI th ThtrI Hilh wait kiiii tMt v 4Mkl e IMIHU wHh lit o4 l wHi ate entIcing lianl In lit IlHtU viifinM fh rtl Mr Muiirfir their Pltmri fur UM lt 4llHK rear Tlm Ie1mir iinl inntnlv of ther- fitHilki hH l a iu HI inMr hail in Harrow i ilH- g7V l l f a man t fit Ii e4 mi Ull it iil A II li rt U J v t 4km lu NJ VI a hAIl tIt It tired IInkl I I t siren tiiuris S II vote Isrettntd eta r tt 1 tIt I I II is Ioil f I a I II r every i whit elf Iso hi wee slui qt worked > 5iirr Ir ers sty i < tutu hiuahtese whet tail Tie lieu street ISet learnt S anti sIwfnlIle lb ewee 9t1 Ca fnqit1 1wtPn eeeisig sa hIeiit lMtet VeiL 15vs4 h w4 wm t e aid mf fteriit itt r 0 S < < < > > > < < > > > > > ° crtvazR WAS VERSATILE T r r tt r bep Kv M ta fill f any Ao eompltshmeaU fwilMt Ended The oontMt of the will of Eugone Ouldo carob to nn end before Surrogate Thomas yesterday Counsel for Olga- Halomaa HMtz who gets all the rotate by tha will anti counsel for the three con- testing children by Crucer wife have got until Nov n to hand in brief It warn Umt ItoHevrrthodrcWon U theftS will Iou further llUgation either by appeal or by an Imleixnulent suit to tabtlnli or i ef aside the will The twIne of Cruger I estimated at about lS3f it wan mostly In country Cruger had twilled hill chateau at rontalnehlcoti and MM lloltr hat only reolvwl in money from probato of wll III Franco 4oin france In thin cotir of argumiint ywt rday It wa tat l that tho first lfo of now Mn J Tarn of Tuxedo had received about IVntw from OuK r in li u of wr- manotit this IHT divorce Her threw children by who are the cotilmtant wldltion It wa1 Mild about IIKIOOO Mttl l upon them Angela a dtiightir of Cniger now this of Mourichon A deKMJtion reerv l to the end wa that of TViiniM K Potter wlio wars on Intimate friend nf CniKr abroad fur wr oral years lit I knew Cnu r In I M when h lived In Chanllllr ln r Ur of that ya r drove man court with tour from Oisntlllr tOni arrived at till Hcrlb lens In t hour U mlnuUs breaking He drove up with HiUn of trark and theater I fIt ro wife at a r tAurant in Paris said h w s rolnr to tiritrl i me then lntrixluo zinc to her a sirs Mr w a nut conv r ntlonaU t a linguist anti wk rrrr wlttr coiiU xpesk stout anrthlntf ws SUIts a iiintldun lie was an artlt ll u d to sketch ail isle wife ilr w lil horoa anti harris took InUreit In- Mi garden nl Fnntalneblrau He con- structed a system of hurdles and Jump for the of hi rings raw ovnr a tevplefluiwi ours lie UmllUr wit i lh of the hid irresl t te- nd would not permit any msn to Inltrfaia Mill lil Mr Crunrrs was known M Mm fIrst suit the tit out got wit got 130101 tit Ord the instil tiemouistratlont of I ud mistst lilto the rAN bl II U II to lie olell II abeaye or her lii 11 tn It a r t niger tin niger Frederic niger a horses lIntel the liOns and tip at Its air wheT was dir unlearn elf niger ike tt9iisI ftrio sernl ¬ < > > < ¬ > dr l of her He wriocj lo happy ami l l inn o III fAll h told ma- ilnrn were only two women ever cared for title mothur anl lli other hi UlKa lie toll nuns ha Intruded to Ilia- re t of hli tier In and that h wUhn- to tile l liurleil In trans Hr tutu ll uiy arc inert I liire married s wornan I hive eoined to thInk hi w on earth nuil lio IIM I to or tin At last t haYs luuud uiy par u OT YET FOVXlt Polio Think lie Absconded and Not a Victim of Vlolenee- leorgs Armitaga tha iUHMeog of Ui Bank of Naw Ani t rdm who disapjMarpd- wtUi about 18AM of tire banks money on Tuesday hail trot been found up to hut evening Iho hAnk left Urn matur- in tha hand of tire pohcu and the UnlUd States iuarantco Company T o Central Ultlco deti tives aro for AnmUg ill polio take litUe stock In thi ory- I hey lw lt iVH that ha lull tint city with U- imonoy ho hued collected uml that ho ad drvh ed tho package of pnH r which wo r turru d lo IVuhivr ibis nmnii on Thu on the wa disguised soul Xx rt putT that that of Armitaga Armltagtia- ixind for lAOWi w the hoes of tire sill lie t thuu 1000 STRIKER flHKn AT URIA First Crowd Tarkleil Italian IVorkman hut II Heady for Them Among the new hands engaged to fill the place of fifty union In the Man batten I nther Work at 313 McKJbbln- atreat Wllllam burg who went on strike two ago several Italians The strikers havo annoywl hive ever ulnoo On TuoMluy night suns utrikar Interfered with John ClniMtto of 172 Johnon avenue and ha nhot at them Ono of tilt strikers It I alleged then shot At two girls em In the leather work Mamie Ilolxor of 4 Fwrgrrvii Kale McUuichlln who llvits nt SI Ktoiilwn Mntt A i olic arre t l Clnonlto nii manu who did the hiMtlng traml llnealto when arralgmtl In tine Kwtin street polioa curt pli dod self defence FREE THAYEL ST1LI Eastern Hallroarlt Are Not Uhrly to Atiel- l h IVee Paue The Eastern trunk line railroads are not disposed to take any further action with regard to tine nlxilltlon of the free PAA system In view of tint action of tire WoNtern railroad In voting shown tint recommen- dation of the gum rl special oommlttea to stop free transportation So many tho mnaller roads voted against that tho majority WON very di and tha of paM system therefore in practically assured To tlraanlir lamtolMMl Jpum Trust CIIICAIKI Oct IS Nrgotlatlorui for tire nrRaniraiion of a JUouii gyimtnt trut are In C A Honecker of this nIT formeily auditor of tha Amerinnn II nd th II hits that waylaid wish remiss Ill nAn issuing I Ito te was elf Franc yen clearly Its wife say AIUIIT4fJg hit Aruisltag was warn lee has week susie Pliic suet > > ¬ ¬ rimtor are sold to IMI IntonMed In the diwtl It leixirted lo lay that the cltsxN to plant wen to l e ili istt xl with the Atnorican Trust anti Sating Bank within a few tIny No hang In II JL II Control CJiauncey M Depww said ye t rlay that so fur n he know the control of the IMawaro und Hudson Itallroad would not liaise to tho ew York Central and tho Ilrio Deliwaro anti HiuNon ha advanced wvirnl olnt within the ln t two ilnr on the tumor that control would MI Senator Depnw a dirvctor of both load K Vanlrrlillt to lie Item Nov I Cln a frletui of William K VanderbIlt wl IH now In KuroM that ho will tut In Now York about Nov I Wall Street rnnn have b n looking fur Mr Vamlerbllta arrival lnr IIIMS I Tlien It I x- l ctnl a dillntlM annouiuxmiHit rela- tive to tha inuclitnlksl uf Vundcrbtll railroad deal will Im madiv- Iatleit l iirhon haul Illilitenit- RrniMiMKlli Ort in A dividend of M INT ivnt iiiniHintlng to about I3l4ln will be pAkl by tin Iynchon National Bank within ten day Itiolver Kill H lVpji r- SJIVH that a much larger divhloiMl might have Utii hut tlwt tiio iliMniiiiiit- wlsbcd to hofcl a largo aiiioiint of setiitltiea for a more favoniblo nuirkot- Mrrry heIst In blur ColTce Trails Tha W Mil n Shire Company which controllol by Sugar must lnicrti bias advance pnrv of M braifl uf nwMisl I C cfT s S f l uml lo II rein i Thia pwi it vrkt ii t nsetil ml vamv AltMicklo lhi le of Mall ilreel It Hr Vlrn lls l Cnhiiisrir I H I4iwnno k ter li- The H k U fwrw m Din Mtlll l set f l e ILirhsrive- n llw IMHI I r- A i i IM i H It A- cre tu t 1i1 III alld Iho Jolsn lalA stock I y t mutt nAil I I Ire ft it 1 lIt eel M lIont of tnt mill I 1 at lbr I t 11 I 1r f to chat was ti Sri Mass this ianit hues a4ud I the te ttiik sirk to tae t dewt I trade the rat psasesf iseuIi I 5051 i wnte e1si 4eishi e suatl 55 Iha Itist 4- us tvtmtoi I lb s I 05 aiut Vt t i is tu i II K < > > > < > > < > Kaisas City Fort Scott Mciapkis Railway Company T th ut Mabirrlplls OX AND AfTKR OCTOUnil ITTII sPit holder of sutncrtpllon crnl cl i Issued by 7s U rran I tfls Trust Vmixnr on Iwhslt ol Ibe W louts sad Bui rnucUm IUUrrJ Comfwn lor bond j lru l r nmrt at Tli KtiM City K rt JVoll and UrtnphU luilirsr Compsnr mK- rhsncii th Moss st the oivf nf Tmi Mrrranlllr Toni Company No IM lltoiilwsr Voik for I Ihe srruniM lo which they am costumed I Tb l iBrt far sluM ant She chairs I for IIOJ r rh NI rl uHl I iMurd hut I ol rrnMr rntltlnl to fractional amounts msf trU such frrtl ni ot bur JunO mounl- as h necwMrr In rnllllr them to an entire bond nr sn entire t Iht olBet of the Trust ODmpsnr- lloliltrs trmrimlttlnr sihMrlptlna rffltflrslci- br resll will M InUlMie whttacr they wIth la or but fisrtlntit whrlkf r they desire ths new tor mimI or by eiprtu- st own rip i r THE KHCANTILE TRUST COMPANY II IIIUH KIIiiilAIIi 1rrldrt- Vw Ton Orlobrr 11 MI- I ltr ch COM UIVRS II you Cleats huts uJ ran rontiol amount at fluency Sot nkulsis J M U A KM A XI Drsrhnin M Chlcsto III Redmond loTestmni- ti WAU UT M T List f rarttit cJiri r n i pf Husllo v- TrtitMt I r urtl UaH Utr tl r ll t 4 M rrnlttM Art M risctj 4 r llil c l l n MS t tan med r ll 11 rmnp lt rl tin bnitt o rsiialslM Utvbttt ut hew Tvck Blxk aUrktuj Issue Travellers IETTEKS OK CREDIT available throughout the world riiitArtririiti ronitrnronnnVTSi- UltAIIAM liKIIU A CO- jiriiUnd and ntrrrnt- CNrrrn ttrATKs iiitrss roMPAXT- II Ilro4dwr r Vnrk ltbfr It 1WI iiHlh IIKIdrml- Th Trsniffr li k of it i nmr nr tw- rliM l on rtol f II 1 1 cir Kk rrorxntd Id riiWAMtiT I ATT Trruurc- rCltctiom and Ufttiupo- uniKOTox AMD rAsrKui KAIIWAT- I OJllAM- Ininclor Kr- Tfa dlictan of thn I ilnct n A Co t v l mrollDfor Nlocnatam- lo bfM Novrmb M l in nffir ol Inn Coinptnr In liinivn K la ths sure B C w t wi wil CmiitAUT SB Hrnordr Tel A l i rrir i rrrl- lnir ol p rmrat of rlrtt lnrttnt llondi- sn4 nt InlflMt nilt Tint and Urn Ilvrtocs lloixu f n Air li i AIIV fhUUH11t CentS end stock I hold ant tts them their YOttAL A in Ontoraulo t taku otro ran bandied for tllOlQJ lbs al1hm and Kerr Co I Securities lent lIoroollo Ie for I lie < u m1 K M taut a 11 of III Pin II I tale ci new arc curia are moaT char eli securities cent at let address sit rohr DCAL III High firado nAscing butt ftihu ehtrt dnfi Iubded eel ACIdS street mill 1 and 2oTmc bum way tell hue Set nit er fiat t ttcneteiy > > > < < < > <> < < > > > SldAR WAR All TK AM fleet Niigar VsniifartnreM Have fut Price In the Muklle It wits stated in Walt Htnet y5terday- Uiat Uia rule war hctwwn the American Sugar Kelhiing ConiiMny scud the boot sugar manufacturer witch hut in a state of apathy for the liust week or ten days had a iiin x new activity The of tho Michigan sugar nt tnanufactur are now to market and circulars are being sent nil over the Middle by tho l t sugar agreeing to furnish to cuKtomen sugar In ear load lots Idooiit a hundred v iinds less than tin price ifTerwl by the American Sugar tire shipments nJng rcmly ftr delivery within next or tin day prices guaranteed to Al c nivivisl hero ynrtnnlay from ktigar broken In thn t that the American Sn nr Ittlnlng Com i at prifitit wiling augur in that at four cvnU n MIII- KKI OFA ARiuorsr rouiMvi- me Tenth of I ret Vent fur ttho- MnuUlnl Nell to II Iteorcanlert Tint final meeting of tire Brtioklyn Wharf and Wanthouiw Coin iny was hekl at AS limed tre t yi tenl y Tho mortgag xl property of the v in any Including water front In BnMiklyu lieon oiight under fonclunure by Use Now York Com any which repremnu a raorganlrn- Uon cortijinny proporty ha m w db n i ii of for A yii enlay imeting the lnit l SUN Mnrtgagn aivd Tni t Com wit p oliitisl receiver to diktributo stun among creditor of thin claim against tha corn bunny were purvlui il by th Commlttioi iimiiv for their full faio- viilui mum n four rrvditor rvfiiMNl to Tliey with tho foinmiitin ooim In under Uslillllle stinntll I AurU HIM1O- Hohiilol4 In bankntptoy of Tliotnoa- luiil A luld dry goods coniniik- f Ion merchant at M Worth were niiil leiilay xliowing liabllitit iUtDII ruul tiiiiillinl ISVI The luvctii vinJmt of nlmri1 i f txk of lh Hilling hub of Oraii N IUIIIM mining stork antI H IIKIIII for SJV Aimmg iaUllti lilt ir dtiv to th F KX Club of Wi t Ornnni anti IK to tho St titsjrgtta Roolity of New York Miiml liil Tnwt to oma- MUNCt Ind M INAll oHloar of thus Muncie lull Manufarturini Compuiy an- ioiirui that thu WIMM pulji ciMicenu of Uio country am noon to go under one Ijttirn capltallt hnvo ln n visiting thus pulp of Iho I nittil In thl Wfok A thorough ex- niniiiution nf all tIn 4antK I to uiailo prvllminaiv a l i l ftmn hut INoiioMii InHt fur Mlnnranotli anil St loHlt IIMilenili- Inuxnul nativity inHiilfa J In tho look of llm Miniwii ii HIM St tiillronil In the LIft jo ye ten y- riio price ot l tli ll itiNH HIM pre erred lulnmxil liotn lo 4 in ruin r f WII MIV iiHr o oi llvldfiHU A wHiiiiTl i il Mai H II a- irculaliil t eflwi that tho i t iNirti- ig of tiio nwtd thi ammiM o about 17 r fnt rn its mpiluliaatHiti- ew llnrltiiBloj Iliiiite lo Ieailillle The lilengn Hurlinclou and Vulucyu- illnMXil l4iiiiiniiy tiiinp tinl UM work if clanging Inrt Pin fimn narrow M MatnUid KmrJ- Til M nm n new oitt wdhlt Mill rn il4- lio II A g in rM M IM V fr t7 n tutu h than tl ill Uifi iinrat if ir IBIS ic u anti WIt l lIla its lurk the ittttl get urtasurt oiuo t I f II k n tIt lnh tansaetotistfut I uituilm t wtn 111 WIt y j Egypt all I J1Oht iTeslr nrrttf- J I I U ret linen lit I week thu were region hiss thIs hit bet moll Ittlu will tenth f sr cent fur rrutr1v St rest h I Sit t ins i I ti I nit Ito ten In trn sure bouts Stock I lie tmur turns I Iso Ills us I ithis mud iti t cur > > < > < > > < > FINANCIAL AID COMMERCIAL FRIDAY Oct is The preeminent feature of to laya stock market wa heavy Invllng In Northern 1acirio preferred at a minimum advance of nearly R xilnU anti a net gain of halt that amount confident buying of thU stock naturally lrenithens the con- viction of tire Street that If It I to lie re tired on Jan I next thus holder will receive something morn Ihan par in cash M aped flwl In plan of reorganization stud In the l o ly of each cartlflcatc No con- firmation of vlow however can l obtained from nuthoritatlvo source Ho much that U contradictory rtganllng thin matlor ha tioan ptibllhed that tha specu- lative community it fre iiently dm falls hank tilt stock a furnlHliIng- I H Hive proof that hotter tenim are to offertxl to the holdem of Northern Pacific preferred than this company U re Uln l to give Moreover It I argued that purjwse of aooomplWilng the retire liant of the stock without friction l t twoeii- thosa who control the company and UHMMI who hold a large majority of the preferred ctook a bonus of come sort will Till view of tlm suggeata the in- quiry a to whether thin management would not make itself liable to the common stockholder by xtylng moro for the pra- ferred than U called for by the terms of the certificate It would a large amount of spies to atiunwrata the various theorie and conjecture which the Street I Indulg- ing In regarding nutter Thus few fact that are known about it are that till com- pany which created the obligation re- served the right to redeem It at par that the rrutnagitmant announced It Inten- tion of doing so last spring tha selUo- mant toads betwe n tire two Inter- est that fought for control of thin com- pany and that Uio hnnker and capital who are now In a majority In tine directory ara seriously considering this advuutblUty of oxorcUdng thin option or privilege which this company reserved to itself when the stock was issued It can also Iw stat l aa a feet that there U no lack of harmony between tire two largo stockholding Internet In the com- pany that op oM d each other o rigor- ously six month ago All question re- garding territory and operation between the several transcontinental lines en- gagod In that contest were covered agreement matte bu t May which It wlU l a remembered Included a provision that point which might come up and could not Im settled by mutual agreement should ba referred to Me r Vanderbilt and CoMAtt aa arbItrators Regarding the execution of plans for concentratln tho control of thin Northern Pacific and the Orcat Northern railways In a proprietary company end thin retirement of the pre formed stock of tire first named It U safe to that negotiations are ndlng look- Ing to their execution without friction In the early dealing on the Stock Ex- change thus sharp advance In Northern Iaciflo preferred influenced thus soUr spuotilatlon and In spite of profltbiking during tire taut half of the day the in the main and a ma tins All upon lit for- th arranged case thIs hy the aay tOil Tire the tape ditto wart ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ jority of tho list cloned higher than yacier tiny Tlia notownrthy net advanca other than that In Northern Pacific pn- finvd went In and St Louis tissue Iowa Central preferred lacks wanrm 8t Louis Southwcstero Tore Mar bustle and a comparatively long list of active stocks hiss movnment In Minneapolis and Ht Louts and Iowa Cen- tral accompanied by reports of an Increase In Urn dividends on the share of the firstnamed company and by a revival of rumor that Uia two cotnpanlea am to tie tnargod and turned over to the Illinois Central An advance of more titan 8 point In Iera Marquette was based inrtly upon tIn earning of the company and also upon pn oct that In duo time It will beoonia u art of oome one of tbo larger with winch It maintain traftlo rulatlon- Tho heavlcM were In Union Iaclllc St Paul arid Southern Pacific and In the Imlaotrul lIt In Amalgamattd Copier and Sugar Bt llnlng both of which w no eiivptliiinlly strong Tire r- tntiiwl niMrly nil of Its maximum Improve- ment while Sugar BeHnlng toward tho under realizing salen A fea tutu of tire afternoon trading wa a sharp ndvancn In Brooklyn Ilapld Transit In tire outside market there waa a brisk do for Dominion Seouritie that carried tlm prlcn above M Other feature were American Can U ues Havana Commercial common Now York Transportation tool Moxlcan National preferred In tho nutrkit tlwio a little Increase in tha volume of bulneH and the tone was tlnctly tinner thAn Mille the cliwlng won rathor Irrvgular tire tuna W- Bin tho iiiuin very firm Krw filoek KxrnanteNaln Ort IN i r sas it IIK- CtOHXU reich or VMTIII iTAlltJ KohlM- Uti iilr Ill A UJ U ss f its i has roe iov t s 138 ino- f S vf I i 1IJO IOU IO I ll I3l I4O- tS tSVI SM t St C tVIS IOHU lOttli ISOI lUTIt IO8- lt S 411 113 tie Minneapolis wee Hal I rod systems fit mAil was ork vitoTn STATSis ASU 1I000el H UI 107 0IllIU7U I I JII > I- III ssm usuDCl46- I iI cites dealings yielded dose bond ills yesterday sTATS tXrttus liii 5 > i I IPt lutet 5 ilrt 4 < ¬ ¬ < < > HAIIItOAU AMI overt mini nines 1114 V I I l i WO A S xjn r r ui Nul l lees III i IHMUI lOu h4- n irA i i t lUdtMi Mn Ussr wseo HI IHH il Vvllh M tn- lt SHOO IO IIMMMI tuait UIHXI- IM ini II I MI MO- IINMI I Hit laano- Knl nll 41 ti H- I I U t i Mi 4 i tilMl hOt 4 ut ii I Ol tl l I tl i wf lull- uaiNI 1 O0 lvii iw- oo tons I n Mm4 S ihlinr Kail S times IIHJ lotfitiNkili IsnnrI- TiKW l Mi Ui i ttV- Hi tifi i IMI i Sviia luiU ai Mil HOIHJ nu it lest item i crawS II l 4 suite WHS reoe I I I U Urt I ml iwi 4i li Hill H0 t M4 IIXMl IMI IHliVxrT tfA M t- il trl sr U- Mm JTiH Ilk MP ll i mm lot lUIVn HlMII A IOOO 3Oi toes ItlU- 3O Ti ih i U- Ult ttHKI I14 t fiii Mt i l iii n 7 00 Wr JOOM MHt JKHK- t vi 4vi iH a 10 IO7- Wirn IIWO lOMl- N tnK IJ mtlrtrd OAK i 10- I07S tuft I07 iWmiMi 10714 uses t M 1 1 f a t MUMls COO IOrt lint Mm Isttt- 4SH we 140 N INM IOJI- h s ionv- W 4l k n tICS oTH It N71t ooo I u II 0 At t 01 I t I lltt IUOWj t I It 4 111111- 1t itit 11111 Oil III 7 It I tll to 111 I III itt r IIIV aeon tOO II II M hit I I list lid If M I 0 1o t at I > tilt HI A II A I stt ht ii soo 1111- t I I 0 11 I I I tll t I M tOlt A 11111 lilT ICI 10714 11 1111 It I u ii eIM 1 tH 11171 I itS- I 171 tl7t 1 16- M 1 tUJ I MH T I AsuElptel4l If5 e cii ltadsrc tot Is 1501 I 1500 ISr e I sits ilsi Ottit A t A is is4Ml InS s uui UM- ItWlu iVcl K- I I l 5 7mo- mu a mu e AiI ueu i 5 a e C let t uroped lit 4 I ti P as o I 5 lit lie rise loss or In tei 5i5l i t e ini us 20i 34 aae It 4UciaitstItm title leer 7l5s lltt 50000 07 e Tee ts lent 5500 07t- u I lw 5 It- 50I 555 Itss 3ttse 5t1mt It- 54c ill i m 54em 5 rut 5s cit se3j i let s v sau3 1v talus aui- aiism Si 3iat l 5tee vMtit 3 itS ii- Ii S Hurt ttWc tl itl il1 iACM lisitss 7icrS Ise Is fitpci4t ate itil- S 75 II Stilt ieee 4s l SI ii 3 iu i0t- I S- a e C C I I SSIN 5515 iljI5 e I 5 rI O1 7ri hUt > > > > < > > > > < > < = = 000 Psrlfl 4il tOAM ooa flftiuoooo 10411 loooo 000 N tia 1000- I0l 0 04 J 1000 T l IlKKXI 10000 04t OMUIIA N 4v 1000 10000 04 IOOO 0ni CK I VBU- rrif nn tinni tit 400 An I P IK 00 AmCArco Ai il oo Am ripruion 27 oo Am iitt o- 4JOO AmMn ll 44H 100 AmBniiflp HA 1500 Am St AtnHursrpt I ttH lIlt j- a n 4 i 41 KA 1114 i 1 I AH sI- MOO ATASf 100 IUII A Opt OU 11100 llrknllT nil 100 llufllAP U7 100 HIH lUli I u- 4dk U 3 77W u- BOOH Ii- sta 4 n- bo 4 00 CblUAMIM 86H IflA flo 4 1- 4400ChlUaSIplHO IHhll IS 814 4 V4 Cbll l14a 148 148 14 too cbi iinu ao IMCblTtirap 37U 30M 07M 4 H JOO Cbl All 3714- IDOCblAAIIp 77U tOO CblANVV aOOH- ueoo cbtoiWf UUH 81 toocowpini 4ftI- tUO Cbl IA U 41 i oo coir i oax irO ColSniUTa I3I- I OJ Col to til p 04 100 Colflo id ft 84 00 Can OMBIRM 700 Cru SUfJ t H4H 1400 I llludl70- W Utn HO 44Vt too ttrnaiiop oa 0 Dos MAKO 4 8HI- OOO ll CooA 7 700 UUCooIAp 8Bl- Oil UulSSaAp 8OI- 1UOJ Citt 4IH- itoo true tsi p own 100 riitjdpi 66i too OUBDC aaI- OQ on ttJ c auI- OW OlutoM 43HI- OD Gluons pf Brtl4 1100 OirslNor p 1 8 a i 100 uetkvsi aati 1400 IUInnUC l 4flt4 400 lot Ps r U8H 100 latlsptrt 7h HHU 00 lot runs 47 100 IM Pump p R8M 4600 loss Cnl 48 1404 lows Crap NO Uc b s HWV- 4ioa i K A jttm on 100 Ukt Sb ir1 1 II- I4 LouftNstk IO3H 4100 Usobsiua 1 8 I 1100 Urt StltrloHH 100 urt wan 40 100 UrtWHRlp 01 ai ea- 13l MM M 64 64 11- 483H 84 4- BIS 818 4 H- H4N H4N 4 H too loo anon ass 44 44 441414P- U ea 43 41- 7H 7k 4 4- SB BDH IM- BOH 8014 4 H 4 Hi 41H 4 14 eiat 0014- eoi4 cat 4 1- 4aa sa- aftH see 48I4J 48H Ii- D8H D8h 108H ID3ti oau oa4 4 14 Ian 140 V4 8814 88M 4 T 7 H 7HH 4 H- H7H 87H H 47 47 4 H- H H BV4 f 4fi 4 IVi 4IH- 7H 78M 4IH- l h IIVH tttt nan on- HO aiO 410 1O3H IO3li r U ISO 180- 1C7M 107H l 4 40 40 II 01 62H 4 000 U 11000 l3tKun lt I Ietnt I loot loal lI nf1t t 10100 07 i unoo IIJ fI site ZIIfIJ PHI L t t lone i vail 7t ionssi 7 10000 talus OTlIKIJHA1I1- I1l 1 11 1 7oo fill II lit I I Il Am lnl nIl Am itc lint t uS t M I I I II I I lilt t 10 77 771 1300 ATall Ip 07 onl liDO 1I4UlllollIlI 1024 It 153t 97 117 Can wulb u 00 ran J its oOli gill C OWp I It alt 40 7111 II zoo ItO ooStl 574 l7H k A s A4u At Oat 5 1 t Iewucta ptIn Is wheS I tone S atr IiI 5O1 3eO- ui It 41 4 lifluflC 4 0414 lioou- ltahselescul annuls tir AbLIIOAnAItfm Mi v Ia ti en Cts Anti rep 5734 e mu4 12 tHtt- X00 3414 toc 14 lUt 100 43 hug V I lot I 2500 Anarnods l6I 06 7534 iseut 10214 15314 0034 11114 419 ci kht4 C14 Its lSOOChes0Iiuo 454 4614 37 7714 400 0614 44 4654 409t- OOChiIALpf 714 714 Term too ccc 1i71j 1100 ISILaMW22 lIt i leo Inst hiwul LOG 14 < < > > < < > < < > < < > < < + > + + + + 40 uu Crni 88HI- tOO Uri Nat 144 100 M A 9 I I I I ll3ILpM84 oo USPSSUp 77ii- too u K T aa- eooiiKTH aoI- I7UO Mo 1irtflt 0 14 tlJH HUH 14 14 110 110 181 184 son aru 00 Nat s4 I 0- IOOO VC nttslia7M vrcAsu ao 4100 Nor AKMt OflU 1100 NoAntrCo OH4 41100 Nor Isept 1OH14 1700 fbi A 33T4 1700 se Usil 40V4 11000 Penn II HI47UIT- OO Im DM 10o 4 Prrt Usrq HO 100 IVV4KUI 48 2100 Put giCar 4 1 1000 frnsSUCp HIM 100 Qul kUl 414 100 llndlnr 4 I too iirstfinr IP 7OH- tioo Nrsdinr SP OaH 100 Hrp Steel OI 00 llrp SirfI p DA 1100 Hub OnoJU BHM- so MJAuiip aa 100 SlJAlIirp 88 4- ItOO SI I A Ad 133- uoo MI A s r 4 ui 100 SI LAST Ip 77 100 MlAirN 7l 600 Nt L1 W 8U4 1100 1118 Wp OD iJ7oo scum rsc aoii4- JOO S u HrOo 384 100 HeullrCap bO- oo sunHAT o 700 TrnnCAI nHl- oOTriUodT 30V4 toO Triu lsc 3hH- U0 TMIA T 811- VO T SlLAWpt 0- tVO fllsfAPp 781- 4ieoo fnlon Psr I 0014- CO fnlonlncp HH- Ie00 SlrHSrr 1 i awe tSUalhp 81- loo ta Hutbrr IOU SIDO f SSI Co 4 US- loo v c cn ao au ao 4 k 400 Wsbub 8UH O 80H 4 H- troo nsusb pf n ini son 4 t- lOOUrrtUTrl Ol 4 I M4 01M 4 It too WALK tp ao on aoI- VO Cent a ao 4 8014 h 4 l 404 4 Hi 4 Ih- luul MJr ot vx O HI a II ib rt- ItlSllIK Cl klAU JfOTATIO V- OtKsn C rt 14 4 415 5 44 200 tIt5IS3i 2t14 4 4 774 734 3 It a 2434 QA 4 494 60 4 34 0434 g4I zoo at6Coxfl0l4 101 1014 13 1 9 19 1664 36634 boo 60 60 34 CCN 6634 34 0714 911 34 101 106 4 Wit 314 8314 46 4634 44 1404 14014 14 10634 10614 coo 7714 71114 4314 415 40 4034 4054 4 84 814 14 414 44 34 401 4014 1 7134 7114 13 6134 614 14 I I C I 6 811 611 Is 074 It1134 69 69 41 91534 2154 12114 193 Is 4014 4114 4 It 7754 7714 it 67 67 4 21134 9014 t 66 611 1 63134 6934 j 34 3151i 31534 I bCI 634 6 6 110 00 3834 384 Ii 3M 3s44 4 1 VI 21 tIC 38 1 7154 71234 4 3 91414 91534 4 Ii CMII 54M34 I 15I I 2 1 34 4 I t04 h114 1 I 614 1 614 4 3 4814 4334 4000 I5tICop 1514 91534 91514 I itS 700 I5i Cent p I sit I trnlsa lull 4s4 1154 4itt > > > > > < > < > + + + + + + + Am IIA t pf 3O 3ft- Am ltl Il i7- AmCCs 81H- Ad C Opt 70- AmUMi IO- 7nrui r 141- 4IIANVr I7 4- II AX V Uiirtt H4 l- Csl Osptvr 61- c tiirp aj- Vm Alt 18- i f lit vuUrnic as- ConllTt U- fllTplrtf V- ItiAHlte I4- liAlllllst HU- Un s hli- tllrcltxls 81- uv n f 40- rx v a s i s- iarV rf Hit Il H Os V- KLHC4 H- Ku 5uc r 88- nasutli i 5 MM 84 30 tUrists 14V4 37 Ms VI pf 3HH- IOO UrlN l4 774 88 UriN1414 I 0 I 4- 7O4NI Cram IH- 1O7H Nilflii pf IOU I4 NfwKT U 80 SVT 7H- U Hl t I- HO 3- tilKitlAiR 14- i itKnla r 8- fi Ill A LE 38- aaitKKPr ua 14 lllll IUOI1- LU SC LA lit I 44- II SILTc 80 3 HrtAlt 8014- UA 5 ALM Half l6iNr Alpf aoU- 4it i unc an- i It ls 4 Il- OisCAJ I vi MsnOU 780 788- Oi k Wil ei o- ISTTAvC nlj 71- A TtsaOup 13H 14 3 tltlwi CV 4 4- itillr f M- H6 I pt 81 ft 1 IOU UIITolM 4 I briixlt HO 80l- 4ii f4nbr ta ao- Mttlsbpl 411 4O- i fvHiit a 4 aik- CIXHAM 7414 i U SHr4 II 4 3n- Lsiiorr at 01- VICAC o u i c A a- U 49 41- A KHus C I 4 10- int nn AiikCii fti i i irkvna 34 3- r ki i tni ens usiMrs s A ic n 4 iWiisia A- llApt 04 0 Itul it l Oft I 0- lAItu B I I34 I 14 118 IC AmISS 139 751 11 105 34 7It c oils t i 94 nIt S tst I I 7 sit I 5 116 150 yf I 0 I 34 1411 911 157 3i1514 8014 ala pitsu1isnO s 1130 556 p Ii im tnti Z14 ieMelg 3 I te n I c ur sir is liuCea e I Iti I C licittospi 4i4 Alt htMl I 8 I 4 ta ti5Tai 5 I titLeS 4 Ii CuniuljIhno 154 ruttanrtrstua CIissMCQ QtOTafl CC Ail lie < IC I 51keCA Cu ftLpTts Itfil 9c S < < < > > > > > <

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1901-10-19 [p 10].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-10-19/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · oratorical w itnnM and ... with a piece of shirt aftur kcrimm

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JH jj r i

1 SUNF 0 s I u I 4 I



PheBomeaal RU In FTIPM Rwnlti Fromptrtted Wddlng toy Nennl Itrnkrn

Old Ones Were Caught TooBun Movement In Wet floods Follow i

IIi not often that tocka not on theUt or In the unlisted department

ar dealt In on the Stock Kzchange butyMtorday order wen reeked for lenn-ylranl preferred a stock of which no ona-

la Wall Street or out of It liad ever haard ofbefore It wu the future arid in the

nly feature of the afternoonBorn o the Exchange newest broken awell a on or two of older OHM wereInduced by the prevailing excitement tojump Into the market end buy and oil thetook At about hilt an hour buforu doeln there wu a general butt movement Inthe neighboring aloona The rery youngwiand their companion In mUtry boughtand bought refreshment fur their torBeaton Until the place olom d up

There were rumor at half p t I thatomethln wan going on In Pennsylvania

Nobody knew exactly wherefrom but there wee

a strUng Inqulrle a to whatthe morement meant Mr Btemliachof O A Mixing A Co a young roanwhoae horizontal dlmennloM are aboutequal to vertical measurements andWilliam Coster of t k1 ir Knapp A Co

were heard explaining to Inquirer thatPennsylvania preferred wa an UKUO re-

oently made to cover tha iurchas of Nor-

folk and Vetem Oi aj e l e and OhioBaltimore and Ohio and Veatcrn SewYork and PewviylvanU Whan oma p opie a aiod a hit puuJed by thl plauwlhleexplanation a wink from either of the

put the in lu true lightand their wt re not openly

Broker Suwdorff who U Pennsylvnnlawan one of tho tiNt to bo winked

it 1 at one liocan bidding no for 1onn-vlvania tirrfrrred Thorn werw a nun






pen ore





1 rikr






bet of J22 sent athree end shilling nrdur to llroker-

BIdunburg of llalla A for aahatw ll got tlu iii for 211 Hrokir

Robert OffaDhnch who wa only admittedto the FxcLatigo last Thursday got mi unitrfor tWO dhan aiivuted it most on

wait A gononil rtiahto trade In the Mock Abcoluuly nothingfee IT JI going on and vet-

eran of the h d ont anotherand ahouted bid and acted n thoughthe day wee the moat critical thvyceo In yearsIn the of It nil an order came

A 0 Drown nf C I Hudnon A CoahAnw of Pennsylvania preferred

at the market He wwit out onand Pick lime A Co nt him

at 233 There was nt onco aIn the price of the utook anti it ad-

vanced to MU Mr Hrowumake another Ho

loo shareit of hi order at theprice Mr Drown cnught om Uxly laugh

of ISIS ti U booths Th n howrote out an order fur loiw hnru Conn

t Uie markM to l

handed to hU young IVroy K

HmUon Young Mr put in tireorder with t Ho gotother onl rn end slid a grmt btulniwM

heard congratulating hlnm lf outthat be at lout getting In tho giim

The market went on f It-

RpUgxborg a trader of Urn nort who U always after anything that U moving bought

Tliun Mr hIndwire tokl that the Itock had droppnl

IS points itnmnlln aft r hlalie wee dl l about beingand proceeded to map a thouaand moroon own for J4l Tho stockImmediately fell to 7ll Then tho marketfor It Mr Hud n apjiroachxl

andent utratcgK David rwith an inquiry about the tock and MrMlazenhoimor was off gunnl Mild

end tiiii which wcromuch to Urn point

Mr Everybodyeetned to have tumbled at aam timeo Mr Hudoon went over and Marled to fir

thin firm boy Ho wee quiteoratorical w itnnM andhe had time to put in MM tmichiii

delegation raint owr from the floor anda at him until h thn

Exchange In disgust withoutmans mrvictM So ended

the market In preferredAt the offlcoi ot all tho con

carotid In the darn IramuKtiima it warnafternoon that nobody

knew anything about IYnnpreferred no telephone boys had


Tell ef III Iiin rtrore nith GameHarileni tn the eit-

KraMt BetonThompnon the wellknownwriter of animal book wee arrwted-hi Colorado on Oct 1 returned todty and yesterday told a Hfx ri parterthe fact of hU trouble In the Went

1 was out there he saLt wltli John I-

Ooffi the minter who hu always Ixwn theguide to ItooMiveh on hU visitto that there to photographthe animate and had no It hap-pened that a arty of wereramping at a dUtanca uf about four turk






kid In thin




r hitI



A RlJr9r OFY n iTOTno ro-n






lot endL








whohat I his









I to K over to vlultMy wife WAS Ul stayed Imhlnd

but hog anti I wt out to nicksthe trip Ho nut nlong to how in theway om of short cute to tire other

after I jot to Colorado lofTtook out hiss lion the fomoUH iithat huntnd with Imtldnnt ll HM ovelt-a they h en U l up during summet fat Hn pro o xl that dayto taut thorn with u on thn walk acnxMthe mountain and I wits willingThey will not chaste shoot and are

10 hunt lions If MIW urn of Uieiutracking a door ha him

On tho way to this camp two of the dogstarted after a a uf

But hut day warn wnnn toni the earth dry

to the pack Iut then two men armedwith rushed Into th road dm

undernrrwtt one of themcried for wn kayo caught you tucking abear trap Vn know who you are but we

at Mton arrvnt ln Itooviveltwere hen

We were both unarmed and I dtl edlofT to nubinlt an It UH

evident that orto of the soon wouldat nothing I tri d to pernundo them toallow turn to return to my minp thr nubaway and let Mm know

had happened a It would takenthrew tit retuni from Mwker Butone Instated tIM I must go Immidiatelyto Mker for trial Thw other wthat we had no f r any Innate ofhalting a t vir imp tried to pwiwilu thoother Same who nin i wnhush to kt use KO hut reuw lI allowed to g tuck to and gnvna bond for Dm uMmimtice ui irff antituVMlf nt Mnkor r trial

Judge tn hi HmrK1 MH that OuflT wa ii lonly nut guilty taut u at the pm iutoNi

J T l t TUI1V J M inn I4M I Hl Imt wnnwl It wxjd it t

for lUlll to Sty UM It lmli nx anNdent that I M ne ef MI a t u impIn ray M O kin sod h l l tuUK i4ll tarnWard IHI I i in Il m rmHily In Kar-

in JIS IN 4 or M lw Uii l ewnr-if Wn

HHaware all Men IN INne-

Valley KtiMTwill IX Kit 14

hold Utits 4









r IL





m-lI 1I


Ill n

Ir o


and one wocur


tied thin

0 after a thre dogs




itrdtuire lniuhl

wee nuts

llsoi wo np lsIhs end tha

intiril tiset thuds sitsmpin1

psi tiern


The tint arise h4eue

t 4 t I oge








> >


GALLANT LAWYER IN A NESSPummelled a CMmti husband or Hubby

Pummelled Him Mow Theyre In tourtDentist John P Woattray of US We t

Twentythird street and lawyer SamuelB Hart of JAO Woat Twentythird atrrotought scab other with foot OAt and coneon Sept IS Dr Wotboy nwpoctodthat Mr Wwitboy wa In lawyer Hartofllco No arrmtfl were ninth at the timebut a MUM of personal Injury along witha smarting scalp wound some utlnful-oontualoua and a blackandblue yprompted Lawyer Hnrt later to cau thedentlat arrest Yeotenlay in JolTernonMarket police court Magistrate Hugunconducted an examination a to the tauoeand extent of the aakault which the lawyercharged the dentUt with perpetrating

Lawyer Hart meld that Mrhad oonultod with him at interral an todivorcing her huattand On the day of thetight ahe hash visited Urn with eightyearold child to airy that her husbandhad turned out of their home Tire I

Lawyers In the baftoiiiont of theIwulllug which he has occupied fur manyyears

I took the child to Dr Wwitboy and toldhim that he must eupport It raid tholawyer He anawnred I dont knowwhether It I rnyichlH or not I aaldVourea coward and a cur to disown your childand p ik oo of your wife

1 upponed that the would followhim I wont back to and I sawDr Weatboy go to a baboons In Uttla

ha canoe to ofilco and I wnt outand pulled the door shut after ma Tiltalk to you on tho sldnwalk I Mild to himHe put ahuulder against my oftlcn doorand r eii he I

beck and loomed up before innthen ha thwacked mo on my with

a an anvilNow dont paint 4cture Just

U II lu p ened Interrupted tire corn iattorney Mark Alter

Well cut my liead nod punched my I

eve ami lamed arid lright kni right through thivm broad-cloth breechiw And thenwhen I down lie kicked throiigli thebroadcloth on other knoo I covenxlwith blood but I got the cnnn away fromtrim






to for t

altIno 1 nsy

o wordwhit



West boy




lie lined





> ¬

you Dr WestlwyTWall defended A crowd

gathered and th doctor vrlle l out Hewife In III ofllw Yen I

with her chiLithl brute ha turned Into thin street

Then Mr W cnn out of iny-oftloi end toM inn to waists mr face

You wifecouncilMr Alter ake hi client

unfortunatelyMr wa naad

Hart but wise not called to testifyhe learned that her t favorMr We 80 Mi attorneyr C McAdam examined herthat ahu hail picket up tier hiixlnnds

with a piece of shirt afturkcrimm ta-

Dr tloy when hi turncame I went to Mr llhrtn offlo to gotmx wife and he went for me like a lion n-

nflrti Hed a at me yet If I hndut-defotidd my lf

Mr Hart U about five font tall and weighhID pounds Dr Weattor U a HIlls

older Mm Is feet 10Incha tall and weights about 77

dn MO with and some diamondMaglstrulo HuKir rr rved decision MrHart In KMTCSOII of the dtfondant cano


Ma titrate Crane and lawyer levy Ichange Lrftllandrd Compliments

Here Is a portions of a dialogue whichtook place In the Centre street police courtyesterday afternoon between MagUtrntaCrane and Lawyer Abe lory In tire courseof the examination of one of cll

entaTJw Magistrate had told the lawyer that-It appeared from a reading nf the corn

tin prisoner who wa accusedof compounding a felony wa guilty The

that stenographerrocord curd Maglitrata CraneMid that It wee not neo ary-

Ilsretofora Mr U vy exclaimed 1

harn held you In the highest estevni perserially a well a profeooloruill-

yDont you ever reoognla ma or speakto ma again said tire Mngstrate You

violated my confldonc In you a H

gentleman aunt an a lawyer cur

one to corn on thn bridge behavolike a

allow anybody to calliur Muipi d Mr l liavc

effect lwcau partnerIdea Mr Lngvr never etit n d-

Well my l IM as clear a yoursreturned Mr I

Ai DlMnct Attorney Train whoWHH at olnt-

If the complaint i trua thv Judga ha aright to Mi Mkvm th prUonerguilty

have to bother you saidMr to Mr Train

But you will hay to bother about thenUtrirt Attorney old Mr

To Mr 1 willdlctnte to you wlint aru

Xi you wont Courtlit then proceeded


OnI-on hi




to wholot


pnj dl1 thl you rightyou for

mr mint I do lot bead





were the iotnsdanst




it much gray ansiabout

Slut hut



the prisoner tsa snubbedthe Niagutrate wilt allow


man have no totm Ar doing

political nuir

bte my







5iriviriMMi rWould Mot Impose the Principal Atiocla

loss to CrlllcUiu-

Tha Public Hchool Principal Associationof flronklyn I to have lu annual banquettonight tin llauover Club Severalmontlia ago exPrexident J f lw nl swatrtrom of thin School Hoard was InviNto this banquet anti wa included In th j listof sfirnkcrs The fact that Mr Nwnn-strom i true the lutlon conilldutofor tire Irevldoiit of the Itorotigh-uf retvnlly b ii advann-by some Shepard sup itorN u an objoclion to r rrH noo m thx nunlon of tho-piindpaU but list oRker nf the itwori

even to list withdrnwal f UM luvUalldii Mr HwtuiMroin-however ha deold d trot to attend th-baniiiet and hn M nt hi ixphuialloti ufthe ooiiimltl of nrrniujfimiili-

l hokl tho atjMKlatlon In too ostiwiuand too many good friend miningIt iiHinbor to allow to I t il toadviirvn eriilrlm no IncIter hex uiireton-aliln this rritlciKin may l e I hat thurohut roncludwl to forego the pli a urn t

kaJd invitation


TtUKe Mha Ship on llrttltrt TraiitparUMill tMMl a Trip

NKW OHLKANK Iwt M IN Thehavo Chipped on tlxi li-

lrati urU to South Africa to louk aftertilt nnil amid lttil oit u d by tlm llrlti h

lied a ruse mevting and fnnixxl-H unuii nnl will lwreaft r ln is upongetUng 100 a trip for taking rare of thmulti Iriotivid of Hi they hsvn b nu

1 union wa organUetl by a man tiamnl-Wllltam Brown nitiiir or ih Saltern i

soil Kirenmii AwwUtlttli uf Imat Britain I

anti HtltuJi tovmilHfirtbee l n altow Ing nmMe ri fki a monthIwl Utat issue Km else hat got lIst IWOIM

Hie TnnilM Is Cruwileil 4 tinJuib iwlni of Otwral Si nloii aalteil i

Itie aileMlmi wl Ika OUtrtrt AUMTHn lu-

nu iH rs

IlL 4



r tu


nn ll I



Wtr rr I

M 1-

Nt I

II 11 I





eukl uttorepo gvcn aroblt




a lie claims I hat Iii Itire

4miU11 uk thus the 1eiidelie

w JivI eKgat hewn SIairth 1Nt rI unent





> <



> <



General IniprrMloo That the Rival Mergan11111 and llarrlman Interests HaveAarml arid That the Farmer WillControl Preferred stay lie BeUrrd

Northern Pacific Railroad preferred wasthe most connplcuoua feature In the StockKxchangn trading yesterday and NorthernInrlfln affair were the principal topicof Wall Wr t comment Neatly 4JOUO

shares of Northern Iaclflo preferred werewild at prices ranging frou lut to IOTKwhen tiiii market Lid for this utockwere made ut Including the Northern

talo of Thursday moro than 63fXo-

hareM have changwl hand within twoday Conjecture ai to thin meaning ofI hew transaction have ajwumed a varietyof form in WailBlreet

The principalwllara of Northern Pacificprefemxl wore broken who aro frequentlylilentlrlf with tire Morgan InUreat Al-

most all of tIre Mock purchased went ap-

parently to tiltS great banking booMs chieflyIdentified with the Harriman syndicateTha general Impression In the Htock Kx-

cluuiga at tho clove of bualne thatthn MorganHill and the Harrtman intarmts ill Northern Pacific lad reachedsir agreement by which Mr Harrimanmill hU awiocUt wore to hava certainiMMixflt from tholr control of Northern1ariflo preferred tock and the MorganHill interest was to lw left In fullof the property

between ofth Harriman mind the Mor anHill InteniitM were hold during tho daywith rofjartl to tho rttirement at in early

Iarific company Mr Morgan ontroM-tho of IHr ctor of cow

won a iti l by partisans of MrMorgan that the board

January In any vejir prior to IP17 nt partyndlcato

ptitnl ntiiitlon and declaredof tilt reorganisation plan and

of till i rtlflcat of U ck






tJI uretcrnMi stock orAll

J1 lIt

toislii rtirt tls lrrcnrrt stock on thin I t-


thatpro v II


tie tire orthients


hut the




KiplleiUy r iulro l that th companythe tight of retiroiwnt

after rcaMonablo notion to tIre holiletof thin Bhaix-

Kinliient rounnel as havingdlMNl the Hoard of Director that tho-xiniKiny meant tho directors and other

emlnriit cmmeel wa quoted a advisinglist irpferre l stock the com

invant the stockholders and nothing

Inquiry among the flnanciars who conthin Pacific elicited tire amur-

ancw that there wee riot to bo anyfriction or controversy Thin financial In

torestH Involved suit too largo to permitof any warfarw and n tatemont rustic thAt the of Nortlnnn-Padflo prefern meant nothing le thanthat an agiwiwnt mutually nitUlnrtorrto all parties In interest een reachedIn list of the Northarn 1acltlo

the Harriman will relra benefIts which will Im satisfactory

A gained circulation In WallStreet Just Ixfora tIm of the StuckKxelmnKo that Northern Iaclflo preferredwoukl l i retlttNl very soon andholder wotilil revelv now commonon thin Uvls of III for each share of profirred-


Ills llurger Plant of tba Americasfompaajr lleslroyrtl

The Rurger plant of the American CanCompany a four tory franw buildinglIOiOO feet at M to 274 Seventeenth atreetJersey City wa destroyed by tire ycstordayafternoon Thin fire started on the thirdfloor and sprwd rapidly causing seventyIve aiiiplove a lha majority of whom werevoung women to thin stairway

a hurry Vlcer lud herand another girl nn nnklo bytripping on Urn stairs Thomas

cnt M by sliding down a from tintthin tory Thre loud exploalon oo-

cumil lOll aft r the finmen got Ktmam-on tin flattest Part of the roof worn blowntiff kit no wa hurt by flyingtltnlitr the block nmt machinery

Can Company of I8IIM Vnler Mrv t-

thi iviro mov l to the llurger plant

Tire OH estlmate at ISnco haltcovered hwurnrioa Tirefonnerly owned by Theodora W Uurgurof Hoboken


Iormer lniil ee of the Asia limro-n Trial for larren

Charles K irs wa put on trial InCrirninal Part of th tnltitl States QrcultCourt before Jlldrfo Tliomo yentenlay-chnrg l with stealing a lump of gold fromtho A ay howas employed up to lutt wi-

s AVpr was defended by AbramlUiso Thr wllne rt were eiatiilnednil of thorn of tho OOioowho wnrkid In th snout room with Ciern-

lliev gavo tlctniltnl teritlinony a lo tIme

location this vnriou funinc in thorniilllng tooth and the dolly routinu ofwork nt A ny Ortke Inn of thin altIIOWM Martin of thus te tlngnmiit told of the cnro exercliM In hueannual houso cltNining when the bricksand tiles tilt floor and fiirnao UUM M

anti th woodwork on this testing tattle

rut 1

fnrnocl f

to thrn




Oil litI


lIt Iv


l 1111 I I altrlhrlll ry LIt







warn sale




Cit y









ar burnt to wivobeen dnrlng Use year Ihe trial

WON not conclml-

ttliirstUMt Atrrsin or inttnrnY1 llerentlant In llhnntt Null and Delee-

IUe III AccuserMelvin A wife U suing him

for an ab oluto tin and Arthur I

Hanboin woiu artnigncd lieforo MagUtratahooky In tho AilHin Mrwt polloi courtBrooklyn yi anUy charg l with at

to brllio wllmtwwt In tire divorcenull whirh iHiiiiait uii for trial In tire Ku

Court on Nlonday nextjiliadi r t guilty and wore hold for rx-Htniiuitiori In lli o arh-

In her ongmnl r Mr hIlts nameda lit eoivipondent Mr hIatUs Mrlxxl-tho uf linun-HKtrhant of 7M1 Carroll hlrwthi niwnded compUint Mm Mil irnname U not miit iH l Tlm oi in Ulntsit lirlbory OHM HUM Jrnln IIIfitiwtloii oUnltHil from n of the ilo

wl i up tlio llvoni C M-

ugniiut Itl-Tr i writ or sir irnsrrII-

Utit fiMtr tIred Tltelr Oli-lfninraile Iranhlln lurilij-

A rMiiilon of the Thlrl nth InfantryIU gliiHHii Now Jeray Voluntiern lookpUci in lerwv y l nl y Of thn IMO

who went out wUi thin nKiiimnt i-

re MM di l to roll fill nt iiiM tlngb m HI tin aftrrtHmn at liiimbolili Hall In-NV ark at im NI W n wasitiixtrtlml Kiniiklin lli Itepubh-1nn ainldliu fi r iovoitinr of w r v

MT HI th ThtrI Hilh waitkiiii tMt v 4Mkl e IMIHU wHh lit o4 l

wHi ate entIcing lianl In lit IlHtUviifinM fh rtl Mr Muiirfir their

Pltmri fur UM lt 4llHK rearTlm Ie1mir iinl inntnlv of ther-

fitHilki hH l a iu HI inMr hail inHarrow i ilH-

g7V l l f a man t fit Ii e4 mi Ull

it iil A II li rt

U J v t 4km lu NJ VI a



It tiredIInkl








eta rtt 1tIt I I

II is Ioil f I







hi wee

slui qt worked

> 5iirr Ir ers


< tutu hiuahtese



lieustreet ISet

learntS anti

sIwfnlIle lb ewee 9t1 Ca fnqit1 1wtPneeeisig sa hIeiit lMtet VeiL

15vs4 h w4 wm te

aid mf

fteriit itt

r 0 S






> <



> >





T r r tt r bep Kv M ta fill fany AoeompltshmeaU fwilMt Ended

The oontMt of the will of Eugone Ouldocarob to nn end before Surrogate

Thomas yesterday Counsel for Olga-Halomaa HMtz who gets all the rotate bytha will anti counsel for the three con-testing children by Crucer wife havegot until Nov n to hand in brief It warn

Umt ItoHevrrthodrcWon U theftS willIou further llUgation either by appeal orby an Imleixnulent suit to tabtlnli or i efaside the will

The twIne of Cruger I estimated atabout lS3f it wan mostly Incountry Cruger had twilled hill chateauat rontalnehlcoti and MM lloltr hat onlyreolvwl in money from probato ofwll III Franco 4oin france In thin

cotir of argumiint ywt rday It wa tat l

that tho first lfo of now MnJ Tarn of Tuxedo had receivedabout IVntw from OuK r in li u of wr-manotit this IHT divorceHer threw children by who are the

cotilmtant wldltion Itwa1 Mild about IIKIOOO Mttl l upon themAngela a dtiightir of Cniger

now this of Mourichon

A deKMJtion reerv l to the end wathat of TViiniM K Potter wlio wars onIntimate friend nf CniKr abroad fur wroral years lit

I knew Cnu r In I M when h lived InChanllllr ln r Ur of that ya r

drove man court with tourfrom Oisntlllr tOni arrived at till Hcrlblens In t hour U mlnuUs breaking

He drove up with HiUn of

trark and theater I fIt ro wifeat a r tAurant in Paris said h w srolnr to tiritrl i me then lntrixluozinc to her a sirs

Mr w a nut conv r ntlonaU t alinguist anti wk rrrr wlttr coiiU xpeskstout anrthlntf ws SUIts a iiintldun

lie was an artlt ll u dto sketch ail isle wife ilr w lil horoa anti

harris took InUreit In-

Mi garden nl Fnntalneblrau He con-structed a system of hurdles and Jumpfor the of hi rings raw ovnra tevplefluiwi ours lie UmllUr wit ilh of the hid irresl t te-

nd would not permit any msn to InltrfaiaMill lil

Mr Crunrrs was known M Mm



the titout


witgot 130101


Ord theinstil tiemouistratlont ofI ud mistst lilto the rAN





to lie

olell II abeaye or her lii 11tn It a r t







theliOns and

tip at





elfniger ikett9iisI ftrio sernl






dr l of her He wriocj lohappy ami l l inn o III fAll h told ma-ilnrn were only two women ever cared fortitle mothur anl lli other hiUlKa lie toll nuns ha Intruded to Ilia-re t of hli tier In and that h wUhn-to tile l liurleil In trans Hr tutu

ll uiy arc inert I liire marrieds wornan I hive eoined tothInk hi w on earthnuil lio IIM I to or tin At last t haYsluuud uiy par u

OT YET FOVXltPolio Think lie Absconded and Not a

Victim of Vlolenee-leorgs Armitaga tha iUHMeog of Ui

Bank of Naw Ani t rdm who disapjMarpd-wtUi about 18AM of tire banks money onTuesday hail trot been found up to hutevening Iho hAnk left Urn matur-in tha hand of tire pohcu and the UnlUdStates iuarantco Company T o CentralUltlco deti tives aro for AnmUg

ill polio take litUe stock In thi ory-

I hey lw lt iVH that ha lull tint city with U-imonoy ho hued collected uml that ho addrvh ed tho package ofpnH r which wo r turru d lo IVuhivr ibisnmnii on Thu onthe wa disguised soul Xx rtputT that that of Armitaga Armltagtia-ixind for lAOWi w the hoes of tiresill lie t thuu 1000

STRIKER flHKn AT URIAFirst Crowd Tarkleil Italian IVorkman

hut II Heady for ThemAmong the new hands engaged to fill

the place of fifty union In the Manbatten I nther Work at 313 McKJbbln-atreat Wllllam burg who went on striketwo ago several Italians Thestrikers havo annoywl hive ever ulnooOn TuoMluy night suns utrikar Interferedwith John ClniMtto of 172 Johnon avenueand ha nhot at them Ono of tilt strikersIt I alleged then shot At two girls em

In the leather work Mamie Ilolxorof 4 Fwrgrrvii Kale McUuichllnwho llvits nt SI Ktoiilwn Mntt A i olic

arre t l Clnonlto nii manu who didthe hiMtlng traml llnealto whenarralgmtl In tine Kwtin streetpolioa curt pli dod self defence

FREE THAYEL ST1LIEastern Hallroarlt Are Not Uhrly to Atiel-

l h IVee PaueThe Eastern trunk line railroads are

not disposed to take any further actionwith regard to tine nlxilltlon of the free PAA

system In view of tint action of tire WoNternrailroad In voting shown tint recommen-dation of the gum rl special oommltteato stop free transportation Somany tho mnaller roads votedagainst that tho majority WON very di

and tha of paMsystem therefore in practically assured

To tlraanlir lamtolMMl Jpum TrustCIIICAIKI Oct IS Nrgotlatlorui for tire

nrRaniraiion of a JUouii gyimtnt trutare In C A Honecker of thisnIT formeily auditor of tha Amerinnn






that waylaid wish remiss






was elfFranc

yen clearly Itswife



hitAruisltag was



week susie

Pliic suet






are sold to IMI IntonMed In the diwtl Itleixirted lo lay that the cltsxN to

plant wen to l e ili istt xlwith the Atnorican Trust anti SatingBank within a few tIny

No hang In II JL II ControlCJiauncey M Depww said ye t rlay

that so fur n he know the control of theIMawaro und Hudson Itallroad would notliaise to tho ew York Central and tho Ilrio

Deliwaro anti HiuNonha advanced wvirnl olnt within

the ln t two ilnr on the tumor that controlwould MI Senator Depnw a dirvctorof both load

K Vanlrrlillt to lie Item Nov I

Cln a frletui of William K VanderbIltwl IH now In KuroM that ho willtut In Now York about Nov I Wall Streetrnnn have b n looking fur Mr Vamlerblltaarrival lnr IIIMS I Tlien It I x-

l ctnl a dillntlM annouiuxmiHit rela-tive to tha inuclitnlksl uf Vundcrbtllrailroad deal will Im madiv-

Iatleit l iirhon haul Illilitenit-RrniMiMKlli Ort in A dividend

of M INT ivnt iiiniHintlng to about I3l4lnwill be pAkl by tin Iynchon National Bankwithin ten day Itiolver Kill H lVpji r-

SJIVH that a much larger divhloiMl mighthave Utii hut tlwt tiio iliMniiiiiit-wlsbcd to hofcl a largo aiiioiint of setiitltieafor a more favoniblo nuirkot-

Mrrry heIst In blur ColTce TrailsTha W Mil n Shire Company which

controllol by Sugar must lnicrti biasadvance pnrv of M braifl uf nwMisl I

C cfT s S f l uml lo II rein i

Thia pwi it vrkt ii t nsetil mlvamv AltMicklo lhi

le of Mall ilreelIt Hr Vlrn lls l Cnhiiisrir I

H I4iwnno k ter li-The H k U fwrw m Din Mtlll lset f l e ILirhsrive-

n llw IMHI I r-

A i i IM i

H It A-

cre tu t


III alld Iho Jolsn lalA



t mutt



I Ireft it


lIteel M lIont



I 1 at lbrI

t11 I

1r fto







ianit hues

a4ud I the te ttiik sirk totae t

dewtI trade

the rat psasesf iseuIi I 5051 iwnte e1si 4eishi e suatl

55 Iha Itist 4-

ustvtmtoi I lb

s I

0 5 aiut Vt t i is tui II K





< >



Kaisas City Fort Scott MciapkisRailway Company

T th ut MabirrlpllsOX AND AfTKR OCTOUnil ITTII sPit holder

of sutncrtpllon crnl cl i Issued by 7s U rranI tfls Trust Vmixnr on Iwhslt ol Ibe W louts sad

Bui rnucUm IUUrrJ Comfwn lor bondj lru l r nmrt at Tli KtiM City K rt

JVoll and UrtnphU luilirsr Compsnr mK-rhsncii th Moss st the oivf nf Tmi MrrranlllrToni Company No IM lltoiilwsr Voik for

I Ihe srruniM lo which they am costumedI Tb l iBrt far sluM ant She chairsI for IIOJ r rh NI rl uHl I iMurd hutI ol rrnMr rntltlnl to fractional amounts

msf trU such frrtl ni ot bur JunO mounl-as h necwMrr In rnllllr them to an entirebond nr sn entire t Iht olBet of the TrustODmpsnr-

lloliltrs trmrimlttlnr sihMrlptlna rffltflrslci-br resll will M InUlMie whttacr they wIth laor but fisrtlntit whrlkf r they desire thsnew tor mimI or by eiprtu-st own rip i r


I ltr ch COM UIVRSII you Cleats huts uJ ran rontiolamount at fluency Sot nkulsisJ M U A KM A XI

Drsrhnin M Chlcsto III



List f rarttit cJiri r n i pf Husllo v-

TrtitMt I r urtl UaH

Utr tl r ll t 4 M rrnlttM Art M risctj4 r llil c l l n MS t tan

med r ll 11 rmnp lt rltin bnitt o rsiialslM Utvbttt uthew Tvck Blxk aUrktuj

Issue TravellersIETTEKS OK CREDITavailable throughout the world

riiitArtririiti ronitrnronnnVTSi-UltAIIAM liKIIU A CO-

jiriiUnd and ntrrrnt-CNrrrn ttrATKs iiitrss roMPAXT-

II Ilro4dwr r Vnrk ltbfr It 1WIiiHlh IIKIdrml-

Th Trsniffr li k of it i nmr nr tw-rliM l on rtol f II 1 1 cir Kk rrorxntd

Id riiWAMtiT I ATT Trruurc-

rCltctiom and Ufttiupo-


Ininclor Kr-

Tfa dlictan of thn I ilnct n ACo t v l mrollDfor Nlocnatam-

lo bfM Novrmb M l in nffir ol InnCoinptnr In liinivn K la ths sure

B C w t wi wil CmiitAUT SBHrnordr Tel A l i rrir i rrrl-lnir ol p rmrat of rlrtt lnrttnt llondi-sn4 nt InlflMt nilt Tint and Urn

Ilvrtocs lloixu f nAir li i AIIV






anttts them



in Ontoraulo t taku otro ran bandied fortllOlQJlbs

al1hm and

Kerr Co I


lIoroollo Ie

for I







a 11 ofIII




new arc curiaare



elisecurities cent

at let




High firado


buttftihu ehtrt dnfi Iubded eel


mill1 and

2oTmc bum

way tellhue

Set nit

erfiat t




> < < <

>< >






SldAR WAR All TK AMfleet Niigar VsniifartnreM Have fut Price

In the MuklleIt wits stated in Walt Htnet y5terday-

Uiat Uia rule war hctwwn the AmericanSugar Kelhiing ConiiMny scud the bootsugar manufacturer witch hut ina state of apathy for the liust week or tendays had a iiin x new activity The

of tho Michigan sugar nttnanufactur are now to

market and circulars are being sent nilover the Middle by tho l t sugar

agreeing to furnish to cuKtomensugar In ear load lots Idooiit a hundredv iinds less than tin price ifTerwl by the

American Sugar tireshipments nJng rcmly ftr delivery within

next or tin day pricesguaranteed to

A l c nivivisl hero ynrtnnlayfrom ktigar broken In thn tthat the American Sn nr Ittlnlng Com

i at prifitit wiling augur in thatat four cvnU n MIII-

KKI OFA ARiuorsr rouiMvi-me Tenth of I ret Vent fur ttho-

MnuUlnl Nell to II IteorcanlertTint final meeting of tire Brtioklyn Wharf

and Wanthouiw Coin iny was hekl at AS

limed tre t yi tenl y Tho mortgag xlproperty of the v in any Includingwater front In BnMiklyu lieon oiightunder fonclunure by Use Now YorkCom any which repremnu a raorganlrn-Uon cortijinnyproporty ha m w db n i ii of for

A yii enlay imeting thelnit l SUN Mnrtgagn aivd Tni t Com

wit p oliitisl receiver to diktributostun among creditor

of thin claim against tha cornbunny were purvlui il by th

Commlttioi iimiiv for their full faio-viilui mum n four rrvditor rvfiiMNl toTliey with tho foinmiitin ooim In under

Uslillllle stinntll I AurU HIM1O-

Hohiilol4 In bankntptoy of Tliotnoa-luiil A luld dry goods coniniik-

f Ion merchant at M Worthwere niiil leiilay xliowing liabllitit

iUtDII ruul tiiiiillinl ISVI Theluvctii vinJmt of nlmri1 i f txk of lhHilling hub of Oraii N IUIIIM miningstork antI H IIKIIII for SJV AimmgiaUllti lilt ir dtiv to th F KXClub of Wi t Ornnni anti IK to tho Sttitsjrgtta Roolity of New York

Miiml liil Tnwt to oma-

MUNCt Ind M INAll oHloar of thus

Muncie lull Manufarturini Compuiy an-

ioiirui that thu WIMM pulji ciMicenuof Uio country am noon to go under one

Ijttirn capltallt hnvo ln n visiting thuspulp of Iho I nittilIn thl Wfok A thorough ex-niniiiution nf all tIn 4antK I touiailo prvllminaiv a l i l ftmn hutINoiioMii InHt fur

Mlnnranotli anil St loHlt IIMilenili-Inuxnul nativity inHiilfa J In tho

look of llm Miniwii ii HIM Sttiillronil In the LIft jo ye ten y-

riio price ot l tli ll itiNH HIM preerred lulnmxil liotn lo 4

in ruin r f WII MIV iiHr o oillvldfiHU A wHiiiiTl i il Mai H II a-

irculaliil t eflwi that tho i t iNirti-ig of tiio nwtd thi ammiM

o about 17 r fnt rn its mpiluliaatHiti-

ew llnrltiiBloj Iliiiite lo IeailillleThe lilengn Hurlinclou and Vulucyu-

illnMXil l4iiiiiniiy tiiinp tinl UM workif clanging Inrt Pin

fimn narrow M MatnUid KmrJ-Til M nm n new oitt wdhlt Mill rn il4-lio II A g in rM M IM V

fr t7 n tutu h than tl ill Uifiiinrat if ir

IBISic u anti





the ittttl get urtasurt oiuot I

f II k

n tIt






wtn 111




Egypt all I

J1Oht iTeslr nrrttf-J I


U ret








thIs hitbet


Ittlu willtenth f sr cent

fur rrutr1v St rest

h ISit


insi I ti

I nit Ito ten




I lietmur


I Iso Ills us I ithis mud

iti t












FRIDAY Oct isThe preeminent feature of to laya stock

market wa heavy Invllng In Northern1acirio preferred at a minimum advanceof nearly R xilnU anti a net gain of haltthat amount confident buying ofthU stock naturally lrenithens the con-

viction of tire Street that If It I to lie retired on Jan I next thus holder will receivesomething morn Ihan par in cash M apedflwl In plan of reorganization stud Inthe l o ly of each cartlflcatc No con-

firmation of vlow however can l

obtained from nuthoritatlvo source Ho

much that U contradictory rtganllng thin

matlor ha tioan ptibllhed that tha specu-

lative community it fre iiently dmfalls hank tilt stock a furnlHliIng-

I H Hive proof that hotter tenim are tooffertxl to the holdem of Northern Pacificpreferred than this company U re Uln l

to give Moreover It I argued thatpurjwse of aooomplWilng the retire

liant of the stock without friction l t twoeii-thosa who control the company and UHMMI

who hold a large majority of the preferredctook a bonus of come sort will

Till view of tlm suggeata the in-

quiry a to whether thin managementwould not make itself liable to the commonstockholder by xtylng moro for the pra-ferred than U called for by the terms of thecertificate It would a large amountof spies to atiunwrata the various theorieand conjecture which the Street I Indulg-ing In regarding nutter Thus few factthat are known about it are that till com-pany which created the obligation re-served the right to redeem It at par thatthe rrutnagitmant announced It Inten-tion of doing so last spring tha selUo-

mant toads betwe n tire two Inter-

est that fought for control of thin com-pany and that Uio hnnker and capitalwho are now In a majority In tine directoryara seriously considering this advuutblUtyof oxorcUdng thin option or privilege whichthis company reserved to itself when thestock was issued

It can also Iw stat l aa a feet that thereU no lack of harmony between tire twolargo stockholding Internet In the com-pany that op oM d each other o rigor-ously six month ago All question re-

garding territory and operation betweenthe several transcontinental lines en-

gagod In that contest were coveredagreement matte bu t May which It wlU l aremembered Included a provision thatpoint which might come up and couldnot Im settled by mutual agreement shouldba referred to Me r Vanderbilt andCoMAtt aa arbItrators Regarding theexecution of plans for concentratln thocontrol of thin Northern Pacific and theOrcat Northern railways In a proprietarycompany end thin retirement of the preformed stock of tire first named It U safeto that negotiations are ndlng look-Ing to their execution without friction

In the early dealing on the Stock Ex-

change thus sharp advance In NorthernIaciflo preferred influenced thus soUrspuotilatlon and In spite of profltbikingduring tire taut half of the day the

in the main and a ma








hy the








< ¬














jority of tho list cloned higher than yaciertiny Tlia notownrthy net advancaother than that In Northern Pacific pn-

finvd went In and St Louistissue Iowa Central preferred lackswanrm 8t Louis Southwcstero Tore Marbustle and a comparatively long list of

active stocks hiss movnment InMinneapolis and Ht Louts and Iowa Cen-

tral accompanied by reports of anIncrease In Urn dividends on the share ofthe firstnamed company and by a revivalof rumor that Uia two cotnpanlea am totie tnargod and turned over to the IllinoisCentral An advance of moretitan 8 point In Iera Marquette was basedinrtly upon tIn earning of the companyand also upon pn oct that In duo timeIt will beoonia u art of oome one of tbolarger with winch It maintain

traftlo rulatlon-Tho heavlcM were In Union

Iaclllc St Paul arid Southern Pacific andIn the Imlaotrul lIt In AmalgamattdCopier and Sugar Bt llnlng both of whichw no eiivptliiinlly strong Tire r-

tntiiwl niMrly nil of Its maximum Improve-ment while Sugar BeHnlng towardtho under realizing salen A featutu of tire afternoon trading wa a sharpndvancn In Brooklyn Ilapld Transit Intire outside market there waa a brisk do

for Dominion Seouritie that carriedtlm prlcn above M Other feature wereAmerican Can U ues Havana Commercialcommon Now York Transportation toolMoxlcan National preferred In thonutrkit tlwio a little Increase in thavolume of bulneH and the tone wastlnctly tinner thAn Mille thecliwlng won rathor Irrvgular tire tuna W-Bin tho iiiuin very firm

Krw filoek KxrnanteNaln Ort IN

i r sas it IIK-CtOHXU reich or VMTIII iTAlltJ KohlM-

Uti iilr Ill A UJU ss f its i

has roe iov t s 138 ino-f S v f I i


t St C

tVIS IOHU lOttli ISOI lUTIt IO8-lt S 411

113 tie



Hal Irod





orkvitoTn STATSis ASU 1I000el


UI 107 0IllIU7UI I JII >


III ssm usuDCl46-I iI





sTATS tXrttus liii




I IPt lutet 5





< <


HAIIItOAU AMI overt mini

nines 1114 V I I l i WOA S xjn r r ui Nul l

lees III i IHMUI lOu h4-n irA i i t lUdtMi Mn Ussr

wseo HI IHH il Vvllh M tn-


IM ini II I MI MO-

IINMI I Hit laano-Knl nll 41 ti H-

I I U t i Mi 4 i tilMl hOt4 ut ii I Ol tl l I tl i wf lull-uaiNI 1 O0

lvii iw-oo tons I n Mm4 S ihlinr

Kail S timesIIHJ lotfitiNkili IsnnrI-

TiKW l Mi Uii

ttV-Hi tifi i IMI i Sviia luiU ai

Mil HOIHJ nu it lestitem i crawS II l 4suite WHS reoe I I I

U Urt I ml iwi 4i li HillH0 t M4 IIXMl IMI

IHliVxrT tfA M t-

il trl s r U-

Mm JTiHIlk MP ll i

mm lotlUIVn HlMII A IOOO

3Oi toes ItlU-3O Ti ih i U-

Ult ttHKI I14 tfiii Mt i l iii n7 00

Wr JOOM MHt JKHK-t vi 4vi iH a10 IO7-

WirnIIWO lOMl-

N tnK IJ




I07StuftI07 iWmiMi 10714uses

t M 1 1 fa

tMUMlsCOO IOrtlint Mm Isttt-

4SH we140 N INM IOJI-

hs ionv-

W 4l k ntICS oTH

ItN71t ooo

I u II 0At t 01


t I lltt IUOWj t I It4 111111-1t itit

11111Oil III 7

It I tll to

111 I IIIittr IIIV aeon tOOII IIM hit

I Ilist lid If

M I 01o t

at I>



II A I stt ht ii soo 1111-t I I

0 11 I II tll t I

M tOlt A 11111lilT


1071411 1111

It I uii eIM 1


I itS-I 171 tl7t






AsuElptel4l If5 e cii ltadsrc tot Is1501 I 1500 ISr

e I

sits ilsiOttit

A t

A is is4MlInS s uui


ItWlu iVclK-

I I l 5 7mo-mu a mu e AiIueu

i 5 ae C let t uroped

lit 4 I tiP

asoI 5 lit

lierise loss

or In tei5i5li t

eini us

20i 34aae It 4UciaitstItm title leer

7l5s lltt 50000 07e Tee

ts lent 5500 07t-u I

lw 5 It-50I 555

Itss 3ttse 5t1mt It-54c

ill i m 54em 5

rut 5scit se3j i

let sv sau31v talus aui-

aiism Si

3iat l5tee vMtit 3

itSii-Ii S Hurt ttWc tl itl

il1 iACM lisitss7icrS Ise

Is fitpci4t ate itil-S 75 II

Stilt ieee 4sl SI ii 3 iu i0t-I S-


5515 iljI5 eI 5

rI O1 7ri hUt

> >

> >



> >






000 Psrlfl 4il tOAMooa flftiuoooo 10411 loooo000 N tia 1000-

I0l 0 04 J 1000 T l IlKKXI10000 04t OMUIIA N 4v 100010000 04 IOOO 0ni CK I

VBU-rrif nn

tinni tit

400 An I P IK00 AmCArco Ai

iloo Am ripruion

27oo Am iitt o-

4JOO AmMn ll 44H100 AmBniiflp HA

1500 Am StAtnHursrpt I ttH

lIlt j-a

n 4 i41KA

1114 i1 I AH sI-


100 IUII A Opt OU11100 llrknllT nil

100 llufllAP U7100 HIH

lUli I u-

4dk U

377W u-

BOOH Ii-sta 4 n-bo

4 00 CblUAMIM 86H IflA flo 4 1-4400ChlUaSIplHO IHhll IS 814 4 V4

Cbll l14a 148 148 14

too cbi iinu aoIMCblTtirap 37U 30M 07M 4 H

JOO Cbl All 3714-IDOCblAAIIp 77UtOO CblANVV aOOH-

ueoo cbtoiWf UUH81

toocowpini 4ftI-

tUO Cbl I A U 41

i oo coir i oaxirO ColSniUTa I3I-I OJ Col to til p 04100 Colflo id ft 84

00 Can OMBIRM700 Cru SUfJ t H4H

1400 I llludl70-W Utn HO 44Vt

too ttrnaiiop oa0 Dos MAKO 4 8HI-

OOO ll CooA 7700 UUCooIAp 8Bl-

Oil UulSSaAp 8OI-1UOJ Citt 4IH-itoo true tsi p own100 riitjdpi 66itoo OUBDC aaI-OQ on ttJ c auI-

OW OlutoM 43HI-OD Gluons pf Brtl4

1100 OirslNor p 1 8 a i100 uetkvsi aati

1400 IUInnUC l 4flt4400 lot Ps r U8H100 latlsptrt 7h

HHU00 lot runs 47

100 IM Pump p R8M4600 loss Cnl 481404 lows Crap NO

Uc b s HWV-4ioa i K A jttm on100 Ukt Sb ir1 1 II-

I4 LouftNstk IO3H4100 Usobsiua 1 8 I

1100 Urt StltrloHH100 urt wan 40100 UrtWHRlp 01

ai ea-13l MM M

64 64 11-483H 84 4-

BIS 818 4 H-

H4N H4N 4 Htoo looanon ass 44

44 441414P-U ea43 41-

7H 7k 4 4-


BOH 8014 4 H4 Hi 41H 4 14

eiat 0014-eoi4 cat 4 1-4aa sa-

aftH see48I4J 48H Ii-

D8H D8h108H ID3tioau oa4 4 14

Ian 140 V4

8814 88M 4 T

7 H 7HH 4 H-

H7H 87H H47 47 4 H-

H H BV4 f4fi 4 IVi 4IH-7H 78M 4IH-l h IIVH ttttnan on-

HO aiO 4101O3H IO3li r UISO 180-1C7M 107H l 4

40 40II 01


000 U 11000 l3tKun

lt IIetnt I loot loal lI nf1t t10100 07 i unoo IIJfI site ZIIfIJ PHI L tt lone i

vail 7tionssi 7



11 1

7oo fill II

lit I IIl

Am lnl nIl

Am itc lint tuS



I liltt 10

77 7711300 ATall Ip 07 onlliDO 1I4UlllollIlI 1024 It


97 117

Can wulb u

00 ran J its


C OWp I Italt

407111 II


ooStl 574 l7H kA

s A4u

AtOat 5 1 t

IewuctaptIn Is wheS Itone S atr IiI

5O1 3eO-ui It 41 4 lifluflC 4

0414 lioou-ltahselescul annuls tir


Mi vIa ti en Cts

Anti rep 5734 e mu4


X00 3414 toc 14



hug V I

lot I2500 Anarnods l6I 06


10214153140034 11114 419

cikht4 C14

ItslSOOChes0Iiuo 454 4614


400 061444 4654

409t-OOChiIALpf 714 714


too ccc 1i71j

1100 ISILaMW22


leo Inst hiwul



< <



















40 uu Crni 88HI-tOO Uri Nat 144

100 M A 9 I I I I

ll3ILpM84oo USPSSUp 77ii-

too u K T aa-

eooiiKTH aoI-

I7UO Mo 1irtflt 0 14

tlJH HUH14 14

110 110181 184son aru

00 Nat s4 I 0-

IOOO VC nttslia7MvrcAsu ao

4100 Nor AKMt OflU1100 NoAntrCo OH4

41100 Nor Isept 1OH141700 fbi A 33T41700 se Usil 40V4

11000 Penn II HI47UIT-OO Im DM 10o 4

Prrt Usrq HO100 IVV4KUI 48

2100 Put giCar 4 1

1000 frnsSUCp HIM100 Qul kUl 414100 llndlnr 4 I

too iirstfinr IP 7OH-tioo Nrsdinr SP OaH

100 Hrp Steel OI00 llrp SirfI p DA

1100 Hub OnoJU BHM-so MJAuiip aa

100 SlJAlIirp 88 4-

ItOO SI I A Ad 133-uoo MI A s r 4 ui

100 SI LAST Ip 77100 MlAirN 7l600 Nt L 1 W 8U4

1100 1118 W p ODiJ7oo scum rsc aoii4-JOO S u HrOo 384

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