THE SUN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 1000 I p I r V I 4 I I U II- II S I it fl 1I 4 P Li QUIET DAY FOR31CDLLAGH- roues AXD Kicrrin UKFVTIE- OHK V HAUUOSV- ttarfM of llrlrurr and Hrptatlns lloirnlnw LoOked nli IUII ili Jtlirrt tP t Vun- rlilandUttlr Kmnttnn Wink to II Ilon Whether the CWUM WM Oov liooevel- frttr Ih liidUUBWit of IM1 Ievery by tin Grand JuniOr oincUilHK l ethrtrc wo mltfht little for SuKrlntendint of llwtlon Join Mriullatfh or lilt M duputlrs t do ye trdiy- Tbre wore a certtlti number of peutlo- aiwlednnxway iwonlu who hfil Intentionally or by rnUlAko put their Xnnnin on the recK- tnttlin l ook wnen lie hnd no rUW to do- TM vtat that had boen rUnned before bund arid It wiw carried out according to pro fTMiime Rut t i w ctnersenej work The oIif and the Mrfuliaish men mnrled tocethtT In jmrfeot turmoil Vh n- exer a deputy wunleJ u poluiunrin to imMd- tlitn he ixbked for limp and in every cibe Kfct Once r twin dutlni the day tiujit- McTuUneli alod rhlef Devery tier tlfl tele- phono to Mlid iinn to certain jxlllnir platin- xrleni 1m tRi no diputtin 11 o nlwavs iro- tiourttiiM reply to IlLS request ami every lime tint ai lMdiu was rent and the pulic traikht- cneil tiii the inuWet- DiwjlUi th moothn as with which things ran but IMMll h w not an Idlo man All da ho receixecl roport gave orders and IU ii d to couipluliiU trom litlruns who i Ud thAt Umy bud been Hi cully prevented from votliiu or luid Koine other erlevunre limo and axalti bo trit word that rlota lu WOKTCM In uinrrint PIIUI ot the illy tut an omo- reupb UJnk that a quarrel of word U a riot on election diy lw piUd no attention to such report urIM they came from deputies or cltl20i hu knew Af r the l ll loUd dosed ho njll ii n reporter 1 think t nt th i l t election we have hat haA Uon due ni to the revocation of Chief Devon ordor mMirut my ru n than If unyttnni- If IVvir lu I ent out tu iuti t rtlrl- lrtt thuf AiilJ nvor wen tvon any UUK or I In- dupt Mri uluhs r riort In tIle enrly put of tin diy mdicttil t i tle vntliu wits c ii very Hi ivport tte i wnnt- ykrvilli Dltvilon di iriit Ilio THiintviuntliA- ftiiJiiilily iliiifKl llcru weio iou l ontlM- on in tle litfivy vis I the oiTiCt ltnt the vnt wvro heintt rat tiic raie of four and u hall a hupt- Mu iUiiiili lad in li oic n nuiiDT of dipu- Ue ior eimrnnry vor It wt sinil wnirviv a doen rf them oit liirinit- tlic da mill tUe cnini bad thty Mini that hud bound iiiitiiliiic to do Lieputy- AltoniiiylnMiiial Hides n iit tho dny- arnmid Hnpt MiHullarfli oMIw bit ltxrt wiif t much tiir for him to uu- ihui HIT for Ihu other Inn balance u me firtii of men ii entter J till over HIP city f tmr e hern wero not eiiouchcf to fu uil around tmllliii- plitcvii toUt tiiiiTH ihpy were moot HfOtlKa tticio- thtiy wurn to I f 11 i Tuy lui Uii iriiCuomlo- tp to tlin inline for uny hilp i y tifidi1 A far RH nvn poiuonnd tha- depurles cre lh rn frteiiflly tirni every whi le wiiiliever Iliere WItS a tutu bi l they voull tiiul urouiid and tail over th lOVV IIP In the reiornltitr Supt Mr iillnh got word tint t trio is wuV wni btiin iltio In thf pUrn In tho Secind A i dh- trlct the corner of llaynrd in 1 Mot irwt UliiR r o wi u ii iro ururture- wutcii toiii t rntt T part il tl htr ei rojiortfd Supt Mn tliit ho luid ivv hy n straijir a i win tlm plaw and had l f Mi thit It would hu i doimr to him t volt lor a certain rvdidao vhi t rniu- wa on a f p lr whtli tin trnntT tried to to him Other wild thnt th y hail Imjn by men wh iiit d ihviu- to vot under IIHP which wrrn wri ton on clips of pa er and then t votn 1itw In tin day on in n ni Kmnunurntlon wns to- bo In tli nliHpe f lirass c k whlih would b lifter tiie v te wa itt ronlJ be cnshtd at rnltinis In th A ntinihT of deputies werotTit town to look- up the tnwi who weri this of lung ln fount Tammany worntr ever vtn r- and lot of men tccmtvl to ln Uklne InMnir- tloiu from th m After t rh rimn hnd vot xl- h wu tnU ii uway l n Tiniiinitiy district A numlxr of ti mn were s en Hftonnird to gn Iro il iit allot onlerlnc dilitki t IMIV for ihfin with clucks ettln chf In cllvtr H wa im I iet evil ro ncntist Itiv nf th brilxrx nlthinili I irltii the dav a number of arrest wire mad in tliU illtrlct t tnwiii tl nail uten n lnafi number of trivial coiijiiilnf all of wMcti r prompt itttoiitlnn At anna n mmi rIme nlnni thnt hi iinnm wan Ttfanv nnd that he llvivl At Ve t rmnt loid nnd H17th Htnet- H t v N In tli Twintvtr Dliitum- dlitrtot of tho T Ttrflfih 4 mMr dl rlt went to the tmllliic pUw nt W K irh rn Boulevard nt 7 lltf itmd nm In lino there he und took hit pIle nrnoiT tim Afto wiiisr fr tw rui i nhei l imiih h made it titS mind hit m rrnoked vrnrk out of line lie ilniilv d lprl that t T plan to litjniHIrnn frori v tur- no h rupio downtown Tilth romtlilnt- An MrTulliuh hail n deputies In thl dUtrl t- hj fotxirtnii tli iiK hl l vi n with a rosiest tlni the liii r Ink lni jt n ihfiit- n li K I i reply hn Me hid b i Into thn onl ironliltt- wn hit Hlviit t41 ior v nt of the voters tflWtid In tho lNtrll had turned out nt on rind thif th T wit consequently a Rood deal of i lv In vitinif- Sonin m illir uoinnlilnticami to thofl IPT- Interident Irrmi lirrwiklvn A rtTmrlrnhln- at t of nffilrt riroi t the lr t elelvi f the Thlrtvfrstc- nmblv ilirlr which Ii In fVnrv Khul It vti dl oox rot nt I V M that the xn rl hit time ni r Olntt fnr the Spmu- dlstrlit Th Semiil il trif h bren iilnir bilht lulnnirin in tin riot Admit y voters liiil M t h lr lMllt In ouch dl trlrt- wh i th discover wn t ni 4 tho I- Utrlt n li wMnte rvncr dl trl ts nil the hallTii will tirnhlhlf hiv t ho thnitrii out th ilet Kiiion f Hit Mrip iif litnti nventi liroollvn nrwited to Suit Mrdilla thn- twhi h wont to T n it dfrrd nviniio nnd rntid ftn f n man nhom not know follont d llii Into n ooMt nnd Inililni over hit tVr I lilt in vut tUv ucmtlu Uket He ttii ciiiii rut full th r nn went nt mil Mr HIM MI HJIM thnt fuir oi thin nrtli Ti u l n Inil IM ii iii vi thn- proopidin but not nttumpt to In any way Hiit mmv tir In Mintnttnn otii nt- of rti fttlt wttt rt In t Mr iriliniii of tli t mi iniii fptn lnnts Sim tho Ilepiitillcin IcmitT if tin S riot t iml iv diftrdt tHd that irntt trinny rpp t r- WfiebeinKtiiiiiitithipilK Ml t ITH Shim ilil a kii it lml if tii i tin dont U nni viviif made ntnwr HCS In IIM fni nlill were found nj n In ijrv ent tn cl th ami in nlinntt e tlm fnlmiM found tn l u I nol by lltt kid ilior SOIM HID inlrn1- to el v iitnl In tithe a Sup MCiiilii h ll t fix liM niif nhen c ll rjrxpl P Mttil thit In ti irtn Itti nil iiUht N lie nltid to lilk to nil of hit deputies hfi hud liet n oft ilnrln div n elit my nf xtrotitrllnif ii th Icitlon iillnr r r i ilei hi iiiil lit wmild ppi v d at oine tf seure the pnJliiitiit of the iilTi nde- rHsriuir Ufiif TIIK rniwr- An Order rampllmentlfic the 1nllre Lpnn the Valet rlrrtlnn flay CLlef Derery IKknd out of tho window nt the row of emir erj cjib wattlntr In Mul- berry tre mi tlf twllliiht et In ntcrdiy anti filirlifl- e havnnt ttirned n wheel ull day from here he ii 11 j iit n Mow hm lieen tnick Now will thf lii th other ic l Kk nt thlt from Ilo hnncifj fit of tnpe from th- Ocker with towti It lion ovtr Ihi All the nnKiipupf on It Thirc th rM dont even tin CM much r wuit bnrU Intro tne Inar door In t nIght he l uel Vr f- To romwirijlia tl rrrf A- r rtt ViiTina The u r it tub of ronMerni- r iiiiirnifnt Such a- vit to Ati trlitui- iiLtiicniel mfuvnMlily Slit Ii tcrre iiiv M nlmt tle- dutv at the t i MI if th 1 tn MIHI- i f rlHi- er rcmc- Broiind M rrciirtions if tiUtur not nnd violation of law in no Hutlun o mcd imrorMnce na the rrosent In niiigri anti Suto for It I T riilit- tilrlitf itrft rdir iad II 1niIIIIAd VutIIIOIIIflII ii IIIUnI to too r io work Iopn h- It ot ere ltd ItO I Oh tot Iron oil w tOt I o I Itt i I I lOt tnt II II I a I Iii tC 1 wit b 0 V o0 I I Ito I tot I I ti I Iii ii hiatt fit 1 ll lit t apr ohi1n tn loot to ii won to I ion tort 1 tloct Ion tin broIl iI ceo lull attt d 4 l for tMI oIIr I ad roil 0 ToO s tI IrAlm nunnn viv I tIe vat s 1 i0VoIit too I nil tot I oak eI t ot Ito I Wi t nit oil rlt A I lint t Ibm I I I to boo oil hoidr I rot ru I II tit < ontO t ho t ii I t o 1 nt II V Otto n ri w h t to tl yowIt rv rOll hoI rc to hoti IoliluIr- of t0iil lo woroo nt NVt I r tIorH tVIO I Out In m t ho I It o tin inr toPlIItt tr tmltoit IOV0010I Ih ill Ic i lit Io o tb u Vfl orv cab o i I I at r tao oo II atO ii or tit I 1 1 In 1 roIl I It ii t all I itus i trI pit I 1 UIng VaI 111110 flV all lr ik it thot TIoe I tor A tool I vI in Atf Zirvoj tIoo of oh I I to Ill ti tool ruot I oti ito tIoo 1t f ottr rltr to OoottttIotIt I ol t fltV tOll r t- oIr itt J faittttsi tiis f r ii ur I r V4 II I IIi ltw- oIw1thtnlitu tsnorounIlra 10114 t < > < > > > < > > > > > > > < > < < < < ¬ > > > ° ° ° ° ° ° ° hint better order been preserved awl violation of tho law committed dthtJ- iertalnlnif to the vonduvt of thn election ui to ponce throiKhout the city The In wldrh you performs your duty fully MI UIIM the ohe you u duty whli h WIM you tiirlnim under and nil yn At no tliiiu lint iny doubt l uon enter I f your ability ttirpn e to t dltchnrv- t Q rhMLfln lll l It The record of Ihp diy ll ewl d that the pitoplo of real oltyMmve ever j nvard for and order and tin manner In whlrh the been oh nrvod by our cltlnn N timely prool- of order Hibrlety under itee ure am- I tenilon of which faci- j loot contributed no little part In rnaUntf yoin- dutlet le H dlRlcttlt llMil thH to the membiTM of your commixnr- at threo mcce lve roll callt Ininiidl fttcly following Itt receipt Chief of Pour VlIKT l KtlIIKMK CnillT Fewer rirctlna r llronzhc lUfore the Jutllrri Than ttunl Most of tho Jtnllcfs of tin Huprcme Court under th a lnnment of hut Appollate PlxHlon- i were pithier nt the County Court HOUM or nt their homes In rridlne to adjudicate dl putcn I of electors who vout had Ijton refusod at tho piIU The nt thilr hine were to- Lnsiie altirnttivti wrlt of nintuhtmu at the County Court Hon The Ju tnv ut tho County Court House vero llarrett Truiix- JIU IiilT and Kltzcorild Thu work wat un- u uilly Ilirht The Itcpiililtrnn Inw Commit tee at tho County Court lloinn consisted of John- A lluker who hiu performed till work for many years A F CamiiUll E H Kallow John I Davenport noardmun Wrlkht and C I i Nclor The committee for Tammany de nated by Corporation Counsel Whaleu at chair IIIVT of the Uiw Committee were A t nt- CorporiitlonCourwelTeronoo V Inrley William 11 It Jr anti Clurltw Msltlnnd Ilrattle One liwjer on eiich lda could luve ntlcndeU- to much motto than there was to don Afltle from applications for writs Kevrril men who feared arrest If they attempted to vote xveut to the Cotuit i Ilon i for adrlie n to whether they luaU tiftler chance nwearlnc- In n Viitf If Amon tlie t wetii John Allen nh hal been HtiitHiKitl to live yi r liuirliininiiU In Sln SIIKT under a- nnxltttoii fur lirciny Vhllo nrvln- ci flit fuel a itiifesioii WM nude liy ft I T eon it polht f ilcuU whirl hoivo1 that Alln hud len unju nifti n Alln w- iirdi neil hy ilovtrnnr iiboitt two sara IH tlo mOist tint hl tto that hu WIH to hit cltUenblii HA ald thnt lo- tn iifnrinel tint a xvirrant wu out fur him to bo jLwnilnd If ho itHmiittv to SOt lti IIIR a Tittnminv man the of Hut Mdn thriUkh th to ascertain if Hint ciuoton had boen upon No- dHWon be In this Htaj WIIMI derision tiy a tvdfrnl JldKHlii Mll slptl held that a tiy lh rre ldnt of tl- iInltfil states which nl o luckiii the clau of- rtoritliiri to did In fuel ci re tf rn- tht nun Allen beifii advied to vote tihlt- in1 Inspector that h hid trUen r iun il In tho matter hIs Xota wo received without proti t were the umial cn e of men who found when they went to vju that they had re ittered In iln election Iu tlce llinitt wild It was loo late to correct tho rentry ll tn nnd declineil to l it writ hrn there XVITH tht men who fr md hit other men liVid voiid under thr names fiw tln coiiio up fxxry flection day but th y urn fe v Alexindir Ptrvi Sicond election il- itrlct of th Hexfiith Asembly tliitrmt t rlnk D Iloyce Klftoeiith flection dl trlot of Ih Sexenh As oinbv lohn 1lieltn- Teith tlfciijn trlt of tho blrtistriit and Simon IxitiBhiiun of thnlSVcnth flritiini dlttrii i if the Ninth Assetubly district xv re all In this rlist They nltorna live writs of mnndninus the lni ictors- cf MNttlon riniuirinK th ir to bo ran to b kluwn 11eJr xotet w re taken without eppr iti n- lolin I Mnmforil riiisteril from h moth r8 ivi West ctrint- nxd aftrwurd mneil to IIS W st riffthird- Mn t In th tiii ecctlon district Tlo in pwtnrs would iiit i rmlt him to vote In- oppiisllon to tif writ ht fcruifd an atldavlt Inhn Unnellfn was pr fTit which Ml l that Stiniford n o ud the rinrn- oIin nx Th ln t icor wax Infnmrd tint hf Unlit hl tnmk nt tnotherfl hoii olid hU cmt- at tils present ntldrs II1K iipplicatiou to xott- fron tiic cnnt re idenC Olise It WHS In th- ine electlor riltrlct as that In which ho re i t rd was irninud by lu tco Birctt- Micinl Hurt of JVi t IS7d triet was In- formed by the lnspe tjr tbnt lnri ho regis plilcd In th rnuntv four monih nnd he had no- rlcht to vof On tin nilriavl to the Sin i n Court ottttf tht he bat rM l In- ti noiinty for cloven years h obtained a xvd- tIlrlch Btuta found at Fourteenth election riltrlct of the Tiith As ttililv dltrict that the Iiemocrit lns too had hU immn on their IwinUs but I ho did not On an nffldivit lmwliirf that lie xvas entitled to xot ho titnlntvl n writ When alvMor Cilnrnorfone naturnllred went to th Txiolfth Iwtlon tllstrlct of tho Second As Hinblv dUtrll t he hnd rejUtcrvl liU tiiniuiv iM n f If found sVircli wiw tiailo in t e rekUtry IW for IU tibia nnd to v j if the ln riot H- lvid l the haunt up tt make two cltiens He- fnaltf fMirrl i do name of Indi llnrrlm S Mourn of OicwtiM who had naturnllie l A Juilco Moore om not ri lrte In the dUtrict- n writ was ubtittnmt reaulrmir the lti pifiorH- to rdnnic thii nioril and nermlt him to vnfo- IoT I Uon of 25IU Jnllria nvciiUe xv- atlrned nwar when he nternt d to v fo In- tho Twentieth dlsMt of th TMrt- vfirtti As Hinliv district lie au e lilt name did not nprenr on tJe rekI trx lie fUnd thm hd rej Vlion down as f that iidrires on proof that he wnn the only Jeff In tho- inis who reclftered ho nlitnlried a writ Alexander Striidwr if lm Seventrtnth ole tlin district f tle Keventh A Hrntilydltrtrt with not accoitel us n vMer namo apt ired A1e nnd r Strenilwlrk The rell- Inu ch rtd by writ All the no by the Justices wa- cn writ if mindiniiis b n that writs nf hateis corpus would be asked for men held try mn lstrate ALOKRMAX VKlTKX AnilRSTKD- rhursrd With tntlmlilailon hat the Police Caplxln nnnlilnt lOCk thin Up Alderman Jicoh Velten of Wllllamsbttre WM- irrostod yesterday by n MrCutlaitli deputy for Intlnildntlri John I a Itepubllean voter In th polling placo nt u Ieornrd fctntt Win broucht to the Stniv Mrwt Rtntlnn Alder mini Velt nwis relvuwd by Polio Captain Tor- wli Volt nl a Democrat nnd did electioneering work jHjiterdix for etCoroner imirso H MniUix tho l cinocratl riindiiLito for Con cnst In th Sixth dWrlct In th KliUent- hIfliii of th Stmnth ward r enterid th polling plno nt ti31 nrlnek- In in lmr Into a HUI- n kiipt d to him followed wv to Harry Inrirulltnrd th exent- tixe r of tlf llfeth As- Mttnblv xvhi atlied an tXplaiintloti train th lrcpii ilcin In plait The iHttr mail tliU htntitrfiit- A r xiier ant iil I c nr cnterlnc th booth ti vitn nv idi mnn elton i tp up l to him nnd iakf ih t m II nnd Killot out of Ills Mini 1 lior lim lt trhtther Irnser- wv n Ilfpulillmti in 1 n riit I vine in riniima ilxiinwir I MW put n i r ss In the Itepub liftri nnd vliii nnMlii r cross iipol I liidsiys naijiv HP llnn folded pushed the vojer out of the Ijooth a deputv to arrest the Alilcrinm eiii was nnd tutl- indir nrrost tir- xvlc rpiired H It was nd lanr irher In tint diy Irtitiihlltivl oh r vnttP- tMiriurr GUKU nrnr TO ACT rnterniir l itrr C n ed Him to Suil MrCatUKh All Mcht The wild piirsiil if Superlntendnt nf Elt- tloni John Mt uiu h hv Sherill lre on Mon div nliihl was nut instil bv tlo fnct that the mcriii hil warrant for the Superintendent a was rej irt l lOll wa thn rtmilt ot th io- xertir Iftvr in Miirllf the tent of xihch in Tin si r irtttcriLv Mr finll- wini luMr ti riiitfndiit tlut Iif would do his fun dntf m thi fVftit of a fa h it pli ind iit Mcntllacht tiiiM- siiiTif liitii nrufl MH ulliih in a cab anti uKtMif1 to bt exnttsl nvr his fnllurf- t ill With IIIHI llul pt 10- uret i t to ajiMt him Ihin- tH IIH ttn to tnin houo and to pluitw alit that In niut lid Aboiiiich if Umsl up all lut In- It wv t irl in niornire whi r trel If Sio lt Afor I lonniilit MIIV he ml intt wl i Iuwiiuiiil- fi ay wii lint K rnl I d his full Hi II in rti rt r vim ii bit h Ill M ItO IVVH 1 o i I r sPtlf MlUf u d hi iuti 4 ft wlili Mlvii 11 m i I1 HMerlT- i u it I I v nil M i f for thorn up to o let thtai a boic ui I ert wa no Mil iud then l bheruf leas Intl thor va oulti aft r ii rout- S Ito ti oi gut I I ot not olut hal I Lit I lot grit I In aoltil loon out ii mr ltICttlI 11IIAM S a I J hat 1 I r t urn atol los itt lbs I I hi too rot root i to hunt ott ant hunt ios a ioot lot i ad s tin nt sit ton dit net i tits noiiinui I tort I red otit net torn I you tsth n- or toOls if 1 till I torod tr that 1w nt np the I v hero tor hot I lilt tin I woos eetorI our I oil trjt Ii Ill ri I o it ti or I ii t hat rI I lip iirtri tot I I sis I Oil in bib iT loin tIc I 1iot abut It it I 051 0 0 ho I tilVlt Iuoy- ao nil roroI din iul footi ri no ttrlv I no t is I io 0 Ii Plain I sit I it I rrou1 ollori Paul The Chat oft was tint tit hot s orI ion Io tii t Pooh I oiuu lit lip I Ito tOo ilirutT Ito I 1 ton- i ro Ii s uuioI lot lit r r il ti oft i I Iti oOoi to u blow It u i i i so ho Is a iiiui tier to V t ii II 1 boo rori lit 01 ilrni flu iii Iii S I g < < < > < < > < > ¬ < > > > > < < > ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° TAMMANY USES ITS FISTS CROKEH3 ADVICE PULLOWKn Y cvocL5 aoirmea RepublIcan Ilrutallr Hraten anti Voter Oprnlj Intlmldattd In thi Eighth Annnbt- IMtlrct TerC1tlcn Inuiuillj Good Vas Ualntalnrii Klirtrhrre In the CUT The election re ado leit difference yesterda In th amount of stork tho city MimUtrate had to do titan was to havit beon oipcct J Ii- view of tli attiltiile of Croker and fliluf o- 1ollro Devery and of their Incendiary niter nnco prior to the curt warnlnu thin Mayor reoelxul on Mondiy evening from lov Iloose- olt Thi rases In tits police courts ehovrc that In only ono district thu liuhth Astombl weru thero any torlons dtattirbancr- Tlm hlvlith hoxTtver wail thn iiceuie of open Intimidation nnd iufiult on volors nod He- publlcuns wurkorf teMoni rqunllod even In I til eventful history of tlint bnlllwUk of the ltikiiltw An ortranlzpil gang of Tammany Ihum that Includixl many prlzn lltrhten xfcnt around to thu various polling place attacking Ui Kopubllran worker and men who w re Republican buttons frokcrn ord r wore cur rlnl out lltirally and blood tlowiid Ireely In coiiHwiueiiLe The eme mimberel about fifty and It was U U bald by John IelpI- kur a bnitherliilu r of Martin EtiKel These rough went to the rolUna plnco at lid DlvUlon utreet which is In a district known a a stronghold of Charlm 8 Ad r the Uepubllcun condlitats for Assembly and after Inflicting a few black eyot pouncod on Abraham FrelJsl H brother of Iiouls Knildel Ailer oHmpnUn manairur- Whon the itolliv te iwil lreldol ho wti covered with blood and ilotlilwf xrta bidly turn He i lLUd out as til principal assailants Ion Jutnla Htinttman t ttr known o Cro ieysJS- onfunan and Hurry Cohen of M Iudlow- trpet They xreni orrestod and tilton to the sir Market pnlli court followed by a crowd of Uorth in d dtnlrei Oindliite Adler WM In court and nilJ to Maslttrnt oinuUnd- Jiul o this oriaulid gang of nlutvrer haxu- l n goIng nfl oxtr the dlitrict punohlnc and othtwlw Intlml latiiiu my friends Thy hux riot ml ed a dlitrlt The Mnirlstrate held Hiiiftinui and Coh n In IIW ball for exam Initlau KreMO thi n tttod that vane xvai hvll by Ixlpyliir nnd a trnrrant was Uued for hU arrest It had nut eerred when UK cnirt niUcxirned- Vorhorth 1felTcr a Raimtllcan worker TM- aJi attacked by tliu crowd nnd luwten- no badly that hn was tnen to Ws home uncon Houit PfpTTer earned the undylni enmity of tIe Mnrtin Enreel AtsocUUon two yearn ago by Issulnr and dUtrlbutlnga droulnr- In which he nttachwJ the record of Knrel At that tote hu xra eumrnone1 before MxaU trite Job IIe litM to answer a ciharee of crimliiRl libel and whilo the ca e WM potitlli he dl- aprmred He wai oftnrwnrd heard from In- IlulaileJohll and ont word to Magistrate H Uox that It xra uslen for him to try and dfloud hlmtelf at tio tlne as the iollif hail ciorLt lilfl wltnewis Vhen Cl v liowevelt WiLl clectal Ifelfer rBturner to New rk and Ew l mvlH no furtiiar move osdinst him About tilt iercoim In all were Frrnlned In the Ea ex MArket court cl art l with vlo- lutlans of tho ilcitloti laws Most of the ar- riits were mado br Surt McCullaeht lop utiea TluBo arrested by the police were chlely Uepubllcan The arreMa In a number of COMS were cuiifed by trl tnkcs of polling clerks brain Levy Jacob jtrlper and Para d 10 Jimmy silver rei resented the Interest of T nimnnj Hall and the Ito pulillcann xxure dofendsj by laryern llrrant- Wlllird Paul Cravatb and lorni r An ltuitD- Ntrlct Attornity oaaUky Mielntrate Jim alcd pruMdvd- Viliiani Ht a finman nttnchocl to Trunk B In Lnnitl trout HIM arrested on complaint of a Iititiuiny worker on tho rr Oil that It not le al to rrL t r from u nr house Ito wa bell in JU for eiainltlntiol- iIrtd W i member nf the coin pot y VVIL nrrfstiKl tn a bhiillir chnrtro Whin UPI Hiked lor 1 haUl Herman Murks the DitiiiifmtK bullt tior relmol in lvn It to lum My T l ixlm one of tlm linpijbloan- I pnUTx cuvo liln ballot wnich then ciu t l HIH arrmt of tipIO und laviiiii nude a ct jntur cir rn of ille il votlrv ii iirnt Mnrlts- ll thrn were aroni fur t Ahrilani Dwutf m wlm voltd in tiie KuhUi- Aiwiniily tlistrut wan hfld In Jl Oul for examination It Ii iiiln id that he lui In A Mriullivh deputy WM arrestlnir a mnn arid nskr1 M lArnrr a liwy r t o to flit Olr its n wit ie v lien Lerner an nnunoil till willmjjnoi Mvoril 1ntninnny workers nlnt imon liwver it el irCM of riimrderly pt iut- Tlniir itnst ini s t to Mncistrattt- tilmsiod lintx IfttHT- 1Minik M rtt f JIM i hr stle Mreet was in to the Ililllng iIiie at 10 D- InnoV iret lli wii Mrlnlf J if hrvli tre t tubs had voted Itt tlvo mm itit 1rnxirijly and More WA I am uiliy tout Imi Kotl Demi j tint mill Munri In tin iolni itmrt- I ff you ni mil thu Ma limt Moore wa i IN iTtni triti IMHI II IIKI true KJatnnwr fit i0 rn k A atn A r Atenta M V lirynn lleriiibliiai atd Inflow b- Wiflss tjfrkr fiunlin Diieen A itnrit lutrttt Atttirnuy Daniel ii Hiid pmon M tlm Denio rats Thirtythrei prUoricM w re nrrnlcned nrrit were tn ruirs In- iivinit addrtit wli n reuist all llii r went tllciir Pasiiioii of 7 Uimbeth street woe at 7 M stritl tind wcs tilted lo irort- iri n riffMiTwt ir NI Ilnxvery lint u nuitix- vh voted m hi name wits held fur examination Viltliim TuckiT ipslftred from 1W Park How irlving his hint ni ywirs Vheti ho I vote lie wild he wit 43 jvars old Hi xva liiid fr xintliutliii lfila1- Dniiilas s iiHlJ iii reeiii ro front till AstT llous lie it n Jiixenniieiit etiployee nt Wifliinutoii ninl wime to xto II u nil not nrrrpl a Kjiiipluint tint tlm ir luid crantid In di luryn- JMIII MivtMttr xvlo ricl tcre front 2lt- drand Mrtf 1 man who vottd tiniiir Unit i inn wiri toll in li0 i ball fur ejamb atlii- lMph Peril MirNtrwl fmm 1VJ lmil tl- inrii vud i ilinlittsl that lie had not boMb n itirilud tuid wa hold In tuou bull In iiii Jeiier on Market court Mn rlstritMi Molt unit i titt iivl nrrnncid to sIt hlmultn- liiiiillv In tu to dis tht ex I IM ttd ru tltlirrnscs ii jiiiro wr not bii srn kist them nrcuilsl 1 nrrun 01 vrMnic aid lily tf th WH ictJ- Tl vvi rt a tnnjurlty of- Iheii xxiTiiflil in nd voti IT not iliuii mi iiliMil lirlrnl irnr and ver on urt of- vltflnrit si liiiKt ot I in trUinerit xvnrn HlMUt i iiinlly ilvlitctl i rlnt ipiil purges I wo duv niiiit iin ii ys In who hnd fiiitl t tili rxi thn to thtr iltfhtA of In- IMS lilliOMC tlifwtt lirrnltflicd Ihey- vvri lisilrrs il It K Itlmirc MiTlcn niitl hunts S Stxleif Trenwirv Irjirtii nt- II df n den liprtinlirH vrt nrnilcnr- dlitir Miciln Mi It charj I lt kofiiur in n All nf tlni itll liv pnli Pi i In ciilrti filithi s nt fn i t1 fft IvfMiith Hot in xv re T rf tith ra n nuidn in ilin four iipclneis tliit tr thf jun- ilutiii of IdiT m Mm k i court hit wrn hld in li i lnil inch Inn f v In the Yorkxli rniirt befor Miel trste- Mnxn in f Im f irly invs ns thnt of inrrt Hnves fr f HnMiti Nn nri- tif VM it vuiv Mr Hiwf Hvix n 5 Fist 1 wiil imd str l nnd hni llviil Unr- nfr IH ii t tlxt oir WliiMi he r is rid I was siirnTiioif t tin yrlx Tin ii irt- i Iifirrnil In MuUlrai heiJ that I- iha I n i riirlii I xe l r Im ynsii rds In xi n ilinlltiifiv ninl KWOIM li I vote Tlinn nrii liar I I Itlsvt- nf 111 in t kv riif who ru i th nnivlill viiilil tout swonr li fHirt IjitI- n knnvv lint Mr llnvvrs nt liv liri- h mil ln llv d Mr lliwrs wn thrrffornr- li Itriiii IV Itirron 4 xnirs rd nf IVist j riilrtvfri riMi a wnlitr In 1 ntniiriiit on I lnvt r ettitl wa l uri chiirirn of l r i itisweriNl lie IK of nit itnr fan II va ntkft hiil nmdn- in NI ni ripltid xi I ii t ioi Ilrxin I nlicii ir f lii liir IK nniTdl- hit n wntfurwn In mi S Mn I ruin Hiit i iv i ntilr jlklnit lie was lrnl- imlriil fr nn I i i tcirs nf nvrriun- va Ulnr Mnci rre on tit 71 when ha li iniii if lrnll and load nlwiys votMJ on loll fathers MrenV pat rs Unuistrafe told him tIn o before him on Nov fr with flY Order I I hit i the ben tam about Intone wit S hot bus tIt fL- oat 140 tao nit int A Oh bob lit Iski ii In ti ill Iro iii 1U lidrtrs stret t0 i iOO ill I 5VlCtI Vt list Ion V i ott too tIi Otis l tat o otl tog hit W Ii Ito tooI lold I ItO polio I tiliutot and S I Ito I bit lit artd nio0trl tri i for itt the loiilttio lit a t itt Ito I CIlo I nil ls gist ru e I ii ViVo 10114 hOt lii liaI rtoJolerto tot ttI I foot In nO sir I itt Ia oil i of ill Ot burl Or mr so i ii C1 0 out llI to oilS oIl I god n nil on ii I Ito < ttIli rider Itto not irols loll 0nI0i lIt I 5 I lOll I Ii an tIt ho- I sc Ci I t Ito t t ahhn ton tii ill 5 rio I i sri ft of- t ho SVtiulit rut I I r oolo oil I I 00 r i lot tsr wI I tim lIt I I ri a n U ilat toni I 0 I hilt I t Ito It llVIoI W tool Iii I Ito < I II 01111 I ii hi I I Iii I ISo otot I trot to riot I on lit 11 I t I I lob II too loot iso t I Alt I oil to I II lt 2 1 limo joi hip i lot I I Tim present > < < > < < > > > < > > > > < < > > < > < ° ° ° ° ° father This he failed to do end he XT a thercfora rearrtwUxi anti held In llwx ball Thomas Sliollx a tenclier of boxing who llvet nt 0i Kate fourteenth strwt WM ao- uuiedof gIvIng two names when he revHtered- tikclly und nMi that wa known by toOth Ihn pa- roled hInt not to vote A Jloihmor turnpomrily rt ldlne nt the Ashlnnd llini i wns nrreittd lncnuse It was nllitf d that he toni not llvud In the city tho required length of time Ho proved hit Im nn of the Print- ing Vnilnel MI nnd hut tint his rtildiiicf li iiilon district In which hn MM XTHS ili i haruiil- I In the Sldir ttmrt there ero threo prlooiuTs nrritlrniil on chart of Illiwil I vollnir or reeltrillion Of thew only I x o won hold for trlnj wen I Cook and ilimeph Kiynold who revl from a dear shore at WJ West HftyMHimd I mill were nrreKteil liy n xrhen tried In Mufinlralo Ueuel h ld them in Wi Mil tiiili for trial th Mftul tlepulies prtivltirf alniot ndiiHviv that then in th Ninii- nf the men nrre tcd by tin lolioo was held Minint of theft weri nuidn bwnu i of xoimi nUMtiku on tho Part of thu- reil clerks Ainotiir thow arrnstril lu that xvn J livvver Cioodwin the play- wright lion Hxiw nt 62 Wwt Hreet The reeUtrntlon bonkmhad hint down as living fit Z West MlxtxKnnlli btrwt j error wns quickly eudilnod to MaBlitriilo Deurl oral Mr was Kd I wntd a nnero employed the Vcjt- Bld Itipuullrin Club xvas singled out tho early In the day Hn lived at an V t Ktreut but afterward nioxed a foe doors away Keeping however In the iinnut noon Policeman him Mavlitratu IMiiel discharged hint but when wont biok to voted he was nrreatid again This evident work angered the Magistrate anti he ensured the Tammany watcher who cuiu d the second arnHt- ABOVT 900 LOST TOTES Uoiattrfactorr llnnlt In an Orrrcrowdrd Part f Cnl Ornneri niitrlct Because of the Intdnquate fndlltle for rot In It estlnuted that rant than 100 electors of the Thirtyfourth election district of lIsa Twentyfirst Af omhly itUtrlct lost their vote yesterday Ihl elPillon dlstrlot lies between West 114th ftrect Knvvnlh nxeruiH West 110th- Rtrcet Manliat tan avenuo nod Columbus avenue Tho polllm pine wns nt the northwest corner of 113th ttreet and KUhth avenue It U a part of Abraham ruber Kepiihllcan- utronghoM arid lied tho hoaxlent registration In tlio city tho number of voter rivlstered being lus I ist year the relittratlon f30 lied It reached 000 u year ago the dis- trict according tu law Mould have been di- vided It taken for granted that the dis- trict would bo divIded after the registration this year but nobody dreamed that the flrurea would Dhow such an enortnou Increase When tho facto became the leaders of tooth parties ujk l thn lluroau of Klection- snccomriodate all xoters An Iroe oyfUr- bxr VM luuluJ up Into Ligbth avenue and plictxl at thu corner nf 113th nUeet In thu- xvrro placoil eovtititeen voting stalln Whoa the poiliim place opened at S oclock a Una of miu Ixtitulliitf from tint door tluwn hunth- axtnuo aid around the corner wait trite 113t- hHtift furiiif A niiii wiio counted them eid tiut nur than Ohio huiiJjoJ- In hue vvutii iiilli opu eJ- Iliirnu Uiu loi nxin I WHS estimated UIt about tnlity xotes mi hour wore Wlii a riiorter of Till SLN got to tho poll ut- qrliMk no mn r In lino nnd nn hour lutr tliT vtirn 137 rtlmrily fter noon the ctrt of election fur some tviMin not fplinril Irsl Illtfllt held VOten III linn ri li tin urivll twenty ImHul- iliut been givn out h fore the xvvs sol to de 0ill lila ballot Tho I teitiliian watchers proUed agnlnt this lilniksoftvveiity procni8 iuwertliih- tlilt tut H nhoull be nllonid tit Ms btllot nn sunn h his name nnd brJlot mini tar bon proi rrcnrdtil pro tntntloiw xvtre iivull however onu In blirks uf twent th voting wim oirred on from ah it rinli until hi foils ciowd- Thn OA S ocloclt drew felt diiiiiinlul tint all thntn In linn In front of thi iHillliu the Umo for closing th should i nnitted to VOID The majority uf the Inspector however de- clilid that the Oulld Inc ni 5 oclock eould cot I heir Itillnts ln- iler tint ruling nl i ut twcaty ballots were ac- cepted after By nrtiinl count fnrty- tWt xtern in line and to vote when this polls vvprn declarHtl olWd Tin Iitst billot- iJven Jlt mud voted was No 7S to that the nanier of billuls Mst WIIH KS short of re i it tlon It wit said that during dax- prubaiily ivi of thote In lino dropped out either biwi n ciuldnt or wait KU tlijt- sfiiiuwhiri In the vlelnltv of ii vof ihit- mlsit have ben polled with adeijunta lath xern lot alt the dUndvantigns and the nnniyniicp to which tlm xot rs of the dis- trict went put nioijl of them kept ttmlr tnnper- nnd them wiu no bra llng or dur- ing th day wa CUM nirikinc tnstntice however of Deinocrtttlo hnrles It Is ore of the Hfpublicnrt of the il- tnit IIvine at 2103 liiiriith iivtuiuu Immedi- ately In runt of wtiich thi xva Blntlone1 Mr has been a lin lwt Kehmiry unablo to tn ve- iiooul without the uld lln hoblilisl out of hi rmlilencn and took hn in thn long Him at 641 oclock vmtrdat morning Thn Republican oapldn Hvr him anti arrnngol with a nmn neir hnail of the llrn ft i- cL min plies xvltli the cripple Mr lllnlwlev- wis nliout tn go Into thn voting booth when a nuns nim d El er Demi rntlc captaIn of the dl ari who hail neen the change r fii i l to content to It end UliU elov wnt t i return to the foot of the line aln It took him two gut hu vote In for McKinley and Roosevelt hit s nktll roil lii sin uet fllo itt ml yen I Iii roI ut roil Vat ft root l I I Ito ill I itt li o StIlt till fun C lIst It r tie to vole itsotit I was was mown to mako uoh irovilIon at was rtecenary to the t I ate hon were tie rue Ird 2 a I Ito I Iron itn tIll tto toot ICO OMIt Ito Iii too huts s ittitti the the tit Not wit ttafl4jri lUcre lIIitiois 4 iao a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ° CLEVKMSD VOTE AT PIltCETO Had to Hake Two Trlpi to Pnllt Ilefor tie C olil Cult IIU llallot- PrafCinxw N J Nov Orover OereJond voted hre this oft moon The former Presi- dent hind to make two trips to the poll before Im succeeded In costing hU bHllnt He re- turned from his v1 U at the home of K C hone dlct In Cirennwlch onn nt about l oclock this afternoon and was driven to the polling etatlmi cf iho lecoiul dUtrict In Chambers Btroet Upon trying all the door of the big eiinlnn there he found thorn Mr Ilevolaid Innulretl of ol Ute by ntnnder wiether or not he wajs nt tlin bn hal received an answer niio of thn lOOtS was oneni and Mr Cl vvnlked In The onicluli tn him that wax lunch tune antI therefore tlie would be closed until 2 oclock It wn 2K oclock when Mr Cleveland called again and Unit be oat hU ballot FIRST CITY RRTvnxa ron njtrxv Central Talk Goe Solidly for the Candidate eit Police ITrndquar last renln came from the Thirtythird- eleolon district of th Txventyflrst Ai t mbly ill trct Thl dl trct takes In fenlrnl Park vote showed that nut of the nv i tint had rg terd tUr had voted and nil for llnnn The Democrats took this as an Indica thins of Itrvnns election Steinway Sons Pianos in Light Natural Woods Recognizing that the jrtvailins taste in interior decoration requires piano cases in correpondnly delicate colors we place on sale today in our special salesroom a limited number of instruments in satinwood white mahogany and other delicate natural woods at prices approximating those of our regular styles in dark cases 109 E 1Uh Street Near Do ton Spin collie Polls rrozn rhrssk- Tti fIrst return ttpiottast term > lIsp Stcnwoy11 ¬ ¬ < < ¬ I VOTED PAST AND IN PEACE trnATitKtt AXU caoa ottnsiJ- fAHHEl IIIK lilY IV TOWV New Yorker K rlr at the Poll snot Volt Iterordtd Only In niiblh Aitfintilr IHtirlcl- Uai Tbrr Any Vliiltnce or IMinrdtr In New York the election woe nlmort m peaceful as the wnither vis perfect Thcro were ratify iirr tta for nttemptu at Illeon- lvotlnu iir for xvlmt were construed as nuch nt- temptH only In tho Klstith A einbly tllirictx- vaii there nny illfturbnncn or disorder Over till tho city iiHonhtre there wun u Sunday ntmoKphero ntul about the voting places thorn was a alibdlhllki ponoe and cilm that wis- parllculnily impreviivo In view of what many j citizen hid been led to fear might happen AS the result of Mr Crokern manifesto Indlrictly- encourafdnif vlolcnctt and the bel order to the pollctt which Chief Uevery ln uod but quickly revoketl after hit Indictment by the Urntid Jury supplemented by lor KoosexeltN action toward the iiiaintenaiice of the pence It became evident early In day that vote was going to be an enormous one j Hy 8 oclock In the mornIng tutors were Indi- cation that It would boat nil records From all the eloistlon dUtrlst In thli city thrre clIne the Mime atory of an early morning ruh kept up with a which rnoant an as- tonlthlnc number of ballot In the boies lorui before noon Uurliik the first hour aft T the openIng of poll It wits estimated at nearly nil the poll lag placoi that votes were oast at the rate of ono n minute Superlutendent nf Elections McCiillafth ektlmatfd that before d ocloclt In tho m rnlti more than onethird of voteof thcity had been cast llenl oexpre ed the opinion based on reports thut had come to htm from all quartern that fully M per cent of oil the rcKltteied In Now York would be cat before the poll dosed at 3 oclock In I the afternoon Itxritiot merely number- of volet oast lIft the rapidity xvlth wluii voitr did the buslnoM that burpistud all provlou- jelstion diy MPITUMJCM In dir In tome of the uptown districts tiM phetioinpnnl record of three xotA to use mlnuto wa maintained for a conlderabe time Probably the bamiur district for rapidity of rotinc XTSS the Kourth- I election altrlct of the Twentieth Assembly district Hern h2 voted wore tolled wllliln half an hour anti at 10 oVlock In the morning sve of the total 3ts rrkMrrtd votes lint liHtti cOot Thu was gunerily taln ns huh catiiiL little scratching nnd It vm pre diti that tho count show that u unatuil nuinbor nf HtraUit ticket hid been xotel Thin lioutixvr did not prevent the usjU numinr of minors ns to lilting of this that arid the othf ejindldnto from tfuinlnif- currencT Ibis applld liowovcr mostly to oandiditet fir tint Ituprtwilnti pro vullivl that of tl h W wa- btiiiitj tnniprrid with by tie vniffi i nclls Cause for recordbroiUui vote xvere not hard to reek In tho lrt t asid from iii lntei t Interf tt In the national ISTIIM at tiki i litlil enns In Sew within th nat week xver of a nature to rou spirit t i hUh hitch of enilment And then addition to tint thero tiio- irlirlius wnither exer xvlthlri memory of Still thor n moro I erliet day U cam not merely that ky wns ab- Holutolj clotidifi there was listdes a harp to thu air which iiit Into evrybodv who bratbid It T t stay of kottlnc out xras inu sin- ful Nltwlth Hiding th tfonrrnl olwlinf of- ctor nnd bmlns houses of all kinds fh- Mnets xrero thronifed with triple Ito iiubltian It xvoi ti- linmocrits ed to ba M pleated with it is their oi anil both SM wore m of tiie bIg vote it meant for MiKinlev or llrvan a the rase night be Mr lr tkr xrhi haibhlixl hof urii tlons and who hH drown mirrri irs eon lu ions from what heit i rthp l a rfpoiu that have cotnii In to me XVM on owl with ro Informition about the Plindld rTlift flna wiher was havlrir in brliiKimt out Ui ut Stat0 Itnr rratc votn Ioruf before noon he nniiounciHl on thu str iuib of thp v remount that her wiu u tremendous filllni oT In the Rnfiilillean vote In viirlotis- HetmbllMn tronehold4 In iin iutrinr Hut fnc thive repurt Informed Mr t roker that there onl IV mi in uhf at oiitu- tmiiti iiaridn on Satiirilu last In thtlr acurafv had bivn rosnewtmt shaken woo miking nn smterdiv tiised- on Mi CrokerV roports not ovin Mr Crofter blmsif- Cf nil the bosh conteiU there was none which or morn Interest thru th one In Thlr- u iitb conimM District l twisn llHimi It VllfOTthf rnndilate O II- I tiidnrd er larlv In tli diy report tnnn fnitn nil oxvr lint dNtrl t IVlmoni xns 1 hind hl ticket Voborly knew txnrtlv thes riniris cnm or what xxas thlr vnlie but they nevertheless rratd the Impression that Mr df itt d an u- whlrh wvernt rT rii ffcrcd to book up xMh- hw nt hiudsoint orld ainlnst HIP Ilryan standard Then xvere men frr- istnnft at the Wllloix who wen nfTerlnc S to I that Mr VII POX HIM Hxvpth district thn- lar est In the Thirteenth onrreim lUstrict- by a matnrlty of n Th xoto In the Thlr- II ns eKi In the cIty was clinnous In tint Twelfth fonrrost district where Mr IarvorK th Hepublicin candidate xvas pitted acalnU Mr Met lellin there wa aba mouth xdfoment ant many rumor u to ting Mr Motl llin because of hit refusal to hiisIf either one way or the the money quottlon GOOD TheIr tt lIlt Speed I loose two vigorous very the the oteal1lnee tIle tho entire vote the I ito out vcr Sc sub I lieU hut ito St to too lce u nora ort v wit boo t lit ioid t Inn it on it thy whet titer wat ii otIlit let weIt her d tn irk ililm lit eta seer I tIC Jil bib fool Iii holly bouts too I t Ito tlioio to Iii tool s r nil nil nt o betty Ito liioiuiL still I I nou root Iteoto holtmorlrM asonmiti ill otiuo r- on > ¬ < > < ¬ < < < ° ° SECRETARY fllR OV TttE nrXULT It Will CilTf New Confluence and Cnorace to InilDitrlal sad tnminrnlxl InlrreittV- ANinsnTOM Xov Swretory OIRO made thU statement tnnlcht aStor receiving the ri turns of the cln ion Tho nwult toting n eensc of jrrntlflcatlon and triumph to tilt rank anti Ills as well ns to the lenders of tho Himbllenn pnrtr If this were nil which tlio result Involved one oould look on It with n i tuo of compiuritlvn Indiffer- ence To mx nilml however thl s niott minor ronsidernUou It Is tho broad Indu- trlil nnd commercial Intoroiu to vliich th result must bring a feeling of profound thankfulrn It N riot tiiifssiry to descant tho of tho oppo- hltion The propositions hive bevn rejected j mid we have the usvirniicn thit no oriout in- termpilon to oncDliu busnn nffnlm i Is to ocitir Th cniinlry thit Puritan of It at lent which carries the burdens ami rM of ami industry xtill lxe a tl b of relief that tiii delivered h could not ho measured Thus relieved new roiitldenc ind will IVITX xvluTe lie fi It- nnd th u l cniiUiiiun In nude nnd Industrial rinw so nn very liniul nuci tn nul undoubtedly Bin thiiiisl ami It Is i li hM hat ih victorious party will rdie that triumph only MTVPS to MtMi its unt t i Its in rl but tn all fin MOpli Th prftrstt rind prlll ms nf lIon nilnirltv in rn l fnri innr justiv n ifsi iiaticnt- coiililiTitlon tr im tl lnx e t d vt- liirUiatixit nnd ndnnnlttritlxit pnv r Im- i is and rrltlel iiM llllfd bolt wliii c imnmiM tnLii lniii lii d bv li U IhMkh tin1 haxt HI II th PietiVtitM f truth ie mav fnrrv nr dicatlonil nnd may My own di r cnnviiin a fir as friin i lit il lii tit evTv mm and woman In our Mud i to 1m- concriitnlitH iip n Hi roult 1 lni if I ktinw an thin thi in the t tin may lmp e its trust jtli full of t v H IR ii rinr to mere n- dvniki II V hi r than hi and ii liUntt alia i t nurn to it ll l wlol on nf iinnm i j i H rxifioml Witllhfirc Tlil full hit l bf tioo it the oppnsjns wlifiher Iron th North r Suth repritDiiuns ttfr rrtrtituenl III tbe Iniit- of Ib lorI latir hnvi sin m- cnntai t vti hi kilrlt and diirin tlm fniir xium of now drawing to Chairman Odrll Vntn- Nrwnriint N iv6rimlrtntin odell reichetl loom Intf itt nlfht nftor pKiklnc m Touch lrt o Iif volti in the Second ill irli t of Turd ward ut 73thi nor m II was one of the first nt the i il Ho ha nttPil at home nenrlr nl diy and will rtneivo rtturns Uicjo Two Votr fnr folfr for CSoTrrnnr In the Twenlyslxti Anxmbly district two dtlMas voted for f r lovernor- KT B Alt and Stout fatlr r wifrt rtxiirt w ll btfwrt and veil and pltajue F trrwtti a the his out cat rtonls woo Piavo front olaitacre svbh co olin ge I I hits ne I tOt ivity oheorvo Iso 1 tooj Ito I ii tf oooil I to ti Ibto roll I i stov I tonI an s Ii I o Iii tri litti I I I turin to tioioil IIlti I root Till to 101 PiI tIufloot au lit I 0 sort o I rio t list nt I osooi lit r p ont I ii 0 ii rail ioi nil r Ito o 1 tnt 4 I tao I soo a I Cue tonight slot A 0 3 ¬ > > > > > < < > < > > < ° < < ° ° < Manufacturing Fur Merchant ALASKA SI5AISKINS adon Drfwed Dyed JACKKTS ncvuit styles Al utIlitY J iii A A 1250 AAA 3X- CoitJ M to lloi txri Long Oois nccorilniK to length Trlmmoil Sabltf Mink or Chinchilla prircn iifcordliiK to quality II Jiedlt of Oiln ii iut ml and Njrthwf tot 1100 xklnso otiflMu 1 fl nfAlutkisril Uhrn nw Ihy I V nutlca- liiid umi ns the rcunr laski M in y at ii In ij l nli itt sitnr p HIM use Alaska ilnn1 rIot iilxfactlin niton tOt di hbatilr nllrr telnr nurn on- in Inokeasoniniiil furihM im nti I ont a II ts m Im Ui Ali n ral Illty loin Island nt h rtilt done hnnson itnl lists I tm tt tlli nritnniia of Aliskneil wiilrh a r iuni rt tIne teiHn Iarllfs who ar Ns i tri Isklii IISM tar SU anti I 0 n l pi He nulnr AU kn n l klln lines fr In London HH t r fif ant clhrr r ir nMs tlirr roost 180 aldn lo- lni In N w York rtirv irtcd In Ihrre r lll HI p niiln Situ allot 17S It Uktit thr loin Ion arid niiiMnf Ii Hxer cr I itllis ran iv ll tlirure ti cost ol i irenutne All ks uralililn cat lbs MU II t c Held Icr tll 01 I10 AUsit h sot lower tiunpI- KIWIAN LAM1 JIOIHB 1HRSIAX llItOAl TAIL IHIIV IAMH I lpalg dyed the handsomest landed thi pen on Persian Lamb Inckoto 12fi 160 and 176 Conts 1160 tn t 0 Broad Tall Jackets 1250 1900 and ISSO Coats 300 5JO und W50 Automobile Coats I7SO tip Trimmed Russian or Hudson Bay Sable Mink Chinchilla or Fox prloca ac- cording to quality NOIK I could lt American dy d Persian and Hubr Lamb Judirta OnaU from 10 U 1100 pr rnrnif nl IrM tout they turn IUMV and have a dull allot brliir i elton tlmt and for that tMn 1 do nut a ll 7hfn I tan rfeomrafrid tn ni I will gins Ihfin Ilir prrlrrrno L to enwura e- Ainrnra xtbleh patties ran trrt skin lot urmtutj to ordrr and no film eKargr prior ahould EUMIXK ANI CIIlNCIIILLA newest etylnis for opera carrIage or tr t- SILVKIl FOX BIjUK FOX BLACK FOX SABLE DYED FOX nil kinds of FOX SK1N- HViTEI ont recommend tirt of any kind for boil they ate faMnablrUi9n want thm pl tlim nna I Ativfi Intend to bare a fox ailn In my home after Jimunrj met IMPERIAL KUSSIAX SABLES liandMmwt collection In tho world Jl Il From Alce WIIJrrnMs on filter between tlie Arctic Circle nn l Arctic Oea and other dlstrtttsif riusjlo sad lbel where Ihrie anlmftUi mblcii are triomlo tcarir are louii- oRLSSIAX SAHLK SKIVS nmtched In pairs 80 ISO 100 Sl 2JO 300 to 700 lltUSON BAY SAULfi SKINS matched In pairs 13 120 28 39 10 150 to 100 It requires thru aktns to make an average mutT find two for a fashlonabla- necls Fcnrf- Bo from onto to four yard long Capes and JIantles In proportion Mink will bo fashionable It U a servlcrabl and beiutiful fur Mink Collarette IrvIn 875 to 153 Muffs from 20 to 05 Alaska Sable Ifoavur aaJ Otter are all natural 1 have a large assortment of th- dwlrnblo rind not very expensive furs made up In the loading fashionable etylc at lowest prices for reliable Roods NOTB All natural furn if ld br ma are thormifhly deodortiM properly ure4 and dressed They ansi be eel n br dreiMd attic Alaska Sable Capes 15 to 36 Inches long 50 to 176 MulTj 10 12 rind MS thoroughly reliable tfoods- MEXS FURLINEl OVERCOATS 7i to 1000 trimmed with faahlonabl genuine furs The htsl V furlined overcoat in than world Tho weather proplmts predict that tho cornIng Winter will bo novere It la coming and I dont want to take chancoi Xo better time to buy furs than now I have an enormous Block and will tell at tuch low priced that It will b an Induce- ment to purchasers C C SHAYNEJ 124 126 St Bet Broady 6th Ave C C SHAYN and NC nisl a an costs I hot Cot sal flu 1101 i Ian ItS wisrtt Olt oh out wItu tile teal boil luo croon oTt nest an silo onty skin t1gtl ion Iui lilt tnslttrui titer at Ic cst I I twIt rao Situ adv fdSln one rnlaul U eoel t11to ehi tIn ott CI snenno > nit pit ton fun the Lest itIn to make pin iyTtt 5th hitCIPI end it oil rue ooot oil ItO teolittln cat CtIitOI than I I Baby Lamb fo Lamb anti I san them Araentrsni lnduotnl bat unili cari rncoinmendhpa with roil Mrtfle Loip j c Zt dr4 itiinii 1SiTih 4te cie lit tane and base I etrtiy ltmr eat stock In t i trot use low to itt Iflslticeaettt to putchiaseni I convIct LEd t Lena coO sIze I wear lonre ars lest 1lat4e Ito mob bar Impropiiy I late j 1 West 42d J > < > < < > ¬ > > ° ° < A UIHI11I lisa lIke When th Police Dies Their Clubs After tho tolh hail been declared nosed by the lotion nffle r In the iievnnth elet lots dlUriet of the Thlrtvflrst Aivmhly ills a KUI of about lli Taininany men tornied- tho Illntf iilira at Bl Kast 110th btrcel iind- il mantlvl that they Li nllowod to voto Tlioy told that they wore too Into and then thr wv H row Tha ItviJcrs of th wonldtio- votort nalil they would vote or fl o tear to jilece antI thorn called In th r ful- IiHnrt to them tii crowd nmdo a lot of noUo but didnt thotx t iili eaxenie- to thlnwt to ilt o or to not into a light Holier Cnuiii tlm lnutv SupeniiUlident of Klixtlons nKlumxl to that dl the met to Ct out of the i tefifeil nnd then niinln out his club cilled on iollci to ii ltt hInt The mlce In norordnne with flilif hiest ein lion diy order n oniU anti clnrkwl th- innl It xxiu nil Post mOte than half n dozen of this ili turbers hnd their heids cliihhed The rout txl to their hceU before tie ri iched them flair E c nBvB1rr vorcn- Wai at the Poll but In t Ma Time In llfpnlllnc lilt llallnl- ORErxxricn Conn i Nox o B C Flenedlcts of Iriomvich gave McKlnlcy wxuril- hunilred majority there hoeIng 2Jin v tor out Mr HMiudlct did nut ooine near the polU until a hull hour Iwforo they closed ant the ItepulIican minnccM f the tuixn who hid Included him In their pink In their canxTihs thlnkiiit niirit encllnir for hint alien Mr lltimillrt drove tn pollliiff pluif iiluhed nnd M lumtily went Into hull lfi iilv the iit iim tif n at tin d or itinlnleil liini of his previous ex In the KIVII rliction xrhen hl in ni i hit rntrntrti niiirli ciu ed hlni troubln- It U bellcxid list hn volod for tlm McKlnle- yKidtor und tho Suite jiiid town UIMIUKratio candidate Several New Yorkers unfnmlllnr with the Coiiiipitipit Irillot law Iriht thilr VOIP by- innrlliitf nn x bcfTe the names on tho Urkit Instead of piutinc named rntcKFitr AT tiKTrrxnvnaO- fflrlal llatlntt Frlrteit tr a Democratic rx iu rr I nunil In lie llrfrctlvr- Ornvsiiilin IM Nov fl A wnMtloti wns- caiiMd here this nnmint xxhen t xxns dliciix- erid that txvicthlnls of lIt llMil toad iwnitle- linlldts hnd Un ptlnted wiihiit a fciinre- ojipuklli the anita of UolrtTi It- irnnillriiip IP i oncrr Tint xviiit Initncdliltly nnUtlid f tln inltjik ami- dildire SH out t li tl es if flp of tniiitin v thnt thty Khrmlfl Insert thn wih I nil It that lln onilsliri Wiis HU Intnullmial Thn dfMixn ballot III TM wer printed th liinli irn xtlilh ardently th Dciiiocratl rntididate I II Altemnn nn this nfternoon hat li hnd to di with lie lntiniriil tht ie rnit l hive enttrrd his oflldt In lIt night And nuidn the change O n llurrlton fatis Ills Yelp IvrUANAloti Kov c ion Ilenjntnln llarrl onto voted nt 12 10 oclock lit xvnlked to the polU n few block fmm his Notth Delaware street reidotii tneted tlm oloctlnn ofioeni- nnd pa within thi Mi Mint he xntct 1 tnkct WH fliiwn hy thn Inlet I period he vio iiililn A hHiit nf ihit K- rNpliHiM hnd eil t the pulls nil I hiipf plot uriv T4MifAV1ITES STUff flat they Gee net wore the hit tOotS 1 U rag I lit ItO tim i osoor Itt ot loony otonol sun police lAte tow it snot Oil I lie Pta tIl eruinitt lot s 1 1 osv ho Ito l out ii 011 I Ito lou lit ri to go nil I tt hI 1 tile nb iilildo sIt Hoot hlit V I lit tihtortol Iron ito too t raig Itt it rut cit to t is too t Ito mnrtt mug In t Ito ci I oIt trig > < < < > < > < < ° ° ° ° ° ° < HMAWVOTOV GETS THE HfTS- A Lart Party In Coon Cartiln1 Ofilc lit crlrci Ilrtarui Orrr Nprclat Wire WASIIIVOICIN Xov e A large party of army ofllcers members of the Mplomntlo- Corpa and i ersonn not In official life Includ- ing n great many ladl worn gii B tonIght of AdjutantGeneral Corbln nt oltlcc In tho War Department They received the returns over Hpeciol wires Secretary Hoot jolliixl- tho putty late In the evenIng and Secretory llay re lxed the election returns thorn also HIXTHUUT tirt M Bj iit the evniilne at tlio Irenn nhir returnt xvere bUjiplirti by the Nlwrnph coiiipnnltri and liy the In xarioiiH louts of the countn- thrnuch the tt le raph omct nt tho Vhite HOIIM Two opfriiioni vven on iluty In tho hltti Hoiim olflce atJ nuvsaKra wore sent liy direct wire to for tint Inforniatlun of thn Iroidtiit Mr MoKlnloy with th tnimhui of hi Cabinet who nrn in Wn hlii lori lout none of thu thnt pa Sl ll through White lloiiot ollliaX- VHS out for puhllciitlon hULL Iff UVLHERHY STREET The f Ilnngnet at PolIce HeadqaarUri tint Few Titer tn Enjoy It four 1ollce Commlsloners wore In their offlVn n the Mulberrv street headouarterti all last evening but the numher of vIsiting oniehuldHri arid polltlclam woo much amaller than In prerellnc Presidential corapalcas- Tlm regular emotIon dav dinner was rvel- In the CommKilonere nfflci No InviUtlona- xvere isuid this year Mill only caAUal visItor k of it- llrvnn hat madq n good run said Comm slonT Vork when the returns were btvilnnlrut to iniliiiil what xvat thai election was going The police work has hr n as kooil and the an quint n I f pwt il- I In tftiiMl riiult U pretty much what nxpHkd it to hi xras AbaH- nrniurk I am proud of police und I am no proud of of thii There hnc bi m no dl onler xiolence or fraud to i my- EIECTIO rinrits v KEXTCCKV- llallat Hoirs Stolen From RepublIcan Fr In Mnntgunirr County IoriBViMn Ky Nov election frauds hiixo been re or d from various por- tions of thn Stnte hut nn nrlnus trouble hat occurred In MontKmncry county which la- utroncly Drnioerniic the boxes were Ktnlfit trait two luc liepiibllran and the ililavrd HVirnl hour A similar lln ft xvi from Mount Ster- ling In Livliikion and VMIIIurnbiirff Dem- M rnilr i Inrks refused t At l ex- liaTtnii Kedirnl mni hnls tailed ar- rtsi the i IITK mid n the polls reuly to it eao Ti ulr MIH i rk iiirii he Imlliii hut the delay cnM il Ito lo otes In the which 1 henvlly liiilillrnn In loulaxlll thor ns nn whatever ovr Kiniir Anirvr OUT op eott A Rtrord Maile br the Klrctlon Ioip ctor at- Itie 1nlli Ye tertlar- AinonK fifftt election Inspector employed nt the 1522 pnlllne tlneos yesterday there were ilclit vacaiirliH Tour Itepuhlloans and four limmrrntH fillei to up sail their plwi1 were Illlcd Com im sioiiiH ThK was nn unprecedented show IIIK ThTi w rn from forty t n luimlred The crowd wall inc In Mulhnrrr tte t for jobs wont nwny- enrly in I j i hIs J 4o i t Ut C ill noo I alit UI I trod y a messages tIm gIven anal The o oh I hon I 1 I hit l nt I f oil don 6 Several J t I 1101 net S Soot Iri woo rtd ti Ito too It Oirr000 old hIm Otorto d of anti t vacbono let ii ¬ < > ¬ ¬ > < ° ° ° < TkAfl MiB is a liquid food tern Its use brings appetite health and vigor Aids the nursing mother and the baby the aged the ill the convalescent Physicians know and recommend it All Druggists sell it Prepared by AnheuserBusch Ass1 n St Louis U S A Brewers of the Original Budweiser Faust Michelob AnhetmerSundtrt PaleLiger Black and Tan Exquisite and I i I jy4 that tones the sy- sdJ MiltNutitas

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-07 [p ]. · I THE SUN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 1000 p I r V I 4 I I U II-II S I it fl 1I 4 P Li QUIET DAY FOR31CDLLAGH- roues AXD Kicrrin UKFVTIE- OHK

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-11-07 [p ]. · I THE SUN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 1000 p I r V I 4 I I U II-II S I it fl 1I 4 P Li QUIET DAY FOR31CDLLAGH- roues AXD Kicrrin UKFVTIE- OHK






4 I















ttarfM of llrlrurr and Hrptatlns lloirnlnw

LoOked nli IUII ili Jtlirrt tP t Vun-

rlilandUttlr Kmnttnn Wink to II Ilon

Whether the CWUM WM Oov liooevel-frttr Ih liidUUBWit of IM1 Ievery by tin

Grand JuniOr oincUilHK l ethrtrc wo mltfht

little for SuKrlntendint of llwtlon Join

Mriullatfh or lilt M duputlrs t do ye trdiy-

Tbre wore a certtlti number of peutlo-

aiwlednnxway iwonlu who hfil Intentionally

or by rnUlAko put their Xnnnin on the recK-

tnttlin l ook wnen lie hnd no rUW to do-

TM vtat that had boen rUnned before

bund arid It wiw carried out according to pro

fTMiime Rut t i w ctnersenejwork The oIif and the Mrfuliaish menmnrled tocethtT In jmrfeot turmoil Vh n-

exer a deputy wunleJ u poluiunrin to imMd-

tlitn he ixbked for limp and in every cibeKfct Once r twin dutlni the day tiujit-

McTuUneli alod rhlef Devery tier tlfl tele-

phono to Mlid iinn to certain jxlllnir platin-

xrleni 1m tRi no diputtin 11 o nlwavs iro-

tiourttiiM reply to IlLS request ami every limetint ai lMdiu was rent and the pulic traikht-

cneil tiii the inuWet-DiwjlUi th moothn as with which things

ran but IMMll h w not an Idlo manAll da ho receixecl roport gave orders andIU ii d to couipluliiU trom litlruns who i Ud

thAt Umy bud been Hi cully prevented fromvotliiu or luid Koine other erlevunre limoand axalti bo trit word that rlota lu WOKTCM

In uinrrint PIIUI ot the illy tut an omo-

reupb UJnk that a quarrel of word U a rioton election diy lw piUd no attention to such

report urIM they came from deputies orcltl20i hu knew Af r the l ll loUd dosedho njll ii n reporter

1 think t nt th i l t election we have hathaA Uon due ni to the revocation of ChiefDevon ordor mMirut my ru n than


If IVvir lu I ent out tu iuti t rtlrl-lrtt thuf AiilJ nvor wen tvon anyUUK or I In-

dupt Mri uluhs r riort In tIle enrly putof tin diy mdicttil t i tle vntliu wits c ii

very Hi ivport tte i wnnt-ykrvilli Dltvilon di iriit Ilio THiintviuntliA-ftiiJiiilily iliiifKl llcru weio iou l ontlM-on in tle litfivy vis I

the oiTiCt ltnt the vnt wvro heintt rattiic raie of four and u hall a hupt-Mu iUiiiili lad in li oic n nuiiDT of dipu-Ue ior eimrnnry vor It wt

sinil wnirviv a doen rf them oit liirinit-tlic da mill tUe cnini bad thty Mini

that hud bound iiiitiiliiic to do Lieputy-AltoniiiylnMiiial Hides n iit tho dny-

arnmid Hnpt MiHullarfli oMIw bitltxrt wiif t much tiir for him to uu-

ihui HIT for Ihu other Innbalance u me firtii of men ii entter Jtill over HIP city f tmr e hern wero noteiiouchcf to fu uil around tmllliii-plitcvii toUt tiiiiTH ihpy were moot HfOtlKa tticio-thtiy wurn to I f 11 i Tuy lui Uii iriiCuomlo-tp to tlin inline for uny hilp i y tifidi1A far RH nvn poiuonnd tha-depurles cre lh rn frteiiflly tirni everywhi le wiiiliever Iliere WItS a tutu bi lthey voull tiiul urouiid and tail over th

lOVV IIPIn the reiornltitr Supt Mr iillnh got

word tint t trio is wuV wni btiin iltio Inthf pUrn In tho Secind A i dh-trlct the corner of llaynrd in 1 Mot irwt

UliiR r o wi u ii iro ururture-wutcii toiii t rntt T part il tl htr ei

rojiortfd Supt Mn tliit holuid ivv hy n straijir a i win

tlm plaw and had l f Mi

thit It would hu i doimr to himt volt lor a certain rvdidao vhi t rniu-wa on a f p lr whtli tin trnntT triedto to him Other wild thnt th y hailImjn by men wh iiit d ihviu-to vot under IIHP which wrrn wri ton onclips of pa er and then t votn 1itw In tin dayon in n ni Kmnunurntlon wns to-bo In tli nliHpe f lirass c k whlih wouldb lifter tiie v te wa itt ronlJbe cnshtd at rnltinis In th

A ntinihT of deputies werotTit town to look-up the tnwi who weri this of lungln fount Tammany worntr ever vtn r-

and lot of men tccmtvl to ln Uklne InMnir-tloiu from th m After t rh rimn hnd vot xl-

h wu tnU ii uway l n Tiniiinitiydistrict A numlxr of ti mn weres en Hftonnird to gn Iro il iit allotonlerlnc dilitki t IMIV for ihfin withclucks ettln chf In cllvtr H wa im

I iet evil ro ncntist Itiv nf thbrilxrx nlthinili I irltii the dav a number ofarrest wire mad in tliU illtrlct

t tnwiii tl nail uten n lnafi numberof trivial coiijiiilnf all of wMcti rprompt itttoiitlnn At anna n mmi rIme nlnni

thnt hi iinnm wan Ttfanv nnd thathe llvivl At Ve t rmnt loid nnd H17th Htnet-H t v N In tli Twintvtr Dliitum-dlitrtot of tho T Ttrflfih 4 mMr dl rlt

went to the tmllliic pUw nt W K irh rnBoulevard nt 7 lltf itmd

nm In lino there he undtook hit pIle nrnoiT tim Afto wiiisr frtw rui i nhei l imiih hmade it titS mind hit m rrnoked vrnrk

out of line lie ilniilv d lprl that t Tplan to litjniHIrnn frori v tur-

no h rupio downtown Tilth romtlilnt-An MrTulliuh hail n deputies In thl dUtrl t-

hj fotxirtnii tli iiK hl l vi n with arosiest tlni the liii r Ink lni jt n ihfiit-

n li K I i reply hn Me hidb i Into thn onl ironliltt-wn hit Hlviit t41 ior v nt of the voterstflWtid In tho lNtrll had turned out nton rind thif th T wit consequently a Rooddeal of i lv In vitinif-

Sonin m illir uoinnlilnticami to thofl IPT-Interident Irrmi lirrwiklvn A rtTmrlrnhln-at t of nffilrt riroi t the

lr t elelvi f the Thlrtvfrstc-nmblv ilirlr which Ii In fVnrv Khul Itvti dl oox rot nt I V M that thexn rl hit time ni r Olntt fnr the Spmu-dlstrlit Th Semiil il trif h bren iilnir

bilht lulnnirin in tin riot Admit yvoters liiil M t h lr lMllt In ouch dl trlrt-wh i th discover wn t ni 4 tho I-Utrlt n li wMnte rvncr dl trl ts nil thehallTii will tirnhlhlf hiv t ho thnitrii out

th ilet Kiiion f Hit Mrip iif litnti nventiliroollvn nrwited to Suit Mrdilla thn-twhi h wont to T n it dfrrd nviniio nnd

rntid ftn f n man nhom not knowfollont d llii Into n ooMt nnd Inililni over hit

tVr I lilt in vut tUv ucmtluUket He ttii ciiiii rut full th r nnwent nt mil Mr HIM MI HJIM thnt fuir oithin nrtli Ti u l n Inil IM ii iii vi thn-proopidin but not nttumpt to Inany way

Hiit mmv tir In Mintnttnn otii nt-of rti fttlt wttt rt In t Mr iriliniiiof tli t mi iniii fptn lnnts Sim thoIlepiitillcin IcmitT if tin S riot t iml ivdiftrdt tHd that irntt trinny rpp t r-

WfiebeinKtiiiiiitithipilK Ml t ITH

Shim ilil a kii it lml if tii i tindont U nni viviif made

ntnwr HCS In IIM fni nlillwere found nj n In ijrvent tn cl th ami in nlinntt

e tlm fnlmiM found tn l u I

nol by lltt kid ilior SOIM HID inlrn1-to el v iitnl In tithe a

Sup MCiiilii h ll t fix liM niif nhenc ll rjrxpl P Mttil thit In ti irtnItti nil iiUht N lie nltid to lilk to nil

of hit deputies hfi hud liet n oft ilnrlndiv n elit my nfxtrotitrllnif ii th Icitlon iillnrr r i ilei hi iiiil lit wmild ppi v d at oinetf seure the pnJliiitiit of the iilTi nde-

rHsriuir Ufiif TIIK rniwr-An Order rampllmentlfic the 1nllre Lpnn the

Valet rlrrtlnn flayCLlef Derery IKknd out of tho window nt

the row of emir erj cjib wattlntr In Mul-berry tre mi tlf twllliiht et In ntcrdiyanti filirlifl-

e havnnt ttirned n wheel ull day fromhere he ii 11 j iit n Mow hm lieen tnickNow will thf lii

th other icl Kk nt thlt from

Ilo hnncifj fit of tnpe from th-Ocker withtowti Itlion ovtr IhiAll the nnKiipupfon It

Thirc th rMdont even tin CM much r

wuit bnrU Intro tne Inardoor

In t nIght he l uel Vr f-

To romwirijlia tl rrrf A-

r rtt ViiTina Theu r it tub of ronMerni-

r iiiiirnifnt Such a-

vit to Ati trlitui-iiLtiicniel mfuvnMlily

Slit Ii tcrre iiiv

M nlmt tle-

dutv at the

t i MI if th1 tn MIHI-i f rlHi-

er rcmc-

Broiind M rrciirtions if tiUtur not nndviolation of law in no Hutlun o mcdimrorMnce na the rrosent In niiigri anti Suto

for It I T riilit-tilrlitf itrft rdir iad



to too

r iowork








Oh tot Ironoil

w tOtI o I Itt i I

I lOt

tnt II II I




witb 0 V o0


I Ito I tot

I I ti I Iii

ii hiatt


ll litt

apr ohi1n tn lootto ii won to




1 tloct Ion


iI ceo


attt d

4l for tMI oIIr

I ad roil

0 ToO

stI IrAlm nunnn viv

I tIevat s 1 i0VoIit


I nil totI oak eI t ot



Wi t nitoil rlt A

I lintt





toboo oil

hoidr Irot ru I




ho t iiI t o

1 nt II V Otto n ri w h t to tl yowIt rvrOll hoI rc to hoti IoliluIr-

of t0iil lo woroo nt NVt I r tIorHtVIO

I Out In m t ho I It o

tininr toPlIItt tr tmltoit IOV0010I Ih

ill Ic i lit Ioo tb u Vfl orv

cab o i I I

at r tao oo II atOii or


1 1 In 1 roIl I It iit all I


i trI

pitI 1

UIng VaI 111110 flV

all lr ik it thot TIoeI tor A tool I


in AtfZirvojtIoo of oh I I to Ill ti tool ruotI oti ito tIoo 1t f ottr rltrto OoottttIotIt I ol t fltV tOll r t-

oIr itt J

faittttsi tiis f rii ur

I r V4 II IIIi ltw-

oIw1thtnlitu tsnorounIlra 10114












> >





< <














hint better order been preserved awlviolation of tho law committed dthtJ-iertalnlnif to the vonduvt of thn election uito ponce throiKhout the city

The In wldrh you performsyour duty fully MI UIIM the ohe

you u duty whli h WIMyou tiirlnim under and nil

yn At no tliiiu lint iny doubt l uon enterI f your ability ttirpn e to


t Q rhMLfln lll l ItThe record of Ihp diy ll ewl d

that the pitoplo of real oltyMmve everj nvard for and

order and tin manner In whlrh thebeen oh nrvod by our cltlnn N timely prool-of order Hibrlety under itee ure am-

I tenilon of which faci-j loot contributed no little part In rnaUntf yoin-

dutlet le H dlRlcttltllMil thH to the membiTM of your commixnr-

at threo mcce lve roll callt Ininiidlfttcly following Itt receipt

Chief of Pour

VlIKT l KtlIIKMK CnillTFewer rirctlna r llronzhc lUfore the

Jutllrri Than ttunlMost of tho Jtnllcfs of tin Huprcme Court

under th a lnnment of hut Appollate PlxHlon-i were pithier nt the County Court HOUM or nt

their homes In rridlne to adjudicate dl putcnI of electors who vout had Ijton refusod at tho

piIU The nt thilr hine were to-

Lnsiie altirnttivti wrlt of nintuhtmuat the County Court Hon The Ju tnv uttho County Court House vero llarrett Truiix-JIU IiilT and Kltzcorild Thu work wat un-

u uilly Ilirht The Itcpiililtrnn Inw Commit teeat tho County Court lloinn consisted of John-A lluker who hiu performed till work formany years A F CamiiUll E H KallowJohn I Davenport noardmun Wrlkht and C

I i Nclor The committee for Tammany denated by Corporation Counsel Whaleu at chairIIIVT of the Uiw Committee were A t nt-

CorporiitlonCourwelTeronoo V Inrley William11 It Jr anti Clurltw Msltlnnd IlrattleOne liwjer on eiich lda could luve ntlcndeU-to much motto than there was to don

Afltle from applications for writs Kevrril menwho feared arrest If they attempted to votexveut to the Cotuit i Ilon i for adrlie nto whether they luaU tiftler chance nwearlnc-In n Viitf If Amon tlie t wetiiJohn Allen nh hal been HtiitHiKitl to liveyi r liuirliininiiU In Sln SIIKT under a-

nnxltttoii fur lirciny Vhllo nrvln-ci flit fuel a itiifesioii WM nude liy ft I Teon it polht f ilcuU whirl hoivo1 thatAlln hud len unju nifti n Alln w-

iirdi neil hy ilovtrnnr iiboitt two saraIH tlo mOist tint hl tto that hu WIH

to hit cltUenblii HA ald thnt lo-tn iifnrinel tint a xvirrant wu out fur him

to bo jLwnilnd If ho itHmiittv to SOt ltiIIIR a Tittnminv man the of Hut Mdn

thriUkh th to ascertainif Hint ciuoton had boen upon No-dHWon be In this HtajWIIMI derision tiy a tvdfrnl JldKHlii Mll slptl

held that a tiy lh rre ldnt of tl-iInltfil states which nl o luckiii the clau of-

rtoritliiri to did In fuel ci re tf rn-

tht nun Allen beifii advied to vote tihlt-in1 Inspector that h hid trUen r iun il In thomatter hIs Xota wo received withoutproti t

were the umial cn e of men who foundwhen they went to vju that they had re itteredIn iln election Iu tlce llinittwild It was loo late to correct tho rentry ll tn

nnd declineil to l it writ hrnthere XVITH tht men who fr md hit other menliVid voiid under thr names fiw tln

coiiio up fxxry flection day but th y urnfe v Alexindir Ptrvi Sicond election il-itrlct of th Hexfiith Asembly tliitrmtt rlnk D Iloyce Klftoeiith flection dl trlot ofIh Sexenh As oinbv lohn 1lieltn-Teith tlfciijn trlt of thoblrtistriit and Simon IxitiBhiiun of thnlSVcnthflritiini dlttrii i if the Ninth Assetubly districtxv re all In this rlist They nltornalive writs of mnndninus the lni ictors-cf MNttlon riniuirinK th ir to bo

ran to b kluwn 11eJr xotet w re takenwithout eppr iti n-

lolin I Mnmforil riiisteril from hmoth r8 ivi West ctrint-nxd aftrwurd mneil to IIS W st riffthird-Mn t In th tiii ecctlon district Tlo inpwtnrs would iiit i rmlt him to vote In-oppiisllon to tif writ ht fcruifd an atldavlt

Inhn Unnellfn was pr fTitwhich Ml l that Stiniford n o ud the rinrn-oIin nx Th ln t icor wax Infnmrd tint hfUnlit hl tnmk nt tnotherfl hoii olid hU cmt-at tils present ntldrs II1K iipplicatiou to xott-fron tiic cnnt re idenC Olise It WHS In th-

ine electlor riltrlct as that In which ho re i

t rd was irninud by lu tco Birctt-Micinl Hurt of JVi t IS7d triet was In-

formed by the lnspe tjr tbnt lnri ho regis

plilcd In th rnuntv four monih nnd he had no-

rlcht to vof On tin nilriavl to theSin i n Court ottttf tht he bat rM l In-

ti noiinty for cloven years h obtained axvd-

tIlrlch Btuta found at Fourteenth electionriltrlct of the Tiith As ttililv dltrict thatthe Iiemocrit lns too had hU immn ontheir IwinUs but I hodid not On an nffldivit lmwliirf that lie xvasentitled to xot ho titnlntvl n writ

When alvMor Cilnrnorfone naturnllredwent to th Txiolfth Iwtlon tllstrlct of thoSecond As Hinblv dUtrll the hnd rejUtcrvl liU tiiniuiv iM n f If foundsVircli wiw tiailo in t e rekUtry IW for IUtibia nnd to v j if the ln riot H-lvid l the haunt up tt make two cltiens He-fnaltf fMirrl i do name of Indi llnrrlm SMourn of OicwtiM who had naturnllie lA Juilco Moore om not ri lrte In the dUtrict-n writ was ubtittnmt reaulrmir the lti pifiorH-to rdnnic thii nioril and nermlt him to vnfo-

IoT I Uon of 25IU Jnllria nvciiUe xv-atlrned nwar when he nternt d to v fo In-

tho Twentieth dlsMt of th TMrt-vfirtti As Hinliv district lie au e lilt namedid not nprenr on tJe rekI trx lie fUndthm hd rej Vlion down as f that iidrires

on proof that he wnn the only Jeff In tho-inis who reclftered ho nlitnlried a writ

Alexander Striidwr if lm Seventrtnth oletlin district f tle Keventh A Hrntilydltrtrtwith not accoitel us n vMer namoapt ired A1e nnd r Strenilwlrk The rell-Inu ch rtd by writ

All the no by the Justices wa-cn writ if mindiniiis b nthat writs nf hateis corpus would be askedfor men held try mn lstrate


rhursrd With tntlmlilailon hat the PoliceCaplxln nnnlilnt lOCk thin Up

Alderman Jicoh Velten of Wllllamsbttre WM-

irrostod yesterday by n MrCutlaitli deputy forIntlnildntlri John I a Itepubllean voterIn th polling placo nt u Ieornrd fctnttWin broucht to the Stniv Mrwt Rtntlnn Aldermini Velt nwis relvuwd by Polio Captain Tor-wli Volt nl a Democrat nnd did electioneeringwork jHjiterdix for etCoroner imirso HMniUix tho l cinocratl riindiiLito for Concnst In th Sixth dWrlct In th KliUent-hIfliii of th Stmnth ward

r enterid th polling plno nt ti31 nrlnek-In in lmr Into a HUI-

n kiipt d to him followedwv to Harry Inrirulltnrd th exent-tixe r of tlf llfeth As-Mttnblv xvhi atlied an tXplaiintloti trainth lrcpii ilcin In plaitThe iHttr mail tliU htntitrfiit-

A r xiier ant iil I c nr cnterlnc thbooth ti vitn nv idi mnn elton i tp up l

to him nnd iakf ih t m II nnd Killot out ofIlls Mini 1 lior lim lt trhtther Irnser-wv n Ilfpulillmti in 1 n riit I vine in riniimailxiinwir I MW put n i r ss In the Itepubliftri nnd vliii nnMlii r crossiipol I liidsiys naijiv HP llnn folded

pushed the vojer out of the Ijooth

a deputv to arrest theAlilcrinm eiii was nnd tutl-indir nrrost tir-xvlc rpiired H Itwas nd lanr irher In tint diyIrtitiihlltivl oh r vnttP-

tMiriurr GUKU nrnr TO ACT

rnterniir l itrr C n ed Him toSuil MrCatUKh All Mcht

The wild piirsiil if Superlntendnt nf Elt-

tloni John Mt uiu h hv Sherill lre on Mondiv nliihl was nut instil bv tlo fnct that themcriii hil warrant for the Superintendenta was rej irt l lOll wa thn rtmilt ot th io-xertir Iftvr in Miirllf the tent of xihch

in Tin si r irtttcriLv Mr finll-wini luMr ti riiitfndiit tlut Iifwould do his fun dntf m thi fVftit of a fa h

it pli ind iit Mcntllacht tiiiM-siiiTif liitii nrufl MH ulliih in a cab

anti uKtMif1 to bt exnttsl nvr his fnllurf-t ill With IIIHI llul pt 10-

uret i t to ajiMt him Ihin-tH IIH ttn to tnin houo and to

pluitw alit thatIn niut lid Aboiiiich if Umsl up alllut In-

It wv t irl in niornire whi r

trel If Sio lt AforI lonniilit MIIV he ml intt wl i Iuwiiuiiil-

fi ay wii lint K rnl I d his fullHi II in rti rt r vim iibit h Ill M ItOIVVH 1 o i I r sPtlfMlUf u d hi iuti 4 ft wliliMlvii 11 m i I1 HMerlT-

i u it I

I v nil M i f

for thorn up to olet thtai a boic

ui I ert wa no Miliud then l bheruf


Intl thor va

oulti aft r ii rout-S

Ito ti oi gut II ot not


I Lit I lotgrit I In aoltil loon

out ii mr ltICttlI




J hat 1

Ir t urn atol




I I hi

toorot root


hunt ott ant hunt iosa ioot

lot i ad

s tin



ton dit net itits noiiinui I

tortI red

otit net tornI

you tsth n-



if 1



torod tr that 1w nt np



v hero

tor hot I








oil trjtIi

Ill ri I o it ti orI ii t hat

rI I

lip iirtritot I



Oil inbib iT loin tIc

I 1iotabut It it I 051 0 0 ho I tilVlt Iuoy-

ao nil roroI din iulfooti ri no ttrlv

I no t i s I io 0 Ii Plain Isit I it I rrou1

ollori Paul

The Chat


was tinttit

hot s orI

ion Io

tii tPooh

I oiuu lit lip I

Ito tOo ilirutTIto I 1 ton-


ro Iis uuioI lot

lit r r ilti

oft i IIti oOoi

to u blowIt u i i i so ho

Is a iiiui tier to V t ii II 1 boo rorilit 01 ilrni flu iii Iii S I


< <






























RepublIcan Ilrutallr Hraten anti VoterOprnlj Intlmldattd In thi Eighth Annnbt-IMtlrct TerC1tlcn Inuiuillj GoodVas Ualntalnrii Klirtrhrre In the CUT

The election re ado leit difference yesterdaIn th amount of stork tho city MimUtratehad to do titan was to havit beon oipcct J Ii-

view of tli attiltiile of Croker and fliluf o-

1ollro Devery and of their Incendiary niternnco prior to the curt warnlnu thin Mayorreoelxul on Mondiy evening from lov Iloose-

olt Thi rases In tits police courts ehovrcthat In only ono district thu liuhth Astombl

weru thero any torlons dtattirbancr-Tlm hlvlith hoxTtver wail thn iiceuie of open

Intimidation nnd iufiult on volors nod He-

publlcuns wurkorf teMoni rqunllod even InI til eventful history of tlint bnlllwUk of the

ltikiiltw An ortranlzpil gang of TammanyIhum that Includixl many prlzn lltrhten xfcntaround to thu various polling place attackingUi Kopubllran worker and men who w reRepublican buttons frokcrn ord r wore currlnl out lltirally and blood tlowiid Ireely In

coiiHwiueiiLe The eme mimberel about fiftyand It was U U bald by John IelpI-

kur a bnitherliilu r of Martin EtiKelThese rough went to the rolUna plnco

at lid DlvUlon utreet which is In adistrict known a a stronghold of Charlm8 Ad r the Uepubllcun condlitats forAssembly and after Inflicting a few blackeyot pouncod on Abraham FrelJsl H brotherof Iiouls Knildel Ailer oHmpnUn manairur-Whon the itolliv te iwil lreldol ho wti coveredwith blood and ilotlilwf xrta bidly turnHe i lLUd out as til principal assailants IonJutnla Htinttman t ttr known o Cro ieysJS-

onfunan and Hurry Cohen of M Iudlow-trpet They xreni orrestod and tilton to the

sir Market pnlli court followed by a crowdof Uorth in d dtnlrei Oindliite AdlerWM In court and nilJ to Maslttrnt oinuUnd-Jiul o this oriaulid gang of nlutvrer haxu-

l n goIng nfl oxtr the dlitrict punohlnc andothtwlw Intlml latiiiu my friends Thy huxriot ml ed a dlitrlt The Mnirlstrate heldHiiiftinui and Coh n In IIW ball for examInitlau KreMO thi n tttod that vanexvai hvll by Ixlpyliir nnd a trnrrant wasUued for hU arrest It had nut eerredwhen UK cnirt niUcxirned-

Vorhorth 1felTcr a Raimtllcan worker TM-

aJi attacked by tliu crowd nnd luwten-no badly that hn was tnen to Ws home uncon

Houit PfpTTer earned the undylni enmityof tIe Mnrtin Enreel AtsocUUon twoyearn ago by Issulnr and dUtrlbutlnga droulnr-In which he nttachwJ the record of Knrel Atthat tote hu xra eumrnone1 before MxaU

trite Job IIe litM to answer a ciharee of crimliiRllibel and whilo the ca e WM potitlli he dl-

aprmred He wai oftnrwnrd heard from In-

IlulaileJohll and ont word to MagistrateH Uox that It xra uslen for him to try anddfloud hlmtelf at tio tlne as the iollif hailciorLt lilfl wltnewis Vhen Cl v lioweveltWiLl clectal Ifelfer rBturner to New rk andEw l mvlH no furtiiar move osdinst him

About tilt iercoim In all were FrrnlnedIn the Ea ex MArket court cl art l with vlo-

lutlans of tho ilcitloti laws Most of the ar-

riits were mado br Surt McCullaeht loputiea TluBo arrested by the police werechlely Uepubllcan The arreMa In anumber of COMS were cuiifed by trl tnkcs ofpolling clerks brain Levy Jacob jtrlperand Para d 10 Jimmy silver rei resentedthe Interest of T nimnnj Hall and the Itopulillcann xxure dofendsj by laryern llrrant-Wlllird Paul Cravatb and lorni r An ltuitD-

Ntrlct Attornity oaaUky Mielntrate Jimalcd pruMdvd-

Viliiani Ht a finman nttnchocl to TrunkB In Lnnitl trout HIM arrested on complaintof a Iititiuiny worker on tho rr Oil thatIt not le al to rrL t r from u nr houseIto wa bell in JU for eiainltlntiol-iIrtd W i member nf the coinpot y VVIL nrrfstiKl tn a bhiillir chnrtro WhinUPI Hiked lor 1 haUl Herman Murks theDitiiiifmtK bullt tior relmol in lvn Itto lum My T l ixlm one of tlm linpijbloan-I pnUTx cuvo liln ballot wnich

then ciu t l HIH arrmt oftipIO und laviiiii nude a ct jnturcir rn of ille il votlrv ii iirnt Mnrlts-

ll thrn were aroni fur tAhrilani Dwutf m wlm voltd in tiie KuhUi-

Aiwiniily tlistrut wan hfld In Jl Oul forexamination It Ii iiiln id that he lui In

A Mriullivh deputy WM arrestlnir a mnn

arid nskr1 M lArnrr a liwy r t o to flitOlr its n wit ie v lien Lerner an

nnunoil till willmjjnoi Mvoril 1ntninnnyworkers nlnt imon

liwver it el irCM of riimrderly pt iut-Tlniir itnst ini s t to Mncistrattt-tilmsiod lintx IfttHT-

1Minik M rtt f JIM i hr stle Mreet wasin to the Ililllng iIiie at 10 D-

InnoV iret lli wii Mrlnlf Jif hrvli tre t tubs had voted

Itt tlvo mm itit 1rnxirijly and More WAI am uiliy tout Imi Kotl Demi j

tint mill Munri In tin iolni itmrt-I ff you ni mil thu Ma limt Moore

wa iIN iTtni triti IMHI II IIKI

true KJatnnwr fit i0 rn k A atn Ar Atenta M V lirynn

lleriiibliiai atd Inflow b-

Wiflss tjfrkr fiunlinDiieen A itnrit lutrttt Atttirnuy Danielii Hiid pmon M tlm Deniorats Thirtythrei prUoricM w re nrrnlcned

nrrit were tn ruirs In-

iivinit addrtit wli n reuistall llii r went tllciir

Pasiiioii of 7 Uimbeth street woe

at 7 M stritl tind wcs tilted lo irort-iri n riffMiTwt ir NI Ilnxvery lint u nuitix-

v h voted m hi name wits held fur examinationViltliim TuckiT ipslftred from 1W Park

How irlving his hint ni ywirs Vheti hoI vote lie wild he wit 43 jvars old

Hi xva liiid fr xintliutliii lfila1-Dniiilas s iiHlJ iii reeiii ro front till

AstT llous lie it n Jiixenniieiit etiployeent Wifliinutoii ninl wime to xto

II u nil not nrrrpl a Kjiiipluinttint tlm irluid crantid In di luryn-

JMIII MivtMttr xvlo ricl tcre front 2lt-

drand Mrtf 1 man who vottd tiniiir Uniti inn wiri toll in li0 i ball fur ejamb atlii-lMph Peril MirNtrwl fmm 1VJ lmil tl-inrii vud i ilinlittsl that lie had notboMb n itirilud tuid wa hold In tuou bull

In iiii Jeiier on Market court Mn rlstritMiMolt unit i titt iivl nrrnncid to sIt hlmultn-liiiiillv In tu to dis tht exI IM ttd ru tltlirrnscs ii jiiiro wr not

bii srn kist them nrcuilsl1 nrrun 01 vrMnic

aid lily tf th WH ictJ-Tl vvi rt a tnnjurlty of-Iheii xxiTiiflil in nd voti IT notiliuii mi iiliMil lirlrnl irnr

and ver on urt of-vltflnrit si liiiKt otI in trUinerit xvnrn HlMUt i iiinlly ilvlitctl

i rlnt ipiil purgesI wo duv niiiit iin ii ys In

who hnd fiiitl t tili rxi thnto thtr iltfhtA of In-

IMS lilliOMC tlifwtt lirrnltflicd Ihey-vvri lisilrrs il It K

Itlmirc MiTlcn niitl huntsS Stxleif Trenwirv Irjirtii nt-

II df n den liprtinlirH vrt nrnilcnr-dlitir Miciln Mi It charj I lt kofiiur

in n All nf tlni itllliv pnli Pi i In ciilrti filithi s nt

fn i t1 fft IvfMiith Hotin xv re T rf tith ra n nuidn in ilin

four iipclneis tliit tr thf jun-ilutiii of IdiT m Mm k i court hit

wrn hld in li i lnil inch Inn f v

In the Yorkxli rniirt befor Miel trste-Mnxn in f Im f irly invs ns thnt of inrrt

Hnves fr f HnMiti Nn nri-tif VM it vuiv Mr Hiwf Hvix n 5 Fist1 wiil imd str l nnd hni llviil Unr-nfr IH ii t tlxt oir WliiMi he r is ridI was siirnTiioif t tin yrlx Tin ii irt-

i Iifirrnil In MuUlrai heiJ that I-iha I n i riirlii I xe l r Imynsii rds In xi n ilinlltiifiv ninl KWOIM li I

vote Tlinn nrii liar I I Itlsvt-nf 111 in t kv riif who ru ith nnivlill viiilil tout swonr li fHirt IjitI-n knnvv lint Mr llnvvrs nt liv liri-h mil ln llv d Mr lliwrs wn thrrffornr-li

Itriiii IV Itirron 4 xnirs rd nf IVist j

riilrtvfri riMi a wnlitr In 1 ntniiriiit on I

lnvt r ettitl wa l urichiirirn of l r i

itisweriNl lie IK of nit itnr fanII va ntkft hiil nmdn-

in NI ni ripltid xi I ii t ioi IlrxinI nlicii ir f lii liir IK nniTdl-hit n wntfurwn In mi S Mn I

ruin Hiit i iv i ntilr jlklnit lie was lrnl-imlriil fr nn

I i i tcirs nf nvrriun-va Ulnr Mnci rre on tit 71 when

ha li iniii iflrnll and load nlwiys votMJ on loll fathersMrenV pat rs Unuistrafe told him tIno before him on Nov fr with




I hiti






witS hot


tIt fL-oat

140 taonit int

A Oh bob

lit Iski ii

In ti ill Iro iii 1U lidrtrs strett0 i


ill I 5VlCtI Vt

list IonV i ott too

tIi Otis l

tat o otl tog

hit W

Ii Ito tooI

lold I

ItO polio

I tiliutot and S

I Ito I


litartd nio0trl

tri i

for itt the loiilttiolit a t



CIlo I nills gist ru e

I ii ViVo 10114 hOt lii liaI rtoJolerto



foot In

nO sir I itt Ia oili of

ill Otburl Or mr

so i ii C1 0out llI to oilS oIl I god n nil

on ii I Ito

< ttIli riderItto not irols loll 0nI0i lIt I

5 I lOll I Ii an tItho-

I sc Ci I t Ito t tahhn ton

tiiill 5 rio

I i sri ft of-

t ho SVtiulit rutI

I r oolo oil I I

00 ri

lottsr wI I tim

lIt I

I ri a nU ilat toni

I 0

I hilt I t Ito It

llVIoIW tool

Iii IIto < I

II 01111


ii hiI I

Iii IISo

otot I trot to riot I onlit 11I t I I lob

II too loot iso

t IAlt I

oil to



lt 2 1 limojoi

hip i lot I I




























father This he failed to do endhe XT a thercfora rearrtwUxi anti held In llwxball

Thomas Sliollx a tenclier of boxing whollvet nt 0i Kate fourteenth strwt WM ao-uuiedof gIvIng two names when he revHtered-

tikclly und nMi thatwa known by toOth Ihn pa-

roled hInt not to voteA Jloihmor turnpomrily rt ldlne nt

the Ashlnnd llini i wns nrreittd lncnuseIt was nllitf d that he toni not llvud In the citytho required length of time Ho proved hitIm nn of the Print-ing Vnilnel MI nnd hut tint

his rtildiiicf li iiilon district In whichhn MM XTHS ili i haruiil-

I In the Sldir ttmrt there erothreo prlooiuTs nrritlrniil on chart of Illiwil

I vollnir or reeltrillion Of thew onlyI x o won hold for trlnj wenI Cook and ilimeph Kiynold who revl

from a dear shore at WJ West HftyMHimdI mill were nrreKteil liy n

xrhen tried In Mufinlralo Ueuelh ld them in Wi Mil tiiili for trial th Mftul

tlepulies prtivltirf alniot ndiiHvivthat then in th Ninii-nf the men nrre tcd by tin lolioo was heldMinint of theft weri nuidn bwnu i of xoimi

nUMtiku on tho Part of thu-reil clerks Ainotiir thow arrnstril luthat xvn J livvver Cioodwin the play-wright lion Hxiw nt 62 WwtHreet The reeUtrntlon bonkmhad hint downas living fit Z West MlxtxKnnlli btrwt

j error wns quickly eudilnod to MaBlitriiloDeurl oral Mr was Kd

I wntd a nnero employed the Vcjt-Bld Itipuullrin Club xvas singled out tho

early In the day Hnlived at an V t Ktreut

but afterward nioxed a foedoors away Keeping however In the iinnut

noon Policeman himMavlitratu IMiiel discharged hint but when

wont biok to votedhe was nrreatid again This evidentwork angered the Magistrate anti he ensured

the Tammany watcher whocuiu d the second arnHt-


Uoiattrfactorr llnnlt In an Orrrcrowdrd Partf Cnl Ornneri niitrlct

Because of the Intdnquate fndlltle for rotIn It estlnuted that rant than 100 electorsof the Thirtyfourth election district of lIsaTwentyfirst Af omhly itUtrlct lost their voteyesterday Ihl elPillon dlstrlot lies betweenWest 114th ftrect Knvvnlh nxeruiH West 110th-

Rtrcet Manliat tan avenuo nod Columbus avenueTho polllm pine wns nt the northwestcorner of 113th ttreet and KUhth avenue ItU a part of Abraham ruber Kepiihllcan-utronghoM arid lied tho hoaxlent registrationIn tlio city tho number of voter rivlsteredbeing lus I ist year the relittratlonf30 lied It reached 000 u year ago the dis-

trict according tu law Mould have been di-

vided It taken for granted that the dis-

trict would bo divIded after the registrationthis year but nobody dreamed that the flrureawould Dhow such an enortnou Increase

When tho facto became the leadersof tooth parties ujk l thn lluroau of Klection-

snccomriodate all xoters An Iroe oyfUr-bxr VM luuluJ up Into Ligbth avenue andplictxl at thu corner nf 113th nUeet In thu-xvrro placoil eovtititeen voting stalln Whoathe poiliim place opened at S oclock a Una ofmiu Ixtitulliitf from tint door tluwn hunth-axtnuo aid around the corner wait trite 113t-hHtift furiiif A niiii wiio counted themeid tiut nur than Ohio huiiJjoJ-In hue vvutii iiilli opu eJ-

Iliirnu Uiu loi nxin I WHS estimated UItabout tnlity xotes mi hour woreWlii a riiorter of Till SLN got to tho poll ut-

qrliMk no mn r In lino nnd nn hourlutr tliT vtirn 137 rtlmrily fter noon the

ctrt of election fur some tviMin notfplinril Irsl Illtfllt held VOten III linnri li tin urivll twenty ImHul-

iliut been givn out h fore thexvvs sol to de 0ill lila ballot Tho I

teitiliian watchers proUed agnlnt thislilniksoftvveiity procni8 iuwertliih-tlilt tut H nhoull be nllonid titMs btllot nn sunn h his name nnd brJlot minitar bon proi rrcnrdtil protntntloiw xvtre iivull however onu Inblirks uf twent th voting wim oirred onfrom ah it rinli until hi foils ciowd-

Thn OA S ocloclt drewfelt diiiiiinlul tint all thntn In linn In frontof thi iHillliu the Umo for closingth should i nnitted to VOIDThe majority uf the Inspector however de-clilid that the OulldInc ni 5 oclock eould cot I heir Itillnts ln-iler tint ruling nl i ut twcaty ballots were ac-cepted after By nrtiinl count fnrty-tWt xtern in line and to vote when thispolls vvprn declarHtl olWd Tin Iitst billot-iJven Jlt mud voted was No 7S to that thenanier of billuls Mst WIIH KS short ofre i it tlon It wit said that during dax-prubaiily ivi of thote In lino dropped out eitherbiwi n ciuldnt or wait KU tlijt-sfiiiuwhiri In the vlelnltv of ii vof ihit-mlsit have ben polled with adeijunta lath

xern lotalt the dUndvantigns and

the nnniyniicp to which tlm xot rs of the dis-trict went put nioijl of them kept ttmlr tnnper-nnd them wiu no bra llng or dur-ing th day wa CUM nirikinc tnstnticehowever of Deinocrtttlo hnrles It

Is ore of the Hfpublicnrt of the il-tnit IIvine at 2103 liiiriith iivtuiuu Immedi-ately In runt of wtiich thixva Blntlone1 Mr has beena lin lwt Kehmiry unablo to tn ve-

iiooul without the uld lln hoblilislout of hi rmlilencn and took hn in thnlong Him at 641 oclock vmtrdat morningThn Republican oapldn Hvr him anti arrnngolwith a nmn neir hnail of the llrn ft i-

cL min plies xvltli the cripple Mr lllnlwlev-wis nliout tn go Into thn voting boothwhen a nuns nim d El er Demi rntlccaptaIn of the dl ari who hail neen the change

r fii i l to content to It end UliU elovwnt t i return to the foot of the line

aln It took him two guthu vote In for McKinley and Roosevelt

hit s


roil lii

sin uetfllo itt ml yen

I IiiroI ut roil


ft root lI I Ito illI

itt li o


till fun

C lIst



tie to vole itsotit





to mako uoh irovilIon at was rtecenary tothe

tI ate

hon weretie

rue Ird2 a

I ItoI Iron


tto toot ICO OMIt



huts s ittitti


titNot wit ttafl4jri



4 iao

















CLEVKMSD VOTE AT PIltCETOHad to Hake Two Trlpi to Pnllt Ilefor tie

C olil Cult IIU llallot-PrafCinxw N J Nov Orover OereJond

voted hre this oft moon The former Presi-dent hind to make two trips to the poll beforeIm succeeded In costing hU bHllnt He re-turned from his v1 U at the home of K C honedlct In Cirennwlch onn nt about l oclockthis afternoon and was driven to the pollingetatlmi cf iho lecoiul dUtrict In ChambersBtroet Upon trying all the door of the bigeiinlnn there he found thorn

Mr Ilevolaid Innulretl of ol Ute byntnnder wiether or not he wajs nt tlin

bn hal received an answerniio of thn lOOtS was oneni and Mr Clvvnlked In The onicluli tn him that

wax lunch tune antI therefore tlie wouldbe closed until 2 oclock It wn 2K oclockwhen Mr Cleveland called again and Unitbe oat hU ballot

FIRST CITY RRTvnxa ron njtrxvCentral Talk Goe Solidly for the Candidate

eit Police ITrndquarlast renln came from the Thirtythird-

eleolon district of th Txventyflrst Ai t mblyill trct Thl dl trct takes In fenlrnl Park

vote showed that nut of the nv i tinthad rg terd tUr had voted and nil forllnnn The Democrats took this as an Indicathins of Itrvnns election

Steinway SonsPianos in

Light Natural WoodsRecognizing that the jrtvailinstaste in interior decoration requirespiano cases in correpondnlydelicate colors we place on saletoday in our special salesroom alimited number of instruments in

satinwood white mahogany andother delicate natural woods atprices approximating those of ourregular styles in dark cases

109 E 1Uh StreetNear Do ton Spin



rrozn rhrssk-Tti fIrst return ttpiottast










trnATitKtt AXU caoa ottnsiJ-fAHHEl IIIK lilY IV TOWV

New Yorker K rlr at the Poll snotVolt Iterordtd

Only In niiblh Aitfintilr IHtirlcl-Uai Tbrr Any Vliiltnce or IMinrdtr

In New York the election woe nlmort mpeaceful as the wnither vis perfect Thcrowere ratify iirr tta for nttemptu at Illeon-lvotlnu iir for xvlmt were construed as nuch nt-

temptH only In tho Klstith A einbly tllirictx-vaii there nny illfturbnncn or disorder Overtill tho city iiHonhtre there wun u SundayntmoKphero ntul about the voting places thornwas a alibdlhllki ponoe and cilm that wis-parllculnily impreviivo In view of what many

j citizen hid been led to fear might happen AS

the result of Mr Crokern manifesto Indlrictly-encourafdnif vlolcnctt and the bel orderto the pollctt which Chief Uevery ln uod butquickly revoketl after hit Indictment by theUrntid Jury supplemented by lor KoosexeltN

action toward the iiiaintenaiice ofthe pence

It became evident early In day thatvote was going to be an enormous one

j Hy 8 oclock In the mornIng tutors were Indi-

cation that It would boat nil records Fromall the eloistlon dUtrlst In thli city thrreclIne the Mime atory of an early morning ruhkept up with a which rnoant an as-

tonlthlnc number of ballot In the boies loruibefore noon

Uurliik the first hour aft T the openIng ofpoll It wits estimated at nearly nil the poll

lag placoi that votes were oast at the rate ofono n minute Superlutendent nf ElectionsMcCiillafth ektlmatfd that before d oclocltIn tho m rnlti more than onethird ofvoteof thcity had been cast llenl oexpre edthe opinion based on reports thut had cometo htm from all quartern that fully M per centof oil the rcKltteied In Now York wouldbe cat before the poll dosed at 3 oclock In

I the afternoon Itxritiot merely number-of volet oast lIft the rapidity xvlth wluii voitrdid the buslnoM that burpistud all provlou-jelstion diy MPITUMJCM In dir In tomeof the uptown districts tiM phetioinpnnl recordof three xotA to use mlnuto wa maintainedfor a conlderabe time Probably the bamiurdistrict for rapidity of rotinc XTSS the Kourth-

I election altrlct of the Twentieth Assemblydistrict Hern h2 voted wore tolled wlllilnhalf an hour anti at 10 oVlock In the morningsve of the total 3ts rrkMrrtd votes lintliHtti cOot

Thu was gunerily taln ns huhcatiiiL little scratching nnd It vm prediti that tho count show that uunatuil nuinbor nf HtraUit ticket hid beenxotel Thin lioutixvr did not prevent theusjU numinr of minors ns to lilting ofthis that arid the othf ejindldnto from tfuinlnif-currencT Ibis applld liowovcr mostlyto oandiditet fir tint Ituprtwilnti provullivl that of tl h W wa-btiiiitj tnniprrid with by tie vniffi i nclls

Cause for recordbroiUui vote xverenot hard to reek In tho lrt t asidfrom iii lntei t Interf tt In the nationalISTIIM at tiki i litlil enns In Sewwithin th nat week xver of a nature to rou

spirit t i hUh hitch of enilmentAnd then addition to tint thero tiio-irlirlius wnither exer xvlthlri memoryof Still thor n moro I erlietday U cam not merely that ky wns ab-Holutolj clotidifi there was listdes a harp

to thu air which iiitInto evrybodv who bratbid It T t stay

of kottlnc out xras inu sin-ful Nltwlth Hiding th tfonrrnl olwlinf of-

ctor nnd bmlns houses of all kinds fh-

Mnets xrero thronifed with triple Itoiiubltian It xvoi ti-linmocrits ed to ba M pleatedwith it is their oi anil both SM wore

m of tiie bIg vote it meantfor MiKinlev or llrvan a the rase night be

Mr lr tkr xrhi haibhlixl hof urii tlonsand who hH drown mirrri irs eon lu ionsfrom what heit i rthp l a rfpoiu that havecotnii In to me XVM on owl with ro

Informition about the Plindld rTliftflna wiher was havlrir in brliiKimt out

Ui ut Stat0 Itnr rratc votn Ioruf beforenoon he nniiounciHl on thu str iuib of thp v

remount that her wiu u tremendousfilllni oT In the Rnfiilillean vote In viirlotis-HetmbllMn tronehold4 In iin iutrinr Hutfnc thive repurt Informed Mr t roker thatthere onl IV mi in uhf at oiitu-tmiiti iiaridn on Satiirilu lastIn thtlr acurafv had bivn rosnewtmt shaken

woo miking nn smterdiv tiised-on Mi CrokerV roports not ovin Mr Crofterblmsif-

Cf nil the bosh conteiU there was none whichor morn Interest thru th one In Thlr-u iitb conimM District l twisn llHimi ItVllfOTthf rnndilate O II-

I tiidnrd erlarlv In tli diy report tnnn fnitn nil oxvrlint dNtrl t IVlmoni xns 1

hind hl ticket Voborly knew txnrtlvthes riniris cnm or what xxas thlr vnliebut they nevertheless rratd the Impressionthat Mr df itt d an u-

whlrh wvernt rT rii ffcrcd to book up xMh-h w nt hiudsoint orld ainlnst HIPIlryan standard Then xvere men frr-istnnft at the Wllloix whowen nfTerlnc S to I that Mr VII POXHIM Hxvpth district thn-lar est In the Thirteenth onrreim lUstrict-by a matnrlty of n Th xoto In the Thlr-II ns eKi In the cIty wasclinnous

In tint Twelfth fonrrost district whereMr IarvorK th Hepublicin candidate xvaspitted acalnU Mr Met lellin there wa abamouth xdfoment ant many rumor u toting Mr Motl llin because of hit refusal to

hiisIf either one way or thethe money quottlon


TheIrtt lIlt Speed

I loosetwo


very thethe



tho entire






vcrSc sub I

lieU hut ito St to too

lceu nora



t lit ioid t Inn


on it thy whet titer wat iiotIlit let

weIt her

d tn

irk ililmlit


seer I tIC

Jil bib fool Iii

holly bouts

too I t Ito

tlioio to

Iii tool

s r nil nil nt o


Ito liioiuiL still I

I nou rootIteoto holtmorlrM



otiuo r-














It Will CilTf New Confluence and Cnorace toInilDitrlal sad tnminrnlxl InlrreittV-

ANinsnTOM Xov Swretory OIRO madethU statement tnnlcht aStor receiving the riturns of the cln ion

Tho nwult toting n eensc of jrrntlflcatlonand triumph to tilt rank anti Ills as well ns tothe lenders of tho Himbllenn pnrtr If thiswere nil which tlio result Involved one oouldlook on It with n i tuo of compiuritlvn Indiffer-ence To mx nilml however thl s niottminor ronsidernUou It Is tho broad Indu-

trlil nnd commercial Intoroiu to vliich thresult must bring a feeling of profoundthankfulrn It N riot tiiifssiryto descant tho of tho oppo-hltion The propositions hive bevn rejected j

mid we have the usvirniicn thit no oriout in-

termpilon to oncDliu busnn nffnlm i

Is to ocitir Th cniinlry thit Puritan of It atlent which carries the burdens ami rM of

ami industry xtill lxe a tl b of reliefthat tiii delivered hcould not ho measured Thus relieved newroiitldenc ind will IVITX xvluTe lie fi It-

nnd th u l cniiUiiiun In nude nndIndustrial rinw so nn veryliniul nuci tn nul undoubtedlyBin thiiiisl ami

It Is i li hM hat ih victorious partywill rdie that triumph only MTVPS toMtMi its unt t i Itsin rl but tn all fin MOpli Th prftrstt rindprlll ms nf lIon nilnirltv in rn l

fnri innr justiv n ifsi iiaticnt-coiililiTitlon tr im tl lnx e t d vt-liirUiatixit nnd ndnnnlttritlxit pnv r Im-i is and rrltlel iiM llllfd bolt wliiic imnmiM tnLii lniii lii d bvli U IhMkh tin1 haxt HI II th PietiVtitM ftruth ie mav fnrrv nr dicatlonil nnd may

My own di r cnnviiin a fir asfriin i lit il lii tit evTv

m m and woman In our Mud i to 1m-

concriitnlitH iip n Hi roult 1 lni if Iktinw an thin thi in the ttin may lmp e its trust jtli fullof t v H IR ii rinr to mere n-dvniki II V hi r thanhi and ii liUntt alia i t nurn toit ll l wlol on nf iinnm i j i H

rxifioml Witllhfirc Tlilfull hit l bf tioo it the oppnsjnswlifiher Iron th North r Suth

repritDiiuns ttfr rrtrtituenl III tbe Iniit-of Ib lorI latir hnvi sin m-

cnntai t vti hi kilrlt and diirin tlmfniir xium of now drawing to

Chairman Odrll Vntn-

Nrwnriint N iv6rimlrtntin odell reichetlloom Intf itt nlfht nftor pKiklnc m Touchlrt o Iif volti in the Second ill irli t ofTurd ward ut 73thi nor m II was oneof the first nt the i il Ho ha nttPil at homenenrlr nl diy and will rtneivo rtturns Uicjo

Two Votr fnr folfr for CSoTrrnnrIn the Twenlyslxti Anxmbly district two

dtlMas voted for f r lovernor-

KT B Alt and Stoutfatlr r wifrt rtxiirt w ll btfwrt and veil

and pltajue F trrwtti



his out

cat rtonlswoo Piavo front olaitacre svbh

co olin geI I hits neI tOt ivity oheorvo Iso

1 tooj

Ito I iitf oooil I to ti Ibto roll I


I tonIan s Ii

I o Iii

tri littiI I


turin to tioioil IIltiI root

Till to 101

PiI tIuflootau lit I 0 sort o

I rio t list ntI osooi lit r

p ontI ii 0 ii rail

ioi nil r

Ito o1 tnt


I tao I soo


I Cue
















> >


° <



Manufacturing Fur MerchantALASKA SI5AISKINS adon Drfwed Dyed

JACKKTS ncvuit styles Al utIlitY J iii A A 1250 AAA 3X-

CoitJ M to lloi txri Long Oois nccorilniK to lengthTrlmmoil Sabltf Mink or Chinchilla prircn iifcordliiK to quality

II Jiedlt of Oiln ii iut ml and Njrthwf tot 1100xklnso otiflMu 1 fl nfAlutkisril Uhrn nw Ihy I V nutlca-

liiid umi ns the rcunr laski M in y at ii In ij l nli itt sitnr p HIM use Alaskailnn1 rIot iilxfactlin niton tOt di hbatilr nllrr telnr nurn on-

in Inokeasoniniiil furihM im nti I ont a II ts m Im Ui Ali n ral Illtyloin Island nt h rtilt done hnnson itnl lists I tm tt tlli nritnniiaof Aliskneil wiilrh a r iuni rt tIne teiHn Iarllfs who ar

Ns i tri Isklii IISM tar SU anti I 0 n l pi He nulnr AU kn n l kllnlines fr In London HH t r fif ant clhrr r ir nMs tlirr roost 180 aldn lo-lni In N w York rtirv irtcd In Ihrre r lll HI p niiln Situ allot 17S It Uktit thr

loin Ion arid niiiMnf IiHxer cr I itllis ran iv ll tlirure ti cost ol i irenutne All ks uralililn cat lbs MU II t c Held Icr tll 01

I10 AUsit h sot lower tiunpI-

KIWIAN LAM1 JIOIHB 1HRSIAX llItOAl TAIL IHIIV IAMH I lpalg dyedthe handsomest landed thi pen on

Persian Lamb Inckoto 12fi 160 and 176

Conts 1160 tn t 0Broad Tall Jackets 1250 1900 and ISSO

Coats 300 5JO und W50Automobile Coats I7SO tipTrimmed Russian or Hudson Bay Sable Mink Chinchilla or Fox prloca ac-

cording to qualityNOIK I could lt American dy d Persian and Hubr Lamb Judirta OnaU from 10 U

1100 pr rnrnif nl IrM tout they turn IUMV and have a dull allot brliir i elton tlmt and forthat tMn 1 do nut a ll 7hfn I tan rfeomrafrid tn ni I will gins Ihfin Ilir prrlrrrno L to enwura e-

Ainrnra xtbleh patties ran trrt skin lot urmtutj to ordrr and no film eKargr priorahouldEUMIXK ANI CIIlNCIIILLA newest etylnis for opera carrIage or tr t-

SILVKIl FOX BIjUK FOX BLACK FOX SABLE DYED FOX nil kinds of FOXSK1N-HViTEI ont recommend tirt of any kind for boil they ate faMnablrUi9n want thmpl tlim nna I Ativfi Intend to bare a fox ailn In my home after Jimunrj met

IMPERIAL KUSSIAX SABLES liandMmwt collection In tho worldJl Il From Alce WIIJrrnMs on filter between tlie Arctic Circle nn l Arctic Oea and otherdlstrtttsif riusjlo sad lbel where Ihrie anlmftUi mblcii are triomlo tcarir are louii-oRLSSIAX SAHLK SKIVS nmtched In pairs

80 ISO 100 Sl 2JO 300 to 700

lltUSON BAY SAULfi SKINS matched In pairs13 120 28 39 10 150 to 100

It requires thru aktns to make an average mutT find two for a fashlonabla-necls Fcnrf-

Bo from onto to four yard long Capes and JIantles In proportionMink will bo fashionable It U a servlcrabl and beiutiful furMink Collarette IrvIn 875 to 153 Muffs from 20 to 05

Alaska Sable Ifoavur aaJ Otter are all natural 1 have a large assortment of th-

dwlrnblo rind not very expensive furs made up In the loading fashionable etylc atlowest prices for reliable Roods

NOTB All natural furn if ld br ma are thormifhly deodortiM properly ure4 and dressed Theyansi be eel n br dreiMd attic

Alaska Sable Capes 15 to 36 Inches long 50 to 176MulTj 10 12 rind MS thoroughly reliable tfoods-MEXS FURLINEl OVERCOATS 7i to 1000 trimmed with faahlonabl

genuine furs The htsl V furlined overcoat in than worldTho weather proplmts predict that tho cornIng Winter will bo novere It la

coming and I dont want to take chancoi Xo better time to buy furs than nowI have an enormous Block and will tell at tuch low priced that It will b an Induce-ment to purchasers

C C SHAYNEJ124 126 St Bet Broady 6th Ave


NC nisl a an costs I hot Cot salflu 1101 i Ian ItS wisrtt Olt oh outwItu tile teal

boil luo croon oTt nest ansilo onty skin t1gtl ion

Iui lilt tnslttrui titer at Ic cstI I twIt rao Situ adv fdSln

one rnlaul U eoel t11to ehitIn ott CI snenno > nit pit

ton fun the LestitIn to make pin iyTtt 5th hitCIPI end it oil rue ooot oil ItO

teolittln cat CtIitOI thanI


Baby Lamb

foLamb anti I


Araentrsni lnduotnl bat unili cari rncoinmendhpa with roil Mrtfle Loip j cZt dr4 itiinii 1SiTih 4te cie lit tane and base I etrtiy ltmr eat stock In t itrot use low

to itt Iflslticeaettt to putchiaseni






wear lonre ars lest 1lat4e Ito mob bar Impropiiy



j 1

West 42d J


< > <







° <


lisa lIke When th PoliceDies Their Clubs

After tho tolh hail been declared nosedby the lotion nffle r In the iievnnth eletlots dlUriet of the Thlrtvflrst Aivmhly ills

a KUI of about lli Taininany men tornied-tho Illntf iilira at Bl Kast 110th btrcel iind-

il mantlvl that they Li nllowod to voto Tlioytold that they wore too Into and then

thr wv H row Tha ItviJcrs of th wonldtio-votort nalil they would vote or fl o tear

to jilece antI thorn called In th r ful-

IiHnrt to them tii crowd nmdoa lot of noUo but didnt thotx t iili eaxenie-to thlnwt to ilt o or to not into a light

Holier Cnuiii tlm lnutv SupeniiUlidentof Klixtlons nKlumxl to that dlthe met to Ct out of the itefifeil nnd then niinln out his clubcilled on iollci to ii ltt hInt The mlceIn norordnne with flilif hiest einlion diy order n oniU anti clnrkwl th-

innl It xxiu nil Post

mOte than half n dozen of this ili turbers hndtheir heids cliihhed The rout txl to theirhceU before tie ri iched them

flair E c nBvB1rr vorcn-

Wai at the Poll but In t Ma Time Inllfpnlllnc lilt llallnl-

ORErxxricn Conn i Nox o B C Flenedlctsof Iriomvich gave McKlnlcy wxuril-

hunilred majority there hoeIng 2Jin v torout Mr HMiudlct did nut ooine near the polUuntil a hull hour Iwforo they closed ant theItepulIican minnccM f the tuixn who hidIncluded him In their pink In their canxTihs

thlnkiiit niirit encllnir for hint alienMr lltimillrt drove tn pollliiff pluif

iiluhed nnd M lumtily went Intohull lfi iilv the iit iim tif nat tin d or itinlnleil liini of his previous ex

In the KIVII rliction xrhen hlin ni i hit rntrntrti niiirli ciu ed hlni troubln-It U bellcxid list hn volod for tlm McKlnle-yKidtor und tho Suite jiiid town UIMIUKratiocandidate

Several New Yorkers unfnmlllnr with theCoiiiipitipit Irillot law Iriht thilr VOIP by-innrlliitf nn x bcfTe the names on tho UrkitInstead of piutinc named

rntcKFitr AT tiKTrrxnvnaO-

fflrlal llatlntt Frlrteit t r a Democraticrx iu rr I nunil In lie llrfrctlvr-

Ornvsiiilin IM Nov fl A wnMtloti wns-

caiiMd here this nnmint xxhen t xxns dliciix-

erid that txvicthlnls of lIt llMil toad iwnitle-linlldts hnd Un ptlnted wiihiit a fciinre-ojipuklli the anita of UolrtTi It-

irnnillriiip IP i oncrr Tintxviiit Initncdliltly nnUtlid f tln inltjik ami-dildire SH out t li tl es ifflp of tniiitin v thnt thty KhrmlflInsert thn wih I nil Itthat lln onilsliri Wiis HU IntnullmialThn dfMixn ballot III TM wer printedth liinli irn xtlilh ardently

th Dciiiocratl rntididateI II Altemnn nn this nfternoonhat li hnd to di withlie lntiniriil tht ie rnit l hive enttrrdhis oflldt In lIt night And nuidn the change

O n llurrlton fatis Ills Yelp

IvrUANAloti Kov c ion Ilenjntnln llarrlonto voted nt 12 10 oclock lit xvnlked to thepolU n few block fmm his Notth Delawarestreet reidotii tneted tlm oloctlnn ofioeni-nnd pa within thi Mi Mint he xntct1 tnkct WH fliiwn hy thn Inlet I

period he vio iiililn A hHiit nf ihit K-

rNpliHiM hnd eil t the pulls nil I

hiipf plot uriv


flat they Gee







U rag I litItO

tim i

osoor Itt ot loony otonol sun



tow it

snotOil I lie

Pta tIleruinitt



1 1 osv ho Ito

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lou lit ri togo

nilI tt

hI1 tile nb iilildo sIt

Hoot hlit V I lit tihtortol Ironito

toot raig Itt

it rutcit to t is too t Ito

mnrtt mug In t Ito ci I oIt trig




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A Lart Party In Coon Cartiln1 Ofilc litcrlrci Ilrtarui Orrr Nprclat Wire

WASIIIVOICIN Xov e A large party ofarmy ofllcers members of the Mplomntlo-Corpa and i ersonn not In official life Includ-ing n great many ladl worn gii B tonIghtof AdjutantGeneral Corbln nt oltlcc In thoWar Department They received the returnsover Hpeciol wires Secretary Hoot jolliixl-tho putty late In the evenIng and Secretoryllay re lxed the election returns thorn alsoHIXTHUUT tirt M Bj iit the evniilne at tlio Irenn

nhir returnt xvere bUjiplirtiby the Nlwrnph coiiipnnltri and liy the

In xarioiiH louts of the countn-thrnuch the tt le raph omct nt tho Vhite HOIIM

Two opfriiioni vven on iluty In tho hlttiHoiim olflce atJ nuvsaKra wore sentliy direct wire to for tint Inforniatlunof thn Iroidtiit Mr MoKlnloy

with th tnimhui of hi Cabinet whonrn in Wn hlii lori lout none of thuthnt pa Sl ll through White lloiiot ollliaX-VHS out for puhllciitlon


The f Ilnngnet at PolIce HeadqaarUritint Few Titer tn Enjoy It

four 1ollce Commlsloners wore In theirofflVn n the Mulberrv street headouartertiall last evening but the numher of vIsitingoniehuldHri arid polltlclam woo much amallerthan In prerellnc Presidential corapalcas-Tlm regular emotIon dav dinner was rvel-In the CommKilonere nfflci No InviUtlona-xvere isuid this year Mill only caAUal visItor

k of it-

llrvnn hat madq n good run said CommslonT Vork when the returns were btvilnnlrutto iniliiiil what xvat thai election was goingThe police work has hr n as kooil and the

an quint n I f pwt il-I In tftiiMl riiult U pretty much whatnxpHkd it to hi xras AbaH-

nrniurk I am proud of police und I amno proud of of thii Therehnc bi m no dl onler xiolence or fraud to



llallat Hoirs Stolen From RepublIcan FrIn Mnntgunirr County

IoriBViMn Ky Nov electionfrauds hiixo been re or d from various por-tions of thn Stnte hut nn nrlnus trouble hatoccurred In MontKmncry county which la-

utroncly Drnioerniic the boxes wereKtnlfit trait two luc liepiibllran andthe ililavrd HVirnl hour Asimilar lln ft xvi from Mount Ster-ling In Livliikion and VMIIIurnbiirff Dem-

M rnilr i Inrks refused t At l ex-liaTtnii Kedirnl mni hnls tailed ar-rtsi the i IITK mid n the pollsreuly to it eao Ti ulr MIH

i rk iiirii he Imlliii hut the delaycnM il Ito lo otes In thewhich 1 henvlly liiilillrnn In loulaxlllthor ns nn whatever

ovr Kiniir Anirvr OUT op eottA Rtrord Maile br the Klrctlon Ioip ctor at-

Itie 1nlli Ye tertlar-

AinonK fifftt election Inspector employednt the 1522 pnlllne tlneos yesterday therewere ilclit vacaiirliH Tour Itepuhlloansand four limmrrntH fillei to up sailtheir plwi1 were Illlcd Comim sioiiiH ThK was nn unprecedented showIIIK ThTi w rn from fortyt n luimlred The crowd wallinc In Mulhnrrr tte t for jobs wont nwny-enrly in

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vacbono letii








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TkAfl MiB

is a liquid food

tern Its use bringsappetite health

and vigor Aids the nursingmother and the baby the aged theill the convalescent Physiciansknow and recommend it AllDruggists sell it Prepared by

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Brewers of the Original Budweiser Faust Michelob AnhetmerSundtrtPaleLiger Black and Tan Exquisite and




jy4 that tones the sy-sdJ
