THE SUN MONDAY OCTOBER 8 1000 0 I FOR WEEK U Hlr n Iihlblllon Prellml to thr ronpetltlin lor nomen niwhlckon Ortolier llaUi t the l J er- M my of thn Ustern nnd Metropolitan pro feKlonals who took part In the U H 0 A open toumainemt at rh o were in the city ye- urdtf on th way t I T1 W1W- Jcrtnlnn nmoifi them H that next opon tour- nament should I held In thn East In amateur nffnlw til week will be a quirt one on M U A iur fM tho Intorwt nolnu connmd to dot otuPtitlon nJono Thrre will e n Bood metropolitan representation however at thi third annual open tournament of tlm Country IT Scrmton which Win on- MVnlnexda and Konllnuiw until Saturday Tim rntrie ln tomorrow evcnlnif thn ijetarr A U Hunt at Hcranton Vnrrton will be nt the Country of today for a practice tram the course and tomorrow will play a thirty niiholei motoh a alnst tho best ball of two inwnbrn of thn club On Wednesday the nmatHir tournament will liewlti with a thirty dihnlK qualifying round tim trot and twrond- tliUwiii to qualify for nip Tim final rounds will b i on Haturday nl at thirtysix holts vhen trier will a trwral handlrnp at fight esn hole Htcvtal fixtures on Friday will l n men l ill foursome and putUnir and driving roMiests Th wom n players nre always to the front In th autumn ant they have a number of Im- portant uiie titions to dfclilo durliiK ttie re- mainder or tti month Tilmorrow on the Vls- Mhlrknn link th Individual championship of the Women hit t asue of Philadelphia will to last until Friday Tho playern who ivr tnnst nisii spoken of H IlkHy wlminr nrn- Ml KrntK1 trlsporn UisnmatiMirrhHmplnii- MM CnWi F Fot MM W M lorham and the MU iaMi SOW that tho inenistntirnnmKiit- I out of tii wiy antI II M Forrent iroHaiim d n nip winner asnln tho Virginia lint Springs i loif luh announce an open tourna- ment for omi n t lie held on Thursday Friday und satiirday There will be throe cupa tho- Kifu nf Mrs S narton French and M Insslls n cup will ho for the best score at clehtiwn holm medal piny on Thursday the tnt aUht beiriimlnK nintrh play for th Virginia tip mi Friday and tho seoond eight a ooniluf4on cup Tuesday Oct 16 the limit Important noinpHtltlon for women of the year uid from tine national championship will l e rri at tin llulttisrnl lolf Club Them will Ix from IUhty to ninety entrlw nnd as the prl7 M nre and the condition very jenerou thn will be hplrlted without dluht in It was last year whn the cup winners we Mli I ivI- rUooin will be nn Uht nhole match play handicap bogey nt M nnow for n by Major II I Iarhaueh A medal play handicap be the feature on the will rlenr the for the iiiinunl competition for the rlubrhnmplonihlp nip th fclf Could Swires the iirht ienholo meilnl play round may be returned at any before Oct 7 fight will on for the cup the round nt eighteen holes to SOY 3 The irmlttnuK at thlrtysljc- holw will be on Nov 3 nnd tho at holes nn election On the too there will bo n hole handicap for a cup presented by the Hoard of Uovernors NEW IlnrNBwjcK Ort annual meet- ing of the New Brunswick Colt Club wa held on evening The Committee on Nomination reported the following names Iltsddfnt Major C A Krnnfy VlrePxnldtnt Nellvjn Trra ntr J Ilayftid lUrkpntilcU- Hftmnry W nddlilonsl OnTprnorv Jtunyori Jr Dr J L II llornnand J P Major Kenner and Mr NelUon declined and Chester arid Dr K L Bteyenion wore elected to inrlr Treasurer Kirk Patrick report a larger cn h at of any oih r year The club I In a flourishing Open tournaments on Philadelphia links nro a novelty the cutw there lining only for iniinber f the local club in Oct 18 Hi the 1hllndelnhln Cricket Club will break the rule and bold nn open tournament with events for Imth wnitHii men Tho e for women will ln n hamllinp on the morning of the llrst with driving and content In tire afternoon The men will play eighteen hole In the afternoon tlr t unit HMond i iglitn log for cup There will be a mens hnndlcnp on Saturday nnd a mUeil fnnnmim In the oftcrnoon Friday nflenn on there will be a mixed fourwitm golf liFt COVK Oct 7 The rvptit over Nas lint yi itenlHy were the monthly clas A II and I won F 1 Irutt C K llerner J It Maxwell respectively and an nnpronehlng nod ptittinu- orintiit In n lie tw n II I Pratt nnd II l diinn h enrh three h ili In in trki Theiwrd Monthly llnnrilrnp ilau A K II Pratt 01 U- SO I ilyanl SIn M 12 i it M Adam H- AIt 3 S Hopkins ui s 4 A C llumphrryP- T W H A Jrlililnii M 6 IKI W ilmw II too ft U2- Cl i i K lifiiifi nil Al I L llortman 1r i 14 M llruilrn 10J I4M I P Hlrtrr IUMir J II Maiwrll 1249H 04 II W Winter 121 J 6i f I Kddy 124 2 102 V 120 23 17 nd Putting ConlrM II I Pratt 19 II M Adams IB S P It W Mal well so C o IMH Jl K II Pratt 21 II C Tap 22 A Sunmrr 22 II K Miltnry 23 2J II Mutdurk 23 A I lluniphtfyn 24 HACKBXRAIK Oct qualifying round of j fnr the mens iiiii tihip of the llad n i i tluii n ye tir clay flklit t u il fy timlr ilu Oi th twenty entries ev n Imw curd ill limit with thr tle t forfiirhlh mnn The scone all siMlfli wre Calder 101 I i2 Shut well VV lihnon 2e llnlbertiin Ilu K c Thomas 111 lo ter 120 Cnnklln 107 IV II Smith Kn 111 Holly I2e It II Smith 122 Wileht II Allen H2 110 Hallelt 123 K Palmer 107 Wood Ms FUST OHANOF Ort 7 The ArMlale Golf Club has bn oganled A courne of nine holes on the Van ArsdaJe tract nt Munti hurl South Orange avenue III the omtre of a resi- dential district ha been laid out There ar lx acres of land nod n number of good hnrard Including a natural water roiir o which s to cro i ed twice to make tlm rounds of the llnk Next spring tlm club will build n golf house The olllcors are T Vllllam President Frederick St John Vice IreMdent Idwnrd S Iniln Treasurer nnd J K Iherinan Secretary KID Oct 7 The members of the IoU lull began the contest for the championship ntternoon In Class A thoht were 1 I Free- man PO Paul Wllcoit I Daniel nnd J C Tur- ner 02 Paul Konnedny V i IKV und T T Ibid M- PnroHKKKiStK Oct 7 Yesterday WM a busy day on the links of uoir the morning and putting ioiitiu both women were for iup presented by F II New botdt Ml i Hrniiiiin won the putting match for women wltlins iriiofis K- Adrlanre and W p Adrlnnee tied at I i in tlm playoff K Adriiitie won In the h tir women Mr Colllngwuod nnd Miss Oliver in Mrs Cnlllngwood won h hill mat h ton tutu with 17 the Ifig hr e contest tm hole about lnno yard each Ml ohei wni with ZJ In the name match rot men fur hr e about ium ynnU each I Adrian i won will U The regular Haturday mit h wa wnn bv Mr A S With 00 net mil I r llildnln with 71 net nKUnviilK net 7 The team of th diteated he Forest Mill golfers on UK latter link n The iore i i on lat M dl on ill illli Mi Plum 4 Slits Mor- row 0 he ith rourli 2 dtault 12 Iortst IIHIMls fltrk MM Hunt 11 Mr Woodruff 2 MIsS fury A Tutsi Tile nrst of A w rle of handicap roll tests Arranged Ortnber and on thellnhonf the cli t ir7n Point wits plnnd Satunlay 1 li was won A inter In ni Is i fr t holes Hie mm etiti ii ill In played next Katiinliv on Ort IO wonn muntlily durini ibe venr will compete for n silver riipoffiridbv iovrnmr Mtnrdiv iflrrttiiu A W Viwler 2 in SumiflT llronn 1- 120IISi lieniBe Srymiiir lr 111 Hsirr- Virdrnliiirch 14 o u II U Unr 44 121 VV Immiiis S I c Si nrr- 140lfl24 II I Urtltlan 14 to ti Newman 111 1 urm i j- K oram i 1 nr in 4 iso N II Dir Hit 2 i1i K K Ilionet I4 12 114 W Rllurrlf 18520 iss lohniiin Scburlcr Imbile He lOilv K 1 VinlcDbuirbi GOLF I IXTURES ell 0 IW I I I OUTLOOK Ion Till OlfN- TOUltIr AT lA TON don a IS II and Hen lit teavIuw lablIn other link r Ilk I h with larry Cub h on IrA I for min U 1rl l t 11 Th first tNt b thlr 11 da 7The Jam A wed balan ort I dn I nlll Ih tj I t Mol 0 Jan J 7 I i plity d IInl 0 Ida lIalilonbrrl ha I IoO 1 i cll unen arid t 1 dill thopln on S 1111 Wnll I n for I I nil I lladlon bit Ill t lila II II trio ldglwftir 1 riot II h fIr I I II R t I nary ire r tin tAt a ben and Ikor r inc trot I If h trrpetI i i inn lit tlrrihin I liOn lIP w inn tie t lit iII P 8 M IllS t t S Stoenui 24 The eighteen tile r I Ill Will hell I Ill 0 1 yet rciev IS l t t w ten 55 St lS Mrs tot II till W tic l I w It lit hi I 11111 If 7 < si 2hl lo b ° ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ < ¬ > > < ¬ ¬ > < < = < > < ½ ° 18212140 H P Dtckrrfln l 40148 Olant 179 2 lftSi lUrrr Chamberlain 1 16179- OLSV HtDOH Oct 7 The golfs went to tMl Orange on and were a- featcd by this score in lOr n ll Irlffln S A IXckrr Oi AnbrcM A T n lllf n Kent 2 Total U lien llld e C Plarc u Nhfrrnan I Ilrouchtoi lloldrn 6 Thompson u Total 6 teams of till snni club al a match In whtcii the Kani Orang tear alto won thui ouret ifdrn 0 hart 4 Iluson 0 Ti tat 4 n ItldceMltchrll 0 lode 0 Kelly 0 o ILAtsriKMi Oct 7 The m t Important of tho year In local ol the lurk the IlllUldii Tennis nnd Holt tub Tin entire wns dovoted to go events nnd social A women handicap competition eighteen holes medii was morning Two live cups were given HS prlre score were a follows Mlu Ilshy Shfpsrd llllUlde 12 24 84 Ml- Fl bfl Park 1M 27 Mlv M iodiUl- illllhld 124 27 t7 Mis K II III 103 Ml Van llmerdrn hillside Ui 10 103 Urs V P Ho fr Illllnldr Ilft o 104 llli- U V n lloskfr Hillside US in lea Ulu Andrrwi- HllWdf 124 IS low MK Sadie U howell Iatl 11 20 110 Mlu Prnna Hillside I2S 14 MK llnwlsnil lllllnlitr 184 20 114 Mlu Hrlnhar- lllllolilf 112 17 IIA MlM Helen Ue Hillside 141 27 lIt MIM I HHldard Illllsldf 144 27 Mlu Fleming Hllltm 120 HI Ill ML K lISt 27 M lloli Hlllld 1M 22 111 May Illllildr loll 22 11 Miss H C llrrlirrt HlUslite 27 141 Ill the driving match Pendleton Rogers Hillside wns tlrt with nn of 121 yard 4 Itnhe E Tracy Hillside wag with nn f 117 yard Inches II l el Wright Hillside won driving match with nn average of 171 yards 1 foot I Inch Morgan T Trwnsnnd wns second with an nverngoof io yards 1 foot I Schoontnakur wns nni 11 I milliard Park fourth The winners f mixed approaching putting contents were MJ M MIIIII hen of tlm Pork club with n Thrni fnir were tied f r se ond with 10 They were Miss Fvans suit I T Vanlloskerck Mr and Ivnrts Tracy flrnc1 Kaufman nnd Whitney linker In the men handinp hnloH ineilil plnv iVr twn ilver cups then were 100 entries Tho lowest mores were A lllll lile 027 77 rt I C Ulenney- IllllHilf ins 27 7 F A Mntnsby IIIUsMrtOV 27 Stiirr IIIIIMile ton 7 W AMot- tlllllidr us vs1 Ilt rt MllWde V4 12 1 A II Senell Pnik M 27 l I I Srhmn maker Hillside III liwflj W IVtrivm IIIIMitr- Ift 4l V AtiNitt MltlMr III 27 S4 lir I W lleiUe IIIIIMclf Ill 27 84 Ir P C ArJ HllUlde- ti1 s V V II Titus IIIIIMde inn IB M l n pnihAseo lllll lile 112 27 M II J ljiilerH- llUlilf 112 7 4 Ir II Van I Htdsi Hill- side W4 s M I II llanuw HllWde nt 1- 4r Vi Vstf Hillside 114 27 7 VV I Uleniify- HIlIMdf O A A M Twfly 104 14- Mi II I Mlbtard l tlt 7 60 II T Van lk kettle Hillside los 14 on AT rorintSU- drnU Jlnch In the Vsrlo- Hllrsnrhrt of Hp rt For the early sea on of the year unumia Interest I being shown In tho various brnnchc of sport at Columbia lnlverlty Nnliirall- footlnll I engrossing the largest shnre of at tentlon tall work of the erew begin In earnest and about thirty candidate rowing dilly on tire Md n The bolt hou hs been put under the direction of F A loete the iiperlntwident of building ground ii bange which will guarantee a- irfllclewv nnd n svnieni heretofore lockIng the int the building will opon frti to all stiiilcntn of the unlver lt tin of their matriculation card Purlng the uinm r the hou o rind It craft have he n thnpiuKhly renovated Alumni rwelve the privilege of the hoiin apphl tne ii at ills nfllru on the linniiiliito oharge of the houe rmtn Ii- t oich Fxlwarti Human anti facility will b IlTfd In lit hniid to turn out a wlnnlru The annual trials for the golf team will be held next week Among old can- didates are Call J A Kdwanln J U Itate Nnsii vv 1 ttlenny and 1 IUioade The most promising f this new men are L Illiwell J 1 VVolff V Hnlsbevk 1 Iliilklo II I Worthlngton arid F T has ro all ranilldnten to maltitiUn n high stand- ing In their etudle HM the tour- nament will b played at exumlnuUon Ume Unit May ROd he to avort the powl- billty of faculty Interferente In the case of men It now win that Krnlo IIJertb the for- mer N 1 A t runnor and lately trainer of the Berkeley School teun will have track Interest Tho annual full gamee will b hId at olumbla Field on Oct 20 Besides ih regulation scrntch and handl iveiit spenlal number will be for Ireshtnen for tin cros tiam all who Intend to compete In who will negntiato nr long dlitiinee running in th spring Iupt J Hiiyie smith 01 tomorrow I s ton 01 scl ruti and C Atkli- io college ore the only members of In crns country team Ii ire still In college Sew men will have to developed the lnternillegjticoiit tntM rr1 pro ct for the gymnastic team Ill bright Columbia w n the Khlp last yenr nn I only one inemtmr ol the uiun apt J D FuenU hiw left college Thorn lire II of good gymtmsts fmm tile tory scliools In tho mterlng ilas Including of 1 Hamilton Institute Ileilde VV L title of am In uni- versity law sphiMil mid will materially strengthen the teiim Clmrle I istond ol- rnllege tills rHeii elected the team on Dec I Ioluinbla wo meet nnnual chefs match at Prlmvton Ily lernis f the challenge each will runt of till men choMii III nn open un- lviTlly touHiiiinent to e pitted ngninst eiuh lither In the order of the res tier live stHlldlllg- nf the men in the two university tuunianivnu- Ihe liKnl won yenrs rnutcli by Illtte ShacllncC- nrKnMOOR Oct 7 Hotneof the boat work of the season occurred In the supplementary oom petitions for the State decoration for mark tOoth and charphooterx here yesterday on the Sew York Si ite range Howie- Iompdiiv II T ent thrd of Ilrook lyn MH Held ot Darning hl tlecirni on wiflt 11 total of 47 points ill of u sstl 54 u d landing the rtin nrs mi bv 2 points The men who tied for- e ond honor 45 pints were Private F A 8ld e ndlck i umpiay K Ninth Hen jirni C i ral VV Kelly Iunipiny K IwrUth- Krrlmtnt Lleul V Pjlcf l E md llrglinenl Ueut C II lull K sun Twenty The following tied for third place with 45 points CAp J K Sfhuvler Company I Seventh Titnt rorporti II uimlnlck Company K Setenth- lltKlmfnl VV K f Spfrnlh Urrlnent Corporal F Itlltrr Company Twtllih Hrelmni Ptltote ftnlrfrt Com- iany 1 Turelfin HfJlraerit Pilfalr Charlra W Mar vne Iompniiy Twenty third llrflment Iletil F il Si rt eifiilh llrrlmrnt Seaman A Camp lilvMon Second Natal Ilatlallun lent H Clurk Matt Ilrsl Mrlnade In this marksiMiiii rlas Private II U Hill nan R Krgment len the with 39 nnd Prbntes Hienhniison Corn II Thlrueiith undo C lais II Thirteenth llegimeni weni the with J Private i A wentyihird Ilegl enl v s third with 7 points rroMfonntrr llnnnlni The followers ot the trail on Ioni Island chatted ra in rk y Uiday The nr t run DAI- lelil by the litmklyn A f front the Etound At M lh The paik ron tlie ground iowdid Corona nUrltne the fUr of that town and raverxng the Held and toads Inward the upprr end il KlusMnc The n Mt II Itltle o er ls mile Ihe giilnirnpfcially In tle tlld heavy ton II i Uv rn AUuit the mini anti watrt until M nimpnnion went In aslManre Tlieie were two parks Thenidernr- lni h Sidney Cuiil first Anthony K UeKeetrr National c second en third P Pryoi fowlS I lank Vriih flftr IhimiAs I itnsrr I aiilli- I VV liudlct J rlnhth P- UrQuarte ninm J Dojle 43 nilnuts The Slsmr rk llnrtlrii weir out nn their indoliHlf ille nmrjc Kl Vsn Ccutlanilt lark tie iTt rr iiel in niiither win tir the entljiiilAMIr i toi iey alter n nit tiuiire with Todd and Melkn na laid nvrt Hill Ilirmiifli wnmi nnrt Ihe nen well tot tu lie I he rIle iinlsh nn i K ioM y Ir t II Idd S A Vlelloi Jr third l C Start lourti v SrM0t ihin huh M lurt ixlli lime Ill will Ih jtmmiocli ln hIP hanrilmi I Vellor Jr I A Irrde H deed it Jtidn sinrr snrtJ J MrlVriiHi- tiIteUled Wedding Annanncemenl- DarniAHTnx1 I Oct7 It hnsjusi beenan lounred here tint Bayard Foiilke mn of C ipt- ioiilke foriivrlyir He Sew York brokerage Innof Tlioinn hart vt A Co nnd Mi En- remoiiy bv harts V of i hrUt thureh vlimhss Mr lnulke i ji bmno III Nw York The Womans it the Sunday Si v and rill UVPMMO Si N rrekenl- ii Held fur th adtertlvr o tidies thai has leter ben entered before The nuallly of the maitre if inteint lu wiimrn make dtiJiaUe M Cecil lIen RId tillurda 0 1 East Olalr To- tal woo UlIIIII1nt I loIr Club by da M II lit beat eo lit Ill I Ihs Ir nor IlA P mns I tit and I I I Ibn Shil g 9 ATIIUT1r Inlr old Th are and or I and Oil b I can I I td luh I olldltl Ullr rI I a b ark IIlR nftll II r tli r IriftnI I lie I In I a ot It ito Iblra UllmtaL II I It FIrst held I par fain from utrnI ant In A I IkIIl I 111th C I IT IIIIo arid inleT I Ill I Inh oUI wr lIIarrid tin Sept ZC Tile h t thing Jf ldnlblor hH the rutei I yet i dal elite rtnhii itipilt r I Itii Stew- art lilit tracy Itt lit t 3 0 ilk flop I I Oil ci gilt n lark CI t I Ca C line II t tl ever erHW aLt 4 Ill id I lie I all glUna r a Ill 5 onIThishi- kii till I I It cap- tain 1 01 t ill S hh PtIIi 0 PrI lIce t on tin un luit Itut lot I ri tis gSluies 311 ilogli lien t i Ill tlI altar ihootor 1 oni than 5 I iti niint pan Ite IC bout I olit thu hITIC I If ii I 8 Item dub Snas was ci IlLS I aes en ill hill art hill ties nIh FIll Mn a the I s tilt sect his see nil nun llteC feilowl lit on tn onit 1odd was rtrnl lag pope mdlumLAds L < > > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < > > < < > conrsTiTott or TIll suaAA TROS- UeiUa VraU Company Olganllc chem RaisIng and ncnnlnc Sugar OmKANH Oct 7 During the PMt the elevator property and other property the river front have been purchased by a Do ton syndicate of Identity anti purpof nothing was known It wns disclosed today and the news wns confirmed from lloslon that the purchaser wu the I tilled Fruit Company or Fruit Trust which controls absolutely th trail In tropical fruits with Central and Koutl America and that thin company lion uiirrhiiMi thin properties In New Orleans with the Inlen linn of entering the field n competitor of lh Sugar Trust by raising sugiir In the West In tiles and Central America and bringing It ti New Orleans for rellnlng The trade will gIve the company employment for Its large fleet o fruit vessel which idle u portion of Ilie iir The Fruit Trust has had the sugar unde- roiiMiderntlnn for twi For two the capitalists Interested In United Fruit Company had a rnturprlse on the production tAW sugnr In vast u sugar In Co tu where the made experiments which It Is nvimot thrill the wns 1101 chimerical was more nor less thnn alternating with till production or fruit and sugar on tin ame demonstrating BUocesi- nl the plan with thn Hlca began viwt tract ot sugar hunt anti It 1 said that to thins present Him they havi neoulredover sugar lands In Cuba III the vicinity of Cninj ltix ntly they placed nn the llnldwi- ilH itnotlvi In Philadelphia for ter ton will to HUM ubnn plantations Mil nearly ready will to handle Its other products very cheaply lu their fruit vessel can currying sugar wh n fnilt I not In season It I understood that the purchased fruit on the river bo used for the erettlon of a sugar Mlnerj- IMItVfVO TO Theyll Forfeit Their hand If IHtorder- lHennn Under lljll Offends Aaln l ul KnlUky of 47 Seventh avenue who for years ins been doing nn extensive biul new the pollen cuurte us a prof lonnl bonds- man appeared before Magistrate Mende y- terduy In the Vet Wide court mist ofTerixl U give ball In the sum of uoo for Emma JetTHrwin who had just be n committed to the work- house for threw months In default All right sKId Maglstrnte Meado I hnvi- no right of course to refuse to you a kocurlty Hut se Kultsky I give yoi fair warning now woman M inn rhuitlil he kept ut of thti way If she get suit now nnd ippoar us a prisoner again in one ui th be arid the nionev collected to the lat It has never l en dune lief re Iscauw It wn thin this kind of bomb would hold Hut they Iuer- miiitly declared tile forfeited In order t get it test cns and the Judges of Special slims decided that thee are like any other kind of bonds and may l e for lelted i soon as the the bom- hus lon violated The Hoard of Magistrate has the matter over and we have con cludoil for the future lo procexd whoso bond agreement In violated It no longer as In the when a wotnsi might be arrested tie slay committed ballet out then arrested the next stay without tier uondmon Klng nlTected have your warning now Kallnky I an now ready to security I vont half your Ka- Iliky grubbing startod out of tin court room the flIrt messenger who had iiim- nioned lid saw a er out of 111 hands seled the scared botidmai- by the and tried to i rsuadi him that tile danger was not so great ns It seemed 1 vont do It Knliky teorim- hlnih lf away I toot do It for anyrilngs e Ach KtSEX THOOFKR FISKt nde flown and ChMed Young Paraderl In the Street ORANOK 7Three young mn members of the crack Essex Troop were flood 120 each In the Hast Orange polka court last night for riding Into a number of boya who were parading In East Orange on H pt 28 The men were Stephen Ilens- helRer Jr West Orange John L Young and Crane of Newark All are known socially On till In question the Second Ward McKInley volt Club of Fjist- Ornngo was a parade In with n banner raising Is composed of boy from in to 14 nf age ciiniH from the bit families In the city Harry Vhltlng Mark Smith llerl ert Condit Oeorge P lr swore last night that three troopers rorte Into the rank that Mr Van demanded that the lasts give him their strum and when refused two of tho horsemen charged at them while Mr ItensselHer after thorn Ill the lawn of Joseph H Allen nt I Ml proiKict- strnet following tIm up c n lr Allens stoop unit riding from ond to of th The defendants said that they hind been dining ut tile orange club were not In- toxitatod Mr Young claimed that hi hors ran away with him and he oould not controllt und the had stoned hInt The lines that worst Imposed worst paid pKvrr nr irr LIT IX UAIXK A Sirplu Instead of Ihe Famine That Truit Trlrri Indicated IlANmiB Oct 5 Inteid of dnnser of nn Ice famine on account of a short supply III Maine UM wit announced last spring tIt was more Ice thai thn demand called for The shipping hea nn I now practically over and on the 1enob- HcotM duo tons remain to L carried over to next year not more than 4UO J tons of the soodOu tons on the Keimetec liuve been sent away On this river the empty houses will tie filled most of them being owned the American Ice Company but the outlook on tIe Kennebec is not promising It cftld that the Ice Company will have several strnii onpeMtom In bilftiijes here this Inter reircsent of various concerns hsvliig been III Die Stale lately looklnd ior ites on whIch to reot new houses or options on properties that ore ill reiulv for operations Maine ian Ice for thin entire Atlantic HKiboaril were all this to be Improved and tee can be harvested nt very cost for this labor I cheap anti the n dltlon of the very bet roll Is nrnt nineteen years In twenty This year lower price to Philadelphia and Sew York have been only 44 to is cents a ton Frsctired Spine Fatal 1rt Nrnllh Mrs Annie Smith who rIll from n thlrdstorr fire escape nt her liotne 2491 Third avenue a month ago and fractured hint spine tiled yes- terday In lust Harlem Hospital An operation been on the bv Or V Dudley one o tho visiting physicians nnd hope wa eniertnlned tot her re- covery pneumonia set In and cmivd death The Weather The atcrm which wa central over lows on Saturdn was passing yeMrrriay orcr the j ke reclin nnilh- rntwnrd Into surrounded by rain In all the Stiten hnrderlnr the thence inM td In the Ne Kntlsnd and middle Atlantic nmtti where the wind blnwlnc on shore Hlfh wind pre vnlkj III the L An area of hlsh pressure was cimlnfT down orr Montana the Iinkotxs and Mlnnrwta where the trmpriature tnlllnr and Mow freezlnc poInt In the morning The cold weathrr will spread Into the Central Stairs and IaUe- reiflom today It was warmer In the Ohio Valley section In the At- lantic States the change nllKht In this city the day was with a light rirli dIng rain wind en t southeast and general average humidity 7 per rent harnmeter mt- tected Ij read to tea Icon at S A M 1024 3 P M The temperature a recorded by Ihe official ther- mometer and also by Tug HfNs thermometer al Ihe- itlrel Irtel It shown In the annexed table OfflfJ4 Smiii OffJflu Huil mini 1898 IVUiV Itiliu IS ill loiu A M 3 SV f4 IP MCd 67 12M 64 SI fC Ii I MBd r7 SP Uti 05 C7I2 Mid 06 ft1 07 WASHINGTON rOIIKCAST mil TO HAY UdlllldW 1or New England rain to day cooler eicept In eat Maine fair I morrow Irish southeast uhlftlng to Inhale northwest taitnn Veu Vo Veir Itritu taittrn Itnn unit lirlAuart rain and io j h ni4irr ir befit ninlhirni vlntli- Por the District of ulumtils Maryland and Vll- Clnln rsln ouster to sin fair in morrow and ron tlnueu pool fresh nmtlmeM Hinds Eon West Virginia we tern Pennsylvania anti west eon Irw York clrnrlne anti colder today fair to morrow and contlnutil cool mesh to blUk noiUiweit wind tee Nil week on who I its IJ RrI thin lit saul It I e whIch tilt 1 h tIe I lIb IlOIIihIlV a I lid lIt lIft talked 1 will IIlIr n TIt NJ Oct an tI an rod Ice wl hltIrd I II I noll b I ice nt si n and could beers lIIn a I hr load lAkes And lion I cloud and fresh e ei A TO Ira cool lid I I iar ion I bitt C eta lIla utah Intl a hit wit ii t ttflt l hire Itthi thihhl I las SC tutu tin ih1nl ri nit lit ho tt tot I cIted sea nnia ever ut lie i ou ruin nthisk Vat I nturi I loot t lilt with tie i gAll thia rIvilegts lass has going heggin ton hass r ornt d iril hoer sill title tIe was was aa art IC rat winds- or fair e < > > > > ¬ ¬ > > > > > > REAL FKTATE NEWS The following are the tables by districts Manhattan and The llronx of the oonveynno mortgages nnd projected building for tho Oat 8 CONVBYANCR5Nt No Nominal Amout Downtown 22 flA4 Kaitflldr 44 22 West aide 48 21 4872- llailem 67 17 JAlu- llnmx US B7 Total 117 120378U- OHTOAUKJ fio Amni Downtown J2S481 Ka Side 64 U7 7 West tIde 71SIl- lsrlem 7 4444 lions at 42V1 Downtown 6 iar2v 144 0 IM Harlem iKW Totals 50 ilOTlTS The following are the corresponding for the week ending Sept 20- CONVKVAMKS No Vn Ncntnal A maun Downtown t 14 777I 7 14 117 A HI 2 17S72 Harlem M 17 12021- Uroni 81 44 1KA71 Downtown harlem Bronx Downtown West Side Harlem llronx 207- UOIITOAGliS 207 KMVSJJI- U1LDINOS No A moo n 21 1141 89 J4U38- IAnnvr roirv Albert Ixfiholm of Ml KaM Ninetieth street has been a talloi In this city for more tbnii years tnken from Presbyterian llotpltal yea to call arruses his telallis of iryinc to kill him fur pur iwof gelllne his Insurance mother Court Calendar this Day Appellate IilTlslon Supreme Court Adjourned ict M Supreme Court Special Term P it 1 at 101 A U Pan IL Px part matters Part III Case unflnlshrd Motions IN- murrer1 No lilDt IV 1412 1419 1416 1417 14U 1432 14S3 1419 I44i 1447 144 137U Preferi- erauvt No ISJ 1649 I64D 1BJ 1167 1733 173- I8U7 1731 l61PartlV Cleai arid Fact Nn- UJ4 IH76 1334 1173 1SS2 1301 1344 I3 3 in 010 fi fisn 1402 1510 Part V Cleat Cases from Part IV VL lean Cases fror Part IV Pait VII No day calendar Trial Ten lad IL Clear cauxs Nov 4KS- I67M 32U4 6 li 604 Part ilL Cue unnntshed Nov 147 IM4 12UJ 1371 1344 Part IV Ad Journeil unlll Monday Oct I a Part V Clear tales from Part 111 VL lear Cases moo Pall ilL Part VTL Oar Nos 12VO 2 3U 4 J loll 2023 612 2216 4647 1000 tart V III unfinished la e from Part VIL Part IX Cleai Casts from Pail Iart X Cus unfinished Case from Part VIL Part M lIAr Case from Part Part ML Clear CASTS Par II Surrivale Court Chambers For probate will of Charles M Ualherhe Kalharlna Calm Albert lirelner csroline Smith Charlotte llecker Richard Kurt KlluUlh Men Ann K McKee Frederick Voljt Ebeneier II PlillllDi at 1030 A M Trial Term Nos 1S11 164 1671 1477 1691 16J2 1S 3 164 18 I6S7 1698 180 UIII IK2 18tiJ- 16VI 1600 159s 1619 1800 1MI 1102 1603 1604 IftOfl Idnfl U07- niy Court Court opens at 10 A M Motions Trial lerm Part L Clear Nos 16J4 2344 3 1 1104 32 213 2200 2277 1130 2104 llli 2434 2040 671 1196 2218 1U94 2720 1210 1607 lAns ISnO K1U 1611 1 I2 1013 1AI4 1 16 tail pan II Oar Nos 134V 1425 1218 HIM 1247 2208 B2W 1279 1311 7 t 14 1432 1343 1140 ISM 1333 I38S I 37 1241 1237 1317 MIS 13IW 1372 134 1144 1S64 23l 1303 Uf 2 1311 Part ilL Clear Nol 16W1 I486 13S7 1932 1181 1112 1212 216 754 7M1 1121 1601 1309 1227 1917 ISIS ll 20 16204 If21 1122 1823 ICU 1A26 1620 I 27 1B2 IA20 1630 IC1I Pal lear Short eau 3 Nos 2721 2722 2143 2189 22SO 2872 291 2802 2303 2410 2612 2464 2170 2300 UPI 2463 2e2 2843 2013 2873 2902 2941 2947 2S2I 212- 7Citjj ltal Borough ot Manhattftn Sale or Rent Nover Before Offorod I New American basement bouse now approachln completion for sale This being flnlihd and It situated In bean o the fashionable section close to Filth Arenu- eWMITKHOUSG potHER SCO Fifth Arenie- Abnre 14tli SI 5th Av lo Kail Sliver Three story hIgh stoop private dwell- Ing h use hirdwtKMl open plumbing flnesl Inrntion n Harlem house Is In first roll dillon throuirhoul can be seen at arty time owner ol premise 1 nTII ST 21 KANT Three tory fume dwell In Hsl rla s order Irnmedlal possession OWNEH 21 Last I2 th at Borough of IJrooUlyn Sale or UouuI- WOPAMItV IlOfSKSTwostorr and asemeBl 1 stnne fronts lust completed all houses on block stunt II ulj between llowsra toil Saratoga OTTn NINUnit llulld- erJurllinn to ct- Inloriilsliiil ON FIFTYSECOND STREET Ilflh avenue To rent ton the season A fully furnished residence 26 ft wide with lange dining room and bed room ex- UuiliM never before rented Full wlttul vi 1 r Itn WHITEHOUSE PORTER 6u at lSd si- Int and imrtmruts tnntrd IAIKiP WANTKI to 125th West modern improvement rent 120 A box 142 Hun office T KXIXOTON HONewlT furnished room en tulle or ninth open plumbing all Improve mIDI references T EXINOTOX AV furnished lIft and small rooms bath hoi and cold walet- eteftenees required 214 EAST telephone 8 8lhA 1 I heeiful room Ian also small room private house only gentlemen TH ST 130 KA8T llindsomely furnished l rooms and small for tentlemei- iiinTH STT7 int nAST Vacanrlei small U i23nto IS new rcnofnted Madison Square iai NT 10 IAST BACHELORS Iltrhelass house renovated through ml large room hot and Mid eaten blh on flnir slnrle room lireakfasl ralet Tele phori 351 MadOon Sguare 401 ST 13 ASTComfortable furnished House for permanent desirable people private bath Tim iriiKX 16 West 2th M rooms en suite or singly mull optimal exreutlonalty rood hump cooking la taI served for slmpt r from 12 to1referencesi- entlemen preferred Telephone ST 17 VVEST In sunny front hall room well furnished ample ronrenlencet quiet hou e en trance references fourth floor 1 OTIl ST 40 VVKSTA suite with private bath i Ihiee cenllemen good service ref create 1 OTIl ST717 WIST Nicely tuinfshed rooms Tri a stitch rontenlent I all ears erm moderate beautifully furnished parlor tulla ton donor or dentIst ST ST 3ft VVKSTMire and small rooms In I tulrate hoyse private bath transients serum odalealreterenc- eMST 0 rooms for 1 sIngle and en nulle special terms by month or ST ins WTSTKleranlly furnished front ant back psrlur opportunity for doctor lirHICH ST if WEST W Comfortable rooms ton gentlemen valet service reakfAM optlnnal ST 4 WEST heaulttullyfuTnlshedroom- I nor bachelors eicellent service btAklASI op lonal sperla1 tales for season one small team 4011 ST WEST Large neally I furnished hnmellke sunnundlngs hot and running wAter batb gas quiet gentleman or prices moderate 23A ANt 238 near Hroadway and All cars Handsomely furnished double slid slnrle board opllonal also pallet floor ton doctor unnlnf water for I 47 g 418047 02 46 I 4 nll Total Z S A Bide 6 II 29aIIIO 011 24 0 t1 Hid WtAt 32 WI Side 37 l 64 6201118 Total 4 U II SI 1014111 Total JOTTXG Irrda MotIon loll II i II IL IL ham 6 1 1I7 Trrn U 3 I t Q Is In 11 It 21 ItST MadiSon and Io tut its nOl t Near Shut at FIt lIon ls II nib in tamlI i tpflrtlflCflt A l fC i fo lbl sT I large lOFlh I SoniC ramll fur two or ITISTi nl oJ IIi JJ rood Mrs TIt oj t 0 small told Ill ST week- ending 95137351- hitthliNOS No mount Iast ttest Side tables Side 110 I87IU5 Na Amount 1806621 Itact Side 35 720658 752111111 6 154545 hast Side 67411 48528- IIPsO who tWenty WAS the Insane nit 11 fart cot Ill ISO 18 Into tnt house the I 9ITII Si between 8th- I ASS a < at tie few urittslird tocun toet- Eat Side L1 lJ PThi 1 I lange Iats large irj 1 > Sest Side IS- 0Th 0 closets hit I gentlemen Otson- I I 1iI and ai roars < > > > < > > < > > > > > Teit M TH ST 143 WK3T newly furnlnh rooms large small private QM I boon summer rales- TH ST 104 VVKSTNewly furnished house i ui slncle or en tulle hal boy allend nce ST ST 08vKSTTwoiaue And rifle 01 room veil lurnlshed prltste house gentle- men prefenrd HpooUljrn ST 4 l trlwien llh tnt 3th Large Instill and hall rooms tullable gentlemen terms moderate AV Pir- lor and large square Mom every convenience gentlemen only reffrene- KAN IC8ljjrce and en suite all ImurnTcment moderate Scmid nno hall squsri rooms lewly fuinlsiitd all conveniences quiet refined irentlemen nnl- GHKriNi AV ft3l ilnspjirk NeTwli nnd hall t im breakfis- npllonsl Cntleinen preferred 1 741 Newly tiirnlshif I closfls runnlrit water family gentle men or business ladles reference nVKMSOX ST 258 near DeKelhar Ilirdsomei looms liiifly en suit families gentle- men refeienees- T11101fJliMV ST if fVrge 11 looms Iv ladle or gentlemen Terms reasonable 5Tit ST room floor eveiy erence near I sort Enst SlUr MADISON 87 Desirable loom ateamheaUd tuperlor ward locnllor cen- tral iranslenls At isoV JS3 Is Handsome suites 1 1 end ingle room with board for gentlemen references ST AUt i sii w iin ritop 3 7 and a EMI 311 siCentral locallot desiiaUl looms pitvale ialhs parlor dining r jnv- VVml Hlrte 117 nest arlj rgfl rooms lo party of enllemen gooJ board reference irffl ST 24 WBHTxicelr furnlsbed large J I room with board couple or families reference ST 3ft VVPST Itoons with hoard tran- sients taken central location ttine doon Item Ilnwlway pArlorrtlnlne rtnii- nooflT ST 2 U VVlST furnished OO with stand both large and small also table board 4STH ST 227 WEST Handsome rooms dresv room hot ansi told water large closet bath rilntmrrnom tuperlor table and ser- vice gentlemen reterencei WEST Handsomely furnished room singly en suite baths every ronrenlence advice table and Appointments CATII ST S VVPSTiloird handsomely fur nlshfd back parlor suite with bath Iblrd and fourth story ICJCTIS and small HrooUlynl- OLUViniA IIEK3IITS 139 flay small rooms well healed superior board couples or gentlemen reference lAilROIi ST furnished on V second floor modern conveniences singly en suite board optional AV 427Newly furnished and rooms tingle and en suite unsurpassed lo- rMlou superior VIle ronrenlent I refer- ences AV 328Handsomely fumlthed floor en suite 01 slncly alt tmpiovrments board op- tional HANCOCK ST 01 gentlemen wtlllnr for lovely home ran be accommodated wIth owner PARK BUfpnPHOSPKCT PLACE 110AleoT 3d floor home cooking half hour lo Sew York modeiul- et JAURS PLACE 294Newly furnished orun- fumlthed rooms every cnnvenlenee good horn board gentlemen preferred reference IDNRV PIJVCK 20Cholce of decorated J tulles every convenIence board Included refer- ence required 8T 718 Oenlleman wishing lo make In prlvale faintly pleasant sunny room boaid ST451 AV parlor also front square room Ml Improvement excellent table reference HTTFICI AI HLO W E IlSItosemakert and branch wanld steady work filMOMiS 4 5 nieeckersl Wanted I J Smyth sewing machIne lifN7Iin llliua- DfKnlhnT anti Uoehwell place llrookly- nIIACV PKATHKitSP te small handstand learners CHAS n POTTKIl 24 Ilond st c and small paste work steady and good vii IIOX CO s- iDomristic Servants Wanted 10 EAM 321 M Telephone Call IDJ6 Mad Sq U SUtlY- ronKlON AMU UOUB3TIO- UAIK ANt fKUALE- KUPLOYMKNT HUHKAn ALL nEPERKVCKS- STHICTLT ServantS engngemems wilt be missed Iron offlc slid torlell all thaiS w lee palL IlrnoUIrn OfSee 84 Vevlns St jsr to 110 rooks in laun- dress number waitresses French and ierman ladles maids nurses lu cooks who nash and linn 3n luiindretnes rhamberwork Mtehenmaldst- ervanUs In All caparltles wanted Immedlntely Mrs 1 SiCLY 10 32d si Telephone call 103 Sq llrooklyn oftlif 34 AM WAITftHSS two In tam 1 Ily wages 120 references required I ANt VVAITRRSS two In family references required tIes U SPKIV Kasl32d itI- HAMHKIIMAH ANf WAITUKSS 118 lo go J toNewburgh V references resumed Vtrs I SKfIY ID KaMJMll- OMPKTKNT MAlI fur two young ladle tn the city references reiiulre4 Mrs l MAi to g to toil D C srmHlress r ferenee reiiulred Mrs I SBKIV In last id it NPnsr fur three weeks old wages 23 bet references required Mrs I 32d st COMPETENT WAITItESS J2n small N rerrrenre required Mrs I SEEIV COMPETENT YOtNd WOMAN coot three In 125 In an apArlmeni references requited U 10 Past 32d t COMPETENT IAPNI1IUSS to assist with some cmul wages best references re- quired Sirs 1 SRRIV In Fast 32d si lAfNUHIss ANrrififCMKS1- V maid la go lu Wllllamshrldee heat references required Mrs SKKlY in 32d s head and good wares petmanenl Hare best references required Mrs I Ill East V H WOMAN as waitress to go to Klberon N 1 reference required Mrs I Ill st COOK lo in lo irecnnlrh Oonii 123 references rrqulreiL Tire I sninv o East 2d st lOMPKTKNT COOK 2o Uundres and chamber V maid J2 waitress 2n In go to llatiyum 1 L- rtly later test reference teqiilred- Urs l C OMPETENTCHAMflEiniAII thy family ref ciences required SriRIV 10 Kasl 32d t- OMPETENTCMAVIHEIIMAH In assist iui plain washing wares JS rrferrrce required Mrs I MKKIV Id Kasl J2il t IAfXDHESS eight In amlly tc 1 Conn references required Mr I SKRlv IB KaM 321st IAltloHMAID ASH IAPN- v dress lo go to lesd KI references re- quired Mrs I Sits 10 iaslS2dst illlla V plain Isundrj to Co to Ncsrsboiough wanes 20 K2 references required 1 10 hast 32d st- pOMPKTKNT IArXliltPSS2 six In family X references required I t t- r lOMPKTKNT IAIX HESSin avsfl with some elirtmberwnrk for now at N Yefe- rences req ilred Mrs I SPPIY 10 KAl12d sv- IOMPKTKXT CDlili loirMonn7N J- w right tn family best references required K SCPIV 10 last 32d st- V tefeteiice required MM SEKIY If K t 32d st- IOK ANTiAiNhniss o M- v references required Mrv SPKIV IB Easi d st- i lOOKS laundresses wallresses chambermaids V clambermAld end Undiesses ehamhenrald and walirnsrs kllclienmntdH nnd l undres es by the day wanted al IlARTIIumMKWN Ill IIKAl 211 Kasl ltd COOK 20 fuur In family four tn help tn go distance from the city references Mrs I SEKLY 19 Ealt 32d oil FREXCil MAID one understand- ing bait dressing wares 23 best reference trqulied L aEELY l East 324 it cfumi htd CJmJJ pn1mtut to tt- o I I IItlillN I T 0 rum I A 1 1ItSruf smshi ritII lallll gentlemen only ret Unlit ttcrt olm1 A iiI m r eta fI I arlor ii ue IfwLr IU f1 f O d a- Id G liE 23 upl MId cIa mill 1 sea J rilIHMONT 482 Newly funnishied hark snoUt single lJ ears near fi rooms itnd 85 Ifs 7ASIiISt1TONlAF ii rooms ii NIcely fllFsl txr ref erenlw sz i ONION good aTli back I ffititttdttnn1t- A 1 era 34 and I girls large trim I 6 AAA die Ie flu a I e a- C 1AMHFI1MAIDS who da Itast Mad I Mrs 324 a- tC ha for the city lie N JO East 3d a- tC OMIrilTNl LAIhIS Washing good ID East 32d at as tIt I Pat o- tC OtlII1TINT LAIStilllSS i rind 2d o- tC OMltTENT East 2d t wages I East 324 s4 I IOMIItT1NT it to Stamford 131IIThNT 1051 llTlNt VutNl Chi In assist wtlh- 1 Mrs SIiLS 10 t tin i og Un four In ftutnhi to go to Tar rylown 5 family lii the cii it 4 NGIISII liz > > > < > > ¬ > ° > Female I SKELV 10 PASt12dtt huller waxes logo a short distance Ihe City refrrrncc Mrs I SI5PIV loraIMdft- fjl STriAfisl fXIl K S large family prnmi lifntrlly plane Mrs 1 SKIILY lunnMSIds- liymsTciAris WAITRESS is n to in p n wood N J references required Mr I inp sl12dst NfRsE fur two small children In go T- St LouIs best references icijtilred I Ks l 32d st CLASS conK 18 tn 1411 Morrlstown now trferencesreinlted U ID Kist 32d st TIHSTCISSCOK Swedish pteletted wages 130 references Mr I SKKIV 10 ESSI 32d st- JMIIST CLASS IAtNDRKSS 20 waItress 120 In family petmnnenl ely place ref eterces required Mrs I 10 s- i1HHT CLASS IAf NDUKSSi J23 family J best references K SIriY 10 Knst 12d tl 17IllSTnASB WAITRESS 121 In go In lIce J permanent piice references requited Mrs 10 12d st A thiiioiiehly undersland hair dressing good WAKes leletrnce reriulred Mrs I 10 rast12dst- illBXcH NLiiSK for grown for tile thy Iiletriirts L SEKIV IB l l- ipllKNCH MIII AXD cll AMIIKIIMAII in en N V wntes 12 references re- quired tins I SKR1V 10 Last 32d st OR PRKNCII XfRSE ton Iwo grown children till place reference requIred Ml I SEEIV 10 hast 32d ilOtSKVVORKrh man tteferril iinjhaiincey sjL linoklyn WANTrI a family numbet ef servant kept gn d wages llrsl required tugnlo biiiE Also tint das took wages references I SrPIV 10 Ka l12dMJ- AtxnnRSSwilling to some JJ work smail family references required fsrmV AMI IMAMnPIIUAII seven J family for lllrhwivid N t ware J2n refer- ence requited SEIIY Ill EMI 32d st LAfNnHKSS lo o Motrls Plnlns good wages I SHKIV 10KnstJ2dsl- TAPXntlESS 1M lor family At Red Hank NJ- t references required L SEPLY 10 Kasl S2d st- T ArXDIIESS Ami rilAMIlEltMAID four In famIly l go to Weslchesier J22 references te Mr I SEEIV II hast 32d st- TArNfiRESS AND CHAMfiERMAli 1J In family references tennlted Mrs U SEEIV IB East 32d t- L AtXDRKSS AND CHAMnrRMAID logo loTntrytown N V references tenulred Mrs U SEEIV IP East32d st- AtXDRKSS rilAMnKRMAID five In 11 family In the city references requIred Mr U SKKIV 10 East 32d st- AtNDRESS 120 fIve In U family references tequlrej I 10 Fast 32d st- vrimHK AND SPAMSTRESS S20 for the city 11 child 2U two years anti n half best tefetences- tenulred L SPKIV Ill EASt12d st- kTOHTIl QKRMAX NlRSE one child 3 i did wages to go tn MrrrlUown N J references required Mrs SEEIV IH Ka l32d st- XTORTH rKRMAX VOfXO a BnvetneM for child three years old wages 120 references renulred L SKPLV 10 KASI 12d st- TORTH OKRMAV TROTESTAXT XUHSE two I children 2 and 9 wares 122 to go to Harrison N V references required Mrs I SKEW 10 EaM 3d t PROTESTANT ciiAMnrRUAin 120 Protestant 122 p rlormld J20 small family In the rtly permanent place lest ret clears Mrs L 1U East 32d St PROTESTANT YOlXO GIRL it assist with some wages 2 references required Sirs SEEIV inOTKSTANT YOlXO WOMAN a laundress togolo X J references SIrs I SKEIV IU Cast 2dstI- ROTKSTAVT LAUNDRESS bassIst wills some chambrwork for living In Orange N J wages 1211 best reference required- Mr L 10 East 32d it SWEDISH WAITnESS IIM20 In family references requIred I SKKLV It Katt32d WED1SII LAUNDRESS 123 also wages best references required IB East I2d t 7AITRESS ANT CHAMBERMAID 118 four In to It Tarrrtown N Vi refer races required Mrs I TAITRESS ibrre In family vanes 120 lo goto- iv Newark N 1 references required 1 IB 32d st iTAITRESS AND PARIORMAII 120123 thy famIly references resulted Mrs I SEKLV IB K tS2dtt- LOlNO WOMAN AS COOK la Ihe city goud wages references required Mrs SEEIV 10 st TANTEDOttl for general boiiseworkln a small private family must Have good references 440 East lh st find second and useful men chefs J coachman wanted Immediately Mrs I SKKIY IB Eitl2d MAN to go lo Newport A 1 wages 133 city later reference required Mrs I SKKIY IB t- SoMPKTKVr SECOND MAN wages 40 togo to lltltlmure tefetencts required MrtL 10 last 32d st- iIRST CLASS HlTLRH html and foot I man good wages pcimancnt place In the cliyi references requIred L SEKIY 10Kast32dst THIRST CLASS ntTLKK with second man io go Mass wages references Mrs L SEEIV 10 32d st- PIRST CIAS IltTLnn Pngllth rreferre- dI wages 190 logo In Albany N V refer nee tcqiilred tIns ID East 32d t- ITIIOdnAPHIC POSTER ARTISTS In black J and colors loud wage and steady employ ent lo competent men Address OX U Clnilnnall O iNewporl Ky s a suburb uf Clndnimll O i Situations Xtantfrt Jrmalfji WANTED teacher nf expeitence In tIe oial work nf trashing the deaf desires s po Illon AddrssMISS COt Kwl nV Md- TAXTED fly a ynunr I dy telephone switch board In or public over 2 Iperlcnce Address M A 4173 3d av Situations IVantfil fltoU Employment Mercantile anti professional worker imen women yi nil girl for high grade 211 K 421 st IXew- Diiroin Tel 2984 1Mh st York Keferenceolnveillgsled- nKNTIEMAN fully with aimlem huM A nesiriirthiid an t en ncrnunianl and look eenrr liniiei nnd Ihnrniichl lusiwonhy dslres A o Hlin uiejceiiinil lefeieneis fmni pist em- loyrrs would arcipl small cum ensstlon at VV f tKix2 Sun nfflre 4 IRXTIKMAN 2s refined ap A pe rnnce aeru iimed tn trsnvacilon cf hotness eiUlrlnc impressive ptsuaslve milliner of Meerh nci anti tmnnr now open for engage berth refereure VV II RI PKCTniK- A laiideil wuu d take a poSition as nscker or porter n hotel ir store ha seven general hardnare nisleien i well educated good efrtence MAIKH 117ft 3d av tlninx- SKPIL MAN Ingle lierrnAii 27 good appear atice wishes In business or private use HKIHSTKIN 104 Park av- loboken nnd SJntrrwt- nn ATCIIISON IOIMKA SAXTA riI- IAItVVAl riMIIANV- Invr 1er cult Onellunilred car Adjust mien linn is hereby gIven thai the Hoard nf Ulieenrs ti rniAny us tie tnbedtie and payable n the Hrsl nf Nuvemiirr liini An InsiAlmetu nterf i bring Ihe fnurtb Insinltnent upon the atmve- mnds al the rule if Pnur Ier ivm on hOe nsr mount tlnrenf being Kurt1 IMinr iJ4n escli- ine lliiiuxnnd dnllAr SI Imrd and Twenty dot nrs ln in on etch Fir hundred dullitr- md Such Inteiet lll be paid st fifllre nf the No 50 v ar Slrert ew Ynrk Cliy New nn ihe muixm imnd urmn ire and iirrrnder if the te pitivr coupon NIMIIEUED 4 the Registered Unnd I registered holders thereof on November I Ui transfer bonks of RegMeied i ind eli ense m October IS 1000 will remain rns d mill November 2 IDOO- Ily order of Mlrertnrs II W liVHDIMR Asslstanl Treasurer Jfew York Splemt li i riii ATniiKiiv JOIIIKA AM SAVT- Ari IJAIIIHHII r iniAv Adjustment lions A semi annual Installment nf two pet cenl In re f Interest nn the MTAMIKD Mont Itnndsnf the Atchison Topeka and Santa Pe Hallway Company will at II ofBre No 5 New C Uv on November t I mm- pon ptesenutlnn and surrender of the coupons numbered K from Stamped Adjustment lends H W QARDlXKli Aitliunl Nw York 8ept 27 v ometic 1trVflflt W1UItCL 1SflII8II LAIflhS MAIL one who i a good 1J SCAflIstnCa to to onood huurk wages 20- be rrjerence required 1iuItSTCiASS b to it Irons 1 I Mrs lRSI city hiler Sits 1 test 821 ala in Rut IAIii ANT 51t lSlhirSS one Who child L Mea hast 1I l1CSIAS at- rit1NSftAl OOOII wares er 1rnt MCIIhPIft in gentleman I I class I Ill II ltst at 1 AtNnIIKSS Iii Mn I Mrs 4 Slit taut Sifl T ANT IIAMhtIflSiIfl Mrs era good 1 fill- s ocr Mrs Protestant 19 East 3244 1 I nil mOat be competent to g to Tuzedo Pars good Mrs v Fat 32404 Mrs 14 1 1I hale groom cud a- tC OMPTITENTTIIIIII hat Mrs re- quired East best 1 ItnttdIltItL- T I Preston mute 1 I years fflrhhsInmise Ut Oil 0 Melanits and 0 equlI phd final Address tol ci ii each nt I 7 Sun ofitre VelN IItlSllMNIateI hail ears the T l intel nrtrnences ItltCltIt t < I Notice is of this laced 8i i a lie lurk and sin iIi tile and the Ilnard ill open gas nit I < < > > < > > < > > > ° ojit Office 31otic- rplST OFFICE NOTICE Shnuidbe read HAILV all Interested Mrhanjea may at any time mills fur wiek coilIng Oct 11 will rinse PROMPTLY III nil oivsi M the lenernl Pint iifficc fnllnw PAIICIILS IliST MAILS clnv nitr hnur tinIer than rlnslni llmr shown beln- wPnrrls Malls fur rinse At P M Mun rildav i MAILS IIPSDAV At n A M fur AiilIKH 1SLVXD4 sOrrel t r ramhli Illnce A 7 A U- ft tt lianinli Ijthn1 la South Ulnwil p r sleainshlp jinni M siiiileineniatv U A MI fur KflliiPf ier st l NI ittiamiiinn for lielAtid must lie itlrecled- l T sieninsWp NeW Vtk nl II A M supple Inenintv In 11 A Mi fnr PI lliilE per Mennv ship Teiilnulr lt guirnstnwn al ticS A VI r dlriMl n t xleAinshlp SnulhWAtK mall miut IK dlfcled per atcAmshlp South naik- TIlPRSIiVV Al t TI A M fnr rtROIl per sttainsttlp AniriMte Vletiil i riymnulh fniili fur Iranie S ltrrrlAnd Slieln PliluKnl Tmliey Keypi llrlllsh India nnd Mnrqiiei vln Chiilmiirt must b lUrerted tier lrnn hlp Aucustr VMrtnrli at fi1n A for PIIANCrt SWITEIltAXI ITALY SPAIN PiiinTiiAL IfllKKV- IiVPT Hlimsll INDIA unit I HIENZO- MAI KS per steamship Ivi Tnuralnr via Unite nill nf must bo directed t M Tmiialnei- SAHRDAV Al 4in A M for rUlOPK txr- steamshln KtrurlA tin Vueenstnwn mall for uer lienmnrk Sweden Norway Clirhtlanlal Rnsl must be iltreiteil prr sleamslilp- EtrnrlV Al 1 In A M fir DEN- MARK S VEIHS MniwAvtciiHisriANiAia- mi ItlSSIA A South nmptnn mil firemen tmall fi llier parts of Knroie rnii t lie illrerrd t er steamship al NKMliillAXiSiiect per slem ship MaAsdini mill roust dlrertrd per steam sll Vlunslnm nl I V M for SCOTLAND r city nf Rome mall oust be dl- lerteil frt MeAtnslilp Cliy nf Hume l PRINTED MATTER irs This sleAtner takes Plnleil Mnller CnnitneirUI ant Sam plf lot iietmany only The class of mall matter fir nlhet nf Kurtiir will not be ocnt- b tills lilii unless spei iMIy directed by tier After the of tlir Supplementary TtniisntlAn tie Mnlls mimed nl nr snails ntiened nn the nf the Amer- ican Knellsh ntnl ifiinnn steamer nnU until Ten Minutes of the hour nf snlllnc nt Mcainei MAILS POR SOITII AMI rESTRAL AMERICA WKST IXDIKS KIC- MONDAVAt 2 P M ft IlKPU- Blir IRPOfAV nnd PARAOIAY Steam ship Kaffir Prince A 3i A M 1030- A Ml fnr CKXTIIAL AMERICA lexcerl Cost and PAilPH PORTS per steam- ship AlllAIICA tll lolnll IIIAll flit lnu t IK directed per steamship AlllsncA nt- 12in P M I P MI for WINllW Allis ISLANDS end DEM MeamMilp Madtana At W P M for JAMAICA pet MeAnishli Admiral Dew fIlm liostnn- WEDNESUAV Al 10 A M for JNAOVA HAITI And SAXTA MARTHA per Ilelver tvmnl m AM f r tin Pernnmbucofind ilnrludliiR Auenllne Re- public and ParaKuay nheii fur this steamer A M Inr ttejira- snli Mercalnr tin Prnereso inmll must be dl terteil pet steamship MetPAtnl at I P M fot- Ct MA CATAN TADASCO and CHIAPAS tIer steamship elliot ton Un Hfivsna and for other pHrtsnf Mexico must lie directed per steamship Cilynf Washington At 1 P M t n per steamship Anlllla mull must l e illtected ted Anttll- aTHlltSliAY Al 210 A for JAMAICA per tteamsMii Admlril Sampson from llnotnn A M fur pet ut I P M MI fur SAId SAT OtANfANAMO antI SANTIAGO ftiamshlp Saratoga 1 P M for YUCATAN VIA Pngresu 11 llerinum FRIDAY At I M fur INAiCA And CAPR- iiRACIAS per sleAmshlp Knnir Prnde mall for IninilcA Puerto and tieiire moPs tnu l t rilieclril per Kong Prude at 1 P M fur via per seam hlp Maunms mail must be directed MCAinshlt MManusi SATURDAY At A M supplementary n 0- P Mi for KORTIXK SAVANIILA CAUTIIAilKXA And GREY TOWN ret steamship Alene Small for oats Stirs must Alene At 1 A M for PORTO RICO rt steamship- San Juan via San Juan at 10 A supple- mentary inSO A M tnt CtHACAO anti PlKlA per steamship HildU mall for rillln and AtthAf en must be directed net steero ship Iltlduri at II A M tot TH A steamship Havana la At 12 M lot NEWKOUND LAND per cknmshlp Silvia Stalls for Newfoundland b rail to North Sydney And thence by steam er tins At lhl office ilall- raH1fP hereevety Wednesday and Salurdayi Malli for rail to And thence by steamer at M Mnlln for Cuba by nail lo Pnit and thence by steamer close At this nftlee dally at 7 A M the connect- ing closes ate un Sunday Wednesday and FrIday Malls for overland unless addressed for despatch tleamet close at Ihli office dally At 23iA And 2 30 P M Stalls for Illlire Puerto Cortei and Guatemala by tall to Sew Orleans And thence by steamer close HI thIs ofilce daily Al i on connect- ing closes here Monday llellie Puerto Cortef and iiiislemalai Malls for COsta RICA by tAll In Mobile Aln and thence by steamer close M this office dally t 3 oo M connecting closes here every Tuesday Rtgltleted mat cln es nl COn P previous osy- THANSPAnPIf MAIM Malls for China Japan And Philippine vii Tsmmn 1 ere dally At e 10 I1 M up lo Oct iet fur HAWAII Chins Japan and Philippine Islands VIA San rinse hele dally at 10 P U- up In ort 112 Inclusive for despatch per steam ship America Maiu Mails for via Still close here dally nt V P M up lo Ocl Inclusive for ilespAtch per steam ship Auslralln Mull for Auslralls eieept West Australia which tn VIA Kutupe and New ZeHlnnd width go via San Francisco anti Ill Island vis VAnrouver dose here dully st 63ft P M up tn ll Inclusive fur de- tpalrli ftenni Mlowera upp- lmenuiy malls via Seattle clove st 6SO- P M Ort I4 Malls for HAWAII Japan Chins And Philippine Islands via San clove here st 030 P M up to Oct 2I IneluMtr f dispatch per Clt of Prkin Mails fir except West Autiiliai Xew Xiilanil And Samonn Island San rtftnclsco close nip Inclustve nr nn nf arrival nf steam- ship taraiianln due nt Now York Oct 127 for steinishiti Alatneda Malls fur China antI ala Vancouver lose horn dally nl 03 P M ui I lint M Inclusive for despatch per sujmshlp Empress nf Japan degls lentil mall mu t Ii directed via miitls ate fntwnrded to port of sailing arid tIm schedule of closIng I arranged on lbs resumption nf their unlntettuiited overland transit rinses al A dn- CORNEUtS VAX PnsUiaslcr Office Xew York X V Oft 3 moo Prilual TTPNTIOXOLD DR iHlNDIK 0 nATJUATR I UK CITY OK NEW YORK IEDICAL DEIARTMENT 35 YKARS A SPIt IAILST IN D1SEASIS OF MEN OLD DRGRIN- ILE haS teen longer established mid has had more iperlence than any other adverllsing papers move this tide hit system rralroenl and sklndlseases In bones inots sore throal and mouth ulcers painful swell nrs kidney slid bladder c mtUlniv In lammstlnn rtavcl organs weak vitality Are permanently tuned Mea iboul tn marry should go lo S old liver 171 West I2lh t lh and 7lh ovs Impediment removed iufferers do not wasTe time less skilful physician Rem mlr HO lIlt IIRINULK bas routminus cures Advice Inca Medicine il Routs Oln u Sundays o lo 3 OLD Illl eiltiV 4S ears n tperisllit In iif men nnlv Quickest permanent car ruarintefd In All thin dl ea e lo men blood skin diseases kidney and bladder trouble nervniis debllny errors of youth b4 dreams undeveloped organs Impediments to mat Ac ConSult old first the old st established aol the longest In ol anr- rlsllfct In the eMy olire ver 33 years al 120 7lh t near l nmn Sqnnre Hours 0 lo J Sun- ny H lo 1 ScleiiunetreAlmenl advice free Ile4l- Ine 3n rein Xi rhslge unless cured R AND MRS AMES oldesl And fll spectnlM in trmsli Irreirulirltles established 0 years MlnlinftreatmentImmediate re i xltlvelv gtiaanlreil in must obstinate uses ulvite Ktaduslrd phrslctaa- nnxittailiiQ free rmndenllal 144 VVtsl oppo lle Iruetits Thenlle 4 orirKTST PPRMANKXT CillE In A dAneetmi CAse tellef at once hnse desiring only first dass scientifiC treatment DR tinXSCRUR 41 Vesi i i st utni r in ii Sunday in to 1 A DR CONRADS SANITARRM Rslafc i sm InwA ei nf nornen newly and corn leiely enulpped 127 VV 47th t ilate 117 Cots free hours ft hend tot booklet TeL 32i 3Sth 1 DR HUNKS SANATORIVMTUS West 47th- A M establIshed l dlseass of women ihttne 2701 as- vl KCiilAr rhvMdsn positively cures female Irregularities ngle run Crllllil sift Vr l iid t fll AND tIltS female specialist careful rnindenltAl treatment strictly Ue Al once wlthnu twin or medIcine IVatrhtis fluid 3Jnvtlrij- t KRKIV PAVMTNTS line diamond wstcBe nvte fticex business confiden WATCH MIPlY ro 1 MAlden lane ATKXTS for Inventions promptly low rates lliKIilH A lllUsi Brie 2 Nassau M V V- iUillinrrt and rr smahing- sfllS RKMODELIED altered BeaUMn Ietslan this Capes atiblousu Kloai al 11 AItKKH3111 lib tt S cur trelznt I its Its I list I irn ii sit 0 Ia a S lit lltSStII si Ii lit r I Ph Ill iII s an liltitt It uil I Inc usd1 fish fr irrlaisil ititist lta ttEUNPMIt V At 7A 5 tLl I Chili iIi I Si S sb litro Itlinc I Amen ill I iii tin list 15 I I ales itt malt tutu Case 5 I C s 81 fur Is t 510 li lens slime I I cited ii g siIiIi usual tar are lens I Fr hiih I rem ii 0 us hull A 1llINII len I I tics Sill r Ii tVthti anti Salt I Nstibirrn I nail I Icr steamship Uredan SO ten tVasbln 8 at- C Iretotla I jut 1 j inlet steamship 31 I t 0 Save P C 31 b thia office dali at 830 P i fur 1 Islands rio Math 12 let slit hieredalhi itt S St ttltrr I Sit il4and tiptoOct 27 let daIly COT Post a 1 p physIcian thy o 9 bale lost IS at between a I diseases bison risC lIt Ire East I lId filial dIM rf men siitilil call I 4 SiS tel I I I sine Stills ti Kit I J I East Oth st 5- I 0 0 WEST liTII ST Pr rowe cures Irregulaid 11 tiil 11Irhtt C 1 ten > repaired made into > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < > < > > >

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-10-08 [p 9]. · 2017-12-15 · Jcrtnlnn nmoifi them H that next opon tour-nament should I held In thn East In amateur ... Patrick report a larger cn

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U Hlr n Iihlblllon Prellml

to thr ronpetltlin lor nomen

niwhlckon Ortolier llaUi t

the l J er-

M my of thn Ustern nnd Metropolitan pro

feKlonals who took part In the U H 0 A open

toumainemt at rh o were in the city ye-

urdtf on th way t I T1 W1W-

Jcrtnlnn nmoifi them H that next opon tour-

nament should I held In thn East In amateur

nffnlw til week will be a quirt one on

M U A iur fM tho Intorwt nolnu connmd

to dot otuPtitlon nJono Thrre will e n

Bood metropolitan representation however

at thi third annual open tournament of tlm

Country IT Scrmton which Win on-

MVnlnexda and Konllnuiw until Saturday Tim

rntrie ln tomorrow evcnlnif thn

ijetarr A U Hunt at Hcranton

Vnrrton will be nt the Country

of today for a practice tram

the course and tomorrow will play a thirty

niiholei motoh a alnst tho best ball of two

inwnbrn of thn club On Wednesday the

nmatHir tournament will liewlti with a thirty

dihnlK qualifying round tim trot and twrond-

tliUwiii to qualify for nip Tim final roundswill bi on Haturday nl at thirtysix holtsvhen trier will a trwral handlrnp at fight

esn hole Htcvtal fixtures on Friday will l

n men l ill foursome and putUnir anddriving roMiests

Th wom n players nre always to the frontIn th autumn ant they have a number of Im-

portant uiie titions to dfclilo durliiK ttie re-

mainder or tti month Tilmorrow on the Vls-

Mhlrknn link th Individual championship ofthe Women hit t asue of Philadelphia will

to last until Friday Tho playern who

ivr tnnst nisii spoken of H IlkHy wlminr nrn-

Ml KrntK1 trlsporn UisnmatiMirrhHmplnii-

MM CnWi F Fot MM W M lorham and theMU iaMi SOW that tho inenistntirnnmKiit-I out of tii wiy antI II M Forrent iroHaiim d

n nip winner asnln tho Virginia

lint Springs i loif luh announce an open tourna-

ment for omi n t lie held on Thursday Fridayund satiirday There will be throe cupa tho-

Kifu nf Mrs S narton French and M

Insslls n cup will ho for the best scoreat clehtiwn holm medal piny on Thursdaythe tnt aUht beiriimlnK nintrh play for thVirginia tip mi Friday and tho seoond eight

a ooniluf4on cup Tuesday Oct 16 thelimit Important noinpHtltlon for women of theyear uid from tine national championshipwill l e rri at tin llulttisrnl lolf Club Themwill Ix from IUhty to ninety entrlw nnd asthe prl7 M nre and the condition veryjenerou thn will be hplrlted withoutdluht in It was last year whn the cup winnerswe Mli I ivI-

rUooinwill be nn Uht nhole match play

handicap bogey ntM nnow for n

by Major II I Iarhaueh A medal playhandicap be the feature on the

will rlenr the for theiiiinunl competition for the rlubrhnmplonihlpnip th fclf Could Swires

the iirht ienholo meilnl playround may be returned at any before Oct

7 fight will on for the cupthe round nt eighteen holes to

SOY 3 The irmlttnuK at thlrtysljc-holw will be on Nov 3 nnd thoat holes nn election On the

too there will bo n holehandicap for a cup presented by the Hoard ofUovernors

NEW IlnrNBwjcK Ort annual meet-ing of the New Brunswick Colt Club wa held

on evening The Committee onNomination reported the following names

Iltsddfnt Major C A Krnnfy VlrePxnldtntNellvjn Trra ntr J Ilayftid lUrkpntilcU-

Hftmnry W nddlilonsl OnTprnorvJtunyori Jr Dr J L II llornnand J P

Major Kenner and Mr NelUon declined andChester arid Dr K L Bteyenion

wore elected to inrlr Treasurer KirkPatrick report a larger cn h

at of any oih r year The club I

In a flourishing

Open tournaments on Philadelphia linksnro a novelty the cutw

there lining only foriniinber f the local club in

Oct 18 Hi the 1hllndelnhlnCricket Club will break the rule and bold nnopen tournament with events for Imth wnitHii

men Tho e for women will ln n hamllinpon the morning of the llrst with drivingand content In tire afternoon Themen will play eighteen hole In the afternoon

tlr t unit HMond i iglitnlog for cup There will be a mens hnndlcnpon Saturday nnd a mUeil fnnnmimIn the oftcrnoon Friday nflenn on there willbe a mixed fourwitm golf

liFt COVK Oct 7 The rvptit overNas lint yi itenlHy werethe monthly clas A II and I wonF 1 Irutt C K llerner J It Maxwellrespectively and an nnpronehlng nod ptittinu-orintiit In n lie tw n II I

Pratt nnd II l diinn h enrhthree h ili In in trki Theiwrd

Monthly llnnrilrnp ilau A K II Pratt 01 U-SO I ilyanl SIn M 12 i it M Adam H-AIt 3 S Hopkins ui s 4 A C llumphrryP-T W H A Jrlililnii M 6 IKI W

ilmw II too ft U2-

Cl i i K lifiiifi nil Al I L llortman1r i 14 M llruilrn 10J I4M I P Hlrtrr

IUMir J II Maiwrll 1249H 04 II W Winter121 J 6i f I Kddy 124 2 102 V 12023 17

nd Putting ConlrM II I Pratt19 II M Adams IB S P It W Malwell so C o IMH Jl K II Pratt 21 II C Tap

22 A Sunmrr 22 II K Miltnry 232J II Mutdurk 23 A I lluniphtfyn 24

HACKBXRAIK Oct qualifying roundof j fnr the mens iiiii tihip ofthe llad n i i tluii n ye tirclay flklit t u il fy timlr ilu Oi th twentyentries ev n Imw curd illlimit with thr tle t forfiirhlh mnn Thescone all siMlfli wre

Calder 101 I i2 Shutwell VV lihnon 2e llnlbertiin Ilu K cThomas 111 lo ter 120 Cnnklln 107 IV IISmith Kn 111 Holly I2e It IISmith 122 Wileht II Allen H2110 Hallelt 123 K Palmer 107 Wood Ms

FUST OHANOF Ort 7 The ArMlale GolfClub has bn oganled A courne of nineholes on the Van ArsdaJe tract nt Munti hurlSouth Orange avenue III the omtre of a resi-dential district ha been laid out There ar

lx acres of land nod n number of goodhnrard Including a natural water roiir owhich s to cro i ed twice to make tlmrounds of the llnk Next spring tlm club willbuild n golf house The olllcors are TVllllam President Frederick St John ViceIreMdent Idwnrd S Iniln Treasurer nndJ K Iherinan Secretary

KID Oct 7 The members of theIoU lull began the contest for the

championship ntternoon InClass A thoht were 1 I Free-man PO Paul Wllcoit I Daniel nnd J C Tur-ner 02 Paul Konnedny V i IKV und T TIbid M-

PnroHKKKiStK Oct 7 Yesterday WM abusy day on the links of uoir

the morningand putting ioiitiu both womenwere for iup presented by F II Newbotdt Ml i Hrniiiiin won the puttingmatch for women wltlins iriiofis K-

Adrlanre and W p Adrlnnee tied at I i in tlmplayoff K Adriiitie won In the

h tir women Mr Colllngwuod nndMiss Oliver in Mrs Cnlllngwood won

hhill mat h ton tutu with 17 the Ifig hr econtest tm hole about lnno yardeach Ml ohei wni with ZJ In the namematch rot men fur hr e about ium ynnUeach I Adrian i won will U The regularHaturday mit h wa wnn bv Mr A SWith 00 net mil I r llildnln with 71 net

nKUnviilK net 7 The team ofth diteated he Forest Millgolfers on UK latter link n

The iore i i on latM dl on ill illli Mi Plum 4 Slits Mor-

row 0 he ith rourli 2 dtault 12Iortst IIHIMls fltrk MM Hunt 11 Mr

Woodruff 2 MIsS fury A Tutsi

Tile nrst of A w rle of handicap rolltests Arranged Ortnber and onthellnhonf the cli t ir7nPoint wits plnnd Satunlay 1 li was won

A inter In ni Is i fr tholes Hie mm etiti ii ill In playednext Katiinliv on Ort IOwonn muntlily durini ibe venr willcompete for n silver riipoffiridbviovrnmr Mtnrdiv iflrrttiiu

A W Viwler 2 in SumiflT llronn 1-120IISi lieniBe Srymiiir lr 111 Hsirr-Virdrnliiirch 14 o u II U Unr44 121 VV Immiiis S I c Si nrr-140lfl24 II I Urtltlan 14 to tiNewman 111 1 urm i j-

K oram i 1 nr in 4 isoN II Dir Hit 2 i1i K K Ilionet I4 12 114W Rllurrlf 18520 iss lohniiinScburlcr Imbile He lOilv K 1 VinlcDbuirbi


ell 0 IW II I OUTLOOK Ion Till OlfN-


don a IS II

and Hen litteavIuw lablIn other link





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I nfor




lladlon bit Ill t

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18212140 H P Dtckrrfln l 40148Olant 179 2 lftSi lUrrr Chamberlain 1

16179-OLSV HtDOH Oct 7 The golfs

went to tMl Orange on and were a-

featcd by this scorein lOr n ll Irlffln S A IXckrr Oi AnbrcM

A T n lllf n Kent 2 Total Ulien llld e C Plarc u Nhfrrnan I Ilrouchtoilloldrn 6 Thompson u Total 6

teams of till snni club ala match In whtcii the Kani Orang tear

alto won thui ouretifdrn 0 hart 4 Iluson 0 Ti

tat 4n ItldceMltchrll 0 lode 0 Kelly 0


ILAtsriKMi Oct 7 The m t Importantof tho year In local

ol the lurkthe IlllUldii Tennis nnd Holt tubTin entire wns dovoted to goevents nnd social A womenhandicap competition eighteen holes medii

was morning Two livecups were given HS prlre scorewere a follows

Mlu Ilshy Shfpsrd llllUlde 12 24 84 Ml-

Fl bfl Park 1M 27 Mlv M iodiUl-illllhld 124 27 t7 Mis K IIIII 103 Ml Van llmerdrn hillside Ui 10103 Urs V P Ho fr Illllnldr Ilft o 104 llli-U V n lloskfr Hillside US in lea Ulu Andrrwi-HllWdf 124 IS low MK Sadie U howell Iatl11 20 110 Mlu Prnna Hillside I2S 14MK llnwlsnil lllllnlitr 184 20 114 Mlu Hrlnhar-lllllolilf 112 17 IIA MlM Helen Ue Hillside 14127 lIt MIM I HHldard Illllsldf 144 27Mlu Fleming Hllltm 120 HI Ill ML K

lISt 27 M lloli Hlllld1M 22 111 May Illllildr loll 2211 Miss H C llrrlirrt HlUslite 27 141

Ill the driving match PendletonRogers Hillside wns tlrt with nnof 121 yard 4 Itnhe E Tracy Hillsidewag with nn f 117 yardInches II l el Wright Hillside wondriving match with nn average of 171 yards1 foot I Inch Morgan T Trwnsnndwns second with an nverngoof io yards 1 foot

I Schoontnakur wns nni11 I milliard Park fourth

The winners f mixed approachingputting contents were MJ

M MIIIII hen of tlm Pork clubwith n Thrni fnir were tied f r se ondwith 10 They were Miss Fvans suit I TVanlloskerck Mr and Ivnrts Tracy

flrnc1 Kaufman nnd Whitney linkerIn the men handinphnloH ineilil plnv iVr twn ilver cups thenwere 100 entries Tho lowest mores were

A lllll lile 027 77 rt I C Ulenney-IllllHilf ins 27 7 F A Mntnsby IIIUsMrtOV 27

Stiirr IIIIIMile ton 7 W AMot-tlllllidr us vs1 Ilt rt MllWde V4 12

1 A II Senell Pnik M 27 l I I Srhmnmaker Hillside III liwflj W IVtrivm IIIIMitr-Ift 4l V AtiNitt MltlMr III 27 S4 lir I W

lleiUe IIIIIMclf Ill 27 84 Ir P C ArJ HllUlde-ti1 s V V II Titus IIIIIMde inn IB M ln pnihAseo lllll lile 112 27 M II J ljiilerH-

llUlilf 112 7 4 I r II Van I Htdsi Hill-

side W4 s M I II llanuw HllWde nt 1-4r Vi Vstf Hillside 114 27 7 VV I Uleniify-HIlIMdf O A A M Twfly 104 14-

Mi II I Mlbtard l tlt 7 60 II T Van lkkettle Hillside los 14 on

AT rorintSU-

drnU Jlnch In the Vsrlo-Hllrsnrhrt of Hp rt

For the early sea on of the year unumiaInterest I being shown In tho various brnnchcof sport at Columbia lnlverlty Nnliirall-footlnll I engrossing the largest shnre of attentlon tall work of the erew beginIn earnest and about thirty candidaterowing dilly on tire Md n The bolt houhs been put under the direction of F A

loete the iiperlntwident of buildingground ii bange which will guarantee a-

irfllclewv nnd n svnieni heretofore lockIngthe int the building will opon

frti to all stiiilcntn of the unlver lt tinof their matriculation card

Purlng the uinm r the hou o rind It crafthave he n thnpiuKhly renovated Alumnirwelve the privilege of the hoiin apphl

tne ii at ills nfllru on thelinniiiliito oharge of the houe rmtn Ii-

t oich Fxlwarti Human anti facility willb IlTfd In lit hniid to turn out a wlnnlru

The annual trials for the golf teamwill be held next week Among old can-didates are Call J A Kdwanln J U Itate

Nnsii vv 1 ttlenny and 1 IUioadeThe most promising f this new men are L

Illiwell J 1 VVolffV Hnlsbevk 1 Iliilklo II I Worthlngton

arid F T has roall ranilldnten to maltitiUn n high stand-

ing In their etudle HM the tour-nament will b played at exumlnuUon UmeUnit May ROd he to avort the powl-billty of faculty Interferente In the case of

menIt now win that Krnlo IIJertb the for-

mer N 1 A t runnor and lately trainer of theBerkeley School teun will have

track Interest Tho annual fullgamee will b hId at olumbla Field on Oct20 Besides ih regulation scrntch and handl

iveiit spenlal number will be forIreshtnen for tin cros

tiam all who Intend to competeIn who will negntiato nrlong dlitiinee running in th spring

Iupt J Hiiyie smith 01 tomorrow I

s ton 01 scl ruti and C Atkli-io college ore the only members of In

crns country team Ii ire still In collegeSew men will have to developed thelnternillegjticoiit tntM rr1

pro ct for the gymnastic team Ill brightColumbia w n theKhlp last yenr nn I only one inemtmr ol the uiun

apt J D FuenU hiw left college Thorn lireII of good gymtmsts fmm tiletory scliools In tho mterlng ilas Including

of 1

Hamilton Institute Ileilde VV L titleof am In uni-

versity law sphiMil mid will materiallystrengthen the teiim Clmrle I istond ol-rnllege tills rHeii elected the team

on Dec I Ioluinbla wo meetnnnual chefs match at Prlmvton Ily

lernis f the challenge eachwill runt of till men choMii III nn open un-lviTlly touHiiiinent to e pitted ngninst eiuhlither In the order of the res tier live stHlldlllg-nf the men in the two university tuunianivnu-Ihe liKnl won yenrs rnutcli by

Illtte ShacllncC-

nrKnMOOR Oct 7 Hotneof the boat work ofthe season occurred In the supplementary oompetitions for the State decoration for marktOoth and charphooterx here yesterday on theSew York Si ite range Howie-Iompdiiv II T ent thrd of Ilrooklyn MH Held otDarning hl tlecirni on wiflt 11 total of 47points ill of u sstl 54 u d landing the rtinnrs mi bv 2 points The men who tied for-e ond honor 45 pints werePrivate F A 8ld e ndlck i umpiay K Ninth Hen

jirni C i ral VV Kelly Iunipiny K IwrUth-Krrlmtnt Lleul V Pjlcf l Emd llrglinenl Ueut C II lull K sun Twenty

The following tied for third place with 45points

CAp J K Sfhuvler Company I SeventhTitnt rorporti II uimlnlck Company K Setenth-lltKlmfnl VV K fSpfrnlh Urrlnent Corporal F Itlltrr Company

Twtllih Hrelmni Ptltote ftnlrfrt Com-iany 1 Turelfin HfJlraerit Pilfalr Charlra W Marvne Iompniiy Twenty third llrflment Iletil Fil Si rt eifiilh llrrlmrnt Seaman

A Camp lilvMon Second Natal Ilatlallunlent H Clurk Matt Ilrsl MrlnadeIn this marksiMiiii rlas Private II U Hill

nan R Krgment len thewith 39 nnd Prbntes Hienhniison CornII Thlrueiith undo C lais

II Thirteenth llegimeni weni thewith J Private i

A wentyihird Ilegl enl v s third with7 points

rroMfonntrr llnnnlniThe followers ot the trail on Ioni Island chatted

ra in rk y Uiday The nr t run DAI-

lelil by the litmklyn A f front theEtound At M lh The paik ron tlie groundiowdid Corona nUrltne the fUr of that town andraverxng the Held and toads Inward the upprr endil KlusMnc The n Mt II Itltle o er ls mileIhe giilnirnpfcially In tle tlld heavyton II i Uv rn AUuit

the mini anti watrt until M nimpnnion went InaslManre Tlieie were two parks Thenidernr-

lni hSidney Cuiil first Anthony K UeKeetrr Nationalc second en third P Pryoi

fowlS I lank Vriih flftr IhimiAs I itnsrrI

aiilli-I VV liudlct J rlnhth P-UrQuarte ninm J Dojle

43 nilnutsThe Slsmr rk llnrtlrii weir out nn their

indoliHlf ille nmrjc Kl Vsn Ccutlanilt lark tieiTt rr iiel in niiither win tir the entljiiilAMIri toi iey alter n nit tiuiire with Todd and Melkn

na laid nvrt Hill Ilirmiifliwnmi nnrt Ihe nen well tot tu lie

I he rIle iinlsh nn i K ioM y Irt II Idd S A Vlelloi Jr third l C

Start lourti v SrM0t ihin huh M lurt ixllilime Ill will Ihjtmmiocli ln hIP hanrilmi I

Vellor Jr I A Irrde H deedit Jtidn sinrr snrtJ J MrlVriiHi-

tiIteUled Wedding Annanncemenl-DarniAHTnx1 I Oct7 It hnsjusi beenan

lounred here tint Bayard Foiilke mn of C ipt-

ioiilke foriivrlyir He Sew York brokerageInnof Tlioinn hart vt A Co nnd Mi En-

remoiiy bv hartsV of i hrUt thureh vlimhss

Mr lnulke i ji bmno III Nw York

The Womansit the Sunday Si v and rill UVPMMO Si N rrekenl-

ii Held fur th adtertlvr o tidies thai hasleter ben entered before The nuallly of the maitreif inteint lu wiimrn make dtiJiaUe M


lIen RIdtillurda


East OlalrTo-


woo UlIIIII1nt I loIr Club by


II litbeat





nor IlA P



tit andI





Inlr old



or I and


I can



I olldltlUllr





nftll II r



I lie I In


a ot It

itoIblra UllmtaL



It FIrst

held I







IkIIl I 111th CI

IT IIIIo arid

inleT I



Inh oUI wr lIIarrid tin Sept ZC Tileh





the ruteiI yet i dal

elite rtnhii itipilt




art lilit tracyItt





ilkflop I I Oil ci gilt n











Ill idI lie I all glUna r

a Ill


onIThishi-kii till I

I Itcap-

tain 1 01 t ill


hh PtIIi 0

PrI lIce t on tin un

luit Itut lotI ri tis gSluies 311

ilogli lient i Ill tlI altar ihootor

1 oni than 5 I iti niintpan Ite IC boutI olitthu hITIC I I f ii I








aes en ill hill arthill

ties nIh FIll


athe I s

tilt sect his

see nil

nun llteC feilowl lit on tn onit


was rtrnl














> <







conrsTiTott or TIll suaAA TROS-

UeiUa VraU Company Olganllc chemRaisIng and ncnnlnc Sugar

OmKANH Oct 7 During the PMtthe elevator property and other propertythe river front have been purchased by a Doton syndicate of Identity anti purpofnothing was known It wns disclosed todayand the news wns confirmed from lloslon thatthe purchaser wu the I tilled Fruit Companyor Fruit Trust which controls absolutely thtrail In tropical fruits with Central and KoutlAmerica and that thin company lion uiirrhiiMithin properties In New Orleans with the Inlenlinn of entering the field n competitor of lhSugar Trust by raising sugiir In the West Intiles and Central America and bringing It ti

New Orleans for rellnlng The trade will gIvethe company employment for Its large fleet o

fruit vessel which idle u portion of Ilie iirThe Fruit Trust has had the sugar unde-roiiMiderntlnn for twi

For two the capitalists Interested InUnited Fruit Company had arnturprlse on the productiontAW sugnr In vastu sugar In Co tu where themade experiments which It Is nvimotthrill the wns 1101 chimericalwas more nor less thnn alternatingwith till production or fruit and sugar on tiname demonstrating BUocesi-

nl the plan with thn Hlcabegan viwt tract ot sugar hunt

anti It 1 said that to thins present Himthey havi neoulredoversugar lands In Cuba III the vicinity of Cninjltix ntly they placed nn the llnldwi-ilH itnotlvi In Philadelphia for ter

tonwill to HUM ubnn plantationsMil nearly readywill to handle Its other products verycheaply lu their fruit vessel cancurrying sugar wh n fnilt I not In season It I

understood that the purchasedfruit on the riverbo used for the erettlon of a sugar Mlnerj-


Theyll Forfeit Their hand If IHtorder-lHennn Under lljll Offends Aaln

l ul KnlUky of 47 Seventh avenue whofor years ins been doing nn extensive biulnew the pollen cuurte us a prof lonnl bonds-

man appeared before Magistrate Mende y-

terduy In the Vet Wide court mist ofTerixl U

give ball In the sum of uoo for Emma JetTHrwinwho had just be n committed to the work-

house for threw months In defaultAll right sKId Maglstrnte Meado I hnvi-

no right of course to refuse to you akocurlty Hut se Kultsky I give yoifair warning now woman M innrhuitlil he kept ut of thti way If she getsuit now nnd ippoar us a prisoner again inone ui th bearid the nionev collected to the lat

It has never l en dune lief re Iscauw It wnthin this kind of bomb would

hold Hut they Iuer-miiitly declared tile forfeited In order tget it test cns and the Judges of Specialslims decided that thee arelike any other kind of bonds and may l e forlelted i soon as the the bom-hus lon violated The Hoard of Magistratehas the matter over and we have concludoil for the future lo procexd

whoso bond agreement In violatedIt no longer as In the when a wotnsimight be arrested tie slay committed balletout then arrested the next staywithout tier uondmon Klng nlTectedhave your warning now Kallnky I annow ready to security

I vont half your Ka-Iliky grubbing startod out of tincourt room

the flIrt messenger who had iiim-nioned lid saw a erout of 111 hands seled the scared botidmai-by the and tried to i rsuadi him thattile danger was not so great ns It seemed

1 vont do It Knliky teorim-hlnih lf away I toot do It for anyrilngs

e Ach


nde flown and ChMed Young ParaderlIn the Street

ORANOK 7Three young mnmembers of the crack Essex Troop wereflood 120 each In the Hast Orange polkacourt last night for riding Into a number ofboya who were parading In East Orange onH pt 28 The men were Stephen Ilens-helRer Jr West Orange John L Youngand Crane of Newark All areknown socially

On till In question the SecondWard McKInley volt Club of Fjist-Ornngo was a parade Inwith n banner raising Is composedof boy from in to 14 nf ageciiniH from the bit families In the city HarryVhltlng Mark Smith llerl ert Condit

Oeorge P lr swore last night thatthree troopers rorte Into the rank that

Mr Van demanded that the lastsgive him their strum and when refusedtwo of tho horsemen charged at them whileMr ItensselHer after thornIll the lawn of Joseph H Allen nt I Ml proiKict-strnet following tIm up c n lr Allens stoopunit riding from ond to of th

The defendants said that they hind beendining ut tile orange club were not In-

toxitatod Mr Young claimed that hi horsran away with him and he oould not controlltund the had stoned hInt Thelines that worst Imposed worst paid

pKvrr nr irr LIT IX UAIXK

A Sirplu Instead of Ihe Famine ThatTruit Trlrri Indicated

IlANmiB Oct 5 Inteid of dnnser of nn Icefamine on account of a short supply III MaineUM wit announced last spring tIt was moreIce thai thn demand called for The shippinghea nn I now practically over and on the 1enob-HcotM duo tons remain to L carriedover to next year not more than 4UO J

tons of the soodOu tons on the Keimetec liuvebeen sent away On this river the empty houseswill tie filled most of them being owned theAmerican Ice Company but the outlook ontIe Kennebec is not promising

It cftld that the Ice Companywill have several strnii onpeMtom Inbilftiijes here this Inter reircsent ofvarious concerns hsvliig been III Die Stalelately looklnd ior ites on whIch to reot newhouses or options on properties thatore ill reiulv for operations

Maine ian Ice for thin entireAtlantic HKiboaril were all this to beImproved and tee can be harvested nt very

cost for this labor I cheap anti the ndltlon of the very bet roll Is nrnt

nineteen years In twenty This year

lower price to Philadelphia andSew York have been only 44 to is cents a ton

Frsctired Spine Fatal 1rt Nrnllh

Mrs Annie Smith who rIll from n thlrdstorrfire escape nt her liotne 2491 Third avenue amonth ago and fractured hint spine tiled yes-

terday In lust Harlem Hospital An operationbeen on the

bv Or V Dudley one o tho visitingphysicians nnd hope wa eniertnlned tot her re-covery pneumonia set In and cmivddeath

The WeatherThe atcrm which wa central over lows on Saturdn

was passing yeMrrriay orcr the j ke reclin nnilh-

rntwnrd Into surrounded by rain In all theStiten hnrderlnr the thence inM td In

the Ne Kntlsnd and middle Atlantic nmtti wherethe wind blnwlnc on shore Hlfh wind prevnlkj III the L An area of hlsh pressurewas cimlnfT down orr Montana the Iinkotxs andMlnnrwta where the trmpriature tnlllnr and

Mow freezlnc poInt In the morning The coldweathrr will spread Into the Central Stairs and IaUe-

reiflom todayIt was warmer In the Ohio Valley section In the At-

lantic States the change nllKhtIn this city the day was with a light rirli

dIng rain wind en t southeast and generalaverage humidity 7 per rent harnmeter mt-

tected Ij read to tea Icon at S A M 1024 3 P M

The temperature a recorded by Ihe official ther-mometer and also by Tug HfNs thermometer al Ihe-

itlrel Irtel It shown In the annexed tableOfflfJ4 Smiii OffJflu Huil

mini 1898 IVUiV Itiliu IS ill loiuA M 3 SV f4 IP MCd 67

12M 64 SI fC Ii I MBd r7SP Uti 05 C7I2 Mid 06 ft1 07


UdlllldW1or New England rain to day cooler eicept In eat

Maine fair I morrow Irish southeast uhlftlng toInhale northwest

taitnn Veu Vo Veir Itritu taittrn Itnnunit lirlAuart rain and io j

h ni4irr ir befit ninlhirni vlntli-Por the District of ulumtils Maryland and Vll-

Clnln rsln ouster to sin fair in morrow and rontlnueu pool fresh nmtlmeM Hinds

Eon West Virginia we tern Pennsylvania anti westeon Irw York clrnrlne anti colder today fair tomorrow and contlnutil cool mesh to blUk noiUiweitwind


Nil weekon




IJ RrIthin







h tIeI lIb










NJ Oct



an rod


wl hltIrdI



noll b


ice nt si nand could beers lIIn a



loadlAkes And




e ei



Ira cool






I bitt

C eta lIla utah Intl

a hit

wit ii

t ttflt l hire Itthi thihhl I

las SC tutu

tin ih1nl ri nit


ho tt tot I cIted




i ou





I loot t





gAll thia


lasshas going heggin

ton hass

r ornt diril hoer





art IC



















The following are the tables by districtsManhattan and The llronx of the oonveynnomortgages nnd projected building for tho

Oat 8

CONVBYANCR5NtNo Nominal Amout

Downtown 22 flA4Kaitflldr 44 22West aide 48 21 4872-llailem 67 17 JAlu-llnmx US B7

Total 117 120378U-OHTOAUKJ

fio AmniDowntown J2S481Ka Side 64 U7 7

West tIde 71SIl-lsrlem 7 4444lions at 42V1

Downtown 6 iar2v1440 IM


Totals 50 ilOTlTS

The following are the correspondingfor the week ending Sept 20-


Vn Ncntnal A maunDowntown t 14 777I

7 14 117 A

HI 2 17S72Harlem M 17 12021-Uroni 81 44 1KA71




West SideHarlemllronx




No A moo n21 1141

89 J4U38-

IAnnvr roirvAlbert Ixfiholm of Ml KaM Ninetieth street

has been a talloi In this city for more tbniiyears tnken from Presbyterian llotpltal yea

tocall arruses his telallis of iryinc to kill him furpur iwof gelllne his Insurance mother

Court Calendar this Day

Appellate IilTlslon Supreme Court Adjournedict M

Supreme Court Special Term P it 1at 101 A U Pan IL Px part

matters Part III Case unflnlshrd Motions IN-

murrer1 No lilDt IV 1412 1419 1416 1417 14U1432 14S3 1419 I44i 1447 144 137U Preferi-erauvt No ISJ 1649 I64D 1BJ 1167 1733 173-

I8U7 1731 l61PartlV Cleai arid Fact Nn-UJ4 IH76 1334 1173 1SS2 1301 1344 I3 3 in010 fi fisn 1402 1510 Part V CleatCases from Part IV VL lean Cases frorPart IV Pait VII No day calendar Trial Ten

lad IL Clear cauxs Nov 4KS-I67M 32U4 6 li 604 Part ilL Cue unnntshedNov 147 IM4 12UJ 1371 1344 Part IV AdJourneil unlll Monday Oct Ia Part V Cleartales from Part 111 VL lear Cases mooPall ilL Part VTL Oar Nos 12VO 2 3U 4 J

loll 2023 612 2216 4647 1000 tart V IIIunfinished la e from Part VIL Part IX CleaiCasts from Pail Iart X Cus unfinishedCase from Part VIL Part M lIAr Casefrom Part Part ML Clear CASTS ParII

Surrivale Court Chambers For probate willof Charles M Ualherhe Kalharlna Calm Albertlirelner csroline Smith Charlotte llecker RichardKurt KlluUlh Men Ann K McKee FrederickVoljt Ebeneier II PlillllDi at 1030 A M TrialTerm Nos 1S11 164 1671 1477 1691 16J2 1S 3

164 18 I6S7 1698 180 UIII IK2 18tiJ-16VI 1600 159s 1619 1800 1MI 11021603 1604 IftOfl Idnfl U07-

niy Court Court opens at 10 A MMotions Trial lerm Part L Clear Nos 16J4

2344 3 1 1104 32 213 2200 2277 1130 2104llli 2434 2040 671 1196 2218 1U94 2720 12101607 lAns ISnO K1U 1611 1 I2 1013 1AI4 1 16

tail pan II Oar Nos 134V 1425 1218HIM 1247 2208 B2W 1279 1311 7 t 14 14321343 1140 ISM 1333 I38S I 37 1241 12371317 MIS 13IW 1372 134 1144 1S64 23l 1303Uf 2 1311 Part ilL Clear Nol 16W1 I486 13S71932 1181 1112 1212 216 754 7M1 1121 1601 13091227 1917 ISIS ll 20 16204 If21 1122 1823ICU 1A26 1620 I 27 1B2 IA20 1630 IC1I Pal

lear Short eau 3 Nos 2721 2722 21432189 22SO 2872 291 2802 2303 2410 2612 24642170 2300 UPI 2463 2e2 2843 2013 2873 29022941 2947 2S2I 212-

7Citjj ltalBorough ot Manhattftn Sale or Rent

Nover Before Offorod INew American basement bouse now approachln

completion for sale This being flnlihdand It situated In bean o

the fashionable section close to Filth Arenu-


Abnre 14tli SI 5th Av lo Kail Sliver

Three story hIgh stoop private dwell-Ing h use hirdwtKMl open plumbingflnesl Inrntion n Harlem house Is In first rolldillon throuirhoul can be seen at arty time owner olpremise

1 nTII ST 21 KANT Three tory fume dwellIn Hsl rla s order Irnmedlal

possession OWNEH 21 Last I2 th at

Borough of IJrooUlyn Sale or UouuI-

WOPAMItV IlOfSKSTwostorr and asemeBl1 stnne fronts lust completed all houses on block

stunt II ulj between llowsratoil Saratoga OTTn NINUnit llulld-

erJurllinn to ct-



To rent ton the season A fully furnished residence26 ft wide with lange dining room and bed room ex-

UuiliM never before rentedFull wlttul vi 1 r Itn


Int and imrtmruts tnntrdIAIKiP WANTKI to 125thWest modern improvement

rent 120 A box 142 Hun office

T KXIXOTON HONewlT furnished roomen tulle or ninth open plumbing all Improve

mIDI referencesT EXINOTOX AV furnished

lIft and small rooms bath hoi and cold walet-eteftenees required

214 EAST telephone 8 8lhA1 I heeiful room Ian also smallroom private house only gentlemen

TH ST 130 KA8T llindsomely furnishedl rooms and small for tentlemei-

iiinTH STT7 int nAST Vacanrlei smallU i23nto IS new rcnofnted Madison Square


Iltrhelass house renovated throughml large room hot and Mid eatenblh on flnir slnrle room lireakfasl ralet Telephori 351 MadOon Sguare401 ST 13 ASTComfortable

furnished House for permanentdesirable people private bath

Tim iriiKX16 West 2th M rooms en suite or singly mulloptimal exreutlonalty rood hump cooking la taIserved for slmpt r from 12 to1referencesi-entlemen preferred Telephone

ST 17 VVEST Insunny front hall room well furnished ample

ronrenlencet quiet hou e entrance references fourth floor

1 OTIl ST 40 VVKSTA suite with private bathi Ihiee cenllemen good service refcreate

1 OTIl ST717 WIST Nicely tuinfshed rooms Tri

a stitch rontenlent I all earserm moderate beautifully furnished parlor tulla

ton donor or dentIstST ST 3ft VVKSTMire and small rooms In

I tulrate hoyse private bath transients serumodalealreterenc-

eMST 0 rooms for1 sIngle and en nulle special terms by month or

ST ins WTSTKleranlly furnished frontant back psrlur opportunity for doctor


W Comfortable rooms ton gentlemen valet servicereakfAM optlnnal

ST 4 WEST heaulttullyfuTnlshedroom-I nor bachelors eicellent service btAklASI op

lonal sperla1 tales for season one small team4011 ST WEST Large neallyI furnished hnmellke sunnundlngs hot and

running wAter batb gas quiet gentleman orprices moderate

23A ANt 238 near Hroadway and Allcars Handsomely furnished double slid slnrle

board opllonal also pallet floor ton doctorunnlnf water



47 g418047





Total Z SA

Bide 6

II 29aIIIO011 24 0

t1 HidWtAt


WI Side 37l64 6201118



SI 1014111








IL ham

61 1I7


U 3

I t


Is In11


21 ItST MadiSon and

Io tutits

nOl t


Shut at

FIt lIon ls II nibin tamlI

i tpflrtlflCflt


l fC i fo lbl

sT I






fur two or


IIiJJ roodMrs



0 small


Ill ST




No mount

Iastttest Side



110 I87IU5Na Amount

1806621Itact Side 35 720658

7521111116 154545

hast Side 6741148528-




the Insanenit









I 9ITII Si between 8th-I ASS

a <




urittslird tocun toet-Eat Side



1I lange


large irj1 >

Sest Side






I 1iI
















TeitM TH ST 143 WK3T newly furnlnh

rooms large small private QMI boon summer rales-

TH ST 104 VVKSTNewly furnished housei ui slncle or en tulle hal

boy allend nceST ST 08vKSTTwoiaue And rifle

01 room veil lurnlshed prltste house gentle-men prefenrd


ST 4 l trlwien llh tnt 3thLarge Instill and hall rooms tullable gentlemen

terms moderateAV Pir-

lor and large square Mom every conveniencegentlemen only reffrene-

KAN IC8ljjrce and en suiteall ImurnTcment moderate

Scmid nno hall squsrirooms lewly fuinlsiitd all conveniences quiet

refined irentlemen nnl-

GHKriNi AV ft3l ilnspjirk NeTwli

nnd hall t im breakfis-npllonsl Cntleinen preferred

1 741 Newly tiirnlshifI closfls runnlrit water family gentlemen or business ladles reference

nVKMSOX ST 258 near DeKelhar Ilirdsomeilooms liiifly en suit families gentle-

men refeienees-T11101fJliMV ST if fVrge

11 looms Iv ladle or gentlemenTerms reasonable

5Tit ST roomfloor eveiy

erence near I sort

Enst SlUr

MADISON 87 Desirable loom ateamheaUdtuperlor ward locnllor cen-

tral iranslenlsAt isoV JS3 Is Handsome suites

1 1 end ingle room with board for gentlemenreferencesST AUt i sii w iin ritop

3 7 and a EMI 311 siCentral locallot desiiaUllooms pitvale ialhs parlor dining r jnv-

VVml Hlrte

117 nest arlj rgflrooms lo party of enllemen gooJ

board reference

irffl ST 24 WBHTxicelr furnlsbed largeJ I room with board couple or families reference

ST 3ft VVPST Itoons with hoard tran-sients taken central location ttine doon

Item Ilnwlway pArlorrtlnlne rtnii-nooflT ST 2 U VVlST furnishedOO with stand both large and small also tableboard

4STH ST 227 WEST Handsome rooms dresvroom hot ansi told water large closet

bath rilntmrrnom tuperlor table and ser-

vice gentlemen reterenceiWEST

Handsomely furnished room singly en suitebaths every ronrenlence advice

table and AppointmentsCATII ST S VVPSTiloird handsomely fur

nlshfd back parlor suite with bath Iblrd andfourth story ICJCTIS and small


OLUViniA IIEK3IITS 139 flaysmall rooms well healed superior board couples

or gentlemen referencelAilROIi ST furnished on

V second floor modern conveniences singly ensuite board optional

AV 427Newly furnished androoms tingle and en suite unsurpassed lo-

rMlou superior VIle ronrenlent I refer-ences

AV 328Handsomely fumlthed flooren suite 01 slncly alt tmpiovrments board op-


HANCOCK ST 01 gentlemen wtlllnrfor lovely home ran be accommodated

wIth owner

PARK BUfpnPHOSPKCT PLACE 110AleoT3d floor home cooking half hour lo Sew

York modeiul-et JAURS PLACE 294Newly furnished orun-

fumlthed rooms every cnnvenlenee good hornboard gentlemen preferred reference

IDNRV PIJVCK 20Cholce of decoratedJ tulles every convenIence board Included refer-

ence required8T 718 Oenlleman wishing lo makeIn prlvale faintly pleasant sunny room

boaidST451 AV parlor also

front square room Ml Improvement excellenttable reference

HTTFICI A I HLO W E IlSItosemakert and branchwanld steady work

filMOMiS 4 5 nieeckerslWanted

I J Smyth sewing machIne lifN7Iin llliua-DfKnlhnT anti Uoehwell place llrookly-nIIACV PKATHKitSP te small handstand

learners CHAS n POTTKIl 24 Ilond stc

and small paste work steady and good viiIIOX CO s-

iDomristic Servants Wanted

10 EAM 321 MTelephone Call IDJ6 Mad Sq




ServantS engngemems wilt bemissed Iron offlc slid torlell all thaiS w leepalL

IlrnoUIrn OfSee 84 Vevlns St

jsr to 110 rooks in laun-dress number waitresses French and ierman

ladles maids nurses lu cooks who nash and linn3n luiindretnes rhamberwork Mtehenmaldst-ervanUs In All caparltles wanted Immedlntely Mrs1 SiCLY 10 32d si Telephone call 103

Sq llrooklyn oftlif 34

AM WAITftHSS two In tam1 Ily wages 120 references required


ANt VVAITRRSS two Infamily references required

tIes U SPKIV Kasl32d itI-

HAMHKIIMAH ANf WAITUKSS 118 lo goJ toNewburgh V references resumed

Vtrs I SKfIY ID KaMJMll-OMPKTKNT MAlI fur two young ladle tn the

city references reiiulre4Mrs l

MAi to g totoil D C srmHlress r ferenee reiiulred

Mrs I SBKIV In last id itNPnsr fur three weeks old

wages 23 bet references requiredMrs I 32d st

COMPETENT WAITItESS J2n smallN rerrrenre required


125 In an apArlmeni referencesrequited U 10 Past 32d tCOMPETENT IAPNI1IUSS to assist with some

cmul wages best references re-

quired Sirs 1 SRRIV In Fast 32d silAfNUHIss ANrrififCMKS1-

V maid la go lu Wllllamshrldee heat referencesrequired Mrs SKKlY in 32d

s head andgood wares petmanenl Hare best references

required Mrs I Ill EastV H WOMAN as waitress to go

to Klberon N 1 reference requiredMrs I Ill st

COOK lo in lo irecnnlrh Oonii123 references rrqulreiL

Tire I sninv o East 2d stlOMPKTKNT COOK 2o Uundres and chamber

V maid J2 waitress 2n In go to llatiyum 1 L-

rtly later test reference teqiilred-Urs l

COMPETENTCHAMflEiniAII thy family refciences required

SriRIV 10 Kasl 32d t-

OMPETENTCMAVIHEIIMAH In assist iuiplain washing wares JS rrferrrce required

Mrs I MKKIV Id Kasl J2il t

IAfXDHESS eight In amlly tc1 Conn references required


v dress lo go to lesd KI references re-

quired Mrs I Sits 10 iaslS2dstilllla

V plain Isundrj to Co to Ncsrsboiough wanes20 K2 references required

1 10 hast 32d st-

pOMPKTKNT IArXliltPSS2 six In familyX references required

I t t-

r lOMPKTKNT IAIX HESSin avsfl with someelirtmberwnrk for now at N Yefe-

rences req ilred Mrs I SPPIY 10 KAl12d sv-

IOMPKTKXT CDlili loirMonn7N J-

w right tn family best references requiredK SCPIV 10 last 32d st-

V tefeteiice requiredMM SEKIY If K t 32d st-

IOK ANTiAiNhniss o M-

v references requiredMrv SPKIV IB Easi d st-

i lOOKS laundresses wallresses chambermaidsV clambermAld end Undiesses ehamhenraldand walirnsrs kllclienmntdH nnd l undres es by theday wanted al

IlARTIIumMKWN Ill IIKAl 211 Kasl ltd

COOK 20 fuur In family four tn help tn godistance from the city references

Mrs I SEKLY 19 Ealt 32d

oil FREXCil MAID one understand-ing bait dressing wares 23 best reference

trqulied L aEELY l East 324 it

cfumi htd CJmJJ pn1mtut to tt-o





0 rum I A 1


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lallllgentlemen only ret


ttcrt olm1


iiI m r


fI I




IU f1fO

d a-


G liE

23 upl




1 seaJ

rilIHMONT 482 Newly funnishied hark

snoUt singlelJ ears


fi rooms









txrref erenlw




aTli backI

ffititttdttnn1t-A1 era

34 and

Igirls large trim




Ie flu a I e a-


who daItast



Mrs 324 a-

tC hafor the city



JO East 3d a-

tC OMIrilTNl LAIhIS Washinggood

ID East 32d at




Pat o-

tC OtlII1TINT LAIStilllSS i rind2d o-

tC OMltTENTEast 2d

t wages

I East 324 s4


IOMIItT1NTit to Stamford


1051 llTlNt VutNl Chi In assist wtlh-


Mrs SIiLS 10



i og Un four In ftutnhi to go to Tar rylown5

family liithe cii





> <








I SKELV 10 PASt12dtt

huller waxes logo a short distanceIhe City refrrrncc

Mrs I SI5PIV loraIMdft-fjl STriAfisl fXIl K S large family prnmi

lifntrlly planeMrs 1 SKIILY lunnMSIds-

liymsTciAris WAITRESS is n to in p nwood N J references required

Mr I inp sl12dstNfRsE fur two small children In go T-

St LouIs best references icijtilredI Ks l 32d st

CLASS conK 18 tn 1411 Morrlstown nowtrferencesreinlted

U ID Kist 32d stTIHSTCISSCOK Swedish pteletted wages

130 referencesMr I SKKIV 10 ESSI 32d st-

JMIIST CLASS IAtNDRKSS 20 waItress 120In family petmnnenl ely place ref

eterces required Mrs I 10 s-

i1HHT CLASS IAf NDUKSSi J23 familyJ best references

K SIriY 10 Knst 12d tl17IllSTnASB WAITRESS 121 In go In lIce

J permanent piice referencesrequited Mrs 10 12d st

A thiiioiiehly undersland hair dressing goodWAKes leletrnce reriulred

Mrs I 10 rast12dst-illBXcH NLiiSK for grown for tile thy

IiletriirtsL SEKIV IB l l-

ipllKNCH MIII AXD cll AMIIKIIMAII in enN V wntes 12 references re-

quired tins I SKR1V 10 Last 32d stOR PRKNCII XfRSE ton Iwo grown

children till place reference requIredMl I SEEIV 10 hast 32d

ilOtSKVVORKrhman tteferril iinjhaiincey sjL linoklyn

WANTrI afamily numbet e f servant kept gn d wages

llrsl required tugnlo biiiE Alsotint das took wages references

I SrPIV 10 Ka l12dMJ-AtxnnRSSwilling to some

JJ work smail family references requiredfsrmV

AMI IMAMnPIIUAII sevenJ family for lllrhwivid N t ware J2n refer-

ence requited SEIIY Ill EMI 32d stLAfNnHKSS lo o Motrls Plnlns good wages

I SHKIV 10KnstJ2dsl-TAPXntlESS 1M lor family At Red Hank NJ-t references required

L SEPLY 10 Kasl S2d st-

T ArXDIIESS Ami rilAMIlEltMAID four InfamIly l go to Weslchesier J22 references te

Mr I SEEIV II hast 32d st-

TArNfiRESS AND CHAMfiERMAli1J In family references tennlted

Mrs U SEEIV IB East 32d t-

LAtXDRKSS AND CHAMnrRMAID logoloTntrytown N V references tenulred

Mrs U SEEIV IP East32d st-

AtXDRKSS rilAMnKRMAID five In11 family In the city references requIred

Mr U SKKIV 10 East 32d st-

AtNDRESS 120 fIve InU family references tequlrej

I 10 Fast 32d st-

vrimHK AND SPAMSTRESS S20 for the city11 child 2U two years anti n half best tefetences-tenulred L SPKIV Ill EASt12d st-

kTOHTIl QKRMAX NlRSE one child 3

i did wages to go tn MrrrlUown N Jreferences required Mrs SEEIV IH Ka l32d st-

XTORTH rKRMAX VOfXO aBnvetneM for child three years old wages

120 references renulredL SKPLV 10 KASI 12d st-

TORTH OKRMAV TROTESTAXT XUHSE twoI children 2 and 9 wares 122 to go to Harrison

N V references requiredMrs I SKEW 10 EaM 3d t

PROTESTANT ciiAMnrRUAin 120 Protestant122 p rlormld J20

small family In the rtly permanent place lest retclears Mrs L 1U East 32d St

PROTESTANT YOlXO GIRL it assist with somewages 2 references required


togolo X J referencesSIrs I SKEIV IU Cast 2dstI-

ROTKSTAVT LAUNDRESS bassIst wills somechambrwork for living In Orange N J

wages 1211 best reference required-Mr L 10 East 32d it

SWEDISH WAITnESS IIM20 In familyreferences requIred


wages best references requiredIB East I2d t

7AITRESS ANT CHAMBERMAID 118 fourIn to It Tarrrtown N Vi refer

races required Mrs I

TAITRESS ibrre In family vanes 120 lo goto-iv Newark N 1 references required


thy famIly references resultedMrs I SEKLV IB K tS2dtt-

LOlNO WOMAN AS COOK laIhe city goud wages references required

Mrs SEEIV 10 stTANTEDOttl for general boiiseworkln a small

private family must Have good references 440East lh st

find second and useful men chefsJ coachman wanted Immediately

Mrs I SKKIY IB Eitl2dMAN to go lo Newport A

1 wages 133 city later reference requiredMrs I SKKIY IB t-

SoMPKTKVr SECOND MAN wages 40 togo tolltltlmure tefetencts required

MrtL 10 last 32d st-

iIRST CLASS HlTLRH html and footI man good wages pcimancnt place In the cliyireferences requIred

L SEKIY 10Kast32dstTHIRST CLASS ntTLKK with second man io go

Mass wages referencesMrs L SEEIV 10 32d st-

PIRST CIAS IltTLnn Pngllth rreferre-dI wages 190 logo In Albany N V refer

nee tcqiilred tIns ID East 32d t-

ITIIOdnAPHIC POSTER ARTISTS In blackJ and colors loud wage and steady employent lo competent men AddressOX U Clnilnnall O iNewporl Ky

s a suburb uf Clndnimll O i

Situations Xtantfrt Jrmalfji

WANTED teacher nf expeitence IntIe oial work nf trashing the deaf desires s po

Illon AddrssMISS COt Kwl nV


TAXTED fly a ynunr I dy telephone switchboard In or public over 2

Iperlcnce Address M A 4173 3d av

Situations IVantfil fltoU


Mercantile anti professionalworker imen women

yi nil girl for high grade

211 K 421 st IXew-Diiroin Tel 2984 1Mh st York


nKNTIEMAN fully with aimlem huMA nesiriirthiid an t en ncrnunianl and lookeenrr liniiei nnd Ihnrniichl lusiwonhy dslres A

o Hlin uiejceiiinil lefeieneis fmni pist em-loyrrs would arcipl small cum ensstlon at

VV f tKix2 Sun nfflre

4 IRXTIKMAN 2s refined apA pe rnnce aeru iimed tn trsnvacilon cf hotness

eiUlrlnc impressive ptsuaslve milliner of Meerhnci anti tmnnr now open for engage

berth refereure VV II

RI PKCTniK-A laiideil wuu d take a poSition as nscker or portern hotel ir store ha seven

general hardnare nisleien i well educated goodefrtence MAIKH 117ft 3d av tlninx-

SKPIL MAN Ingle lierrnAii 27 good appearatice wishes In business or private

use HKIHSTKIN 104 Park av-


nnd SJntrrwt-


Invr 1er cult Onellunilred car Adjustmien linn is

hereby gIven thai the Hoard nf Ulieenrsti rniAny us tie tnbedtie and payable

n the Hrsl nf Nuvemiirr liini An InsiAlmetunterf i bring Ihe fnurtb Insinltnent upon the atmve-mnds al the rule if Pnur Ier ivm on hOe nsr

mount tlnrenf being Kurt1 IMinr iJ4n escli-ine lliiiuxnnd dnllAr SI Imrd and Twenty dotnrs ln in on etch Fir hundred dullitr-md Such Inteiet lll be paid st fifllre nf the

No 50 v ar Slrert ew Ynrk Cliy Newnn ihe muixm imnd urmn ire and

iirrrnder if the te pitivr coupon NIMIIEUED 4the Registered Unnd I registered holders

thereof on November I Ui transfer bonks ofRegMeied i ind eli ense m October IS 1000will remain rns d mill November 2 IDOO-

Ily order of MlrertnrsII W liVHDIMR Asslstanl Treasurer

Jfew York Splemt li i

riii ATniiKiiv JOIIIKA AM SAVT-Ari IJAIIIHHII r iniAvAdjustment lions

A semi annual Installment nf two pet cenl In ref Interest nn the MTAMIKD Mont

Itnndsnf the Atchison Topeka and Santa PeHallway Company will at II ofBre No 5

New C Uv on November t I mm-pon ptesenutlnn and surrender of the

coupons numbered K from Stamped Adjustment lendsH W QARDlXKli Aitliunl

N w York 8ept 27 v

ometic 1trVflflt W1UItCL

1SflII8II LAIflhS MAIL one who i a good1J SCAflIstnCa to to onood huurk wages 20-be rrjerence required

1iuItSTCiASS b to itIrons



lRSIcity hiler




ala in


IAIii ANT 51t lSlhirSS one Who


Mea hast



rit1NSftAl OOOII wares er

1rnt MCIIhPIft in gentlemanI I

class I Ill

II ltst at1 AtNnIIKSS Iii





Slit taut






fill-s ocr



19 East 3244




mOat be competent to g to Tuzedo Pars good


vFat 32404




1 I


groom cuda-





quired East





1 I years

fflrhhsInmiseUt Oil 0

Melanits and

0 equlI phd


tol ci iieach nt I 7 Sun ofitre

VelN IItlSllMNIateIhail ears



intel nrtrnences



INotice is

of this laced

8 i i

a lie

lurkand sin


the Ilnard

















ojit Office 31otic-


Shnuidbe read HAILV all Interested Mrhanjeamay at any time

mills fur wiek coilIng Oct 11will rinse PROMPTLY III nil oivsi M the lenernlPint iifficc fnllnw PAIICIILS IliST MAILSclnv nitr hnur tinIer than rlnslni llmr shown beln-wPnrrls Malls fur rinse At P M Mun


IIPSDAV At n A M fur AiilIKH 1SLVXD4sOrrel t r ramhli Illnce A 7 A U-

ft tt lianinli Ijthn1 la South

Ulnwil p r sleainshlp jinniM siiiileineniatv U A MI

fur KflliiPf ier st l

NI ittiamiiinn for lielAtid must lie itlrecled-l T sieninsWp NeW Vtk nl II A M supple

Inenintv In 11 A Mi fnr PI lliilE per Mennvship Teiilnulr lt guirnstnwn al ticS A VI

r dlriMl n t xleAinshlp SnulhWAtKmall miut IK dlfcled per atcAmshlp South

naik-TIlPRSIiVV Al t TI A M fnr rtROIl per

sttainsttlp AniriMte Vletiil i riymnulhfniili fur Iranie S ltrrrlAnd

Slieln PliluKnl Tmliey Keypi llrlllsh Indiannd Mnrqiiei vln Chiilmiirt must blUrerted tier lrnn hlp Aucustr VMrtnrli atfi1n A for PIIANCrt SWITEIltAXIITALY SPAIN PiiinTiiAL IfllKKV-IiVPT Hlimsll INDIA unit I HIENZO-MAI KS per steamship Ivi Tnuralnr viaUnite nill nf must bodirected t M Tmiialnei-

SAHRDAV Al 4in A M for rUlOPK txr-steamshln KtrurlA tin Vueenstnwn mall for uer

lienmnrk Sweden Norway ClirhtlanlalRnsl must be iltreiteil prr sleamslilp-

EtrnrlV Al 1 In A M fir DEN-MARK S VEIHS MniwAvtciiHisriANiAia-mi ItlSSIA A Southnmptnn mil firemen tmall fi llier parts ofKnroie rnii t lie illrerrd t er steamshipal NKMliillAXiSiiect per slemship MaAsdini mill roust dlrertrd per steamsll Vlunslnm nl I V M for SCOTLAND

r city nf Rome mall oust be dl-

lerteil frt MeAtnslilp Cliy nf Hume l

PRINTED MATTER irs This sleAtner takesPlnleil Mnller CnnitneirUI ant Samplf lot iietmany only The class of mallmatter fir nlhet nf Kurtiir will not be ocnt-b tills lilii unless spei iMIy directed by tier

After the of tlir Supplementary TtniisntlAntie Mnlls mimed nl nr

snails ntiened nn the nf the Amer-ican Knellsh ntnl ifiinnn steamernnU until Ten Minutes ofthe hour nf snlllnc nt Mcainei


MONDAVAt 2 P M ft IlKPU-Blir IRPOfAV nnd PARAOIAY Steamship Kaffir Prince

A 3i A M 1030-A Ml fnr CKXTIIAL AMERICA lexcerl Cost

and PAilPH PORTS per steam-ship AlllAIICA tll lolnll IIIAll flitlnu t IK directed per steamship AlllsncA nt-

12in P M I P MI forWINllW Allis ISLANDS end DEM

MeamMilp Madtana At W P Mfor JAMAICA pet MeAnishli Admiral DewfIlm liostnn-

WEDNESUAV Al 10 A M for JNAOVA HAITIAnd SAXTA MARTHA per Ilelvertvmnl m AM f r tin Pernnmbucofind

ilnrludliiR Auenllne Re-public and ParaKuay nheii

fur this steamerA M Inr ttejira-

snli Mercalnr tin Prnereso inmll must be dlterteil pet steamship MetPAtnl at I P M fot-Ct MA CATAN TADASCOand CHIAPAS tIer steamship elliotton Un Hfivsna and for otherpHrtsnf Mexico must lie directed per steamshipCilynf Washington At 1 P Mt n per steamship Anllllamull must l e illtected ted Anttll-

aTHlltSliAY Al 210 A for JAMAICA pertteamsMii Admlril Sampson from llnotnn

A M fur petut I P M MI fur SAIdSAT OtANfANAMO antI SANTIAGOftiamshlp Saratoga 1 P M for YUCATANVIA Pngresu 11 llerinum

FRIDAY At I M fur INAiCA And CAPR-iiRACIAS per sleAmshlp Knnir Prnde mallfor IninilcA Puerto andtieiiremoPs tnu l t rilieclril per KongPrude at 1 P M fur viaper seam hlp Maunms mail must be directed

MCAinshlt MManusiSATURDAY At A M supplementary n 0-

P Mi for KORTIXKSAVANIILA CAUTIIAilKXA And GREYTOWN ret steamship Alene Small for oatsStirs must AleneAt 1 A M for PORTO RICO rt steamship-San Juan via San Juan at 10 A supple-mentary inSO A M tnt CtHACAO antiPlKlA per steamship HildU mall forrillln and AtthAf en must be directed net steeroship Iltlduri at II A M tot TH A steamshipHavana la At 12 M lot NEWKOUNDLAND per cknmshlp Silvia

Stalls for Newfoundland b rail to North SydneyAnd thence by steam er tins At lhl office ilall-raH1fP hereevetyWednesday and Salurdayi Malli for

rail to And thence by steamerat M Mnlln for Cubaby nail lo Pnit and thence by steamerclose At this nftlee dally at 7 A M the connect-ing closes ate un Sunday Wednesday and FrIdayMalls for overland unlessaddressed for despatch tleamet close at Ihlioffice dally At 2 3 i A And 2 30 P M Stallsfor Illlire Puerto Cortei and Guatemala bytall to Sew Orleans And thence by steamerclose HI thIs ofilce daily Al i on connect-ing closes here Monday llellie Puerto Cortefand iiiislemalai Malls for COsta RICA by tAllIn Mobile Aln and thence by steamer closeM this office dally t 3 oo M connectingcloses here every Tuesday Rtgltleted matcln es nl COn P previous osy-

THANSPAnPIf MAIMMalls for China Japan And Philippine vii

Tsmmn 1 ere dally At e 10 I1 M up lo Octiet

fur HAWAII Chins Japan and Philippine IslandsVIA San rinse hele dally at 10 P U-

up In ort 112 Inclusive for despatch per steamship America Maiu Mails for viaStill close here dally nt V P M uplo Ocl Inclusive for ilespAtch per steamship Auslralln Mull for Auslralls eieeptWest Australia which tn VIA Kutupe and NewZeHlnnd width go via San Francisco antiIll Island vis VAnrouver dose here dully st63ft P M up tn ll Inclusive fur de-

tpalrli ftenni Mlowera upp-lmenuiy malls via Seattle clove st 6SO-P M Ort I4 Malls for HAWAII

Japan Chins And Philippine Islands via Sanclove here st 030 P M up to

Oct 2I IneluMtr f dispatch perClt of Prkin Mails fir exceptWest Autiiliai Xew XiilanilAnd Samonn Island San rtftnclsco close

nipInclustve nr nn nf arrival nf steam-

ship taraiianln due nt Now York Oct 127for steinishiti Alatneda Mallsfur China antI ala Vancouver lose horndally nl 0 3 P M ui I lint M Inclusive fordespatch per sujmshlp Empress nf Japan deglslentil mall mu t Ii directed via

miitls ate fntwnrded to port of sailingarid tIm schedule of closIng I arranged on lbs

resumption nf their unlntettuiited overland transitrinses al A dn-

CORNEUtS VAX PnsUiaslcrOffice Xew York X V Oft 3 moo



IAILST IN D1SEASIS OF MEN OLD DRGRIN-ILE haS teen longer established mid has had more

iperlence than any other adverllsingpapers move this tide hit system

rralroenl and sklndlseases In bonesinots sore throal and mouth ulcers painful swellnrs kidney slid bladder c mtUlniv In

lammstlnn rtavcl organs weakvitality Are permanently tuned Mea

iboul tn marry should go lo S oldliver 171 West I2lh t

lh and 7lh ovs Impediment removediufferers do not wasTe time less skilfulphysician Rem mlr HO lIlt IIRINULK bas

routminus cures Advice Inca Medicineil Routs Oln u Sundays o lo 3

OLD Illl eiltiV 4S ears n tperisllit Iniif men nnlv Quickest permanent car

ruarintefd In All thin dl ea e lo men bloodskin diseases kidney and bladder trouble

nervniis debllny errors of youth b4dreams undeveloped organs Impediments to mat

Ac ConSult old first the oldst established aol the longest In ol anr-

rlsllfct In the eMy olire ver 33 years al 1207lh t near l nmn Sqnnre Hours 0 lo J Sun-ny H lo 1 ScleiiunetreAlmenl advice free Ile4l-Ine 3n rein Xi rhslge unless cured

R AND MRS AMES oldesl Andfll spectnlM in trmsli Irreirulirltles established

0 years MlnlinftreatmentImmediate rei xltlvelv gtiaanlreil in must obstinate uses

ulvite Ktaduslrd phrslctaa-nnxittailiiQ free rmndenllal 144 VVtsl oppolle Iruetits Thenlle4 orirKTST PPRMANKXT CillE InA dAneetmi CAse tellef at oncehnse desiring only first dass scientifiC treatment

DR tinXSCRUR41 Vesi i i st utni r in ii Sunday in to 1

A DR CONRADS SANITARRM Rslafci sm InwA ei nf nornen newly and corn

leiely enulpped 127 VV 47th t ilate 117 Cotsfree hours ft hend tot booklet TeL

32i 3Sth1 DR HUNKS SANATORIVMTUS West 47th-A M establIshed l dlseass of womenihttne 2701 as-

vl KCiilAr rhvMdsn positivelycures female Irregularities ngle run

Crllllil sift Vr l iid t

fll AND tIltS female specialistcareful rnindenltAl treatment strictly

Ue Al once wlthnu twin or medIcine

IVatrhtis fluid 3Jnvtlrij-

t KRKIV PAVMTNTS line diamond wstcBenvte fticex business confiden

WATCH MIPlY ro 1 MAlden lane

ATKXTS for Inventions promptly lowrates lliKIilH A lllUsi Brie

2 Nassau M V V-

iUillinrrt and rr smahing-

sfllS RKMODELIED altered BeaUMnIetslan this Capes

atiblousu Kloai al 11 AItKKH3111 lib tt


curtrelznt I its


I list I irn ii sit 0Ia a S lit

lltSStII si Ii

lit r I

Ph Ill iII s

an liltitt It uil I Inc usd1 fish fr irrlaisil ititist lta

ttEUNPMIt V At 7 A5 tLl

I Chili

iIi I Si


sblitro Itlinc

I Amen ill


iii tin list 15 I

I ales itt



5 I

C s 81 furIs



li lensslime

I Icited ii g

siIiIi usualtar are lens I

Fr hiih I

rem ii 0 us hull

A 1llINIIlen I

I tics Sill r Ii

tVthti anti

Salt I Nstibirrn I nail I

Icr steamship UredanSO ten



at-C Iretotla



1 j


31 I





bthia office dali at 830 P







slithieredalhi itt S St ttltrr I Sit il4and tiptoOct27





1 p

physIcianthy o



IS atbetween




risC lIt IreEast



dIMrf men

siitilil call I


SiS tel

I I Isine

Stills ti KitI J

I East Oth st5-

I 0 0 WEST liTII ST Pr rowe cures Irregulaid

1 1




ten >

repairedmade into















