SUN SATURDAY MAY 19 1900 tl M of i a TilE r f I root u iiipplUd to him by men and women whom h n ver aeen before pitiable obleeU In London were f dlshovelM noldler In the tre t whose Mcap wa Impossible but who M the obJects of Ihn mob affectionateattention were nearly lorn to piece with klndnesis- Thn latest note of this moat extraordinary demonstration of modern time 1 musical tribute HadeoHowel Many thomand voices are within eanhot M this 1 written cheering III name and singing For a Jolly OoodlVUo Account jut arriving ten ot nlmllarioenea throughout Kngland Scotland Ireland and Wales They will continue today truly this war promise to bo more remarkable for the trannformatlon of the En U Into n motional people than for any rolllury menta It record There WM ft wonderful aoene M opera at Cerent Garden TbeMT when the reflef or known after the MOond eat of towmi rln The Prim and Prlnoei of wale the Duke of York the DucheSs of Uie Kin of Sweden and Nonrar nd Vlo torte were piwmt The news appanjntlr emanated from the Princeofmle but the QuJetunUI the Information readied The awSenos announced the Dews la the olce of t de- manded that the orchestra play Quen Herr Mottl who wa oondnctwr had retired and the rwnaiulnfinurfolanri hetitated but the udeiweitra k up the national hymn The reraltiee can to the front of thatr box the Prince of Walee time perhaps nn- OMdonilr with The aoene terrnl Bated with roars and oheer f JnNlaMen The Lord Mayor ha cabled toCoUBadenVowoll In Ckblemewhaftmoflfrla wanted for the need f the garrison and hfcabttanttafter the lon Nitrations- BATTLIXO ron Advlcxt ot Fighting Abonl tke Teww and an the Head Thither apKltl Dfitxitttiil la Tn 9CI Prom Tna SCTa CorresponiUnt Prttorta- PlutTOBiA Mar 17 via Lorenzo MarqM May Id Advloes have received here effect that sharp continues around PMTDnr May 18 rla Norwio Marqnee May IT B o P Mlleavy flhtln U again re- ported along the lln of the Bechuanaland Rail- way LAiftaH XSK rrjvvirr flrorv rr been Destroy Bullway Camnenleatlon Be- twt n Walal and the TraniraaL- xndai DfipotfWt tt TBI SUN rtoaJfdtkttlf Correspondent with lh Doers VOLMRCST on the Tran vaal border May 11 via Lorenzo Marques May 18 S P M The large tunnel at Lnlngs Nek which was feet long and afforded the only means of rail- way communication between Natal and the Tramvaal has Just been completely destroyed by the Boers who blew It up with dynamite A very large quantity of the euplotlve was used and Its effect was terrific The shock was felt for a great dlstano The tunnel U now com- pletely chokd from end to end with huge masses of earth and rock which will require month end great engineering eklll to remove Alt the commandos are occupying One strntrgic positions and are confident that they can easily repel any by Gen llullnr to nter Transvaal of Lalng Nek- IOXDON May 18 A from Oen Roberts ayn fluller reports today Friday Newcastle was occupied last ntght and todny the Snrond Division and the Third Cavalry Drlgado will concentrato there I have sent a forco of mounted troops through Nqutu Ilorkns Drift to turnout a small force of the enemy and to ren ire thn natives The enemy burned the Catholic chapel plundered many honst and took cash from the banks Other- wise hny did not do much harm The railway Is badly damaged The Wiwrhtiank Ingacune and Nkandhla bridges hav been destroyed Many culverts the pumping water tanks hnrn also destroyed Of the 7000 men flying before us about a thousand seem to have gone to VaUkerstrooin end some by Millers Pns to the Free State The remainder who ate described a disorganized rabble have gone north They nay they Intend to snake a stand DASNIIAVSEII Natal May 17Jen Duller hat received n congratulatory message from the Queen on the occupation of Dundee In which her Majesty eipresse her appreciation of the conduct of the troops coaMorns CAPTURED One of Three Who Surrendered to Lord KobrrMi Troops I Nimrd Ilotha Special CM n pafftifoTllR flux From Triri SUrts Corre pondf nt at PretoiU- rniTORtA May l via Iorenro Marques May IT V I M There hi great dKBculty In getting despatches through owing to the strict rensomhlp which Is being maintained Cot Blake of Irish Urlgada succeeded In cleverly escaping nt Kroonstnd All the Federal commandoes are concentrat- ing In the Draketmberg Christiana ated the republican troops yesterday LONDON May t The War Office hu re- ceived the following despatch from Lord Hub erts dated Kroonstad May 18 Methuen entered yesterday with- out oppcMltlon Gens Duprez and Daniels and forty men nurrenilered Ian Hamilton cavalry under Droadwood occupied Llndley yesterday There was slight oppiisltlon and two of our men were wounded was not there Ills government ofllclals left lad Sunday Muttons mounted men yesterday surprt ed and captured about thirty miles northwest uf this place Commandant Dothn Field Cornet Caosen flve 1olmnne burg policemen and seventeen Doers There were no casualties on our tide Butler reports that suveral Natal farmers are handing In their arm Iord Hobertss ct patci about the capture of Commandant llntliu gives no Idea as to which Itntha Is meant There are several officers named Hotha In tbi Hoer army one of whom U Louis Ilotha the CominnnilerliiChlef who surcooilod ien Jiiuliert A rfcspatrh t a nenii agency from Kroonitad ny hit tl lloers In retreating to the Vaal River destroyed tlw bridge across the Hhenos- tor Hlv- ervtrt irorrn VSK noun orvs It Eiprrls In liesrin Its Artlllfrr with Wrap nn From the Trsniritil- Sjwlll CtNt nlpIfflf THK HLS- LOXIMIX May 10 despatch to the Sfanrfnrd train Durban cays that the Satal Parliament TIS pixcpd on Us second reading a bill for a loan- jElnmiion The Prime Minister stated that It the intention ti rearm thn Natal Held nr tlllery at an early lain with obtained from the Transvaal HP also announced that a special court would l iiecl to try rebels- It would probably inrluiio an Knih Judge FOOl lirRIHFn TO THK- E prrt llnn the Hallway train nttioa Pull lip Closed Krtnii iMt Htitiiti to TUB SCN- LnMicN May l The 7iis Correspondent at Lorenzo ilrapntrh doted May ITsaynlliiit In anticipation of thnrloslngnf lh railway frim IMnson tiny to Pretoria tin Boer agents are buying alt the nvallabla pro- vision and forwarding them with all ived to the Transvail iraordinnry efforts havo ben taken to hasten lli despatch of lhe n applies flKrnrtr or iioRns TRoll ATAt- Fedrrsl CommtndiK Up w Line of- lletenre on the Frontier flrwinl CaMe Uttrait lit THE SVM From TUB Sfxs orrrpon4nt lh rwrj CCMiEK Natal May IJvii Lorenzo Marques S3 5S5 doun drlnb on th had Th the 1 I i leI I and t Idle r I Fie I boA and t n h bal j I j i eoN 1 I I t t I AFr l Ira I at 1 ben t- ote J II I i 1 i t t I i I 21S l f i t r 1 J 1j t jl J I tempt j J i j b n 1 I t a J I at rk- t f BOEI II I t I was evaou h Hoop lad t i 1 f S fl a I I TRUtUI Tai tj in a i as most r1 t triCot t i u J i rae I j H the q afoirg was mad I I t I I I ii there God ae the L 1 I bt I i Cab I ktn- gj g Cab I tt tr iee the i1 ki ij 1 I I I I LaIn t I the lI1 C j L I I r I p cat gun l Marrtiu I I Take with ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ > > May IT ISO P MUnder orders from Pretoria the Federal commandos are retiring to the Natal defence tine Alt the commlasarlat and material have been removed from here The railway ls doing excellent work The artillery and the wagons of the the various laagers were removed In perfect order Aa they passed llatllngs rtilt glganllo and orderly re- treat presented a weird scene fRJHt UTATKRI JOG HOUg- Mtmbtrsor the Volkiratd Advise Theta to Mr Down Their Arms afttlal Cable Dnvaleh It TUB Sflt- ProoTni Sfss Correjpondtnl Roberta KnocWMAD May IT MManyb- urghera are handing their rifles and gong to their homea under e ort of Prllltn troops Two members of the Orange Free State Volks of Kroonstnd and Mr Macdonal of Wepener are and e- advWn the Free Btato burghers dofrn their arms sod return to their homes mnnitn OVXBOAT TIIRKATIIHBD- vert ef a Beer Blew Cp Ferte al- Delat oa Hal t u Ay May ITThere ta a sensational from DelB oa Day of a Boer blot to British gunboat Forte after the manner In wWoh the Maine was destroyed In Havana Harbor The authorities at Delagoa Bay convinced that the reporta are well the Forte puts out to Ha for seven miles every night MA r BLOW vr jonAirttssavno XINKS- ssrt Bnger Bald to Be CaaMs te Pre veal each A tto by the Boon IXWDOX May l The correspondent of the Morning Pott at Kroonstad dating his despatch May IT says that the principal mines at Johao- nertujrg have beso prepared for destruotloa The blowing of them tip has deferred until the British cross the Scat denfEraier la powerless TMNSTAAIS SKIT CAPITAL reretrDOonrali Said to Pretoria for flr lal Call Dntutlt w THE IXWDON May despatch to the Daily ilctttrom Pretoria dated Friday nays that the foreign Consuls are leaving Pretoria for Lydenburg TIlE SIKOK OP JMFJCSfVO- IHllanl Detente Offered by MentCol lltdea Powell and nil Small Force For more than seven months Mafektng defended by a small force of Irregular levies under R 8 8 UadenPoweU has held out against a much greater force of lloers- Ilesides persistent attacks by an active and vigilant enemy the garrison hike suffered under the hardships Incident to mien asle e priva- tion anxiety hunger heat and constant exer- tion In repuNIng the advances of the foe Throughout according to the messages sent out by the commanding omcr bv runners the men have been cheerful willing coura- geous and skilful In the arts of war though at the outset they were practically without ex- perience The fact that tIm defence been maintained under such adverse conditions U what makes the work of HadenPowella force chiefly remarkable Mafeklnc Is a unmll town of wooden buildings In African Republic about rli miles from the border of U Is Im- portant because the railroad from Cape Town to lluluwayo run through It It Is SO miles from Cape Town as thu crow fllen and moro than thousand as hoc railroad train creeps for through that country the trains do not do much better ihan creep From Pretoria It Is about ISO to the westward and ItU about the from Johannesburg It stand In n level tract of country and I watered by a river When the became dark Col Baden Powell was eut from his Rhodesia In comrnandof a detachment of about twelve hundred Irregular levies hastily collected to es- tablish himself at Matching und hold It at all costs should war breakout At the beginning of hostilities he set his men to enlarging the small fortx there and building extensive trenches and barricade Tim town woe to all Intents and purposes In a stage of tlege before hostilities actually began There were n num bar of of experience under lladenPowill Including Port Unds hruthur Lord Kentlnck and the moor talltv among Ihn offlcers him been great In the engagement which made the history The Transvaal ultimatum was to Kiurland onoct 10 and llo rs before Mafeklng under andnttacked tlie liir The garrison had their Maxim guns and siege well and effectually checked the advance of the Doers but alter a short Inter- mission th attack was renewed and on Ort ID A sortie was made the British In which It wee reported that the lloer loss wee threu to eighteen lost by the the loern for a with which proceeded tV bombard the town but 4 the garrison coiiilructed bombproof ami first day two born burdtnent did little harm Meantime word reached them that Col Pluiner was marching Rhodesia to rrsnie and other forces would be brought up as soon as powslbla to raise siege Mire Hoeri coming too At one time It Is twilmatetl that thure was of Sooo oiltHlde the town but repeated to rbukw the ilefeniv and the were moet nt oil point with unflagging courage and or the Hocrs wrr withdrawn to the of len Melliiinni column but to kep continually harassing the British and pre- vent taking any action elonal sorllM somn which were brilliantly niicc sstul on a email seal Each llrter tried to extend their trenclux near the lon thn ItritMi u alticks luvnriatilv ilrov barlt the advance of the defenders may be Judged tIp following extrncts a sent bv runner fnun Col BnlenPowell t Lord KohorlA After MO days sleg I d 1re tobring to your Lordships nonce the i rood spirit of loyalty that till classes of this gar rl m men half of whom are Jinncciis to thouKt of Arm have adopted to their duties with the greatest zeal readlnems and and of the remarkable With such a organization PIIH like clockwork and I hnvo every hope It wilt in wucrexsfuny through abortive on Ilie IMh ln t Feb the southwestern forts tln enemy line been comparatively quiet There no very little rifle lire Thu cltiens are preparing to ielebrato tint Jiitli day nf tie dinners lli r miilf tlesh termed the rliUf articles nf diet VeKBiAMes were very rnrce anti brought tremendous ami linurlos w r The initlve were the nr KUlTerep wnntlnc thick end rndurnnce of the women amid children of linrilhlri low fever Col Powell ile Rtch ra o of whiskey wits raffled ofT unit brought more than K i Still tlie of III tacit was unbroken anti tIter woe no render The only fear among Hi defender was that MI ninny of ill of fever and the raking tire of the which ut ilnnK vi pt thn that there would by bv not bi- inough left to nn attack In force Meantime Lord Holieris who was in cation with ill Llirriion by menn of runners with onn degree of regularity um cording ine sige to thorn to up heart was making hi preparations to relieve Hm When woe matured wherebv Jen Archibald Hunter wee sent with the relieving eipedltlnii lird Roberts In the pre enc of several of hU officer Mafeklng will be relieved IS ion Hunters finn tether with that of the garrison outnumbers tIle lIneN In that vicinity and the beslegwl the sIege that with anything like an eiiiul force they could drive hoer nwv MlMlnR tiny Fonnrt In the Itlrrr thirteenyearold Charles Rad cliff of tnTVr t I0ld street who disappeared a week ego loot Mondiv fonni by some boatmen In the North River peir street yesterriar lie wee met seen playing on the hank near where his was found nnd It Is supposed he accidentally tell Into t he river family WIped lot hr l lh In One Werk- FnFfFnirn Md Slay IS Jacob Dixon a wellknown citizen of Point of Rocks aged jo died at hi horn early this week after a chart nines A few previous his daughter died Mr Plton death wits hy the death of hi wife Hebecca Duon wiping I out the fatuity In one week wIll OeD BOlhlaIDolhl her a rI- M are- a plat r SU bOn Pre lana IDA a mil mal In lb tnt I dave I of thouan h or fort adult r than front lord on I spirit our I p a r all n kp l all In I Tht body or wa tlh ho I c the read noise lbs Cable DMI to TI aJ Cm4 Du to Tna lIe Soc lieiit Cot has the tiouth poet many tiDe very riirce aiuut three roIiC beeie een after the the the were left oeca lute Sm to attack mlii licldtn ntlreIt the the tIrtttIi iliuuiv lieu Its tien that them I toure t rIM ittuil the tin helm hay bet nrc the teginuitrup tt Mrs > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < < < > NEELYS CONFESSES neSTKS OIVB1 UP 34900 OT CUBAN POST oreicit pivttnitn nil KTldroce Mid to Neelys Convlo tlonMeelr Alleged to Have flea a 8m g- Isr Toollemors of More Startling D velapoienttfrltlclinii of bsn aper al Diipattfi la TUB SUN HAVANA May 18The authorities appear to have acted wisely In riot placing Deputy Audi- tor Reeves In Jail Their reason for taking this course wa that It wan considered best for the Investigation of the postal department that he should have more freedom than the other sus- pects The result Is Ihat Reeves has been talk Ing He Las confessed enough to conviction of Financial Agent Neely an absolute certainty on the face of the evidence was closely questioned last night by offlcers and he admitted that before leaving Neely gave him 14800 In return for which he was to straighten the accounts and audit them as being correct This sum came to him the day Neely tailed Neely wanted to have his tricks covered by expert hands and was able and willing to oay liberally for It kept his booty Intact and turned It all the authorities last night How much other moneyhe received has not learned of his confession has leaked out It is known however that he told other things and it la presumed that he disclosed all his re- lations with Neely Until he weakened the authorities realized that they had a difficult task to connect him positively with the embez ilements According to Information given to the Secret Service mon Neely did a little smuggling as well as stealing Itlsswerted that he Imported as for the Post Office Department many cargoes of paper free of The duty on paper Is very high He subsequently sold the paper to a Spanish printer who was thus enabled to beat all competitors In bidding for contracts The amount of ditties Involved Is said to be tsoooo butt this Is not verified Rumors of more startling con- tinue to be putt In and most sensational affect officers of the post office whose names have not yet been connected with the scandal but nothing definite has yet been given out The story cabled from the United States that I2000o00 worth of counter- feit stamps had been printed at Muncie Ind and cent to Cuba Is considered nonsense here Inasmuch as there are more stamps here now than can be accounted for It Is certain that the surcharged stamps were not nil destroyed This Is admitted by who was one of the committee the itlloco worth of stamps last July With this cur plueage to be got rid of It WM not necessary to counterfeit stamps as they could not have dlspoted of Cuban papers are beginning to take up the icandal They comment Insistently upon the tact that the American prisoners are treated with greater respect whereas the Cuban customs officials under were led In disgrace through the CuJwno wants nIl the American officials to be placed under bonds for the faithful performance of their duties Iurhn anil the Norton Insist that the Engineers Deportment should be In- vestigated The resolution of Congress looking- to all of Investigations Is condemned by the which says that the investiga- tions are wanted by the Democrats to hurt the Republicans and are not sought for the In- terests of Cuba It adds that If the Democrats were really In earnest about having a clean ad- ministration hero they would have bestirred themselves sooner Instead of walling for the political campaign to begin RATItnOXE 31 AY HE DISULtSKD nfflcUli Determined That Every Man Im- plicated Shall He Itroaiht to Trial WAsniNdiON May l80fflclal of the Ad- ministration are amazed at the extent of the Cuban postal frauds and as the evidence accum- ulates If Is mild to strengthen tim position of the President and the member of the Cabinet that everything possible shall bo done to bring- to trial every man Implicated either directly- or Indirectly lu thefrauds It IM certain that the suspension of Director of Posts Hathbone will be permanent Fourth Assistant Post roasterGeneral Bristow goes to Cuba with full authority as Mr Rathbones superior to dismiss him and It Is believed that he will do It It la not believed that Ilathbone Is connected with any of the Irregularities but he Is being severely criticised for hU failure to allow In- vestigation of hIs vouchers by the military authorities of Cuba When tlm service wits established Director placed In full control was not subordinate to the Military Gover- nor except when ho had to draw from the Governor fufllclent fluids to make up the de- ficit In the postal accounts A plan for this waa agreed upon the Treasurer of the Island Issuing to Director Hatlibon drawn upon of the General Treasury During lien Brookes administration In Cuba tho war were Issued without much complaint on concealment of thy vouchers Vheu Gen Wood succeeded len Brooke he contended that as the customs receipts were being u ed In part to the postal bervicM the military authorities had a right to require Hathlxmo to lih vouchers in of tile financial miitt A official of thei Government paid today that whenever ion Wood toad arty in the direction of examining theso he woe rOot with a which emphasized the contention of Director that h was not under the authority- of War merit Gen with the War Department a written the matter wn pending when the dis- covery of SVelys UefalCHtlon cainu to light The Pntmi terieiirnl said today that thertt I nu loiinOHiloii for tlm story Mun pit to the effect thai rotnpatiy Is t IHIVI counterfeit for distribution tn po t The Department ha no Government do lertlves working on For the Infornintlon of the 1realdent the has a ctntenient showing the whole number of tamps to to have been Inss titan ll i Of this Issue HOOono was In surcharged Tho taInt number of which might be counterfeited Is therefore less ixx0oo worth Instead of iilOOO as has been tug A postal official recently returned to Wash two hide tights on Veelys ponditrt while ns- llnanclil agent was public knovlndge said official lint could b bor- rowed from by on any security and that th loaned were out postal revenue Loans obtained through this channel u r at a uniform rate of in per cent a month cond point WHS that nil sale of htntnps mado ly to outside offlcers were mad for cash This I HUM ficnUlcaiit IDstmKrs order rwiui- hlllons on blank forms ini tialed bv th 1 bird Asutstant ernl and sent to the lliireiii of EngravIng and Printing are then Postmaster at reasonable iniervnls Hut In Cub received mch blank forms Orders for stamps wen rn de from him by Po tmaters RS th latter have ordered clothes or food from- a store nnd were always by cash to tile ninoiint of thv order If this story proves correct NeelyH opportunity doubted It possible for a stamp getup under such circumstances to re- mittaticivs with the Government not only by Kiinstitutini statnps for ones butt also by entering halt or more than half his sales as nale wldle receiving ca h for every stamp issued nitis TO nrKT THE KELY CASK AttornryOrneml irli s llMfts One and Mr Ray Introdnces Another In the llnosf- W siitxiiTiix May is AttorneyGeneral- Grlggs tuna ilrafteil a bill to meet the case which was approved at the Cabinet meet- Ing today and sent to the chairmen of iho Senate And Hnino Judiciary committee with the request that It be pnssedlmmeillately The Mil provides lint the statutes relative to ditlonlietween the tnlteili States nnil countries with whirl the frilled States his treaties of ex- tradition shall apply to the extradition nf fugi- tive from Justice from Cuba while th govern- ment of that island it exerciser under the nu- thorily of the Vnlted State It provides that extradition powers In force between the vail PAL loser Papua Rene lenA ben dut development Rene ben art The port Tie plat warrant rant tale Ill 1 t Z I lon S 11 amp h SI for lIra RIo CaM make tthe and the situ I mid turin I I offices hilt liii Due cent sie I our ton ltavi miii tot er t in t t tie cliii id nuts rtlltuup thy are Post niniorion hoot it bruce imiado t ho lit ill ely C as < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ < The Uneeda s m FJheeda Graham Wafer latest member of the Uneeda Another achieve- ment of scientific baking The in the use of Graham flour is represented by Uneeda Graham Wafer All the nutriment all the goodness is preserved in the most dainty and palatable When you with Uneeda Graham WaFery- ou find a table requisite delicious all dishes suitable occasions a pleasing change for appetite Dont forget Uneeda Biscuit Jtn r Wayfer NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I I Bab- yI fay form wit I I Ld I- IW I llhiI JJ 1- A L A i ¬ < OUR States shall be extended to the Philippines Ouam Hawaii Porto lllco Th Attorney General fald that Mich n law would make escape Impossible but need not be construed to mean that the Government cannot hold him now arid take him back to Ha- vana for trial the bill meets curb strong opposition among lawyers in Senate and house that It probably cannot paw at least not In lie present shape Senator Near chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Is inclined to believe that it would bo a very dangernm to etablMi to p n n law permitting th extradition of an American dtim to n country where the common doe rIot pre- vail Mr Hoar will have a talk with before action M taken as will the member of the llousoCoimnitte nnu of to the till us- Mr Hoar Is The Senate Judiciary Commute will m et on Monday to mailer Thu House on the Jiidinnrv inday lookup question of providing to rUHr offencex ot a character to e rlmrgeil against Neely and others In the tiil In Cuba In order that and other mar be extradited Atlorneytienernl- Orlggs a letter to ItepresentatiV Hay rlialrman of the roiomittee a draft of his bill In which he requested that tutu lull be Introdiufil and pai a HH possible A subrotnuilttee conMstingof Kay Mttletlelil Dear and Clflvton appointed to consider Tlie flit to the tne tlne of the committee Mr Ray Introduced the following bill Srrtion SJ70 if the Slalutfs hftfby- RmiiitfJ by sddtng pmnsn Provided that whtnrvrr any or territory or any part tbrrref under the control M ivfinmfniof the Inurd Msts anti the Vnltfd Stairs bynrtuf fongrrss nr ihrnujh is- nillUmy nr otherwise has rMabllthnl nrsn- thorlted governmental conlrol mrr vime In whole nr In part any rltlim nf the fiiltil States Any plare or uince In Ibe control or government vt ouch fotrliru- terrltnty or country or lilly putt theiciif ny- aiilhnilty of the Inltrd St p nr any of tie pincer or dei nrlrnents or uny olhr person nhu shell attend ln the etlmln rule or regulations irgularly r lntll tirJ by tile fnlled- Mtstn or Us any Mr the ronlrolur ginrrnMnlof fmntrv r- territory or against lemgnlred by Sl te ll cifllrer us In force In fnrelirii country r territory anti depmt- nr Heel Iherefrurn and be found therein be surrendered to the nuthntlllMof the jotted Stairs and relumed und urrendeted in the such liiielgn country nr ter- ritory fur trIal under the l w Suit In force In tIde place where such crlrn was rnrtmllle H- Ihertotlstonsof section S27 to ftJ77 of tIde lllle are made to the arrest holdlnt nnd our tender of rrfrrtril toln Attorneyderieral irlgcs hopes to bo able to WOO should the bill ho fall to puss It has been suggested that It might l posslhl for the to turn over to the ofllrinl on the ground that crime was committed in n country undr military liirlsdlctlon All lawyers HooKevelt cannot him rly Hrarlng on Thursday at AtnAsr May l The bearing before liov Roosevelt In th case of C K W Neely nccu l- of fraud In Cuba will lake nest Thursday at noon at Oyster liny It being the tjovernor Intention to return to Iinc leland n xt k Thn iovernor Is to decide nn application of l at WaphliiKton for Nwlvs pitrailitlon to Cuba IFOVMV nowvir PEAl IIR KHVT orr The Crnf rnl onferelire of the Mrlbrxllst Prof- estjint Church Stay Decide Against Her ATLANTIC CITT ienorn- lCotiferennof till Methodist Protestant thiirrh ably will beromolnvolved the old iiie tlon of admitting women to th iiiiii try Mr Starr who ha a charge HI nnd who wile ordained by thin Northern Illinois Conference sent lire delegate to the ue An rnergetie ile unite tinny follow tic question ni her after n report inmiln iho credential iom- mitteo It Is curtain that not be allowed to In the proceeding of the resion It I iirobnbli1 that tnn meeting will pass a vote of cen ure ngainsl the Illinois Conference for admitting Mr Starr to the The llev I S Stephens Chancellor of the Kansas city was electprl President of Conference nnd Kev 11 I Kldriilee tbn Western Theological Seminary elected Itghtnlng Marriage Prom the Itndirtttr HtrnU Slay 14 Kdward linker a dele- gate tn the county lodge nt Alabama nnd drove to llntnvla nnd met Mis Found while on his way to the former place MIr attending the morning and afternoon pe ion Of tn lodge went to the v randall ami were united In marrlag notii parties are know In Lo old wit G whom the fIt th alpd p mOld was morrow lId I fol n I fIr ilt lii I In rvl hi Jlr r hI on wliicti Iroh Inn the of Hrr lar- A TE for Ho eels that it law the art trniitly loinliut I tee law receuu t at ivus Itiik its I I uuieuu t lie temporary itt there Mitt uatts suit liotitirS toil trol of alt n4r tOte Rut I ice ngree Oyster hay 4 the hlnte N Mat Is The United States lucre tolay warm was us- a shit will was one nell ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > i munis ifiii THIS nrr ricorlril hy Several Cnngrrtsmen Start for shtncton Under thin escort of Congressman Sillier of New YOlk Allen of Nebraska Koblnson of Nebraska and Kticl y of Kansas the liner Knvoy left thl city fur Washington on the Ioiitfrevsinnnl Limited over the Pennsylvania Ilnilroad at 3 30 yeterduy afternoon Senator Mason of Illinois bud intended to be of the bU lie mi fd th train at Washington Tho iiieiuliiTk of ongri ss Panic merely its tirlvato oitiren and In no way n an ofllcial or repre HntatlvH body It wo l In the mornliifi- whill they rcuclieil h ro mid n little lifter when they ncr iHKPIitt d to 111 Hoer nt the Manhattan Hotel In addition e just al rame on iim on Minilar errand C P Ilridn of Wn and Pev Cornelius Vnnder- hoef of linltlinore The tntlre party at a break fust tocitlier in lute Ivtiiisvlvnnia otntlon rcttaurint in Jersey city and from j there went ilirertly by way of the Twenty third ret ferry lintel Manhattan Mr Sulir reiiie ted by the ineinlwrs of the party to 1111 a pokismuti and he con- tented After the wer over he taid Ve come mi part nf the rill zenii of Mshlncton ro you In the of our tin reirhlrnr WnsUinglon you will bo received liy u coinniitt ami corted to th Hotel Arllnuton Kirher tlmnUed- the CoiiKre inen mi behalf of lloor tin of certain citlwns nf llnlllmore nail us h caul tor Mayor Hnye that Yunderhuif nked to visit llaltlmore Th Invitation was uciopied by Mr KIsPluT iirovtded tin changes were mado j In their present ulans- TlieTnvoyi luncheon nt Manhattan j and loft there n little otter 2 oclock for the htrivi ferry They loft early Mr P IxMiter VeKels said bicauso meaning reporters would be coining to them lit moment for statements when In reality bad no more utatemenla to make Concerning the reverfes of ihn Itoer irm rcforlid In yesterday after- noons paper Mr Wei el saul V dont know whitlier It Is true or not The Knellsh have of all news oiitlotf If It Is true will wo cant help It Mr Wwfel thoitcht the tory that den Hothi was natitureil WM untrue It cannot ien l ms llotha he paid It Is absurd tn think h would be caught with o small a following him any Hotha Is caught It is come other Botha said ll cher Hotha Is a common a ruunn In South Africa as Ves oN It i likely some commandant bv that name that Is tured always provided there has been such a capture hOER nClEOATE IX IIMSfJVOTOV j f Announce That They Have Credentials as Envoys From liner llrpubllnW- ASIIISOTOV May liner delegates arrived here tnnlght rind wore received by a large delegation of Conere representatives They were eocorted to the Arlington lintel whore a reception was given in their humor altliouth the enthusiasm of the people of nations capital was not what by tbe committee whirl luul the nrrnngementn In charge Shortly nler their arrival Messrs Fischer VeKM l nnd Wolmorans held a conference with wune of their ConKressionnl advisers and tho announcement was made that they came here- with credentials ns Knvoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary from South African llepubllc and Orange Free State The Knvoys delay the presentation of their credentials to the State Department FIXTURES AUXILIARIES Ltd 5 East 19th St T Inror bills rfiie to dnhhlii a Invert nml frcyirnl l itl 1 r rcnoirn n hlfnu r11 nr KMISS f- tnmna ArW in rrpntr 3 tram villain in Vrv 1 nrfc nail miburb CARPET CLEANSING LarRest In the Mnrld Kverr detail THK Tit MIT CO- aorran enorliire 1M4 llronilwnv rv Krle soul Adi ht leriier Cllr SIOrtAOF WAKKIIOfSK AM MOVIXl VANS Jelephone bend lulcrcillog cl ulir tart fro unit I I Ir I Ill th I ThAI lr IS r the tot nil M ROOM n I dl 1 S I tar They y t o Ii- I lock tin iniul I burn I Ito traili bit gtoit I lie 1 tail ronut t tutu I lit Ci itt cc full at t hue the iuouI I flit t lie i t he I 1mev to oiit ret the all The The the was t BAT II and Clot trot here I Ill > > > > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > > until Monday in order that they may purlicl- 1Bto n niii ineetiii lo be here onSim- iliy night tn the Interests of the lIner rail what n said today by ofllcials of the It i that the liner dele- gate may Injure ihelr ofllcial landing before the lioverniuiiit piirtlcliuitlnir In sincli a meeting before preent their tellers of credonco While no preo- dents fur such a rendition arn known lo settle of tliddoverntiient ofllclll who lire e iue iin ol elifipte lire of Hint a diplomatic re r wn foreign governiuent iiiu t conduct hlmxelf In n beiltMntr tb otllce to he hi from th moment of hi arrival In th country lo which h U- acrredlted i Th of action hn lieen revised soincwlnit There will be a drive around th- ciiy tomorrow afternoon nnd on Sundiv tin distinguished ranger will nttend inoriiiiiK- ervlco at the Church Then tIter lie another drive on Sunday afternoon nnd the muss meeting will be on Sunday nlitlii Then will be nddrex e4- hy Envoys Fl cier told Vesiel and by llourke ran SennloiT MasonVelllnglon Allen nnd Teller and Htpresfnlailves Itay- nnd other On Mondav the committee consisting of Sen Ma on Teller and Allen and tins Suler and Clark will call upon the State to present the cteiien the visitors and learn what their recep- tion will be PROttAHLY XOT LOVIS WOTttA Identity or the Cnptnred hoer CommandAnt Settled serial raw nfnilth lo THE StxI- ONIIOV May in The general war neWt I fully given In the ofllcial advices and special despair IIM which both cover I linn the despatches from other pourrp Tho I ndon papers as might bo expected practically devoted to Mafeklng retelling the tale of the seven morhH nlego nnd anecdote of Col IladenIowe11 whose portrait nppearit everywhere Thought there Is absolutely no official con- firmation of the news of the relief uf the town ItlsliiipllritlybcHevidln all Oat rx- ieilnioflHal circles Til description of the rpie in the London streets the theatre cabled to THE ronvev sotnethlng of thin f ling of thin nde iintelv to expr H which would bankrupt the powers of writers living or dead lieports of rejoic- ings rom front Canada Australia nnd all other parts of the BritIsh Implre There is a doubt as to whether the Command- ant Both captured by ien Hutton thirty miles northwestl of Kroonftad Is Ioiils Botha or his brother Tlm general belief In- clines to the former If o capture i most Important ns ho U now j the greatest Hoer iencral In Held hut the best opinion holds that It not Iouls ns other- wise Cen Hubert would have given the cap turegreater prominence iMroii ironrwi UKVIVAL It It Not ltell hed IIT the Itepabllran Static tnt In Kings Coantr The rumored return of former Senator Jacob Worth to the political arena Is not taken M rlou ly by llepubllenn leaders In Brook lyn A after hlscomplot rout by Timothy I Woodruff In tin metnorahli fiction light nnd with Ins baltli badly Miattered h announced thnt he bad quit the political game for good nud intended to th fortune lie had mad as County Clerk which was estimated nl abouttiMViKi llrit M ttld down inn cottage oi hl own nt Saratoga and then went nbrniid for a long period hits tniveU ns fir a Ktrypt returned about eijiht months nco he has been In the Western StnieH until recently got hnck to Hrooklyn bis hay l H n intimating t hat he has reiiin id red his purpose IHK politics nnd that hi Ito n ent in I oiiKrxs n the front th Fifth district bis old bailiwick No ftaternont from Worth but Magistrate Wonh has declared that his father he believed winiidllkp to tank an official trip to ton Inn nt the Mime tim rut nilbnB to rnter another factional to s- riltith pne- Already Republican lender hud practi- cally Mated Keerif the 1 for th in ih Fifth dinner nnd they hav hovn no dmiri what ever to have him nithdrnw In Mr Worth fnxor Indeed her is no fiucstion Woodruff Michael Didv and Mr Uater II Atterburv the edrr IK revival of Jncih Worth as a political factor and thnr if be wants n or other nomination he will have to hi own flulit WH are convinced that Mr Worths re In active would revive the old rartionnl result lerlous duaiter to the party In KiB s H u I b PhI or tam t Frt I Store of I I THY IA HIs hi j i I lie fIn I no I or I CIO hi r t r I oh uan poll buyer tiuuItt t in tally ti shin I leA ru totuci Plate tnt erie itt triers a nil descrip- tive ha considered the the I len t iv it a nut cjuuui riling Sin he a erout rnntm nitihiuton I P1 t special lots ii the hue i tip ii test t l itt is out nningnat Ion t liii t I heui r I joY pit the ri tutu too ke fur It county < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < AFFEK CAUSTIC THROWER POLICE rouowia CLVEK LIT TIK uricKss so rin Veiled Homan In mark Who Almost Illlnilel- Dr ronlnV Wife Celled Also Upon Her Mother Knew runlo Apparently llefiire tIer Marrlajie Victim Operated On Mrs Cronin of 433 West Fiftyfirst tired on whom n young woman clre ed ia black threw a solution of potash on Tlnirpdiy- iilclit was tnlien to Kye anti Inr Hospital yesterday nliero Prof Lewis per foriiid operation for tb piirpose of tivin the right of her left It i thought noT that may be restored lien husband Or John C Cronln with lien all day and Pol 0 Captain Donobinof ili Ve t Hfventh itrret station obtained a till state of her Interview wltli tlierntillpthrottcr from i ter been to tln house on a visit nnd bail Just lel wlieii the door rang lund idine liotiit feeling tired nod left bat lie not any until mnrnlug IK bo was to retire 1 ha- tervnnt was In bed anil I went lo 111 door to nrNwcr tin1 ITI There I met- a woman who worn5 a linavy veil 11 oicod lint her hair blonde I should jiidii from lier fncit that she was nbout j years old She mid cite wnnled lo Cronln and I wild Cronn was out She nld that KH wanted him n ci of heart di inoVp t Fnriyelglitli street She tall llli u i A le- t he init oiniii MM fr iin the tulle nf tier Iressanl culld lociv llinlli nt the IMme lime ITi ilurinf a xiian bottle aunt Hie Htuff tli wniiinti urea looked like con renlriiUil H biirinil n bob in the hull and the paint from the front iloor There trao ot it out nn and tone le were stained n If thi woman who threw it hail united liter skirts it in tier hurry to get nwav A broken vn ellr- Imtlle luul innllined Ibe stuff wi found on the turnip Donohup learned lnir fruit tronltis motinr who lives nt 101 Nist that a woniafl- ilre d in black too cnThir night fur doorbell rang about 10 oclock Mrs Cronln mother arid niv son went to thl door He returned to ay hint a wanted tn seo me I went tn the door nnS met a henvllvveiled woman She mads and talked if she ilid nnt know thai my laughter lindh en married tn Dr Cronln Fur in talked nf dnvs when mr daughter was forewoman tu n dresrn klnri- tnblNhment nt 41 West Fortywrond tre Shu a l ei if my dAiiuhtiT wn still employed there Then she n k d for her told her that my daughter was married 10 Dr t lonin Detective Dale learned that two women liid worked in tlieilre innl ln i establthinent hail n si ter wlm pieerly at times Hint shuts might acid thrower cnllcd upon lipr tnrdiy nflernoot but that slid had been in Jersey City until 11 oclock on night Hy following ui the furnished th thrower herself In tb name and ad drew h mentioned to Mrs Cronln they learned sonic things about a now living In ctreet which led them to look for her earch lasted all tact evening unit nt midnight the woman hail not The household disinfectant An odorless colorless liquid power ful safe and cheap Instantly destroys foul odors and chemically neutralizes diseasebreeding matter Ksperlslly ih it llyssnlt houskerpr tor puttying the waste wiler rlose sink resspnols elt for iiirlnk tune r il the cellars stable und ll stupldout pIerce where ll s germs lurk In quart bellIes only hy druggists hltaclau grocers dp nment stores and deilers In housefu- nlshlng Prepared only by Jleorr ft flau Street New WIT C rOM until lull worth Sir mite u1n ii liii t tan flu eye her iiai rerun raiI rue flu hur- l y hum ul lie lIt ruuiiui rout ui see one guu tug suns 2 eon I r itt nI eat t eau nt luirra I ship tilruiul 15 It cud I hit 11- hiu thu ciutitemitu iuvr lii cit t snore I he I ut the itt I itt t l Iii rt ithi ut rot at ms lug lund eallnI titer a- lp I iou uulries ii lou lit Ifl dii tighter Its fit cli Iii auiul r a who atol no hlji tug the e leo r I clue Cit uuuti flhiflg been iiieeoyrpuI Olorides to met URI nI ti utpe goods 1 < < > < < ¬ ° ° lv 5 ses- Co is 12- en AlIce tier yell SUP stral- paIfl and moo on t- vaUl toad Iose 10Tb Ilar- Ct11 feli etC I tune to p band butt the tIde the part B I hth- of tb- go pay and ilieP- to It issue I ion luig tIm iotuit iso Il- at th and oss oust the prin- mnain hub wife Infu cure vtslo Ness Lee- ditor pa t- duot Ito Van uPw The 10- 0othe use entli- inotl bib ot cc Itt a that tmca- tuot troe Its 0 was etP bee uss- eq pro- Fit the Mr legal 11ev- of tb time prob first tee legal Con that Feb Otto MrVo InN 1507 who vem Woo oft and- Iron wail and lage the for con age to t ban if auh toe tier fluuid then cotil card N that thref- uha cog had Veti the Alic the All had rete left two wail agat pall bot- unti Vati Stan this with she her him 21Cor A iiW awn set Np ply saw gero her thor cant pf tb hint with had Inc git that Diii coil hIs 1 she him u- iP0 toTb lb- tt 4

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-05-19 [p 2].€¦ · SUN SATURDAY MAY 19 1900 tl M of i r a TilE f I root u iiipplUd to him by men and women whom h n ver aeen before pitiable obleeU

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-05-19 [p 2].€¦ · SUN SATURDAY MAY 19 1900 tl M of i r a TilE f I root u iiipplUd to him by men and women whom h n ver aeen before pitiable obleeU

SUN SATURDAY MAY 19 1900tl M of i

a TilErf

Iroot u iiipplUd to him

by men and women whom h n ver aeen

beforepitiable obleeU In London were

f dlshovelM noldler In the tre t whose

Mcap wa Impossible but who M the obJectsof Ihn mob affectionateattention were nearly

lorn to piece with klndnesis-

Thn latest note of this moat extraordinarydemonstration of modern time 1 musicaltribute HadeoHowel Many thomandvoices are within eanhot M this 1 writtencheering III name and singing For aJolly OoodlVUo

Account jut arriving ten ot nlmllarioeneathroughout Kngland Scotland Ireland andWales They will continue today truly

this war promise to bo more remarkable for

the trannformatlon of the En U Into nmotional people than for any rolllury

menta It recordThere WM ft wonderful aoene M

opera at Cerent Garden TbeMT

when the reflef or

known after the MOond eat of towmi rln

The Prim and Prlnoei of wale theDuke of York the DucheSs of Uie

Kin of Sweden and Nonrar nd Vlo

torte were piwmt The news appanjntlremanated from the Princeofmle but the

QuJetunUI the Information readiedThe awSenos announced

the Dews la the olce of t de-

manded that the orchestra playQuen Herr Mottl who wa oondnctwr hadretired and the rwnaiulnfinurfolanri hetitatedbut the udeiweitra k up the national hymnThe reraltiee can to the front of thatr boxthe Prince of Walee time perhaps nn-

OMdonilr with The aoene terrnlBated with roars and oheer f JnNlaMen

The Lord Mayor ha cabledtoCoUBadenVowoll In

Ckblemewhaftmoflfrla wanted for the needf the garrison and hfcabttanttafter the lon


BATTLIXO ronAdvlcxt ot Fighting Abonl tke Teww

and an the Head ThitherapKltl Dfitxitttiil la Tn 9CI

Prom Tna SCTa CorresponiUnt Prttorta-

PlutTOBiA Mar 17 via Lorenzo MarqMMay Id Advloes have received here

effect that sharp continues around

PMTDnr May 18 rla Norwio MarqneeMay IT B o P Mlleavy flhtln U again re-

ported along the lln of the Bechuanaland Rail-


LAiftaH XSK rrjvvirr flrorv rrbeen Destroy Bullway Camnenleatlon Be-

twt n Walal and the TraniraaL-xndai DfipotfWt tt TBI SUN

rtoaJfdtkttlf Correspondent with lh Doers

VOLMRCST on the Tran vaal border May

11 via Lorenzo Marques May 18 S P M Thelarge tunnel at Lnlngs Nek which was

feet long and afforded the only means of rail-

way communication between Natal and theTramvaal has Just been completely destroyedby the Boers who blew It up with dynamiteA very large quantity of the euplotlve was used

and Its effect was terrific The shock was feltfor a great dlstano The tunnel U now com-

pletely chokd from end to end with hugemasses of earth and rock which will requiremonth end great engineering eklll to remove

Alt the commandos are occupying Onestrntrgic positions and are confident that theycan easily repel any by Gen llullnr to

nter Transvaal of Lalng Nek-

IOXDON May 18 A from OenRoberts ayn fluller reports today FridayNewcastle was occupied last ntght and todny

the Snrond Division and the Third CavalryDrlgado will concentrato there I have sent aforco of mounted troops through NqutuIlorkns Drift to turnout a small force of the

enemy and to ren ire thn natives The enemyburned the Catholic chapel plundered manyhonst and took cash from the banks Other-

wise hny did not do much harmThe railway Is badly damaged The

Wiwrhtiank Ingacune and Nkandhla bridgeshav been destroyed Many culverts thepumping water tanks hnrn also

destroyed Of the 7000 men flying beforeus about a thousand seem to have gone toVaUkerstrooin end some by Millers Pns tothe Free State The remainder who atedescribed a disorganized rabble have gonenorth They nay they Intend to snake a stand

DASNIIAVSEII Natal May 17Jen Dullerhat received n congratulatory message fromthe Queen on the occupation of Dundee Inwhich her Majesty eipresse her appreciationof the conduct of the troops


One of Three Who Surrendered to LordKobrrMi Troops I Nimrd IlothaSpecial CM n pafftifoTllR flux

From Triri SUrts Corre pondf nt at PretoiU-

rniTORtA May l via Iorenro MarquesMay IT V I M There hi great dKBculty Ingetting despatches through owing to the strictrensomhlp which Is being maintained

Cot Blake of Irish Urlgada succeeded Incleverly escaping nt Kroonstnd

All the Federal commandoes are concentrat-ing In the Draketmberg Christianaated the republican troops yesterday

LONDON May t The War Office hu re-

ceived the following despatch from Lord Huberts dated Kroonstad May 18

Methuen entered yesterday with-

out oppcMltlon Gens Duprez and Daniels andforty men nurrenilered

Ian Hamilton cavalry under Droadwoodoccupied Llndley yesterday There was slightoppiisltlon and two of our men were wounded

was not there Ills government ofllclalsleft lad Sunday

Muttons mounted men yesterday surprt edand captured about thirty miles northwest ufthis place Commandant Dothn Field CornetCaosen flve 1olmnne burg policemen andseventeen Doers There were no casualties onour tide

Butler reports that suveral Natal farmersare handing In their arm

Iord Hobertss ct patci about the capture ofCommandant llntliu gives no Idea as to whichItntha Is meant There are several officersnamed Hotha In tbi Hoer army one of whomU Louis Ilotha the CominnnilerliiChlef whosurcooilod ien Jiiuliert

A rfcspatrh t a nenii agency from Kroonitadny hit tl lloers In retreating to the Vaal

River destroyed tlw bridge across the Hhenos-

tor Hlv-ervtrt irorrn VSK noun orvs

It Eiprrls In liesrin Its Artlllfrr with Wrapnn From the Trsniritil-

Sjwlll CtNt nlpIfflf THK HLS-

LOXIMIX May 10 despatch to the Sfanrfnrdtrain Durban cays that the Satal ParliamentTIS pixcpd on Us second reading a bill for a loan-

jElnmiion The Prime Minister stated that Itthe intention ti rearm thn Natal Held nr

tlllery at an early lain with obtained fromthe Transvaal HP also announced that aspecial court would l iiecl to try rebels-

It would probably inrluiio an Knih Judge


E prrt llnn the Hallway train nttioaPull lip Closed

Krtnii iMt Htitiiti to TUB SCN-

LnMicN May l The 7iis Correspondentat Lorenzo ilrapntrh doted MayITsaynlliiit In anticipation of thnrloslngnf lhrailway frim IMnson tiny to Pretoria tinBoer agents are buying alt the nvallabla pro-vision and forwarding them with all ived tothe Transvail iraordinnry efforts havoben taken to hasten lli despatch of lhe n


flKrnrtr or iioRns TRoll ATAt-

Fedrrsl CommtndiK Up w Line of-lletenre on the Frontier

flrwinl CaMe Uttrait lit THE SVMFrom TUB Sfxs orrrpon4nt lh rwrj

CCMiEK Natal May IJvii Lorenzo Marques

S3 5S5

doun drlnb on thhad

Th the1



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was evaouh

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J i rae

I jH the

q afoirg was mad




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May IT ISO P MUnder orders from Pretoriathe Federal commandos are retiring to theNatal defence tine Alt the commlasarlat andmaterial have been removed from here Therailway ls doing excellent work The artilleryand the wagons of the the various laagers were

removed In perfect order Aa they passedllatllngs rtilt glganllo and orderly re-

treat presented a weird scene


Mtmbtrsor the Volkiratd Advise Theta toMr Down Their Arms

afttlal Cable Dnvaleh It TUB Sflt-

ProoTni Sfss Correjpondtnl RobertaKnocWMAD May IT MManyb-

urghera are handing their rifles and gongto their homea under e ort of Prllltn troopsTwo members of the Orange Free State Volks

of Kroonstnd andMr Macdonal of Wepener are and e-

advWn the Free Btato burghers dofrntheir arms sod return to their homes


vert ef a Beer Blew Cp Ferte al-

Delat oa Hal

t u Ay May ITThere ta a sensationalfrom DelB oa Day of a Boer blot to

British gunboat Forte after the mannerIn wWoh the Maine was destroyed In HavanaHarbor The authorities at Delagoa Bay

convinced that the reporta are well

the Forte puts out to Ha for sevenmiles every night

MA r BLOW vr jonAirttssavno XINKS-

ssrt Bnger Bald to Be CaaMs te Preveal each A tto by the Boon

IXWDOX May l The correspondent of theMorning Pott at Kroonstad dating his despatchMay IT says that the principal mines at Johao-nertujrg have beso prepared for destruotloaThe blowing of them tip has deferreduntil the British cross the ScatdenfEraier la powerless


reretrDOonrali Said to Pretoriafor

flr lal Call Dntutlt w THEIXWDON May despatch to the Daily

ilctttrom Pretoria dated Friday nays thatthe foreign Consuls are leaving Pretoria forLydenburg


IHllanl Detente Offered by MentCol lltdeaPowell and nil Small Force

For more than seven months Mafektng

defended by a small force of Irregular leviesunder R 8 8 UadenPoweU hasheld out against a much greater force of lloers-

Ilesides persistent attacks by an active andvigilant enemy the garrison hike suffered underthe hardships Incident to mien asle e priva-

tion anxiety hunger heat and constant exer-tion In repuNIng the advances of the foeThroughout according to the messages sentout by the commanding omcr bv runnersthe men have been cheerful willing coura-geous and skilful In the arts of war though atthe outset they were practically without ex-

perience The fact that tIm defence beenmaintained under such adverse conditions Uwhat makes the work of HadenPowella forcechiefly remarkable

Mafeklnc Is a unmll town of wooden buildingsIn African Republic about rli milesfrom the border of U Is Im-

portant because the railroad from Cape Townto lluluwayo run through It It Is SO milesfrom Cape Town as thu crow fllen and morothan thousand as hoc railroad train creepsfor through that country the trains do not domuch better ihan creep From PretoriaIt Is about ISO to the westward and ItUabout the from JohannesburgIt stand In n level tract of country and I

watered by a riverWhen the became dark Col Baden

Powell was eut from his Rhodesia Incomrnandof a detachment of about twelvehundred Irregular levies hastily collected to es-

tablish himself at Matching und hold It at allcosts should war breakout At the beginningof hostilities he set his men to enlarging thesmall fortx there and building extensivetrenches and barricade Tim town woe to allIntents and purposes In a stage of tlege beforehostilities actually began There were n numbar of of experience underlladenPowill Including PortUnds hruthur Lord Kentlnck and the moortalltv among Ihn offlcers him been great Inthe engagement which made thehistory The Transvaal ultimatumwas to Kiurland onoct 10 and

llo rs before Mafeklng underandnttacked tlie liir The garrison had theirMaxim guns and siege welland effectually checked the advance ofthe Doers but alter a short Inter-mission th attack was renewed and onOrt ID A sortie was made the British Inwhich It wee reported that the lloer loss weethreu to eighteen lost by the

the loern for a withwhich proceeded tV bombard the townbut 4 the garrison coiiilructed bombproof

ami first day two bornburdtnent did little harm Meantime wordreached them that Col Pluiner was marching

Rhodesia to rrsnie and otherforces would be brought up as soon as powslblato raise siege

Mire Hoeri coming too At one time ItIs twilmatetl that thure was of SooooiltHlde the town but repeated torbukw the ilefeniv and the were moetnt oil point with unflagging courage and

or the Hocrs wrrwithdrawn to the of lenMelliiinni column but tokep continually harassing the British and pre-vent taking any actionelonal sorllM somn which were brilliantlyniicc sstul on a email seal Eachllrter tried to extend their trenclux near thelon thn ItritMi u alticksluvnriatilv ilrov barlt the advance

of the defenders may be JudgedtIp following extrncts a sentbv runner fnun Col BnlenPowell t LordKohorlA

After MO days sleg I d 1re tobring to yourLordships nonce the i rood spiritof loyalty that till classes of this garrl m men half of whom are Jinncciis

to thouKt of Arm have adoptedto their duties with the greatest zeal

readlnems and and of theremarkable With such a

organization PIIH like clockwork and I hnvoevery hope It wilt in wucrexsfuny through

abortive on Ilie IMh ln tFeb the southwestern forts tln

enemy line been comparatively quiet Thereno very little rifle

lire Thu cltiens are preparing to ielebratotint Jiitli day nf tie dinners

lli r miilf tlesh termed the rliUf articlesnf diet VeKBiAMes were very rnrce antibrought tremendous ami linurlos w r

The initlve were the nrKUlTerep wnntlnc thick end rndurnnce of

the women amid childrenof linrilhlri low fever Col

Powell ile Rtch ra o ofwhiskey wits raffled ofT unit brought more than

K i Still tlie of III tacit wasunbroken anti tIter woe norender The only fear among Hi defenderwas that MI ninny of ill offever and the raking tire of the

which ut ilnnK vi pt thnthat there would by bv not bi-inough left to nn attack In forceMeantime Lord Holieris who was incation with ill Llirriion by menn of runnerswith onn degree of regularity um cordingine sige to thorn to up heart wasmaking hi preparations to relieve HmWhen woe matured wherebvJen Archibald Hunter wee sent with therelieving eipedltlnii lird Roberts In thepre enc of several of hU officer

Mafeklng will be relieved ISion Hunters finn tether with that of thegarrison outnumbers tIle lIneN In that vicinity

and the beslegwlthe sIege that with anything

like an eiiiul force they could drive hoernwvMlMlnR tiny Fonnrt In the Itlrrr

thirteenyearold Charles Radcliff of tnTVr t I0ld street who disappeared aweek ego loot Mondiv fonni by someboatmen In the North River peirstreet yesterriar lie wee met seen playing onthe hank near where his was found nndIt Is supposed he accidentally tell Into t he river

family WIped lot hr l lh In One Werk-

FnFfFnirn Md Slay IS Jacob Dixon awellknown citizen of Point of Rocks aged jo

died at hi horn early this week after achart nines A few previous his daughterdied Mr Plton death wits hy thedeath of hi wife Hebecca Duon wiping

I out the fatuity In one week

wIll OeD




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neSTKS OIVB1 UP 34900 OT CUBANPOST oreicit pivttnitn

nil KTldroce Mid to Neelys Convlo

tlonMeelr Alleged to Have flea a 8m g-

Isr Toollemors of More Startling D

velapoienttfrltlclinii of bsnaper al Diipattfi la TUB SUN

HAVANA May 18The authorities appear tohave acted wisely In riot placing Deputy Audi-

tor Reeves In Jail Their reason for taking thiscourse wa that It wan considered best for theInvestigation of the postal department that heshould have more freedom than the other sus-

pects The result Is Ihat Reeves has been talkIng He Las confessed enough toconviction of Financial Agent Neely an absolutecertainty on the face of the evidence

was closely questioned last night byofflcers and he admitted that

before leaving Neely gave him 14800 In returnfor which he was to straighten the accountsand audit them as being correct This sumcame to him the day Neely tailed Neely

wanted to have his tricks covered by experthands and was able and willing to oayliberally for It kept his booty Intactand turned It all the authorities lastnight How much other moneyhe received hasnot learned

of his confession has leaked outIt is known however that he told other thingsand it la presumed that he disclosed all his re-

lations with Neely Until he weakened theauthorities realized that they had a difficulttask to connect him positively with the embezilements

According to Information given to the SecretService mon Neely did a little smuggling aswell as stealing Itlsswerted that he Importedas for the Post Office Department many cargoesof paper free of The duty on paper Isvery high He subsequently sold the paper toa Spanish printer who was thus enabled tobeat all competitors In bidding for contractsThe amount of ditties Involved Is said to betsoooo butt this Is not verified

Rumors of more startling con-

tinue to be putt In andmost sensational affect officers of the postoffice whose names have not yet been connectedwith the scandal but nothing definite has yetbeen given out The story cabled from theUnited States that I2000o00 worth of counter-feit stamps had been printed at Muncie Indand cent to Cuba Is considered nonsense hereInasmuch as there are more stamps here nowthan can be accounted for It Is certain that thesurcharged stamps were not nil destroyedThis Is admitted by who was one of thecommittee the itllocoworth of stamps last July With this curplueage to be got rid of It WM not necessary tocounterfeit stamps as they could not have

dlspoted ofCuban papers are beginning to take up

the icandal They comment Insistently uponthe tact that the American prisoners aretreated with greater respect whereas theCuban customs officials under were ledIn disgrace through the CuJwnowants nIl the American officials to be placedunder bonds for the faithful performance oftheir duties Iurhn anil the Norton Insistthat the Engineers Deportment should be In-

vestigated The resolution of Congress looking-to all of Investigations Is condemned bythe which says that the investiga-tions are wanted by the Democrats to hurt theRepublicans and are not sought for the In-

terests of Cuba It adds that If the Democratswere really In earnest about having a clean ad-ministration hero they would have bestirredthemselves sooner Instead of walling for thepolitical campaign to begin


nfflcUli Determined That Every Man Im-plicated Shall He Itroaiht to Trial

WAsniNdiON May l80fflclal of the Ad-

ministration are amazed at the extent of theCuban postal frauds and as the evidence accum-ulates If Is mild to strengthen tim position ofthe President and the member of the Cabinetthat everything possible shall bo done to bring-to trial every man Implicated either directly-or Indirectly lu thefrauds It IM certain thatthe suspension of Director of Posts Hathbonewill be permanent Fourth Assistant PostroasterGeneral Bristow goes to Cuba with fullauthority as Mr Rathbones superior to dismisshim and It Is believed that he will do It Itla not believed that Ilathbone Is connectedwith any of the Irregularities but he Is beingseverely criticised for hU failure to allow In-

vestigation of hIs vouchers by the militaryauthorities of Cuba

When tlm service wits establishedDirector placed In full control

was not subordinate to the Military Gover-nor except when ho had to draw from theGovernor fufllclent fluids to make up the de-

ficit In the postal accounts A plan for this waaagreed upon the Treasurer of the Island Issuing

to Director Hatlibon drawn uponof the General Treasury During

lien Brookes administration In Cuba tho warwere Issued without much complaint onconcealment of thy vouchers

Vheu Gen Wood succeeded len Brookehe contended that as the customs receiptswere being u ed In part to the postalbervicM the military authorities had a rightto require Hathlxmo to lihvouchers in of tile financialmiitt A official of thei Governmentpaid today that whenever ion Wood toadarty in the direction of examining theso

he woe rOot with awhich emphasized the contention of Director

that h was not under the authority-of War merit Genwith the War Department a written

the matter wn pending when the dis-covery of SVelys UefalCHtlon cainu tolight

The Pntmi terieiirnl said today thatthertt I nu loiinOHiloii for tlm story Munpit to the effect thairotnpatiy Is t IHIVI counterfeitfor distribution tn po tThe Department ha no Government dolertlves working on

For the Infornintlon of the 1realdent thehas a ctntenient showing

the whole number of tamps to tohave been Inss titan ll i Of thisIssue HOOono was In surcharged ThotaInt number of which might becounterfeited Is therefore less ixx0ooworth Instead of iilOOO as has been tug

A postal official recently returned to Washtwo

hide tights on Veelys ponditrt while ns-llnanclil agent was public knovlndge said

official lint could b bor-rowed from by on anysecurity and that th loaned were out

postal revenue Loans obtainedthrough this channel u r at a uniformrate of in per cent a month condpoint WHS that nil sale of htntnps mado

ly to outside offlcers were madfor cash This I HUM ficnUlcaiitIDstmKrs order rwiui-hlllons on blank forms initialed bv th 1 bird Asutstanternl and sent to the lliireiii of EngravIng andPrinting are thenPostmaster at reasonable iniervnls Hut InCub received mch blank formsOrders for stamps wen rn de from himby Po tmaters RS th latterhave ordered clothes or food from-a store nnd were always by cashto tile ninoiint of thv order If this story provescorrect NeelyH opportunitydoubted It possible for a stampgetup under such circumstances to re-mittaticivs with the Government not only byKiinstitutini statnps for onesbutt also by entering halt or more than half hissales as nale wldle receiving ca h forevery stamp issued


AttornryOrneml irli s llMfts One and MrRay Introdnces Another In the llnosf-

W siitxiiTiix May is AttorneyGeneral-Grlggs tuna ilrafteil a bill to meet thecase which was approved at the Cabinet meet-Ing today and sent to the chairmen of ihoSenate And Hnino Judiciary committee withthe request that It be pnssedlmmeillately TheMil provides lint the statutes relative toditlonlietween the tnlteili States nnil countrieswith whirl the frilled States his treaties of ex-tradition shall apply to the extradition nf fugi-tive from Justice from Cuba while th govern-ment of that island it exerciser under the nu-thorily of the Vnlted State It provides thatextradition powers In force between the vail



















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rtlltuup thyare

Post niniorionhoot it bruce imiado t ho


































FJheeda Graham Wafer

latest member of the Uneeda Another achieve-

ment of scientific baking The in the use of

Graham flour is represented by Uneeda Graham Wafer Allthe nutriment all the goodness is preserved in the most daintyand palatable When you with

UneedaGraham WaFery-

ou find a table requisite delicious all dishes suitableoccasions a pleasing change for appetite Dont

forget Uneeda Biscuit Jtn r Wayfer





yI fay




ILd I-

IWI llhiI JJ 1-





OUR States shall be extended to the PhilippinesOuam Hawaii Porto lllco Th AttorneyGeneral fald that Mich n law wouldmake escape Impossible but neednot be construed to mean that the Governmentcannot hold him now arid take him back to Ha-

vana for trialthe bill meets curb strong opposition

among lawyers in Senate and house thatIt probably cannot paw at least not In liepresent shape Senator Near chairman of theSenate Judiciary Committee Is inclined tobelieve that it would bo a very dangernm

to etablMi to p n n law permittingth extradition of an American dtim to ncountry where the common doe rIot pre-vail Mr Hoar will have a talk with

before action M taken aswill the member of the llousoCoimnitte nnuof to the till us-

Mr Hoar Is The Senate Judiciary Commutewill m et on Monday to mailer

Thu House on the Jiidinnrv indaylookup question of providing to rUHroffencex ot a character to e rlmrgeilagainst Neely and others In the tiilIn Cuba In order that and other

mar be extradited Atlorneytienernl-Orlggs a letter to ItepresentatiV Hayrlialrman of the roiomittee adraft of his bill In which he requested that tutulull be Introdiufil and pai a HH

possible A subrotnuilttee conMstingofKay Mttletlelil Dear

and Clflvton appointed to considerTlie flit to

the tne tlne of the committee Mr RayIntroduced the following bill

Srrtion SJ70 i f the Slalutfs hftfby-RmiiitfJ by sddtng pmnsn

Provided that whtnrvrr any orterritory or any part tbrrref under the controlM ivfinmfniof the Inurd Msts antithe Vnltfd Stairs bynrtuf fongrrss nr ihrnujh is-

nillUmy nr otherwise has rMabllthnl nrsn-thorlted governmental conlrol mrr vime Inwhole nr In part any rltlim nf the fiiltilStates Any plare or uinceIn Ibe control or government vt ouch fotrliru-terrltnty or country or lilly putt theiciif ny-aiilhnilty of the Inltrd St p nr any of tiepincer or dei nrlrnents or uny olhr person nhushell attend ln the etlmln rule orregulations irgularly r lntll tirJ by tile fnlled-Mtstn or Us any Mrthe ronlrolur ginrrnMnlof fmntrv r-

territory or against lemgnlred bySl te ll cifllrer us In

force In fnrelirii country r territory anti depmt-nr Heel Iherefrurn and be foundtherein be surrendered to the nuthntlllMof thejotted Stairs and relumed und urrendeted in the

such liiielgn country nr ter-ritory fur trIal under the l w Suit In forceIn tIde place where such crlrn was rnrtmllle H-

Ihertotlstonsof section S27 to ftJ77 of tIde lllleare made to the arrest holdlnt nnd ourtender of rrfrrtril toln

Attorneyderieral irlgcs hopes to bo able toWOO should the

bill ho fall to puss It has beensuggested that It might l posslhl for the

to turn over to theofllrinl on the ground that crime

was committed in n country undr militaryliirlsdlctlon All lawyersHooKevelt cannot him

rly Hrarlng on Thursday atAtnAsr May l The bearing before liov

Roosevelt In th case of C K W Neely nccu l-

of fraud In Cuba will lake nestThursday at noon at Oyster liny It being thetjovernor Intention to return toIinc leland n xt k Thn iovernor Is todecide nn application of lat WaphliiKton for Nwlvs pitrailitlon toCuba

IFOVMV nowvir PEAl IIR KHVT orrThe Crnf rnl onferelire of the Mrlbrxllst Prof-

estjint Church Stay Decide Against HerATLANTIC CITT ienorn-

lCotiferennof till Methodist Protestant thiirrhably will beromolnvolvedthe old iiie tlon of admitting women to thiiiiii try Mr Starr who ha a charge HI

nnd who wile ordained by thinNorthern Illinois Conference sent liredelegate to the ue An rnergetie ile

unite tinny follow tic question ni herafter n report inmiln iho credential iom-mitteo

It Is curtain that not be allowed toIn the proceeding of the resion

It I iirobnbli1 that tnn meeting will pass a voteof cen ure ngainsl the Illinois Conference foradmitting Mr Starr to the

The llev I S Stephens Chancellor of theKansas city was electprl Presidentof Conference nnd Kev 11 I Kldriilee

tbn Western Theological Seminaryelected

Itghtnlng MarriageProm the Itndirtttr HtrnUSlay 14 Kdward linker a dele-

gate tn the county lodge nt Alabama nnd droveto llntnvla nnd met Mis Found while on hisway to the former place

MIr attending the morning and afternoonpe ion Of tn lodge went to the vrandall ami were united In marrlag notiiparties are know In Lo








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i munis ifiii THIS nrrricorlril hy Several Cnngrrtsmen Start

for shtnctonUnder thin escort of Congressman Sillier

of New YOlk Allen of Nebraska Koblnsonof Nebraska and Kticl y of Kansas the linerKnvoy left thl city fur Washington on theIoiitfrevsinnnl Limited over the PennsylvaniaIlnilroad at 3 30 yeterduy afternoon SenatorMason of Illinois bud intended to be of thebU lie mi fd th train at Washington ThoiiieiuliiTk of ongri ss Panic merely its tirlvatooitiren and In no way n an ofllcial or repreHntatlvH body It wo l In the mornliifi-whill they rcuclieil h ro mid n little lifter

when they ncr iHKPIitt d to 111 Hoernt the Manhattan Hotel In addition

e just al rame on

iim on Minilar errand C P Ilridnof Wn and Pev Cornelius Vnnder-hoef of linltlinore The tntlre party at a breakfust tocitlier in lute Ivtiiisvlvnniaotntlon rcttaurint in Jersey city and from j

there went ilirertly by way of the Twentythird ret ferry lintel Manhattan

Mr Sulir reiiie ted by the ineinlwrsof the party to 1111 a pokismuti and he con-tented After the werover he taid Ve come mi part nf the rillzenii of Mshlncton ro you In theof our tin reirhlrnr WnsUinglon youwill bo received liy u coinniitt ami cortedto th Hotel Arllnuton Kirher tlmnUed-the CoiiKre inen mi behalf of lloor tin

of certain citlwns nf llnlllmore nailus h caul tor Mayor Hnye that

Yunderhuif nked to visitllaltlmore Th Invitation was uciopied byMr KIsPluT iirovtded tin changes were mado j

In their present ulans-TlieTnvoyi luncheon nt Manhattan j

and loft there n little otter 2 oclock for thehtrivi ferry They loft early

Mr P IxMiter VeKels said bicausomeaning reporters would be coining tothem lit moment for statementswhen In reality bad no more utatemenlato make Concerning the reverfesof ihn Itoer irm rcforlid In yesterday after-noons paper Mr Wei el saul

V dont know whitlier It Is true ornot The Knellsh have of all newsoiitlotf If It Is true will wo cant help It

Mr Wwfel thoitcht the tory that denHothi was natitureil WM untrue

It cannot ien l ms llotha he paidIt Is absurd tn think h would be caught witho small a following him

any Hotha Is caught It is come other Bothasaid ll cher Hotha Is a common a ruunnIn South Africa as Ves oN It i likelysome commandant bv that name that Istured always provided there has been such acapture


f Announce That They Have Credentialsas Envoys From liner llrpubllnW-

ASIIISOTOV May liner delegatesarrived here tnnlght rind wore received by alarge delegation of Conere representativesThey were eocorted to the Arlington lintelwhore a reception was given in their humoraltliouth the enthusiasm of the people ofnations capital was not what bytbe committee whirl luul the nrrnngementn Incharge

Shortly nler their arrival Messrs FischerVeKM l nnd Wolmorans held a conference with

wune of their ConKressionnl advisers and thoannouncement was made that they came here-with credentials ns Knvoys Extraordinary andMinisters Plenipotentiary from SouthAfrican llepubllc and Orange Free StateThe Knvoys delay the presentationof their credentials to the State Department


AUXILIARIESLtd 5 East 19th St

T Inror bills rfiie to dnhhlii aInvert nml frcyirnl l itl 1 r rcnoirn nhlfnu r11 nr KMISS f-

tnmna ArW in rrpntr 3 tram villain inVrv 1 nrfc nail miburb

CARPET CLEANSINGLarRest In the Mnrld Kverr detailTHK Tit MIT CO-

aorran enorliire1M4 llronilwnv rvKrle soul Adi ht leriier CllrSIOrtAOF WAKKIIOfSK AM MOVIXl VANS

Jelephone bend lulcrcillog cl ulir













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until Monday in order that they may purlicl-1Bto n niii ineetiii lo be here onSim-iliy night tn the Interests of the lIner rail

what n said today by ofllcials of theIt i that the liner dele-

gate may Injure ihelr ofllcial landingbefore the lioverniuiiit piirtlcliuitlnirIn sincli a meeting before preenttheir tellers of credonco While no preo-dents fur such a rendition arn known losettle of tliddoverntiient ofllclll who lire e

iue iin ol elifiptelire of Hint a diplomatic re r wn

foreign governiuent iiiu t conducthlmxelf In n beiltMntr tb otllce to

he hi from th momentof hi arrival In th country lo which h U-

acrredlted i

Th of action hn lieen revisedsoincwlnit There will be a drive around th-ciiy tomorrow afternoon nnd on Sundiv tindistinguished ranger will nttend inoriiiiiK-ervlco at the Church

Then tIter lie another drive onSunday afternoon nnd the muss meeting will be

on Sunday nlitlii Then will be nddrex e4-

hy Envoys Fl cier told Vesiel and by llourkeran SennloiT MasonVelllnglon Allen nnd

Teller and Htpresfnlailves Itay-nnd other

On Mondav the committee consisting of SenMa on Teller and Allen and

tins Suler and Clark will call uponthe State to present the cteiien

the visitors and learn what their recep-tion will be


Identity or the Cnptnred hoer CommandAntSettled

serial raw nfnilth lo THE StxI-

ONIIOV May in The general war neWt I

fully given In the ofllcial advices andspecial despair IIM which both coverI linn the despatches from other pourrp ThoI ndon papers as might bo expectedpractically devoted to Mafeklng retelling thetale of the seven morhH nlego nnd anecdoteof Col IladenIowe11 whose portrait nppeariteverywhere

Thought there Is absolutely no official con-

firmation of the news of the relief uf the townItlsliiipllritlybcHevidln all Oat rx-

ieilnioflHal circles Til description of therpie in the London streets the theatre

cabled to THE ronvev sotnethlng of thinf ling of thin nde iintelv to expr H

which would bankrupt the powers ofwriters living or dead lieports of rejoic-

ings rom front Canada Australia nnd all otherparts of the BritIsh Implre

There is a doubt as to whether the Command-ant Both captured by ien Hutton thirty milesnorthwestl of Kroonftad Is Ioiils Bothaor his brother Tlm general belief In-

clines to the former If o capture i

most Important ns ho U now j

the greatest Hoer iencral In Held hut thebest opinion holds that It not Iouls ns other-wise Cen Hubert would have given the capturegreater prominence

iMroii ironrwi UKVIVAL

It It Not ltell hed IIT the Itepabllran Statictnt In Kings Coantr

The rumored return of former Senator JacobWorth to the political arena Is not takenM rlou ly by llepubllenn leaders In Brooklyn A after hlscomplotrout by Timothy I WoodruffIn tin metnorahli fiction light nnd withIns baltli badly Miattered h announcedthnt he bad quit the political game for goodnud intended to th fortune liehad mad as County Clerk which was estimatednl abouttiMViKi llrit M ttld down inncottage oi hl own nt Saratoga and then wentnbrniid for a long period hits tniveUns fir a Ktrypt returned about eijihtmonths nco he has been In theWestern StnieH until recently got hnckto Hrooklyn bis hay l H n intimatingt hat he has reiiin id red his purposeIHK politics nnd that hi Iton ent in I oiiKrxs n thefront th Fifth district bis old bailiwickNo ftaternont fromWorth but MagistrateWonh has declared that his father he believedwiniidllkp to tank an official trip toton Inn nt the Mime tim rut nilbnBto rnter another factional to s-

riltith pne-Already Republican lender hud practi-

cally Mated Keerif the 1for th in ih Fifth

dinner nnd they hav hovn no dmiri whatever to have him nithdrnw In Mr Worthfnxor Indeed her is no fiucstion

Woodruff Michael Didv andMr Uater II Atterburv theedrr IK revival

of Jncih Worth as a political factor andthnr if be wants n or othernomination he will have to hi own flulit

WH are convinced that Mr Worths reIn active would revive the

old rartionnl result lerlousduaiter to the party In KiB s

H u





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POLICE rouowia CLVEK LITTIK uricKss so rin

Veiled Homan In mark Who Almost Illlnilel-Dr ronlnV Wife Celled Also Upon HerMother Knew runlo Apparentlyllefiire tIer Marrlajie Victim Operated On

Mrs Cronin of 433 West Fiftyfirsttired on whom n young woman clre ed iablack threw a solution of potash on Tlnirpdiy-iilclit was tnlien to Kye anti InrHospital yesterday nliero Prof Lewis perforiiid operation for tb piirpose of tivinthe right of her left It i thought noTthat may be restored lien husbandOr John C Cronln with lien all dayand Pol 0 Captain Donobinof ili Ve tHfventh itrret station obtained a till state

of her Interview wltli tlierntillpthrottcrfrom

i ter been to tln house on a visitnnd bail Just lel wlieii the door

rang lund idine liotiit feeling tirednod left bat lie not anyuntil mnrnlug IK bo was to retire 1 ha-

tervnnt was In bed anil I went lo 111

door to nrNwcr tin1 ITI There I met-a woman who worn5 a linavy veil11 oicod lint her hair blonde I shouldjiidii from lier fncit that she was nbout jyears old She mid cite wnnled loCronln and I wild Cronn was out She nldthat KH wanted him n ci of heart di

inoVp t Fnriyelglitli streetShe tall llli u i A le-

t he init oiniii MM fr iin the tulle nf tierIressanl culld lociv llinlli nt the

IMme lime ITi ilurinf a xiian bottle aunt

Hie Htuff tli wniiinti urea looked like conrenlriiUil H biirinil n bob in the hull

and the paint from the frontiloor There trao ot it out nnand tone le were stained n If thiwoman who threw it hail united liter skirts itin tier hurry to get nwav A broken vn ellr-Imtlle luul innllined Ibe stuff wi foundon the turnip Donohup learned lnirfruit tronltis motinr who lives nt 101Nist that a woniafl-

ilre d in black too cnThirnight

fur doorbell rang about 10 oclock MrsCronln mother arid niv son went to thldoor He returned to ay hint awanted tn seo me I went tn the door nnSmet a henvllvveiled woman She mads

and talkedif she ilid nnt know thai

my laughter lindh en married tn Dr CronlnFur in talked nf dnvs when mrdaughter was forewoman tu n dresrn klnri-

tnblNhment nt 41 West Fortywrond treShu a l ei if my dAiiuhtiT wn still employedthere Then she n k d for hertold her that my daughter was married 10 Drt lonin

Detective Dale learned that two womenliid worked in tlieilre innl ln i establthinenthail n si ter wlm pieerly at times

Hint shuts might acid throwercnllcd upon lipr tnrdiy nflernoot but

that slid had been in Jersey City until11 oclock on night

Hy following ui the furnished ththrower herself In tb name and ad

drew h mentioned to Mrs Cronln theylearned sonic things about anow living In ctreet which ledthem to look for her earch lasted all tactevening unit nt midnight the woman hail not

The household disinfectantAn odorless colorless liquid powerful safe and cheap Instantly destroysfoul odors and chemically neutralizesdiseasebreeding matter

Ksperlslly ih it llyssnlthouskerpr tor puttying the waste

wiler rlose sink resspnols elt for iiirlnktune r il the cellars stable und ll stupldoutpIerce where ll s germs lurk

In quart bellIes only hy druggists hltaclaugrocers d p nment stores and deilers In housefu-nlshlng Prepared only by Jleorr ftflau Street New




until lull




u1n ii liii t tan


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