v" THE SUN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. ' I m, t H Prince. Secretary, Mr. DIoklnson. sienouraph- - m r,nnd Mr. a J. Conda. Treasurer, or tlielr ; faithful eorvlces prior to and during the Con B TOn motion of SenatorGorman It wits roBolvqd m1', that the thanks of tho National liomocrutlo '.v Oommltteo nro duo anil ther are horcby given to B Ferdinand K. and Charles J. Canda for tho ot- - B leetlve. Intelligent, and thoroughly patlsfao. h lory roannor In which, a the committee having B chargo of matters relating to convention lick- - B ats, thoy have discharged the difficult and doll- - B cat dntlet ontrusted to them. S. Mr.Dlcksonof tho District of Columbia, on behalf of the Demooratio organizations of that S District, Invited tho Committee to accept tho Xv hospitalities of those organisations at the ap- - fl preaching visit of the Commltteo and the Notltlcation Committee to Washington. S Tha invitation was accepted, and Mcssm. fl Dlokson, Gorman and Barbour woro nppolnted a commltteo br tho chair to attend to arrange- - merits connoctod therewith. ,,. B ' The Committee adloumod to meet 9 Jngtonon Junoao, atl2M. HT)-'- ' lit Caoaty DeanrMT ta Jndge Thurman. Hv Bt. Louis, June 7. The New York County H Democracy baa sent the following to Allen U. S Thurman: B fir. Lens, Juno 7. BS jagian. illnd. Wurman, Cotum&ui. 0M0: ' The New York County Democracy nnlte with the HJ xnUUoni of Democrats throughout the republic lu con- - B srratttUUotui to yon upea yonr nomlaatlon to the Vice- - HB, lYsaltlential etnee. Aact they pledge tlielr earnest and HJ cnUrinc eltorU In betatlf of the ticket nntll their effort HJ l erawned with snocen. New York will contribute Hj thlrty-el- electoral rite to CleTeltnd and Thurman. HB " Power, Chslriasa. HH& 1L A. Coit.siKa.uM. J 3. 11. Fattowe. H TA313IAXT HOMEWARD HOVXD. HBj; Tk Brercl JUxultaat Oter Their flnceess In HBj the Ceeteitlee, H ' OS TAMMANTt'a WIOWAM9 OP TltlBMFIIS, H " HoMEWAiin Bound, Juno 7." Tho conauuiing H lioroos come." Hcnlps tincountod, tnnlo uiul H lomnlo, danglo from tholr bolto, and tho llres ot Hi eatlated engoauco glow dimly in tlielr tltod H , eyes. Twelvo yoars nco Tammany c.tmo homo H from St Louis, but that time It loft ltsscili) H behind it. It lies boon gutting siiunro by do- - Bfl Rtees evor slnco, and to-d- it loci 9 satls- - H fled, limine In tho city that witnessed HH its bumtll.itlon vindicated its prowess. HH i Grand Bachom Crocker smiles his iuiot. HBJ black-boarde- d smllo, and says that John H Kelly is somowbeio where lio ran poo nnd BJ onjoy this day. Josnph J. O'Donohuo is re.idy BBt to throw away dollars whoro ho tltil dimcx on HBj tho outward til p. and Is nlroady in tliohuclu- - Ht elon of n stateroom writing " Mayor " uftor his BH ' namo just to tee how it would look. Dim BJt Dougherty, with his gray hair more rumpled BB- - than ever, smiles his peculiar smllo niul b!ebcs BH thodayheloftPhlladolphtaand luudeiship at BBK, tho bar for Now York and politic?. Ho dues BH not feel at all bad boiau-- tho oJco BBf" Tvos rather taken off ot Ills carofully nol- - BBj ished oration nominating Clc eland by BBT tho Immediately subseyuent aunint and BBj Ingenious spooch ot " Qulnluo Jim " McKonzio, BH tho d Kentucklan. l'rotty Senator BH Ives wears his bonutlful bluo and w h ito stti ped BBJ flannel Bmoklng jackot with added grace, and BBJ as for big Commissioner Urounnn woll, ho BBj ras taken to tho station In a carriage, nnd has BBJ grown bo tall that aftor this no Assembly illt- - BBJ trict lu Now York will hold him when he goe BBJ to bed. The victotious trlbo are duo in Now BBJj York about noon on Saturday, nnd expect tho BBJ tf nolo town and a portion of Brooklyn and Joi- - BBJ j t, eey City to bo on hand to roccie them. BBJ Tammany's rejoicing ovot the nomination of I" Thurman has ndiled zost on m count of tho It H tloHchomoof turning tho ijtntu uter to (Way which n combination ot disgruntled King- - B conntr mon and countrymen so nearly put through last night. It was a good dnnl elo-e- ,- , ehave thnn nnybody realized ut tho time. '1 ho i) cards wore all etackod to freeze out 'Jutnmanv and shift the State right about, hut hcott and t Gorman cuuio forwnul like little men mid Bfl ' cracked the Administration whip with Uor Bfl1 and offecthenem. Tho leaders lu the iclu'iuo B ' promptly backed, explained that they had no H'" formal information proMouhly that the Admin- - BB titration wanted Thurman, but. now that they Bi- - know, of courbo, &c. HBM'l Tho Tammuny mon felt in their bones that M':ji- - the contest would bo tettled with the !ir-- t on- - BBba alaught. nnd so ordered tlielr ppcel.il wiunamn S' tobeready on the start homonniil i.t u in tho H afternoon. Tho unexi ected fun 1 mo ifrr.ttor- - i leal big guns which nvcotipnnlud the ii.'.nln 1. of oandldatos molonged the battle i and tho braves had to huutle.to get away at tho r), ttmo set. They didn't mind that, hoireer. They have grown used to hustling this week. " The first section of tho trnln wns llllod at a few past S o'clock, but It waited for Dun ougherty until nearly 8S. when ho cnn.ci. ''' Commissioner Brennan waved lis hand I in - BBl pressively and the train moved nut. These- - BB iond section was off bolore 4. Tho uir.tugenient Bl 'of the cars was thosamo ns on the wmtuiud fi trip, except that u dining car had been uuded to each section. The trains wero scnrcelyout of eight ot tho 1 city when evidences that tho good of tho H day's work bad gono ahem ut t!,eiu betume BB1' abundant At Litchfield, 111., although tho v nows of TburmanV nomination cnuld luno ' hardly more than got there. ther.'Weio many B people about tho station, and in tl o ilooruni of " a house nearby two prutty girls wilted leil H bandannas. That touched the Tummenyhoait B , lnjustthe rlghtspot. Tho tl.iln had htopuml, B and windows all along the sl.ie ' the cats to- - BB . Ward the giilb went up one ultr another ulth BB' succession ot snar.s and hiiiu-- , like ill Ing B along nsklrmlRb line. Half adoen T.iinmnuv B badges and other mienlrs ol tl'e i un ntlim B aed tiom us many hamls. nml at last oim B P'r'' 'n,'r PUbnci' ''1 i)J' '"'r "inpi.uiun and B' lialtpulloil out by tho dangling h its-- , tamo to Bfll the sldo ol the ears. Hho vn-- . .tde.tr t:lrl lu a BB! " black dross lifting close to u'r.lnty figure, a BB1 miss of lotely hnv;n hair, eoileil oddly at tho iiH back of her head, and unu'i ho- - cheeks a raro BBi rcn roslness that '.wis half giod i.ninple.iin BBI' nm' 'u'" h'1T confusion. Blei l.er numo BBil' Tas Mildge Doylo, and Tom Doylo was BBi immediately hustled off tho ears and BBI' ordered to claim relationship. Unprotested BBI that bo would llkn to.. but ho and just BBI then the train started nnd Madge was left be- - ; bind, hurrying back to tho ho i with her BB' double hands full of souvenirs Including the BBii badge of .Nicholas Kearney and a contribution B i' trom John MeDrmott. B .) McDermott was u little shy nbout making his BB? offering. Ho had n little experience ut l'.elle- - BBI fontnlno on tho wertwni-- trip thut Hindu him BBI cautious In tho mntterof Western girle. There BBN 'wasalovely waitress at Jlelln ontaine. and J'c- - BBIr Uermott smiled Ida I iettte-- t us no said: B " Won't you plca-- e bill iv.u a gin a of milk ? BBI I'm a little shy of huwng any one seo mo drink BH1 prater." BBi HDS brought tho mill;, and as sao placed It J before him sho smiled ncr prcttl-s- t. ton, and BBIa Bal' w'tu lne kindliest apparent solicitude; ' "Don't you hlnk you find hotter get weanod I before you emtio Wost ngnlu ?" J.1 The next demonstration was nl Tnylorvlllo, BBI1 " Therndliln't hm i.i t heauyti.wu theie. BB nxcept tho r.itlii.id M iliou mid n tew scattered BBl houses, but two or three uuimrcd people worn BBi crowded upon tho litl'e .itoini. nnd they BBB rhoered vociferously and w.ivd haudannas B frnnticnlly ns the train hluvveil duv.-u- . B "Is this a Democratic town';" bhoutedbomo BBbI odo on tlln train. BBB "You bet." enmo back tho answer, and one BBB enthusiastic fellow shouted' ' You lust watch BBI for the returns from Tnyiorvlllo not Novun- - BBB ber." BBB C(l bandannas looked out everywhere r.t i houses along tho track us the tinlu sped on, BBB and until darkness enmo there vi as hardly it BBB ' hamlet possod thai did not give the rftu.nliig BBI' braves some ovidence of satlslni tlun at the BBii' work they bad helped to do. The heavy thiin- - BBBs der storm that had passed over '!. J.oiih i; few B minutes alter the Convention ml ournedhiides- - v tondedovor a wide htreUh in tuiiutrj north of BBB theclty, undothor light nhovi'i'vnie iiin Into BBBI beforo nightfall, 'J ho air with coid. lamp, re- - BBB1, IreBUing. mid beautiful, Tammuny lounil In BBVt, the delightful weather thut had attended BBBjI them on their Western trlu r.nd was BBa with them so fur on their way homo, a favor- - B able omen for tho success of tledr work, Thoy B can't Qtiltn reconcile thndehtruetlnn of their BBB. wigwam In New York with the ldou that tho BBB Great Hplrit Is smiling upon their work, hut BBB titer think perhaps tho Ore it hplrit was so BBBjT busy helping thorn at bt. Louis that some had B medlclnu msn had a chunca to set tho ovil Bl ' spirits upon tbe wigwam at home. BBI At Decatur, where a stop was madn to change BBBjI' engines, nearly 000 persons wore giuhored, uud H there wua much enthusuuim, although it Is u H ltepubllcan town, BBbJ The route by which the braves return Is over BBBjI the Wabash to Toledo, by tho Michigan Ten- - B, tralto Detroit, and thence to Mrgitiu Fulls, BBBjI. where, If tbe train is on time, a short stay will BB Jiemndc. Tho trip will be llnUhed over tho B New York Central and Hudson Klver. Tutn- - ", many Is not coming home without some troph- - B l"8- - A dear "nle black nnd tan, just old B'r oaongh to lap milk, wbb captured In Bt. Louis, B ' At Decatur a llvo lamb was puichnsod, and Is Bl in clover as the pet of one car, while two live BBBjI chickens are being trained to crow lor Clevo- - B land In another car. BBal Senator Itellly was compelled to lnnvo Rt. B Ixuls this morning, a telegram calling him B homo to soe his sister, who 1 setlously ill. B The only unkind word Tammany has for tho B work of the Convention Is in reference to the BBH tariir plank or rather tho rosolution, a sort ot B plank thut Is not a plank the Wuttorson en- - BBI dorsrment ot the 311118 bill. BBI Just before Danville, III., was reached, about B 0 o'clock, there was auothor stop to change B engines. Within a short timet afterward tho BBa) berths were most of them mado tip. and, pure BBa! Where the infrequent chip, clicked against Its BBal mate or the bottle's nock kfseod with gentle BBa! clink the tumbler's edge, Tammany slept, and Umi wu dense s11dq u the cars. Tammany was tired nnd rocked littlo of the allurements, of tho jack pot or tho gontle wlnsomeness ot the juice of tho grapo. T11K COUNTY PKMOC1UCY START. St, Louts, Juno 7. Tammany's braves and tho Kings county legion prnctlcnlly wnded out or the town this attornoon on the return trip. Tho Brooklyn men wore on tho train a fo;v inltuiteB niter tho Convontlon adjourned. Tholr Bpeelal was ndvortlsed to start at 2 I'. St., nnd nil the boys knew It. The County Doinocrncy Btarted this evening, and the three trains will roll Into New York on Saturday morning. 1 ho cotintloB wore not daur.ted by.tho mud-coate- d stroctn. hut paraded from tho Southern to the station. The llnndilcks Clnb of M. IxnU were their eicort. Their bnnil led the way with " Marching through Geoigln." Col. Mnr-phy- 's legion followed, nnd bohlnd. In the front rank, wero Judge 1'ower, Corporation Counsel IP'okmnn, Judge White, ovSenntor Dmihnm. Dlsti let Attorney rilrgernld. nnd William l'ltt Jlltchell. All sported the red bandanna, nnd tho Ivinnorsof tho organization Ihiuntod the Thurmun cutlcn, niixT avxs ot' 2xw campakix. Populup Rrjolclnt Over the Nomination or t'lrrclnnit unit 'Ibnrronn. WASHiNoroN, Juno 7. Tho Democracy nt tho District ot Columbia fired 100 guns this ovcnlngln honor of tho nomlnntlon of Clovo-lnn- d and Thurmnn. IiiucA, Juno 7. Tho Democrats of Ithncn are llilng a nntlonal salttto of thltty-clgl- it guns, in honor of tho nomination of Clocland unit Thurmnn. Br.AMiox. Vt Juno 7. -- A Clonlanil nnil Thurniiin 1'ne whs thrownotithnront 2:12 P. 31. 1'utM ii.n. N. ,f June 7. Tho news of Tluir-mnn'- H nomination to the by the Democratic t'onvontlon nrouped tho great- est enthusiasm iitiiong tho Democrats here. Bonllres were lighted, nnd u snlute of 100 guns was tired. 'I he Democratic Club, headed by a band, paradod about tho elti. Many prominent cltbcns ll'unrinatod their dwellings in honor of the event. NK'vnt'iinri, June 7. Tho nominations of Cleveland nnd Thurman lire veil leeched hero. Thltts-elfci- it guns were ll rod In their honor, and u procession is insrehl'ii: through the street with ('.reworks end illuminations. Lvvutit'i.ii, June 7.- -A tnlutu of ldty guns vnstlri"! hem on the leeuptlon ut the news of Judge '1 1'lirinnn's noniinatlon. He Is n natlvo id this city. 'Jho enthusiasm Is great, lted bandnniian are dlsplajed all over the streets. Wmintvri., N. .. J mm 7. (.'no hundred guns were bred hem bv Iho Democtnts over ilio nomination of h" elttid and Thurmnn. LocXPuliT, N. Y Juno 7. Tho Demoir.tts of this city with music, llrov.urks, utid snei dies fin hnslii't leally nitilled tho nomina- tion of Cleveland and Thurmnn, '1 hoy, N. Y.. Juno 7. The Democratic rilsner Club oiienod tho campaign here by ninnltig out a banner and making n parade. l'atterson, bei.utor Collins, and others made nddiusses. VI' WO Tilt: IIAXXIMH. A Knee IteMveen fkmmunr Unit nnd Tork vlllr Countlm In JtolMInx l"nrtr.il. " Strong ticket," " Splcntlld jilatfoi m," nnd "Sweeping tlctorv." were tho expressions Democrats rolled unctuously under tlielr topgues last night, nnd then they would get their head3 clrsur tugetlior and whisper in unothcr key. Tho expressions then used wdre these nnit tho like: " It will bo n hard fight." and " There will bo many anx- ious nights In Iho'Whito IIouso botwoon now nnd November." Tho pollJic.il organ! mtlons went about their work In good order. On Tammany Hull's solid front, concealing the wreck of tho ll.iraes within, n tortrnlt ot Thtumnti was promptly plteed nloiigsldo thnt of Cleveland which the lira did not prevent tho Mnlwnrts from getting Into plain on Thursday atternoon. The Twentv second district County Democrats nt right-llr- st street and Thlid avenue woio equally prompt with tlielr banner raising. Thirty niintitLS after the news of Thurmun s nomination reached Yorkvllle n fine network Cleveland and Thurmnn banner. SO bv SO feet, vvistiirovn nciosMho uveliue. The'lhirteenth district ( lev eland Campaign Club, nu oifshont of tiieeouiitv iioi.iocr.itii' oiL'aniation. of which hurve jor llf.tttlo Is the real head, made arous- ing demoristrntiou lust ulsht at Tvventy-tlrs- t ttioet and Ilighth avenue. Graham 3IcAda:n provided. In the Ninth district nt Abingdon siiu'iio Commissioner Voorhls's County Demo- cratic Club lope lted and elaborated upon its demons! n.t Ion of the previous evening. Tho JidTpreonlan Cleveland OimPHicn Club ot the Tenth Asfenibly dibtrlit laised u mammoth banner a: 2i Avenue A. Trunk Cierner pre-lde- d. The Count j Democricy of the rift cent b ilihtrlctialsed.illnu transparency af.'tfT Vf-- t t. and willcelo-brnt- o v'len the b"V c me home. At .1 meeting of tho Tammany Association of the lourteenth Assemblv district, held nt the he.'ulouiirteis. con.tr oi becond avenue nnd I'ourteenth street. John U. Donnelly presided, and losolutloii!, of ratlllcutlon offered by .Mr. llonry BNciioff, Jr.. and seconded by Charles Gaell'T vveio unanimously adopted, uud bo v is thl: Lff'tfi. Thnt It i tlip ffnMment of th PfirocrfttPf.r tli- - i uurmrnUi Aninti y ,lf ru l Hint lhc ptonlp or t e Mula ot Seiv urV ilc-l- ft i oi liniiance of tin. uilmlnl.-trfillo- ot ttit, Ilru Iiaviil b Hill i. Uoverncr ot tho h hip of f r Vorl.. thut Mi rmuciiiifttloii lo i lint olt'co l.l ronlnluitc lowar.l "letpccesHof the e nt oa 1'eniicr.itic cunteUii otnl ttiat w. earnrntly con lut-- lilri r'noiiUiiAtliiri in ttir nxt tletnccratio btit'.e Conren Ion for lls ravoralte conniiteratlun If a Toxan steor had meandered on tho floor of the I'rodine Lxehangn about noon yesterday ho Tumid Biiielj have had a corner on brokers in nbout two seconds, for thero was a sea of red handkerchief, silken, bandannas, ponieo, iinytliitigso long us It wan of crimson hue. l.vei v otliei man, in his joy at Thiiiman'snoni-hin- t. on. had tied a handkerchief on his cane, wound it around his hat. or was nourishing it in tho fac of home haughty Republic ;n. Mayor Hewitt abode vesteiday by his .'l of the previous day to expiost, any views rr i 'pinion- - on rolitlo, plntfi rms, or candi- date-, i'e Vi'us artliill uuestion'-- about what he thought of Thurman'a nomination, tho (liiestlons being based on hi) utoualntnnco with the old Jtomun and his association with him In Congress. "I nm not to bo drawn Into any discission of these iiuostionj," he said. WILT. THE LA1IUII 3WX tUSEf Aid with J!ncti Oilier, or Ilowf Kndorelaff the tlocliiDtl Ticket. Tho County Goucrnl Commltteo of tho United Laborp.irty mot In Clnrondon Hnll last night. Trof. William B.Clnrko offered a reso- lution endorsing the platform of tho party and its nominees, 11. II. Cowdrcy for President, nnd W. H. T. Wakefield for The names wore loudly cheered. John II. Dough- erty of the l'ourth Assembly district raised a hubbub by dt nounclng tho Cincinnati Conven- tion for nominating candldatos at all. Ho haiulad in his resignation. ii legato JIusxell of tho Seoond district said ho understood that thorn wns to ho no tnndl-din- e, unless theie w:'H fusion with tho Union Labor party. Delegates Longhead and Dono-v- replied that itussell wns mistaken. halrmun John McMncl.ln said that before many weeks, thcro whs reason to believe, thero would be buttonu platform und ono ticket De'egiito llobcrt 1. Duvlssnld ho wanted to (:i.-.- . Cleveland a tap, nnd thought It would bo best done by voting for tho man who had tho best chaiK oof winning. Di. I buries 1. .McCarthy, who says he Is nt Long Blanch for the summer only, said thnt people who vveie not satlsllod vtl'li tho princi- ple of the puitv lunl hetlei get out. Tho plntlurm was approved. Tho candidates Wero endorsed. Tied U. Loiibuscber, who rnn for Judge of the t rlmlnal Court lust eir, resigned Ills post ns IlecordlugSecrotary. Ho said that ho need- ed test. l'oter II. Oatens offered a resolution In which the United Labor pnity pledged jtseli not to run a candidate for liovernor. It was tabled. Ilist.-ibl- ,), Hawks moved thnt tho United Labor party demand that Gov, Hill sign tho Ballot Keloid bill. Thu motion was lobt. D llllbJIMEX. JteorcanUlntt lor W'ark lor Protection In tti5 Jloiilunil ntatrt. Tho n Antl-Clo- v eland Pro-toctl- League was orranirod last night in Clarendon Hall. Michael Broslln presided, andCupt. James S. Trenoy was Secretary. A sot of lesolutlons offered by John Devoy, nnd seconded by J, I', Ilyim, was adopted. Thu resolullons denounco tho Domocratlo Conven- tion for renominating Cleveland and approving his Iroo trade message, and dccluio that his re- election would "Inflict Int.tlng Injury on the in- dustrial life ot tho nation." Thoy state that " while reserving to ourselves entiro freedom of action In local affairs, we pledge to the party our hearty and energetlo support In tho I'rtsidentlul contsst," II Its Con- vention shall adopt a 'platform advocating protection to Ainurlcan Industry and labor, and will select a cundldato known to bo a sound protectionist," who vrlll furthermore aim "to mako American Ideas, Amoricnn inlluence, nnd American Industry dominant on this con- tinent, instead ol, like the present Administra- tion, yielding to tho Intrigues and weakly lndtutlng tho methods ol etfolo European monarchies." ra I'aterson, Jereoy City, nnd l'ussale wro present. It is designed to ex- tend the organization throughout the doubt-fu- l States ui Iiowiork, Now Jorboy, Connecti- cut, and Indiana. Not only mon of Irish birth, but all Demooratlo protectionists will be eligible to membership. The Committee on Organization will report at the next meeting, to be held Bundar night. . i ' I'T.ATT CALLS OX BUBtlUAX. Z,k X1ke Meetlnc by Freitrritagemcat t the Filth Atenna Ileitel. At 10J o'clock Inst evening- - Thomts O. l'lntt hold up a warning flngor to tho clovntor boy at tho Fifth Avenue Hotel, who wns just nbout starting on nn upward trip. Thon ho niado a dart to tho lift ns though in n gront hurry, but took time to stop and cast a glance around to soo whothor bo was observed. Jlr. l'lntt lives nt tho Filth Avonuo, but ho does not go to bed so onrly. It wbb Boon nn open socretthat he had gonoto aconforonto with John Sherman In the lnttiir's room. Honntor Bhormnn had arrived from Washing- ton half nn hntti boforo. Ho had declined to seo nny roportors, and tho Intimation was ap- parently nutltoilzod that his vlrltwas ontlrcly on buslnoss. He Is it director lu tho Pitts- burgh, Port Wayno and Chicago llallroad, nnd y Is election dny for that company's stock- holders. Tho news thnt he was coining was known about tho hotol somo time betora his arrival on the authority of Cbnrlos Poster of Ohio, one of tho principal boomors for tho Chicago nomlnntlon. As Minrmnn Is conceded to bo tho man who will stmt with tho biggest vote In tho Chicago, the nows stirred up tho corridor convention. Ataong tho rumors It evoked wns one that Piatt lind lieon asked to mcot Sherman and hud answered that ho did not vvnnt to. It is In tho line of 31r. l'latl'a tuctlcs to havo stinted tho rumor thnt hn wouldn't when ho mndo tip his mind that ho vvou'd. So tho con-- v tctlon wns getiei nl that Senutor Sherman, Poster. and Piatt wero Indulging In imulot confab n very few minutes alter tho lattorniado lib, divo for tho elovator. And tho conviction wns unshaken th'U thoy wero still ut It when, ut a latu hour tho watchers gave up waiting lor the r appearance of either l'lntt or I ostor. beuator l'lntt bad said cniller thut he could nothing lor publication thnt would do any- body any good. Ho has thnt for many ovenlng:1. but In the mean time ninnvdolegates to Chicago iroin the Interior of tho Stnto liava dtopped in nt the hotel in a way that leads to thu suppo-dtio- that they vveie sent for. 'J hey talked, and ho talked, uud It Is learned, though not Irom lilin, lh.it ho talked Alger and Mor- ton, while mnnvof them talked Depew and But the Dapovv sti ength was not fouuded on solid rock. So Mr. l'lntt s uttltudo In a with SenatorSliei mini and Pos- ter was nn interesting subject Tor conjecture, homo of the prophots said that tho strength of hhei man mid tho growing favor of Alger will make some stub :i compromise candidate ns Ben Harrison the probnblo nominee Col. Dlns-t.- m of Illinois, no ot vesteiday's arrivals. Is dolegnte, and his advent und tho revival ot tho story that tho delegation Is not solid for Greshnm Is significant. " Tliurmun's nomination." snld Foo ter, noes not mako nnv uuierence witu unio. There is nothing doubtlnlaboutour State. Tho liuptibllcans will currv It. and, I think, tho country, too. I am for Sherman, but 1 do not ndvocnte him any morestiongly on nccnunt of Thurman'a being nut on tho other ticket It Is not neee-siiry- . Thcro Is no strength udded in Ohio by his namo." A. Letter Irnr-- i .futile Oreetinra. PrrrsunRoii, Juno 7. At n 6peclnl moctlnp; of thu Conkling P.cpnblltnn Club last ovenlng this letter was road from Judgo Greshnm. In answer to a letter sont to him last week noti- fying him that tho club ondorsed him us a can- - didnto for President: rmcAccJutie. I am lint tn receipt of yonr tetter of Mir -- ' Informing mrlhrtt the ronkllncr ltepubllcan cln.' of l'itMbttrirli hat honored mo hr exprepsion of confldence in mr tunew for the I'rebldrntlal oilce. tieir to attttro you. and throush OU tho lnmlere or your clt.b, tkat t appreciate tlile umleerrved compliment I Iiavo itotje notlilnit to Intlu-enc- e the action of the Convent on. and ehall not be die njinututed whatever the result may be. Ipretertliat Uite letter be not publlkhed Very trulyvours. vv: Q CtiMnix. Tho presence of reporters nt tho meeting of tho club mndo It impossible to suppress tho contents of the letter. MORE JUXE irEDDlXGS. Tbe TJangbter or tbe X.ntr Harney Wllllnrae Amnnc tbe Xlrldre. At tho homo of tho btido's mother, 142 West 172d street, lost evening. Miss Mario Kathleen Williams, daughtcrof tho luto Barnoy Williams, tho coined! in, was mart led to Mr. Georgo H. B. Mitchell. Tho llov. Father Blgley of St. Agnes's Church performed tho ceremony. Tho bridesmaids were tLo Misses Kmlllo and Kathleen Sklnnor, Jliss Mlnnlo Pardon. JIIss Nelllo Janpen. 3IIss Ida Mitchell, sister of tho groom, nnd ?llss Katie Kvle. Tho bride's gown was of whlto fnillo. trimmed with seed ueails and jKilnt laco, vrlth court train and bodice. Sho was given away by her uncle, Mr. Villlllam J. Florence Mr. G. Germon acted ns be-i- t man, and tho ushers were Messrs. Lucius Miller. C. P. Buchanan. Samuel Swaey, rrnnk Damon, Prink G. Kvuns r.nd Thomas McCarthy. Miss Lmils Ogdcn blniomH daughter ot Mr. Frederick W. Slmonds, nnd Mr. Bacho VA'hltlock, cousin ot fair Bacho Cunnrd. v.ero marilcd yesteiday noon in Calvary Chinch. louitb nvenuo and Tvventy-tlr- st str ot. The itev. Dr. 11. T. hatterlce otlieialed. Tho best man was William V. hillock, tho groom's brothr. Tho usheis were Albert 11. Slmonds. btolher of tho bride: V.'illlupi Ogdeu.Ldward P. u. Lminel. and William l'urdy. A wedding bre.i'.fnst was served .it tho house of tho bride's father. 117 Lust Thirty-fourt- h stre ot. A singular accident nlmost produced a jctnio jut at the conclusion of the crcmoiiT. wiicu uhhei.tof (hine. several feet in height, ly leaped up about tho church organ. In mi Instant the company n guests In the church wasthiown Into a state ol gro.u excitement, but John living, a young assistant ol Sexton Mc.Mtr. quickly rhut o:f tho blaze. The burst of tlunio lollowed the accidental knocking oft of the burner of. i triple g.tsjel underneath tho kovhoaid ot the big oignn, and a number of frightened spectators rushed into tho stroot, nnd ono of them sent an unnecessary llro alarm, but thero was no fire, nnd tho bride was driven oir to the wedding reception without dliovering the cause of the hubbub. lu Dclmonlco's red parlor, standing In a bower of nodding imlins, Gertrudo lUninii Marx was united lu mnrrlago to Mr. Sol M. Woll.ick early loht evonlng by Itabbl lvohler of Tomplo Bothel. She was given away by her father, Mr. S. Marx. Tho banquet hull wns illuminated afterward, nnd three hundred guests sat down to the woddlug supper. Miss Uettrude Llndsav Howe and Mr. Wil- liam JJronton Welling weio mnrrled ut tho Church of the Heavenly Best yesterday after- noon by Bishop Potter, irnistcd by tho P.ov. Charles Cooper of Philadelphia. Miss Jlargery Howo. sister of tho bride, was the maid of honor, and Mr. llichurd W. G. 'Welling, brother of tha groom, wus best man. THE SIT. TJUOtOX 2JIVSXEES' QUAEItEZ. IVeeldeat Qunctxrnbiieh Tilkea Ilia Ilelent Cttlmly L'huruea Aitatnet 'i'ruelen i:eri. Besides holding tho ofllco of Postmastor of Houm V ernou. Pavil CJiiacLnlraHi rciducte n real eatate buMutKi and ineldei over the ineithio of the Yillao I'.oant of Trutttca. lie ie a Democrat, and the Republican member f the Board recently combine 1 to deprive him or tho rl.-h-t to eirm'nt cor.imllteia. Ho e.ild jeter.ly ttiat he would have appointed the eame men on coiimulieei ai, witi apoliue,l by the lie. I.iit he would let fUbinll lo dlctnll in. II- - naci.biioinh' io ule the inatter to the court, nor vio.l'.a he reuu I dltor Ilium .'IcflePind of the Mount Vernon ifjnt aid iha n mietuiL- - of Hie clllem ivould be called to ilenoince the liepubllcau comslne. enerable CIIH er Dyer, one nf the Itepithlican rrusteea. na.il, "rrtIJelHQuMcKenbiieti wanted to make Henry Appeiriulrinuiiof the met andpewerCoiaimtlee. r u riiiccrW J, IVorllien U htuy on pine for feseretbal will covt the vi'lai:e$".'J;tl. lie c ontracte ar now lo I u awarded Pout sou el e that the ooekiblhtlee aro irreal l.x.Aieniblyman aid 'iriietee Norman lawler w ti. to ha mace cotitikel Ie tile Committee, dteplachu feunlv Jmli-- e MIIik, ami IMItor McLl-lla- itaa to bo innde Town Olerl.." Nel ear feer PeptlbMcun Tiniteei end one Uemo. rial co out, und thlnri vrlll piobably be chatiKcd around to the ailvantarc of llic Jleluorratl Jncoli Cortwrlrht. u contractor, brought stilt aratnet the villas of Alount ernou lor work performed In l,rad te runl.lyii ovenue. He c launtd that there wae a filial ce ilim him or HJfol. At Hie trial III tho supreme rourtutvviiit P afnuleforeJuitlcelJykman andajur)' eetrrUuy atarllit J keoli. touniel for the plaintiff. cnhedlllKatlrlillon ot II. e Court lo the act that ho hail beeti Informed that lleinard Hobey of Vonkcre one of tho iurure lu lite cafe, had been Improperly approached by llenry 1 wer. one of iho trutteevof vfeuni Vrrno i. and declined to i.rociiid further with the trial, .lueiho l'j kman arked Juror llobey If eucn wae thecaec, and bi lu? an.wered lu Hie attinnatlve he at once evu-e- d hhn from further eervlce on the Jur. Pyconeeiilof both eidea Ihe trial went on with hut e'nveu lurore In the bin A verdict vrae til cu fur the plalutiUior the lull amount clal.utd. 'Ibe t'rew ofu JtntLb Zlurk Keeeaeit. When tho Belgian steamer Tenlers. which left llto Janeiro on May H. with a caryo of cnRre for UnikJtJeronsof this city, and arrived hero yeiicr-day- , was five days out from port lu latitude 12' 07' south, loejlincte 7( '.'S' wel, ho fell In with Ihe Hutch bark Mathilda, the latter waterlomed and linking and flilmr elenai of dletreea The Tenters eentont a lifeboat to the fluthtlda and took off her skti per. rapt. Voee and hlecrew ore'evenmen. The Mathilda was then et on lire Cain. VM said that he lei t Cardiff. Ualea, In April with a careo of coat far the Spice Islands. In tbe Matay Archlpetaeo Heavy etorme and cross sens caused her to strain in every timber She wasb-avll- y loaded, and when the leulere came alona had six feet of water In Ihe will. The Malblhla was owned In Holland, and w till her carito was v slued at C;VS.ijo. 'Ihe Mlalnrtnnea nrnn Itnmlitrnnt. A wagon drove up to tbe gates of Castlo Gar- den ) esterday and a legless man as lifted out and car- ried Into the ofnreof tho immigration Coramlstlouers. Ile was Aoirust Axt, a native of Wurtembunr. who ar- rived here on Auir t(4. last year, an able bodied tniu. v hlle searching for hie father In Newark one very cold Dllbt last wlater his Irga acre frosen. aad at the New- ark Hospital tbey were amputated. CoUitjlar alafoat wlilprolahlyisadhuubacktoKtuepe. LIVE WASHINGTON TOPICS. TUB HOUSE IX AX VPItOAlt OTBlt X11B xtura rnoit r. j.ovis. Thnrrann'a Xanilnittlen TToUee Vv tho ntslrinm vihetvere Jiravialnir Over the TnrlD Hill A tl7 liny for Ren lino-rinnn- Sir. Stnrenn Makes Kpeecb In Untie nrHbcrmnn Str. i'ljts'a Ntiecch, Washikoton, Juno 7. Tho IIouso hntl much ftm ovor tho tnrllT debnto Whon It was nt Its height a small page rnn down the central nlslo nt ft tiemendous rato of speed, dodging around tho logs of tho rotund Con- gressmen, nnd checking for a moment Gon. Weaver's burstof oratory on bohalf of froo lum- ber. Tho jingo bounded up tho throo steps leading to tho Speaker's desk nnd handed it shoot of manifold copy to Chairman Spring- er. Mr. Springer 'thumbed It nervously nnd hastily glancod at its contents. By this tlmo neither tho IIouso nor tho gal-lcrl- woro paying any attention to Mr. Wonver's speech, nnd a general dcslro was manlfostod In every faco to know whnt tho telegram said. The suspenso was rcllovod n momont Inter when Sunset Cox sent to tho desk and nskod pormlsslon for tho Clork to rond the following dospatchi fit Lous, June 7. Thurman nominated. Tho suppressed excitement now gnve way to rapturous applause and grent uproar. As If with ono accord tho vvholo Democratic sldo was In nn Instant waving bnndannn handker- chiefs und shouting itself l.onrse. Members tiud hundkorciilnrs to tholr umbrellas and canes and waved tliom frantically ovor their heads. Mr. Outhwaito of Ohio dtow forth n largo bust plcturo of Thurman which ho car- ried to tho Clerk's desk, and braced It up against a pile of boot's In full view of tho mom-bci- s. i'lien he gracefully drai ed tho fi.itno with a silk but daniin, at which tho members howled more liuidlv Hum over. The galleries took up tho applause, and waved baiidannns In lesponse to the uproar on thu floor, homo enthusiastic-Thurinni- i men In !lioiros gnllory Hung their bandannas over tho gilded citglo which tests above the Speak-or'uUml- r. While the contti'-loi- i wns gtentest an old whlte-hiilro- d man on tho Deiuocr.itta sldo vv as s"on hastening down the aisle, his fneo Hushed, and an o.nres'-Io- of Intenso ex- citement on Us features llo hold ono hand nloft.and In n hoarse voice, which could 'curco-l- v be henid above the up! oar. ho shouted: " 1 havo worked for thirty years tn California to see Thurman l'resldont, and now, thank Go 1, ho has ut lo.ibt got second place on tlu ticket." The old gentleman who spoko wns Itepresen-tntlv- o Biggs of California, llosclduuiinnl.es himself hoard, and his manliest excitement grcttlv amused both side- - of the House. It was several mlnuti s boforo ord"r was restored, nnd then not until after both llepublicans nnd Democrats hod grown win in In hand clappings and shouts P.ven after order had been re- stored tho House n fusel to think of unv thing oxcept politics, and a running lire oi blight political rapurtoea continued for a half hour. Mr. Morgan asked loavo to offer n long pro-a- bio and series of resolutions on tho subject of tho pending llshery treaty. The proamblo recites that tho report of tho Committee on Foreign Relations on the treaty raises tho question whether tho President hnd authority to negotlnto such a treaty or to appoint the plcnipoteiitl.uies vithout the previous consent of tho Senate and tho n solutions declare that tho treaty has been duly negotiated and Is law- ful nnd valid. Senator Sherman objected to Senator Morgan speaking on tho resolutions, as heiiator who m.ido the commltteo report, woo not lu tho city. Mr. Morgan said he proposed to mako tho speech which ho made In executive n. This treaty had been made n mere politic tl football ot n great party for tho sakoof ,idv aim- ing tho Interests ol a certain gentleman in n national convention to bo held In Chicago. Mr. Morgan then read lib speech. Ono ot tho sentences was: "The Senate may mako war necessary, as I amvcrv much afiald we are doing hero to- day." tl. an allusion to llopublicnii Senators, Mr. Morgan said that thu only preparation which they woio making for wot wasnti at- tempt to rnll-- t the svinjintliiosof subjects of her .Majesty, 'i heir action, he said, wan doubtless with a vievrof uxeltinc thu an- tagonism of lriahvoterc to tho l'le-blc- hi- - alleged subserviency to iili-- li lu- ll uciice. That charge inukled with lniustlee. Congiess, no said, had 4ivmi to the President tin pov.er widen i.'l tho Preildents had stece IK'O, to vvnge napei wai on llrlti'-- conitneice, and had tLcn 'tood by tn sen whether the President would push thnt paper war Into tl.o cntegoryot real war. If lie hud dure so the country would h.ivo cried out for hiniriuc ichrnent; but, having failed to do so. lie wns chart oil in th rejioit of the mnjorltvof tho Cominliteo on Foreign Belntionn with ltstiri a'.iou. end with the nbtirti of constitu-tiona- l power Ikciip ho had sought to find u nc.ii e.ilue way to got tho rights claimed by tho United Sinter. The resolutions wont over without notion. Mr. Mcl.nne. Fnlted Ptnlo Minister to Frtncp, lunl nn interview villi secretary Bin -- anl y prior to his retain to Paris. The Pi esldent has signed tho bill appropriat- ing $b(J.00u.0lit) for onsious. Tho IIouso went Into Commltteo of tho Whole on tho tai iff bill. Mr Dltigloy of Maine, speaking in opposition to Mr. Breckinridge's nrcor.driont to the proviso attached lotho lum- ber schedule of tho fico list, winch proposes to adtalt Cnii.ulmii lisn free of duty upon allow- ance bv that country of cmnnieicl il ilzhts to our voissel c and also fot Hy In the ex- change of products I otw ecu the L idled Mates and Cnnnt! i. llo tnnlii', lined rli.it Canada had withheld commercial nglito 'loin our lishlng nmiotliei vcsseK for the juirposu of driving Congress to admit !lsh fn e. Alter n long deb ito. Mr. Breckinridge's nmendmont to Mr. Dinglov's nmendmunt was adopted by a part vole, oscejit In the easo of Mr. lUnilnll. who votd with tho Itepuhlicnns ugalnst it. and them Mr. Dlnglev's amendment us amended was rejected. An Inlirrltnncn Anultliif GeorKe Kluinter. Goorgo lllmmer or licainer. who was last seen lu IlrooUru about ihne)rHrs stro, l wanted to ilarothelnherluncocf his ctaiidfiihrr. amountln; to W'.tMJhi vnltiahli-rea- l estate, bc.idej inro.iol prop- erty. Jthnmer grandfather dies! hflcen enr nso of black Hnill pos. He left u w ton and a son bj a former wife. As ho had made t.o will, hi properly wouttutho son. except the wife's dower The ton died three mouths later liavini: tho estate to his e epiuoll cr for life. Af ter her dentil It was to go to I Is lather's fo ir elvers and it.o brothers Wli-- n the stepmotlier d'ed the lam ly wasei sc.ltlered that no atten.pt was lu i.lo to taviile il o nroti-rt- ). situo ilia: time mat y if the hrlrshuve died llei rge lltmmer nail miei, t tile hU chihlrciu cue of hlei-ii.i- re wis found lo I o tl Intr at llrim.end, uie nltiei lu Ni w VerLcitv and two Drelhers In Ml.murl helieor lliese knew ihe whereiib nit, c f iiuj of the oil! er undone dtd not l.liosr eien tti rnnienl iierhro.lt. ers and slstc rs. t. or-'- e Ym ltd a uvtulerlptf lit- - V. neti lavt seen I i llrooklyn ho was priidllr..' coil A spur ol rluimsnt wan attriind hv mi auiertl.tn nt In Tui'M.'c six inoottisagii tonpiilv to t e hrlrS. c ouiieel, llutiliard Id ndrh kfiei of on illinm strn hut he v tu unaUlo to g.ve Ills motl er'B li I'deii iiaie If tie giliuuie uilr does urn npnecr wllhln a rest inahc lime the estiito will he divider! wtiieit him II c'ni'lrg Itiritoer snhnro. Il e piojierty wl be ill! hied hi'" Mien JorllolM Die rent estate lain hruoklvn, und li ruldo Increushulu value. llnngtnnn AtLtuaun Xlnsu't I.ll-- o Ike Xew J.nvv. Joe Atkinson, hotter known ns "Isnncslho nanirmin," who lives tit .,7 rrerirreen avenue, is deprived of his oicup.ttlun by llov. Hl'l's approval or ihe bill abcdlshlni: ihe In ihlj statu and subslltutll g elegttlchy as a means of jiuttlui ccn-ie- ned murilereri In death He wartClrctis.hlg the new law wiih his wlfo and daughter whun arcporter vhlied 1.1m yestcrJay. "VVhal do f think of the bil''" he said, ndlustlng his Heel rlmeil spclueie Well, whllo 1 am In favor of the easiest and mrst c cnveult t.l form or death, 1 do not think electricity will do as a pili.hhmelit I" capltiil cues. 1 admit tbat death bye fitrh'ity wouldbomsy and without pain, and for this riUMKl hariielted trlllll nuls wou'd not driad uucrly sonu chus they dread Ihe Atkinson said thnt his farrl'y was much opposed lo his orcunatioi, but he hal nl'nned the calling ol' a hang man fur ni&uj years, because It laid hit i well. He did not say wbetber he wuul I continue hi pursuit lu tinotl er stato alter the new law anoilihaiK h itigfiig itoes Into ecct luew crk Allrt-ri- l Frntida ut the I'Usrn.itrr ilectloti. Henry Ockoihauten, who wns defeated by Pavld Manliforlrcstcointhel'lfih wardot ihevilhign of at the election held on rutsday will havo an.lnluni'llou vervid cm the llurd ot Trustees of the vlllsge Ilia niurnlng, restralnnu them froi i rauv, s log the vole of that ward on 11 e ground of ulleite I fra j.l.i lent vol ing I here were 2 I batiol east, ol which AUrsti received USaud llckerliaiiseu iH nckerliauseii claims that -- "Mlh gal votes were east He alna ly hus Co all davits ut I linen who swear that thei until fraudulent ly for Marsh ll Is eulil mat sum of tho alleged Illegal voters were procured from a e uhirs' buirdhu ho no cm Hamilton street, ibis illy, an 1 that cullers went lio.n lirooklrn Jlr Marsh It a lawver, wuh an oil co on llroadvray. Ills irlends say thai If auv rraud waaeotu-uiltte- he was not cognizant uf It. To Hevlve Iirly Kule'arl backer History, Tho St. Nicholas Soclnty, nt a meeting In resolved in revive the e'li lU.orrac tlceof fie erslU'Jliou, lent fa Irn Into ul.lui', uf li.su luj historical cisas part ot the literary features of the regnlar meilln.-i- . Ihe custom will ho revived at the llrilialberlnKor the roclelr n xt fall, and the hrst pa- per to be read will deal wllh New lurk society and He customs durlna the decaoe between 1HJ0 and 1SI s Iho society also voted to Increase the dues of life mem tiers from f lo tiui and Secretary sdiermerhoru re- ported that tke society bad attained tbe Increased limit , of too mstobsrshlp. latatsii the Unit was SOU, roitD Bxizt, znn coasipiox, lie Renevra Ilia Title nt Teslenlisy'a Caen-petl- nt Matt ISnTen, Malcolm W. Ford, tho champion nil nrountl nrantottr nthlcto of tho United States, hnd to htistlo yesterday to sustain his pretlce nt tho fourth nnnunl competition for tho general ath-lot- championship ol America, which was hold nttho Now York Athlotto Club grounds. Six onirics appeal oil to contest for honors In thoovonts. Thoy wero J.J, Van Houton of tho West Sldo Athlotlo Club. A, A. Jordan, N. Y. A. C: Arthur Schroodor, N.Y. A. a: M.O'Sulll-an- , Pnstlmo A. 0.: Malcolm V. Ford. Staton Island A. C. nnd J. P. Thornton, N. Y. A. C. The ton events through which tho competi- tors had to pnss woro tho dash. Btundutd 11 l; seconds ; 50 lb. weight, standard lHfcot: running high jump, standard Cfeot; 440-jar- run. standard C5 seconds: putting 1C lb. shot, standard !!2 foot; polo vault, stand- ard B'i tcct!l20-ynrdsliurtll- standards 3 feet (1 Inches nnd 2UJa seconds: thrnvvintr lfi-l- hntuinor, Mnndiiitt Til feet; running broad jump, Mandnid 1H loot; one-mtl- o run, stnudurd 0 minutes :iu seconds. Tim htuiilred yards clash wns easily won by 1 ord In 11 seconds, with Scluooilorund Thorn- ton it tlo for sotond nluco nrd Jordan close be- hind. In tho weight and hiimmerthrowinguiid shot putting lord wns of no pnitlcular ac- count, fulling to win a pniut In cither ot tho two former ev onts, ami having to wtuk Inrd lor three points In tho lattor. Again In tho polo vault loid was outdone by both Sehroederniul Jordan, om.li of whom cleared U leet U inches io tho loriner'n U leot :i, and In Iho l'.u yards hur-ill- o vouiig.loiilnn ilow'iiwnv Irom Ford. Fold, hovvuvor, showed up lu his old nhnpo In tho ruiinliig, broad, and high jumps and tho quar- tet -- mllo lllll. loid, how ovor. won first plnco In fotirovonts. second In two. en I third In two. thus renewing His title of aiiiiilciir elintiiplmi nth- lcto ol America by u score ol 21 points. A. A. .Ionian and Arthur M'liiiioiior. both of the New York Athletic Club, wero tied tor sec- ond place, each ol them Fooling 2.' points, and 31. D'hullivan ot tho P.istimo Athletic Club, mndo a not very g'orlous third, scoring 12 point, lu of whMi weie got by throwing the heavy weights. .1. P. Thornton of tho .Now York Athletic club, nnd J. .1. Van Houton of tho West Sldo A. C, wero d!sun!lllod for fulling to leach tho standard lu three of tho ton ovents contested. Following Is a summary of tho ovents. with tho winners. Gold medals were bostovvod upon tho first, second, and third men in tho totul icbull: (lne hundred jards run. standard 11J4 seconds Won hy via colm W. lord. II seconds, eecoud, Arthur schrorCer nnd .1 I. Thornton, h. V. A. C, a He, and third. I V. Jordan, .N. V. A. C. Mttv sU pound welehr. standard is feet Won hy M. (Vbiiliiviin. r. A C. distance --"U feeti.if, Inches, second, Arthur tn leet 'JH Inches, and third. A. A. Jordan. Is feet inch. Ititniilmr hth Jumii standard 5 feet Won by Matcolm W lord h. I. A. 0.. .' feet U Inches, second A A Jor-dn- , feet ijf inches, and third. Arthur Schrueder, 5 feet J "if Inches I oiir.liiitulreil and fortv yards run, standard 5s sec- onds Won by Map elm vV. Kord, M1 seconds', second, J 1' Thornton, X V. A. C , 00 seconds, and ihlrd, Arthur rrliroeder. l'uttln the 111 pound shot, standard 3i feet Won hy M lI'Mil.lvau, I'. A. U, dlslance .11 eetllLc, Inches, i v. at feet 1 Inch, ctid third. Arthur cchrnetler. tta?4 feel. Pole viult. c taudard RsS feet Won by Arthur Schroe-de- distance Sleet it lnch-- s, second, A A. Jcrdau, 0 feetiilncb-- s, and ihlra, vi. vv. lord tifeetulncheic tine hundrc 1 and twenty yards hurdle, standards 3 feet il Incl ee and '.0i second Won by A. A. Jordan, time. Is a second, second, vi vv Inrd, 18U seconds, and third J. P 11 ornton. ll'tf seconds. Thrnwlnjr til pound hammer, standard TO feet Won hy Vrihtir Schroeder Til leet II lltche. seconil. .V. A. Jordvi 7 I feet 7 Inches, und third, M, u'Sulllvan. 7J leet 'itv Inches. lluiininir broad lump standard IS feet Won by VV Vord. dUlance 21 feet 10J4 Inches, second, A A. Jordan. J1 feel 2V4 inches and third, Arthur Schrueder, M feet -- '! niche. le run. stanJard 5 minutes t seconds Won h) .A Jordan ' minuted JS seconds, second Arthur Schro-do- r. . minutes J seconds, und third, M. VV, yord, u minutes ll's seconda. Tbe JLatonln Itnees. Cincinnati. Juno 7. Thore wore sovon races on the card at Latonla, tho secoudaud tblrd races being spltL Mrst Hace Seltlnn. purse for three-yea- r olds and 7m furlongs, seven starters. Auctions Kermesso barred, l'at Donovan. $J0: Cora L., fill; Delia. 811; field, 2 kermesso won. Delia second. Carus third. Illlie. 1.17 Second itace Purse, for r olds; four and a half furionir. nine starters. Auctions I ady Hemphill. 512, AUho $l Vlits llojle ?S: Held, f'i Teresa won by a leLKlh, Alaho socukd. Lady Hemphill third Time, 0 "7. Third Usee Selling for three year otds and upward; sK lurlotis. t.B starters Am urn Arundel Sit: l'rlrr incite. S7, Uly VlrlI CJ. Held t.r Mar.halt won by two lengths, Tambourette second, llricrnanette third, lime I 17 Fourth liars A free handicap sweepstakes for F and upward, l m.les seven starter. Auction iek Murer. ?1C Did. :7. Insolence, fl; llelil -- " leu llroei k. Jr. won l.y u lialf length. Inso- le lie- - second, -- cur VI is i third Time, I Hfth hace Tho lllliiynr Musis for three year olds; nine fur.oiurs; live starters I'ooU hlte. IKI. tlalll-le- t llenedicl. til. Held. -l cl.illlret won In a rulloi bv tco lentLs. heucdlct second. Hector third, rime i "ij. sixth 11 lee rnrio, for two vear olds: four and one-h- a f I rl tiks. nliio starters Pools kiuts. 97. Jake vil ler 7 luhil JO. Hell 1 olartlator won by two lciutl s Jul'Hl tecoiel, Jake .vliller third Time, o t,7V ovcIlltl Urn e S'SlIni:. lor three j ear olds and up wiir,l. 'P. fGrhui ten starter Pools Marchnu, Z j I strel a ll, illesutr, 7, I eld. Ir Vlar lima won by .i e.iut leLth, Juuuert second, oleaner third, lime, 1 It; I ICuclnt; ist Nt. roul. St. Louis, Juno 7. First race For that had run end not won at this laeetlnfr; ten Marter. Auction Oil howle. $50, Monsoon. 20, gusk, ?il. fli Id, SIS fhllhowl- - won bv a leDiilh, Mousoon second, Olltter third Time. fr-- ei end llnce lliree quarters of a mile for all apes; f.ven stirtera 1'oulsl icoi.m. 5.',, Autocrvt. 1; Jlenkrupt ?7.beM ?lle Autocrat won east y a length ul end of llaukriiHt.c arneuie third Time 10 Ihlrd ItJee llrewere' cull for nil aces, one mllo and a hi f, three .tarter Auctions vilm li and I SMI Tetilio r rioncnt anJ M inch llnl.bcd tlrst and d Tin Hay third Time. 2 1 ! I ourth Itace Ire'o hnmlicup for all nses. one ml'o nnd an eivhth. the starters Auction l'arairon ?50, Wahoo, J.I7. Vlnchetll II. 112. Held. $J U wis Clark wonl.ya neck, l'aragou second. Wuhoo third. Time, 1 'Hhi flltli Knee 1'urso for all aires; one xnlte: Ihreo start, ers Auction Wheeler T. barred. Ilobemtan, rj; Hlondu Wheeler l won cusily hy a letnith and a half, iiohemian second, l.londa last. Time, lA'ifi, Polytechnic Institute Osslci. A solcet nnd fashionable assemblage was on Ihe llrnokn Alhleilc Clu groimils yesterday afltr- - noon tn w Iti ess the eleventh annual Rimes of Ihe Poly, techulc Institute students Jvo college records wero broken, ns the scores show Hundred jrrdsrtashR. s Co'ton. K yard, first; O P. Kn ipp 2 jurds. econd Time. II seconds. I. trlit hundred aad ilzhtv jard run V. Vonderoef. scratch, nr.t. cl VV CoukJln, 4Clard second. Time, J mln ,te r!6 seconds I o.ir huielred and lortyyird' 11. It. Connell. scratch. Ilrst. II s I'oltmi, scratch, second Time, OOVJ seconds Hlkh Jumu- - II i liadwlck I inches. Ilrst, reet,A. Van lerhoef scratch second, 4 feet 10 Inches. One mile walk CI VI c'onklln, scratch, first; 0. Lord, 40 nrd. second lime, r minutes 2.t seconds Kiinnmk' tread Jump It ll Welch. I 4.J feet, first; C ll, Viils, scratch, seci.nd IH'ani e. 17 feet 11 inches Two mil, hirvce rate VV. Vn lerhlll 7 yards Ilrst; I'-- T Wllleltfc, scratch, l,ee Olid Time, 7 minutes 3- - sec- ond (in- - mile mn-- C n Vnle. scratch first; 11 n Connell. 2avnrd. second lime, il minute Hie. seconds. Tlirowln the hummer I' Jenks, ICi feet 4 inches, Br" lleferee, Charles 1, 1'.randt. htarter, L. 1'. Smith. The rieTiiled Must Pitv McMer SIO.OOO. Tyler JIcNIcr of Jfount Vernon yostordny recovered tn,noo dnmaees lu asult uzalnbi ihe Man hiittati Hallway Company In the hii remo Court at While Plain. Ju.llco D) Lilian prcilJiuir This Is the heaviest verdict ever rendered nalrst the elevated railroad (In the eveulnitof Sopt, i'l, Issit, vicMer wa pr.ssln.- - tlirntuh Mxdi avenue, between Tiilrtv-tirs- t and Thlriv sccoi'd wlunn re, hot clinker l p ece of coal fell from u parsing Inconintlvn piiii hi rfsht eye. Tile Injury wis ,n severe Hut lo hid to ulvo up his place as I ookkeep-- r for ll Vltmnn A I'n, In e.xtll are-nil- - uud he bus lie en uenhle te do any work slie o Iho suit wiiHorlinnlU foririoosi, and vrasdlimlrsed by Jusllce Jlil man on the Hi at trial letnnseor somo lechntcjl error In the pleadiluis ltentii iipac-altiL- fore the -- nuie Jnetlea and u Jury on au amended com- plaint. 'Jim trial occupied two das. I'unernl of Chnrles I.nssnlle, A high muss of requiem was celohrated jes-terd- li. Iho rhurrh of hi. Ircetit do I'.iut. In Twenty-thir- Uriel, over Iho remains cf Mr Charles I.assille, soman vears proprlcli r of the t imrrlrr des Kilt I nit, who died in Ilerbtaln Jiniierj Tho cclc brunt was tho Iter tlnstou setler. who wus insisted hy 1'utheis Hum hert. VVncher. and 1'lnel Iho pall he were Mr, I mils Vlcrcier Hr. I haiiveau. Vlr . "Huillle Vr. lhlbiiult. Ir chirlesi'oiidert, and Mr ( taile v Hani An o'nc thoFrt i resent wi rei Icomle in il Ahrc Hie rrlich Mr II I", hiiininrMllnflor nf Ihe ( oioTlcT, vlr I. il" Tninaltcs, rdlier In chief and Ho iiillreslall, Mr I hnrles UeeMild. Mr, Lion Juilj, ana iiijio caiir incmbers cf ilieercuch olouy, Ihe remain euro lilen to cterliwood mtUOKLTX. Theneweili'lion'the Kourlli t'nlversallst Churrh. In Oulucv stree.aud Ueiduveuue1 w as dedicated on Wednes- day nisht. Chlcr nrhieer Monro has been depiehed from his pn.t at Iho navy yard, nud ill no lo t allforula wltb his iaiuhy liiKlcvdaji M lyor llnplii will have the nrpolntment of new 1'ark ConimisKion mi June Id, when ihe term of Hie pri sent c.oiiuiil.slon expires. A man about an years old. five feet seven Inches In heic-n- t. viih small sanity uiomtai he and dark hair. anddreMid in daik chiih-- s m ounil in tho river at thotoisof Halilu street rtirdv, und taken to the Morgue tu.vwult Idtnttllcalloii louls Monieiif 7S)Clinore street, who wss once a wraplo l ok cciler, allcinle. ruh mr on Wnllieslay li elil h, shiHillna' himself In the m til eye Ihe bullet loos-ettl- Ida head, hut he vi I'l not .lie lie was rr u.i 1 I from He llu" rules Hon e a few dJjsuLO. IbisishU tlmu ntiempt utsLicild Subscription b'uls for the XiiM om capital stock of Iho Fulloil lletaiei Kallroad, which Is n ronllcnallon Ihrouih Ihe Twenty sixth ward of the Mnirs I ounty Klevated Itsllroed were opened yesterday, and some a Mo shares at Slon a share w ere sutsc rlbeu for James II. rralhhiBhaiu. A Abbott. James li Sheldon, Henry J Davidson, Wendel Uoouwin, and William II. Dimbarare tb heaviest subscnbeii. The ceimpaay la , te ba.oicatuul a aladajjnsiL , .at BIIBRIVAS'a PELArSE, Ke ns n Bad Pay "ntt r.lfei Atsstn nans In the Bnlttsice. ' Washinoton-- , Juno 7.-- Gon. ShcrUnn Is again nt tho point of donth nnd the doctors aro fearful that nt nny hour ho may sulTor nnother nttnek of heart failure that will bo his last. When tho General nwoko tills morning ho was fooling worsolhnn usual. Ho hntl passod nbnd night Interrupted by coughing spoils nnd faint- ing tendencies. He was kept up by stimulants nnd applications of oxygen and got through tho night without nny particularly alarming symptoms developing. Tho physicians wero not at all satisfied with his condition this morning, howov or, and regretted tho fact that tho patlont's genornl nppcuranco was not nonrly so encournglng as It had bcon. For tho ilrst tlmo slnco tho Oonornl wns taken III ho complained of sickness at tho stomach, nnd tho doctors nro not ablo to ex- plain Its cause. His kldnoys nro performing tholr function well, and hemorrhages havo practically ceased. It Is thought that tho nnusoa Is caused by tho lack of asulmllatlon of food and tho Impaired ltul foiees. Tho 9 o'clock bulletin Is less favora-bl- o than tho others. The Clenernl Is delirious, his lungs nro badly congested, and tho doctors are fearful that ho may dlo at any hour. Shortly botoro 3 o'clock this nltornoon tho Oonornl had nnothor relnpso. Oxygen w ns at once and voryfrcoly. Tho bat- tery was also used ns on 3Ionday, nnd with tho sumo result. At C o'clock tho reply to Inquiries wits: "Tho Oonoral Is woreo again, but hols now rostlnqqulotly." At 11 o'clock Gon. Sheridan lies as ho has bcon all tho ovenlng, dollrlous nnd nl- most suffocating from tho terribly congestud stnto of his lungs. The Catholic priest Is lu at- tendance, nil tho doctors moon hand, and It Is tho opinion ot nil that a crisis is nt hand. Tho patient's pulse Is beating nt an nlnrmtng rate, his rosplrntlon Is quick and short, and all ap- pearances Indicate that ilenth Is near at hand. Dr. Popper of Philadelphia was sont tor when tho first alarming attack occurred, nnd earns Hying to Washington on a special train. MISS RIVES'S LOVER. She Will Wed Mr. Chnndler mt New Torlt siad Wilt Live la Parla. IticitMON'D, Juno 7. Miss Amello Rives, who Is probably tho worst maligned young lady In tho country, is at bor homo, Castlo lllll, Albemarlo county. Bhe has not boon nway trom thcro for noarly a year. Tho plnco is an o Virginia estnto, long In tho pos- session of tho Hives family, nnd Is n few mlloa from tho Chesapeake and Ohio Kallroad. Miss Ainollo Is tho oldest of thrco daughters, and her parents nro devoted to hor, Ilor father. Col. A. Ii. Itlves, Is a leading Southern and up to about a jour ago ho was con- nected with tho Illchmond and Danvlllo Itnll-roa- il ne thon nccontod nn Important post In connection with tho IJo LessopsPannmaCanal, aud soon thereafter bo went to Pnnama. Ho Is dovoted to his daughter, nnd tnkes great prldo in hor I Horary achievements. For nt least two yoars boforo ho wont to Pan-am- n his duties on the Southern llallroad kept him much of tho tlmo down South, and, ns a rule, ho rend most of his daughter's produc- tions for tho Ilrst tlmo In tho magnzltios in which they wero printed. LiiBt winter ho re- turned from Panama and remained at homo for a tew weeks, but his duties called htm back to Iho Isthmus, where ho has beon ever since. When ho was In itlehrnond ho spoko con- stantly of his prldo In Miss Amello, nnd Indeed all who know him Indlgnnntly dony as scurril- ous and uncalled for tho recent reports thut Col. Itlves and his daughter havo quarrelled over the production. "Tho (Julckor tho Dead." Ho is Indignant at the Interpretation put upon the story by somo critics. H1b daughter is even more indignant Indeed, sho prepared a defonco in the nature of u nrefaco to " Tho (Juick or tho Dead." but sho withheld It, as sho thought bost not to do anything to perpetuato tho unpleasant and unexpected discussion called forth by the work. An intimate Iriend of Miss Hives, who has just returned from Castlo Hill, says that tho rumor thnt sho is engaged to n Mr. Areltio Coolldgeof Boston Is utterly untruo, nnd that furthermore Miss Itlves is not oven awaroof tho exlstoneo of any such person as Mr. Cool-Idg- o. She is engatrod to "Mr. John Armstrong Chandler of New 5.ork. This gentlomnn mot hor nl Nowport throe years ago, and has vlsltod her at hor father's houso frequently since. Tho engngomont wns announced on last Tuesday. Tho marriage will tako placo at the homo ot tho bride in heptomber. nnd a fow weeks there- after sho will tail for Paris, whero sho will o. Her Aassillsmt flaya he Is a Minister. A ninn claiming to bo John Wagner, a min- ister havlnc charge of a church In I'aterson, was in Hudson Square Park, lloboken, last ninht on complaint o! Mary Alstleroner. 15 ears old, of 01 Grand street She said that while walking through the park she was accosted by W'ajn er. who wanted to walk with her she tried to pasa him. and he caught hold of her and tried to dratr her li.Vl the bushes, sho trot away from turn and totd fo Iceman Crop who arrested the man. vv arner was dressed like a cleriryman. and aald he hnd been one for twenty years He wns locked up. There Is no minister named John Wacrner tn tbe Pater-so- n directory, and no John a?uer lives at U Tyler street lu that city, where Uie prisoner said be lived. The Klver'a Send. Tho body of nn unknown man in n frock cont and dark vest and trousers was found in the water at tile foot of Wett Tweniy sixth street yesterday. On the tar of the nhlrt were the Initials "W. I). IL" The body was taken to the Moritue. IhetutrboitCaunluirbrouitht to Pier B. r.orth Wver, yestorday. the body of nn unknown and well dressed man round I'oallui: In the lower bay. The body was that ef a man about eo years of aee, s feet 7 Inches talk with rtsrfc complexion nark hair and beard. The topot his head was bald. The body was taken to the Murirue. It Leaks 1.1 ke Farrlclde. ratrick McDormott of 484 East Sovonty-fourt- h street, who was suspected of caislnat the death of his father by klckinff him, was arraigned in the York- vllle Court yesterday, and was committed to await the action of tho Coroner. He claims that hisfatherwas lutoxlcated and received the Injuries which caused his deaUOiy lalllnjf airalnst a stove Detective Martin ex atulned the premises, anl says there Is every evtdeuco cf a s.riiirgle although no weapen was found, lie so a that the walls are covered with blood. TheC'orouer'a,7nrr and the Doetara Disagree Tho Coroner's jury at Glen Covo. L. I has readied the conclusion that the infant of Peter W. nnd Mory Titus, which was alleged to have been strangled to death died from utiLitowu causes. Tbe medical tes- timony was conclnlvo that Rtranmilatlon had caused death. The testlmonv taken hy tho Coroner will prob- ably be presented to ttio IJrancl Jury. MOM TUB TELEGRAPH. King Leopold yesterday opened tho Inter-Sta- exhi- bition in It russels. Ihe Park Flour Mills In fit. Louis were burned yester- day 1 oss ?'" o.j I'onr pool In Troy have been held to the Ormnd Jury for violating the jcMiithllnirlaHs The second son nf the late Hultan of Muscat has peace- ful'!' succeeueil his lather In the Sultanate. The rtnprre and I'rlnccis Victoria will start on fri day evening for tho Istula Hooded district. A Hre in I.tlncsliiirim. Mich, on Wednesday night swept bith sides of .Main street for over u block. Loss over Jioi.ocsi. The Pali' 7rIrorcini.au evrnlntr newsraper published In salem. Mass. suspended yestrrda), beuiz the secund dally lo suspend there In u week, XEir ai.nsur. The New Jersey Council of 1'nurstlnn will hold lis scull annitul tneenna- - lo di) end In Iretitoii Ihe Church of St Peter In Jersey City will he rouse, crate b liisiinp WJgcter on Jii'ii'24 DiMiiiarlesc f the Call ollc Chi rch frmu various parts of tho Lulled Mates vv III parlicl-Mi- In the ceremonies The Pireetori.of the i.ennnnla savings Hank of Jer- sey e'lty. which hilled ohout tw t, ears ao. met yi ru r clnv uflcrt.nl ii and declared n dividend of Inperceut. 'Ihls is tho Ilrst dividend that has been declared Tho Hudson County (Iran t Jury has decldid tolnve e tho doings of even Hoard tn the i ninny This wit include iho lloboken ant I'.ijctiiie Comic lliiiiu The .letse) City Heard of lliianie will he Ihe lirstin vceilgnled An annex Is built tnlhe Hudson rnniuy penllcn llarr at elia.e lllll home cf he bidder niece old werer-J- e en allege that the sacci.slul . o.itraclors ni using h.ririor material Hie orand Jur) will luvestl Kilo Ihe m liter Hnrles Matins, lnveirsoir. a clerk rmrloyed ny vi II Jcrs-- y i li . n ur-i- -i d )itrrduy of rnl,tjiu..i'inr li s em, ijii in inev He cotnes.ed hi gnle. Klidsii d Hut ne hud tieu g2 at a lime Iroin tho uit ne) drawer Justice Ktapnlii the supreme Cot rt In Jersey I'ltv ve.ieidav ill.iuis.ed tho writ 'f errir In tie of l.'rib rl 'Cnrlti, the New Vork leirglar w hn bicalnlu He, houiiiiif Hr Jofla'l lloriihlowrr III lersi) City la-- t August and .McCarthy wus .e.it to the suite i risen for Is ) e.ir. l.ngrne I'avor, an artist living alone In I Praholh, was found drtid 111 Ills room i li hl villi u piece of rnpo twisted llgrllv aioulid Ills liei k lb- - friend- - nad nil i eel him lor eril da) and burst the floor In I av or had trlrd t.ro l.elnre lo take his liti. but c aih lime ws thwarted bv fr.itnd anl afierwsrd denied that he ll il lud on suit Ida llilenl Vmiigoi ier) street. Jersey City, vvn lorn up thrro niuutl-ii- in order to rep.ir the, levir Ni,vw,rkhl been clone ( ll it for a mem h ul t the eiiwage lllcsa'.ng liulglit of pw leslrlan. crelln' a teriiblo iletit It It U said thut the up itonrli em lo ru,rlig si e.tetil rewer ,sriiiiiiitid a 1,1 lhi Ventcoiuei sire tt can-n- be Irpi.red before next hrcciit ber Ldward llocnv and William luirk were riding on the pilot of a drill eugiue on tbe Junction llallroad lu tlo boleii ytsterda) morning when Ihe enklne s.ruek a grocery wagon wbtch was crossing tho track, ltoth were badly crushed and were takeu to St, Mary's llos. pttal Tbey may die. Ihe driver of the grocery wagon wasbruised but not seriously hurt- - Iho vscb nitUiia ooultuta, valuta, at VW, wu atuoUibovL ROSE MIGNON niTS DEUTSCH ' J HELD IllUt Jir TUB BAR AXD PARA '1 SOLLED 1II.U OX IIROAVITAT, She vTss tn Altaee't Trnime nnd He's tka Sinn Who Won H40.000 nt nncenrnt ! f 1'nrls she Nsiia Hhe Helped Illm Da It A I.llnr In Wnlt lor Him Outside Deb XJV ! monlcn'a ut I.unch Tltae llrr Wrath. f Dllly Ueutech, whoso IiIr wlnnlnjjs nt bat enrnt In I'nrls sovoral years ago woro tho talk A of tho lovvu, walked up Ilrondway yesterday j afternoon on tho shady side, rndhinlly nttlretl, as Is his custom, llo had como from luncbeoa jUj at Dclmonlco's. Thoro wns a woman following jfl lilm n short, d woman of 83 or 3 theroaboiits. Ho was unnvvnro other. Just bolow the llljou Opera IIouso sho over hauled hltn, nnd caught him with hor loft hand i by tho car. Sho gnvo it n vigorous twitch thtt way und then thnt, pulling him nil ovor tht sldovvnlk. Hor bucccss elntod her, nnd sh tried to whack him w 1th her parnsol. The first attempt was unsuccessful, but tho second tlrac I sho dealt him a sliarii blow on tho head. J A crowd soon collected and thought It hUTO Jjljt fun. Commissioner Jako Hens, Hilly Florence, ' lit nnd Theodore SIoss, who nro personally n t qualntod with Mr. Uoutch, wero Intorosttd 'Hf spectators. Thcro is nothing to do but raa II), whon n woman of superior musclo is hlttlnjf Wd you with a parnsol. and Mr. Doutsch ran Into L llourko's oystor saloon, two doors below th -- iw llljou. Hho undonvorcd to follow, .but tht J B wnltorsmufltorcdand provontod hor, '! e Hy this tlmo l'ollcoman John 1'. Kolly of th ' 1 , Hroadway squad had nrrlvod, and ho tried to i f, nulot tho woman, tolling her that sho would b J t nrrestcd If sho porslstcd. Hor blood was up, j l, and sho didn't enro, and again sho trlod f ' ' r forco her way through tho ranks of aproned t ; t; tendnnts to her victim. Kolly orrostod her. Jj t "It was 'J:10 exactly," Offlcor Kolly said. "I tlj r was on duty ut YVnllack's. whero Bob Hllllanl E , wnn having a benellt. Looking across the way 'J I saw tho womnn following Doutsch. Ha j j didn't npponr to know it. Just as thoy got In o front of tho Ijijou sho sprang upon htm and d grnbbod him by tho rlghl oar, pulling him ,, J( around nnd calling him nnmes. Hho fairly r wiped tho sldowalk with him. At first every 'Hp body thought It n good joko, and I laughed. f Je too; but soon things bocamo more serious. A Uj crowd from tho street and thoutro came to sea rUi the fun. Hho raised her parasol to lilt him, but lip mlssod hor aim. CommlsBlonor IIoss yolledto ,t-B- . me, ' Kelly, tako that woman awayl" and I aVsEwii started for her. but beforo I could got Ihcra a sho hit him ono with tbo parasol, llo offered o no resistance, but ns soon ns ho got i J away, went Into llourko's. I took hor around , tho cornor nnd trlod to cool her down, telling " her to bo sensible nnd go home, lint sho ' wouldn't, and said sho was going to got nt him. I t Whon 1 nskod her why she did It sho snld thnt sho had lost her head when sho saw him, nnd did not know wliHt bho was doing. Whon I c suw tho crowd begin to collect I had shut tho , doors at Wallack's so the crowd thero could not get out, and thoy missed It nil." i c TheprNoner hnd coolod down whon nho got tn Jefferson Markot Court, ami sho told Justices Ford that sho was sorry sho had mado a dis- turbance. Ilor nnmo, sho snld, wns itoso Mlgnon, and she was an artist, and lived at II West Twentv -- sixth 6treot. "Tho man I struck was Hilly Den'sch, tho gamblor," sho said, "and ho has treated me very badly. Ho's trvlng to get rid of mo. I havo llvod with him nshlswito since ho brought inrvsVfn thin pnnntrv llvo VA.ara nn T ),Altml him when ho won two million francs nt bac- - , carat in Paris. Ho told mo his wlfo was in an it lnsano asylum, and ho throntcnod tosend mo I thero to keep her company, llo did not como h to soo mo for n week, und I made up my mind , to go and find him. 1 trncod him to aud sent In n waiter with n messago that I wanted to soo h'.m. Ho sent word back U, that hn was busy nnd had no time to seo mo. Bo I watted until I saw him como out." Justice Ford warned hor that she must not --. tako tho law Into her own hands, and she said H sho wouldn't mako a public disturbance again. Hho was discharged. Hho is a small blonde , woman, and wus onco a member of Aimuo'a H opera bnulTo company. H Aftor Mr. Deutvch's friends had got through Hli congratulating him yestorday, he packed his , valiso and went to Dobbs Ferry with Commis- - Ht slonorHoss. He is not a giant In stature him- - bW polf, bolng a littlo tailor than Mile. Mignon. aH1 His friends wore not much surprised on hoar-- H) lng of the encounter. H " Mr. Deutseh takes his mcnls at Delmonfco's M ' protty regularly." said one ot them, und "it was H t pretty well known thoro that he wished to be ! froo from tho woman. Her maid used to bring BaH J notes ovor from tho house on Twonty-slxt- n Hj J. streot to Dclmonlco's, until Hilly left orders bbV' that sho wan not to bo admitted. Thnt was aarnti threo wooks nco, and since thnt tho littlo aaW womnn has beon trying to meet him on the bbS ! streot." J What Doutsch really did win at baccarat In afaW ', tho colobrated I'arls sitting wus 200,000 francs. W ' not two millions. Ills friend bald that It was B not until nfter that that he met Mile. Mlgnon. bbm Mr. Wulnwrlght. proprietor of tho apartment B J houso nt 11 West Twenty-slxt- h streot, enld H' that Doutsch and Mine. Mlgnon bad been liy- - ing thoro sovoral tears. Mme. Mlgnon had ' gono nway last night to spond tho night with a ' frlond. I Held for Aasanltlnsj Sehoat Olrla. I j Georgo Bousch. n German ehoemakor, 49 j years of are. of 1C.1 Worth street, was charged at the Tomba yesterday with attempting to ladecently sun arOx IH J nine school gfrls between 7 and 12 yearaef age. Tha H ( matter was brought to the attention of 'Mr. QerrySi ao-- aJBE , clety by bcho it Trustee Wbalen. and Agent Oagsttnef Ht arrested Itousch yesterday, llo admitted hi galls, sum nW ' was held for trial VM t Tbere la (still a Henry Bercb. jH c l'resldont Henry Borgh of the Soolety for tha S J Prevention of Cruelty to Animals sprang onavsa, law I hound car at Fifth avenue and Fifty ninth street, an4 IS ordered the driver, rieorge Moran. to unhitch a disabled imm horse. The driver weuldn't. and wasHnaJiyansaatara 4U . utter traOlo had been delayed half an hour. . SlBUal Ordce Predtctlaa. IH ( For Now England, eastern Now York, tha H ' District ef Columbia. Virginia, eastern I'etuuylvaxtla, gM . r,ew Jersey. Delaware, and Maryland, light 10 Xraaa IftVJ northerly winds, warmer, fair weather. f 1 JOTTIXaH ABOUT TOWX. M H1 Justice Deane decided yesterday that Hamlet O'Cknter ! I owes his Queen Mother, Mrs. CrosDle, &:&. O'Conor took H i hla fate calmly. jH fj Tbe Chamber ot Commerce asks Congress to appro- - B i riiaterxnsj,uia. Instead of l,iuo,ooo, for the new Say-- TH J cnue building In this city. H - The Hoard of Electrical Control meets at '3 r. B M nt I.2IM Hroadway. Mayor Hewitt yesterday re-- Jjm - celved a notice of tbe tueethu, but does not expect te TFtM l be present. Tsaal Tholloman Cathollo Church of All Saints has trana. ' T ferredthe properly on the southeast corner of Madison aj 1 avenue and liSJth street to the bisters of charity of UU. ( . V lucent de Paul for .'o.otio fM It II Macy Jt Co will observe the Saturday half holt- - V clay durlug July aud August, as has been their custom i lor many years. Ladles will nolo that the hour ot cloa- - lug during these mom hs Is to bo at noon sharp , lieorge Connolly, r.yesn old of 4 IH hast W street, was run over and badly hurt near his home yea- - terday ariernoi n by u horse and w agon, driven by 1'eler ' llarb of :ku Last Highly fourth street, who was ar- - M , rented .Mrs. Wllretmlna Ilitrher.) sears old, who keeps a J grocery with her hmimud lu I. Ilzaheth. pleaded ruUty m i yeslerdii) uefore luJge vinrline of stealing from the c counter in l.hlley' suiteneewas suspended on no- - t count ol her gouu choracter. J Arraiuemei.tJ havo leen completed by which Mai- - M nger J vi hi I secures it controlling Interest fn the i Cychre'iianf Iho liirtle of Cettvsburg. Heneral Man- - I nicer lirandusliairr-lne- l and Mr. lllll will act as I, eu-- ! J rat Manager. Mr. liraudut has been reelected Tretca. (I urer Johufi Matthea-h- . colored. of20 gast Reventy eighth I ' sir. et, pie uled guilty In ll.e Heneral Sessions ) esterday I of I e, i.n.r rooms where his colored Irlciels were isv v lied to piay poker llo wa sent to the city Trl.on fee ( 1 Il o J.i)- - He was trlrd uiaoiithagu and the Jury dla. H s ngrer.i, und he has been 111 prison since I'ebruary. I Peler i nirl. a veteran soldier who Is una furlough II j from tlo. so Hers" Home In Auguiia, Me., while visiting; ,1 ' In ew lurs. en Hecornllon Hay lost hm paperMraus il' tortatiiiiicard and lurlocgh card, which were enclosed II 1 inuncxpricoinii.uj'sinieloiie. riie flndir wi earn ' I Iliu thHiikscl lhs veliTaii hy eeudlns tbe iiaekage to 111 Tajlorelliilel, lJ t'lial) am stteel M I 3i'.Hre('omtnisloher lilward hnilih's horse ran away I 1 in Uie Park ve.ieiUay near thu Welsler statue and il , sina.hei Mr, smhii's llrlu wa.on and James Huni'a light warnn liolh trcn had a lumb'e but neither was lUi Miiicn hurt. Vliihael Heimepii nt Ol Hsst sevenlv. il seconds rittund Ins wife were thrown from then-lig- vvsgoii near iho reservoir aad ant ml) hurt ' t Tlielo Oltlrers have lees eeclel hy the New Vers: I ) stale (.oiiii, i of llicCalholc hliuhlsof Alnerlc 1 Stale ) h.nlius inricmr. Lev I . Iiuhvnt lirnolliu I'resl. ilent lere-ie- .1 uri in ee 1'rrsldrnl. Jmris J, ', , .iiiioveriinc CoriiHg .rrreiar I'cier i nllncr Si wr '( tori ireiiannr Ibcrus I irreil of N v Vorl. hu- - ! ' prme in, eguies to l e c iinveiiitento be hetdlu thatto- - ' iiuo.'u, linn 1 J LarUiiKiid I J lower, I Theprellnilnarv st In trst leully the rlcht of a I ' ennui irner t" ek.luto p'r.ou., ais Irinu railroad jfjvi ,m trsits weretakeii vrairiilai b Mr Maun, t roprlotor of i Jt. m IcM The I ,,1.11 Nes Coilll.1.11), he la . cut ti. . oir Ihopiprr Irinu all ,'inrn.i n. ulih wi irh It bus con. tracts, ami a railroads I 1.10 ulled Hi Inierrcra jH ' lipon comii'ulut Mr Mann t m His- - to bring snlt against jTsal Client tl eialil lha Lu..cdMtiei troult Cnuii. m Judee Von Hasten h den, el llm appllr itlm nf the ' Melr p 111111 and Mm battau Hallway Cempanles for Baal ' leave to Interpose eu pleuic ntal anawers lo the sulta aBBa brought by I en f Heseat belia'f of i,ri I) owners aB ' hV alii.lnlliat Hie i.i'ilren iciurti Hi. Iaw)erutid sSasi tliep.-- i je-t- v owners wascl aintiertuii. pi th it tee cares aVssf ' were ourn 1.11 j er inlnie ii Judge held thu whetl.tr aBBB) ' t'oaireeui t te, , ainprrln ie or not. Ihe Ian, s it BBBB t'to sui t nm, ned I) It bXW Anord-tinu- ', nt ii.dge Pus, 1 or June 1 appn utl.ig aaa Ceore I - , ,lilje ir rreei ar of the proeer ) of Alir-- ul Hi met V,m, dl all ill Ihe proi eeuin.s under BBBBB the Juilriueu 1C I ed In Ihobc.rs nl ol,.li,hli 1. 1.1. wa aBBBBs presr-iie- In Ju ce ii ciorman s Court )etcrday to the H oounso lor V, ce .oilbsil. who . here iharerd with SaVs'i forgery It had been secured before sue arrived here 1 and was a surprise to her counsel Judge l I, annex H thought this was conclusive) as to the property In the aVBBBBs bands ot lllllcor Tonbrldge, and ho Uxtii the heswt te be BBBBbI KiTcb hy the rtctlMi at Hoouv --VJgVH :,.;. (L..Mi

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1888-06-08 [p 2]. · v" THE SUN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. ' I m, t Hm Prince. Secretary, Mr. DIoklnson. sienouraph- - r,nnd Mr. a J. Conda. Treasurer, or tlielr;

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1888-06-08 [p 2]. · v" THE SUN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888. ' I m, t Hm Prince. Secretary, Mr. DIoklnson. sienouraph- - r,nnd Mr. a J. Conda. Treasurer, or tlielr;

v" THE SUN, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1888.' I

m, t

H Prince. Secretary, Mr. DIoklnson. sienouraph- -m r,nnd Mr. a J. Conda. Treasurer, or tlielr

; faithful eorvlces prior to and during the Con

B TOn motion of SenatorGorman It wits roBolvqdm1', that the thanks of tho National liomocrutlo

'.v Oommltteo nro duo anil ther are horcby given toB Ferdinand K. and Charles J. Canda for tho ot- -

B leetlve. Intelligent, and thoroughly patlsfao.h lory roannor In which, a the committee having

B chargo of matters relating to convention lick- -

B ats, thoy have discharged the difficult and doll- -

B cat dntlet ontrusted to them.S. Mr.Dlcksonof tho District of Columbia, on

behalf of the Demooratio organizations of thatS District, Invited tho Committee to accept thoXv hospitalities of those organisations at the ap- -

fl preaching visit of the Commltteo andthe Notltlcation Committee to Washington.

S Tha invitation was accepted, and Mcssm.fl Dlokson, Gorman and Barbour woro nppolnted

a commltteo br tho chair to attend to arrange- -

merits connoctod therewith. ,,.B ' The Committee adloumod to meet9 Jngtonon Junoao, atl2M.

HT)-'-' lit Caoaty DeanrMT ta Jndge Thurman.

Hv Bt. Louis, June 7. The New York CountyH Democracy baa sent the following to Allen U.

S Thurman:B fir. Lens, Juno 7.

BS jagian. illnd. Wurman, Cotum&ui. 0M0:' The New York County Democracy nnlte with the

HJ xnUUoni of Democrats throughout the republic lu con- -

B srratttUUotui to yon upea yonr nomlaatlon to the Vice- -

HB, lYsaltlential etnee. Aact they pledge tlielr earnest and

HJ cnUrinc eltorU In betatlf of the ticket nntll their effort

HJ l erawned with snocen. New York will contributeHj thlrty-el- electoral rite to CleTeltnd and Thurman.HB " Power, Chslriasa.HH& 1L A. Coit.siKa.uM.

J 3. 11. Fattowe.


HBj; Tk Brercl JUxultaat Oter Their flnceess InHBj the Ceeteitlee,


H "HoMEWAiin Bound, Juno 7." Tho conauuiing

H lioroos come." Hcnlps tincountod, tnnlo uiulH lomnlo, danglo from tholr bolto, and tho llres ot

Hi eatlated engoauco glow dimly in tlielr tltodH , eyes. Twelvo yoars nco Tammany c.tmo homoH from St Louis, but that time It loft ltsscili)H behind it. It lies boon gutting siiunro by do- -

Bfl Rtees evor slnco, and to-d- it loci 9 satls- -

H fled, limine In tho city that witnessedHH its bumtll.itlon vindicated its prowess.HH i Grand Bachom Crocker smiles his iuiot.HBJ black-boarde- d smllo, and says that JohnH Kelly is somowbeio where lio ran poo nndBJ onjoy this day. Josnph J. O'Donohuo is re.idy

BBt to throw away dollars whoro ho tltil dimcx onHBj tho outward til p. and Is nlroady in tliohuclu- -

Ht elon of n stateroom writing " Mayor " uftor hisBH ' namo just to tee how it would look. Dim

BJt Dougherty, with his gray hair more rumpledBB- - than ever, smiles his peculiar smllo niul b!ebcsBH thodayheloftPhlladolphtaand luudeiship atBBK, tho bar for Now York and politic?. Ho duesBH not feel at all bad boiau-- tho oJcoBBf" Tvos rather taken off ot Ills carofully nol- -

BBj ished oration nominating Clc eland byBBT tho Immediately subseyuent aunint andBBj Ingenious spooch ot " Qulnluo Jim " McKonzio,BH tho d Kentucklan. l'rotty SenatorBH Ives wears his bonutlful bluo and w h ito stti pedBBJ flannel Bmoklng jackot with added grace, andBBJ as for big Commissioner Urounnn woll, hoBBj ras taken to tho station In a carriage, nnd hasBBJ grown bo tall that aftor this no Assembly illt- -

BBJ trict lu Now York will hold him when he goeBBJ to bed. The victotious trlbo are duo in NowBBJj York about noon on Saturday, nnd expect thoBBJ tfnolo town and a portion of Brooklyn and Joi- -

BBJ j t, eey City to bo on hand to roccie them.BBJ Tammany's rejoicing ovot the nomination of

I" Thurman has ndiled zost on m count of tho ItH tloHchomoof turning tho ijtntu uter to (Way

which n combination ot disgruntled King- -

B conntr mon and countrymen so nearly putthrough last night. It was a good dnnl elo-e- ,-

, ehave thnn nnybody realized ut tho time. '1 hoi) cards wore all etackod to freeze out 'Jutnmanv

and shift the State right about, hut hcott andt Gorman cuuio forwnul like little men mid

Bfl ' cracked the Administration whip with UorBfl1 and offecthenem. Tho leaders lu the iclu'iuo

B ' promptly backed, explained that they had noH'" formal information proMouhly that the Admin- -

BB titration wanted Thurman, but. now that theyBi- - know, of courbo, &c.

HBM'l Tho Tammuny mon felt in their bones thatM':ji- - the contest would bo tettled with the !ir-- t on- -

BBba alaught. nnd so ordered tlielr ppcel.il wiunamnS' tobeready on the start homonniil i.t u in tho

H afternoon. Tho unexi ected fun 1 mo ifrr.ttor- -i leal big guns which nvcotipnnlud the ii.'.nln1. of oandldatos molonged the battlei and tho braves had to huutle.to get away at thor), ttmo set. They didn't mind that, hoireer.

They have grown used to hustling this week." The first section of tho trnln wns llllod at a few

past S o'clock, but It waited for Dunougherty until nearly 8S. when ho cnn.ci.

''' Commissioner Brennan waved lis hand I in -

BBl pressively and the train moved nut. These- -

BB iond section was off bolore 4. Tho uir.tugenientBl 'of the cars was thosamo ns on the wmtuiudfi trip, except that u dining car had been uuded

to each section.The trains wero scnrcelyout of eight ot tho

1 city when evidences that tho good of thoH day's work bad gono ahem ut t!,eiu betume

BB1' abundant At Litchfield, 111., although thov nows of TburmanV nomination cnuld luno' hardly more than got there. ther.'Weio many

B people about tho station, and in tl o ilooruni of" a house nearby two prutty girls wilted leil

H bandannas. That touched the TummenyhoaitB , lnjustthe rlghtspot. Tho tl.iln had htopuml,B and windows all along the sl.ie ' the cats to- -

BB . Ward the giilb went up one ultr another ulthBB' succession ot snar.s and hiiiu-- , like ill Ing

B along nsklrmlRb line. Half adoen T.iinmnuvB badges and other mienlrs ol tl'e i un ntlimB aed tiom us many hamls. nml at last oimB P'r'' 'n,'r PUbnci' ''1 i)J' '"'r "inpi.uiun andB' lialtpulloil out by tho dangling h its-- , tamo to

Bfll the sldo ol the ears. Hho vn-- . .tde.tr t:lrl lu aBB! " black dross lifting close to u'r.lnty figure, aBB1 miss of lotely hnv;n hair, eoileil oddly at thoiiH back of her head, and unu'i ho- - cheeks a raroBBi rcn roslness that '.wis half giod i.ninple.iinBBI' nm' 'u'" h'1T confusion. Blei l.er numoBBil' Tas Mildge Doylo, and Tom Doylo wasBBi immediately hustled off tho ears andBBI' ordered to claim relationship. UnprotestedBBI that bo would llkn to.. but ho and justBBI then the train started nnd Madge was left be- -

; bind, hurrying back to tho ho i with herBB' double hands full of souvenirs Including theBBii badge of .Nicholas Kearney and a contribution

B i' trom John MeDrmott.B .) McDermott was u little shy nbout making his

BB? offering. Ho had n little experience ut l'.elle- -BBI fontnlno on tho wertwni-- trip thut Hindu himBBI cautious In tho mntterof Western girle. ThereBBN 'wasalovely waitress at Jlelln ontaine. and J'c- -BBIr Uermott smiled Ida I iettte-- t us no said:

B " Won't you plca-- e bill iv.u a gin a of milk ?BBI I'm a little shy of huwng any one seo mo drink

BH1 prater."BBi HDS brought tho mill;, and as sao placed It

J before him sho smiled ncr prcttl-s- t. ton, andBBIa Bal' w'tu lne kindliest apparent solicitude;

' "Don't you hlnk you find hotter get weanodI before you emtio Wost ngnlu ?"J.1 The next demonstration was nl Tnylorvlllo,

BBI1 " Therndliln't hm i.i t heauyti.wu theie.BB nxcept tho r.itlii.id M iliou mid n tew scatteredBBl houses, but two or three uuimrcd people wornBBi crowded upon tho litl'e .itoini. nnd theyBBB rhoered vociferously and w.ivd haudannas

B frnnticnlly ns the train hluvveil duv.-u-.

B "Is this a Democratic town';" bhoutedbomoBBbI odo on tlln train.BBB "You bet." enmo back tho answer, and oneBBB enthusiastic fellow shouted' ' You lust watchBBI for the returns from Tnyiorvlllo not Novun- -BBB ber."BBB C(l bandannas looked out everywhere r.t

i houses along tho track us the tinlu sped on,BBB and until darkness enmo there vi as hardly itBBB ' hamlet possod thai did not give the rftu.nliigBBI' braves some ovidence of satlslni tlun at theBBii' work they bad helped to do. The heavy thiin- -

BBBs der storm that had passed over '!. J.oiih i; fewB minutes alter the Convention ml ournedhiides- -

v tondedovor a wide htreUh in tuiiutrj north ofBBB theclty, undothor light nhovi'i'vnie iiin IntoBBBI beforo nightfall, 'J ho air with coid. lamp, re- -

BBB1, IreBUing. mid beautiful, Tammuny lounil InBBVt, the delightful weather thut had attendedBBBjI them on their Western trlu r.nd wasBBa with them so fur on their way homo, a favor- -

B able omen for tho success of tledr work, ThoyB can't Qtiltn reconcile thndehtruetlnn of their

BBB. wigwam In New York with the ldou that thoBBB Great Hplrit Is smiling upon their work, hutBBB titer think perhaps tho Ore it hplrit was soBBBjT busy helping thorn at bt. Louis that some had

B medlclnu msn had a chunca to set tho ovilBl ' spirits upon tbe wigwam at home.BBI At Decatur, where a stop was madn to changeBBBjI' engines, nearly 000 persons wore giuhored, uudH there wua much enthusuuim, although it Is uH ltepubllcan town,BBbJ The route by which the braves return Is overBBBjI the Wabash to Toledo, by tho Michigan Ten- -B, tralto Detroit, and thence to Mrgitiu Fulls,BBBjI. where, If tbe train is on time, a short stay willBB Jiemndc. Tho trip will be llnUhed over tho

B New York Central and Hudson Klver. Tutn- -" , many Is not coming home without some troph- -

B l"8-- A dear "nle black nnd tan, just oldB'r oaongh to lap milk, wbb captured In Bt. Louis,B ' At Decatur a llvo lamb was puichnsod, and IsBl in clover as the pet of one car, while two live

BBBjI chickens are being trained to crow lor Clevo- -B land In another car.

BBal Senator Itellly was compelled to lnnvo Rt.B Ixuls this morning, a telegram calling himB homo to soe his sister, who 1 setlously ill.B The only unkind word Tammany has for tho

B work of the Convention Is in reference to theBBH tariir plank or rather tho rosolution, a sort ot

B plank thut Is not a plank the Wuttorson en- -

BBI dorsrment ot the 311118 bill.BBI Just before Danville, III., was reached, about

B 0 o'clock, there was auothor stop to changeB engines. Within a short timet afterward tho

BBa) berths were most of them mado tip. and, pureBBa! Where the infrequent chip, clicked against ItsBBal mate or the bottle's nock kfseod with gentleBBa! clink the tumbler's edge, Tammany slept, and

Umi wu dense s11dq u the cars. Tammany

was tired nnd rocked littlo of the allurements,of tho jack pot or tho gontle wlnsomeness otthe juice of tho grapo.

T11K COUNTY PKMOC1UCY START.St, Louts, Juno 7. Tammany's braves and

tho Kings county legion prnctlcnlly wnded outor the town this attornoon on the return trip.Tho Brooklyn men wore on tho train a fo;vinltuiteB niter tho Convontlon adjourned. TholrBpeelal was ndvortlsed to start at 2 I'. St., nndnil the boys knew It. The County DoinocrncyBtarted this evening, and the three trains willroll Into New York on Saturday morning. 1 hocotintloB wore not daur.ted by.tho mud-coate- d

stroctn. hut paraded from tho Southern tothe station. The llnndilcks Clnb of M. IxnUwere their eicort. Their bnnil led the waywith " Marching through Geoigln." Col. Mnr-phy- 's

legion followed, nnd bohlnd. In the frontrank, wero Judge 1'ower, Corporation CounselIP'okmnn, Judge White, ovSenntor Dmihnm.Dlsti let Attorney rilrgernld. nnd William l'lttJlltchell. All sported the red bandanna, nndtho Ivinnorsof tho organization Ihiuntod theThurmun cutlcn,

niixT avxs ot' 2xw campakix.

Populup Rrjolclnt Over the Nomination ort'lrrclnnit unit 'Ibnrronn.

WASHiNoroN, Juno 7. Tho Democracy nttho District ot Columbia fired 100 guns thisovcnlngln honor of tho nomlnntlon of Clovo-lnn- d

and Thurmnn.IiiucA, Juno 7. Tho Democrats of Ithncn

are llilng a nntlonal salttto of thltty-clgl- it

guns, in honor of tho nomination of Cloclandunit Thurmnn.

Br.AMiox. Vt Juno 7. -- A Clonlanil nnilThurniiin 1'ne whs thrownotithnront 2:12 P. 31.

1'utM ii.n. N. ,f June 7. Tho news of Tluir-mnn'- H

nomination to the bythe Democratic t'onvontlon nrouped tho great-est enthusiasm iitiiong tho Democrats here.Bonllres were lighted, nnd u snlute of 100 gunswas tired. 'I he Democratic Club, headed by aband, paradod about tho elti. Many prominentcltbcns ll'unrinatod their dwellings in honorof the event.

NK'vnt'iinri, June 7. Tho nominations ofCleveland nnd Thurman lire veil leeched hero.Thltts-elfci- it guns were ll rod In their honor,and u procession is insrehl'ii: throughthe street with ('.reworks end illuminations.

Lvvutit'i.ii, June 7.- -A tnlutu of ldty gunsvnstlri"! hem on the leeuptlon ut the news ofJudge '1 1'lirinnn's noniinatlon. He Is n natlvoid this city. 'Jho enthusiasm Is great, ltedbandnniian are dlsplajed all over the streets.

Wmintvri., N. .. J mm 7. (.'no hundredguns were bred hem bv Iho Democtnts overilio nomination of h" elttid and Thurmnn.

LocXPuliT, N. Y Juno 7. Tho Demoir.tts ofthis city with music, llrov.urks, utidsnei dies fin hnslii't leally nitilled tho nomina-tion of Cleveland and Thurmnn,

'1 hoy, N. Y.. Juno 7. The Democratic rilsnerClub oiienod tho campaign here byninnltig out a banner and making n parade.

l'atterson, bei.utor Collins, andothers made nddiusses.


A Knee IteMveen fkmmunr Unit nnd Torkvlllr Countlm In JtolMInx l"nrtr.il.

" Strong ticket," " Splcntlld jilatfoi m," nnd"Sweeping tlctorv." were tho expressionsDemocrats rolled unctuously under tlielrtopgues last night, nnd then they would gettheir head3 clrsur tugetlior and whisper

in unothcr key. Tho expressionsthen used wdre these nnit tho like: " It will bon hard fight." and " There will bo many anx-

ious nights In Iho'Whito IIouso botwoon nownnd November."

Tho pollJic.il organ! mtlons went about theirwork In good order. On Tammany Hull's solidfront, concealing the wreck of tho ll.iraes within,n tortrnlt ot Thtumnti waspromptly plteed nloiigsldo thnt of Clevelandwhich the lira did not prevent tho Mnlwnrtsfrom getting Into plain on Thursday atternoon.The Twentv second district County Democratsnt right-llr- st street and Thlid avenue woioequally prompt with tlielr banner raising.Thirty niintitLS after the news of Thurmun snomination reached Yorkvllle n fine networkCleveland and Thurmnn banner. SO bv SO feet,vvistiirovn nciosMho uveliue. The'lhirteenthdistrict ( lev eland Campaign Club, nu oifshont oftiieeouiitv iioi.iocr.itii' oiL'aniation. of whichhurve jor llf.tttlo Is the real head, made arous-ing demoristrntiou lust ulsht at Tvventy-tlrs- tttioet and Ilighth avenue. Graham 3IcAda:nprovided. In the Ninth district nt Abingdonsiiu'iio Commissioner Voorhls's County Demo-cratic Club lope lted and elaborated upon itsdemons! n.t Ion of the previous evening. ThoJidTpreonlan Cleveland OimPHicn Club ot theTenth Asfenibly dibtrlit laised u mammothbanner a: 2i Avenue A. TrunkCierner pre-lde- d. The Count j Democricy ofthe rift cent b ilihtrlctialsed.illnu transparencyaf.'tfT Vf-- t t. and willcelo-brnt- o

v'len the b"V c me home.At .1 meeting of tho Tammany Association of

the lourteenth Assemblv district, held nt thehe.'ulouiirteis. con.tr oi becond avenue nndI'ourteenth street. John U. Donnelly presided,and losolutloii!, of ratlllcutlon offered by .Mr.llonry BNciioff, Jr.. and seconded by CharlesGaell'T vveio unanimously adopted, uud bov is thl:

Lff'tfi. Thnt It i tlip ffnMment of th PfirocrfttPf.rtli- - i uurmrnUi Aninti y ,lf ru l Hint lhc ptonlp or t eMula ot Seiv urV ilc-l- ft i oi liniiance of tin. uilmlnl.-trfillo-

ot ttit, Ilru Iiaviil b Hill i. Uoverncr ot thoh hip of f r Vorl.. thut Mi rmuciiiifttloii lo i lint olt'co

l.l ronlnluitc lowar.l "letpccesHof the ent oa 1'eniicr.itic cunteUii otnl ttiat w. earnrntlycon lut-- lilri r'noiiUiiAtliiri in ttir nxt tletnccratiobtit'.e Conren Ion for lls ravoralte conniiteratlun

If a Toxan steor had meandered on tho floorof the I'rodine Lxehangn about noon yesterdayho Tumid Biiielj have had a corner on brokersin nbout two seconds, for thero was a sea ofred handkerchief, silken, bandannas, ponieo,iinytliitigso long us It wan of crimson hue.l.vei v otliei man, in his joy at Thiiiman'snoni-hin- t.

on. had tied a handkerchief on his cane,wound it around his hat. or was nourishing itin tho fac of home haughty Republic ;n.

Mayor Hewitt abode vesteiday by his .'l

of the previous day to expiost, any viewsrr i 'pinion- - on rolitlo, plntfi rms, or candi-date-, i'e Vi'us artliill uuestion'-- about whathe thought of Thurman'a nomination, tho(liiestlons being based on hi) utoualntnncowith the old Jtomun and his association withhim In Congress. "I nm not to bo drawn Intoany discission of these iiuostionj," he said.


Aid with J!ncti Oilier, or Ilowf Kndorelaffthe tlocliiDtl Ticket.

Tho County Goucrnl Commltteo of thoUnited Laborp.irty mot In Clnrondon Hnll lastnight. Trof. William B.Clnrko offered a reso-lution endorsing the platform of tho party andits nominees, 11. II. Cowdrcy for President, nndW. H. T. Wakefield for Thenames wore loudly cheered. John II. Dough-erty of the l'ourth Assembly district raised ahubbub by dt nounclng tho Cincinnati Conven-tion for nominating candldatos at all. Hohaiulad in his resignation.

ii legato JIusxell of tho Seoond district saidho understood that thorn wns to ho no tnndl-din- e,

unless theie w:'H fusion with tho UnionLabor party. Delegates Longhead and Dono-v-

replied that itussell wns mistaken.halrmun John McMncl.ln said that before

many weeks, thcro whs reason to believe, therowould be buttonu platform und ono ticket

De'egiito llobcrt 1. Duvlssnld ho wanted to(:i.-.-. Cleveland a tap, nnd thought It would bobest done by voting for tho man who had thobest chaiK oof winning.

Di. I buries 1. .McCarthy, who says he Is ntLong Blanch for the summer only, said thntpeople who vveie not satlsllod vtl'li tho princi-ple of the puitv lunl hetlei get out.

Tho plntlurm was approved. Tho candidatesWero endorsed.

Tied U. Loiibuscber, who rnn for Judge ofthe t rlmlnal Court lust eir, resigned Ills postns IlecordlugSecrotary. Ho said that ho need-ed test.

l'oter II. Oatens offered a resolution In whichthe United Labor pnity pledged jtseli not torun a candidate for liovernor. It was tabled.Ilist.-ibl- ,), Hawks moved thnt tho UnitedLabor party demand that Gov, Hill sign thoBallot Keloid bill. Thu motion was lobt.

D llllbJIMEX.

JteorcanUlntt lor W'ark lor Protection Intti5 Jloiilunil ntatrt.

Tho n Antl-Clo- v eland Pro-toctl-

League was orranirod last night inClarendon Hall. Michael Broslln presided,andCupt. James S. Trenoy was Secretary. Asot of lesolutlons offered by John Devoy, nndseconded by J, I', Ilyim, was adopted. Thuresolullons denounco tho Domocratlo Conven-tion for renominating Cleveland and approvinghis Iroo trade message, and dccluio that his re-

election would "Inflict Int.tlng Injury on the in-

dustrial life ot tho nation." Thoy state that" while reserving to ourselves entiro freedomof action In local affairs, we pledge to the

party our hearty and energetlosupport In tho I'rtsidentlul contsst," II Its Con-vention shall adopt a 'platform advocatingprotection to Ainurlcan Industry and labor,and will select a cundldato known to bo a soundprotectionist," who vrlll furthermore aim "tomako American Ideas, Amoricnn inlluence,nnd American Industry dominant on this con-tinent, instead ol, like the present Administra-tion, yielding to tho Intrigues and weaklylndtutlng tho methods ol etfolo Europeanmonarchies."

ra I'aterson, Jereoy City,nnd l'ussale wro present. It is designed to ex-tend the organization throughout the doubt-fu- l

States ui Iiowiork, Now Jorboy, Connecti-cut, and Indiana. Not only mon of Irish birth,but all Demooratlo protectionists will beeligible to membership. The Committee onOrganization will report at the next meeting,to be held Bundar night.

. i



Z,k X1ke Meetlnc by Freitrritagemcatt the Filth Atenna Ileitel.

At 10J o'clock Inst evening- -

Thomts O. l'lntt hold up a warning flngor totho clovntor boy at tho Fifth Avenue Hotel,who wns just nbout starting on nn upwardtrip. Thon ho niado a dart to tho lift ns thoughin n gront hurry, but took time to stop andcast a glance around to soo whothor bo wasobserved. Jlr. l'lntt lives nt tho Filth Avonuo,but ho does not go to bed so onrly. It wbb Boon

nn open socretthat he had gonoto aconforontowith John Sherman In the lnttiir's room.

Honntor Bhormnn had arrived from Washing-ton half nn hntti boforo. Ho had declined toseo nny roportors, and tho Intimation was ap-

parently nutltoilzod that his vlrltwas ontlrclyon buslnoss. He Is it director lu tho Pitts-burgh, Port Wayno and Chicago llallroad, nnd

y Is election dny for that company's stock-holders. Tho news thnt he was coining wasknown about tho hotol somo time betora hisarrival on the authority of CbnrlosPoster of Ohio, one of tho principal boomorsfor tho Chicago nomlnntlon.

As Minrmnn Is conceded to bo tho man whowill stmt with tho biggest vote In tho Chicago,the nows stirred up tho corridor convention.Ataong tho rumors It evoked wns one thatPiatt lind lieon asked to mcot Sherman andhud answered that ho did not vvnnt to. It is

In tho line of 31r. l'latl'a tuctlcs to havostinted tho rumor thnt hn wouldn't when homndo tip his mind that ho vvou'd. So tho con-- v

tctlon wns getiei nl that Senutor Sherman,Poster. and Piatt wero Indulging In imulot

confab n very few minutes alter tho lattorniadolib, divo for tho elovator. And tho convictionwns unshaken th'U thoy wero still ut It when,ut a latu hour tho watchers gave up waiting lorthe r appearance of either l'lntt or I ostor.

beuator l'lntt bad said cniller thut he couldnothing lor publication thnt would do any-

body any good. Ho has thnt for manyovenlng:1. but In the mean time ninnvdolegatesto Chicago iroin the Interior of tho Stnto liavadtopped in nt the hotel in a way that leads tothu suppo-dtio- that they vveie sent for. 'J heytalked, and ho talked, uud It Is learned, thoughnot Irom lilin, lh.it ho talked Alger and Mor-ton, while mnnvof them talked Depew and

But the Dapovv sti ength was not fouudedon solid rock. So Mr. l'lntt s uttltudo In a

with SenatorSliei mini and Pos-ter was nn interesting subject Tor conjecture,homo of the prophots said that tho strength ofhhei man mid tho growing favor of Alger willmake some stub :i compromise candidate nsBen Harrison the probnblo nominee Col. Dlns-t.- m

of Illinois, no ot vesteiday's arrivals. Isdolegnte, and his advent und tho revival ot thostory that tho delegation Is not solid forGreshnm Is significant.

" Tliurmun's nomination." snld Footer, noes not mako nnv uuierence witu unio.There is nothing doubtlnlaboutour State. Tholiuptibllcans will currv It. and, I think, thocountry, too. I am for Sherman, but 1 do notndvocnte him any morestiongly on nccnunt ofThurman'a being nut on tho other ticket It Isnot neee-siiry- . Thcro Is no strength udded inOhio by his namo."

A. Letter Irnr--i .futile Oreetinra.PrrrsunRoii, Juno 7. At n 6peclnl moctlnp;

of thu Conkling P.cpnblltnn Club last ovenlngthis letter was road from Judgo Greshnm. Inanswer to a letter sont to him last week noti-fying him that tho club ondorsed him us a can- -didnto for President:

rmcAccJutie.I am lint tn receipt of yonr tetter of Mir --' Informing

mrlhrtt the ronkllncr ltepubllcan cln.' of l'itMbttrirli hathonored mo hr exprepsion of confldence in mr tunew forthe I'rebldrntlal oilce. tieir to attttro you. and throush

OU tho lnmlere or your clt.b, tkat t appreciate tlileumleerrved compliment I Iiavo itotje notlilnit to Intlu-enc- e

the action of the Convent on. and ehall not be dienjinututed whatever the result may be. IpretertliatUite letter be not publlkhed Very trulyvours.

vv: Q CtiMnix.Tho presence of reporters nt tho meeting of

tho club mndo It impossible to suppress thocontents of the letter.


Tbe TJangbter or tbe X.ntr Harney WllllnraeAmnnc tbe Xlrldre.

At tho homo of tho btido's mother, 142

West 172d street, lost evening. Miss MarioKathleen Williams, daughtcrof tho luto BarnoyWilliams, tho coined! in, was mart led to Mr.Georgo H. B. Mitchell. Tho llov. FatherBlgley of St. Agnes's Church performed thoceremony. Tho bridesmaids were tLo MissesKmlllo and Kathleen Sklnnor, Jliss MlnnloPardon. JIIss Nelllo Janpen. 3IIss Ida Mitchell,sister of tho groom, nnd ?llss Katie Kvle. Thobride's gown was of whlto fnillo. trimmed withseed ueails and jKilnt laco, vrlth court trainand bodice. Sho was given away byher uncle, Mr. Villlllam J. Florence Mr. G.Germon acted ns be-i- t man, and tho usherswere Messrs. Lucius Miller. C. P. Buchanan.Samuel Swaey, rrnnk Damon, Prink G.Kvuns r.nd Thomas McCarthy.

Miss Lmils Ogdcn blniomH daughter ot Mr.Frederick W. Slmonds, nnd Mr. Bacho

VA'hltlock, cousin ot fair Bacho Cunnrd.v.ero marilcd yesteiday noon in CalvaryChinch. louitb nvenuo and Tvventy-tlr- st str ot.The itev. Dr. 11. T. hatterlce otlieialed. Thobest man was William V. hillock, tho groom'sbrothr. Tho usheis were Albert 11. Slmonds.btolher of tho bride: V.'illlupi Ogdeu.LdwardP. u. Lminel. and William l'urdy. A weddingbre.i'.fnst was served .it tho house of thobride's father. 117 Lust Thirty-fourt- h stre ot.

A singular accident nlmost produced a jctniojut at the conclusion of the crcmoiiT. wiicuuhhei.tof (hine. several feet in height, ly

leaped up about tho church organ. Inmi Instant the company n guests In the churchwasthiown Into a state ol gro.u excitement,but John living, a young assistant ol SextonMc.Mtr. quickly rhut o:f tho blaze. The burstof tlunio lollowed the accidental knocking oftof the burner of. i triple g.tsjel underneath thokovhoaid ot the big oignn, and a number offrightened spectators rushed into tho stroot,nnd ono of them sent an unnecessary llroalarm, but thero was no fire, nnd tho bride wasdriven oir to the wedding reception withoutdliovering the cause of the hubbub.

lu Dclmonlco's red parlor, standing In abower of nodding imlins, Gertrudo

lUninii Marx was united lu mnrrlago to Mr.Sol M. Woll.ick early loht evonlng by Itabbllvohler of Tomplo Bothel. She was given awayby her father, Mr. S. Marx. Tho banquet hullwns illuminated afterward, nnd three hundredguests sat down to the woddlug supper.

Miss Uettrude Llndsav Howe and Mr. Wil-liam JJronton Welling weio mnrrled ut thoChurch of the Heavenly Best yesterday after-noon by Bishop Potter, irnistcd by tho P.ov.Charles Cooper of Philadelphia. Miss JlargeryHowo. sister of tho bride, was the maid ofhonor, and Mr. llichurd W. G. 'Welling, brotherof tha groom, wus best man.


IVeeldeat Qunctxrnbiieh Tilkea Ilia IlelentCttlmly L'huruea Aitatnet 'i'ruelen i:eri.Besides holding tho ofllco of Postmastor of

Houm V ernou. Pavil CJiiacLnlraHi rciducte n realeatate buMutKi and ineldei over the ineithio of theYillao I'.oant of Trutttca. lie ie a Democrat, and theRepublican member f the Board recently combine 1

to deprive him or tho rl.-h-t to eirm'nt cor.imllteia. Hoe.ild jeter.ly ttiat he would have appointed the eamemen on coiimulieei ai, witi apoliue,l by the

lie. I.iit he would let fUbinll lo dlctnll in.II- - naci.biioinh' io ule the inatter to the court, norvio.l'.a he reuu

I dltor Ilium .'IcflePind of the Mount Vernon ifjntaid iha n mietuiL-- of Hie clllem ivould be called to

ilenoince the liepubllcau comslne.enerable CIIH er Dyer, one nf the Itepithlican rrusteea.

na.il, "rrtIJelHQuMcKenbiieti wanted to make HenryAppeiriulrinuiiof the met andpewerCoiaimtlee. r uriiiccrW J, IVorllien U htuy on pine for feseretbalwill covt the vi'lai:e$".'J;tl. lie c ontracte ar now loI u awarded Pout sou el e that the ooekiblhtlee aroirreal l.x.Aieniblyman aid 'iriietee Norman lawlerw ti. to ha mace cotitikel Ie tile Committee, dteplachufeunlv Jmli--e MIIik, ami IMItor McLl-lla- itaa to boinnde Town Olerl.."

Nel ear feer PeptlbMcun Tiniteei end one Uemo.rial co out, und thlnri vrlll piobably be chatiKcd aroundto the ailvantarc of llic Jleluorratl

Jncoli Cortwrlrht. u contractor, brought stilt aratnetthe villas of Alount ernou lor work performed Inl,rad te runl.lyii ovenue. He c launtd that there wae afilial ce ilim him or HJfol. At Hie trial III tho supremerourtutvviiit P afnuleforeJuitlcelJykman andajur)'

eetrrUuy atarllit J keoli. touniel for the plaintiff.cnhedlllKatlrlillon ot II. e Court lo the act that ho hailbeeti Informed that lleinard Hobey of Vonkcre one oftho iurure lu lite cafe, had been Improperly approachedby llenry 1 wer. one of iho trutteevof vfeuni Vrrno i.and declined to i.rociiid further with the trial, .lueihol'j kman arked Juror llobey If eucn wae thecaec, andbi lu? an.wered lu Hie attinnatlve he at once evu-e- d

hhn from further eervlce on the Jur. Pyconeeiilofboth eidea Ihe trial went on with hut e'nveu lurore Inthe bin A verdict vrae til cu fur the plalutiUior thelull amount clal.utd.

'Ibe t'rew ofu JtntLb Zlurk Keeeaeit.When tho Belgian steamer Tenlers. which

left llto Janeiro on May H. with a caryo of cnRrefor UnikJtJeronsof this city, and arrived hero yeiicr-day- ,

was five days out from port lu latitude 12' 07' south,loejlincte 7( '.'S' wel, ho fell In with Ihe Hutch barkMathilda, the latter waterlomed and linking and flilmrelenai of dletreea The Tenters eentont a lifeboat tothe fluthtlda and took off her skti per. rapt. Voee andhlecrew ore'evenmen. The Mathilda was then et onlire Cain. VM said that he lei t Cardiff. Ualea, InApril with a careo of coat far the Spice Islands. In tbeMatay Archlpetaeo Heavy etorme and cross senscaused her to strain in every timber She wasb-avll- y

loaded, and when the leulere came alona had six feet ofwater In Ihe will. The Malblhla was owned In Holland,and w till her carito was v slued at C;VS.ijo.

'Ihe Mlalnrtnnea nrnn Itnmlitrnnt.A wagon drove up to tbe gates of Castlo Gar-

den ) esterday and a legless man as lifted out and car-

ried Into the ofnreof tho immigration Coramlstlouers.Ile was Aoirust Axt, a native of Wurtembunr. who ar-rived here on Auir t(4. last year, an able bodied tniu.v hlle searching for hie father In Newark one very coldDllbt last wlater his Irga acre frosen. aad at the New-ark Hospital tbey were amputated. CoUitjlar alafoatwlilprolahlyisadhuubacktoKtuepe.


TUB HOUSE IX AX VPItOAlt OTBlt X11Bxtura rnoit r. j.ovis.

Thnrrann'a Xanilnittlen TToUee Vv thontslrinm vihetvere Jiravialnir Over theTnrlD Hill A tl7 liny for Ren lino-rinnn-

Sir. Stnrenn Makes Kpeecb InUntie nrHbcrmnn Str. i'ljts'a Ntiecch,

Washikoton, Juno 7. Tho IIouso hntlmuch ftm ovor tho tnrllT debnto WhonIt was nt Its height a small page rnn down thecentral nlslo nt ft tiemendous rato of speed,dodging around tho logs of tho rotund Con-gressmen, nnd checking for a moment Gon.Weaver's burstof oratory on bohalf of froo lum-ber. Tho jingo bounded up tho throo stepsleading to tho Speaker's desk nnd handed itshoot of manifold copy to Chairman Spring-er. Mr. Springer 'thumbed It nervouslynnd hastily glancod at its contents.By this tlmo neither tho IIouso nor tho gal-lcrl-

woro paying any attention to Mr.Wonver's speech, nnd a general dcslro wasmanlfostod In every faco to know whnt thotelegram said. The suspenso was rcllovod nmomont Inter when Sunset Cox sent to thodesk and nskod pormlsslon for tho Clork torond the following dospatchi

fit Lous, June 7. Thurman nominated.

Tho suppressed excitement now gnve way torapturous applause and grent uproar. As Ifwith ono accord tho vvholo Democratic sldowas In nn Instant waving bnndannn handker-chiefs und shouting itself l.onrse. Memberstiud hundkorciilnrs to tholr umbrellas andcanes and waved tliom frantically ovor theirheads. Mr. Outhwaito of Ohio dtow forth nlargo bust plcturo of Thurman which ho car-ried to tho Clerk's desk, and braced It upagainst a pile of boot's In full view of tho mom-bci- s.

i'lien he gracefully drai ed tho fi.itnowith a silk but daniin, at which tho membershowled more liuidlv Hum over.

The galleries took up tho applause, andwaved baiidannns In lesponse to the uproar onthu floor, homo enthusiastic-Thurinni- i men In!lioiros gnllory Hung their bandannas overtho gilded citglo which tests above the Speak-or'uUml- r.

While the contti'-loi- i wns gtentestan old whlte-hiilro- d man on tho Deiuocr.ittasldo vv as s"on hastening down the aisle, hisfneo Hushed, and an o.nres'-Io- of Intenso ex-citement on Us features llo hold ono handnloft.and In n hoarse voice, which could 'curco-l- v

be henid above the up! oar. ho shouted:" 1 havo worked for thirty years tn California

to see Thurman l'resldont, and now, thankGo 1, ho has ut lo.ibt got second place on tluticket."

The old gentleman who spoko wns Itepresen-tntlv- o

Biggs of California, llosclduuiinnl.eshimself hoard, and his manliest excitementgrcttlv amused both side- - of the House. Itwas several mlnuti s boforo ord"r was restored,nnd then not until after both llepublicans nndDemocrats hod grown win in In hand clappingsand shouts P.ven after order had been re-stored tho House n fusel to think of unv thingoxcept politics, and a running lire oi blightpolitical rapurtoea continued for a half hour.

Mr. Morgan asked loavo to offer n long pro-a-

bio and series of resolutions on tho subjectof tho pending llshery treaty. The proamblorecites that tho report of tho Committee onForeign Relations on the treaty raises thoquestion whether tho President hnd authorityto negotlnto such a treaty or to appoint theplcnipoteiitl.uies vithout the previous consentof tho Senate and tho n solutions declare thattho treaty has been duly negotiated and Is law-ful nnd valid.

Senator Sherman objected to Senator Morganspeaking on tho resolutions, as heiiator

who m.ido the commltteo report, woonot lu tho city.

Mr. Morgan said he proposed to mako thospeech which ho made In executive n.

This treaty had been made n mere politic tlfootball ot n great party for tho sakoof ,idv aim-ing tho Interests ol a certain gentleman in nnational convention to bo held In Chicago.

Mr. Morgan then read lib speech. Ono ot thosentences was:

"The Senate may mako war necessary, as Iamvcrv much afiald we are doing hero to-day." tl. an allusion to llopublicnii Senators,Mr. Morgan said that thu only preparationwhich they woio making for wot wasnti at-tempt to rnll-- t the svinjintliiosofsubjects of her .Majesty, 'i heir action, he said,wan doubtless with a vievrof uxeltinc thu an-tagonism of lriahvoterc to tho l'le-blc-

hi- - alleged subserviency to iili-- li lu-ll uciice. That charge inukled with lniustlee.

Congiess, no said, had 4ivmi to the Presidenttin pov.er widen i.'l tho Preildents had

stece IK'O, to vvnge napei wai on llrlti'--conitneice, and had tLcn 'tood by tn senwhether the President would push thnt paperwar Into tl.o cntegoryot real war. If lie huddure so the country would h.ivo cried out forhiniriuc ichrnent; but, having failed to do so.lie wns chart oil in th rejioit of the mnjorltvoftho Cominliteo on Foreign Belntionn withltstiri a'.iou. end with the nbtirti of constitu-tiona- l

power Ikciip ho had sought to find unc.ii e.ilue way to got tho rights claimed by thoUnited Sinter.

The resolutions wont over without notion.

Mr. Mcl.nne. Fnlted Ptnlo Minister toFrtncp, lunl nn interview villi secretary Bin --

anl y prior to his retain to Paris.

The Pi esldent has signed tho bill appropriat-ing $b(J.00u.0lit) for onsious.

Tho IIouso went Into Commltteo of thoWhole on tho tai iff bill. Mr Dltigloy of Maine,speaking in opposition to Mr. Breckinridge'snrcor.driont to the proviso attached lotho lum-

ber schedule of tho fico list, winch proposes toadtalt Cnii.ulmii lisn free of duty upon allow-ance bv that country of cmnnieicl il ilzhts toour voissel c and also fot Hy In the ex-change of products I otw ecu the L idled Matesand Cnnnt! i. llo tnnlii', lined rli.it Canada hadwithheld commercial nglito 'loin our lishlngnmiotliei vcsseK for the juirposu of drivingCongress to admit !lsh fn e.

Alter n long deb ito. Mr. Breckinridge'snmendmont to Mr. Dinglov's nmendmunt wasadopted by a part vole, oscejit In the easo ofMr. lUnilnll. who votd with tho Itepuhlicnnsugalnst it. and them Mr. Dlnglev's amendmentus amended was rejected.

An Inlirrltnncn Anultliif GeorKe Kluinter.Goorgo lllmmer or licainer. who was last

seen lu IlrooUru about ihne)rHrs stro, l wanted toilarothelnherluncocf his ctaiidfiihrr. amountln; toW'.tMJhi vnltiahli-rea- l estate, bc.idej inro.iol prop-

erty. Jthnmer grandfather dies! hflcen enr nso ofblack Hnill pos. He left u w ton and a son bj a formerwife. As ho had made t.o will, hi properly wouttuthoson. except the wife's dower The ton died three mouthslater liavini: tho estate to his e epiuoll cr for life. After her dentil It was to go to I Is lather's fo ir elvers andit.o brothers Wli-- n the stepmotlier d'ed the lam lywasei sc.ltlered that no atten.pt was lu i.lo to taviileil o nroti-rt- ). situo ilia: time mat y if the hrlrshuvedied llei rge lltmmer nail miei, t tile hU chihlrciu cueof hlei-ii.i- re wis found lo I o tl Intr at llrim.end, uienltiei lu Ni w VerLcitv and two Drelhers In Ml.murlhelieor lliese knew ihe whereiib nit, c f iiuj of the oil!er undone dtd not l.liosr eien tti rnnienl iierhro.lt.ers and slstc rs. t. or-'- e Ym ltd a uvtulerlptf lit- - V. netilavt seen I i llrooklyn ho was priidllr..' coil A spur olrluimsnt wan attriind hv mi auiertl.tn nt In Tui'M.'csix inoottisagii tonpiilv to t e hrlrS. c ouiieel, llutiliardId ndrh kfiei of on illinm strn hut he v tu unaUlo tog.ve Ills motl er'B li I'deii iiaie If tie giliuuie uilrdoes urn npnecr wllhln a rest inahc lime the estiitowill he divider! wtiieit him II c'ni'lrg Itiritoer snhnro.Il e piojierty wl be ill! hied hi'" Mien JorllolM Dierent estate lain hruoklvn, und li ruldo Increushuluvalue.

llnngtnnn AtLtuaun Xlnsu't I.ll-- o Ike XewJ.nvv.

Joe Atkinson, hotter known ns "Isnncslhonanirmin," who lives tit .,7 rrerirreen avenue,

is deprived of his oicup.ttlun by llov. Hl'l'sapproval or ihe bill abcdlshlni: ihe In ihlj statuand subslltutll g elegttlchy as a means of jiuttlui ccn-ie-

ned murilereri In death He wartClrctis.hlg the newlaw wiih his wlfo and daughter whun arcporter vhlied1.1m yestcrJay.

"VVhal do f think of the bil''" he said, ndlustlng hisHeel rlmeil spclueie Well, whllo 1 am In favor ofthe easiest and mrst c cnveult t.l form or death, 1 do notthink electricity will do as a pili.hhmelit I" capltiilcues. 1 admit tbat death bye fitrh'ity wouldbomsyand without pain, and for this riUMKl hariielted trlllllnuls wou'd not driad uucrly sonu chus they dreadIhe

Atkinson said thnt his farrl'y was much opposed lo hisorcunatioi, but he hal nl'nned the calling ol' a hangman fur ni&uj years, because It laid hit i well. Hedid not say wbetber he wuul I continue hi pursuit lutinotl er stato alter the new law anoilihaiK h itigfiigitoes Into ecct luew crk

Allrt-ri- l Frntida ut the I'Usrn.itrr ilectloti.Henry Ockoihauten, who wns defeated by

Pavld Manliforlrcstcointhel'lfih wardot ihevilhignof at the election held on rutsday will havoan.lnluni'llou vervid cm the llurd ot Trustees of thevlllsge Ilia niurnlng, restralnnu them froi i rauv, s logthe vole of that ward on 11 e ground of ulleite I fra j.l.ilent vol ing I here were 2 I batiol east, ol which AUrstireceived USaud llckerliaiiseu iH nckerliauseii claimsthat --"Mlh gal votes were east He alna ly hus Co alldavits ut I linen who swear that thei until fraudulently for Marsh ll Is eulil mat sum of tho alleged Illegalvoters were procured from a e uhirs' buirdhu ho no cmHamilton street, ibis illy, an 1 that cullers went lio.nlirooklrn Jlr Marsh It a lawver, wuh an oil co onllroadvray. Ills irlends say thai If auv rraud waaeotu-uiltte-

he was not cognizant uf It.

To Hevlve Iirly Kule'arl backer History,Tho St. Nicholas Soclnty, nt a meeting In

resolved in revive the e'li lU.orractlceof fie erslU'Jliou, lent fa Irn Into ul.lui', uf li.suluj historical cisas part ot the literary features of theregnlar meilln.-i- . Ihe custom will ho revived at thellrilialberlnKor the roclelr n xt fall, and the hrst pa-per to be read will deal wllh New lurk society and Hecustoms durlna the decaoe between 1HJ0 and 1SI sIho society also voted to Increase the dues of life memtiers from f lo tiui and Secretary sdiermerhoru re-ported that tke society bad attained tbe Increased limit

, of too mstobsrshlp. latatsii the Unit was SOU,

roitD Bxizt, znn coasipiox,lie Renevra Ilia Title nt Teslenlisy'a Caen-petl-

nt Matt ISnTen,Malcolm W. Ford, tho champion nil nrountl

nrantottr nthlcto of tho United States, hnd tohtistlo yesterday to sustain his pretlce nt thofourth nnnunl competition for tho general ath-lot-

championship ol America, which was holdnttho Now York Athlotto Club grounds.

Six onirics appeal oil to contest for honors Inthoovonts. Thoy wero J.J, Van Houton of thoWest Sldo Athlotlo Club. A, A. Jordan, N. Y. A.C: Arthur Schroodor, N.Y. A. a: M.O'Sulll-an- ,

Pnstlmo A. 0.: Malcolm V. Ford. StatonIsland A. C. nnd J. P. Thornton, N. Y. A. C.

The ton events through which tho competi-tors had to pnss woro tho dash.Btundutd 11 l; seconds ; 50 lb. weight, standardlHfcot: running high jump, standard Cfeot;440-jar- run. standard C5 seconds: putting1C lb. shot, standard !!2 foot; polo vault, stand-ard B'i tcct!l20-ynrdsliurtll- standards 3 feet(1 Inches nnd 2UJa seconds: thrnvvintr lfi-l-

hntuinor, Mnndiiitt Til feet; running broadjump, Mandnid 1H loot; one-mtl- o run, stnudurd0 minutes :iu seconds.

Tim htuiilred yards clash wns easily won by1 ord In 11 seconds, with Scluooilorund Thorn-ton it tlo for sotond nluco nrd Jordan close be-hind. In tho weight and hiimmerthrowinguiidshot putting lord wns of no pnitlcular ac-count, fulling to win a pniut In cither ot tho twoformer ev onts, ami having to wtuk Inrd lorthree points In tho lattor. Again In tho polovault loid was outdone by both SehroederniulJordan, om.li of whom cleared U leet U inches iotho loriner'n U leot :i, and In Iho l'.u yards hur-ill- o

vouiig.loiilnn ilow'iiwnv Irom Ford. Fold,hovvuvor, showed up lu his old nhnpo In thoruiinliig, broad, and high jumps and tho quar-tet -- mllo lllll.loid, how ovor. won first plnco In fotirovonts.second In two. en I third In two. thus renewingHis title of aiiiiilciir elintiiplmi nth-lcto ol America by u score ol 21 points.

A. A. .Ionian and Arthur M'liiiioiior. both ofthe New York Athletic Club, wero tied tor sec-ond place, each ol them Fooling 2.' points, and31. D'hullivan ot tho P.istimo Athletic Club,mndo a not very g'orlous third, scoring 12point, lu of whMi weie got by throwing theheavy weights. .1. P. Thornton of tho .Now YorkAthletic club, nnd J. .1. Van Houton of thoWest Sldo A. C, wero d!sun!lllod for fulling toleach tho standard lu three of tho ton oventscontested.

Following Is a summary of tho ovents. withtho winners. Gold medals were bostovvod upontho first, second, and third men in tho totulicbull:

(lne hundred jards run. standard 11J4 seconds Wonhy via colm W. lord. II seconds, eecoud, ArthurschrorCer nnd .1 I. Thornton, h. V. A. C, a He, andthird. I V. Jordan, .N. V. A. C.

Mttv sU pound welehr. standard is feet Won hy M.(Vbiiliiviin. r. A C. distance --"U feeti.if, Inches, second,Arthur tn leet 'JH Inches, and third. A. A.Jordan. Is feet inch.

Ititniilmr hth Jumii standard 5 feet Won by MatcolmW lord h. I. A. 0.. .' feet U Inches, second A A Jor-dn-

, feet ijf inches, and third. Arthur Schrueder, 5feet J "if Inches

I oiir.liiitulreil and fortv yards run, standard 5s sec-onds Won by Map elm vV. Kord, M1 seconds', second,J 1' Thornton, X V. A. C , 00 seconds, and ihlrd, Arthurrrliroeder.

l'uttln the 111 pound shot, standard 3i feet Won hyM lI'Mil.lvau, I'. A. U, dlslance .11 eetllLc, Inches,

i v. at feet 1 Inch, ctid third. Arthurcchrnetler. tta?4 feel.

Pole viult. c taudard RsS feet Won by Arthur Schroe-de-distance Sleet it lnch-- s, second, A A. Jcrdau, 0

feetiilncb-- s, and ihlra, vi. vv. lord tifeetulncheictine hundrc 1 and twenty yards hurdle, standards 3

feet il Incl ee and '.0i second Won by A. A. Jordan,time. Is a second, second, vi vv Inrd, 18U seconds,and third J. P 11 ornton. ll'tf seconds.

Thrnwlnjr til pound hammer, standard TO feet Wonhy Vrihtir Schroeder Til leet II lltche. seconil. .V. A.Jordvi 7 I feet 7 Inches, und third, M, u'Sulllvan. 7Jleet 'itv Inches.

lluiininir broad lump standard IS feet Won byVV Vord. dUlance 21 feet 10J4 Inches, second,

A A. Jordan. J1 feel 2V4 inches and third, ArthurSchrueder, M feet --'! niche.

le run. stanJard 5 minutes t seconds Wonh) . A Jordan ' minuted JS seconds, second ArthurSchro-do- r. . minutes J seconds, und third, M. VV, yord,u minutes ll's seconda.

Tbe JLatonln Itnees.Cincinnati. Juno 7. Thore wore sovon races

on the card at Latonla, tho secoudaud tblrd racesbeing spltL

Mrst Hace Seltlnn. purse for three-yea- r olds and7m furlongs, seven starters. Auctions Kermesso

barred, l'at Donovan. $J0: Cora L., fill; Delia. 811;field, 2 kermesso won. Delia second. Carus third.Illlie. 1.17

Second itace Purse, for r olds; four and ahalf furionir. nine starters. Auctions I ady Hemphill.512, AUho $l Vlits llojle ?S: Held, f'i Teresa wonby a leLKlh, Alaho socukd. Lady Hemphill third Time,0 "7.

Third Usee Selling for three year otds and upward;sK lurlotis. t.B starters Am urn Arundel Sit:l'rlrr incite. S7, Uly VlrlI CJ. Held t.r Mar.halt wonby two lengths, Tambourette second, llricrnanette third,lime I 17

Fourth liars A free handicap sweepstakes for F

and upward, l m.les seven starter.Auction iek Murer. ?1C Did. :7. Insolence, fl;llelil -- " leu llroei k. Jr. won l.y u lialf length. Inso-le lie- - second, --cur VI is i third Time, I

Hfth hace Tho lllliiynr Musis for three year olds;nine fur.oiurs; live starters I'ooU hlte. IKI. tlalll-le- t

llenedicl. til. Held. -l cl.illlret won In arulloi bv tco lentLs. heucdlct second. Hector third,rime i "ij.

sixth 11 lee rnrio, for two vear olds: four and one-h- a

f I rl tiks. nliio starters Pools kiuts. 97. Jakevil ler 7 luhil JO. Hell 1 olartlator won by twolciutl s Jul'Hl tecoiel, Jake .vliller third Time, o t,7V

ovcIlltl Urn e S'SlIni:. lor three j ear olds and upwiir,l. 'P. fGrhui ten starter Pools Marchnu,Z j I strel a ll, illesutr, 7, I eld. Ir Vlar limawon by .i e.iut leLth, Juuuert second, oleaner third,lime, 1 It; I

ICuclnt; ist Nt. roul.St. Louis, Juno 7. First race For

that had run end not won at this laeetlnfr; tenMarter. Auction Oil howle. $50, Monsoon. 20, gusk,?il. fli Id, SIS fhllhowl- - won bv a leDiilh, Mousoonsecond, Olltter third Time. fr--

ei end llnce lliree quarters of a mile for all apes;f.ven stirtera 1'oulsl icoi.m. 5.',, Autocrvt. 1;

Jlenkrupt ?7.beM ?lle Autocrat won east y a lengthul end of llaukriiHt.c arneuie third Time 10

Ihlrd ItJee llrewere' cull for nil aces, one mllo and ahi f, three .tarter Auctions vilm li and I

SMI Tetilio r rioncnt anJ M inch llnl.bcd tlrst andd Tin Hay third Time. 2 1 !

I ourth Itace Ire'o hnmlicup for all nses. one ml'onnd an eivhth. the starters Auction l'arairon ?50,Wahoo, J.I7. Vlnchetll II. 112. Held. $J U wis Clarkwonl.ya neck, l'aragou second. Wuhoo third. Time,1 'Hhi

flltli Knee 1'urso for all aires; one xnlte: Ihreo start,ers Auction Wheeler T. barred. Ilobemtan, rj;Hlondu Wheeler l won cusily hy a letnith and ahalf, iiohemian second, l.londa last. Time, lA'ifi,

Polytechnic Institute Osslci.A solcet nnd fashionable assemblage was on

Ihe llrnokn Alhleilc Clu groimils yesterday afltr- -

noon tn w Iti ess the eleventh annual Rimes of Ihe Poly,techulc Institute students Jvo college records werobroken, ns the scores show

Hundred jrrdsrtashR. s Co'ton. K yard, first; O P.Kn ipp 2 jurds. econd Time. II seconds.

I. trlit hundred aad ilzhtv jard run V. Vonderoef.scratch, nr.t. cl VV CoukJln, 4Clard second. Time, Jmln ,te r!6 seconds

I o.ir huielred and lortyyird' 11. It. Connell. scratch.Ilrst. II s I'oltmi, scratch, second Time, OOVJ seconds

Hlkh Jumu- - II i liadwlck I inches. Ilrst, reet,A.Van lerhoef scratch second, 4 feet 10 Inches.

One mile walk CI VI c'onklln, scratch, first; 0. Lord,40 nrd. second lime, r minutes 2.t seconds

Kiinnmk' tread Jump It ll Welch. I 4.J feet, first;C ll, Viils, scratch, seci.nd IH'ani e. 17 feet 11 inches

Two mil, hirvce rate VV. Vn lerhlll 7 yards Ilrst;I'-- T Wllleltfc, scratch, l,ee Olid Time, 7 minutes 3- - sec-ond

(in- - mile mn-- C n Vnle. scratch first; 11 n Connell.2avnrd. second lime, il minute Hie. seconds.

Tlirowln the hummer I' Jenks, ICi feet 4 inches,Br"

lleferee, Charles 1, 1'.randt. htarter, L. 1'. Smith.

The rieTiiled Must Pitv McMer SIO.OOO.Tyler JIcNIcr of Jfount Vernon yostordny

recovered tn,noo dnmaees lu asult uzalnbi ihe Manhiittati Hallway Company In the hii remo Court atWhile Plain. Ju.llco D) Lilian prcilJiuir This Is theheaviest verdict ever rendered nalrst the elevatedrailroad (In the eveulnitof Sopt, i'l, Issit, vicMer wapr.ssln.-- tlirntuh Mxdi avenue, between Tiilrtv-tirs- t andThlriv sccoi'd wlunn re, hot clinker l p ece ofcoal fell from u parsing Inconintlvn piiii hi rfsht eye.Tile Injury wis ,n severe Hut lo hid to ulvo up hisplace as I ookkeep-- r for ll Vltmnn A I'n, In e.xtll are-nil- -

uud he bus lie en uenhle te do any work slie oIho suit wiiHorlinnlU foririoosi, and vrasdlimlrsed

by Jusllce Jlil man on the Hi at trial letnnseor somolechntcjl error In the pleadiluis ltentii iipac-altiL-

fore the -- nuie Jnetlea and u Jury on au amended com-plaint. 'Jim trial occupied two das.

I'unernl of Chnrles I.nssnlle,A high muss of requiem was celohrated jes-terd-

li. Iho rhurrh of hi. Ircetit do I'.iut. In Twenty-thir-

Uriel, over Iho remains cf Mr Charles I.assille,soman vears proprlcli r of the t imrrlrr des Kilt I nit,who died in Ilerbtaln Jiniierj Tho cclc brunt was thoIter tlnstou setler. who wus insisted hy 1'utheis Humhert. VVncher. and 1'lnel Iho pall he were Mr,I mils Vlcrcier Hr. I haiiveau. Vlr . "Huillle Vr.lhlbiiult. Ir chirlesi'oiidert, and Mr ( taile v HaniAn o'nc thoFrt i resent wi rei Icomle in il Ahrc Hie

rrlich Mr II I", hiiininrMllnflor nfIhe ( oioTlcT, vlr I. il" Tninaltcs, rdlier In chief andHo iiillreslall, Mr I hnrles UeeMild. Mr, Lion Juilj,ana iiijio caiir incmbers cf ilieercuch olouy, Iheremain euro lilen to cterliwood


Theneweili'lion'the Kourlli t'nlversallst Churrh. InOulucv stree.aud Ueiduveuue1 w as dedicated on Wednes-day nisht.

Chlcr nrhieer Monro has been depiehed from hispn.t at Iho navy yard, nud ill no lo t allforula wltb hisiaiuhy liiKlcvdaji

M lyor llnplii will have the nrpolntment of new1'ark ConimisKion mi June Id, when ihe term of Hiepri sent c.oiiuiil.slon expires.

A man about an years old. five feet seven Inches Inheic-n-t. viih small sanity uiomtai he and dark hair.anddreMid in daik chiih-- s m ounil in tho river atthotoisof Halilu street rtirdv, und taken to theMorgue tu.vwult Idtnttllcalloii

louls Monieiif 7S)Clinore street, who wss once awraplo l ok cciler, allcinle. ruh mr on Wnllieslayli elil h, shiHillna' himself In the m til eye Ihe bulletloos-ettl- Ida head, hut he vi I'l not .lie lie was rr u.i 1

I from He llu" rules Hon e a few dJjsuLO. IbisishUtlmu ntiempt utsLicild

Subscription b'uls for the XiiM om capital stock of IhoFulloil lletaiei Kallroad, which Is n ronllcnallonIhrouih Ihe Twenty sixth ward of the Mnirs I ountyKlevated Itsllroed were opened yesterday, and somea Mo shares at Slon a share w ere sutsc rlbeu for JamesII. rralhhiBhaiu. A Abbott. James li Sheldon,Henry J Davidson, Wendel Uoouwin, and William II.Dimbarare tb heaviest subscnbeii. The ceimpaay la

, te ba.oicatuul a aladajjnsiL , .at


Ke ns n Bad Pay "ntt r.lfei Atsstn nansIn the Bnlttsice. '

Washinoton-- , Juno 7.-- Gon. ShcrUnn Isagain nt tho point of donth nnd the doctors arofearful that nt nny hour ho may sulTor nnothernttnek of heart failure that will bo his last.When tho General nwoko tills morning ho wasfooling worsolhnn usual. Ho hntl passod nbndnight Interrupted by coughing spoils nnd faint-ing tendencies. He was kept up by stimulantsnnd applications of oxygen and got throughtho night without nny particularly alarmingsymptoms developing. Tho physicians weronot at all satisfied with his condition thismorning, howov or, and regretted tho fact thattho patlont's genornl nppcuranco was notnonrly so encournglng as It had bcon.

For tho ilrst tlmo slnco tho Oonornl wnstaken III ho complained of sickness at thostomach, nnd tho doctors nro not ablo to ex-

plain Its cause. His kldnoys nro performingtholr function well, and hemorrhages havopractically ceased. It Is thought that thonnusoa Is caused by tho lack of asulmllatlon offood and tho Impaired ltul foiees.

Tho 9 o'clock bulletin Is less favora-bl- o

than tho others. The Clenernl Is delirious,his lungs nro badly congested, and tho doctorsare fearful that ho may dlo at any hour.

Shortly botoro 3 o'clock this nltornoon thoOonornl had nnothor relnpso. Oxygen w ns

at once and voryfrcoly. Tho bat-tery was also used ns on 3Ionday, nnd with thosumo result. At C o'clock tho reply to Inquirieswits: "Tho Oonoral Is woreo again, but holsnow rostlnqqulotly."

At 11 o'clock Gon. Sheridan lies asho has bcon all tho ovenlng, dollrlous nnd nl-

most suffocating from tho terribly congestudstnto of his lungs. The Catholic priest Is lu at-

tendance, nil tho doctors moon hand, and It Istho opinion ot nil that a crisis is nt hand. Thopatient's pulse Is beating nt an nlnrmtng rate,his rosplrntlon Is quick and short, and all ap-pearances Indicate that ilenth Is near at hand.Dr. Popper of Philadelphia was sont tor whentho first alarming attack occurred, nnd earnsHying to Washington on a special train.


She Will Wed Mr. Chnndler mt New Torltsiad Wilt Live la Parla.

IticitMON'D, Juno 7. Miss Amello Rives,who Is probably tho worst maligned younglady In tho country, is at bor homo, Castlolllll, Albemarlo county. Bhe has not boonnway trom thcro for noarly a year. Tho plncois an o Virginia estnto, long In tho pos-session of tho Hives family, nnd Is n few mlloafrom tho Chesapeake and Ohio Kallroad. MissAinollo Is tho oldest of thrco daughters, andher parents nro devoted to hor, Ilor father.Col. A. Ii. Itlves, Is a leading Southern

and up to about a jour ago ho was con-nected with tho Illchmond and Danvlllo Itnll-roa- il

ne thon nccontod nn Important post Inconnection with tho IJo LessopsPannmaCanal,aud soon thereafter bo went to Pnnama. HoIs dovoted to his daughter, nnd tnkes greatprldo in hor I Horary achievements.

For nt least two yoars boforo ho wont to Pan-am- nhis duties on the Southern llallroad kept

him much of tho tlmo down South, and, ns arule, ho rend most of his daughter's produc-tions for tho Ilrst tlmo In tho magnzltios inwhich they wero printed. LiiBt winter ho re-turned from Panama and remained at homofor a tew weeks, but his duties called htm backto Iho Isthmus, where ho has beon ever since.

When ho was In itlehrnond ho spoko con-stantly of his prldo In Miss Amello, nnd Indeedall who know him Indlgnnntly dony as scurril-ous and uncalled for tho recent reports thutCol. Itlves and his daughter havo quarrelledover the production. "Tho (Julckor tho Dead."Ho is Indignant at the Interpretation put uponthe story by somo critics. H1b daughter iseven more indignant Indeed, sho prepared adefonco in the nature of u nrefaco to " Tho(Juick or tho Dead." but sho withheld It, as shothought bost not to do anything to perpetuatotho unpleasant and unexpected discussioncalled forth by the work.

An intimate Iriend of Miss Hives, who hasjust returned from Castlo Hill, says that thorumor thnt sho is engaged to n Mr. AreltioCoolldgeof Boston Is utterly untruo, nnd thatfurthermore Miss Itlves is not oven awarooftho exlstoneo of any such person as Mr. Cool-Idg- o.

She is engatrod to "Mr. John ArmstrongChandler of New 5.ork. This gentlomnn mothor nl Nowport throe years ago, and has vlsltodher at hor father's houso frequently since. Thoengngomont wns announced on last Tuesday.Tho marriage will tako placo at the homo ottho bride in heptomber. nnd a fow weeks there-after sho will tail for Paris, whero sho will o.

Her Aassillsmt flaya he Is a Minister.A ninn claiming to bo John Wagner, a min-

ister havlnc charge of a church In I'aterson, wasin Hudson Square Park, lloboken, last ninht on

complaint o! Mary Alstleroner. 15 ears old, of 01 Grandstreet She said that while walking through the parkshe was accosted by W'ajn er. who wanted to walk withher she tried to pasa him. and he caught hold of herand tried to dratr her li.Vl the bushes, sho trot awayfrom turn and totd fo Iceman Crop who arrested theman. vv arner was dressed like a cleriryman. and aaldhe hnd been one for twenty years He wns locked up.There Is no minister named John Wacrner tn tbe Pater-so- n

directory, and no John a?uer lives at U Tylerstreet lu that city, where Uie prisoner said be lived.

The Klver'a Send.Tho body of nn unknown man in n frock cont

and dark vest and trousers was found in the water attile foot of Wett Tweniy sixth street yesterday. On thetar of the nhlrt were the Initials "W. I). IL" The bodywas taken to the Moritue.

IhetutrboitCaunluirbrouitht to Pier B. r.orth Wver,yestorday. the body of nn unknown and well dressedman round I'oallui: In the lower bay. The body was thatef a man about eo years of aee, s feet 7 Inches talk withrtsrfc complexion nark hair and beard. The topot hishead was bald. The body was taken to the Murirue.

It Leaks 1.1 ke Farrlclde.ratrick McDormott of 484 East Sovonty-fourt- h

street, who was suspected of caislnat the deathof his father by klckinff him, was arraigned in the York-

vllle Court yesterday, and was committed to await theaction of tho Coroner. He claims that hisfatherwaslutoxlcated and received the Injuries which caused hisdeaUOiy lalllnjf airalnst a stove Detective Martin exatulned the premises, anl says there Is every evtdeucocf a s.riiirgle although no weapen was found, lie so athat the walls are covered with blood.

TheC'orouer'a,7nrr and the Doetara DisagreeTho Coroner's jury at Glen Covo. L. I has

readied the conclusion that the infant of Peter W. nndMory Titus, which was alleged to have been strangledto death died from utiLitowu causes. Tbe medical tes-timony was conclnlvo that Rtranmilatlon had causeddeath. The testlmonv taken hy tho Coroner will prob-ably be presented to ttio IJrancl Jury.


King Leopold yesterday opened tho Inter-Sta- exhi-bition in It russels.

Ihe Park Flour Mills In fit. Louis were burned yester-day 1 oss ?'" o.j

I'onr pool In Troy have been held to the OrmndJury for violating the jcMiithllnirlaHs

The second son nf the late Hultan of Muscat has peace-ful'!' succeeueil his lather In the Sultanate.

The rtnprre and I'rlnccis Victoria will start on friday evening for tho Istula Hooded district.

A Hre in I.tlncsliiirim. Mich, on Wednesday nightswept bith sides of .Main street for over u block. Lossover Jioi.ocsi.

The Pali' 7rIrorcini.au evrnlntr newsraper publishedIn salem. Mass. suspended yestrrda), beuiz the secunddally lo suspend there In u week,

XEir ai.nsur.The New Jersey Council of 1'nurstlnn will hold lis

scull annitul tneenna-- lo di) end In IretitoiiIhe Church of St Peter In Jersey City will he rouse,

crate b liisiinp WJgcter on Jii'ii'24 DiMiiiarlesc f theCall ollc Chi rch frmu various parts of tho Lulled Matesvv III parlicl-Mi- In the ceremonies

The Pireetori.of the i.ennnnla savings Hank of Jer-sey e'lty. which hilled ohout tw t, ears ao. met yi ru rclnv uflcrt.nl ii and declared n dividend of Inperceut.'Ihls is tho Ilrst dividend that has been declared

Tho Hudson County (Iran t Jury has decldid tolnvee tho doings of even Hoard tn the i ninny This

wit include iho lloboken ant I'.ijctiiie Comic lliiiiuThe .letse) City Heard of lliianie will he Ihe lirstinvceilgnled

An annex Is built tnlhe Hudson rnniuy penllcnllarr at elia.e lllll home cf he bidder niece oldwerer-J- e en allege that the sacci.slul . o.itraclors niusing h.ririor material Hie orand Jur) will luvestlKilo Ihe m liter

Hnrles Matins, lnveirsoir. a clerk rmrloyed ny vi

II Jcrs-- y i li . n ur-i- -i d )itrrduyof rnl,tjiu..i'inr li s em, ijii in inev He

cotnes.ed hi gnle. Klidsii d Hut ne hud tieu g2 at alime Iroin tho uit ne) drawer

Justice Ktapnlii the supreme Cot rt In Jersey I'ltvve.ieidav ill.iuis.ed tho writ 'f errir In tie ofl.'rib rl 'Cnrlti, the New Vork leirglar w hn bicalnluHe, houiiiiif Hr Jofla'l lloriihlowrr III lersi) City la-- tAugust and .McCarthy wus .e.it to the suite i risen forIs ) e.ir.

l.ngrne I'avor, an artist living alone In I Praholh, wasfound drtid 111 Ills room i li hl villi u pieceof rnpo twisted llgrllv aioulid Ills liei k lb- - friend- - nadnil i eel him lor eril da) and burst the floor In I avor had trlrd t.ro l.elnre lo take his liti. but c aih limews thwarted bv fr.itnd anl afierwsrd denied that hell il lud on suit Ida llilenl

Vmiigoi ier) street. Jersey City, vvn lorn up thrroniuutl-ii- in order to rep.ir the, levir Ni,vw,rkhlbeen clone ( ll it for a mem h ul t the eiiwage lllcsa'.ngliulglit of pw leslrlan. crelln' a teriiblo iletit It It Usaid thut the up itonrli em lo ru,rlig si e.tetilrewer ,sriiiiiiitid a 1,1 lhi Ventcoiuei sire tt can-n-

be Irpi.red before next hrcciit berLdward llocnv and William luirk were riding on the

pilot of a drill eugiue on tbe Junction llallroad lu tloboleii ytsterda) morning when Ihe enklne s.ruek agrocery wagon wbtch was crossing tho track, ltothwere badly crushed and were takeu to St, Mary's llos.pttal Tbey may die. Ihe driver of the grocery wagonwasbruised but not seriously hurt- - Iho vscb nitUiiaooultuta, valuta, at VW, wu atuoUibovL




She vTss tn Altaee't Trnime nnd He's tkaSinn Who Won H40.000 nt nncenrnt ! f

1'nrls she Nsiia Hhe Helped Illm Da It AI.llnr In Wnlt lor Him Outside Deb XJV !

monlcn'a ut I.unch Tltae llrr Wrath. f

Dllly Ueutech, whoso IiIr wlnnlnjjs nt batenrnt In I'nrls sovoral years ago woro tho talk A

of tho lovvu, walked up Ilrondway yesterday j

afternoon on tho shady side, rndhinlly nttlretl,as Is his custom, llo had como from luncbeoa jUjat Dclmonlco's. Thoro wns a woman following jfllilm n short, d woman of 83 or 3

theroaboiits. Ho was unnvvnro other.Just bolow the llljou Opera IIouso sho over

hauled hltn, nnd caught him with hor loft hand iby tho car. Sho gnvo it n vigorous twitch thttway und then thnt, pulling him nil ovor thtsldovvnlk. Hor bucccss elntod her, nnd shtried to whack him w 1th her parnsol. The firstattempt was unsuccessful, but tho second tlrac Isho dealt him a sliarii blow on tho head. J

A crowd soon collected and thought It hUTO Jjljtfun. Commissioner Jako Hens, Hilly Florence,

' litnnd Theodore SIoss, who nro personally n tqualntod with Mr. Uoutch, wero Intorosttd 'Hfspectators. Thcro is nothing to do but raa II),whon n woman of superior musclo is hlttlnjf Wdyou with a parnsol. and Mr. Doutsch ran Into Lllourko's oystor saloon, two doors below th -- iwllljou. Hho undonvorcd to follow, .but tht J B

wnltorsmufltorcdand provontod hor, '! eHy this tlmo l'ollcoman John 1'. Kolly of th ' 1 ,

Hroadway squad had nrrlvod, and ho tried to i f,nulot tho woman, tolling her that sho would b J tnrrestcd If sho porslstcd. Hor blood was up, j l,and sho didn't enro, and again sho trlod f ' ' rforco her way through tho ranks of aproned t ; t;tendnnts to her victim. Kolly orrostod her. Jj t

"It was 'J:10 exactly," Offlcor Kolly said. "I tlj rwas on duty ut YVnllack's. whero Bob Hllllanl E ,

wnn having a benellt. Looking across the way 'JI saw tho womnn following Doutsch. Ha j jdidn't npponr to know it. Just as thoy got In ofront of tho Ijijou sho sprang upon htm and dgrnbbod him by tho rlghl oar, pulling him ,, J(

around nnd calling him nnmes. Hho fairly rwiped tho sldowalk with him. At first every 'Hpbody thought It n good joko, and I laughed. fJetoo; but soon things bocamo more serious. A Ujcrowd from tho street and thoutro came to sea rUithe fun. Hho raised her parasol to lilt him, but lipmlssod hor aim. CommlsBlonor IIoss yolledto ,t-B- .me, ' Kelly, tako that woman awayl" and I aVsEwiistarted for her. but beforo I could got Ihcra asho hit him ono with tbo parasol, llo offered ono resistance, but ns soon ns ho got i Jaway, went Into llourko's. I took hor around ,tho cornor nnd trlod to cool her down, telling "her to bo sensible nnd go home, lint sho '

wouldn't, and said sho was going to got nt him. I tWhon 1 nskod her why she did It sho snld thntsho had lost her head when sho saw him, nnddid not know wliHt bho was doing. Whon I csuw tho crowd begin to collect I had shut tho ,

doors at Wallack's so the crowd thero couldnot get out, and thoy missed It nil." i c

TheprNoner hnd coolod down whon nho gottn Jefferson Markot Court, ami sho told JusticesFord that sho was sorry sho had mado a dis-turbance. Ilor nnmo, sho snld, wns itosoMlgnon, and she was an artist, and lived atII West Twentv -- sixth 6treot. "Tho man Istruck was Hilly Den'sch, tho gamblor,"sho said, "and ho has treated me verybadly. Ho's trvlng to get rid of mo. I havollvod with him nshlswito since ho broughtinrvsVfn thin pnnntrv llvo VA.ara nn T ),Altmlhim when ho won two million francs nt bac- - ,

carat in Paris. Ho told mo his wlfo was in an itlnsano asylum, and ho throntcnod tosend mo Ithero to keep her company, llo did not como hto soo mo for n week, und I made up my mind ,to go and find him. 1 trncod him to

aud sent In n waiter with n messagothat I wanted to soo h'.m. Ho sent word back U,that hn was busy nnd had no time to seo mo.Bo I watted until I saw him como out."

Justice Ford warned hor that she must not --.tako tho law Into her own hands, and she said Hsho wouldn't mako a public disturbance again.Hho was discharged. Hho is a small blonde ,

woman, and wus onco a member of Aimuo'a Hopera bnulTo company. HAftor Mr. Deutvch's friends had got through Hlicongratulating him yestorday, he packed his ,valiso and went to Dobbs Ferry with Commis- - HtslonorHoss. He is not a giant In stature him- - bWpolf, bolng a littlo tailor than Mile. Mignon. aH1His friends wore not much surprised on hoar-- H)lng of the encounter. H" Mr. Deutseh takes his mcnls at Delmonfco's M 'protty regularly." said one ot them, und "it was H tpretty well known thoro that he wished to be !froo from tho woman. Her maid used to bring BaH J

notes ovor from tho house on Twonty-slxt- n Hj J.

streot to Dclmonlco's, until Hilly left orders bbV'that sho wan not to bo admitted. Thnt was aarntithreo wooks nco, and since thnt tho littlo aaWwomnn has beon trying to meet him on the bbS !streot." J

What Doutsch really did win at baccarat In afaW ',

tho colobrated I'arls sitting wus 200,000 francs. W 'not two millions. Ills friend bald that It was Bnot until nfter that that he met Mile. Mlgnon. bbmMr. Wulnwrlght. proprietor of tho apartment B Jhouso nt 11 West Twenty-slxt- h streot, enld H'that Doutsch and Mine. Mlgnon bad been liy- -ing thoro sovoral tears. Mme. Mlgnon had 'gono nway last night to spond tho night with a 'frlond. I

Held for Aasanltlnsj Sehoat Olrla. I j

Georgo Bousch. n German ehoemakor, 49 jyears of are. of 1C.1 Worth street, was charged at theTomba yesterday with attempting to ladecently sun arOx IH Jnine school gfrls between 7 and 12 yearaef age. Tha H (matter was brought to the attention of 'Mr. QerrySi ao-- aJBE ,clety by bcho it Trustee Wbalen. and Agent Oagsttnef Htarrested Itousch yesterday, llo admitted hi galls, sum nW 'was held for trial VM t

Tbere la (still a Henry Bercb. jH c

l'resldont Henry Borgh of the Soolety for tha S JPrevention of Cruelty to Animals sprang onavsa, law Ihound car at Fifth avenue and Fifty ninth street, an4 ISordered the driver, rieorge Moran. to unhitch a disabled immhorse. The driver weuldn't. and wasHnaJiyansaatara 4U .utter traOlo had been delayed half an hour. .

SlBUal Ordce Predtctlaa. IH (For Now England, eastern Now York, tha H '

District ef Columbia. Virginia, eastern I'etuuylvaxtla, gM .r,ew Jersey. Delaware, and Maryland, light 10 Xraaa IftVJnortherly winds, warmer, fair weather. f 1


Justice Deane decided yesterday that Hamlet O'Cknter ! Iowes his Queen Mother, Mrs. CrosDle, &:&. O'Conor took H ihla fate calmly. jH fj

Tbe Chamber ot Commerce asks Congress to appro- - B iriiaterxnsj,uia. Instead of l,iuo,ooo, for the new Say-- TH Jcnue building In this city. H -

The Hoard of Electrical Control meets at '3 r. BM nt I.2IM Hroadway. Mayor Hewitt yesterday re-- Jjm -celved a notice of tbe tueethu, but does not expect te TFtM lbe present. Tsaal

Tholloman Cathollo Church of All Saints has trana. ' Tferredthe properly on the southeast corner of Madison aj 1

avenue and liSJth street to the bisters of charity of UU. ( .V lucent de Paul for .'o.otio fM

It II Macy Jt Co will observe the Saturday half holt- - Vclay durlug July aud August, as has been their custom ilor many years. Ladles will nolo that the hour ot cloa- -lug during these mom hs Is to bo at noon sharp ,

lieorge Connolly, r.yesn old of 4 IH hast Wstreet, was run over and badly hurt near his home yea- -terday ariernoi n by u horse and w agon, driven by 1'eler 'llarb of :ku Last Highly fourth street, who was ar- - M ,rented

.Mrs. Wllretmlna Ilitrher.) sears old, who keeps a Jgrocery with her hmimud lu I. Ilzaheth. pleaded ruUty m iyeslerdii) uefore luJge vinrline of stealing from the ccounter in l.hlley' suiteneewas suspended on no- - tcount ol her gouu choracter. J

Arraiuemei.tJ havo leen completed by which Mai- - Mnger J vi hi I secures it controlling Interest fn the iCychre'iianf Iho liirtle of Cettvsburg. Heneral Man- - I

nicer lirandusliairr-lne- l and Mr. lllll will act as I, eu-- ! Jrat Manager. Mr. liraudut has been reelected Tretca. (IurerJohufi Matthea-h-. colored. of20 gast Reventy eighth I '

sir. et, pie uled guilty In ll.e Heneral Sessions ) esterday Iof I e, i.n.r rooms where his colored Irlciels were isvv lied to piay poker llo wa sent to the city Trl.on fee ( 1Il o J.i)- - He was trlrd uiaoiithagu and the Jury dla. H sngrer.i, und he has been 111 prison since I'ebruary. IPeler i nirl. a veteran soldier who Is una furlough II jfrom tlo. so Hers" Home In Auguiia, Me., while visiting; ,1 'In ew lurs. en Hecornllon Hay lost hm paperMraus il'tortatiiiiicard and lurlocgh card, which were enclosed II 1inuncxpricoinii.uj'sinieloiie. riie flndir wi earn ' IIliu thHiikscl lhs veliTaii hy eeudlns tbe iiaekage to 111Tajlorelliilel, lJ t'lial) am stteel M I3i'.Hre('omtnisloher lilward hnilih's horse ran away I 1

in Uie Park ve.ieiUay near thu Welsler statue and il ,sina.hei Mr, smhii's llrlu wa.on and James Huni'alight warnn liolh trcn had a lumb'e but neither was lUiMiiicn hurt. Vliihael Heimepii nt Ol Hsst sevenlv. ilseconds rittund Ins wife were thrown from then-lig-

vvsgoii near iho reservoir aad ant ml) hurt ' tTlielo Oltlrers have lees eeclel hy the New Vers: I )

stale (.oiiii, i of llicCalholc hliuhlsof Alnerlc 1 Stale )h.nlius inricmr. Lev I . Iiuhvnt lirnolliu I'resl.ilent lere-ie- .1 uri in ee 1'rrsldrnl. Jmris J, ', ,.iiiioveriinc CoriiHg .rrreiar I'cier i nllncr Si wr '(tori ireiiannr Ibcrus I irreil of N v Vorl. hu- - ! 'prme in, eguies to l e c iinveiiitento be hetdlu thatto- - 'iiuo.'u, linn 1 J LarUiiKiid I J lower, I

Theprellnilnarv st In trst leully the rlcht of a I 'ennui irner t" ek.luto p'r.ou., ais Irinu railroad jfjvi ,mtrsits weretakeii vrairiilai b Mr Maun, t roprlotor of i Jt. mIcM The I ,,1.11 Nes Coilll.1.11), he la . cut ti. .oir Ihopiprr Irinu all ,'inrn.i n. ulih wi irh It bus con.tracts, ami a railroads I 1.10 ulled Hi Inierrcra jH 'lipon comii'ulut Mr Mann t m His- - to bring snlt against jTsalClient tl eialil lha Lu..cdMtiei troult Cnuii. m

Judee Von Hasten h den, el llm appllr itlm nf the 'Melr p 111111 and Mm battau Hallway Cempanles for Baal 'leave to Interpose eu pleuic ntal anawers lo the sulta aBBabrought by I en f Heseat belia'f of i,ri I) owners aB '

hV alii.lnlliat Hie i.i'ilren iciurti Hi. Iaw)erutid sSasitliep.-- i je-t- v owners wascl aintiertuii. pi th it tee cares aVssf '

were ourn 1.11 j er inlnie ii Judge held thu whetl.tr aBBB) '

t'oaireeui t te, , ainprrln ie or not. Ihe Ian, s it BBBBt'to sui t nm, ned I) It bXWAnord-tinu- ', nt ii.dge Pus, 1 or June 1 appn utl.ig aaaCeore I - , ,lilje ir rreei ar of the proeer ) of

Alir-- ul Hi met V,m, dl all ill Ihe proi eeuin.s under BBBBBthe Juilriueu 1C I ed In Ihobc.rs nl ol,.li,hli 1. 1.1. wa aBBBBspresr-iie- In Ju ce ii ciorman s Court )etcrday to the Hoounso lor V, ce .oilbsil. who . here iharerd with SaVs'iforgery It had been secured before sue arrived here 1and was a surprise to her counsel Judge l I, annex Hthought this was conclusive) as to the property In the aVBBBBsbands ot lllllcor Tonbrldge, and ho Uxtii the heswt te be BBBBbIKiTcb hy the rtctlMi at Hoouv --VJgVH

:,.;. (L..Mi