111 TvofrXUX'U. 2J7. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, Al'KIL 15, 1882. PIUCE TWO CENTS. if If TUE OF A (SHEAT HOUSE a, t. fiir.n:utr x m. txxuvxca hut jiikv in., uuruii: nioit tuadk BIr. nillon ' ,,r- - '"''' Hcfiuc lo Npriik finmrrnliiK the Aiiiiimntnn.nl Wlml l Hnlil ti theTrnilo Cniicrnln tk Aflitlranl' thHiie limine.. I'tider Mr. Stcunll. ' A. T Hlpwnil tc Co. ntmounco that they Jmvo tlotui mliit-u- todlseonllnuo their dryitotxlit nnd iiuiiufncturlne IniHlnuns, nud olfor their Blocks ot iiiouhuiidisound mill proinille for Mr. Hotiry Hilton mid Mr. Wllllnm XMM. Biuilo. lliu nrm ivfuMOil lii't ovonliiK tospoalc rulatUotothoiinnnuueemout. Thorollromuulof A. V. Slowurt A. Oo. from bufltnom ha Iwn expected for somo tlmo by thosowclUnformrdiistothodry good trndo. Blnoo (ho death of A. T. Btowart tho biudnoos of tlm homo h.. ncconllnc lo tho owtoi lions of others In the trndo. boon Mo.ulilr oontmclod. Tho houso first prHOlleally withdrew from tho Jobbing liusl-niv- then from tho Importing nnd almost from tho whnloanlo buelnost. Tor sovoral wooks tlioro hmcbocn iiiuuy rumoMnfloateon-ocrnlnsl- l, principally to thu rffoot Hint It wiw Bolntf out ollni-dno- , nml Hint It had boon n limrobonownr of money, an expediency tliat W novcr resorted to wlillo A.T. Htownrt 11 cd. Tho bonl Information obtainable last ocnlnc. In default fit any from Messrs. Hilton and Libby. wax to tho i fleet that when Mr. Stewart did llioio tsik Ht lewd ill GOO.OlM In thu linl-no.- " of tho eunei ru. Tho lnmao had on an mernfff. bnlanoo ot at leal H.WXMIDO iu tho JlervhantV Natloniil It ink. of which Mr. Kltiunrt wn n diuvtor. and about J300.0H0 In o.ieh of tho llneo oilier kmks In which tho ho'iiu kept t Iho Chemical and tho Moehinks' Natlmul and tho National ltank of Ojm:n"rco. Tho was about $2,500,-- 0i Tho Htock .md propeity of twelui mills owned by the concrn, the Bond In tho ChiruWi htieot r.nd Tenth Btioot btoros, and the stock in (toroliuuses In Paris mid r.rf well as In transit, mado thu citlnmt-r- d total mentioned. lPto within ten dujH of Mr HtMrnrt'sdonlli tho hoiio bought for cnli. Ten tlis beforo hhdc-ethl- t stopped buliu;. Hnco It L Inferred that tho bunlncsi ttood worth $22,000,000 moro or (v,a at tho tlmo of Mr Motwut'n death. Mr. Hilton, soon after tho fuuer.U of Mr. Stow.irt. assigned to Mrs. Htownrt tho J1.00U.00O cash to which ho was ontltlod under tho will ot Mr. Stewart for tho entire business of A. T. Htownrt A- - Co. which was wlllod to her. According to tho trade. Mr. Hilton announced hl Intention of provlncthat ho could surpass Mr.Stownrtln tho conduct of tho concern. One of his flrt fctops was tc establish n, branch houso In Chl-e.i- This was ncnlnst Uie advleo of tboao associates with him In tho business. It Is generally bellovod thnt thlsbr.meh has been run nt n loss from tho sturt. Ho al.so. It la said, chanced tho methods of conducting tho bublncss from those established by Mr. Btowart. In the belief that tho&o mothods would result In nn Increase of tho business. He openly nnnounccd his Intention of build'uc up tho trnfllc of the concern to proportions loyond those apparently contemplated by Mr. Stewart. Tho first Intimation of tho curtailment ot the businoss of tho houso was when the wholosnlo storo at Chnmlors street nud Jlroadwny was discontinued, nnd tho "nntlro business concentrated In thobuildlticnt Ninth street nnd lirondwny. From that tlmo tho house lias ben rapidly Roinu out of thj"l-bln- s business. At about tho same tlmo Mr. Hilton issued bis edict against tho admission of Jobs to the Stovr.rt bold at H.imtnK.i. the O rnn it Union. That notion t said to lmo re- sulted in n loss of at least 50 per cent, of both tho wholesale and retail trade of tlio house. Durini: the last four jears thu house has hoeotuo. from one of Uie larcet Importers of dry eoodi, one of moderate) mnk. Its lurcimt, nnd, In f.iet, neaily all of tho invoices of n coods. lino bcn simply eonslcned to thom for sales on necount. A centleman Toll known In tho dry toods trnda said last oveulnu: Tlio business of A. T. htewart .V Co., so far as I can liain, haa simply shrunk and slirUellcd away." A few weeks nco tho firm oflorod elcbtor nine of its mills forsale. Only one or two, it is Bald, weru sold. llelntito to the rumor that the concern has been borrowing money, tlio President of ouo of tlio banks in which it keeps nn account said last evenlui; tliat the firm had had somo ot its paper discounted. How inueh ho did not know, hut he was of tho opinion lunt it was lothe amount of at least il.000.0ft0. It is cenenilly reiortod that tho amount ! t.OOO.OoO and IJ.ooo.Ooo. Bo far as can bo l"arned, the paper of tho Orm has not been sold or discounted throuch tho modium cf not" brokers. It is ibscrted in tho tr.iJe. however that tho paper dis- counted by th depositing banks of the I Drm boars tho endorsement of Mrs. Stewart. B Thnt tho firm has borrowed any money has Attracted attention, as It vsas tho practice of I Mr. Stewart to buy for cash. Of late, it is said, tho tlrm has nuiehased not only on thocus- - ig tomary thiity dajs' time, but has had Its bills dated nhoad. I Wben Mr. Stewart, after a fow years oxpeil- - I enoo ok n school teacher, started In tho dry mods business in lSiJ. In llruadnuy, near Chainhois street, he had W'twceu Sl.ioO and $1,600 capital, and lil stole was 22 feut wldu by 80doop. Whon on April 10. 1871",. bodied, hlb retail store.nhlch cost S2.750 000, occupied a city block, nndccner.-- d an area of 2 acres, makim:. with Its debt floors, n total of 18 acres under one nxif devoted to tho retail dry foods busi- ness. Tho runnlm; expenses of the establish- ment were oer tl.ifili.OcO u oar. It wns the Inrui-s- t storo in tho world, nothlni; in Londoii or Paris npproachinu tho btiildiiu: In siro in iiinniotint of liusluersduiio In it. llosldes th!-,- . lin had tli- - whole, lie doro isnerlnctho llroadi'.'r.j end nf tlm block Cluimbers and Iteado streets. Tho com- bined sales cif the two establish, words auureiMted $.71000.000 u jear. In with the business, In- - owned n nui'ib. i v,f woollen, s Ik and threnil mll.s- - tho Moli iwk tho Kllnuf at I.ltttii I'alls llio Now Yoik inlllsat Hull"!." tho Woodward iiililj ut Wo id.tiok tho ii ml i.i.IIm iu Now Jeie). llio Wn .IniiLliin mills ar I'tlca. tin- - kill wnidl'iii mills, he Wntenllle woolli-- mll'.s. thcitlleiiiuim woidi.-- in IN, and tlm (llfiilritn e.iriKil i.iet..iy. He li.'d aim laitto faitmifj al ti.ittli h tin, I'lih'lui.d, and (1Ihkow, 'i)tland. Ho bml binnili liouois ut Itiadfoiil Mmulns-l'- 1!i''iji Phi lb. l.s jii, Ii irllii,.uid i.t Cuii-- ' l"l ".V" v. 'lilts i lit biislpe's was built Up bvrssldil-Oiisa- li rUiiili to ileiuils eraet hnblls, Mini ltnl'1 .iMlun a ii to llxed in iiieijili'Kiif eondiu I. W boll iiu st n, I out in h,s llit'o JSiiMdviy stoie lie nu I ti v tin Hind in iinmni nbovo It. llo n,i lilsow i Ixiiikkeupci. i..ib M11..11, and purler, and lie W'kkI fi.itn f.'iirt, en to el,"'it.'i n Ii .tint a itaj. Ho liiiiin'id miction r 11s. pii sod up heap lol, nud spiii.l no jm I l t'i prihCtil llln BOOtls nltiaeiltely. i!er7 i.rlli li iviis e.irefull) eiimliied, creisrs w 10 omit lied out, and Koods wtuo neat- ly an inipid and mini" to look fi'sh and utti.utiVf Ho IkiiikIiI fur isish, soul iiii kly, and l.pt hi., iiiunei tuiiilni;. A prunlplo that t at tl 0 f.ein latlon of his smvust was tho rti .I linn !y ot Ills deallu:.s. doods woio nunted to In oxaitly what they Voi'j luo irlio llxed was as Imv 11s poisiblo unl tin 10 x a, no iluvlutlmi frou. it. Hliopp.il i wen, leletti of nli rare sato lo llr.d ruittho vuntcil 1,'itn of pmthnsed unusuhll) 1I1 an win sold xtry (heap, nad Htot.nrt'H btiip.ins l.niiin fanidiis. Ills IhoilKlitfulliP's . Iii.xi, i.nr)liiiii; il.iiin which could (.'..in eust iiu vas unlli f.fini.'. When hn started his up t( tm .tnro In- - onli red I thnt paitlciiliiratti ii'ioiislii ulill, .m Iu. i.r IMirsonsi omll'Uililrorn thol'oiirllinteiiiioslili), i thul In) iniltht ii'tr.ict Hie liovit I ride, nnd bo hiieeeednd III bil)iii' bin Jinl.iiiciit XUIS IU ,inpt llliu ileeisiM), lie illil liol I ato to Willi Ii iitlien to toll iliat he vt.iii tot nii.l wIi.mi iinpoilnii'iUH eamo in hn nmdo hU m wiillo othci' pii'e!i.se,-- s woio no- li iriiii; opinions mid IhlnUui: ot. r tho hi 1, lloyliiciiudielllni; for ens'i and trik-i- n the inutkel at bottom piles all the turn, bo nll.i nod a liilsluuss posit aiii whKli 11111I11 lilui pronf lualiist pel (oils ut nn iiU"l.il dupio-iBlim- . J'ho panle (.r I f .7 11 1M1 hurteil to him. The enllai 0 of ciedll foned down tallies so that us i;ali could iniike Its own prl foi toilH, 'I ho 111 tiiilnient of hln whol'is'tlo opoiatious, nnai d by the bad limes was mado up lor by lei.ulinr; ' iroods 'it wholiisiOo iricHii'iililoliivoiilHloi kb dlieit to. anHiimcrt! In hU wholesale ope'.i. lions In. kiixi) on1 short credit, and no iudiil Cdiiiiof iitrdi p imniswRsHliown. Collaetlons wmo ili'oiuiihly imsliid and eoniptomlno of pi.iliniii.'fiisuil. An enbiiiraised llrm miisl at hunt p,j htewait in full, wlnt'iwr nilwht Imi tlm aiiamjoiiient It is Id Ret with other orm). ItoM. Hn was rlBlM and nvio't iu tho illsehurto and deiu.iml of ir.i ry oblltrutioii nud he died worth itlsjut $.I0,ooo,(,0o. b In tlio roliill stopj 020 horso iowir was 10. Quired 10 bent tho bulldlw:, 11111 thocluinlui. I .UlUWviktUueewliiu leoohlucs, Tbcto wp oa nrmy of 2 000 ompliores under pav. Tlinnlotxx was as well known out of town as in tho elt, and much ot Its custom eamo fiom transient xlsllors. H was fiomiontod by nil classes, fiom llio weallhlist lo tho very poor. A constnnl line of ladles lhioned in and out of the doois. Ciurli'Ros lined tho euib nxi llNCil."' uyebtne'i ul tlm llrm opened their doois. Insido the) Mole It wns il.lilcillt to el about beeauso of tlio orowd. it ulti.iclcJ u ninny people to that pint of tho oil) that tho nlue of nelghboilni; property for Morn purposes was ureatly increased. It checked the n mowinent of trado, and caused a ureal unny other letail houses to es- tablish Ihemseltes Iu tho xlelulty. ritr.u Titm: nmr.ixuKn, Tniti n llurdrn on Aiilleunl l'roterlly Iiuincitlitle AlIIou XvedcU. Under tho nusplccH of tho Now VoikFrco Trado Club, n lnrco ineetlnc was held at Chick-oiin- p Hall last nlicht "to eousldei llio uocosalty of reform In tho unjust and iniquitous aistoni of tnxatloiileullod u protectlvo tariff." Mr. Hvorett P. Whooler, President of llio club, said that tho club understood by free trade, equal trado. Impartial trado, not trade abso- lutely freo from benrlnc Its share of the bur- dens of taxation that Is noeossary. but n trado tli.it tlnill not liear any sroator proportion of tho public burdens than Is borne by othor spe- cies of industiy. Ho caleulutod that a man who paid (1,000 of rent was laxod at looat $200 moro than ho should bo by tho tariff. In vioxy of tho fact that tho nrc.it political divisions of parties ntv now Irrmocably settled ; that llio national debt is half paid, barvesta plentiful, and thenatlonnl treasury full, ll was tlmo to lepeal tlio duty on raw materials, to induce tho duty 011 manufaetured articles inndo from thosoiaw mali'ilals, and to lodueo Iheeicos-blt- e and pixihibllni v duties. Senator 'ebu'ion t. Vnnio of North C'aiollna biaud-- d the llime claims fur protection Hint it protects the labor, r, lienellls tlm consumer, and Inennsos ihe nnti mil wealth." 11s tliioo lies, lln siMikoiif pioti'i'tioii ns 11 ss.ni that Kept liliio-teirl- 01 tin people poor to support tho oilier tenth, lie point"d bis ii'suineiil with 11 luuniiiK conimi'ntiiiy of lllustiatiuns lind st"l Ics. to show that tliclK'nelllsof with to iiiilltldiialsiinil loealltles.nt the vxpeus, of tlm nation. Pi of. V. (!. tiiimiierof Yalo Collede spoke es. peelall) of tlio efli'Ctot the svstemof pioli ( tiou on wnt:i' Ho eombitid thice fallacies: That protettlon laisos thexvaKesof the labor- er. Hint it enables llio lesislalor to ll a tarlfl that fixes to each citizen oxnelly tho dej;ioe of eiunlort he ouubt to hate, or thai it Is neoossa-- r to krOp WIIKi'S hish. Mr. J)aid A. Wells offe-e- d a srles of resolutions Unit weie adopted, opieslo of this sentiments of tho nieellnef. Tlio resolutions declare that it Is the imperil-tit- u nml imnicdlato dutv of the national to reduce taxation by not loss than (75,00(1000: that this leduction should bo tundoin tlic duties thnt maketheiost of materials oeesslxo: that this nocerMty ad- mits of no delay, and that It Is not necessary to wait for the report of a commission: that tlio enormous duties on stool ouuht to be espeoiniiy reduced without waltiiiK for a Reneial reform: Hint tlio proposition of the Hon. A. H. Hewitt for the icpenl of the tax on rnw materials Is nupioved: that the decline of American ship- ping calls for intant attention and remedy; thnt tho work should bo besun ut 01110 lo re- mote otory tax- - which is not needed by tho Gov- ernment and does not pass into the United States Tieasuiy for tho benellt ot the xx hole people: that while, under protection, w aces in Massachusetts Into ndtaneed but 7 percent., tho cast of llxiiis has ndtaneed oxer'Jl percent. Tlie follotvlni; was tho llnal resolution: Tliat t lie ills', hn come for II c union, wllliont rejmrt! toiiartt ttlllll illnut of nil cltlrpiin KiirrdPi: in ttiri.9 ru tliuei.u mi I llntt t'rictiCHl vlTolt stioiil't lit, at oticv t pun o a tiincfii!rat(. otliilun In eti ry ronirrebloiml UlHtrirl, tliat louii'lnrsi nn the qiithllon if turlft rvfiinn vhall Lieeuie the ftnt ontlttiou fur the ftllpporl of caliJt Uuttt In tltlitr )i,luicx! iiarty n'Ait ron AX ISLAXD. Fntttraoit Tetnitorauco Mn Attack n llrldec uid ure Jlrlveu lluck, rATEiisoy. April 11. Tho Society for Kstnb-Itshln- if UfulMiinufaititr( thlrtt tar9 ayn gxte the Wathinjion Teniiicnini Aiociatlon the risht to life a 1 tttc!!amt In the Pa., ilc Klter here for meetings A fttv tat ilnce tl.e lootelt CAtr Mr Ailatnp, a mill nun er. rcrmlf.Iuiito.liini)' aihcn en the itln,l The Tcni 1'trnnce people ol.Ju.irJ, cUlmliu the otTiierslilp of the llanl L rcHtou of tttrlilr jears mi'ltst litrd io?9esstoii The icoe let; thereupon cjecte.1 tlie euiperaui e Ancla tlon an.t tore dotn a foot trhtee lea,1lnrlo the Manl from Hi Wen IT el Lrl le tthil It allow-.- Mr Ailniim to l.niut a I rlU-.- ' from hU mill to the upper end cf the iilnlU, ottr tvhlcl, to ci,rr; Mo aglie llilf aflirnoin a number uf It, a telilperane peopit ftit to the l.laiul rn,l liean to tear ilottu A.lalii' t.rnUe Xitaius h i.tilt Hiimmoii-- .t the koclett lattter. Mho l'ltnietttl 1. till that Ihe temperance peoi le hxl nn rtitht 10 thtf Winn. I an I that lieinUht forilljlt pretout the rieftrurtion of hit hriJe Ht thu time the 11 mpcr mice tnph , who hoil len reti.forced, ttiro altacWinir the lirslf( 111 aril, t Mr Ailallis tcatlarct acrnttdaua forciMt itrnto them A In tin flhl Juitke lleujuilitli Iiorcinuc, llle rrei,l,lent of the Waelifnulon Trinpdhlice Aftinctatlnn, Chosen Ireeholder Wlllinin 'I1N. l.eorce X.hlt and other lein.'.rauce men ttcre firm It h,t lr tdauiA t men, and allliomili the) ttere not fenourly hurt. I hej tt ill make coiupt tint ajctlii't the t(a ten of the daini party to morrou morning for and hatter A Gai tVnr Thrciilcncd In llrooklan. Thore 13 much nortousness utnone the stock-holde- ri of 111 oldtr llroolljn eas eompaiiUi at Ihe ctianje In tho control of the Fulton Municipal Una Com I any hy which loiue of the Statiitarit Oil I'ompan) cnpl taliiln have come Into po.eslou of tlie majority of the itocfc It U uelietM that a ica nnr U linpemliin;, auj thlt the new arrauemeut ttill enalle the Fulton Mil nklpaU'ompauy toootaluiiuphtlia, whlth eutera largely into the manufacture of lta ita, at aurh low priret as to diat ttnaomers na fait ai the midni are extended Th- - rapital vtocV of the com ant hai intreated toSTl.iM'.iiJO. tthlcl la an Ii rca.t. nf fjl.smuri Ihe re Kiptafrom the further Rule rf iteclt ttill ha dctotrd In extending the piles In eti r) dir.ttlon tthiro It tvlll tiat It ia undrrtr.Mj to he the nhjeel ot the stnii'lard chl I iinpau) 1 apltalii.li. to force the other companies into a ConiohdktU.n( hn that a monopolt mar to mu leof the Ka-- buiinehn nf nrookl) iu Tho liett dlru. tori of tha cnmiinnt are II llretviter, 11 II Koneri, 11 It Ilithop, and Wlllltui ltocraMI-- r 1 he o'd olll. ers i.r llio rum liitludlnc II M lier.clltt, I'rchl.luut, an I Jnuira our.lau Vice Preil leul. hold titer 'I uro hat l.etn a dtllltie ill the liies of lhv old kal atocklt, II. lattit nu tu'loui liiiu niUuu', H7 ake-1,- l,ij rioplce, kJaikid.-.-- i hit, lln.okbn 10.uked, IKll.li .Nat.uu, U uk"ii li It.i, M. Ircpiillliill, .'.", ntkul r.ii.u nu lliiMkl.uri.h, no ak.sl : hi Ihe Feltou Mimlilpul ,li k I" (H"l(d al HI akld. W Lid, hut the dllttluri tluau that it i' nor, held at par Xo thltnti tu Itxpel 131m. Tho committee of tl.e Twenly-llis- i District I ..nihil. 'Ill U.(m illoll, n'.(.!nli'llo lr llrilieHI!ul:iH ii,n Itcu-y- Inimilii, rtis,rliil to thrtlol li'leim 111' ti.ut the i lur,i s tt(rc Hue. tut Unit i,.ii Jreiixiu I 1 rertmd trom tie rstnt Ixlioil rud could not hi Jli uplliud It r comuiiili't that 111! nan e he ililil.en mini lliu io'I llio report w.ia signed I) I' II Knox William Mack. WUiiim r Datllnuii, and Or Ii tt 1' Pr Wnrl tall IhHl Ii" hut requeilnl his nine to he tak.n rioiu Iho r. orl Mi n .riind am.uoiitt report, tvho hr i 'i in, ilid that Pit chnr-'- tl le dliilUa.sl lnal mull ti1 '.'i tr- main wm not a ineinhcr of the ani'nla Aniollnuto ei hililiile tin inlii'Tily for the liiaJottt p ,. Tl tt its , 'fi rid nn dn lui.st oul of order Iht rt. o urn Ihiioii that inn irtiui.lit'a nauie ho Urn leu 11,1111 Hi roll ttxsnlnpti I llifMtnr tn n. in' l, en In'i ii.l tea Hint he tlolntet Inn lr,le u' nn iiiIk rihlp III ruiuilns 111 I1..I1 pi lull at Ki p )II nn at di Into for state M.IUK I lit pollid ...ixtj Kupuhltcail tott Unbelt II. Pall XII. .lei. Ibibeit H. V.tll l( ft his liomo, Ci Ninth htreet, llohuV.tu.al s'j ot luck 011 Irllaj ittiiln,' A il 7, it niarkint linn ho ttoull ml If amir ineri ilixn mi lioiir llaaliiiliiiiidriwatpr In Setiulli ateiiui., near I Iji cnlliMrrit, III tta lit, a ho hal llitindfl to do, nut t..iknbtii.llenril'thliij ho liii'l lilt there fr tlm I ur pine of earn In, lln 111 In a icoiirtr In thu a cue nelirht, ,r l.oi Tht.t1 llieln.t Ir.f o lill parenli h in of him He ttes tiiinliwnl In a Leonard ntuet dr jchU Iioiik , tthere Ii!) ti'utliUhl) I hoii jht of unl ithiieliU uicciuil. Intel era found ul. ilulely mri.rt li la cui In lint., hut no htl Iij'iIIk, and ii'ttr to luito ahMiiisI liimatlf Iroinhoinettl'lolil u..llfilli.is n'dili II. IslHttiiia nil t ill tuini;irl(iLlii tm fnlllti llltlin hull II vert durk broi.it hair, ll llnxl In tori Ho tti.ro Idai alio ttlllin lows rnitned Idaik lleiliv hal nn. I llu I, It I. ii,.iiil, n iiTlliiihle auinir nonit and n tutlifi IniiH hook II ihi'd 'Willi's lii iiBiuolii India Ink 011 1I10 (lolluiiit iktii from ilwdiuif rtutc The Doalli irNuliiimui hp'.Urr. Ho'ii.inou HplUer ot 137 Ponn slieel, Ilrook-l)i- i, nn uilhicnllil ikrman and an nr.lnil llepuU ail 10P 1. in tiaifouiiJ Jtal In hl h d uttl.oriUI'ineof Mr I'r.uil e mi ll e'rret W cihlniiioii, on riindnr nUht Httai nrnniippo.ut Hint he Iiu uiiiiuiltti in lit. Urn lull dl'aiiiiiiituieiit at the fnllim rf Hi- -I II 11, .I.Med lit Co jreamii.il I M I!ll for III" li 'I' f I ut Mi 1101l.11 rm lialniii auittid Hill In haliUxl finin'etn ',: lint 111111.1 Mi Hpilt r llln Hut orlitii.t tt.- - I1.111. loiuratt for llllt port inline il t ai trtnre.l lit f lj.lt H ict.lt, I I.. lie liml Inntll) I) lliu 1. .i.ali ( 1111 Ii r tr had t.kill Hie' unlrm illirl.iK Hn i. l.i.liui'i al low prltii r ipilr I..1.U1.1I I. ill. 111 Hiii.il.lt irhurlal He t n; mix; tlm It. pu iniuuiditlo furl oiikre.i.hul uji.Uf, au.l I.) A M llllt. 'I'll 11 Men l'lit J i il One Winiinn In Iiiitnllint'nla. menioiable iiliflilnl Wiilhick'u old tliej.lro; tho mail who nun led Ciilcnlo on a bet: tlm Kosiuth era0 and Urn Gailbnldi fexui , John C. Sti'Mtns and his ' poker pallor" nt tho Hotel do Purl; how u stable boy beat u Prlneo; nil the I'avster balls. Heo Nwnhu e, Vheia arc Yuu (iolus fohuv j our ipiIiiK null ludMtr It will ui iiii lute tho llinilili.ii kiik cut l nt t' at th" I ondi nud Mr irpuol llolhinjf (o Itioadwuy. tormr Uraul nt , uut Uum,r;,vviur JUUrt. Lvryruohw jwrfi'. LIFE INSURANCE WIIECKIKG. Mit. vir.nsos nnsciuitns run vnocvss VXUO VX I'lVtt VOMVAXllif, rjolreut t'omtmnlei rnrtkitaed by Inioltcnt Oiica Hnd Iko Aaaet Abim bed Tho Fritz inenta that Jlcinntiied for tredllori. Altho tucelliiff of U10 Assembly Commlt-le- o on ltoccltorshlps yestorday Mr, Henry 11, Vleisonof Albany, loeolver of Ilto companion in this city, told how llfo Insuianco companies nro wiocked. Mr. Pioraon Is n ruddy-faee- gray-hnlro- portly old Kentleinnu, xtho looks llko n well-Ui-d- o farmor. Ills lanuunco at times, in referring to tho liansactlons l, was mora forclblo than pollle. " In 1877," he said, "I waa appointed tocolxer of flxo compnnles-t- ho North Amorlcn, Guardian, Ilesorvo Mutual, Widows' nnd Orphans', nnd Now York State I.lfo, These woro nil roally con- trolled by tho manatforu of tho Universal Life, who xlrtually made tho application for a of them, confessing Insoltoney." " Well, how xvero all those coinpanles wrecked? Can you oxplaln that V" said Mr. Enrln. "Tho system of wrecking pursued In tho casoof theso companies la a perfect marxol In tho history of llfo insurance. Boltent com- panies wero nctually sold out to lnsoltent ones. In 1871. tho Widows' and Orphans', a solvent company, was takon in by a bargain made with Iho Mutual Protection Atsoolntlon, which ufter-xvnt- d became the llesorx-- Mutual I.lfe. lly another barualu thu Itoserxo Mutual wasBwal. lowed shiutly after ill 187(1 tty the liiiaidlau Jdfe. which in lri7'J also tfobltled up tlie ev Yoikhtato Iilfe. In Maich, 1M71. tlio (lunrdlaii was iibsoibed b Hie Universal l.lfe. All the lompaiiles pnssod under one manajfitment. Henrj J, l'uiboi and a few olheis iiiiiiiln the machllie. When I took hold of the lecoltor-shi- p instead of llmllni; .: J.l." policies and tin liiillliins itssctit. ns xx mill iiiine.ir fiinn the m- - polls of tin" combined compauios, I found tlioy had only 9.710 policies iu force ami nniiiuiullt a million and .1 half asseLs. Actuall) 1 only ntsiut JIOO.OUO in cash." " What became of thosci assets?" "lini must ask 1110 somethinc caslei," lioeelxor Piei-son- . CotillnuhiK. lleeehei Pierson sild: 'This ststoin of xvrueklnK was tho puichiiM' ot sul-xe- companies by insolutnt ones, l'or the Widows nnd Orphans', with neatly n million and linlf assi Is, was sold to tho Mutual Protection. Tlie assets dlsnp-neaie- d llko ico under a hot sun. Tim policy-holdi-r- rt wore froze out by what Nkuonii iu In- surant 0 pnrlance as ' tw istlnn.' " " Kill w hut's that?" asked Major HaKi:ort. " Well, ou see. a man insuies in a eompiiiir, nnd it is jilaivtl bj a ccrlitln plan in bad ciedlt. Then hu is loped Into number coinpany by the same portions, nud thus loses his reM'rve." P.eivlvor Pierson then put ou his spectacles, dived Into his papers, und went thiouifhumass of llixuixs in lelation to tho Koith America. Said Iiu: "There wero (400,000 premium loans on tlie assets: $2J.1'J5.U! was rcpoitcil bull only found $4.027.(. In cash. Ihen l,'J2s.7lKJ in Iwnds and mortcnes xvoro reported. I not only I.VJ7rl.Ap), Of ix'al estate assets, set down ns $334,419.1'.). I rccoived $Jl,70'J.b7. bin never saw HiDthine like it. Still woise, thero was (10,000 at Albany for tho ostensiblo puilcction of icsistered policy liolders. N. 1. MnrKiin Cot 1111 tho leKisteied policy scheme. When the North Amorlcn cot into disrepute iimiiy rcclstcred policy lioliterb were to j:lvo up their policies and take paid up ones which weru not registered. Then the cancelled rcclstcred policies were taken to Alb.ni and tho icseivo on them obtained." " Who committed that fraud ?" nskod Assein-blvina- n Krvvtu. Well. Purber and company were at tho bot- tom of It. lmnocted with the concern wero President Walker, fatlier-ln-law- Alox Oioon. John II. Itowlev. a man naniod MonUicuo. and others. Tho Universal I.lfo Itepott for 1877 cives all tho names. Why, a million w us gob- bled up in two Jem's." "Tell us how ou took possession," "Well I went iu one inornliu; and spent all day trying to Hnd something. When I got through I told I'urbor I had been nppolntod recolver of live companies, but couldn't find one of 'em. Thore wasn't a peg to hang a hat on, or an Inkstand to use. hitch n keeping of account you never c ivv. I guess bomo of them were kept on their sliiit tubs, llegisterr. wero Imperfect. Policies wore called iapsod when th'-- wero not lapsed, and others called good were not good. It was disgraceful. 1 had to call in all tlie policies at last ; out of 5,000 I got nlPbut UiJOortlOO." llecolver Pierson gaxo a list of clerks him ut salaries ranging from ..".000 a to $1 20 1. ltcceiver Pierson bus so far draw 11 $.1.1 000 for his services. The relet eo's icporl showed the liabilities ot the North Said Iiu: "1 have entered suit against tho Unlvcis.il Lifoanddireetois to recover nearly a million of assets of tlie North America eon-xerl- to their own use. Why. $500 000 was taken at ono meeting. It wns difficult to un- ravel theso operations, with books nnd pillars imperfectly nnd wrongly kept. The nflalrs of thu other companies are still vvorso. I nm suing Messrs. 8. I), llubeock, bomnitr L. Hiisled. K 11. ('hittoiidou. nnd Lucius ltoblnson, tlio di- rectors of tlie Widows' and Orphans', to recover the money for tho sale ot tho company," " W hen will tliat b settled I" " Well, the length if a lawsuit is something no follow can llnd out," replied Ilncelver Pierson. " I am also suing McCurdy of the Mutual Life. You soo, in this sale of the Widows und Orphans'.noither party would tl 11st each other. Ho the Mutual Life actod as stnWe-li- u tiler. lleClinlt'irot ft'iYODO fur a tuw minutes' work. I recovered (DO.tKHI f rom tho receiver of the national bank, which had froze on to that nmount. and after keeping Jamos 1'reoman in Ludlow stroot jail tor aevor&t months, I siiioe?ed $18 000 out of him and lot him go. ho owed much more. Altogether, I raked in (G0S bOI.92. und paid two dlv idends ot twenty and thirty per cut. each to tlio regis-tcio- d policy liolders. I hnvo (290.000 left. "Puilsir was mad. Ho bad an ideal was to boafiimidly lecelver. Ho told mo if they had raked hell, a more unfilendly ono couldn't In) found. It vrns tough woik. and tlio lavvjers eamo near killing mo. I earned all 1 lucelved, I only got compensation from tlio North Ameri- ca, for tlie othei s wero complctolyskiuncd, and hadn't a cent lett. in fact, there is not a bonk or p iper ot tlio New York Blato Llfo lo bo found." Tho examination will In contlnuod An Ottrnt-- r Witutetl for 11 Mutntni'e llend. Somo one owns ,1 munim's head, which now tteara an binl.Mtioii'. exi'nulin of one art rnjs and tnn paittdlrt Iu 1 new and ihliiimt taic In the rtulrnl 1' irk tlil'.t'iiui rf Natural It tort It ill.. Iliited lo h .to onte hem n iinlite of Peru hut I11II01 1111 ol. nrui.l f it. tutlou, nsc, atx, or con liliou fiom itil a )siirHlii o, an no rue ktiona lt ottm r 1'ri.f ll.iklliore tthot. iu I h tn-- of th- - Miipriim recrit e I it .( too month ma from II inwti ri. ui t iiiini: nun who lc't no'hliu ht nhlthlu Inljil 1'' iliii'lrle.1 I'Mitl iirhaiH tin linpiti-io- n of 1 1.11th nn. I nu Iiu ipi lit 11.1 11. til he lit ttm nnxloiH to illHp ie i.l tin l.a.l hi 1.1 . Set ilt.rl.cilMift dli ll ut.' tul. nnd it kii.ii l relit He linrtfore It It it i n oil. No one . I(ini,lil It nut! 1'rnf l.ld.uiorc ltd t irti.td for tlio oilii tu tn I be Item! atvalli Ida arrival Killed In lkl Mfect lj Ihe Miller Totter, The water tower of tlio PIro Depailinent I an (itiraud klllisl a lunli ul the Cilrmrof Ntir lliamlirs an I Clijtliniii tin ill at 1 oiloik tiMcrdi.j Tin tntttr ttni on lta it t from the tu;lne hou.c at t lirtuil.t re nnd CVnirt ilrteti to a r.K at IW south atreet, ant tho man tvnn croHMiii: the rlrerl Hi tin. km kid dotvn lit Hie rntinliit,' hnre, . nnd liaiiiplui lli'i.n He died nlmo.l Iiu mtdiatelt, nppnrenilt ftoni tioiiiuli otei the temple nu I lit Uie hrenil limit It twt. t itn In the (lak Klro. t kta th ll It wi"1 liol ilti.tint-- l ll tHH HihI if 't llltltl if id o it nojiiiri ttith liht hitlr and a miiii.lit hi poi.tlt i In. Iheilritirof On nnlir totter, W illinni II IMIet, y m airtittd lo a wait t'oromr Itin.li'n exaiiiliiHtioii Ilui-num'- it'tv rUhcine. P. T. llainitni baa decided, with his partners, tiliuei X llnilet, mil .lauien I. Iliilihluii.n In hull ii lait'c inii.isim Iu ItiUt Ity an aoon u ,t Miltnltle ello tnn ladttllt.l upon UeiU.i routaitilii it tolhi thin of pp i iiiiini otiiatiir.il Idlorj Hiiro till' he, xir Itanium mivi aitiiplli aloof Vliiin iiinrtuil a ttni nnro u .ny lu I oiidnn A iiieii..io ne nf is tl en'.! un. itlur.'i Hn i. Ire ttill form p art of tin ut tract I nut Mr llurnuiu miii .in h a In e of Horl Tor I linkers tnlnilii'i mi I i hlldi' n lituiu h niedisl III this i Ut, an I that ht Ihluk. It tvoiil l.e unilliu. li. ..mill. . i tnf lili llfiiliiii! rllnrU to In a'lh ftill until. u und In. tnn I old an I yutiuit All Ijlmulcd kfllxiurl, Alexander It. lUerrcmiiud, u lespttetnbly droeitd (ldirl man n ll ti tttnrtliy ci mpl. tlon nu,l Iniiv; fliit hoard ttui r.t r It) in.) Hide il. Hit- - .It f ferion xiirkit I'nlleii I unit rirfiirlhirnni'iii' Hon m totthcllier ht la a thu fit ho haihr .tl t' Iiu iiinr luiar I Inn Iinu t kiil'tn Hi iriMinir jpi il. Hn nli I'll lii'lt i.. rutin ant utllHli ii.ii ml) , nn I .) Him ht is n n .. I.. of Ml IUIMI... mill fulllll) III Itillllllllk He . Jill t III Imi.) tlipuilel Iniiiiair hy tei'Chlm ItlnrU'tira nud tr pining llm il 'nt nud m I e itni a inniiUr f oil u.uie.i iiht'.lra nt Hie II0.I011 ul,llti. Iinin In 111 d lor Kirn.lliu In .tatuir, Jii'tg.t Wallacu of tlio United mates Clicult ourl yi.lildat 0111111 Hid I'.nl ll Hut. I for tolilellil, III e. ii.lt i tnt.oiworii an I mnwir qiinlninsioiitirii em hi iroprri) lit u ffertnte heforn I 011 ml. outr Duiiet I'njil u n hoii'Uui in for Menu Mi nn . a dl.tilltr ajnllKl ithom tlio must hialei trot Ju lain, ll lois,Jilin (liliihtr 1S7J lliil) If.'no mul ol.lnlln I upon It Inisiit l.iJmi liuuuii.id iirdtitd urifiitii.o roncirnliiit MujJ'a protrlt, l'")d wai tiiitln I) Hcput klarthaUttiimdt ana l tu Uudotulutd uutU tl puricikluillU ot ctulcutpt. hAUOIt ASU WAGES Tko Htrlkert In Nome lJu;t.t Hitfccuful-W-i- iu of iew Tark IMnmlirr. Homo tlmo apro a JoluL commlltco of tho two JumiiMynu'h PlumlxTd Asot'lutloiifl In tho dty w.vh nppolulodtn tieut with thuuinpto)In' plumhorfi for un uJxunco of wasos from 13,50 to (1 n day, Tho en.plopiN, too. linvo nn orKunl-ZAtlo- nnd thouch many of tho prno-tlo- plundtors nro vrlltlm: to Rrant tho i ul van co, nml somo nro non now jmylnt; $3.75 nnd (I. others Htitd tlioy could not nfToi d to pny tholr mou Hint price. Thoy, howoor, proniioodndoflnlto nnwur ou Iho flit BIou-dn- y In April, nnd nftirMrd postponed their u n h we r to April 21. Till joint commtltuo mndo n report Inst night nt n mooting of journeymen plumborA. of which John Gnlhw;hor wns Chnfr-mn- n, held in tho llotol In Thlidnvo-nuo- , uhovo Thirty-nint- h street. Tho commlttoo rocommendod thnt If tho delrod ndvnnco In pny la not granted on tho 21tU n Mrlko bo txsun. Tho moot luff wns lnrfft'lynttondfld. nnd nftersomo few 8rn'eelnfl thorwportof tlu conunlth'o vrns unanimously nppnned, and it ns dotennliiodtostrikonftr thudnHut foi tho nnsworof thoomplojon In oftHOtho nnwnrl1 unfjnorahlo to tlm journnv tnon. Tho dolay until Aprlt 21 iftankeil by Iho oinitloytffN, ho that thoy may llnMi rerlnln imui-tn- work In bond. A number of now mem-hor- Hlirnod tholr imnics to tho loll of Hip nBsoelntlon. Tlm luvrnoM, mukorn oi NVwYork held n mans inrttln lnt night ut Aendomy Unit. :K7 H'hlid uonuo, for tho purpono of reoriHnlluu llndr iiHtWutIou. A eoiiMtltullon and loud. Thoohjoet of tho ussoehttlon N lo form u put'( tho union. UMt-wono- N J.. April 1 1. Tho strll.o of Iho uliUHsbUiweirt isHudea nml tlm men roHiiiucil work this moiulng. RoithMuimtA nro to ln mndo weekly und no eiodlt Is tobuulluwed llmm In tho comptuiv'H nkin. Km i. IUKH. Aiiril 11. Tlio Mrlko nlHhovo JlllNtTMlcd thin moinliiff. thu Hpimmrs return-iu- u to woik. Tho sltu.itkm ut the S.igniuoio Mill toiitluucs unohnnod routiHRFiPsiK. April 11. Tho Vost hnro Uiiilro.id lnloreirt, ut wrk near .hulhnio, who lind Iveu cottlng l,75 poi day. Miuck y for au advuiKO to $J. Thu enntinctoi hno to nfcedo to the demnud, nud tho mon haorult work. riiiMit-hMMtiA- April 11. Tlm oottnn r:oocU W(':iei- iu iho itoaenboicr cilIK whoMiuek ou ueiouut of u uotlionr a lediKilon of from two to three cent per pieci in theii p.iy, hae loturned to work, tlio imip'oiirt m.'i.M'Injx not to make a reduetlou In moto than ouo of tho three. Kinder ttf Ktiods, Toitosro, April 11. Tlm onrpenters. nhoe, factory operatho-t- . and plute.eii$ ui-- Htlll out. .y;jj5 rnoM J in: old noitLD. AutlxIeuUk Ulols In Ituiln. St. rTcnsnuno. April 14. The Governor of rovlol.M irporta tliat i ifote occitrriJ at lUlla oti (lie Uth lust He limnMlatfl ) rucccdnl llittlior vItti troop lunt iiiccccleil tn nipreilne the illiturb anocF nftrr nm tiur, tut 1hc wre remrwctl ilnring tltr nlKht onUr wni rr (iiIi1hm1 on tho littihy re ciifortrimtitn rf trooju Th I'll bile l'roiutnr ha t at Unit a At Itititshit on tho Uili lut ttic Imhim or the Je we ncre attackx.U Tin rluRicaiier of the n aIMnt rrt Hrrfttil 1 1n' upIos rrporio tliat Mr otlthnut, rrptfentnthp of thiiMiinilttip td nhl Utiofc.nu.h rt nrrlel nt I.cinl trg ,tiler the tho erimr.Q til nftpr nnt wi til t IIukU to lniiKe nrrunccuiMitii for the eiiiirutton of lL'OeOJt-n- to mcrkJ The Mnrquli of IKttutly tu the Iollcr ('unit. London, April 14. At tho Mansion IIouu Volirc Court to itft) th Mntqul of lluntlj tipprnrnl on a chnrco r uMnliitiw 'fiM untlcr falfo vtfte ncos from tin- - MnndaM hank of lliitlh Nouth Afncn tn Lmnlon Mr ('lark.OHrcn'H'i.nnd forthnprortution, nkrilfur tlio rointtiitthl of thr priHiintr Thicfe nm uJjv. unitJ until UtxlhtjHlft) Uall wna nllowftl. Atkluz for n Further Rvalle for Dr, f.Rtntnn. Lonuov, April 14. Tho of Dr. Lam-lo- fonarctinjj to .sir William V lUrcourt the ftttMa tt h Inn far rcrelTcd from thr I'uitM tdtC! in nUtlon to I iin-o- n a cnt ioint oul tlio fail Unit iiukIi trhtituAio from AmcricM ntmot lo rcrche-- l hv the IMh, ihtlav rfsril for thu j rUutu l i IX lUtlvti, Hilt hv there Core nlari tor a further rrpitc Ininll ICrict1n; hit l'nrolc. London, Anril 14. Mr rnrnell hits written to tliffililor! of HMeral Pari Jouniil rfutns tntcricns ou ttio p rot: ltd that hla parole fnrblJi ccruauetlCAtlon uilh nrrnoiid contiwtfil with politk'-- i Kltranl hhlcl thj llouu Kuie ranllUte for the arant aat in the Coimmmi for Mcath was returiuil lodar UIoitli)tU Driiinndlnir I'rntrc lion for NinnUh InJuati'i. Madrid, April 14. In tho Chnmborof Dopu-IU- n toJa wui ou the ranco SpatiUh trtot of comuifrce He'mr inetntir from I'atitionli ileum iu! ol protettinii fur all hra'trhfM of pan lli itKluntn, inhllna thit without prutcctiou tin. iuJiiA-tri- t cuiiM uot exint. Tke Cmr'i luclffc Intenlloin. Vienna, April 14. Tho correspondent of the t St I'tterahnrs ! a proinliunt porfoiiae will procM-i- l to Itfrllti au it una on a contl Irntint rep ri iilutWe of the iur, to roncj uioet i1itiiut osiur ancfit of KusMaV pat lie Ir. Oanx lUtrmllted. LoNims. April 14. Dr. Can, who bn been cxtriillttHl to the Netherlaiiilt to answer rhrs of oh talnlinc umiiej undirfalie pretncci, w ill ls eacurtej to Kutleidatuh) i tiiglih detectlie He started toda. The Tcnnnrtte Hearek. Irxuthx. April 14, Limit. Hmlier hn loft here for tliAitortli taasMKt In the north for the inininj oflUt r and crt w of the Jeannette llntlwuy Xermlnul Improvement nt Oswego. Otwrao April 12. Tlio Dolaware, Laekawnn-n- a and WifUru Iluilrosl Coinpany aro preparing to mike larie tirtninal iutpruiuieiiU at thu port, iu Wew of thonrnr rompleilou rf thf oiilarcM WIlml tVnt.1 1 he tan UUl ho ti krautnl frrerl.htof no throujli ttiiMli) to the new lurhorjimt t1nihed h the Ootetn inent ut th$ cxptnitoof iierly flOino, wlre lirctt (oalpmkrt ure to lo eroded, at which of thu dipestt1riuifht ma Ion Tho plan bln iuiludes tht intihtriu lluii of a Inrer sralu eleator lthMalo treti tu rrmovftiV uUuv nf the Koim Vpirrtovn and d.di ni'lnirc Hilwnj from Uuiuo tu thU clt and the runlrt fur lieu nho h to I e tuillt tms In n let Th N. Wik Ontario nnd Wentern Ua11a t'oinjivn hnetLont plrtrd ii Uilc coal Iriitle tu n . and luoo toiuinvKOi I to hip the Dcliiwtiro nnd llulkon Conip.ni i conlfc h lake A YrrtlUt Vr HIO.OOO Asnltit HtVop Uim r. Tho huit brought by tho Ho v. S.imuol I. II unibti unltot HU'top WUMiuilI Kjr rUludni, fXi i'for an alhMol lihel tuut.ilinM In a )tiiijhlt h!wl h Hlnhou lime and aint lo him to mrnih'-- of the Uuurd of MiHlotin of Hit' Ihi id ( linn It iitt. i it trl vl lxtiiii. K wffLn. wMtrd'i) In u ir.lht for lln ilnlntinr for fio.m tliejun, Un I riturMliiv uUernoon, did n t emip to nu h.t ini ut until .tothu k ji-- tt r.lnv innriihu The nt t'.t- -t pto.-- ttii for phhitftlu Inlntirt tin full iiinotiut luiiHd Hnlluofcr ouh u'n fnuMiiniH i lit an nrt runtei tin ilulnthr mi txtriKllowHii.vor''"' 1 hi In irli l' upon n moOtui for it tun in hai t tea i diiuii fi i tilt. I ith ol Mm Death otllr llmklnr lliivott. Dr. Vinson dludut hU loldeiifi. ll!l Wot Port fourl'i etrcit MI-nla- j nlhr n protrnct cd itlm Ho imjh l"i iinfN td I a niMlit it tM tl , un tho mil) fonnfth. l' Mr TrAItu Mni.i I wut ti cn lu in of ( oltiinl . i tillti.' of Hu 41011 unit l'hklnn,, nu hitd httli tm n. lid jcurn t rT "fct'r In Itwlle, 11. Metlkal ('nllt m Uie lutn ml w 111 tnhi 1), t lit a Mm du tryiii thu mtjr . i, I in. t I'r kiivt.iUtt Chi till, the tiiteriuent to he iu t!rn nwood C'tu tUr) . Itllcy l'rcpiirDu; I'm 11 Ituip. Oswhtiti. N. Y.. Apiil Ll. A man who In on itiiimiitu lriui with ltlle,tlK nn nun ) he I prt piulmi to row Pmih of Nnui Sio'ln in intie nn I IhluKi that llil" ih tho p ir f foi , hl h I'.llov t'ouii ticv nnd liiod Iihi tful xrm iom to n.e Uku .Neahla vvonu lulf lutlc from I ii i it 111 llott mouth 'VUv IlfioihlltHii nml the 'I'nrWr ConuuUiInn, VHiiiNnrrtN. Apill U. Tho Kep'iMIMn Heii-- r k utiiltxi ha I a 1 uncm to niwht. and n nided tn j4 the 'Itailir t'diutulo'loii hill i ft'Min a the di hiiie upon It JUuUhid twas alo rilcd lo ttlKr prninj t a lini All It- pari uit pen Ian iii"umm . au I to hoi nijdt Hrdlmm u hi 110 l raelii able Mhoulnir Signs uf J.tli rterker rituerol. Cinia.iMON, V.i.. Apiil It. Ml-- i .Ictiklu ofltliMMmk tipnrriitl Ul U j Insl Moiduj, Aflir thu fuutTut nrhifc whiltt hi r fiifiiiU ii'rr ti.kmx n UI U Of lltt V l ll'i'Ml'i Ht IP l.lM-- t tld un I !.. Witt laktll homo lull iinoiN lift mu ttil le llltol ofii llriikrii otr. Win. Hut ton, )U Laf iutto aenuo HtonklMi, Minuli.nl ilJHIVarl .Iml um- - Ijfllnw h kr d o fort (UmJiit nt hit idon win il f. up m I Im f 01 in? lln H . lie itu I iii thu hmiihiri Mietl llusiitul lln t Siihn t ltlun l'i.pn nd. O , April 1. Tliofinilh'M Mi nuiittii loMHil ti Juj n outtPonivu if ?.fr. ut I. H llion Huto ul lUoudeil llnre, (VniUN My April ll.-- W II W1U011S biiltMd hoMtK to tin) 11.1 tintul tl I I ilvr 4 loud BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE. THU COS8TITVTtOStn AMENDMIZXT ItlU JiATlSO TO rm: JVinCIAJlW Another Kxclte Hill Proposed Dally Lnw tloiirnnl for Jrnuk1)n-I)- r. Ilyd Police Mnlrou Hill Pushed ThronaU the Hennle Albany, Apiil lLAwcinblynuin Sprouo rolntroduood y Mr. Mahoi'B KxcIao bill, which hu boon Hlumborlm; In commlttoo. It ropoala tho thrco-be- d chiutoof tho proHont law, nud prohibits nrbltinry urrcsta. It will lo proflsod by Mr. Hpraijuo In cao tho bill pAet)d yoBtoidnr U rojoctod by tho Sonnto or votood by Ihodovornor. Ansomblyman Hlokmnn Introduood tho con Rtltuttonal amondmontrolntivo to tho judiciary that was pawod by tho Loctslaluro of 1880. It providus for detailing Judfiofl of tho Huporlor Court and Court of Common Plean of Now York, tho City Court of Hrooklyn, and tho Superior Court of Buffalo lo hold circuit nnd spoolal torma of tho Supremo Court nnd Court of Oyor nnd Tornilner. If tho amendment Is nnpacri ty thin Locidlaturo it will bo voted upon nt tho not iron oral elootlon. AHombIymnn llroun Introduced a bill provld-Ini- f fortho t'mphmontof touchorn in tho city of Now York who lone tholr positions on tho dfhconttmmnco or consolidation of bcIiooIh on necount of docrca'MMl attondanco of puplla. Under tho prosont law no provision la mndo for euch touchers. Thin bill proWdoa that no now appointments can bo mado until Mich teachers aro llrnt proIdod for. A bill for tbo oAtnhllshmont of a dally law journal tu Brooklyn was Introduood by Sir. Slianley. It prnvldon that law talondarsand noticos in Klm;s County Rlmll hoteafur bu pub llnhi'd in t Iilr jourmvl and that $2,000 bo ajipropriatiMl by tho city ami $2.1KH)by tlic county to pay for tlio ukioum of publishing Hticli calondtirfl and uotIeH. Tho paper plum rhurffti n RubctlptIon prion of not moio thm IG pur mimim. Tho Jtihtlco of tho Suptome Coin t in tho wond di'itaitmont the Chief Judfioof tho City Court of ilrooklyn, nnd tho (;ounty JutUo of K In.ua County Hlmll UchIjc-nat- o tho paper. Mr. IJrooKs oiTeied a resolution, which wa.s adopted, (.ailing on tlm Auditor of tho Canal Department for tho following Information: When the cattnU iro put iiiiharuoof thaSuperin ttiidint of I'uhlic Worku 2 thu tolnl iiuinher of milci of canal thdi In uie a The amount paid eai li iar fur salaries and e miiiei, and to w horn paid 4 Ihe .unmiut pull fur ?alarle and expeme of eneli drputj upcrlu(eu!etlt u'.mi ihrk lure for each supctin tindtnt and deput MipcitutetixU nt A 1 he number of miles of cuimls ahaudoned in the last thne jtnrn Thn 1111 rnfitilrlnif Vw Vm k nml rttnn1.1vn in pny fl.'iAiiUUfi for tho completion of tho East Hler JJridro was f.nor.ibly reported in tho without amendment. AHombljmnn (Ireon :ot a petition y fllcncd by 10.HH) women for a prohibition amendment to tho Constitution. Dr. llo)d pushed a bill through thn Sennto to- day proIdinir for tho appointment of two ma- trons to caeh police htutiou in eltlca of oer lUU.OOO inhabitants, benator Titus t;ot Buffalo exempted fiom tho proWylousof tho bill. Tho mationrtam toet Iho same pay aa doormon. Dr. llod think") tlioy aro necessary to look after femato pi K01101. who cannot bo cared for b mTi. Tlio mations will cost New York city nhouttSOuoo a ear. Iho bill will moet with utroutf oppo-itio- n in tho Asnombly. Tho Isew York and BmnLln UtoIao bill, which pas-c- d tho Assemblv yesterday, was tinnsmittnd to the rtonnlo this morning:, and refened to tlu New York and Brooklyn Sen- ator aft a upcelal committer. It Is underatood that uoameudmcut Utobomado lu tho Senate. Tho Torty-seeon- d Street ltesonolr bill and tho bill nutuorMni; the Seenth Boclmont Vet-eni- to hold ii'al citato woio passed in tho Senate 'I ho Assembh .TudlelaryConimltteowlll VitbrfKk and Wnnl Investiga- tion the latter part of not week. Tho commit-to- o Is haul pushed with work, nnd Isombtr-rnt!it- d by the added burden. It Is probablo that a will tako most of tho tes- timony, but thoro Is htrouff pronsuro upon Chahman l'oiteher to Inducu him to tako per bon.il chaise of tho lnostIcatlou. Prnmlftlntr Outlook for the "Whcnt Ci-o- Civcinvti. April 14. A man who has just cotnj Klod a tour throujli West Vlrglnhi and Keutuck) , reports w ht at as lotAing better and more promiin than for care audesja that unless there li souiedrawbavk hereaftf r, the crop v. Ill e licmj The Ohio crop report for .pril, which wlllbc iss'tcd iarl next mcA, contains 3 reu of the uhcatsltua tiitimthe crent v heat cf nrtiiir stntci, and of tne t port nn theprohel le export tinman t The re ortuhons tlnl . had lJtao"VJI,l',tArielt.a wheat to poit from ihe ro.t of is) than fr mi that of Ipso, that our rtal ruriluH tn alrrnd) moro than (xhsiintrd, that the fact that ocean stcauurs aro pa)liu a premium on wheat to ueatiHll t shows that Hip export stocK is txhaiitled, that tht prerrut rnhahiluico in the winter wheat tatm are hettrr tnati thv were ft ear ftiro hut not so coodastwo jcnr no and thnt rrices are UKeU to re- main arm een after hnr.ent The .Secretary does not nvard the effect of the cni y frots as alarmlnjr, lhou;h it ma dtininih the aerae three or four jcrctnt. A JUrqucst to Mrs. lHx Contested. Wllllnm Hemy Veoy, who was for somo ran Lulled Statts Consul toMce died in that citj on Pec - lfl A will dated April J, 1877, made several small Ix.'qucbts.tn friendd, and thvn directed that the ret of Ida estate should be gttcn to Mrs Catherlns Dix, wlfeofflen John Dix. Mrs Dix applied tn the of New York fount fur letters of administration upon tlio (li.a M Ii teer of lennissee who sas thnt he Is a coiiiii of the (U rdent, contests tho will, at tefilm; thnt It wan not iropctlj txecutti, nud that it was tut thu testator s will 11 (1 It lischerof MnssAchtietts,oneof the wltnespes to the will, was examined jeMerdar lIetetinM that the will wns executed In his presence, and that of the other witnesses, ilol ert hchulti of IlruMCl and Alex auder Maidouald of Canada. 3Ira. Cooper Xoteortkjr Teacup. Mrr. llulcuft Cooper, who kiops a boardlns lioitse in I. nit Thirt) fifth street, acsincd one of her iter isntn In the orkll!ti Police yesterday of ha Ins stolen and Riiuu awar a valuable teacup said to hare been puluted by the r.mpri'fcsof Austria the (.irl hatim; ac ihttntt-- liroVi n the fnuecr Mie nUo detr-- a enarch warmnt for the oxamliiatloti of tho maid's trunk Ihe si rvant almltti that ihr JiroUe thu hlna.ntid fat I that, frWhUtiM nt Ihf auidetit h a'tM.pt d to ouri ai hei fu'tl Kettlni the loinpHiiion pee out of the honc hi snl-- l pn.udl that htn wiuld ulhw her trunk ant ctothuu to b u ear he J withuut n warruut. i ni hld for trial llnnj O. dunei'i .Stock l'urcsiwci, Tho -- tock s of Harry O. Jones. now outrlaMutln Kittjs ount iviurtof Sit.!n t.r allied hti1, in Hu thtjfl of hi- ! rot.ir in I iw tl A W Mr irl, fmm th funis of th- - Kroeklin of I. liunMoii win dilitlli I to th- - Jur nmerdav h Win A WiltiHtun if tlm nrm of DuXtr Howell a to VS Urou'.uro tho nlject 'f tho I uimim fin., that the irotiiNUof th "pjnotis wiirrnnl, whl hwit ihrl tlimiuh tlm l stitlc llrt Uiuk an) hu lit to Ion. A h indtt wen immI lo h'm for tlm pun huc tl Miuk Iho tih.hui shnwt-- nit Ioihp hol utin. I itoi.ki outruht iu hM from lot tu ' thiir.H IMh ul i tloii4i.it u hd toer llvo ir nn l hU at count iilhd ti u hdv.er ' t pnii one trnna tlou in I no cto a l lonlMl - 'lln l IiOi .UU Ml Will Uu0 lU i ji hy tut luih la. lntci iititloiuil I.l I ci in y rhithK. Thol'r'Mdfiit liaatultt-M- l i tholfoui a h'tti r from i!i h iitur) f Man r iiiimiad in.' nn ivpproprlnlu'11 itFI'ion in c ti.jli en lit th m .ie lfp nl n dlr ifon ml tip ni.im uliir.iu ol ml uitif n h a liioiki (nt udi 10 in Ututn tl . ihnnt if publh tMt.nuii ti(K odii (ulriporto, traiii- itthmi of pi it utKH cm h tl ii nu I all rtlmilnr pi I II 'ttii s l the tiiovruin nt ii'il'i tiiliid iltui and 'hu iiotriauvi.t-- of tin olln koiiutri i of tho world Two Tr.ilus Meeting ou h MmkIc Track. KuwitiiuJii, April 11. Two trains, an in. I nnd mil nn outA'onu iriuht, met u thn SiulCtn(kof 111 .Nt wt utih briuirh of th I'rie ioit thU nfieruooti nn I l'ie n'r hrik nt nm pre-ut- t li iiti.r Kh it i tit j t tuiui h nu t thi lu In. t.ir ol th I ienvtrtr on wc-- ioiii lrublji hnkiii IAKt3 I.sn I.VW. P. II llni-tal- .' muol f. r Ut- - l.tnu M111 r.ntlroil l'nni no 'ill t t lii ItMl ulihoiuh lhiohnd hwn Hoint luh 111 tfiMili nvtry ot thndtt. ul the North Hhtp It iilro id, the cniiipniv woiill h i rvll iuc hittlt I tu t nud ion mini limn itu on lh' roiu hy Mon o UM II I rhilhiultr n oinu mull cnij hotd at thu depot of Ihe mi it ItHiI'mi tt III Hi. I I'oiut ht Ixen tu dlf.Hlllil liilhi luilipUO fir f iO lln t nmli1aM011 will tnktt phu t to dio 1" If i' Uhtnd ('It Tin tl n ml r tj Ik lot Hu nwiu,. pi iiu fi J ill .New oi). iit On f if ihe hud Hniof Ihe tniinth 1111111 tieur lHl(u li'Mti mhh hiirm Ihurx ln Ia Joop Aie hunou, Mo , on fhimdbt iiltfhl. Imtn irl n hloi h f I iilii hoiivi liouUhtk h "h fiy'i'ii ii,h prm J ilh rerUU hpldar flnikii 1h' Hiu uillt or ll.rt.ri Hi. nm, h in iii. 1,1,0 Cuii tit Mi' h wit hut m I vcnUi lu Ihe tiUht w id h lumi ilulniid Unit he i ui LuiifroiMtil h ihuc iukmIvi'I 111111 tun of niit.ih hld him, nu t the third llrcd Hu mill m f.inioii Xh mill id ihe dt'if nrille Woolh ( mpnio In Smith lUJ It I wim Initio I nu lhurJa) iilplu with Ihe I0IU1 houiu and a IKi d'lii'iiijiil bio K. Iht Inr?i hour litiK liojt-- ? ni !lwlctin t I Ihe ml" wad f loin tour un I a hull toi Ih.Ij and riutiiim-- tin mti ir mil ttniirr iiiuniii tm (nm 1 iass.i4(ii,s rh uml Io l tMililtlld it JTiiiSi Die I'lmlmU llinise tint Hit Opera Hone in TJiiiTtlle t'u wen hiitnid t iiiidit) luonitu no I Ihe Hrunbtr, Until and Wntewli'fi utiltdes wero hi rloml dutli'Kttl Ihe huuraiui) will nit uivi-- tt Ihe loss uti th tu eia IIuuhu un the rnrnlmll lluiui, I hi llottl llruus wick wUUh Is owmd 1) rt iihlor Mnh rts with thvOpi ni I dm it- - w.ltpiutmhlv' berebulll Ihu lotl l fullr Lvw, a volvitvT cooiri u buiicj la His rums. sitLLiso iruiTK nothsxs l'vnxiTVitn An Aucllnn tn "WMsklnainn tkat Attrnotrd Klro Thousand l'erioni. "WAfiuixoTON, April 14. Twenty-fou- r loads of furnlturo nnd olhor hoiifichold artlclea takon from tho Whlto lloufloweio sold ut public auction This wns tho first Halo of cant-of- f artlclofl from tho Whlto Houso since Presi- dent IJutlmnan'fl administration. Tho crowd In nttondanoo, which ineludod reproBontntlvoa of tho army, navy, ConirrcAB, Oovornmont clerks, tradofimon, and HtafT ofllcors numbered fully 5.000, nnd durlnc tho proaroM of tho Bale, which lasted four hours, tho blddlnc wns tho prloos obtained unuHunlly hlt'h. Tho ofToctw conslBtod of tho cntlro furnlturo of tho KiLHt lloora. much of which was worn and moth eatmi. aw wna albo tho Croon Itoom furnl- turo. A part only of tho Hod Parlor furnishing was sold, nnd thm wa in bottorcondltlon. Tho carpoU from tho prlvnto dlnlm? room and from tho floor of tho lone corridor In front of tho llod Itoora woro alno pold. JJeldo3 carnoU nud parlor sets thoroworo sold hntr mattios6es, maps, chandollrs. mar- ble mantels, bureaus, hodatoudfl, two hlh chalra for children, orderod by Sir. Hayes ou tho occaalon of Ills wifo'a nloco's woddinf. marl)lo ton tabic, loathor-covoro- d sofas, otto- mans and dining room chairs, n lot of whlto mattlne. a plaster chart of Han Domingo, cus- pidors, lace curtiilns. nnd old Iron Btoos. A good alzed Keographlcal Klobo, oneo tho of Nellie Grant, called out many bids. Rroporty rat trnna were disponed of. IncludlUK tho hlstoilcal ono in wlitoh tho rat that eat President Lincoln's suit of elothos waa caught. Tho ealo realized about 16,000. M'kni lllnlno Ueslaned In South Am oil en. WARiiiNnroK, Apill U. It BoeuiB lo bo nroml that HUtlnc meant war in order to re- tain his plaeo In tho Cabinet, und for no ether reason, us ho repudiated both Shlphord and Ilurlbut on tho samo d ly, Dec. 3. IIIsendoHVor to put tho Grunt people under obligation through Landroau was Lo bo another lien on tho Ktato Dcpartmt ut. Ho would lmo absolutely con t tolled oents had tho war commented under huch clrcum-Btnnco- t. This Is rather inconsistent with his Inst Inter- view In tho Washington W. in which heMis that tho Idea of nwarwllh Chill Is absurd; but contilstoncy is not tho weakness of thuthortof statosmeu. Tho Houth Carol Inn Klcctton Cnaea. CrtAitLrsTON, April 1 1. Tn tho election easos to day Mr J It Ahnej made thecloplnft speech in (e feiie of Hates and others District At torn oy Mellon made the closing argument for the prosecution Judge, llond.ln his e liars , admonlihed tin jury to free their minds from psrtlanhlp ami prejudice, nud dwelt upnn the linportnnco to r risen Iiu the puritj of the ballot box llo told them that it wan the rlht of the aeruted n rn.ns and of tho (ito eminent to hnelhe lndlidual ulKiuentof each Juror, and that a erdfet reaehed h t on a ninjorlty vote whs unlawful The jury must, he snld.tle tlie acetified tha tunc fit of eory rea- sonable duuht, and. while they should hi' careful that no innocent man wa comlcted, tliej slmuld he emtall to allow no guilty man to escape The jury thuu rcut out, and at u o'clock had not returned Hrlbcry In Iko Mnasncfauaetta T.eslslntnre. BosToy, April 11. Inadebato In tho Hottfio to day. on amotion to reconsider tho reference to tho next LcntMMiirc of tho bill authorizing tho llotton and Maine Itail-o- to maintain its clevaUd tracts between Foincrv.re and noton Mr Brown of llcston In ado-latlii- the reconsideration, said that ho could protltne witnesses to whom the attnrrtvof the Catrn Uallroad. n rival corporation, Imd iud that he had defeated the bill In the (lnui. mid that If he had Leen ul en two da a innn he would hne defeated ft in the Htnate Mr Allen of L nu said that to hU pirnnnal know Itdpe, tho lobbv of tho Hotoii and Matn Ititlronl li.trlewed a mctiiher this morning and ofTcrt-- that member a early pns If he ottll chaneu hhote rho reconUUraUon as then refuned, and an order, hy Mr.Andiewa of ltos ton for au ln estimation of thv ihnrseof briber was adopted, and an iiiMstlgailnc committee appointed. Gultemii Ahuslns hla Ilcliitlvcs. WsniNOTON, April 11. Guitcaxi is out In an- other card, in which ho denonncts his relatives in terms "Had they all diwl, lie sas, "twenty flc yenr a so It wnnlt hae hern a ccntstiid to me " lie charcc Mr ScoilIc w ith ndejlro lo get coulrol of hU ((lulteau's) hook, ant as he hn alnadv pnhl Mr Sen llle J7, whtfh ha nt rs In more than hU allege! sr lcrs are worth (Ji.ltc daims thnt lil cse tnisht hae liad thobcnetHof great lecalahitIO if Mr btoU'e hal not lnrvrrptc-- letter from lawers ttuderliu their si r Ices, and thort-b- elbowed competent touiuel off of thu case TLe riooil In Dnlrotu. Karoo. April 11. Tho dnningo done oy tho flood here is otlmated at $I00,oy The mill is knee deep throughout the city John Modlan's warehoime i under water, with lO.ootj worth of Arming imiil.Mnents Tho Union K!o itor with its rotl store of wheat. Is iu dangtruf falling The Urn din teator is half uuter water, and banunt are riouUd eeryw here The riood is now rapid., receding, and 110 fuitbr trouble U apprehended As the waters tleeliii the ilamnjeheiomes more apparent and wilt probibly ac.rc gate I vy MJ Indicted for Accenting llrlbes. Columuus. Ohio, April li. Tho Grand Juiy of I ninMlu Count this eenlng returned Indictment against Ucpresentniie Willi tn lilnch of Clee!anl rnd Ueprcsentatha W A Wruht of UocMng iouut. cltarred Mith accenting hrllies from l.bhlts lnttretel lu curtain canal schemes in Cincinnati Two indictments were returned against J I W atson cf Cincinnati, who is charcM with bribory t attempted briber., of niemhers All thre were arresud and placed in thecouut JulL Anotker Deluoo In fjonlalnnn. New Ibcua. April 14, Tho situation hero Is appalling rhe height uf the flood above tldo water is nenrly sswntern feet On tha t&stsldoof the To he. from forauvili to rattersonvllle iu) miles lu a straight line north and south, is u lake etw Hug from west to east toths high ridges of Haou Lafourche, fifty miles wide ThelosMs iu crops, ntock, Ac, are enormous C'alp S milk's Hope of HcprleTe. Nr.w Hvvr.v, April 11. Judge Hitchcock of tlie ci it MJuitf tho ?uperioi Court dlsmUicl jctdnlay afternoon a petition for n writ or liaheas corpus iu thi (ai of (hip Smith, senttmed to be hanged on Mm f., ho ling that thi p'tlthm lniild gu to tho crlmlu il to ofthecouit Counnbl for .smith look a'l exception, uii will go to the .Stii nme Co trt A MUMuir l'nd?rluL.er. Tr.ov Apill li.-- C P. Dr.iglo. umlertaler. eenUrted to im month' imprl.iiTnt for pre.ntiiix fraudulent hilU In lbanv Cf iiuty. ha riUapnuard. He wns nlmittl to hull heiiilln? thi a. tin if tho ( ourl of lienl- - whli.li hn nntrnutl bin oim.'ttuti, Uri ,to in llm at i. J hi In'c'Htun of yotii, tu I aim ti Inlttfiinnt sirlet Fevrr In Iterk Conuti. At 1 us tow v, P.I.. pril ll.-si- nco .lanuary Ut nnlliiusnt form of rUt r. ci htt hem int.nu in Uotiriown in the lowir end ot Iirk Cnunlv t'nr a f. w Mnk ihiiH hat Ijocii 01 i.eniki f twu or thru dinthf dnt, and ut priMiu (to r is I nt littk ytat- u.eht. AValUcr Unit ut Amber) to o Keliueil, Amhi i:sr Col nu Mn . April 1 - riituigh moni Imm pni urol fur tin n h ill tin,; t Widur llnll win h dm I uriif inttit1.'. an th. w.. k w ll hi bin at noon , the lituiu of tint n i.iiu taiuSi'ili-- Mnnliiue vltk 11 llet.i-ui't- l IVII'oS Mter, On Aj -- il (.In tlio 1 the I ill ndlot am rr !... i wIm ndr wd wtf ii r w 11 rvud lorthk U.ii tlmt ami uiinl by it otccf .11 ' 11 MtOOiUA'Y. Unj ir I rtw taken a Mimmerr dti Unr h n Ci Iho mil ro.fi u' evi.iiilnatioii of thr hum whn h in id the liiktu 4 tu the lahr linnH at ii hutim nu liMhiti; a nii him into the iimmI .o.ii iiu no tihhln 1. Tin Coriu.i-- r Jur In tl an- - nt Mhirlti" v ,r trn4S whoi lnmittid mi lb lo inWin. arioue nt Mi oul Mre U istiie la r. tun a t idn f si.li i li 1h i'uoiir ciauit i It aw to Mr tiiii tfut m t m iniuter nt tin i'ark Ihtunro for uhuin s'iv ha kipi liutiHt, tu hut Iho hoi,. mm TfMih a now roir.v. K tra-- uie tnt.tlnlnin.nl an I i c tlon w ill . he iiu i nm, in Iwracb iitirdiii fur the bttuiHtt te t;utaii rrfugeea Ihe Aiul Miiiiotinl) b'lu.n nf Ui9 rimiuth A mhh win hoi a intalit on Mon tj i.iiiiiig In Ih publn 1.11 II ill .1 din I'.oUrOoii aretlnd imrthnnt fumrl of the firm of hi hi in k It Kin if irl tin dld at hi r N'l-Wia- t fhulv snoiil ftrni tiilhoioiitittli)iiir 1 f hi asy Jmliiiftit if ahsnlulA dl.rce gTiinUd b lud e Truax in theMtptrt ,.uri mi tha Mount of ninnui iutllilltv, wns iiUd ir..idi 111 fuvur uf runtile M I ra7r from Ullltam i.i Mr 1 Hi rlo tin I nu th spe ul'iunit lu thli I ll lur the ah if 11 uliloti, MutJlti .. l o ulluiitlnii- - 14 dh i l ui 11 ) it mi liMith stru t Vt ru) .tho WMit giMH) iio.ik nu ppi ih i t Irnoir nl tifmnla quintitvof 4 llU'l,ht ill hi I rMlB w ilh HOI In t n f iS I ott o II a trunk on,, 1114 u n i'i th r who (raviii t uwmi lu re itul I'm - ills ti tiueii within Id Tin nut khi I 'ti Vi ihii oil f ,l Vf irl tr. . t t.nnii mi ir iIhM wu mi lt!p. 11 r in id' ion1 of the MuiiliuilM Un-- 1. hi ( mpii (ell d.ud at I wrul lrl h etn.ul a Ha ml huim ) tnli rdv C I A t II IiuvumiM U writiu hn poiu al uml iiiMto dur uv ih ny tH, in ii uf Mm an I t Innm mhr ihu m of miirs an ll inaiiiit.'i.rs n,i llnur li.r. r ti n li ouht (0 u try litlrrivllii? Uaa K Arnullif Ih uni vll dMir nn n 1.1 rt nt tin- - cUhti'ut.lh aiiiilvMKbi nieMiuu l Uu . v t Oetiraloiftcsl nu Ml t 'inphiL 1! h I. Un" cjiu, at I'i t IhtrH llrt st in t ou tU'JiiiiiM tiib,r. UikuIii untuf t'Piitrtu Uurlug lie KtttilllMi Military men will tin I the fi.al.fM and niul UUl'tU LIFE IN THE MET110P0LIS. iifl DABirm mnm jki tukms nr tub &wfm vHt flH French's Hotel Proimnneed VnalV-T- h VIU e CjjS Inn Nnpurtlnff On Corner 11 centred to WM QM ht lVot Htron Knnusjh Tho JtemedyV Tfm. VjfflH Charles KInkol of Iho Bureau of Inspection M IU of llulldin's ni ported yeAtordny that ho had 'sL'jKisB Inspected Fronch'q Hotel, nt tho eornor of jffKsfl Chnthnm nnd Frankfort strocU, und had fllllfl found tho building unaafo. Tho hotel waft 'vBB hulltin 1810, and Ih boven stories hUru.andof jKI brick. It linn a front of about 75 foot on JSuVRh Chatham Btroot, nnd a dopth on Frankfort IWWIP fitroot of 145 fcot. Tho Inifoelor cortlftod that IIRU: tho building Is unsafe und dangerous In th jffilwij following particulars: !2??w On the northeast corner of said hotel Is anornspne4 5n'IfHSSi twenty ono fttt wide, and tho whole upjicr paru atx UfHrijl' stories brick work, ll anprorteit hy two brown tna ItDn'iM columns which are oterlomfed hy the above heavy brick (alfirilC work. Hald bulhllng must be tnada aafe ky taking out Trlli'iijll the two brown stone columns and potting In heavy east TuklHilH Iron oolumus of sufliclent capacity. rStLfl Tho nortlioiLflt corner of the buildlnpr hoooN lmBicH fld In tho report Is a dead wall, without either, 'tilKBiH the onon space or tho brown-alon- e columns l,.rrifl!Ll doscrlbod. It is evident that tho ropoit refers fly to the oolumns suppnrttnp: tho stono ontabla- - yg : tuni oer tho cut ranco ut tho southwoflt eornor w irftH of tho build Inc. Thoy aro of brown Htonn and mnRjfl of nltout olffhtoon Inches diameter. There nro U wmW uocrackn in tho ontablatuio. nor In tho brlek- - m EHH work aboc, nor any other ovldencos of woalc 81 KpH now tn the support. tsj WuM Mr. French, proprietor of tho hotol, wild that HVISRII he had nothlnc moro to say than that no In liW spector had Inlted thn hoWd to otumino It. and iiiOJSy innmoNor ho belloed that tho bulldlne woa '$j Ijjfl perfectly Kafe. ,v RHJ Air. J.ovt Huria oritenrt und I'octcel. t UPI Mr-)- Kinina Rloin, it tleUot taker In a lloivcry Jf II iuusetim,appcnre.1iti Jetferscn Mnrkit Court ycHrdny gviLnl to answer tnn charge initio hy Julius l.ej struilling ffiwlfiM sa'.vtinan lie said thnt he litvit conrlcd her fur a lonj il'fistffl time, ant o returning from a trip uhout nine month In'sPfjvB surprUcd to find thnt wqm marriidto I if wSxi m Lh irtesSIonn, a conjurer He sail that she 1 rofijaa- d RtB!3rB to to jhlin helttr than her husbind, and imnentwl to .cJiMaKlB elope with him Last TueHday iimritlnj. the went to .$OSflM onkirit He took the mlldiv train hnck In New Jvs EEliJl York to t.ttcu to soma btipl ictn, lalng fl'Ki in hur TiflEQJfl iOHufllnn In tin evening, on returning to linkers. wlVU he round that she hn gon' bark to Iter hubard In hl I&'swJkI opinion the whole atT'ilr hal leen a scheme to iwln.tla icEHB him Justko l.llbret'i sud It keemed to Mm ihatth B mnn who went after woul lud been shorn. The case llf nwuM was dismissed. JltuSiJfl An Old Kmployee'a CVinTvaslon. IflfflV Charles Martin of 111 Monroe street, who has liHllI lieen for over twenty j ears a for (leorgeV Heckcr 31 roH ACo.itour ami fetd inerihatU In Cherry street, wa rflltfclTa arraigneil in the 1 scx Markit Police Court ytaterday W'Wl'ltS ou the charge of robbing his tiiplotcr lie hal made a Q$ $$Vm confession which implicated Jacoli Adams, a ntght 31 Jlllif J watchman, James Italer, a feed inert hant at 24a At H fVKifl lantlcnienue, Ilrooklyn, and William Hlzgerald. struck U Itrl driwr. all of whom were arraigned with Martin. Mar tV) ruiH tin sild that evtr night liernro q lilting tlie store he nut flwt jtfvH a load of feed iu ba.'s near the gatigwa, which waa d ifi taken Rwav earl ou the next morning bv llalsoy. who 31 tfsfl was nilmltted by Adams Pltgcrntd t accused of x'&r S9 originating tho game and acting a a 1:0 between All i!K fuJM the prisoners wero remanded It Is charged that the ) BFfl proptrty thus stokn was worth fd,ouo. 10 B B Mnrdcr In tke He com! Decree. Siui.fl Tho trial In tho General Hessfons of John iwil O Connor, chargcit with murder iu the first degree in 'l 'Btfjl shooting and killing Ida wife, Klloti.in their rooms at j& )vkJM 401 r.nst Flftj ninth street, ou te night of tho Hih of Oc ' IflH tnber last, emle.1 etcrdoy O Connor 1a a medium Mzud. iW'TtlJlB slightly built, quiet looViug man He is about 00 jears H V Mill of atr. an hl hair an I h'ard are gra rhe trial occu ( i" UAM pled three rlnts.nud rctultol in a crdict of gulltvoC ?wm immler in thofeenud deirree O Connor wns not inied, J 1 if, tm apparent!), h theenltct .lu )go Cowing rei intidt 1 him J lUta tu await sentence Under the cniolrtion the sentence fi rlM must be imprisonment In Htate prison for life O Connor was tried, recentlv. In the Court of ().irand Terminer v Jf' upon the name fi lictment, hut tho Jurj dUarecd.aad h Si tfill was remanded for retrial i p "iTll Tke Xnv Police I'reclnct. jj jB41 Tho Pollco Board took nnothcr 3'Bwl step toward the organization of the new Sixth Precinct, f RSJi the station nf which Is to he iu KItznbelh street near U i fcB Catul ('apt Jeremiah lVtlj ( to he in commttil Scr- - 1 r'H geant Titer Conlin. Christopher Uoehnu Nicholas k Ttjl Hrotles mil IVm Thmip.mii were trainterrrd from tho 'Tl ?i?l Clt Hull, Harlem St con Diettkt Cmirt, nnd Madison Arvl street squads, repectl . to nre thenln, together al5i ity-- with two roundhiuen and hnlf liduzen pitrolmeti from r.il ? 'Isl ilffTen-n- t p.irts or the clt su( erfutetidi ut Walling was fcjlj, ksM direUett to traunftr thn remain ler of th (.omplement i Si UTtM of sit eiiht iiKoi to tv tn the new jroclnct tMllrXj7i) from prciincts from wbith they can lient he spind, ant iSf' r51 the lluardwlll net oa hit. reioinnieiidattons on Monday. Uf'i&lJ Clinrnwl nlth Puulnc Counterfoil Money. 1f f& 3 Coords Oborman, who Is nccnt for a Boston .jfihll Yankeo notion house and is also cmploitd its a c untsr ii'f Jil'l felt money detector wa arrested cMerda otiachargi ll?''S1a of taking a counterfeit r. ft d.VIar Treasurv note on If, ( ft1 0,ff V Whltne.therashier or the tiulair House, In Octo fvVL fll PB her. 11. He bought some cigars, and gne the bill t tilfi TTfVJ take ajmetit from It was rcturmd to him the next si iv dav appi int Agent Dritmmoiid learned of tho cast fHtWV liri wtil. ago, and ma.le a comil.lnt nuaiust hiui. , 455 && Ihe acctned sail that hodllnot know tho bill uascoun n'fi w ttrfiltatthe time ho passed it, ' a that since Its re- - Pitt IffB' turn to him ho had lout It " Commissioner .Shields re- - fl FLV leiued him ou his rtcogulroiiiu W, iwllj Nklne 'Km fur it Cent. fevTiK A racired bootblack with a sloomy f.ieo stool Plwi at the foot of the steps of the Tark place statlun ot thi lli'lflti eta ated roa I late last e enlng llffHStOi ' hi luejer boots ' hoaald ' Shine 'cut fur a cent. oLHH.M ' Whj do you ask mil a cent !" WtTHK " Ilecatise I'm huugiy ''tllMaRi He got a quarter for shining thit nsir nf boots irKFSK ' Oh, he lauvht ou. did he" sal.t the gati man, when hwff1m the boothlackv 1 uMomer had c Mie up stairs an houghl H& itv lit ticktt " He's been wurkin' thst racket some tiinn .tflili w The bootblack's customer lookM o er the railing Tha TW 'iC l M black was waiting for auothtr tender hearted man. UmJT 1J Molly nolhruok Gets Ttt Tears. ' M 'M& Lbyio Kllon Wicgiiv. atlas Molly Hoi brook. ?ln whowaa cmolcled recently lit Ihe (lener.it Hetsions ot ufiA' picking the pocket of nu eldtrlj Ind nt Mncy'son the . Mj ifc ISHlinf iwptemhtr !nt, w tn stmiciHuil t.ter lay to Mints i 'SLw prl-n- ii fr tl tarit An Moll Unit ro.d. hn earnid a k vi national roptitatm.i a a pirl pocket hhe marrl d some 1 H Wt jcnna,o and went to lit at Hh Kidge, whtro she nac fiTiV fli ifhptiUd b) Iter reii,hlK)rs, who knew nothing of I tr j i flr pat,vilwuH minirn-- t 1 whin sh. wis nrretti 1 by In ' rf1 mX spiictor Mj rues'a d tcrMm fur iiu theft at M i. s v $A ITuele Ulll Tincr'-- i llenellt. M Wi Uncle liill To-n- , tho viterun master of cero 8? ft monies has been tiiilorct n hen. lit in Hurrj llill'l jjf rj Ihea're uiiThurs In fti rn m n t I'ith l.d wards, M ft,; t.iru Ki oki Jaii I Ilit-t- ti eln hi" mi t nu rv thns; .11 L jT- thirl h in s . known luoi prnuiut to at - tj tm I lli foi r winM-i- - Hill tl . h rtulntvir, mil ji ;rt o Unvii i thi tou bn nhi In thu wiu' up I m!e l.ni . wluil now HI tui ill t m tm i,'i n wuk Y( fi T Jjinitu Mi. I at.tie, who i n ' w iri miut If, ml f)ui" SIr othn.ee for Nlmlriiiit. fi IJSj J WillLim smdi.kpi. ' U ui.dei imiI nco td , '. fjl ho Iianvpd fer the pi t c - v 11 lol l eier tj IJRf' do lint Uie oiotriii 'it i:n d tin bil' mukin? appll ii ' kH i .ti 0 for un. w f n' oii U Arm ( wi bo midl f W twfx m lu Ui Ut i. "ii M. nl "in'rn a ruiiid tin (Il w . all .Ul 111 ntiow uf tnulg f HL t tSJm The iKUuul OflUn I'ircltelliiii. rWJr' al ny ami ari.il ' windt, st.itt man S'lpft'tl tr ,'iir Liinj..tittr m iliu nt tu.11 u our A F',1J( J 6i.t;ci mou nu: itu auuiviu ' m rii bri U t'rfthi I.l u m Inifir- - it ' ib( T , llfl s' ll ui lahi r.rn J ' flJ? fin stitiuif tit llmt thi'Klluif Wt iim' g bivl been S ' . m trie I tut ntludi lm laoilu i1l nut -- 4A A Tn1 Mini lln it tt 1. r VitiiOi n rilou.t nortr4 iiffi'l ahuiii It- ir lln1.11 nl. wiift'il .! on Ihuiiili) 1 titling, B vi Ner Hull nr In tri i hi twe. i Mi.l u an l.ng. r hint I iun t.i .ir I Co y. t r ihj.lj mti nliiu'iii l J- ijl (Mi II s.Mmitr anting dl ii. .'m mlng .J , i tt.i HlUui llou-- " !l iilnul ii '. ( mur a ji g Ulfv4 ll I J.f I!.iil.:l ltik) tm. id tub. hxttielKt ,Ii ii lljf I if I t tit IhI-- ijiuh Ittduiii I nu. r f r th murd m Wit I J Mf lnmt.,..j f 1histeitmlihi inmhurg, foiiii Hu in u in. laillil ., ,1 'I u.iiore 4 tii fy with l.TJJ uu.gr m's tn Ci.'Nirtlt. ! JJ wi'tin M.ili ! ' " J Ihe I'n imh'U an SI ile t etnrul omn ioie r.f olUo 1 i K J t. M K..IM He 1; t SlitU'l M Ul U'.;n riiTJi- - H ' !' uioil Mill.' 7 ritjj The 4rhii..iier n Pun 'if tl ml Mm. n tt.t 01 'Ui Ink Mi in.. iiMirir.ml IU n, m I h isd ty uhu t'M 1J .! WH j UKi up ' V M II Mint , I rffiMur-- t of .StoWirv to mit s C.hai '"( nl Ki.11 d Hit a"i mills in fH k li rt lie - null ffc i to have lukl lh to i. 11 iinMiii, k ' '' Mrs n'fu Unviiioi iiither of Oi 11iiuI.mi oiis I f in I'm o I nt o i'i i ts'ttntjs 111 .1 in., only j, .it r oi itu tie i i I ut i r di l jihi l 1 II e nuiiun tlm iitiin i i.t tallrv Itmli ul lnvd ' It ' h I r I. '. i dtil I Mill N"v ork 111 Imj- - trm.k in.) 11 tl.tg with It rKorlut rtair"k ly ui , IhiiKTi lluoi r twin ' nrp it winter C . co-- 1.1 r ' J? hr.ilo te! in in lln whirl h.M)i Mtlt ifivr.iay til Ml mnitj nu I titHi ' jXilinl 11 litt Hi Ne ) uri. 11 Ihu wnintkwt lulu in1' .tul llnnli.ui nih nlv I. mon d Ho'l m m' I ttiirti.. niui Jiiilidr.i h m I, tul ! r h . Til an, liu.udi m Ml ri.inil.il , ' U' 4K1 No idi h - tn ti lis oti r. i of I' re Cn tuUi ' j h tt -- lu'f m tun r 01 l,i ti t tin ii l Hi t h ' wi,i irun Nn ..tlv in H....I. n mil .Nuaiv llUnllH. lillll lllillT VIIM, t .lanes Murii of In t jtnti rdn nuituin I t i 3, ouihii tu r hi itn lit li th n!l itl irv fi 11 j itin ; at In' i liurti rei ll hi lift. 1, m inb UM b t !. in tlm nr. u .1 t tna I lit- 11. Mk l ui t 'i i n ,l . n t i' ' it, 7 I j! Hih it h hU H. . I. f. I w in' ti I fr O -- f I 1 ' n I lit Hu ijjll III ' Ul fit I Jft tfi 11 I, i ' r iinl .1 kiOl r lit 11 Ihe arn r win' vttn t ill , uU IU ' in utiu til in r It ii.. nli 101 Ui.r fin u tt tj fW1 ll.t i.uUlp.ll) UlvUUKUh II'. u '

The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1882-04-15 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 20. · Mr HtMrnrt'sdonlli tho hoiio bought for cnli. Ten tlis beforo hhdc-ethl-t stopped buliu;. Hnco It L Inferred that tho

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1882-04-15 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 20. · Mr HtMrnrt'sdonlli tho hoiio bought for cnli. Ten tlis beforo hhdc-ethl-t stopped buliu;. Hnco It L Inferred that tho



a, t. fiir.n:utr x m. txxuvxca hutjiikv in., uuruii: nioit tuadk

BIr. nillon ' ,,r- - '"''' Hcfiuc lo NpriikfinmrrnliiK the Aiiiiimntnn.nl Wlml l

Hnlil ti theTrnilo Cniicrnln tk Aflitlranl'thHiie limine.. I'tider Mr. Stcunll.

' A. T Hlpwnil tc Co. ntmounco that they

Jmvo tlotui mliit-u- todlseonllnuo their dryitotxlit

nnd iiuiiufncturlne IniHlnuns, nud olfor theirBlocks ot iiiouhuiidisound mill proinille for

Mr. Hotiry Hilton mid Mr. Wllllnm XMM.Biuilo. lliu nrm ivfuMOil lii't ovonliiK

tospoalc rulatUotothoiinnnuueemout.Thorollromuulof A. V. Slowurt A. Oo. from

bufltnom ha Iwn expected for somo tlmo by

thosowclUnformrdiistothodry good trndo.Blnoo (ho death of A. T. Btowart thobiudnoos of tlm homo h.. ncconllnc lotho owtoi lions of others In the trndo.boon Mo.ulilr oontmclod. Tho houso firstprHOlleally withdrew from tho Jobbing liusl-niv-

then from tho Importing nnd almostfrom tho whnloanlo buelnost. Tor sovoral

wooks tlioro hmcbocn iiiuuy rumoMnfloateon-ocrnlnsl- l,

principally to thu rffoot Hint It wiwBolntf out ollni-dno- , nml Hint It had boon n

limrobonownr of money, an expediency tliatW novcr resorted to wlillo A.T. Htownrt 11 cd.

Tho bonl Information obtainable last ocnlnc.In default fit any from Messrs. Hilton andLibby. wax to tho i fleet that when Mr. Stewartdid llioio tsik Ht lewd ill GOO.OlM In thu linl-no.- "

of tho eunei ru. Tho lnmao had on anmernfff. bnlanoo ot at leal H.WXMIDO iu thoJlervhantV Natloniil It ink. of which Mr.

Kltiunrt wn n diuvtor. and about J300.0H0

In o.ieh of tho llneo oilier kmks In which

tho ho'iiu kept t Iho Chemical and thoMoehinks' Natlmul and tho National ltank ofOjm:n"rco. Tho was about $2,500,-- 0i

Tho Htock .md propeity of twelui millsowned by the concrn, the Bond In thoChiruWi htieot r.nd Tenth Btioot btoros, andthe stock in (toroliuuses In Paris mid

r.rf well as In transit, mado thu citlnmt-r- d

total mentioned. lPto within ten dujH ofMr HtMrnrt'sdonlli tho hoiio bought for cnli.Ten tlis beforo hhdc-ethl- t stopped buliu;.Hnco It L Inferred that tho bunlncsi ttoodworth $22,000,000 moro or (v,a at tho tlmo ofMr Motwut'n death. Mr. Hilton, soon aftertho fuuer.U of Mr. Stow.irt. assigned to Mrs.Htownrt tho J1.00U.00O cash to which ho wasontltlod under tho will ot Mr. Stewartfor tho entire business of A. T. Htownrt A-- Co.which was wlllod to her. According to thotrade. Mr. Hilton announced hl Intention ofprovlncthat ho could surpass Mr.Stownrtln thoconduct of tho concern. One of his flrt fctops

was tc establish n, branch houso In Chl-e.i-

This was ncnlnst Uie advleo oftboao associates with him In tho business.It Is generally bellovod thnt thlsbr.meh hasbeen run nt n loss from tho sturt. Ho al.so. Itla said, chanced tho methods of conductingtho bublncss from those established by Mr.Btowart. In the belief that tho&o mothodswould result In nn Increase of tho business. Heopenly nnnounccd his Intention of build'uc uptho trnfllc of the concern to proportions loyondthose apparently contemplated by Mr. Stewart.

Tho first Intimation of tho curtailment ot thebusinoss of tho houso was when thewholosnlo storo at Chnmlors streetnud Jlroadwny was discontinued, nnd tho

"nntlro business concentrated In thobuildlticntNinth street nnd lirondwny. From that tlmotho house lias ben rapidly Roinu out of thj"l-bln- s

business. At about tho same tlmo Mr.Hilton issued bis edict against tho admissionof Jobs to the Stovr.rt bold at H.imtnK.i. theO rnn it Union. That notion t said to lmo re-

sulted in n loss of at least 50 per cent, of boththo wholesale and retail trade of tlio house.Durini: the last four jears thu house hashoeotuo. from one of Uie larcet Importers ofdry eoodi, one of moderate) mnk. Its lurcimt,nnd, In f.iet, neaily all of tho invoices of n

coods. lino bcn simply eonslcned tothom for sales on necount. A centlemanToll known In tho dry toods trnda saidlast oveulnu: Tlio business of A. T. htewart.V Co., so far as I can liain, haa simply shrunkand slirUellcd away."

A few weeks nco tho firm oflorod elcbtornine of its mills forsale. Only one or two, it isBald, weru sold.

llelntito to the rumor that the concernhas been borrowing money, tlio Presidentof ouo of tlio banks in which it keepsnn account said last evenlui; tliat thefirm had had somo ot its paper discounted.How inueh ho did not know, hut he was of thoopinion lunt it was lothe amount of at leastil.000.0ft0. It is cenenilly reiortod that thoamount ! t.OOO.OoO and IJ.ooo.Ooo.Bo far as can bo l"arned, the paper of thoOrm has not been sold or discounted throuchtho modium cf not" brokers. It is ibscrted intho tr.iJe. however that tho paper dis-counted by th depositing banks of the

I Drm boars tho endorsement of Mrs. Stewart.B Thnt tho firm has borrowed any money has

Attracted attention, as It vsas tho practice ofI Mr. Stewart to buy for cash. Of late, it is said,

tho tlrm has nuiehased not only on thocus- -

ig tomary thiity dajs' time, but has had Its billsdated nhoad.

I Wben Mr. Stewart, after a fow years oxpeil- -

I enoo ok n school teacher, started In tho drymods business in lSiJ. In llruadnuy, nearChainhois street, he had W'twceu Sl.ioO and$1,600 capital, and lil stole was 22 feut wldu by80doop. Whon on April 10. 1871",. bodied, hlbretail store.nhlch cost S2.750 000, occupied a cityblock, nndccner.-- d an area of 2 acres, makim:.with Its debt floors, n total of 18 acres underone nxif devoted to tho retail dry foods busi-ness. Tho runnlm; expenses of the establish-ment were oer tl.ifili.OcO u oar. It wnsthe Inrui-s- t storo in tho world, nothlni;in Londoii or Paris npproachinu thobtiildiiu: In siro in iiinniotint of liusluersduiioIn it. llosldes th!-,- . lin had tli- - whole, lie doroisnerlnctho llroadi'.'r.j end nf tlm block

Cluimbers and Iteado streets. Tho com-bined sales cif the two establish,words auureiMted $.71000.000 u jear. In

with the business, In- - owned nnui'ib. i v,f woollen, s Ik and threnil mll.s- - thoMoli iwk tho Kllnuf at I.ltttii I'alls llio NowYoik inlllsat Hull"!." tho Woodward iiililj utWo id.tiok tho ii ml i.i.IIm iu Now Jeie). llioWn .IniiLliin mills ar I'tlca. tin- -

kill wnidl'iii mills, he Wntenllle woolli-- mll'.s.thcitlleiiiuim woidi.-- in IN, and tlm (llfiilritne.iriKil i.iet..iy. He li.'d aim laitto faitmifj alti.ittli h tin, I'lih'lui.d, and (1Ihkow, 'i)tland.Ho bml binnili liouois ut Itiadfoiil Mmulns-l'-

1!i''iji Phi lb. l.s jii, Ii irllii,.uid i.t Cuii--' l"l ".V" v.

'lilts i lit biislpe's was built Up bvrssldil-Oiisa- li

rUiiili to ileiuils eraet hnblls, Mini ltnl'1.iMlun a ii to llxed in iiieijili'Kiif eondiu I. W bolliiu st n, I out in h,s llit'o JSiiMdviy stoie lienu I ti v tin Hind in iinmni nbovo It. llo n,ililsow i Ixiiikkeupci. i..ib M11..11, and purler, andlie W'kkI fi.itn f.'iirt, en to el,"'it.'i nIi .tint a itaj. Ho liiiiin'id miction r 11s.pii sod up heap lol, nud spiii.l nojm I l t'i prihCtil llln BOOtls nltiaeiltely.i!er7 i.rlli li iviis e.irefull) eiimliied, creisrsw 10 omit lied out, and Koods wtuo neat-ly an inipid and mini" to look fi'sh andutti.utiVf Ho IkiiikIiI fur isish, soul iiii kly,and l.pt hi., iiiunei tuiiilni;. A prunlplo that

t at tl 0 f.ein latlon of his smvust wastho rti .I linn !y ot Ills deallu:.s. doodswoio nunted to In oxaitly what theyVoi'j luo irlio llxed was as Imv 11spoisiblo unl tin 10 x a, no iluvlutlmi frou. it.Hliopp.il i wen, leletti of nli rare sato lo llr.druittho vuntcil 1,'itn of pmthnsed

unusuhll) 1I1 an win sold xtry (heap,nad Htot.nrt'H btiip.ins l.niiin fanidiis.Ills IhoilKlitfulliP's . Iii.xi, i.nr)liiiii; il.iiinwhich could (.'..in eust iiu vas unlli f.fini.'.When hn started his up t( tm .tnro In- - onli red

I thnt paitlciiliiratti ii'ioiislii ulill, .m Iu. i.rIMirsonsi omll'Uililrorn thol'oiirllinteiiiioslili),

i thul In) iniltht ii'tr.ict Hie liovit I ride,nnd bo hiieeeednd III bil)iii' bin Jinl.iiiciitXUIS IU ,inpt llliu ileeisiM), lie illil liol I ato toWilli Ii iitlien to toll iliat he vt.iii tot nii.l wIi.miiinpoilnii'iUH eamo in hn nmdo hU m

wiillo othci' pii'e!i.se,-- s woio no-li iriiii; opinions mid IhlnUui: ot. r thohi 1, lloyliiciiudielllni; for ens'i and trik-i- n

the inutkel at bottom piles all the turn,bo nll.i nod a liilsluuss posit aiii whKli11111I11 lilui pronf lualiist pel (oils ut nniiU"l.il dupio-iBlim- . J'ho panle (.r I f .711 1M1 hurteil to him. The enllai 0 ofciedll foned down tallies so that us i;alicould iniike Its own prl foi toilH, 'I ho

111 tiiilnient of hln whol'is'tlo opoiatious, nnai dby the bad limes was mado up lor by lei.ulinr;

' iroods 'it wholiisiOo iricHii'iililoliivoiilHloi kbdlieit to. anHiimcrt! In hU wholesale ope'.i.lions In. kiixi) on1 short credit, and no iudiilCdiiiiof iitrdi p imniswRsHliown. Collaetlonswmo ili'oiuiihly imsliid and eoniptomlno ofpi.iliniii.'fiisuil. An enbiiiraised llrm miisl athunt p,j htewait in full, wlnt'iwr nilwht Imi

tlm aiiamjoiiient It is Id Ret with other orm).ItoM. Hn was rlBlM and nvio't iu tho illsehurtoand deiu.iml of ir.i ry oblltrutioii nud he diedworth itlsjut $.I0,ooo,(,0o.

b In tlio roliill stopj 020 horso iowir was 10.Quired 10 bent tho bulldlw:, 11111 thocluinlui.

I .UlUWviktUueewliiu leoohlucs, Tbcto wp oa

nrmy of 2 000 ompliores under pav. Tlinnlotxxwas as well known out of town as in thoelt, and much ot Its custom eamo fiomtransient xlsllors. H was fiomiontod by nilclasses, fiom llio weallhlist lo tho very poor.A constnnl line of ladles lhioned in and out ofthe doois. Ciurli'Ros lined thoeuib nxi llNCil."' uyebtne'i ul tlm llrm openedtheir doois. Insido the) Mole It wnsil.lilcillt to el about beeauso of tlio orowd. itulti.iclcJ u ninny people to that pint of thooil) that tho nlue of nelghboilni; property forMorn purposes was ureatly increased. Itchecked the n mowinent of trado, andcaused a ureal unny other letail houses to es-tablish Ihemseltes Iu tho xlelulty.

ritr.u Titm: nmr.ixuKn,Tniti n llurdrn on Aiilleunl l'roterlly

Iiuincitlitle AlIIou XvedcU.Under tho nusplccH of tho Now VoikFrco

Trado Club, n lnrco ineetlnc was held at Chick-oiin- p

Hall last nlicht "to eousldei llio uocosaltyof reform In tho unjust and iniquitous aistoniof tnxatloiileullod u protectlvo tariff."

Mr. Hvorett P. Whooler, President of llio club,said that tho club understood by free trade,equal trado. Impartial trado, not trade abso-lutely freo from benrlnc Its share of the bur-dens of taxation that Is noeossary. but n tradotli.it tlnill not liear any sroator proportion oftho public burdens than Is borne by othor spe-cies of industiy. Ho caleulutod that a manwho paid (1,000 of rent was laxod at looat $200moro than ho should bo by tho tariff. In vioxyof tho fact that tho nrc.it political divisions ofparties ntv now Irrmocably settled ; that llionational debt is half paid, barvesta plentiful,and thenatlonnl treasury full, ll was tlmo tolepeal tlio duty on raw materials, to induce thoduty 011 manufaetured articles inndo fromthosoiaw mali'ilals, and to lodueo Iheeicos-blt- e

and pixihibllni v duties.Senator 'ebu'ion t. Vnnio of North C'aiollna

biaud-- d the llime claims fur protection Hintit protects the labor, r, lienellls tlm consumer,

and Inennsos ihe nnti mil wealth." 11s tliioolies, lln siMikoiif pioti'i'tioii ns 11 ss.ni thatKept liliio-teirl- 01 tin people poor to supporttho oilier tenth, lie point"d bis ii'suineiilwith 11 luuniiiK conimi'ntiiiy of lllustiatiunslind st"l Ics. to show that tliclK'nelllsof

with to iiiilltldiialsiinil loealltles.nt thevxpeus, of tlm nation.Pi of. V. (!. tiiimiierof Yalo Collede spoke es.

peelall) of tlio efli'Ctot the svstemof pioli (

tiou on wnt:i' Ho eombitid thice fallacies:That protettlon laisos thexvaKesof the labor-er. Hint it enables llio lesislalor to ll a tarlflthat fixes to each citizen oxnelly tho dej;ioe ofeiunlort he ouubt to hate, or thai it Is neoossa-- r

to krOp WIIKi'S hish.Mr. J)aid A. Wells offe-e- d a srles of

resolutions Unit weie adopted, opiesloof this sentiments of tho nieellnef. Tlioresolutions declare that it Is the imperil-tit- u

nml imnicdlato dutv of the nationalto reduce taxation by not loss than

(75,00(1000: that this leductionshould bo tundoin tlic duties thnt maketheiostof materials oeesslxo: that this nocerMty ad-mits of no delay, and that It Is not necessary towait for the report of a commission: that tlioenormous duties on stool ouuht to be espeoiniiyreduced without waltiiiK for a Reneial reform:Hint tlio proposition of the Hon. A. H. Hewittfor the icpenl of the tax on rnw materials Isnupioved: that the decline of American ship-ping calls for intant attention and remedy;thnt tho work should bo besun ut 01110 lo re-mote otory tax-- which is not needed by tho Gov-ernment and does not pass into the UnitedStates Tieasuiy for tho benellt ot the xx holepeople: that while, under protection, w aces inMassachusetts Into ndtaneed but 7 percent.,tho cast of llxiiis has ndtaneed oxer'Jl percent.Tlie follotvlni; was tho llnal resolution:

Tliat t lie ills', hn come for II c union, wllliont rejmrt!toiiartt ttlllll illnut of nil cltlrpiin KiirrdPi: in ttiri.9 rutliuei.u mi I llntt t'rictiCHl vlTolt stioiil't lit, at oticv tpun o a tiincfii!rat(. otliilun In eti ry ronirrebloimlUlHtrirl, tliat louii'lnrsi nn the qiithllon if turlft rvfiinnvhall Lieeuie the ftnt ontlttiou fur the ftllpporl of caliJtUuttt In tltlitr )i,luicx! iiarty

n'Ait ron AX ISLAXD.

Fntttraoit Tetnitorauco Mn Attack n llrldecuid ure Jlrlveu lluck,

rATEiisoy. April 11. Tho Society for Kstnb-Itshln- if

UfulMiinufaititr( thlrtt tar9 ayn gxte theWathinjion Teniiicnini Aiociatlon the risht to life a1 tttc!!amt In the Pa., ilc Klter here for meetings Afttv tat ilnce tl.e lootelt CAtr Mr Ailatnp, a mill nuner. rcrmlf.Iuiito.liini)' aihcn en the itln,l The Tcni1'trnnce people ol.Ju.irJ, cUlmliu the otTiierslilp of thellanl L rcHtou of tttrlilr jears mi'ltst litrd io?9esstoiiThe icoe let; thereupon cjecte.1 tlie euiperaui e Anclatlon an.t tore dotn a foot trhtee lea,1lnrlo the Manlfrom Hi Wen IT el Lrl le tthil It allow-.- Mr Ailniimto l.niut a I rlU-.- ' from hU mill to the upper end cf theiilnlU, ottr tvhlcl, to ci,rr; Mo aglie

llilf aflirnoin a number uf It, a telilperane peopitftit to the l.laiul rn,l liean to tear ilottu A.lalii'

t.rnUe Xitaius h i.tilt Hiimmoii-- .t the koclett lattter.Mho l'ltnietttl 1. till that Ihe temperance peoi le hxl nnrtitht 10 thtf Winn. I an I that lieinUht forilljlt pretoutthe rieftrurtion of hit hriJe Ht thu time the 11 mpcrmice tnph , who hoil len reti.forced, ttiro altacWinirthe lirslf( 111 aril, t Mr Ailallis tcatlarct acrnttdauaforciMt itrnto them A In tin flhl Juitke lleujuilitliIiorcinuc, llle rrei,l,lent of the Waelifnulon TrinpdhliceAftinctatlnn, Chosen Ireeholder Wlllinin 'I1N. l.eorceX.hlt and other lein.'.rauce men ttcre firm It h,t lrtdauiA t men, and allliomili the) ttere not fenourlyhurt. I hej tt ill make coiupt tint ajctlii't the t(a ten of the

daini party to morrou morning for and hatter

A Gai tVnr Thrciilcncd In llrooklan.Thore 13 much nortousness utnone the stock-holde- ri

of 111 oldtr llroolljn eas eompaiiUi at Ihectianje In tho control of the Fulton Municipal Una ComI any hy which loiue of the Statiitarit Oil I'ompan) cnpltaliiln have come Into po.eslou of tlie majority of theitocfc It U uelietM that a ica nnr U linpemliin;, aujthlt the new arrauemeut ttill enalle the Fulton Mil

nklpaU'ompauy toootaluiiuphtlia, whlth eutera largelyinto the manufacture of lta ita, at aurh low priret as todiat ttnaomers na fait ai the midni are extended

Th- - rapital vtocV of the com ant hai intreatedtoSTl.iM'.iiJO. tthlcl la an Ii rca.t. nf fjl.smuri Ihe reKiptafrom the further Rule rf iteclt ttill ha dctotrd Inextending the piles In eti r) dir.ttlon tthiro It tvlll tiatIt ia undrrtr.Mj to he the nhjeel ot the stnii'lard chlI iinpau) 1 apltalii.li. to force the other companies into aConiohdktU.n( hn that a monopolt mar to mu leof theKa-- buiinehn nf nrookl) iu Tho liett dlru. tori of thacnmiinnt are II llretviter, 11 II Koneri, 11 It Ilithop,and Wlllltui ltocraMI-- r 1 he o'd olll. ers i.r llio rum

liitludlnc II M lier.clltt, I'rchl.luut, an I Jnuiraour.lau Vice Preil leul. hold titer 'I uro hat l.etn a

dtllltie ill the liies of lhv old kal atocklt, II. lattitnu tu'loui liiiu niUuu', H7 ake-1,- l,ij rioplce,kJaikid.-.-- i hit, lln.okbn 10.uked, IKll.li .Nat.uu,U uk"ii l i It.i, M. Ircpiillliill, .'.", ntkul r.ii.u nulliiMkl.uri.h, no ak.sl : hi Ihe Feltou Mimlilpul,li k I" (H"l(d al HI akld. W Lid, hut the dllttluritluau that it i' nor, held at par

Xo thltnti tu Itxpel 131m.

Tho committee of tl.e Twenly-llis- i DistrictI ..nihil. 'Ill U.(m illoll, n'.(.!nli'llo lr llrilieHI!ul:iHii,n Itcu-y- Inimilii, rtis,rliil to thrtlol li'leim111' ti.ut the i lur,i s tt(rc Hue. tut Unit i,.ii JreiixiuI 1 rertmd trom tie rstnt Ixlioil rud could not hi Jliuplliud It r comuiiili't that 111! nan e he ililil.enmini lliu io'I llio report w.ia signed I) I' II KnoxWilliam Mack. WUiiim r Datllnuii, and Or Ii tt 1'

Pr Wnrl tall IhHl Ii" hut requeilnl his nine to hetak.n rioiu Iho r. orl Mi n .riind am.uoiitt report,tvho h r i 'i in, ilid that Pit chnr-'- tl le dliilUa.sl lnalmull ti1 '.'i tr- main wm not a ineinhcr of the ani'nla

Aniollnuto ei hililiile tin inlii'Tily for the liiaJotttp ,. Tl tt its , 'fi rid nn dn lui.st oul of order

Iht rt. o urn Ihiioii that inn irtiui.lit'a nauie hoUrn leu 11,1111 Hi roll ttxsnlnpti I

llifMtnr tn n. in' l, en In'i ii.l tea Hint he tlolntetInn lr,le u' nn iiiIk rihlp III ruiuilns 111 I1..I1 pi lull atKi p )II nn at di Into for state M.IUK I lit pollid ...ixtjKupuhltcail tott

Unbelt II. Pall XII. .lei.Ibibeit H. V.tll l( ft his liomo, Ci Ninth htreet,

llohuV.tu.al s'j ot luck 011 Irllaj ittiiln,' A il 7, itniarkint linn ho ttoull ml If amir ineri ilixn mi lioiirllaaliiiliiiiidriwatpr In Setiulli ateiiui., near I IjicnlliMrrit, III tta lit, a ho hal llitindfl to do, nutt..iknbtii.llenril'thliij ho liii'l lilt there fr tlm I ur

pine of earn In, lln 111 In a icoiirtr In thu a cue nelirht, ,rl.oi Tht.t1 llieln.t Ir.f o lill parenli h in of him Hettes tiiinliwnl In a Leonard ntuet dr jchU Iioiik ,

tthere Ii!) ti'utliUhl) I hoii jht of unl ithiieliU uicciuil.Intel era found ul. ilulely mri.rt li la cui In lint.,hut no htl Iij'iIIk, and ii'ttr to luito ahMiiisI liimatlfIroinhoinettl'lolil u..llfilli.is n'dili II. IslHttiiianil t ill tuini;irl(iLlii tm fnlllti llltlin hull IIvert durk broi.it hair, ll llnxl In tori Ho tti.ro Idaialio ttlllin lows rnitned Idaik lleiliv hal nn. I llu I, It I.ii,.iiil, n iiTlliiihle auinir nonit and n tutlifi

IniiH hook II ihi'd 'Willi's lii iiBiuolii India Ink 011 1I10

(lolluiiit iktii from ilwdiuif rtutc

The Doalli irNuliiimui hp'.Urr.Ho'ii.inou HplUer ot 137 Ponn slieel, Ilrook-l)i- i,

nn uilhicnllil ikrman and an nr.lnil llepuU ail10P 1. in tiaifouiiJ Jtal In hl h d uttl.oriUI'ineofMr I'r.uil e mi ll e'rret W cihlniiioii, on riindnrnUht Httai nrnniippo.ut Hint he Iiu uiiiiuiltti

in lit. Urn lull dl'aiiiiiiituieiit at the fnllim rf Hi- -I

II 11, .I.Med lit Co jreamii.il I M I!ll for III" li 'I' fI ut Mi 1101l.11 rm lialniii auittid Hill In haliUxl

finin'etn ',: lint 111111.1 Mi Hpilt r llln Hutorlitii.t tt.- - I1.111. loiuratt for llllt port inline il t aitrtnre.l lit f lj.lt H ict.lt, I I.. lie liml Inntll) I) lliu1. .i.ali ( 1111 Ii r tr had t.kill Hie' unlrm illirl.iKHn i. l.i.liui'i al low prltii r ipilrI..1.U1.1I I. ill. 111 Hiii.il.lt irhurlal He t n; mix;tlm It. pu iniuuiditlo furl oiikre.i.hul uji.Uf, au.lI.) A M llllt.

'I'll 11 Men l'lit J i il One Winiinn In Iiiitnllint'nla.menioiable iiliflilnl Wiilhick'u old tliej.lro;

tho mail who nun led Ciilcnlo on a bet: tlmKosiuth era0 and Urn Gailbnldi fexui , JohnC. Sti'Mtns and his ' poker pallor" nt tho Hoteldo Purl; how u stable boy beat u Prlneo; nilthe I'avster balls. Heo Nwnhu e,

Vheia arc Yuu (iolusfohuv j our ipiIiiK null ludMtr It will ui iiii lutetho llinilili.ii kiik cut l nt t' at th" I ondi nud Mrirpuol llolhinjf (o Itioadwuy. tormr Uraul nt , uutUum,r;,vviur JUUrt. Lvryruohw jwrfi'.


Mit. vir.nsos nnsciuitns run vnocvssVXUO VX I'lVtt VOMVAXllif,

rjolreut t'omtmnlei rnrtkitaed by InioltcntOiica Hnd Iko Aaaet Abim bed Tho Fritzinenta that Jlcinntiied for tredllori.

Altho tucelliiff of U10 Assembly Commlt-le- o

on ltoccltorshlps yestorday Mr, Henry 11,

Vleisonof Albany, loeolver of Ilto companionin this city, told how llfo Insuianco companiesnro wiocked. Mr. Pioraon Is n ruddy-faee-

gray-hnlro- portly old Kentleinnu, xtho looksllko n well-Ui-d- o farmor. Ills lanuunco attimes, in referring to tho liansactlons l,

was mora forclblo than pollle. " In1877," he said, "I waa appointed tocolxer offlxo compnnles-t- ho North Amorlcn, Guardian,Ilesorvo Mutual, Widows' nnd Orphans', nndNow York State I.lfo, These woro nil roally con-trolled by tho manatforu of tho Universal Life,who xlrtually made tho application for a

of them, confessing Insoltoney."" Well, how xvero all those coinpanles wrecked?

Can you oxplaln that V" said Mr. Enrln."Tho system of wrecking pursued In tho

casoof theso companies la a perfect marxol Intho history of llfo insurance. Boltent com-panies wero nctually sold out to lnsoltent ones.In 1871. tho Widows' and Orphans', a solventcompany, was takon in by a bargain made withIho Mutual Protection Atsoolntlon, which ufter-xvnt- d

became the llesorx-- Mutual I.lfe. llyanother barualu thu Itoserxo Mutual wasBwal.lowed shiutly after ill 187(1 tty the liiiaidlauJdfe. which in lri7'J also tfobltled up tlie evYoikhtato Iilfe. In Maich, 1M71. tlio (lunrdlaiiwas iibsoibed b Hie Universal l.lfe. All thelompaiiles pnssod under one manajfitment.Henrj J, l'uiboi and a few olheis iiiiiiiln themachllie. When I took hold of the lecoltor-shi- p

instead of llmllni; .: J.l." policies and tinliiillliins itssctit. ns xx mill iiiine.ir fiinn the m- -

polls of tin" combined compauios, I found tlioyhad only 9.710 policies iu force ami nniiiuiullt amillion and .1 half asseLs. Actuall) 1 only

ntsiut JIOO.OUO in cash."" What became of thosci assets?""lini must ask 1110 somethinc caslei,"

lioeelxor Piei-son- .

CotillnuhiK. lleeehei Pierson sild: 'Thisststoin of xvrueklnK was tho puichiiM' ot sul-xe-

companies by insolutnt ones, l'orthe Widows nnd Orphans', with neatly

n million and linlf assi Is, was sold to thoMutual Protection. Tlie assets dlsnp-neaie- d

llko ico under a hot sun. Tim policy-holdi-r- rt

wore froze out by what Nkuonii iu In-

surant 0 pnrlance as ' tw istlnn.' "" Kill w hut's that?" asked Major HaKi:ort." Well, ou see. a man insuies in a eompiiiir,

nnd it is jilaivtl bj a ccrlitln plan in bad ciedlt.Then hu is loped Into number coinpany by thesame portions, nud thus loses his reM'rve."

P.eivlvor Pierson then put ou his spectacles,dived Into his papers, und went thiouifhumassof llixuixs in lelation to tho Koith America.Said Iiu: "There wero (400,000 premium loanson tlie assets: $2J.1'J5.U! was rcpoitcil bullonly found $4.027.(. In cash. Ihen l,'J2s.7lKJin Iwnds and mortcnes xvoro reported. I notonly I.VJ7rl.Ap), Of ix'al estate assets, set downns $334,419.1'.). I rccoived $Jl,70'J.b7. bin neversaw HiDthine like it. Still woise, thero was(10,000 at Albany for tho ostensiblo puilcctionof icsistered policy liolders. N. 1. MnrKiinCot 1111 tho leKisteied policy scheme. Whenthe North Amorlcn cot into disrepute iimiiyrcclstcred policy lioliterb were to j:lvo up theirpolicies and take paid up ones which weru notregistered. Then the cancelled rcclstcredpolicies were taken to Alb.ni and tho icseivoon them obtained."" Who committed that fraud ?" nskod Assein-blvina- n

Krvvtu.Well. Purber and company were at tho bot-

tom of It. lmnocted with the concern weroPresident Walker, fatlier-ln-law- Alox Oioon.John II. Itowlev. a man naniod MonUicuo. andothers. Tho Universal I.lfo Itepott for 1877cives all tho names. Why, a million w us gob-bled up in two Jem's."

"Tell us how ou took possession,""Well I went iu one inornliu; and spent all

day trying to Hnd something. When I gotthrough I told I'urbor I had been nppolntodrecolver of live companies, but couldn't findone of 'em. Thore wasn't a peg to hang a haton, or an Inkstand to use. hitch n keeping ofaccount you never c ivv. I guess bomo of themwere kept on their sliiit tubs, llegisterr. weroImperfect. Policies wore called iapsod whenth'-- wero not lapsed, and others called goodwere not good. It was disgraceful. 1 had tocall in all tlie policies at last ; out of 5,000 I gotnlPbut UiJOortlOO."

llecolver Pierson gaxo a list of clerkshim ut salaries ranging from ..".000

a to $1 20 1. ltcceiver Pierson bus sofar draw 11 $.1.1 000 for his services. The relet eo'sicporl showed the liabilities ot the North

Said Iiu: "1 have entered suit against thoUnlvcis.il Lifoanddireetois to recover nearlya million of assets of tlie North America eon-xerl-

to their own use. Why. $500 000 wastaken at ono meeting. It wns difficult to un-ravel theso operations, with books nnd pillarsimperfectly nnd wrongly kept. The nflalrs ofthu other companies are still vvorso. I nm suingMessrs. 8. I), llubeock, bomnitr L. Hiisled. K11. ('hittoiidou. nnd Lucius ltoblnson, tlio di-rectors of tlie Widows' and Orphans', to recoverthe money for tho sale ot tho company,"

" W hen will tliat b settled I"" Well, the length if a lawsuit is something nofollow can llnd out," replied Ilncelver Pierson." I am also suing McCurdy ofthe Mutual Life. You soo, in this sale of theWidows und Orphans'.noither party would tl 11steach other. Ho the Mutual Life actod as stnWe-li- u

tiler. lleClinlt'irot ft'iYODO fur a tuw minutes'work. I recovered (DO.tKHI f rom tho receiver ofthe national bank, which had froze on to thatnmount. and after keeping Jamos 1'reoman inLudlow stroot jail tor aevor&t months, Isiiioe?ed $18 000 out of him and lot him go.

ho owed much more. Altogether, Iraked in (G0S bOI.92. und paid two dlv idends ottwenty and thirty per cut. each to tlio regis-tcio- d

policy liolders. I hnvo (290.000 left."Puilsir was mad. Ho bad an ideal was to

boafiimidly lecelver. Ho told mo if they hadraked hell, a more unfilendly ono couldn't In)found. It vrns tough woik. and tlio lavvjerseamo near killing mo. I earned all 1 lucelved,I only got compensation from tlio North Ameri-ca, for tlie othei s wero complctolyskiuncd, andhadn't a cent lett. in fact, there is not a bonkor p iper ot tlio New York Blato Llfo lo bofound."

Tho examination will In contlnuod

An Ottrnt-- r Witutetl for 11 Mutntni'e llend.Somo one owns ,1 munim's head, which now

tteara an binl.Mtioii'. exi'nulin of one art rnjs andtnn paittdlrt Iu 1 new and ihliiimt taic In the rtulrnl1' irk tlil'.t'iiui rf Natural It tort It ill.. Iliited lo h .toonte hem n iinlite of Peru hut I11II01 1111 ol. nrui.l fit. tutlou, nsc, atx, or con liliou fiom itil a )siirHlii o,an no rue ktiona lt ottm r 1'ri.f ll.iklliore tthot. iuI h tn-- of th- - Miipriim recrit e I it .( too month ma fromII inwti ri. ui t iiiini: nun who lc't no'hliu ht nhlthluInljil 1'' iliii'lrle.1 I'Mitl iirhaiH tin linpiti-io- n of1 1.11th nn. I nu Iiu ipi lit 11.1 11. til he lit ttm nnxloiH toillHp ie i.l tin l.a.l hi 1.1 . Set ilt.rl.cilMift dli ll ut.'tul. nnd it kii.ii l relit He linrtfore It It it i n oil.No one . I(ini,lil It nut! 1'rnf l.ld.uiorc ltdt irti.td for tlio oilii tu tn I be Item! atvalli Ida arrival

Killed In lkl Mfect lj Ihe Miller Totter,The water tower of tlio PIro Depailinent I an

(itiraud klllisl a lunli ul the Cilrmrof Ntir lliamlirsan I Clijtliniii tin ill at 1 oiloik tiMcrdi.j Tin tntttrttni on lta it t from the tu;lne hou.c at t lirtuil.t re nndCVnirt ilrteti to a r.K at IW south atreet, ant tho mantvnn croHMiii: the rlrerl Hi tin. km kid dotvn lit Hierntinliit,' hnre, . nnd liaiiiplui lli'i.n He died nlmo.l Iiumtdiatelt, nppnrenilt ftoni tioiiiuli otei the temple nu I

lit Uie hrenil limit It twt. t itn In the (lak Klro. t ktath ll It wi"1 liol ilti.tint-- l ll tHH HihI if 't llltltl ifid o it nojiiiri ttith liht hitlr and a miiii.lit hi poi.tlti In. Iheilritirof On nnlir totter, W illinni II IMIet,y m airtittd lo a wait t'oromr Itin.li'n exaiiiliiHtioii

Ilui-num'- it'tv rUhcine.

P. T. llainitni baa decided, with his partners,tiliuei X llnilet, mil .lauien I. Iliilihluii.n In hull ii

lait'c inii.isim Iu ItiUt Ity an aoon u ,t Miltnltle ello tnnladttllt.l upon UeiU.i routaitilii it tolhi thin ofpp i iiiiini otiiatiir.il Idlorj Hiiro till' he, xir Itaniummivi aitiiplli aloof Vliiin iiinrtuil a ttni nnro u .nylu I oiidnn A iiieii..io ne nf is tl en'.! un. itlur.'i Hn i.Ire ttill form p art of tin ut tract I nut Mr llurnuiu miii.in h a In e of Horl Tor I linkers tnlnilii'i mi I i hlldi' nlituiu h niedisl III this i Ut, an I that ht Ihluk. It tvoiill.e unilliu. li. ..mill. . i tnf lili llfiiliiii! rllnrU to In a'lhftill until. u und In. tnn I old an I yutiuit

All Ijlmulcd kfllxiurl,Alexander It. lUerrcmiiud, u lespttetnbly

droeitd (ldirl man n ll ti tttnrtliy ci mpl. tlon nu,lIniiv; fliit hoard ttui r.t r It) in.) Hide il. Hit- - .It f

ferion xiirkit I'nlleii I unit rirfiirlhirnni'iii' Hon mtotthcllier ht la a thu fit ho haihr .tl t' Iiu iiinr luiar I

Inn Iinu t kiil'tn Hi iriMinir jpi il. Hn nli I'll lii'lti.. rutin ant utllHli ii.ii ml) , nn I .) Him ht is n n ..I.. of Ml IUIMI... mill fulllll) III Itillllllllk He . Jill t III

Imi.) tlipuilel Iniiiiair hy tei'Chlm ItlnrU'tira nud tr

pining llm il 'nt nud m I e itni a inniiUr f oilu.uie.i iiht'.lra nt Hie II0.I011 ul,llti.

Iinin In 111 d lor Kirn.lliu In .tatuir,Jii'tg.t Wallacu of tlio United mates Clicultourl yi.lildat 0111111 Hid I'.nl ll Hut. I for tolilellil,

III e. ii.lt i tnt.oiworii an I mnwir qiinlninsioiitiriiem hi iroprri) lit u ffertnte heforn I 011 ml. outrDuiiet I'njil u n hoii'Uui in for Menu Mi nn . adl.tilltr ajnllKl ithom tlio must hialei trot Ju lain, lllois,Jilin (liliihtr 1S7J lliil) If.'no mul ol.lnlln I

upon It Inisiit l.iJmi liuuuii.id iirdtitd urifiitii.oroncirnliiit MujJ'a protrlt, l'")d wai tiiitln I)Hcput klarthaUttiimdt ana l tu Uudotulutd uutU tlpuricikluillU ot ctulcutpt.


Tko Htrlkert In Nome lJu;t.t Hitfccuful-W-i- iu

of iew Tark IMnmlirr.Homo tlmo apro a JoluL commlltco of tho

two JumiiMynu'h PlumlxTd Asot'lutloiifl In thodty w.vh nppolulodtn tieut with thuuinpto)In'plumhorfi for un uJxunco of wasos from 13,50 to(1 n day, Tho en.plopiN, too. linvo nn orKunl-ZAtlo-

nnd thouch many of tho prno-tlo-

plundtors nro vrlltlm: to Rrant thoiul van co, nml somo nro non now jmylnt;$3.75 nnd (I. others Htitd tlioy could not nfToi d topny tholr mou Hint price. Thoy, howoor,proniioodndoflnlto nnwur ou Iho flit BIou-dn- y

In April, nnd nftirMrd postponed theiru n h we r to April 21. Till joint commtltuo mndon report Inst night nt n mooting of journeymenplumborA. of which John Gnlhw;hor wns Chnfr-mn- n,

held in tho llotol In Thlidnvo-nuo- ,uhovo Thirty-nint- h street. Tho commlttoo

rocommendod thnt If tho delrod ndvnncoIn pny la not granted on tho 21tUn Mrlko bo txsun. Tho moot luff wnslnrfft'lynttondfld. nnd nftersomo few 8rn'eelnflthorwportof tlu conunlth'o vrns unanimouslynppnned, and it ns dotennliiodtostrikonftrthudnHut foi tho nnsworof thoomplojon InoftHOtho nnwnrl1 unfjnorahlo to tlm journnvtnon. Tho dolay until Aprlt 21 iftankeil by IhooinitloytffN, ho that thoy may llnMi rerlnln imui-tn-

work In bond. A number of now mem-hor-

Hlirnod tholr imnics to tho loll ofHip nBsoelntlon.

Tlm luvrnoM, mukorn oi NVwYork held n mansinrttln lnt night ut Aendomy Unit. :K7 H'hliduonuo, for tho purpono of reoriHnlluu llndriiHtWutIou. A eoiiMtltullon andloud. Thoohjoet of tho ussoehttlon N lo formu put'( tho union.

UMt-wono- N J.. April 1 1. Tho strll.o of IhouliUHsbUiweirt isHudea nml tlm men roHiiiucilwork this moiulng. RoithMuimtA nro to lnmndo weekly und no eiodlt Is tobuulluwedllmm In tho comptuiv'H nkin.

Km i. IUKH. Aiiril 11. Tlio Mrlko nlHhovoJlllNtTMlcd thin moinliiff. thu Hpimmrs return-iu- u

to woik. Tho sltu.itkm ut the S.igniuoioMill toiitluucs unohnnod

routiHRFiPsiK. April 11. Tho Vost hnroUiiilro.id lnloreirt, ut wrk near .hulhnio, wholind Iveu cottlng l,75 poi day. Miuck y

for au advuiKO to $J. Thu enntinctoi hnoto nfcedo to the demnud, nud tho mon

haorult work.riiiMit-hMMtiA- April 11. Tlm oottnn r:oocU

W(':iei- iu iho itoaenboicr cilIK whoMiuekou ueiouut of u uotlionr a lediKilon of fromtwo to three cent per pieci in theii p.iy, haeloturned to work, tlio imip'oiirt m.'i.M'Injx notto make a reduetlou In moto than ouo of thothree. Kinder ttf Ktiods,

Toitosro, April 11. Tlm onrpenters. nhoe,factory operatho-t- . and plute.eii$ ui-- Htlll out.

.y;jj5 rnoM J in: old noitLD.

AutlxIeuUk Ulols In Ituiln.St. rTcnsnuno. April 14. The Governor of

rovlol.M irporta tliat i ifote occitrriJ at lUllaoti (lie Uth lust He limnMlatfl ) rucccdnl llittliorvItti troop lunt iiiccccleil tn nipreilne the illiturbanocF nftrr nm tiur, tut 1hc wre remrwctl ilnringtltr nlKht onUr wni rr (iiIi1hm1 on tho littihy reciifortrimtitn rf trooju Th I'll bile l'roiutnr ha t

at Unit a At Itititshit on tho Uili lut ttic Imhimor the Je we ncre attackx.U Tin rluRicaiier of the n

aIMnt rrt Hrrfttil1 1n' upIos rrporio tliat Mr otlthnut, rrptfentnthp of

thiiMiinilttip td nhl Utiofc.nu.h rt nrrlel nt I.cinl trg,tiler the tho erimr.Q til nftpr nnt wi til t

IIukU to lniiKe nrrunccuiMitii for the eiiiirutton oflL'OeOJt-n- to mcrkJ

The Mnrquli of IKttutly tu the Iollcr ('unit.London, April 14. At tho Mansion IIouu

Volirc Court to itft) th Mntqul of lluntlj tipprnrnl on achnrco r uMnliitiw 'fiM untlcr falfo vtfte ncos fromtin-- MnndaM hank of lliitlh Nouth Afncn tn LmnlonMr ('lark.OHrcn'H'i.nnd forthnprortution, nkrilfurtlio rointtiitthl of thr priHiintr Thicfe nm uJjv. unitJuntil UtxlhtjHlft) Uall wna nllowftl.

Atkluz for n Further Rvalle for Dr, f.Rtntnn.Lonuov, April 14. Tho of Dr. Lam-lo-

fonarctinjj to .sir William V lUrcourt the ftttMatt h Inn far rcrelTcd from thr I'uitM tdtC! in

nUtlon to I iin-o- n a cnt ioint oul tlio fail Unit iiukIitrhtituAio from AmcricM ntmot lo rcrche-- l hv the IMh,ihtlav rfsril for thu j rUutu l i IX lUtlvti, Hilt hv thereCore nlari tor a further rrpitc

Ininll ICrict1n; hit l'nrolc.London, Anril 14. Mr rnrnell hits written to

tliffililor! of HMeral Pari Jouniil rfutns tntcricnsou ttio p rot: ltd that hla parole fnrblJi ccruauetlCAtlonuilh nrrnoiid contiwtfil with politk'-- i

Kltranl hhlcl thj llouu Kuie ranllUte for the arantaat in the Coimmmi for Mcath was returiuil lodarUIoitli)tU

Driiinndlnir I'rntrc lion for NinnUh InJuati'i.Madrid, April 14. In tho Chnmborof Dopu-IU- n

toJa wui ou the ranco SpatiUhtrtot of comuifrce He'mr inetntir fromI'atitionli ileum iu! ol protettinii fur all hra'trhfM of panlli itKluntn, inhllna thit without prutcctiou tin. iuJiiA-tri- t

cuiiM uot exint.

Tke Cmr'i luclffc Intenlloin.Vienna, April 14. Tho correspondent of the

t St I'tterahnrs ! a proinliunt porfoiiae willprocM-i- l to Itfrllti au it una on a contl Irntint rep

ri iilutWe of the iur, to roncj uioet i1itiiut osiurancfit of KusMaV pat lie

Ir. Oanx lUtrmllted.LoNims. April 14. Dr. Can, who bn been

cxtriillttHl to the Netherlaiiilt to answer rhrs of ohtalnlinc umiiej undirfalie pretncci, w ill ls eacurtej toKutleidatuh) i tiiglih detectlie He started toda.

The Tcnnnrtte Hearek.Irxuthx. April 14, Limit. Hmlier hn loft

here for tliAitortli taasMKt In the north for the inininjoflUt r and crt w of the Jeannette

llntlwuy Xermlnul Improvement nt Oswego.

Otwrao April 12. Tlio Dolaware, Laekawnn-n- a

and WifUru Iluilrosl Coinpany aro preparing tomike larie tirtninal iutpruiuieiiU at thu port, iu Wewof thonrnr rompleilou rf thf oiilarcM WIlml tVnt.11 he tan UUl ho ti krautnl frrerl.htof no throujlittiiMli) to the new lurhorjimt t1nihed h the Ootetninent ut th$ cxptnitoof iierly flOino, wlre lirctt(oalpmkrt ure to lo eroded, at which of thudipestt1riuifht ma Ion Tho plan bln iuiludes thtintihtriu lluii of a Inrer sralu eleator lthMalo treti

tu rrmovftiV uUuv nf the Koim Vpirrtovnand d.di ni'lnirc Hilwnj from Uuiuo tu thU clt and therunlrt fur lieu nho h to I e tuillt tms In n let Th N.Wik Ontario nnd Wentern Ua11a t'oinjivn hnetLontplrtrd ii Uilc coal Iriitle tu n . and luoo toiuinvKOi I to

hip the Dcliiwtiro nnd llulkon Conip.ni i conlfc h lake

A YrrtlUt Vr HIO.OOO Asnltit HtVop Uim r.Tho huit brought by tho Ho v. S.imuol I.

II unibti unltot HU'top WUMiuilI Kjr rUludni, fXii'for an alhMol lihel tuut.ilinM In a )tiiijhlth!wl h Hlnhou lime and aint lo him to mrnih'-- ofthe Uuurd of MiHlotin of Hit' Ihi id ( linn It iitt. i ittrl vl lxtiiii. K wffLn. wMtrd'i) In u ir.lhtfor lln ilnlntinr for fio.m tliejun, Un I

riturMliiv uUernoon, did n t emip to nu h.t ini ut until.tothu k ji-- tt r.lnv innriihu The nt t'.t- -t pto.-- ttii forphhitftlu Inlntirt tin full iiinotiut luiiHd Hnlluofcr

ouh u'n fnuMiiniH i lit an nrt runteitin ilulnthr mi txtriKllowHii.vor''"'

1 hi In irli l' upon n moOtui for it tun in hai t tea i

diiuii fi i tilt. I ith ol Mm

Death otllr llmklnr lliivott.Dr. Vinson dludut hU loldeiifi. ll!l

Wot Port fourl'i etrcit MI-nla- j nlhr n protrnctcd itlm Ho imjh l"i iinfN td I a niMlit it tMtl , un tho mil) fonnfth. l' Mr TrAItu Mni.i I

wut ti cn lu in of ( oltiinl . i tillti.' of Hu 41011 unitl'hklnn,, nu hitd httli tm n. lid jcurn t rT "fct'rIn Itwlle, 11. Metlkal ('nllt m Uie lutn ml w 111 tnhi 1), tlit a Mm du tryiii thu mtjr . i, I in. t I'r kiivt.iUttChi till, the tiiteriuent to he iu t!rn nwood C'tu tUr) .

Itllcy l'rcpiirDu; I'm 11 Ituip.Oswhtiti. N. Y.. Apiil Ll. A man who In on

itiiimiitu lriui with ltlle,tlK nn nun ) he I prtpiulmi to row Pmih of Nnui Sio'ln in intie nn I

IhluKi that llil" ih tho p ir f foi , hl h I'.llov t'ouiiticv nnd liiod Iihi tful xrm iom to n.e Uku .Neahlavvonu lulf lutlc from I ii i it 111 llott mouth

'VUv IlfioihlltHii nml the 'I'nrWr ConuuUiInn,

VHiiiNnrrtN. Apill U. Tho Kep'iMIMn Heii-- r

k utiiltxi ha I a 1 uncm to niwht. and n nided tn j 4the 'Itailir t'diutulo'loii hill i ft'Min a the di hiiie upon ItJUuUhid twas alo rilcd lo ttlKr prninj t a lini

All It- pari uit pen Ian iii"umm . au I to hoi nijdtHrdlmm u hi 110 l raelii able

Mhoulnir Signs uf J.tli rterker rituerol.Cinia.iMON, V.i.. Apiil It. Ml-- i .Ictiklu

ofltliMMmk tipnrriitl Ul U j Insl Moiduj, Aflirthu fuutTut nrhifc whiltt hi r fiifiiiU ii'rr ti.kmx nUI U Of lltt V l ll'i'Ml'i Ht IP l.lM-- t tld un I

!.. Witt laktll homo lull iinoiN lift mu ttil le

llltol ofii llriikrii otr.Win. Hut ton, )U Laf iutto aenuo HtonklMi,

Minuli.nl ilJHIVarl .Iml um- - Ijfllnw h kr d ofort (UmJiit nt hit idon win il f. up m I Im f

01 in? lln H . lie itu I iii thu hmiihiriMietl llusiitul

lln t Siihn t ltlunl'i.pn nd. O , April 1. Tliofinilh'M Mi

nuiittii loMHil ti Juj n outtPonivu if?.fr. ut I. H llionHuto ul lUoudeil llnre,

(VniUN My April ll.-- W II W1U011SbiiltMd hoMtK to tin) 11.1 tintul tl I I ilvr 4 loud



Another Kxclte Hill Proposed Dally Lnwtloiirnnl for Jrnuk1)n-I)- r. Ilyd PoliceMnlrou Hill Pushed ThronaU the Hennle

Albany, Apiil lLAwcinblynuin Sprouorolntroduood y Mr. Mahoi'B KxcIao bill,which hu boon Hlumborlm; In commlttoo. Itropoala tho thrco-be- d chiutoof tho proHont law,nud prohibits nrbltinry urrcsta. It will loproflsod by Mr. Hpraijuo In cao tho bill pAet)dyoBtoidnr U rojoctod by tho Sonnto or votoodby Ihodovornor.

Ansomblyman Hlokmnn Introduood tho conRtltuttonal amondmontrolntivo to tho judiciarythat was pawod by tho Loctslaluro of 1880. Itprovidus for detailing Judfiofl of tho HuporlorCourt and Court of Common Plean of Now York,tho City Court of Hrooklyn, and tho SuperiorCourt of Buffalo lo hold circuit nnd spoolaltorma of tho Supremo Court nnd Court of Oyornnd Tornilner. If tho amendment Is nnpacri tythin Locidlaturo it will bo voted upon nt thonot iron oral elootlon.

AHombIymnn llroun Introduced a bill provld-Ini- ffortho t'mphmontof touchorn in tho city

of Now York who lone tholr positions on thodfhconttmmnco or consolidation of bcIiooIh onnecount of docrca'MMl attondanco of puplla.Under tho prosont law no provision la mndo foreuch touchers. Thin bill proWdoa that no nowappointments can bo mado until Mich teachersaro llrnt proIdod for.

A bill for tbo oAtnhllshmont of a dally lawjournal tu Brooklyn was Introduood by Sir.Slianley. It prnvldon that law talondarsandnoticos in Klm;s County Rlmll hoteafur bu publlnhi'd in t Iilr jourmvl and that $2,000 bo

ajipropriatiMl by tho city ami $2.1KH)bytlic county to pay for tlio ukioum of publishingHticli calondtirfl and uotIeH. Tho paper plumrhurffti n RubctlptIon prion of not moio thmIG pur mimim. Tho Jtihtlco of thoSuptome Coin t in tho wond di'itaitmont theChief Judfioof tho City Court of ilrooklyn, nndtho (;ounty JutUo of K In.ua County Hlmll UchIjc-nat- o

tho paper.Mr. IJrooKs oiTeied a resolution, which wa.s

adopted, (.ailing on tlm Auditor of tho CanalDepartment for tho following Information:

When the cattnU iro put iiiiharuoof thaSuperinttiidint of I'uhlic Worku

2 thu tolnl iiuinher of milci of canal thdi In uiea The amount paid eai li iar fur salaries and emiiiei, and to w horn paid4 Ihe .unmiut pull fur ?alarle and expeme of eneli

drputj upcrlu(eu!etlt u'.mi ihrk lure for each supctintindtnt and deput MipcitutetixU nt

A 1 he number of miles of cuimls ahaudoned in the lastthne jtnrn

Thn 1111 rnfitilrlnif Vw Vm k nml rttnn1.1vn inpny fl.'iAiiUUfi for tho completion of tho EastHler JJridro was f.nor.ibly reported in tho

without amendment.AHombljmnn (Ireon :ot a petition y

fllcncd by 10.HH) women for a prohibitionamendment to tho Constitution.

Dr. llo)d pushed a bill through thn Sennto to-day proIdinir for tho appointment of two ma-trons to caeh police htutiou in eltlca of oerlUU.OOO inhabitants, benator Titus t;ot Buffaloexempted fiom tho proWylousof tho bill. Thomationrtam toet Iho same pay aa doormon.Dr. llod think") tlioy aro necessary to lookafter femato pi K01101. who cannot bo cared forb mTi. Tlio mations will cost New York citynhouttSOuoo a ear. Iho bill will moet withutroutf oppo-itio- n in tho Asnombly.

Tho Isew York and BmnLln UtoIao bill,which pas-c- d tho Assemblv yesterday, wastinnsmittnd to the rtonnlo this morning:, andrefened to tlu New York and Brooklyn Sen-ator aft a upcelal committer. It Is underatoodthat uoameudmcut Utobomado lu tho Senate.

Tho Torty-seeon- d Street ltesonolr bill andtho bill nutuorMni; the Seenth Boclmont Vet-eni-

to hold ii'al citato woio passed in thoSenate

'I ho Assembh .TudlelaryConimltteowlllVitbrfKk and Wnnl Investiga-

tion the latter part of not week. Tho commit-to- o

Is haul pushed with work, nnd Isombtr-rnt!it- d

by the added burden. It Is probablothat a will tako most of tho tes-timony, but thoro Is htrouff pronsuro uponChahman l'oiteher to Inducu him to tako perbon.il chaise of tho lnostIcatlou.

Prnmlftlntr Outlook for the "Whcnt Ci-o-

Civcinvti. April 14. A man who has justcotnj Klod a tour throujli West Vlrglnhi and Keutuck) ,

reports w ht at as lotAing better and more promiin thanfor care audesja that unless there li souiedrawbavkhereaftf r, the crop v. Ill e licmj

The Ohio crop report for .pril, which wlllbc iss'tcdiarl next mcA, contains 3 reu of the uhcatsltuatiitimthe crent v heat cf nrtiiir stntci, and of tne tport nn theprohel le export tinman t The re ortuhonstlnl . had lJtao"VJI,l',tArielt.a wheat to poit fromihe ro.t of is) than fr mi that of Ipso, that our rtalruriluH tn alrrnd) moro than (xhsiintrd, that the factthat ocean stcauurs aro pa)liu a premium on wheat toueatiHll t shows that Hip export stocK is txhaiitled,that tht prerrut rnhahiluico in the winter wheat

tatm are hettrr tnati thv were ft ear ftiro hut not socoodastwo jcnr no and thnt rrices are UKeU to re-main arm een after hnr.ent The .Secretary does notnvard the effect of the cni y frots as alarmlnjr, lhou;hit ma dtininih the aerae three or four jcrctnt.

A JUrqucst to Mrs. lHx Contested.Wllllnm Hemy Veoy, who was for somo

ran Lulled Statts Consul toMce died in that citj onPec - lfl A will dated April J, 1877, made severalsmall Ix.'qucbts.tn friendd, and thvn directed that theret of Ida estate should be gttcn to Mrs Catherlns Dix,wlfeofflen John Dix. Mrs Dix applied tn the

of New York fount fur letters of administrationupon tlio (li.a M Ii teer of lennissee who sasthnt he Is a coiiiii of the (U rdent, contests tho will, attefilm; thnt It wan not iropctlj txecutti, nud that it wastut thu testator s will

11 (1 It lischerof MnssAchtietts,oneof the wltnespesto the will, was examined jeMerdar lIetetinM thatthe will wns executed In his presence, and that of theother witnesses, ilol ert hchulti of IlruMCl and Alexauder Maidouald of Canada.

3Ira. Cooper Xoteortkjr Teacup.Mrr. llulcuft Cooper, who kiops a boardlns

lioitse in I. nit Thirt) fifth street, acsincd one of her iterisntn In the orkll!ti Police yesterday of ha Ins stolenand Riiuu awar a valuable teacup said to hare beenpuluted by the r.mpri'fcsof Austria the (.irl hatim; acihttntt-- liroVi n the fnuecr Mie nUo detr-- a enarchwarmnt for the oxamliiatloti of tho maid's trunk Ihesi rvant almltti that ihr JiroUe thu hlna.ntid fat I that,frWhUtiM nt Ihf auidetit h a'tM.pt d to ouri ai heifu'tl Kettlni the loinpHiiion pee out of the honchi snl-- l pn.udl that htn wiuld ulhw her trunk antctothuu to b u ear heJ withuut n warruut. i nihld for trial

llnnj O. dunei'i .Stock l'urcsiwci,Tho -- tock s of Harry O. Jones.

now outrlaMutln Kittjs ount iviurtof Sit.!n t.rallied hti1, in Hu thtjfl of hi- ! rot.ir in I iw tlA W Mr irl, fmm th funis of th- - Kroeklin ofI. liunMoii win dilitlli I to th- - Jur nmerdav h WinA WiltiHtun if tlm nrm of DuXtr Howell a to VS

Urou'.uro tho nlject 'f tho I uimim fin., that theirotiiNUof th "pjnotis wiirrnnl, whl hwit ihrltlimiuh tlm l stitlc llrt Uiuk an) hu lit to Ion. A h

indtt wen immI lo h'm for tlm pun huc tl MiukIho tih.hui shnwt-- nit Ioihp hol utin. I itoi.kioutruht iu h M from lot tu ' thiir.H IMh ul itloii4i.it u hd toer llvo ir nn l hU at count iilhd ti uhdv.er ' t pnii one trnna tlou in I no cto a l

lonlMl - 'lln l IiOi .UU Ml Will Uu0 lU i ji hytut luih la.

lntci iititloiuil I.l I ci in y rhithK.Thol'r'Mdfiit liaatultt-M- l i tholfoui

a h'tti r from i!i h iitur) f Man r iiiimiadin.' nn ivpproprlnlu'11 itFI'ion in c ti.jli en lit thm .ie lfp nl n dlr ifon ml tip ni.im uliir.iuol ml uitif n h a liioiki (nt udi 10 in Ututn tl .

ihnnt if publh tMt.nuii ti(K odii (ulriporto, traiii- itthmiof pi it utKH cm h tl ii nu I all rtlmilnr pi I II 'ttii s l thetiiovruin nt ii'il'i tiiliid iltui and 'hu iiotriauvi.t--of tin olln koiiutri i of tho world

Two Tr.ilus Meeting ou h MmkIc Track.KuwitiiuJii, April 11. Two trains, an in.

I nnd mil nn outA'onu iriuht, met u thnSiulCtn(kof 111 .Nt wt utih briuirh of th I'rie ioitthU nfieruooti nn I l'ie n'r hrik nt nm pre-ut- t liiiti.r Kh it i tit j t tuiui h nu t thi lu In. t.ir ol thI ienvtrtr on wc-- ioiii lrublji hnkiii

IAKt3 I.sn I.VW.

P. II llni-tal- .' muol f. r Ut- - l.tnu M111 r.ntlroill'nni no 'ill t t lii ItMl ulihoiuh lhiohnd hwnHoint luh 111 tfiMili nvtry ot thndtt. ul the North HhtpIt iilro id, the cniiipniv woiill h i rvll iuc hittlt I

tu t nud ion mini limn itu on lh' roiu hy Mon oUM II I rhilhiultr n oinu mull cnij hotd at thu

depot of Ihe mi it ItHiI'mi tt III Hi. I I'oiutht Ixen tu dlf.Hlllil liilhi luilipUO firf iO lln t nmli1aM011 will tnktt phu t to dio 1" If i'Uhtnd ('It Tin tl n ml r tj Ik lot Hu nwiu,. pi iiufi J ill .New oi). iit

On f if ihe hud Hniof Ihe tniinth 1111111 tieur lHl(uli'Mti mhh hiirm Ihurx ln Ia Joop

Aie hunou, Mo , on fhimdbt iiltfhl. Imtn irl nhloi h f I iilii hoiivi liouUhtk h "h fiy'i'ii ii,hprm J ilh rerUU hpldar flnikii

1h' Hiu uillt or ll.rt.ri Hi. nm, h in iii. 1,1,0Cuii tit Mi' h wit hut m I vcnUi lu Ihe tiUht w id hlumi ilulniid Unit he i ui LuiifroiMtil h ihuc iukmIvi'I111111 tun of niit.ih hld him, nu t the third llrcd Hu mill

m f.inioiiXh mill id ihe dt'if nrille Woolh ( mpnio In Smith

lUJ It I wim Initio I nu lhurJa) iilplu with Ihe I0IU1houiu and a IKi d'lii'iiijiil bio K. Iht Inr?i hour litiKliojt-- ? ni !lwlctin t I Ihe ml" wad f loin tourun I a hull toi Ih.Ij and riutiiim-- tin mti ir milttniirr iiiuniii tm (nm 1 iass.i4(ii,s rh uml Io ltMililtlld it JTiiiSi

Die I'lmlmU llinise tint Hit Opera Hone in TJiiiTtllet'u wen hiitnid t iiiidit) luonitu no I Ihe Hrunbtr,Until and Wntewli'fi utiltdes wero hi rloml dutli'Kttl Ihehuuraiui) will nit uivi-- tt Ihe loss uti thtu eia IIuuhu un the rnrnlmll lluiui, I hi llottl llruuswick wUUh Is owmd 1) r t iihlor Mnh rts with thvOpi niI dm it-- w.ltpiutmhlv' berebulll Ihu lotl l fullrLvw, a volvitvT cooiri u buiicj la His rums.

sitLLiso iruiTK nothsxs l'vnxiTVitnAn Aucllnn tn "WMsklnainn tkat Attrnotrd

Klro Thousand l'erioni."WAfiuixoTON, April 14. Twenty-fou- r loads

of furnlturo nnd olhor hoiifichold artlcleatakon from tho Whlto lloufloweio sold ut publicauction This wns tho first Halo of cant-of- f

artlclofl from tho Whlto Houso since Presi-dent IJutlmnan'fl administration. Tho crowdIn nttondanoo, which ineludod reproBontntlvoaof tho army, navy, ConirrcAB, Oovornmontclerks, tradofimon, and HtafT ofllcors numberedfully 5.000, nnd durlnc tho proaroM of tho Bale,which lasted four hours, tho blddlnc wns

tho prloos obtained unuHunlly hlt'h.Tho ofToctw conslBtod of tho cntlro furnlturo oftho KiLHt lloora. much of which was worn andmoth eatmi. aw wna albo tho Croon Itoom furnl-turo. A part only of tho Hod Parlor furnishingwas sold, nnd thm wa in bottorcondltlon. ThocarpoU from tho prlvnto dlnlm? room and fromtho floor of tho lone corridor In front of tho llodItoora woro alno pold.

JJeldo3 carnoU nud parlor sets thoroworosold hntr mattios6es, maps, chandollrs. mar-ble mantels, bureaus, hodatoudfl, two hlhchalra for children, orderod by Sir. Hayes outho occaalon of Ills wifo'a nloco's woddinf.marl)lo ton tabic, loathor-covoro- d sofas, otto-mans and dining room chairs, n lot of whltomattlne. a plaster chart of Han Domingo, cus-pidors, lace curtiilns. nnd old Iron Btoos.

A good alzed Keographlcal Klobo, oneo thoof Nellie Grant, called out many bids.Rroportyrat trnna were disponed of. IncludlUK

tho hlstoilcal ono in wlitoh tho rat that eatPresident Lincoln's suit of elothos waa caught.Tho ealo realized about 16,000.

M'kni lllnlno Ueslaned In South Am oil en.WARiiiNnroK, Apill U. It BoeuiB lo bo

nroml that HUtlnc meant war in order to re-

tain his plaeo In tho Cabinet, und for no etherreason, us ho repudiated both Shlphord andIlurlbut on tho samo d ly, Dec. 3.

IIIsendoHVor to put tho Grunt people underobligation through Landroau was Lo bo anotherlien on tho Ktato Dcpartmt ut.

Ho would lmo absolutely con t tolled oentshad tho war commented under huch clrcum-Btnnco- t.

This Is rather inconsistent with his Inst Inter-view In tho Washington W. in which heMisthat tho Idea of nwarwllh Chill Is absurd; butcontilstoncy is not tho weakness of thuthortofstatosmeu.

Tho Houth Carol Inn Klcctton Cnaea.CrtAitLrsTON, April 1 1. Tn tho election easos

to day Mr J It Ahnej made thecloplnft speech in (efeiie of Hates and others District At torn oy Mellonmade the closing argument for the prosecution Judge,llond.ln his e liars , admonlihed tin jury to free theirminds from psrtlanhlp ami prejudice, nud dwelt upnnthe linportnnco to r risen Iiu the puritj of the ballotbox llo told them that it wan the rlht of the aeruted

n rn.ns and of tho (ito eminent to hnelhe lndlidualulKiuentof each Juror, and that a erdfet reaehed h

t on a ninjorlty vote whs unlawful The jurymust, he snld.tle tlie acetified tha tunc fit of eory rea-sonable duuht, and. while they should hi' careful that noinnocent man wa comlcted, tliej slmuld he emtall

to allow no guilty man to escape The jurythuu rcut out, and at u o'clock had not returned

Hrlbcry In Iko Mnasncfauaetta T.eslslntnre.BosToy, April 11. Inadebato In tho Hottfio

to day. on amotion to reconsider tho reference to thonext LcntMMiirc of tho bill authorizing tho llotton andMaine Itail-o- to maintain its clevaUd tracts betweenFoincrv.re and noton Mr Brown of llcston In ado-latlii-

the reconsideration, said that ho could protltnewitnesses to whom the attnrrtvof the Catrn Uallroad.n rival corporation, Imd iud that he had defeated thebill In the (lnui. mid that If he had Leen ul en two da ainnn he would hne defeated ft in the Htnate MrAllen of L nu said that to hU pirnnnal know Itdpe, tholobbv of tho Hotoii and Matn Ititlronl li.trlewed amctiiher this morning and ofTcrt-- that member a earlypns If he ottll chaneu hhote rho reconUUraUon

as then refuned, and an order, hy Mr.Andiewa of ltoston for au ln estimation of thv ihnrseof briber wasadopted, and an iiiMstlgailnc committee appointed.

Gultemii Ahuslns hla Ilcliitlvcs.WsniNOTON, April 11. Guitcaxi is out In an-

other card, in which ho denonncts his relatives interms "Had they all diwl, lie sas, "twenty

flc yenr a so It wnnlt hae hern a ccntstiid to me " liecharcc Mr ScoilIc w ith ndejlro lo get coulrol of hU((lulteau's) hook, ant as he hn alnadv pnhl Mr Sen

llle J7, whtfh ha nt rs In more than hU allege! srlcrs are worth (Ji.ltc daims thnt lil cse tnisht

hae liad thobcnetHof great lecalahitIO if Mr btoU'ehal not lnrvrrptc-- letter from lawers ttuderliu theirsi r Ices, and thort-b- elbowed competent touiuel off ofthu case

TLe riooil In Dnlrotu.Karoo. April 11. Tho dnningo done oy tho

flood here is otlmated at $I00,oy The mill is kneedeep throughout the city John Modlan's warehoime iunder water, with lO.ootj worth of Arming imiil.MnentsTho Union K!o itor with its rotl store of wheat. Is iudangtruf falling The Urn din teator is half uuterwater, and banunt are riouUd eeryw here

The riood is now rapid., receding, and 110 fuitbrtrouble U apprehended As the waters tleeliii theilamnjeheiomes more apparent and wilt probibly ac.rcgate I vy MJ

Indicted for Accenting llrlbes.Columuus. Ohio, April li. Tho Grand Juiy

of I ninMlu Count this eenlng returned Indictmentagainst Ucpresentniie Willi tn lilnch of Clee!anl rndUeprcsentatha W A Wruht of UocMng iouut.cltarred Mith accenting hrllies from l.bhlts lnttretellu curtain canal schemes in Cincinnati Two indictmentswere returned against J I W atson cf Cincinnati, who ischarcM with bribory t attempted briber., of niemhersAll thre were arresud and placed in thecouut JulL

Anotker Deluoo In fjonlalnnn.New Ibcua. April 14, Tho situation hero Is

appalling rhe height uf the flood above tldo water isnenrly sswntern feet On tha t&stsldoof the To he.from forauvili to rattersonvllle iu) miles lu astraight line north and south, is u lake etw Hug fromwest to east toths high ridges of Haou Lafourche, fiftymiles wide ThelosMs iu crops, ntock, Ac, are enormous

C'alp S milk's Hope of HcprleTe.Nr.w Hvvr.v, April 11. Judge Hitchcock of

tlie ci it MJuitf tho ?uperioi Court dlsmUicl jctdnlayafternoon a petition for n writ or liaheas corpus iu thi(ai of (hip Smith, senttmed to be hanged on Mm f.,ho ling that thi p'tlthm lniild gu to tho crlmlu il toofthecouit Counnbl for .smith look a'l exception, uiiwill go to the .Stii nme Co trt

A MUMuir l'nd?rluL.er.Tr.ov Apill li.-- C P. Dr.iglo. umlertaler.

eenUrted to im month' imprl.iiTnt for pre.ntiiixfraudulent hilU In lbanv Cf iiuty. ha riUapnuard. Hewns nlmittl to hull heiiilln? thi a. tin if tho ( ourl of

lienl- - whli.li hn nntrnutl bin oim.'ttuti, Uri ,to inllm at i. J hi In'c'Htun of yotii, tu I aim tiInlttfiinnt sirlet Fevrr In Iterk Conuti.At 1 us tow v, P.I.. pril ll.-si- nco .lanuary

Ut nnlliiusnt form of rUt r. ci htt hem int.nu inUotiriown in the lowir end ot Iirk Cnunlv t'nr af. w Mnk ihiiH hat Ijocii 01 i.eniki f twu or thrudinthf dnt, and ut priMiu (to r is I nt littk ytat- u.eht.

AValUcr Unit ut Amber) to o Keliueil,Amhi i:sr Col nu Mn . April 1 - riituigh

moni Imm pni urol fur tin n h ill tin,; t Widurllnll win h dm I uriif inttit1.'. an th. w.. k w llhi bin at noon , the lituiu of tint n i.iiu taiuSi'ili--

Mnnliiue vltk 11 llet.i-ui't- l IVII'oS Mter,On Aj -- il (.In tlio 1 the

I ill ndlot a m rr !... i wIm ndr wd wtf ii r w 11rvud lorthk U.ii tlmt ami uiinl by it otccf .11 ' 11


Unj ir I rtw taken a Mimmerr dti Unr h n CiIho mil ro.fi u' evi.iiilnatioii of thr hum whn h in id

the liiktu 4 tu the lahr linnH at ii hutim nu liMhiti;a nii him into the iimmI .o.ii iiu no tihhln 1.

Tin Coriu.i-- r Jur In tl an- - nt Mhirlti" v ,rtrn4S whoi lnmittid mi lb lo inWin. arioue nt Mi

oul Mre U istiie la r. tun a t idn f si.li i li1h i'uoiir ciauit i It aw to Mr tiiii tfut m t miniuter nt tin i'ark Ihtunro for uhuin s'iv ha kipiliutiHt, tu hut Iho hoi,.

mm TfMih a now roir.v.K tra-- uie tnt.tlnlnin.nl an I i c tlon w ill . he

iiu i nm, in Iwracb iitirdiii fur the bttuiHtt tet;utaii rrfugeeaIhe Aiul Miiiiotinl) b'lu.n nf Ui9 rimiuth A mhhwin hoi a intalit on Mon tj i.iiiiiig

In Ih publn 1.11 II ill.1 din I'.oUrOoii aretlnd imrthnnt fumrl of the

firm of hi hi in k It Kin if irl tin dld at hi rN'l-Wia- t fhulv snoiil ftrni tiilhoioiitittli)iiir1 f hi asy

Jmliiiftit if ahsnlulA dl.rce gTiinUd b lud eTruax in theMtptrt ,.uri mi tha Mount of ninnuiiutllilltv, wns iiUd ir..idi 111 fuvur uf runtile MI ra7r from Ullltam i.i

Mr 1 Hi rlo tin I nu th spe ul'iunit lu thliI ll lur the ah if 11 uliloti, MutJlti .. l o ulluiitlnii- -

14 dh i l ui 11 ) it mi liMith stru t Vt ru) .thoWMit giMH) iio.ik nu ppi ih i

t Irnoir nl tifmnla quintitvof4 llU'l,ht ill hi I rMlB w ilh HOI In t n f iS I ott oI I a trunk on,, 1114 u n i'i th r who (raviii t uwmilu re itul I'm - ills ti tiueii within Id

Tin nut khi I 'ti Vi ihii oil f ,l Vf irl tr. . t

t.nnii mi ir iIhM wu mi lt!p. 11 r in id' ion1of the MuiiliuilM Un-- 1. hi ( mpii (ell d.ud atI wrul lrl h etn.ul a Ha ml huim ) tnli rdv

C I A t II IiuvumiM U writiu hn poiu al umliiiMto dur uv ih ny tH, in ii uf Mm an I

t Innm mhr ihu m of miirs an llinaiiiit.'i.rs n,i llnur li.r. r ti n li ouht (0 utry litlrrivllii?Uaa K Arnullif Ih uni vll dMir nn n 1.1 rt nt

tin-- cUhti'ut.lh aiiiilvMKbi nieMiuu l Uu . v tOetiraloiftcsl nu Ml t 'inphiL 1! h I. Un" cjiu, atI'i t IhtrH llrt st in t ou tU'JiiiiiM tiib,r. UikuIiiuntuf t'Piitrtu Uurlug lie KtttilllMi

Military men will tin I the fi.al.fM and niul UUl'tU

LIFE IN THE MET110P0LIS. iiflDABirm mnm jki tukms nr tub &wfm

vHt flHFrench's Hotel Proimnneed VnalV-T- h VIU e CjjS

Inn Nnpurtlnff On Corner 11 centred to WM QMht lVot Htron Knnusjh Tho JtemedyV Tfm. VjfflH

Charles KInkol of Iho Bureau of Inspection M IUof llulldin's ni ported yeAtordny that ho had 'sL'jKisBInspected Fronch'q Hotel, nt tho eornor of jffKsflChnthnm nnd Frankfort strocU, und had fllllflfound tho building unaafo. Tho hotel waft 'vBBhulltin 1810, and Ih boven stories hUru.andof jKIbrick. It linn a front of about 75 foot on JSuVRhChatham Btroot, nnd a dopth on Frankfort IWWIPfitroot of 145 fcot. Tho Inifoelor cortlftod that IIRU:tho building Is unsafe und dangerous In th jffilwijfollowing particulars: !2??w

On the northeast corner of said hotel Is anornspne4 5n'IfHSSitwenty ono fttt wide, and tho whole upjicr paru atx UfHrijl'stories brick work, ll anprorteit hy two brown tna ItDn'iMcolumns which are oterlomfed hy the above heavy brick (alfirilCwork. Hald bulhllng must be tnada aafe ky taking out Trlli'iijllthe two brown stone columns and potting In heavy east TuklHilHIron oolumus of sufliclent capacity. rStLfl

Tho nortlioiLflt corner of the buildlnpr hoooN lmBicHfld In tho report Is a dead wall, without either, 'tilKBiHthe onon space or tho brown-alon- e columns l,.rrifl!Lldoscrlbod. It is evident that tho ropoit refers flyto the oolumns suppnrttnp: tho stono ontabla- - yg :tuni oer tho cut ranco ut tho southwoflt eornor w irftHof tho build Inc. Thoy aro of brown Htonn and mnRjflof nltout olffhtoon Inches diameter. There nro U wmWuocrackn in tho ontablatuio. nor In tho brlek- - m EHHwork aboc, nor any other ovldencos of woalc 81 KpHnow tn the support. tsj WuM

Mr. French, proprietor of tho hotol, wild that HVISRIIhe had nothlnc moro to say than that no In liWspector had Inlted thn hoWd to otumino It. and iiiOJSyinnmoNor ho belloed that tho bulldlne woa '$j Ijjflperfectly Kafe. ,v RHJ

Air. J.ovt Huria oritenrt und I'octcel. t UPIMr-)- Kinina Rloin, it tleUot taker In a lloivcry Jf IIiuusetim,appcnre.1iti Jetferscn Mnrkit Court ycHrdny gviLnl

to answer tnn charge initio hy Julius l.ej struilling ffiwlfiMsa'.vtinan lie said thnt he litvit conrlcd her fur a lonj il'fistffltime, ant o returning from a trip uhout nine month In'sPfjvB

surprUcd to find thnt wqm marriidto I if wSxi mLh irtesSIonn, a conjurer He sail that she 1 rofijaa- d RtB!3rBto to jhlin helttr than her husbind, and imnentwl to .cJiMaKlBelope with him Last TueHday iimritlnj. the went to .$OSflM

onkirit He took the mlldiv train hnck In New Jvs EEliJlYork to t.ttcu to soma btipl ictn, lalng fl'Ki in hur TiflEQJfliOHufllnn In tin evening, on returning to linkers. wlVUhe round that she hn gon' bark to Iter hubard In hl I&'swJkIopinion the whole atT'ilr hal leen a scheme to iwln.tla icEHBhim Justko l.llbret'i sud It keemed to Mm ihatth B

mnn who went after woul lud been shorn. The case llf nwuMwas dismissed. JltuSiJfl

An Old Kmployee'a CVinTvaslon. IflfflVCharles Martin of 111 Monroe street, who has liHllI

lieen for over twenty j ears a for (leorgeV Heckcr 31 roHACo.itour ami fetd inerihatU In Cherry street, wa rflltfclTaarraigneil in the 1 scx Markit Police Court ytaterday W'Wl'ltSou the charge of robbing his tiiplotcr lie hal made a Q$ $$Vmconfession which implicated Jacoli Adams, a ntght 31 Jlllif Jwatchman, James Italer, a feed inert hant at 24a At H fVKifllantlcnienue, Ilrooklyn, and William Hlzgerald. struck U Itrldriwr. all of whom were arraigned with Martin. Mar tV) ruiHtin sild that evtr night liernro q lilting tlie store he nut flwt jtfvHa load of feed iu ba.'s near the gatigwa, which waa d ifitaken Rwav earl ou the next morning bv llalsoy. who 31 tfsflwas nilmltted by Adams Pltgcrntd t accused of x'&r S9originating tho game and acting a a 1:0 between All i!K fuJMthe prisoners wero remanded It Is charged that the ) BFflproptrty thus stokn was worth fd,ouo. 10 B B

Mnrdcr In tke He com! Decree. Siui.flTho trial In tho General Hessfons of John iwil

O Connor, chargcit with murder iu the first degree in 'l 'Btfjlshooting and killing Ida wife, Klloti.in their rooms at j& )vkJM401 r.nst Flftj ninth street, ou te night of tho Hih of Oc

' IflHtnber last, emle.1 etcrdoy O Connor 1a a medium Mzud. iW'TtlJlBslightly built, quiet looViug man He is about 00 jears H V Millof atr. an hl hair an I h'ard are gra rhe trial occu ( i" UAMpled three rlnts.nud rctultol in a crdict of gulltvoC ?wmimmler in thofeenud deirree O Connor wns not inied, J 1 if, tmapparent!), h theenltct .lu )go Cowing rei intidt 1 him J lUtatu await sentence Under the cniolrtion the sentence fi rlMmust be imprisonment In Htate prison for life O Connorwas tried, recentlv. In the Court of ().irand Terminer v Jf'upon the name fi lictment, hut tho Jurj dUarecd.aad h Si tfillwas remanded for retrial i p "iTll

Tke Xnv Police I'reclnct. jj jB41Tho Pollco Board took nnothcr 3'Bwl

step toward the organization of the new Sixth Precinct, f RSJithe station nf which Is to he iu KItznbelh street near U i fcBCatul ('apt Jeremiah lVtlj ( to he in commttil Scr- - 1 r'Hgeant Titer Conlin. Christopher Uoehnu Nicholas k TtjlHrotles mil IVm Thmip.mii were trainterrrd from tho 'Tl ?i?lClt Hull, Harlem St con Diettkt Cmirt, nnd Madison Arvlstreet squads, repectl . to nre thenln, together al5i ity--with two roundhiuen and hnlf liduzen pitrolmeti from r.il ? 'IslilffTen-n-t p.irts or the clt su( erfutetidi ut Walling was fcjlj, ksMdireUett to traunftr thn remain ler of th (.omplement i Si UTtMof sit eiiht iiKoi to tv tn the new jroclnct tMllrXj7i)from prciincts from wbith they can lient he spind, ant iSf' r51the lluardwlll net oa hit. reioinnieiidattons on Monday. Uf'i&lJ

Clinrnwl nlth Puulnc Counterfoil Money. 1f f& 3Coords Oborman, who Is nccnt for a Boston .jfihll

Yankeo notion house and is also cmploitd its a c untsr ii'f Jil'lfelt money detector wa arrested cMerda otiachargi ll?''S1aof taking a counterfeit r. ft d.VIar Treasurv note on If, ( ft1 0,ffV Whltne.therashier or the tiulair House, In Octo fvVL fll PB

her. 11. He bought some cigars, and gne the bill t tilfi TTfVJtake ajmetit from It was rcturmd to him the next si ivdav appi int Agent Dritmmoiid learned of tho cast fHtWVliri wtil. ago, and ma.le a comil.lnt nuaiust hiui. , 455 &&Ihe acctned sail that hodllnot know tho bill uascoun n'fi wttrfiltatthe time ho passed it, ' a that since Its re- - Pitt IffB'turn to him ho had lout It " Commissioner .Shields re- - fl FLVleiued him ou his rtcogulroiiiu W, iwllj

Nklne 'Km fur it Cent. fevTiKA racired bootblack with a sloomy f.ieo stool Plwi

at the foot of the steps of the Tark place statlun ot thi lli'lfltieta ated roa I late last e enlng llffHStOi

' hi luejer boots ' hoaald ' Shine 'cut fur a cent. oLHH.M' Whj do you ask mil a cent !" WtTHK" Ilecatise I'm huugiy ''tllMaRiHe got a quarter for shining thit nsir nf boots irKFSK' Oh, he lauvht ou. did he" sal.t the gati man, when hwff1mthe boothlackv 1 uMomer had c Mie up stairs an houghl H& itv

lit ticktt " He's been wurkin' thst racket some tiinn .tflili wThe bootblack's customer lookM o er the railing Tha TW 'iC

l M black was waiting for auothtr tender hearted man. UmJT 1JMolly nolhruok Gets Ttt Tears.

' M 'M&

Lbyio Kllon Wicgiiv. atlas Molly Hoi brook. ?lnwhowaa cmolcled recently lit Ihe (lener.it Hetsions ot ufiA'picking the pocket of nu eldtrlj Ind nt Mncy'son the . Mj ifcISHlinf iwptemhtr !nt, w tn stmiciHuil t.ter lay to Mints i 'SLwprl-n- ii fr tl tarit An Moll Unit ro.d. hn earnid a k vinational roptitatm.i a a pirl pocket hhe marrl d some 1 H Wtjcnna,o and went to lit at Hh Kidge, whtro she nac fiTiV fliifhptiUd b) Iter reii,hlK)rs, who knew nothing of I tr j i flrpat,vilwuH minirn-- t 1 whin sh. wis nrretti 1 by In ' rf1 mXspiictor Mj rues'a d tcrMm fur iiu theft at M i. s v $A

ITuele Ulll Tincr'-- i llenellt. M Wi

Uncle liill To-n- , tho viterun master of cero 8? ftmonies has been tiiilorct n hen. lit in Hurrj llill'l jjf rjIhea're uiiThurs In fti rn m n t I'ith l.d wards, M ft,;t.iru Ki oki Jaii I Ilit-t- ti eln hi" mi t nu rv thns; .11 L jT-

thirl h in s . known luoi prnuiut to at - tjtm I lli foi r winM-i- - Hill tl . h rtulntvir, mil ji ;rto Unvii i thi tou bn nhi In thu wiu' up I m!e l.ni .

wluil now HI tui ill t m tm i,'i n wuk Y( fi TJjinitu Mi. I at.tie, who i n ' w iri miut If, mlf)ui" SIr othn.ee for Nlmlriiiit. fi IJSj J

WillLim smdi.kpi. ' U ui.dei imiI nco td , '. fjlho Iianvpd fer the pi t c - v 11 lol l eier tj IJRf'do lint Uie oiotriii 'it i:n d tin bil' mukin? appll ii ' kHi .ti 0 for un. w f n' oii U Arm ( wi bo midl f W twfx

m lu Ui Ut i. "ii M. nl "in'rn a ruiiid tin (Il w. all .Ul 111 ntiow uf tnulg f HL ttSJmThe iKUuul OflUn I'ircltelliiii. rWJr'al ny ami ari.il ' windt, st.itt man S'lpft'tl

tr ,'iir Liinj..tittr m iliu nt tu.11 u our A F',1J(

J6i.t;ci mou nu: itu auuiviu ' mrii bri U t'rfthi I.l u m Inifir- - it ' ib( T , llfl

s' ll ui lahi r.rn J ' flJ?

fin stitiuif tit llmt thi'Klluif Wt iim' g bivl been S '. m trie I tut ntludi lm laoilu i1l nut --4A A

Tn1 Mini lln it tt 1. r VitiiOi n rilou.t nortr4 iiffi'lahuiii It- ir lln1.11 nl. wiift'il .! on Ihuiiili) 1 titling, B viNer Hull nr In tri i hi twe. i Mi.l u an l.ng. r

hint I iun t.i .ir I Co y. t r ihj.lj mti nliiu'iii l J- ijl(Mi II s.Mmitr anting dl ii. .'m mlng .J , itt.i HlUui llou-- " !l iilnul ii '. ( mur a ji g Ulfv4 ll I J.fI!.iil.:l ltik) tm. id tub. hxttielKt ,Ii ii lljf I if I

t tit IhI-- ijiuh Ittduiii I nu. r f r th murd m Wit I J Mflnmt.,..j f

1histeitmlihi inmhurg, foiiii Hu in u in. laillil ., ,1 'Iu.iiore 4 tii fy with l.TJJ uu.gr m's t n Ci.'Nirtlt. ! JJ

wi'tin M.ili ! ' " J

Ihe I'n imh'U an SI ile t etnrul omn ioie r.f olUo 1 i K Jt. M K..IM He 1; t SlitU'l M Ul U'.;n riiTJi-- H '

!' uioil Mill.' 7 ritjjThe 4rhii..iier n Pun 'if tl ml Mm. n tt.t 01 'Ui

Ink Mi in.. iiMirir.ml IU n, m I h isd ty uhu t'M1J .! WH j UKi up ' VM II Mint , I rffiMur-- t of .StoWirv to mit s C.hai '"(

nl Ki.11 d Hit a"i mills in fH k li rt lie - null ffc ito have lukl lh to i. 11 iinMiii, k ' ''Mrs n'fu Unviiioi iiither of Oi 11iiuI.mi oiis I

f in I'm o I nt o i'i i ts'ttntjs 111 .1 in., only j,.it r oi itu tie i i I ut i r di l jihi l 1

II e nuiiun tlm iitiin i i.t tallrv Itmli ul lnvd '

It ' h I r I. '. i dtil I Mill N"v ork 111 Imj- -trm.k in.) 11 tl.tg with It rKorlut rtair"k ly ui ,

IhiiKTi lluoi r twin ' nrp it winter C . co-- 1.1 r ' J?hr.ilo te! in in lln whirl h.M)i Mtlt ifivr.iay til

Ml mnitj nu I titHi ' jXilinl 11 litt Hi Ne ) uri. 11

Ihu wnintkwt lulu in1' .tul llnnli.ui nih nlvI. mon d Ho'l m m' I ttiirti.. niui Jiiilidr.i h m I,tul ! r h . Til an, liu.udi m Ml ri.inil.il , 'U' 4K1

No idi h - tn ti lis oti r. i of I' re C n tuUi ' jh tt -- lu'f m tun r 01 l,i ti t tin ii l Hi t h '

wi,i irun Nn ..tlv in H....I. n mil .NuaivllUnllH. lillll lllillT VIIM, t

.lanes Murii of In t jtnti rdn nuituin I t i 3,ouihii tu r hi itn lit li th n!l itl irv fi 11 j itin ;

at In' i liurti rei ll hi lift. 1, m inb UM b t !.

in tlm nr. u .1 t tnaI lit- 11. Mk l ui t 'i i n ,l . n t i' ' it,7 I j! Hih it h h U H. . I. f. I

w in' ti I fr O -- f I 1 ' n I

lit Hu ijjll III ' Ul fit I

Jft tfi 11 I, i ' r iinl .1 kiOl rlit 11 Ihe arn r win' vttn t ill ,

uU IU ' in utiu til in r Itii.. nli 101 Ui.r fin u tt tjfW1 ll.t i.uUlp.ll) UlvUUKUh II'. u '