1 The Summer News Weekly For All People… In All Seasons Craigville Village, Massachusetts July 26-August 1, 2013 Community Calendar Saturday, July 27 th 12:00 PM Ping Pong at CBA Beach Sunday, July 28 th 9:45 AM Worship Service – Tabernacle 2:00 PM Volleyball at CBA Beach 3:30 PM MACUCC Music Camp Concert – Tab Wednesday, July 31 st 6:00 PM Pizza on the Porch at CBA (for teens) Thursday, August 1 st 9:30 AM Craigville Painters Meet on the Causeway Looking Ahead Friday, August 2 nd 7:30 PM Red Lily Pond Annual Meeting – Tab Saturday, August 3 rd 6:30 PM Endless August Party at CBA Beach NEXT WEEK is Centerville Old Home Week (including the Hyannis Sound concert in the Tabernacle), so check the bulletin board near the Craigville Post Office or the Centerville Civic Association website for events, including the Hyannis Sound concert in the Craigville Tabernacle on Sunday, August 4 th . C.P.P.C.: Craigville Painters Painting Craigville The next date for artmaking, for all levels of talent, is Thursday, August 1 st , 9:30 am-12:00 noon at the Causeway Beach overlooking Lake Elizabeth. From four painting dates in July, we’ve produced special close and long views of Craigville’s favorite places. Painters, sketchers, and – yes! – poets come from near and far – even across the lake and over the bridge. You are welcome! Paint materials are available or bring your own. Contacts: Avis S. Parke, Alison Melavalin (508-771-8298) Your CCMA Membership Supports the Village The Village of Craigville is a special place that we all enjoy. To those of you who have paid your CCMA dues, we say THANKS! To those of you who still need to pay your dues, we say please help us to maintain our lovely spot by helping, in concert with the CCOA, to pay for care of the roads you drive on, keeping the street lights lit so that we can walk and drive safely when it is dark, helping with the upkeep of the land and buildings we own as a community, and paying for our security watch person and our civic responsibility. Your support is needed and will be appreciated by your neighbors. Thanks! Nancy Hansen, CCMA Membership Chair

The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz

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Page 1: The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz


The Summer News Weekly For All People… In All Seasons In all seasons

Craigville Village, Massachusetts

July 26-August 1, 2013

Community Calendar

Saturday, July 27th 12:00 PM Ping Pong at CBA Beach Sunday, July 28th 9:45 AM Worship Service – Tabernacle 2:00 PM Volleyball at CBA Beach

3:30 PM MACUCC Music Camp Concert – Tab Wednesday, July 31st 6:00 PM Pizza on the Porch at CBA (for teens) Thursday, August 1st 9:30 AM Craigville Painters Meet on the Causeway

Looking Ahead Friday, August 2nd 7:30 PM Red Lily Pond Annual Meeting – Tab Saturday, August 3rd 6:30 PM Endless August Party at CBA Beach

NEXT WEEK is Centerville Old Home Week (including the Hyannis Sound concert in the Tabernacle), so check the bulletin board near the Craigville Post Office or the Centerville Civic Association website for events, including the Hyannis Sound concert in the Craigville Tabernacle on Sunday, August 4th.

C.P.P.C.: Craigville Painters Painting Craigville The next date for artmaking, for all levels of talent, is Thursday, August 1st, 9:30 am-12:00 noon at the Causeway Beach overlooking Lake Elizabeth. From four painting dates in July, we’ve produced special close and long views of Craigville’s favorite places. Painters, sketchers, and – yes! – poets come from near and far – even across the lake and over the bridge. You are welcome! Paint materials are available or bring your own. Contacts: Avis S. Parke, Alison Melavalin (508-771-8298)

Your CCMA Membership Supports the Village The Village of Craigville is a special place that we all enjoy. To those of you who have paid your CCMA dues, we say THANKS! To those of you who still need to pay your dues, we say please help us to maintain our lovely spot by helping, in concert with the CCOA, to pay for care of the roads you drive on, keeping the street lights lit so that we can walk and drive safely when it is dark, helping with the upkeep of the land and buildings we own as a community, and paying for our security watch person and our civic responsibility. Your support is needed and will be appreciated by your neighbors. Thanks!

Nancy Hansen, CCMA Membership Chair

Page 2: The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz


RED LILY POND PROJECT DINNER AND AUCTION See the reservation form on the last page, and there are dues forms at the Craigville Post Office and at the Retreat Center Office in the Lodge, too. We look forward to seeing you at the great Dinner and Auction on Saturday, August 10th! -Valerie Lane, RLPP Fundraising Chair

Coming Soon to a Tabernacle Near You! Every week is special at the Craigville Tabernacle, but the next two weeks constitute the cornerstone of this “summer of hospitality.” Sunday morning worship services on July 28th and August 4th will welcome two of the most engaged current preachers in the United Church of Christ, Rev. Dr. Andy Armstrong and Rev. Dr. Jim Antal. Rev. Dr. Armstrong’s July 28th sermon is entitled “Standing Tall in the Grace of God,” based on the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector, in Luke’s Gospel. He currently serves as the senior pastor at the Acton Congregational Church; among his impressive list of credentials is service as adjunct professor at Canisius College, founded in 1870: the largest private university in Western New York and one of 28 Jesuit Catholic colleges in the nation. Rev. Dr. Antal’s August 4th sermon is entitled “Hospitality, Henri Nouwen and Creation,” based on Genesis 9, God’s promise to Noah. He currently serves as President of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, the largest Protestant denomination in the Commonwealth. He has preached the last two summers in Craigville, bringing powerful messages of stewardship for creation. Mark your calendars—he has promised to stay after the service and engage the community is a spirited conversation on the vote at this year’s General Synod to support and encourage divesture of fossil fuel stocks. Facebook members can see his picture and statement at the 350.org Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/350.org/photos_stream. Having corresponded and talked with both these preachers throughout the spring and summer, we are excited that they will soon be in the Craigville pulpit, carrying forward the tradition of inspired preaching which has characterized the Tabernacle for 141 summers. And we’ll have some great music, as well! This Sunday, we welcome the MACUCC Adult Music Camp, who will sing during the 9:45 AM morning worship service, and again at a Sunday afternoon concert at 3:30 PM in the Tabernacle. This week and next, we welcome back our neighbor, Rev. Dr. Dianne Carpenter, at the Hook and Hastings organ keyboard for both services, as well as families from Craigville village as our liturgists, readers, ushers and greeters. Finally, for the next three Tuesday mornings, at 7:30 AM, we welcome our neighbors from South Congreational Church, Centerville, and their new pastor, Rev. Dr. Bruce Epperly, for “Summer Spiritual Adventures,” a series of short, inspirational morning services. Last Tuesday’s was based on Celtic Christianity, and was a wonderful way to start the day. I hope many Craigville neighbors and Retreat Center visitors will drop in on Tuesday mornings and experience these new adventures in the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle embodies community in the best sense of the term. Everyone of all ages is always welcome. See you there!

-Steve Brown, Interim 2013 Tabernacle Administrator

Ping Pong, PIzza and a Party.....Summer continues to sizzle at CBA Saturday, July 27th will be the first annual Ping Pong tournament at CBA. The tournament is open to all ages and match play will begin at noon. Please sign up in the CBA office if you would like to enter. Sunday, July 28th will be the second volleyball challenge at the beach. The first round was a big success and we look forward to welcoming more teams to the court. Match play begins at 2:00 pm. Wednesday, July 31st will be Pizza on the Porch for CBA's middle and high school students. Come enjoy a beautiful evening at CBA with old and new friends while feasting on pizza and snacks. 6:00 pm Saturday, August 3rd will be the Endless August cocktail party for adult members. Come listen to some Jimmy Buffet and Island music as we celebrate the middle of summer! 6:30-9:00 pm

~sean & damian, cba beach managers

Thought of the Week (from E.L.): “A Man Never Dies Completely Until His Memory is Forgotten!”

Page 3: The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz


Craigville Bookies Reading About the Past For our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz will host our gathering at her home off Lake Elizabeth Drive at the end of the North Bay of Red Lily Pond. Come join us on Wednesday, August 21st at 9:30 AM! -Nancy Hansen, Book Group Convenor Craigville Retreat Center Hosts Many Families The UCC Adult Music Camp is here, staying in the Lodge and Manor till Monday. They will be practicing in the Tabernacle and are giving a concert Sunday, July 28th at 3:30 PM in the Tabernacle which is open to all. The South Shore Community Church of Brockton's youth group is here from Friday, July 26th to Sunday, July 28th, staying in the Inn. Families from The Congregational United Church of Christ of St. Charles, IL will be here Sunday, July 28th through Friday, Aug. 2nd, staying in the Inn. This is their first visit to Craigville. Cottage families for week of July 27th to August 3rd are as follows: the Bosco and Dymek families are in Andover; the Saccardi family is in Yale; the Pugh, Sellers and LaRoya Families are in Union; the Sanchez family is in Boston; the Grobe family is here for a second week in Seaside; the Lodges are in Seaside Lower; the Klempa Family is in Groves; the Forester Family is in Manor Lower; and the Hansen family is in Marshview B and Marshview Lower.

-Mary A Woodbury, Director, Craigville Retreat Center

Thanks for Sharing Your Memories Thank you to the following people who made the Service of Remembrance last week so meaningful and special: Rev. Dr. William McKinney, worship leader; Rev. Dr. Edward Deyton, music; Alan Shoemaker, music; Alice Brown and Myra Gooding, co-program chairs; Alice Brown, programs; Myra Gooding, flowers; Barbara Gates, Avis Strong Parke and Alison Melavalin, art work; Amelia Brown, set-up; Steve Brown, audio; Jim Lane, Tabernacle support; Barbara Gates and Elizabeth Gulezian, refreshments. To all the participants: we thank you for sharing your loved ones with us and for giving us the privilege of remembering them with you in our sacred space. Rev. Joanne Hartunian, Chair of Religious Activities and Tabernacle Committee

THE OLD CRAIGVILLE POST OFFICE: Keep Your Drinks Cold Do you have your Craigville sticker yet? Also the insulated drink plastic glass is perfect for the hot weather, for they do keep drinks cold. All sorts of other neat things in the shop, so stop in and shop early for those Christmas stockings. −Debbie Almy, Chair, Post Office Committee

Red Lily Pond Project: The backhoes are coming! When and where is up to all of us. The Red Lily Pond Project Association will welcome Dr. Dale Saad, of the Town of Barnstable Public Works Department, to our Annual Meeting on Friday, August 2nd at 7:30 PM in the Tabernacle. She will provide the community with information on Cape Cod’s Section 208 Area-Wide Water Quality Management Plan Update. Public engagement in this project is essential to Craigville’s future. Perhaps you’ve read articles in the Cape Cod Times about efforts to address the wastewater crisis on Cape Cod? Some communities succeed; others fail. We want Craigville to succeed: a well-informed and actively-engaged citizenry will make all the difference. As the President of your Association, I will entertain motions at the Annual Meeting regarding our involvement in the Section 208 Plan, for discussion and a vote. This may be our one local opportunity to engage a process that will radically affect the future of Cape Cod. Please don’t wait for the backhoes to show up on the streets in front of our homes to engage this process. Craigville resident, RLPP Board Member and biology teacher Tom Hoppensteadt will also be sharing an inspiring and information-packed video about lakes and ponds on Cape Cod, their flora and fauna, factors that affect water quality, with a focus on Red Lily Pond—and explore their future. Everyone will have an opportunity to ask questions and get answers. We all use water, so this meeting is an important opportunity to connect. We invite the whole community to participate. Refreshments! -Steve Brown, President, RLPP

Page 4: The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz


Wish List Report:  

1)  For Avon products: You can order on line at "avononline.com" and Donna Reed's contact information comes up http://shop.avon.com/default.aspx?newdept=&s=ShopTab&c=repPWP&otc=201316&bnd=&setlang=1

2) We have a clock for the Tabernacle's rear wall (we think!). Remember, if anyone is in need or would like to donate, please reply through The Chronicle at [email protected] or feel free to call me - Dede Danforth-Underwood - at (508) 775-1408.

FEATHER/FUN FACTS: ANTS By DEBBIE ALMY Ants seem to love the Cape, from the dreaded large black ones that smack of the dreaded carpenter ant, to the little darlings called “sugar ants” that love to march around kitchen sinks in an endless supply. Ants are found everywhere in the world, with over 12,000 species; and 200 species in California alone. They number more than any other land creature. The life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days, with a brain cell capacity of 250,000, compared to a human brain with 10 million cells. That means that an ant colony of 40,000 equals a human in brain cells. A colony may have up to 250,000 ants with one queen whose only job is to lay eggs. All other females are sterile and do all the daily chores, as well as keeping the few males attended to, for their only job is to mate with the queen. The colony is well-organized and social, with everyone understanding their assigned roles. They are most protective of the colony, and when threatened by an intruder, an ant may squirt formic acid up to a foot away, then take the enemy back to the colony to work as a slave. Ants are close relatives to wasps and bees, and the winged adult ant known as a “worker” will often be mistaken for a termite. Telling the difference between the two takes a keen eye, or magnifying glass, for the wings are different in size; the antennae is either bent or straight, and the waistline of the ant is thin, while the termite is fat. Ants go through a complete change in their life span called a metamorphosis, very similar to the butterfly. The process starts as an egg, then larval, into pupae and finally adulthood. Since an ant’s life span is relatively short, this whole changing process is a rapid one. We know ants are very beneficial in the outdoor world, for they help to aerate the soil, eat pests like cockroaches, larvae of the filthy fly, scale insects, mealy bugs and some beetles; but now, how do we deter these little darlings from inside our homes? Of course, many harsh chemical sprays may be used, but there are many more organic and healthful methods available. Bushes or trees that touch your house should be cut back, thus preventing an easy highway for them into the house. Spray an all-natural detergent spray around the outside of the house, and put those old coffee grounds out there as well. Fresh mint is hated by ants so just put a few around and the ants will pack their bags. Trace the source of entrance the ants take, and use boiling hot water or paraffin to close the opening; cold water will not work, for the ants can live for hours under cold water. To find out the ants’ entry place, put some masking tape, sticky side up with some sugar or honey on it, by the area, and check it out in the morning. To keep ants off your plants, put some Vaseline, Crisco or butter around the base of the plant, or better yet, a piece of spearment gum. A sure-fire method to rid yourself of ants is to feed them. Put a small bottle of cheap maple syrup outside, and they will find it quickly, dive right in, and drown. Best of all, put 1 1/2 cups of Cream of Wheat cereal in a dish where they can access it, for they love it. After they have eaten it, the cereal expands and they explode! Trivia fact: it takes 500,000 sugar ants to equal one pound, but if you weighed all the ants in the world, they would weigh more than all humans on Earth. ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Please remember to send us your news. We need your information by each Wednesday noon for inclusion in that Friday’s Chronicle. The submission deadline for the next edition is July 31st, and our e-mail address is [email protected].

REMEMBER, WE WELCOME ALL NEWS PERTAINING TO CRAIGVILLE NEIGHBORS AND ACTIVITIES. AND, we are always on the web at Craigville.org (postings to [email protected]) and “friend” us on Facebook! The Craigville Chronicle is sponsored by the Christian Camp Meeting Association and the Craigville Cottage Owners Association, and is produced weekly from the last week in June through Labor Day weekend and off-season once during the Fall (November), Winter (February) and Spring (May). Please e-mail your news to Alice Brown, editor, at [email protected]. Craigville Retreat Center information can be found 24/7 at www.craigvilleretreats.org. −Alice Brown, Editor

Page 5: The Summer News Weekly - Craigvillecraigville.org/CurrentEvents/Chronicle072613.pdfFor our August meeting we are reading "Secrets From the Past" by Barbara Taylor Bradford. Della Schultz


Saturday, August 10th, 2013 5:30-6:45pm Wine and hors d’oeuvres on the Green, Lake Elizabeth Drive, Craigville Village 7:00pm Dinner in the Craigville Inn dining room Silent Auction during cocktails and Live Basket Auction following dinner. The Annual Red Lily Pond Project Association fundraiser dinner featuring Austin Peters, new chef at the Inn and graduate of Johnson and Wales University, hailing from the popular restaurant “Docks” in New York City, is only a couple of weeks away. A delicious buffet dinner including Encrusted Parmesan Chicken with balsamic butter, Grilled Portobello Mushrooms Florentine, Buttered Green Beans, Red Bliss Parsley Potatoes, bread, and Strawberry Shortcake for dessert awaits you. Please fill out the reservation form below and deliver it to Valerie Lane at 86 Summerbell Ave., Craigville Village, by Wednesday, August 7th at the latest, (hopefully before), call Valerie at 508-778-0507, or e-mail Valerie at [email protected]. Thank you for your support to help save our beautiful pond! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to attend the Red Lily Pond dinner on Saturday, August 10th, 2013 in the Craigville Inn dining room on the pond. Name:____________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ Telephone:________________________________________________ E-mail:____________________________________________________ Number of Reservations at $50.00 per person

(Wine, hors d’oeuvres, and auctions included):________________ Dues at $10.00 per person:___________________________________ Donation:__________________________________________________ Total Amount Included:_______________________________________ Thank you!

Red Lily Pond Project Association Dinner