551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHl SHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24 Dccemlc r l!J:j2) The potentiality of squa lls for damage ami destruct ion is tuo well known to re qu ire elu- horntion. " 'urllings for squalls are, the re- fore, an item of high importance among duties of weather serv ices. Although the general weather situation L"I the 11I0re important factor in determiniug whether a squall is or is not likely, loc .\! experience 111w goes a long way. " Studies of squalls of 11 plnco become the more useful, the more light they throw on the eondi- tions under which the squalls can be pred ict - Ct L Yet, studies from n statistical angle can also greatly help, hy at least narrowing down the seasons. times of day 8THl so all when precautions against squalls nrc neces- sar)" . For instance, in a 30 or 40 yea r period , if squalls never occur at a place in six month s of the year, one can, with a high degree of confidence, concentrate on taking precaution- ary measures in the remaining (; months. Again, knowledge of the maximum intensities recorded cau be used to judge the exte nt to which precautionary measures are to he tak en . Several studies of squalls iu dilT erent parts of the country have been made before (Krishna Rao 19:18, Ramaswamy and )Iajumdar 1950, )Iull and Rao 19;;0 and Desai 1931). Yet the poiuts elaborated above will su ffic iently justify simi lar studies of squalls of sta tions not covered already. 2. A Dines' Pressure Tube Anemograph has been working at the Poona ) Ieteorological Offi ce (Lat. 18° 32'S, Long. 73° 51'E, height of ground 182 11 ft above sea level, height of anemograph hcad above ground 130 ft) since 1929. Records for the 20 year period 19:10 -1 9 19 inclusive were examined for the present. ana lysis. Attention has in th e first instance been confined to stronger squalls, viz., t hose that had a maximum J, rust speed of 40 mph or abo ve. This has been done with the hope t hat the major feature s will sti ll he 61")\VlI, while the mate rial to he handled re .. Iuccd to some ex t-ent . 3. from the year 1948, some particulars of squalls of stations equipped with anemographs are being given in Part A of the I nd ia \\" eut her Reviews, Data prior to that yoar have not been published so far. 4. The n umbe rs of da ys with squalls at Poena (with maximum gust spced= 40 mph or more] in eueh month and Year for the 20 yc..", 1930- 1949 lire given in Table 1. Of the 101 squally days which occurred iu this period, GG were iu the hot mouths of April, )I ay and Ju ne. 10 instances occurred in October, December and Jn nuary never got a strong squall. 5. The distribution of the squalls accord- ing to hour uf commencement, for each of 4 seasons Bud the yenr as a whole, is given in Table 2. In the year as a whole, while 92 squalls occurred between the hours 1400 and 1900, only 19* occurred outside these hours. Anemograms of two represen t at ive squalls, one on 14 April 1930 and the other on 28-29 ) Iay 194G, are reproduced iu Figs. 1 and 2. G. Tab le :l gives the distri bution according to duratiou. A squall was deemed to have terminated when the speed fell to such valne as prevailed before t he squall began. It may be mentioned tha t in some cases, the times of commencement and cessation are somewhat difficult to fix, and there can be an element of non-objectivity. Yet in the majority of cases, the times are sharp and unruietakable. Taking the year as a whole once again, the most fa voured duration is half to one hour. About an eighth of th e squalls continue for more than 2 hours. .T total number of "'till all" here becomes 1t I. while the number uf «qually deys fJ'ide Table I) were only 101. On 10 of the days, there were two tiquaUl.IK'vuratloU IJ)' several hours

The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24

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Page 1: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24

551·555 (54)

The stronger squalls of PoonaK. P. H.U IAKHl SHNAN

Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111

(R"ceired 24 Dccemlc r l!J:j2)

The potentiality of squa lls for damage amidestruct ion is tuo well known to requ ire elu­hornt ion. " 'urllings for squalls are, the re­fore , an item of high importance among dut iesof weather serv ices. Although the generalweathersituation L"I the 11I0re important factorin determiniug whether a squa ll is or is notlikely, loc•.\! experience 111w goes a long way. "Studies of squalls of 11 plnco become the moreuseful, the more light they throw on the eondi­t ions under which the squalls can be pred ict ­CtL Yet, studies from n statistical anglecan also greatly help, hy at least narrowingdown the seasons. times of day 8THl so all

when precautions against squalls nrc neces­sar)". For instance, in a 30 or 40 year period ,if squalls never occur at a place in six month sof the year, one can, with a high degree ofconfidence, concentrate on taking precaution­ary measures in the remaining (; months.Again, knowledge of the maximum intensitiesrecorded cau be used to judge the extent towhich precautionary measures are to he taken.Several st udies of squalls iu dilTerent par ts ofthe count ry have been made before (KrishnaRao 19:18, Ramaswamy and ) Iajumdar 1950,) Iull an d Rao 19;;0 and Desai 1931). Yetthe poiuts elaborated above will sufficientlyjustify similar studies of squalls of sta t ionsnot covered already.

2. A Dines' Pressure Tube Anemographhas been working at the Poona ) IeteorologicalOffice (Lat. 18° 32'S, Long. 73° 51'E,height of ground 18211 ft above sea level,height of anemograph hcad above ground130 ft) since 1929. Records for the 20 yearperiod 19:10-19 19 inclusive were examinedfor the present. ana lysis. Attention has inth e first instance been confined to strongersqualls, viz., t hose that had a maximum J,rustspeed of 40 mph or above. This has been

done with the hope t hat t he major featureswill sti ll he 61")\VlI, while th e material to hehandled i~ re..Iuccd to some ex t-ent .

3. Be~iIUliJi~ from the year 1948, somepart iculars of squalls of stations equippedwith anemographs are being given in Part Aof the Ind ia \\"eut her Reviews, Da ta priorto that yoar have not been published so far.

4. The numbe rs of da ys with squalls atPoena (with maximum gust spced= 40 mphor more] in eueh month and Year for the 20yc..", 1930- 1949 lire given in Table 1. Ofthe 101 squally days which occurred iu thisperiod, GG were iu th e hot mouths of April,)Iay and June. 10 instances occurred inOctober, December and Jn nuary never gota strong squall.

5. The distribut ion of the squalls accord ­ing to hour uf commencement, for each of 4seasons Bud the yenr as a whole, is given inTab le 2. In t he yea r as a whole, while 92squalls occurred between t he hours 1400 and1900, only 19* occurred outside t hese hours.Anemogra ms of two representative squalls,one on 14 April 1930 and th e other on 28-29) Iay 194G, are reproduced iu Figs. 1 and 2.

G. Table :l gives t he distri bution accordingto dura tiou. A squall was deemed to haveterminated when the speed fell to such val neas prevailed before t he squall began. I tmay be mentioned tha t in some cases, thet imes of commencement and cessat ion aresomewhat difficult to fix, and there can be anelement of non-object ivity. Yet in themajority of cases, t he tim es are sha rp andunruietakable. Taking the yea r as a wholeonce again, the most favoured duration ishalf to one hour. About an eighth of thesqualls continue for more than 2 hours .

.T ~ total number of "'tillall" here becomes 1t I. while the number uf «qually deys fJ'ide Table I) were only101. On 10 of the days, there were two tiquaUl.IK'vuratloU IJ)' several hours

Page 2: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24
Page 3: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24
Page 4: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24
Page 5: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24
Page 6: The stronger squalls of Poonametnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/5435.pdf · 551·555 (54) The stronger squalls of Poona K. P. H.U IAKHlSHNAN Jhleorologiool OjJire, /'001111 (R"ceired 24