The Story of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus

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  • 8/18/2019 The Story of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus


    The Story of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus:

    Talmudic Sage and Nazarene


    James Scott Trimm

    Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus was one of the most prominent tannaim of the first and second

    centuries and the sixth most frequently mentioned Rabbi in the Mishnah.

    The Talmud says of his Beit Din

    Our Rabbis taught: Justice, justice shalt thou follow, means, Thou shalt follow an eminent Beth

    din, as for example, [follow] R !lie"er [b #$r%anus] to &$dda or R Johanan b 'a%%ai to Beror


    (b)anhedrin *+b

    He was one of the !reatest of the fi"e students of Rabbi #ochanan ben $a%%ai who was a

    student of Hillel the &reat 'm.("ot )*+.

    Rabbi #ochanan ben $a%%ai said of his student Rabbi Eliezer

    -f all of the sages of -srael were on one side of the scale,

    and Rabbi !lie"er ben #$rcanus were on the other,

    he would outweigh them all

    (m./ot +:0

    ,o Rabbi Eliezer was one of the most important Rabbis in the Talmud- He was also a azarene/

    The Talmud records that Rabbi Eliezer was arrested for 0Minuth1

    Our Rabbis taught: 1hen R !lie"er was arrested because of 2inuth the$ brought him up to the

    tribune to be judged )aid the go/ernor to him, 3#ow can a sage man li%e $ou occup$ himself

    with those idle things45 #e replied, 3- ac%nowledge the Judge as right5 The go/ernor thought

    that he referred to him 6 though he reall$ referred to his 7ather in #ea/en 6 and said,

    3Because thou hast ac%nowledged me as right, - pardon8 thou art ac9uitted5 1hen he came

    home, his disciples called on him to console him, but he would accept no consolation

    (b./odah 'arah ;b

     (s the story continues

    )aid R .%iba to him, 32aster, wilt thou permit me to sa$ one thing of what thou hast taught

    me45 #e replied, 3)a$ it5 32aster,5 said he, 3perhaps some of the teaching of the 2inim had been

    transmitted to thee [eshua the ?a"arene] Jacob of @efar=

    )e%aniah b$ name, who said to me: -t is written in $our Torah, Thou shalt not bring the hire of a

    harlot into the house of the &ord th$ Aod 2a$ such mone$ be applied to the erection of a

    retiring place for the #igh riest4 To which - made no repl$ )aid he to me: Thus was - taught[b$ >eshua the ?a"arene], 7or of the hire of a harlot hath she gathered them and unto the hire

  • 8/18/2019 The Story of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus


    of a harlot shall the$ return5 (2icah :

  • 8/18/2019 The Story of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus


    burnt in fire Then the$ too% a /ote and excommunicated him )aid the$, 31ho shall go and

    inform him45 3- will go,5 answered R .%iba, 3lest an unsuitable person go and inform him, and

    thus destro$ the whole world5 1hat did R .%iba do4 #e donned blac% garments and wrapped

    himself in blac%, and sat at a distance of four cubits from him 3.%iba,5 said R !lie"er to him,

    3what has particularl$ happened to=da$45 32aster,5 he replied, 3it appears to me that th$

    companions hold aloof from thee5 Thereupon he too rent his garments, put off his shoes,

    remo/ed [his seat] and sat on the earth, whilst tears streamed from his e$es The world was

    then smitten: a third of the oli/e crop, a third of the wheat, and a third of the barle$ crop )ome

    sa$, the dough in womenDs hands swelled up

     . Tanna taught: Areat was the calamit$ that befell that da$, for e/er$thing at which R !lie"er

    cast his e$es was burned up R Aamaliel too was tra/elling in a ship, when a huge wa/e arose

    to drown him 3-t appears to me,5 he reflected, 3that this is on account of none other but R

    !lie"er b #$rcanus5 Thereupon he arose and exclaimed, 3)o/ereign of the ni/erseH Thou

    %nowest full well that - ha/e not acted for m$ honour, nor for the honour of m$ paternal house,

    but for Thine, so that strife ma$ not multipl$ in -sraelH 3.t that the raging sea subsided

    (bBaba 2et"ia GIb

    9t was only after his death that his excommunication was re"ersed by 2oshua ben Hananiah.

    The fact that Eliezer was actually a azarene is also supported by a halacha which he teaches

    concernin! "ows

    R !liea"ar sa$s: the$ open a /ow for a man  

    b$ reference to the honor of his father or mother

    (m?edarim I:

    This clearly echoes the teachin! of #eshua

    * But #e answered them and said: .nd wh$ do $ou transgress the commandments of !lohim==

    b$ means of $our decrees4

    K -s it not written in $our Torah from the mouth of !lohim, #onor $our father and $our mother4

     .nd moreo/er written, .nd he that curses his father and his mother will surel$ die4

    G But $ou sa$, 1hoe/er sa$s to father and mother, -t is all an offering== whate/er of mine might

     profit $ou,

    ; .nd he honors not his father and his mother Thus ha/e $ou made /oid the commandments of 

    !lohim, on account of $our judgments

    (2att G:*=; #RE

    This parallel is especially si!nificant when we realize that Rabbi Eliezer was also quoted assayin! 09 ha"e ne"er tau!ht anythin! which 9 had not learned from my masters1 'b. ,u%%ot )*a+.

     (t the approach of his death it is reported that he was surrounded by his former companions

    and pupils who remained with him to the end discussin! with him questions related to Torah

    'b,an. @*a- AAa+. Rabbi (%i"a in his eulo!y stated- :,ince the death of Rabbi Eliezer ben

    Hyrcanus- the Boo% of the Torah is concealed: ')otah Cb+.