The Story of Good and Evil

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The true story of good and evil, as told in the Bible. This story includes the reason God allowed evil to exist.

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Woodcut Illustrations byAlbrecht Dürer

The Story of Good & Evil

version 1.0 1.30.12

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Preface vii

The Story of Good & Evil 9-27

Footnotes 29-43

Table of Contents

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The Monogram of Christ: Christ the Son Rudolph Koch, 1923–34

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efore we begin our study of “Good and Evil,” you need to know that this study is alive. It has changed many times over the past 15 years. It will continue to change with your help.

So, you are being asked to read, think, react, respond, take notes, give feedback, ask questions and expect answers, but remember we are all humans and our answers are only guesses about the real truth. Some-times educated guesses, but guesses none the less.

That being said, the study stands on the Word of God as translated in the King James Version of the Bible. Of course there might be different inter-pretations of this translation, thus making this study a living one. Should your feedback lead to a future change, you will be recognized by footnote.

All changes will not only take into account the Word as presented in the verse noted, but in context, chapter, book, and the complete Bible.

Please enter this study with an open mind. The final goal is to properly describe the “battle” being waged for our souls. May the Spirit move you to help us improve this study to reflect the will of God. – foG

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21


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The Beast with Two Horns Like a Lamb” by Albrecht Dürer, 1498

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Our souls are torn by this dilemma, our hearts are screaming for us to make a decision,4 to pick a direction. We are conflicted daily by the choice.5 But, this is not a simple single choice. It is the sum of all of the many little, seemingly meaningless, choices that define our lives.6 It is the way we deal with these little choices that determines our Story of Good and Evil.7 It is what separates us from the rest of His creation!8 But we get ahead of ourselves. This story is a journey to understand the di-lemma, and more importantly to understand the reason for it.

“By how gentle degrees does God prepare us for His will!”–John Wesley

wo paths, leading in opposite directions, call us to our ultimate destination.1 Two beings wait at the end of these paths, both calling for us to come to them.2 Each path

draws us with what appear to be similar lures, and each has its own rewards along the way. But, they have very different final destinations.3

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ll of history demonstrates the truth that, whenever God’s law has been set aside for man’s laws, the results prove that man’s laws are inadequate to restrain the tide of human passions.9 Just as we see the results of defying the natural

laws, like gravity, we will ultimately see the results of defying God’s law. Some will do anything to quiet their conscience, including replacing the truths of God with fables created by man, or the devil.10, but there are no satisfying answers for life without God.11 This book is meant to describe the journey we are all on and the reasons for it. The journey that will take some on the path from disbelief to belief, to faith, to works. For faith is the only way to salvation and works are but the fruits that show one is saved.12 Make no mistake about it, you are not saved if you are without works.13 The closer you come to fulfilling God’s plan for you, the more He uses you, as He did Abraham.14 Some will understand the journey, while others will twist and distort it for their own purposes. Sometimes these distortions are to ease the pain caused by the conflicts lived with daily.15 Sometimes they are to gain some temporary reward or pleasure.16 But, our desires or distortions will not change the truth of the journey, nor change the ultimate destinations!17

So let us begin by talking about the two paths, Good and Evil.18 No one sets out to follow either of these paths from birth. We don’t even know they exist! Some will spend a major part of their lives trying to understand it all. Once we begin to understand the two paths and their purpose, we will begin to make better choices, which will lead to discov-ering the truth of the two paths for ourselves. These two paths are defined by the beings that call to us. God calls us from the path that leads to Good and eternal life.19 The devil calls us from the path that leads to Evil, and ultimate death.20 The works of the devil force laws, but the works of God need no laws for they already fulfill the law.21

Why would anyone pick the path leading to death? The answer to that question exists along the two paths. We cannot see the ultimate desti-nations, in fact we only see the next few steps along the paths. The ini-

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tial steps on each path appear to be very similar because the devil knows that we would not follow his path if we knew what waited for us further down it.22 He makes these beginning steps pleasant but superficial copies of God’s good choices, shadows without substance.23 Love separates the two paths and defines the choices left for us.24 God’s good choices are giv-en to us because He loves us and His path includes chastening, since rules are there to protect us and no one comes into this world perfect.25 If we break those rules we need to be corrected. The devil’s choices usually take advantage of that part of us which leans in the direction of self-love with little or no chastening in the beginning. The devil tries to tell us that we can have it all, but God tells us we will lack nothing we need.26 The devil’s path ultimately leads to slavery because the one calling us does not love us. He only wants us to love him, which we cannot do, so we become his slaves.27

he devil hides his existence from us so that it is difficult for us to fully understand the dilemma.28 He confuses us29 by diverting the issue of “Good versus Evil,” or more importantly, “God versus the devil,” into one of “Creation versus Evolution.” We get caught in this trap and argue

the two unanswerable sides of this issue. We can unmask him though when we change the focus of our investigation to the real issue of “Good versus Evil.” We no longer are misled by unanswerable questions. We can begin our study with a subject all can agree on to some degree. Then the discussion can arrive at its natural conclusion, that someone is respon-sible for Evil.30

The devil attempts to trick us into thinking that the paths are merely two equally good choices. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to draw us away from God’s love.31 He even uses counterfeit holiness32 as a deception to divert minds from the Bible, thus leading men to follow their own feel-ings and false science33 rather than yielding to the word of God.34 He appeals to that part of our nature that enjoys immediate positive results. He counts on us being willing to try a path without questioning the

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long-term results.35 He complicates our lives and occupies our minds with music and mind numbing games, thus minimizing the time we have to thoroughly investigate our choices.36 God’s way is perfect, He employs only righteousness and truth,37 while the devil uses any means including flattery, deceit, and murder.38 When we have doubts, the devil works to keep us from using the Bible to compare our choices with the word of God.39

any stop reasoning and become controlled by their impulses, develop a love for this world, and are drivenfurther down the wrong path.40 Their actions have consequences whether intended or unreasoned.41 Those

unreasoned actions push them even further down the wrong path.42 Some of these consequences negatively affect others. Like the abusivefather leading to their child becoming an abusive parent.43 Only after they are very far down the path do they begin to realize the true nature of the one calling them.44 Unfortunately, that realization occurs when they are so far down the path that it is very difficult for them to reverse their direction. Why is it so difficult to reverse their direction? They begin to see that the choices they have made have caused pain.45 Pain that affects them and the people they truly love. They lose hope, guilt overwhelms them, and they continue to be drawn down the path to their destruction.46 This guilt leads their thoughts from “I know I have sinned and done Evil” to the belief “I am Evil.” Once they believe this, they set out to live their lives in a way that proves to others they truly are Evil,47 making it more difficult to reverse their direction toward the better path. It is notimpossible though, for God always leaves us a way back, until the day we die, or the day He returns to collect those that have chosen to bepart of His eternal family.48

The two paths gradually change our nature, and we begin to take on the nature of the one calling us from the end of the path we have chosen to follow.49 If we have chosen the Evil path, the day will come when we will be unable to see the way back.50


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Why should you believe the story of the two paths? You shouldn’t! You should follow the story until you can clearly see for yourself. If the storyis true, you will have gained a lifetime of wisdom in a short time. The wisdom of the ages, God’s wisdom!51 If the story is wrong, you will haveonly taken a short, thought provoking detour on your lifelong journey. God’s message is one of harmony and peace,52 but those that fight off the word of God are left with unsound judgment and undisciplined passions.53

Something inside you knows that there is more to this life than eating, sleeping, having sex, doing drugs, and getting ahead of the next person in line, for God not only wrote the truth about the “Story of Good and Evil,” he placed that truth in every heart.54 The devil tries to convince us this story is not worth our time. He does not want us to investigate the story, for he knows many will discover the truth and free themselves from his shackles. What could be more important than knowing? For once you know the truth, your whole life changes because everything will now be built on a much sounder foundation.55 God’s love!

We begin our journey by studying what God has told us about how the two paths were created.

his Being, God, has always existed and will always exist. God is pure love.56 Being pure love, He desires to share this love with a family.57 God decided to plan the creation of His family.58 Knowing the ending from the beginning,59

He observed the infinite number of possible variables and outcomes, and chose one that created the perfect number of saints for His family.60 The one variable He kept constant when observing the possible outcomes was the free will to choose to be part of the family or to reject the offer.61 He saw from the beginning what His involvement was to be in the playing out of His plan.62 He would have to create more beings than He ultimately wants in the family to account for those that choose to reject His offer.63


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Adam and Eve, 1498

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he first beings He created were angels.64 Angels lived with God in Heaven for a long time. Each angel was given responsibilities and the knowledge of the law of God.65 Each angel was left to obey the law and eventually com-

pletely love God or to disobey the law and be removed from the family.66 It is impossible for beings to live together in harmony, for eternity, with-out the law.67 Thus the possibility of two paths and the nature of Good and Evil were introduced.68

God is good, but what is God’s true nature?69 And why is God good? God’s true nature is love.70 He is selfless.71 Many people think that the opposite of love is hate. But, that is not accurate. The opposite of true love is self-love.72 Self-love says that I deserve someone else to love me. Love says I want to love someone more than I love myself.73 Ultimately, beings with these opposing natures will come into conflict, thus making harmony impossible.74

ow does a being created in love end up so far from it?75 True love requires free choice. Beings cannot force othersto love them.76 True love is given freely.77 Those that havetried to force another to love them have learned this

valuable lesson the hard way. Each being is created with the choice of loving others and receiving their true love, or loving themselvesand trying to force others to love them.78 This is the beginning of true Evil.79 The fruits of self-love are all those things we will come to define as Evil.80 We now have defined Evil’s root as self-love and the fruits of self-love as all things Evil.81 Choosing self-love unleashes the green monster of envy and drives others away from us,82 so thosemaking this choice try to force others to love them, and in every case this leads to slavery.83

When God began to fulfill His plan by creating angels, He created Lucifer. Lucifer was given one of the most important jobs in the family, a covering Cherub.84


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Great responsibility comes with this job.85 This position gained him the respect of all of the other angels.86 One day this great respect per-versely developed in Lucifer the feeling that he was greater than all others.87 He wondered why God Himself should not move aside and allow Lucifer to take His throne.88 Lucifer was created in love and chose self-love, thus creating the path to death and making the worst possible version of himself, the devil.89

This moment of coveting was the first sin.90 As Lucifer dwelt on this possibility, his mind became convinced that he truly was equal to, or greater, than God.91 Once sin begins to work on a being, it slowly gains control of the mind until one day it defeats the Good in that being, leaving only Evil to rule that being’s thoughts and actions.92 Ultimately, the being is left with only Evil thoughts and deeds.93 Lucifer did not cre-ate Evil or the path to it, he was just the first to take it. Thus he became the devil and has tried to draw as many others as possible with him down the path to Evil. For even Evil does not want to be alone.

ucifer began talking to all of the other angels, trying tocreate doubt in their minds about God and His law.94 The angels had only known Good. Once the devil introducedEvil, by acting on his newly found selfish nature, Evil

began to spread. Once exposed to Evil, only faith in God can keep beings from ultimately succumbing to Evil. The devil’s plan was, and still is, to first create doubt, then to propose that he himself was worthy of replacing God on the throne.95 God foresaw this rebellion before He even created angels.96 He already knew that many angels would be fooled by the cunningness of Lucifer.97 The plan was for all angels to be tested by Lucifer, thus revealing those that would ultimately allow Evil to become their master.98 The plan includes flushing out all that would ever be drawn away from God’s law, give in to Evil, andrebel before the final family is decided.99


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One third of the angels sided with Lucifer and fought with God & His angels.100 God banished Lucifer, and the angels that chose to follow him, from heaven,101 for their guilt no longer allowed them to survive in heaven.102

his is when God created the Earth, the Heavens and the first humans.103 Lucifer and his followers were sent to Earth to continue the testing of created beings.104 The plan is for Lucifer to convince as many humans as he possibly can to

rebel against God.105 The remaining beings will be able to live in harmony together forever under God’s perfect law, for they have freely chosen to be part of God’s eternal family.106

Lucifer started his work by convincing Adam and Eve that God was not telling them the truth when He told them not to eat the fruit of one tree.107 Until that time, God had walked in the garden and talked with Adam and Eve, His first created humans.108 He told them about the law and why it was important for them to follow it.109 He told them the law was not for His benefit, but for theirs.110 For those that follow the law will ultimately spend eternity with God and His family. But those two humans famously doubted God’s truthfulness.111

hey saw an immediate consequence for breaking God’s law. Adam and Eve felt the shame of betraying God’s trust.112 They hid from Him, even though they knew that it is impossible to hide from God.113 They already knew that God

sees all things, knows all things.114 Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of Eden and had to work hard to provide for their existence.115 God no longer walked with them.116 They began to experience pain and saw the first human death.117 They realized that death was something they would experience all to often.118 They also realized that Lucifer, now the devil, had lied to them, and that they had believed the devil and not God. Life was no longer easy.119


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Now that God no longer walked with them, the pain of separation, caused by sin, seared their souls. God had planned from the beginning to resolve this problem by sending His Son Jesus to pay for their disobedience.120 All who would choose to love and accept Him as their Savior would be saved.121 The proof, or fruit, of our accepting Him is that we repent. We do not repent to be saved, but rather because we are saved and see the truth and the true path to God.122 Jesus told us He came to save the sin-ners, not the righteous.123 Since all have sinned, He is really telling us He has come to save all that realize and admit they are sinners!124

egular Human communication with God moved from the first stage of direct communication to the second stage of communication through the dreams and visions of His prophets.125 This would continue until the ministry of His

Son, Jesus.126 When Jesus left this planet, He sent the Holy Spirit, the com-forter, to be the final communicator, again using visions and dreams.127

When Jesus came He allowed those who met Him to treat Him according to their final choice, the nature they had freely chosen. Those that loved Him showed it by the way they responded to Him.128 Those that decided to remain separated from Him, by their sins, tortured and crucified Him.129 Being in contact with Him forced them to make a decision, as it forces us, since He lived the perfect life as an example to us. It was too painful for them to remain in His presence with their sins exposed.130 They could see their sins magnified in His eyes and had to accept His forgiveness, run from Him, or strike out at Him.131

We will each have our opportunity to choose to be with Him for eternity or separated from Him by our sins.132 He has come to save all that are willing.133 He cries for those that refuse.134

The human experience continues the process of creating the family of God.135 God knows that humans are a level below angels136 and thus more susceptible to sin137 and the wiles of the devil.138 God knows that two


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thirds of all of the humans will ultimately choose to disobey God’s law and reject His offer to be part of the eternal family.139 He allows this so that the wicked will reveal their final decision and their default char-acter.140 It is a default character because it is not chosen, but rather it is the result of not choosing the character that goes along with being part of God’s eternal family. It is more about running from God than to the devil.141 This default character serves as an example to all.142 God allows this so that none who desire to do His will can be deceived by those that choose Evil, because all are known by their fruits.143 The separation between these two groups will continue to widen.144 He did not come to unite us. He came to make clear the division between these two groups.145

When God decided to create His eternal family, He determined the correct number of beings, humans and angels, he wanted in it.146 Only two thirds of the angels and one third of the humans He originally created will choose to be in the eternal family.147 Only God knows the plan, so we are left with a lifetime to develop our character in a decaying world with two opposing groups fighting for our eternal souls.148 Most of the Bibli-cal prophesies have already occurred. We must therefore assume that His return will be relatively soon.149

hen this process is complete, God will dwell with His family for eternity.150 Everyone will have freely chosen to be part of His family.151 All that choose the family of God will truly love God and each other.152 All that do not choose

the family will be drawn away from God and eventually from His eternal family. All of these truths have been foretold in the Bible.153 Those people who truly look at nature, and/or human interaction can see all of these truths played out daily.154 The key is looking at them through the filter of God’s law.155 God’s law is simple! It is man under the influence of the devil that complicates things.156

The study of God’s law is an essential part in the process of understanding The Story of Good and Evil.157


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The 1st commandment, Exodus 20:1-3:

And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

If we worship the real God,158 we will not be lured by the devil to sin. If we worship other gods; i.e. money, power, lust, etc., we will be building our lives on a lie. It is a matter of priorities. If we value things and other gods before the real God, we are rejecting God and His eternal family, leaving us the default character that draws us away from God.159

The 2nd commandment, Exodus 20:4-6:

“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth genera-tion of them that hate me;

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”

If we put any idol before God, we again are being lured from the Good path.160 God wants us in His family and would not want us to create images and serve them to our death.161 He is a selfish God, in that He would not want to lose any, but would rather all be part of His fam-ily. This is what He wants, but seeing the future, He knows that will not happen for most see themselves as wise,162 bringing God great pain. Unfortunately, we are not wise enough to find our way to God by creat-ing our own laws. We must come as children to His law and obey them, until we can see the results of obeying His law. This is where faith comes to our rescue.


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Saint Michael Fighting the Dragon, 1498

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The 3rd Commandment, Exodus 20:7:

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.”God wants us to think of Him as a father and a friend. If we disrespect Him, we are on the road that Lucifer took to self-love and death. Unlike Adam and Eve, He wants us to ignore the devil’s attempts to minimize God and His law.

The 4th Commandment, Exodus 20:8-11:

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.”We are created with bodies and minds that need periods of rest. We are created as social beings. Being created in His likeness, we want families and friends, as does God.163 This day of rest, the Sabbath, is a time to rest and further develop a relationship with God, our families, and our friends.164 When we ignore this need, we make it easier for the devil to lead us away from God.165 Changing the Sabbath to Sunday is an example of a similar lure that the devil uses. Most see it as a minor difference, but the devil sees it as a wedge to begin to minimize God’s truth, law, and our use of the Bible.166 It begins with another day, then leads to activities that defeat the purpose of this day of rest, and ends with us treating it as just another day and God’s law as nice but not necessary.167

The 5th commandment, Exodus 20:12:

“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the lord thy God giveth thee.”


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This is the first commandment with a promise.168 It tells us that we are to learn the wisdom of those that came before us. This will prolong our lives. This is also the first lesson on the proper interaction with family members, both here on Earth and in Heaven with our eternal family. Ignoring this commandment will lead to mistakes that will shorten our lives and our relationships.169

The 6th commandment, Exodus 20:13:

“Thou shalt not kill.”This commandment refers to more than the death of other humans. We are not supposed to take another life, however, we are also not supposed to take another’s dignity, security, or destroy their love for others or God. Each of these can shorten and limit the enjoyment of another’s life. They can also lead us away from the path to God. None of these behaviors lead to harmony within a family.

The 7th commandment, Exodus 20:14:

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.”The plan, for us to produce the correct number of humans to complete the family of God, includes our having sex with a loving mate.170 This produces a family that emulates the one God is creating. Adultery is a perversion of what God created us to enjoy within the family unit. It destroys families. It is the breaking of a promise made to another. It leads us away from God’s plan.171 It is one of those similar lures that draw us from the Good path.

The 8th commandment, Exodus 20: 15:

“Thou shalt not steal.”In God’s family everyone truly loves everyone else. Stealing from anyone says that we are more important. It shows that we do not truly love the other person, on the contrary, we love ourselves and our wants more than we love them. We have already defined this self-love to be the root of Evil. This behavior does not belong in God’s eternal family.


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The 9th commandment, Exodus 20:16:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”This commandment deals with the taking of someone’s reputation. We could falsely accuse someone, testify to something we know is false, or maybe pass on a bit of gossip. All of these can begin a process that ruins someone’s reputation and life. It might not be possible to reverse it. It not only damages the life of the one being falsely accused but also the life of the false accuser. It demonstrates self-love in action. All of the command-ments are linked and the breaking of one leads to the breaking of all.172 This disrespect for our neighbor, and God, will certainly put us on the path to death.173

The 10th commandment, Exodus 20:17:

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour’s.”Lucifer first coveted the crown of God, the first sin, and it led to all of His other sins.174 Satan is now close to his grave, driven there by his own sins, and haunted by what he has lost.175 God created us in love and wants us to create things, improve things, not to destroy them.176 This behavior does not lead to harmony. It leads to distrust, distress, and discomfort.

ow that we have begun to reason with the law, what can be found in it that makes so many people run from its precepts?177 The vast majority of them have never really studied the law. They scream that it takes away their lib-

erties178, but when pressed they cannot give an example of a liberty lost. They have been listening to the devil whispering in their ear rather than the truth, which God shouts from heaven.179

To understand how serious the matter is, you only need to read the story of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemne.180 He was not afraid of dying. He was distressed by the thought of taking on the sins of billions of sinners


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to buy their way into God’s eternal family. He knew that those sins would cause His temporary separation from God and the thought of it was unbearable.181 He also was distressed by the knowledge that so many had chosen sin and would be judged for that choice.182

No one can force the truth of this story upon another.183 Each is called to make a decision. The first step on each person’s journey is deciding if they believe there is a God.184 Even the devil knows God exists. How foolish is it for us to say otherwise?185 God pleads at the door of our hearts for us to let Him in.186 If we would only follow God’s law, we would soon learn if God is who He says He is.187 The time it takes us to accept the real-ity of God, depends on the distance we need to travel. No two people start from the same place along the path.188 We are all different, have different genetics, and live in different environments.189 God wants us to make a decision we will be able to live with for all eternity,190 so, we must take whatever time is required to get there.191 We must contrast the work of satan to the work of God.192 We must be patient and give the truth the time it needs.193

Recognizing that Evil is only tolerant when it is helpless and intolerant when given any power,194 we must not assist those that do Evil, or that support Evil, in its attempts to gain power.195 We must be vigilant in our defense of Good, lest we become lured by the Evil we so detest!196 A test we can use to help us identify Evil is to ask this question: “Will this be acceptable in heaven and to the eternal family?”

Once we have studied the evidence and compared it to the Bible we will be in a position to decide whether there is a God.197 No true God would let His people exist without a guide to lead them home to Him.198 The Bible has never changed.199 The Bible was created by God to reveal His true nature and character, and to show that He has seen the end from the beginning, that we might read and believe.200 Compare the Bible to events spoken of in known history and the principals taught by the hu-


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man experience.201 We need to do our own studying. Never stop studying the Bible.202 Filter all you observe in life through God’s law.203 One day the truth will be impossible to refute.204

od takes no pleasure in forced allegiance.205 He patiently waits for us to make a decision.206 He knows that truth, meekness, purity and unselfish love will attract only one third of us. He knows our own choices fix our destiny.207

Oh how wonderful eternity will be, with all living in harmony together under God’s law! 208

When we know that the God of the Bible is the one true God, we are asked to keep His commandments.209 We are to be a shining light to the world.210 The example of our lives will help others on their journey, but it will also serve as a disturbance to the sinner’s peace.211 Some cannot admit their sinful nature and refuse to accept His calling. They will not welcome reminders of their refusal, so we must be prepared for negative feedback and tribulation.212 We must work to become the best possible version of ourselves.213 God calls us by faith, which leads to Good works, for we are changed once we truly believe.214

Finally, we are asked to spread the love of God to all we come into contact with either by the example of how we live our lives and/or by personally witnessing to them.215 We can become one of God’s friends, sent to break the chains of error and superstition.216 He sends us to save all that can be saved. He weeps for those that choose separation.217 We should witness to them gently, as Jesus did, and be humble because they will come to the truth if not forced.218 Let them take the steps, in order, that are necessary for their faith to grow and mature,219 but remember some will not choose to follow. Pray for them and move on.220 This is the sum of our responsibilities as we live “The Story of Good and Evil.”221 God wants our best, in spite of the imperfections He knows we have.222


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“It is to Christ that I desire to lead you.” –Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1588)

May God bless your personal journey!

This story is alive. Your questions and corrections are welcome and will allow it to mature. Please send both to: [email protected] | ©2012 foG


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Jesus Descending to the Underworld, 1510

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The following Bible verses supporting this story:

1. Jn 3:19, 20, 36, Eph 6:12, Acts 26:18, Ps 25:10-13, Eze 21:16

2. Jn 6:44, 8:43-44, Acts 26:20, Rev 3:20

3. Rom 2:5-9, 6:23, Prov 14:12, Jn 5:24, James 1:15, Rev 1:18, 2:11, 20:6, 13-14, 21:8, Is 7:15

4. Ez 18:20, 1 Pet 2:11, Gal 4:6, Joel 3:14

5. 1 Kings 3:7-9, Josh 24:15, Job 34:4, Prov 1:29

6. 1 Kgs 11:9, Job 28:28

7. Matt 12:36-37, Rom 12:1-2, Is 5:20, Eccl 12:14, Acts 26:18, 1 Cor 4:9

8. Ps 73:22

9. Ps 119:130, Hosea 4:1-2,6, Gal 6:10, Prov 28:9, Dan 4:30-31, 1 Cor 3:18-19, 1 Kgs 11:9, Rom 1:24, James 4:1

10. 2 Kgs 1:6, Neh 6:8, Matt 7:15, Dan 6:15-17, Mk 7:7, Rom 1:21-22, Col 2:8, 2 Thes 2:3-4, 1 Tim 4:1-4, 2 Tim 4:3, Heb 13:8-9, 1 Pet 5:8



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11. 1 Cor 15:16-19, 1 Chron 21:13, Prov 21:30, Jer 9:23-24, 10:23, Matt 12:30, Hos 13:4, Micah 3:7, Mk 8:33-36, Acts 5:29, 38-39

12. Eph 2:8-9, 5:9, Matt 14:25-31

13. Deut 6:18, 1 Sam 2:3, 1 Kgs 8:39, 9:6-7, Ps 33:15, Eze 7:3, 36:26-27, Matt 7:20-21, 16:27, Rom 2:11-13, 2 Cor 11:15, Titus 1:15-16, Heb 13:21, James 1:22, 2:18-26, 1 Jn 2:3-4, 3:18, Rev 2:23

14. Jn 3:20, Is 59:2, Matt 25:29, Mk 4:25, Lk 12:48, 19:26, 2 Tim 2:21

15. Rev 18:14, 1 Cor 1:26, Is 9:5, Acts 19:32, Jer 10:14

16. Jn 14:1-3, Heb 6:23, Ex 23:1, Ps 7:14, 119:104, Jer 5:31, 14:14

17. Jer 6:16, 13:25, Ps 20:10, 89:31-32, 119:45, 145:20, Is 5:20, 13:25, Deut 30:15-16

18. Phil 4:8-9, Jer 6:16, 29:11, Is 59:7-8, Prov 2:9, 20, 4:14

19. James 1:14-15, Mal 4:1-2, Rev 3:20, 18:5, Gal 17-23, Heb 2:14, Neh 9:12, Ps 16:11, 25:4, 50:14-15, 119:130, 139:24, Prov 23:19, Is 1:18, 35:8, 43:11, 45:22, 48:17, Jer 6:16, 21:8, 31:8, Matt 12:30, Rom 2:5-7, 6:13, 3 Jn 11

20. 1 Chron 19:13, Ps 1:6, 50:16-17, Prov 11:5, Is 59:28, Jer 21:8, Matt 12:30, Hos 10:13, Mal 4:1, Matt 23:33, Rom 2:8-9, 6:16, 23, Gal 6:7, Phil 3:18-19, 2 Thes 2:10, James 1:7

21. Gal 5:19-26, Jer 2:19

22. Deut 32:29

23. 2 Cor 4:4, Gen 3:1, 2 Sam 7:14, 2 Chron 6:36, Ps 50:21, 94:12, Prov 3:12, 15;10, Jer 2:19, 7:28, 30:11, 2 Pet 1:8-10, Rev 3:19

24. Matt 24:12, James 1:17-18


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25. Heb 12:5-8, Rom 2:27, 3:10, 23

26. 2 Cor 8:15

27. Lk 22:31, 2 Tim 2:26, 1 Pet 5:8, Lk 13:16, Rev 2:10

28. Acts 8:9-10, Matt 24:23-27, Mk 12:22, Gen 3:1, Jer 9:6, Jn 13:27, 2 Cor 11:14, Rev 12:9

29. 1 Cor 14:33

30. 1 Tim 6:20, James 3:16-17, Gen:13

31. Matt 7:15-16, Lk 18:11-12, 2 Pet 2:1-2, 2 Chron 12:13-14, Matt 24:4-5, Is 8:20, Col 2:8, Mk 1:13, 1 Sam 24:17

32. Jer 12:10, 23:1, 48:10, 50:6, Eze 22:26, Matt 23:13, 15, Rom 2:27-29, 1 Cor 3:11, James 1:26-27, Rev 2:15, 13:14-18

33. Deut 12:8, 2 Kgs 17:15, 1 Tim 6:20, James 1:14-15, 3:16-17

34. 2 Chron 30:8, Rom 6:13, 16, 2 Cor 11:13-14

35. Acts 8:9-10, Jer 6:10, 2 Tim 3:16-17, Hos 4:6, Gen 6:13, 2 Chron 7:3, Eccl 3:11, 1 Pet 4:17

36. Lk 8:14, 21:34

37. Ps 18:30, 19:7, Eph 6:13-17

38. Rom 7:19-20, Jn 3:19, 1 Jn 2:15-17, 2 Tim 3:1-4, James 1:14-15, Prov 6:27-28, 2 Sam 22:31, 2 Chron 30:8, Ps 10:7-8, 2 Cor 2:11, 2 Pet 2:1-3, Eph 6:12

39. Prov 6:27-29, Dan 9:13, Ps 17:4, 56:5, Jer 8:9, Eze 2:7, Mk 4:15

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40. Ex 34:6-7, Deut 32:25, Judges 2:19-20, Jer 6:8, Room 1:28-32, Rev 3:17

41. Is 65:12, Gen 4:13, Lev 26:24, Is 13:11, Jer 21:14, Matt 25:46

42. Amos 2:4, Zech 7:12

43. Matt7:2, Ex 34:7, 20:5, Num 14:18, Deut 5:9, Ps 109:13, Joel 2:2

44. Rev 2:9, 13,6:15-16, 12:9, Micah 7:8-10, Jn 3:19

45. Jn 8:9, Gen 4:23, Ps 35:26, Eccl 8:9

46. Ez 18:21, Eph 2:4-7, 1 Jn 1:7, Hosea 13:9, Jn 3:14-15, 1 Cor 10:13, Heb 12:3-4, Rom 2:15, Acts 13:46

47. 2 Pet 1:4-10, Deut 31:29, Eze 36:31

48. 1 Cor 2:7-8, 10:12-13, Jer 9:24, Deut 4:29-31, 19:5-6, 30:19, 2 Sam 11:27, 12:24, 1 Kigs 8:46-50, 15:5, 2 Kgs 17:13, 2 Chron 6:26-27, 7:14, 30:9, Ps 107:6-11, 18-20, Lam 3:39-40, Eze 14:6, 18:20:25, 27, 30, 19:10-11, Mk 10:37, Lk 1:37, 22:61-62, Rom 11:23, 2 Thes 3:14-15, Is 55:7

49. 2 Cor 5:19, Ps 17:15, 2 Pet 1:4-7

50. Ps 10:4, Matt 12:30

51. Jer 17:7, 1 Cor 1:17-19, 2:14, Prov 1:7, 2:1-5

52. Heb 8:10, Jn 14:1-3, 7:17, Eph 5:17, Ps 85:8, Is 57:21, 1 Cor 7:15, Phil 4:9

53. 1 Tim 1:17, 1 Jn 4:7-8, Deut 33:27, Ps 119:130, Acts 14:15

54. Rev 4:11, Col 1:16-17, Deut 30:11-16, Ps 40:8, Jer 31:33, 2 Cor 3:3, Heb 8:10, 10:16-17

55. Dan 7:28


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56. Lk 3:37-38, Ex 25:40, Is 14:24, Eph 3:15, 17-20, Titus 1:2, Rev 21:3, Col 1:16-17, Heb 11:8, 1 Jn 1:5, 4:8-10

57. Lk 24:27, Is 46:10-11, 55:8-9, Jn 4:23, 10:27-28, Ex 29:46, Lev 26:12, Deut 9:29, 32:6, 1 Sam 12:22, 1 Kgs 6:13, Ps 147:11, 2 Cor 6:18, Is 45:18, 3 Jn 1:4

58. Matt 25:34, 40, 1 Chron 17:13, Ps 23:3, Prov 16:4, Is 43:7, Zeph 3:17, Jn 1:12, 4:23, Eph 2:19-21, 3:9-11, 15, Titus 1:2, 1 Jn 3:1, Rev 4:11

59. Is 41:4, Lam 2:17, Jn 6:64, 14:29, Eph 2:10, 2 Tim 1:9

60. Eze 36:22, Rom 8:28-30, Eph 1:4-5

61. Ex 16:4, Deut 32:20, Judges 2:22, Is 46:10

62. 2 Kgs 19:3-35, 20:6, Ps 107:38-45, Rom 9:28

63. 1 Sam 10:19, 2 Sam 3:39, Jer 8:9, Hos 4:6, Mk 7:9, Jn 12:48

64. Acts 17:31, Col 1:16, Rev 4:11

65. Eze 28:14, Gen 19:1, Ex 23:20, Num 22:22, Matt 28:2, Mk 1:13, Lk 1:26, 2 Pet 2:11, Rev 5:2, 10:1, 12:7, 20:1, 22:16

66. Rev 12:7, 9

67. 3 Jn 11, 2 Thes 2:16-17, Jer 21:14, Rev 12:17, Amos 5:15

68. Gen 2:17, 19, 3:5, 22, 1 Jn 4:8

69. 1 Cor 13:4-7, Ps 86:5, Nahum 1:7, Gen 50:20, Ex 34:6, Ps 52:1, 143:10, Room 2:4, 2 Thes 1:11, 1 Tim 4:4

70. Rom 8:39, 1 Jn 4:7, 8, 16

71. Matt 20:27, Jn 19:26-27, 1 Cor 13:4-7, Phil 2:3, Jer 45:4-5, Lk 6:35, 2 Tim 3:1-4

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72. Is 56:11, Titus 1:7, 2 Pet 2:10

73. Ez 28:15-17, Ps 91:14, Mk 12:30, Jn 3:16, 35, 15:13, Rom 5:8, Gal 2:20, 2 Tim 3:2, 1 Jn 3:16

74. Ps 120:6-7, Lk 16:13, Deut 20:12, 1 Sam 20:7, 1 Kgs 2:5, 2 Kgs 9:22, 1 Chron 12:17, Ezra 9:12, Ps 28:3, 34:14, 120:7, Is 48:22, 59:8, Matt 10:34, Jn 14:27, Rom 3:17, James 3:18

75. Zech 3:1, Matt 16:23, Mk 1:13, 4:15, Lk 4:3, 8, Acts 5:3, 26:18, 1 Cor 7:5, Jn 8:44

76. Deut 30:19, Josh 24:15, 2 Sam 16:18, Ps 25:10-13, Prov 1:29, 3:31, Is 7:16, 41:24, 56:4

77. Eccl 9:9, Jn 3:35, 17:24, Rom 5:5, Eph 5:2, 2 Thes 2:16, 2 Tim 1:7

78. Gen 31:31, Deut 22:25, 2 Sam 13:12, Jn 6:15

79. Ps 52:1-3, 97:10, Micah 3:2, Jn 3:19

80. 1 Kgs 16:13, Matt 7:20, Rev 18:14

81. 1 Kgs 16:13, Matt 7:20, Rev 18:14

82. Eze 28:6-8,11-19, Prov 14:30, Acts 7:9, 1 Cor 3:3, 1 Tim 6:4, Titus 3:3, James 3:16

83. Gen 31:31, Deut 22:25, 2 Sam 13:12, Jn 6:15

84. Ex 25:19, Eze 28:14-16

85. Eze 28:13-16, Heb 9:5, 2 Thes 2:4

86. Is 14:12-17, Rev 12:3


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87. Is 14:13, Eze 28:13-15, Lk 4:8

88. Eze 28:2, 13-15, Is 14:14

89. Is 14:12-14, Eze 28:2, 17

90. Ez 18:24, 2 Pet 2:4, 1 Jn 3:8

91. Zech 3:1, Is 14:12-13, Phil 2:6

92. Dan 7:25, 1 Pet 5:8-9, Neh 9:29, Ps 48:32, Prov 5:22, Is 30:1, 42:24, Jer 16:18, 30:14, Jn 8:11, Acts 3:19, Heb 3:13

93. Gen 6:5, Job 21:27, Ps 10:4, Is 59:7, Mk 7:21, James 3:7-8

94. Rev 12:9

95. Gen 3:1

96. Is 46:10, Jn 16:4, Acts 15:18, Rev 1:8

97. Rev 12:7

98. Rev 12:4-9, Lk 10:18

99. Ex 20:20, 1 Kgs 8:32, Jer 7:25-26

100. Ex 33:20, Is 59:2, Matt 20:16, Rev 12:7-9

101. Gen 2:8-9, Col 1:16-17, Gen 1:3, Gen 1:27-28, Matt 12:30, Rev 12:9

102. Ps 104:35, Numb 16:26, 1 Sam 12:25, Ps 5:4, 37:28, 84:10, 119:155, Prov 4:14, 18:5, Mal 4:1 , Matt 13:14, 24:24, Lk 6:49, 1 Pet 5:8, Rev 12:12

103. Gen 1:1, 2:7, 5:1, Is 27:11, Col 1:16-17

104. Gen 3:4-5, Matt 4:1, 24:24, Mk 13:22, James 1:12-15

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105. Gen 3:8, Eze 20:38, Nahum 3:5

106. Gen 2:17, Ps 19:7, Matt 25:46, Rom 6:23, Heb 5:9, 1 Pet 1:16, 22-23, James 1:25

107. Gen 2:17, 3:5

108. Gen 3:8, Is 1:2

109. Gen 3:17, Micah 7:8-10

110. Gen 3:10, 1 Kgs 2:3, Jer 29:11-13

111. Gen 3:3-5, 17-19

112. Gen 3:7-8

113. Prov 18:1

114. Gen 4:8, 1 Kgs 21:20, 1 Chron 28:9, 2 Chron 6:30, Job 34:21, 42:2, Ps 139:16, Jer 23:24, Eze 11:5

115. Gen 3:24

116. Gen 3:16, 17-19

117. Gen 4:8, Col 1:13-15, Lk 9:56, 2 Cor 5:17-21, Rev 1:17, Jn3:16

118. Gen 4:8, Jn 14:-3

119. Gen 3:23, 4:12, Lk 13:1-3

120. Joshua 1:1-2, Amos 3:7, Ex 33:11, 17, Dan 9:26, Matt 1:21, 3:17, 8:29, 20:28, Jn 1:12, 3:14-15, Acts 2:21, 4:12, 16:31, 1 Jn 3:8

121. Ex 33:13, Matt 22:14, Heb 1:1-2, Rev 3:5


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122. Acts 1:8, 5:32, 7:48-50, Jn 14:16, 1 Jn 5:7, 16:6-7, 1 Cor 2:9-10, 8:9-13, Matt 7:20-21, 21:28-31, Mk 1:4, 2:17, Lk 6:44, Acts 17:30, 26:20, Rom 2:4, Eccl 3:17

123. Lk 5:32, 13:3, 1 Tim 1:15

124. Rom 10:9-10, 1 Jn 1:8-10

125. 3 Jn 11, Rom 8:28, Gal 6:10, Gen 26:24, 32:30, 35:9, Ex 19:3, 24:11, 25:22, 33:11, 34:5, Num 23:4, Deut 5:24, 11:7, Zech 8:9, Matt 1:22, 2:5, 13:35, Acts 3:18, Heb 1:1

126. Jn 1:4-5, Num 12:6, Deut 18:15, 22, 34:10, 1 Sam 3:21, 1 Kgs 18:36, 2 Kgs 17:13, 1 Chron 1:7-12, 20:20, 26:5, 36:21, Ezra 1:1-2, Neh 9:30, Is 8:11, Heb 1:1-2, Matt 1:23, Matt 11:13

127. Jn 7:39, 15:22, Acts 2:38, 1 Cor 2:10, 13, Lk 11:13, 1 Thes 4:8

128. Lk 10:25-26, Matt 3:15, 4:20, 25, 8:1, 10:40, 19:29, 25:35-36

129. 2 Thes 2:8, Jn 14:1-3, Prov 28:13, Dan 5:27, Matt 4:1, 9:3, 24, 12:14, 20:19, 25:42-43

130. 1 Cor 15:23-24, 1 Sam 12:23, Matt 10:34, 25:31-33, Jn 14:3, Neh 10:28, Is 59:2, 2 Cor 6:17

131. Prov 28:1, Phil 1:19-21, Mk 1:17, 14:11, 15:13, Matt 27:5, Gal 6:10

132. Ps 8:4-5, w Chron 6:23, Matt 12:30

133. Is 55:9, 1 Kgs 18:21, Eze 33:11

134. Jer 13:17, Eze 33:11

135. Gen 3:1, Matt 13:29-30, Rom 6:23, 2 Cor 5:1, 1 Tim 6:12, Titus 1:2, Heb 5:9, Rom 11:25

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136. Ps 8:5, Zech 13:7-8, Mal 3:18, Jn 17:6-8

137. Ps 8:5, Mk 8:38, 2 Thes 2:8

138. Dan 5:26-28, 1 Cor 10:11-12, Eph 6:10-11, Rev 18:4

139. Is 24:6, Eze 5:12, Jude 1:3-4, 3 Jn 11, Matt 13:30, Matt 13:38-40, Mal 3:18, Matt 24:3-5

140. Mk 16:16, Jn 3:17, 2 Tim 3:1-2, 13

141. 3 Jn 11

142. 2 Chron 26:16,21, Ps 81:11-12, Is 51:4, Jude 1:7, Matt 25:31-34

143. Rev 12:4-10, Lk 20:34-36, Zech 13:7-8, 1 Cor, 15:52Ps 96:13, Matt 7:20-21, 24:4-5, Rom 1:28-32, 7:4

144. Matt 12:30, 24:36-39, Ex 33:16, Deut 29:21, Prov 29:27

145. Lk 12:51, Col 1:20-21, 2 Thes 2:8

146. Phil 3:20-21, Ps 37:29, Dan 7:14, Rom 8:28, Is 45:18, Ps 132:13, Matt 22:30, Acts 2:39

147. Heb 11:16, Dan 12:1, Rev 21:27, Is 43:25, Zech 13:8-9, Matt 7:13-14, Mk 12:25, Lk 20:36, Eph 1:9-11, 1 Thes 5:10

148. 1 Jn 4:11, Lk 10:27, Job 37:5, Jer 23:20, Matt 24:36, Jn 6:64, Acts 1:7, Phil 2:12-14

149. Dan 8:19, 12:4, 13, Matt 24:14, Rom 13:12-13, 2 Tim 3:1-7

150. Rom 15:4, Rev 12:1-2, Rev 20:12, Jn 16:21, Is 8:20, Ps 68:18

151. Micah 4:1-2


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152. Deut 5:29, Ps 5:4, Eph 4:1-7, 11-16, Phil 1:6, 1 Jn 3;11

153. Mk 3:25, Rom 8:5-7

154. Rev 22:14, Ps 19:7, 1 Jn 3:6, Ps 111:7-8, Deut 29:29, Rom 1:20

155. Rom 1:22, 15:4, Ps 119:105, 2 Tim 3:16, Deut 5:1

156. Ez 20:20, Ex 31:17, Gen 2:3, Is 56:2, 6-7, 1 Cor 14:33, 2 Cor 11:3

157. Ps 119:9, Heb 15:13-14, 3 Jn 1:11

158. Jer 42:4, Matt 4:10

159. Ex 15:11, Judges 10:14, 2 Sam 7:22, 1 Kgs 8:60-61

160. Eze 14:3, Rev 20:4

161. Eze 14:6

162. Prov 3:7, 12:4, Ps 19:7,Eccl *;5, Jer 9:23, Dan 2:20-22, Matt 7:24, Rom 1:22, 11:25

163. Gen 1:27, Prov 6:27-29

164. Ex 16:23, 20:11, 31:13 James 2:10

165. Prov 19:5, Gen 2:2-3, 31:15, 35:2, lev 19:3, 23:3, Neh 10:31, Is 56:2, 58:13-14, Jer 17:19-22, Eze 20:12, 20

166. Matt 12:8, 13:19, Heb 13:5

167. Matt 24:20, Mk 1:21, 2:27, 28, Lk 4:16, 6:5, 23:56, Heb 4:7-12

168. Eph 6:2

169. Deut 4:40, 1 Kgs 12:8, Rev 12:12

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170. Gen 1:22, 28, Matt 19:4-6, 9, Ex 20:14, Prov 6:32, Mk 10:11, Rev 2:22

171. Rom 2:23, 1 Cor 15:56, Mk 7:7, Titus 1:14, 1 Jn 2:4-5, 3:6

172. Prov 26:12, James 2:10

173. Ps 40:4, 119:6, Heb 10:16, 12:3-4, Rev 14:1

174. Matt 26.42

175. Dan 8:25, 1 Pet 5:8, Rev 12:12

176. Gen 1:27

177. Ps 119:4-6, Jer 29:13, Matt 11:30, Lk 11:9, Rev 3:20

178. Ps 119:18, Hos 4:6, Lk 11:52, Jn 7:17, 49

179. Deut 30:19, Jer 6:19, 21, Eze 20:35, Matt 12:30

180. Matt 26:38, 27:46, Lk 22:44, 1 Cor 4:7

181. Matt 26:38, Mk 14:34, Rom 15:4

182. 1 Sam 2:10, 2 Kgs 14:6

183. Ps 145:18, Prov 21:5, Jer 5:3, Jn 4:23, 8:44, Rom 2:8, Gal 5:7, 1 Tim 2:4, 2 Pet 2:2

184. Ps 14:1, 46:10, Heb 3:12, 19

185. Lk 4:41

186. Is 41:4, Matt 7:7, 8, Lk 11:9, 10, Jn 14:1, Rev 3:20

187. Jer 22:15-16, Jn 7:17, 8:31-32, 1 Cor 3:2-3


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188. Prov 29:2, Matt 25:15, Rom 12:6, 1 Cor 4:7

189. 1 Cor 4:7, 2 Cor 11:13-14, 1 Pet 5:8, Eph 4:25-27, Rom 12:1-2, 6, Eph 5:11

190. Lev 5:4, Deut 1:39, Ps 34:14, Prov 13:21, Eccl 12:14, Jer 18:11, Matt 7:17, Lk 6:45, Rom 12:9

191. Is 8:20, Jn 13:19, Rom 15:4, Jn 5:39, Heb 6:15, 8:2-5, 12:1, Rev 3:10, 22:18-19, Is 48:17, Prov 1:33, Is 40:8, Ps 37:7, Eccl 7:8, James 1:4

192. Acts 10:38, 1 Jn 3:8, 10, 3 Jn 1:11, Rev 1:1-2

193. Ps 37:7, Eccl 7:8, Heb 6:15, 12:1, Rom 1:20, 15:4, Matt 23:8-10, James 1:4, Rev 1:3, 3:10

194. 2 Sam 17:2, Prov 29:2, 2 Tim 3:16, Phil 1:3-6, Lk 11:3, Jn 6:57-58

195. Zech 8:16-17, Amos 5:13-15, Matt 12:30, Job 8:20, Ps 97:10, Prov 28:4, Jer 23:14, Eze 13:22, Rom 1:28-32, 12:9

196. Deut 13:5, Ps 26:4-5, 145:10, Rom 1:20, 12:221, 1 Cor 1:27, 10:6, 11-12, Eph 6:11-12

197. Ps 46:10, 111:10, Job 9:2, Rom 6:23, 1 Pet 2:2, Rev 21:6-7

198. Amos 3:7, 2 Tim 3:16-17, James 1:5-6, 1 Pet 2:2, Rev 6:15-17, Eze 33:11

199. Lev 1:3-4, Ps 27:14, 33:11, Eze 12:25, Dan 7:25-27, Matt 5:18, Acts 24:14, 26:22, Heb 11:8, Rev 22:18-19

200. Is 54:17, Acts 18:28, 28:23, 1 Cor 15:1-7, Heb 4:2, 6:17, 2 Pet 1:19-21, Rev 22:12

201. Josh 21:45, Ps 98:2, Acts 14:15-17, Rom 8:28

202. Jn 14:15, Phil 1:8, Rev 14:12, 1 Jn 2:3-4, 3:24, 6:2-3, 17:6-8, Rom 12:2, Col 1:10, 4:5-6, 1 Thes 5:21, 2 Tim 2:15

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203. Ps 19:1, James 1:25, Phil 4:5, 1 Pet 2:11-12

204. Josh 1:8, Lk 21:16-17, Jn 15:20, 16:33, Heb 4:2, 5:13-14, Jer 6:10, Titus 3:10-112 Tim 3:12, Rev 1:9, Lk 22:41-43, James 1:25, 1 Jn 2:20-21

205. Ps 145:18, Jn 4:23, Rom 2:8, Gal 5:7, 1 Tim 2:4, 1 Pet 2:1-8, James 2:14-24

206. Matt 10:14, Matt 25:35-36, Prov 22:6, 1 Cor 8:9, Prov 19:17, Jn 13:34-35, Rom 15:5, 1 Pet 2:20, Rev 1:9

207. Lam 3:25-26, Matt 12:30, Acts 18:3-4

208. Ps 37:10-11, 133:1, Naham 1:9, Zeph 3:15, Zech 2:11, 9:16-17, Phil 2:5-8, 1 Jn 5:3

209. Lev 19:37, 26:2-4, Num 15:40, Deut 5:12, Josh 22:5, 1 Kgs 3:14, 11:38, 2 Kgs 17:37, 1 Chron 22:13, 2 chron 6:16, Neh 10:29, Ps 105:45, Eze 11:20, Dan 9:4, Matt 7:6, 1 Jn 2:3-4, 3:22, Eccl 12:13-14

210. Rom 12:1, Eccl 12:13, Deut 28:9-10, Eze 36:23, Matt 5:15-16, Phil 4:7-8

211. 1 Sam 12:23, Eccl 9:10, Josh 1:15, 1 Pet 5:3

212. 1 Sam 18:15, Matt 10:22,12:30, 24:9. Jn 15:19, Heb 11:25, Gal 4:29, 2 Tim 1:16, 2:10, 3:12, Rev 2:10

213. 1 Cor 9:24-27, Phil 3:12-15, Col 3:23, 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 3:16-17, Heb 6:1, 11:21

214. Titus 3:8, Rom 3:27, Gal 2:16, James 2:14, 17, 18, Rev 2:19

215. Ps 77:11-12, Is 62:6, Matt 4:19, 28:19, Acts 20:28

216. 1 Pet 4:11, Gen 9:26, Lev 25:55, Josh 1:15, 1 Sam 23:10, 1 Chron 6:49, Eze 28:225, Dan 6:20, Amos 3:7, Lk 16:13, Rom 1:1, Titus 1:1, James 1:1


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217. Jer 13:17

218. Ps 25:9, 1 Pet 3:15, Phil 2:3,8, 1 Tim 5:1-2, 2 Tim 2:24-26

219. 1 Cor 3:2-3, 14:40

220. Mk 6:11, Lk 9:5, 2 Cor 6:14

221. Deut 10:12-13, Eccl 12:13-14, Micah 6:8

222. 1 Cor 9:24-27, Gen 43:11, Ex 22:5, Num 18:12, Ps 19:5, Heb 12:1

Fo ot not e s

Page 44: The Story of Good and Evil
Page 45: The Story of Good and Evil
Page 46: The Story of Good and Evil