THE STATE AT LARGE. rUTEKSDFRtl ASH VDTMTY. Btilcb.a Tim*,art CrlrbratloM Merline ». tb* IHrtin r*,i i ot*,et,,,on Kvbui and IVrnd*. 11 ,s*-asr**i-1**i,se nf thc lllrhmnit] Dtf.ia.eh.J PBlBaBSBirBa, ll. inlier | Arrsnrfcnit lils for Ihe siiimnl nu*,-,tn,- nf lin drand ( "iinnsnilerv ,.( KatffbtS T.tii- -i|*l"« of Vil'CI.'.is ill *ln, effty nil Weil: ,lav sltimnnn hive lv-en ,",,nip!e<. d. oc.Bsion will iiikik an even, in taff vu, il* ti Hu- nnit i by anson ,.( the erandeur nf thu r, cepiion i., u- RtVCB bv Hu* sir KiiUiht* ,,f .\|.p.v,nvt,.v OOCB- nunfier** t.s n,,- Qraud UiMaffsssMlsr) Bad Un ir -»1 -it jmi- brcthrea throughout the I Me's;,!,, he ,! , irated with Hu*, anil ot, I bur.,liv Clarh, c.duns nuleri.-s will pirti,ti at. la thc ninnie in hoimr af las -.Tan.! betty, Darla*, thc parade the rsrivate rcetsteeice shrag thc Bbc el mn 1. Will bS (lt ."IV eil With If *,* ii beti.'¦ at '»'.¦ of. tart !:, i -.s Ul ,i,i plaoe Ill- ll.Vf UV." ,.r ..I" ss k. .. 'I !'. l -I UT.Tl- .:. . lu tula >f tin .* Ins !" i d- Ti Btion il 1* l-eliev. i' i.i ,*., tv i'l in- prent m. IV':, ii in. al-eni: nm Mlil-n-c. ll Wa SO ."'Ti ,1 no nomination vv,. ;,l !.-¦ ,,,.,,*, y gat!. ami. vj*, !.-,duin in IV ; :v ni t st lloll THt'l .;. hill I , ,-tisi !. il ,i . ni. nt.-,| Bli Hdj'Tillllit. nt. I.,- d< Ita rn turn vs it;, atandinji .¦! thc si ,.'-, and v ..Ts. H Ison aile rand lat. in th (fiat the Bi ni tatton, r e.lh. r of the lt>| uh lean fae- .. -I I.s -. Ti,., laid r parties ind bis fri, n,|, « ijorltj if they are bli t Beni lhe ne* lin if :t v Ute district hui -. Ile . kind- . . ,i (ll I". Ari .... r**'' 1' I' '-*!. J v i . I ir. - Our " N \ i- li * . r says idle-* iii it, \ ll* irul.-n Inii1 elu ed I Captain 1*. C. V I <-) . Iratton .sis appointed. fl.;un-- - , ¦ !!¦ dd I, a* an el. i, Ci sh. h. ( ll Hie : ivertl Beaiai li* Miu-flrti v .- Tl -. Bl s.eli. ''¦¦ i thal r1 ef-i -. vvbt n. I* is . I In** ni rliv ¦ ,, - iii ip. /'.!'.'. i .i'i Pal H li Bl. it t- I ' \, lone*. church In re oil Intorme il bini th -t he rn ijurej rye, lt n,,,-t ix i ik- n I i tbat IS. I, V - were ,. \. !' . B. i».|. a lull inti Tb-.. Ii vu COUNTY. al vii i tu I.* i nri-iL-ii t rr |>. .erse. Ht ni cn. ff ot resi ..!.'..! V s., / I, I--:, v -r-il.is. md erowd i I to be ii tbe (Mi .dis :,dVT r- Ibat day. Dr. Oi E. Hisi ry. iv when v Mil' T li i- 'I dlsappolotmi nt in un appear in >-. Thii Beet ion ol tin **' li -u--.\ rsri I c u ¦1 vs, i ol e .mphlnt. il We ill*likt lo linke it. lt i- in,, ... tte mini iv ¦li B H. Ill >- is much in I k rt ia tbe D socratic , Richmond < Itv . . n than section ol Batten! VlrgioM i .. (Hack Be '." and nodistrlc! I. WT Un til'.re fe. I Hint vv. d.- nrrvc Boractblns rnorcthan lympatby from t.ur br.tbr.;, ol ibt mon favored lot bulli iv. Intend to lie'h' "ur thou/h wc may |.e Wbippod vst ss lil tieri! *:rr. I. I" r. Hui to ri turn. Dr. Bira !»'- M ¦ Bpeeehid bobm t**" bom- ib his bold mid Wtgtarow Btyb.. I!:- blofln wire lenin** aud heavy, sssf artel do (Treal ffBod lu I th. I'. BsCCratl !" th"' ncc .**!!> n( doini: Un ir iiutv na clectlon-dsy. Tbs lit et.-i i* ¦-. ac! us and iintirinir worker, am! tb> Inmut tat* Bf IflSas OWS bim in¬ di .-il ti debt Bf i*r*t!tmle. Tlieuinlnr* "f "indy nnd Lian* itere mi L.iiid. sud birsiij'ued tbe colored man and Iii* '* faith- fut allie*" at considerable length. lb.*. '-.faithful allie*" number but t( vv b.i> lust a lew BBBfff tlnifi eiioui*!i ts) 80B80IB8 the "loave* and fl*bi*"~und BBQM aunt are rei pining- for a BBfla look bunj-rv Bad ready ta Mien say .-."-<." e**aat thal eaea-sc or lhe -s Rom " mtv drop in their way, snd they are uU fm It'radv. Kran*'* speaker. Young, had tbe crowd vvlth him. as be did St eve|)temtser court. He seem* to Ii* mon than a match for nay apeaker that bas boen nftfad again*! bim BS re, nd for a narro, it ff capital it ump-r. Hut tbe colored mau snd tirotlior nceda con*t.,nt eire mid *itt,..i Uno; l.-.*i,y he may W Tot KauaindML*. morrow bc may be :,»r Brady. OOOUULAMi COUNTY. Its-inoeratlr meelina .,M , ,..,,.,..,_ MH-cches trcm *tl.J.r Nasa, U. C). Jume. an.l Course I). U'lie. ic.*i,-i-.,..i.,.,..i n.. nw ¦sm in.«,rh, Km Hui. (let,,|..r,; tmrnt Satt.r.lnv wns a li, |,|.,|.,V , ,r ,, .. ?**V iho..,Vr end ,,r ....;,: land county. The people ,v.r,. ,. r. , Isrtrc ntimlier*. and tbeneatin - ams ... tho (Uh st ll, .ns,,,, i. ..,,.,,.., ,'.,,' ns,,,. Iho oecii.loi, WM :. ,1 ,,,...,, ... " . ' Cleveland, Hendricks, I,,,,,..; ,, ,v,' sudirood k'ov,rni,,e:,i, under thi ii ..(lll.-Oemoei-l-oltlosiiei,,,,,,,,.,,' ,.'.', .-,.e,anv under tba i...-,.|,r,hi,. , Vii tin.* .in/, ns and .in-..,,, i, . >.es:,s.v:,s.:,,,;()...,;;;;*^;;., , ' '','.'"',"' V" '"'-.'¦¦'¦ over by Mr. i fi. r..i.ish. who,..,,, .,,,,,,, ,,.. . " ¦ cr* in .-nie. lui and ..|.MJ1..M, ,.,.,, ., ... BUdlence numbered aboui »o person* iiiioini w:,.,.:,,,.,,i ,.lN1. ,; ."-"( the neigblxtrhood. MatorH ll.Nash, ol'your city, was tbe flmt speakeri i.t il be mad* 1 dear, forcible, an |,, r\ -,| s|.e.-l, .f in hour'- I un, on ,.,. polltlca. His eai-iiesi and *"¦' listened lo bi the peoph arith rn:, i. il and attention. Mr. B, 0. .iiiiii . tn ui tv. foll w. Ma] .r In a s..'i i. pi,"i, n un .,- thing in* reetire and brilliant aatii ..niau Bi .. Oeoi .'¦ H. Wise, mir candidate for ( n -, -s. p.ai took ii,r stand, .; for un hour and i bail in hi- usu.il li Imitable styl. n,. |U. *t!ui tt ii and tn', rtslned inc crowd until n Ul the ll ii Tbe no "i'ii. iv:- I.,-si ,;.,-,,,,-,._.,._, and gratifying, and « M result In nt th, ii-,.. i nope re will be m in*, such meetings in thi count* before the election. One ti 'Hoi of "i'i- ml etina wa* tb nam- ol lon il i" .-j le pi.-, m. They *"' nu (1 lo :. .md cv pressed views ol th" »I*e*uV . T. T.,Jr. VETOUBT, I. I illili ll, ll.",. .,!,. ft.ill, llllllllls.ll ||, i; 11 I'l.Hvi b Um (.r.-nt TtSewater Braiae. Bi y Kuku .- ¦...: Del ib rfl,l I, Bon. John I iou Ibe lit roocrslie ( cl I r,-in nlghl it n -. wits iimii. ns in this h. ighi ,:,*, ii di*. "s-i.m ,t ii ic .,-,-1 i,.n vi irs, lilllie! a ia;'.'-- nu iii in r "i ulic vv, rc nd tin v. v .I ,. di prei ni I. Wil¬ li iiiui- ni r. Aili ip: f the* tin- munni r. TL fr - ii iu l -.1 ill* were lu Misson. ¦i-i nd Ml ' - < tir, f Hoi '.wai 1 in motion of M bet wi ison., ¦ric'.-, and 1' Mr. nthU" STY. \ Lu. Deineerutic *( nins a* ihe I'aort- ... |, i Odo i lion. John V* Daub I, .1. ll. II. Fi ind Hi meetim. of ¦-. i. ral hundred 1 ;.'". liv, I) li-', i), .! i .. A nuiu could lu -¦.. ii ni : .,, n. Daniel was Inti >dii< ¦.! bj A. .). amid a -!' ri i- . nnd -p.' ind a half. \\ [th mon :.- ar- and Hi ii The speech I ly his fl .pe of ihe h.; tbe c in- aroust cl, and old S ..- 17 VANIA. y I,. Democrat* Ai Bes fl. Danica v. - Oilman Speak. '¦--:. '. nlop"i ..I V, i- i. ll lins Icfl hehiud In old Spotsyl- (I him, and -. vv I.i h wa* -. in i m.. .-I « hom li»>»( |] will ceri in'" in -e. her vote, ¦order in AH-emarlo. ITM.E, October '.. I8*i4. ll i.,hired ll uni ,d been assault, d in di r< .1. wss ' u Morl Allx marl c.uiutv. ll- r skull wa* ... k colored man is having committf-J thc crime. s.ole-.. \ .!. r from Amii, ral < ourth .u* ,. i. .-i ol ii- count) i- thorouj-lilj arousi d. ') lie v u ig men tn rc h ire fi a ..( li vd md, Hendricks, and Tucker iiiii.." anti in doini, un id wok f .... ini mi mtiers ol the » lu in in Le uniform, d. Ambers! and Si Ison count*, t will barbecue on the Mh ii si use. The .. noble Han. aud tither trood speakers will boon band and timi. A rousing. I', iuocr.it, - bel'. -""I - tl:.'-,i.l. were mr. li bi Hon. J. Itandolph :.i .1 .Mi. (ii Utan. Hi.le! "flSJsaUB Xt>i»il> ¦¦BTBIlBlBB. A N, vi ll sen ;< ann ti legram \\ i'll-,in J. I',.vv,I. 0W1 House, en -. rsacri. llclnj! th. liv. - of i-' b iman i" Injn earlv Saturdaj morn In tr Lv mea na ol coal ni .ld iiiui defective fur- When ¦ Mjuad ol p iib I,, 1, Hi station arrived tit the hoi.se the v uniting an g .spins for breath snd showed signs of a narro* ea* i tl i. The suffer" erm wen Mrs. Patrick Mulligan, B'bojsub- I,, tbe 'ow. il tor and k office in the front; Patrick Mulligan, ti r I; .lui,ii E. VViltl and hil wife; Jo- I ntli.an. Uni. v..ir- ..ld Mn. Se* , -. ii, old inly who iii.-, with tba Bulli- rana; Bate Khannahan and Bridget Bird. The but two an young lervsntgirb*, Mrs. Mulllg " in Ulai Hird bare lines been ir d. Uh, bUl Will pi..hil'.Iv recover, pond's li utily col,neilin, tl for hil tre li¬ ll., nt ol 11- ti min:", a- ha knew the furnace iva- imti! for r-e. Denimel I* <.. lire In Holyoke. Maa*.. ||t) ,!.s;,,, die Illtpai" lil Booro*., onoiiei (. Obi of Iks noa\ **> mm tires Hint ncr rlsitedJlolroke broke out in the lii.-cm, nt of \o~ Mill, belong" ,iik- to the Newton Paper C-ompany, on ."ainnliiv BMM-Blng. Elghl heatine-eii.. inc* mid two machine- won- humed, h-iivim* .in machine and throe cm-ines. Throe ali ik-ti.us. * wen lin neil, ll ivhhh vv.-r- st..nd altin! .VX) tons ol rai.-. Tren-ur.-r .. | -itt. * th tl the value of tan property the tire reached mills, stock-hoii-ts. al tel, A,. _w:,s. n*f, ai.V'.UOli. Of tins amount nerhatM ^'.'O.onO may bc saved, leavim* a total probabki km af ai...ut |ltMO°. Tb* tm- is pn -'lined to have* resulted from SpontSD* "U* e.'iiihii-n.'n. Insurauce. $!*.,. isl', lt is understood thc mill* will t>o n> l.iii'il._m _ Pul-ltc sjxaker* and singers find H. H. Douglass & ck-n*' Catialcum (."ough-Oroi)* a sure rcUKdy for b(>ar»cneas. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. THE CHOLERA SCOURGE. Ihr Worse lteli.rrt lo b* Orer-K*rh's thean Dltcrrdllrd. A Lomb ii s|ie,-i.,| ,,. Hie I'ldladclj.-na Times -'ir: | he r.'cort! of the week st ctn* io lusttfy tm- belief thai the sptaeffl UM .l.n'ci-n nlilemi,-|,:is \)9mn i,r<>ke-n, anti it* dlapparsace now i* arly * aBBalsa <>( wnl" Ii vs * leg moekttgt lad Thur*- tiiv tbat th, iii*, fetal aaa af caesar*, wa rcimi',1 d in Italy, nnd Um ieehm haw thu* fur ii'otilc un Rvcrags efl aarff « thou- Baad weil, ly. ll M SUISSJB week* ,o-t!vv ib.- tii-*f ,i,..u!, sv a* raeortcd in . m.bin..- .iTnti, *RB Btflbths pa wal -n that country. The mistcry of lbs l !i-*ie |. (mho.i is rcillv th" lust lin. medical r. stun of Um whole llliuiedial.lv after Mic J"-t bfOh- "Ul With virulence In thst etty, a fortalabl sgo, tbs inii. diii - ind the sister rapfd) nalysed, «nd ibe- dtaavered lhsl of tb'* ",'ir.-<* aourc * r tupi iv Uwff of tin- Nicolai Cora* pan) waa awful, thc i.innit i|.al w irk* ap¬ ply Waa |ld!s Ind. tm! 1 n! of Hie ,;,r- /tiiii Company wa pure. Immense and coally ,.,i ,1-1. were promptly reade te rita ri *io Li-: two Btmrcrs and to tum tbs latttr wata into ail thc plpa, An imme¬ diate Improvemeal ssa* rtotlced. snd Cu¬ 's declined alter righi das*. In td nf advancing fur waka, as bas utuallt been tbe cote. Thea is i nordon sroiiBfl l.a Rp, /' t *t:i:, in IJlltC nf t n nins. is.I jut.les;. KAVAL ol ;T''r:i:.* iv oe wt vitim:. lt t* ii droll tact th u Admiral Caiml, vs lu, i* undi i' orders command tin Kent ii. \ i-| ui i. bound b r .vin- rle i. and Admiral Loveradi Bari.. wbo ls un der ,,,. de rs t.. ;!**lilii( i -liar ge nf tuc .Vu al Acnle- L' born, ni'- ie.il, confined in-i ..I tie l.a Kp, /in cordon, mid bo lin*, er c rn e > ti irate them. Tba Kmr,aiiiy ii Bsplcs among tbe bet. ter clasra ha* lieen more than B hts *.i t any other vtaitation ol recen! tin -. It includi * bu n ju itat*. -. I-.- nf nuns, ninny doc! irs, J be temp '! fy ur- 1 >*. in ..¦.yliiiii nt Naples la crowded with chlldirn, nnd hundreds f otha rs ire pri« rab ty rared fur. Luis Otwaj having eleven in a sinai) orphan ,,. kceord- lng ,-i thc official ami municipal lhere bast I.:ni !'..",1J ,I i'll* in |t-.,Jy up m dat.. Lui people wbo ugbl t 1 now - s tba-, in tit-- terrible month of fully 1.'I'm die.1 at N.i|.l> and a Roi pa| el estimates th. tn; il tl, at! s i,;, !,, Wi 'llie-ilav ,.: !n.-,i i. Out ,,f -ists p...vine.- ra Italian mainland lorty- tni.r have li. i, inf, eted i bul ont) tl have 1 ml ii,¦ i-- than 80 deaths, nr more th in 100 deaths. In France thc i .¦¦: ls still declining vsi-i i.lv, and there seems l, be no reason to Isolated death* in the dejnart- in, aii a dan Keen'* TBI OBI DI RB U'iKH. Tin i'1 li is I" 'ii I . dall ,'¦ in D during lin* sv ck, since tl M . ul -inn doctoi made ra 11 ib ir it, r. 1 url "f mai -. xpenment* will whl b s-.t rc (ai I un -. and linc Di. Hoi il s- oflii il and an spert, ha* shown oul, nmi for th, ml to! I ¦! ("ora- ;oi ii r.iuld m.Hu malic illj ¦> .ni houri) \ imintitinn ol thc bl.. « ld I ie -i il v ii. - flo* i|,nrin* ¦iud Liking tb< h. grad¬ ually ir until Ihe column :. ru] Tb Coinmi* -i atlii dirt*. cl linn tl bi Mara ..-.-.. I, what lin1 I'M! ra ls ti,-. w, Dr. I. *h'i inned,i , lely been n adi niib sulpbid ; on a- :'L anti* 'ptic and revol*ivc nd lt si III 1 e tri- .! '. i,i,. Dr. ls d *clin. ,1 aca'l! t i. lp ty. It I* rei bc ml. uv, i in (hi Cu ii .I I'- rlin f bim. Dusino** in Inly m iii :i b rrll le e 'million. L.;¦-¦¦. f Hun i and elsewhere, lay hand* [iles, nd .1 the town ij ii, '1 !'-!!.¦:bt. Cholera "toles. I Ut esl ii, ii .- -Dui Ing Ibe pasl tw, n- there , ere th rty-i' .-;.-, a ol hob ra and tw, Ive I. ith In N jib *. In (lenna lhere ss. tw. v- .-*, v, ri lu*!!, i- . :,;,,| twenty-two death* dui int; MR. GLADSTONE'S POLICY. c. i Hartington Bad Hr. Fertier :' IH i Bodar, »r Affair*. A London ays: Th mu .' S ,t- li'd.iy me, ¦:::." were !¦. ld yesb rd n Liberals aud Conarvst ives thronzh Blngd. m (or and itgaiasl tbe franeblse bill. Tin- Marquis "f !!,,i;,.;.- m, Si rotary ol ¦i W ir, addn wed 13.000 Liberals st A' itt;.!. .:. lit - lld tba! ling "( tin- Gordon relic! exnedill .n di l nol mean ,i r. conquest nf tbe Sot .ir in . if in -i iv. dler, drioL and phllantl mist, ss'm i, id rial supp irt, ib liv, r tbe Soiid mes, fr m liond uri. Il thal .' w is dill illy, t*. r for th ( --1 -. r.itiv, (o loder. nu-i- ered indictment than it was for himself to Ilise 1 e imp!, Ie li I il li il- icy in iv, ry [tori nf the world. Bu be -v thal lim in..' the pn unlit ot It,-liiil great and enormous dil- ticultii - lu il i l*i n Ih il w, rc nol ol ...sn rrrfltion, bul were :i (Vmacrral ve i> om. j. Tbe policy >.i- thc Gov< inmenl in I:.-;-11 vv;,- io v. iti,di isv, is iq tn ii* I, t ss lt the di ll (.,,.. rom. lo l',\ and ith r I--,min ii *. The franchitti a ritaUon i,ii.-'it lead !¦. ti crisis involving the ex- tue nf Lords, ll said Ilia! Mr. (ihtdstonc of all men wa- able and it Hiing t pas* j fi mel l*>en pissed. Al I." -I- K'.;.! ll, IL \\ illiain E. !'..:-;i -. ll ii. lb ii-,- of Commons lor Bradford, de- T|,_-. and 'I 'Vied ipi rel, ill s Indie dion f Mr. Glads! ¦:¦¦ ¦'- pola y. He argued Ida! tbe Liberal* had nol yet agreed Ihi r. -i it.-, w netber thc Ho I Louis should i-" Improvi ,1 or removed, but the t opie wei a rn thal Uh 5 wo, ,',; idi ¦'.>¦. ntemued.or b iffl .y h ind- fut ol Inf' dltarj legislators. fl!*.' !' I i.-.fnv. (Jeiober 6..Mr. Gladstone ba is-ued rt circular notifying bi* supp .rters lo attend the opening ol Parliament, as bc 1,1 -,- ;t tbe carlia! momenl to submit iiii|.-r,:iut and pressing business for the con¬ sideration of that body. lil ED EE El> EY REDO il SS. ( (.lune! Sn start .inti Carty Massacred 'I uremia Tr.-urkrr). ;r.s rattle L. tba il « ah;... October 6..Il ls rarnorcd bere that, iiluiii -it war! ba* bc, n kill, dat Ber- * , !'. Wu.y l!-,l or. October fl.-* A IX :*i*!eilt rumor prevail* heretbat Colonel Stewart landed, after bis strainer struektbe rocks In tbe cataract, al Wad) Gama, and that he wa. murdert d bj Bi doulns. Lon!»-\. Octolierfl..The War Office i* unca tain as i" the fate .-f «oloni Slea ut. wbo, vs itb forts men, wases route to Don¬ nie. Their steamer -mick the rocks, ind they Wire li:,able tO lint lier. A ll wa Hiu'e With Ibe Arab* to i- uni c.-iilu. i tl"* I-;.."* through the tl.*dt ,., .Mirani. The Arab* pi ived tienciunm*, however, and m-issacrcdthe in*! party wblcb landed from the stanier. 'lb. v then boarded Ihe s.-*el and killed tl.¦ ss.',,1 n maim d, with (be exeeptloB ..( a t.-vv nu n. sv le-, h.um - a: unknown, li 1- reported tba! * olonel Stewart -va* among ru kided, lt 1* unknown wbctha Mr. Cw, r, tb, orr, snondenl ol the I bad icu rmd to Khartoum or wa with 1 nit,, el Stewart. I^AIKn. t let.,her »l.~ Maj r K ib bt-rier !. 1, eraphs thal tbs whole f Colonel .¦... "wart'a j.irtv lia* be. n tnurdcr. d, ' olonel -l.w.trt. With Int porty, wen- atiTtluled on Ho- lurk* in the cataract m Wad] '.vin*. *".'. bad re- quested tbe Hndlr ot Doagolsto si ad bia aalatana a (. w days a--'"- londllloaor fafshsBrfl In I.M'1* (Hy elide to Uir III": LafltsBVi ('(lober «..The Cabin.*' to-day considered Lord Nnrtlibrnuk't tirsl Uste- n.dit r. latlve tc the cBBdltion "f Egypt 11,- ,. i-earf* ii|son afl'airs in Ital cosratrj SW vt ry uidavorab e. The Cabinet al... c ui- sidered dU|vatches from Slr Hercule* loMj .on. (invernorof the Colonv o( the Cape ot Geed Hope, urging that lefnlIaraffncnts of Irt/op* bc sent him la act BgalUSt UM Boers. Upon Ike adjournment ..( ths OnUBCll dhb j'.vtrti's were forwarded Iff Geiniil Lord Woliehv, which aro iuj>|)o»cd ta riler to the acceleration of the esaedltran up thc Nile, and to limit the co*t thereof, which lalter item I* rcjioited to alanu UM Min¬ istry. At the opening of Parliament thCJuv- crniiient will a*k for a further credit, but tl c amount to bc (.'tiled for la at prvscut un- ki own. Tba coal nf tba excition up sfc* Nile I* estimated-,t |l vr.ooo ,K.r day. Dalles oo <.*?«. Bugara. rnyciuiot. ,,,. r)Ul>U¥.h, , 3A« rC.-Bln*AjPh-nniBill oday slifliH, I,,,. ,hoir_h|B* ,.,,,,p.tfe* JjH ,,,>1si,"in;n,,,'",»*,|i."*'-*. '-"'t'ii' difT.lcitinlfli;- (little, ,,,*,., s j,,, *,Ve-l .»" 1V""'',,rs '""'"ll"''"""-pain in folfik'll Vessel*, m'-r.s,.,.-ti,,,|,ltl,, nn M ... ,r-, -in.i -ii-, rimin iTint;|. r_ro;-of *nurir*« fi. in ii;itii.ii-* t iring ticatict with Spiln ! «'"'.'' Ilk* England and thc 1 nt.. Slates, v ideh do not hive treaties nilli thu country. nie Frosteh 4 aplure Tarnsnl. lari r,,l,> t. *ISDlBBaS8faJ ll.iNd KOBO, October h.-The Frcn.-h .'. ic ¦- iiiuh Admiral Leapei which oom- a thc att.iok upon I laMal oa Tburs- day.l ave,-, |,nii,, i,,,,,] oeenpli (| that town, sn.l Admiral Lespes* rta* .,... tDNa hatt*l- < io ellet ,i junction ivitb Admiral ( .uii.ei ai Beling. I v|)e-n-ef.it of Ihe m\sSntOU Relief F.«|ve- "*B**aak I- Hi Hi "Sfll.l . BOB, (icioheri;. I!.. eXpeSSW n( Hie ¦i i' ii' \p dillon ar.- \netaauh\a. Th.- i-symasri r-ro m rai al dim in* rntiBe*" Ihe (..,vt linne*,. t|,;,t |.. requires £150,000 weekly. Hie I),,,, I st, lf,l,l,.|.,-; <),.., |. liv eaMs tori"- tn,:,.',",.; cornMiii.ii.s, Heloise rt..Tba Kin,' 'I'i."I the Belchsdog la the hill of lin- t i;iv, i-ii-. t,,-d:iy. In his apes h to the H..iii!¦<.;-. la- urged that the lad*p*adcaqa of Ihe ".iiirry-1,.-se.-iir. d hy paniBg nea¬ rana for its nett ncc. I ..url. < ii ( lilllie, ii Droii.I. "I. Illy esl 1. !,, ||,c III.patch.I I' -ii:. Ai-niiv, October (I.-.Fourteen children while playing in ii boat to-ilav on the river Drano capsized, and nil wen¬ di,,wm ti. GOULD ASH PAHTY SHAKES fl'. Ttie Atalanta Carrier! bi III- TiJe Oul nt the I limul. I *4 Moment nf Dun.rr ii ml I mil n- sion. I Von Y"lk fl Vu .dd man sitting alone ons rock *: tbi fool i-f la-t Bighty.nlnth street, |u*6 afpr .". o*e1o*-k yesterday aftenioon, ssw Jay Gould's big yacht, thi ktstsnts, head- In'" tow ard lum in the qiilel stretch ol wal r l df i in le I'.y- nd ll-n «. it -. Be aiose stiffly, beckoned to three men and two h M.ul-, itim boat-fa ni-., mid dim' .-I -lowly to (h. I ip of (he ab v him. Th.-th, co ii), ii saunb red r irc- Ic-iy toward (he old m in, but a from bim .. mst d (ht 11 to stop and »l in .aero. H..-riv,r. Then, without a word, Un y too climbed tbe hunk. "She can't make lt,*' said one, shaking bb head mpbatti div. '¦i-i. -it .." Idc'sairtn "i -lid Hie old use i've heard Umbel hi* nrders to k.. p om o' th' ibip channel, t' do i'." ivlt discover d i ta h il ".ii I'." 1.. ng l-l ind channel tbi lit li (late nv -i lug v. th a t iw of ¦liv,* (¦>" the middle r bul in.i1 hanni i. laid small wagi - arith llisll ¦. Ibe ch uni.-: in afc . ile-il .'ion. In a lill* cl lil -' Ihe titi was run ,:..: I.iwn will, tho I i. 'ii. The At il mfa in MI ': in.- cur.", ni j i-t i: ron lb ll (j ided throu th thc middle channel. U«t bow* wen pointed straight nrd tl Mai tta '..ni¬ el ber in iii nd tbe h ll .bi .i'd .. ;--.i ird. Tbi !,...| i - ii pul b 'rd tloiv :i. and the ¦.I piii ntiv did little mire th in il,-.! v lib tbe tid". An Asl >ru* t r. *' rtopi' d ..i." !, r r.ii. ..ni -I-..! '. wal ¦'¦.. i: r in ire- ni. i'ts, icd tn bc doubt thal she ir the tbe f .. I ol I. Sn Idrnly she rn ke I side to nid.. Her en rbi Ix p. I. vi [-. '. Pi opl ".! ber '! ck* jj-; to the stalin,,! ....,,-,,] mxlously ovi thc ildc, tn a monu ni tbi re w i* s 0 d hurrj in,' ol mi n .ti tlie wb< el- and a solid li mn ; ipi iy hung undi !.t-r -'¦ rn. 1 be yachl ibo >k from to ki -I with H .- racing sen w. Ile I al! effort! to st >, ht r thc ita- l.u-,!.i (ott-ed ahead, ber bow -till slUrbtly nenng outward. Confusion seized tbe ii inr deck, and they ran a il bell li .- :ui..l bea Itdered. After wbal si. ii,, d to be an hour of ¦ uspense. tbe Ats* Isnl I'- Jlb-bt om s.v. j' pis. tbe little group ol mi n on tbe h ink. A m uni ni der tbe ¦ni b .'... struck thc i.¦» U- and itu 'k Tbe im itt bi' !. d ot sr until ber p..it-riil in m.v touched the water, and tin ii .u a. rerj il »wly toward iii,.!. Her p isengcrs nen ai .1 in terror, clung to av.ni' . -lid :.iioii! ibedi K. Mr. lould vt i* -t en h I* io tin pi lot-bouse. The un nndci tbe item grew btrg r, .! jun p. il lu ai ily on the ta-ped and pounded along for about 100 feet, and then slid off, itcrn foremost, into deep vva!i l. A row-boat manned by two men Irom ll :1 wi af Ibe lo il of Eighty. ll strct -Url. d up alongside to offer n im h. lp w ii ;. ..We're all right-'1 said Captiin Shack- Un- |i opie wbo crowded lb ul bim, i. .\ ..!!' .. ne ii, -: ,ri the ; nu ; -. Look sh up |" Ai the vm hi for <l oul into thc rirer l be whir of tbe powerful steam-pumps shook le r ii^all: uni il -ti. Itel [WUll QUI through h hail ni hour thc .. d to and fr aero** tbe river, tbe tn un of water p.mit"; fr. lui nil Hu- vi bile. Tin h. vi h. n a 'ir-orv \ ninstion ul been made, sh .fathered beadwsy sod ,n d h,r cruise down the river. WI' n -h.-pi-s.'.l thc battery with bi rusual i d roar ber passengers, shout forty in iiuiiii'i.". wen- grouped aboul under ber stern awning a- complacently n- though had oct urn d mar thc serenity summer's daj i uni in ap th sound. (>,i twenty-third street,ber down t. vi ii ancboragi. thc Al ilanta stopped. A li at wa- lowen ,i and *ererol passe . .. ni ashore Th n the j icht iur-*ed f. :vv ,rtl ...in, ¦...niin iel tbe foam "f th Hudson In ber teeth, and iped ob ton u In ingtoo. .ne.'i ih. in-., I:,*, I- landed al Twi nty- thud itreet nid isl evening that t*x pos¬ sibility of i.-.ii'i ni h 11 inver oe .-ul. to Mr. liould tr t" Captain -'. k> I, rd. .. Now, im not a yachtsman," nid in ..ind I'm hit .-*' .1 if I go eroding again until this sen,-,- I.-* worn mvay. I can't t. ii ins! boa a ill "ans -i out, rv -, and be was the regular pilot, I '-¦ li. ve. that In bad roi .1 thur on to ber'. whit. I, I- that 111. ills. Well, ,vin II le , 't ti :i sheer on ber bc -t control ..f ber ". '. enoturh beadw iy. so thal Hie radder eould lorn ht r bi um I. '1 ben th. >omlng through ii, ll lia. ,' aboul nine mik - IO hour, and tba way it s.t In to¬ ward thal point of rocks mad II norn. |fow, wm told thal if th l< Lad been running Ibe other wsy or bad been -Randing still, or had be* n d .;'i ren i inepl wh il ll v ** doinif, thole Wo'.lhl ll.lVe in ell " 'I .Hgt I' '' .-.li. but with thal ibecr "ii h. r, md with tbe tide Bettina i'l toward Itull POM of i ck-, iix-eiiied to be a -(tiled thin ffr»m tbe nr-t. w. couldn't do anytbinx bul back th. in.m..ri al -.ml ..ut of lb . In< and wail for tba worst, r i* a rood trot:.' post bandy, an li llfe-prrserven wen it. right, ind I ¦*'" -willi, but I t.-lif. - .1 lindo tri |tl Q| she struck th* rneki and rolled onr until I cold have Mooped up w .!. from tb* river la n j bat. .. I walli to suv." he continued, "th't the .-ww bebared rn an sdnlrable ui inner. Fioui tbe tiuuiit ni that Captain Shad rd kine the tint order lo ha"k ami r * (..st hi- pre.ono. of minti. Tbi -I inn-"*'. l am told. 1* nol **n it. A great deal o( punt wa- rubbed off tbe hull below the water¬ line -n.l m rani plain wen started.s0 thal water cana la BRtty liv.h. buttbeygot inst faed np, and tta wen all right. Ii e. .-n't inucii, and it vvill BOOB be tnt Bded. .* Who vernon hoard 1"" *'.)u-t M.- .-..nhl iiiui« party of friends out lor a -*!1 '.''''"' lound. Mr. ('..nhl alu,..-! alway* ba* :l I arty ol Irtaadi w iib him a ben be I tittie cruise. Almo»t any afternoon arter Pu-iinss hoon ran nay set them limier the -tern awnings a* Hi,- » " ,: up to li vim-ion." Tha Vclloa-reiier lu Havana. Illy telf*rs|iii to lin- m., aft BJ WaaWBSIDB, l>. C. Oetoh.i ,'"''") Mirine ll..«pit.,l llunaii is \ntonaedi tiai there were eight death* fron yi til ¦».'.'' '*''¦, In Havana, Cuba, during thc week cnueo ".tpteinher 25th. Indicating s inaterlai oe- enasc in thc fatality of th. dlssaoc ll l"u city. A beautiful set of fancy sarda -'»' fn**','> persons who have taken Banwn'* .' '" **''" ter*. Address Brown CsBBBlcal«- **.*¦xa'' Ualtimore, Md. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. ...ernl S*ale**e MrbBMs Ihr Ralrlib Es- r>.». tin..- .Warder -1 lie Orotutbt. -*t -1 i! Werrsrc. In lb* In ;.*.- h.' BausbB, N. C.. (.'ctoher 8..Oeneral Nala, the Democratic candidate fa Gar- ' raoi, I* again disabled, suflerin^ a rriap*ve frnin |,i, rt cent injury. Ile hail a Ufa I, v. r Miturdiy and y. st-r-lay. Bc had ap¬ pa nttaenli at Oatdsbaco ,o-f|iy .1*1,1 at wilson lt-morrow. Holli ni um be WM unsbti * 1 i. (.overnurJirvistill-.l'lieni. Ocnscral tasia's ladara ls seiisnUy a Bad one. 'I be Vu.', B8*BCSBBsSn is how in ju rb"! *b*|* 1 bc f mr sere* ot ground covered by thc in.v.n building nm entirely tilled with nhl! ita. All (h.- Hiac'iinciv In pla.-** r. j n*. m. tyrer thirty ladtratrta. Tin-st it* exhil id :,,TTi dlffiren, -irfic!.-*. nnd the aunties ibow ova M..**.. (he raf.. ot tb* Bulbun, a.* well ss itt sxaltsaa. b very tat i...i,,nd anything believed pn.-i- ble. ¦Marv Bunba, a venerable white v-rntiiaii. wa lound iring on thc floor of ba heuss beti wiib .me side nf ber bea 1 crushed in. Pnrsutl of the laapoclod BSBrderar ts bow in proffTi -s. TItcc r.ojr-irsB.itned Keixore, 1*. rb non, BBd 1 onii. ning. have been Jailed in Hen¬ derson county (or brutally murd, ring M u> bi ll ld' 1 BOB, Bo extreme ta H.e ilrrsn<:iit that taradi fi- i..: ,|,,, a*renl starts. All ttMtrater- 1. Mu.y ttraas tars dried U| mn in pool* Tin- sv-.irk ,<f ,- *> ton-plckl, .. in the daytime hi. prudi, ali,. .'Tl*! in this seetinn. I' |t»a OB by Biooi llgbt Tbs drought ha continued (or eleven weeks. Dnrtog Ifeptoaba tbersta- f»ll lure wa* univ *. ven hundredths of sa iie b. The peopl an* In greet (tread nf a araler lamina, ami bucket* hara been ie* n.'.'.. ii from Hie well*. BtrbtBfl* *r (irnrral *rslrt-t.uterttor J.irvls til,inn His in. im.n:. !. Tn.;- 1. !, n.I ,!. Itl.-Lin-md Uls'iatrii., Qi IA-,:,'II,,'. (), tn',, r 'i. i**!. G neral (Mala's sppointmenta in Hu* eastern port ol Ibo State coramciice to-day. He was taken with f. y-r r-iturdi..- nigh! ii I ¦ unable to fill lu- appointment (oday in Goldsboro*. Iii* physician i- bO|ieful cf *|.. edj 1. iTivirv. ile exp, ctito h t" 1,-LU:, |,i. esnVBM in tbi1,-. nr four dav*. Govertrai Jarvis lilla ins sppolnt- menl I, -lav. No ruin yd. A water bunine I* munt- Tti lil. J'.sii ,.. .IA IMPORTANi RAILROAD MOVE. Tl. I1, iin-i li iiniii ll,II,on,I I ,,,,.],mir (ut Off (Lr BalllOlBil Ililli Ollie I rilli,. (Hy '1 IcSTaphtOtiM I'l -i-.-li.! I'll: uti r*UU,pA..Oe(i '¦¦ L. Inf >r.111- li'in ss i- r ,. iv ii iii- if; moon di"! i.i:,i ib* Baltimore and Ohio Ballroad I! '.is, Il llutirc ll-, fie Pei u-sis;,nii l; lilroad Company tin' it VU lill <d* nil.I I'l, r ' d'"!' Pith ,-U.I'l IV next ie,i, prived nf tb" privilege >f run- 1 li i's ir 1" ... r ib.- Pennsylvania lin. * .' 1 im,ore .nd Viv fork. Tl i- in '.." 11 this i:u' nt ration was verilied at the Pennsylvania railroad miin t :¦¦.., and ii was furtbi r *t it. d tl .- ti tickets n<*r 1 :.- chi 'ked i. from :!.¦¦ vv,-t bs way ni the Ral- im-ie and Ohio lines would bc reeelt ,1 ly tl,,- Pcnntvivsnia Itaiiroad Company. ¦-, an <i:!i t' the Pi nm j icon iny il i(ed tb 1! 'li-1 ii -.s, nu ni is a part ydemol r li .t_'' \|i n-i-. ». We are now hanlin.'." 1.nlinui d, "two trains ..iib wai lor Hie r,, Itimorc .m.I ' I'.uo . impsny, and '¦r ,1,,,. ii,,i -i-.,- o. butinci.s enoti t to warrant the continuance of the conni .- linn, vv.- ; (orcar*, .dd mn think Hin reeenl vp rlenee* bu shown we nie ai-;.- 1,, handle ou :,!i ihi 11 1! 1 Baltlm« .j ik. I ai ntl . true f tbt through iisiti .*-. Thi* *.¦¦[> nei d in t inc tntiiii 1. thi '1 ni liing pi ¦'..¦ in Hie least. Tin.ii -b ..- ri.-.*-- nun '|f: Weil destined (or Nen Vork in Ph by was 11 tin- llaltim ri 1 tl vs i!| bitve . m llaltim 11 V i! Baltlm te mild1!:., will in- led without any ar:.e..I le New York « .OHI ell :i." Ali AiUgiti Palthgeale Bwlaatte. (lt) 1 lesraph to !!..¦ bi- ..t-ii ] Bostov, October fl.- k special from Prov- lil'in'i *'}.; rbe failure of Kmil Dahlhei- i- er .*. c.-.. |ew, li. ri...( Cincinnati, [nu -l much emile!.ii nt .-.iii,. turing jowell.., of Ibis city and Atti * wi n appear c. have b, rome rrr. Ire to the extent of (rora fniXOOO to «.¦*'>.o-si. l'r,:i- itatementaof those who are in a position' tn know, Including thc manara "f linn's kfcrcantlte Agency, it appear* tbat Ibe whole adair 1* a dellh planned swindle. OnJulySrttb lut Dahl- belmcr call.d upon Ibm'* Mercantile Agency hore nd Brads them a tlcss the effect tha be waa worth from 9*20,000 (,, 8^,000 in *rt.ek and i!vti:r-<. and Hint he nwtd between N.000sndtfe*v()00, which wm bi* whole Indebtednes*. H.* promi*. I to lubttantiat. *!.:* si it< ment, bul fail. 1 tn dn It I <s elwari 'a n sunnis d Hut in- w, eonnated with ( .). stu! .!¦ .-; ,i Mein m. who recently i, but in .frilv re :., i,',, 1 positive do nini of it. lt int time ban ascertain. I. however, tba! bi* denial wa untrue. At: ¦¦!-..¦ til-*-e in Ibo dts of whom i. 1 bought goods and who have tent them sre .1. M. Birbardson. Atwood(t nlw. Il, Wil¬ liam Han i ir. tv ,V ( .... C.rs ,'.. W'iiliritu-. John MeC:|, v. (bail S.PIne. W. ll. RI rh- .inls, vt llliam Butt, ami i: ,'. .111 ff. rmi- ir *di r :! lal reis f: *m oth r», \'- fortunately, have not ant th lr f axis, li 1...11.-ht mostly plated g ods. and it was rc- ..ri' .1 that that he Would '¦¦¦iv goo 1- heavily bere ind :.liii. -! stn,ultim. ,,,,-'s -, 'I ll,, in mil lu j r ia nt. below cost Oncol tb. ii -s !, -: r-. il is 't. tl, i* Jobn Utz nip rg -r. ni Atti' b.'!"'. _ 4 eulin e lieut I'lfflinns. Ills hlCsTSa T-¦ tit.- I'l-o'.l.Ti.l IfiBTroBD, ( '..-..,.6.- Phe .wu . I. rj. ns in < iin-dii ut .mr. 1 1.-il iv. Tbe principal Interest in ile- election f.r inssii (Hi,, is i- in Hu- Board "f Ka.,--. .- iii!!. eon*itting of leleetroen and town .!, rk*. which Board di cid. * en th. vi illfl- it! ii- of volt r*. 'lid officers eted io- .; .1 .1.. in 1 assume their di;'. * until Jinu- aiy I«t. J here i* also I y >'¦¦ r r- iv upon tbe constitutional amendment providing for biennial cessions of tbe Legislature, 1 b ' timi* for Star.- 1,Hi'-, r- being 1 ii. Five var* ago a similar amendment wa vd, 1! don n by tl,, people by a maj Tits- nf ¦M.e.-'.. Tl I.d'li Vote ..f :.i il .ul ll ill ol a full rae of the 9-tate. The amen I- wa arl .1 in tin- lal Lejrtdature bj a vciy lair, majority, uni 1, I- poalble thal tl"' 11 u].le win tin* yent rcvera their judgment. Tin re will be im party nr politic d -iL'iii'i- to tb.- rotc whatever. I, may be l!i I" 'li J Bill. - arc li. lng divided un Governor Waller oppoaed it In his last message, Speaker Harrison, bow thc lt- pu,.liesa candidate for Governor, favored it tn a speech in tbe Bouse "f Bepreantn- tivei lat winter. The tosras also vote upon tbe question of liquor-llcenae. llABTroBn. 'T., October .;. -Beturos i- far .1- rcci ived indicate that the constitu¬ tional amendment providing lor biennial - t-dom '( tbe LcgUlatllK ld« T.ert c ir- .al by a large rnajority. Theresull ol the elections fnr tnssn offices, a Isr n beard (min. Ht es lint Indicate sn] rnaterial p illtl- . ai cbongi. I'lol.iibittl.v or a Huller 11ecIorul n.1.1 in Hisai*..i,|i,. fisy Meataa '" BM ie pa, .lu k on, vi- ... 1 ictobcr 1;. .A meeting nf thu Republicen -tait- Executive 1 ita- miUee was held hera to-day. Letter* fl re n.-, ,vi.,i fi-,,in Um chairman of the Green¬ back c. iiiiiiittee propaing ¦ fusion liv lbs Granbakers sad i: on the electoral ti.-ktf; thc Bcpuiilleani to baye flic . lectori and the Gr. n four. Tha eomalttoe daltne iceept tl proposiUon. Thc r. rall ol tl is ration I- a nininr that there svill In a ll it! r and Weal elect,,r..l ticket in B . . The rommltta BBtds Um following mb* StUuttoni rm the cicetoral ti 'k J* 'I. .Moil!.-,,nirry it cs Govsrua Al¬ corn, who refused to arve* n. r. Jab- -.11 -ice .1. N. Carpenter, wbo rfu- 1 lo -Tye. Knur Republican randidata for ( Mien-** wric ;,n *cu! at then.Ung. The -i**i,,B wa* tn |,| with cl,.*' d doon. Other Lu-mess ni fl Secret natur- sra* ti in*a,!e 1. Illalno and 1.01,111 Ita Want vu.mia I Hr tslcBTS|il'. u- tue Dispatch. J FiiKbucM. \\. v*., October 1.Tba Barba jnrtv lefl >ja/lialtag il tl o-eloeli Urti ii.Tiling by sjieeial tmin on the BaBlmoW and Ohio railroad (»r (ir.i(t..n. Ths tir*t Stop was made at Mmiud-ville. where Mr. Blaine wa* warmly received. Ile ititi: I am glad to be bl Wat Virgina. I eon- sunr it one ol the ciidiiiragin-.' stan* ol the times tbat an arflal BOBtest I- ffoing "ii in what wa* oner a Slavs St de for th s*ccDdency of BepubllcaB principia; and Republican priucii'l*** Mis fti mean a tiirlfffor the protection cf American labor. [Cheers.] If Ur.t \..",irui IS in (iTorol that she lt Bepuhli. au j if lbs it opposed to if. the is not. Tear rah uaddairafflaad iron and your va*t WlSSt* mJ all your natural resotircct (*v.,i tbs fflSBl devcl-irv. ment of miniifaetnrin-* iii'luatrie*. Ther can de dcTclojied aida a pTCffafflVS tarin; they cannot be with mt it. AtCnmcroa, Llttkt'iit M»noln!<ton, sid Fru-miii--ton there were brVf tstOpa, ind at each point Mr. Ilhlne »poke of tba Im¬ portance to West Virginia of a protective sssTsf. At Fairmount ibero wai quite a lirr" mi* tinr/. Mr. Miine left Hie trtin und sd- Urissrsil the people from a stand. CBJJUBBTOB, w. Va., o.-'oher g. Qail ral John A. I.ii'an tirrlved hore from Hunt. Irik'ton ut || o'clock mi hi* way thio-i;:li tho southern part of the i*t4te. a taiga crt vtiI |Hstlag him alor.ir Ih* ronlo. (.ono tal Logan itopptd elf hero ind ms.I i «lnih to ri large aiidlotiee. H.* I'-fl IWo (".tiprs later. He will (top **' all Bra ton. tu¬ lip ihe Valley, snd thnsagk (.. <' .. vir.-.n. i lino. There wa* niiicb eathnalaan m.uii- f'ti il, und liriiik; ol cannor-s. Tsaimsnr « ..nari . ..i.m( \omltin- U4UJB. Illy lelert-Him u> t'.' Ii.tti'eh.l ".nw Yoi,':;. Oetobar I.*.Th* Taannny Hall Congnr**6aMtl Conventloa panted of ',!.:,.!> to-r.!,''l*. I'Vi'l e.irnlli! lt.' unanimously Bomb.tod. Th* surprl- rsi the evening ma tbs **-*tmt***~tt«l rd Joseph Pulliscr, editor of tbs Nsw Vork fl in the Ninlh ili-iri't. Thi- dla*"""**"* rans fr' in the Bowery BBd Third Avenue to the East river between Bevingtoa aad Pour- !-. nih stn-, t*.-iud a targa r"M**B*It| Of Bl p piilslloa i* n minn, 'e nonlnall n. rn re a foll iw* Sbxth .;. N. Mull* r; Seventh district, John .1. AdaiM; I', hth dt-tri.-t. -. **. Coa : Nh th iti-tri-t. Joaeph Pubta i: Tenth dia- t: Abram s. (lealit; Kb routh distrlet, J'.hn .1. Ilii.lv; I"-.v. iftn Itstrlct, rn' ..' ll. Potter: T 1 gi I Ville. _ t harm * Sol ¦. IMrccon-IIeiled." I Uv iBlBBIBfS, lo tha D Al BAIT, N. V ih-inlier g. lt '". BIB* spired t.-.l.y that io far from pigeon-holing iii" eh ir -i, -t -i: I Davidson, of New York, as lia* been slles-ed, (iovernor Cl. volnud, on the S4th if lepton I*-', formally notified Sheriff David* it *es "f malversation in and neel'¦¦¦» of duty ba 1 bean preferred against him. and requiring him to answer sue!, cbar**i. wlthtn twi ntj days. On Beptcmlier 25lh William <.. ','.] eserved the order upon Sheriff David- -.ii. The can wa* liken up i's soon ai il wa* reached in thc regular coune ot hual* li w ts ned - irv for the Uovernor I .Iii!!'" 1,000 |0",'". ol The Prime* stcrttltun ("oiiferoncc. UV 1. a.- I- il !..I'"" Il|.|lt""l.| w.i-iiiii.ion. i ictobor ¦¦. I'1, lion of ih.- Itu mali il Pr m. Meriti n ('onfer- . nci ti -d.;. v as wholh oci ipled bj a mg isl m of the i-i ..elution ,' fe.ser Hi berford Thursday, provldlni fr (be ,. :.' il tutop mt ri ll rn f ... ii:i. Wi h. ut making towar li ., it tl :. nee a IJo iru. ,!, ml j' to tl ell "? th. h.ii'i" .'I. Itrlf:liniii"5i.-iie"i Barta. liv he I) l'linniT'S lo icu.Od live eighths of ,i mlle, pm wen : Pandan I Im -. I: 4. - ond rn e Bv, luhtbs of u mil I ni"'- :-'." Ural Issiina won; J. ij inti 'I 'un.. I i. Third rt." "ii- ..- purse 1200 il irri.' a ¦'¦; oiitl. Time, -irili race.oi Kl 'O' pur- -'.' Mani ¦' M 1:32. B.Hell *. . fcliT Lil. im lt .-.' Phil At li- U lit uni 1 '¦: llit'tim *, T. Hu-- * misti*, -. tl ll ¦Linn Brool in,-. :.i St. I.-. Bul -. IS; Provid mee, 7. Mtlwaul i. fi; Bostons, -'. Kn us Cit. Karn Bi imore L'nlons,.:. An Idllor's .Murrin';.". |n> i. ll * ',Vi-i::m;|.ii, .. r ft. m. editor an e.:i.,-iii /-.' quirt.-. will bu married | -mor- n.w morning to .Mi-. Eml v P. Beale, daugbter ol (ii neral E. E. elly, Tl.mony will be private. Bev. Vf. A. I.i nani, ri ctor ol -:. john's Epls. - pal church, will oft Late* \re-ittii- r l'.t |i irl. -p» " . We him.ton. (i.p.i..r 7- 1:31 .1. .17.- For ih.- Middle AH uipe Stat fc*lc wi dher. ii irth to west winds, Inn llgbl un.i rariable, -ii.-iit fall In tempe. rature, higher aroroetcr. Eor the South Atlantic Stab -. f tber, light, variable winds, stationar; Denture. Tbs wi.mu, i. i clear and bot. TuEBMoneTm Vi'-n i". v M.," D A. M., 78; nen. 1)3; f. M., Ul G I*. M.. -7: midnl rbt, .'. Bi ii 'i :..; s*'l 1*6. I. .i Y -, .rill- v. KATI ilIns i VV I VI Pl: i I."I ll! s. m.. know ii ii.< -i Itavc conti ace In a*, ll" y la ia that loallti i mina na sel \v. '. ad. r .ni nice* to pal or fir, .-ii. Wc keep 1 OVBlMCi worth k.. pl ..- .'I ui omi 'tr : ai. ji».,> i righi ind iii-t. vv, BOTS* -Hil:;-, -HUH I vi rs, I M'.PU Pill, !!"-:! i:v. 1.1.uv' S, -t -I'LMi: i:-, HATH, in . A. -li.- J -I.. ..si .PBK I <!, * l ll I i:i: -*. I"l l '¦! mi II'.. IIMOND PERPETUAL BUILD- )KG, LOAB, ABD lin -T < "Vlrvw. vt us itBBi (i mi r in. v - rsai * i Il ' I.."' I. wini.m. 1 II ILIUM Lol I.S-1'LI'..I Sillier. V Kl f l.'i'Vlll l'\ ULM i ia.'.le t. nt,., i. Inr.!.-.'-!. lo i,i -nilli- -IVlVt,- UH'VU, Ml.NT. DKPOftIT* itur.ivin n, ties departmeat, SI ,1 IN Kl.K-T Si.LOM Lit al Us ru. c. l.ltlli, . r ll."lilla. -. ll. BS .1 ll K A I, T ll -"ml i..iir BfMrsss t" Swift Bf. ic t" h.|.it,. lnjTir ii. Atlanta, '".*.. Bm ii ..ii Moo* oas Isl- Dtoaasrss wfraeh tbsy wUl Bail r .. . INILA MM A TOBI L'.H'.! Vt.VTl-M. t wu- f wlnitritith Inftainiiutrv rtien:iist!-i:i af M *. lt '-i I . -Bl* Drt-l uria a- IBBOsS .luce 1*)7(J. I hail t»iIou- kPni* o( IrsBlBIBBl with only teuiportiry psnl.il relier. After loren we*ks I wit rc<tuc. "I lu «.. .'I.l tlurty-ave norn I- liail no siivn.tli Bot -ipittlt-, anil w.n arowie.,.' weaker everv.lai. P, Ila- ¦ut''.linn 1 U rm -am. "*lsreine. ami in lI.r-1 l.i> - BSBBI to iiiipiove. act in BOSS wc ls I VB! Inc fr-,:u .1l*eiia>* an I up »t- tetiilliiir to my r-a" ilar lui-,i es,. Viv apt*-ilie r lum.--1, ,ii,.| I r.-ipt'llv irelni.I tay lleth. I dave waited lin* it >utt te he certain Hut my cur. mat ptrinaiiciii. I . P, OOODTKAB, Attorufti* at |.aw. UattiSWll K, tl e., June .Jil, 1HHI A l.(ll)-sK\l*. I liavc Iud rile eiiall-iit for forty yo»ri, sin! Uart l.e,-n rc)I.rs. .1 willi a (ew leitl'et u( 3. «.. (, | COi,. still. it a U.Ml-teud tu tho mi'.Lt.-.l. J. B. WAI.LKIt. TU(JBlrO.*<,OA., AttfOltie. 18J4. i)C3"|iT A BhOLUTKLY FVttg. RUB «-»¦ T VAl | KO d V r AA t Kl'.k 0 I TY ill .t tl! " V AAA I b (xi ra mu BBB A K BM "IN IS ll«'» ll r AA fl B l! "4 ff Sn fi jinn u ki [j .. .n N., B rt AAA IR ILiriMlflO llB'i A AB HIS Nf Cluj rPI* 'tO W Vt W (ll) PKS.'KB J* io nw w wwi, ,ir. ts rpi* o ow www i> pb --B.it OO ww ww p _n v_s, fl... ran 11-tr A a. H TORR BTOCR MIRK El'. \rw Y< uk October fl.-. !'*. nbrl lt Umcs ,-vdiy iva* .barn. I. ii/ d bj at tidly ind bu I ^ - is, re well diatribul *d, sad thi ] ri,. * euria nt ii. nany inrffSBCa svcre i' igh, -I lilia pat, lt ths opening tb er.* vs a, ia adana af HI l aad Uudson and Lo itavtltc and n . ;. testimprot 'uni. i M te. Colon Pacific, and Pi ni, Hall, nen risk .!¦ uiind. I S t -. i" idli. Thi VS ... .lire -, Jr (J hy I til if, bul iti r on a tc, *ii burloi ni -, t In, and tnffnv Birrin s dd uji lo tb. li eat olnt .>( thc day. In the final d i aid oil fine* tlonsliy, but tbe market in tbs main ara Poclfl tl .un tn M i. rix tn n rth ol thc mark, . tn j hst * ni *i. ck for both Ina! sad OUt-of-tOim ..'edi!'!. C tn;..'iel ss i'll h.t i-ri." are [arSf higher. ex- .. t im .vi ...uri Pat it';.-, which i- ! Iowa. Sal, -. es. Railway bonita were lb. blgbci ami In ''i'i-'" 'I mci 1. Mon f Isa jut ii;. Long, i-i' ititi |; short. I. Governments dull. stales firm. , ti.*., i-m. Mom .. nt. Nib-T. .h.. - Gold, - :<;. Govcrnmi nts ni . 180: ;i jter c-ur*. i lu. -Tan bond* il Alal ta "A," 21 1. 794 -I'.." ;,'-. -inill. ii ¦ -. .Idi BO ld) IO!! North < arolina'*. Sorll ld> M '.. 8 , Brown on- .ls... lilOS Tenn. . ¦>¦ Virgi' O'..ibid) ::; \ Dooli.ibid) .">; no. ! < hit.... ¦¦ : Son iwest Tn. ci.ir nd Northw. "tern p'f'd. 1-* 1>.*iv. r an I Bio Grande. 1 . l-l I. i * ri. -'¦"!. IhlO. I . \ Pacific Isl I o' Nut v . . I) i. Ki.rihi'i I' . :. 1.1 . . . 1 I ¦ nd I' ms ul- .I hill) :;.'. I and Wist Poi rudu il.. -' .lld st. Paul. »l st. !' .i ** : l-t - ts Pi ldc. nj i i . " Wa . U w ,-'¦ p rel I. ll! . BALTIMUBB. i r.M October 6. Vira ola 8'*, it-due c .ni"..--. S I'..; ,-dav, -- wa I GUA IN A -li '-'." roS >¦¦ ¦' RANGE. lill , a '. " »«*¦ ;,,* ¦).' I*. Ul ,1. .'. li lucia. Totil, ( ft ... mu |, ,-b. 1-. lill .- -" bUS ihi -(.rv- - seed.- 50 ifa *Al.i;- HU1.'.il LU HI d' TILT HIV. \*., i it. lb 386. bushels.- immon i veij o..,,i ni -", io :,.: Mixed, l.Uflil bush* I* i'll mi to in¦-. Red, 1,700 bushel* .rn- ingberrj il Wi t 90c.; 1,4, 2 usbels I dr IN.. Win.c. J* bush, ls VCI a! CV. MAREE! S Bl 'FD. NEW YORK. Sew Yobs, l?otl ¦:: d ill: i: ss Colton, T ¦- CODSolfd i- I ipi*, '-j.-Ii; hales; i.r- al I'.'.T.iT ii to th .-..urn. nt, ti,: :*. Iii ii dour -vi-ls common ' [to li r, .-in* lier; iii t id d r ¦:. 6*tiab-lc.; .. -.; s ¦_¦ i- ¦!, < to- h. i. v 7 -. i urn S| ; bight r, i ; ungraded, Ul .. :..; un ivblti j No. 3, ('¦ '..b r, ii rather qui ;: So, I. :.::'..!,ir. ibu -. fair: Bio dull it -. : N -.: Rio, tp ... ind fair to rood redninr, : it lined ipili t: < 1 a", .: extra C. ,; white ex . ..¦.:>¦ How, ti \. i, ; con. \. 'i.'..; ut-loat tn I crushe I. iwdercd, a .¦.. .nt,i.r .:. 1. 8 ;;.!-; -. M nea dull. Hi c ,' d. Coil . Mt. I ir I'.,: lc. f- r li :. Il ..ii dull al -I...", i'm liv al .I".-. Iii - .in V 'e. dib i .-. |, j.un.-. Wool >t mis ; il.du, die fl i ¦. :j.i"f.: -. I l vj'.''. Pork Hiiu : tu. w, tp ,t. fli. Mlddb - *li:II: long clear, nfc. Lard h.-'.- r. .: s1 item -r un. I '. -7.7".: : .'-"".. I'., i rids Brm. BALTIMOBB. I'll rtMOBB, ' '.' .¦'¦tl <:. Klo'ir-'-.i'lv md Brm; Hon ird-stn in t* >t<. n .'.¦j* I-"-'.*-"': lira, fi.l ¦-; ."¦ 'ri. Hills luperdne, 1.57; Rio I*, M.75. U b. ai * .uth 'di qui *u-l ns ss- -I, rn lower and dull: south rn r, d. *¦- r. !>:*vi..o.: So. 1 Vi iry. ind. Bl ii.- ; No. 2 w. -t ra r. tl. *|nit, *.';.:,*.!,.. Corn South' rn nomi¬ nal; western entirely nominal; i< white, rn, .'¦'¦ .; yell ns. JW ii .-. 0 anil i:--i.i; southern, .'i.1'1.;.-.".; western White, ."..eil-.; in,--tl, .'ila::.;.-. ; Peons* ¦. Provisions, uder rad n ii *t. VI- -s i- rk, #17.50. Bulk-rm its and l.-ii-i ib sid* -. ickt I, .: .. and i|c. Ibu un.-bh r^rlb side*, ii |c.; hams. l.'Ciii.tc. Lard :. i tiffi e tt,;.,ls ami quii i; i.i .,, ¦. -. ordi¬ nary I' fa:!. 'j.'.l'V'. Sugar linn; A soft v -. --. i -',a ly at t*|.l*i*i.It. CINCINNATI. CiNtr..\iri. ,... ti, tuber D. Flour In moderate tb maud: (auntly, -*:.in-f", I'i. Wben! itrong; No. S red. Sac, ( in S :. ''i'i'.-ic. rn-, r: No. 3 tnixi d, St-f i-sr. i' M -. *t.a,ly il sit. Lard quiet at 17.40. Bulk- meats quiet; shoulders, (fl; short rib, $10. B icon deai 17.2 »rt rib, *10.87i; eli ur, M..:?.. w bl kej dull at tfl.ll. Sugar. New Oriana, ase. Bogs Brm; eommoa ind HgbL |SJ0as)9; pals | si uti la,-'. | l..:...i-J.i.:;o. I i;l'l-\ II.J.K. I.ntt-v.-i :.;.:. Octoba 0..Grain tani Wheat.No. Ired, latte. Corn Ito 1 white, Kama. (i;«t*--N''.. l mixed J9c. i'mvisi..ns quiet. Me-»|t.irk. t-17.7.). Hiilk-ti.eafs-->linuli.r*. j.,:.'J.'. Bu-,,,. Should, i«. r-7.2.'; clear rib, ilH.S71. Ltrd-- Primc -team, fhM. IT. Loris. St. I.iii.ts, octnixrri.- Flour uiichstueil. Win at tasver; No. Iradi TutnTnt-. w 7'iir. October. Cora nnrfitlltd; Uaftx, cab, Mc. < ictnii r. , tata lower aad qa! t ; Mattie, cash. Whiskey iWady at |Llt I'ruTiaion* ijuiet. Pen, Hfl.iV). B ill. meats .Long clear. #*>.(>.*>; abort rib, bj * , char. #l0.o.*i. Bacon- Ling char, fl Lim llO.tTJf,.; thort rib, #lu,7S ; clear. |U.ltV Lard Oxm aic7.17t. (UH A,;ii. Cinci-on, October C..Flour ii a tue dc- BBBBl; winier wheat, .fJ.T.Kii.L'Hi. Wheat in fair demand, rloshag noiiiiniby uuchanged; OctolKT, T7a77ii'.: Nnveinber, 7*sfi7Jit-. Cum tinitttlctl and ticrTuiu; Ucpthei clnnd tin* **uie a* on Saturday; cash, .VSfa BBJa.; Ooaaba. tstsaMfsti oat* dull; c**li, and (i, tub.-r. Jfllai,i|c. Pork ruled strung* er. and SiiiOsit*. htuhi-r ; csuh and October SKI.ML Lard in fair demand and *trou>rer: cash, .V7.liiaf7.4-Ji; October. I7.*«ta|7.131 Bulk-mests| tn fair demaud; thould-n fl.60; sBort-rib, BBM; ttear, lilli*. WblsUeylun. banged. Hnjrar easier; ttan*> ard A, Ste; granulated, Me. MILWAUKEE. Miiwuiaa. oetolierfl.-Elour dull and noni nv. Wheat Inn; So. leash and Oo- lol, r. 7fi(c ('..rn bUher and scarce; Mo. w lt.. Wc. Provisions dull. Mesa pork, **l(*."rii i-nh. Ociolier, an! Niiv*nb-*r. I.*r.' H. in -!¦ m..*PT.|2| e..'-, .md iK-to- t. r. -vvo.t-i h klcsl tum* linn st italic. Bu .,.« trtroager at *,i.7."ia|ft..V). NdKKU.Iv PEANCTMAItKKT. jfrmtatM, OetaNr a\- M'rk.t firm. Bes*. Isi ,|.p -'.it MaTa. |>er lb.; cxtrs hind- pl ) .1.1*. p.i ll..; oilreri-nd'*.. ."ta-'il:*. per mb* .. a* bsa*, at lc. pot ll>. LIM. YtW K MARKETS. te till..Ml. (menta 6.-Prices Uii* week naged 8* follow* 1' .f etti. V.ry t«o*t,(' vVc.: med I un I'll'.; > "ii,:."on li fan. 2i"Mc. -'..p. ¦!;.!,¦-.. i-ro**.; I,tn'**, .'Iii"!'., gran. i .Ti '.. Iel. Then ama <'<>i ii rad if beal cattle, IDT ! SPA sheep ind lamil*, i enivi ur. BsLttnoai Octfrbera. lb*e(r*att>--mai** )W, Ail!) some Kiter fops; Liane.* Of Off. iii,, s inter hi ; pei. c., -iii .lit v e.maid- mi, liii. BBBged ; v. ry l»"si. Haili.".; nrnt ! i'l-.: BB ilni:,l, l|al|c.: OtitBtm le.; nu st si!,-. :; to '.".: r '.*.-i|iU, L01T; .le*, :.7'i. swine in inr-uppiy wiih nu mod rate d raaad; r.i|iU, '..til; .p.oil nu,-, daile. i:< <*. ip'* of * .. rp and «nl». "¦.-" qao*s ;*. 2|a 1 jv.; limb*. I IBU I III i-'in. i' i pm nra nm. . et** n;.-''i):ie in f.ur ii. iiiiii; nvi|t». :'.tu Inadj prim . Ct >'.'¦.; good, ¦'.. in, ll -,.''..: c. ifii i. "ii. .'Hil'.', .-hoop dnttl ri*« rel pt*, t ..'¦ I.- "1; iirinto, I "aile. { iroti-l, :.tic ; ii .'.limn, .''c ; . inoiiioii. (pl |ier p. ii lo 1 de, i i' |""iiii,i. Iiini's. latia. h ts n fslr demand; reeeipu, MM h*M| wes:, rn, .m.1'ic.; country, 7 sae. .1 VEBY SMART SH I SOLER. the llrniarkahlc Op isn mt cf a li-stssa I.tie, 1 ViiPte Kerpcr. A H. si, B*pr-*-*Blaay* (h.rh* ll. Paantt a o: :i :. n, e man. v\ ho baa si v rd Uv., ewin iii pr:-, i: for ii -i\fy tivi-tlioii-.U! I-.I .liv r, ,i e. abai as¬ ian ni ii ni- e. ipa I, Ila w ii re- 'e.-e.i mi conditional pardon Bron tim State prison In l-~~. indiuimedistelj cstah* li-li.d a liv. . tooth Rnd. In fed the cont' tenn of Ira T. I.f.'hto! l. it vvo-'-Ktni mllllonfal*. li v i nu. d ii i;'O'ral In, I- '.' " -upply- iii. th. experience uii Br. Litchfield ilia i ii r, so i: i- uh .-,. i. in ord r ii. -. ii li. hoi .rn -cv u pain of tj horses sad i tot ol tine lamonts. up a. vv. u *. annas c. ld do lt, and Mr. LlUhfleld paid i*i, tor it. 1 <¦¦¦¦ i . i' ii w.i t. go i. a -ii.-, Ihe best arl Itbea iv. tho bill made ..'! to Lllcbll -il. n i. ! nd il|( lt. Hi thia vvty ..I o:ir- .. of wi Mr. Litchfield now li .III -tl.-. I '.i- vv is o.ilv until put ot fraud, i--."castle stable was fitted ii] r. - ri i- illegi il. tiui: I vh.iut ord. r t.ni. in ,re finnis m.irtf " otb, r perth -. All i hose wbo nero I ia Heir ran* i in thc rculu * I. By tbi is, ,- . I, l i,i'" "Jamaal i i lost ii-:', tha - irs. VV iv iud Whii. ti. v, loki ;..-.!.!' ,. ,! il. I-. N.I. uni. Bl v. Uh this be on several i- > il ensr, iii. irn ,, . and drove io Mr. H.- would ta.'ll t.*ll Mr. '.i, : t il !. un w .s ni (r*ceaf> u l ;:.. w bole t! n . w t> for *o many hun In kal ira. in.il"!)..- In I'm-- a l.ii-htielil i du k ill pi- iv l for th* >!".d". I il to E .-!¦ ri rn i thu latter would . Im. ibe horses] ba W 11 ti.,' s*..it'll i-i then, snd cash the >'i--< k. ioney, ii li slk d, las! ad »f ai Into Yostatft Mr. I it. ia. t ii ol a un-' y "in* bare bi fl ln-A'-n kl i".'"¦"... for ih ti pp i"!-1. I db i i nd I pun li - r il thc High* ur.': i' tba -ih- nive Mt Ih( ii ai ¦¦¦'!., d t tr, 'i .- wella a».' I I* Ur -"1.1 tbe -1¦*ii-.- | i .: *v.f.». 1- ni v duthie turnout! ka* g alli ne ii who boarded tle-r hors* * at He ta!.I.. ||" rep. ii.- pro] rty l i bb (Ti.- fi. ni . tn nmliranco and .1 unes II ile*/, nf Mdi "dins > pud -*i...ihhi down. ¦-..-ti i tin ii 11.:!.. ling-bill! >ni lo Oct. er 1 rt, ii f ire Mr. il ile* carne i-ion ht ir in «o'il the satin bi ol ti..- -. hie, borne hy ban -. for whaltbt r would bring. Mr.lfalej Isstwaak found hi* stable empty, ll iv.ti.' thus n-.il- :,-' d ..... r --. o.ihwi ii tush hy hts "iii,-me, : r ,. ired, -.nd Um p..ii- ban not y t been V-L- to timi him. lilt' Ltatl I, (Illlllla III onto. ¦!¦ ., ...i.. lia. ... iii!,.] \\ boc Mr. r.l.iin itarted for ohio willi ol hi- inatnidcent ml-ort in : Iphia, io* ix Iii red that he poss .e.| .! tu chane* far Weat Virginia. He, then!. arrartjred to de¬ lete ,.t vv, ilngj niuo to her largiil Bepubllcan majority, and thia areafe t., Ihe doubtful bul -!. of vvnst- ing Wi . tn (.'level md. beau id, d in Biala*** ll" V' Oil lt-. < loud* hale n il I .en ,|i,. a .- vi. li '., and t.i.-y spii h'v.i i aiiii,i-ni.en tl : Biara* ni a S al thal Haine iiiii-i carry next ll. t ls to b..Ve the r. Liol, st hope nf *'lle".>*S in Novein lier. Instead ol poM***satng Ohm atul having ¦ flghtu bsni for Wt H \ ir- ltIn la, Blain, non i ublicly contnan by ni* sudden bange of i rogrsnune thal thc J»'"i nt* p ¦.vv. -i \ irginl i ai l h ir* a fighting baa ¦. i r . H li *1. ol Of 111.iii!" tl rOtll"| th* pie.ellt v...-k t". Wist Virginia, bis appoiatneata th. i. have I.,, ii ci. ni ii. ii .i'm to netroWi in tb* will traitI ly ¦.iva up West Iflrslaaa nd return !¦. labor Ida remainder of aha W, i k 111 OblO. I bl* i- I p. lill p ll il ..oil- fenton that ohio ii in danger, nd Hut confession will th. i.:..r" t. Inaplrtt the Ifeuj. rat* ii.ii, all Blake's presence and ran uutcra. i. siskim; ivtii,i:i.i:*.i):. HI MAI (KB Al lilli -i ,i i 7 1 -*l. in ..i nos. m '.»i loraina . (Bil Si Iii l'.'i: . Ul t lt illlt'Mi.i* lonni H. l--l. te-. -r.sti. r WI! I *..ii. l-ii...,. sn.eli \.t y .rV. ni.**. ,11 *,,,., . sod ii.s. .<i>, ¦>¦ it. .Ultu a .vis, a*, m.. ll. I*lil'i"lelplil.s. iner- , , a .. j. W. Mei ima*. i*».it. iai. v ry 1 n*l Mil ll, BoraassSH , h ... 1.1 p . . urn| .h. - m.eu. -lan .r lr". 1. ta ri S rf .11. f ,P. - n-t .. L. ll. I Usia, .-,'.. e. r ll . Mueller- r e * in 1. to ,.| ......I I. r S. w li., i.-ssl, i ur'i, A I'ar- :.. iii ol \! uri :i - sui*, rn r. 6. tm* HIS I. I..-rii.h.j AKRIV I !'. I Bel, 'i . ih | u iud . llr.ll. -ia .ii, i*r t.ui r. Bea Turk, sud. Ol I.- I P , Ile IS.a, . -is -cl ..I.. 111.- V.. ,1. I.. l.-I.V t 1 ill. -. I... r ... .. .Url* Il tins, \"rr.|t,. 1 i-ilvi|M.s.lvi,ltlllll.v. ate. e i.i i. lxmi'.iritiN D.ULT, L. LKHL-- KINK AU P LVLLLRT, »U Mn i -lr ot. NKW I'.MVIIVi.s. UBI WIN..*, Killi* IBCB, IBIsSBBinil AM* WITH POI OBI ... -I i BS* im itali T ai rivilla. Amit*'iirooftuf LA IK AMI VALl'lllLK PK T CH KS .1 ,il .l" MlUK.lK*., rHt>. |. t.Ii.Vlll I-KV MP- ) V-KL-s. UKI >N 7. £«,, sra* K" i.l i:s'** l.Kul l's "11 hao.l. fl. Tl IW 1'KAUr.D la irii.il. ti)in i( l.w lance*. Ai: 11-1- -t ri'LtKS AND -lt 1,11s «f si ll nd, .ni d«u.1 at lowe&taaurs*. MIS TOU.K-r artk li:-*. "-.VSa-St ll AIB-RKl'-iUEH, EMil.l-i|| AM) A VIHl. IC AN. USKAT VAB1KTY nf STYLK 8-eJUALlTT »ir»:Klt'K. T(HVTH-Blll SHE.*. (I.iMuea'a sui .nh-t-it Larrr* aaWini-u t..ad. ta uur -faieS. (.'LuTHU. Iluc-lir *- u, w alTlsa, cUiu au* uru_aetii*I. Hsmlaomc 1'uVVliKK lldMlS. 1MWHUH l'tKI**, *C, SC. J. 111. VIK, lit ,4(ui, tels '.vai^.' Niuia»*l Uisaaatirvs-u. ¦IS

THE STATE AT LARGE. Tot KauaindML*. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. A … · 2009-05-15 · Intend to lie'h' "ur thou/h wcmay ... Oneti 'Hoi of "i'i-ml etina wa* tb nam-ol lon il i" .-j le pi.-,

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    Btilcb.a Tim*,art CrlrbratloM Merline ».tb* IHrtin r*,i i ot*,et,,,on Kvbui andIVrnd*.11 ,s*-asr**i-1**i,se nf thc lllrhmnit] Dtf.ia.eh.J

    PBlBaBSBirBa, ll. inlier |Arrsnrfcnit lils for Ihe siiimnl nu*,-,tn,- nf

    lin drand ( "iinnsnilerv ,.( KatffbtS T.tii--i|*l"« of Vil'CI.'.is ill *ln, effty nil Weil: .¦,lav sltimnnn hive lv-en ,",,nip!ef tin

    .* Ins !" i d-Ti Btion il 1* l-eliev. i' i.i ,*.,tv i'l in- prent m. IV':, ii in.al-eni: nmMlil-n-c. ll Wa SO ."'Ti ,1no nomination vv,. ;,l !.-¦ ,,,.,,*, ygat!.ami. vj*, >¦ !.-,duin in IV ;

    :v ni t stllollTHt'l .;. hill I, ,-tisi !. il ,i . ni. nt.-,| t»Bli Hdj'Tillllit. nt. I.,-d< Ita rn turn vs it;,atandinji .¦! thc si ,.'-, and

    v ..Ts.H

    Ison aile rand lat. in th(fiat the Bi ni

    tatton,r e.lh. r of the lt>| uh lean fae-

    .. -I I.s -. Ti,., laid rpartiesind bis fri, n,|,


    ijorltj if they arebli t Beni lhe ne* lin if :t


    Ute district hui-. Ile

    . kind-.



    (ll I".Ari ....





    i .

    I ir.-



    N\ i-



    . r saysidle-* iii it,

    \ll* irul.-n Inii1

    elu ed

    I Captain 1*. C. VI. .erse. Ht ni cn.

    ffot resi..!.'..!V s., /

    I, I--:, v-r-il.is. md

    erowd i I to be ii tbe (Mi.dis :,dVT r-

    Ibat day. Dr. Oi E.Hisi ry. iv when

    v Mil' T li i-'I dlsappolotmi nt

    in un appear in >-. ThiiBeet ion ol tin **' li -u--.\rsri Icu ¦1 vs,

    i ol e .mphlnt.il We ill*likt lo linke it. lt i-

    in,, ... tte mini iv¦li B H. Ill >-

    is much in I krt ia tbe D socratic

    , Richmond < Itv. .¦ . n than

    section ol Batten! VlrgioMi .. (Hack Be '." and nodistrlc!

    I. WT Un til'.re fe. I Hint vv. d.-nrrvc Boractblns rnorcthan lympatby fromt.ur br.tbr.;, ol ibt mon favored lotbulli iv. Intend to lie'h' "ur thou/h wc may|.e Wbippod vst ss lil tieri! *:rr. I. I" r.

    Hui to ri turn. Dr. Bira !»'- M ¦Bpeeehid bobm t**" bom- ib his bold midWtgtarow Btyb.. I!:- blofln wire lenin**aud heavy, sssf artel do (Treal ffBod lu

    I th. I'. BsCCratl !" th"' ncc .**!!> n(doini: Un ir iiutv na clectlon-dsy. Tbslit et.-i i* ¦-. ac! us and iintirinir worker,am! tb> Inmut tat* Bf IflSas OWS bim in¬di .-il ti debt Bf i*r*t!tmle. Tlieuinlnr* "f"indy nnd Lian* itere mi L.iiid. sudbirsiij'ued tbe colored man and Iii* '* faith-fut allie*" at considerable length. lb.*.'-.faithful allie*" number but t( vv b.i>lust a lew BBBfff tlnifi eiioui*!i ts) 80B80IB8the "loave* and fl*bi*"~und BBQM auntare rei pining- for a BBfla look bunj-rv Badready ta Mien say .-."-dii< ¦.! bj A. .).

    amid a -!' ri i- . nnd -p.'ind a half. \\ [th mon

    :.- ar-

    and Hi iiThe speech I ly his fl.pe of ihe !¦ h.; tbe c in-

    aroust cl, and oldS

    ..- 17 VANIA.

    y I,. Democrat* Ai Bes fl. Danicav. - Oilman Speak.


    nlop"i..I V, i-

    i. ll lins Icfl hehiudIn old Spotsyl-

    (I him, and-. vv I.i h wa*

    -. in i m.. .-I « hom li»>»(|]

    will ceri in'" in -e. hervote,

    ¦order in AH-emarlo.

    ITM.E, October '.. I8*i4.ll i.,hired ll uni

    .¦ ,d been assault, d indi r< .1. wss ' u MorlAllx marl c.uiutv. ll- r skull wa*

    ... k colored man ishaving committf-J thc crime.

    s.ole-..\ .!. r from Amii, ral < ourth .u*

    ,. i. .-i ol ii- count) i- thorouj-liljarousi d. ') lie v u ig men tn rc h ire fia ..( li vd md, Hendricks, and Tuckeriiiii.." anti in doini, un id wok f

    .... ini mi mtiers ol the » lu inin Le uniform, d.Ambers! and Si Ison count*, t will

    barbecue on the Mh ii siuse. The .. noble Han. aud

    tither trood speakers will boon band andtimi.

    A rousing. I', iuocr.it, - bel'.-""I - tl:.'-,i.l.

    were mr. li bi Hon. J. Itandolph:.i .1 .Mi. (iiUtan.

    Hi.le! "flSJsaUB Xt>i»il> ¦¦BTBIlBlBB.A N, vi ll sen ;< ann ti legram

    \\ i'll-,in J. I',.vv,I. 0W1House, en -. rsacri.llclnj! th. liv. - of i-' b iman i" Injnearlv Saturdaj mornIn tr Lv meana ol coal

    ni .ld iiiui defective fur-When ¦ Mjuad ol p iib

    I,, 1, Hi station arrived tit the hoi.se thev uniting an g .spins for

    breath snd showed signs of a narro* ea*i tl i. The suffer"

    erm wen Mrs. Patrick Mulligan, B'bojsub-I,, tbe 'ow. il tor and koffice in the front; Patrick Mulligan, ti r

    I; .lui,ii E. VViltl and hil wife; Jo-I ntli.an. Uni. v..ir- ..ld Mn. Se*

    , -. ii, old inly who iii.-, with tba Bulli-rana; Bate Khannahan and Bridget Bird.The but two an young lervsntgirb*, Mrs.Mulllg " in Ulai Hird bare lines been

    ir d. Uh, bUl Will pi..hil'.Iv recover,pond's li utily col,neilin, tl for hil tre li¬ll., nt ol 11- ti min:", a- ha knew the furnaceiva- imti! for r-e.

    Denimel I* *. in ..¦.yliiiii nt Naples la crowded withchlldirn, nnd hundreds f otha rs ire pri«rab ty rared fur. Luis Otwaj having elevenin a sinai) orphan ,,. kceord-lng ,-i thc official ami municipallhere bast I.:ni !'..",1J ,I i'll* in |t-.,Jyup m dat.. Lui people wbo ugbl t 1 now- s tba-, in tit-- terrible month of

    fully 1.'I'm die.1 at N.i|.l>and a Roi pa| el estimates th. tn; iltl, at! s i,;, !,, Wi 'llie-ilav ,.: !n.-,i i. Out ,,f-ists p...vine.- ra Italian mainland lorty-tni.r have li. i, inf, eted i bul ont) tlhave 1 ml ii,¦ i-- than 80 deaths, nr

    more th in 100 deaths.In France thc i .¦¦: ls still declining

    vsi-i i.lv, and there seems l, be no reason toIsolated death* in the dejnart-

    in, aii a dan

    Keen'* TBI OBI DI RB U'iKH.

    Tin i'1 li is I" 'ii I . dall ,'¦ in Dduring lin* sv ck, since tl M

    . ul -inn doctoi made ra 11 ib ir it, r.1 url "f mai -. xpenment* will

    whl b s-.t rc (ai Iun -. and linc Di.Hoi il s- oflii il and an spert, ha*

    shown oul, nmi for th, ml to! I¦! ("ora-

    ;oi ii r.iuld m.Hu malic illj¦> .ni houri)

    \ imintitinn ol thc bl.. «ld I

    ie -i il v ii. - flo* i|,nrin*¦iud Liking tb< h. grad¬

    ually ir until Ihe column :. ru]Tb Coinmi* -i atlii

    dirt*. cl linn tl bi Mara ..-.-..I,

    what lin1 I'M! ra ls ti,-. w,

    Dr. I. *h'iinned,i

    , lely been n adi niib sulpbid; on a- :'L anti* 'ptic and revol*ivcnd lt si III 1 e tri- .! '. i,i,.Dr. ls d *clin. ,1 aca'l! t i. lp

    ty. It I* reibc ml. uv, i in (hi Cu ii

    .I I'- rlin f bim. Dusino** in Inly m iii:i b rrll le e 'million. L.;¦-¦¦. f Hun

    i and elsewhere,lay hand*

    [iles, nd .1 the townij ii, '1 !'-!!.¦:bt.

    Cholera "toles.I Ut esl ii, ii

    .- -Dui Ing Ibe pasl tw, n-there , ere th rty-i'

    .-;.-, a ol hob ra and tw, Ive I. ith In Njib *. In (lenna lhere ss. tw. v- .-*, v, rilu*!!, i- . :,;,,| twenty-two death* dui int;


    c. i Hartington Bad Hr. Fertier :'IH i Bodar, »r Affair*.

    A London ays: Th mu .' S ,t-li'd.iy me, ¦:::." were !¦. ld yesb rd nLiberals aud Conarvst ives thronzhBlngd. m (or and itgaiasl tbe franeblse bill.Tin- Marquis "f !!,,i;,.;.- m, Si rotary ol

    ¦i W ir, addn wed 13.000 Liberals stA' itt;.!. .:. lit - lld tba! ling "(tin- Gordon relic! exnedill .n di l nol mean,i r. conquest nf tbe Sot .ir

    in . if in -i iv.dler, drioL and phllantl mist, ss'm i, id

    rial supp irt,ib liv, r tbe Soiid mes, fr m liond uri. Il

    thal .' w is dill illy, t*. r for th( --1 -. r.itiv, (o loder. nu-i-ered indictment than it was for himself toIlise 1 e imp!, Ie li I il li il-icy in iv, ry [tori nf the world. Bu be

    -v thal lim in..' the pnunlit ot It,-liiil great and enormous dil-ticultii - lu il i l*i n Ih il w, rc nol ol...sn rrrfltion, bul were :i (Vmacrral vei> om. j. Tbe policy >.i- thc Gov< inmenlin I:.-;-11 vv;,- io v. iti,di isv, is iq tn ii*

    I, t ss lt the dill i» (.,,.. rom. lo l',\ and ith rI--,min ii *. The franchitti a ritaUon i,ii.-'itlead !¦. ti crisis involving the ex-

    tue nf Lords, ll saidIlia! Mr. (ihtdstonc of all men wa- able andit Hiing t pas* jfi mel l*>en pissed. Al I." -I-K'.;.! ll, IL \\ illiain E. !'..:-;i -. llii. lb ii-,- of Commons lor Bradford, de-

    T|,_-. and 'I 'Vied ipi rel, ills Indie dion f Mr. Glads! ¦:¦¦ ¦'- pola y. Heargued Ida! tbe Liberal* had nol yet agreed

    Ihi r. -i it.-, wnetber thc Ho ILouis should i-" Improvi ,1 or removed, butthe t opie wei a rn thal Uh 5 wo,

    ,',; idi ¦'.>¦. ntemued.or b iffl .y h ind-fut ol Inf' dltarj legislators.

    fl!*.' !'I i.-.fnv. (Jeiober 6..Mr. Gladstone ba

    is-ued rt circular notifying bi* supp .rterslo attend the opening ol Parliament, as bc1,1 -,- ;t tbe carlia! momenl to submit

    iiii|.-r,:iut andpressing business forthecon¬sideration of that body.

    lil EDEE El> EY REDO ilSS.

    ( (.lune! Sn start .inti Carty Massacred'I uremia Tr.-urkrr).

    ;r.s rattle L. tba il« ah;... October 6..Il ls rarnorcd bere

    that, iiluiii -it war! ba* bc, n kill, dat Ber-*

    , !'.Wu.y l!-,l or. October fl.-*A IX :*i*!eilt

    rumor prevail* heretbat Colonel Stewartlanded, after bis strainer struektbe rocksIn tbe cataract, al Wad) Gama, and that hewa. murdert d bj Bi doulns.

    Lon!»-\. Octolierfl..The War Office i*unca tain as i" the fate .-f «oloni Slea ut.wbo, vs itb forts men, wases route to Don¬nie. Their steamer -mick the rocks, indthey Wire li:,able tO lint lier. A llwa Hiu'e With Ibe Arab* to i-

    uni c.-iilu. i tl"* I-;.."* through thetl.*dt ,., .Mirani. The Arab* pi ivedtienciunm*, however, and m-issacrcdthein*! party wblcb landed from the stanier.'lb. v then boarded Ihe s.-*el and killedtl.¦ ss.',,1 n maim d, with (be exeeptloB ..(a t.-vv nu n. sv le-, h.um - a: unknown, li1- reported tba! * olonel Stewart -va* amongru kided, lt 1* unknown wbctha Mr.Cw, r, tb, orr, snondenl ol the Ibad icu rmd to Khartoum or wa with1 nit,, el Stewart.

    I^AIKn. t let.,her »l.~ Maj r K ib bt-rier !. 1,eraphs thal tbs whole f Colonel .¦... "wart'aj.irtv lia* be. n tnurdcr. d, ' olonel -l.w.trt.With Int porty, wen- atiTtluled on Ho- lurk*in the cataract m Wad] '.vin*. *".'. bad re-quested tbe Hndlr ot Doagolsto si ad biaaalatana a (. w days a--'"-

    londllloaor fafshsBrfl In I.M'1*(Hy elide to Uir III":

    LafltsBVi ('(lober «..The Cabin.*' to-dayconsidered Lord Nnrtlibrnuk't tirsl Uste-n.dit r. latlve tc the cBBdltion "f Egypt11,- ,. i-earf* ii|son afl'airs in Ital cosratrj SWvt ry uidavorab e. The Cabinet al... c ui-sidered dU|vatches from Slr Hercule* loMj.on. (invernorof the Colonv o( the Cape otGeed Hope, urging that lefnlIaraffncnts ofIrt/op* bc sent him la act BgalUSt UM Boers.Upon Ike adjournment ..( ths OnUBCll dhbj'.vtrti's were forwarded Iff Geiniil LordWoliehv, which aro iuj>|)o»cd ta riler tothe acceleration of the esaedltran up thcNile, and to limit the co*t thereof, whichlalter item I* rcjioited to alanu UM Min¬istry.At the opening of Parliament thCJuv-

    crniiient will a*k for a further credit, buttl c amount to bc (.'tiled for la at prvscut un-

    ki own. Tba coal nf tba excition up sfc*Nile I* estimated-,t |l vr.ooo ,K.r day.Dalles oo U¥.h,

    , 3A« rC.-Bln*AjPh-nniBilloday slifliH, I,,,. ,hoir_h|B* ,.,,,,p.tfe*JjH ,,,>1si,"in;n,,,'",»*,|i."*'-*. '-"'t'ii'difT.lcitinlfli;- (little, ,,,*,., s j,,, *,Ve-l.»" 1V""'',,rs '""'"ll"''"""-pain in folfik'llVessel*, m'-r.s,.,.-ti,,,|,ltl,, nn M ...

    ,r-, -in.i -ii-, rimin iTint;|. r_ro;-of *nurir*«fi. in ii;itii.ii-* t iring ticatict with Spiln

    ! «'"'.'' Ilk* England and thc1 nt.. Slates, v ideh do not hive treatiesnilli thu country.

    nie Frosteh 4 aplure Tarnsnl.lari r,,l,> t. *ISDlBBaS8faJ

    ll.iNd KOBO, October h.-The Frcn.-h.'. ic ¦- iiiuh Admiral Leapei which oom-

    a thc att.iok upon I laMal oa Tburs-day.l ave,-, |,nii,, i,,,,,] oeenpli (| that town,sn.l Admiral Lespes* rta* .,... tDNa hatt*l-< io ellet ,i junction ivitb Admiral

    ( .uii.ei ai Beling.I v|)e-n-ef.it of Ihe m\sSntOU Relief F.«|ve-

    "*B**aakI- Hi Hi "Sfll.l

    . BOB, (icioheri;. I!.. eXpeSSW n( Hie¦i i' ii' \p dillon ar.- \netaauh\a.

    Th.- i-symasri r-ro m rai al dim in* rntiBe*"Ihe (..,vt linne*,. t|,;,t |.. requires £150,000weekly.

    Hie I),,,, I st, lf,l,l,.|.,-; ru* t r.

    *' rtopi' d ..i." !, r r.ii. ..ni-I-..! '. wal ¦'¦.. i: r in ire-

    ni. i'ts, icd tn bc doubt thal sheir the tbe f .. I ol

    I. Sn Idrnly she rn ke Iside to nid.. Her en rbi

    Ix p. I. vi [-. '. Pi opl ".! ber '! ck* jj-; tothe stalin,,! ....,,-,,] mxlouslyovi thc ildc, tn a monu ni tbi re w i* s

    0 d hurrj in,' ol mi n .ti tlie wb< el-and a solid li mn ; ipi iy hung

    undi !.t-r -'¦ rn. 1 be yachl ibo >k fromto ki -I with H .- racing sen w.Ile I al! effort! to st >, ht r thc ita-

    l.u-,!.i (ott-ed ahead, ber bow -till slUrbtlynenng outward. Confusion seized tbe

    ii inr deck, and they ran a ilbell li .- :ui..l bea Itdered. After wbalsi. ii,, d to be an hour of ¦ uspense. tbe Ats*Isnl I'- Jlb-bt om s.v. j' pis. tbe little groupol mi n on tbe h ink. A m uni ni der tbe

    ¦ni b .'... struck thc i.¦» U- and itu 'kTbe im itt bi' !. d ot sr until ber

    p..it-riil in m.v touched the water, andtin ii .u a. rerj il »wly toward

    iii,.!. Her p isengcrs nen ai .1 interror, clung to av.ni' . -lid:.iioii! ibedi K. Mr. lould vt i* -t en h I*

    io tin pilot-bouse. Theun nndci tbe item grew btrg r,

    .! jun p. il lu ai ily on theta-ped and pounded along for about 100feet, and then slid off, itcrn foremost, intodeep vva!i l. A row-boat manned by twomen Irom ll :1 wi af Ibe lo il of Eighty.

    ll strct -Url. d up alongside to offern im h. lp w ii .¦ ;.

    ..We're all right-'1 said Captiin Shack-Un- |i opie wbo crowded lb ul bim,

    i. .\ ..!!' .. ne ii, -: ,ri the; nu ; -. Look sh up |"Ai the vm hi for I, rd. .. Now, im not a yachtsman," nidin ..ind I'm hit .-*' .1 if I go eroding againuntil this sen,-,- I.-* worn mvay. I can'tt. ii ins! boa a ill "ans -i out, rv

    -, and be was the regular pilot, I '-¦li. ve. that In bad roi .1 thur on to ber'.whit. I, I- that 111. ills. Well, ,vin II le , 'tti :i sheer on ber bc -t control ..f ber ".

    '. enoturh beadw iy. sothal Hie radder eould lorn ht r bi um I.'1 ben th. >omlng throughii, ll lia. ,' aboul nine mik - IOhour, and tba way it s.t In to¬ward thal point of rocks madII norn. |fow, wm told thal if th l<Lad been running Ibe other wsy or badbeen -Randing still, or had be* n d .;'i

    ren i inepl wh il ll v **doinif, thole Wo'.lhl ll.lVe in ell " 'I .Hgt I' ''.-.li. but with thal ibecr "ii h. r, md withtbe tide Bettina i'l toward Itull POM ofi ck-, iix-eiiied to be a -(tiled thin ffr»mtbe nr-t. w. couldn't do anytbinx bulback th. in.m..ri al -.ml ..ut of lb. In< and wail for tba worst, r i*a rood trot:.' post bandy, an lillfe-prrserven wen it. right, ind I ¦*'"-willi, but I t.-lif. - .1 lindo tri |tl Q|she struck th* rneki and rolled onr untilI cold have Mooped up w .!. from tb*river la n j bat.

    .. I walli to suv." he continued, "th'tthe .-ww bebared rn an sdnlrable ui inner.Fioui tbe tiuuiit ni that Captain Shad rdkine the tint order lo ha"k ami r *(..st hi- pre.ono. of minti. Tbi -I inn-"*'. lam told. 1* nol **n it. A great deal o( puntwa- rubbed off tbe hull below the water¬line -n.l m rani plain wen started.s0 thalwater cana la BRtty liv.h. buttbeygotinst faed np, and tta wen all right. Iie. .-n't inucii, and it vvill BOOB be tnt Bded..* Who vernon hoard1"" *'.)u-t M.- .-..nhliiiui« party of friends out lor a -*!1 '.''''"'lound. Mr. ('..nhl alu,..-! alway* ba* :lI arty ol Irtaadi w iib him a ben be Itittie cruise. Almo»t any afternoon arterPu-iinss hoon ran nay set themlimier the -tern awnings a* Hi,- » " ,:up to li vim-ion."

    Tha Vclloa-reiier lu Havana.Illy telf*rs|iii to lin- m., aftBJ

    WaaWBSIDB, l>. C. Oetoh.i ,'"''")Mirine ll..«pit.,l llunaii is \ntonaedi tiaithere were eight death* fron yi til ¦».'.'' '*''¦,In Havana, Cuba, during thc week cnueo".tpteinher 25th. Indicating s inaterlai oe-enasc in thc fatality of th. dlssaoc ll l"ucity.A beautiful set of fancy sarda -'»' fn**','>

    persons who have taken Banwn'* .' '" **''"ter*. Address Brown CsBBBlcal«- **.*¦xa''Ualtimore, Md.

    NORTH CAROLINA NEWS....ernl S*ale**e MrbBMs Ihr Ralrlib Es-

    r>.». tin..- .Warder -1 lie Orotutbt.-*t -1 i! Werrsrc. In lb* In ;.*.- h.'

    BausbB, N. C.. (.'ctoher 8..OeneralNala, the Democratic candidate fa Gar-' raoi, I* again disabled, suflerin^ a rriap*vefrnin |,i, rt cent injury. Ile hail a UfaI, v. r Miturdiy and y. st-r-lay. Bc had ap¬pa nttaenli at Oatdsbaco ,o-f|iy .1*1,1 atwilson lt-morrow. Holli ni um be WMunsbti * 1 i. (.overnurJirvistill-.l'lieni.Ocnscral tasia's ladara ls seiisnUy a Badone.

    'I be Vu.', B8*BCSBBsSn is how in ju rb"!*b*|* 1 bc f mr sere* ot ground coveredby thc in.v.n building nm entirely tilledwith nhl! ita. All (h.- Hiac'iinciv In pla.-**r. j n*. m. tyrer thirty ladtratrta. Tin-st it*exhil id :,,TTi dlffiren, -irfic!.-*. nnd theaunties ibow ova M..**.. (he raf.. ottb* Bulbun, a.* well ss itt sxaltsaa. bvery tat i...i,,nd anything believed pn.-i-ble.

    ¦Marv Bunba, a venerable white v-rntiiaii.wa lound iring on thc floor of ba heussbeti wiib .me side nf ber bea 1 crushed in.Pnrsutl of the laapoclod BSBrderar ts bowin proffTi -s.TItcc r.ojr-irsB.itned Keixore, 1*. rb non,

    BBd 1 onii. ning. have been Jailed in Hen¬derson county (or brutally murd, ring M u>bi ll ld' 1 BOB,Bo extreme ta H.e ilrrsnja/lialtag il tl o-eloeli Urtiii.Tiling by sjieeial tmin on the BaBlmoWand Ohio railroad (»r (ir.i(t..n. Ths tir*tStop was made at Mmiud-ville. where Mr.Blaine wa* warmly received. Ile ititi: Iam glad to be bl Wat Virgina. I eon-sunr it one ol the ciidiiiragin-.' stan* olthe times tbat an arflal BOBtest I- ffoing"ii in what wa* oner a Slavs St de for ths*ccDdency of BepubllcaB principia; andRepublican priucii'l*** Mis fti mean atiirlfffor the protection cf American labor.[Cheers.] If Ur.t \..",irui IS in (iTorolthat she lt Bepuhli. au j if lbs it opposed toif. the is not. Tear rah uaddairafflaadiron and your va*t WlSSt* mJ all yournatural resotircct (*v.,i tbs fflSBl devcl-irv.ment of miniifaetnrin-* iii'luatrie*. Thercan de dcTclojied aida a pTCffafflVS tarin;they cannot be with mt it.AtCnmcroa, Llttkt'iit M»noln! i. ll *

    ',Vi-i::m;|.ii, .. r ft.m. editor an

    e.:i.,-iii /-.' quirt.-. will bu married | -mor-n.w morning to .Mi-. Eml v P. Beale,daugbter ol (ii neral E. E.elly, Tl.mony will be private. Bev.Vf. A. I.i nani, ri ctor ol -:. john's Epls. -pal church, will oft

    Late* \re-ittii- r l'.t |i irl.-p» " .

    We him.ton. (i.p.i..r 7- 1:31 .1. .17.-For ih.- Middle AH uipe Statfc*lc wi dher. ii irth to west winds,Inn llgbl un.i rariable, -ii.-iit fall In tempe.rature, higher aroroetcr.Eor the South Atlantic Stab -. f

    tber, light, variable winds, stationar;Denture.

    Tbs wi.mu, i. i clear andbot.TuEBMoneTm Vi'-n i". v M.,"

    D A. M., 78; nen. 1)3; f. M., Ul G I*.M.. -7: midnl rbt, .'.

    Bi ii 'i :..; s*'l 1*6.

    I. . i Y -,

    .rill- v. KATI

    il Ins i

    VV I VI Pl: i I."I ll! s. m.. know

    ii ii.< -i Itavc conti ace In a*, ll" y la ia that

    loallti i

    mina na sel

    \v. '. ad. r .ni nice* to pal or fir,

    .-ii. Wc keep

    1 OVBlMCi worth k.. pl ..- .'I

    ui omi 'tr :

    ai. ji».,> i righi ind iii-t.


    BOTS* -Hil:;-, -HUH I vi rs,

    I M'.PU Pill, !!"-:! i:v.

    1.1.uv' S, -t -I'LMi: i:-,

    HATH, in .

    A. -li.- J -I..

    ..si .PBK I

    I"l l '¦!



    vt us itBBi (imi r in. v - rsai* i

    Il ' I.."'I. wini.m. 1

    II ILIUM Lol I.S-1'LI'..I Sillier.

    V Kl f l.'i'Vlll l'\ ULMi ia.'.le t. nt,., i. Inr.!.-.'-!. lo i,i -nilli-

    -IVlVt,- UH'VU, Ml.NT.DKPOftIT* itur.ivin n, ties departmeat,

    SI ,1 IN Kl.K-T Si.LOM Lit al Us ru.c. l.ltlli, . r ll."lilla. -. ll.BS .1

    ll K A I, T ll-"ml i..iir BfMrsss t" Swift Bf. ic t" h.|.it,.

    lnjTir ii. Atlanta, '".*.. Bm ii..ii Moo* oas Isl- Dtoaasrss wfraeh tbsy wUl Bailr .. .

    INILA MM A TOBI L'.H'.! Vt.VTl-M.t wu- f wlnitritith Inftainiiutrv

    rtien:iist!-i:i af M *. lt '-i I . -Bl* Drt-l uriaa- IBBOsS.luce 1*)7(J. I hail t»iIou- kPni* o( IrsBlBIBBlwith only teuiportiry psnl.il relier. After lorenwe*ks I wit rc - BSBBI to iiiipiove. actin BOSS wc ls I VB! Inc fr-,:u .1l*eiia>* an I up »t-tetiilliiir to my r-a" ilar lui-,i es,. Viv apt*-ilie rlum.--1, ,ii,.| I r.-ipt'llv irelni.I tay lleth. I davewaited lin* it >utt te he certain Hut my cur. matptrinaiiciii. I . P, OOODTKAB,

    Attorufti* at |.aw.UattiSWll K, tl e., June .Jil, 1HHI

    A l.(ll)-sK\l*.I liavc Iud rile eiiall-iit for forty yo»ri, sin! Uart

    l.e,-n rc)I.rs. .1 willi a (ew leitl'et u( 3. «.. (, | COi,.still. it a U.Ml-teud tu tho mi'.Lt.-.l.

    J. B. WAI.LKIt.TU(JBlrO.* M

    '.. 8, Brown on- .ls... lilOS

    Tenn. . ¦>¦Virgi' O'..ibid) ::;

    \Dooli.ibid) .">;no. !

    < hit.... ¦¦ : Son iwest Tn.ci.ir '¦ nd Northw. "tern p'f'd. 1-*1>.*iv. r an I Bio Grande. 1

    . l-lI. i


    ri. -'¦"!.IhlO. I.

    \ Pacific Isl I o'Nut v . . I)


    Ki.rihi'i I' .:. 1.1.


    . 1I ¦nd I' ms ul- .I hill) :;.'.

    I and Wist Poi rudu il.. -'.lld

    st. Paul. »lst. !' .i ** :l-t - ts Pi ldc. nji i . "Wa . Uw ,-'¦ p rel I. ll!.

    BALTIMUBB.i r.M October 6. Vira ola 8'*,

    it-due c .ni"..--. SI'..; ,-dav,

    -- wa

    I GUA IN A -li '-'." roS >¦¦ ¦' RANGE.lill , a '. " »«*¦

    ;,,* ¦).'I*. Ul ,1. .'. li lucia. Totil,

    ( ft ... mu |,,-b. 1-.

    lill .- -" bUSihi -(.rv- - seed.- 50 ifa

    *Al.i;- HU1.'.il LU HI d' TILT HIV.\*., i it. >¦ lb 386. bushels.- immon i

    veij o..,,i ni -", io :,.: Mixed, l.Uflil bush*I* i'll mi to in¦-. Red, 1,700 bushel* .rn-

    ingberrj il Wi t 90c.;1,4, 2 usbels I dr

    IN.. Win.c. J* bush, ls VCIa! CV.

    MAREE! S Bl 'FD.

    NEW YORK.Sew Yobs, l?otl ¦:: d ill:

    i: ss Colton, T ¦- CODSolfd i- Iipi*, '-j.-Ii; hales; i.r- alI'.'.T.iT ii to th .-..urn. nt, ti,: :*.

    Iii ii dour -vi-ls common '[to

    li r, .-in*lier; iii t id d r ¦:. 6*tiab-lc.;

    -¦ .. -.; s ¦_¦ i- ¦!, < to-h. i. v 7 -. i urn S| ; bight r,

    i ; ungraded, Ul .. :..; univblti j No. 3, ('¦ '..b r,

    ii rather qui ;:So, I. :.::'..!,ir. ibu -.fair: Bio dull it -. : N -.: Rio, tp ...

    ind fair to rood redninr,: it lined ipili t: < 1 a", .: extra C.

    ,; white ex . ..¦.:>¦ How, ti\. i, ; con.\. 'i.'..; ut-loat tn I crushe I.

    iwdercd, a .¦.. .nt,i.r .:. 1. 8 ;;.!-;-. M nea dull. Hi c

    ,' d. Coil . Mt. I irI'.,: lc. f- r li :. Il ..ii dull al

    -I...", i'm liv al .I".-.Iii - .in V 'e. dib i .-. |, j.un.-.Wool >t mis ; il.du, die fl i ¦. :j.i"f.:

    -. I l vj'.''. Pork Hiiu : tu. w, tp ,t. fli.Mlddb - *li:II: long clear, nfc. Lard h.-'.- r.

    .: s1 item -r un. I '. -7.7".::.'-"".. I'., i rids Brm.

    BALTIMOBB.I'll rtMOBB, ' '.' .¦'¦tl linuli.r*. j.,:.'J.'. Bu-,,,.Should, i«. r-7.2.'; clear rib, ilH.S71. Ltrd--Primc -team, fhM.

    IT. Loris.St. I.iii.ts, octnixrri.- Flour uiichstueil.

    Win at tasver; No. Iradi TutnTnt-. w7'iir. October. Cora nnrfitlltd; Uaftx,cab, Mc. < ictnii r. , tata lower aad qa! t ;Mattie, cash. Whiskey iWady at |LltI'ruTiaion* ijuiet. Pen, Hfl.iV). B ill.meats.Long clear. #*>.(>.*>; abort rib, bj *

    , char. #l0.o.*i. Bacon- Ling char, fl LimllO.tTJf,.; thort rib, #lu,7S ; clear. |U.ltVLard Oxm aic7.17t.

    (UH A,;ii.Cinci-on, October C..Flour ii a tue dc-

    BBBBl; winier wheat, .fJ.T.Kii.L'Hi. Wheat infair demand, rloshag noiiiiniby uuchanged;OctolKT, T7a77ii'.: Nnveinber, 7*sfi7Jit-.Cum tinitttlctl and ticrTuiu; Ucptheiclnnd tin* **uie a* on Saturday; cash, .VSfaBBJa.; Ooaaba. tstsaMfsti oat* dull; c**li,and (i, tub.-r. Jfllai,i|c. Pork ruled strung*er. and SiiiOsit*. htuhi-r ; csuh and OctoberSKI.ML Lard in fair demand and *trou>rer:cash, .V7.liiaf7.4-Ji; October. I7.*«ta|7.131Bulk-mests| tn fair demaud; thould-n

    fl.60; sBort-rib, BBM; ttear, lilli*.WblsUeylun. banged. Hnjrar easier; ttan*>ard A, Ste; granulated, Me.

    MILWAUKEE.Miiwuiaa. oetolierfl.-Elour dull and

    noninv. Wheat Inn; So. leash and Oo-lol, r. 7fi(c ('..rn bUher and scarce; Mo.w lt.. Wc. Provisions dull. Mesa pork,

    **l(*."rii i-nh. Ociolier, an! Niiv*nb-*r.I.*r.' H. in -!¦ m..*PT.|2| e..'-, .md iK-to-t. r. -vvo.t-i h klcsl tum* linn st italic.Bu .,.« trtroager at *,i.7."ia|ft..V).

    NdKKU.Iv PEANCTMAItKKT.jfrmtatM, OetaNr a\- M'rk.t firm. Bes*.

    Isi ,|.p -'.it MaTa. |>er lb.; cxtrs hind-pl ) .1.1*. p.i ll..; oilreri-nd'*.. ."ta-'il:*. per

    mb* .. a* bsa*, at lc. pot ll>.LIM. YtW K MARKETS.

    te till..Ml.

    (menta 6.-Prices Uii* week naged8* follow*

    1' .f etti. V.ry t«o*t,(' vVc.: med IunI'll'.; > "ii,:."on li fan. 2i"Mc.

    -'..p. ¦!;.!,¦-.. i-ro**.; I,tn'**, .'Iii"!'.,gran.

    i .Ti '.. Iel.Then ama '.'¦.; good, ¦'.. in, ll-,.''..: c. ifii i. "ii. .'Hil'.', .-hoop dnttl ri*«rel pt*, t ..'¦ I.- "1; iirinto, I "aile. { iroti-l,:.tic ; ii .'.limn, .''c ; . inoiiioii. (pl |ierp. ii lo 1 de, i i' |""iiii,i. Iiini's. latia.h ts n fslr demand; reeeipu,MM h*M|wes:, rn, .m.1'ic.; country, 7 sae.


    the llrniarkahlc Op isn mt cf a li-stssaI.tie, 1 ViiPte Kerpcr.

    A H. si, B*pr-*-*Blaay* (h.rh* ll. Paantta o: :i :. n, e man. v\ ho baa si v rd Uv., ewiniii pr:-, i: for ii -i\fy tivi-tlioii-.U! I-.I .livr, ,i e. abai as¬

    ian ni ii ni- e. ipa I, Ila w ii re-'e.-e.i mi conditional pardon Bron timState prison In l-~~. indiuimedistelj cstah*li-li.d a liv.. tooth Rnd. In

    fed the cont' tenn ofIra T. I.f.'hto! l. it vvo-'-Ktni mllllonfal*.li v i nu. d ii i;'O'ral In, I- '.' " -upply-iii. th. experience uii Br. Litchfield ilia

    i ii r, so i: i- uh .-,. i. in ord r I»ii. -. ii li. hoi .rn -cv u pain oftj horses sad i tot ol tine lamonts.

    up a. vv. u *. annasc. ld do lt, and Mr. LlUhfleld paid i*i,tor it. 1 il ensr,iii. irn ,, . and drove io Mr.

    H.- would ta.'ll t.*llMr. '.i, : t il !. un w .s ni (r*ceaf>

    u l ;:.. w bole t! n . w t>for *o many hun In kal ira.

    in.il"!)..- In I'm-- a l.ii-htielili du k ill pi- iv l for th* >!".d".I il to E .-!¦ ri rn i thu latter would

    .Im. ibe horses] ba W 11 ti.,' s*..it'lli-i then, snd cash the >'i--< k.

    ioney, ii li slk d, las! ad »fai Into Yostatft

    Mr. I it. ia. t ii ol a un-' y "in*bare bi fl ln-A'-n kl

    i".'"¦"... for ih ti pp i"!-1.I db i i nd I pun li - r il thc High*ur.': i' tba -ih- nive MtIh( ii ai ¦¦¦'!., d t tr, 'i .- wella a».' I I*Ur -"1.1 tbe -1¦*ii-.- | i .: *v.f.».

    1- ni v duthie turnout! ka*g alli ne ii who boarded

    tle-r hors* * at He ta!.I.. ||" rep.ii.- pro] rty l i bb

    (Ti.- fi. ni . tn nmliranco and .1 unes II ile*/,nf Mdi "dins > pud -*i...ihhi down.¦-..-ti i tin ii 11.:!.. ling-bill! >nilo Oct. er 1 rt, ii f ire Mr. il ile* carne

    i-ion ht ir in «o'il the satinbi ol ti..- -. hie, borne hy ban -. for

    whaltbt r would bring. Mr.lfalej Isstwaakfound hi* stable empty, ll iv.ti.' thus n-.il-:,-' d ..... r --. o.ihwi ii tush hy hts "iii,-me,: r ,. ired, -.nd Um p..ii- bannot y t been V-L- to timi him.

    lilt' Ltatl I, (Illlllla III onto.¦!¦ ., ...i.. lia. ... iii!,.]

    \\ boc Mr. r.l.iin itarted for ohio williol hi- inatnidcent *¦ml-ort in

    : Iphia, io* ix Iii red that he poss .e.|.! tu chane* far Weat

    Virginia. He, then!. arrartjred to de¬lete ,.t vv, ilngj niuo to herlargiil Bepubllcan majority, and thia areafet., Ihe doubtful bul -!. of vvnst-ing Wi . tn (.'level md.

    beau id, d in Biala***ll" V' Oil lt-. < loud* hale n il I .en ,|i,.

    a .- vi. li '., and t.i.-yspii h'v.i i aiiii,i-ni.en tl : Biara*ni a S al thal Haine iiiii-i carry nextll. t ls to b..Ve the r. Liol, st hope nf *'lle".>*Sin Novein lier. Instead ol poM***satng Ohmatul having ¦ flghtu bsni for Wt H \ ir-ltIn la, Blain, non i ublicly contnan by ni*sudden bange of i rogrsnune thal thcJ»'"i nt* p ¦.vv. -i \ irginl i ai l h ir*a fighting baa ¦. i r . H

    li *1. ol Of 111.iii!" tl rOtll"| th* pie.elltv...-k t". Wist Virginia, bis appoiatneatath. i. have I.,, ii ci. ni ii. ii .i'm to netroWiin tb* will traitIly ¦.iva up West Iflrslaaand return !¦. labor Ida remainder of ahaW, i k 111 OblO. I bl* i- I p. lill p ll il ..oil-fenton that ohio ii in danger, nd Hutconfession will th. i.:..r" t. Inaplrtt theIfeuj. rat* ii.ii, all Blake's presence and

    ran uutcra. i.

    siskim; ivtii,i:i.i:*.i):.HI MAI (KB Al lilli -i ,i i 7 1 -*l.

    in ..i nos.m '.»i loraina . (Bil

    Si Iii

    l'.'i: . Ul t lt illlt'Mi.i* lonni H. l--l.te-.

    -r.sti. r WI! I *..ii. l-ii...,. sn.eli \.t y .rV. ni.**.,11 *,,,., . sod ii.s. ., ¦>¦ it. .Ultu a .vis,a*, m..

    ll. I*lil'i"lelplil.s. iner-, , a .. j. W. Mei ima*. i*».it.iai. v ry 1 n*l Mil ll, BoraassSH , h ...

    1.1 p . . urn| .h.- m.eu.

    -lan .r lr". 1. ta ri S rf .11. f ,P. - n-t.. L. ll. I Usia,

    .-,'.. e. r ll . Mueller- r e * in 1. to,.| ......I I. r S. w li., i.-ssl, i ur'i, A I'ar-

    :.. iii ol \! uri :i - sui*, rn r. 6. tm*HIS I. I..-rii.h.j

    AKRIV I !'.I Bel, 'i . ih | u iud

    . llr.ll.-ia .ii, i*r t.ui r. Bea Turk, sud.Ol I.- I P ,

    Ile IS.a, . -is-cl ..I.. 111.- V.. ,1. I.. l.-I.V t 1 ill.-. I... r ... .. .Url* Il tins, \"rr.|t,.

    1i-ilvi|M.s.lvi,ltlllll.v. ate.


    i.i i. lxmi'.iritiN D.ULT,


    »U Mn i -lr ot.

    NKW I'.MVIIVi.s. UBI WIN..*, Killi*IBCB, IBIsSBBinil AM*

    WITH POI OBI... -I i BS* im itali T

    ai rivilla. Amit*'iirooftufLA IK AMI VALl'lllLK PK TCHKS

    .1 ,il .l" MlUK.lK*., rHt>.|. t.Ii.Vlll I-KV MP- ) V-KL-s. UKI >N 7. £«,, sra*K" i.l i:s'** l.Kul l's "11 hao.l.

    fl. TlIW 1'KAUr.Dla irii.il. ti)in i( l.w lance*.

    Ai: 11-1- -t ri'LtKS AND -lt 1,11s «f sill nd, .ni d«u.1 at lowe&taaurs*. MIS

    TOU.K-r artk li:-*."-.VSa-St

    ll AIB-RKl'-iUEH,EMil.l-i|| AM) A VIHl. ICAN.

    USKAT VAB1KTY nf STYLK 8-eJUALlTT»ir»:Klt'K.

    T(HVTH-Blll SHE.*. (I.iMuea'a sui .nh-t-itLarrr* aaWini-u t..ad. ta uur -faieS. (.'LuTHU.Iluc-lir *- u, w alTlsa, cUiu au* uru_aetii*I.Hsmlaomc 1'uVVliKK lldMlS. 1MWHUH l'tKI**,

    *C, SC. J. 111. VIK, lit ,4(ui,tels '.vai^.' Niuia»*l Uisaaatirvs-u.
