The Spread of Islam

The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

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Page 1: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

The Spread of Islam

Page 2: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

The Islamic Religion Spreads

• Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion

• Arab tribes set out on jihad against non-believers– Arabs were experienced desert fighters– Fought with enthusiasm to gain entry to

Heaven– Believe if you die in a Holy War you go

to Heaven

Page 3: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

• Byzantine & Persian Empires were weakened from centuries of fighting each other

• Both fell quickly to the Arabs• Succeed in creating vast empire– Indus River Valley– Europe– Reached as far as Spain– Progress halted at Battle of Tours (France)

The Islamic Religion Spreads

Page 4: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against


• Mohammed’s death created need for new leader or caliph

• 3rd Caliph founded the Umayyad Caliphate

• There was a disagreement over who would be the next caliph– Sunni Muslims followed the new caliph– Shi’ite Muslims believed only

Mohammed’s descendants could be caliphs

Page 5: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

• 750 A.D. – Abbasid Caliphate replaces Umayyad Caliphate– Focused on trade instead of war– Governed as absolute rulers– Surrounded themselves with a rich court


Page 6: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

Golden Age of Muslim Culture

• Advances in culture and technology• Absorbed cultural achievements of

the Greeks, Persians, Romans, Jews, & Byzantines

• Controlled vast trading area – larger than the Roman Empire

Page 7: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

• Served as a crossroad for trade between India, China, Africa, Spain, and the Eastern Mediterranean

• Arabic language used throughout empire, and became the language of literature, philosophy, and art

Golden Age of Muslim Culture

Page 8: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

• Cultural Achievements– Mathematics – Borrowed the concept of

zero from India and developed Arabic Numerals, which were adopted by other cultures. Developments led to advances in algebra and geometry.

– Arts & Crafts – Mohammed forbade making images of God or people. Islamic art is largely made up of geometric designs, flowers, and stars. Their textiles, leather works, and rugs are highly prized.

Golden Age of Muslim Culture

Page 9: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against

• Cultural Achievements–Medicine – Arab doctors discovered

that blood moves to and from the heart. They learned to diagnose many diseases, including measles and smallpox.

– Architecture – Muslim rulers built beautiful palaces and mosques, richly decorated with mosaics, calligraphy, and geometrical designs.

Golden Age of Muslim Culture

Page 10: The Spread of Islam. The Islamic Religion Spreads Islam united Arab tribes through language (Arabic) and religion Arab tribes set out on jihad against



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