The specter of social Media January 2009 the online networking application Facebook registered more than 175 million active users. At the same time every minute, 10 hours of content were uploaded to the video sharing platform youtube. 75 % of internet surfers used ”social Media” in the second quarter of 2008.

The specter of social Media January 2009 the online networking application Facebook registered more than 175 million active users. At the same time every

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  • The specter of social Media January 2009 the online networking application Facebook registered more than 175 million active users. At the same time every minute, 10 hours of content were uploaded to the video sharing platform youtube. 75 % of internet surfers used social Media in the second quarter of 2008.
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  • What is social media and what is it not? Some highlights: - 1959 Open Diary an early networking site that brought together online writers into one community. - 1979 Usenet is created, a worldwide discussion system that allowed Internet users to post public messages. - 2003 Myspace - 2004 facebook - 2009 virtual worlds second life.
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  • definition Social media is a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of User genereted Conted. To be User genereted Conted it has to fulfill three basic requirements: It needs to be published either on a publicly accessible website or on a social networking site accessible to a selected group of people It needs to show a certain amount of creative effort. It needs to have been created outside af professional routines and practices.
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  • 3 stages Web 0-1990 Seeking for information (yahoo/google) Web 1.5 distribution and communicationwawes (skype ebay) Web 2.0 networkewawe (youtube)
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  • The key reason why people decide to create a personal webpage is, for example, the wish to present themselves in cyperspace. Usually such a presentation is done through self-disclosure; that is the conscious or unconscious revelation of personal information (thoughts, feelings, likes, dislikes) that is consistent with the image one would to give.
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  • Classification of social media - Collaborative projects and blogs score lowest because of all the text. - Youtube, twitter and facebook comes in next level. - Higest leves is virtual games and social worlds (world of warcraft, second life).
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  • The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Collaborative projects. Websites that allow users to add, remove and change text-based content like the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. The main idea underlying collaborative projects is that the joint effort of many actors leads to a better outcome than any actor could achieve individually.
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  • Blogs Are special types of websites that usually display date-stamped entries in reverse chronological order. Can come in different variations, from personal diaries describing the authers life to summaries af all relevant information in one specific content area. Blogs are usally managed by one person only, but provide the possibility of interaction with others through the addition of comments.
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  • Content communities. The main objective of content communities is the sharing of media content between users like YOUTUBE and powerpoint presentations. YOUTUBE serves over 100 million videos per day. On the positive side, the high popularity of content communities makes them a very attractive contact channel for many firms.
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  • Social networking sites. Social networking sites are applications that enable users to connect by creating personal information profilers, inviting friends and colleagues to have access to those profiles, and sending e- mails and instant messages between each other. Facebook and Myspace. Is very populae, specially among young people and the word Facebook addict has been included in the Urban Dictionary.
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  • Virtual game worlds. Virtual worlds are platformes that replicate a three-dimensional enviroment in which users can appear in the form of personalized avatars and interact with each other as they would in real world. In the game world the users must behave according to strict rules in the contesxt of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Exampels World og warcraft and Sonys Everquest
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  • Virtual social worlds. Allows inhabitants to choose their behavior more freely and essentially live a virtual life similar to their real life. As in virtual game worlds, virtual social media appear in the form of awatars and interact in a three- dimensional virtual enviroment. There are no rules restricting the range of possible interactions except for basic physical laws such as graverty. Example second life. Second life also allows users to create content to design virtual clothing or furniture items, and to sell this content to others in exchange for Linden Dollars, a virtual currency traded against the U.S Dollar on the seconfd life exchange.
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  • Ten pieces of advice for companies deciding to use social media Five points about using media: - Choose carefully (chooseing the right medium is depending on the target group to be reached and the message to be communicated). - Pick the application, or make your own. The decision involves whether to make or buy. - Ensure activity alignment sometimes you may decide to rely on varius Social Media, or a set of different applications within the same group, in order to have the largest possible reach
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  • - Media plan integration. Relation between social media and traditional media. Integration is the key. - Access for all
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  • Five points about being social: - Be active: be active on the social media and ensure that your content is always fresh. It is about engaging others in open and active conversation. - Be interesting : if you are not interesting, people with not notice you. - Be humble: before you enter any aplication, first take some time to discover it and to learn about its history and basic rules.
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  • - Be unprofessional: try to blend in with other users and dont be afraid to make mistakes. If youre nice to people, they might give you free advice on how to do better the next time. - Be honest: respect the rules of the game.
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  • New trend in the horizont Mobile Social media. According to Jupiter Research, the market for Mobile web 2.0 evolutions will grow from a mere $5.5 billion to $22,4 billion by 2013. More people have mobilephones than computers. New social media platforms:
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  • Assignment 1 30 minuts 2-3 big groups (6-8 people in each). Discuss: What kind of social media will fit into a website. Why/why not What should the content be in the chosen media.
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  • Assignment 2 individual Make a social media strategi for your website. 2 pages. Hand in to Vibeke or on [email protected] wedensday the 21 of november at [email protected]