The Sparkle Within

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The Sparkle Within by Tina P. Norton

Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden! (NLT) There's so much good in you! Have you ever thought about what your value is to those in your sphere of influence? I have. This sobering thought is my personal challenge to myself. It has become the barometer by which I measure how well I'm displaying the 'real' me. My 'sparkle and shine' is my unique contribution to mankind; it is what sets me apart to be all that God's possibility in me is to produce.

I have found that everything is possible to them that believe. I believe the sky is limitless, therefore I walk with faith. This walk is the process wherein 'life happens' day by day on the journey to my most productive life. It's up to me to make good on the possibility of my life…making something out of nothing. Each of us is given this opportunity to produce an extraordinary life! Proverbs 14:1 - A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. (NLT) These are wise words from King Solomon that exhort us to the possibility of an extraordinary life. There are two contrast here: I'm either a builder or I'm a demolisher. As a builder, I secure my royal legacy upon a foundation which is anchored in unlimited possibility. As a demolitionist, my life is a series of defeat and despair. I choose to either take the reins of life challenges and make lemonade out of lemons, or I choose to smash those same lemons and cry about how sour life is. The choice is up to me! • Sparkle - To send forth light; sudden bursts of light; to produce small flashes of light; to be or become bright and lively✨You have a Sparkle Within! • Take the risk to show the real you! • What would you do if you knew it were impossible for you to fail? Here's an excerpt from the newest Disney production of the Cinderella classic (2015).

It is a powerful discourse which takes place as the King's representative finds the girl who lost the famous glass slipper. This is the point where her Step-Mom has declared that she has no other daughters in the household, and has held Cinderella captive. So much can be said about the varied ways Cinderella could have responded. She is the epitome of a woman who has met the challenges of life. Captain: [to Cinderella] Miss You are requested and required to present yourself to your king. Lady Tremaine: I forbid you to do this! Captain: And I forbid you to forbid her! Who are you to stop an officer of the king? Are you an empress? A saint? A deity? Lady Tremaine: I am her mother. Cinderella: You have never been... and you never will be my mother. Cinderella's boldness teaches us the benefit to standing in our own truth and allowing the strength of our inner grace (sparkle) to light our way✨. She is no stranger to the

process of making good of a bad situation. Her journey from the dungeon to the palace

is the fairytale all girls dream of. Cinderella teaches us to always remember our core

values and to never let anyone dim our light. Here are Some Encouraging Quotes:

"Shine bright like a diamond" 💎💎- Rihanna "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine...let it shine...let it shine...let it shine!" - Harry Dixon Loes "Get on your feet, get up and make it happen...stand up and take some action!" - Gloria Estefan

Sparkle and Shine Application:

Look famous. Be legendary. Appear complex. Act easy. Radiate presence. Travel light. Seem a dream. Prove real.

5 Ways To Find Your Sparkle

Imperfection is not the opposite of perfection, as if it is a state not to be desired. Instead, imperfection is the state of acceptance of self through love. Without seeing who you truly are, you won’t know what to change and what to keep. Perfectionism just throws everything out the window. Here are five ways to truly be free by letting yourself live as you are; consider your possibility. “I am Me” “Accept me as I am” is a battle cry. It doesn’t mean that you won’t change detrimental habits because you are embracing who you are. It also doesn’t mean that you are promoting laziness or lack of ambition. What it does mean is that you have taken a look inside of yourself and seen who the person inside truly is. There are things that you like about yourself and also things that you don’t, but it all works together to become the person that you are today. True change in your life is an act of love. You can lose weight when you love who you are right now at your current weight. It means that your life, self-esteem and happiness are not tied to a number. Anything done out of self-hate doesn’t usually last because you are always criticizing your efforts. Nothing is ever good enough because you start off not liking anything about yourself from the beginning. You’d leave your own body if you could. There is nothing healthy about that. Imperfection says that the only way through is with love on board. Accepting and embracing you by celebrating why you are unique. It is getting reacquainted with yourself through a few steps that show the value that was there all along.

5 Ways to Release the Sparkle Within * Take some serious time for introspection – Don’t be afraid to look at yourself honestly. Write down what is positive and what is negative in your eyes. Find ways to change the wording of those negatives so they are now positives that you can embrace. If you think that your ankles are big, find shoes to wear that minimize their appearance as such. * Discover what you like to do and don’t like to do – Don’t be afraid to say “no” to events or activities that don’t foster your interests just because it’s a “cool” or “acceptable” thing to do. * Try something new – Try bold colors for clothing or change your hairstyle. There’s nothing wrong with experimenting with new looks to accentuate your positives and give yourself a confidence boost. * Laugh more – Laughter promotes feel-good endorphin release. Take time out to have fun and take a rest. It is restorative and also promotes health. * Explore your creative side –Are you a “right-brained” person? Find out if you have any creative tendencies. Stimulate that side of your brain to bring out attributes you didn’t know you had. Allow yourself to be human, flawed and free by embracing your imperfect, perfect life. Connect with tina norton @mysensationalme.com