Some of the best theatre artists in the country appear on the Soulpepper stage. These same artists also train and mentor their emerging counterparts in the Soulpepper Academy, as well as teaching and guiding thousands of young people through our youth outreach programs. Community engagement and mentorship are woven into everything we do as a theatre company. We call this the Soulpepper Difference.

The Soulpepper Difference

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Read about Soulpepper and how your support can make a difference.

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Page 1: The Soulpepper Difference

Some of the best theatre artists in the country appear on the Soulpepper stage. These same artists also train and mentor their emerging counterparts in the Soulpepper Academy, as well as teaching and guiding thousands of young people through our youth outreach programs. Community engagement and mentorship are woven into everything we do as a theatre company.

We call this the Soulpepper Difference.

Page 2: The Soulpepper Difference

Founding members Nancy Palk & Diego Matamoros in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann

Soulpepper Youth participants at the 2009 Soulpepper School Play Fundraiser. Photo by Gary Beechey

Soulpepper Academy members Gregory Prest and Karen Rae in Window on Toronto. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann

Ankita Kumar-Ratta, Youth Leadership Program participant with Martha Burns, Founding Member. Photo by Sian Richards

Page 3: The Soulpepper Difference

sOulPePPeR PeRFORMANceSoulpepper brings Canada’s most respected theatre artists together for North America’s only year-round classical repertory theatre season.

sOulPePPeR MeNTORshIP & TRAININgSoulpepper master artists and teachers work with Canada’s most promising actors, directors, designers and playwrights in the Soulpepper Academy to develop the next generation of cultural leaders. Soulpepper Academy artists are selected through a nation-wide search to engage in a unique full-time paid residency.

sOulPePPeR TeAchINgLeading theatre artists develop and teach specialized, responsive and dynamic artistic programs for thousands of participating youth. Young people across the GTA, regardless of their economic background experience the exciting and transformative power of the arts.

Page 4: The Soulpepper Difference

suPPORT The sOulPePPeR DIFFeReNce! Soulpepper merits your support. Toronto’s only classical repertory theatre company has grown to serve audiences of over 90,000 year-round while maintaining its warmth and intimacy. Our subscriber base has grown to over 7500 theatre lovers.

Our loyal patrons tell us that Soulpepper consistently produces intelligent, thought-provoking work of the highest standard, and that our artists inspire them both on stage and off —performing, teaching and impacting the lives of thousands of young people throughout the city. We couldn’t do it without you!

Soulpepper also needs your support. Less than half the cost of the Soulpepper season is covered by ticket sales. We are a registered charity and rely heavily on your generous donations.

Eric Peterson in Billy Bishop Goes to War. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann

Page 5: The Soulpepper Difference

yOuR gIFT wIll helP susTAIN:

• A 12-month season of more than 600 performances

• Full-time paid residencies for emerging Canadian theatre artists

• A robust portfolio of free youth programs, reaching over 8,500 youth in our community annually

• The largest employer of Canadian theatre artists in Toronto

As well as making a meaningful diff erence to Soulpepper, your gift entitles you to exciting and exclusive donor benefi ts. Visit soulpepper.ca for details.

Page 6: The Soulpepper Difference

George Masswohl, Karen Rae, Oliver Dennis, Michael Hanrahan, Ryan Field, Alison Jutzi and Ins Choi in Oh What a Lovely War. Photo by Cylla von Tiedemann

Page 7: The Soulpepper Difference