The Sorceress and the Guardian Chapter 1

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  • 8/3/2019 The Sorceress and the Guardian Chapter 1


    The Sorceress and the Guardian

    Chapter 1

    Auras mood was as black as the starless night; it had been so since the day she

    had to leave her home, the Magical Realm where all creatures, magical and mythical

    lived. People like her and her sisters were very rare, because not only were they the

    daughters of a Goddess they were also gifted Sorceresses.

    Unfortunately for her and her sisters that made them the special target of one of

    the most dreaded beings in her world, the Shadow King, a vile creature which plan was

    to emerge both worlds in darkness, and they were the only thing that stood in the way.

    Aura was fuming over the rush she had been on to find the source of that power

    peak she had sensed when she was about to go to bed. She shivered, whether from the

    chill settling in her bones or because of those unwanted thoughts she couldnt tell.

    What she knew was that it was time to quit, Blast it! she swore silently when

    she stumbled and almost fell, This is the last time Im coming out on just a hunch! she

    mumbled cursing her curious nature, just because she had felt some kind of foreign

    power coming from Central Park didnt mean there was any trouble brewing, still it had

    been a while since she had been home to the Magical Realm so she didnt know how

    things were going, or what was happening but if there was trouble in paradise it would

    be coming for her, she didnt need to be a Sorceress or use her powers to know that.

    The Shadow King was out there waiting for the right moment to make his move,

    that was why she had come to the Human realm but sooner or later he would find her

    and she would pay the price for her humanity, Stop thinking about it! she knew this

    was a dangerous time for her, her powers were at their lowest until the next full moon.

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    When she sensed something was wrong, well she just had to go and snoop,

    this time she had a feeling she would pay for her recklessness.

    She had always had a passion for the night, the moon and the stars, her senses

    thrived when she was under the spell of the moon. She was most powerful at night, but

    now she was really cursing her curious and obstinate nature, she could feel the danger,

    the darkness, she was feeling the way it enveloped her, the way the moon was shadowed

    by familiar black clouds, making Central Park darker and creepier than usual.

    She focused her thoughts to see where it was coming from, but it was too late, it

    was coming and it was powerful and fast. She started walking, then running, her long

    black hair tangling in the lower branches of the trees, pulling, cutting through the silk of

    her pajamas and into her flesh, she didnt panic but something was seriously wrong

    someone or something was blocking her telepathic powers, she had no way to connect

    to her sisters and see what was happening, she had no way to warn them if they still

    didnt know something was wrong. Damn! she said angry with herself for not

    predicting this could happen, she should have known better.

    Focus Aura, dont panic, you have nothing to gain and everything to loose,

    whoever this is, you can take him. She pep talked with no success, because the cold

    fingers of fear were clawing at her heart but most dangerously at her mind.

    She ran, trying to get to the edge of the Park, cutting through the pond she

    moved fast not minding the cuts and bruises she would surely have afterwards,

    surviving was a whole lot more important now, Why do I get myself in trouble every

    time I follow a hunch?she chastised feeling the darkness closing down on her heart.

    She heard someone running behind her, she ran faster, she felt power, a raw

    overwhelming power, it was making it hard for her to move and when she tried to look

    up at the moon darkness blinded her. The Shadow King came down with the dark mist

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    that shrouded and protected his metaphysical embodiment sucking her powers, she got

    up fast and cast a spell, Who let you into this world Shadow? she asked in the

    direction of the dark creepy mist. The spell didnt work, she was weak, he had absorbed

    most of her power, Now, now half-breed witch, you did not think I had forgotten about

    you, did you? the Shadow asked his voice low and grumbling like thunder on the

    making, making that mist waver and spread as he spoke.

    Aura felt the cold darkness seep in her pores invading her essence but she

    remained calm One can only hope! she hissed as she fell to the ground, hurting her

    knees and hands, she couldnt get up the mist was holding her down. The Shadow

    laughed, you are pathetic and weak without your sisters, Ill kill you first and then Ill

    kill every one of them in turn, there will not be one of you left to protect this world or

    yours! Aura shivered the evil in his voice making it impossible for her not to believe

    him; she tried moving without success, he had her under some kind of spell.

    She chanted to the ancient power and was able to put her arms up summoning a

    protective circle, she knew it wouldnt last but she needed all the time she could get, In

    your dreams Shadow, this time I will vanquish you completely Ill show you no mercy!

    she called out to the spirits and creatures of the night, and instantly felt a rush of power.

    Mother Nature was coming to the rescue, she sensed something else, it was

    some sort of power, it was coming straight at them, incredibly potent, extremely fast,

    she braced for what was coming and she was sure it was not going to be pretty.

    The Shadow lunged forward attacking her, but the protection circle didnt let

    him touch her, he bounced off several times but kept coming back, and then the most

    horrific growl was heard, the Shadow turned away from her and was attacked by what

    could only be described as a giant black and grey wolf, the Shadow scattered along with

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    the mist making an awful piercing noise, the Wolf jumped it again the medallion on its

    furry neck shining fiercely spreading a light so bright, it rivaled the sun.

    The Shadow withdrew immediately, and looking down at her said, I will kill

    you, make no mistake, not even your Guardian there will be able to stop me, the time

    will come when you will be alone and I will take you, darkness will consume all that

    you are, all that you love. He hissed back at the wolf as he vanished with the mist,

    escaping the light.

    You can trybut Ill die fighting! Aura yelled at the emptiness the Shadow

    left behind. My, oh my, Mother is not going to be happy about this! Aura said

    collapsing to the ground. Looking at the Wolf, now sitting by her side still growling but

    a lot more controlled, she saw the Wolf gazing into her ice blue eyes.

    She reached out to touch him as if she was hypnotized, but when she touched

    him the medallion levitated to her hand as if wanting her to hold it, it burned her hand

    when she touched it, What in the Gods name was that? she jumped back cursing

    looking down at the wolf disbelief in her eyes, sorcery was involved of that she was


    The Wolf growled in pain, and there before her eyes shifted into human form, a

    perfect human form she might add, lying on the ground completely naked except for the

    medallion and a long black shiny mane with strands of grey, lay the most handsome

    man she had ever seen, he moved moaning, it was obvious that shifting back made him


    Aura kneeled down beside him gently cradling his head in her lap, trying to

    check if he was hurt, he was cold and snuggled closer for warmth, his hair too long for a

    man, she noted, he was strongly built, his torso a map of scars, with lickalicious abs was

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    like a war zone, his whole body was like a sculpture, from his chiseled face to his

    undoubtedly powerful arms and legs, he was a perfect Adonis.

    She touched him lightly, her hand shaking as she did, he curled into a ball, he

    was cold, I have to find something to cover you. she looked around, but all she could

    see were trees and bushes, not a person in sight, Aura was not in the habit of wasting

    power, but she would have to make an exception. She focused on him and conjured up a

    blanket, it will have to do until I can get you home. She spoke while pulling the

    blanket around him so she could cover his exposed body.

    The man moved again this time opening his eyes, she gasped when she saw the

    way he looked at her, she stuttered trying to focus on something else besides the

    handsome, rugged face with eyes like a changing sea, not blue not green but something

    in between, you could probably tell the mood he was in just by looking into his eyes.

    She shook her head trying not to think on how gorgeous he was, she got up

    abruptly asking, Who are you? Why did you save me? she moved back and forth, her

    eyes coming to rest on the medallion.

    The man righted himself and secured the blanket around him, looking strangely

    at her, he was still weak, but his voice was deliciously rugged Im a Guardian, my

    name is Morgan Wolfhound, Ive been searching for you Sorceress, the Shadow is free

    in this world.

    Aura not one to be quiet, Yeah, no shit! He almost got me, if it wasnt for you I

    would be Shadow food by now! she barked at him her cheeks beet red with the

    exertion of controlling her libido and at the same time letting her rage get the best of

    her, he was looking guiltily at her.

    I know. How did it have such an advantage on you? Morgan asked calmly,

    ignoring her temper, looking directly at her for the first time, she was a nervous wreck

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    and the way he was looking at her was not helping, the guy looked like he was stripping

    her naked with his eyes and she had to make a huge effort to sound nonchalant,

    Simple, Im close to the shifting when I renew my powers, it happens every full moon

    and its close, only one day away, so tell me, who let the Shadow through the portal?

    Aura asked rubbing her hands in her face, exhaustion taking its toll on her.

    He looked at Aura, allowing himself to be captivated by her, he had seen her so

    rarely. She hadnt even known he existed, he missed her, a petite luscious woman,

    dressed in strange clothes, with long black hair and white porcelain skin that made her

    look fragile but whom he knew to be anything but, her ice-blue eyes showing a

    character as strong as iron.

    When Aura and her sisters had almost defeated the Shadow King, he was there

    in the background protecting her, but she had had to back down in order to save her

    younger sister Asia who had been captured by the Shadows minions.

    Now with the Shadow on the Human Realm only the Gods knew what would

    happen, the Council (meaning the Fates) had decided it would be wise for him to come

    to the Human realm, in order to prevent the Shadow from gaining power and killing

    Aura, because if anything happened to Aura and her sisters the balance would shift.

    Meaning both worlds would be in a precarious situation has had happened

    before, when they had to retreat to the Magical Realm and get away from the Human

    Realm and especially from humans and their ever growing craving for power.

    As he just stood there looking at her, Aura snapped Well, are you just going to

    stand there? Im freezing and Im sure that blanket alone is not making you feel

    warmer, so lets get a move on. She said looking at him her ice blue eyes sparkling fire.

    Morgan looked down at the blanket around his hips and thought she was not

    comfortable around him; he smiled wickedly with that thought.