The Sorceress and the Guardian Chapter 1 2015 Sediting

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  • 8/17/2019 The Sorceress and the Guardian Chapter 1 2015 Sediting


    The Sorceress and the Guardian

     Chapter 1

    Aura’s mood was as black as the starless night; it had been so since the day she

    had to leave her home, the Magical Realm where all creatures, magical and mythical

    lived. eings like her and her sisters were very rare, because not only were they the

    daughters o! a Goddess they were also gi!ted Sorceresses.

    "n!ortunately !or her and her sisters that made them the s#ecial target o! one o! 

    the most dreaded monsters in her world, the Shadow $ord, a vile creature which #lan

    was to emerge both worlds in darkness.

    Aura !elt high because o! the rush she was on to !ind the source o! that #ower 

     #eak she sensed when she was about to go to bed. She shivered, whether !rom the chill

    settling in her bones or because o! those unwanted thoughts, she couldn’t tell.

    %hat she knew was that it was time to &uit, 'last it(’ she swore stumbling and

    almost !alling, 'This is the last time )’m coming out on *ust a hunch(’ she mumbled.

    +ursing her curious nature, something she had gotten used to because '%hy

    -ust because you !elt some kind o! !oreign #ower coming !rom +entral ark doesn’t

    mean trouble’s brewing(’ still it had been a while since she had been home to the

    Magical Realm, so she didn’t know how things were going, or what was ha##ening but

    i! there was trouble in #aradise it would be coming !or her, she didn’t need to be a

    Sorceress or use her #owers to know that.

    The Shadow $ord was out there waiting !or the right moment to make his move,

    that was why she had come to the /uman realm but sooner or later he would !ind her 

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  • 8/17/2019 The Sorceress and the Guardian Chapter 1 2015 Sediting


    !ingers o! !ear were clawing at her heart but most dangerously they were grabbing hold

    o! her mind.

    She ran back to the Alice statue, i! she was going down, she might as well go

    down with a bang( She looked around and moved in the direction o! 6 th Avenue, she

    needed to get to the edge o! the ark, cutting through the woods she moved !ast not

    minding the cuts and bruises she would surely have a!terwards, surviving was a whole

    lot more im#ortant now, ‘Why do I get myself in trouble every time I follow a hunch’ 

    she chastised !eeling the darkness closing down on her heart.

    She heard someone running behind her, she ran !aster, she !elt #ower, a raw

    overwhelming #ower, it was making it hard !or her to move and when she tried to look 

    u# at the moon darkness blinded her.

    The Shadow $ord came down with the dark mist that shrouded and #rotected his

    meta#hysical embodiment sucking her #owers, she got u# !ast and cast a s#ell, '%ho let

    you into this world Shadow’ she asked in the direction o! the dark cree#y mist.

    The s#ell didn’t work, she was weak, he had absorbed most o! her #ower, '3ow,

    now hal!7breed witch, you did not think ) had !orgotten about you, did you’ the

    Shadow asked his voice low and grumbling like thunder, making the mist waver and

    s#read as he s#oke.

    Aura !elt the cold darkness see# in her #ores invading her essence but she

    remained calm '8ne can only ho#e(’ she hissed as she !ell to the ground, hurting her 

    knees and hands, she couldn’t get u# the mist was holding her down.

    The Shadow laughed, 'you are #athetic and weak without your sisters, )’ll kill

    you !irst and then )’ll kill every one o! them in turn, there will not be one o! you le!t to

     #rotect this world or yours(’

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    Aura shivered the evil in his voice making it im#ossible !or her not to believe

    him; she tried moving without success, he had her #inned under some kind o! s#ell.

    She chanted to the ancient #owers and was able to #ut her arms u# summoning a

     #rotective circle, she knew it wouldn’t last but she needed all the time she could get, ')n

    your dreams Shadow, this time ) will van&uish you com#letely )’ll show you no mercy(’

    she called out to the s#irits and creatures o! the night, and instantly !elt a rush o! #ower.

     Mother 3ature was coming to the rescue, she sensed something else, it was

    some sort o! #ower, it was coming straight at them, incredibly #otent, e0tremely !ast,

    she braced !or what was coming and she was sure it was not going to be #retty.

    The Shadow lunged !orward attacking, but the #rotection circle didn’t let him

    touch her, he bounced o!! several times but ke#t coming back, and then the most horri!ic

    growl resounded through the #ark, the Shadow turned away !rom her and was attacked

     by what could only be described as a giant black and grey wol!, the Shadow scattered

    along with the mist making an aw!ul #iercing noise, the %ol! *um#ed it again the

    medallion on its !urry neck shining !iercely s#reading a light so bright, it rivaled the


    The Shadow withdrew immediately, and looking down at her said, ') will kill

    you, make no mistake, not even your Guardian there will be able to sto# me, the time

    will come when you will be alone and ) will take you, darkness will consume all that

    you are, all that you love.’ /e hissed in the direction o! the wol! as he vanished with the

    mist, esca#ing the light.

    '9ou can try1but )’ll die !ighting(’ Aura yelled at the em#tiness the Shadow le!t

     behind. 'My, oh my, Mother is not going to be ha##y about this(’ Aura said colla#sing to

    the ground.

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    $ooking at the %ol!, now sitting by her side still growling but a lot more

    controlled, she saw it ga:ing into her ice blue eyes.

    She reached out to touch him as i! hy#noti:ed, but when she touched him the

    medallion levitated to her hand as i! wanting her to hold it, it burned her hand when she

    touched it, '%hat in the Gods name was that’ she *um#ed back cursing, looking down

    at the wol! disbelie! in her eyes, sorcery o! the highest rank was involved, she was sure.

    The %ol! growled in #ain, and there be!ore her eyes shi!ted into human !orm, a

     #er!ect human !orm she might add, lying on the ground com#letely naked e0ce#t !or the

    medallion and a long black shiny mane with strands o! grey, lay the most handsome

    man she had ever seen, he moved moaning, it was obvious that shi!ting back made him


     Aura kneeled down and sat beside him gently cradling his head in her la#,

    trying to check i! he was hurt, he was cold and snuggled closer !or warmth, his hair too

    long !or a man, she noted, he was strongly built, his torso a ma# o! scars was like a war 

    :one, his whole body was like a scul#ture, !rom his chiseled !ace to his undoubtedly

     #ower!ul arms and legs, he looked like Adonis.

     She touched him lightly, her hand shaking as she did, he curled into a ball, he

    was cold, ') have to !ind something to cover you.’ she looked around, but all she could

    see were trees and bushes, not a #erson in sight, Aura was not in the habit o! wasting

     #ower, but she would have to make an e0ce#tion.

    She !ocused on him and con*ured u# a blanket, actual clothes would suck her 

    remaining energy, ')t will have to do until ) can get you home.’ She s#oke while #ulling

    the blanket around him so she could cover his e0#osed body.

    The man moved again this time o#ening his eyes, she gas#ed when she saw the

    way he looked at her, she stuttered trying to !ocus on something else besides the

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    handsome, rugged !ace with eyes like a changing sea, not blue not green but something

    in between, you could #robably tell the mood he was in *ust by looking into his eyes.

    She shook her head trying not to think on how gorgeous he looked, she got u#

    abru#tly asking, '%ho are you %hy did you save me’ she moved back and !orth, her 

    eyes coming to rest on the medallion.

    The man righted himsel! and secured the blanket around him, looking strangely

    at her, he was still weak, but his voice was deliciously rugged ')’m a Guardian, my

    name is Morgan %ol!hound, )’ve been searching !or you Sorceress, the Shadow is !ree

    in this world1’.

    Aura not one to be &uiet, '9eah, no shit( /e almost got me, i! it wasn’t !or you )

    would be Shadow !ood by now(’ she barked at him her cheeks beet red with the e0ertion

    o! trying to control her tem#er and at the same time letting her rage get the best o! her,

    he was looking guiltily at her.

    ') know. /ow did it have such an advantage on you’ Morgan asked calmly,

    ignoring her tem#er, looking directly at her !or the !irst time, she was a nervous wreck 

    and the way he was looking at her was not hel#ing.

     She had to make a huge e!!ort to sound nonchalant, 'Sim#le, )’m close to the

    shi!ting when ) renew my #owers, it ha##ens every !ull moon and it’s #retty close, only

    one day away, in !act. So tell me, who let the Shadow through the #ortal’ Aura asked

    rubbing her hands in her !ace, e0haustion taking its toll on her.

    /e looked at Aura, taking in all o! her; he had seen her so rarely. She hadn’t

    even known he e0isted, he missed her, a #etite luscious woman, dressed in strange

    clothes, with long black hair and white #orcelain skin that made her look !ragile but

    whom he knew to be anything but, her ice7blue eyes showing a character as strong as


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     %hen Aura and her sisters had almost de!eated the Shadow $ord, he was there

    in the background #rotecting her, but she had had to back down in order to save her 

    younger sister Asia who had been ca#tured by the Shadow’s minions.

     3ow with the Shadow on the /uman Realm only the Gods knew what would

    ha##en, the +ouncil meaning the 2ates< had decided it would be wise !or him to come

    to the /uman realm, in order to #revent the Shadow !rom gaining #ower and killing

    Aura, because i! anything ha##ened to Aura and her sisters the balance would shi!t.

    Meaning both worlds would be in a #recarious situation has had ha##ened

     be!ore, when they had to retreat to the Magical Realm and get away !rom humans and

    their ever growing craving !or #ower.

    As he *ust stood there looking at her, Aura sna##ed '%ell, are you *ust going to

    stand there )’m !ree:ing and )’m sure that blanket alone is not making you !eel warmer,

    so let’s get a move on.’ /er eyes s#arkling !ire with each word.

     Morgan looked down at the blanket around his hi#s and thought maybe she was

    not com!ortable around him; he smiled wickedly with that thought, it !elt awesome to

    make her s&uirm.