The Son After My Own Heart Now I cry ‘Abba’ Father!!! How practical can love be? Is it possible for us to walk in love in this era? In reality, what is love? Many have sought the answers to this question, and have come to zilch. Let’s explore how God bestows His love towards us as we love our fellow humans!

The Son After My Own Heart

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The Son

After My

Own Heart Now I cry ‘Abba’ Father!!!

How practical can love be? Is it possible for us to

walk in love in this era? In reality, what is love?

Many have sought the answers to this question,

and have come to zilch. Let’s explore how God

bestows His love towards us as we love our

fellow humans!





© Zotoo Joseph

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PREFACE God referred to David as a man after His

own heart, I have not ceased wondering

about what could make David so much of

a favorite to be described in that manner?

The apostle John was referred to as the

disciple whom Jesus loved; David and

Jonathan exhibited a kind of relationship

built on love and trust, and so many other

characters in the scriptures also exhibited

such kind of relationship in the early

Christian ministry and livelihood.

What happened after the first century

believers passed on this same kind of faith

to us? Where is the first love we

professed to have had for the church and

our fellow humans in the faith? One

cannot in any way comprehend the love

of God for himself without first of all

loving other humans, to love the brethren

will mean we first loved ourselves.

How practical can love be? Is it possible

for us to walk in love in this era? What in

reality is love? Many have sought the

answers to this question, and have come

to zilch. As you explore the contents of

this book, you will understand that true

love emanates from God, whose love goes

beyond anything describable. I trust that

you will be able to link the contents of this


book to your personal life, and as you

walk in love towards the brethren, the

father will take delight in you and bless

your entire generation through and after



I reported three weeks after school

resumed from vacation, new students had

been admitted into form one, and those

who were borders were already on

campus, most of my colleagues, of course

now seniors had already chosen their

school sons depending on the Junior High

Schools they came from, how good

looking they were, which regions or parts

of the country they came from, and still

some which tribe or ethnic they belonged

to. I asked a friend who his school son was

and how he got him to become his school

son, ‘I don’t have one yet, and I don’t


intend taking one either,’ he responded.

And so it was, just as he said it, even

though in actual fact he mentored several

students because he was a good leader

and everyone respected him.

I walked up the stairs in house three to

join some friends of mine who were

sitting up there and I saw this wonderful

person who was so unique among all the

students I had seen so far in the school, I

asked, ‘what is your name?’ and he

responded. ‘Owusu Francis Junior,’

immediately I heard someone call him Mr.

Bean, and I went like wow, you do really

look like him. I liked him from the onset,

but I still had to give up on him because

he told me his school father was upstairs,

I was disappointed but I still hoped I will

get someone to call my own school son.

During that same week on Thursday at the

dining hall after classes when we went in

for lunch, I met him again, this time he

had been disadvantaged because he did

not get food to eat, I could not just sit

down and watch him go out without

getting food to eat, it felt like I was in his

place, so I called him and gave my food to

him, though he was reluctant at first, I

managed to convince him to accept it, like

a miracle, I was satisfied just because he


accepted the food and ate it there,

thanked me and went away. I can’t

actually recall the next time I saw him

again, but I do still remember every

significant moment we shared together

on campus. ‘Significant’ because on these

moments, we spent time discussing the

Bible, our families, and ourselves, and we

never parted without affecting each

other’s life. He was one of the best things

that ever happened to me in Kumasi High


In his own words, this is how he puts his

experience in this relationship, “I am

highly short of words and I really do not

know what to say. There was this strange

student I once met while descending the

staircase in house three, Kumasi High

School, he asked me of my name and

other crucial information about myself, I

surprisingly answered him to the detailed

fact about myself. During the same week I

remember very well it was on Thursday I

met this same person at the dining hall. As

a fresher, I was not familiar with the vigor

students used to go to the dining hall, so

unluckily for me I had no food to eat. On

my way to the dormitory, I heard this

strange student call me and asked me to

take his food and eat it whiles he goes

hungry, oh no! I said, but he


wholeheartedly gave me the food and as a

hungry fresher, I took it and ate it happily.

I thanked him very much and from then

onwards he has turned this little fresher’s

life around,

Joseph Zotoo, whom I now call future

Jones, has been someone I would like

everybody to dream of and relate to.

These words am writing are just belittling

him, but there is nothing I can do but to

write them. Future, you have been a

brother, father, cousin, friend and a family

to me. You’ve taught me great moral,

academically, spiritually and in every

sphere of my life, you have put me ahead

of my friends and mates in everything,

and you changed my tongue, attitude

among others. You imparted numerous

knowledge to me, which people now seek

after and confine in. Immediately I heard

you’ve started your English orals, my

heart wept, thinking you will be gone

forever. Can I live without your presence

on Kuhis land? Are you a God sent? An

Angel? Or God himself? Who are you that

can change a fresher’s way of life and

make him so bright in school, at home and

even in church? Whenever I think of you

leaving me behind, my heart weeps, but I

know your words live and they never die.

Indeed you have fought a good fight in


this land and I know the Lord who

rewards diligently, honorably, massively,

will perfect you and make you a brighter

light that shines than the sun anywhere

you find yourself. To others you may say

goodbye, to still others you may say see

you later, but to me I will say see you at

Jesus’ feet after the life we live here on


Owsh! Thank you very much for those

words Junior. For the sake of my direction

in bringing out how my relationship with

Junior and Robert helped me to focus on

God’s love for me even as I loved Junior, I

will use the very questions Junior asked

himself even though he did not expect any





In as much as I had lived on Kuhis land for

approximately two years before Junior

came, I can say that I had a good company

of friends who made my stay on campus

very comfortable and lively, and am very

grateful for all those friends, I love them

all and I thank them for being with me all

those times, but life after Junior joined me

on Kuhis land was exceptional, I never

knew life could be so meaningful when

there is someone to love you and

someone you can love. It’s not as though I

had never fallen in love before, but this

was TRUE LOVE. I could see the love

Apostle Paul talked about in his letter to

the Romans when he said,

“Love must be sincere, hate what is evil;

cling to what is good. Be devoted to one

another in brotherly love. Honor one

another above yourself.” Romans 12:9-


SINCERE- without pretense or deceit,

never was there a situation when Junior

gave up on me, my counsel was the best

to him, and my opinion was the ultimate.

Always ready to listen to what I have to

say about a particular situation, not that I

was perfect, but he trusted that my


decision concerning any situation was

based on nothing else but the word of

God. If you have someone who can trust

you so much and hold you in such a high

esteem, carry out all your instructions

without murmuring and frown on any

advice from a third party that will end in

deceit, then you have no option than to

place a high value on such a person and to

love him beyond all odds. That is how

come you can trust that God loves you as

long as you consider Him the Head and

Supreme one in all your dealings with


HATE WHAT IS EVIL- In an institution,

where in spite of the good teachings we

received from our teachers, pastors and

even among ourselves; wickedness still

abound, profane language still wafting in

the air, even in the ‘jama’ songs that were

chanted during moments of happiness,

colleagues picking on themselves and still

some teachers perpetrating evil against

students, none of these showed up in my

relationship with Junior. He never uttered

profane language even under duress

against me because he had a reputation

to protect and the love we shared to

guard against anything that could make it

wax cold.



exhibit some flaws that Junior could take

cognizance of and call to a halt whatever

we professed to be love? Yes I did, but all

he took notice of in me was the good

aspects of my person; my devotion to

God, diligence towards academic

excellence, conscious effort made

towards respecting everyone and loving

them just as I loved myself and many



YOURSELVES- I once heard my pastor say

a man loves only two kinds of people in

his life. First he loves those higher than

himself in terms of authority and second

he loves those beneath himself in terms of

authority, but fights the one at same level

with him. This is why even marriages

where wives try to share authorities with

husbands collapse and cannot stand the

test of time. The truth is, we are not

better than anybody God made, but can I

also tell you, nobody is better than us. I

think Junior and I succeeded in loving

each other because I regarded him as one

higher than myself as very valuable and

he regarded me as such, this made us

respect each other and ensured we

apologized to the other when either is at

fault. Having exhausted all that is


pertinent in Apostle Paul’s letter to the

Romans, you can now tell why I describe

this as TRUE LOVE.

Living on Kuhis land as a matter of fact

was sort of hell to me anytime Junior was

not in school and more particularly during

my last days in high school when he was

on vacation and I was still in school

writing my final exams. During those days

I could put myself in his shoes, trying to

figure out what it will feel like or it would

really look like when am gone, I was not

surprised when he wrote that or better

still asked himself that question because I

have asked myself the same question over

and over again in his stead just as Apostle

Paul again encourages us to do in his

letter to the Hebrews when he says,

“Remember those in prison as if you were

their fellow prisoners, and those who are

mistreated as if you yourselves were

suffering.” Hebrews 13:3.

In this instance, it was not ‘as if’, but the

reality, because I was actually feeling it.

And this made me now understand very

well why the disciples were troubled

when Jesus was always talking about his



“my children, I will be with you only a

little longer, you will look for me, and just

as I told the Jews, so I tell you now;

where I am going, you cannot come.”

John 13:33.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust

in God, trust also in me.” John 14:1.

His presence was enough for them, what

more could a man need when he has one

who knows just how to get him nourished

both naturally (physically) and spiritually,

one who spoke the right words just at the

right time when you needed the exact

words to refresh you, One who provided

anything you needed just upon naming it,

one who showed you how much he loved

you and made you feel as though you

were the most important person in the


But the truth was that, Jesus had to go

just as I had to go; when the purpose for

which you find yourself in a place is

accomplished, you have no business

staying there a day longer than you are

meant to. I had completed and it was time

for me to live, purpose for going to Kuhis

accomplished, now time for departure

and nothing could change that.

Notwithstanding that, there was hope,

TRUE LOVE never separates, and in the


words of John Paul Jackson he says, ‘True

love is much more like the glue that binds

together, it creates on entity out of two,

the two become one flesh.’

“On that day, you will realize that I am in

my father, and you are in me and I am in

you” John 14:20.

That’s all True love is about, oneness. I in

Junior, and Junior in me and we are both

in Christ Jesus. This is why it is impossible

to love anyone beyond how much you

love yourself. The truth is Junior and me

both have the same Spirit, and that is the

Spirit of God, whom also Jesus promised

his disciples that He will take His place

while He is gone. He said to them,

“Because I have said these things, you

are filled with grief. But I tell you the

truth; it is for your good that I am going

away. Unless I go away, the counselor

will not come to you; but if I go, I will

send him to you.” John 16:6-7.

In Junior’s case, if I do not go away, he

cannot benefit fully from the precious gift

of our fellowship with the only thing we

have in common, the Sweet Holy Spirit.

Junior has no cause to worry again about

my absence on Kuhis land, because he is

not alone, am with him in Spirit, in as


much as this is the same Spirit that Jesus

promised us.

The reality of the matter is that, we

Christians must grasp the fact that we are

one just as has been stipulated in the Holy


“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor

free, male nor female, for you are all one

in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28.

Now Junior can live on Kuhis land and

anywhere in the world and my presence

with him is guaranteed in the Spirit.


I still remember very well how that a

friend of mine succeeded in convincing

me to choose all my schools in the Ashanti

region even though prior to that time, I

had no relative there and visited there

only once, and even that once, I was very

young by then when I embarked on an

expedition with my cousins who came

from the Netherland. Most of the time, I

regretted having gone to a school that

was very far from home; especially when

most of my friends who stayed in Kumasi

went home during the weekends. I’d

always pray to God to speed up the


seconds and minutes so that the time will

just run as fast as it can for me to leave

school and come home as soon as its

vacation. But the story changed when

Junior showed up, then I realized I was

sent, my coming to Kumasi High School

was not an accident, but for a reason, to

be the joy, love and attention that Junior

needed to survive on that land.

This was a student who was very unique

from the rest of the student body. When I

say unique, I know everyone is especially

different from the other because that is

the handiwork of God to show how much

He cares about each and every one of us


“I am fearfully and wonderfully made”

Psalm 139:14.

Out of over seven billion people on the

earth today, no two people have the same

thumb print; this is a proof of the

uniqueness from above. But due to the

societies that we grow up in, we develop

some traits which in general give us away

as to where we are coming from without

us even having to tell people where we

came from. Here is the distinction, Junior

was born and soiled in the Ashanti region,

he had his kindergarten right through to


JHS education just as most of the students

who came from the same background as

him, yet, he was so exceptional in speech-

eloquent and impeccable English, very

cultured with refined manners-never

abusive and always obeyed rules

regarding our stay on campus; as a matter

of fact, it was difficult for most of the

students to acknowledge the fact that

they all had the same opportunities that

Junior had, but turned out to be different

compared to him. This is to say, Junior had

actually prepared himself for the entire

world while they only furnished

themselves for their region or better still

the nation Ghana.

Just as Joseph was hated for dreaming

wild dreams and preparing himself to

affect and rule the whole world by his

brothers who thought it was better for

him to be submissive and think of the

least of the birthrights that will be

accorded him because he was the


“Joseph had a dream and when he told it

to his brothers, they hated him all the

more” Genesis 37:5.

Junior was no exception, he was despised

and picked on, just because he was

different, even those who pretended to

be friends gave up and joined others to


mock him anytime he was mocked, this

was what I did when I heard someone call

him Mr. Bean, and I agreed with the

person and we all laughed, not knowing

he did not like it, am sorry huh! Living on

Kuhis land wouldn’t have been fair with

Junior at all if I had not been there to give

him the condition he had from the days

he was being nurtured as a kid and also

explain why he found himself in such an

environment that was very contradictory

to the one he grew up in. an environment

where he is no longer the king of other

peoples heart, where his opinion doesn’t

count anymore, and his right to even ask

questions is labeled as rebellion. There

was countless number of times when he

would run to me very sad and unhappy,

sometimes I could see from his face he

had cried his eyes out all because he had

been scorned by people who claimed to

have been the ideal friends that he

needed. But thanks to God, He found me

a faithful servant to send to Junior,

“Peace be unto you; as my father has

sent me, even so send I you.” John 20:21.

To do what for Junior? Again it is


“The lord your God wins victory after and

is always with you. He celebrates and


sings because of you, and he will refresh

your life with His love.” Zephaniah 3:17.

That is it, the Lord our God sent me to

Junior, so that through me, He might

refresh his life with the love that He

compels me to love Junior with.

The truth is, we Christians are sent to the

world to do just one thing, preach the

good news about the love God has for all

mankind, how? By loving God, ourselves,

and everyone;

“This is the message you heard from the

beginning; we should love one another,”

1 John 3:11.

Again it is written,

“This is my command; love each other.”

John 15:17.



TRUE LOVE is a call to servant hood.

Angels are spiritual beings who are

messengers of God; many a times, God

sent angels to His people with a message

or a mission to get accomplished on earth.

An Angel who came with a message most

often remained in the spiritual being and

this scared or terrified the people they

were conveying the messages to.

“Then an angel of the Lord appeared to

him, standing at the right side of the

alter of incense, when Zechariah saw

him, he was startled and was gripped

with fear.” Luke 1:11-12.

“The angel answered, ‘I am Gabriel, I

stand in the presence of God, and I have

been sent to speak to you and to tell you

this good news.” Luke 1:19.

“But the angel said to her, ‘do not be

afraid,’ Mary, you have found favor with

God.” Luke 1:30.

Angels sent however with a mission to

accomplish on earth usually come in an

earthly body. Inferring from the book of

Genesis, reading the whole of the

eighteenth chapter, you will realize there

were three visitors Abraham had while

sitting outside his house in the afternoon,


but then you get the distinction in chapter

nineteen that two were actually angels,

“The two angels arrived at Sodom in the

evening, and Lot was sitting in the

gateway of the city, when he saw them,

he got up to meet them and bowed down

with his face to the ground.” Genesis


They come with a blessing for the

righteous and destruction for the wicked.

Also, angels are servants given to men to

serve them. Is it not very disturbing that

God made man and man made slaves out

of his own kind?

“Are not all angels ministering spirits

sent to serve those who will inherit

salvation?” Hebrews 13:2.

I was always happy when an opportunity

was granted me to help Junior with

something. On one occasion I remember

when the tap in our dormitory was not

flowing, I was awake at around two

o’clock after midnight and went to the

masters bungalow to fetch water, when I

came back, I sent someone to call Junior

and we shared that water, I was more

happy when he did not ask where the

water came from but took cognizance of

the fact that I may be a senior because


school made it so, but angels are meant to

serve and that was what I did. All of us are

angels in one way or the other, which is

why servant hood cannot be relegated in

our lives as Christians if we claim we love

the brethren. We must reciprocate the

attitude of servitude, this is very

important, we must learn to execute our

duties as angels sent to bless, protect,

inspire, encourage and practice whatever

has to do with serving.

“Last night an angel of the God whose I

am and whom I serve stood beside me

and said, ‘Do not be afraid Paul, you

must stand trial before Caesar; and God

has graciously given you the lives of all

those who sail with you.’” Acts 27:23.

This is an angel in his angelic office of a

guard. Countless number of times in

Paul’s expedition throughout the book of

Acts, there were angels to carry out one

or more responsibilities in his life just so

the word of God will reach the end of the

world. The person you are with at any

moment of time may be destined to be

the hope of the world in the generations

to come, so keep your perspectives right,

be the angel to see him or her through at

every phase of his or her life.


Above all, “Do not forget to entertain

strangers, for by so doing, some people

have entertained angels without

knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2. Junior made

this a reality to me, God sends angels to

us every now and then, Junior was my

angel and this angel I will never forget his

ministry in my life.


This is one question that many people find

very difficult to answer, theologians are

still not certain as to what the answer to

this question should be, atheists don’t

even believe there is a God, and still some

think it is very blasphemous to compare

oneself with God, even Christians who

believe they have been saved still doubt if

they can say yes or no to this question.

My response however may exasperate

any other person who does not hold the

same views or opinions that I am holding

onto about God, Junior and I however

discussed this issue several times when I


was with him on campus and so this is just

like a reminder and to affirm my stand on

this issue. The argument about Jesus

being God or not is still bubbling because

Christians still find themselves entangled

in the loop of interpreting scriptures with

the words which human wisdom teaches,

hence, find the Bible contradictory and

the so called argument of literates and

professors very plausible and persuasive.

This is however not the story of the Spirit

filled Christian, what is our story then?

“Now we have received, not the spirit of

the world, but the Spirit of God; that we

might grasp/comprehend/know the

things that are freely given to us of God.

Which things also we speak not in the

words which human wisdom teaches, but

which the Holy Ghost teaches; expressing

spiritual truths in spiritual words. The

man without the Spirit does not accept

the things that come from the Spirit of

God, for they are foolishness to him, and

he cannot understand them, because

they are spiritually discerned.” 1

Corinthians 2:12-14.

If it has to do with discerning spiritually,

then of course, it is very imperative that

every Christian matures spiritually so as to

be able to grasp this truth. Any time Jesus


tried to establish his oneness with the

father, He encountered problem with the

teachers of the law, and it is the same

thing that is repeating itself in our days

where the so called Bible scholars who are

not filled with the Holy Spirit try to

interpret the Bible to Spirit filled

Christians, their arguments sound very

logic to the human senses, but thank God

we do not walk according to the senses.

“You however, are controlled not by the

sinful nature (senses), but by the Spirit, if

the Spirit of God lives in you. And if

anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ,

he does not belong to Christ.” Romans


The undeniable fact is that, Jesus Christ is

God. The testimony of John the revelator


“In the beginning was the Word, and the

Word was with God, and the Word was

God.” John 1:1.

In his own words, Jesus Christ said, “I and

the father are one” John 10:30.

Is it not amazing that nobody ever talked

like Jesus, and those who tried imitating

Him found their selves enraptured in the


same predicament that He found Himself

in? But He told us before it came to be.

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that

it hated me first,” John 15:18.

“I have told you these things, so that in

me, you may have peace. In this world

you will have trouble, but take heart! I

have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

No wonder since the time of the apostles

till our days, there are still doubts about

men of God simply because they live

beyond the natural realm, but this is

supposed to be the life of every believer

out there. The Jews tried to stone Him

anyway, because they considered it as a

blasphemy for a man to compare himself

with God, but Jesus showed us what we

really are to God.

“Jesus answered them, ‘is it not written

in your law, ‘I have said you are gods’?’”

John 10:34.

Any angle you look at this issue from, it

points to one thing. Now, naturally, by the

law of reproduction, a dog gives birth to a

dog, cats to cats, lions to lions and

humans to humans. What does it mean,

God will surely give birth to gods, “I said,

you are gods, and all of you are sons of

the Most High.” Psalm 82:6.


Again, many have argued that the human

being is a tripartite being, so long have we

been groomed by this knowledge that it

might perhaps be abnormal for us to think

otherwise. But the truth stand, the human

being is not a tripartite being, but a Spirit

that lives in a Body and has a Soul. Rightly

put by Dr. Myles Munroe, ‘the human

being is a spirit in a dirt body. Humus

(earth/soil), Man (name of the spirit God

briefed into the dirt/humus). Hence, the

real person is the Spirit, given a body to

reside in and have contact with the

physical world, and a soul to reason and

have emotional interaction.

“Therefore we are always confident and

know that as long as we are at home in

the body, we are away from the Lord.” 2

Corinthians 5:6.

If the real you is the spirit, then it is very

plausible that we are begotten by the

Spirit of God. And this is all Salvation and

Christianity is about; Born again, given a

new life that is high than the human life,

and a superman to whom anything is


“For you did not receive a Spirit that

makes you a slave again to fear, but you

received the Spirit of son ship, and by

Him we cry “Abba” father,” The Spirit


Himself testifies with our spirit that we

are God’s children.” Romans 8:15.

Also, if there is anything that makes God

who He is, then it is Love, for it is only His

Love that distinguishes Him from all the

other gods that are preached in this

world. He is the only God who reaches out

to His creation out of Love; the others rest

in their so called sovereignty and wait for

their subjects to reach out to them. It is

love that can make a whole God become a

father, brother, and a friend to His own

handiwork, the Agape Love, hence, no

man can love except he is born of God. Let

no man deceive himself, for whatever we

profess to be love outside what God fills

us with is not love.

“If I speak in the tongues of men, and of

angels, but have not love, I am only a

resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If

I have the gift of prophecy and can

fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,

and if I have a faith that can move

mountains, but have not love, I am

nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor

and surrender my body to the flames, but

have not love, I gain nothing. Love is

patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it

does not boast, it is not proud, it is not

rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily


angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices

with the truth. It always protects, always

trusts, always hopes, and always

perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:1-7.

Is it not puzzling that people can speak in

tongues, have the gift of prophecy,

fathom all mysteries and knowledge, have

faith that move mountains, give all they

possess to the poor, and offer their bodies

to be burnt and still not have love? Love is

of God, and no one can love except he is

of God.

“This is how we know who the children of

God are and who the children of the devil

are; anyone who does not do what is

right is not a child of God; nor is anyone

who does not love his brother.” 1 John


I can love Junior and everyone because I

am a child of God and if so ‘god’.

“Dear friends, let us love one another, for

love comes from God. Everyone who

loves has been born of God and knows

God.” 1 John 4:7.

Remember, our love is genuine and

authentic because it is the love of God

that has been shed abroad in our hearts.


“And hope makes not ashamed, because

the love of God is shed abroad in our

hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given

unto us.” Romans 5:5.

To conclude, I will say, whatever God

begins in us, He already finished it before

it begun in us. This is just the beginning of

mighty works to be done through all that

hearken to the voice of the Holy Spirit in

these last days. I love Junior, Robert and

you reading this book, especially the

church; and nothing can stop me from

loving you.

“For I am convinced that neither death,

nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor

any powers, neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all creation, will be

able to separate us from the love of God

that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans

