The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

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Page 1: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR


Page 2: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR he could go where the backyard met the forest and go on an exploring expedition.

What will he do?

Go after Billy?

Explore the forest?

Page 3: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

The small dog decides to follow Billy! So as they are walking down the road on there way to Billy’s school Billy realizes that he left his backpack at home, so they have to hurry back to the house to get his backpack. As they are on there way back they see a turtle slowly trying to cross the road…. But when they look down the road there is a car coming! “ What should we do small dog?” asks Billy.The small dog just looks at Billy and gives him a sad look so the dog runs across the street and tries to encourage the little turtle on so that it doesn't get hit by a car!

Run Little Turtle!!

Click to find out what

happens next!

Page 4: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

So as the turtle realizes that there is a car Coming after it he tries to hurry and run, but the problem is turtles cant run!! So he just tries to pick up his pace the car gets closer and closer and the small dog is so concentrated on the car coming that he doesn't realize that the turtle is on the other side all ready! But as the small dog realizes that its to late and the car squeals its tires and tries to stop but its no use.

Page 5: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

The car comes to a dead halt and after all the dust flies; laying there in the middle of the road is the small dog, curled up in a ball. Billy runs over there and checks to see if the small dog is ok. As Billy gets close he sees the small dog lift up its head and start to cry, But the small dog isn't hurt! The car stopped just in time to not hit him! The small dog realizes this and stands up and shakes itself off and starts on his journey back to get Billy’s backpack at home. But wait where did little turtle go? Nobody knows he vanished when the small dog almost lost its life.

Page 6: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

The small dog decided that he would rather go exploring in the forest. So as the little dog made his way to the backyard he had to make a choice, either take the 1st path or the 2nd path. Well the small dog new that if he took the 1st path there was a huge river he would have to cross and if he went the other way he had to deal with the evil skunk. So finally the small dog decided that he would rather deal with the skunk and not deadly river.

Page 7: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

So the small dog was off on his adventure to the skunk. As he got closer and closer to where the skunks home was he started trying to come up with ideas on how to defeat the skunk.. Maybe the small dog thought just maybe I can use me super sonic bark and scare him away , or I could pick him up and fly him to the river! But small dog new that this couldn’t ever happen. As he finally made it to the skunks home he heard laughter coming from behind him. Once he turned around he saw the skunk…..

Page 8: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

“well well well, what do we have here?” asked the skunk in a sly voice. The small dog didn’t no what to say, he just stood there frozen like and ice cube. “ Hello? Is the small little doggie there? Ohh he’s scared how cute!” said the evil skunk. The skunk came closer and closer until he was face to face with the small dog. “ You have 2 choices dog, one you can turn around and never come back or two you get sprayed by me!” the skunk said with laughter in his voice. The small dog didn’t no what to do, he didn’t want to go home already but he didn’t want to get sprayed. So just as the small dog was about to give his answer he heard a voice come from the woods. “ Don’t be afraid small dog I am here the porcupine!”

Page 9: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR

The porcupine ran up to the skunk and attacked it, he started pocking it with its sharp needles. But the porcupine didnt see the skunk pull a needle out of his body and the next thing he knows the skunk kicks the porcupine and runs up to the little dog and stabs the needle into the small dog!

Page 10: The small dog walked to the end of the driveway and faced a decision. He could take off and try to catch up to his friend Billy on his way to school OR