The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5

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  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5.

    Robert Seymour

    The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated),Part !, by Robert Seymour

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    T"tle The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part !

    *uthor Robert Seymour

    Release +ate uly -., /001 2EBook 3 4156

    anguage Engl"sh

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  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    #"ndo# #as graced #"th a fe# sam&les of common confect"onary, celebratedunder the s#eet names of lolly&o&s, Buona&arte s r"bs, and bulls 'eyes!

    In one &ane, by &erm"ss"on, #as &laced the s"gn board of my honored&arent, "nform"ng the read"ng &ubl"c, that

    Re&a"rs #ere neatly e ecutedF

    In my m"nd s eye ho# d"st"nctly do I behold that humble sho& "n all thegreenness and beauty of "ts Saturday morn"ng s d"s&lay!

    =or can I e$er forget the k"nd dum&y motherly ?rs! ames, #ho so often&atted my curly head, and &resented me #"th a #elcome sl"ce of bread andbutter and a dr"nk of m"lk, "n$ar"ably re&eat"ng "n her homely &hrase, Aach"ld and a ch"cken "s al ays a &"ck"n A''and declar"ng her bel"ef, thatthe brat got scarcely enough to Akee& l"fe and soul togetherA''the realtruth of #h"ch my cra$"ng stomach "n#ardly test"f"ed!

    Talk of the char"t"es of the #ealthy, they are as a"ry noth"ngs "n the

    scale, com&ared #"th the unostentat"ous sym&athy of the &oorF The former only g"$e a &ort"on of the"r e cess, #h"le the latter #"ll"ngly d"$"dethe"r humble crust #"th a fello# sufferer!

    The agreeable rout"ne of breakfast, d"nner, tea, and su&&er, #as unkno#n"n our frugal establ"shmentC "f #e obta"ned one good meal a day, under any name, #e #ere truly thankful!

    To g"$e some "dea of our stra"tened c"rcumstances, I must relate onesol"tary "nstance of d"s&lay on the maternal s"de! It #as on a Saturdayn"ght, the a"r and our a&&et"tes #ere e ually keen, #hen my s"re, ha$"ngune &ectedly touched a small sum, brought home a cou&le of &ound of real

    E&&"ng! * scream of del"ght #elcomed the sa$ory morsel!

    * f"re #as k"ndled, and the meat #as &resently h"ss"ng "n the borro#edfry"ng'&an of our landlady!

    I #as already "n bed, #hen the unusual sound and sa$or a#oke me! Irolled out "n a t#"nkl"ng, and s uatt"ng on the floor, #atched thecul"nary o&erat"ons #"th greedy eyes!

    ATom,A sa"d my mother, address"ng her s&ouse, Aset o&en the door and$"nder, and let the ne"ghbors smell $e has someth"ng res&ectable for once!A

    7;*PTER! III!''9n Tem&erance!

    AI #ou dn t l"ke to shoot her e actlyC but I $e a blessed m"nd to turnher outFA

    *rmed #"th the author"ty and e am&le of loyalty, for e$en that reno#nedmonarch''9ld >"ng 7ole''#as d"urnally #ant to call for

    A;"s &"&e and h"s glassA

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    *nacreon to those of more modern t"mes, #ho ha$e celebrated the $"rtue of

    A@"ne, m"ghty #"neFA

    "t "s not to be mar$elled at, that men s m"nds ha$e fallen $"ct"ms to thefasc"nat"ons of the ju"ce of the &ur&le gra&e, or y"elded to the allur"ngtem&tat"ons of the e$"l s&"r"t!

    It "s a lamentable truth, that not#"thstand"ng the laudable and #holesomee ert"ons and admon"t"ons of the Tem&erance and Tee'total Soc"et"es, thatthe &eo&le of the

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    the truth!

    ?y father remonstrated "n $a"n'the &ass"on had already taken too dee& aholdC and one day he #as suddenly summoned from h"s #ork #"th thestartl"ng "nformat"on, that ?other ?ull"ns ''(so the k"nd ne"ghbour &hrased "t) #as s"tt"ng on the ste& of a &ubl"c house, "n the suburbs,com&letely tost"cated!

    ;e rushed out, and found the tale too true! * br"cklayer "n thene"ghbourhood &ro&osed the loan of h"s barro#, for the &oor senselesscreature could not #alk a ste&! Plac"ng her "n the one'#heel'carr"age,he made the best of h"s #ay home, am"d the jeers of the mult"tude!?oorf"elds #as then only &art"ally co$ered #"th housesC and as he &asseda dee& hollo#, on the s"de of #h"ch #as &laced a not"ce, "nt"mat"ng that


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    AI #ant a'lad,A cont"nued heC A#hat do you say''#ould you l"ke to ser$eme A

    AIf I could get any th"ng by "t!A

    A+'me, "f that a "nt blunt!A

    A%es, s"rC that s #hat I mean!A

    A?eanF mean #hat A

    AIf I could get any blunt, s"r!A

    ;ereu&on he laughed outr"ght, at #hat he cons"dered my read"ness,although I merely used the cant term for Amoney,A to #h"ch I #as mostaccustomed, from my educat"on among the schoolmasters of the r"de!

    A;ere, take my card,A sa"d heC Aand tell the old codger, your father, to

    br"ng you to my off"ce to'morro# morn"ng, at ele$en!A

    A@ell, blo# me,A e cla"med my fr"end the ostler, A"f your fort"n arn tmadeC I shall see you a t"&'to& sa#yer''may I ne$er touch another tannerFDy, I remembers "m T"mm"s h"sself $os noth"n but a grubby boy''?other T"mm"s the #asher'#oman s son, here "n #hat'd $e'call' em'court''$en he$ent to old ar$"s fust! ;e s a &r"me feller tho , and no m"stake''andthof he s no gentleman born, he &ays l"ke one, and $ot s the d"fference A

    The ne t morn"ng, &unctual to the hour, I #a"ted at h"s off"ce, #h"ch #as"n a large bu"ld"ng adjo"n"ng the Stock E change, as full as a do$e'cot,#"th gentlemen of the same feather!

    A9FA sa"d he, eye"ng my &arent, Aand you re th"s cha& s father, are you@hat are you A

    A* boot and shoe'maker, s"rC and my *ndre# "s an honest lad!A

    A:or the matter o that, there s l"ttle he can &r"g hereCA re&l"ed myelegant and "ntended master! ABut h"s tongs''eh''old fello#''can t your"g h"m out a l"ttle A

    ?y father &leaded &o$ertyC and at last he barga"ned to ad$ance a gu"nea,and deduct "t out of my #eekly'#ages of t#o and s" &ence, and no board!

    ?y father #as glad to make any terms, and the affa"r #as conse uentlysoon arranged! I #as u"ckly f"tted out, and the ne t morn"ng attendedh"s orders!

    I had, ho#e$er, l"ttle else to do than #a"t "n h"s off"ce, and run to theStock E change, to summon h"m #hen a customer dro&&ed "n! I had muchle"sure, #h"ch I trust #as not #holly thro#n a#ay, for I &ract"sed#r"t"ng on the back of the stock'rece"&ts, of #h"ch a uant"ty hung u& "nthe off"ce, and read all the books I could lay my hands onC although, Imust confess, the ch"ef &ort"on of my kno#ledge of the #orld has beender"$ed from obser$at"on!

    AThe &ro&er study of mank"nd "s man!A *lthough u"ck "n tem&er, and rude "n s&eech and manners, T"mm"s #as

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    and he #as certa"nly not one of those #ho do a good deed, and

    ABlush to f"nd "t fame!A

    ;e not only em&loyed my father to make h"s boots, but recommended h"m toall h"s fr"ends as a Agood'f"t,A and &rocured the old man some e cellentcustomers! *mong h"s ac ua"ntance, for he had fe# fr"ends, #as Tom@all"s, a fat, facet"ous man, about forty, #"th #hom he #as al#ayslunch"ng and crack"ng h"s jokes! 9ne day, #hen the stocks #ere AshutAand bus"ness #as slack, they started together on a s&ort"ng e curs"onto#ards the romant"c reg"on of ;ornsey'#ood, on #h"ch occas"on I had thehonour of carry"ng a #ell'f"lled basket of &ro$"s"ons, and the "n#ardsat"sfact"on of mak"ng a good d"nner from the remnants!

    They k"lled noth"ng but t"me, yet they #ere e ceed"ngly merry, es&ec"allydur"ng the d"scuss"on of the &ro$"s"ons! The"r laughter, "ndeed, #asenough to scare all the b"rds "n the ne"ghbourhood!

    A "m, "f you #anted to correct those shee& yonder,A sa"d Tom, A#hat sort

    of tool #ould you use A

    A*n e#e't#"g, of course,A re&l"ed my master!

    A=oC that s de$"l"sh good,A sa"d @all"sC Abut you a"n t h"t "t yet!A

    A:or a cro#n you don t do a better A


    A@ell, #hat "s "t A

    A@hy, a Ram'rod to be sure''as #e re s&ortsmen!A

    ?y master agreed that "t #as more a&&ro&r"ate, and the good'natured Tom@all"s flung the cro#n he had #on to me!

    A;ere s another,A cont"nued he, as ?r! T"mm"s #as just ra"s"ng a bottleof &ale sherry to h"s l"&s''AI say, "m, #hat b"rds are #e most l"keno# A

    A@hy s#allo#s, to be sure,A u"ckly re&l"ed my &atronC #ho #as really, onmost occas"ons, a match for h"s croney "n the subl"me art of &unn"ng, andmak"ng conundrums, a fa$our"te &ast"me #"th the #"ts of the Stock

    E change!

    7;*PTER D!''The Stalk"ng ;orse!

    ARetr"but"$e ust"ceA

    9n the same land"ng #here T"mm"s (as he termed "t) held out, #ere f"$eor s" closets n"ck'named off"ces, and three other boys! 9ne #as the

    ne&he# of the before'ment"oned @all"s, and a $ery "m& of m"sch"efCanother, only a boy, #"th noth"ng remarkable but h"s stu&"d"tyC #h"le thefourth #as a scrubby, stunted, fello#, about s" teen or se$enteen years

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    "rregular cro& of l"ght ha"r, most unsc"ent"f"cally cut "nto tufts!

    ;e, by reason of h"s sen"or"ty and h"s gra$"ty, soon became the oracle of the &arty! @e usually found h"m seated on the sta"rs of the f"rst floor,lost "n the &erusal of some ragged book of the mar$ellous school''scra&sof #h"ch he used to read aloud to us, #"th more unct"on than &ro&r"ety,"ndulg"ng rather too much "n the note of adm"rat"on styleC for #h"ch hesoon obta"ned the name of 9ld Em&hat"cF''But I must confess #e d"d obta"na great deal of "nformat"on from h"s select read"ng, and #ere tolerablygood l"steners too, not#"thstand"ng h"s &ecul"ar del"$ery, for someho# hea&&eared to ha$e a &ermanent cold "n h"s head, #h"ch somet"mes thre# atone of "rres"st"ble r"d"cule "nto h"s most &athet"c b"ts!

    ;e bore the scr"&tural name of ?atthe# and #as, as he "nformed us, ahor&han ''add"ng, #"th a &art"cular &athos, #"thout father or motherF

    ;"s melancholy #as, I th"nk, rather attr"butable to b"le thandest"tut"on, #h"ch he su&er"nduced by feed"ng almost ent"rely on

    second'hand &astry, &urchased from the l"ttle e#'boys, #ho ha#k aboutthe"r tem&t"ng trash "n the $"c"n"ty of the Bank!

    ?atthe#, l"ke other youths of a &oet"cal tem&erament, from Petrarch do#nto ord Byron, had a &ass"on!

    I acc"dentally d"sco$ered the object of h"s &laton"c flame "n the &ersonof the l"ttle grubby'g"rl''the ser$ant of the house'kee&er''for, as the&ro$erb truly says,

    A o$e and a cough cannot be h"d!A

    The tender &ass"on f"rst e$"nced "tself "n h"s del"cate attent"onsC''nor #as the u"ck'eyed ma"d slo# to d"sco$er her con uest! ;er &enetrat"on,

    ho#e$er, #as greater than her sym&athy! @"th a tact that #ould not ha$ed"sgraced a &ol"t"c"an''"n a better cause, she adro"tly turned thes#ell"ng current of h"s lo$e to her o#n &ur&oses!

    *s the on#ard flo#"ng stream "s made to turn the #heel, #h"le the m"ller s"ngs at the #"ndo#, so d"d she a$a"l herself of h"s strength to do her #ork, #h"le she ga"ly hummed a t"me, and sadly hummed &oor ?atthe#!

    There be"ng nearly th"rty off"ces "n the bu"ld"ng, there #ere of course"n #"nter as many f"res, and as many coal'scuttles re u"red! @hen theeyes of the de$oted ?atthe# gaHed on the object of h"s heart s des"reto"l"ng u& the #ell'sta"r, he felt he kne# not #hatC and, #"th a heart

    &al&"tat"ng #"th the a&&rehens"on that h"s &roffered ser$"ce m"ght berejected (&oor deluded mortalF), he begged he m"ght ass"st her! @"th aglance that he thought suff"c"ent to "gn"te the "nsens"ble carbon, sheacce&ted h"s offer! ;a&&y ?atthe#F''he gras&ed the handles her #armred'hands had touchedF''7old'blooded, un"mag"nat"$e be"ngs may der"de h"senthus"asmC but after all, the sent"ment he e &er"enced #as s"m"lar to,and u"te as &ure, as that of Tom ones, #hen he fondled So&h"a @estern sl"ttle muff!

    But, alasF''

    AThe course of true lo$e ne$er d"d run smooth!A

    T#o months after th"s e$ent, h"s ?ary marr"ed the baker s manF''

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    @all"s s ne&he# had se$eral t"mes "n$"ted me to &ay h"m a $"s"t at h"suncle s house, at 7rouchendC and so once, dur"ng the absence of thatgentleman #ho #as rural"H"ng at Tonbr"dge, I trudged do#n to h"s $"lla!

    =oth"ng #ould su"t ?aster ohn, but that he must ha$e out h"s uncle sgunC and #e certa"nly shot at, and fr"ghtened, many s&arro#s!

    ;e #as just &o"nt"ng at a fresh uarry, #hen the loud cro# of a cockarrested h"s arm!

    AThat s +odd"ngton s game un, I kno#,A sa"d ?aster ohn! A@hat d yeth"nk''"f he d"d nt &"tch "nto our dungh"ll the other day, and la"dh"m dead at a blo#! I o#e h"m oneF''7ome along!A I follo#ed "n h"sfootste&s, and soon beheld 7hant"cleer cro#"ng #"th all the ostentat"onof a $"ctor at the hens he had so ruthlessly #"do#ed! * clothes'horse,#"th a ragged blanket, screened us from h"s $"e#C and ?aster ohn,&utt"ng the muHHle of h"s gun through a hole "n th"s no$el ambuscade,d"scharged "ts contents &o"nt blank "nto the &rocla"mer of the morn''and

    la"d h"m lo#!

    I trembledC for I felt that #e had comm"tted a foul murder! ?aster ohnny, ho#e$er, der"ded my fears''called "t retr"but"$e just"ce''and

    "gnom"n"ously cons"gned the rema"ns of a game'cock to a dungh"llF

    The affa"r a&&eared so l"ke a co#ardly assass"nat"on, "n #h"ch I #as(though un#"ll"ngly'') &art"ce&s cr"m"n"s ''that I #alked a#ay #"thout&artak"ng of the gooseberry'&"e, #h"ch he had &ro$"ded for our su&&er!

    7;*PTER DI!''* 7omm"ss"on!

    A9chF th"n, Paddy, #hat s the bothurat"onC "f you carry me, don t I carrythe #h"skey, sure, and that s fa"r and a ualFA

    I #as early at my &ost on the follo#"ng morn"ng, be"ng &art"cularlyan "ous to meet #"th ?r! @all"s s sca&egrace ne&he#, and ascerta"n#hether anybody had found the dead body of the game'cock, and #hether an"n uest had been heldC for I kne# enough of the #orld to dra# my o#nconclus"ons as to the result! ;e, although the &r"nc"&al, be"ng a

    relat"$e, #ould get off #"th a lecture, #h"le I should &robably be k"ckedout of my &lace!

    In a fe$er of e &ectat"on, I hung o$er the ban"sters of the geometr"calsta"rcase, #atch"ng for h"s arr"$al!

    @h"le I #as thus occu&"ed, my ner$es Ascre#ed u&,A''almost to crack"ng,?r! @all"s s off"ce'door #as thro#n o&en, and I beheld that $erygentleman s round, &leasant &hys"ognomy, embro#ned by h"s tra$els,star"ng me full "n the face! I really lost my e u"l"br"um at thea&&ar"t"on!

    A9hF''"t s you, "s "t,A cr"ed he! A@here s my rascal AA;e s not come yet, s"r,A I re&l"ed!

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    AThat fello# s ne$er at hand #hen I #ant h"m''I ll cash"er h"m by JJJ!A;e slammed to h"s o#n door, and''o&ened "t aga"n "mmed"ately!

    AT"mm"s come A demanded he!

    A=o, s"rC I don t th"nk he ll be here for an hour!A

    ATrue''I m early "n the f"eldC but #hat br"ngs you here so soon ''somem"sch"ef, I su&&ose!A

    AI m al#ays early, s"r, for I l"$e hard by!A

    A;aF''#ell''I #"sh''!A

    A7an I do anyth"ng for you, s"r A I en u"red!

    A@hy, that s a good thought,A sa"d he, and h"s countenance assumed "tsusually bland e &ress"on! A et me see''I #ant to send my car&et'bag, anda message, to my housekee&er!A

    AI can do "t, s"r, and be back aga"n "n no t"me,A cr"ed I, elated atha$"ng an o&&ortun"ty of obl"g"ng the man #hom I had really some cause tofear, "n the cr"t"cal s"tuat"on "n #h"ch h"s ne&he# s thoughtlessness had&laced me!

    In my eagerness, ho#e$er, and not#"thstand"ng the &ol"t"cal acuteness of my manoeu$re, I got myself "nto an a#ful d"lemma! ;a$"ng rece"$ed thebag, and h"s message, I #alked off, but had scarcely descended a doHensta"rs #hen he recalled me!

    A@here the de$"l are you go"ng A cr"ed he!

    ATo your house, s"r,A I "nnocently re&l"ed!

    A@hat, do you kno# "t, then A demanded he "n sur&r"se!

    ;ere #as a &os"t"on! It #as a m"racle that I d"d not roll o$er thecar&et'bag and break my neck, "n the confus"on of "deas engendered byth"s s"m&le uery!

    I could not l"e, and e$as"on #as not my forte! * man or boy "n the #rongcan ne$er e &ress h"mself #"th &ro&r"etyC an o&"n"on "n #h"ch Ku"nct"l"analso a&&ears to co"nc"de, #hen he asserts''

    A9rator &erfectus n"s" $"r bonus esse non &otest!A

    I therefore summoned u& suff"c"ent breath and courage to ans#er h"m "nthe aff"rmat"$e!

    A*nd #hen, &ray, #ere you there A sa"d he!

    A%esterday, s"r, your ne&he# asked me to come and see h"m!A

    AThe "m&udent l"ttle blackguard A cr"ed he!

    AI ho&e you a"n t angry, s"r AA*ngry #"th you ''no, my ladC you re an act"$e l"ttle cha&, and I #"sh

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    ha$e a l"ft both #ays!A

    9ff I #ent, as l"ght as a balloon #hen the ro&es are cut!

    I e ecuted my comm"ss"on #"th d"s&atch, and com&letely #on the fa$our of ?r! @all"s, by return"ng the money #h"ch he had g"$en me for coach'h"re!

    A;o# s th"s ''you d"dn t tram&, d"d you A sa"d he!

    A=o, s"r, I rode both #ays,A I re&l"edC Abut I kne# the coachmen, andthey ga$e me a cast for noth"ng!A


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    &ers&"r"ng ardour!

    I #atched h"s countenance! AThat ll do''you re a br"ckF I ll make a manof you''dJJJ me!A

    :rom th"s day for#ard I had the honour of kee&"ng h"s books, and mak"ngout the accounts! I #as already a &erson of "m&ortance, and certa"nlysome ste&s abo$e the boys on the land"ng!

    I d"d not, ho#e$er, obta"n any ad$ance "n my #eekly #agesC but onAgood'daysA got a douceur, $ary"ng from half a cro#n to half a so$ere"gnFand looked u&on myself as a made man! ?ost of the rece"&ts #ent to myfatherC #hate$er he returned to me I s&ent at a ne"ghbour"ng book'stall,and "n the course of t#el$e months I &ossessed a l"brary of most amus"ngand "nstruct"$e l"terature,'';ea$en kno#sF of a most m"scellaneouscharacter, for I had no one to gu"de me "n the select"on!

    *mong ?r! T"mm"s s numerous cl"ents, #as one ?r! 7ornel"us 7robble, a manof most e traord"nary d"mens"onsC he #as also a AchumA of, and fre uently

    made one of a &arty #"th, h"s fr"end ?r! @all"s, and other croneys, to#h"te'ba"t d"nners at Black#all, and other "ntellectual ban uets! Infact, he seldom made h"s a&&earance at the off"ce, but the $"s"t ended "nan engagement to d"ne at some Acrack'houseA or other! The cost of theAfeed,A as ?r! T"mm"s termed "t, #as generally dec"ded by a toss of Abestt#o and threeCA and someho# "t "n$ar"ably ha&&ened that ?r! 7robble lostCbut he #as so good'humoured, that really "t #as a &leasure, as ?r! @all"ssa"d, to AgrubA at h"s e &ense!

    They n"ck'named h"m ?a "mo Rotundo''and he #ell deser$ed the t"tle!

    A@here s T"mm"s A sa"d he, one day after he had taken a seat, and &uffed

    and blo#ed for the s&ace of f"$e m"nutes''A7uss them sta"rsC they ll bethe death o me!A

    I ran to summon my master!

    A;o# are you, old fello# A demanded ?r! T"mm"sC At"& us your f"n!A

    AKueerFA re&l"ed ?r! 7robble,''ta&&"ng h"s breast gently #"th h"s fatf"st, and &uff"ng out h"s cheeks''to "nd"cate that h"s lungs #ered"sordered!

    A@hat, bello#s to mend A cr"ed my accom&l"shed &atron'' +JJJ me, ne$er

    say d"eFAA ust come from +octor S&ra#les says I must take e erc"seC no maltl" uor''noth"ng at breakfast''no lunch''no su&&er!A

    A@hy, you ll be a skeleton''a transfer from the consol"dated to thereduced "n no t"me,A e cla"med ?r! T"mm"sC and h"s fr"end jo"ned "n thelaugh!

    AI #as a'th"nk"ng, T"mm"s''don t you belong to a cr"cketclub A

    ATo be sure!A

    ''A9f jo"n"ng you!A

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    carry any th"ng there! I m u"te the cock of the #alk, and no m"stake!=e t Thursday s a f"eld'day''I ll "ntroduce you! ordF you ll soon ber"ght as a tr"$et!A

    ?r @all"s #as summoned, and the affa"r #as soon arrangedC and I had thegrat"f"cat"on of be"ng &resent at ?r! 7robble s "naugurat"on!

    It #as a bro"l"ng day, and there #as a full f"eldC but he conductedh"mself manfully, not#"thstand"ng the jokes of the club! ;e battede ceed"ngly #ell, Acons"der"ng,A as ?r! @all"s remarkedC but as for theAruns,A he #as com&letely at fault!

    ;e only attem&ted "t onceC but before he had ad$anced a yard or t#o, theball #as caughtC and the ag"le &layer, str"k"ng the #"cket #"th ease,e cla"med, am"d the laughter of the s&ectators''A9utF so don t fat"gueyourself, I beg, s"r!A

    *nd so the match #as concluded, am"d cheers and shout"ng, "n #h"ch therotund, good'natured no$"ce jo"ned most heart"ly!

    7;*PTER DIII!''The ;unter!

    A;unt"ng may be s&ort, says I, but I m blest "f "ts &leasure!A

    T#o days after the cr"cket'match, ?r! 7robble &a"d a $"s"t to my master!

    A@ell, old fello#, dJJJ me me, "f you a"n t a trum&''ho# s your #"nd A

    ''k"ndly en u"red ?r! T"mm"s!

    ADastly better, thank yeC ho# s @all"s and the other fello#s ''&r"mes&ort that cr"cket"ng!A

    A%esC but, I say, you ll ne$er ha$e a run of luck, "f you st"ck to the#"cket so!A

    ATrueC but I made a h"t or t#o, you must allo#,A re&l"ed ?r! 7robbleCAthough I m afra"d I m a sorry member!A

    A* member, "ndeedF''no, noC you re the body, and #e re the''members,A

    re&l"ed ?r! T"mm"s, laugh"ngC Abut, hallooF #hat s that &atch on your forehead''b"n a f"ght"ng A

    A=oC but I $e been a hunt"ng,A sa"d ?r! 7robble, Aand th"s here s thefru"ts''%ou kno# my gray A

    AThe nag you s#o&& d the bay roadster for #"th Tom Bro#n A

    A;"m,A ans#ered 7robble! A@ell, I took h"m to ;ertfordsh"re @ednesdaylast''A

    A;e took you, you mean!A

    A@ell, #hat s the odds A

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    A@ell, ho#some$er, there #as a good f"eld''and off #e #ent! The le$elcountry #as all &r"meC but he took a hedge, and nearly julked all thel"fe out o me! I lost my st"rru&, and should ha$e lost my seat, had ntI clutched h"s mane''A

    A*nd ke&t your seat by ma"n force A

    ADery good!A

    A@ell, a#ay #e #ent, l"ke ohnny G"l&"n! ;unt"ng may be s&ort, says I,but I m blest "f "ts &leasure! Th"s "nfernal horse #as al#ays fond of shy"ng, and no# he s go"ng to shy me offC and, ecodF no sooner sa"d thandone! 9$er h"s head I go, l"ke a rocket!A

    A "ke a foot'ball, you mean,A "nterru&ted ?r! T"mm"s!

    A*nd, as luck #ould ha$e "t, tumbles "nto a d"tch, &lum& #"th my head

    ag"n the bank!A

    ABy j"ngoF such a run u&on the bank #as enough to break "t,A cr"ed mymaster, #hose &ro&ens"ty to crack a joke o$ercame all feel"ng of sym&athyfor h"s fr"end!

    AIt broke my head thoughC and #arn t I "n a &rec"ous mess''that s all''u&to my neck, and no m"stake''and black as a ch"mney's#ee&''such mudFA

    A*nd only th"nk of a man of your &ro&erty "n$est"ng h"s substance "n mudFThat "s a good unF''*ndre#,A sa"d he, Atell @ally to come here!A Isummoned h"s crony, and sat myself do#n to the books, to enjoy the

    s&ort"$e sall"es of the t#o fr"ends, #ho roasted the fat buck, the"r lo$"ng com&an"on, most unmerc"fully!

    A%ou sly old badger,A cr"ed @all"s, A#hy, you must ha$e &"cked out thed"tch!A

    A=o, but they &"cked out me, and a &rec"ous f"gure I cut''I can tell you''I #as dr"&&"ng from to& to toe!A

    ADery l"ke dr"&&"ng, "ndeedFA e cla"med ?r! T"mm"s, eye"ng h"s fatfr"end, and burst"ng "nto an "mmoderate f"t of laughter! The meet"ngended, as usual, #"th a bet for a d"nner at the APloughA for themsel$es

    and the"r fr"ends, #h"ch ?r! 7robble lost''as usual!

    7;*PTER IL!''* Ro# to Black#all!

    To be sold, #arranted sound, a gray'mare, $ery fast, and carr"es a ladyCl"ke#"se a bay'cob, u"et to r"de or dr"$e, and has carr"ed a lady

    Steam'boats d"d not run to Green#"ch and Black#all at th"s &er"odC and

    those #ho resorted to the #h"te'ba"t establ"shments at those &laces,e"ther a$a"led themsel$es of a coach or a boat! Be"ng no# transformed,by a l"ttle &ersonal mer"t, and a great fa$our, from a full'gro#n

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    fr"end ?r! @all"s, offered me, as a treat, a ro# "n the boat they hadengaged for the occas"onC #h"ch, as a matter of course, I d"d not refusemak"ng myself as s&ruce as my l"m"ted #ardrobe #ould &erm"t, I trotted atthe"r heels to the foot of ondon'br"dge, the &o"nt of embarkat"on!

    The &arty, "nclud"ng the boatman, cons"sted of e"ght soulsC the t"de #as"n our fa$our, and a#ay #e #ent, as merry a com&any as e$er floated onthe bosom of :ather Thames! ?r! 7robble #as the ch"ef mark for all the"r sall"es, and "ndeed he really a&&eared, from h"s s"He, to ha$e been"ntended by =ature for a Abutt,A as ?r! @all"s #"ckedly remarked!

    A%ou told, me, 7robble, of your hunt"ng e &lo"t "n ;ertfordsh"re,A sa"d?r! @all"sC AI ll tell you someth"ng as bangs that hollo#C I m sure Ithought I should ha$e s&l"t #"th laughter #hen I heard of "t! %ou kno#the old frum&, my *unt Betty, T"mm"s A

    ATo be sure''she #"th the ten thousand "n the threes,A re&l"ed ?r!T"mm"sC Aa #orthy creatureC and I m sure you adm"re her &r"nc"&al!A

    A+on t I,A cr"ed @all"sC and he #"nked s"gn"f"cantly at h"s fr"end!

    A@ell, #hat d ye th"nkC she, and ?"ss Scragg, her toady, #ere "n thecountry t other day, and must needs amuse themsel$es "n an a"r"ng u&on acou&le of &rads!

    A@ellC they #ere canter"ng along''do"ng the handsome''and had just cometo the border of a &ond, #hen a donkey &o&s h"s "nnocent nose o$er afence "n the"r rear, and began to heeha# "n a most melod"ous stra"n!The nags &r"cked u& the"r ears "n a t#"nkl"ng, and made no more ado butbolted! Poor aunty tuggedF but all "n $a"nC her bay'cob ran "nto the#aterC and she lost both her &resence of m"nd and her seat, and &lum&ed

    s#ash "nto the &ond''her r"d"ng hab"t s&read"ng out "nto a beaut"fulc"rcle''#h"le she lay s uall"ng and ba#l"ng out "n the centre, l"ke al"ttle &"ece of beef "n the m"ddle of a large batter'&udd"ngF ?"ssScragg, mean#h"le, stuck to her graymare, and #ent bum&"ng along to theadm"rat"on of all beholders, and #as soon out of s"ght luck"ly a josk"n,#ho #"tnessed my dear aunt s "mmers"on, ran to her ass"stance, and, #"ththe hel& of h"s &"tch'fork, safely landed herC for unfortunately the &ond#as not abo$e three or four feet dee&F and so she m"ssed the chance of be"ng an angelFA

    A*nd you the transfer of her threesF''#hat a &"tyFA sa"d the sym&ath"H"ng?r! T"mm"s!

    A@hen I heard of the acc"dent, of course, as "n duty bound, I #rote anan "ous letter of affect"onate en u"ry and condolence! *t the same&er"od, see"ng an ad$ert"sement "n the T"mes'' To be sold, #arrantedsound, a gray'mare, $ery fast, and carr"es a ladyC l"ke#"se a bay'cob,

    u"et to r"de or dr"$e, and has carr"ed a lady ''I #as so t"ckled #"ththe co'"nc"dence, that I cut "t out, and sent "t to her "n an en$elo&e!A

    APr"meF by o$eFA''shouted ?r! 7robble''ABut, I say, @all"s''you shouldha$e sent her a duck too, as a symbol"cal memor"al of her acc"dentFA

    7;*PTER L!''The P"c'="c!

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    ''had just s&read out the"r &rog on a clean table'cloth, #hen they #erealarmed by the a&&roach of a co#!

    APeo&le should ne$er undertake to do a th"ng they don t &erfectlyunderstand,A remarked ?r! 7robble, Athey re sure to make fools othemsel$es "n the end! There s Tom +a$"s, (you kno# Tom +a$"s ) he sal#ays &utt"ng h"s not"ons "nto &eo&le s heads, and turn"ng the laughaga"nst em! If there s a d"tch "n the #ay, he s sure to dare some of h"s com&an"ons to lea& "t, before he o$ers "t h"mselfC "f he f"nds "tsafe, a#ay he s&r"ngs l"ke a greyhound!A

    AE actly h"m, I kno# h"m,A re&l"ed ?r! T"mm"sC Athat s #hat he callslearn"ng to sha$e u&on other &eo&le s ch"nsFA

    AE cellentFA e cla"med ?r! @all"s!

    A;e s a $ery de$"l,A cont"nued ?r! 7robbleC Aal#ays &ro&os"ng some fun or other P"c'n"cs are h"s del"ghtC but he al#ays lea$es others to br"ng the

    grub, and br"ngs noth"ng but h"mself! I hate P"c'n"cs, s uatt"ng "n thegrass don t su"t me at allC #hen once do#n, I f"nd "t no easy matter toget u& aga"n, I can tell you!A

    ;ereu&on there #as a general laugh!

    ATalk"ng of P"c'n"cs,A sa"d ?r! T"mm"s! Arem"nds me of one that #as heldthe other day "n a meado#, on the banks of the ea! The &arty,cons"st"ng of lad"es only, and a l"ttle boy, had just s&read out the"r &rog on a clean table'cloth, #hen they #ere alarmed by the a&&roach of aco#! They #ere &resently on the"r &"ns, (co# d, of course,) and sheeredoff to a res&ectful d"stance, #h"le the co# #alked le"surely o$er the

    table'cloth, smell"ng the mater"als of the feast, and &o&& d her clo$enfoot &lum& "nto a currant and ras&berry &"eF and they had a &rec"ous dealof trouble to dra# her offC for, as Tom +a$"s sa"d, there #ere some$eal'&att"es there, #h"ch #ere, no doubt, made out of one of her cal$esCand "n her maternal sol"c"tude, she com&letely demol"shed the &lates andd"shes, lea$"ng the affr"ghted &arty noth"ng more than the broken$"ctuals!A

    A@hat a larkFA e cla"med ?r! 7robbleC AI #ould ha$e g"$en a gu"nea toha$e #"tnessed the fun! That co# #as a trojanFA

    A* star "n the m"lky #ay,A cr"ed ?r! @all"s!

    @e no# a&&roached the PloughC and ?r! 7robble ha$"ng sat"sf"ed theboatman, ?r! @all"s ga$e me half'a'cro#n, and bade me make the best of my#ay home! I &ocketed the money, and resol$ed to go on the h"gh#ay, andtrudge on foot!

    A*ndre#,A sa"d my #orthy &atron, Ano# don t go and make a beast of yourself, but #alk stra"ght home!A

    A*ndre#,A sa"d ?r! @all"s, "m"tat"ng h"s fr"end s tone of admon"t"onC A"f any body asks you to treat em, boltC "f any body offers to treat you,retreatFA

    A*ndre#,A sa"d ?r! 7robble, #ho #as determ"ned to &ut "n h"s oar, and ro#"n the same boat as h"s fr"endsC A*ndre#,A''A%es, S"rCA and I touched my

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    #ords! A*ndre#,A re&eated he, for the th"rd t"me, Aa$o"d e$"lcommun"cat"on, and get thee gone from Black#all, as fast as your legs cancarry you''for, there s $"lla"nous bad com&any just landed here''#"ckedenough to s&o"l e$en the "mmaculate ?r! 7ornel"us 7robbleFA

    7;*PTER LI!''The ourney ;ome!

    AStarboard, Tom, starboardFA''A*ye, aye'starboard "t "sFA

    I found myself u"te "n a strange land u&on &art"ng #"th my master andh"s fr"ends! It #as #ar't"me, and the &lace #as l"terally s#arm"ng #"th


    Tak"ng to the road, for the foot#ay #as u"te cro#ded, I soon reachedPo&lar! ;ere a large mob "m&eded my &rogress! They a&&eared all mo$ed

    #"th e traord"nary merr"ment! I soon d"st"ngu"shed the objects of the"r m"rth! T#o sa"lors, mounted back to back on a cart'horse, #ere steer"ngfor Black#all! * large horse'cloth ser$ed them as a subst"tute for asaddle, and the merry fello# beh"nd held the re"nsC he #as smok"ng ashort &"&e, #h"le h"s mate #as mak"ng an obser$at"on #"th h"s s&y'glass!

    AStarboard, Tom, starboardFA cr"ed the one "n front!

    A*ye, aye'starboard "t "sFA re&l"ed h"s com&an"on, tugg"ng at the re"n!

    A;olloo, messmateF #here are you bound A ba#led a sa"lor "n the cro#d!

    ATo the &ort o Black#all,A re&l"ed the steersman! ABut #e re go"ngu"te "n the #"nd s eye, and I m afeared #e shan t make "t to'n"ght!A

    A* ueer craft!A

    A@erry,A re&l"ed Tom! A+on t ans#er the helm at all!A

    A*ny grog on board A demanded the sa"lor!

    A=ot enough to #et the boats#a"n s #h"stleC for, da e see, mate, there sno room for sto#age!A

    ASh"$er my t"mbersF''no grogFA e cla"med the otherC A#hy''you ll founder!If you don t s&l"ce the ma"n'brace, you ll not make a knot an hour!;ea$e to''and let s dr"nk success to the $oyage!A

    A@"th all my heart, mate, for I m &rec"ous krank #"th tack"ng! arboard,Tom''larboard!A

    A*ye, aye''larboard "t "s!A

    A=o#, run her r"ght "nto that ere s&"r"t'sho& to lee#ard, and let s ha$ea bo#l!A

    Tom tugged a#ay, and soon Abrought u&A at the door of a #"ne'$aults!A et go the anchor,A e cla"med h"s messmate''Athat s "t''co"l u&!A

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    A;ere, mate''here s a &"cter of h"s royal majestyA''g"$"ng the sa"lor alongs"de a ne# gu"nea''Aand no# tell the ste#ard to m" us a jorum asst"ff as a nor #ester, and, let s all dr"nk the >"ng s health''God blessh"m!A

    A;oorayFA shouted the del"ghted mob!

    The"r uondam fr"end soon d"d h"s b"dd"ng, br"ng"ng out a huge ch"na'bo#lf"lled #"th grog, #h"ch #as handed round to e$ery soul #"th"n reach, and&resently d"s&atchedC''t#o others follo#ed, before they A#e"ghed anchor and &roceeded on the"r $oyage,A cheered by the ragged mult"tude, among#hom they la$"shly scattered the"r changeC and a most r"otous andr"d"culous scramble "t &roduced!

    I #as much &leased #"th the no$elty of the scene, and esca&ed from thecro#d as u"ckly as I con$en"ently could, for I #as rather a&&rehens"$eof an attem&t u&on my &ockets!

    @hat strange be"ngs are these sa"lorsF They ha$e no care for the morro#,

    but s&end la$"shly the hard'earned #ages of the"r ad$enturous l"fe! Toone l"ke myself, #ho early kne# the $alue of money, th"s thoughtlesse tra$agance certa"nly a&&eared unaccountable, and nearly all"ed tomadnessC but, #hen I reflected that they are somet"mes "m&r"soned "n ash"& for years, #"thout touch"ng land, and fre uently "n &er"l of los"ngthe"r l"$es''that they ha$e scarcely t"me to scatter the"r #ages and&r"He'money "n the short "nter$als #h"ch chance offers them of m" "ng#"th the"r fello#'men, my #onder changed to &"ty!

    A* man "n a sh"&,A says +r! ohnson, A"s #orse than a man "n a ja"lC for the latter has more room, better food, and commonly better com&any, and"s "n safety!A

    7;*PTER LII!''?ons"eur +ubo"s!

    AI sha nt f"ght #"th f"stesses, "t s #ulgarF''but "f he s a m"nd toanyth"ng l"ke a gemman, here s my cardFA

    The lo$e'lorn ?atthe# had de&arted, no doubt unable to bear the s"ght of that sta"rcase #hose boards no longer resounded #"th the sl"&'sla& of the

    sl"&&ers of that hy&ocr"t"cal beauty, Ah"s ?ary!A @"th h"m, the romanceof the land"ng'&lace, and the s uad, had e$a&oratedC and I had nosym&ath"es, no &ursu"ts, "n common #"th the rema"n"ng AboysA''myne#ly'ac u"red &ost, too, nearly occu&"ed the #hole of my t"me, #h"le mydes"re of study "ncreased #"th the ac u"s"t"on of books, "n #h"ch all my&ocket'money #as e &ended!

    9ne day, my good fr"end, ?r! @all"s, entered the off"ce, follo#ed by ashort, shar&'$"saged man, #"th a sallo# com&le "onC he #as dressed "n ashabby frock, buttoned u& to the throat''a rusty black s"lk neckerch"ef su&&ly"ng the &lace of sh"rt and collar!

    ;e stood just #"th"n the threshold of the door, hold"ng h"s na&less hat"n h"s hand!

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    ?r! @all"s ad$anced close to h"s elbo#, and s&oke "n a #h"s&erC but Iobser$ed, by the d"rect"on of h"s eyes, that the subject of h"scommun"cat"on #as the stranger!

    A;aFA sa"d ?r! T"mm"s, A"t s all $ery #ell, @alley''but I hate allforr"nersC''#hy don t he go back to :rogland, and not come here, &alm"ngh"mself u&on us! It s no go''not a scudd"ck! They re all a &arcel ohumbugs''and no m"stakeFA

    *s he uttered th"s grac"ous o&"n"on suff"c"ently loud to str"ke u&on thetym&anum of the &oor fello# at the door, I could &erce"$e h"s dark eyesgl"sten, and the blood t"nge h"s #oe'begone cheeksC h"s l"&s trembled#"th emot"on there #as an e$"dent struggle bet#een offended gent"l"ty,and urgent necess"ty!

    Pr"de, ho#e$er, ga"ned the masteryC and ad$anc"ng the r"ght foot, hera"sed h"s hat, and #"th &ecul"ar grace bo#"ng to the t#ofr"ends''APardon, ?ons"eur Dall"s,A sa"d he, "n tremulous accents, AI am

    de tro&C &erm"t, me to $"sdra#A''and "nstantly left the off"ce!

    ?r! T"mm"s, startled by h"s sudden e "t, looked at ?r! @all"s for ane &lanat"on!

    ABy JJJFA e cla"med ?r! @all"s ser"ously'' Ayou $e hurt that &oor fello# sfeel"ngs! I #ould sooner ha$e g"$en a gu"nea than he should ha$e heardyou! +ubo"s "s a gentlemanC and altho he s com&letely stum&ed, andhas nt a &lace to &ut h"s head "n, he s tenac"ous of that res&ect #h"ch"s due to e$ery man, #hether he ha&&ens to be at a &rem"um, or ad"scount!A

    AGo "tFA cr"ed ?r! T"mm"s, colour"ng dee&ly at th"s mer"ted re&roof''AIf th"s a"n t a reg lar sermonF I d"dn t mean to hurt h"s feel"ngs, dJJJ meC I m a reg lar ohn Bull, and he should kno# better than to be &o&&edat my bluntness! +JJJ me, I #ouldn t hurt a #orm''you kno# I #ouldn t,@all"s!A

    There #as a tone of contr"t"on "n th"s rambl"ng a&ology that sat"sf"ed?r! @all"s of "ts truthC and he "mmed"ately entered "nto an e &lanat"onon the :renchman s s"tuat"on! ;e had kno#n h"m, he sa"d, for se$eralyears as a tutor "n the fam"ly of one of h"s cl"ents, by #hom he #as muchres&ected a hea$y loss had com&elled them suddenly to reduce the"r establ"shmentC +ubo"s had entreated to rema"n #"th h"s &u&"l''refused to

    rece"$e any salary''and had e$en ser$ed h"s old &atron "n the ca&ac"ty of a men"al, adher"ng to h"m "n all h"s m"sfortunes, and only &arted #"thh"m, reluctantly, at the door of the debtor s &r"sonF

    A+"d he do that A sa"d my masterC and I sa# h"s eyes mo"sten at therelat"on! A* :rench mounseer do thatF Game''dJJJ meFA''and l"ft"ng thel"d of h"s desk, he dre# out a f"$e &ound noteF A;ere, @all"s, t"& h"mth"s fl"mseyF Tell h"m''you kno# #hat to say''I m no s&eech"f"er''butyou kno# #hat I mean!A I almost jum&ed u& and hugged my master, I #as soe c"ted!

    The ne t day ?ons"eur +ubo"s aga"n made h"s a&&earanceC and ?r! @all"s

    had the &leasure of behold"ng ?r! T"mm"s and h"s gall"c fr"end on thebest terms "mag"nable!

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    take lessons "n the Afore"gn l"ngo,A by #ay of g"$"ng h"m Aa l"ft,A as?r! T"mm"s e &ressed "t! I remember h"m #"th feel"ngs of grat"tudeC for I o#e much more than the kno#ledge of the language to h"s k"ndness and"nstruct"on!

    *s for ?r! T"mm"s, he could ne$er suff"c"ently a&&rec"ate h"s #orth,although he un"formly treated h"m #"th k"ndness!

    ATalk of ref"nement,A sa"d he, one day, #hen d"scuss"ng +ubo"s mer"ts#"th ?r! @all"sC AI sa# a b"t to'day as bangs e$eryth"ng! * cadger s#ee&"ng a cross"ng fell out #"th a dustman! @asn t there some s&"cy ja#bet#" t em! @ell, noth"ng #ould su"t, but the dustman must ha$e a go,and &"tch "nto the cadger!

    A+JJJ me, #hat does the co$e do, but he outs #"th a b"t of d"rty&asteboard, and he says, says he, AI sha nt f"ght #"th f"stesses, "t s#ulgarF''but "f he s a m"nd to anyth"ng l"ke a gemman, here s my cardFA@asn t there a roarF I lugg d out a bob, and flung "t at the $agabondfor h"s #"t!A

    7;*PTER LIII!''?y Talent 7alled "nto *ct"$e Ser$"ce!

    A*r n t you glad you a"n t a black'a'moor A

    AI should th"nk so,A re&l"ed h"s sooty brother, Athey re s"ch ugly#arm"nts!A

    ;a$"ng to del"$er a letter, conta"n"ng an account and a stock rece"&t,to one of ?r! T"mm"s s cl"ents, res"d"ng at the #est end of the to#nC "ncross"ng through one of the fash"onable s uares, I obser$ed a flat'facednegro ser$ant "n l"$ery, stand"ng at the door of one of the houses!

    T#o ch"mney s#ee&ers #ho ha&&ened to be &ass"ng, sho#ed the"r #h"te teeth"n a contem&tuous gr"n at the *fr"can!

    ABob,A I o$erheard one remark, Aar n t you glad you a"n t ablack'a'moor A

    AI should th"nk so,A re&l"ed h"s sooty brother, Athey re s"ch ugly

    #arm"nts! ?aster s daughter, #ots come from board"ng schoolF says thes"ght of ems enough to fr"ghten one "nto con#uls"onsFA

    *lasF for the &rejud"ce of the #orldF ;o# much th"s "gnorant remarkrem"nded me of my &atron s unfounded hatred of all Aforr"ners!A It #as&rec"sely the same sent"ment, d"fferently e &ressed, that actuated thethoughts and o&"n"ons of both!

    I must, ho#e$er, do ?r! T"mm"s the just"ce to say, that he made am&leamends to ?ons"eur +ubo"s for the affront he had so thoughtlessly &utu&on the #orthy :renchmanC and d"d all "n h"s &o#er to obta"n h"m &u&"ls!

    The conse uent change "n h"s dress and manner, h"s am"able conduct, andgentlemanly de&ortment, at last com&letely #on u&on the esteem of thebo"sterous broker, #ho s#ore, (for that #as generally h"s elegant manner

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    #ere "t not for h"s fore"gn accent, he should ha$e taken h"m for anEngl"shman born''really bel"e$"ng, that there #as no $"rtue "n the #orldbut of Engl"sh gro#th!

    I had no# been abo$e t#el$e'months "n h"s off"ce, and although I hadrece"$ed but a moderate com&ensat"on for my ser$"ces, yet the $ast"m&ro$ement I had made (thanks to the "nstruct"on of ?ons"eur +ubo"s,)#as more $aluable than gold! ?y father also, though but scant"lyfurn"shed #"th book'kno#ledge, had, ne$ertheless, the good sense toa&&rec"ate and encourage my &rogressC he #as #ell a#are, fromobser$at"on, that kno#ledge "s &o#er, and #ould fre uently uote theold sa#,

    A@hen house, and land, and money s s&entCThen larn"ng "s most e cellentA''

    and s&ared all the money he could scra&e together to &urchase books for me!

    9ne day ?r! 7robble came "nto the off"ce #"th an o&en letter "n h"s hand!A;ere,A''cr"ed he, AI $e rece"$ed a rem"ttance at last from that, Germanfello#''t#o good b"lls on the f"rst house "n the c"ty''but I can t maketo& nor ta"l of h"s r"gmarole! +o you kno# any cha& among your ac ua"ntance #ho can read German A

    A=ot I,A re&l"ed ?r! T"mm"s!

    A@"ll you allo# me, ?r! 7robble A sa"d I, ste&&"ng for#ard! ATh"s letter "s #r"tten "n :rench, not German, S"r,A I obser$ed!

    A@hat s the d"fference to me, ?aster *ndre#C "t m"ght as #ell be "n #"ld

    Ir"sh, for the matter o that!A

    A*ndre# can read the l"ngo,A sa"d my master!

    AThe de$"l he canFA e cla"med ?r! 7robbleC AI dare say I shall be able tomake "t out,A sa"d IC Aand "f not, ?ons"eur +ubo"s #"ll be hereCto'morro# morn"ng, and you can ha$e "t by t#el$e o clock, s"r!A

    A*"n t that the t"cket A e cla"med ?r! T"mm"s, del"ghted at the sur&r"seof h"s fr"endC Ayou don t kno# ho# $astly cle$er #e are, old fello#!A

    ?r! 7robble, much grat"f"ed at th"s "nformat"on, &laced the letter "n my

    handsC and, lea$"ng me to take a lunch at Garra#ay s #"th ?r! T"mm"s, Ieagerly sat about my task''and luck"ly "t #as not only &la"nly #r"tten,but the subject'matter by no means d"ff"cult, be"ng rather com&l"mentarythan techn"cal! By the t"me they returned, I had not only translated,but made a fa"r co&y of "t, "n my best hand!

    A7ome, that "s cle$er,A sa"d ?r! 7robbleC Alet me see, no#, #hat shall Ig"$e you A

    A=oth"ng, S"r,A I &rom&tly re&l"edC AI am ?r! T"mm"s s clerk''and allthat I kno# I o#e to h"s k"ndness!A

    I sa#, #"th &leasure, that th"s com&l"ment #as not lost u&on my master!?r! 7robble #as really a gentleman "n feel"ng, and therefore d"d not

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    sa"d, AI thank you, ?r! *ndre#''I shall not forget your ser$"cesCA andde&arted e$"dently much &leased #"th my &erformance!

    7;*PTER LID!''* +"lemma!

    AEE ca#nt go# back, cause they locks the gates,A

    A@ell, can #e go for#ard, then A''A=oa, ee ca#nt, cause the roads areunder #aterCA

    AEE ca#nt go# back, cause they locks the gates,A sa"d a bum&k"n on theroad's"de to a 7ockney'&arty "n a one'horse cha"se!

    A@ell, can #e go for#ard, then A demanded the an "ous and #ear"edtra$eller!

    A=oa, ee ca#nt, cause the roads are under #aterCA re&l"ed the josk"n,#"th a gr"n!

    Th"s #as certa"nly a s"tuat"on more r"d"culous than "nterest"ngC and Ism"led #hen I heard the story told, l"ttle sus&ect"ng that :ortune #ouldone day thro# me "nto a s"m"lar d"lem"na''so bl"ndly do #e mortals hugoursel$es "n the su&&osed secur"ty of our tact and fores"ght!

    A;o# d ye do, ?r! *ndre#,A sa"d ?r! 7robble, #hen he had seated h"mself,and suff"c"ently "nflated h"s lungs, after the fat"gu"ng o&erat"on of mount"ng the sta"rs!

    A@here s T"mm"s ''tell h"m I #ant a #ord #"th h"m!A

    I u"ckly summoned my &atron, and follo#ed h"m "nto the off"ce!

    A@ell, old &uff and blo#FA e cla"med ?r! T"mm"s, #"th h"s usualfam"l"ar"ty!

    A@hat s "n the #"nd @ant to sell out The f"$es are fallen three &er cent! s"nce :r"day! *ll the 7hange "s as busy as the de$"l "n a h"gh#"nd!A

    A=o''no more dabbl"ng, T"mm"s,A re&l"ed ?r! 7robbleC AI lost a coolhundred last accountC I #ant a #ord "n &r"$ate #"th youA''and he glancedto#ards meC u&on #h"ch I se"Hed my hat, and took u& my &os"t"on at my old&ost on the land"ng! ;o# #ere my feel"ngs altered s"nce I f"rst lo"teredthere, l"sten"ng to the mar$els of &oor ?atthe#F

    I #as lost "n a &leasant re$er"e, #hen the shar& $o"ce of ?r! T"mm"srecalled me!

    A*ndre#,A sa"d he, Amy fr"end 7robble #ants a clerk, and has cast h"s eyeu&on you! @hat do you say A

    I scarcely kne# #hat to say! 9n one s"de stood my master, to #hom Ireally o#ed so much''on the other h"s fr"end, #ho offered me a &romot"on,#h"ch I felt, on many accounts, #as most attract"$e! AI should ha$e no

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    s"r''but''I ha$e rece"$ed so many fa$ours from you, that I m afra"d Im"ght seem ungrateful!A

    The good'natured ?r! @all"s ha&&"ly ste&&ed "n at th"s moment to myrel"ef!

    A=onsense,A re&l"ed ?r! T"mm"sC Athe stock "s del"$ered to the h"ghestb"dderC here 7robble backs e"ghteen sh"ll"ngs a #eek aga"nst myhalf'a'cro#n'take h"m!A

    I st"ll felt some hes"tat"on, although "t #as e$"dent, from h"se &ress"on, that ?r! T"mm"s $alued the ser$ant much less than the ser$ant$alued the master!

    A9nly look here, @ally,A cr"ed heC Ahere stands *ndre#, l"ke an assbet#een t#o bundles of hay!A

    ARather l"ke a bundle of hay bet#een t#o asses, I th"nk,A re&l"ed ?r!@all"sC and good'naturedly ta&&"ng me on the shoulder, he cont"nued''A

    acce&t ?r! 7robble s offer, ?aster *ndre# you re much too good for T"mm"s''he can soon get a grubby half'cro#n boy''but you may #a"t a longt"me for such an el"g"ble offer!A

    AE"ghteen sh"ll"ngs a #eek,A sa"d ?r! 7robbleC #ho, I must confess,#"thout any &art"cular stretch of self'esteem, a&&eared an "ous to engageme'', Abut I shall #ant secur"ty!A

    That #ord Asecur"tyA fell l"ke an a$alanche on my mount"ng s&"r"t, andcast me headlong do#n the "mag"nary ascent my busy thoughts had cl"mbedtoF

    A:"$e hundred &ounds,A cont"nued ?r! 7robbleC Ad ye th"nk''ha$e you anyfr"ends A

    A=one, s"rC my father "s a &oor man, and u"te unable!A I could scarcelys&eak''l"ke the dr"$er of the one'horse cha"se, I could ne"ther ad$ancenor recede!

    AThe father,A sa"d ?r! T"mm"s, A"s only a &oor shoe'maker''a good fello#tho ''an e cellent f"tFA

    A%ou mean to say,A cr"ed ?r! @all"s, A"t #ere bootless to seek secur"tyof the shoe'maker!A

    * laugh ensuedC and, not#"thstand"ng my ag"tated feel"ngs, I could notforbear be"ng t"ckled by ?r! @all"s s humour, and jo"n"ng "n themerr"ment!

    Th"s sally ga$e a most fa$ourable turn to the d"scuss"on! A7ome,A sa"d?r! @all"s, AI ll stand t#o hundred and f"fty''and you, T"mm"s, must gothe other!A

    A=oC dJJJ me, he may bolt #"th the cash'bo , and let me "n, &erha&s,Ae cla"med ?r! T"mm"s! I burst "nto tearsC I felt, that from my long andfa"thful ser$"ces, I deser$ed a better o&"n"on''although I had no r"ght

    to e &ect so great a fa$our!Rude as he #as, he felt some com&unct"on at ha$"ng #ounded my feel"ngsC

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    th"nk, for a moment, that @ally should get the start of h"mC no''I #as anhonest cha&, and he d &ut h"s f"st to double the amount to ser$e meCA andthen bade me As"t to the books,A and make all s uare before I cut myst"ck and thus ha&&"ly concluded th"s most momentous change "n myc"rcumstances!

    7;*PTER LD!''*n 9ld *c ua"ntance!

    A9nly three hol"days left, and st"ll th"s &laguey glass says $ery#etC ''I can t bear "t''I can t''and I #on t!A

    ;o# "m&at"ently d"d I count the m"nutes t"ll the off"ce #as closed, for I longed to commun"cate the glad t"d"ngs of my good fortune to my #orthyfather! The old man #e&t #"th joy at the &ros&ect, and ass"sted me "nrear"ng those beaut"ful fabr"cs termed castles "n the a"r!

    ;"s o#n trade, by the recommendat"on of the rough, "ll'mannered, butgood'natured ?r! T"mm"s, had #onderfully "ncreasedC and, by mak"ng sometem&orary sacr"f"ces, he #as enabled to g"$e me an a&&earance moresu"table to the ne# &os"t"on "n #h"ch I #as so une &ectedly &laced! In anarro# alley, on the south s"de of the Royal E change, on theground'floor, I found the count"ng'house of ?r! 7robble!

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    AGood hea$"nsFA e cla"med he, #"th h"s #ell'remembered nasal t#angC Aareyou''A


    A@ell, I declare no# you $e gro#ed "nto a gentleman! I should nt''Ireally should nt''A ;e d"d not say #hat he really Ashould notA''bute tended h"s hand!''A;o&e you a"n t too &roud to shake hands #"th an oldfr"end ''A

    I shook h"m heart"ly by the hand, and made some en u"r"es touch"ng h"sh"story!

    Poor ?atthe# seated h"mself #"th all the ease "mag"nable, and la"d h"sknot bes"de h"m, and began, after the manner of h"s fa$our"te heroes, toAunbosom h"mself!A

    A%ou $e a father,A sa"d heC Abut I m a hor&han, #"thout father nor

    mother''a houtcastFA''and he sunk h"s head u&on h"s bosomC and I obser$edthat h"s scrubby cro& #as already becom"ng th"n and bald!

    AS"nce I left the &lace "n the lane, I $e b"n a'go"ng''do#n''do#nA''andhe nearly touched the floor #"th h"s hand! AThat gal, ?ary, #as the ru"nof me''I shall ne$er forget her!''?y ho&es "s sunk, l"ke the sun "n theocean, ne$er to r"se ag"nFA I #as rather amused by th"s romant"c, though"ncorrect, f"gureC but I let h"m &roceed AI $e got se$eral &laces, butlost em all! I th"nk there s a s&ell u&on meC and #ho can struggleaga"nst h"s fate A

    I tr"ed to console h"m, and found, u&on a further confess"on, that he had

    flo#n to s&"r"ts Ano# and then,A to blunt the shar& tooth of mentalm"sery!

    ;ere, then, #as the ch"ef cause of h"s #ant of success, #h"ch he bl"ndlyattr"buted to fate''the common fa"l"ng of all #eak m"nds! :or my &art,not#"thstand"ng the "m&er"al author"ty of the great =a&oleon h"mself, Iha$e no fa"th "n :ate, bel"e$"ng that the effect, #hether good or bad,may "n$ar"ably be traced to some cause "n the conduct of the "nd"$"dual,as certa"nly as the loss of a man, "n a game of draughts, "s theconse uence of a A#rong mo$eA by the &layerF''*nd &oor ?atthe# saccusat"on of :ate &ut me "n m"nd of the school'boy, #ho, dur"ng a #et$acat"on, rushed $"nd"ct"$ely at the barometer, and struck "t "n the

    face, e cla"m"ng''A9nly three hol"days left, and st"ll th"s &laguey glasssays $ery #etC ''I can t bear "t''I can t''and I #on t!A

    I d"d all "n my &o#er to comfort the l"ttle &orter, e hort"ng h"m tod"l"gence and sobr"ety!

    A%ou #ere al#ays a k"nd fr"end,A sa"d he, &athet"callyC Aand&erha&s''&erha&s you #"ll g"$e me someth"ng to dr"nk your health, for old'ac ua"ntance sake!A Th"s une &ected turn com&elled me to laughter!I ga$e h"m s" &ence!

    *lasF ?atthe#, I found, #as but a &"ece of coarse g"ngerbread, tr"cked

    out #"th the +utch metal of false sent"ment!

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    7;*PTER LDI!''The oss of a :r"end!

    AI say, ma am, do you ha&&en to ha$e the ha"r of *ll round my hat I$ears a green $"llo# A

    I #as startled by the batho'romant"c sent"ment of ?atthe#, some#hat "nthe same manner as the young lady at the bookseller s, #hen she #asaccosted by a mus"cal dustman, #"th''AI say, ma am, do you ha&&en to ha$ethe ha"r of *ll round my hat I $ears a green $"llo# A

    But, ho#e$er r"d"culous they may a&&ear, such "ncongruous characters areby no means car"catures''nay, are Aas &lent"ful as blackberr"es,Aes&ec"ally "n the lo#er grades of soc"ety!

    I #as "ndulg"ng "n a re$er"e of th"s sort, #hen ?ons"eur +ubo"s, my k"ndand gentlemanly tutor, abru&tly entered the off"ce! I felt &roud "nha$"ng obta"ned h"s fr"endsh"&''for he #as to me a m"ne of #ealth, and

    a&&eared master of e$ery subject u&on #h"ch my cur"os"ty &rom&ted me to"n u"re, #h"lst the #orthy :renchman #as so flattered by my s"ncereres&ect, that he took a del"ght "n "m&art"ng h"s kno#ledge to so #"ll"ngand d"l"gent a scholar!

    ?r! 7robble had &rom"sed that I should cont"nue my stud"es, be"ng much&leased #"th the &roof I had been fortunate enough to g"$e h"m of my&rogress, generously offer"ng to defray the charges of tu"t"onC and Ifound "n my ne# &lace, e$en more t"me than #hen "n the em&loy of ?r!T"mm"s for, "ndeed, half'a'clerk #ould ha$e been suff"c"ent to ha$econducted the #hole bus"ness!

    I #as no less sur&r"sed at the unusual abru&tness of a&&roach, than atthe e traord"nary e c"tement a&&arent "n the manner of ?ons"eur +ubo"sCfor he al#ays boasted of h"s coolness and &h"loso&hy under allc"rcumstances!

    APeace, &eaceF'' mon cher am" ''&eace "s &rocla"mA''cr"ed he, ra"s"ng h"shat and h"s eyes to the d"ngy ce"l"ng of our off"ce''AGrace a +"euF''letyran =a&oleon''le charlatan est ren$erse de son &"edestal''ou", monele$e''I $"ll see, aga"n once more my dear :ranceFA

    ;e gras&ed my hand "n h"s ecstasy, and tears f"lled h"s eyes too$erflo#"ng! I had heard rumours of the restorat"on of the Bourbons, but

    I had not ant"c"&ated the loss of my "nest"mable tutor!I #as almost ashamed of my self"shnessC but $an u"shed my feel"ngs so far as to congratulate h"m on h"s &ros&ects, #"th as much cord"al"ty anda&&earance of truth as I could assume!

    AI trust, ho#e$er,A sa"d I, Athat restored to your country, and your fr"ends, you #"ll f"nd that ha&&"ness you so much deser$e! Go #here you#"ll, you #"ll be follo#ed by the regrets of your Engl"sh fr"ends!A

    A*hF les *ngla"sF'' comb"en ''ho# motch reconna"ssance A sa"d he, AI$"ll ha$e for themF I sall them forget ne$areFA

    ?r! 7robble "nterru&ted our collo uy! A*ll r"ght t other s"de thechannel, ?ounseer,A cr"ed be, elatedC A#e $e l"cked Boney he s done u&C

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    ''only he s mak"ng money "nstead of honeyFA

    ;e shook hands #"th ?ons"eur +ubo"sC and congratulated h"m u&on therestorat"on of ou"s the E"ghteenth!

    I ment"oned to h"m ?ons"eur +ubo"s "ntent"on of &roceed"ng "mmed"atelyto :rance! A;e s r"ght,A cr"ed heC Alet e$ery man st"ck to h"s >"ng andh"s countryC and I sayA''he suddenly checked h"mself, and beckon"ng meas"de, cont"nued "n an under tone''A*ndre#, you understand th"s ?ounseer better than I doC he a&&ears a good fello# "n the ma"n "f he should #anta l"ft, to f"t h"m out for the $oyage, or any th"ng of that sort, tellh"m 7orny 7robble #"ll lend h"m a hand, for old ac ua"ntance sakeC Ishan t st"ck at a matter of forty or f"fty &ound''you understand''&ut "tto h"m, as a matter of bus"nessC for that ll su"t h"s &roud stomach best,&erha&sA''then, turn"ng to ?ons"eur, he sa"d, AE cuse #h"s&er"ng beforecom&any, ?ounseer +ubo"s! Good morn"ng!A

    ABon jour, ?ons"eur,A re&l"ed +ubo"s, mak"ng my obese go$ernor one of h"smost graceful bo#s!

    I #as h"ghly grat"f"ed at be"ng selected as the med"um of th"s generousofferC #h"ch ?ons"eur +ubo"s rece"$ed #"thout hes"tat"on, as one #ho"ntended to re&ay "tC but, at the same t"me, #"th the most gratefulackno#ledgments of ?r! 7robble s cons"derate k"ndness!

    7;*PTER LDII!''Promot"on!

    AI, th"nk there must be someth"ng #rong about your ro#"ng,A

    A?y ro#"ngFA cr"ed IC AnonsenseF''"t s because you don t steer r"ght!A

    AI remember, #hen I #as a young man, I once took a fancy to ro#"ng,A sa"d?r! 7robble one day to me! AI #asn t then u"te so round as I am at&resent! 7ous"n Tom and I h"red a #herry, but someho# #e found #e d"dn tmake much #ay! Tom #as steer"ng, and I took the sculls, s"tt"ng my backto h"m l"ke a gabyFA

    AI, th"nk there must be someth"ng #rong about your ro#"ng,A sa"d Tom!

    A?y ro#"ngFA cr"ed IC AnonsenseF''"t s because you don t steer r"ght!@ell, at last a #aterman came alongs"de, and gr"nn"ng (the fello#couldn t hel& "t) good'naturedly, &o"nted out the cause of our d"lemmaCat #h"ch #e both laughed heart"ly! E$er s"nce that t"me I $e been of o&"n"on, that unless &eo&le, #ho ro# "n the same boat, understand eachother, they ll ne$er get along''A

    I sm"led at th"s lengthy &rologue, not conce"$"ng to #hat "t could&oss"bly lead!

    A=o#, ?r! *ndre#,A resumed he, AI mean to be $ery "ndustr"ous, and de$otea #hole day to g"$"ng you an "ns"ght "nto the bus"nessC after #h"ch I

    e &ect you ll &ull a#ay, #h"le I only steer, #h"ch #"ll su"t me to a T'',you understand!A

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    taskC and I soon ac u"red suff"c"ent kno#ledge "n the bus"ness, as notonly to ro# "n the same boat #"th h"m, but, #hat #as st"ll more agreeableto my &atron s "ndolence, to manage the AcraftA #"thout h"s ass"stance!

    S" months after the de&arture of ?ons"eur +ubo"s, he sent a rem"ttance,#"th "nterest on the amount, ad$anced by ?r! 7robble, #"th a long e&"stleto me, stat"ng, that he had entered "nto &artnersh"& #"th h"s elder brother, and commenced the bus"ness of a banker, under the f"rm of A+ubo"s :reres,A at the same t"me "nform"ng me that they #ere alreadydo"ng a large stroke of bus"ness, and #anted an agent "n ondon,re uest"ng me to "nform h"m "f "t #ould be agreeable to ?r! 7robble for them to dra# u&on h"s res&ectable house!

    I sa# at once the ad$antages of th"s corres&ondence, and so #armlysol"c"ted ?r! 7robble to accede, that he at last consented, &ro$"ded Iundertook the #hole management of the affa"r!

    The Engl"sh #ere no# da"ly flock"ng to Par"s, and the money re u"red for the"r la$"sh e &end"ture "n the gay ca&"tal of :rance com&elled the"r

    a&&l"cat"on to the bankers!

    ?essrs! +ubo"s :reres had the"r share of th"s lucrat"$e bus"ness, and, asthe"r agents "n ondon, #e necessar"ly became &art"c"&ators "n the"r large transact"ons!

    In three months these o&erat"ons had "ncreased so enormously, and the&rof"ts #ere so cons"derable, that ?r! 7robble not only ad$anced mysalary, but consented to engage the ass"stance of t#o jun"or clerks! I#as no# a man of some cons"derat"on! I #as the sen"or clerk of theestabl"shment, although the youngest of the three!

    In t#o years I found myself at the head of s" clerks, and had as muchbus"ness as I could &oss"bly manage!

    ?y star #as "n the ascendant! I had not only more money than I re u"redfor my e &enses, but #as enabled to ma"nta"n my &oor old father, #hoda"ly became more and more "nf"rm!

    I rented a small cottage at the rural $"llage of ;ackney, but my labour occu&"ed me early and late, and "t #as only on a Sunday I could reallyenjoy my home!

    Three years after u"tt"ng the off"ce of ?r! T"mm"s, I had the

    "ne &ress"ble &leasure of em&loy"ng h"m to &urchase stock for h"s errandboyF I #as &roud as a k"ng!

    AI sa"d that boy #ould turn out #ell,A sa"d the good'natured ?r! @all"sCAhe al#ays had a good &r"nc"&le!A

    A*nd no# b"ds fa"r,A sa"d ?r! T"mm"s, Ato ha$e both &r"nc"&al and"nterest!A

    ?r! 7robble ha$"ng lately had a large &ro&erty left h"m "n ;ertfordsh"re,rarely came to the off"ce abo$e once a' uarter, to settle accounts!

    A* good d"$"dend''a $ery good d"$"dendFA sa"d he, u&on rece"&t of thelast uarter s &rof"ts! ABut, ?r! ?ull"ns, I cannot forget that th"sbus"ness "s your ch"ld!A

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    A*nd I m ha&&y to say a thr"$"ng one,A I re&l"ed!

    A*re you sat"sf"ed''&erfectly sat"sf"ed A demanded he!

    ABeyond my #"shes, s"r!A

    AI am not,A sa"d he shortly!

    A=o, s"r A e cla"med I, #"th sur&r"se!

    A=o, S"rFA re&eated he! AThose #ho so# should rea&! I $e noch"ldren''I m an "dle fello#'a drone, s"r''and #on t consent to consumeall the honey! +on t s&eak, s"r''read thatFA and he &ulled a &archmentfrom h"s &ocket!

    It #as a deed of &artnersh"& bet#een 7ornel"us 7robble, of odge,;ertfordsh"re, Es u"re, and the &oor cobbler s son,

    *=+RE@ ?< I=S!

    * RIG?*R9 E!''P*RT I!

    A+e omn"bus rebus!A

    The e$en"ng "s calm''the sun has just sunk belo# the t"les of the house,#h"ch serenely bounds the $"e# from the u"et att"c #here I #"eld theanser"ne &lume for the delectat"on of the &ens"$e &ubl"c''all nature,

    etc!''the sky "s dee& blue, t"nged #"th mello#est red, l"ke a learnedlady del"cately rouged, and ready for a l"terary so"ree''the s#eet'$o"ced&ot'boy has commenced h"s rounds #"th Aearly beer,A and #"th leathernlungs, and a so$ere"gn contem&t for the enactments of the ne# &ol"ce'act''greasy $arlets &rocla"m to the hungry ne"ghbourhood''ABaked shee&sheads, hotFA''9F sa$oury morselF''?ay no leg"slat"$e measure e$er s"lenceth"s &er"&atet"c &ur$eyor to the &oorF or &re$ent h"s call"ng''may thetag'rag and bob'ta"l ne$er reject a shee& s headF

    AI ne$er sees a shee& s head, but I th"nks on you,A sa"d ?rs! S&r"gg"ns,#hose &hys"ognomy #as as yello# and as #r"nkled as a duck s foot!S&r"gg"ns #h"&&ed h"s horse, for they #ere dr"$"ng "n a one'horse cha"se,

    #"th t#o boys, and an "nfant "n arms''S&r"gg"ns #h"&&ed h"s horses&"tefully, for ?rs! S! s sarcasm "ns&"red h"m #"th a s&lenet"c feel"ngCand as he durst not chast"se her, the an"mal rece"$ed the benef"t of her "m&etus! S&r"gg"ns #as a fool by nature, and self"sh by d"s&os"t"on!?rs! S! #as a shr"$elled shre#, #"th a Ab"t o moneyCA''that #as the ba"tat #h"ch he, l"ke a hungry gudgeon, had se"Hed, and he #as hookedF TheAs&ousalsA had aston"shed the $ulgar''the l"ttle n"ght"ngale of T#"ckenham #ould ha$e only sm"ledC for has he not s#eetly sung''

    AThere s#"ms no goose so grey, but soon or lateShe f"nds some honest gander for her mateCA

    and her un"on #as a $er"f"cat"on of th"s flo#"ng cou&let! *t d"fferent t"mes, #hat d"fferent mean"ngs the self'same #ords obta"n!

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    as regards man and #"fe, "s e &la"ned ASe&arat"onCA or, l"ke a sh"& #hen"n d"stress, the A

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    notor"ous at all the meet"ngs! In fact I ne$er sa# h"m out of thesaddle he "s a &erfect l"$"ng s&ec"men of the fabled 7entaur''full of anecdotes of fo 'chases, and stee&le'chasesC he amuses me e ceed"ngly! Ilast encountered h"m "n a green lane near ;ornsey, mounted on a roadster ''h"s Ab"t o bloodA had been sent for#ard, and he #as le"surely mak"ngh"s #ay to the a&&o"nted s&ot!

    AI #as "n Buck"nghamsh"re last #eek,A sa"d heC Aa f"ne turn out''such af"eldF I got an "nfernal to&&er tho ''smashed my best t"leC tell you ho#"t #as! There #as a h"gh &al"ng''&ut S&"tf"re to "t, and she took "t "nf"ne styleC but, as luck #ould ha$e "t, the gnarled arm of an old treecame #ho& aga"nst my head, and bonneted me com&letelyF Thought I #asbra"ned''but #e d"d "t cle$erly ho#e$er''although, "f e$er I made a lea&"n the dark, that #as one! I #as at fault for a m"nute''but S&"tf"re #asall al"$e, and had "t all her o#n #ay #"th some d"ff"culty I got my nobout of the bea$er'tra&, and #as "n at the deathFA

    I laughed heart"ly at h"s a#k#ard d"lemma, and #"sh"ng h"m &lenty of s&ort, #e &arted!

    Poor RoryF he has suffered many a blo# and many a fall "n h"s t"meC buthe "s st"ll "ndefat"gable "n the &ursu"t of h"s fa$our"te &ast"me''sotrue "s "t''that

    AThe &leasure #e del"ght "n &hys"c s &a"nCA

    h"s days &ass l"ghtly, and all h"s years are lea& yearsF

    ;e has lately "nher"ted a cons"derable &ro&erty, accumulated by a m"serlyuncle, and has most a&&ro&r"ately &urchased an estate "n one of theR"d"ngs of %orksh"reF

    @"th all h"s lo$e for f"eld's&orts, ho#e$er, he "s no better Athebetter,A says he, A"s often the #orseC and I $e no not"on of los"ng myacres "n gambl"ngC bes"des, my ch"ef a"m be"ng to be cons"dered a goodhorseman, I should be a consummate fool, "f, by my o#n folly, I lost myseatFA

    * RIG?*R9 E''P*RT III!

    A9derunt h"larem tr"stes!A

    The sad only hate a joke! =o#, my fr"end Rory "s "n no sense a sadfello#, and he lo$es a joke e ceed"ngly! ;"s anecdotes of the turf are all racyC nor do those of the f"eld less deser$e the meed of &ra"seF

    ord :JJJJ #as a dandy s&ortsman, and the butt of the regulars! ;e #asdescr"bed by Rory as a A#alk"ngst"ckA''slender, but $ery AknobbyA''#"th a&a"r of mustaches and an eye'glass! ;a$"ng lost the scent, he rode oneday sl"ck "nto a gardener s ground, #hen h"s &rad rammed h"s h"nd'legs"nto a brace of hand'glasses, and h"s fore'legs "nto a tul"&'bed! Thehort"cultur"st and the haughty ar"stocrat''ho# d"fferent #ere the"r

    feel"ngs''the cucumber coolness of the n"l adm"rar" of the one #aslud"crously contrasted #"th the "nd"gnat"on of the aston"shed cult"$ator of the so"l! A;a$e you seen the hounds th"s #ay A demanded ord :JJJJ,

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    A;oundsFA b"tterly re&eated the gardener, clench"ng h"s f"st! A+ogs, Imean,A cont"nued ord :JJJJC Ayou kno# #hat a &ack of hounds are''don tyou A

    AI kno# #hat a &u&&y "s,A retorted the manC Aand "f so be you don tbudge, I ll s&"le your s&ort! But, f"rst and foremost, you must lug outfor the damage you ha$e done''you re a tres&asser!A

    AI m a s&ortsman, fello#''#hat d ye mean A

    AThen s&ort the blunt,A re&l"ed the gardenerC and, clos"ng h"s gates,took ord :JJJJ &r"soner nor d"d he set h"m free t"ll he had re"mbursedh"m for the m"sch"ef he had done!

    Th"s #as justC and ho#e$er "llegal #ere the means, I a&&lauded them for the end!

    9ur fr"end BJJJd, that "ncorr"g"ble &unster, sa"d, Athat h"s horse had

    &ut h"s foot "n''and he had &a"d h"s foot"ng,A

    BJJJd, by the bye, "s a non&are"lC #hether horses, guns, or dogs, he "sal#ays Aat home A and e$en "n yacht"ng, (as he truly boasts) he "s ne$er Aat sea!A R"d"ng #"th h"m one day "n an omn"bus, I &ra"sed thecon$en"ence of the $eh"cleC A*n e cellent $eh"cle,A sa"d he, Afor &unn"ngCA''#h"ch he &resently &ro$ed, for a do#ager ha$"ng flo&&ed "ntoone of the seats, declared that she Ane$er r"d $"thout fear "n any of them omn"bus th"ngs!A

    A@hat "s she talk"ng about A sa"d I!

    A+e omn"bus rebus,A re&l"ed he,''Atruly she talks l"ke the f"rst lady of the landC but, as far as I can see, she &ossesses ne"ther the carr"agenor the mannersFA

    A7an you read the motto on the 7onductor s button A I demanded! A=oCA here&l"ed, Abut I th"nk noth"ng #ould be more a&&ro&r"ate to h"s call"ngthan the monk"sh &hrase'' &ro omn"bus curoF A

    *t th"s juncture a jolt, follo#ed by a crash, announced that #e had losta #heel! The +o#ager shr"eked! A@e shall all be k"lled,A cr"ed sheCA9n y to th"nk of meet"ng $un s death "n a common omn"busFA

    A?ors commun"s omn"busFA #h"s&ered BJJJd, and''''I had #r"tten thus far, #hen s&"t''s&"t''s&lutter''&lo&F''my end of candle sl"&&ed "nto the black"ng bottle "n #h"ch "t #as Asusta"ned,A andI #as left to adm"re''the stars of n"ght, and to obser$e that A7harles s#a"n #as o$er the ch"mneyCA so I thre# do#n my &en''and, as the house #asa'bed''and I am naturally of a Aret"r"ngA d"s&os"t"on, I sought my&allet''dream"ng of l"terary fameF''although, "n the matter of #hat m"ghtbe "n store for me, I #as com&letely "n the darkF

    *= I=TER7EPTE+ ETTER :R9? +I7> S *??ER T9 ;IS :RIE=+ S*? : %>E!

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5



    my dear sam

    " $e rote th"s ere for to let you no " m "n jolly good health and hartyas a br"ck''and ho&e my tul"& as your as $ell''''read th"s to sal #hocan t do the same herself see"ng as her ed"cat"on a"ntt b"n "n that l"ne''''g"$e her my lo$e and tell her to take care o the k"ds!''''" $e got as"lk $"&e for sal, tell herC and suff"ng for em all, for " $e made a

    lent s&ec o the #oy ge and bagg d some t"n too " can tell youC and $ont$e ha$e a blo# out $en " cums amung you''''na&&s''''that s the ass''''"s&art"cklar $ell and as dun h"s dooty l"ke a r" lar fl"nt''''

    " rode too races ar needn t say as " $un em for na&&s "s a houtanhouter an no m"stakeF

    lorkF d"dn t " make the nat"fs stareF and a g"ntlum as $os by, $antedto oan "m an oferd any blunt for "m but #alkerF says " there a"nt s"cka ass as th"s ere han"mal "n the hole country''''bes"des he s l"ke as

    $un o me oan famly, for " $e brot "m u& "n a manner from the t"me he $osa babbyF''''he s u& to a mo$e or too and kno#s my $o"ce j"st for all the#orld l"ke a 7hr"ssen!

    Red'nose B"ll $ot had a nook em do#n here br"ngs th"s and he ll tell youall about the noose''''" shall foller "n about, a $eek or so''''tell salto kee& u& her s&err"ts and not to lush $"th Bet''''" dont l"ke that ereooman at all''''a "dle #agabone as "s go"ng to the

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    ''''$"ch " takes "t $os more nor he co d say, for h"s $as noth"n more nor a borrod un and "f " dont m"stake he $os a $"techa&ler''''" th"nk "$eseed "m a sar$"n out s$"&es and blue ru"n at the g"n's&"nners corner osummerset street or &ett"cut lane''''dunno #"tch!

    ''''sam, " hates &r"de so " cuts h"s cum&ny''''" says says "''''na&&s "tdont f"t you a"nt a nunter you re o ny a racer and that cha&s afeard h"s&rad $"ll be s&"led a kee&"ng cona&ny #"th a ass''''least#ays " m o thesame o&"nyon "n that res&ec consarn"ng meself and''''so " shall m"HHle!

    ''''a true g"ntlum as "s a g"ntlum, sam "s as d"frent to these herestuck'u& fellers aH a so$r"n "s to a coronashun co&&er $ot s on y g"lt!

    $ell l"e turns hof o$er the left and $"&s u& h"s an"mal try"n to get u& atrot''''bobb"n u& and do#n "n h"s sturru&s and bum&"n h"sself to make asho#''''all flummeryF''''he takes the m"ddel o the f"eld to h"sself, and" co my " for a houtlet and s&" s a ga"t''''that s the t"cketF says "Cso l"t"ng the bacca and blo#"n a cloud I trots along, and had j"st cum

    to the ga"t $en turn"n round to look for the g"n's&"nner, blo# meF sam,"f " d"dn t see the co$e aga"n heels o$er head o$er an edge''''l"ke atumler at bartlmy fareC''''$"le h"s &reshus hann"mal $as a tak"n "t cooly"n the meddoF

    A$at a rum cha&A''says ", a larf"n reddy to bust''''A$at a rum cha& togo o$er the edge that $ayF $en here s a r"glar ga"t to r"de throughFA

    ''''and so, " dru$ on, but someho#, sam, " coudn t hel& a th"nk"n as&ra&s the #aggerbun lead broke h"s nek''''st"f as "t $asF and so " sa"dto na&&s''''Ana&&s,A''''says "''''Alets go and look arter the #arm"ntfor char"ty s'sakeA

    ''''na&&s $ots as good'natur d a ass as h"s master, d"dn t make noobstacle and so $e $ent'''

    ''''my "F''''sam, " d a stood a >er$orten and three outs ad you a b"nthereF''''there $as my jentlum u& to h"s nek "n a duck&ond''''look"n asm"serr"bble as a stray o mutton "n a batter &udd"n

    Ahal&F hal&FA says he, a s&"tt"n the green $eeds out of h"smouth''''Ahal& me, faller, and " ll stand a bobA or summat to that efeck!

    ''''but " couldn t hold out my f"n to h"m for larf"n''''and na&&s begun a

    bray"n at s"ch a rate''''$"ch struck me as "f he $as a larf"n too, andmade me larf #usser than e$er''''

    ''''$ell, at last, " contr"$"s to lug h"m out, and a &reshus f"gger hecut to be sure''''he had ker$"te a ne# sute o black mud, $"ch d"dn tsmell &art"clar s$eet " can tell you!

    ''''Aa"n t hurt yoursef A says ", Aha$e you A

    ''''AnoA''''says he''''Abut " m dem #et and utterably s&"ledA''''or $ordsl"ke that for he che#d em so f"ne " couldn t r"ghtly h"t em!

    ''''ater " d scra&ed h"m a l"ttle desent, and he d t"& d a hog''''$"ch$as rayther hansum''''" a d h"m $ere he d left h"s t"le

  • 8/12/2019 The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated), Part 5


    oyster Ayes your castorA''''says ", Ayour bea$er your hat!A

    A9hFA''''says he, & "nt"ng d"smal to the &ond''''Agone to the de$"l dJJJ meFA''''so $"th that he takes out a red and yuller $"&e, and t"es "t abouth"s hed, look"n for all the $orld l"ke a a&&le'ooman!

    ''''as he had come do#n hansum " "n coorse ofer d to ketch h"s &rad $"ch$a n t much d"ff"culty''''and u& he jum&s and le&&ed #"th a s uosh "ntothe saddle''''and r"d of $"thout as much as say"n by your lea$e goodluck to you or anyth"nk else''''

    '''$ell, th"s here $os the end and u&shot o that day s fun for I $os toolate for the start by ten m"nn"ts''''" sa# em go"n "t at a d"stance so" takes a s"ghtF''''but " had too much $alley for na&es to &ut "m to "tso as to get u& $"th em''''or he m"ght a done "t &ra&sF'''

    ''''" $e l"$ed l"ke a f"ght"n cock and am as fatt as butter''''but therace "s go"n to beg"n "n a hour and " must go and ketch na&&s #ho s agraH"n on the commun and looks oncommun $ell''''so no more at &resent


    %ours, my &r"me un,

    d"ck stammer!

    End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Sketches of Seymour (Illustrated),

    Part !, by Robert Seymour

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