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The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

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Page 1: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

(' if. /'/• jC'c

Page 2: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ
Page 3: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ


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Page 4: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ
Page 5: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ


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Page 6: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

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Page 7: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

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Page 8: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

N issuing this brochure it is the desire of the Company that

the employees may be able to carry to their homes a record,

in permanent form, of the devotion displayed by the workers

in the Great War. The gallant fighters whose names are

here inscribed have fashioned and emblazoned on the scroll

of time their own memorials, and yet, while we may not

tarnish these by any unworthy endeavour, it is fitting that we

should permanently record the names of the employees, who in

the seeming hour of the shadow of death proved themselves

worthy of the splendid traditions of our manhood.

Facing the main entrance of the Recreation Hall, a Roll of

Page 9: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Honour consisting of three memorial tablets, made in copper

and framed in oak, has been placed. On this Roll are inscribed

the names of four hundred and eleven employees who made the

supreme sacrifice in the hour of our nation's peril.

Within the Hall, and situated on the west wall, are to be found

tablets recording the names of two thousand five hundred and

eight employees, who also responded to the call of duty and were

happily spared.

The Memorial will stand for all time as a record of our pride in

the men who put all other considerations aside, and came forward

to fight for Empire, Right and Freedom.

Those who were fortunate enough to survive the storm and stress

of battle came through with unshaken faith in the cause for

which they fought. It is our earnest hope that in raising this Roll

of Honour we may at once hearten them to live up to those grand

ideals, and, at the same time, leave a tangible reminder to all of

the gallant deeds and services which they rendered mankind.


Page 10: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ


Page 11: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ
Page 12: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ




Abbot, Robt.

Adams, Charles.

Adams, Charles.

Adams, Robert.

Ahern, Patrick.

Airth, William.

Aitken, David.

Alexander, John.

Allan, John.

Allan, Thomas.

Anderson, George.

Anderson, James.

Anderson, William.

Atkins, J.

Atkinson, James.

Bain, James.

Bain, John.

Baird, Alexander.

Banks, Terrance.

Barclay, Dugald.

Bartlam, William.

Baxter, Robert.

Bennington, George.

Berry, Edward.

Black, Alexander

Black, Daniel.

Black, Daniel.

Blackwood, James.

Blakely, John.

Bolton Samuel.

Boyd John.

Boyle, Arthur.

Brebner, Peter.

Brittain, Archibald.

Brown, Forbes.

Brown, J.

Brown, Thomas.

Bryan, William.

Bryce, Alexander.

Bryce, Charles.

Caldwell, John.

Caldwell, Robert.

Cameron, Malcolm.

Cameron, William.

Campbell, Alexander.

Campbell, Neil.

Campbell, Peter.

Campbell, Thomas.

Carberry, Joseph.

Carr, J.

Carroll, Frank.

Carson, W.Cattanach, James.

Cavanagh, Gerald.

Charity, James.

Chisholm, William.

Christie, James.

Christie John.

Clague, W.Cochrane, Alexander.

Cochrane, Andrew.

Collins, George.

Collins, John.

Colquhoun, James.

Conlin, John.

Connelly, John.

Connelly, Joseph.

Convery, Thomas.

Page 13: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Coulter, W.Cowan, Alexander.

Cowan, Alexander.

Cowden, Alexander.

Cowie, Albert.

Crabb, GCraigie, Thomas.

Crawford, J.

Crawford, John.

Crichton. Robert.

Cullen, John.

Cunningham, Francis.

Currie, Michael.

Curry, Wm. J.

Cuthbertson, William.

Dakers, G.

Dahymple, Mungo.

Daly, John.

Daly, Thomas.

Darroch James.

Davidson, Albert

Davil, William.

Dempsey, James.

Dickson, John.

Docherty, George.

Docherty, John.

Docherty, Patrick.

Doig, J.

Dolan, Robert.

Donaldson, Allan.

Douglas, James.

Downie, George.

Drummond, Alex.

Dunn, Alexander.

Dunn, John.

Dunn, Thomas.

Dunn, Thomas.

Edgar, William.

Elliot, Joseph.

Espy, Alexander.

Evans, Daoiel.

Ewart, Alexander.

Ferguson, J.

Ferguson, James.

Ferguson, John.

Ferry, John.

Fitzpatnck, J.

Fitzpatrick, J.

Fleming, William.

Flynn, Thomas.

Fogo, Sam.

Forrest, William.

Fraser, George.

Fraser, James.

Fraser, John.

Fraser, William.

Fraser, William.

Gallagher, James.

Gardner, H.

Gemmell, Archibald.

Gibbons, Joseph.

Gilchrist, Hugh.

Gillan, James.

Gillanders, David.

Gilmour, Edward.

Gilmour, T.

Gilmour, William.

Glendinning, Alex.

Goudie, R.

Gow, William.

Graham, Robert.

Graham, Robert.

Granger, Robert.

Grant, Alexander.

Grant, M.

Gray, Tas. A.

Gray, Robert.

Gray, William.

Green George.

Grieve, William B.

Gunn, D.

Hams, Peter.

Hamilton, Archibald.

Hamilton, David.

Hamilton, William.

Hannah, Ben.

Hannah, George.

Hannah, William

Harris, Peter.

Hart, John.

Hartley, JohnHarvie, John.

Haxton, Charles.

Hay, Alexander.

Heggie, Robt. G.

Henderson, JamesHenderson, John.

Henderson, William.

Henshilwood, Donald.

Higgins, James.

Hill, Joseph.

Hogg, Rennie

Holborn John.

Hollister, Charles.

Page 14: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Hunter, Thomas. Laird, J. M'Dade, James. M'Kay, Thomas L.

Hunter, William. Lamb Win. M'W. M'Dade, Robert J. M'Kee, James.

Irvine, Hugh. Latimer, William. M'Dermid, James. M'Kellar, Archibald.

Jack, Robert. Laughlin, J. M'Dougall John. M'Kellar, George.

Jack, Thomas. Laverty, John. M'Ehvee, John. M'Kendrick, James

Jardine, Daniel. Law, Andrew. M'Fadden, James. M'Kendrick, James.

Jardine, Peter. Lee, Thomas. M'Fadden, Matthew. M'Kenna, Hugh.

Jeffrey A. Leitch, Andrew M'Farlane. Andrew. M'Kenzie Robert.

Johnston, David. Leitch, John. M'Farlanc, Lachlan. M'Kim, James.

Johnston, Hugh. Leitch, Thomas. M'Farlane, William. M'Kinlay, John.

Johnston, James. Lewis, Norman E. M'Geachy, George. M'Kinlay, Robert.

Johnstone, William. Lightbody, Daniel M'Geoff, John. M'Kinnon, Robert.

Joiner, James. Livingstone, A.lex. M'Gill, Charles. M' Lachlan, Daniel.

Jordon, Alfred. Lockhart, A. M'Glynn, John. M'Lachlan, George.

Jordon, William. Luke, John. M'Gregor, John. M' Lachlan, John.

Keenan, Francis. Lynch, James. M'Guire, David. M'Laren, Alexander

Kelly, James. M'Adani, R. M'Guire, Patrick. M'Lean, Charles.

Kelly, Robert. M' Arthur, Robert. M'llroy, James. M'Lean, J.

Kelpie, John. M'Ausland, William. M'lntosh. Andrew. M'Lellan, Walter.

Kemp. J. M'Callum, William. M'Intosh, Duncan. M'Leod, James.

Kilmartin, Michael. M'Cormack, Archd. M'Intyre, Alex. M'Lcod John.

Kinioch, William. M'Craa. Alexander. M'Intyre, George. M'Leod, Murdo.

Kinnear, Andrew. M'Crorie, John. M'Intyre, James. M'Leod, Sinclair.

Kitchen, William. M'Cue, James. M'Intyre, James. M'Luckey, Charles.

Knox, George. M'Culloch, Robert. M'Intyre, John. M'Luskey, Charles.

Lain, Michael. M'Cutcheon, John. M'Kay, Robert. M'Mahon, William


Page 15: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

M' Master, George.

M'Millan, Hugh.

M'Millan, James.

M'Millan, James.

M'Murrich, Alexander.

M'Neil, John.

M'Xeish, James.

M'Niven, Archibald.

M'Pherson, Joseph.

M'Phee, Archibald.

M'Rae, Alexander.

M' Robert, Alexander.

M'Swan, Roderick.

M'Taggart, Samuel.

M'Whinney, Maxwell.

M' Whirr, Thomas.

Mailer, Andrew.

Maitland, James.

Mallany, James D.

Malone, John.

Manson, John.

Marr, Merlyn.

Marshal, James.

Martin, John W.Masterton, James.

Mechan, Francis.

Meechan, George.

Miller. Findlay.

Miller, Harry.

Miller, James.

Miller, Robert.

Mitchell, James.

Mitchell, Robert.

Moir, A.

Morrison, James.

Morrison, Robert.

Moy, James.

Murdoch, James.

Murphy, Thomas.

Murray. David.

Murray, Gordon.

Murray, James.

Xaismith, Andrew.

Neave, William.

Newman, Albert.

Niven, David.

O'Hare, James.

O'Ronrke, James.

Orr, William.

Paterson, A.

Paterson, Andrew.

Paterson, H.

Paterson, William.

Patrick, Thomas.

Patterson, Alexander.

Paul, George.

Peel, Robert.

Philip, John.

Philson, Alexander.

Philson, John.

Philson, John.

Phimister, James.

Ponton, James.

Proctor, John.

Purcell, William.

Queen, John.

Quigley, James.

Rae, Alexander.

Rafferty John.

Ramsay, David.

Rannochan, James.

Redpath, Samuel.

Rennie, Hiram.

Richmond, Thomas.

Robertson, Donald.

Robertson, James

Russel, William..

Russell, William.

Ryan, Thomas.

Sadler, Robert W.Sands, Daniel.

Scott, J.

Scott, Robert.

Scott, William.

Selkirk, John A.

Sewell, George.

Sexton, Michael.

Shaw, D.

Shaw, James.

Shaw, James.

Shaw, John.

Shea, Robert.

Sheriff, John.

Shields, Duncan.

Shields, James.

Sime, William.

Simpson, Duncan.

Sinclair, Dugald.

Skelton, John.

Sleith, William.

Sloan, Bryce.

Smith, A.

Smith, James.

Smith, Philip


Page 16: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Snowden, Robert. Syme, Lawrence. Torrance, David. Wilson, Andrew.Speirs, J. Tassie, George B Turner, Andrew. Wilson, David.Speirs, Walter. Taylor, Harold Turner, David. Wilson, Hugh.Stevenson, Daniel Taylor. John. Turner, Francis. Wilson, Quentin.

Stevenson, John. Taylor, John. Walker, Robert. Wilson, William.

Stevenson, Peter. Teirney, Joseph. Walker, Thomas. Winning, Andrew-Stewart, Joseph. Temple, Daniel. Walker, William. Wood, William.

Stirrat, James. Temple, Thomas. Walls, Joseph. Wright, Edward.Stoddart, George. Thompson, William. Ward, James. Wylie, John.Sommerville, Alexander. Thomson, Alexander. Watson, Alexander. Wyllie, George C.

Summers Jeffrey. Thomson, D. Wheelan, Christopher. Yates, Ballantyne.

Swan, John. Thomson John. White, James. Young, John.Sweeney, H. Thomson, Robert. White, John. Younger, A.

Sweeney, William. Thomson, Robert. Willison, Alexander.



Page 17: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ



Page 18: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ



^99^" IN THE GREAT WAR SrAbbot, John. Aird, James. Allan, David. Anderson, David.Abercrombie, Neil Aird, John. Allan, George. Anderson, George.

Abercrombie, Ralph. Aird, Robert. Allan, Hugh. Anderson, George.Abernethy, Matthew. Aird, William Allan, Robert. Anderson, James.Adam, James. Aitken, Alexander. Allan, Robert. Anderson. Robert.Adam, John. Aitken, J. Allan, Thomas. Anderson, Robert.Adam. Robert. Aitken, Malcolm. Allan, William.. Anderson. William.

Adams, Andrew. Aitken, Robert. Allan, William. Andrew, Francis.

Adams, Duncan. Aitken, Thomas. Allan. William. Andrew, John.Adams William Aitken, William. Allen. J. Andrews, David.Adamson, Alexander. Alexander, Alex. Allen, James. Annesley, Charles.

Adamson, John. Alexander, John. Allison, George. Arbuckle, Robert.Adamson, John. Alexander John. Alston, Thomas. Archibald, J.

Agnew, John. Alexander, Robert. Anderson, Alexander. Archibald, John.Ahern. John. Alexander, W. Anderson, Andrew. Archibald, John.Aird, Daniel. Allan, Alexander. Anderson, Andrew. Armstrong, James.Aird, George. Allan, Campbell. Anderson, D. Armstrong, James.


Page 19: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Armstrong, John. Ball, Edward. Beggs, William. Black, Angus.

Armstrong, John. Ballantyne, James. Beggs, William. Black, David.

Armstrong, Matthew. Balmer, G. Bell, James. Black, George.

Armstrong, W. Balmer, R. Bell, John. Black, George.

Arnold, J. K. Banks, Christopher. Bell, John. Black, J.

Arnold, R. Banks, John. Bell, John. Black, James A.

Arthur, James. Barbour, John. Bell, John. Black, John.

Arthur, Thomas. Barclay, William. Bell, Thomas. Black, John.

Atkinson, J. Barlow, Peter. Bell, Thomas. Black, Patrick.

Atkinson, Thomas. Barnett, Robert. Bell, Thomas K. Black, Peter.

Auchencloss, John. Barr, Dugald. Bell, William. Black, Robert.

Auld, James. Barr, Thomas. Belshaw, John. Black, William.

Bagguley, John. Bathgate, Alexander. Belshaw, John. Black, William J.

Bailey, Alexander. Battison, George. Belshaw, William. Blackadder, Charles.

Bailey, J. Baxter, James. Bennet, Henry. Blackburn, John.

Baillie, James. Baxter, William. Bennet, James. Blackburn, Peter.

Baillie, Robert. Baxter, William. Bennoch, Archibald. Blackwood, Aaron.

Bain, John. Beaton, Alexander. Benson, James. Blaikie, William.

Bain, John. Beaton, Donald. Berrie, Herbert. Blain, James.

Bain, Peter. Beaton, William. Bethune, Robert. Blake, James.

Bain, Tom. Beattie, Christopher. Betty, William. Blakely, David.

Baird, John. Beattie, David. Beveridge, William. Bleakley, Charles.

Baker, Thomas. Beattie, W. Binnie, John. Bloomer, Hugh.Bald, Charles. Beattie, William. Birkby, Andrew. Blyth, Robert.

Bald, Joseph Beggs, Charles. Birkens, William. Boag, William.

Balfour, John. Beggs, John. Bisset, Robert. Bolton, Matthew.


Page 20: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Bolton, Robert. Breen, Charles. Brown, T. Bulloch, Alexander.

Bolton, William. Bremner, John. Brown, Thomas. Bulloch, Robert.

Bonnar, P. Brennan, Robert. Brown, Thomas. Bunnton, William.

Borland, James. Brennan, T. Brown, Thomas. Burgess, Alexander.

Borthwick, James. Brisbane, Thomas. Brown, William. Burgess, Hugh M'F.

Bowie, Alexander. Brodie, Alexander. Brown, William. Burke, Edward.

Bowie, George. Brodie, James. Brown, William P. Burnett, David.

Bowie, T. Brodie, Thomas. Brownlie, Alexander. Burnett, James.

Bowie, William. Broom, Richard. Brownlie, Archibald. Burnett, Matthew.

Bowman, Robert. Brotherhood, Thomas Brownlie, Robert. Burns, F.

Boyd, James. Brown, A. Bruce, Alexander. Burns, James.

Boyd, Robert. Brown, Allan. Bruce, Daniel. Burns, Peter.

Boyd, Thomas. Brown, Archibald. Bruce, George. Burns, Robert.

Boyd, Walter. Brown, Alexander. Bruce, George. Burns, Thomas.

Boyd, Walter. Brown, D. Bryan, Thomas. Burns, William.

Boyle, John. Brown, David C. Bryce, John. Burnside, Alexander.

Boyle, John B. Brown, George. Bryce, Robert. Burr, James.

Boyle, William. Brown, J. Bryle, J. Burrell, Henry.

Boyles, John. Brown, J. Bryson, Alexander. Burrows, Archibald.

Brackenridge, J. Brown, James. Buchanan, Archibald. Butchart, Edwin.

Bradley, Charles. Brown, John. Buchanan, D. Butler, William.

Brady, Edward. Brown, John. Buchanan, Edwin. Byars, David.

Brady, Thomas. Brown, John. Buchanan, James. Byars, James.

Brae, Daniel. Brown, John. Buchanan, John. Cairney, George.

Brannigan, Charles. Brown, Joseph. Buchanan, Walter. Cairns, D.

Brebner, G. Brown, Matthew. Buchanan, William. Cairns, James.


Page 21: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Cairns, John. Cameron, Murdoch. Campbell, James. Carrick, John.

Calder, Alexander. Cameron, Peter. Campbell, James B. Carrol, William.

Calder, J. Cameron, Peter. Campbell, James J. Carroll, J.

Calder, Peter. Cameron, Robert I. Campbell, John. Carroll, Peter.

Caldwell, David. Cameron, Thomas. Campbell, John. Carruthers, John.

Caldwell, Hugh. Cameron, William. Campbell, John. Carson, Alexander.

Caldwell, John. Cameron, William. Campbell, John. Carson, Patrick.

Caldwell, Robert. Cameron, William. Campbell, John. Cartledge, John.

Caldwell, Robert. Campbell, Alexander. Campbell, John. Carton, Alexander.

Caldwell, William. Campbell, Alfred. Campbell, Joseph. Cassells, John.

Callaghan, Alexander. Campbell, Andrew. Campbell, Joseph. Cassels, Peter.

Callaghan, James. Campbell, Angus. Campbell, Murdoch. Cassidy, Charles.

Callaghan, James. Campbell, Archibald. Campbell, Oswald. Cassidy, James L.

Callander, James. Campbell, Archibald. Campbell, Robert. Cassidy, Patrick.

Callender, Charles. Campbell, Archibald. Campbell, Robert. Cassidy, Patrick.

Cameron, Alexander. Campbell, Arthur. Campbell, William. Chalmers, James.

Cameron, Alexander. Campbell, B. Campbell, William. Chalmers, John.

Cameron, A. J. Campbell, David. Campbell, William. Chalmers, Matthew.

Cameron, D. Campbell, Don. Canning, Alexander. Chapman, Jack.

Cameron, Donald. Campbell, Donald. Canning, Neil. Chasty, Edward.

Cameron, George. Campbell, George. Carmichael, James. Cherrie, Thomas.

Cameron, James. Campbell, G. R. Carmichael, Neil. Childs, Henry.

Cameron, John. Campbell, Hugh. Carolin, James. Chisholm, Robert.

Cameron, John. Campbell, James. Carr, J. Christie, Archibald


Cameron, John E. Campbell, James. Carr, Patrick. Christie, Peter.

Cameron, John R. Campbell, James. Carr, Patrick. Clark, David.


Page 22: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Clark, G. Cockburn, Andrew. Cordial, James. Craig, John.

Clark, Henry. Colman, Smythe. Cordner, James. Craigie, John.

Clark, Henry. Collier, William. Corrigan, Michael. Crain, Alexander.

Clark, Hugh. Collins, James. Corrigan, Patrick. Craken, Hugh.

Clark, John. Collins, James. Costello, L. Cramb, Robert.

Clark, Martin. Colquhoun, Alexander. Costello, Robert. Crawford, A.

Clark, Robert. Colquhoun, James P. Costigane, Peter. Crawford, A.

Clark, Thomas. Combe, Robert. Cotterhill, Fred. Crawford, Byron.

Clark, Thomas. Conally, Robert. Cotton, Arthur. Crawford, George.

Clark, Thomas. Conley, John. Coulter, Robert. Crawford, James.

Clark, Thomas. Conlin, John. Coulter, William. Crawford, Robert.

Clark, William. Connar, Pat. Couper, Charles. Crawford, R. P.

Clark, William. Connar, Thomas. Couperthwaite, Robt. Crawford, William.

Clason, Peter. Connor, George. Cousland, John. Crawley, Thomas.

Cleare, James. Connolly, Patrick. Coutts, James. Cregan, Patrick.

Cleare, James. Coobrough, Robert. Cowan, Alexander. Crichton, Alexander.

Clearie, Edward. Coogan, Charles. Cowan, Edward. Crockett, James.

Cleary, John. Cooke, George. Cowan, Joseph. Crombie, J.

Clelland, Albert. Cooke, James. Cox, Thomas. Crombie, Peter.

Clinton, John. Copland, James. Coyle, P. Crosbie, John.

Clinton, Thomas. Cooper, James. Crabtree, Alfred. Crossan, John.

Clubb, William. Cooper, Thomas. Crabtree, Thomas. Crossan, William.

Coagalton, Martin. Cooney, James. Craig, Alexander. Cullen, John.

Cochrane, Alexander. Cooney, Peter. Craig, J. Cumberland, Thomas.

Cochrane, James. Corbett, David. Craig, James. Cummin g, James.

Cochrane, Robert. Corbett, Thomas. Craig, John. Cumming, John.


Page 23: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Cumming, Robert. Davenport, William. Delacourt. Peter. Dolan John.

Cunningham, Alex. Davidson, David Derby, Patrick. Dolan, John.

Cunningham, Eben. Davidson Donald Devine, Edward. Dolan, John.

Cunningham, Edward. Davidson, George. Devlin, Edward. Dolan, ThomasCunningham, Hugh. Davidson, James. Devlin, Harry. Don, James.

Cunningham, J. Davidson, James. Dewar. William. Donaghy, James.

Cunningham, James. Davidson, John. De Wit, Lambertus. Donald, Thomas.

Cunningham, James. Davidson, John A. Diamond, John. Donaldson, Alexander.

Cunningham, James G. Davidson, William. Dick, Andrew. Donaldson, James.

Cunningham, John. Davidson, William. Dick, Andrew. Donaldson, John.

Cunningham, John. Davie, Charles. Dick, John C. Donaldson, John.

Cunningham, John L. Davie, William. Dickie, Robert. Donaldson, P.

Cunningham, Robert. Davis, James. Dickie, William. Donaldson, William.

Cunningham, Thomas. Davis, R. Dickie, William. Donaldson, William.

Cunningham, William. Dawson, George. Dickson, James. Donnachie, Charles.

Curran, John. Dawson, William. Dickson, Robert A. Donnachie, William.

Currie, Angus. Day, John. Dillon, Thomas. Donnan, John.

Currie, D. Dean, James. Dillon, Thomas. Donnelly, Frank.

Currie, Donald. Deans, John. Dixon, Daniel. Donnelly, Peter.

Currie, John. Degning, Harry. Docherty, Daniel. Donnelly, Thomas.

Currie, Thomas. Dempsey, Thomas. Docherty, Edward. Donnelly, Thomas.

Currie, William. Dempster, Gilbert. Docherty, Joseph. Donnelly, William.

Cuthbertson, Joseph. Dempster, Henry. Docherty, Joseph. Donohoe, John.

Cuthill, William. Denniston, Samuel. Docherty, Robert Doohan, John.

Dalgarno, William. Denny, George. Docherty, William. Dougan, John.

Darroch, John. Denoon, David. Doharty, James. Dougan, Patrick J.


Page 24: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Douglas, Hugh. Dunbar, Alexander. Eadie, William. Evans, Samuel.

Douglas, John. Dunbar, Dan. Easton, James. Evans, William.

Douglas, John. Dunbar, James. Easton, John. Fagan, J.

Douglas, Robert. Dunbar, Robert. Eddie, James. Fairgrieve, S.

Dow, Andrew. Dunbar, William. Eden, John. Fairley, James M.Dow, D. Duncan, Andrew. Edgar, Robert W. Fairley, John.Dow, James. Duncan, Archibald. Edgley, Fred. Falconer, Peter.

Dow, Walter. Duncan, John. Edwards, Thomas. Fanning, James.Dowie, Robert. Duncan, John. Edwards, Thomas. Fanning, Thomas.Downs, Charles M'Phail Duncan, Robert. Elborn, James. Fanning, William.

Doyle, Edward. Duncan, Robert. Elliot, Hugh. Fannon, Patrick.

Doyle, William. Duncan, Thomas. Elliot, Hugh. Farmer, James.Drake, Hugh. Duncan, William. Elliot, J. Farmer, William.

Drake, William. Duncanson, David. Elliot. James. Farquhar, Walter.

Drummond, E. Duncanson, G. Elliot, John. Farrell, Frances.

Drummond, John. Dunlop, John. Elliot, John. Farrell, John.

Drynan, R. Dunlop, John. Elliot, Joseph. Faulds, Frederick.

Drysdale, Matthew. Dunlop, John. Elliot, Peter. Faulds, John.

Drysdale, Thomas. Dunlop, Robert. Elliot, William. Faulds, Matthew.Duff, Alexander. Dunn, Alexander. Emsley, Harry. Fee, James.Duffin, H. Dunn, James. English, James. Fenton, Robert.

Duffy, John. Dunn, John. Ewing, David. Ferguson, Alexander.

Duffy, John. Dunn, Robert. Ewing, James. Ferguson, Alexander.

Duffy, Thomas. Dunnochie, James. Ewing, John. Ferguson, David.

Dugan, James. Dunstone, J. A. Ewing, Logie. Ferguson, Fred.

Dugan, W. Dysart, J. Evans, Thorns. Ferguson, James.


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Ferguson, James. Fleming, Thomas. Fraser, Donald. Galbraith, William.

Ferguson, John. Fletcher, Dawson. Fraser, Donald. Gallacher, Charles.

Ferguson, Robert. Fletcher, Hugh. Fraser, James S. Gallacher, D.

Ferguson, William. Fogo, David. Fraser, John. Gallacher, James.Ferguson, William. Forbes, Andrew. Fraser, Robert. Gallacher, John.

Fergusson, Cornelli. Forbes, Peter. Fraser, William. Gallacher, John.

Feme, Donald. Forbes, Robert. Fraser, William. Gallan, Alexander.

Ferrie, John. Forbes, William A. Fraser, William. Gallie, A.

Ferrier, Henry. Forbes, William. Fraser, William. Galloway, Harold.

Ferriss, William. Foreman, Robert. Freebairn, Archibald. Gannon, Bernard.

Findlay, James. Former, James. Freeburn, Thomas. Gardiner, Matthew.Findlay, Robert. Forrester, John. Freeman, James. Gardiner, Thomas.Findlay, Ralph. Forsyth, Daniel. Freeman, Robert. Gardiner, William.

Finlay, William. Forsyth, David. Friock, James. Gardner, H.Finlayson, Farquhar. Forsyth, Robert. Fullarton, Andrew. Gardner, James.Finnie, David. Forsyth, Robert A. Fullerton, Henry. Gardner, Matthew.Finnigan, James. Forsythe, John. Fullerton, James. Gardner, Robert.

Fisackerley, George. Fortune, John. Fullgar, Harold. Gardner, Robert.

Fisher, Peter. Foster, A. Fulton, Andrew B. Garrity, Henry.Fisken, Thomas. Fothergill, George. Fulton, Harry. Garscadden, James.Fitzpatrick, Hugh. Fowler, William. Fulton, Henry. Gartley, James.Fitzpatrick, Michael. Franklin, Henry Thos. Fulton, Hugh. Gauley, William.

Flannigan, John. Fraser, Alexander. Fulton, James. Gayne, Thomas.Fleming, Archibald. Fraser, Alexander. Fulton, William. Gemmell, Archibald.

Fleming, C. Fraser, Colin. Fyfe, David. Gemmell, John.Fleming, John. Fraser, David. Galbraith, G. Gemmell, William.


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Genie, George. Gillan, Patrick. Goodman, Thomas. Grant, M.

Gibb, Alexander. Gillan, William. Gordon, James. Gray, David.

Gibbons, Thomas. Gillespie, John. Gordon, John. Gray, Henry.

Gibbs, A. Gillespie, William. Gordon, P. Gray, James.

Gibney, Bernard. Gillespie, W. Gorham, James. Gray, John.

Gibney, John. Gillick, Hugh. Gorman, John. Greenlees, Walter.

Gibson, Andrew. Gillick, John. Gorman, William. Greer, Charles.

Gibson, James. Gillis, Alexander. Gosland, Allan. Grew, William.

Gibson, James. Gillis, Robert. Goudie, William. Greig, David.

Gibson, James. Gilmour, George. Gow, Alexander. Greig, James.

Gibson, John. Gilmour, H. Graham, Alex. Greig, William.

Gibson, John. Gilmour, T. Graham, David. Gribbon, Henry.

Gibson, John. Gilstan, James. Graham, D. Gribbon, Hugh.

Gibson, John. Gilston, Robert. Graham, James. Grierson, Matt.

Gibson, Oliver. Ginn, Charles. Graham, John. Griffen, John.

Gibson, Robert. Girvan, John. Graham, John. Groundwater, J.

Gibson, William. Glasgow, John. Graham, J. Groves, David.

Gibson, William. Glassford, Richard. Graham, R. Gunn, William.

Gieston, James. Glen, James. Graham, Thomas. Gunning, James D.

Gilchrist, David. Glennie, John. Graham, Thomas Guthrie, Hugh.

Gilchrist, James. Glover, John D. Graham, William. Guthrie, John.

Gilchrist, John. Goggins, Patrick. Graney, Law. Guy, John.

Gilchrist, Peter. Goldie, James. Grant, A. Guy, Robert.

Gilchrist, William. Goldie, Peter. Grant, Geoige. Haddow, George.

Gilda, T. Goodall, John. Grant, Hugh. Haddow, James.

Gillan J


Goodman, Hugh. Grant, James. Hain, Andrew.


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Hair, Adam.Hair, Adam P.

Hair, Hugh.

Hair, James.

Halford, SamueLHall, J.

Hall, Thomas.

Halley, John.

Halliday, Harry.

Halliday, John.

Halliday, J.

Halliday, William.

Hamil, Robert.

Hamilton, Alexander.

Hamilton, A.

Hamilton, Charles.

Hamilton, Charles.

Hamilton, David.

Hamilton, David.

Hamilton, George.

Hamilton, Hugh.

Hamilton, James.

Hamilton, James.

Hamilton, James.

Hamilton, John.

Hamilton, J.

Hamilton, Matthew.

Hamilton, Samuel.

Hancox, Frank.

Hancox, Frank.

Hanley, Charles.

Hanlin, Thomas.

Hannah, Ben.

Hannah, John.

Hannah, John.

Hannah, Samuel.

Hannah, Samuel.

Hannay, Douglas.

Hannon, J.

Hare, Andrew.

Harper, Samuel.

Harris, George.

Harris, James.

Harrison, Joseph.

Hart, Thomas.

Harte, George.

Harton, Denis.

Harvey, M.

Hastie, Walter.

Hastings, C.

Hatchwell, Alexander.

Hattrick, Alexander.

Haugh, James.

Haveron, T.

Hay, John.

Hay, Robert.

Hay, Robert.

Hay, Robert.

Healy, Thomas.

Healy, William.

Heath, Arthur.

Hefan, Charles.

Heggie, Robert.

Hemphill, John.

Henderson, Alexander

Henderson, Charles.

Henderson, David.

Henderson, Donald.

Henderson, D.

Henderson, James.

Henderson, James.

Henderson, John.

Henderson, Robert.

Henderson, Robert.

Henderson, Robert.

Henderson, W.Hendry, Alexander.

Hendry, Andrew.

Hendry, Harry.

Hendry, James.

Hendry, John.

Hendry, John.

Hendry, Neil.

Hendry, Patrick.

Hendry, Robert.

Henny, George.

Henry, David.

Henshilwood, Andrew.

Hepburn, Alexander.

Hepburn, Andrew.

Hepburn, J.

Hepburn, Robert.

Hepburn, Stewart.

Heraty, Richard.

Heraty, Walter.

Herbert, John.

Heron, Philip.

Herriot, Arthur.

Heylands, Hercules.

Hickey, John.

Higgins, James.

Higgins, James.

Higgins, John.

Hilder, F.


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Hill, George. Howard, Edward. Hurrell, Robert. Irvine, William.

Hill, George W. Howat, John. Hutcheson, David. Irving, Fergus.

Hill, James. Howey, W. J. Hutcheson, James. Ivory, Thomas.

Hodgkinson, William J


Howie, Francis. Hutchison, Andrew. Jack, Alexander.

Hoey, Robert. Howie, William. Hutchison, James. Jack, Hugh.Hogarth, John. Hubbick, Alfred. Hutchison, John. Jack, James.

Holmes, Alexander. Hughes, Arthur. Hutchison, Robert. Jack, John.

Holmes, C. Hughes, James. Hutchison, William. Jack, Peter.

Holmes, John. Hughes, James. Hutton, Duncan. Jackson, Joseph.

Honeyford, W. Hughes, John. Hynes, J. H. Jackson, Samuel.

I lood, Douglas. Hughes, John. Hyslop, Gavin. James, Robert.

Hood, Robert. Hughes, William. Hyslop, John. Jamieson, Daniel.

Hood, William. Hunter, Alexander. Hyslop, Robert. Jardine, Peter.

Hopkins, Daniel. Hunter, David. Inglis, Robert. Jarvis, J.

Hopkirk, Robert. Hunter, D. Inglis, Thomas. Jeffrey, John.

Hopper, John. Hunter, George. Innes, Alfred. Jeffrey, Robert.

Horgan, Andrew. Hunter, George. Innes, Gordon. Jenkins, Peter.

Home, David B. Hunter, George. Innes, Herbert. Jenkins, W.Hosie, James. Hunter, George A. Innes, James. Johnston, Adam.Hosie, James Nixon. Hunter, John. Innes, John. Johnston, Albert.

Hosie, John. Hunter, J. T. Ironside, H. Johnston, Frank.

Hoskins, George. Hunter, William. Irvine, David H. Johnston, George.

Houston, Adam. Hunter, William. Irvine, George. Johnston, John.

Houston, James. Hunter, William. Irvine, James A. Johnston, John.

Houston, William. Hunter, William. Irvine, John. Johnston, Lamont.

Houston, William. Huntly, James. Irvine, Robert. Johnstone, Alexander.


Page 29: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

Johnstone, Angus.

Johnstone, David.

Johnstone, Frank.

Johnstone, James.

Johnstone, James.

Johnstone, James.

Johnstone, James.

Johnstone, James.

Johnstone, James W.Johnstone, John.

Johnstone, John.

Johnstone, John.

Johnstone, John.

Johnstone, Joseph.

Johnstone, Joseph.

Johnstone, Thomas.

Johnstone, William.

Johnstone, William.

Jones, Henry.

Jones, William.

Jones, William.

Jordan, James.

Jordan, Peter.

Kain, Robert.

Kane, John.

Kay, David.

Kay, James.

Kay, Robert.

Kay, William.

Keady, J.

Kean, James.

Keegan, P.

Keir, John.

Kellary, Michael.

Kelly, Denis.

Kelly, George.

Kelly, James.

Kelly, James.

Kelly, James.

Kelly, John.

Kelly, John.

Kelly, John.

Kelly, John.

Kelly, Patrick.

Kelly, Richard.

Kelly, William.

Kelly, William.

Kemp, Robert.

Kempen, Edward.

Kenna, Michael.

Kennedy, James.

Kennedy, John.

Kennedy, John.

Kennedy, Martin.

Kennedy, Richard.

Kennedy, Thomas.

Kennedy, William.

Kenny, John.

Kerr, Andrew.

Kerr, Edward.

Kerr, James.

Kerr, James.

Kerr, James.

Kerr, James.

Kerr, John.

Kerr, J.

Kerr, J.

Kerr, Robert.

Kerr, Robert.

Kesley, Andrew.

Kidd, James.

Kiddle, Robert.

Kiernan, Patrick.

Kilcullen, Daniel.

Kilgour, Peter.

Kilpatrick, William.

Kincaid, William.

King, Alexander.

King, John.

King, Joseph.

King, William.

King, William.

King, W.Kinloch, James.

Kinnon, John.

Kirby, James.

Kirk, William.

Kirker, Alexander.

Kirkland, Hugh.

Kirkland, Tom.Kirkpatrick, Fred.

Kirkwood, Archibald.

Kirkwood, Richard.

Kivney, J.

Knox, James.

Koch, C.

Koch, James.

Laidlaw, Thomas.

Laing, Robert.

Laird, Robert.

Lally, John.

Lamb, William.

Lamb, William.

Lambert, John.


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Lambert, William.

Lambert, William.

Lamond, Frederick.

Lamond, John.

Lamond, Neil.

Lamont, David.

Lamont, John.

Lang, Henry.

Laurence, James.

Laurence, John.

Laverie, Alexander.

Law, Andrew.

Law, Robert.

Law, Thomas.

Lawrence, James.

Lawson, John.

Lawson, Robert.

Learmonth, G.

Leckie, James.

Lee, Andrew.

Lee, William.

Lees, Percy.

Leith, James.

Lennon, James.

Lennox, Harry.

Lennox, Wilson.

Leslie, James.

Lewis, Alexander.

Lewis, John.

Lewis, John.

Liddell, Neil.

Liddell, William.

Lillie, Andrew.

Lindsay, George.

Lindsay, James.

Lindsay, Thomas.

Lindsay, William.

Linton, Harry.

Lipsett, Patrick.

Lister, James.

Little, Archibald.

Little, Joseph.

Little, Wilfred.

Livingstone, George.

Livingstone, J.

Livingstone, William.

Livsey, J.

Loan, James.

Lochhead, Alexander.

Lochhead, Robert.

Lockhart, Alfred.

Logan, James.

Logan, R.

Lone, Henry.

Lone, Joseph.

Long, James.

Long, James F.

Longridge, Warnock.

Loughrey, James.

Lovatt, Joseph.

Love, Hugh N.

Love, James.

Love, John.

Love, J.

Love, Richard.

Luke, Hugh.

Luke, William.

Lumley, John.

Lunn, Charles.

Lynch, John.

Lynch, Michael.

Lynch, Patrick.

Lynd, James.

Lyon, Andrew.

Lyon, Robert.

M'Adoo, James.

M'Allister, Alexander.

M'Allister, Daniel.

M'Allister, George.

M'Allister, John.

M'Aloon, Patrick.

M'Ara, James.

M'Ard, James.

M' Arthur, Donald.

M' Arthur, Don.M'D.

M'Arthur, Neil.

M'Ateer, Charles.

M'Aulay, Edward.

M'Aulay, James.

M'Aulay, Samuel.

M'Aulay, S.

M'Aulay, Thomas.

M'Aulay, Thomas.

M'Aulay, William.

M'Ausland, John.

M'Auslane, J. B.

M'Bean, Victor.

M'Beth, John.

M'Bride, Charles.

M' Bride, Daniel.

M'Bride, John.

M'Bride, Samuel.

M'Cabe, Dominic.

M'Caffrey, William P.


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M'Call, David. M'Cormack, John. M'Diarmid, Andrew. M'Dowall, John.

M'Call, Robert. M'Cormack, Thomas. M'Diarmid, Thomas. M'Elroy, Peter.

M'Call, William. M'Cormack, T. M' Donald, Alexander. M'Ewan, Andrew.

M'Callum, Alexander. M'Cormack, William. M' Donald, Alexander. M'Ewan, David.

M'Callum, Daniel. M'Cormick, M. M' Donald, Charles. M'Ewan, James.

M'Callum, Hugh. M'Cormick, Stephen. M' Donald, Donald. M'Ewan, Samuel.

M'Callum, J. M'Creadie, Robert. M' Donald, Donald. M'Fadden, James.

M'Callum, Robert. M'Crorie, Henry. M' Donald, George. M'Fadyen, Stephen.

M'Cam, Benjamin. M'Cudden, Daniel. M' Donald, George. M'Farlane, Alexander.

M'Cann, James. M'Cue, John. M' Donald, George. M'Farlane, Alexander.

M'Cann, Patrick. M'Culloch, Hans. M'Donald, Gilbert. M'Farlane, Alexander.

M'Caskill, John. M'Culloch, Harry. M' Donald, James. M'Farlane, Archibald.

M'Carroll, E. M'Culloch, Hugh. M'Donald, James. M'Farlane, A.

M'Clement, William. M'Culloch, James. M'Donald, John. M'Farlane, Daniel.

M'Cloy, Hugh. M'Culloch, James. M'Donald, John. M'Farlane, G.

M'Clay, William. M'Culloch, John. M'Donald, John. M'Farlane, James.

M'Cluckie, Alexander. M'Culloch, Robert. M'Donald, John. M'Farlane, James.

M'Colgan, Francis. M'Culloch, Stewart. M'Donald, J. B. M'Farlane, James.

M'Coll, John. M'Cully, Thomas. M'Donald, Murdo. M'Farlane, John.

M'Coll, Robert. M'Cutcheon, J. M'Donald, Norman. M'Farlane, John.

M'Comish, Edward. M'Dade, Edward. M'Donald, N. M'Farlane, John.

M' Cornish, William. M'Dade, James. M'Donald, Win. L. M'Farlane, J.

M'Connell, David. M'Dade, John. M'Donald, William. M'Farlane, J.

M'Cool, J. M'Dermid, Archibald. M'Dougall, Hugh. M'Farlane, Neil.

M'Cormack, George. M'Dermott, Hugh. M'Dougall, Robert. M'Farlane, Robert.

M'Cormack, George. M'Dermott, Michael. M'Dowall, James. M'Farlane, Robert.


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M'Farlane. Robert.

M'Farlane, Robert.

M'Farlane, William.

M'Farlane, William K.

M'Garrigle, Robert.

M'Garvie, Andrew.

M'Geachy, Wm. Stalker

M'Geady, Joseph A.

M'Geeghan, John.

M'Geehin, John.

M'Geehin, Peter.

M'Gettigan, William.

M'Ghie, Samuel.

M' Gibbon, Samuel.

M'Gill, Hugh.

M'Gill, James.

M'Gill, John.

M'Ginn, Richard.

M'Ginnes, Neil.

M'Glashan, Donald.

M'Goff, James.

M'Goff. John.

M'Goldrick, John.

M'Goldrick, Philip.

M'Gonigle, John.

M'Gonnell, Edward.

M' Govern, James.

M'Govern, Patrick.

M'Gowan, P.

M'Gowan, P.

M'Gowan, W.M'Granthin, Walter.

M'Graw, William.

M'Gregor, Alexander.

M'Gregor, Anthony.

M'Gregor, Archibald.

M'Gregor, A.

M'Gregor, Daniel.

M'Gregor, Donald.

M'Gregor, Donald.

M'Gregor, Gregor.

M'Gregor, James.

M'Gregor, James.

M'Gregor, John.

M'Gregor, John.

M'Gregor, Joseph.

M'Gregor, Norman.

M'Gregor, Peter.

M'Gregor, Stewart.

M'Gregor, Thomas.

M'Guinnes, Michael.

M'Guinnes, Thomas.

M'Guire, Charles.

M'Guire, Edward.

M'Guire, George.

M'Guire, George.

M'Guire, Hector.

M'Guire, John.

M'Guire, Joseph.

M'Guire, Patrick.

M'Gurgen, James.

M' Hardy, James.

M'llroy, Alexander.

M' IIvain, Archibald.

M'llvanie, Andrew.

M'llwraith, Robert.

M'llwraith, William.

M'Inally, John.

M' Innes, George.

M'Innes, James.

M' Innes, William.

M'Innes, William.

M'Intosh, James.

M'Intosh, John.

M'Intosh, Robert.

M'Intosh, William.

Mackintosh, Alex.

M'Intyre, Archibald.

M'lntyre, Archibald.

M'Intyre, Archibald.

M'Intyre, George.

M'Intyre, James.

M'Intyre, James.

M'Intyre, Peter.

M'Intyre, Thomas.

M'Intyre, William.

M'lvor, John.

M'Kay, Allan.

M'Kay, Aulay.

M'Kay, Donald.

Mackay, Duncan.

M'Kay, James.

M'Kay, Robert.

M'Kay, Tom.

M'Kay, William.

M'Kay, William.

M'Kean, Willaini.

M'Kean, William.

M'Keand, John.

M'Kechnie, George.

M'Kechnie, John.

M'Kee, James.

M'Kee, James.

M'Kell, Archibald.


Page 33: The Singer memorial, 1914-18 : roll of honour of employees of the … · 2013. 4. 26. · Hunter,Thomas. Laird,J. M'Dade,James. M'Kay,ThomasL. Hunter,William. LambWin.M'W. M'Dade,RobertJ

M'Kellar, William. M'Kinnon, Colin. M'Lay, Andrew. M'Mahon, John.

M'Kelvie, Matthew. M'Kinnon, Donald. M'Lean, James. M'Manus, Frank.

M'Kendrick, Thomas. M'Kinnon, Peter. M'Lean, James. M'Manus, George.

M'Kenna, David. M'Kirdy, Andrew. M'Lean, John. M'Manus, John.

M'Kenna, William. M'Lachlan, Archibald. M'Lean, Joseph. M' Master, James.

M'Kenzie, Allan. M'Lachlan, Donald. M'Lean, Joseph. M'Meel, James.

M'Kenzie, Charles. M'Lachlan, Hugh. M'Lean, Laughlan. M'Millan, Archibald.

M'Kenzie, Ewen. M'Lachlan, H. M'Lean, Norman. M'Millan, Edward.

M'Kenzie, George. M'Lachlan, James. M'Lean, Robert. M'Millan, James.

M'Kenzie, John. M'Lachlan, William. M'Lean, Stephen. M'Millan, James.

M'Kenzie, John. M'Lafferty, George. M'Leary, John. M'Millan, James.

M'Kenzie, John F. M'Lafferty, John. M'Lellan, Charles. M'Millan, John.

M'Kenzie, J. M'Lancy, Robert. M'Lellan, William. M'Millan, John.

M'Kenzie, Kenneth. M'Laney, William. M'Lelland, Alexander. M'Millan, John.

M'Kenzie, Peter. M'Laren, David. M'Lelland, James. M'Millan, John.

M'Kenzie, Robert. M'Laren, George. M'Lennan, John. M'Millan, Richard.

M'Kenzie, Thomas M'Laren, George. M'Lennan, Kenneth. M'Millan, William.

M'Keown, James. M'Laren, Joseph. M'Lennan, William. M'Millan, William.

M'Kernan, David. M'Larty, John. M'Leod, Angus. M'Murdo, James.

M'Kernan, John. M'Laughlin, Bernard. M'Leod, George. M'Murray, Michael.

Mackie, James. M'Laughlin, George. M'Leod, Hugh. M'Nab, William.

Mackie, Thomas. M'Laughlin, Hugh. M'Leod, John. M'Nair, James.

M'Killin, William. M'Laughlin, James. M'Leod, Peter. M'Nair, John.

M'Kimm, Robert. M'Laughlin, John. M'Leod, William. M' Naught, Jacob Brown.

M'Kinlay, Andrew. M'Laughlin, L. M'Lorn, G. M'Naught, Thomas.

M'Kinnon, Alexander. M'Laughlin, R. M'Lure, John. M'Nay, Samuel


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M'Neil, Alexander. M'Quade, Edwin. Manley, Charles. Mathieson, Hugh.

M'Neil, James. M'Quade, Robert. Manson, Andrew. Mathieson, John.

M'Neil, James. M'Quat, Andrew. Marley, Hugh. Matthews, Richard.

M'Neil, John. M'Quat, Thomas. Marnie, Norman. Mauchlin, John.

M'Neill, John. M'Quattie, Charles. Marshall, Andrew. Maxwell, Neil.

M'Neill, Robert. M' Queen, John. Marshall, Colin. Maxwell, W'illiam.

M'Neilly, William. M' Queen, J.Marshall, David. Mealyea, Henry.

M'Nelio, Francis. M'Quillan, George. Marshall, James. Mearns, Archibald.

M'Nie, John. M'Quillan, P. Marshall, James. Meffen, John.

M'Nicol, Archibald. M' Reynolds, William. Marshall, John. Meikle, James.

M'Nicol, Archibald. M' Roberts, Samuel. Marshall, John. Meldrum, Robert.

M'Nicol, Donald. M'Shea, Andrew. Marshall, Samuel. Meldrum, Thomas.

M'Nicol, Hugh. M'Sorley, John. Marshall, Thomas. Meldrum, Thomas.

M'Niven, Angus. M'Taggart, Robert. Martin, James. Mellon, Edward.

M'Niven, Duncan. M'Vey, William. Martin, John. Mellon, John.

M'Niven, Duncan. M'Whirr, James. Martin, John M. Melville, William.

M'Niven, John. M' Whirr, J. Martin, Joseph. Melvin, John.

M'Phail, Donald. M' William, Adam. Martin, Peter. Mercer, John.

M'Phee, Donald. M'Wrilliam, R. Martin, Stephen J. Merrilees, George.

M'Pherson, Duncan. M' Williams, John. Martin, Thomas. Merry, Archibald.

M'Pherson, Duncan. Magee, Robert. Marvis, Alexander. Merry, James.

M'Pherson, James. Mahaffie, William. Mason, John. Michie, Samuel.

M'Pherson, J. Major, James. Massie, Marianus. Mill, Philip.

M'Pherson, Robert. Major, W. Masterton, William. Millaney, Peter.

M'Pherson, Samuel. Malloch, George. Matheson, Donald. Millar, Alexander.

M'Pherson, William. Malonie, Peter. Mathie, Robert. Millar, Andrew B.


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Millar, John. Mitchell, Hugh. Mooney, Pat. Mouat, Alexander.

Millar, Joseph. Mitchell, James. Mooney, Patrick. Moyies, David.

Miller, Alexander. Mitchell, Robert. Moore, Albert. Muir, A.

Miller, Arthur A. Mochan, Charles. Moore, Francis. Muir, Edward.

Miller, A. Mochnie, William. Moore, Thomas. Muir, George.

Miller, Charles. MofEatt, J. Moore, William. Muir, James.

Miller, David. Mofifatt, William. Moran, Patrick. Muir, James.

Miller, David. Moir, Alexander. Moran, William. Muir, John.

Miller, Donald M. Moir, David. Morgan, Arthur. Muir, William.

Miller, D. Moir, Frank. Morgan, George. Muirhead, John B.

Miller, Edwin. Moir, W. Morgan, Gilbert. Muirhead, Robert.

Miller, James. Monaghan, Charles. Morris, Arthur. Mulholland, John.

Miller, John. Monaghan, D. Morrison, Alexander. Mulholland, William.

Miller, John. Mongo, Thomas. Morrison, Archibald. Mulholland, William.

Miller, Robert. Monk, John. Morrison, Charles. Munro, Alexander.

Miller, R. Montgomerie, David. Morrison, Charles. Munro, Alexander.

Miller, T. Montgomerie, John. Morrison, George. Munro, David.

Milligan, David. Montgomery, Andrew. Morrison, John. Munro, Frank.

Milliken, John. Montgomery, Charles. Morrison, Norman. Munro, John.

Milmoe, Charles. Montgomery, Charles. Morrison, Peter. Murdoch, Alex. Inslee.

Milne, Thomas. Montgomery, David. Morrison, William. Murdoch, John.

Milne, William. Montgomery, David. Morrow, William. Murdoch, Robert.

Milroy, P. Montgomery, Robert. Morton, Andrew. Murdoch, Samuel.

Mirner, Edward. Montgomery, Win. G. Morton, A. Murdoch, Stewart.

Mitchell, Charles. Moodie, D. Morton, Gavin. Murphy, Charles.

Mitchell, Daniel. Moodie, John. Morton, James. Murphy, Ernest.


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Murphy, James. Neillie, John. O'Connor, Hugh. Overend, James.

Murphy, John. Neilly, John. O'Connor, James. Overend, James.

Murphy, John. Neilson, George. O'Donnell, Hugh. Owens, William.

Murphy, John. Neilson, James. O'Donnell, Hugh. Owens, Charles.

Murphy, John. Neilson, John P. O'Donnell, James. Paisley, John.

Murphy, Thomas. Nelson, Samuel. O'Donnell, Maurice. Park, Henry.

Murphy, W. Nesbit, M'Whirter. O'Hare, Michael. Park, James.

Murray, Alexander. Nichol, Alexander. O'Kane, James. Park, J.

Murray, Archibald. Nichol, William. O'Lone, John. Park, Robert.

Murray, Andrew. Nicholson, Malcolm. O'Malley, Michael. Park, Thomas.

Murray, David. Nicholson, Matthew. O'Malley, Patrick. Park, William.

Murray, Hugh. Nicholson, Matthew. O'Neill, Francis. Parr, J.

Murray, James. Nicholson, Robert. O'Neil, Edward. Pate, Hugh.

Murray, James. Nicol, John. O'Neil, Edward. Paterson, Alexander.

Murray, John. Nicol, William. O'Neil, Hugh. Paterson, Gavin.

Murray, John. Nicolson, Robert. Ogilvie, James. Paterson, Gavin.

Murray, John B. Nimmo, Alexander. Ogilvie, Peter. Paterson, George.

Murray, Patrick. Niven, Daniel. Oliver, George. Paterson, George.

Murray, Peter. Niven, Peter. Oliver, Robert. Paterson, George.

Murray, Thomas. Nixon, Fred. Oliver, Thomas. Paterson, James.

Naismith, Thomas. Nixon, James. Oliver, William. Paterson, John.

Nairn, Andrew. Nixon, James. Orme, Robert. Paterson, John.

Nairn, John. Nixon, Robert. Orr, Robert. Paterson, John.

Neil, Robert. Nixon, William. Orrell, Thomas. Paterson, Robert.

Neil, Samuel. Notman, Robert. Osborne, John. Paterson, Robert.

Neil, Thomas. O'Brien, John. Ovens, David. Paterson, Robert.


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Paterson, Robert G.

Paterson, W.Paterson, W.Paton, A.

Paton, H. J.

Paton, James.

Paton, Robert.

Paton, Thomas.

Patrick, Johnston.

Pattison, Henry.

Paul, James.

Payne, George.

Peacock, George.

Peden, Robert.

Penman, John.

Penman, John.

Penman, Robert.

Perston, William.

Peterkin, Robert.

Peters, Frederick.

Pettigrew, Alexander.

Phelan, Thomas.

Philip, Joseph.

Phillips, Arthur.

Phillips, Henry.

Phillips, Robert.

Phillips Samuel.

Phillips, William.

Pierce, Alexander.

Pinkerton, George.

Pirie, George.

Platen, Peter.

Polland, John.

Pollock, George.

Pollock, John.

Pollock, Robert.

Pollock, Robert.

Pollock, Thomas.

Pope, Charles.

Porrie, James.

Porter, William.

Porteous, Peter.

Porteous, Peter.

Porteous, Thomas.

Porteous Thomas.

Potts, John.

Powrie, William.

Prentice, D.

Prentice, James.

Presse, William.

Preston, David

Preston, James.

Preston, John.

Pritchard, Charles.

Proctor, David.

Provan. Alexander.

Provan, John.

Quigley, John.

Quinn, Frank.

Quinn, James.

Rae, George.

Raeburn, James.

Rain, John.

Raitt, G.

Ramsay, Alexander.

Ramsay. James.

Ramsay, John.

Ramsay, W. J.

Rankin, T.

Rankin, William.

Reavey, Alexander.

Reeves, Robert.

Reid, Alexander.

Reid, Alexander.

Reid Alexander.

Reid, Alexander.

Reid, Charles.

Reid, Crawford.

Reid David.

Reid, George.

Reid, Harry.

Reid, Hugh.

Reid, James.

Reid, James.

Reid, John.

Reid, John

Reid, Peter.

Reid, Robert.

Reid, Robert.

Reid. Robert.

Reid, Robert.

Reid, Samuel.

Reid, William.

Reid, William.

Reilly, Frank.

Reilly, John.

Reilly, John.

Reilly, Patrick.

Renfrew, Findlay

Rennie, William.

Renton, George.

Renton, Richard.

Renton, Thomas.

Renwick, Frank.


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Revie, William.

Reynolds, Richard

Rice, James.

Richmond, Alexander.

Richmond, David.

Richmond, James C.

Riddell, James.

Riddell, John.

Riddell, Roderick

Riddell, Walter.

Riggs, John Henry.

Rintoul, John.

Ritchie, Robert.

Robb, Colin.

Robb, Robeit.

Roberts, Alexander.

Roberts, Thomas.

Robertson, Alexander.

Robertson, Andrew.

Robertson, David.

Robertson, Don.

Robertson, George.

Robertson, Hugh.

Robertson, James.

Robertson, James.

Robertson, James.

Robertson, John.

Robertson, John.

Robertson, John.

Robertson, John.

Robertson, John J.

Robertson, Peter.

Robertson, William.

Robertson, W.Robin, Andrew.

Robins, F.

Robinson, George.

Roddy, John.

Rodger, James.

Rodgers, James.

Rodgers, John.

Rodgers, John.

Roe, Michael.

Rogers, Peter.

Rollo, D.

Rollo, W.Ronald, Archibald.

Rooney, B. A.

Ross, Alexander.

Ross, Allan.

Ross, Charles.

Ross, Charles.

Ross, Colin.

Ross, James.

Ross, John.

Ross, Joseph E.

Ross, J.

Ross, William.

Rough, Robert.

Rowat, Thomas.

Rowan, James.

Rush, Charles.

Russell, Allan.

Russell, G. B.

Russell, John W.Russell, John.

Russell, Lenoard.

Russell, William.

Russell, William.

Rutherford, Robert.

Ryan, William.

Salter, William.

Samuels, David.

Sanderson, George.

Sandills, Sydney D.

Sands, Robert.

Saunders, John.

Savage, Hugh.

Savage, James.

Sawyer, H.

Schofield, Alexander.

Schofield, Sidney M.

Sconnell, Lawrence.

Scott, James.

Scott, John.

Scott, Peter.

Scott, Thomas.

Scott, William.

Seaward, Henry.

Sellars, James.

Sergeant, Thomas.

Sergeant, Walter.

Shankland, Robert.

Shannon, James.

Shannon, William.

Sharp, Alexander.

Sharp, James.

Sharp, James B.

Sharp, Robert.

Sharp, Robert S.

Shaw, Alexander.

Shaw, Donald.

Shaw, Robert.

Shaw, Thomas.


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Shaw, T.

Shearer, Edward.

Shearer, George.

Shearer, William.

Sheldon, Thomas.

Sheppard, James.

Sheridan, Thomas.

Sheridan, William.

Shields, Robert.

Shields, Rodger.

Shirlaw, William.

Short, John.

Short, Thomas.

Shreenan, Charles.

Shuttleton, William

Sim, John.

Simpson, Alexander.

Simpson, Andrew.

Simpson, Andrew.

Simpson, Charles.

Simpson, Peter.

Simpson, Thomas.

Simpson, William.

Simpson, William.

Sinclair, James.

Sinclair, Peter.

Sinclair, Robert.

Sinclair, William.

Skinner, Alexander.

Skinner, George.

Skinner, George.

Skinner, John.

Slater, A.

Slavin, W. J.

Sloan, Bryce.

Sloan, Robert.

Sloan, Thomas.

Sloan, William.

Sloan, William.

Slowey, Arthur.

Small, Bruce.

Smart, James.

Smart, John.

Smart, Ritchie M.

Smith, Alexander.

Smith, Allan.

Smith, A.

Smith, Clement.

Smith, Daniel.

Smith, Duncan.

Smith, George.

Smith, George.

Smith, Harry.

Smith, James.

Smith, James.

Smith, James.

Smith, James.

Smith, James.

Smith, James M.

Smith, John.

Smith, John.

Smith, John M.

Smith, Robert.

Smith, Thomas.

Smith, Thomas.

Smith, Thomas.

Smith, William.

Smith, William.

Smith, William.

Smith, William.

Smith, William.

Smith, William G.

Smyth, Charles.

Smyth, William.

Sneddon, James.

Soder, Henry.

Sommerville, Daniel.

Speirs, James.

Spence, Peter.

Spence, William.

Spratt, Patrick.

Springate, C.

Springate, John.

Stainton, Samuel.

Stangee, Thomas.

Starrs, James.

Steel, Samuel.

Steel, William.

Stein, William.

Stephen, James.

Stevenson, Alexander.

Stevenson, Alfred.

Stevenson, Henry.

Stevenson, James.

Stevenson, John.

Stevenson, John.

Stevenson, Thomas.

Stevenson, T.

Stevenson, Walter.

Stevenson, William.

Stewart, Alexander.

Stewart, Alfred.

Stewart, Duncan.

Stewart, Hugh.


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Stewart, James.

Stewart, James.

Stewart, James.

Stewart, James C.

Stewart, John.

Stewart John.

Stewart, John.

Stewart, Joseph.

Stewart, Lyle.

Stewart, William.

Stewart William.

Stewart, William.

Stewart, William.

Stimpson, Richard.

Stirling, Andrew.

Stobo, James.

Stoddart, John.

Storey, William.

Stower, Thomas.

Strachan, Robert.

Straine, D.

Strang, John.

Stretch, Andrew.

Struthers, John.

Sturrock, George.

Sulivan, James.

Summers, Finlay.

Summers, John.

Surgenor, Neil.

Sutherland, Hugh.

Sutherland, John.

Swan, James.

Swan, Peter.

Sweeney, Andrew.

Sweeney, Edmund.Sweeney, Thomas.

Sweeney, William.

Symes, John Roy.

Tabor, James.

Tacey, Joseph.

Taggart, Isaac.

Taggart, Thomas.

Tait, Charles.

Tait, James.

Tait, James.

Tait, James.

Tait, Robeit.

Taylor, David.

Taylor, Edward.

Taylor, Gavin D.

Taylor, George.

Taylor, George B.

Taylor, James.

Taylor, James.

Taylor, James.

Taylor, John.

Taylor, John.

Taylor, Peter.

Taylor, Peter.

Taylor, Robert.

Taylor, Robert.

Taylor, Thomas.

Taylor, William.

Taylor, William.

Telford, William.

Temple, Thomas.

Tennant, Thomas.

Tennant William.

Terrace, David.

Terry, Robert.

Thayne, John.

Third, John.

Thompson, James.

Thompson, Peter.

Thompson, Robert.

Thomson, Andrew.

Thomson, Charles.

Thomson, David.

Thomson, George.

Thomson, George.

Thomson, George H.

Thomson, Harry.

Thomson, Hugh.

Thomson, James.

Thomson, James.

Thomson, James.

Thomson, John.

Thomson, John.

Thomson, John.

Thomson, John H.

Thomson, Richard.

Thomson, Robert.

Thomson, R.

Thomson, Samuel.

Thomson, Thomas.

Thomson, Thomas.

Thomson, William.

Thomson, William.

Thomson, William.

Tidd, J

Tierney, James.

Timoney, Charles.

Timoney, John.

Toal, Patrick.


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Todd, John. Urquhart, Thomas. Ward, James. Weir, Dougal

Todd, William. Urquhart, William. Ward, Richard. Weir, John.

Todd, William. Valentine, George. Ward, Thomas. Weir, Robert.

Tolland, William. Vallance, J. Wardlaw, Benjamin. Weir, William.

Torrance, J. Vallance, Robert. Wardrop, A. Welsh, Hugh.

Torrance, J. Vance, John. Wark, James. Welsh, James.

Tosh, John. Vaughan, David. Warren, Ronald. Welsh, William.

Townley, John. Vogwill, Robert. Waterson, John. Welsh, William.

Train, Alexander. Waddell, James. Watson, Angus. West, Charles.

Train, John. Waddell, John. Watson, David. Westwater, Alexander.

Trainer, Andrew. Waddell, Robert. Watson, D. Wheelans, James.

Travers, Andrew. Wales, James. Watson, George. Wheeler, Mark.

Travers, Thomas. Walker, A. Watson, John. White, John.

Troughton, Francis. Walker, Hugh. Watson, John. White, Richard.

Troughton, Frank. Walker, James. Watson, Robert. White, Robert.

Turnbull, James. Walker, John. Watson, Robert. White, Thomas B.

Turnbull, James. Walker, Robert. Watson, R. White, William.

Turnbull, Thomas. Walker, R. Watson, Thomas B. White, William.

Turner, Alexander. Wallace, David. Watson, Walter. White, William James.

Turner, Robert. Wallace, David. Watson, William. Whitehall, D.

Turner, S. Walsh, John. Watt, Alexander. Whitelaw, Archibald.

Tyrell, Hamilton. Walters, William. Watt, George. Whitelaw, Dugald.

Tyrell, Michael. Wands, Robert. Watt, Thomas. Whitelaw, James.Ure, Adam. Wanless, A. Webster, Farquhar. Whitelaw, Thomas.Ure, John. Wapshaw, Ebenezer. Wegg, John. Whitelaw, William.

Ure, William. Ward, George. Weir, Alexander. Whiteside, Walter.


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Whitler, James E.

Whitton, Peter.

Wiggins, William.

Wilcock, Stanley.

Wilkie, H. G.

Wilkie, John.

Williamson, Alexander.

Wilson, Alexander.

Wilson, Alexander.

Wilson, Hugh.

Wilson, James.

Wilson, James.

Wilson, James.

Wilson, James.

Wilson, John.

Wilson, Kennedy.

Wilson, Matthew.

Wilson, Robert.

Wilson, Robert.

Wilson, Robert.

Wilson, Samuel.

Wilson, Thomas.

\\ ilson, Thomas.

Wilson, William.

Winning, John.

Winning. William.

Winter, Henry.

Winter, Robert.

Winter, Thomas.

Winton, Alexander.

Winton, James.

Wood, Alexander.

Wood, William.

Wrood, W. E.

Woodrow, Duncan.

Wright, Albert.

Wright, Alexander.

W7right, Archibald.

Wright, Francis.

Wright, James.

Wright, James G.

Wright, John.

Wright, John.

Wright, John.

Wright, John.

Wright, Robert.

Wright, Thomas.

Wright, William.

Wright, William.

Wrigley, Joseph.

Wyllie, George.

Wyne, Fred.

Yates, James.

Yeats, James.

Yool, David.

Young, Alan.

Young, David.

Young, George.

Young, John.

Young, Moses.

Young, Richard.

Young, Robert.

Young, Thomas.

Young, William.

Yuill, James.


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rr~~pn HE Singer Recreation Hall, in which are housed the Roll

of Honour and the Memorial to the fallen, presents a very

pleasing aspect in which nature combines with the art of

the builder. The lawn makes an excellent foreground,

and blends with the Welsh green slates which crown the

building and the warm tint of the pressed bricks, while the

Kilpatrick Hills in the background make the setting one on which

it is a pleasure to rest the eye.

The main entrance to the building leads into a spacious entrance

hall, from which rises the stairway leading to the galleries of the grand hall. Here

the attention is naturally rivetted upon the principal feature, the silent Memorial

to the fallen. Impressive in its simple dignity it perpetuates the memory of their


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sacrifice, and the mighty deeds of the immediate past are recalled and link us with

the life of the present. On either side of the entrance hall are cloak rooms and

reception rooms, while, in addition, there are on each side of the building a number

of other rooms, including reading rooms, recreation rooms and baths.

The grand hall is planned on generous lines, being one hundred and eleven feet long

and sixty eight feet broad, while the seating arrangements designed permit of

accommodation for upwards of two thousand persons. The roof is an open one,

intersected by eight dormar lights, while the colour scheme is laid on delicate tints

of green and white which take the full light values. The floor is laid in maple and

has been subjected to a special treatment. The stage is fifty feet wide and has been

designed to meet the most exacting requirements. The proscenium arch, viewed

from the auditorium, suggests spaciousness, and the stage is fitted with the latest

appliances for lighting effects and scenery.

To the east of the buildings an excellent bowling green has been laid down, and

adjacent to the club house of the bowling green six tennis courts are provided, while

football and hockey fields are situated in Boquhanran Road.

In placing this splendidly equipped recreation hall, with its surrounding first-class

sports' fields extending to over fifteen acres, at the disposal of their workers, the

management of the Company desire to give ample opportunities and facilities for

exercise, recreation and rest, recognising that these, with the development of the

social virtues, form the basis of all progress.


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