MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2012 I 13 The Sentinel-Echo I www.sentinel-echo.com Simply Unlimited PER DAY Your private party ad runs in one edition of The Sentinel-Echo, online, and in The Classified Connection. Call for details! Place a Classified Call (606) 878-7400 or Send a Fax (606) 878-7404 or e-mail [email protected] Hours are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday View the Classifieds Online at: www.sentinel-echo.com We Accept Deals On Wheels Runs ‘til it sells! Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, ATVs, RVs, Etc. Anything on wheels! Rental Ads $28 - M, W, F +$9 ea. addt’l run For Sale Ads $102 - M, W, F for 4 weeks* $102 for Monday, Wednesday and Friday Includes our weekly shopper, The Classified Connection, and a 7-day listing on monster.com PER DAY Private Party Ads 4 Weeks Circulation of 9,000 Serving London and Laurel County since 1873 *All ads are unlimited word count SENTINEL ECHO The CLASSIFIED Employment Ads 12 issues Only $ 102! Place your ad here! 878-7400 >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> CONTINUED TO CONTINUED TO PAGE 14B PAGE 14 /21'21 $5($ %86,1(66 ',5(&725< Watch your business grow through our Advertise your business 12 CONSECTIVE ISSUES FOR ONLY $ 60 All business directory ads must be prepaid BUSINESS DIRECTORY! For more information call Karen @ (606)878-7400 and ask about our Business Directory ads. 5RRP IRU 5HQW ECONOMY INN Newly Renovated Rooms Low Rates Cable TV/HBO Refrigerators Free Internet/Local Calls Daily & Weekly Rates Available! (606)864-8867 %XVLQHVV 6HUYLFHV Anderson Lawn Service *Mowing *Weed eating *Trimming *Mulch *New Planting Free Estimates Call: (606)843-2728 or (606)312-2767 Ask for Ernie Dave’s Property Preservation $OO W\SHV RI RGG MREV WR KHOS SUHVHUYH \RXU SURSHUW\ *Lawncare *Landscaping *Cleanup *Light Hauling *Pressure Washing *Roofing *Painting Much More!! DAVID W. HALE II (606)224-6271 Free Estimates Fully Insured H & M Construction *Drywall Repair *Painting Interior/exterior *Tree clean-up & Removal Local People Free Estimates 15 years Experience Call: (606)391-7929 or (606)287-3022 Kish Roofing Commercial & Residential Shingles Metal Flat Roofs Quality Work Up to 10 year limited Warranty Storm Damage Work with all Insurance agencies BBB Call: (606)862-7663 LAWSON’S LAWN SERVICE ALL YOUR LAWN CARE NEEDS & OTHER SMALL JOBS CALL: (606)231-3868 OR (606)682-1160 SERENITY *Painting *Wallpapering *Decorating *Restaging *Organizing LET US MAKE YOUR HOME BEAUTIFUL FOR LESS! Free Estimates Serena (606)215-9171 Sandie (606)261-7558 &RQVWUXFWLRQ 5HPRGHO BLAKLEY’S CONSTRUCTION & ROOFING 2YHU <HDUV RI ([SHULHQFH Billy Blakley Owner (859)625-8691 wmblakley@ yahoo.com Dave’s Construction \HDUV ([SHULHQFH +RXVHV &RPPHUFLDO 5HQRYDWLRQ 5RRP $GGLWLRQV 5HPRGHOLQJ 0HWDO 5RRIV *DUDJHV 'HFNV 3DLQWLQJ +RQH\ 'R -REV Home (606) 656-0103 Cell (606) 215-5695 +RPH ,PSURYHPHQW &DUSHW &RXQWU\ &RUELQ .< 1H[W WR 7DFR %HOO &DUSHW IURP VT\G XS 9LQ\O 7LOH :RRG )LQDQFLQJ $YDLODEOH 3KRQH Your ad could be here! Call us today! 878-7400 67769;<50;0,: -69 ,4736@4,5; /RQGRQ .HQWXFN\ /DXUHO 6HQLRU /LYLQJ &RPPXQLWLHV (773@ 05 7,9:65! /9 +,7(9;4,5; > ;/ :;9,,; 365+65 2@ ;,3,7/65, ,8<(3 67769;<50;@ ,4736@,9 9,.0:;,9,+ 5<9:, 7YPTHY` *OHYNL 5\YZL ULLKLK MVY HU (SaOLPTLYZ ZRPSSLK U\YZPUN \UP[ :OPM[Z 4VUKH` [OYV\NO -YPKH` ^P[O HU VJJHZPVUHS ^LLRLUK ZOPM[ ,_JLSSLU[ ZHSHY` HUK ILULMP[Z H]HPSHISL ,_WLYPLUJL ^P[O JHYPUN MVY [OL LSKLYS` HUK SLHKLYZOPW L_WLYPLUJL PZ WYLMLYYLK Make the Right Move and join a winning team! Build your career with us. HSBC - North America is part of HSBC Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world. Our domestic strength and extensive global network provides our employees with the best of both worlds - the friendliness of a local organization and the resources of a worldwide network - for diverse experiences and challenging career opportunities. Our London, KY office is now actively recruiting professionals who share our passion for extraordinary customer service. If you’re seeking a stable, long-term career, consider the following opportunity: Full-Time Collector I Please apply online and search by job number: 00001SR5 With our outstanding training programs and monthly incentive plans, we tailor a career that fits your needs. hsbcusa.com/careers Issued by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2012 © HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2012 package that you would expect from a worldwide leader. flexibility? stability? Property Manager Woda Management, a leader in affordable housing, is currently searching for a Property Manager to oversee our Community in (Corbin/London), (Kentucky). Experience in Property Management and familiarity with the area a must. Knowledge of the LIHTC program preferred. Experience in initial Lease-up is a Major Plus. keting of Rental Units Record Keeping tenant accounts personnel experience. We are an equal opportunity employer. Please email to: [email protected] NOW HIRING DELIVERY DRIVERS AND GRILL COOKS Apply in person at Shiloh's Express 192 By Pass, London 606.877.1200 Full time maintenance position open. Responsible for cleaning at all three library facilities. Supervised by Plant Manager. Must be able to vacuum, mop floors, clean restrooms, wash windows and help with lawn and garden care. Required to do heavy lifting and help set up for programs and meetings. Must be able to work weekends and evenings. High school diploma required. Applications avail- able at any library location. Accepting applications through April 10th. Call Phyllis Murray at 864-5759 with questions. HELP WANTED 3XEOLF 1RWLFH 6DOH . . 6WRU DJH 7REDFFR 5RDG /RQGRQ .\ 6DOH RI FRQ WHQWV OHIW LQ VWRUDJH 7KHVH XQLWV ZLOO EH VROG ´DV LVµ RQ $SULO UDLQ RU VKLQH DW SP DW WKH DERYH OLVWHG DG GUHVV 12 3+21( &$//6 3/($6( <DUG*DUDJH 6DOHV %LJ *DUDJH 6DOH &ORWKLQJ KRXVHKROG JRRGV IXUQLWXUH RI À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ҋ6 $8& 7,21 6$00< ,6$$&6 $1' 6$0 0< ,6$$&6 -5 $8&7,21((56 'ULYHUV /RFDO FRPSDQ\ ORRNLQJ IRU &'/ GULYHUV 7ZR \HDUV SOXV H[SHULHQFH )RU PRUH LQIRUPD WLRQ FRQWDFW *HQHUDO +HOS :DQWHG $,80 DFFUHGLWHG SK\VLFLDQ RIÀFH VHHNLQJ )7 RU 37 Registered Diag- nostic Medical So- nographer 0XVW EH UHJLVWHUHG LQ 2%*<1 ZLWK H[SH ULHQFH $OVR VHHN LQJ )7 H[SHULHQFHG Certified or Regis- tered Medical As- sistant IRU RXU EXV\ 2%*<1 RIÀFH $OO LQTXLULHV SOHDVH PDLO UHVXPH WR :RPHQҋV +HDOWK $VVRFLDWHV 7ULOOL XP :D\ 6XLWH &RUELQ .\ RU HPDLO VOEOD\ ORFN#EHOOVRXWKQHW &0$/3151 ([ SDQGLQJ PHGLFDO SUDFWLFH ORRNLQJ WR KLUH D 0HGLFDO $V VLVWDQW /31 RU 51 WR ZRUN LQ EXV\ IDP LO\ SUDFWLFH RIÀFH ,GHDO &DQGLGDWHҋV TXDOLÀFDWLRQV WR LQ FOXGH Á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´(µ FR 7KH 6HQWLQHO (FKR 32 %R[ /RQGRQ .\ 'ULYHUV Waste Connec- tions, Inc. D G\ QDPLF SURYLGHU RI VROLG ZDVWH VHUYLFHV ZLWK RSHUDWLRQV LQ VWDWHV KDV RS SRUWXQLWLHV DW RXU OR FDWLRQ LQ Lily, KY for: CDL Truck Drivers 5HTXLUHV D &ODVV % &'/ ZLWK DLUEUDNHV HQGRUVHPHQW DV ZHOO DV \UV FRP PHUFLDO WUXFN GULYLQJ H[SHULHQFH DQG D FOHDQ VDIHW\ DQG GULYLQJ UHFRUG 0XVW EH DEOH WR OLIW DW OHDVW OEV $W :DVWH &RQQHF WLRQV \RXOO HQMR\ D FRPSHWLWLYH SD\ UDWH DQG DQ RXWVWDQGLQJ EHQHÀWV SDFNDJH Submit your re- sume online under the ‘Employment’ link at www.waste- connections.com . :DVWH &RQQHFWLRQV LV DQ $IÀUPDWLYH $F WLRQ(TXDO 2SSRUWX QLW\ (PSOR\HU 0)'9 *HQHUDO ODERUHUV QHHGHG IRU PRYLQJ DQG VHWWLQJ XS PR ELOH KRPHV 0XVW KDYH D YDOLG GULYHUV OLFHQVH $SSO\ LQ SHUVRQ IURP DW WKH RIÀFH RI 7KH 0DUYLQ *DUGHQV 2I ÀFH RQ 5HDPV /DQH )XOO 7LPH 6HUYLFH 7HFK&HUWLÀHG +9$& 7HFK QHHGHG IRU 0RELOH +RPH 3DUN 0XVW KDYH JHQHUDO NQRZOHGJH LQ FDUSHQWU\ DQG HOHFWULFDO H[SHUL HQFH $SSO\ LQ SHU VRQ DW WKH RIÀFH RI 0DUYLQ *DUGHQV OR FDWHG RQ 5HDPV /DQH LQ /RQGRQ .< ,PPHGLDWH RSHQLQJ -5 +RH 6RQV ,QF QRZ WDNLQJ DS SOLFDWLRQV IRU D PDQXDO PDFKLQLVW 6WURQJ PDQXDO PDFKLQLQJ VNLOOV $EOH WR ZRUN IURP D SULQW DQG KROG WLJKW WROHUDQFHV &HUWLÀFDWLRQ RU \HDUV PDFKLQLVW WUDGH H[SHULHQFH 7KH LQGLYLGXDO KDV WR EH VHOIPRWLYDWHG DQG TXDOLW\ PLQGHG 0XVW EH ÁH[LEOH ZLWK D FDQGR DWWL WXGH 0XVW EH DEOH WR SDVV GUXJ WHVW +HDOWK ,QVXUDQFH DIWHU GD\V 3DLG +ROLGD\V . )OH[LEOH KRXU ZRUNZHHN 1R 6XQGD\V 3D\ UDWH LV QHJR WLDEOH Now Hiring House- keeping and breakfast Hostess. Apply in person at Comfort Suites, London. In front of Regency 8 Thea- ter. No phone calls please. 1RZ +LULQJ -DQLWRUL DO 3RVLWLRQV VW DQG QG VKLIWV 0XVW SDVV EDFNJURXQG FKHFN DQG GUXJ WHVW &DOO 1RZ +LULQJ +RXVH NHHSLQJ %UHDNIDVW DQG )URQW 'HVN 3OHDVH DSSO\ LQ SHU VRQ DW &RXQWU\ ,QQ DQG 6XLWHV : +Z\ /RQGRQ 2Q6LWH &RRUGLQDWRU 6HHNLQJ VHOIPRWL YDWHG LQGLYLGXDO GH VLULQJ D FKDOOHQJLQJ DQG UHZDUGLQJ MRE )XOO WLPH SHUPDQHQW SRVLWLRQ IRU RQVLWH FRRUGLQDWRU RYHU VHHLQJ WHPSRUDU\ SHUVRQQHO ZRUNLQJ IRU RXU VWDIÀ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ÀWV 8QLIRUPV 3URYLGHG 3DLG 9DFDWLRQ 0DWFKLQJ ,5$ ,QVXUDQFH 3UR JUDP $SSO\ LQ SHUVRQ DW WKH IROORZLQJ ORFD WLRQ .HPSHU +RPH )XUQLVKLQJV 6 /DXUHO 5G /RQGRQ .< 1R SKRQH FDOOV SOHDVH Your ad here! Call us today! 878-7400 Call us today! 878-7400

The Sentinel-Echo I MONDAY, APRIL 2 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt76q52f869h/data/13_70241__13_13_.pdfThe Sentinel-Echo I MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2012 I 13 Simply Unlimited PER DAY Your private party

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MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2012 I 13The Sentinel-Echo I www.sentinel-echo.com

Simply Unlimited


Your private party ad runs in one edition of The Sentinel-Echo, online, and in The Classified Connection. Call for details!

Place a ClassifiedCall (606) 878-7400or Send a Fax (606) 878-7404or e-mail [email protected] are 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday to Friday

View the Classifieds Online at: www.sentinel-echo.com We Accept

Deals On Wheels

Runs ‘til it sells!Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles,ATVs, RVs, Etc.Anything on wheels!

Rental Ads$28 - M, W, F+$9 ea. addt’l run

For Sale Ads$102 - M, W, F for 4 weeks*

$102 forMonday, Wednesday and Friday

Includes our weekly shopper,The Classified Connection, and a7-day listing on monster.com


PrivateParty Ads

4 Weeks

Circulation of 9,000Serving London and Laurel County since 1873*All ads are unlimited word count


CLASSIFIED Employment Ads

12 issuesOnly $102!

Place your ad here!878-7400

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CONTINUED TOCONTINUED TO


Watch your business grow through our

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ONLY $60All business directory ads must be prepaid

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For more information call Karen @ (606)878-7400

and ask about ourBusiness Directory ads.


Newly Renovated


Low Rates

Cable TV/HBO


Free Internet/Local


Daily & WeeklyRates Available!




*Weed eating*Trimming

*Mulch*New Planting

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Call: (606)843-2728

or (606)312-2767

Ask for Ernie




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*Pressure Washing*Roofing*Painting

Much More!!

DAVID W. HALE II(606)224-6271

Free EstimatesFully Insured

H & MConstruction


*PaintingInterior/exterior*Tree clean-up

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Local People

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15 years Experience


or (606)287-3022





Flat Roofs

Quality Work

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Billy BlakleyOwner

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Your adcould be

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Make the Right Move and join a winning team! Build your career with us. HSBC - North America is part of HSBC Group, one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world. Our domestic strength and extensive global network provides our employees with the best of both worlds - the friendliness of a local organization and the resources of a worldwide network - for diverse experiences and challenging career opportunities.

Our London, KY office is now actively recruiting professionals who share our passion for extraordinary customer service.

If you’re seeking a stable, long-term career, consider the following opportunity:

Full-Time Collector I

Please apply online and search by job number: 00001SR5

With our outstanding training programs and monthly incentive plans, we tailor a career that fits your needs.


Issued by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2012 © HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 2012

package that you would expect from a worldwide leader.



Property ManagerWoda Management, a leader in affordable housing, is currently searching for a Property Manager to oversee our Community in (Corbin/London), (Kentucky). Experience in Property Management and familiarity with the area a must. Knowledge of the LIHTC program preferred. Experience in initial Lease-up is a Major Plus.

keting of Rental Units

Record Keeping

tenant accounts


experience.We are an equal opportunity employer.

Please email to: [email protected]


Apply in person atShiloh's Express

192 By Pass, London606.877.1200

Full time maintenance position open. Responsible for cleaning at all three library facilities. Supervised by Plant Manager. Must be able to vacuum, mop floors, clean restrooms, wash windows and help with lawn and garden care. Required to do heavy lifting and help set up for programs and meetings. Must be able to work weekends and evenings. High school diploma required. Applications avail-able at any library location. Accepting applications through April 10th.

Call Phyllis Murray at 864-5759with questions.


Registered Diag-nostic Medical So-nographer

Certified or Regis-tered Medical As-sistant

Waste Connec-tions, Inc.

Lily, KY for:CDL Truck Drivers

Submit your re-sume online under the ‘Employment’ link at www.waste-connections.com.

Now Hiring House-keeping and breakfast Hostess. Apply in person at Comfort Suites, London. In front of Regency 8 Thea-ter. No phone calls please.

Your ad here!Call us today!


Call us today!878-7400