The Secrets to Staying Active as You Age No matter who we are and what we have, growing old is the great equalizer: time and tide waits for no man (or woman). But, even though time inevitably marches, growing old doesn’t have to mean feeling old. Feeling young in your later years is possible without sipping the waters of the fountain of youth. Sometimes, it merely involves a little get up and go. ***Always consult with your doctor or health professional before making any changes to your lifestyle, like starting a new diet or exercise program.

The Secrets to Staying Active As You Age

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At each one of our senior living communities, the staff of Concordia Lutheran Ministries makes it their mission to improve the lives of our residents. Let us help you discover the secrets to feeling young and visit a Concordia location in your area today! - See more at: http://www.concordialm.org/blog/secrets-staying-active-age#sthash.dFlSSDdU.dpuf

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The Secrets to Staying Active as You Age

No matter who we are and what we have, growing old is the great equalizer: time and tide waits for no man (or woman). But, even though time inevitably marches, growing old doesn’t have to mean feeling old. Feeling young in your later years is possible without sipping the waters of the fountain of youth.

Sometimes, it merely involves a little get up and go.

***Always consult with your doctor or health professional before making any changes to your lifestyle, like starting a new diet or exercise program.

Page 2: The Secrets to Staying Active As You Age

The Importance of Staying Active During Your Golden Years

The Types of Exercise Worth Doing

The fact that exercise is good for us isn’t exactly breaking news. What people may not be aware of, however, is that exercise during your golden years is just as essential as exercise during younger periods of life. In some cases, it can even be more vital.

According to Everyday Health, people who exercise in their sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties, and beyond reap a myriad of health benefits. Physical activity can delay the onset of (or prevent altogether) heart disease and diabetes. It can also boost energy, promote happiness, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, keep off extra weight, and reduce the pain from arthritis. Finally, exercise can maintain muscle mass and a sense of balance, two things that factor into a person’s ability to live a high quality, independent life.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when exercising is focusing too much on one type. In actuality, there are several types of exercise, all with individual and important benefits. A regular routine should include cardiovascular activities for at least 30 minutes a day (including swimming, dancing, walking, biking, aerobics); strengthening activities (including lifting free weights or using resistance bands); and balance exercises (including weight shifts, stretching and Tai Chi).

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Breaking a Sweat Without Breaking the Bank

Some seniors abstain from regular exercise because they find it’s too expensive: gym memberships can be pricey and personal trainers don’t come cheap. However, it’s important to remember that breaking a sweat doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank.

First of all, there’s good, old-fashioned walking – something that can be done anywhere, at any time. A stroll around the block is often enough to get the heart pumping and health benefits flowing. In places with inclement weather, a walk inside the local mall or around a your local department store can prove beneficial.

There is also affordable exercise equipment that can be purchased for home use. A pedometer that counts your daily steps, a balance trainer or balance board that helps improve balance, a mini-trampoline for aerobic activity, and at-home workout videos can often be purchased for under $40 or $50.

If you’re in the market for something larger – such as a treadmill or an elliptical – and don’t want to spend several hundred dollars, consider visiting places like Ebay or Amazon. Those forums are filled with people who bought workout equipment only to never use it. Often, you can get machines for a fraction of what they cost brand new.

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Three Easy Steps to Make Yourself More Active

Becoming more active doesn’t need to be a difficult decision: you simply decide to start exercising and stick to it. Still, there are ways to make your routine more adaptable. These include three easy steps:

1. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine: Among the simplest ways to bring exercise into your life is to make it a part of what you’re already doing. If you need your car washed, for instance, opt to do it yourself instead of paying someone. If you usually have your groceries delivered, choose to go to the store yourself. If you’ve always wanted to grow tomatoes, start a garden and tend to it daily.

2. Get a friend or two on board: Exercising with a friend or two (or an entire class) has dual benefits. To begin, friends help you keep your commitment: you can lean on one another for support. Second, social activity among seniors can be as beneficial as the exercise itself. Per Psychology Today, people without friends have a 50 percent greater risk of mortality than similarly-aged people with solid social networks. In other words, having friends can increase your lifespan.

3. Consider a senior living community: Senior living communities and retirement apartments are rich with activities for those in their golden years. From things like golf to horseshoes, from swimming laps to walking around the grounds, these communities are ideal for people looking for an active, friend-filled atmosphere.

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Remembering Everything in Moderation

One important thing to remember as you embark upon an exercise routine is that you don’t need to strain yourself: there is no need to run a marathon when a jog around the neighborhood will do.

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, new research suggests that moderate physical activity is more beneficial than exercise that is strenuous. Moderate intensity is most ideal, but even activities that are low intensity (such as golf) provide benefits.

Your retirement years are meant to be lived to the fullest. Give yourself that opportunity by checking out what the senior living communities of Concordia can offer you. With senior living communities and retirement apartments throughout Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio, you are sure to find the perfect location.