The Secrets of the Pronouns (Diary Fragments 2009-2011)

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  • 8/4/2019 The Secrets of the Pronouns (Diary Fragments 2009-2011)


    The Secrets of the Pronouns(Diary Fragments 2009-2011)

    J.W. Richter

    depicting the E at the entrance in the center between 6 columns of Apollo's temple at Delphi.

    This manuscript describes the decoding process of religious symbolism in the PIE-languages. The

    encoding cannot be considered as an encryption as the most important symbols must have been

    identifiable publicly to anyone. Those days the message probably has been known to any traveler

    and trader. In later eras however the keys have been lost and the visibility of symbolism suffered bysecrecy and ignorance.

    As a starting point I chose the PIE1-word for god, Dyaus2, which bases on a root meaning toshine, related to the shared PIE-words for sky and day. The chief Roman god, Jupiter, derived

    his name from a PIE-design Dyaus-pater, God father or father God. The Bible, evolving inancient Semitic cultures, also started from afather God.

    There is no clear description and definition for the Proto-Indo-European sky-god Dyaus and the

    symbolism enclosed in its name. I started the deciphering analysis around 1990, but the progress

    turned out to be rather tedious. It took me a few years to identify the proto-Ego-pronoun 3 enclosed

    inside the divine name.

    The PIE Ego-pronoun had to be discovered in the inaccessible, remote Alpine valleys, where people

    may have led an undisturbed life for centuries. Especially around the Swiss city of Chur some fine

    sample of Ego-pronouns like jau, ieu and iou have been found. The people using the PIE ego-pronoun jau have been named theJauer.

    Dyaus also evolved to Latin deus and Greek Zeus, whereas the name Jupiter(Iuppiter) originatedas a vocative compound of the Old Latin vocative *Iou andpater("father") and came to replace theOld Latin nominative case *Ious. Linguistic studies identify the form *Iou-pateras deriving fromthe PIE-vocative compound *Dyu-pter (meaning "O Father Sky-god"; nominative: *Dyus-


    1 PIE = Proto-Indo-European (dated around 6000 years ago) - The PIE-homeland was located around the north sidesof the Black and Caspian Seas.

    2 Dyaus also led to Latin deus and Greek Zeus

    3 personal pronouns of the first person singular

    Fig. 1: Faustina Senior coin
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    Obviously the inneryau-core inside Dyaus could also be spoken and written as ieu and iou. Dyaus'central vowel obviously could be varied and chosen from the vowel-set a, e, o and the sky-god's

    equivalent names are Dyaus, Dyeus, Dyous.

    The ego-pronounsjau, ieu and iou may now clearly be identified as a core-element included insideDyaus, Dieus, respectivelyDious. This idea may already be suited to consider the ego-pronounsas the most important words in any language. Additionally the etymologist Morris Swadesh also

    considers the ego-pronouns as the most important words in any language. This priority confirms theidea for a dedicated enclosure of ego-pronouns inside a divine name.

    Other personal pronouns may be identified as containers for the UI-cores as well. The oldest form

    to write we may be found from the runes in which we had been written as UIR4 (German:we), which clearly includes the characters U and I. In the 8 th century UIR transformed to

    UUIR, in which the doubled U symbolized the double-U (W).

    Now if anyone designs a most important word inside a D-shaped container (similar to a

    hieroglyphic cartouche5 representing a divine name such as Dieu) both constructs invite us toanalyze the words and trace the components for their individual symbolism. This manuscript

    describes the last years of the quest for this symbolism inside the ego-pronouns and divine names.

    Investigations followed six to seven phases to decipher the symbolism of vowels and vocalic words.

    There may be some symbolism left in the consonants, but what importance is there to be expected

    from elements named con-sonants? And it may be irrelevant what is to be added to this research...

    4 Source: The Runes-Dictionary by Udo Waldemar Dieterich (1844)

    5 Wikipedia's entryCartouche: In Egyptian hieroglyphs, a cartouche is an ellipse with a horizontal line at one end,

    indicating that the text enclosed is a royalname
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    Seven Phases

    2009 - Phase 1: Dyus

    The documentation starts with an opening document describing the investigative status at the date

    of the first document The Sky-God Dyaeus at 15 May 2009. Although this document has beenupdated a few times the contents' structure largely remained unaltered. It is from here we may start

    the following diary fragments, which will be restricted to topics related to the ego-pronouns' quest.

    In 2009 I knew the name Dyus already had been defined as compatible to four versions Dyaus,Dieus,Dious, respectively Dyus. The -character named Eta (H), may be considered as a vocalsound ranging between an a and an e.

    Initially I was aware of the bipolarity concept of religious symbols, so I decided to study antipodes.

    Investigating the bipolar elements did lead me to redand blue colors, to male and female, to thebinary elements 0 and 1.

    2009 - Phase 2: Red and Blue

    A great number of ancient - mostly religious encrypted messages have been conserved in

    antiquities. One of the fascinating topics in these areas is the use of colors as ancient symbols,

    which have been documented in writings such as the Bible, in ancient sculptures and in ancient

    buildings. Although most written documents do not explicitly reveal the coding rules the symbolism

    may also be investigated by statistical methods.

    2010 - Phase 3: Chronology in The Hermetic Codex

    The Hermetic Codex had been designed as an overview in chronological order, which easily could

    be expanded and reorganized by inserting new topics. The manuscript The Hermetic Codex wasrelatively popular (downloaded 338 times at 2400 readers6)

    2010 - Phase 4: The Ego-pronouns IEU, IAU, IOU, IU, I

    At the 14th of September 2010 I discovered the Provencal Ego-pronoun ieu, which initiated the

    study of pronouns, or, to be more precise, the ego-pronouns7. I remember I swept my eyes over the

    text at the entrance of the museum and recognized ieu which immediately did ring a bell. Iconsidered to carry the book on my way through the museum, but did place the valuable manuscript

    back onto the shelf in a risk that somebody else might buy the book before I returned. I was lucky

    though nobody found the book in the few hours I visited the old Rechlin airbase.

    2010 - Phase 5: The Vowels

    Joscelyn Godwin8 triggered me to investigate the symbolism in the vowels, which seemed to be

    more important than the consonants. Vowels have been recognized as the sacred symbols in Indo-European and other languages.

    In her paper The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin correctly describes

    various religious symbols hidden in the vowels of ancient languages. The number of vowels may

    vary between three (I, A, U), five (I, A, U, E, O) or seven (I, A, U, E, AE, O, OO), or even more.

    6 Status 12 September 2011

    7 Found at page 71 in a quotation of Frederi Mistral's Mireio (in Mario Wandruszka's Die Mehrsprachigkeit desMenschen, bought for 1 in the second hand bookshop at the airport-museum Rechlin).

    8 The Mystery of the Seven Vowelsby Joscelyn Godwin (1991) with my reviewOn the Symbolism of the Vowels A-

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    2010 - Phase 6: The Vowels A, E, O for Eternity

    Some words in modern English reveal the religious symbolism hidden in ancient languages. Most

    evidence involves the special treatment of vowels. Vowels have been hidden, but the hiding seemed

    to be necessary for sacredness and protection. In fact the vowels may have been the carriers of

    symbolism, whereas the consonants were merely providing the carrier structure.

    According to Morris Swadesh the most important word in any language is the ego-pronoun. Themost important characters are the vowels the non-vowels merely are to be considered as

    additional consonants, as helping mates to produce powerful vocals. Vowels seem to have playedan important role in designing the ego-pronouns, the divine names and the yes- and no-words. The

    most powerful symbols (the vowels) will be preferred for the most important words (the ego-


    The oldest vowels may have been I, A and U10. In later eras the , E, O and Y may have been added

    to this list. Therefore the oldest pronouns may be a construct containing I, A, and/or U.

    One of the oldest words I found is the word no respectively na, which contains a negatedvocalic core o respectively a. These vowels have been identified as a symbol for everlasting,

    always. Therefore in ancient eras the vowels o and a must have symbolized eternity11. Theseone-vowel expressions are extremely short and for this reason they probably belong to the oldest of

    all English or Indo-European words.

    The longest vocalic word I found is a Hebrew heptagrammaton , but the majority of vocalic

    words are three-vowel or four-vowel words, most of which are based on I, U and one of the other

    vowels. An exception to this rule isIao, which ends in an Omega-vowel instead of a U.

    According to Dante religious concepts may have started with very short vocalic words such as I(orthe letterYod) and El. Another ancient divine and vocalic names isIU(Jupiter). Another concepthas been introduced by religious vocalic symbols for eternity, such asEandEiat the Apollo-templein Delphi.

    Except for the special, mortal symbols I, Y and U all other vowels a, 12, e, o may haverepresented eternity. The vowels13, , andei are singular vocalic words, symbolizing ever in theno-words for Nordic languages14. Some of the yes-words (such as aye) also refer to the ever-concept - probably to enhance the everlastingvalue of theyes-response.

    The ego-pronouns iau, iu, ieu, iou, ja, j, je, and io may be newer than a previoussubstrate layerof ego-pronouns, which are corresponding to man, me, moi, etc. Generally the younger ego-

    pronouns have been designed by composing a leading vowel I, one of the vowels a, 15, e, o(represented eternity) and a trailing vowel U. These constructs (ieu, iau and iou, etc.) representedthe first androgynous man, which had been created immortalby the gift ofeternalprocreation.

    The corresponding divine names (Dieu, Diou, Dios, Dio, etc.) related to these ego-pronouns may bederived by alternatively adding a header consonant D and/or a trailing consonant s to the ego-pronouns (ieu, iau, iou, io, etc.).

    9 Vowels for Eternity (a quest for the most important symbols and words in any language)

    10 Source: Ur-vowels in The Runes' Dictionary by Udo Waldemar Dieterich (1844)

    11 Etymological roots forthe word No: From Middle Englishno,na, fromOld Englishn, n (never), fromProto-Germanic *nai (never), *n(not), from Proto-Indo-European *ne, *n, *ney(negative particle), equivalent toOld Englishne (not) +,(ever, always).

    12 Represented by H (Eta, the vowel )13 = Old English adverb ever, always Descendants: English/ Scots: ay/aye14 Source: The Wiktionary entry no15 Represented by H (Eta, the vowel )
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    2009 - Phase 1: Dyus

    In the beginning of my research for the secrets there was nothing but a Tohu wa bohu. None of thesources seemed to have been checked for qualified statements. Trustworthy and "Tohu 16"-works

    were presented in the same categories. From a scientific point of view all of these books were non-

    scientific by definition. Still they had to be considered as cryptographically manipulated scripts, in

    which an unrevealed message had been encoded. I knew the message had to be some philosophicalmeaning, which must have been important in the early days of civilization - no matter what we

    thought of these things today.

    In 2009 I knew the name Dyus already had been defined as compatible to four versions Dyaus,Dieus,Dious, respectively Dyus. The -character named Eta (H), may be considered as a vocalsound ranging between an a and an e.

    Initially I was aware of the bipolarity concept of religious symbols, so I decided to study antipodes.

    Investigating the bipolar elements did lead me to redand blue colors, to male and female, to thebinary elements 0 and 1.

    I started by studying the bipolar structures, which often had been described as androgynous. Some

    of these bi-faced deities such as Tuisco and sculptures, such as the Hermes of Roquepertuse hadbeen identified as androgynous. These details had been documented in a manuscript, The Sky-God

    Dyaeus, which was the first document I published in a new databaseScribd.

    15 May 2009 Friday - Dyus

    I also considered Dyaus as an androgynous deity. Dyaus is a common deity, shared by all Indo-

    European communities. I investigated a great number of palaeolithic dual-headed divine sculptures,

    burial ceremonies, biblical quotations and color codes which seemed to setup the characteristics for

    this androgynous sky-god Dyaeus, whose "Hermaphrodites" are referring to the famous

    androgynous creation legends in Plato's Symposium and in the Kabbalistic Book Zohar.

    In analogy to Schliemann's discovery of Troy I considered the Platonic legend and the ancient

    sculptures as the remains of a common and global ancient androgynous religion - the predecessor

    for modern religions. The Sky-God Dyaeus describes our predecessor religion in its youth, in

    which people were aware they shared one common religion and a singular sky-deity17.

    Still however this thesis did not contain too much evidence. It would be a long road to find out what

    is fake and what is truth, but I was confident that the enigma some day would be solved.

    2 October 2009 - Hochdorf

    The 1th of October 2009 I revisited the Hochdorf Celtic site after reopening the museum as a

    bilingual site in English and German language. The museum is located in an area populated by the

    Celts in the 6th century before Christ, but is famous for the findings in an untouched imperial grave,

    which had been discovered in 1978. I made a few personal notes and photographs to document my

    impressions of this most interesting site and excellent museum18.

    16 "Tohu," is used 20 times in the Hebrew bible, and is used to mean "vain" or "waste."

    17 The Sky-God Dyaeus

    18 Hochdorf Revisited - A reconstructed Celtic Site
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    2009 - Phase 2: Red and Blue

    15 October 2009 - The Fundamental Color Symbols Blue and Red

    A great number of ancient - mostly religious encrypted messages have been conserved in

    antiquities. One of the fascinating topics in these areas is the use of colors as ancient symbols,which have been documented in writings such as the Bible, in ancient sculptures and in ancient

    buildings. Although most written documents do not explicitly reveal the coding rules the symbolism

    may also be investigated by statistical methods.

    An analysis of the ornaments in medieval Bible-codices reveals an overwhelming number of red &

    blue scripting lines, garments and other ornaments, which are referring to divine commands in the

    Book Exodus. The Fundamental Color Symbols Blue and Red also adds the symbolism of Maria's

    garments and Egyptian blue-winged red solar disk, which seem to confirm the thesis of a common

    coloring code in ancient cultures, which even surpasses the Indo-European sky-god Dyaeus.

    25 October 2010 - The Sacred Symbols of MuStudying The Sacred Symbols of Mu19, which had been written before 1950, I noticed some

    problems in understanding these texts, mostly due to the background knowledge for modern

    readers. The main cause for these misunderstandings is a dramatic changeover in social position for

    women (voting, property, etc.).

    At the end of World War II a revolutionary movement changed women's position in society,

    resulting in voting for women, property for women, birth control, etc. These details will

    considerably affect the understanding for James Churchward's manuscript.

    Even although this manuscript has been written in 1933 there are some details which have to be

    refreshed before reading this document and probably any religious document created before 1950.

    1 December 2009 Vienna

    In a 3-day's visit20 to Vienna I discovered the color codes in the medieval Bibles, which for the next

    12 months would intensify my study of the color codes21. Originally the study concentrated on the

    divine purple, red and blue, to be followed by the negatively polarized yellow and green.

    In fact the main body of the study ended at 31.3.2010 after I had identified the grave translation

    errors (in which at least 5-6 medieval Bibles translated to yellow instead to blue) in some

    medieval Bibles22. These mistakes had not been corrected in Luther's Bible for several centuries and

    they completely disturbed the public knowledge of color symbolism in German speaking countries.

    From 31.3.2010 the aim of study switched over to the ego-pronoun and its vowels. For this reason I

    remember the year 2010 as A year filled with vowels.

    19 Notes to the Sacred Symbols of Mu20 From 1.12.2009-3.12.2009

    21 For this reason I remember the year 2010 as A year filled with colors.22 Analysis of the Translation Errors in Exodus 25-4 (the Yellow Blue Misinterpretion)
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    5 December 2009 The Secret Color Codes in the Bible

    The coloring codes for the garments in ancient oil paintings seems to be following the wealthy

    decorations in the medieval codices, which mainly consist of Bibles. From the intensity of the

    decorations we probably may identify the book Genesis as the most important part of the Bible to

    the medieval religious leaders. The most important identifying religious symbols are the colors red

    and blue, probably symbolizing the androgynous elements in ancient religions.

    The biblical decorations clearly follow the divine commands as stated in the book Exodus for the

    garments of the earliest Hebrew Covenant-sanctuaries.

    The coloring system cannot have been chosen by the copying monks themselves and probably has

    been defined by the leading management of the medieval Church.

    This book reveals the surprising secret coloring codings in the medieval Bible, which may have

    been used to define the colors in the modern banners of Westeuropean nations such as Great Britain,

    France and the Netherlands and -as a former colony - the USA as well. The manuscript will deliver

    ample arguments to support this thesis...23

    23 December 2009 - Genesis - Weaving the Words in Red and in Blue

    The published layout for the Book Genesis explains the basic idea of weaving words like human

    beings symbolized by male and female persons as married couples24.

    Initially man had started as a couple of two individuals colored red and blue, which had to multiply.

    The individuals grew to a large number of human beings which intermixed to purple colored

    masses. The words have been written in alternating colors red and blue suggesting a growth of the

    population by decreasing the letter size from 36 to 4 points. The last lines will not be printed in

    alternating red and blue, but in plain purple colors. Some original pictures from medieval Bibles

    illustrate the idea as a medieval concept for coding the basic symbolism in the ancient manuscripts.

    The weaving of words corresponds to the high density weaving of the burial garments in blue & red

    for the sovereign at Hochdorf, which from a distance will also be seen as a purple garment.

    In Genesis six divine creation phases seem to correlate to "splitting" phases, which may correlate to

    symbolic colors red & blue. The result of these studies have been added to the manuscript at 28th of

    December 2009.

    3 January 2010 - Paint It Purple

    According to a number of divine commands in the Book Exodus and the second Book of Chronicles

    the colors Purple, Red and Blue must have been religious symbols for a very long time25.

    Reported findings at Hochdorf, Germany indicate the symbolism may have been shared or adopted

    by the neighboring peoples (Egyptian, Celtic and German peoples, Greeks and Romans).

    In the Middle Ages Purple, Red and Blue played a major role in ornamentation and symbolism in

    the Bible, in religious paintings and in non-religious books such as Dante'sDivina Commedia.

    From these manuscripts the symbolism may have passed to the garments of the French kings and

    probably other aristocrats as well.

    Subsequently the symbolic colors red and blue transferred to the flags and banners of a great

    number of organisations (e.g. the Freemasons) and nations (the USA, Russia, England, France, the

    Netherlands, the Philippines).

    23 Secret color Codes in the Bible

    24 Genesis - Weaving the Words in Red and in Blue

    25 Paint It Purple - A short History of painting Red and Blue
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    6 January 2010 - Another Etymology for Purple

    A globally accepted convention accepts light red as a female and blue as male symbol for genders.

    A special color symbol for androgynous genders or matrimonial couples does not seem to be well


    Dutch language however provides us with a word paars for the color purple, which may have

    been in use in ancient eras as religious symbols in analogy to the colors red and blue.

    From the recipe for painting icons and the books Exodus and Chronicles we may identify the

    religious symbolism for the colors purple, red and blue. In fact we may even discover these symbols

    from the flags of a number of countries: the Netherlands, France, England, USA and Russia.

    A medieval etymology for the Dutch word paars (equivalent to purple) refers to the free citizens

    of the Dutch city of Leiden, whose assembly hall has been named de Paars, respectively de Pers

    for their peer-members. The color of paars is the symbolic color for the peers.

    In fact the Dutch adjective paars may even be the last and only word to explain the symbolism for

    the Biblical colors purple, red and blue in the books Genesis and Chronicles. All other traces have

    been destroyed and cleaned up. Nothing has been allowed to remain from androgynous symbolism.

    That's why I keep the Dutch word paars (purple) as a treasure with mine and as a last farewell to

    my ancestors' ancient religion; to Tuisco, who has been honoured by naming the cities of Duisburg

    and Doesburg26.

    January 2010 - Flags

    Etymology for Flags

    Gender References for Purple, Red and Blue

    A compact Overview of Bipolar Symbolism

    February 2010 - Green

    The Symbolic color Green in Islam

    Patrism, Matrism and Androgyny

    Dies Fasti - Understanding the Fastened Sculptures

    Cross-references for Deities and Man

    23 March 2010 - Summary of some religious color Codes

    Summary of some religious color Codes

    Body Mirroring at Burials

    2 April 2010 Medieval Garments

    Blue and Red in Medieval Garments

    Language and Religion

    26 Another Etymology for Purple
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    14 April 2010 - Yellow

    Yellow for Judas

    Color Coding in the Last Supper (by Leonardo Da Vinci)

    Color Codings in the Last Supper (Overview)

    Blue and Red in Roermond

    The Kingfisher - The etymology of kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)

    Red and Blue in the Middle Age

    The Majestic Singular in William of Orange's Letter

    Symbolism in the Garden of Delights by Hieronymos Bosch

    Threads of Bipolar Symbolism in Religion
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    2010 - Phase 3: Chronology in The Hermetic Codex

    The Hermetic Codex had been designed as an overview in chronological order, which easily could

    be expanded and reorganized by inserting new topics. The download rate for the manuscript The

    Hermetic Codex is rather high (downloaded 338 times at 2400 readers27).

    13 June 2010 Dyeing

    The Hermetic Codex is an overview in chronological order.

    Dyeing Purple in the Middle Age

    Capita Selecta for the religious symbols Red and Blue

    2 July 2010 - Hieronymos Bosch

    Symbolism in the Paintings by Hieronymos Bosch

    Yellow for Saint Peter

    Coloured Idols - The international exhibition Bunte Gtter (Coloured Gods), organized by

    the Munich Glyptothek in 2004

    26 July 2010 - Illuminated Manuscripts

    Blue and Red in Notitia Dignitatum

    Illuminated Manuscripts

    9 August 2010 - Freemasonary Blue and Red Symbolism in Freemasonary

    The Nuns' Church at Waiblingen

    Red and Blue as Gender Symbols

    25 August 2010 - Liturgy

    Liturgical (and Royal) colors

    The Hermetic Library

    Summary - Archaic Rock Inscriptions (1891)

    The Argonauts' Bridges

    2 September 2010 - the Kylver rune-stone

    Dyaus' Legacy - A Quest for the Origin of Religion

    The Keystone to Religion - Interpreting the Kylver rune-stone

    Jupiter's Legacy

    King Edward VI's Legacy (1537-1553)

    27 Status 12 September 2011
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    2010 - Phase 4: The Ego-pronouns IEU, IAU, IOU, IU, I

    14 September 2010 - the PIE-Concept

    At the 14th of September I discovered28 the Provencal Ego-pronoun ieu, which initiated the study

    of pronouns, or, to be more precise, the ego-pronouns. I remember I swept my eyes over the text at

    the entrance of the museum and recognized ieu which immediately did ring a bell. I considered tocarry the book on my way through the museum, but did place the valuable manuscript back onto the

    shelf in a risk that somebody else might buy the book before I returned. I was lucky though

    nobody found the book in the few hours I visited the old Rechlin airbase.

    The analysis proved the androgynous IU-structure of the Alpine Ego-pronouns, but did not explain

    the central vowel, which seemed to provide a divine link between male and female elements.

    From now on most of the study time has been invested in the pronouns and their enclosure inside

    the divine names. Before the discovery of ieu I had considered the letter I as the core for theego-pronoun. Most ego-pronouns failed to present any (female) U-element in their structure,

    which forced me to consider the ego-pronouns as male elements. Up till that day the Thou-pronoun

    on the other hand was an antipodal, female element, failing to present male I-letters.

    The ieu caused a paradigm changeover, leading to consider the ego-pronoun as a genuine image

    of the androgynous creature, created as Adam Kadmon.

    Etymology for the Pronoun 'I'

    The Book Genesis Inside of a Single Word

    The Keywords in God's Name

    The PIE Concept - Decoding the Proto Indo European Language

    An Integrated Proto Indo European Concept (Overview)

    T-V-Distinction in the PIE-Concept

    Reconstruction of the PIE-History

    A Cultural Earthquake (The Proto-Indo-European-concept)

    The Indo Europeans - A Ground Zero for Civilisation

    Some additional lines to On ``The Effecting of All Things Possible'' by Peter Medawar

    10 November 2010 - Widukind's Tomb

    Hieroglyphs in Indo-European Languages

    The Deity Dis in the Gallic Wars

    Antithesis to the Standard PIE-Concept

    Widukind's Tomb

    A History of Proto-Indo-European Religion

    28 Found at page 71 in a quotation of Frederi Mistral's Mireio (in Mario Wandruszka's Die Mehrsprachigkeit des

    Menschen, bought for 1 in the second hand bookshop at the airport-museum Rechlin).
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    19 November 2010 The Hieroglyphs in the Ego-Pronoun

    Sacred Phonemes - Moulding the sacred words

    The Hieroglyphs in the Ego-Pronoun

    Decoding the Ego-Pronoun (I)

    Etymology of the Ego-Pronoun (I)

    3 December 2010 - The Garden of Earthly Delights

    We visit the Museo del Prado, where the permanent exhibition includes many red & blue encoded

    paintings including some of the marvelous paintings ofHieronymos Bosch29.

    The central religious image of the Garden of Earthly Delights may be identified in the androgynous

    symbolism of the red pillar over a blue pond in the fountain(s) of fertility and love30.

    Androgynous symbolism belonged to the early forms of symbolism in Indo-European religions and

    probably to the early Hebrew religion as well.

    The colors red and blue have been applied to symbolize the power of royalties in their crowns,

    coats-of-arms, flags and garments.

    The Garden of Earthly Delights has been painted in religiously colored symbols, including the

    king's bird the kingfisher wearing orange, white and blue, the strawberries and other fruits in red

    and blue.

    24 December 2010 - The Wyclif Bible

    In analogy to many other illuminated bibles the beginning of the Gospel of John from the 14th

    century copy of Wycliffe's translation applies initials in red and blue decorations, which mostprobably symbolize the red (male) and blue (female) elements of man and the purple colour

    symbolizing the divine synthesis of the male and female elements.

    The Wyclif Bible clearly defines a common source "nouyt" for the creation of the sky, earth and forman. God made of nouyt hem, male and female defines the first man as a plural individual,

    male and female character, which implies an androgynous couple.

    The Wyclif Bible identified the first man as a singular individual creature, simultaneously male and

    female, exactly as it had been described by Plato in Symposium. Describing these concepts in plain

    English certainly must have triggered the severest religious censorship laws of the medieval


    The Ego-pronoun (the personal pronoun of the first person singular) has been defined as an upper

    case character Y (YOD) instead of the modern I.

    Hosea 11-931

    9 Y schal not do the strong veniaunce of my wraththe. Y schal not turne, to leeseEffraym; for Y am God, and not man. Y am hooli in the myddis of thee, and Y schalnot entre in to a citee.

    29 Symbolism in the Garden of Delights by Hieronymos Bosch

    30 The Central Religious Images in the Garden of Earthly Delights

    31 Book Osee in Wyclif's Bible
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    12 December 2010, Toledo

    At the Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo32 I discover the red & blue colored Bibledecorations in the Bible for the French King Louis IX (1226-1234) .

    27 December 2010 Surprise for Christmas

    There is a Surprise for Christmas33 from my friends Heike and Stefan.

    15 January 2011 Plutarch

    Plutarch is a major source for discoveries in the field of ancient symbolism:

    Red and Blue in Architecture and Artwork

    Symbolism of Purple and Scarlet in Greek and Roman Societies

    20 January 2011 An overview in E for Enigma

    To understand the archaic guidelines I composed an overview of bipolar elements in bi-faced

    sculptures, historical records, religions, languages, illuminated manuscripts and symbols34.

    To identify the correlation between the most important words (personal pronouns, Man and God)

    the Swadesh lists need to be corrected: the words for God and Man (human Being) need to be

    inserted, respectively resorted at the highest ranks near to the Ego-, Tu- and We-pronouns.

    Genuine vowel-structures may be identified in the Ego-pronouns and in divine names, which seem

    to contain a triple set of gender information: a male I-, respectively an androgynous A- and a female

    U-element. Androgynous symbols may also have been replaced by other E- or O-vowels or IU-

    combinations. These male, androgynous and female elements may have been considered as the

    archaic fundamentals in human society and creation.The E=Enigma-concept is extremely flexible in respect to monotheistic conditions. Correctly

    interpreted the E=Enigma-concept may be considered as monotheistic, bipolar male-female or as a

    threefold androgynous & male-female concept.

    In the course of time most of this wisdom have been altered and veiled to protect the contents from

    being manipulated, resulting in an enigmatic and blurred concept. The basic Enigma-idea however

    may still be understood by methodically analyzing the concept.


    According to MasseyIEis just an alternative writing for IAU and may similar words35

    :It is the religious community, not the race, that will account for the Jews who emigrated to

    the ends of the earth, and for the names of the Jewish god, who was the Egyptian Iu,Phoenician Iao, Hebrew Iah, Assyrian Iau, Egypto-gnostic Ieou (greater and lesser),ChineseIaou, PolynesianIho-Iho, DyakIaouh, Nicobar Islands Eewu, MexicanAo, Toda

    Au, Hungarian Iao, Manx Iee, Cornish Iau, Welsh Iau (greater and lesser), Hebrew Iao-Sabaoth, ChaldeanIao-Heptaktis, GreekIa, andIE36, LatinJupiterandJove.

    32 The Morgan Library & Museum, New York

    33 Well done byAlphabetPhotography ...34 E for Enigma (An Overview)

    35 Source:Ancient Egypt The Light of the World(Vol. 1-page 501) by Gerald Massey36 Correlating with the E - of the E-symbol Engraven Over the Gate of Apollos Temple at Delphi
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    8 February 2011 Globish

    English as well as Globish prefer very short words, in an attempt to simulate a special form ofshorthandwriting technology, which originally may have been optimized for speed.

    Probably an optimized design for maximum speed would contain a set of 1500 1700 words built

    from one-letter up to three- or four letter-words including most of the already available definitions

    in White Queen's Dictionary of One letter words, in the standard Two-Letter WordList and theThree-Letter WordList.

    English as well as Globish prefer very short words, in an attempt to simulate a special form ofshorthandwriting technology, which originally may have been optimized for speed37.

    In some of the following chapters the two letter words and three letter words will be investigated for

    their conceptual fundamentals38.

    One letter words: a,I, o, y, ...

    Two letter words cover some important secondary pronouns: ya, ye, it, me, we, us, basicreplies no, ay and elementary verbs: to be, to do, to up, is (to exist), to ax, tones (do, re, mi,

    fa, so, la, si, ti) and a list of auxiliary words (as, at, by, in, of, to, if, or, un).

    Three letter words cover important substantives and verbs. The following list merely lists

    the words starting with A, B and C: to act, to add, to age, to aid, to ail, to aim, to ape, are(to be), to arc, to arm, to ash, to ask, to awe, to bag, to bar, to bed, to beg, to bet, to bid, tobin, to bit, to bob, to bog, to bow, to box, to bud, to bug, to bum, to bus, to buy, to cab, tocan, to cap, to cat, to caw, to cod, to cog, to con, to cop, to cow, to coy, to cry, to cue, to cup,to cut.

    37 See the theoretical base ofInformation Theory, published byClaude E. Shannonin "A Mathematical Theory of

    Communication" (1948)

    38 English and Globish - Optimized Linguistic Designs
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    2010 - Phase 5: The Vowels

    Joscelyn Godwin39 triggered me to investigate the symbolism in the vowels, which seemed to be

    more important than the consonants.

    14 March 2011 Seven VowelsVowels have been recognized as the sacred symbols in Indo-European and other languages. In her

    paper The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin correctly describes various

    religious symbols hidden in the vowels of ancient languages. The number of vowels may vary

    between three (I, A, U), five (I, A, U, E, O) or seven (I, A, U, E, AE, O, OO), or even more.

    An increased publication of the Swadesh-lists for a great number of languages revealed other

    languages with one-vowel names such as Albanian, Arberesh, Marchigiano, Ticinese and I decided

    to categorize the pronouns in several ways for the purpose to identify relationships between


    Most of the short pronouns seem to have been derived from a multi-vowel word, which may have

    been a divine name, probably similar or identical to Jehovah. The longest pronouns consist of three

    vowels out of the multi-vowel word. These three-vowel pronouns have been found in remote,

    mountainous areas, in which conservative structures managed to resist abbreviations and other

    deterioration of the pronouns.

    This observations suggests to consider the original source as a multi-vowel word such as Jehovah.

    27 March 2011 Some Color Keys in Paintings

    Some of the medieval symbols have been devoted to a special message, which could not be written

    down in plain text, but may have been encoded in some of the graphical elements such as the colorcodes.

    Investigating some of these symbols we may derive some insight from ancient wisdom. In this

    paper four different color topics have been documented, which will be used to illustrate the various

    symbolic parameters for white, pink versus red, scarlet versus crimson and the depressive character

    of blue.

    If white is to be considered as a symbol for innocence and ignorance, pink and light blue may be

    thought as the diluted version of wisdom, to be located in the middle between ignorance (white) and

    wisdom (red & blue).

    Crimson and scarlet may often be considered similar to red, but eventually they may have beenquite different in color and in symbolism. Crimson is a strong, bright, deep red color. Scarlet is a

    bright red color with a hue that is somewhat toward the orange. It is redder than vermilion. We may

    have to consider the differences between scarlet and crimson, which have been used in the medieval

    bibles. 2. Chronicles 2 & 3 are applying crimson for the construction of Solomon's temple, whereas

    Exodus 25,26,27,35,36,38 and 39 are using scarlet, which may have been interpreted as orange...

    39 The Mystery of the Seven Vowelsby Joscelyn Godwin (1991) with my reviewOn the Symbolism of the Vowels A-


    40 The Sacred Vowels in Pronouns - notes to The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin
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    31 March 2011 Translation Errors in Exodus 25-4

    A great number of Bible-translations does not refer to blue, but to yellow 41. The problem has been

    revealed at the Luther Bible, but the error had been introduced at least 50 years before. In fact a

    similar problem has been identified in a great number of Dutch Bibles such as:

    theDelftse bijbel published 1477, introducing yellow in parallel to blue well before Luther'stranslation. The Delftse bijbel may have been known to Luther.

    the Liesveltbijbel (1542), derived from Luther's Bible, published in Antwerpes, replacing

    blue by yellow

    the Deux-Aes-Bijbel (1562), in parts derived from the Liesvelt-Bible, published in Emden,

    replacing blue by yellow, and of course

    in Lutherse translation into Dutch language (1648), replacing blue by yellow

    Not any one of the translators seems to have noticed these errors, which misinterpreted the divine

    words. In fact the error still has not been listed in the Bible errata, listing the printers' errors and

    peculiar translations.

    The particular phrase of the Vulgata is hyacinthum et purpuram coccumque, which normally is tobe translated to blue, and purple, and scarlet. In fact the misinterpretation of the hyacinth color(blue versus yellow) already started with the completion of the Septuagint-translation into Greeklanguage, which has been dated between the 3rd century BCE and 132 BCE42.

    23 april 2011 The Prime Words in Adam's Language

    Decline of the West

    The origin of human speech may have been based on the prime words43 which most probably may

    have included the personal pronouns of the first and second person.

    The Prime Words in Adam's Language

    Dante Alighieri in his De vulgari eloquentia suggests that the name El was the first sound emitted

    by Adam. Created as a full matured adult he may rather have uttered the Ego-pronoun I which for

    an image of God may have been equivalent to God's name. In the Divina commedia, however,

    Dante contradicts his previous statement by saying that God was called I in the language of Adam,

    and only namedElin later Hebrew, but before the confusion of tongues (Paradiso, 26.134).

    These statements reveal a remarkable medieval correlation between the divine name and the Ego-

    pronoun. It may be compared to the Wycliffe Bible, which referred to a pronoun Y or I which in the

    language of Adam may have been known as the name of God. Of course it may as well have been

    the first sound emitted by Adam. In this case the Ego-pronoun I must have been considered as one

    of the prime words in the language of Adam.

    The most recent Swadesh-lists document a great variety of 3-, 2- and 1-vowel words for the Ego-

    pronouns. The simplest Ego-pronouns are the 1-vowel words I, U, E and A. The one-vowel Ego-

    pronoun is being used in modern English and in several German dialects. Dante's work suggests to

    consider the I-pronoun as a prime word in Adam's language.

    41 Analysis of the Translation Errors in Exodus 25-4 (The Yellow Blue Misinterpretion)42 From Wikipedia Septuagint: The translation process was undertaken in stages between the 3rd century BCE and the

    1st century CE,[2] initially in Alexandria, but in time possibly elsewhere too. Although the translation was notcompleted for some time, it reached completion before 132 BCE.

    43 Source: Decline of the West: Volume I, Form and Actuality enDecline-of-the-West-Volume-II-Perspectives-of-Worldpublished 1918-1923 by Oswald Spengler
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    Divina commedia - Paradiso, Canto XXVI44

    In de volgende passages past Dante I en El toe:

    La lingua ch'io parlai fu tutta spenta 124 'The tongue I spoke was utterly extinct

    innanzi che a l'ovra inconsummabile 125 before the followers of Nimrod turned their minds

    fosse la gente di Nembrt attenta: 126 to their unattainable ambition.

    ch nullo effetto mai razonabile, 127 'For nothing ever produced by reason -- per lo piacere uman che rinovella 128 since human tastes reflect the motion

    seguendo il cielo, sempre fu durabile. 129 of the moving stars -- can last forever.

    Opera naturale ch'uom favella; 130 'It is the work of nature man should speak

    ma cos o cos, natura lascia 131 but, if in this way or in that, nature leaves to you,

    poi fare a voi secondo che v'abbella. 132 allowing you to choose at your own pleasure.

    Pria ch'i' scendessi a l'infernale ambascia, 133 'Before I descended to anguish of Hell,

    Is'appellava in terra il sommo bene 134Iwas the name on earth of the Sovereign Good,onde vien la letizia che mi fascia; 135 whose joyous rays envelop and surround me.

    eElsi chiam poi: e ci convene, 136 'LaterElbecame His name, and that is as it shouldbe,

    ch l'uso d'i mortali come fronda 137 for mortal custom is like a leaf upon a branch,in ramo, che sen va e altra vene. 138 which goes and then another comes.

    7 May 2011 Religious lessons

    It feels like only yesterday to have attended school classes in religion. I remember a Catholic priest

    teaching me the Biblical Creation legend in September 1954.

    Somehow the notebook survived more than five decades and clearly reveals the color code pattern,

    in which a man has been painted red, a woman blue and the sinning couple purple45.

    44 Bron : Divina commedia -Paradiso, Canto XXVI

    45 Dagboekfragmenten 1954-1955

    Fig. 2: Adam & Eve Fig. 3: Sin (in purple)
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    7 May 2011 A Simple Fairy Tale of Colors

    Once upon a time, log ago, Eden had been created as a colorless garden. It was filled with adults

    who were gray, gloomy and dissatisfied for the lack of bright colors and they merely observed the

    flowers, the birds and the other animals in black, white and gray. In their depressive mood some had

    started fighting with each other and there were rumors of people being hurt...46

    Eden's Great Mother said to herself: It is not good for man to to live in a world without colors. Let

    us bring colors into the world....

    14 May 2011 And so it goes!

    My friends Heike and Stefan take me to a concert in an intimate, tiny chapel, in which a choir is

    singing a wonderful And So it goes. I never heard a better performance of a song like this one. InYoutube I look for other great versions and find And So it goes by the Georgetown Chimes

    featuring soloist Steve Lovell at Georgetown.

    7 June 2011 Catastrophes and grotesques


    After some technical studies in the field of radiation risks, nuclear catastrophes, mobile phones'

    cancers, financial desasters and food management I had great fun in sketching at least a dozen

    grotesques, following Drrenmatt's style. Most of these catastrophic designs had been caused by

    the irresponsible greed for cheap and dirty financial success.

    Drrenmatt's Laws (Designing Nuclear Plants according to Drrenmatt's Laws)

    Little Faust's Invention (Screenplay for a grotesque comedy in the style of Friedrich

    Drrenmatt) The Brain's Tsunami (Screenplay for a grotesque according to Drrenmatt's style)


    On the other hand I discovered the optimized way of research, in which a responsible politician

    saved the population of a Japanese village (Fudai) by studying the high waters' markers of

    previously recorded tsunamis.

    Lee's Laws (describing Lee's Laws and their impact on IT-systems and technology)

    In the End, People will Understand... (A "Fool on the Hill" reading the tsunami's historical

    markers to protect his people against a caastrophe)

    Dosimeter for mobile phones

    I didn't want to close this study and walk away without any constructive contribution and so I

    designed A Dosimeter for Cellphones, describing a method to record cell phone use habits and

    prove radiation damage.

    46 A Simple Fairy Tale of Colors
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    1 July 2011 The Tree of Life

    The Obelisks at Eindhoven and Oslo

    Nr. 2 Licensed underCreative Commons-license 3.0 Unported : Author:L. Shyamal

    5: Obelisk at the GustavVigeland Frogner park, Oslo

    Author: L. Shyamal

    4: My Tree of Life in the Brabantiajust like a Vigeland's design
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    12 July 2011 A new Avatar

    The androgynous allegory symbolizes the androgynous religious background, as documented in

    Hieronymous Bosch's paintings, in the pronouns of our languages, in the flag's colors, in the fertility

    rites of the Hermetic Codices and numerous other works, in the sagas, narrations, legends and

    Chautauqua-sessions of the past. All these seemed to have been hiding and to have been left buried,

    enclosed and almost forgotten in a dusty Pandora's box.

    The recovering these forms of ancient wisdom may be concentrated in a singular painting hiding

    half of the ancient wisdom in an unseen upper section, but revealing the blinded eyes of the human

    race in the lower avatar-section - symbolizing the image of a humble half-blinded creator, receiving

    his wisdom from the intelligent bird in the foreground47.

    31 July 2011 Sunday Updating my 12 Paradigms

    The word paradigm has come to refer to a thought pattern in scientific disciplines. An online

    dictionary48defines this usage as "a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific schoolor discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in

    support of them are formulated; broadly: a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind."

    Everybody may start life with a standard set of paradigms. Sometimes we exchange some of these

    frameworks and replace parts of the sets, which have been altered by insights. In fact a standard set

    of paradigms do not supply us with new information. Only the paradigms we have exchanged in a

    lifetime will really be interesting. This is what life is all about. The other framework may be

    considered as superfluous and redundant efforts in our lives.

    47 An Androgynous Allegory - A Visual Chautauqua

    48 The Merriam-Webster Online

    Fig. 7: The avatar's faceFig. 6: The avatar's framework
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    An overview suggests a new set of paradigms as a concept of the origins of myths, grown from a

    common source of bipolarity, evolving in several sets of symbols the colors49, the vowels

    I,A,U,E,O,Y, the Ego-pronouns (Mannus, man, moi, me, expanding to iu,iau,iou,

    and culminating in Ih, Y, I), the divine names (Diu the French Dieu , Diaus the

    Indo-European Dyaus, Dious the Latin IU-piter). The last entries cover another interpretation

    of the Kylver rune-stone and a survey of naming conventions for settlements and towns.

    In order to keep this overview compact the illustrations have been omitted. Instead the images andsamples have been included in the references in the footnotes50.

    7 August 2011 Spelling joke #26

    Recently I found the website Funny SpellingJokes in which someone gathered linguistic inventionssuch as the Funny Spelling Jokes 1...38. Now one of the most remarkable linguistic inventions has

    been found in Spelling Joke 26:

    How do you spell we with two letters without using the letters W and E?Answer: UandI51.

    In Europe some dialects and languages in the remote mountainous areas still conserve the original

    form of the European Ego-pronoun in the threefold vowel-combinations ieu, iau respectively iou,which as IU-Symbols refer to the androgynous core in the series IU-piter,Dieu, Diu, Diou, Dio,

    Dios, Dievas, IHVH, etcetera. Now, why should another pronoun, which is located at the positionof the thirdmost important word52 not have been generated according to the same principles as theEgo-pronoun?

    The WE-pronoun in Runes and in Old High German

    The oldest form to write we probably may be found from the runes in which we had beenwritten as UIR53 (German: we), which clearly includes the characters U and I.

    At the time of Charlemagne the handwriting for the Lord's Prayerreveals a spelling UUIR,which adds another U-symbol to the heading U to create a double-U, which in English is the

    modern name for the W-symbol. Of course the original form of the UU-sequence may still beidentified in the graphical character W. In Old High German dialect named Alemannic from the8th century, theSt GallPaternosterhas been written as follows (with highlighted we-pronouns in

    both the old (uuir) and modern (we) versions of the prayer)54:

    49 red, blue (respectively yellow) and purple, which may be identified in flags, in royal robes in architecture and in


    50 Updating My 12 Paradigms (an overview & summary)

    51 Found in: Funny SpellingJokes asSpellingJoke 26- I simply couldn't resist adding the colors blue and red for thisblog-entry.

    52 According to the Swadesh lists the most important word is the personal pronoun for the 1st personI, to be followed

    by the personal pronoun for the 2nd person you53 Source: The Runes-Dictionary by Udo Waldemar Dieterich (1844)

    54 Source: Braune/Ebbinghaus,Althochdeutsches Lesebuch, 17th edn (Niemeyer, 1994) quoted at Wikipedia's entryOld High German's_Prayer's_Prayer's_Prayer's_Prayer
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    The Paternoster

    St GallPaternoster 8th century AD The prayer as it occurs in Matthew 6:913

    Fater unseer, thu55 pist in himile,

    uuihi namun dinan,

    qhueme rihhi diin,

    uuerde uuillo diin,

    so in himile sosa in erdu.

    prooth unseer emezzihic kip uns hiutu,

    oblaz uns sculdi unsero,

    so uuir56 oblazem uns skuldikem,

    enti ni unsih firleiti in khorunka,

    uzzer losi unsih fona ubile.

    "Our Father in heaven,

    hallowed be your name.

    Your kingdom come,

    your will be done,

    on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread,

    and forgive us our debts,

    as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil."

    Spelling Joke 39 - U+I=UI

    There is some room left over in the website Funny SpellingJokes and I feel to add #3957:

    How doyou spellWhat are We?

    Answer: UandI

    19August2011 The most important of all words

    European pronouns seem to have been derived from an central Alpine core set ieu, iau and iou.

    Derived fromEurope countries map.png, published bySan Jose(map)

    GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or higher

    55 you

    56 we

    57 Spelling Joke 26 - Is it a joke at all?

    Fig. 8: Map of the European pronouns's_Prayer's_Prayer's_Prayer
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    28 August 2011 Etymology of the Yes-words

    As a rule the Yes-words are very short. Some Yes-words have been derived from Latin adverbs (hic,hoc, ille), but others resemble the ego-pronouns (such as jau for theJauerdialect in Graubnden-Grischun).

    In Runic scripture (mostly located in Scandinavia) the Ego-pronoun had been written as Jak58

    ,whereas in southern Germany dialect the Ego-pronoun is spoken as Ih.

    German dialects use a great number ofyes-words, for example: Jou, Jupp, Jo, Iu, Jepp,

    Joa, E, "Jau", "Yo","Jodihoo", "Jausen", "ACK", "k", "y", "japp", "ye", "ya", "yihaa". 59

    2 September 2011 Friday - The Creation of West-European Pronouns

    From this overview we may identify the mayor role of vowels in naming the Gods, the ego-

    pronouns60and the yes-words. The vowels I and U must be considered as the most prominent male,

    respectively female symbols, but the most sacred symbol (at least in Greece and the Middle East)

    seems to have been the E-vowel, respectively the -vowel (Eta ,H).

    Historical development may be sketched by the following sequence:

    Etymologists are unaware of any religioussymbolism in the personal pronouns61:

    The personal pronouns belong to the very earliest layer of Indo-European that can

    be reached by reconstruction. Their forms are unlike those of any other paradigms in

    the language; they have been called the Devonian rocks of Indo-European. The

    lack of any formal resemblance in English between the subject case (nominative) I

    and the object case (accusative) ME is a direct and faithful reflection of the same

    disparity in Proto-Indo-European, respectively eg (*eg) and me-1. The other

    pronouns are tu- (*te-), thou, nes-2 or we-, we, and yu-, you. No pronouns for

    the third person were in use.

    In vulgar Latin the personal pronouns62 came into more and more frequent use.Ego and tuare very common in Petronius63.Ego lost itsgin all the territory, but probably not until theend of the Vulgar Latin period. According to Meyer-Lbke, Lat. Spr. 484, eo occurs inmanuscripts of the sixth century.64

    The Greeks used three (I, A en U) , five, up to seven vowels (A, E, H, I, O, U respectively Y

    and ).65

    We have already heard Eusebius say that the Jews expressed the name of God with the seven

    vowels66. Higgins also quotes scholars who suggest that the Bacchantes' cry "EVOHE!"

    derived from the very same word67


    58 Runes #1750 and #1985 in The Runes-Dictionary by Udo Waldemar Dieterich (1844)

    59 Die Ja und Nein-Wrter(in German)

    60 In this document the ego-pronoun is the personal pronoun of the first person singular

    61 From: Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans Calvert Watkins

    62 The Prime Words in Adam's Language

    63 Source:Vulgar Latin(page 34)

    64 Source:Vulgar Latin(See 263), (page 161).65 On the Symbolism of the Vowels A-E-I-O-U enThe Sacred Vowels in Pronouns - notes to The Mystery of the

    Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin

    66 Source: Anacalypsis vanGodfrey Higgins (1771-1833)67 The Mystery of the Seven Vowels (1991) Joscelyn Godwin