* fa taa. ln writi, . I aak*- Mr r ratxkltt, xt mooay aa* offerad to wa !. _w-aMt_l, it v--,,,k .ao-,).,. tnieduiit ) ..»..,.-eliiiH.al.e. lharlear_.rae.ftheJoaapbliia,Mr Btnith laid k ii the Naval'l.c*. I toohlha piiH-aatid rVaik.-. °mlth aaid tha. ba woald aoon claar th* l-rk Kate he theu «id. it «IU ba .ha aama tn future oaaa. If JoiiWith n ,,-h .-. tba aa-t..*atataman- wa..ar,«a<tiiantlvi:i*d. a la fratiu. etlv In tha utfioe. en.eripa .-,-1 jaaabaj raaaafa. After the J.* uhio* waa aelaed. Mr. Haitth wa. ratbar -ooi to »,e .nadiduot bave niurh-'-Dvaiaation witb me. abatit th-IRth *>f M.y the Jeeepl.ta* w**aaiaed n'>tbtn; fnrthar waa aaid to v about th* Kaia i.nt.l th* day of har cjearanoe, on th* The i'i.*.,,,,-* Attotney .feredthe .tateine'tt ofOolleoto-- tha- the haia w». aet/ed on tha lltii of Septetuhai hy hia ordar, and a iepo.1 ou hei MfV.ad lObjeotafl4o.| TA iti-. ii-.nn.ed-->l- *Mi"'h ... ed on the nd ot Jiity, the d»y ahe w.r rii.'ed ll-at ll.e hfe w..,,id Bflfl aaii ln a.-veral ilrivi. but w.tbui .** hour ot tb. time thut BMMBBBM wa. mada "be Im jBlmu r'-"- * t'T" *-*' ~h nT. 1 iihiukid tha rap. i. ai.d in.cedi.-' d the I ,,fj,i o: tha ark Kate » al*ve. Baiith aaid ui.thii,* more _,: thia time Mr, p.i-h .ult aa ' to tl,e batk Kata I waa pa-a fc_j oa.t Bfl the offioe, uiy d'tt.e. bsviai en.ted fur tha d»\ that IM wa»(tr-uadowiuo tbe battery to aaa li the bi-k h.'te- at- ae .-th! and biouiht !>w- lo tha city. .. a that he aaid irt rnnrteviioii with the <trk Ka»e, , ti uie fa.r a de-j-anre the aarond Mine wbflfl. bfl . m .iidri.-aiaiu. at tba l oHerlor**oflbe for tbe bark Ka-. Ml-£_.ith ..Id; I am goia| lo claar a a.iver dievt for tha roaat of Afri.a." thif wa. aa taa aary thal lha -BCnad i.aar- ai r* waa refuw^t to the bark Kata, and'oi, the .Lina d->> that BBC ? -' nv I ai'tai-, ). . Itia reniaik wa. ui.de ai-a-jt ar ho.r or-wo hefora the Kata Wl S::,itb n,ide ,n, ra.nark ha hehi l.aiid witb a pa|«r m it. bava lo know ledjie ot a ve*wi hriu( eeije d a aea-oud tioaa va h.-n bonle.l aBBB.fl BBflBflBI Mr H'uith wa* BW-are nf tha prtti-eof the f iiatoii.l|..i,a» wi'l: reratd lt. ae, -..a Muure. h.ve . ion of anythjugfurtbar tiau.e- .: t ii <.'!.,..< t,.; with tba Bai. baaa oa.tted na inatarial a evirtrt,.* *> t" atrik-- ont all th* above eTiaVnae r.iade aud with xi iv u with adv.. a tra-r the Coaft to n:<,,e tha xai:,iiiad.l p to the lTth or lKth ef Mrav. the Knie bad l WBB pieae-nte.'. i:.hy .Mr Simtl". llert. I «... r- abown and qaaatii.ua aaked .. tn th- ir fllllnf aat Rfa-med.A broker ba- i.o rxtbt to bl. >.p p*j>era. there i. aothuur on tbe Iaa aafl B i-i-.a. thal would ahow r-v wh»' brohet . tajiird tha Kn'.- wa. ;lear of all reapoualbilltie. for in- »a-.: v. yaaa oi, the iHb lurtbar taatinu.y w.a fakei and the Court iidior.lad. m BIPKRIOR COrRT-Si-B.it.. Tbkb-Nov 21. -Bafora .I:i'l,a« MaBBBtBB si IMB to BflaWB* an tflfl) ut*.. k CflWfflBT to Man | POI 1, T. .Na a. Banter aet Tbe i»r+an* Mut'ial Ininranra f ornpany. ! rttgbt br tbfl j.laiii.iii toeocapfll tbfl drfe_.dai,t tn makr ejt a |K.firy of .n...riiiir-e a.r. tn,. |o an afe _Ba.IBBB-B Iv ihe a/ent of tha foijipainy with the pi.intt". ap: to puy to tbe p,fiiu-:tt a auu. a-f »4..'l" ll lha .uioonl ,.1 a liflid hj th. plii t." upon a utro of lunaber aaaa !. ,a-d 411 the | i ' .. , a J, Brttaia poa which BB4Baanjaea had been waameby tht ap nt . f tb. t",-mpajiy. lt tppeaxa tba'. tha plaintifl bavia| a rarro of lutnher to ablp fr.n Vtueber lo tbo ( ly.le la itr.-at Hntain. nnd the dt-fandant bavlur in a#ei:, y iu ^ . tiittiff, ny Ine &t>, nt prociirod a: ajrre-an.ei.t fmu. II ;,,e aa,d c»r*i nta.-pe.ibed rate prnvided ti,e veaa»-l aailed ai a ertain tltt*-, ai.d if not until a aui-ae^ueut data. tli.-u a uigliar rate waa t '. aaM Tb. icaaal *ala»d it not uatU tba t., .- tor tbe Lifher rata at tac lad Tli. ..- - * polii-y. and daaiaried it to tha a.1.i.,tifI'rif- -..-d hied. t:,i- pob v aa _. Immo-talalj ra tirna.it- tha Ifleat thi Caaii.tMiiv WBB alte red tb. .teu" by the aj|ent at the plaintifl. ("i. ti. vov.je tb. raaaal Wa. wret-k.d. and th-- anio ,nt Caiuie.ir. tbe B.-B8JB.tl t o«t t. tbe plaii.fitt. by the p.-r .. . -1 r ("onipu.y r- u..<. le pay Ih* elaim QpOC the jrouinl t:,et ll .' n-M r.l h..d n< liotritoil'fi tbapaBcj Tb* n: aintift thei, a ed tba d.-te iiilk t and oblainad a v.-rd,,-t . :: ant and verdict were aet aaide Bt tbe Oea .».,« UB.Tt BflM .-. i that the nf.-nt of tbe 4 .'n:pj~y had ti" power t.. I Thia ebl Bflel Ib. fninpai-y |a make- a uiaty.fl to tbe ta-n: a ot the aaraaiuant The oaaa ,. at:. ra. 1 jilaintitta. Al- raaiiue. llao-iltuu pu, im defi-i.danl. COIBT OF COMM.iN PI.EAB-TKitt. Tbbb.-No*. II- B.-I"ra Juatna DtLT. v ur |.,M"»iM. i)i) BBBD BOBIBI BBOB TOT- . ii. Jaba Mtafliaiaa ~g- 1 ha Mayor, J... rf S'.-w V , ~l ,rv toiii (1 i, v.-idiet f,-i |,lHit,titl.(.i $1,4HJ. Tlie varii.. | tl »aa fl. I ;. t uf thr- caae waa pahll-Bed in Wedpotday'* aapa. Kor plaintlB, tAaaara. Ajudrewa bi d Tl.iu.tia.... I i da'. uii.its. H li A.-.J.- COMMON PLKn.-..-.rc ai Taua.Not ll Balora Jud^a hui'i m (JJOBB. Bonrpea ir--- Bfl ll- iill..M-'tiOfl denie,! vaitli $0 Ca*t- 1.. Roy t%\ JallWe -.V. t. ,n ri' t-d, coi.ditioi.ail.v. (Sea BflflflB.B) (.hp- a«t. Bliaa..M"ticrt jraiited condbloually. (Sea npin- J-.nl -:n ajrt Delf" J .B- V\ 4hvl ait. Kgf-i M'.tion «-.. a. dafandant pay .- withi.i .e_ day. Bt.I etit.-v and a- :vi , -.hia uid-: 8B fl*flka*-_-flt BFFl.RK THV BHEBOT AND A J!"RY. thi ilxizaa_Bi. cobblici \i i bb i iti uai.i.. TiiWliilinll a-t %\ iliaiji B Tbe {_rti. nlan ,J iln- ai-auh vv_r<' d> ;ai!' d tn Thb Taaiat >B lt the- tn.-. at it- occirranee. arhe pl.l'.tltt wa.nl, an. and the daieudant an ea-.*.a-i._¦ Tbe dafaiicant a.. - 4 Ity li_l lbela-t. ware now arrayed before tha - Jury, whi «... ..d __.' -r- +. .> .lau.eaM. H.latBh tt > :.-nuU:.i ln d--' COl'RT OF 4JENERAI. 8ESSION*. Nav. 21.Bofore Jm're Bflflflfl.. \N illtein Sickl.-- i.uii » lmilea I'aenjfili'l, the fonaer h t tbi ) .f!b and Kijhtl. V\ ard., the latte.- a U. 'pal. w«re r-barged witb romuaittl_| B hlfh wav NI I- '¦' .' ¦ *fi de lepi' , Bt 11 uclo-k i- - " ' ,'''UD, ... bhel d a'ter payii.r f- r » di-h ol" »: lln-vev V* vv aaj Kn *J»f,v Tl.e "old mm: w__a aoproeched fr-m taab-.- d « accl-l hli money Matteii i.-...t TbalobBar*piched wbat tboraaraa, B3,aad k<-haati.y BW'uy *__-____._____, iiarvey Val.-. tin. th* oy.termar t--*tli:ad to the fa.-t» in tha BBB. ahi'h wa.. ao r'.aar Iflfl Barthal bat little ef :!.a J:.r> prompUy lound a verdi-- #) uiiu , -, | ... tw. v. .-ara and »ij D'ciih ln tb* 8tat« . .*)"*-Ii 7**** aidaitmouth- 9irhle* i* a hard j and liaa Ion* , wn to the pohce av wel. a* Mr. \ ».eutine u. a low and tleap. tfife ._»rrl. 'ei Majvl'oa a:u_ Ro^-*'ai*i.!v wa. «ut Ifl tba .M.te Priara ,¦'., ,e*r. ai..- » Canal .treet on tlia nu-il.rv ii. th. br,' d--«r-- Ti.e waaaderei I ' .«"- '". r Mr. Oar-ta ....-, * Court. i . .. -'-. » _oU_eia4,T»*_ri ant. He u >. f..uud ill the rear o. . _ Blauvelfi dw. la| Ni .. Mortoa rtreet. on tbe n.orutuj oi the imh N¦... BBOOKLI "^ .,,"J'* (>-,*ll¦ . Bi ¦ftaij. aad 8 btbbb j(H¥ . .e i-i.uvi, ie.1 ot manalaufhter hi* takbot .I .-<"!"* >*''l*, Pri^nfortwu » ya.r.ofarfe anat.ve hM._ yeara w.. tried aadc -. ,:iKi].-.iiiiulroiiit-.. . I.. . ' A -...,*.*. mm flfl -> BBB Mflk i'ri~»'l' Ioi iwu yea a and tn Va* Starkwaatber pi.-a.ied tuilty to lu-^ari iu tb- fourth . ,- afl to tbe ,.,r, T... |- :..-,Ta<,f PhilB- flelpbia, M yeari of ^e. at.d baa a l_-ni.y of bv- l, dren. COl RT i Al I.NI.AR-Thi. Imt I". 8. DwTBi<~r Court..Uachang-d. I ikikk CoraT.OBaaaai Taaa. Non-eu¦nin-r- W,<J_S,. EBIUM u'aJ-Na j tt, t 41 4 a . L 1 U . II v. PBltL-1 ,i."h.i,K-<l »- 'I - t, <¦.,,,.: .-Part I.-.N"- tV. BU, 715, , | , .-.- i io i'i_rt I.- -Noa. .._b, - Partll.-Ni .... in > , , , Noa, IK, 113, ... i7.fl4,t_,r,«ai m, m.m, l, .,nsr.' IB\ o% . M ji. m h -¦'¦¦ «'. IV aaar ai «B i^v-'' vs','t v" ¦ r,i'-- ^u- HflBBB- Wabb & BflU, at Clifliflflfifl-M.fir ".*--¦- ¦BB^-Ba-ialteip. She left Bflfl N". '¦>. BBM Ui">. M 10 ta. Bk, and Afltaf I*flflflfl fioai vv. | VS BH Ifl- fl fcM laffUrtflnh' BB K,;jI4i -,-ll."il. -iiJ^V'-i. .,..|.-r h.iII ',h,"r"- laaa-aV la ffl BflflW Ibfl La>MBvlaaf BBfl uv.-r- fHt.iii. pilfl rVflBia-BJ, l. ft th-aanHj BflM het BflBflrfl, -BflflJB | , , ., | va. .11,1. ta Bfl bfljr flflflfl-, far Btaafl Ma -_bb_bb, BBB-BBflgflaMMI-MBa BBM Bflfl BBOfl-ll M * i !,?-, nnd I.. r MfiasM -BBflBt-B-ij. IWafla-B- Ltrtfe ai.il o.uiii"- ' 'y fiu«^ ul'* B_i H .. fi-fl»araai afl- ajflfl-l,bb4Bflhront wl^(, ,. ,-e, r ; " a- l,T le Tia.- BBBB-M VflflBBf for . ,, i,.te or fm BBfl* -BBl ever BBBB -BBB flflB ->"- flinflMi.I '!'.?-'*".' ¦ aanaaibj Caat.-uTaa Mt, i i, l-_w- V..H ivit. Camdiai \\kt\ a,,d tftl.er* fr]7 beUnigrd Ut tbe pilot-l-oat Ik,-!-.-, hbbhUt"" baWtofbl iBBfllfllflfla » Mflfljlb, BBB. ¦ BM4 ."?.*d,L "f ,'W4lJ" Wh,;' rr" .-.on -rBBBenrad la ».. paMa. Ai. u, ¦¦ ,,','l.K-k ^en^ord,,^ afwtrnooit, aa t!je Kntmu atcai aMBf-tala, aaacfl hf I_»4flP*tBji, aaflflB_fli_i tbc 1,,,,,-n r..e .-au."..."" W,ltl XL" *U»"»-^ .,^,,-a'H. Lii.,'..' ___Vfl^bBBW,B--UB_ (h< !UK.U..i' in I hm MfaflflBBB. II,. -revt iv-, reei-ucal by tle ivt-ut> bflflB, aaai ¦*' _____"? " lU" fieaujcrllirkU-ik wl... L Mfl* IflBfl B__bJ-jMB1 Uj JflrBBJ B,dai.'l-J..l.aerflflflW. T..'.!Vta.aa B rturijju.4 .,,j,'r.a-"iedl4.e4a. ABMBt ImTmiT^T^m^ L-Mr.l-oi-.- -M4ya-B_< * '^ «.»"¦ *L-*Fr,e_t:Uw.t<a>kri'/-W- THE SECESSION raOVEItlENT. Leit«?r from Cileb (ush'.us;. a^TATE OF AFFAIRS IN VIRdlMA. Oov. Letcher Ont with a Letter. SOUTHKItN INTOLKRANOK. ()riM(»N8 OF THK SOI'THKKN PBE8A J-'oa. Thr \ I C".t'»t. ItirV Ax it ia now rrdn.-ed uliiuK to a inoi.il i-ertainly tha". South ('aiolitiii, Qflflfarjfl, Klorida, Alabama, MflfHb- ~ixi| pi, Avill withdraw froui the Federal l'nion witlii:. ibe next _*T1 day-r, r.nd a bb laration of wiiiuiniw,.: may lx-expe< t«-d troin one or more ot thein ui bnlf th..1 tirne, it ie well eiioUp,'h to nx.k about ux und flflatOB.- plate the probable C(>iire.,..-I.cex that will priinarily at- tacb to Mab a violeut prtxedure. For 0B1 pait. atlcr a.a.cful n.rvey ol tbe Deld, we have eoBM totaa eaaehaaaa thal il the 8tatee aaaaed withdraw. tbey wi!) la» fnllowcd by lhe wludc of th* (otM. State* in a very bri.-f jxniod, if not itn:n»-di at.-iv, loi they are BB bound together by tiea of in.itual iniertrt. coi.nantfiiii.ity, prod.utioi:, aoil, :.nd bthor, tbut Thev eat.liot rcparate, or be -cparated, f.>r any len.tb ot' tion. Ti cy ar< ao rituated tlmf Ifllfl ..;.;,- u,.t ovtit.ik. tbe aaa witnoiit it overiak. r the oth.-r, ... pr,.*| eiry an.il. u|x.n one without Hmiling U|»on all. llf-liir, Bfl BIBBC tliat the witb.travv.il ot one or MBM Cotton Btatea will be tbe eortab ptatiawMt af Iba Bbhdrawal of all, and tbat, too, at no raryrflflBBle day. At to tbe outi-ide eonHerjuencox nf xe|B_ration, tfl BB* prel end iiotLinir IflrioBB. Shonld tbe (\xtoii BtfltOS ciicluiie tO ga Oat of tbe 1'nii'i) ua h body. BOBttflflMM will l>e iiinde t" aflaava tban baehaflBBk. Tue jtarkdinj BB] i- xo xn.all that, wete it roncentrated in a i-i tgfc bodyaad .fh.ici.tly wield.-.l, it i-oiill de BOthinjr: and Ba [ot volunteerx lo "flobdaa ti.e Boatb, it would re- .jiiiieBapflabkl bw of Conirre**, men and rn.>ney,to _.. on i Bafa ti at obja t, aapptaina it BBaoBptihtflo\ at> oinj bal ii.ent. Iwfl JTMIB, at BflMt, nflM paxx away U-u.it- ('onu'rexx, a> at preend ooaMitated, xlioul.l itx xtftioiir bfl iol.tlI.U4xl. would [Hixx tbfl BBflflfltflr* lawg and hppr> iftfifltiflM to enable Mr. 1'reei'lei.t Litu-dt) to WBflfl war ii|xui the Sontii Thi. i* a tat t well wort'iy (onxidei-Rticii. lly the expiralion flf tiuit time, and 1. u_ I afbre, we would I* in a conditiou ot BflBOlati 111- i!.-|'(-ii.l( me. ( OSrtiOB, boaatflt, Bfl! posxil le under any cir.-.iru- ¦ if -wt uiiitc ouraolrefl lopether ,.* a baadaf brotl. r-. .Nor will il OB attenipted. F.vci. ti.e Aboli- Tioi itU ai.- iix. laaiflll le to be t'liilty of Hici. MMl of .ii n.iti.ate.i ihaarday. Ther arow their will:ii_ii_-x i.t ux depart jt;a.*eably, if we bave ho inule np our adada. Fron Thr f/i-u.fon fTtzai) Ttlrgr-tif.h lOtt S-uie way ought now to '»e adoj t.-u toxeiiirean e\r uaaiotj of tl.* will ,,f tbe ptapb. It ifl Iba d rty ,.f ,....y titbeaof T. xax to ol,, y ti,.- bebeetBof hix ->i;.ie lt Um Btate, by a rote of the pfleple, Bboald d> te-ii:iiie to xtny iii ibe I'tii'.n, it aoaJd bt tlflflBM tbe State lo Iflaiflt. If, bi.wever. bv B Bfltfl of lhe peo- pte, it detcrniiee Ifl go out, it would be e-juitlly :r.-iu-(.!! for thcx-c Oppeaad to xu< h BflttOB to r»v- -i.t tha'. Tbe | h.'ix pr..|.oeed by M(A*.-.r». BflflfM iii.d Si.«kdale an- frbfl plaaa. Thay leab to no di.-ruption of the x-x-iiil ey*tcin. laMy t-mbnue no iu-li.wful ui.-iu.ure*. They undertuke no r.voluiioii. We tl.ink c-inty iiioctfiigx rbo.iJJ bfl erajrywhara batd, and a fiee axpraaflioa of pabBs oj ii.loi. ejven. v.t dt»-ire to xee Baal an asataaiea a- iu.it' t be fldfltabaa. M"rt inen.of abfllBiflt rbai, w vv i.h tl btO be done, and thix c»ui only beaB0B8> lained ly Ibe peo* ta uni'.iiiK, «uid i.dviiiK retflfl t<> tneir 01 n i. i.-. Wl '<. Baahdnfl ol MM itiink;. If IVxax (.¦nr..iit of tbi l'i i. ii. hei peoj I.- will be a* one ui.ii. vhenrhe d.a-x go. nld ixrn.x will be bi:i.-d. (Ild rappotdticoB iapartbi arfll bfl igaorfld, and in the n.-w oidei of thmaa, tba baoeeon abkb pettin art-to l>e formed, luu-t be bfl Ifl time. l.et all tbiiigr t-e .1. Bfl decently und m order. IasI bb Iihac n" biekeiing. no denunciaiion, no unkii.dnetta. ln moving in w. baportanl an uiii.ii, paaaiofl and |..eju- due ahoiTd be laJd aeidt', aud laaaea and caliu d.-liu- eratkn ahould ba Baajntfllaad If aat .ix-* gu out, we BM] i . thaj x lo k tor bflld timee for a year or t\yo, bnt nottiii.g loo teiiouH to b-borne. On<e eatablixhod iu di IxL.lei.ie. iiix state will Ixpcome thenuilviia oi Sbrery and tLe l.arhor of tbfl weal.h uiiax.l.od io Slaveiy on tl L- c. ntinent. Wilh a virgin x<>il, wbn h »laAe laloraeekx. with a flrO.*? of rountryTar>;e eiiougb u.-.i-ciipv ni.lli..ns with it* cultivat.on, aad wilh a pa. ahioi baving uatui-,1 b_n_aea oa thiaa aide*) ta the in- et-t-auBB of taitiofl bofltfla to Bbtaary . avbIJ aa i<> the BBtMBflf tle dinahVrted rLiv.-a, 1'exua pri«entfla tuo.t in vi; ing I.ebi.a lield, too, no o.e need lear will not ue Occupied Wliit!..riii the l'ni.u or out, bowever we h.i.v oiii ueri.iy poUktfl tfl i-ower aiul kToat weallli. NoiLing cau beep tbia glon.-iui <o....try fron baaaa; ¦Utad Wtth a tw-ii.ing lxiiulaiion, alKiuniliiig b euter- ,nir« ai.d xei.dliig torlti ol ll.en priKluc-tioua the ex- < hai.gi tor uiillioiia upoli miilioiir Bf tbe wealtli of olher laaaa. kf-a. The H"trliug H'trt, ( Ky ) fltaaaard, Kentuiky b one: ber aiiflpa an rdiridfld. We Avill coui:ri-l, iu «>ur ] i.l.lic u.eetingr, oi.r ri^i.-r Siat'-x to Whit Af t loiiKer, betaiiee of thfl HUIIlB-lm love wd baar for tha faih.-.x ol tbe n-publi. for itx well-wofl ubjry Ib tbe t'oiirtitutioii, vvbih.il righily iuter- i leti-d, will liive BB tbfl pn.tei tion vvbii ii tx o.ir ri_'ul lliil. ii ei. of thfl North' tanrhlB l" IM vro.dx '...at cv. iv nii.il will currA you belnef'rtb, und cte-v Udfl grapliebrer will anei in your Btktai ao MoitMra i,:UiV H li::ii<h BCrBM OBI Sla'te, tfl mudei umi ae-.-vM- PBtfl our brotheie af thfl South. UaqtMati mai'ly tuey lihte taaaa td Bbtra ami if iioo prijdpitatel/, w* in i^t .they w.ll withdraw trom tbe aUatoa, yoa Bhall Lot i< et<e their xtay, ho long uo Kentucky haa an anu toetrike or a aoil io dare. l"he riib* tnat xpoke al the kiver kaixin aad 00 tba ti. Id.- ol M.-.viiO bave noi fotaol tl eir . um in.-, ind tbe. ajfSBBBBB flf thoBe) wt.o 1. ll f. 11..va i.g the r-iAug. IndiiAii 10 bb fivtiiexr are yet BOrth] Oi ll.c rtpututii'i. U tn f.iti.em L«Of0. Il Abru- haa l.H.ioiii. orai.v oiber Preeideot, -luill xtart i. b*ed- eu.l i.ni y foi k'lib porpOflB, eveiy ,.ii:i i:i^-^r,.iind will ii,t.. a grnve-yaru, ami Ke.iiu. ky will re- tu)'i7, btiroil ii. u.e pi'ou.l and mel.nii'.lioly tikle of the "I»htk ui.d Kl.atdy liround'' li y.ui, .>.rtli.:rii BMB, brra tbfl Dabflk, Ki've aaeiira.i'-e of tbal 1 >ve ¦iflfldj rep- ..1 ta vcir uncouatituiioiaal ami Ba> i'..\io'ir l.*wr, and o n'wrd lor il, tM trontde wi.i pae> aw_v. I Dtil ti.on, ceaae ti.e pbarbakal byoocd y vvliib pi'feeter B Mroafflr r.-ganl bW tM li.ion Mba the t olirlitutiol, thiO. We ol the Soulh pOxeeea. f roe. 7 ht I umingtm hy 1.,'i'ia' If tbe rjeopb txf tbe North pertaat iu viuLUiigtboat 11<>- i-i"i- "i tbe ( oi:-tiuitioii wiu.Ji Av.re i.c nu.d t i .:. i.J.tr of the >.ii:h, tbapaeab ot tboBVMJtb u.u-t do.-i.i¦. 1 ihr.f tlingb: 1. K UtHall l BflBMati :i. seccd. t.'.m thfl Uni *. hV l Ji ui a dd bad t" an:." ) flobadflfliofl BOald not "l.ly be BBBMalr, t.o.1 wi.i.Iti rubj.ci tb. eiibii.io.-i Botatfl t" U.e d-rpoii.-ui td run.lM'.-. ibiiu wl.ih BO jMAAei -ir baattN*. eppfeB- fl-. .1,. i'iv., iiii'i vriiiiiii'-ul. We rcpc.t tuat K-ui- tkyb lor tbfl Uiakn aol a Uuiob b.ldi^.-:;.. * tbe roilxuiiii.ee rd tluxx,. whoxe cota*tkuUi__l n^bia aia 'iiulv violatad -aota Unbo band opoa a UoBatua- liontbii't any niih ianjMndly be abanaiardad or x.ip.r- a.ded bv BB J-Mg.BMry l.i.vlier law. but 1" tbfl l ..i m baaad ptw tbe ( iai**_iaiaa a* it i«, b i.ll ItaparteaaJ i lii.Le'l er. veiA wbci-i r.-.-..g!iii.-u .-- the « ipreiae I .vv ,,t tli. biiid, and evetywhcie ntflfBI led und ..h.yt-d ax the only riiiegui.r.i i.l oar Iit*. ny, pnaro,aadawai ity. >.o« 1 ht haitiaae.t Am'.ruui.. V.» M Tbeie . an I e no doubt Ibal Ki.ul.md i* buruing with h-j-jety tor the orertbrow ol _w ItepubUcj tuat aaa ia wtllawan ii <)"' "'.ly ta aBat'tod bf l>Lr:.uiuii; uuii ¦bfl kliowB .Slavery ir thfl oi.ly ro, k aBOB vviuiu Bfl .ui. p'x-aJi.ly x}.lit. Tbatfl b laaaoa tu b B»r« thal x..e Bvaupatbiata wilh thbt vt.ry Abtaanioa agiiaiim <> m tuiii.i it wLnh vv.- pr,.{Ki»x- ui.ii-i..iei"..ii>.- wit.i Ni.ill.ern .omniuniiiex, und ibat Ibfl w ill j-ive boih - aiid ineii tO eairy M tbfltr ii'faiio.ix uajraoBta. .N'.jW, ie il noi a pretty eiale ol tbiugx tha! we BkWttld punbh thfl da| ** ol Uajbad, nnd pt-rmit tbfl ar, b .:.i- tfttoi b i>< If taeataaa That, i-' Ibfl raiy tttaatu ... v., b we cuirc tM ug.-iit, we bltflfl the pno. ipal 1 Thal abibt wa flhoot the biiad aaaMada, ae rmaaeroor m k-rta ui-U our band* to bl* ,ii,p|..y. r ' N'ay, tOM we turn our buck* erw ujpoa ibo*. euunaanitb ¦ abali ..r<> not ii.i.iicd with abdllbii, aj.d wbui. are e >ui|m*bm d of oai iiicnuriuid breihr. u-oi BMB wboafl fatbenj fjug.i .id.- with our*, and bl, d on COBBBtflO held-, IM cli ia cou.nioii gruvcr-aiid tl.row oiir.x-lv.-a on o-.r kn..r t" Iboee m nhoBB bayoaau the by**of oar ..inuioii iu..,*uy ix ecai.ely .Ui.'. Wfl BBT, X- W> will bold noternix wuli ior.-i,'i, or do...e-iic eoe- ui.r' WegoueitbrlorOi Kngland BOf M Hem Knsbnd, but foi ibe South and lor the A.neri au l Bkoti' Lat tbe South nMMiafB ber owb i MUBtry. BBd aeiidir li.ix.II alik. md.-p.-i a. nl Jiueol bOBdl uj.d 01 Undm. She Bflfl a- itxiill ix. ll tne geiiiix of a U,i.kfl.l1.i. Ul CIliJ Ue,, I.!,., if rl.r Wlll I"!' "I" ¦.> ll*|f* I'" ilcAclopu.ent aud uo.nih ita groWtb, ll Will BfOVBifl iniMbty li.i., BboM liiiiuci.er .-.ill ,,'iAn xlu ll.-r to ib* .. and ralux-' xtturdy Iranh arill uely tM blaetxo, tiiue. Kto- rhr WaAiuottm llar, !'.(* Tbfl true rei.t-'li :,(. ll.e iii-.-,,*.- 01 Hia UflBMatflfll .Le fiiiiructio'i "I thfl (...ve..,.,,.-.it b) rnvoluiixn. bat a deit iii.ini.l.uli "li Ile pi.rt ot tlie peopla oi tbe rk.uitU i.i li.ati, a i. w raally iinonaoerahb aaaaiMMaf aon- fort ai.d BflflMBBBaiMM taall very ra-T-ly ,,f i. dollii |,v w;.yof fMeblilglhti ti'le "I Alr'lin iiinui. | ,,i li'di- will lieall.-c.iveW .beekexi n. aaingl* y*»r il th» ..t.i.ir f rv.-.) abkvehoifllug Biati wnl ...,i ajMuda dtdni m |aiaoB b w. aaa-idarflbflatbaj Btatewaaara d< 11a- im auy NortheiV. pr.xli.it Oi iiiaauiiU. lur. u.ai th-. raa .-uaably dv wiihout A fMMal -joaiheru CoBtci tion of dc-legale* lawf.illy lertt I hr thu people i.fcverv Hniithern ( «nirn,e».i("ial WatriM -BBtflf-M r, It-tl.-.'ud, viitiiiy, r.H la-aphrrow iBBMfBfBflfl who rive f»t vintr OmrX BOflfbl iii.t.-ri, ly hy Bflrttlflg tli.-ir naaflfl ii't the BeflrapflBflM M IpBfliflfl i" SflflBa.flfl Kiflbtfl I'onvei tion-, iVi.-<_ii nirily dfll-B h <.?*¦ in of ri-triliiitorv l.-t. ielm ion iifpaiii-t the in:. ieat* ,f the pflflflik Bfl ALoiitX't. Btatca t,, lee B-aMfli ,v evi'i > .V.nihern State _BB--MlUfl). I)"1 H " Ib'tive ot Ibfl IflMflf of the Coi.eliliiti'.li of the l nited Statea: lef.iaL.ii"ii wlnh will in k moi.th ef- IfitllHllv.lll ofl IBIflfl B-Bltbfl fll tht tfl_bfl-af tJl-atfl flfle IWflflfl laoafl Statfll ai .1 tl e Bfl..i, itnd aa qakklj pal in fnlliiTid BajfTflflfll-l "i" latka tl.. itii. et tnaaBMflrcflB I e BkOfltt and EaiB|fl>. aho.it which tu, nin. h hu* li <ii | iihli-L.d Ior two flfl tbice rflfltfl I.B--I. If, wh. n the Bootlen IBbIi laflhlaliiHi flaaj I .BBfl < bbmbvJ flfl.b * ajMflB "f l.-ffialH'ion. flStffl tiix'utioii, tiuce and other ,,'i-ililil iflfl *gi iriet BB.THf may |*~r__MM flt Bflfl t'( (tle, vaMtea or nierrhatidiste (otnlnjf from Alxilition SlHlee.t-ol t-rl), bteflifeBth und unatiiiuouidy B-flBCB y h RPti. ml Hi,d antli. litiiiiv.- BoBtbeni Btatflc Caa- v.nti, n, tl e Kotitbern dieiu.iniiiate ptt vr will flfllj la- !,.,r aa turd t(- indnre nll ih. ir _hfloflr<-t4-flfl- le raifjf it out n, jfood fhith, H" they Hr.- now Mbor_flJ tfl .-...- v.,t( S iith C-l-U-B into a rtvoliitii.niirv di.-taion.hin, in a eiiiple year BBJ BBB. fl_0 darer. iireii.-l; Abolilion- :,m in ita pret-ent ii'iiiniifn'ttniiiR hot beda flfl*tbc N«rth. .- ill far. na l.hcly Ha if iili.ierti.kitiir t" Bfl BflM thing nl tli-. tiu.r in C'.fiiiml'ia, South Carolina. t.ov. Mag> fliii'fl lottrr, (mhliaht-d yee'.-tday ii, Thi Ti.ii.i mv, ralla ioith loagBltldfll from the KflflBaebj BBBBBBi Bouie BXMflflM tollov. »cf*i Thr l*uxirtll' Oomtier, UM Tbeie ia vi-ry in.i.h in the IflMflf ot Qflfl. Mitftoffin vv. BPfflBflfl .iid bearlilv indorr-e, a*"l r. itr.-t tiiai B aalBfl tt duty r.-iliiilan na lo <li a.-nt tiom BBJ BOaitlofl h. tflbflflfli any BBBB-B bfl ii'iviu.i ea. Bai BBrfl if tl,e ¦BflJ BBB Wfl eui.liot | eru i' it to wo OU' to the BBOflfl ..f tl. Talule coiiit.y taal Kentiii 1.V botda -lu bflflaai nt ever will ba- l.ounii l>\ the letlei and tflfl rtpiiil ot ibe Coi.iiitutioi), uk a BMB-bfli of tb.- i tmtmtttmoy, t-ven tl.oiifch tbat BflflflBaM bflfl] latt-.l aud tlflBBf.Bfl tii.i.er i. ot iflpflfltflfl-j 4tt.il pflniatantlj hy a majorit v ol tl.i Coiilt-. laied Sti.tea, und i- entirelv diese-'ardeal hy tlein, tlat .l.e Imliia tlat ei,e 1:hh ai,,l can have no rtaedj hfl bbb wiaaaaata aat] tttht k tbeUfl-oa, M,' fl iti a Iflfl.VI to itfltfl BB_M Bflflb (ir. nniftHiicer. Bfl loimki .ini. oi.e who Bgfatafar l i-. ilgfaUataa-aor, aad to jtutifj tl..- haaaitigof aadh Ke, tn, k:un who U i it a " c ward tir u al.,ve; it uiitiiretl wilh artnn in biahacda. Y.t.if iceBBB-Bifl iBTta__aa,bb_Iia the BBflBa If wfl ¦ IflflfltBB- tbfl ]>oitioii of Kentucky. n!ie 1 obfl for a ridKr* ,.f all her vi ioii>(h ai.d f,.r j.r"te,-ti,n in nll her i.L'hte, to I'.-. eftil BMBBfltflfl in ibfl U_.fll ..id t.i.iei Ibfl t'oi.r-titiiti, ti, \-,l.ile alie r.-iiLi.iim i.i the l liofl (abbfa bfll pcaBlfl t««|*r- trtt to do. abflarill itllid bf the (ol,ritlliUH.il il, eva-iv (iirli nl.ir lie: -aelf, ( ic( I BTBU J. tVtty dfltJ il OBJf.Btl BB l.cr, ntid aa.iiK ItatliliK llCBlOtkeiflh t-Bfl BOt t ive l.ei a ri_-l,i to dt- ii Bl ^hl ttill baBT BMB h and 1 <ug uiany WBBflfll and tt.li injurti.e, tuid exbflflM evi-rv otl.i'i rtwimr, e, h<- loi. flewill ite"rt to BZtiaflflC -BCBBfllflfl ttttbaBta- I,, iouoi l.<iiifjtitr wm\o\ tLe n-'ht- ti bar4-_bbbbi Int, alu uld the tln.- rotiiciwli.it liod lorl.nl !j when l.r peeala heU.ve bei pflacc, aod aaJMy, and baaar, .. b i o l(,i y< i >. maiiiti.ii.eii by otlur tneatia-.when tl.yr.-. tl. ¦(', ia_tatioo, Bpaa abiA tbaUalflfl iu 1 bi ni. !<'!iet:.!;t!> vi.'li.t.d, Hud Bffl ioii\iiii ed lhat auch v nl;,-ki_ I ibfl roi, u.n ,on.|.:.t hv wni.-h lh< Btfllflfl me board h-pt-tber, Ib tbfl ufld i-oliy af tban vrbfl I hvi tl t- t\ iil rid UM pOBIflfl to .oi.liol ti.e vnrii.iiH de- ii.iiii.i!, ot lL< Fflfl-tfll liov.-ii.itei.t .tten, Ik-Ih-v- n ;. tbfll B bttrB-J. hioraii) on OBfl aile i- a btl* tfUl I l. kfl. OB all flfliMa, abfl vvill 1.1,,, the ii/hl I.) vitldinvt tioir a I, .ion li.ii'lv r-keti »¦> hy tlie i, fi -i 1, f | ai ii. h t, ii lo ta. t,' iu.d ly the onipai t that ),,ii ,<1 ji iii-I tl ;r Witbdihvviii| and lormallv flBBflBB- iittle ivciii,. <i I.i pOWflf aa a ra-jantie aad I i.le- I < t.d. 11 Dhii< n. ht-r M.l.la-n-, BBBflB. B MBBfl Bfl iic-n-l, will io to lattl. ni..). r tl.e ralea f boai rai.lt- aarCare, rntit.d, hy tl.- Lari uf tt« iivilue.1 worli. to truit- ii, i.i t ne nin Ifli or M 1.1 i.ui -u> tl.e bb__BB "f B iiBtini, faatfaigtbe rigbt t<> Briliifl tvar Hi.d to mdjut ni r). r | faL ic fp i/.( (1 bl tbfl i>i'o| Iflfl "f Ibfl cirah. Vte tbaa Oo*r. l-LagoMa properly aVjawfl. iatfla the (.miui- ,; 'I.- Btatflfl tbat bava auDUaaftlifl Kujjitive Bb ve ... t.i.t.o! otbflrwicfl liiflngaiflati tba t oaaitmflltotti iif.l.t*, 1 ti e rlavei ol' iir BtaiM _fld M tbfl .iiL" tus ol il., Ii.v, 1 ci( ii j. M:.'>- BetLlakbfl uiiderat..n.i» the latllTiaol III | t(,| le iii teguKl ln llie el. llon ol I.in- (olu. afl 11 ii.k l.e ir loned in hi- BB_Blfl_..B_g tt ll» r\ iil tl it i. iu ul.a onl ftO\ lt Bfld lhat will gov- a-il. iit-ii fiiti.it- t-uadbct; afltUBk-elawiflafflflto tbfl BBTadfl f.ue, BKflflfl ef ohtainillL' ladlflflfl lor \*i*l BI.BBfl i.nd BBBIBB.fll ttt tuiuie fioie. ,ion, aho.il I II e u aaai rst.B._ad ifl Ibfl ('on.'«iiiuii,.n (ail, aud en- ireiac u . tueiin t tn i (.ia- nt- r-..ry t ram imt I ntUtjJmraml, \nth. Ar f,,.- tl.e kttertallifl Kaiflllaai j. fljaaaflfl no atrir- taiflfl tfl .'ii.-r, WflU.i.b, baaaad, that it i- ia noaie [ait.4.1 l.o.vio.i¦ io eii ii i'l.i on thsflflflfle ot taal* m,,l j u.d i.i., aad in Btaerparti on th. icoreol rafinn.¦; ni i.i a .Ii a ii.on i-i.t «.¦ "...uld ii"t vtiiliajly i-ontrib- iite lo < lMiaci ihe poblieifli 'iiu.-nt tt Um .S'ate l.y uiv- fau | n tj.iM i *i- lo Hc,* ta1 Ilai Ijtt them t/,>. So fur i.r vte i,u-.oi... ii..,!. we oiier o,ir objctJtloBfl th.-ii aa a laciiScfl to th i.iiiy.f otu BflOflfl la pflfl-apa th>- n (aet (i ii 14 i.i in ,i,4, iLe.ountrv haa knowii. If we Bfl tieifiaiti ilatetter, baartui appforc laMaa.flBBaafl c-fft,.* Wfl BflilflTe, ladefld, tbal tba j . rt t Ki ntu.ky. w ith. i.t r. rja-ct k. |,;:rty, are >>re- rfljrtd to takfl ap t.c Bubatanec h tbfl wt_raiar*a lot- tei. ni d ICI. ai ll in .,'-i flBIl far more li-ii ,.-i a.nl i.iiel- li_.it I,- ll i.: ir .-wi,. I.nt ,ui le-li' t i- BOt at all tne ii.liiy. 'Ite pfl4iflt (f Kt nt im k.j fi'iild ej-eii. for ti.ui iilve. Ibel Bfl .' il to tlaBBBfllv-fl BBfl to the .i-iii tiy. ll' ll ' i: .1. te. iiii Bti fl) wua know n a llpetuallv t.f'i. ll. ; |a;.:ni I t fl liovernor'a Iflttflr, the let- 1.1 i. a K'(»U i" t'i.i"«'i¦<»'. .' '.'' . .i teiiniuatim wai III .11.. ii blly k..< w i. I, lo .-. I. ia not kaOWfl BflflT, L'U.ti.io1 l,< kaawB, antiltbeji tbcBanlTci anetioa oi ,oi d, n li tli. -ei tin cnle ot tl,t I tter. AOC -r.tiuLrly. Hn 1 ii i< ii 1,. w. tall ,'i. you tofltaad al »'f BBBfl I ii i ii.:>;iij> Bo 1'i.i." r, unii.-i pflflttiltj ol hraai.liii^ tOBI vs u l'._tCi.live i a B vu.-ci.ei> and a hutt. PI IU.1C MKKIINliS. Tr ~m 'ln, M.J.I< .tdtnr,.,r \.e 11 II | rWII -. I MI1--M..N Mll'IIM. 1 A-T M..IIT. i'i.'n.i.i Ii) a 11 tot .*. ¦BflflfiBf ol flfl fl bo Bifl flf Ibfl ij i).i, i- ll at " Ala: uli_a al.,.,,1,1 IMfl BBBBBB Ifl .afl flflfl n, ,.) At.i.il,.rn l.ii.ili, at' iu.m, Bflfl BBBemblflgfl , ii v (-tt.'1. n'4-it.',c 11: II LbI iilfbt, and ,'vcitl"We,i it- eni,i.|.,,-,. lii I, flttiajj wiei4 ry,u bj tbfl Bon iaatkai <>f Dr. Guivt H- h< i.l.iti, to tl-.- thtdr, nd tlMfiAnaiag m Dtltiacnai \ i'. -.''. ildenta, wLo were Doau_ated by (,. i, Botb I.H. ti llaj..,| liliea, lii. I,ard 11. Ked.vosl, ^. I1..1, bon Brown,.', I.u BeuU, I. B. -?araaa, IC. L V Ml it -. A. F. Il.'kr a, W.J.AfltB B, T. J. Ivil-v, W. It. li, It, W. W. Vot.i.i, y.C DfBfltP Ijoii^,- i), 1>. L. r..t..|h4l), ( . II. Mtnge, s. W. Kobertfl, II. .*-. Sl.itli, .lllllf. Ua-alHl, E. .J. KaVelil.la'e, W. At Lfl lti.ru,, K. I., l aara, A. V. Iraia, W. Ii llanili n, J. A. Cll Bflj-T, H. ht.ll ii, al"l a I'ailiHJi:,.'. I ». I BflBBBBfl, I. 1.. (.oii'oii a: d Vx. A. sjniitn. Mflflan. I. S. I. a. Join M... fcl.Vt;, and .1. 1'. Ituiliviul BBTfl BBptBBtflfl .«-., eiaii,.-. C-tflkb-gthfl cbflir, Dr. Ketrbimi n.ndc a lui.-t ml- ii v.li.l, )( Btated tbat bia rotcfcrBellaad iveilit waa Lla l_*-t roaMflflflflbw for tba iii b, aad I . r. Ioi Ih bl Wfla t' Al BBfl BOflt of tbc ITllJOU. ll,¦ lltii.. I'ciiv Wi.lker waa alle-l OB, aud BBB- li ml Bj |lau a-tia'k il atiiinl. Aller a t< w iflflBB-fl, Ia i-td a (ltf.in.eiit wlidi bfl badBtcfMiadat tb ra- ,,i ,ei . 11.1 .n ei ul. bia ii-. aud b-triag flflfl iabB_it« ltd tOB ,'U.i. iiic (f Ki Bt].n,. B, bfld un i li.tir a| j)0\;l. 'll.e |'in|oil ot ilii|a|ii flf. t.flt tbfl BC.> 4fll tle l«4|le biirtb jottificd a .southerii Siate i.. i-t. >-ii- li¦ titm tbfl I'i ion. < ol. Walkar theii Bnbmittfld fl MIBB (' '¦' .' Inticir. bfiflt] BOd l tMJltfld, B icb, B ttb ihe ce, n cni, will Lt- ti.lv paLliabfld Lfl !__. Tt* BflM rceolbti d wbb to tia tJflct tbal Iba Blactkaaf Ahr.i- I tn, I.u Ob aU a v i I'.al .,., rt' ,ovv ol t bfl ("o ,-liiU- Ui .. 'II, aeeotid, tlmt liiu -l.-<¦... ii al.o.ild be rapfl ii- audfr, n. OLfl t_d M tbfl I biOB latbflfllbflfl. Afl iLlid, tbat tl* i*t>wertt BBflB-iaa wiu. raMfld i.i tba . e, jle.l ,M.,l,i ti a Iv ]rovi-ioi. nf ih. CotuflitutluB ot ii, >a r. Tlefourth,thal i; i-. tbe ooiieioe of Uaa li i< i, L II bl tl e Btfllfl ('! eUfll BBM B-OtlH lu.iiie'liatcly V C Bfl 1" ll- th* I'l.lotl. 'lie laaditfd the iceoluticiia waa f. 11-vtel bf the v Q c.t »j| (IflUBC, aj.d ntt. I a Ini.-l BBdfll ft|BBBt BflMlflBfl \ii dir_-ii ^ ilei.iet ol tbfl rea. liitioi.a, i'i.1. W.lki-r i. tn,(i Inflfl il i f'.ai.d. 1 11 on g tl, 1'iitiii.frof tbe '|U,-ti,-n on the r.-aolu- ti> ui-. l)i.i.i. I < hii.oler, tflq., to, k ibflflVtaa*. Hc knew tl, i il.. Btati -.1' lu tbe ilgnl flfflfli-Bbbi1 m and beMred ;hat tbc tia ( Imd u ioa wi..-i. tbeBootb fi ooU ao I -n»j- iiri.I.iiii. boi bflflraaaot ia foror ol ihe preripttiatc ||,,lr.-.| Mnlfl) tle IflM "' tbfl r.-anl itbaw. .--.a.l ll. tloi'K't tbfl -bflfl __4taa al.oull Btflel in .'. i.t.i i'i i. ai.d .:,te,u.n a "ii a oomtat aiiitad BflMtfl- lle wo, Id aflbfl ii aabaib ita n aultiti uu for tboflfl |aa« ,ti,d. 'II... !.». r.id. TbflJ dUTered froai Coi \\ i lker'fl i. ti 1> k tbat Ibflj |BBflldfld for a C-Bflflav ,K i, ot tl.,- Mi.te- I'.i'.r lo tl.e MBflflflbfl. tt any one. Jvdac ll"i -iiaa lepekfl .i BBifth, it-ivo,Btiog C-i Wilk.r- iclnii, ua, argufas| Ila rajbt M BBBflflBaB, BiM oraiijf it, jr. i-.itty i.t u I- tima-. I,.,._,. l-i.iinu '| "f.. in fnvorof (Jol. Wlkc I-,, ,. i ,., i,.-i,i iv. -i.i* v.-nie l.e had tell aad I li. |. ii. r of -4|i.,uii.i, aad bfl aafl tafliy, BT aaaa afl, l, l, il. l! e ...f-l .1. lfl ,--. JUejfl Hflflb waa loiioly .i.Med lor, and J.-liv.-r.-.l a -tiii.i u am. tloii., at addioae ia aappflrt ..I ihe V\-Jk.-r uboIuiim i Bfld in .-it"-' kt lolbe ("t,v. tuioi. raaolii- ,i. ,,. 'Ile Blfltea w. i. . I:e, rtv BBjTfl*- v*-I h.ul u < OB- veialioo. 1*1-4 I hh.l ol.cl'diili'i' tl- ii.at.crof thediuy ifMHcaelflB. 'Ii.-y wtn W b bfl tof-ih. r |a that. UM ,,(hSt.t4i)i.ke!leiii'.'c.,..-,,t tot I- IW I1 BJl ien.ll li tle aaM our ..wi. sun lag, aad eaa BBBarBMBai woulll BOOfl be vvilh >i- . i-l , ||l t I,;., I. rUatl 1 tbat, fili.ln.K hia V .. vv * ilid .* aiu-e.l... ,,....l. abb ih,.-*- "i hia I,..."!-- and wifLl.li Lmui-i.v i. ...-vul.hc wo.il.i wIiMibb I.i* < ,11 Ltt'll )l»- luU'.'l.B. |L|T04UloVr |^.^ lltn .**. ] Col. Wnlker, afte.r a f< w reumrka, then move l tba tbetaofllatbaa i*-tut aaaa tbeir taenajfl,Mdadbed u.ri b.B.tv, tdii.l, i ad uiu.i.iiuo'ir approval. Tbaj \AiTf iu.ii ln. -'a adoptfld, i-.iiiid detBoaMratioaao'tba ktnnbal talhaanan Tbe Y*a* w.-re ejyea wifhb "ar frt ii. fl cinjl. of ihoUNiiid ibniato. whi.h Mfl Bfl t.. rhi.ke the biiil.'iiig I,. ii- fiiiiinlBtiot.H, and the 'ull :..i tbf NiiAx Ava* wuhaut reeponxe. Tbe tollowinKreprt ot the leinurk* of two of the laioir at the iilx.v. u.eetiiig ia froni Th, Muh.lr TnO- Judge Daiyun, toming t" the xtand, aaid no one .'..i.bt.d our rbbl to t-.ede, but ihe ijueeti..n wax woildthe Ab. li-ioiu-tr let Bi d" it ' He knew we d th. ruhl. aad kt.ew we w.-uld exer. ixe i', iHjace- i,l Iv if we,,,1,1.1. lu.l in bfaad if we BBBEt He bad uiBlaiflad ftai tbala. i rt i r..'"" *'.* l""'., '",.1" p ii io de_ihdati(.u in tbi- l'nion or u'ei away from it. II. BBBBI fav. r.d BBttanaBrBT, whetber xiiigly or DBatad, |M i.wiiv. We ini.ht rt.tnd onprexxion, pov- nv Md degraditinn, it thai wera all. bntth- ivanfld licctot tleBlaek Bepabtieaafl wh- to tree onr ne- ¦TOM ami | b.i,- th. i_ on an e«|uality with BB, and froui n.t ae had aoberp batb th. atn-ngth of our nght i:nr. Ba vvui.tr M Avuit on Bfl Stidex, but a. BM our own iiidd'. what it *ayx. Ile wanta it t<> -ay K" oi.:, and 1 eliev. . it will. Jndffl Me. k, heiiiK loudlv t-alled, nime forwanl. He ...id bfl had im asaactad tfl ifliah. aud bopod toan ii ai.iJVrted l. bappter xtute of feelnui by 'be BMBtfakf, l,i t I. lieved the reeti.ing dixaati-fii.tu-n wax more tt nirtaketLi.notheiAvire. Ile knew Mr. Chaudbr to . u true patiiot, but th'.nght bfl waa aJflMaaaanoW. Had foaikfit tban bbm bettaa BUa bj taat withhim iva.Iai aciii> ago, and tha very tBOJBI Mr. ('l.uidb-r poa BfaBflflaJ ata Bm line, of paBay thaapanafld. \Sc I ud coi.riiltcd togcther, we all a_reed tbe only .jiicttion now wax, who nbould move ' Ax for himxelf. llie oaai, ratoaa aaa ahaped; he itaiAa* Innadntt a.lion. I-.-r nn ntbr piirt hfl bnd baaa, ^* i' were, a Bfl llnel OB tle enposta, und tho*e who had reen wbat b I.nd r.. i, in.irt kaoa tbat rh» ie wax no bopi Ibi the Boatb "t Ia in dixniiioii. Ile BrBBted no war, dexired pea.e. bat araa taavlfleed aa.- could aBJojJ it only abeo we bfld ('. inpiered it. He had BBM the. " Va'ide- A vv uk. - iu BflW'Torb urnied and driili'.g likemililia, iu d bflard tbenaroa their objeet r.-n-un.-c i<> the S< lltb. Vet, if W(! f the South would rUli.i up boldly :.i d j leaaol bb tabrobca IVoat, tbat Boaid not Mrihe, i.i,d we ....ild aaaaad. He tboaajn MobBfl arigbthfl i.i. 11 bed in IIood bnt Abolitionixm would never ivave ltr la. k wiii.-. ..a. i ii.-. Bfl wii* a Hreckinridge inau bi.t Bflde war only on the . onimon eneiny. Ha allnded totbi tin.ein Cha'il.atofl when AbbaBM r.tiied irora the ('<.i.veiiti«.n, iad when it wi_- add the whole Soutl.erii lei.veii va.- draWB in the BBth flf tbfl -inj-le ail ol Alabima. He MU "ii* heroic act wax worth u ihi.iiiaid -|icl,ex. nnd that it vv.ix now no tim-to r|.:k BBd i.di.pt re-i|.ili.>i.r, bnt t>, BBt. He aU'id-d. u, ahort, Ifl tbe iMBiMilialbnal itabt nf thepeopbof aL.i lu u to aocado, und aoaad ap i.y btadaawfl would i,..il to our uiuhtbvbd Aluhan.a r ou fl. Stute aetf. Soithf.kn intoi.kk \N('i: It wax anartad "i. TaaaEk* tbal tba bbbbmmp A...iir':i. i.n.v.-d at thi* i-ort ihat iia-rimig from Hav- ai.iii.l. broii.bt bi. k tw.-iity ateerage rfl_x*eng. rx who aetfl rcf.xd B landiug thert-. and .Mfl cabin pareen- W ie wbo vv. ie adviaed to Iflaffl Saviuiiiii'i. Thia report tl.- fonaigiit-ea ot the vr-*e| denied in the following tem.8: Nrw Y'HiK, Tuexday cllernoo'i. N..v. JO. Tb report reaardfakf tba aflnaaaaBa by thr Augnxta ir wiihoi.i tl." f-licl teat fi.uiidation. SAM'I. I. MITl HM.I. i bXMI Kni'iie BbBBBJ, one "f the aMBB paBBBaBfB, gtfflB ll.e .ollowing etaietneul oftbe reaxotie which led lo hl. deiartuie f.oin tle South. Ofl or hIxmiI thedb of tbe moutb be wax rtundiiiu' r..-:u tbfl I'oe'.-Otiiie, in 8uvi.iii.ab. when be wa- a. ,,.rll-il bv Olie ot thiee Iil.lt, who ueked him if l.e BMM fi.m tlt->'olth. II. r. plied tlmt he did. The n.-xl iaaain rahMd u< b taHMMM* iu mm bb abfab he ^'..vc the lU.U.C "f hir eUiploy .r. H<- wuk tin'ii uxked if bflWfll fuvoriihle to tle Suith or to tlu- N'o-tll. He u. r,,i thiil he wi.fc intavor oftbe South. Tbe tlire." ... ii tl Bfl bfl. On the norabbj flftba IHh er l'..'th inxt.. Mi. atblflg re.eiAid fr.ii: the Miiiiite M*n ii BBthfl, "f whu-h tlu- t. I...V 'ma i- BtOfry: "it.xxam. Not. II 16TA Ert.xvB I ... Bfl .." Hav ing heard tbat y.m aara aa Abo. Levt-f,oa8* beeaeh t.,u will .eaie town by E . i . it. or ahidr hy thr t-oiiaeuueute*. B, '.;r'^'. 1 Blm k iM.. Shvaiiunh, Ga. Wl.Nl.'IF. MkTN On Fi idi.y the Hiih, I mitn Avith a bBM roxette upon hb taat ataoatfld Mr. Khtaag, aabnajif badUaatia- eatra u tatbn BaM Iba Haata Men. Bi made no pur- Ueuliir rej h bul 081 ItaMMBJ bfl in the Kt.-ai_.-r. Ile bIbMb thi.t Mi. .1. M. Kiliitt. Mothat cabin paaBBafljar, MOrrred a anftaj boBm u. bare. Mr. Bbbag abo aaafl ibflt nei.r BliUllbjlll. M tbi niirbt af ftkmf Laat, he witi:i*rt d fioiii .. litile .lia'u'.'e the application of tar Bad eoMoa to BM, thoagb for whut cauxe aud iiuder wl.nt ir< BnataBOBB, be did not kin.w. B MOVFMK.NiTS IN VIKCIMA. >\ IBB B**EIBfll (Va.) Nov. lo, IHt'fl. T" ihr r'dtt.rr, .t tht .Wi, ,..' haalMBMri (,»m LBMBBi Th. muii whi.l, will labfl thia lelier to itai will oniiiiii u tap* of tM pr.xfe.iin_* ot ¦ aablb avoettogof rftbenata thb etanty, trhieh 1 ttwariird to vi i. lor pnbluaii..>. b your pBpflf. Tb.- preeeiit crixix in u.. |. liii.al c....dition twoflkf aaaBBoa eoatatry.b ay btaabh jiii%Bnnt. d.iuai.d* thal arary pfltrtot ti.'.iibi on. |. vAaid pronptl] and ntdtB in aaah i. chri.rer ;> an-.ul.'ih.t.-d loaan tl..-I'nioii and U.e C'< peiiintioii of thfl F.'ien.l lo.veninient. BTflhari u- .i.i..:ibtfl "i BUflMaiaibta ii: t! te .|iiarter. and 1 tiurl tbat tbfl Aoi.e of Vir^'inia, fiom "ne extrt-mity of tbe Btate to u.e ptber, will bfl hend trnapal^tMflaad igan rt tbe 'd.-.;. iiiiinnaii..n af th* BbaaaaabaiBMal .ii' greai ai.d gbrioafl I'uiited' ti*. v rd St..t*». Ar oaaef you old aai m riben I a*k ih.d yoa will p.ibljxli t).«- pi..i.dii i - abovc lafenad io. llll!. Mf-tTOM IN BATB ii'l'MV. PlECOrtaV, Al a J ul ln n exiiiiK f lhe ntizeti* of liath County, in tb Mfltoof \ n.ii ia, without di-tin. tion oi party, ht ll.e ( o.ui-lio.ire i.ieri.t, on lhe l)t!i dflj ol Novum- . .. letO, lhal b.ii ¦_ tbe Iii e-t day of the (''.iiuiv-rouit i-ooaty, oa BBtbna weeraBy taade, wilban Md iii 11. BM uii. il lo t!e .bair, and (.'liarlexK. Mc- Ikooald hpi oiuted s-. r. tai v. Ou niotio. ot B ilhiin, ll'. 'I'eniU. pre. e-h-l bv I f.-vv icu.a.kr exj bttiorj of Iba obja i "I the aiid ineeting, ii war raaaHTfld ti i.t"a('on)n,it;ee of IratMaM bl ap- lointed tr tba < beJ mb toarBpaMtadiaflort h pre- i.n.l li ami r.-r. iition* exwaaairfl td thflrba laadotan. ...t.il tbfl BMetioj in iihiM'.n lo tlie | " -"id ii-if "f fl lomiiA, growin* oat <>t' tl.. recenl Preaddential ch.tuli vA e t, lIowiTi_-i.inu.-fl u'iii'1 -men were appoitited aaid Conjrnittee, to wit; Wilhaffl H. 'l.niii. Abjuandei H. M.i |iDtb,TbaaaB BL Walaca, i l.i.iU- siilii,;.ioi., un.t Bcaajaaib T. WaEtat, aho, havb.g retired n-r u r!,..rt time, ratiirnett, and, n rt '¦; I. tb ii C! tirnan, -.1 -nuited ihe fotbwtng pre- ni.i b a'-.i i, lutkona t.u tb cnri i.-i-uhoti oftM Bflflat- ii,..mn v i, w.it, ufier Iba ih. been read, ur.ih,- tut > au. led: Uh.i.ui Aa . der|'y regrrt U.e reault afl ahkb Abibl... .. Ib* fltata. llltaola. arill Baeotae ,i. ,.i- i,...,-,! i., Blted tbat** 1-. .'. '.' ..r,- ali aai > wfa iad koaHh ih« pe-:oi.ar .. ...l. ara portloa M ih* Coofe*tei*e, aad itmui ln ni linai nf iiiaBilnaltaa im tba aaid otrorti to -iod ... lhe . .tin it »». pi.--.Uifi "> ISoiiti.ern i apaeabaa *ad thioaab B*wapaa*r», Ih .nl. i. a. i ju-tuv *i.d aaemiri', '-..' '" . d'"" ih. I i i..i ...d aktaraaai aaaa aa*) ..¦¦.. Iba Baath*ra btate* il... ..... tbrtr Lagiflbtaraa aad publl '¦.;- arejaa ligth'- y «t*p* fof a ipeaid, «epar_tl »*« eeetoa lYoni -.-.i.:e. afthelaloa ...d. uh.teo, taaaaah a- w-d.,- p.. ,,. ii . v. .. loyal aa ar* ta .ur ... ,H .... ' * w-" ^ w. ... | . -id Laeyitabl, r.,-11 f.oaa ksoeaaioa ... our loi ,i ot k'-.leiai 0*y t ., .tutill ii .ebalA-'trr to *1."W u. t i gl.r .. r-.t ,.- -, i.iii.ante |a BB) " '' Bi**.*eat, «ud. i',.r_. |l Ifl .... i '.kr ur. ll'i. n.h: a:nl prepe- .... < eba. thr p,.-.. i.t rrim pi. nt- :L*i lli* pr-tilt ahould rat .: .. r._ i pirvtle*. B-dtavM-Wi .: ... -,¦'. , o,,r dulv. w.- ;..« !.. I ¦¦ of i ... touatj .... i [... ,|i.-.,. i. nn'y aad aaa. ¦* ¦ (I, |. ,.. ,n leiei. ,.. r kOi_* pi. inirr. adopt tll* iolliwu.g r>.olu- lio-a, town . , / ...,- ThB w* deplora tbe eleetloBof Abnhaai Idaeota B< 'ln- ry aaa .-.*.: u*ti.,u*l :..*-> i> nr. ai.-l ,- . . i ln.| ^ hatBM y ine l ai aa* I > n..urr_ti i. ai.d fo.lieaiaU'eoU the part r boatb aa aeii Ba the h B .' h.../lr<l Tliat* . r, .- .¦' ¦-.'. ''I,-..!.' ii .- 1.. a> . BBlk . ,.'.'.., aud I. -hl ... . autWlubi.be whbtheeutire Bouth tai*»i*ttaf b, * u a ,- in ¦ u .. ..i.i-. -*¦ 1*01 '-. u.ny u,»»e .,; »ti,t,,pi ,'i.*k>'.i|'"U th* n.ht* .i .. .' r*f a d «..,f tr.ifj aad aad*. naatahf.ln a.aiM rrrTBal-lanl rau^ f... «f .r... .ni aaa01 BBBieoi ibe »ni-l -vtatee- li, 1 :.». wr i..,-.. » tiai ( oii.'iu.iic-i and Union *nJ *th»i we wi adbera parttaa .. -. .a.d. dlbexo, tb* Bfld * I rV.f.r.J 1 .lu u (ii,,,.- araeai. .'. '* . Vi. - .-*!, o-.t --I il. - * * of botl ¦. "i ihe aa II ... .. ti..' ., r.i bt* mtt bm. aud "T'i*. i Raadeed Iht whika ara ar* apfaaad ta adtawlBttaaB tbe i.i..t. . bm a of an, oi.. or mor* 4 tb Bf ,i raaattai w » i.h ,t dkatinrtl' iBoarBaod aaflwa taaardk i .- ..- -. ibatw. -i iad aaaaal .k arlib Ihr aHabaai .!..". . of th. irre- p-r...t... ketweeja BB* a..d .1*.* Ubor ua prooirjnted .nd .o ...i b. k raa KtaU« B. i' * .'itxr .,/ -.-h .- ¦!.. .-¦ -br aaaaafakBt** w hl. b .-.¦-.. l,i ih- ir n|. u .,..! ..owrd ..i>..!,u-liuu ul t roiui.'¦ w .i u. d. ii, uni..!.. d ii Pugitiyi Hluv- LaB. aad thal w- »h»i: M .. K. d- i...i d thr . iiion.-iuri.t uf th* BBW *ttd tba axg.. -.i.. U uaata .....- ih. .ii,,., t htn.it'.. , v . i'c thal th* Slaleuf A a. tnueii ln.*reau-.l the |H-rpe«uit, ol Ibe kaderai l.m.n aaauy Mba I'I.'", I HN u.04* 80, wa_o tuoel vld'**7 tUvt e*(a«*ta, xxxtte-t thal every aafl 'v iBf Bfll Bflflfl wlihh. Vf kiataM «a .... n . ,d Bibnary cea-tiic. at.d unlta la t< "P*» *totu ta. avart ther.Ull.l--e. ..f dl.-.l 1,-1 .'I .ea.-aaefl, ai.-i p-ra»e.t,n.J ta Wa h.v*ft..iir.Mai),'thothdi.i.i.ion aud i-9.-e-.ion M HBBBflOT ' Tkamtted, That vahile we aalhere M the »i~n BfldJBB 4__ Hitutlc... -eaienut .p|,o»d to. but re^u.-eua. ah nea-ful pr. par.tio... for tha re.i.u.,. e ot foti.re aoa-ro* ''"".'"'"'' _. Jfie._c.ri* ai.d the defeuae of the rifhU of tha Jkiuth. whathar tbe i.in 1»-praaeivid n dawtn.y.-d. _____*__, I. KeJfaed. Tliat. in view of futur* enr*iiC.ea ln rerard ... the ohiect. of thi. n.e. tilif. our (hairnian l.rret.y ,:.ntfl4*n aith the pow.r aid th. a,.tti,nity. wbei.eve-.ucli e-ljencjea -l.allariae to .all a pi.lili. n.c*tiii| ot the pa-opl* of f'ua iiiniy, j Hi f ittrt Baan thrrH by fkmm bbobb lettBjaaa-BBBBfl ii, rel.tinu th.-re i" ». Uie i, av dearn r,_'h' aml proper. '. hr*J,rd Thal 'ual .r. _r.ii.ii pr .<<-ed..-if- t.e aljneal by the < liaiimnii and Se,ral.-7 andthat ,-opie. tfceranl be fi,-i,ie.,ed for ttoi ii iheni-v. ap*|ff>ra. \. M Mi CLi N TIC,« h u i K Mi Doxaili, (4.-. ralarv. MINOK ITK.Ms. A CIM.I.IN.. I'K.K l. .MATIOV Tl,e followinjf |.reaiiil>le and reaolntiuna hari been pabflBBafld and extennively lirrnlatcd ia I'olutnh.ia, M-k: To tht rxtirmtoj l.ou-udti Cniiilx/ mut thr oadm* 'irnrrnlly fl hrt 0*. Ihere aa. i,,- t. bfl a feveriab atidiimiecca-ryeirita !:.. i,» pervadlt.f apottion caf our coB-aoufly lo rabtloa ta tha e otc ciieulalUfn al p***»al aafl buti t*4**e» aaafl bbbbbb bb - a ii.g Dfltal tha BBBaaafl unaiith.t. ol politla'al ati.ra. .aud iifie.c.ji Th, pia.an ri-^r't traaoat ca4taa,lahaeBe, riafl a-"l .'i.arol tha M, uth. and'tt.a (frain rop* ..! the North aod North- B aat, ara hsBBBi arbfltabaaa. kanaaBac. aad -re _aaj tor tue ij.i.jka t- >-i th, word. hy which onr iii"t)*t*ry .(Talr. will he rea .latefl, aot only at h.m.e. bm throuih.-t .11 BaflBBBflMfll .',. :ri<e vaith whi.h we bave lu'erroii... I'or, .fort Tbera i.ukIi' ii-.t. and crbiioI be, witbout an ,iunece***ry pania. any .lat »er ia Ib* BIBBBJC- i_.lr.of the ,-ouDtry. hrtolrrd Iherrlure That the iindeniriied hive faill nnd ahiditir o- h.li .ice iti the diiiiihica* bihIj. iiity of tha Bauk. of New fjTleaa*, Mobik. tbe Intertor of Blahania, Aujaa-ta, and Sa vam.rb Oee Botrtb Cara.B* -vi »l, oh.-.i wli.i.e i,..te. have 1 ad .ir,ulal)0D to uiu.h . itant iu our BB*..aaltj and that wa avill, ut.til further a.lviaa.1 coBtitiM to JBflC .the autaeaiaook hir k* aa are raf.-rreil tc nln.v.-. '-.r .. fll auld. deht. due or be- ,oi,.i. idne aawell _euaaa da. HetUe,d,Tb:t are Bioat reapectfa-y atam aeaw »"**»¦ it,/. ia ta. Ber, i-»- fornearan. * aud j reneo u rodB. bc* tn the ati atat f-wiflaacy, h.th iu oai DieaeUrr jud p..iiti.-.1 attalra. li.:. Murd.-'-k i to latii'-a \\ bkfleid, PraaMetit of I.. k (i lua Co Hiid.u. Ili.mphriei k Wilhetn* ("or art At Ma-'i.. 4, i-inipeor, 4. Co. lamet iowm k Ca. MeDaaiel, Mui-r ( o.: Mnu.,... «ai.i,..i. MeirBti Blaii fc Biaahir; B.-k.-rvill k VVhit-eld i.'fcn K Ottley A. Tha.-hai (i T. Kealjar; Sbeemia 1 h__aa* Ti, .. \\ Biwa M A 44, U \ itiHot k Utrk lUwita-h Na'han Or.,a. I M. Knapp: J. W o.uel -dorrt. K f. Leigb l.en.. Uatehi C BJcharflaa 8*_i J. I. < muu - Cfl Hr..wi, I. Hir, J 8 Atvv.it. r Baa toivtub,,,, Haa Nov. iti. MBB MR. DOI (.Its AT VHk-UI B-t Th, VteAetmrf H kg of the 17ih aaya: Tl.e Hoii. Sl.-I'i.eti A. DflBgBM Bflflflfld Bf tbe river M-ateiiiav Bj-rabtg "ii the flteataer Jam.-- Battlfl,«B rofltfl for bfa (lai'tiiiioii biWaaafaajtoBConatr. A laiv«* iroud na-t, Id on thowharf-h.-tw.iile.be Bflttla waa ai il,.-landiiiR, and ,_llt?d for the liiatin- v.iiah.d grat-flffl Hfl ttm lorwai-d, and ajfoke tur ;.|.. nt iwentv Btfo-tes. He deelared tbal hawaflbi l.T.,rof th--'iiii.ii.teiian. t of th, I'.-lofl ttBBBI IbflOflfl atitatioB, and aaid tba Atb-toiatntioa flf L-teoifl wan ¦« weileff.ni. axBbHooflflflflf Caaflj-flBflwajtaflaBiflHflt tO hia I'.li.v.and il tl,.- Boelfa Bflffl hur BMHBBflB iu ilM-enii-, Bfl would bfl fl-BBflfl tocarry ont a B-tglfl ii ea-itre "f Kt-|'ul.li.:.iii-i,i. Hfl wai Iflwalfl-lj a heered hy tbfl .rovad. and the Ub.tOfl remarked that ha- i-.>n- f-i.'.-re,l it af/'H-il uflBBB that nt the ino-t iiu(iortant point ii, .Mirri-ei'y.i l'nion -entiinciitt. were r-till BMifltaB-fll Jndfli I),t.>ila.- wai in Iaa hcflltb. Ho wili raaabi bb hia i lantati. u t,,r a tew d:,_v flrbflfl hfl flJ-l I"* fflBBM l,v hir" iauiily Bfld prflflfled b. .ward. ( ALKH CX-BCN O.V THK 8TATE Of TIIK UNION. lt will Bfl flflflfl Bflflfl tbfl bUflWi-f hll.-i. whi. I, ex- pia.na Iteeif. th.it Qflflk CbBBBBJktfl B-flBflflfl the eiti. MBflOf New 1.1,ri |..n. on the alile of tbfl UflBBB. Bh oialion ih |Bbfl ifivi-n flfl -Btf-TBaj <nd liflaiBJ evcii- mp-, N'.v. M nnd -,;: llon. Ai i.KHT Cl 'KRirn./)'" 8ir. I ha<l the lonoi, M.iu» time -iinc, io lacfliflfl a romiiiunh arinti from v.uieilf Bfld ;> lar«e flBBlBCt of othttr .-ign.TM, re- noeMaiBdu- to addrflai U .- <iii/en- of Kaflrb-rjrptai ou tVe aabjflM of the Mfltfl of tbfl l'nion. To tlo ao at that tun'* BBBBflflia>MB b.aJBflflflB-.t, tiin, bflCBtaa timy bttkftt tt,<- __apflaai-_itT,p_adBBj tbe l*re. iil.-ii'ial .anvhae, of tbe ac, otamoeiatioii of the j.< ii.te .il" cootiOveiB) betacflB tho*-- who, while thua dilfering on lenjjoiarj. i'l.-ide-nial, or |eerfaoni_l .jtiee- ti, na w,-re >e', it. my iudtnnent, aliki* tBBtlflfl tf*¦B_fl of tht- (.'oiiatiii.tion; aad -eio'.'ilv, becfloae of H-feciitl nluitun.e to \>M Biyflfllf lfl the poaitioB of¦ MI-BBB t-oiitliit withflnyoa* inr iiuniediuie Ukflr-BMBBBB flf tl.ii-1 itv. But all thofe i|ii.'rtioiia bave paraf-'d away. nnd a ieiil.d pflflCfl lo tftbfllfl of B biifhi'i order and im.ae . ..ii pn ¦< tBBTB ,!,a._4ti'i. apjertaiiiiiK tfl the n..w in rniii, nt )enl ol ihe <lir*,|ution tt the __Mfl-_B l'nion. To the initninence of that peril, it i- no \,m<r«r per- uiitteci ua tfl flaflBaBBB, aa Mfl yeart. we have done, willluHy to _n_ our pyflfl, It .Bflflflfl iitelf flBBB ua in ii-poit <"f Ui. ial a< t-.;'it bflfl Bflflflflflfl ihe chief topU- of IbeBflajflBflBfln u piflO-capiea all minda; wo fot-1 it, tbrungboat tba eoaaU7, la ihe da line >-f ihe rflflBlabbi vi.lu. of Morba, bmiraaadiaa, aad i»*al eflMtte. and in tbfl unhei-al dir'u'l'.iilTe of doiueotia pto6j*Mtmmm, tiadc and lflb__ (;,hI toiliid that, at nrfe l BMBHBL .my'luiig ihoobl be dflBBOT fl.d y in. t'. add t<. the inteiiajty of MflVaV tndfl, whi.-l-alrt-adv exir.tf. in U in n-laiion. On tlw otl.er hard, tbflflfl hut otw Ibfaifltfl ullay it, whi.-h (i.n he done OB i_id BJT flB aB tbfllState Of Miut.u-hu- -t-ttf. It Bflfl.-.ta__tg, far ua in Ba_aa_hflflat_ito__oafli ibc qaflfltioa af tbe flflaflaaflwy or JiMrTirfdirnfj ot ae- ..earioii, aad tfl flad.Bflof to irapre-a-a >.u the boatbara btatfla tbe fl.fla..Mfl of M,e ui.oa. Bo loaa iu> the Htatfl of MaaMflbflflflflM bm_b_.na aarfltenol l,-_._'l.i- tioa plainlt eoatiary to the UoaMitatioa in tha v.-tv ¦attei of the apet.al righta of the Boaahflra State-, ail flfln Bifl dtflad to ai pflaia ifl hehalf of the l'nion, iroin in. Tfl IBtb BJBM-Bfl Ibfl aiirwer u ready, that when we duly i.'khmi the COBfldt..OB Ofltatlvflfl, and nol un¬ til tl.t-n, it will U- BOOBpfl-ttll to bb to Blhflft other Btatflatfl i--;>a-,t aud BBflflrflfla-j that oih.-iwi-. we Bffl lun BBBflit.lv JjliioviliK tbe bflBB-tB flf tbfl flflflBBBM wiih,.ut tUa I Braing Itfl OMHBtloOB; and tlmt oii_-laii- datloa o* tbe tJaioa ii alike odioofl and ridtealoaa, while we lii ar t. it ol 1} aa the m.-ali- of eXcrtiii.,' the powfli flf tbfl t*«iier.;l i;.,v. -i bbnbiI i" tbfl apottatioB, j.| r,f-ion and wioti/oi tftccfl BtfltCfl flf tbfl I'ni'-n. ll' w de. | Iv noflTCt ti'.-ief.'ie, an,. .iti/..ii of tbfl State oi Maf-fa.liun.tta BBaJ ilcploiellie pofla-bffityof tbfl _B- BolutlOBuf 'l.e I'llion. ahe i- ulteilv pOWflllflfll tflfl_a> ->BflV BBJ I'hei'B-Mfl i>"UJ -c'-killg oi ptflflBOtBlfiM ilirpoliiti. n. 'Ihe nulliiii-atioii haWa of Ha_B_ebaBa_l were ,»t otlv ii Oat d. liheialelv ena. led ill tbe iirat in>tante, httt the |iu«lioii oi their r.-lK-al ha:- he*-n earuertily ini.Te- intlie ljegialaiiirt- ol tlie Mate, lirnt hv Mr. l. hadflfl Ual.* tu d ait.-iwaid h\ my f-flt, aad akhflflfljh aoiue lroviaioiia ,,i Bflflc e-nai'eih.iti,,fl in thoae- law* have .en i, |*-.,lcl on *li>- ii-roii.uiciidattoti of QoT. B-uika, ret tbe >i- io.ii- rabflt.BCfl -till f. il-i-t-, ,n.l bflfl hut jiet h.-.-li ciiret'i.lli tocnailed in tbfl BflflBBBjl RflBB-B tt ihe eUitutee. Vaii.K tbei_fon aroald tbe State of MflflaajntaatM h,!ii oi ie"h tlii8tat> ol Souili C-toBna to uharnratbfl CuiiatitutioD, oi npbold the ITnioa. I: vvc would have eqtiity, we inuat do eqnlljr, and gfi iatfl court wiih le. ifl baad*. l.e I.,..- nn lnv.illy lo the Kedeual (' >U- Btiiiiti.il i.'tue wilh |wor k1)"'1' ftOtt ohatttiate and Iflfl" .e: Btb riobtfolfl "t ihe 1'¦-tintITtition. Tbfllfl ifl Bfll oi,. tiii.fr ..,,'lfl odbBfll aid flbafllfll i han that, aud it ia tbaalaaof MaaflflahaaettB, haflaafl- k ttmtmot |BB.fl> I.. 11 ra 14 lii..a to thel unatitaiiouand lawfa». tb* Uaaoa - iiiiijg io .oei.e utbfli Sraia-e into p.attOloflBwha- ilientc i" ihe Cwnatitutlon and ihe lawfl af ine l'nion. N,>. il tl,e:e be BBB Bfl.fllfl flfl flfl.BBB of tha OBB* rii.'uii- ,.. whi, h, wiih hei partnuhir notion-. flf righl iu,d flnaj, th* Btataof Maaaa__aB.i otiiuot or will not fnltill and ol iv, ahe- every -iHieidei-tioii af boaor. tratb, n,ith, eoaatflaoee, virtaa, laHgb-u would iiupel h, i titl.er lfl Bflflflflfl al BBBfl troui the liiioi) iMTflflK or to ciii.pcriile vtuL Viruii.i.i iu the call ot ¦ CflflBHtflj* lioualCoaveatiofl to iflrfaa ihe terni* af the Kcita-nJ i, (a-1. oi al leaft aatJtti 11] tOflatflod 10 Bflfltb Obbo- luia tba rigfat baad M eord.tl anDttflflflioa flad flBflflfl* aon f> llouabip. (»ui loiefaiieir. arhflBtbfly tonnd the l.overnment ,,-, lha aoiinirv aot to bc Bp to tht hijflii ot their Maad- nt <1 of liheily OT Dioralitv, -trove in the tirMl place lo I BI4BJC the (_iiv.-n.neii. and IfllUng iu that, fhtj with- ilnw thiflBBfllflfla IroliI il. ln aBflBflflflBflB, there waa Di»,i iiy a..d niiit l-"th Ihflffl in nuiie in krt'pin_{ ihe .,' .1,1 tle l nion and i.-iu-inu ita prire; Baa rtitiK the> h.t.d uf tbfl v oietil ition vThere if h- lavnihle to Haaaflflhaaatta, and iBtHt.iatinB i. whan il ia haaiahIfl io South C'ar.jlLi.a. (a.i.uu, t .1 the latt.i a«,rt, in ordi BBTfl liii. haa ijalv naaifi, m cbflnting, r-w ui<ilii.x, ti.. il.nnd ii dea iv»-a n>- aoiter appi-lla'.i"ii iu the avta (al a Mat. Ot B i»o|'le. Fuilli. rn me -,. loaa na tlu- Siate of B___BB-flBBtM BHflBafln e iu ti ia Millili, alloa ot the (IflflB.aflfli-B, -.** aS-rda, noi a \ utt-vt only, bai BjaMiloaton flaflflB to Ibe (Batfl ot .s.,utb taiolina, i<> tlmt ti (Jiinvia, Ali.li.ua, M.-ai*-i|'|i, oranv flthfli State Ot-erwMa di pflafldtflBBcflflB i"i Ihfl vioh.tioii oi lha AndaaBflflMl flOfl-BBM ot'mbo. iiitiou hy one ol" ih. . onlr...'uij. pur- ii. - ei v,e, iu u¦«,|_l.t> tia vm 11 flfl liw, to iek-iif<- thfl Otl t-rr-: and th>- ,n, .ii-iilutioi.al ainl diabt-BOBBB. atii tndfl ot the Mtatfl ba -lM_BB-H ia not leaa B_B-_flflBaf iii BBflthflTItapflct, tO vvit, ii^ ohvioua MBB-flflg lfl (i,i«lv/e iba roi.f-'rvhtive ettoria ol onr '.*Ai.itnern .siate-, not v,-t rflfairrd t" BBBfldfl. hm h u* MarvLind. Virfinb,Nortb I anlina. Kentn, kv aud Te.nneeaee. I think tbfllfl ifl a dui.i in thi* hehalf whi.-h it ia id- i-uii.te-nt i ii Maaea. lii.aeMa und every U>>al iituieti ol tle (Mfltfl tO l.itoin..oi.' whi.h itif. never too enrly i.¦ i-i.ti r .i|i..ii. und Bflflflt t.K) lal# lat jm.im--. (a- )irx'\ w I ii h it ie pei.Hflrij titiinaf for u.- t.> mulertake uow niiii.i-i), aalaaaal iBeflflaatt-aall. ii »>-. kaaa, whi.h nn eaal)di,lou-l) tala* iti ih. pu- h-flOfl flf purinaat whi.h are M niniiji al in tht/tr flVflaeatk ti.l trtauonah'.,- lulbeii fetieiHl iflfllivp. aa^al «v J.-._ n «'\-'j#Taatm. |^» ¦flrti and (Jtaf^xvey lhe l-yubti-aj of (*v w-alth. A* thix uthc .'tiiy of all, it b the dnty of erery aat; ai.d the-refnre It will give me ptaaaure tfl *i*aak <*a tM ehhject; u. MtpMB the graviiy of ibe eituatioo; ta dt in* n-t rate rwar ol ligntion wAgardine it . and ta B****- li- ipi'ate with y.m in the iiutlatiou of meaaurea for tto w ipiag ...at of thia foul blot froM tbe eacutcbeoa of tM S'ate of Maxrach.iHetta. Hav ing done that, we *i__ll then hare thfl rlgBaj Axt jen what may, to xtand ere.1, to b.Id op oar baaa n the l'nion, W> loob our xiater Htate* in the *are, aaaa. ^MTpflfl what may, to xtand ere.1, to hnld op oar in the l'nion, to loob our riater Htatea in the 'are il' ncrxl ba. to iiildr.-re frulernaJ exbortaUko- tr) the of Soulh CaitJina. f .n. very faitbfull,. C CUKH1M47. .%«-¦'.uryf,rt, Not. 18, lt**). RKU.N Of TKKKOR tw (JKOROIA. I, thryitlorot ThrS. Y Tribvm. H . ln Tle D'i'oii Ji'"rnnl of 'he 16th I BBB BBB Bjfjj laflBfM Bm Tid TtUMBI af the l.itb. lare^ard li.my lafe exj'ulaion fmtn the City flf Aaguato, wMea I have nxided for aome yeam. That j.iatbe nny ba don* all ]i.rti.r, I deeun it my duty toralaie tlw i*i*ab ibecuxe. Pflfl live fMBl l bave reaal'-d in AtAgtaflaa. bat, fwimr 10 tbe imi*ired atate of my bealth. I taa*. thflffl one vear ago and MM North, where I reraaiafld until the itai o( OetobBr. I thaa milod from l*t**teo_ [xi MMHM r Ba Al Ciirolina, f.-i Cbarle«4toti, arad ar> r'red ii. Augn-'a "ii Moiulav, the -7th inxt. *Y**lr- thing p:,-r.d | lea-anlv until Fiiduy naoruing, wbaa I re. eived m noie, aa MawWfli I)H. Thatkb- Vou ar* hareby rotifird to l**y* tha <MJ M thr .arlteet pos.ible time. ol »l,.d. thr eeBB**BB.*.j__t^ I M HILt_- Heing *if k in bed, I rent ff.r a friend, who cubbo aa. once and took ti,. note lo tbe May..r. He calbd a* BBB*, and naid *vei v ettorT. .h uhi te- nuade to atoplhai tbing. Suitiee it lo *ay, tbe autbontiea did all in MBM I -wt! to *o iip.ee* tla- exiitement, but all tonoe*nat_ At Tl] i. rn. I wa* attaeked by three ruffian* iu froat flfl? tbe Mat.terx Hotel, w bo u*ed eAerv .-xertiou to BBt me into a carrii.ge ai.d take tue to ilttinhurg, S. tj.. where my late would have been aaaied. Tliey ootild not fflflraflflj aid befii. to aaaflj me tvloug lhe wajk, when BBt wite an.l (bmktijter l.*__d ibe noixe. and caaaa '... ii y re*. ue. They aught ine ont- on eilher ai>b, aaad bajnad tban t" rele.ixe roe, which, after BBBBJ BBJEBJ ail.-, they did t-ayii'K- " 'Mkaltuxi, you beiug a wotoaua. we will give up.' BBfl thanked tl.em. We then ra- lUlBfld our room. where our frienda nun« to oar ra*- iief in great i.iu.berx. From thb time the etdieaaaaafl iuciei-xeilrapidly; a Urge BaWflfd had gi-thered areaB* tbe hoaiT-e; xiee. he* were made by the u.<»*t itiniMatbl ui.ii oftbecitv.aiid every eflort uxed todiaperaa lha> Bkob; bm all ta rn- etltx-t. They atsemed hka ao _u_r hor, iv vvolv-f*. ^^ At '} |. m., BBJ friendx «le< i.led that mr only aBta war in ii atfbte flivht. aa it waa i:n|xT**ible to eoot-x-l :b.. mob and delei.d u*. whi. li tben amouuted to aoaa BM and more. A cuniage w BB brought to the roar tat tbe houxe on the bark atreet, to whieh we were bom> ducted and driven ntpidly away. leaving our bflBJpg l.tliiid. We were aec«ii.i|ainie<l by aome of the aa*M leeionnble men oftbe cily who took nalUttubaflM il e SiiAi.iinab roud, wb.-re wearrived al X p. m. llaaa w.- waitid till 1 o clock. when we ifot on the«;ajrBiflr BfltaBBflb, where weanived at 7{ fl, tn. W* dirertly to tha xt.-iimer Abbajna and took oor aud k.'pf cloee till the xjulit.g of the boat at 4 r>. m. ln n?k.ard t<> tbe catire of mv expnlxion Ihaveaa doubte that two Northern men, BBB* from MaaaHoM*- *et!.-, wen tl*? iiu-tigutora of tbe troubb. Oaa af then if a a x. bna "ath that if I rnade him pay bn bill be would ruin me,-,. that I e'uld Mt live Ib Aa- laflta. Hi- bill wa* xettM by a third PMrty wbo «a.aa ne f 50 m.re than 1 had orteied te take. The MBJ un- abn i:aaaflfld at a bill for iiiedi.al attendtaea. thoaflh baa thaa the law allowed me to elutrga,aaadk :tr tinc. i, ne all tu hix (x.wer l«. injnre me by c_rca*- litii.ir viirioox leporix wiihout tle le*_it fomdiili. Hb BBBM WB* given in Court ae an evidence to af*. jeu: airiinxt me to prove my aboiiti'-n BenlitneaBfl- Smh ate the liun*. T«rw of many Northern men wha ii,, .South and the Noith are judg'ed by tlietn. I>-t me here aav that th.-*e Vi^ibnoe (,'ommitteea and m«.l e Kre com"po*ed .f the moet low, driinh*, iireeion-ilh-ilaxx of the commuiiity. and tlie ir_*taM*- tora are ..ften Northern n.en. Tba n<, l.bme may Ba iittueled to the raapeetabb aai reeponaible port3_»«aT the .itizeii.-. I will nt that they e.xtei.ded the MM af *vn,patbv nnd IiieuJahip, and' voliinteered their a4»r> A:in-M and live* to defend me froui an infiiriiUed raeh. Tbey bave mv xvmpathiee, and ever ahall hiire. Me> hler'heititr neAer txeut thau tho*e of the true wbala< rouled S.uthen.er. Wonld to <Jod tbere were bxbB like tbem. I omit alling anv i.umex, for, br ao doiagb 1 uikiht invohe -x.ii.e of my f.iendxin troubb. Sin.e my ai rival Nortbl am informed that niy iMflr- irae.e hax laeen forwarded tfl me, by expraee, aad arflta- i-ome xalelv la liand. B. K. TuafBa, M. aX Uortt.u', Mu.«. Noy. 16, Ia68. m THK COUNTUY ENTUtl.. 7o 'Ar EdMar of The S. Y Tribviu. Sie. I am ta ..;*:>¦'.. peaceable citizeu. [>oliUeaJ?yt IV HBionthe Kepublicanaide; I am for tbe preeerratiflM of the Union 1 ie-ire to witneea n.) aepanttioo of tM State*; I bave a pectiniary iniereet boib iu tbe Seaflb aad in the North. My relativea and frienda, eiqaaJiy endeared, .ireeiti/'naof Slave and Kree |MME Ida- iiie au udjuxiraeut of the great queetba witiAont «*»>¦ turbaner, und I think it may be done. The South u.tixt not dert_uid iti)yll)in>r beyoad tha proter-tion of their eliiv« property iii tbe Sutea where Slav. ry ..onetitutionally exixta. No meddling wah ulaver, then. mii-t be allowed, unleaa the 8lar* f den and it, and all conaent to it. No uiore Slave to bj i^rmitted, BBaflBl by the voteof the people of | Stute B niHi.ding it, entitled by law u> vote tbfl ib The Fngitive Sbve Law ahould be eiwtained in « Su.te, or lhe full Aalue of the abre ahall be pttid by State H-fur-ing to auxiain it. with all tbe ezpeueee ofl bajbll taBB-baftbl bbflflt Tl.ia otfer the Free "' could ntiord to inake, provided tlie 81avebold)Ba: BiaadBfaaf towtthdran all nBbarftfl aaaMnaBbtil rer,.|titi,,i_. arf.-.tiig ... in any way pointing to 140- niptif u o. f eei-ioii. Any further i-oni-eeri<)n b foi a uioinei.t entertained. Tbe wbole country ha> juxt emerged from tha. cire of itx coi.Btitutionul and long^-ittiiblUhexl faaav li.niK b tl e h.-..-.. of a l'i-eridenl ot the Iuiied 8ti The wh.le queetioo ha- been lairlv xubmitted.iand verillv dhMeBMafa The rexpeetire fiuiditatea bex-u plaied iu BBflMntiflfl iu the iiaiial form. un pledg. tbat ibe renalt of the l>*_lot ahould detei the pnfeieuee ..1 tbe ix-ople. All haa been fair, all baa been < oimtiti.ii.'m.l, all xatirftctory. The da, of ebtv li.n . uuic, and eueh party aupeiired in it* full ain*_e*Jb nnd tonfidence at the l"'llx. The dixk baa atrach. at.d, without a rtaMMltilM tflatB, the bail"t-box eefla- ii.ined ihe will oJ the people. Now lor the cotiiiT, which ix njade accordiug lo bw, ai.d lee.ilte in the el>-. tion of Ab. iliam liino-'n of D*- !i, ,>ir bv u tafBfl ii ajo.ity. Who can aay tbat he haa a ri^-ht, hoii..i;iblv. to w'ididmw from thia de* isBoaf V\ bat nu.n of houor can ibim, at thb hour, to breah iip a tabibiwbaab, until the iLaing of the hiiUot-ht-ta, wiu-f.i bi* "Avn rtru.tnief What individual bBflflBJ wbo iliiimx to b. u iiuekkud hont-at Amerhan thal b willing to tl,.:* (.'la.« binxelf iii that catckrory of U*a ii.fli_r.iiir? Tlie couimon bon.ety ef the g>tui_)g-t_kbbl w i.ld nuike Iiiu bluah, and turn"from the BflBBBMf tt de.cnt ";iii:«v ii..i. No; ihix "taila 1 wm, aad baadfl taa I- ae. will n.t xuii the leook of honor, Norab i.rS ith. <;ii'-v;.n..-er rau nev.r le n.rhled ia tbia way. There ia bnt Bflfl way to uieet thia qu. Men of S-iith CaroUr.a, keep to your lledgea, and ra* tain your honor .uid t*ell"-rAape.'k. No l.arui will caaaa to vou. Mr. linchi and hb latrty are your ry_fe*t aM» t... x't fibaiib Tbaf v ill d«. w bal ix ngi.t. Bb *4lta»- iatiairatiiti will oniuinne M tbfl Uh of Marih tw-ft_ wi'b u full uppn .Litioii "f tl..- wii.ib- ditlli'ulty, BBM will exercir* a jnxt reatnunt upon ftnatU'tafl- wbaaa ui d w beii.vcr it may appear. Tle . bxt and xti.t. ruian-like . har*ul.'r_.!ica whbh bave xti. r.giheiie.i BB in our former day* of peit*« aa i.mri ci ii) will I..- raataefld, and full undenitaiidiafl;, aa tfl ibe iutuie, will cnuble ua to turu to otber leaa BB- i iiin_ to> ii » than tbe opeiiiug uf tbe abve^rtvdo, ar ll.e uu>tiiit bflj eflort* of u.e btnitba and Philipaaa, B_a i la m to *aeatfl Iba Bflfldon of tin eL.ve through an aa- d raraaal of Ibfl Dbbbb raiic p-uty. lt, bow. v. i, the South |>ar*i*t'iu dieregurding thb \ i. B "t thaflf co.i.i.lion, il ix boocd tbey will act WBtb ca:tion aud rare. lat, llien, *.-te».ioii I*. tbe eeteaaoa of lulu.i.c-a and .onrideiuli.n, providiug for nrotae- iii.n t eyond ibe i.,< r* in*lrum< nl* of bbiotlt-.tfl; aod let tban inij rex* ;li.ir bla. k milliomi with au.-h a iflro of tbflbeofkdathn aa will h<>l.l tl em ,ou.|«i tl, withta kheh*flara powerajidcontrol, reuiimk-nugihat »b»_n- t-v^rtleiiiea .ou.ee to the xbvex that a i.ouulry cf xym|atl: tii g tnilli'iu> Im w ith ii th.ir reach, to wboM,. -,i.y uiav lly, without fear of babbj r.'tume.l under a rugktivfl law, ..II tha artilbryol lheawadbkCbMbbajfaT Ix- a* iii.il.iiurto atay alughiaeiiixi_.'.rour *_. lhe itu-vria- atioi. BB MBM it. Ix it not bvtter to 1>e onteni vviih yonrpeaBaaB. bonndary than t<> baa aaIu.; yoa bare ' Hww naaay a* n, bow many .orporatioitx, h-w iru-U) BaaBiaatBh bare bet ibab iB bj nakinf a bai aJJaai to. doubba tl.iii'fortflMa md tlu ir poararl H '* ""t '¦**> bta. I'ay be wi*e, he iTiidtiii, bflJaM. A Mai.i.HkMr. THK TKITH AlloIT (NkHNKeiTClJT. | Ihr 4 .,.-.». Ih, | l TW._a>» Su- 1 iinow .t ¦ MBJJJJBBfli ffltj MBBayMbB a raaa .vhen h*. _.down, u one a*bu'.'J c-'t*j .ly b,< ; tc'll. \ '¦ti MMaaBJ otl B BBM Mi*Va0a bj B - (. wm*'Mi bM iraaa. r * ' J J *,-/-».*. v.»W i»-eiajria.jrjw^

THE SECESSION raOVEItlENT. Leit«?r Cileb Tkamtted,anda iepo.1 ou hei MfV.ad lObjeotafl4o.| TA iti-.ii-.nn.ed-->l-*Mi"'h... ed onthend ot Jiity, the d»y ahe w.rrii.'ed ll-at ll.e

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Page 1: THE SECESSION raOVEItlENT. Leit«?r Cileb Tkamtted,anda iepo.1 ou hei MfV.ad lObjeotafl4o.| TA iti-.ii-.nn.ed-->l-*Mi"'h... ed onthend ot Jiity, the d»y ahe w.rrii.'ed ll-at ll.e



taa. ln writi, . I aak*- Mr r ratxkltt, xt mooay aa* offerad to wa!. _w-aMt_l, it

v--,,,k .ao-,).,. tnieduiit )..»..,.-eliiiH.al.e. lharlear_.rae.ftheJoaapbliia,Mr Btnith laid

k ii the Naval'l.c*. I toohlha piiH-aatidrVaik.-. °mlth aaid tha. ba woald aoon claar

th* l-rk Kate he theu «id. it «IU ba .ha aama tn future oaaa. IfJoiiWith n ,,-h .-. tba aa-t..*atataman- wa..ar,«a<tiiantlvi:i*d.a la fratiu. etlv In tha utfioe. en.eripa .-,-1 jaaabaj raaaafa.After the J.* uhio* waa aelaed. Mr. Haitth wa. ratbar -ooi to

»,e .nadiduot bave niurh-'-Dvaiaation witb me. abatit th-IRth*>f M.y the Jeeepl.ta* w**aaiaed n'>tbtn; fnrthar waa aaid to

v about th* Kaia i.nt.l th* day of har cjearanoe, on th*

The i'i.*.,,,,-* Attotney .feredthe .tateine'tt ofOolleoto--tha- the haia w». aet/ed on tha lltii of Septetuhai hy hia ordar,and a iepo.1 ou hei MfV.ad lObjeotafl4o.|

TA iti-. ii-.nn.ed-->l- *Mi"'h ... ed on the nd ot Jiity, the d»yahe w.r rii.'ed ll-at ll.e hfe w..,,id Bflfl aaii ln a.-veral ilrivi.but w.tbui .** hour ot tb. time thut BMMBBBM wa. mada "beIm jBlmu r'-"- * t'T" *-*' ~h nT. 1 iihiukid tha

rap. i. ai.d in.cedi.-' d the I ,,fj,i o: thaark Kate *» » al*ve. Baiith aaid ui.thii,* more _,: thia time Mr,

p.i-h .ult aa ' to tl,e batk Kata a« I waa pa-afc_j oa.t Bfl the offioe, uiy d'tt.e. bsviai en.ted fur tha d»\that IM wa»(tr-uadowiuo tbe battery to aaa li the bi-k h.'te-at- ae .-th! and biouiht !>w- lo tha city.

.. a that he aaid irt rnnrteviioii with the <trk Ka»e,, ti uie fa.r a de-j-anre the aarond Mine wbflfl. bfl

. m .iidri.-aiaiu. at tba l oHerlor**oflbe for tbe barkKa-. Ml-£_.ith ..Id; I am goia| lo claar a a.iver dievt fortha roaat of Afri.a." thif wa. aa taa aary thal lha -BCnad i.aar-ai r* waa refuw^t to the bark Kata, and'oi, the .Lina d->> that BBC? -' nv I ai'tai-, ). .

Itia reniaik wa. ui.de ai-a-jt ar ho.r or-wo hefora the KataWl S::,itb n,ide ,n, ra.nark ha hehi

l.aiid witb a pa|«r m it. bava lo know ledjie ot a ve*wi hriu(eeije d a aea-oud tioaa va h.-n bonle.l aBBB.fl BBflBflBI Mr H'uithwa* BW-are nf tha prtti-eof the f iiatoii.l|..i,a» wi'l: reratd lt.ae, -..a Muure. h.ve . ion of anythjugfurtbar tiau.e-

.: t ii <.'!.,..< t,.; with tba Bai. baaa oa.tted na inatariala evirtrt,.*

*> t" atrik-- ont all th* above eTiaVnae r.iade aud withxi iv u with adv.. a tra-r the Coaft to n:<,,e tha

xai:,iiiad.l p to the lTth or lKth ef Mrav. the Knie badl WBB pieae-nte.'. i:.hy .Mr Simtl". llert.

I «... r- abown and qaaatii.ua aaked .. tn th- ir fllllnf aatRfa-med.A broker ba- i.o rxtbt to bl. >.p p*j>era. there i.

aothuur on tbe Iaa aafl B i-i-.a. thal would ahow r-v wh»' brohet. tajiird tha Kn'.- wa. ;lear of all reapoualbilltie. for in-

»a-.: v. yaaa oi, the iHblurtbar taatinu.y w.a fakei and the Court iidior.lad.


BIPKRIOR COrRT-Si-B.it.. Tbkb-Nov 21.-Bafora.I:i'l,a« MaBBBtBB

si IMB to BflaWB* an tflfl) ut*.. k CflWfflBT to Man| POI 1, T.

.Na a. Banter aet Tbe i»r+an* Mut'ial Ininranra f ornpany.! rttgbt br tbfl j.laiii.iii toeocapfll tbfl

drfe_.dai,t tn makr ejt a |K.firy of .n...riiiir-e a.r. tn,. |o an

afe _Ba.IBBB-B Iv ihe a/ent of tha foijipainy with the pi.intt".ap: to puy to tbe p,fiiu-:tt a auu. a-f »4..'l" ll lha .uioonl ,.1 a

liflid hj th. plii t." upon a utro of lunaber aaaa !. ,a-d411 the | i '

.. , a J,Brttaia poa which BB4Baanjaea had been waameby tht

ap nt . f tb. t",-mpajiy.lt tppeaxa tba'. tha plaintifl bavia| a rarro of lutnher to ablp

fr.n Vtueber lo tbo ( ly.le la itr.-at Hntain. nnd the dt-fandantbavlur in a#ei:, y iu ^ . tiittiff, ny Ine &t>, nt prociiroda: ajrre-an.ei.t fmu. II ;,,e aa,dc»r*i nta.-pe.ibed rate prnvided ti,e veaa»-l aailed ai a ertaintltt*-, ai.d if not until a aui-ae^ueut data. tli.-u a uigliar rate waat '. aaMTb. icaaal *ala»d it not uatU tba t., .- tor tbe Lifher rata at

tac lad Tli. ..-- * polii-y. and daaiaried it to tha

a.1.i.,tifI'rif--..-d hied. t:,i- pob v aa _. Immo-talalj ra

tirna.it- tha Ifleat thi Caaii.tMiiv WBB alte red tb..teu" by the aj|ent at the plaintifl.

("i. ti. vov.je tb. raaaal Wa. wret-k.d. and th-- anio ,ntCaiuie.ir. tbe B.-B8JB.tl t o«t t. tbe plaii.fitt. by the p.-r.. . -1 r ("onipu.y r- u..<. le pay Ih* elaim QpOC the jrouinl t:,etll .' n-M r.l h..d n< liotritoil'fi tbapaBcj Tb* n: aintift thei,a ed tba d.-te iiilk t and oblainad a v.-rd,,-t

. :: ant and verdict were aet aaide Bt tbe Oea.».,« UB.Tt BflM .-. i that the nf.-nt of tbe

4 .'n:pj~y had ti" power t.. I Thiaebl Bflel Ib. fninpai-y |a make- a

uiaty.fl to tbe ta-n: a ot the aaraaiuant The oaaa,. at:. ra. 1-¦ jilaintitta. Al-raaiiue. llao-iltuu pu, im defi-i.danl.

COIBT OF COMM.iN PI.EAB-TKitt. Tbbb.-No*. II-B.-I"ra Juatna DtLT.

v ur |.,M"»iM. i)i) BBBD BOBIBI BBOB TOT-. ii.

Jaba Mtafliaiaa ~g- 1 ha Mayor, J... rf S'.-w V ,

~l ,rv toiii (1 i, v.-idiet f,-i |,lHit,titl.(.i $1,4HJ. Tlievarii.. | tl »aa fl. I ;. t uf thr-caae waa pahll-Bed in Wedpotday'* aapa. Kor plaintlB, tAaaara.Ajudrewa bi d Tl.iu.tia.... I i da'. uii.its. H li A.-.J.-

COMMON PLKn.-..-.rc ai Taua.Not ll Balora Jud^ahui'im (JJOBB.

Bonrpea ir--- Bfl ll- iill..M-'tiOfl denie,! vaitli $0Ca*t-

1.. Roy t%\ JallWe -.V. t. ,n ri' t-d, coi.ditioi.ail.v. (SeaBflflflB.B)

(.hp- a«t. Bliaa..M"ticrt jraiited condbloually. (Sea npin-J-.nl

-:n ajrt Delf" J .B-V\ 4hvl ait. Kgf-i M'.tion «-.. a. dafandant pay

.- withi.i.e_ day. Bt.I etit.-v and a- :vi , -.hia uid-: 8B fl*flka*-_-flt

BFFl.RK THV BHEBOT AND A J!"RY.thi ilxizaa_Bi. cobblici \i i bb i iti uai.i..

TiiWliilinll a-t %\ iliaiji BTbe {_rti. nlan ,J iln- ai-auh vv_r<' d> ;ai!' d tn Thb

Taaiat >B lt the- tn.-. at it- occirranee. arhe pl.l'.tltt wa.nl,

an. and the daieudant an ea-.*.a-i._¦ Tbe dafaiicanta.. -

4 Ity li_l lbela-t. ware now arrayed before tha -

Jury, whi «... ..d __.' -r- +. .>

.lau.eaM. H.latBh tt > :.-nuU:.i ln d--'

COl'RT OF 4JENERAI. 8ESSION*.Nav. 21.BoforeJm're Bflflflfl..

\N illtein Sickl.-- i.uii » lmilea I'aenjfili'l, the fonaer ht tbi ) .f!b and Kijhtl. V\ ard., the latte.- a

U. 'pal. w«re r-barged witb romuaittl_| B hlfhwavNI I- '¦' .' ¦ *fi de lepi'


Bt 11 uclo-k i- -" ' ,'''UD,

... bhel d a'ter payii.r f- r » di-h ol"»: lln-vev V* vv aaj

Kn *J»f,v Tl.e "old mm: w__a aoproeched fr-m taab-.- d «

accl-l hli money Matteiii.-...t TbalobBar*piched wbat tboraaraa, B3,aad

a» k<-haati.y BW'uy *__-____._____,iiarvey Val.-. tin. th* oy.termar t--*tli:ad to the fa.-t» in tha

BBB. ahi'h wa.. ao r'.aar Iflfl Barthal bat little ef:!.a J:.r> prompUy lound a verdi--

#) uiiu , -, | ... tw. v. .-ara and»ij D'ciih ln tb* 8tat« . .*)"*-Ii 7****aidaitmouth- 9irhle* i* a hard j and liaa Ion*

, wn to the pohce av wel. a* Mr. \ ».eutine u. a low andtleap. tfife ._»rrl. 'eiMajvl'oa a:u_ Ro^-*'ai*i.!v wa. «ut Ifl tba .M.te Priara

,¦'., ,e*r. ai..-» Canal .treet on tlia

nu-il.rv ii. th. br,' d--«r-- Ti.ewaaaderei I ' .«"- '".

r Mr. Oar-ta....-, * Court. i . .. -'-. »

_oU_eia4,T»*_ri ant. He u >. f..uud ill the rear o.

. _ Blauvelfi dw. la| Ni .. Mortoa rtreet. on tbe n.orutujoi the imh N¦...

BBOOKLI "^ .,,"J'* (>-,*ll¦. Bi ¦ftaij. aad 8 btbbb

j(H¥ . .e i-i.uvi, ie.1 ot manalaufhterhi* takbot

.I .-<"!"* >*''l*, Pri^nfortwu» ya.r.ofarfe anat.ve

hM._ 1« yeara w.. tried aadc-. ,:iKi].-.iiiiulroiiit-..

. I.. . ' A -...,*.*.

mm flfl -> BBB Mflk i'ri~»'l' Ioi iwu yea a and tn

Va* Starkwaatber pi.-a.ied tuilty to lu-^ari iu tb- fourth.

,- afl to tbe,.,r, T... |- :..-,Ta<,f PhilB-

flelpbia, M yeari of ^e. at.d baa a l_-ni.y of bv- l, dren.

COl RT i Al I.NI.AR-Thi. ImtI". 8. DwTBi<~r Court..Uachang-d.I ikikk CoraT.OBaaaai Taaa. Non-eu¦nin-r-

W,<J_S,. EBIUM u'aJ-Na j tt, t 41 4

a . L 1 U . IIv. PBltL-1 ,i."h.i,K-<l »- 'I

- t,

<¦.,,,.: .-Part I.-.N"- tV. BU, 715,

, | , .-.- i io i'i_rt I.- -Noa. .._b,-

Partll.-Ni.... in

> , , , Noa, IK, 113,.¦ ... i7.fl4,t_,r,«ai m, m.m,

l, .,nsr.' IB\ o%. M ji. m h -¦'¦¦ «'. *¦

IV aaar ai «B i^v-'' vs','t v" ¦ r,i'-- ^u-HflBBB- Wabb & BflU, at

Clifliflflfifl-M.fir ".*--¦- ¦BB^-Ba-ialteip.She left Bflfl N". '¦>. BBM Ui">. M 10 ta. Bk, and

Afltaf I*flflflfl fioai vv.

| VS BH Ifl- fl fcM laffUrtflnh' BB

K,;jI4i-,-ll."il. -iiJ^V'-i..,..|.-r h.iII '¦ ',h,"r"-

.¦ laaa-aV la ffl BflflW Ibfl La>MBvlaaf BBfl uv.-r-

fHt.iii. pilflrVflBia-BJ, l. ft th-aanHj BflM het BflBflrfl, -BflflJB

| , , . , | va. .11,1. taBfl bfljr flflflfl-, far Btaafl Ma -_bb_bb,

BBB-BBflgflaMMI-MBa BBM Bflfl BBOfl-ll M *

i !,?-, nnd I.. r MfiasM -BBflBt-B-ij. IWafla-B- Ltrtfeai.il o.uiii"-

' 'y fiu«^ ul'* B_iH .. fi-fl»araai afl- ajflfl-l,bb4Bflhront

wl^(, ,. ,-e, r ; " a- l,T le Tia.- BBBB-M VflflBBf for. ,, i,.te or fm BBfl* -BBl ever BBBB -BBB flflB ->"-

flinflMi.I '!'.?-'*".' ¦ aanaaibj Caat.-uTaa Mt,i i, l-_w- V..H ivit. Camdiai \\kt\

a,,d tftl.er* fr]7 beUnigrd Ut tbe pilot-l-oatIk,-!-.-, hbbhUt"" baWtofbl iBBfllfllflfla »

Mflfljlb, BBB. ¦ BM4 ."?.*d,L "f ,'W4lJ" Wh,;' rr"

.-.on -rBBBenrad la ».. paMa.Ai. u, ¦¦ ,,','l.K-k ^en^ord,,^ afwtrnooit, aa t!je Kntmu

atcai aMBf-tala, aaacfl hf I_»4flP*tBji, aaflflB_fli_i tbc

1,,,,,-n r..e .-au."..."" W,ltl XL" *U»"»-^

.,^,,-a'H. Lii.,'..' ___Vfl^bBBW,B--UB_(h< !UK.U..i' in I hm MfaflflBBB. II,. -revt iv-,

reei-ucal by tle ivt-ut> bflflB, aaai ¦*' _____"? " lU"

fieaujcrllirkU-ik wl... L Mfl* IflBfl B__bJ-jMB1 Uj JflrBBJB,dai.'l-J..l.aerflflflW. T..'.!Vta.aa

B rturijju.4 .,,j,'r.a-"iedl4.e4a. ABMBtImTmiT^T^m^L-Mr.l-oi-.- -M4ya-B_< *'^ «.»"¦



Leit«?r from Cileb (ush'.us;.


Oov. Letcher Ont with a Letter.


()riM(»N8 OF THK SOI'THKKN PBE8AJ-'oa. Thr \ I C".t'»t. ItirV

Ax it ia now rrdn.-ed uliiuK to a inoi.il i-ertainly tha".South ('aiolitiii, Qflflfarjfl, Klorida, Alabama, MflfHb-~ixi| pi, Avill withdraw froui the Federal l'nion witlii:.ibe next _*T1 day-r, r.nd a bb laration of wiiiuiniw,.:may lx-expe< t«-d troin one or more ot thein ui bnlf th..1tirne, it ie well eiioUp,'h to nx.k about ux und flflatOB.-plate the probable C(>iire.,..-I.cex that will priinarily at-tacb to Mab a violeut prtxedure.

For 0B1 pait. atlcr a.a.cful n.rvey ol tbe Deld, we

have eoBM totaa eaaehaaaa thal il the 8tatee aaaaedwithdraw. tbey wi!) la» fnllowcd by lhe wludc of th*(otM. State* in a very bri.-f jxniod, if not itn:n»-diat.-iv, loi they are BB bound together by tiea of in.itualiniertrt. coi.nantfiiii.ity, prod.utioi:, aoil, :.nd bthor,tbut Thev eat.liot rcparate, or be -cparated, f.>r anylen.tb ot' tion. Ti cy ar< ao rituated tlmf Ifllfl ..;.;,-

u,.t ovtit.ik. tbe aaa witnoiit it overiak. r the oth.-r,... pr,.*| eiry an.il. u|x.n one without Hmiling U|»on all.llf-liir, Bfl BIBBC tliat the witb.travv.il ot one or MBMCotton Btatea will be tbe eortab ptatiawMt af IbaBbhdrawal of all, and tbat, too, at no raryrflflBBleday.At to tbe outi-ide eonHerjuencox nf xe|B_ration, tfl BB*

prel end iiotLinir IflrioBB. Shonld tbe (\xtoii BtfltOSciicluiie tO ga Oat of tbe 1'nii'i) ua h body. BOBttflflMMwill l>e iiinde t" aflaava tban baehaflBBk. Tue jtarkdinjBB] i- xo xn.all that, wete it roncentrated in a i-i tgfcbodyaad .fh.ici.tly wield.-.l, it i-oiill de BOthinjr: andBa [ot volunteerx lo "flobdaa ti.e Boatb, it would re-

.jiiiieBapflabkl bw of Conirre**, men and rn.>ney,to_.. on i Bafa ti at obja t, aapptaina it BBaoBptihtflo\ at>oinj bal ii.ent. Iwfl JTMIB, at BflMt, nflM paxx away

U-u.it- ('onu'rexx, a> at preend ooaMitated, xlioul.l itxxtftioiir bfl iol.tlI.U4xl. would [Hixx tbfl BBflflfltflr* lawgand hppr> iftfifltiflM to enable Mr. 1'reei'lei.t Litu-dt) toWBflfl war ii|xui the Sontii Thi. i* a tat t well wort'iy(onxidei-Rticii. lly the expiralion flf tiuit time, and1. u_ I afbre, we would I* in a conditiou ot BflBOlati 111-

i!.-|'(-ii.l( me.( OSrtiOB, boaatflt, i» Bfl! posxil le under any cir.-.iru-

¦ if -wt uiiitc ouraolrefl lopether ,.* a baadafbrotl. r-. .Nor will il OB attenipted. F.vci. ti.e Aboli-Tioi itU ai.- iix. laaiflll le to be t'liilty of Hici. MMl of.ii n.iti.ate.i ihaarday. Ther arow their will:ii_ii_-x

i.t ux depart jt;a.*eably, if we bave ho inule np ouradada.

Fron Thr f/i-u.fon fTtzai) Ttlrgr-tif.h lOttS-uie way ought now to '»e adoj t.-u toxeiiirean

e\r uaaiotj of tl.* will ,,f tbe ptapb. It ifl Iba d rty ,.f,....y titbeaof T. xax to ol,, y ti,.- bebeetBof hix ->i;.ie

lt Um Btate, by a rote of the pfleple, Bboaldd> te-ii:iiie to xtny iii ibe I'tii'.n, it aoaJd bt tlflflBM !»tbe State lo Iflaiflt. If, bi.wever. bv B Bfltfl of lhe peo-pte, it detcrniiee Ifl go out, it would be e-juitlly:r.-iu-(.!! for thcx-c Oppeaad to xu< h BflttOB to r»v-

-i.t tha'. Tbe | h.'ix pr..|.oeed by M(A*.-.r». BflflfMiii.d Si.«kdale an- frbfl plaaa. Thay leab tono di.-ruption of the x-x-iiil ey*tcin. laMyt-mbnue no iu-li.wful ui.-iu.ure*. They undertuke no

r.voluiioii. We tl.ink c-inty iiioctfiigx rbo.iJJ bflerajrywhara batd, and a fiee axpraaflioa of pabBsoj ii.loi. ejven. v.t dt»-ire to xee Baal an asataaieaa- iu.it' t be fldfltabaa. M"rt inen.of abfllBiflt rbai,

w vv i.h tl btO be done, and thix c»ui only beaB0B8>lained ly Ibe peo* ta uni'.iiiK, «uid i.dviiiK retflfl t<> tneir01 n i. i.-. Wl '<. Baahdnfl ol MM itiink;. If IVxax(.¦nr..iit of tbi l'i i. ii. hei peoj I.- will be a* one ui.ii.

vhenrhe d.a-x go. nld ixrn.x will be bi:i.-d. (IldrappotdticoB iapartbi arfll bfl igaorfld, and in the n.-w

oidei of thmaa, tba baoeeon abkb pettin art-to l>eformed, luu-t be bfl Ifl time.

l.et all tbiiigr t-e .1. Bfl decently und m order. IasIbb Iihac n" biekeiing. no denunciaiion, no unkii.dnetta.ln moving in w. baportanl an uiii.ii, paaaiofl and |..eju-due ahoiTd be laJd aeidt', aud laaaea and caliu d.-liu-eratkn ahould ba Baajntfllaad If aat .ix-* gu out, we

BM] i . thaj x lo k tor bflld timee for a year or t\yo, bntnottiii.g loo teiiouH to b-borne. On<e eatablixhod iu

di IxL.lei.ie. iiix state will Ixpcome thenuilviia oi

Sbrery and tLe l.arhor of tbfl weal.h uiiax.l.od io

Slaveiy on tl L- c. ntinent. Wilh a virgin x<>il, wbn h»laAe laloraeekx. with a flrO.*? of rountryTar>;e eiiougbu.-.i-ciipv ni.lli..ns with it* cultivat.on, aad wilh a pa.ahioi baving uatui-,1 b_n_aea oa thiaa aide*) ta the in-

et-t-auBB of taitiofl bofltfla to Bbtaary. avbIJ aa i<> theBBtMBflf tle dinahVrted rLiv.-a, 1'exua pri«entfla tuo.tin vi; ing I.ebi.a lield, too, no o.e need lear will not ue

Occupied Wliit!..riii the l'ni.u or out, bowever we

h.i.v oiii ueri.iy poUktfl tfl i-ower aiul kToat weallli.NoiLing cau beep tbia glon.-iui <o....try fron baaaa;¦Utad Wtth a tw-ii.ing lxiiulaiion, alKiuniliiig b euter-

,nir« ai.d xei.dliig torlti ol ll.en priKluc-tioua the ex-

< hai.gi tor uiillioiia upoli miilioiir Bf tbe wealtli of olherlaaaa.

kf-a. The H"trliug H'trt, ( Ky ) fltaaaard,Kentuiky b one: ber aiiflpa an rdiridfld. We

Avill coui:ri-l, iu «>ur ] i.l.lic u.eetingr, oi.r ri^i.-r Siat'-xto Whit Af t loiiKer, betaiiee of thfl HUIIlB-lm love wd

baar for tha faih.-.x ol tbe n-publi. for itx well-woflubjry Ib tbe t'oiirtitutioii, vvbih.il righily iuter-i leti-d, will liive BB tbfl pn.tei tion vvbii ii tx o.ir ri_'ullliil. ii ei. of thfl North' tanrhlB l" IM vro.dx '...atcv. iv nii.il will currA you belnef'rtb, und cte-v Udflgrapliebrer will anei in your Btktai ao MoitMrai,:UiV H li::ii<h BCrBM OBI Sla'te, tfl mudei umi ae-.-vM-

PBtfl our brotheie af thfl South. UaqtMati mai'ly tueylihte taaaa td Bbtra ami if iioo prijdpitatel/, w* in i^t

.they w.ll withdraw trom tbe aUatoa, yoa BhallLot i< et<e their xtay, ho long uo Kentucky haa an anu

toetrike or a aoil io dare. l"he riib* tnat xpoke althe kiver kaixin aad 00 tba ti. Id.- ol M.-.viiO bave noi

fotaol tl eir . um in.-, ind tbe. ajfSBBBBB flf thoBe) wt.o1. ll f. 11..va i.g the r-iAug. IndiiAii 10 bb fivtiiexr are yetBOrth] Oi ll.c rtpututii'i. U tn f.iti.em L«Of0. Il Abru-haa l.H.ioiii. orai.v oiber Preeideot, -luill xtart i. b*ed-eu.l i.ni y foi k'lib porpOflB, eveiy ,.ii:i i:i^-^r,.iind will

ii,t.. a grnve-yaru, ami Ke.iiu. ky will re-

tu)'i7, btiroil ii. u.e pi'ou.l and mel.nii'.lioly tikle ofthe "I»htk ui.d Kl.atdy liround'' li y.ui, .>.rtli.:rii

BMB, brra tbfl Dabflk, Ki've u« aaeiira.i'-e of tbal 1 >ve

¦iflfldj rep- ..1 ta vcir uncouatituiioiaal ami Ba>i'..\io'ir l.*wr, and o n'wrd lor il, tM trontde wi.ipae> aw_v. I Dtil ti.on, ceaae ti.e pbarbakal byoocd yvvliib pi'feeter B Mroafflr r.-ganl bWtM li.ion Mbathe t olirlitutiol, thiO. We ol the Soulh pOxeeea.

f roe. 7 ht I umingtm hy 1.,'i'ia'If tbe rjeopb txf tbe North pertaat iu viuLUiigtboat

11<>- i-i"i- "i tbe ( oi:-tiuitioii wiu.Ji Av.re i.c nu.d t i.:. i.J.tr of the >.ii:h, tbapaeab ot tboBVMJtb

u.u-t do.-i.i¦. 1 ihr.f tlingb: 1. K UtHall l BflBMati:i. seccd. t.'.m thfl Uni *. hV l Ji ui a dd bad t"

an:." ) flobadflfliofl BOald not "l.ly be BBBMalr, t.o.1

wi.i.Iti rubj.ci tb. eiibii.io.-i Botatfl t" U.e d-rpoii.-ui tdrun.lM'.-. ibiiu wl.ih BO jMAAei -ir baattN*. eppfeB-fl-. .1,. i'iv., iiii'i vriiiiiii'-ul. We rcpc.t tuat K-ui-tkyb lor tbfl Uiakn aol a Uuiob b.ldi^.-:;.. *

tbe roilxuiiii.ee rd tluxx,. whoxe cota*tkuUi__l n^biaaia 'iiulv violatad -aota Unbo band opoa a UoBatua-liontbii't any niih ianjMndly be abanaiardad or x.ip.r-a.ded bv BB J-Mg.BMry l.i.vlier law. but 1" tbfl l ..i mbaaad ptw tbe ( iai**_iaiaa a* it i«, b i.ll ItaparteaaJi lii.Le'l er. veiA wbci-i r.-.-..g!iii.-u .-- the « ipreiae I .vv

,,t tli. biiid, and evetywhcie ntflfBI led und ..h.yt-d ax

the only riiiegui.r.i i.l oar Iit*. ny, pnaro,aadawai ity.>.o« 1 ht haitiaae.t Am'.ruui.. V.» M

Tbeie . an I e no doubt Ibal Ki.ul.md i* buruing withh-j-jety tor the orertbrow ol _w ItepubUcj tuat aaaia wtllawan ii <)"' "'.ly ta aBat'tod bf l>Lr:.uiuii; uuii

¦bfl kliowB .Slavery ir thfl oi.ly ro, k aBOB vviuiu Bfl.ui. p'x-aJi.ly x}.lit. Tbatfl b laaaoa tu b B»r« thal x..e

Bvaupatbiata wilh thbt vt.ry Abtaanioa agiiaiim <> m

tuiii.i it wLnh vv.- pr,.{Ki»x- ui.ii-i..iei"..ii>.- wit.iNi.ill.ern .omniuniiiex, und ibat Ibfl w ill j-ive boih

- aiid ineii tO eairy M tbfltr ii'faiio.ix uajraoBta..N'.jW, ie il noi a pretty eiale ol tbiugx tha! we BkWttldpunbh thfl da| ** ol Uajbad, nnd pt-rmit tbfl ar, b .:.i-tfttoi b i>< If taeataaa That, i-' Ibfl raiy tttaatu ...

v., b we cuirc tM ug.-iit, we bltflfl the pno. ipal 1Thal abibt wa flhoot the biiad aaaMada, ae rmaaeroorm k-rta ui-U our band* to bl* ,ii,p|..y. r ' N'ay, tOM we

turn our buck* erw ujpoa ibo*. euunaanitb ¦ abali ..r<>

not ii.i.iicd with abdllbii, aj.d wbui. are e >ui|m*bm d of

oai iiicnuriuid breihr. u-oi BMB wboafl fatbenj fjug.i.id.- with our*, and bl, d on COBBBtflO held-, IM

cli ia cou.nioii gruvcr-aiid tl.row oiir.x-lv.-a on o-.r

kn..r t" Iboee m nhoBB bayoaau the by**of oar

..inuioii iu..,*uy ix ecai.ely .Ui.'. Wfl BBT, X-

W> will bold noternix wuli ior.-i,'i, or do...e-iic eoe-

ui.r' WegoueitbrlorOi '» Kngland BOf M HemKnsbnd, but foi ibe South and lor the A.neri au

l Bkoti' Lat tbe South nMMiafB ber owb i MUBtry.BBd aeiidir li.ix.II alik. md.-p.-i a. nl Jiueol bOBdluj.d 01 Undm. She Bflfl a- itxiill b« ix. ll tne geiiiix of a

U,i.kfl.l1.i. Ul CIliJ Ue,, I.!,., if rl.r Wlll I"!' "I" ¦.> ll*|f* I'"

ilcAclopu.ent aud uo.nih ita groWtb, ll Will BfOVBifliniMbty li.i., BboM liiiiuci.er .-.ill ,,'iAn xlu ll.-r to ib*

.. and ralux-' xtturdy Iranh arill uely tM blaetxo,tiiue.

Kto- rhr WaAiuottm llar, !'.(*Tbfl true rei.t-'li :,(. ll.e iii-.-,,*.- 01 Hia UflBMatflfll

.Le fiiiiructio'i "I thfl (...ve..,.,,.-.it b) rnvoluiixn. bata deit iii.ini.l.uli "li Ile pi.rt ot tlie peopla oi tbe rk.uitUi.i li.ati, a i. w raally iinonaoerahb aaaaiMMaf aon-fort ai.d BflflMBBBaiMM taall very ra-T-ly ,,f i. dollii|,v w;.yof fMeblilglhti ti'le "I Alr'lin iiinui. | ,,i

li'di- will lieall.-c.iveW .beekexi n. aaingl* y*»r il th»..t.i.ir f rv.-.) abkvehoifllug Biati wnl ...,i ajMudadtdni m |aiaoB b w. aaa-idarflbflatbaj Btatewaaarad< 11a- im auy NortheiV. pr.xli.it Oi iiiaauiiU. lur. u.ai

th-. raa .-uaably dv wiihout A fMMal -joaiheru

CoBtci tion of dc-legale* lawf.illy lertt I hr thu peoplei.fcverv Hniithern ( «nirn,e».i("ial WatriM -BBtflf-Mr, It-tl.-.'ud, viitiiiy, r.H la-aphrrow iBBMfBfBflfl whorive f»t vintr OmrX BOflfbl iii.t.-ri, ly hy Bflrttlflg tli.-ir

naaflfl ii't the BeflrapflBflM M IpBfliflfl i" SflflBa.flflKiflbtfl I'onvei tion-, iVi.-<_ii nirily dfll-B h <.?*¦

in of ri-triliiitorv l.-t. ielm ion iifpaiii-t the in:. ieat*,f the pflflflik Bfl ALoiitX't. Btatca t,, lee B-aMfli,v evi'i > .V.nihern State _BB--MlUfl). I)"1 H "

Ib'tive ot Ibfl IflMflf of the Coi.eliliiti'.li of thel nited Statea: lef.iaL.ii"ii wlnh will in k moi.th ef-IfitllHllv.lll ofl IBIflfl B-Bltbfl fll tht tfl_bfl-af tJl-atfl flfleIWflflfl laoafl Statfll ai .1 tl e Bfl..i, itnd aa qakklj palin fnlliiTid BajfTflflfll-l "i" latka tl.. itii. et tnaaBMflrcflB

I e BkOfltt and EaiB|fl>. aho.it which tu, nin. h hu* li <ii

| iihli-L.d Ior two flfl tbice rflfltfl I.B--I. If, wh. n theBootlen IBbIi laflhlaliiHi flaaj I .BBfl < bbmbvJ flfl.b *

ajMflB "f l.-ffialH'ion.flStffl tiix'utioii, tiuce and other,,'i-ililil iflfl *gi iriet BB.THf may |*~r__MM flt Bflflt'( (tle, vaMtea or nierrhatidiste (otnlnjf from AlxilitionSlHlee.t-ol t-rl), bteflifeBth und unatiiiuouidy B-flBCBy h RPti. ml Hi,d antli. litiiiiv.- BoBtbeni Btatflc Caa-

v.nti, n, tl e Kotitbern dieiu.iniiiate ptt vr will flfllj la-!,.,r aa turd t(- indnre nll ih. ir _hfloflr<-t4-flfl- le raifjfit out n, jfood fhith, H" they Hr.- now Mbor_flJ tfl .-...-

v.,t( S iith C-l-U-B into a rtvoliitii.niirv di.-taion.hin,in a eiiiple year BBJ BBB. fl_0 darer. iireii.-l; Abolilion-:,m in ita pret-ent ii'iiiniifn'ttniiiR hot beda flfl*tbc N«rth..- ill far. na l.hcly Ha if iili.ierti.kitiir t" Bfl BflM thing nltli-. tiu.r in C'.fiiiml'ia, South Carolina.

t.ov. Mag> fliii'fl lottrr, (mhliaht-d yee'.-tday ii, ThiTi.ii.i mv, ralla ioith loagBltldfll from the KflflBaebjBBBBBBi Bouie BXMflflM tollov.

»cf*i Thr l*uxirtll' Oomtier, UMTbeie ia vi-ry in.i.h in the IflMflf ot Qflfl. Mitftoffin

vv. BPfflBflfl .iid bearlilv indorr-e, a*"l r. itr.-t tiiai BaalBfl tt duty r.-iliiilan na lo <li a.-nt tiom BBJ BOaitloflh. tflbflflfli any BBBB-B bfl ii'iviu.i ea. Bai BBrfl if tl,e¦BflJ BBB Wfl eui.liot | eru i' it to wo OU' to the BBOflfl..f tl. Talule coiiit.y taal Kentiii 1.V botda -lu bflflaaint ever will ba- l.ounii l>\ the letlei and tflfl rtpiiil otibe Coi.iiitutioi), uk a BMB-bfli of tb.- i tmtmtttmoy,t-ven tl.oiifch tbat BflflflBaM bflfl] latt-.l aud tlflBBf.Bfltii.i.er i. ot iflpflfltflfl-j 4tt.il pflniatantlj hy a majorit v oltl.i Coiilt-. laied Sti.tea, und i- entirelv diese-'ardeal hytlein, tlat .l.e Imliia tlat ei,e 1:hh ai,,l can have no

rtaedj hfl bbb wiaaaaata aat] tttht k tbeUfl-oa,M,' fl iti a Iflfl.VI to itfltfl BB_M Bflflb (ir. nniftHiicer. Bflloimki .ini. oi.e who Bgfatafar l i-. ilgfaUataa-aor,aad to jtutifj tl..- haaaitigof aadh Ke, tn, k:un who Ui it a " c ward tir u al.,ve; it uiitiiretl wilh artnn inbiahacda. Y.t.if iceBBB-Bifl iBTta__aa,bb_Iia theBBflBa

If wfl ¦ IflflfltBB- tbfl ]>oitioii of Kentucky. n!ie1 obfl for a ridKr* ,.f all her vi ioii>(h ai.d f,.r j.r"te,-ti,nin nll her i.L'hte, to I'.-. eftil BMBBfltflfl in ibfl U_.fll..id t.i.iei Ibfl t'oi.r-titiiti, ti, \-,l.ile alie r.-iiLi.iim i.i thel liofl (abbfa bfll pcaBlfl t««|*r- trtt to do. abflarillitllid bf the (ol,ritlliUH.il il, eva-iv (iirli nl.ir lie: -aelf,( ic( I BTBU J. tVtty dfltJ il OBJf.Btl BB l.cr, ntid aa.iiKItatliliK llCBlOtkeiflh t-Bfl BOt t ive l.ei a ri_-l,i to dt-ii Bl ^hl ttill baBT BMB h and 1 <ug uiany WBBflfll andtt.li injurti.e, tuid exbflflM evi-rv otl.i'i rtwimr, e, h<-loi. flewill ite"rt to BZtiaflflC -BCBBfllflfl ttttbaBta-I,, iouoi l.<iiifjtitr wm\o\ tLe n-'ht- ti bar4-_bbbbiInt, alu uld the tln.- rotiiciwli.it liod lorl.nl !j whenl.r peeala heU.ve bei pflacc, aod aaJMy, and baaar,.. b i o l(,i y< i >. maiiiti.ii.eii by otlur tneatia-.whentl.yr.-. tl. ¦(', ia_tatioo, Bpaa abiA tbaUalflfl iu1 bi ni. !<'!iet:.!;t!> vi.'li.t.d, Hud Bffl ioii\iiii ed lhat auchv nl;,-ki_ I ibfl roi, u.n ,on.|.:.t hv wni.-h lh< Btfllflflme board h-pt-tber, Ib tbfl ufld i-oliy af tban vrbflI hvi tl t- t\ iil rid UM pOBIflfl to .oi.liol ti.e vnrii.iiH de-ii.iiii.i!, ot lL< Fflfl-tfll liov.-ii.itei.t .tten, Ik-Ih-v-n ;. tbfll B bttrB-J. hioraii) on OBfl aile i- a btl*tfUl I l. kfl. OB all flfliMa, abfl vvill 1.1,,, the ii/hl I.)vitldinvt tioir a I, .ion li.ii'lv r-keti »¦> hy tliei, fi -i 1, f | ai ii. h t, ii lo ta. t,' iu.d ly the onipai t that),,ii ,<1 ji iii-I tl ;r Witbdihvviii| and lormallv flBBflBB-iittle ivciii,. <i I.i pOWflf aa a ra-jantie aad I i.le-

I < t.d. 11 Dhii< n. ht-r M.l.la-n-, BBBflB. B MBBfl Bfl iic-n-l,will io to lattl. ni..). r tl.e ralea f boai rai.lt- aarCare,rntit.d, hy tl.- Lari uf tt« iivilue.1 worli. to truit-ii, i.i t ne nin Ifli or M 1.1 i.ui -u> tl.e bb__BB "f BiiBtini, faatfaigtbe rigbt t<> Briliifl tvar Hi.d to mdjutni r). r | faL ic fp i/.( (1 bl tbfl i>i'o| Iflfl "f Ibfl cirah.Vte tbaa Oo*r. l-LagoMa properly aVjawfl. iatfla the

(.miui- ,; 'I.- Btatflfl tbat bava auDUaaftlifl KujjitiveBb ve ... t.i.t.o! otbflrwicfl liiflngaiflati tba t oaaitmflltottiiif.l.t*, 1 ti e rlavei ol' iir BtaiM _fld M tbfl .iiL" tus olil., Ii.v, 1 ci( ii j. M:.'>- BetLlakbfl uiiderat..n.i» thelatllTiaol III | t(,| le iii teguKl ln llie el. llon ol I.in-(olu. afl 11 ii.k l.e ir loned in hi- BB_Blfl_..B_g ttll» r\ iil tl it i. iu ul.a onl ftO\ lt Bfld lhat will gov-a-il. iit-ii fiiti.it- t-uadbct; afltUBk-elawiflafflfltotbfl BBTadfl f.ue, BKflflfl ef ohtainillL' ladlflflfl lor \*i*lBI.BBfl i.nd BBBIBB.fll ttt tuiuie fioie. ,ion, aho.il III e u aaai rst.B._ad ifl Ibfl ('on.'«iiiuii,.n (ail, aud en-

ireiac u . tueiin t tn i (.ia- nt- r-..ryt ram imt I ntUtjJmraml, \nth.

Ar f,,.- tl.e kttertallifl Kaiflllaai j. fljaaaflfl no atrir-taiflfl tfl .'ii.-r, WflU.i.b, baaaad, that it i- ia noaie

[ait.4.1 l.o.vio.i¦ io eii ii i'l.i on thsflflflfle ot taal* m,,lj u.d i.i., aad in Btaerparti on th. icoreol rafinn.¦;ni i.i a .Ii a ii.on i-i.t «.¦ "...uld ii"t vtiiliajly i-ontrib-iite lo < lMiaci ihe poblieifli 'iiu.-nt tt Um .S'ate l.y uiv-fau | n tj.iM i *i- lo Hc,* ta1 Ilai Ijtt them t/,>. So furi.r vte i,u-.oi... ii..,!. we oiier o,ir objctJtloBfl th.-ii aa

a laciiScfl to th i.iiiy.f otu BflOflfl la pflfl-apa th>-n (aet (i ii 14 i.i in ,i,4, iLe.ountrv haa knowii. If we Bfltieifiaiti ilatetter, w» baartui appforc laMaa.flBBaaflc-fft,.* Wfl BflilflTe, ladefld, tbal tbaj . rt t Ki ntu.ky. w ith. i.t r. rja-ct k. |,;:rty, are >>re-

rfljrtd to takfl ap t.c Bubatanec h tbfl wt_raiar*a lot-tei. ni d ICI. ai ll in .,'-i flBIl far more li-ii ,.-i a.nl i.iiel-li_.it I,- ll i.: ir .-wi,. I.nt ,ui le-li' t i- BOt at all tne

ii.liiy. 'Ite pfl4iflt (f Ktnt im k.j fi'iild ej-eii. forti.ui iilve. Ibel Bfl .' il to tlaBBBfllv-fl BBfl to the.i-iii tiy. ll' ll ' i: .1. te. iiii Bti fl) wua know n a llpetuallvt.f'i. ll. ; |a;.:ni <» I t fl liovernor'a Iflttflr, the let-1.1 i. a K'(»U i" t'i.i"«'i¦<»'. .' '.'' . .i teiiniuatim waiIII .11.. ii blly k..< w i. I, lo .-. I. ia not kaOWfl BflflT,L'U.ti.io1 l,< kaawB, antiltbeji tbcBanlTci anetioaoi ,oi d, n li tli. -ei tin cnle ot tl,t I tter. AOC -r.tiuLrly.Hn 1 ii !¦ i< ii 1,. w. tall ,'i. you tofltaad al »'f BBBflI ii i ii.:>;iij> Bo 1'i.i." r, unii.-i pflflttiltj ol hraai.liii^tOBI vs u l'._tCi.live i a B vu.-ci.ei> and a hutt.

PI IU.1C MKKIINliS.Tr ~m 'ln, M.J.I< .tdtnr,.,r \.e 11

II | rWII -. I MI1--M..N Mll'IIM. 1 A-T M..IIT.i'i.'n.i.i Ii) a 11 tot .*. ¦BflflfiBf ol flfl fl bo Bifl flf Ibfl

ij i).i, i- ll at " Ala: uli_a al.,.,,1,1 IMfl BBBBBB Ifl .afl flflfln, ,.) At.i.il,.rn l.ii.ili, at' iu.m, Bflfl BBBemblflgfl, ii v (-tt.'1. n'4-it.',c 11: II LbI iilfbt, and ,'vcitl"We,iit- eni,i.|.,,-,.

lii I, flttiajj wiei4 ry,u bj tbfl Bon iaatkai <>f Dr.Guivt H- h< i.l.iti, to tl-.- thtdr, nd tlMfiAnaiagm Dtltiacnai \ i'. -.''. ildenta, wLo were Doau_ated by(,. i, Botb I.H. ti llaj..,| liliea, lii. I,ard 11. Ked.vosl,^. I1..1, bon Brown,.', I.u BeuU, I. B. -?araaa, IC. LV Ml it -. A. F. Il.'kr a, W.J.AfltB B, T. J. Ivil-v,W. It. li, It, W. W. Vot.i.i, y.C DfBfltP Ijoii^,-i), 1>. L. r..t..|h4l), ( . II. Mtnge, s. W. Kobertfl, II..*-. Sl.itli, .lllllf. Ua-alHl, E. .J. KaVelil.la'e, W. At Lfllti.ru,, K. I., l aara, A. V. Iraia, W. Ii llanili n, J.A. Cll Bflj-T, H. ht.ll ii, al"l a I'ailiHJi:,.'. I ». I BflBBBBfl,I. 1.. (.oii'oii a: d Vx. A. sjniitn. Mflflan. I. S. I. a.

Join M... fcl.Vt;, and .1. 1'. Ituiliviul BBTfl BBptBBtflfl.«-., eiaii,.-.C-tflkb-gthfl cbflir, Dr. Ketrbimi n.ndc a lui.-t ml-

ii v.li.l, )( Btated tbat bia rotcfcrBellaadiveilit waa Lla l_*-t roaMflflflflbw for tba iii b, aadI . r. Ioi Ih bl Wfla t' Al BBfl BOflt of tbc ITllJOU.

ll,¦ lltii.. I'ciiv Wi.lker waa alle-l OB, aud BBB-li ml Bj |lau a-tia'k il atiiinl. Aller a t< w iflflBB-fl,Ia i-td a (ltf.in.eiit wlidi bfl badBtcfMiadat tb ra-

,,i ,ei . 11.1 .n ei ul. bia ii-. aud b-triag flflfl iabB_it«ltd tOB ,'U.i. iiic (f Ki Bt].n,. B, bfld un i li.tir a|j)0\;l. 'll.e |'in|oil ot ilii|a|ii flf. t.flt tbfl BC.> 4flltle l«4|le biirtb jottificd a .southerii Siate i.. i-t. >-ii-li¦ titm tbfl I'i ion. < ol. Walkar theii Bnbmittfld flMIBB (' '¦' .' Inticir. bfiflt] BOd l tMJltfld, B icb, B ttb ihece, n cni, will Lt- ti.lv paLliabfld Lfl !__. Tt* BflMrceolbti d wbb to tia tJflct tbal Iba Blactkaaf Ahr.i-I tn, I.u Ob aU a v i I'.al .,., rt' ,ovv ol t bfl ("o ,-liiU-Ui .. 'II, aeeotid, tlmt liiu -l.-<¦... ii al.o.ild be rapfl ii-audfr, n. OLfl t_d M tbfl I biOB latbflfllbflfl. AfliLlid, tbat tl* i*t>wertt BBflB-iaa wiu. raMfld i.i tba. e, jle.l ,M.,l,i ti a Iv ]rovi-ioi. nf ih. CotuflitutluB otii, > a r. Tlefourth,thal i; i-. tbe ooiieioe of Uaali i< i, L II bl tl e Btfllfl ('! eUfll BBM B-OtlH lu.iiie'liatclyV C Bfl 1" ll- th* I'l.lotl.

'lie laaditfd the iceoluticiia waa f. 11-vtel bf thev Q c.t »j| (IflUBC, aj.d ntt. I a Ini.-l BBdfll ft|BBBt BflMlflBfl\ii dir_-ii ^ ilei.iet ol tbfl rea. liitioi.a, i'i.1. W.lki-ri. tn,(i Inflfl il i f'.ai.d.

1 11 on g tl, 1'iitiii.frof tbe '|U,-ti,-n on the r.-aolu-ti> ui-. l)i.i.i. I < hii.oler, tflq., to, k ibflflVtaa*. Hc knewtl, i il.. Btati -.1' lu tbe ilgnl flfflfli-Bbbi1 m and beMred;hat tbc tia ( Imd u ioa wi..-i. tbeBootb fi ooU ao I -n»j-iiri.I.iiii. boi bflflraaaot ia foror ol ihe preripttiatc

||,,lr.-.| Mnlfl) tle IflM "' tbfl r.-anl itbaw..--.a.l ll. tloi'K't tbfl -bflfl __4taa al.oull Btflel in

.'. i.t.i i'i i. ai.d .:,te,u.n a "ii a oomtat aiiitad BflMtfl-lle wo, Id aflbfl ii aabaib ita n aultiti uu for tboflfl |aa«,ti,d. 'II... !.». r.id. TbflJ dUTered froai Coi

\\ i lker'fl i. ti 1> k tbat Ibflj |BBflldfld for a C-Bflflav,K i, ot tl.,- Mi.te- I'.i'.r lo tl.e MBflflflbfl. tt any one.

Jvdac ll"i -iiaa lepekfl .i BBifth, it-ivo,Btiog C-iWilk.r- iclnii, ua, argufas| Ila rajbt M BBBflflBaB,BiM oraiijf it, jr. i-.itty i.t u I- tima-.

I,.,._,. l-i.iinu '| "f.. in fnvorof (Jol. WlkcI-,, ,. i ,., i,.-i,i iv. -i.i* v.-nie l.e had tell aad Ili. |. ii. r of -4|i.,uii.i, aad bfl aafl tafliy, BTaaaa afl,l, l, il. l! e ...f-l .1. lfl ,--.

JUejfl Hflflb waa loiioly .i.Med lor, and J.-liv.-r.-.l a-tiii.i u am. tloii., at addioae ia aappflrt ..I ihe V\-Jk.-ruboIuiim i Bfld in .-it"-' kt lolbe ("t,v. tuioi. raaolii-,i. ,,. 'Ile Blfltea w. i. . I:e, rtv BBjTfl*- v*-I h.ul u < OB-

veialioo. 1*1-4 I hh.l ol.cl'diili'i' tl- ii.at.crof thediuyifMHcaelflB. 'Ii.-y wtn W b bfl tof-ih. r |a that. UM,,(hSt.t4i)i.ke!leiii'.'c.,..-,,t tot I- IW I1 BJl ien.llli tle aaM our ..wi. sun lag, aad eaa BBBarBMBaiwoulll BOOfl be vvilh >i-

. i-l ,

||l t I,;., I. rUatl 1 tbat, fili.ln.K hia V .. vv * ilid .*

aiu-e.l... ,,....l. abb ih,.-*- "i hia I,..."!-- andwifLl.li Lmui-i.v i. ...-vul.hc wo.il.i wIiMibb I.i*< ,11 Ltt'll )l»- luU'.'l.B. |L|T04UloVr |^.^ lltn .**. ]

Col. Wnlker, afte.r a f< w reumrka, then move l tbatbetaofllatbaa i*-tut aaaa tbeir taenajfl,Mdadbedu.ri b.B.tv, tdii.l, i ad uiu.i.iiuo'ir approval. Tbaj\AiTf iu.ii ln. -'a adoptfld, i-.iiiid detBoaMratioaao'tbaktnnbal talhaanan Tbe Y*a* w.-re ejyea wifhb"ar frt ii. fl cinjl. of ihoUNiiid ibniato. whi.h Mfl Bflt.. rhi.ke the biiil.'iiig I,. ii- fiiiiinlBtiot.H, and the 'ull:..i tbf NiiAx Ava* wuhaut reeponxe.Tbe tollowinKreprt ot the leinurk* of two of thelaioir at the iilx.v. u.eetiiig ia froni Th, Muh.lr TnO-

Judge Daiyun, toming t" the xtand, aaid no one

.'..i.bt.d our rbbl to t-.ede, but ihe ijueeti..n wax

woildthe Ab. li-ioiu-tr let Bi d" it ' He knew we

d th. ruhl. aad kt.ew we w.-uld exer. ixe i', iHjace-i,l Iv if we,,,1,1.1. lu.l in bfaad if we BBBEt He baduiBlaiflad ftai tbala. i rt i r..'"" *'.* l""'., '",.1"p ii io de_ihdati(.u in tbi- l'nion or u'ei away from it.

II. BBBBI fav. r.d BBttanaBrBT, whetber xiiigly or

DBatad, |M i.wiiv. We ini.ht rt.tnd onprexxion, pov-nv Md degraditinn, it thai wera all. bntth- ivanfldlicctot tleBlaek Bepabtieaafl wh- to tree onr ne-

¦TOM ami | b.i,- th. i_ on an e«|uality with BB, and frouin.t ae had aoberp batb th. atn-ngth of our nghti:nr. Ba vvui.tr M Avuit on Bfl Stidex, but a. BMour own iiidd'. what it *ayx. Ile wanta it t<> -ay K"oi.:, and 1 eliev. . it will.

Jndffl Me. k, heiiiK loudlv t-alled, nime forwanl. He...id bfl had im asaactad tfl ifliah. aud bopod toanii ai.iJVrted l. bappter xtute of feelnui by 'be BMBtfakf,l,i t I. lieved the reeti.ing dixaati-fii.tu-n wax more tt

nirtaketLi.notheiAvire. Ile knew Mr. Chaudbr to. u true patiiot, but th'.nght bfl waa aJflMaaaanoW.Had foaikfit tban bbm bettaa BUa bj taat withhimiva.Iai aciii> ago, and tha very tBOJBI Mr. ('l.uidb-rpoa BfaBflflaJ ata Bm line, of paBay thaapanafld.\Sc I ud coi.riiltcd togcther, we all a_reed tbe only.jiicttion now wax, who nbould move ' Ax for himxelf.llie oaai, ratoaa aaa ahaped; he itaiAa* Innadntta.lion. I-.-r nn ntbr piirt hfl bnd baaa, ^* i' were, a

Bfl llnel OB tle enposta, und tho*e who had reen wbatb I.nd r.. i, in.irt kaoa tbat rh» ie wax no bopi Ibi theBoatb "t Ia in dixniiioii. Ile BrBBted no war, dexiredpea.e. bat araa taavlfleed aa.- could aBJojJ it only abeowe bfld ('. inpiered it. He had BBM the. " Va'ide-A vv uk. - iu BflW'Torb urnied and driili'.g likemililia,iu d bflard tbenaroa their objeet r.-n-un.-c i<> theS< lltb. Vet, if W(! f the South would rUli.i up boldly:.i d j leaaol bb tabrobca IVoat, tbat Boaid not Mrihe,i.i,d we ....ild aaaaad. He tboaajn MobBfl arigbthfli.i. 11 bed in IIood bnt Abolitionixm would never ivave

ltr la. k wiii.-. ..a. i ii.-. Bfl wii* a Hreckinridge inau

bi.t Bflde war only on the . onimon eneiny. Ha allndedtotbi tin.ein Cha'il.atofl when AbbaBM r.tiied irora

the ('<.i.veiiti«.n, iad when it wi_- add the wholeSoutl.erii lei.veii va.- draWB in the BBth flf tbfl -inj-leail ol Alabima. He MU "ii* heroic act wax worth u

ihi.iiiaid -|icl,ex. nnd that it vv.ix now no tim-tor|.:k BBd i.di.pt re-i|.ili.>i.r, bnt t>, BBt. He aU'id-d.u, ahort, Ifl tbe iMBiMilialbnal itabt nf thepeopbofaL.i lu u to aocado, und aoaad ap i.y btadaawfl wouldi,..il to our uiuhtbvbd Aluhan.a r ou fl. Stute aetf.

Soithf.kn intoi.kk \N('i:It wax anartad "i. TaaaEk* tbal tba bbbbmmp

A...iir':i. i.n.v.-d at thi* i-ort ihat iia-rimig from Hav-ai.iii.l. broii.bt bi. k tw.-iity ateerage rfl_x*eng. rx whoaetfl rcf.xd B landiug thert-. and .Mfl cabin pareen-W ie wbo vv. ie adviaed to Iflaffl Saviuiiiii'i. Thia reporttl.- fonaigiit-ea ot the vr-*e| denied in the followingtem.8:

Nrw Y'HiK, Tuexday cllernoo'i. N..v. JO.Tb report reaardfakf tba aflnaaaaBa by thr Augnxta

ir wiihoi.i tl." f-licl teat fi.uiidation.SAM'I. I. MITl HM.I. i bXMI

Kni'iie BbBBBJ, one "f the aMBB paBBBaBfB, gtfflBll.e .ollowing etaietneul oftbe reaxotie which led lo hl.deiartuie f.oin tle South.

Ofl or hIxmiI thedb of tbe moutb be wax rtundiiiu'r..-:u tbfl I'oe'.-Otiiie, in 8uvi.iii.ab. when be wa- a.

,,.rll-il bv Olie ot thiee Iil.lt, who ueked him if l.e BMMfi.m tlt->'olth. II. r. plied tlmt he did. The n.-xl

iaaain rahMd u< b taHMMM* iu mm bb abfab he

^'..vc the lU.U.C "f hir eUiploy .r. H<- wuk tin'ii uxked if

bflWfll fuvoriihle to tle Suith or to tlu- N'o-tll. Heu. r,,i thiil he wi.fc intavor oftbe South. Tbe tlire."

... ii tl Bfl bfl.On the norabbj flftba IHh er l'..'th inxt.. Mi. atblflg

re.eiAid fr.ii: the Miiiiite M*n ii BBthfl, "f whu-h tlu-t. I...V 'ma i- BtOfry:

"it.xxam. Not. II 16TAErt.xvB I ... Bfl .." Hav ing heard tbat y.m aara aa Abo.

Levt-f,oa8* beeaeh t.,u will .eaie town byE . i . it. or ahidr hy thr t-oiiaeuueute*. B, '.;r'^'.1 Blm k iM.. Shvaiiunh, Ga. Wl.Nl.'IF. MkTN

On Fi idi.y the Hiih, I mitn Avith a bBM roxette uponhb taat ataoatfld Mr. Khtaag, aabnajif badUaatia-eatra u tatbn BaM Iba Haata Men. Bi made no pur-Ueuliir rej h bul 081 ItaMMBJ bfl in the Kt.-ai_.-r. Ile

bIbMb thi.t Mi. .1. M. Kiliitt. Mothat cabin paaBBafljar,MOrrred a anftaj boBm u. bare. Mr. Bbbag aboaaafl ibflt nei.r BliUllbjlll. M tbi niirbt af ftkmf Laat, hewiti:i*rt d fioiii .. litile .lia'u'.'e the application of tar

Bad eoMoa toBM, thoagb for whut cauxe aud iiuderwl.nt ir< BnataBOBB, be did not kin.w.


MOVFMK.NiTS IN VIKCIMA.>\ IBB B**EIBfll (Va.) Nov. lo, IHt'fl.

T" ihr r'dtt.rr, .t tht .Wi, ,..' haalMBMri(,»m LBMBBi Th. muii whi.l, will labfl thia lelier to

itai will oniiiiii u tap* of tM pr.xfe.iin_* ot ¦ aablbavoettogof rftbenata thb etanty, trhieh 1 ttwariird tovi i. lor pnbluaii..>. b your pBpflf. Tb.- preeeiit crixixin u.. |. liii.al c....dition twoflkf aaaBBoa eoatatry.ba y btaabh jiii%Bnnt. d.iuai.d* thal arary pfltrtotti.'.iibi on. |. vAaid pronptl] and ntdtB in aaahi. chri.rer ;> an-.ul.'ih.t.-d loaan tl..-I'nioii and U.eC'< peiiintioii of thfl F.'ien.l lo.veninient. BTflhari

u- .i.i..:ibtfl "i BUflMaiaibta ii: t! te .|iiarter. and 1tiurl tbat tbfl Aoi.e of Vir^'inia, fiom "ne extrt-mity oftbe Btate to u.e ptber, will bfl hend trnapal^tMflaadigan rt tbe 'd.-.;. iiiiinnaii..n af th* BbaaaaabaiBMal

.ii' greai ai.d gbrioafl I'uiited' ti*. v rd St..t*». Ar

oaaef you old aai m riben I a*k ih.d yoa will p.ibljxlit).«- pi..i.dii i - abovc lafenad io.

llll!. Mf-tTOM IN BATB ii'l'MV. PlECOrtaV,Al a J ul ln n exiiiiK f lhe ntizeti* of liath County,

in tb Mfltoof \ n.ii ia, without di-tin. tion oi party,ht ll.e ( o.ui-lio.ire i.ieri.t, on lhe l)t!i dflj ol Novum-

. .. letO, lhal b.ii ¦_ tbe Iii e-t day of the (''.iiuiv-rouiti-ooaty, oa BBtbna weeraBy taade, wilban

Md iii 11. BM uii. il lo t!e .bair, and (.'liarlexK. Mc-Ikooald hpi oiuted s-. r. tai v.

Ou niotio. ot B ilhiin, ll'. 'I'eniU. pre. e-h-l bv I f.-vvicu.a.kr exj bttiorj of Iba obja i "I the aiid ineeting,ii war raaaHTfld ti i.t"a('on)n,it;ee of IratMaM bl ap-lointed tr tba < beJ mb toarBpaMtadiaflort h pre-i.n.l li ami r.-r. iition* exwaaairfl td thflrba laadotan....t.il tbfl BMetioj in iihiM'.n lo tlie | " -"id ii-if "f

fl lomiiA, growin* oat <>t' tl.. recenl Preaddentialch.tuli vA e t, lIowiTi_-i.inu.-fl u'iii'1 -men

were appoitited aaid Conjrnittee, to wit; Wilhaffl H.'l.niii. Abjuandei H. M.i |iDtb,TbaaaB BL Walaca,i l.i.iU- siilii,;.ioi., un.t Bcaajaaib T. WaEtat, aho,havb.g retired n-r u r!,..rt time, ratiirnett, and,n rt '¦; I. tb ii C! tirnan, -.1 -nuited ihe fotbwtng pre-ni.i b a'-.i i, lutkona t.u tb cnri i.-i-uhoti oftM Bflflat-ii,..mn v i, w.it, ufier Iba ih. been read, ur.ih,-

tut > au. led:Uh.i.ui Aa . der|'y regrrt U.e reault afl

ahkb Abibl... .. Ib* fltata. llltaola. arill Baeotae,i. ,.i- i,...,-,! i., Blted tbat** 1-. .'. '.'

..r,- ali aai > wfa iad koaHh ih« pe-:oi.ar

.. ...l. ara portloa M ih* Coofe*tei*e, aaditmui ln ni linai nf iiiaBilnaltaa im tba aaid otrorti to

-iod ... lhe . .tin it »». pi.--.Uifi "> ISoiiti.erni apaeabaa *ad thioaab B*wapaa*r», Ih

.nl. i. a. i ju-tuv *i.d aaemiri', '-..' '" . d'""ih. I i i..i ...d aktaraaai aaaa aa*) ..¦¦.. Iba Baath*ra

btate* il... ..... tbrtr Lagiflbtaraa aad publl '¦.;- arejaaligth'- y «t*p* fof a ipeaid, «epar_tl »*« eeetoa lYoni

-.-.i.:e. afthelaloa ...d. uh.teo, taaaaah a- w-d.,-p.. ,,. ii . v. .. loyal .« aa ar* ta .ur

...,H ....' * w-" ^

w. ... | . -id Laeyitabl, r.,-11 f.oaa ksoeaaioa... our loi ,i ot k'-.leiai 0*y

t ., .tutill ii .ebalA-'trr to *1."W u. t i gl.r.. r-.t ,.- -, i.iii.ante |a BB) " '' Bi**.*eat, «ud.

i',.r_. |l Ifl .... i '.kr ur. ll'i. n.h: a:nl prepe-.... < eba. thr p,.-.. i.t rrim pi. nt- :L*i lli* pr-tilt ahouldrat .: .. r._ i

pirvtle*. B-dtavM-Wi .: ... -,¦'. , o,,r dulv. w.- ;..«

!.. I ¦¦ of i ... touatj .... "¦

i [... ,|i.-.,. i. nn'y aad aaa. ¦* ¦

(I, |. ,.. ,n leiei. ,.. r kOi_* pi. inirr. adopt tll* iolliwu.g r>.olu-lio-a, town. ,

/ ...,- ThB w* deplora tbe eleetloBof Abnhaai IdaeotaB< 'ln- ry aaa .-.*.: u*ti.,u*l :..*-> i> nr. ai.-l ,-

. . i ln.| ^ hatBM y ine l ai aa* I> n..urr_ti i. ai.d fo.lieaiaU'eoU the part

r boatb aa aeii Ba the h B.' h.../lr<l Tliat* . r, .- .¦' ¦-.'. ''I,-..!.'ii .- 1.. a> . BBlk . ,.'.'.., aud I. -hl

... . autWlubi.be whbtheeutire Bouth tai*»i*ttaf b, * u

a ,- in ¦ u .. ..i.i-. -*¦

1*01 '-. u.ny u,»»e .,; »ti,t,,pi ,'i.*k>'.i|'"U th* n.ht* .i

.. .' r*f a d«..,f tr.ifj aad aad*. naatahf.ln a.aiM rrrTBal-lanl

rau^ f... «f .r... .ni aaa01 BBBieoi ibe »ni-l -vtatee-li, 1 :.». wr i..,-.. »

tiai ( oii.'iu.iic-i and Union *nJ *th»i we wi adbera parttaa.. -.

.a.d. dlbexo, tb* Bfld*

I rV.f.r.J 1 .lu u (ii,,,.- araeai. .'. '* .

Vi. - .-*!, o-.t --I il.- * * of botl ¦. "i ihe aa

II ... .. ti..'., r.i bt* mtt bm. aud "T'i*.i Raadeed Iht whika ara ar* apfaaad ta adtawlBttaaB tbei.i..t. . bm a of an, oi.. or mor* 4 tb Bf

,i raaattai w » i.h ,t dkatinrtl' iBoarBaod aaflwa taaardki .- ..- -. ibatw. i¦ -i iad aaaaal .k arlib Ihr aHabaai

.!..". . of th. irre-p-r...t... ketweeja BB* a..d .1*.* Ubor ua prooirjnted.nd .o ...i b. k raa KtaU« B. i' *.'itxr .,/ -.-h .- ¦!.. .-¦ -br aaaaafakBt**w hl. b .-.¦-.. l,i ih- ir n|. u .,..! ..owrd ..i>..!,u-liuu ul troiui.'¦ w .i u. d. ii, uni..!.. d ii Pugitiyi Hluv- LaB. aad thalw- »h»i: M .. K. d- i...i d thr . iiion.-iuri.t uf th* BBW *ttd tbaaxg.. -.i.. U uaata .....- ih. .ii,,.,

t htn.it'.. , v . i'c thal th* Slaleuf Aa. tnueii ln.*reau-.l the |H-rpe«uit, ol Ibe kaderai l.m.n aaauyMba I'I.'", I HN u.04* 80, wa_o tuoel vld'**7 tUvt e*(a«*ta,

xxxtte-t thal every aafl 'v iBf Bfll Bflflfl wlihh. Vf kiataM «a

.... n . ,d Bibnary cea-tiic. at.d unlta la t< "P*» *totu ta. avart

ther.Ull.l--e. ..f dl.-.l 1,-1 .'I .ea.-aaefl, ai.-i p-ra»e.t,n.J ta Wa

h.v*ft..iir.Mai),'thothdi.i.i.ion aud i-9.-e-.ion M HBBBflOT' Tkamtted, That vahile we aalhere M the »i~n BfldJBB 4__Hitutlc... -eaienut .p|,o»d to. but re^u.-eua. ah nea-ful

pr. par.tio... for tha re.i.u.,. e ot foti.re aoa-ro* ''"".'"'"''_.Jfie._c.ri* ai.d the defeuae of the rifhU of tha Jkiuth. whathar tbe

i.in 1»-praaeivid n dawtn.y.-d._____*__,I. KeJfaed. Tliat. in view of futur* enr*iiC.ea ln rerard ...

the ohiect. of thi. n.e. tilif. our (hairnian i« l.rret.y ,:.ntfl4*n

aith the pow.r aid th. a,.tti,nity. wbei.eve-.ucli e-ljencjea-l.allariae to .all a pi.lili. n.c*tiii| ot the pa-opl* of f'ua iiiniy,j Hi f ittrt Baan thrrH by fkmm bbobb lettBjaaa-BBBBflii, rel.tinu th.-re i" ». Uie i, av dearn r,_'h' aml proper.

'. hr*J,rd Thal 'ual .r. _r.ii.ii pr .<<-ed..-if- t.e aljneal by the

< liaiimnii and Se,ral.-7 andthat ,-opie. tfceranl be fi,-i,ie.,ed for

ttoi ii iheni-v. ap*|ff>ra. \. M Mi CLi N TIC,« h ui K Mi Doxaili, (4.-. ralarv.


Tl,e followinjf |.reaiiil>le and reaolntiuna hari beenpabflBBafld and extennively lirrnlatcd ia I'olutnh.ia,M-k:To tht rxtirmtoj l.ou-udti Cniiilx/ mut thr oadm* 'irnrrnllyfl hrt 0*. Ihere aa. i,,- t. bfl a feveriab atidiimiecca-ryeirita

!:.. i,» pervadlt.f apottion caf our coB-aoufly lo rabtloa ta thae otc ciieulalUfn al p***»al aafl buti t*4**e» aaafl bbbbbb bb

- a ii.g Dfltal tha BBBaaafl unaiith.t. ol politla'al ati.ra. .audiifie.c.ji Th, pia.an ri-^r't traaoat ca4taa,lahaeBe, riafl a-"l.'i.arol tha M, uth. and'tt.a (frain rop* ..! the North aod North-B aat, ara hsBBBi arbfltabaaa. kanaaBac. aad -re _aaj tor tueij.i.jka t- >-i th, word. hy which onr iii"t)*t*ry .(Talr. will herea .latefl, aot only at h.m.e. bm throuih.-t .11 BaflBBBflMfll.',. :ri<e vaith whi.h we bave lu'erroii... I'or, .fort Tbera

i.ukIi' ii-.t. and crbiioI be, witbout an ,iunece***ry pania. any.lat »er ia Ib* BIBBBJC- i_.lr.of the ,-ouDtry.

hrtolrrd Iherrlure That the iindeniriied hive faill nnd ahiditiro- h.li .ice iti the diiiiihica* bihIj. iiity of tha Bauk. of New

fjTleaa*, Mobik. tbe Intertor of Blahania, Aujaa-ta, and Savam.rb Oee Botrtb Cara.B* -vi »l, oh.-.i wli.i.e i,..te. have1 ad .ir,ulal)0D to uiu.h . itant iu our BB*..aaltj and that waavill, ut.til further a.lviaa.1 coBtitiM to JBflC .the autaeaiaookhir k* aa are raf.-rreil tc nln.v.-. '-.r .. fll auld. deht. due or be-,oi,.i. idne aawell _euaaa da.HetUe,d,Tb:t are Bioat reapectfa-y atam aeaw »"**»¦

it,/. ia ta. Ber, i-»- fornearan. * aud j reneo u rodB. bc* tn the

ati atat f-wiflaacy, h.th iu oai DieaeUrr jud p..iiti.-.1 attalra.li.:. Murd.-'-k i to latii'-a \\ bkfleid, PraaMetit of I.. k

(i lua Co Hiid.u. Ili.mphriei k Wilhetn* ("or art At Ma-'i..4, i-inipeor, 4. Co. lamet iowm k Ca. MeDaaiel, Mui-r ( o.:

Mnu.,... «ai.i,..i. MeirBti Blaii fc Biaahir; B.-k.-rvill kVVhit-eld i.'fcn K Ottley A. Tha.-hai (i T. Kealjar; Sbeemia1 h__aa* Ti, .. \\ Biwa M A 44, U \ itiHot k UtrklUwita-h Na'han Or.,a. I M. Knapp: J. W o.uel -dorrt. K f.

Leigb l.en.. Uatehi i» C BJcharflaa 8*_i J. I. < muu - CflHr..wi, I. Hir, J 8 Atvv.it. r Baa

toivtub,,,, Haa Nov. iti. MBBMR. DOI (.Its AT VHk-UI B-t

Th, VteAetmrf H kg of the 17ih aaya:Tl.e Hoii. Sl.-I'i.eti A. DflBgBM Bflflflfld Bf tbe river

M-ateiiiav Bj-rabtg "ii the flteataer Jam.-- Battlfl,«Brofltfl for bfa (lai'tiiiioii biWaaafaajtoBConatr. Alaiv«* iroud na-t, Id on thowharf-h.-tw.iile.beBflttla waa ai il,.-landiiiR, and ,_llt?d for the liiatin-v.iiah.d grat-flffl Hfl ttm lorwai-d, and ajfoke tur;.|.. nt iwentv Btfo-tes. He deelared tbal hawaflbil.T.,rof th--'iiii.ii.teiian. t of th, I'.-lofl ttBBBI IbflOflflatitatioB, and aaid tba Atb-toiatntioa flf L-teoifl wan

¦« weileff.ni. axBbHooflflflflf Caaflj-flBflwajtaflaBiflHflttO hia I'.li.v.and il tl,.- Boelfa Bflffl hur BMHBBflB iuilM-enii-, Bfl would bfl fl-BBflfl tocarry ont a B-tglflii ea-itre "f Kt-|'ul.li.:.iii-i,i. Hfl wai Iflwalfl-lj a heeredhy tbfl .rovad. and the Ub.tOfl remarked that ha- i-.>n-

f-i.'.-re,l it af/'H-il uflBBB that nt the ino-t iiu(iortant pointii, .Mirri-ei'y.i l'nion -entiinciitt. were r-till BMifltaB-fllJndfli I),t.>ila.- wai in Iaa hcflltb. Ho wili raaabi bbhia i lantati. u t,,r a tew d:,_v flrbflfl hfl flJ-l I"* fflBBMl,v hir" iauiily Bfld prflflfled b. .ward.


lt will Bfl flflflfl Bflflfl tbfl bUflWi-f hll.-i. whi. I, ex-

pia.na Iteeif. th.it Qflflk CbBBBBJktfl B-flBflflfl the eiti.MBflOf New 1.1,ri |..n. on the alile of tbfl UflBBB. Bhoialion ih |Bbfl ifivi-n flfl -Btf-TBaj <nd liflaiBJ evcii-

mp-, N'.v. M nnd -,;:llon. Ai i.KHT Cl'KRirn./)'" 8ir. I ha<l the

lonoi, M.iu» time -iinc, io lacfliflfl a romiiiunh arintifrom v.uieilf Bfld ;> lar«e flBBlBCt of othttr .-ign.TM, re-

noeMaiBdu- to addrflai U .- <iii/en- of Kaflrb-rjrptai ou

tVe aabjflM of the Mfltfl of tbfl l'nion.To tlo ao at that tun'* BBBBflflia>MB b.aJBflflflB-.t,

tiin, bflCBtaa timy bttkftt tt,<- __apflaai-_itT,p_adBBjtbe l*re. iil.-ii'ial .anvhae, of tbe ac, otamoeiatioii of thej.< ii.te .il" cootiOveiB) betacflB tho*-- who, while thuadilfering on lenjjoiarj. i'l.-ide-nial, or |eerfaoni_l .jtiee-ti, na w,-re >e', it. my iudtnnent, aliki* tBBtlflfl tf*¦B_flof tht- (.'oiiatiii.tion; aad -eio'.'ilv, becfloae of H-feciitlnluitun.e to \>M Biyflfllf lfl the poaitioB of¦ MI-BBBt-oiitliit withflnyoa* inr iiuniediuie Ukflr-BMBBBB flftl.ii-1 itv.But all thofe i|ii.'rtioiia bave paraf-'d away. nnd

a ieiil.d pflflCfl lo tftbfllfl of B biifhi'i order and im.ae

. ..ii pn ¦< tBBTB ,!,a._4ti'i. apjertaiiiiiK tfl the n..w

in rniii, nt )enl ol ihe <lir*,|ution tt the __Mfl-_Bl'nion.To the initninence of that peril, it i- no \,m<r«r per-

uiitteci ua tfl flaflBaBBB, aa Mfl yeart. we have done,willluHy to _n_ our pyflfl, It .Bflflflfl iitelf flBBB ua inii-poit <"f Ui. ial a< t-.;'it bflfl Bflflflflflfl ihe chief topU- ofIbeBflajflBflBfln u piflO-capiea all minda; wo fot-1 it,tbrungboat tba eoaaU7, la ihe da line >-f ihe rflflBlabbivi.lu. of Morba, bmiraaadiaa, aad i»*al eflMtte. and intbfl unhei-al dir'u'l'.iilTe of doiueotia pto6j*Mtmmm,tiadc and lflb__

(;,hI toiliid that, at nrfe l BMBHBL .my'luiig ihooblbe dflBBOT fl.d y in. t'. add t<. the inteiiajty of MflVaVtndfl, whi.-l-alrt-adv exir.tf. in U in n-laiion. On tlwotl.er hard, tbflflfl hut otw Ibfaifltfl ullay it, whi.-h(i.n he done OB i_id BJT flB aB tbfllState Of Miut.u-hu--t-ttf.

It Bflfl.-.ta__tg, far ua in Ba_aa_hflflat_ito__oafliibc qaflfltioa af tbe flflaflaaflwy or JiMrTirfdirnfj ot ae-

..earioii, aad tfl flad.Bflof to irapre-a-a >.u the boatbarabtatfla tbe fl.fla..Mfl of M,e ui.oa. Bo loaa iu> theHtatfl of MaaMflbflflflflM bm_b_.na aarfltenol l,-_._'l.i-tioa plainlt eoatiary to the UoaMitatioa in tha v.-tv

¦attei of the apet.al righta of the Boaahflra State-, ailflfln Bifl dtflad to ai pflaia ifl hehalf of the l'nion, iroinin. Tfl IBtb BJBM-Bfl Ibfl aiirwer u ready, that whenwe duly i.'khmi the COBfldt..OB Ofltatlvflfl, and nol un¬

til tl.t-n, it will U- BOOBpfl-ttll to bb to Blhflft otherBtatflatfl i--;>a-,t aud BBflflrflfla-j that oih.-iwi-. we

Bffl lun BBBflit.lv JjliioviliK tbe bflBB-tB flf tbfl flflflBBBMwiih,.ut tUa I Braing Itfl OMHBtloOB; and tlmt oii_-laii-datloa o* tbe tJaioa ii alike odioofl and ridtealoaa,while we lii ar t. it ol 1} aa the m.-ali- of eXcrtiii.,' thepowfli flf tbfl t*«iier.;l i;.,v. -i bbnbiI i" tbfl apottatioB,j.| r,f-ion and wioti/oi tftccfl BtfltCfl flf tbfl I'ni'-n.

ll' w de. | Iv noflTCt ti'.-ief.'ie, an,. .iti/..ii of tbfl Stateoi Maf-fa.liun.tta BBaJ ilcploiellie pofla-bffityof tbfl _B-BolutlOBuf 'l.e I'llion. ahe i- ulteilv pOWflllflfll tflfl_a>->BflV BBJ I'hei'B-Mfl i>"UJ -c'-killg oi ptflflBOtBlfiMilirpoliiti. n.

'Ihe nulliiii-atioii haWa of Ha_B_ebaBa_l were ,»totlv ii Oat d. liheialelv ena. led ill tbe iirat in>tante, htttthe |iu«lioii oi their r.-lK-al ha:- he*-n earuertily ini.Te-

intlie ljegialaiiirt- ol tlie Mate, lirnt hv Mr. l. hadflflUal.* tu d ait.-iwaid h\ my f-flt, aad akhflflfljh aoiuelroviaioiia ,,i Bflflc e-nai'eih.iti,,fl in thoae- law* have.en i, |*-.,lcl on *li>- ii-roii.uiciidattoti of QoT. B-uika,

ret tbe >i- io.ii- rabflt.BCfl -till f. il-i-t-, ,n.l bflfl hutjiet h.-.-li ciiret'i.lli tocnailed in tbfl BflflBBBjl RflBB-B ttihe eUitutee.

Vaii.K tbei_fon aroald tbe State of MflflaajntaatMh,!ii oi ie"h tlii8tat> ol Souili C-toBna to uharnratbflCuiiatitutioD, oi npbold the ITnioa. I: vvc would haveeqtiity, we inuat do eqnlljr, and gfi iatfl court wiih

le. ifl baad*. l.e I.,..- nn lnv.illy lo the Kedeual (' >U-

Btiiiiti.il i.'tue wilh |wor k1)"'1' ftOtt ohatttiate and Iflfl".e: Btb riobtfolfl "t ihe 1'¦-tintITtition. Tbfllfl ifl Bflloi,. tiii.fr ..,,'lfl odbBfll aid flbafllfll i han that, aud it iatbaalaaof MaaflflahaaettB, haflaafl- k ttmtmot |BB.fl>I.. 11 ra 14 lii..a to thel unatitaiiouand lawfa». tb* Uaaoa

- iiiiijg io .oei.e utbfli Sraia-e into p.attOloflBwha-ilientc i" ihe Cwnatitutlon and ihe lawfl af ine l'nion.N,>. il tl,e:e be BBB Bfl.fllfl flfl flfl.BBB of tha OBB*rii.'uii- ,.. whi, h, wiih hei partnuhir notion-. flf righliu,d flnaj, th* Btataof Maaaa__aB.i otiiuot or willnot fnltill and ol iv, ahe- every -iHieidei-tioii af boaor.tratb, n,ith, eoaatflaoee, virtaa, laHgb-u would iiupelh, i titl.er lfl Bflflflflfl al BBBfl troui the liiioi) iMTflflK or

to ciii.pcriile vtuL Viruii.i.i iu the call ot ¦ CflflBHtflj*lioualCoaveatiofl to iflrfaa ihe terni* af the Kcita-nJ

i, (a-1. oi al leaft aatJtti 11] tOflatflod 10 Bflfltb Obbo-luia tba rigfat baad M eord.tl anDttflflflioa flad flBflflfl*aon f> llouabip.

(»ui loiefaiieir. arhflBtbfly tonnd the l.overnment,,-, lha aoiinirv aot to bc Bp to tht hijflii ot their Maad-nt <1 of liheily OT Dioralitv, -trove in the tirMl place lo

I BI4BJC the (_iiv.-n.neii. and IfllUng iu that, fhtj with-ilnw thiflBBfllflfla IroliI il. ln aBflBflflflBflB, there waa

Di»,i iiy a..d niiit l-"th Ihflffl in nuiie in krt'pin_{ ihe.,' .1,1 tle l nion and i.-iu-inu ita prire; Baa rtitiK the>h.t.d uf tbfl v oietil ition vThere if h- lavnihle to

Haaaflflhaaatta, and iBtHt.iatinB i. whan il ia haaiahIflio South C'ar.jlLi.a. (a.i.uu, t .1 the latt.i a«,rt, in ordiBBTfl liii. haa ijalv naaifi, m cbflnting, r-w ui<ilii.x,ti.. il.nnd ii dea iv»-a n>- aoiter appi-lla'.i"ii iu the avta(al a Mat. Ot B i»o|'le.

Fuilli. rn me -,. loaa na tlu- Siate of B___BB-flBBtMBHflBafln e iu ti ia Millili, alloa ot the (IflflB.aflfli-B, -.**

aS-rda, noi a \ utt-vt only, bai BjaMiloaton flaflflB to

Ibe (Batfl ot .s.,utb taiolina, i<> tlmt ti (Jiinvia,Ali.li.ua, M.-ai*-i|'|i, oranv flthfli State Ot-erwMa di

pflafldtflBBcflflB i"i Ihfl vioh.tioii oi lha AndaaBflflMlflOfl-BBM ot'mbo. iiitiou hy one ol" ih. . onlr...'uij. pur-ii. - ei v,e, iu u¦«,|_l.t> tia vm 11 flfl liw, to iek-iif<- thflOtl t-rr-: and th>- ,n, .ii-iilutioi.al ainl diabt-BOBBB. atiitndfl ot the Mtatfl ba -lM_BB-H ia not leaa B_B-_flflBafiii BBflthflTItapflct, tO vvit, ii^ ohvioua MBB-flflg lfl(i,i«lv/e iba roi.f-'rvhtive ettoria ol onr '.*Ai.itnern.siate-, not v,-t rflfairrd t" BBBfldfl. hm h u* MarvLind.Virfinb,Nortb I anlina. Kentn, kv aud Te.nneeaee.

I think tbfllfl ifl a dui.i in thi* hehalf whi.-h it ia id-i-uii.te-nt i ii Maaea. lii.aeMa und every U>>al iituieti oltle (Mfltfl tO l.itoin..oi.' whi.h itif. never too enrlyi.¦ i-i.ti r .i|i..ii. und Bflflflt t.K) lal# lat jm.im--. (a- )irx'\w I ii h it ie pei.Hflrij titiinaf for u.- t.> mulertake uowniiii.i-i), aalaaaal iBeflflaatt-aall. ii »>-. kaaa, whi.hnn eaal)di,lou-l) tala* iti ih. _¦ pu- h-flOfl flf purinaatwhi.h are M niniiji al in tht/tr flVflaeatk ti.l trtauonah'.,-lulbeii fetieiHl iflfllivp. aa^al «v J.-._ n «'\-'j#Taatm. |^»

¦flrti and (Jtaf^xvey lhe l-yubti-aj of (*vw-alth.A* thix uthc .'tiiy of all, it b the dnty of erery aat;

ai.d the-refnre It will give me ptaaaure tfl *i*aak <*a tMehhject; u. MtpMB the graviiy of ibe eituatioo; tadt in* n-t rate rwar ol ligntion wAgardine it . and ta B****-li- ipi'ate with y.m in the iiutlatiou of meaaurea for ttow ipiag ...at of thia foul blot froM tbe eacutcbeoa of tMS'ate of Maxrach.iHetta.Hav ing done that, we *i__ll then hare thfl rlgBaj

Axt jen what may, to xtand ere.1, to b.Id op oar baaan the l'nion, W> loob our xiater Htate* in the *are, aaaa.^MTpflfl what may, to xtand ere.1, to hnld op oarin the l'nion, to loob our riater Htatea in the 'areil' ncrxl ba. to iiildr.-re frulernaJ exbortaUko- tr) theof Soulh CaitJina.

f .n. very faitbfull,. C CUKH1M47..%«-¦'.uryf,rt, Not. 18, lt**).

RKU.N Of TKKKOR tw (JKOROIA.I, thryitlorot ThrS. Y Tribvm.

H . ln Tle D'i'oii Ji'"rnnl of 'he 16th I BBB BBB

Bjfjj laflBfM Bm Tid TtUMBI af the l.itb. lare^ardli.my lafe exj'ulaion fmtn the City flf Aaguato, wMeaI have nxided for aome yeam. That j.iatbe nny ba

don* all ]i.rti.r, I deeun it my duty toralaie tlw i*i*abibecuxe. Pflfl live fMBl l bave reaal'-d in AtAgtaflaa.bat, fwimr 10 tbe imi*ired atate of my bealth. I taa*.thflffl one vear ago and MM North, where I reraaiaflduntil the itai o( OetobBr. I thaa milod from l*t**teo_[xi MMHM r Ba Al Ciirolina, f.-i Cbarle«4toti, arad ar>

r'red ii. Augn-'a "ii Moiulav, the -7th inxt. *Y**lr-thing p:,-r.d | lea-anlv until Fiiduy naoruing, wbaa Ire. eived m noie, aa MawWfli

I)H. Thatkb- Vou ar* hareby rotifird to l**y* tha <MJ Mthr .arlteet pos.ible time. ol »l,.d. thr eeBB**BB.*.j__t^

I M HILt_-Heing *if k in bed, I rent ff.r a friend, who cubbo aa.

once and took ti,. note lo tbe May..r. He calbd a*BBB*, and naid *vei v ettorT. .h uhi te- nuade to atoplhaitbing. Suitiee it lo *ay, tbe autbontiea did all in MBMI -wt! to *o iip.ee* tla- exiitement, but all tonoe*nat_At Tl] i. rn. I wa* attaeked by three ruffian* iu froat flfl?tbe Mat.terx Hotel, w bo u*ed eAerv .-xertiou to BBtme into a carrii.ge ai.d take tue to ilttinhurg, S. tj..where my late would have been aaaied. Tliey ootildnot fflflraflflj aid befii. to aaaflj me tvloug lhe wajk,when BBt wite an.l (bmktijter l.*__d ibe noixe. and caaaa'... ii y re*. ue. They aught ine ont- on eilher ai>b, aaadbajnad tban t" rele.ixe roe, which, after BBBBJ BBJEBJail.-, they did t-ayii'K- " 'Mkaltuxi, you beiug a wotoaua.we will give up.' BBfl thanked tl.em. We then ra-

lUlBfld t« our room. where our frienda nun« to oar ra*-

iief in great i.iu.berx. From thb time the etdieaaaaafliuciei-xeilrapidly; a Urge BaWflfd had gi-thered areaB*tbe hoaiT-e; xiee. he* were made by the u.<»*t itiniMatblui.ii oftbecitv.aiid every eflort uxed todiaperaa lha>Bkob; bm all ta rn- etltx-t. They atsemed hka ao _u_rhor, iv vvolv-f*. ^^

At '} |. m., BBJ friendx «le< i.led that mr only aBtawar in ii atfbte flivht. aa it waa i:n|xT**ible to eoot-x-l:b.. mob and delei.d u*. whi. li tben amouuted to aoaa

BM and more. A cuniage w BB brought to the roar tattbe houxe on the bark atreet, to whieh we were bom>

ducted and driven ntpidly away. leaving our bflBJpgl.tliiid. We were aec«ii.i|ainie<l by aome of the aa*Mleeionnble men oftbe cily who took nalUttubaflMil e SiiAi.iinab roud, wb.-re wearrived al X p. m. llaaaw.- waitid till 1 o clock. when we ifot on the«;ajrBiflrBfltaBBflb, where weanived at 7{ fl, tn. W*dirertly to tha xt.-iimer Abbajna and took oor

aud k.'pf cloee till the xjulit.g of the boat at 4 r>. m.

ln n?k.ard t<> tbe catire of mv expnlxion Ihaveaadoubte that two Northern men, BBB* from MaaaHoM*-*et!.-, wen tl*? iiu-tigutora of tbe troubb. Oaa afthen if a a x. bna "ath that if I rnade him pay bnbill be would ruin me,-,. that I e'uld Mt live Ib Aa-laflta. Hi- bill wa* xettM by a third PMrty wbo «a.aane f50 m.re than 1 had orteied te take. The MBJun- abn i:aaaflfld at a bill for iiiedi.al attendtaea.thoaflh baa thaa the law allowed me to elutrga,aaadk

:tr tinc. i, ne all tu hix (x.wer l«. injnre me by c_rca*-

litii.ir viirioox leporix wiihout tle le*_it fomdiili.Hb BBBM WB* given in Court ae an evidence to af*.jeu: airiinxt me to prove my aboiiti'-n BenlitneaBfl-Smh ate the liun*. T«rw of many Northern men whaii,, .South and the Noith are judg'ed by tlietn.

I>-t me here aav that th.-*e Vi^ibnoe (,'ommitteeaand m«.l e Kre com"po*ed .f the moet low, driinh*,iireeion-ilh-ilaxx of the commuiiity. and tlie ir_*taM*-tora are ..ften Northern n.en. Tba n<, l.bme may Baiittueled to the raapeetabb aai reeponaible port3_»«aTthe .itizeii.-. I will nt that they e.xtei.ded the MM af*vn,patbv nnd IiieuJahip, and' voliinteered their a4»r>

A:in-M and live* to defend me froui an infiiriiUed raeh.Tbey bave mv xvmpathiee, and ever ahall hiire. Me>hler'heititr neAer txeut thau tho*e of the true wbala<rouled S.uthen.er. Wonld to <Jod tbere were bxbBlike tbem. I omit alling anv i.umex, for, br ao doiagb1 uikiht invohe -x.ii.e of my f.iendxin troubb.

Sin.e my ai rival Nortbl am informed that niy iMflr-irae.e hax laeen forwarded tfl me, by expraee, aad arflta-i-ome xalelv la liand. B. K. TuafBa, M. aX

Uortt.u', Mu.«. Noy. 16, Ia68.m

THK COUNTUY ENTUtl..7o 'Ar EdMar of The S. Y Tribviu.

Sie. I am ta ..;*:>¦'.. peaceable citizeu. [>oliUeaJ?yt IVHBionthe Kepublicanaide; I am for tbe preeerratiflMof the Union 1 ie-ire to witneea n.) aepanttioo of tMState*; I bave a pectiniary iniereet boib iu tbe Seaflbaad in the North. My relativea and frienda, eiqaaJiyendeared, .ireeiti/'naof Slave and Kree |MME Ida-iiie au udjuxiraeut of the great queetba witiAont «*»>¦

turbaner, und I think it may be done.The South u.tixt not dert_uid iti)yll)in>r beyoad tha

proter-tion of their eliiv« property iii tbe Sutea whereSlav. ry ..onetitutionally exixta. No meddling wahulaver, then. mii-t be allowed, unleaa the 8lar* fden and it, and all conaent to it. No uiore Slaveto bj i^rmitted, BBaflBl by the voteof the people of |Stute B niHi.ding it, entitled by law u> vote tbfl ibThe Fngitive Sbve Law ahould be eiwtained in «

Su.te, or lhe full Aalue of the abre ahall be pttid byState H-fur-ing to auxiain it. with all tbe ezpeueee oflbajbll taBB-baftbl bbflflt Tl.ia otfer the Free "'

could ntiord to inake, provided tlie 81avebold)Ba:BiaadBfaaf towtthdran all nBbarftfl aaaMnaBbtilrer,.|titi,,i_. arf.-.tiig ... in any way pointing to 140-

niptif u o. f eei-ioii. Any further i-oni-eeri<)nb foi a uioinei.t entertained.Tbe wbole country ha> juxt emerged from tha.

cire of itx coi.Btitutionul and long^-ittiiblUhexl faaavli.niK b tl e h.-..-.. of a l'i-eridenl ot the Iuiied 8tiThe wh.le queetioo ha- been lairlv xubmitted.iandverillv dhMeBMafa The rexpeetire fiuiditateabex-u plaied iu BBflMntiflfl iu the iiaiial form. un

pledg. tbat ibe renalt of the l>*_lot ahould deteithe pnfeieuee ..1 tbe ix-ople. All haa been fair, all baabeen < oimtiti.ii.'m.l, all xatirftctory. The da, of ebtvli.n . uuic, and eueh party aupeiired in it* full ain*_e*Jbnnd tonfidence at the l"'llx. The dixk baa atrach.at.d, without a rtaMMltilM tflatB, the bail"t-box eefla-ii.ined ihe will oJ the people.Now lor the cotiiiT, which ix njade accordiug lo bw,

ai.d lee.ilte in the el>-. tion of Ab. iliam liino-'n of D*-!i, ,>ir bv u tafBfl ii ajo.ity. Who can aay tbat he haa ari^-ht, hoii..i;iblv. to w'ididmw from thia de* isBoafV\ bat nu.n of houor can ibim, at thb hour, to breahiip a tabibiwbaab, until the iLaing of the hiiUot-ht-ta,wiu-f.i bi* "Avn rtru.tnief What individual bBflflBJwbo iliiimx to b. u iiuekkud hont-at Amerhan thal bwilling to tl,.:* (.'la.« binxelf iii that catckrory of U*aii.fli_r.iiir? Tlie couimon bon.ety ef the g>tui_)g-t_kbblw i.ld nuike Iiiu bluah, and turn"from the BflBBBMf ttde.cnt ";iii:«v ii..i. No; ihix "taila 1 wm, aadbaadfl taa I- ae. will n.t xuii the leook of honor, Norabi.rS ith. <;ii'-v;.n..-er rau nev.r le n.rhled ia tbiaway. There ia bnt Bflfl way to uieet thia qu.Men of S-iith CaroUr.a, keep to your lledgea, and ra*

tain your honor .uid t*ell"-rAape.'k. No l.arui will caaaato vou. Mr. linchi and hb latrty are your ry_fe*t aM»t... x't fibaiib Tbaf v ill d«. w bal ix ngi.t. Bb *4lta»-iatiairatiiti will oniuinne M tbfl Uh of Marih tw-ft_wi'b u full uppn .Litioii "f tl..- wii.ib- ditlli'ulty, BBMwill exercir* a jnxt reatnunt upon ftnatU'tafl- wbaaaui d w beii.vcr it may appear.

Tle . bxt and xti.t. ruian-like . har*ul.'r_.!ica whbhbave xti. r.giheiie.i BB in our former day* of peit*« aai.mri ci ii) will I..- raataefld, and full undenitaiidiafl;, aa

tfl ibe iutuie, will cnuble ua to turu to otber leaa BB-i iiin_ to> ii » than tbe opeiiiug uf tbe abve^rtvdo, ar

ll.e uu>tiiit bflj eflort* of u.e btnitba and Philipaaa, B_ai la m to *aeatfl Iba Bflfldon of tin eL.ve through an aa-d raraaal of Ibfl Dbbbb raiic p-uty.

lt, bow. v. i, the South |>ar*i*t'iu dieregurding thb\ i. B "t thaflf co.i.i.lion, il ix boocd tbey will act WBtbca:tion aud rare. lat, llien, *.-te».ioii I*. tbe eeteaaoaof lulu.i.c-a and .onrideiuli.n, providiug for nrotae-iii.n t eyond ibe i.,< r* in*lrum< nl* of bbiotlt-.tfl; aodlet tban inij rex* ;li.ir bla. k milliomi with au.-h a iflroof tbflbeofkdathn aa will h<>l.l tl em ,ou.|«i tl, withtakheh*flara powerajidcontrol, reuiimk-nugihat »b»_n-t-v^rtleiiiea .ou.ee to the xbvex that a i.ouulry cfxym|atl: tii g tnilli'iu> Im w ith ii th.ir reach, to wboM,.-,i.y uiav lly, without fear of babbj r.'tume.l under arugktivfl law, ..II tha artilbryol lheawadbkCbMbbajfaTIx- a* iii.il.iiurto atay alughiaeiiixi_.'.rour *_. lhe itu-vria-atioi. BB MBM it.

Ix it not bvtter to 1>e onteni vviih yonrpeaBaaB.bonndary than t<> baa aaIu.; yoa bare ' Hww naaaya* n, bow many .orporatioitx, h-w iru-U) BaaBiaatBhbare bet ibab iB bj nakinf a bai aJJaai to. doubbatl.iii'fortflMa md tlu ir poararl H '* ""t '¦**> bta.I'ay be wi*e, he iTiidtiii, bflJaM. A Mai.i.HkMr.

THK TKITH AlloIT (NkHNKeiTClJT.| Ihr 4 .,.-.». Ih, | l TW._a>»Su- 1 iinow .t ¦ MBJJJJBBfli ffltj MBBayMbB a raaa

.vhen h*. _.down, !¦ u one a*bu'.'J c-'t*j .ly b,< ; tc'll. \'¦ti MMaaBJ otl B BBM Mi*Va0a bj B - (. wm*'Mi bMiraaa. r * ' J J *,-/-».*. v.»W i»-eiajria.jrjw^