THE -SEATTLE _. THE .SEATTLE _*v_ M _ t3 __ T -__ --^-^FhBI aYi PbJ& fF^^r^L. STAF? eBstIS. eri-iP? *_-as-ama»^ ____\u25a0 a___9 _____•____. . -''^^A . _-_-B___-_aa*r ___L -c-_ _fc_---M- K01a... N0.24J. SEATTLE, WASH., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2, 1909. ONE CENT VAINDERVEER SWEARS TO "GET" 808 HODGE STRIKE THREATENS TO "HgaKfL CAUSE MEAT FAMINE M"Hp m m Traffic Still Tied [7J—Effect of Switch- men. Walkout Is Just leja-ning to Be Felt. _M-fcr- Lett** *********** * STRIKE TODAY. * I ' * I Ktsert* from St. Paul tho* * gust, so nearer settlement * •_« ,e»t*rd*y. Railway off.- * as tod ttriktrs deadlocked * ft_e*}_,'- ' a K|*ti_ill)r all freight traffic * |_r-t_«atand Middle West * \u25a0 *./»«»' - | SMftr ram** closed down In * _*t end amelttr in Great* Ms. * | tax fimice feared in Seat * a*_l*ia*Kbig cities if str-ar * basis** *8 hour*. * I ft—l tflsrt to break strike * i* Isattt* and Spokan* mad* '< j __ stt-i when tftre* nerv * bs_*sass _«r* put to work in * j haul* test sight in Spokane, a 6r*rt; Northern steamship * I His>e«-ta arrive* in port and * «r*M* ta f*A tar* In which to * i w*iat*a-a«aaa cargo of silks * **d fit***, , * £"\u25a0'-*-» «* tram* leaving S»- a ttt't '?<W I* do any twitch- * a* is __«_• yards. * I 1&/ M&:- \u25a0 - '.--"'...* **«««*«- *««._«****. % ' * -ke era ploy in. Nt of mm-1 _ti*;tchmcn and a meal fats- 1 ta__tt_e_ in Seattle-, the- real j |g_ between, . the *tri_lng gases and > trie tranesntnttaent Mktt f&tering Resale waa on 5--Trotn: St.. Paul Indicate Btre i* no - *ettlemvnt ; over ««_** In sight. The men are Bat \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 1 for their 'Sinai de Stockading six cent* aa hour Ha," ai Use companies are m aaoot a two-cent increase. _plo_icta!t of the Great Wtm ,; - Northern Pacific NjMag i etaptoy ed threw aoa- fa_a 1.. fill the place* vat at tit striking switchmen.' A* \u25a0 sen eta be secure- they latt la •\u25a0 places of tbe 175 \u25a0aW c*.' In Seattle. ats*et*d from Spokane. «rf_r: breaker* were im- \u25a0Ml tela -Spokane, ami accord- BR- iter,, have had no *_• Rs-as-t. _4_i more strike break- ________?_> »'"\u25a0*" in Ihe Spo- __St-_t- yards la*' night, and Bate* or "no quarter" »11l be Mt*» Se striker* by the railroad fffr .tyre*,, men employed bcre \u25a0p_-i*-e.i to the King st. tar Stsv en trains leaving -tattle Imaralßt related to obey order* III**? **itcblng ii tho local Hp v.I-»r *o-H not c.en clear Wnrki for their trains and a (Pit«**>»d car* standing In the \u25a0a,**r*i taken out wltb coal |»-"4-ned (or mountain coal- \u25a0fetiaß*. .The transpacific lln«-r Hkttta docked t-i» afternoon MS to soon the officials were Pp tt t«e_r* car* to unload the b_P,-"/ ?' *llk "nd ,rnU' ___*"** to Meve Meat Cars. JW-irtpre-i-nutiv.* of the Swift *l--~nr Interests predict a \u25a0\u25a0ia-io* for Seattle unlea* the gpstaned off within the next \u25a0J*** J Hundreds of ears of meat \u25a0«f*i it on the (ireat S'ortbern *Mrt_«rn , Pacific routes be>- __Hp* and Bt. Paul. There g* several hundred car* of f»l-* local railroad yards, and _L ,trlk* •» "fclared off ;__B*t b* moved. -52"* *** ""* aituatlon become __*«*•.antic Armour and Swift SR 2_ Chicago are amassing g_« ißfluenee to force tho tn yield. gj* > Passenger train* were innulled this morning at __£_?• *-t»nn«_a». This make* |g?,« til Within th. par.t two \u25a0_____; *»- V "- |!*?* Clerk* Laid Off. IHWsJ Clerks* "were dls- \u25a0n m F,. mornln * I" 'Ik- freight _JL Northern Pcclflc. »« _ *, r,! employed In the ifii&L*-* Traffi' A:*-" _*__*. other» *«re employed C -ere ,b* ''''M* house. Ilr_rt?V_.a 0M U'Bt U'lr "''\u25a0 *•*.r. •** n *«<Jed until the »4ct,a V*,'. A"l,,"fr'"" these, __,_*__'* handlers In !&«.!;*'''\u25a0 \u25a0 Bht hOUM m}« W"*«I Moving. -_£,-W<w,on "' lt>" I""5' \u25a0 _\u0084 . SLrt engd lit. tee, , "'} m"Vi»K IK the ______**' this morn- __^S_t ?i? to Bupl ' *,rMul- _Pe_____A»'*n. of the North- if,,.. '^ "'e<, °» Pag, Be7enT) rmm •» Pag* &c , PEOPLE WILL PAT FOR TOE- BIG WALKOUT Housewife Learns About Switchmen's Strike Price* Threaten to Soar as a Result of Congestion If "that >;•____ 0* aim. come* I home on* of these _•___• *__ rind* A dinner or cored _>•_!*. dried truii* tad canard vegetable*, be : needn't *c_*d hi* wife. When the I -_*__»- -eat to market thi* morning the found price- on freah stuff soring and the market- j man's stock vanishing, all because of th- switchmen* strike Meat I butter and eggs and vegetable* are [ set-as up In Seattle. The cattle marker it tied up." : •aid James Henry. Western »*. I whole**!* meat man. this morning. "We ha*. »even carloads of cattle in transit and can't gtt them. If tbla strike lasts a week or ten days jwell all be up against Of course price* will go up. W* are not quot- I ing price* thi* morning, - (or we can't tell where we are." Housaw.f* Discouraged. Fruit*, vegetables and all such perishable stuff are at a standstill on the railroad* and the cold ! j weather i* adding to tbe damage of this line of food*. Mr* House- wile laced a discouraging prospect this morning -ben »he talked to fruit and vegetable men. Ranch butter bad already gone out of the wholesale market _*> caa*e of Its scarcltr. and chipper* are -pea-lag on Eastern market* nutter and egg* will naturally ad vance in rice, though the John it i Ageii company said this morning they tho-gbt there wat a big enough arock >.-. the city to meet ] ihe reseat emergency. Grain and feed commission men can't move a car They ran get nothing in nor not We'll all be j on a" strike ourselves within two i week* if this thing holds out. said Wilson W. Austin, vice president | of the Gtlbraltb A Ilacon com- 1 pany. * Big Stock on Hand. It.it cheer up. Wholesale grocers say they can take care of the peo- ' ple Indefinitely with staple prod uct*. Four house* atone have on hand 12,000,000 worth- of-staff," •ays the manager of tbe National Grocery Co. "If we can't give em , little beans we'll give 'em big one* If we can't give 'em yellow cling peach c* we'll give 'em white." '"- There'll still be coal "to burn.' but It may be alt-fired high. i The Wellington Coal Co.. which ship* all It* coal In by boat, can get It here all right but they are tied up for loading and twitching. "We can't tell what we haven't got," said merchant* who handle domestic coal. "There 1* no coal coming In.", So there you are. Cattle in mo- tlonleaa cars on th«> tracks, veg«e table* and fruits spoiling oh the road, and domestic coal lying on taW *idetrack*. -A-*********-******* * THE WEATHER. _ * Fair and colder tonight; * * Friday fair; light to fresh * * north wind*. * .A.-****-***-**-**--*- SHELTER AND MINES CLOSED BY WALKOUT Boston & Montana of Butte and Great Falls Smelter Shut Down Traffic Demoralized. 111. I ailed |-e__> I BUTTE, Mont.. Dee. _.—The Im- mens. Ooaton and Montana mtnc- of the Amalgamated Copper Com- pany closed down today as a result of the strike of the railroad twitch- men. 'hat baa paral)ied traffic and trade throughout tbl* section. Three thousand man are thrown out of employment because of the action of Ihe mine officials Th.- Inability ', to secure transportation of ore to the smeller* at Great Falls was given a. the Immediate cause of the closing of Urn mines. IJwcatisc of the resulting shortage of ore, the ; I ('.real Pall* smelter* were com- pelled also to -lose, and their IJvtvn I operative* are Idle today.. *.;•"-' Freight raffle on the line* of the Northern Pacific and Great North- ern railroad* throughout Montana , la completely di.|n„ratl.e_. In m_ n > railroad .center* member* of the lirotberbood of Railway Trainman | hate joined the striker* and no relief from Ihe present acute con- ditions I* in sight. At Helena every switchman In the city baa Mopped work. Many of th« BrotberhatMl men have cast their lota with the striker, and not a wheel Is moving in that district. Report* from Eastern Montana indicate the probability "of alt llrotherhood men in that.section Joining in the strike. Many quit work yesterday, although - several wore reported lo have returned to their posts today. It i* believed 'hat ! the strikers -111 be successful in their campaign "to add tbe entire baatern portion of the state to the territory that already Is cut off | from freight transportation., [ CHILDREN WILL ENTERTAIN. The children of the De* Moine*. : Wash., Children'a Industrial tchooi will give * minstrel show at the Al hambra theatre Saturday evening. By the performance the children hope to raise money enough to pay off the money due oa their new home. ! orTateordlng to a *t*tem*n| given ' Out ' » Consul General Altcchul of ( Nlcatetgua, who It considered Zt ' ley*", personal representative In the [ Unit.-.- States. Th* statement follow* th* arrival |SfMb ctblt messages for Altachul. *hl_n art believed to have been! ifr-ft. Z*l«y*. 1 Tfctnswe that Secretary Knox \u25a0 had »*nt passport* to th* Nicer- - a.-r.i repretentatlvt at Waahlng- . : ton «v** flashed to -clay* from here ' l**t light. Th* m***age* received > tod-start supposed to be his reply: "Pteildent Zelay* know* the turn ' •,,»f* h»v* taken," said Altschul. _tJ»H[N(ITt~N~U «'. Dec.,-.— . T_r ;tJailed Stale* It aa near war I *tl-'Nicaragua at it po**lble with- . out A •li finite declaration by con- __^__B 'That body will convene 1 -oeday Knox Fires the Nicaragua!. Charge d'Affaires—An- other Gunboat Ordered Out. tar t nite— f*r*«...' WASHINGTON. Dec, 2,—Th.re I* every indication today thai Unci* Sam Intend* to force immediate so- lution Of the Niearaguan •-tuition, and that the action of Secretary Kno* In discontinuing diplomatic relation* with the Z*l*y*n govern- men! meant an : Immediate move- ment looking toward * domination of th* *ltuatten._ea__n______MM__| Th* order for, th* transport Prai- rie to tall thie afternoon with 700 marine* from Philadelphia for Cen- tral American water*, and order* .from th* navy department for the crulter Albany and th* gun- boat Yorfctown, now at Magdalen* bar, to proceed to Cennto. on th* west co**t of Nicaragua, mean that this country hsa decided that war measure* ar* necessary. Th* action of Secretary Knox, known to be with the full approval of th* pre*!, dent, is *• near an open declaration of war as could be possible under th* circumstance*. A declaration of war would have to be made by congress, and, congress will be In ; session nest week by Wet time th* ships dispatched today art n*arlng their destination If It should develop that actual us* of fere* wilt be required to re- »tor* peace, the matter can be quickly and effectively riassntod to j congee**. Th* marine* tailing from Phil... defphla today . are fully equipped with ammunition an- supplies for * hard campaign In every way their departure Hat th* appearance of "meaning business," -\u0084 ' Z-LAYA WILL. QUIT. NEW ORLEANS, L* Dec, 2-- President Zelaya It ready to give j up hit office and allow Secretary] of State Knos to name Ma (ucceea a»**mi--.'—-.'.»*i **-*\u25a0»„_*\u25a0)*_*) eat* <___^_**-__.. \u25a0rr_^._f>l*_*_s__|_a_fg*______| H^ffl^lorc Shopping E«gH.4»Days Before.-* __S__y._ Chrislmas.* ' ' i im. n \u25a0 | , 1 "\u25a0 - - aaiiii IBtl>*iai*Jiatl',|ess_sej9aa*___ea ) ia >i^Bl > j Secretary of State Knoi return- ed the pa«*porta of the charge d'affaires of Nicaragua last night, and at the tamii time handed him tt letter nrnililiigly .1. tin. in. the Central American government, and . ,-i j.i-i in Hy President Zelaya. Secretary Knox virtually an- bounces the recognition of the Niearaguan revolutionists and de clares that It I* the conviction of iln-. Unite- State. that tin- rebel- lion represent* >(.. sentiment of -> great majority of tb« Niearaguan*. Knox's lt'ttcr practically . holds Zeis) - responsible for tbe death of Cannon and Uroco and iho other indignities of Iho Niearaguan guv ..-rnm.-ni. Will PEOPLE IE TO PAY IFOR S. E. GO. RIGHT-OF-WAY? * Some working man will lose their home*. _, Others will load themaalvss up with debt. All will suffer a lota of their Christma* fund. ' fhe Seattle Electric company will, within a few month*, get right of w**y for a new and much needed car line. .Cns* Is th* result of the »upreme court decision Just rendered by the state supreme court In the Ravenna or Meadow place boulevard _*_*% jfae supreme court has amtilned ihe superior court In a decision that*tho abutting property on the Ilavcnna boulevard must ,1 500 of the total cost of the enndematton of tbe boulevard. ' '- -The park board pay* 9t2,a00 and 914,000 come* out of th* general f_st*}l'V -AM of this must be paid at one*. The part, board and the city can do it. jjjl^fElir^-iiSJ^^tt^Bnt Th* property owner* will have a hard time doing it. Some can't, and will be sold out by th* sheriff. TEX RICKARD GETS RGHT *• '" \u25a0 .---*"" '". \u0084. NEW YiiltK. 1..- 2—"Tex" It Ickard, formerly' of Seattle, gnu the big Main * «._-" "-^ He waa announced thi* uftera cion a* the aucce«*ful bidder for Hi.- Jeffrlea-Johnaon battle. BJc-i rd Is associate*, with Uleaaon, but made the bid In bis own name. mil la*also understood to have .i finger In tbe pie." .The baUle wlll*be in or near 8 an Francis, fllckard guaranteed a |?4_r_a of StOI.OOO and two third* of tbe receipts of tho moving pic* lures-"* ,_-*Tho only positive- decision a m to the scene is the statement that the fight must In- held "In California, Nevada <•\u25a0' Utah."' Atd they tre buying at this great -aerjftce two 4" f.etit roadway* c_- __^_PS about a mile in length from WsWedlawn ay., at the north end of _Ht take, to University boulevard, \u25a0__**> university district. i s .,Three years ago taw members of i_4 j»rk board and other city of- f'.t'JM* sa.d the property owner* __*f) I Lave- to bay these mad-ays 'strtri'auJ '-i— .i"i i' "i "\u25a0" ;'\u25a0.\u25a0 .i'„ mi: if tbe park board put at: SOfoot speedway In the c«-nter, ..Now It develop* that Seattle Elec- tric company engineer* have sur- veyed and planned, wit', the recall that the company will be In th* council within A year asking for a franchise on these 40-foot strips, bought by the people. The 8. E. Co. need* a new rout* to Green Lake, and the people pay for it. POLICE CLEH OP CITY TO I BE READY FOR GRID JORT a i.. —~* I Ths pollco are making frantic efforta to clean up Seattle. __uit night Chief of I'ollcc- Ward Issued strict Instruction* to bit patrolmen to clote down all gambling game* and to enforce the ordi- nance compelling saloon* to close at 1 o'clock. j Orders were alto Issued instructing the patrolmen to arrest all disorder!) persona. These order* ware Issued In the expectation that the grand Jury would soon begin an Investigation of city affair*. v It is the Intention of lb police department to have the city on It* good behavior by the time the inquisitor* get around to this fea- ture of llielr work "??_';\u25a0 * .-'* It It the tame plan that was carried out at the county hospital, ajjktpt on a larger scale -:',. There It also « manliest dlaposltlon on the part of proprietor* of disorderly "cafet" to obey lie law regarding tin presence of B~hmn Dlsorderl) women are for thp time being barred from ply- ing their trade openly in the*e place*. GREAT CHANGE IN WEEK. ;,> .Whether theae "cafe" proprietor* are becoming stiddenl) law- _bidltig~dntheirr 11*11 Initiative or whether they have the advantage of •insight tip* in.in headquarter* it, of court*, problematical. That there 1,, been a great chango In their conduct of their places In * Iho last week la, however, a certainty. :,". That ihl reformation on the part of tli. police and the propri- etors hat been brought about for the soli purpose of deceiving the _r_hd Jury I* obvious. 'Gambling games galore have b«en allowed to run tinder the eyes of'the pohYe, In cigar stores. In the t-eekirooms of saloons, sad In the hottl*; " ~ «\nd yet, hist night, with the grand Jury in scission. Chief Ward Issued Instruction! to close them. The orders of Chief Ward for the arrest of nil disorderly persons Is a Joke The Newport, where Chief Ward (Continued on Page Seven.) Hut in spile of this fact, Vacder- If thla *hlft the bur- V-4>r I 'i shift t!.- den to the back of the sheriff. He doc* this, having assure at leant ' one slot machine man that be bad in. objection to tbo operation of a few eiut isciiiues in the county. Sheriff Robert T. Hodge, whom Vanderv*«r ha* sworn to "get," and for which pur- pose the county commissioners hsve appropriated money, will demand thla afternoon that he be permitted to go before the grand jury and tell all he knows of thla slot machine matter. "If Vanderveer thinks he can sbow When I have at any time dur- ing my entire life been guilty of one dishonest net, be I* welcome to i!,> It," said Sheriff Hodgt? this morning. *T don't care how far be goes. 1 am willing to answer for every net "l mine sine I became sheriff. All 1 want I* thai tbe truth shall be known. I have known for a long time thai Vanderveer and Uie commissioner* were fram- ing tip to net' me. Let them -•> to ! it. When the moke haa cleared away you'll find me Man-ling up In i the center of the ring with the ref- eree counting Vanderveer out. "Vanderveer has laid great stress upon the fact that I am a friend of Jean Romano, the proprietor of some of th* slct machines that are eupponed to have been operating In differ- ent parts of the county. '_ I am a friend of Romano's, and have been for a good many years, snd' hope to be for a good many year* to com*. V«nderv**r also I .ik been a friend of Ro- mano's for a good long white and rode free in Romano's automobiles when he was cam- paigning for John F. Miller for mayor, "I am not prepared to say wheth- er Mr. Hi.in.mo ever asked Mr. Vanderveer for favors, but I can say that never In his life has Mr. Romano asked mo for anything or offered me other than assistance in my campaign, and this assistance LIFE AND DEATH OF LEROY CANNON AND LEONARD GROCE A.MD THE OUTRAGES THAT LED TO THE BREACH WITH NICARAGUA. TRIES TO USE GRAND JURY AS A TOOL IN THIS FIGHT Wholesale Arrests of Saloonkeepers Part of This Job—Vanderveer the Only Official With Whom Slot Machine Owners Talked About Allowing Them to Operate in King County. * , ..IS. ... .. _ - . We may not be able to get anything on Bob Hodge, but w_ will ruin hit reputation before we get through." This, in substance, is a statement purported to have been made by Prosecuting Attorney George F. .Vanderveer yes* tcrday. Vanderveer intends to use the grand jury in an effort to discredit Hodge and to that end has promised immunity to persons who would go on the stand and swear to any- thing that might implicate Hodge in some dishonest act. The arrest of saloonkeepers throughout the county on the charge of operating slot machines was done in an attempt,to injure Hodge. To make it appear to the public that machines' were being operated in large numbers throughout the entire _____ saloonkeepers were arrested .who.have not liar! slot machines in their places of business for four years. - In a public statement, Vanderveer has intimated that Sheriff Hodge knew that these machines'were in operation and. permitted them to remain in use. As a matter of fact, the only public official with whom the proprietors of these slot machines talked in an effort to secure consent to the operation of these machines, was Prosecuting Attorney George F. Vanderveer. was confined absolutely to the use of one automobile for two or three «iayt. The Idea thai Mr Romano* Is a rich man la absurd He was enabled to offer the use of an auto-, mobile -use at that time he had, ' an mobile agency in Seattle. "I am not ashamed of my friend- ship for Mr. Romano and don't in-! tend to give It up because tht prosecuting attorney of King coun-' ty doesn't like it." . v* VANDERVEER IS UNABLE TO MAKE GOOD HIS PROMISE Vanderveer failed to keep the promise be made to the grand jury this morning thai in- would furnish H with conclusive evidence that Sheriff Hodge was responsible for a wholesale swindling of tin- clti- rrns of the county by Blot machine*. Vanderveer produced seven - wit- ncsacs—all saloon keepers in Ra. vcus.ale— to tell a tale of Immunity promised them by Sheriff Hodge. The witnesses in no way connected Hodge with th.- operation of ma- chines in RaveiiKiin Neither did th.- witnesses tell a story of fortunes made in slot __*, chines. Seventy dollars a month— half of which went to the saloon keepers and th.- other half to the owner of the machines— was all tho money played In seven tug. chines In the seven saloons In Ha. vcnsdale. - Hadn't Seen Hodge. I Not one of the witnesses had ever spoken a word to Sheriff Hodge concerning the ..p. ration of the slot machines. Most of the saloon men had not even seen Hodge since be was elected sheriff. Hodge, according to the saloon nun, had never been in their places of business while II- was in office. J. fi. Rellusky. one of the Ravens- dale saloon keepers, swore that Hedge had not been in Ravensdalu since he took orflce. The witness further said that Hodge had no, visited his saloon for lfi months. Never by an] one, according to witnesses, was Hodge's num.' men- tioned in connection with slot ma- chines. Jean Rouiano, accord Ing to the witnesses, owned the ma- chines. Monthly Romano visited tho saloons, counted the money iv the machines, kept half for the rent of the machines and gave the saloon owner half. He Dealt With Romano. '' ] Frank I .ml wig. -1, conducts (he busiest saloon in Huvensiiale, was the first witness before the jury, sad toUl a \u25a0tot thai was in all ma- teritil details corroborated by tho oilier saloon keepers. Ludwlg swore that he had three money machlnea in hi-- saloon, that the machines were tented to him by .lean Romano, and that he bad an agreement with Romano by which Romano was to accept as rental half of the mono) made by, the machines. When Romano asked I.udwlg'a permlt-slou to place slot machine* in hlu saloon ho swore that he told Rom&no that It was against th.. law Romano, so I.ttdwtg told tha jury, Informed him that "thoro would li. no trouble." l.udwlg (Continued Bl Page Seven.)

THE -SEATTLE THE .SEATTLE STAF? eBstIS. PbJ&the smeller* at Great Falls was given a. the Immediate cause of the closing of Urn mines. IJwcatisc of the resulting shortage of ore, the;

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Page 1: THE -SEATTLE THE .SEATTLE STAF? eBstIS. PbJ&the smeller* at Great Falls was given a. the Immediate cause of the closing of Urn mines. IJwcatisc of the resulting shortage of ore, the;



__T-__ --^-^FhBI aYi PbJ& fF^^r^L.

STAF? eBstIS. eri-iP?*_-as-ama»^ ____\u25a0 a___9 _____•____. . -''^^A . _-_-B___-_aa*r ___L -c-_ _fc_---M-




M"Hpm mTraffic Still Tied

[7J—Effect of Switch-men. Walkout Is Justleja-ning to Be Felt._M-fcr-Lett**************STRIKE TODAY. *I ' *I Ktsert* from St. Paul tho* *gust, so nearer settlement *•_« ,e»t*rd*y. Railway off.- *as tod ttriktrs deadlocked *ft_e*}_,'- ' aK|*ti_ill)r all freight traffic *|_r-t_«atand Middle West *\u25a0 *./»«»' -| SMftr ram** closed down In *_*t end amelttr in Great*Ms. *| tax fimice feared in Seat *a*_l*ia*Kbig cities if str-ar *basis** *8 hour*. *I ft—l tflsrt to break strike *i* Isattt* and Spokan* mad* '< j__

stt-i when tftre* nerv *bs_*sass _«r* put to work in * jhaul* test sight in Spokane, a

6r*rt; Northern steamship *IHis>e«-ta arrive* in port and *«r*M* ta f*Atar* In which to *iw*iat*a-a«aaa cargo of silks ***d fit***, , *£"\u25a0'-*-» «*

tram* leaving S»- attt't '?<W I* do any twitch- *a* is __«_• yards. *I1&/M&:- \u25a0 - '.--"'...***«««*«- *««._«****.

% '

* -ke era ploy in. Nt of mm-1_ti*;tchmcn and a meal fats- 1ta__tt_e_ in Seattle-, the- real j|g_ between, . the *tri_lnggases and > trie tranesntnttaentMktt f&tering Resale waa on

5--Trotn: St.. Paul IndicateBtre i* no - *ettlemvnt ; over««_** In sight. The men areBat \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 1 for their 'Sinai deStockading six cent* aa hourHa," ai Use companies arem aaoot a two-cent increase._plo_icta!t of the GreatWtm ,; - Northern Pacific

NjMag i etaptoy ed threw aoa-fa_a 1.. fillthe place* vat attit striking switchmen.' A*

\u25a0 sen eta be secure- they

latt la •\u25a0 places of tbe 175\u25a0aW c*.' In Seattle.ats*et*d from Spokane.

«rf_r: breaker* were im-\u25a0Ml tela -Spokane, ami accord-BR- _» iter,, have had no *_•

Rs-as-t. _4_i more strike break-________?_> »'"\u25a0*" in Ihe Spo-__St-_t- yards la*' night, andBate* or "no quarter" »11l beMt*» Se striker* by the railroad

fffr.tyre*,, men employed bcre\u25a0p_-i*-e.i to the King st. tar

Stsv en trains leaving -tattleImaralßt related to obey order*III**?**itcblng ii tho localHp v.I-»r *o-H not c.en clearWnrki for their trains and a(Pit«**>»d car* standing In the\u25a0a,**r*i taken out wltb coal

|»-"4-ned (or mountain coal-\u25a0fetiaß*. .The transpacific lln«-r

Hkttta docked t-i» afternoonMS to soon the officials werePp ttt«e_r* car* to unload theb_P,-"/ i° ?' *llk"nd ,rnU'

___*"**to Meve Meat Cars.JW-irtpre-i-nutiv.* of the Swift*l--~nr Interests predict a\u25a0\u25a0ia-io* for Seattle unlea* thegpstaned off within the next

\u25a0J*** J Hundreds of ears of meat\u25a0«f*iit on the (ireat S'ortbern*Mrt_«rn , Pacific routes be>-

__Hp* and Bt. Paul. Thereg* several hundred car* of

f»l-*local railroad yards, and_L ,trlk* •» "fclared off

;__B*t b* moved.-52"****""*aituatlon become__*«*•.antic Armour and SwiftSR 2_ Chicago are amassingg_« ißfluenee to force tho

tn yield.gj*> Passenger train* were

innulled this morning at__£_?• *-t»nn«_a». This make*|g?,« til Within th. par.t two

\u25a0_____; *»- V "-|!*?* Clerk* Laid Off.IHWsJ Clerks* "were dls-

\u25a0n mF,. mornln * I" 'Ik- freight_JL Northern Pcclflc.»« _ *,r,! employed In theifii&L*-*Traffi' A:*-"_*__*.other» *«re employed

C -ere,b* ''''M* house.Ilr_rt?V_.a0M U'Bt U'lr "''\u25a0

*•*.r. •** n*«<Jed until the»4ct,a V*,'. A"l,,"fr'"" these,__,_*__'* handlers In!&«.!;*'''\u25a0 \u25a0

Bht hOUMm}« • W"*«I Moving.

-_£,-W<w,on "' lt>" I""5'\u25a0 _\u0084 . SLrt engdlit. tee, , "'} m"Vi»K IK the

______**' this morn-__^S_t ?i? to Bupl ' *,rMul-_Pe_____A»'*n. of the North-if,,..

'^"'e<,°» Pag, Be7enT)rmm •» Pag* &c ,


BIG WALKOUTHousewife Learns About

Switchmen's Strike —Price* Threaten to Soaras a Result of Congestion

If "that >;•____ 0* aim. come*I home on* of these _•___• *__ rind*A dinner or cored _>•_!*. driedtruii* tad canard vegetable*, be

:needn't *c_*d hi* wife. When theI-_*__»- -eat to market thi*morning the found price- on freahstuff soring and the market-jman's stock vanishing, all becauseof th- switchmen* strike Meat

I butter and eggs and vegetable* are[ set-as up In Seattle.

The cattle marker it tied up." :•aid James Henry. Western »*.

I whole**!* meat man. this morning."We ha*. »even carloads of cattlein transit and can't gtt them. Iftbla strike lasts a week or ten days

jwell all be up against l» Of courseprice* willgo up. W* are not quot-

I ing price* thi* morning, - (or wecan't tell where we are."

Housaw.f* Discouraged.Fruit*, vegetables and all such

perishable stuff are at a standstillon the railroad* and the cold !

j weather i* adding to tbe damageof this line of food*. Mr* House-wile laced a discouraging prospectthis morning -ben »he talked tofruit and vegetable men.

Ranch butter bad already goneout of the wholesale market _*>

caa*e of Its scarcltr. and chipper*are -pea-lag on Eastern market*nutter and egg* will naturally advance in rice, though the John it

i Ageii company said this morningthey tho-gbt there wat a bigenough arock >.-. the city to meet ]ihe reseat emergency.

Grain and feed commission mencan't move a car They ran getnothing in nor not We'll all be jon a" strike ourselves within twoi

week* if this thing holds out. saidWilson W. Austin, vice president |of the Gtlbraltb A Ilacon com- 1pany.

* Big Stock on Hand.It.it cheer up. Wholesale grocers

say they can take care of the peo- 'ple Indefinitely with staple product*. Four house* atone have onhand 12,000,000 worth- of-staff,"•ays the manager of tbe NationalGrocery Co. "If we can't give em ,little beans we'll give 'em bigone* If we can't give 'em yellowcling peach c* we'll give 'emwhite." '"-

There'll still be coal "to burn.'but It may be alt-fired high. i

The Wellington Coal Co.. whichship* all It* coal In by boat, canget It here all right but they aretied up for loading and twitching."We can't tell what we haven'tgot," said merchant* who handledomestic coal. "There 1* no coalcoming In.",

So there you are. Cattle in mo-tlonleaa cars on th«> tracks, veg«etable* and fruits spoiling oh theroad, and domestic coal lying ontaW *idetrack*.-A-*********-*******


* Fair and colder tonight; ** Friday fair; light to fresh ** north wind*. *.A.-****-***-**-**--*-


BY WALKOUTBoston & Montana of

Butte and Great FallsSmelter Shut Down —Traffic Demoralized.

111. Iailed |-e__> I

BUTTE, Mont.. Dee. _.—The Im-mens. Ooaton and Montana mtnc-of the Amalgamated Copper Com-pany closed down today as a resultof the strike of the railroad twitch-men. 'hat baa paral)ied traffic andtrade throughout tbl*section. Threethousand man are thrown out ofemployment because of the actionof Ihe mine officials Th.- Inability

', to secure transportation of ore tothe smeller* at Great Falls wasgiven a. the Immediate cause of theclosing of Urn mines. IJwcatisc ofthe resulting shortage of ore, the ;

I ('.real Pall* smelter* were com-pelled also to -lose, and their IJvtvn Ioperative* are Idle today.. *.;•"-'

Freight raffle on the line* of theNorthern Pacific and Great North-ern railroad* throughout Montana ,la completely di.|n„ratl.e_. In m_ n>railroad .center* member* of thelirotberbood of Railway Trainman |hate joined the striker* and norelief from Ihe present acute con-ditions I* in sight.

At Helena every switchman Inthe city baa Mopped work. Manyof th« BrotberhatMl men have casttheir lota with the striker, and nota wheel Is moving in that district.

Report* from Eastern Montanaindicate the probability "of altllrotherhood men in that.sectionJoining in the strike. Many quitwork yesterday, although - severalwore reported lo have returned totheir posts today. It i* believed 'hat

! the strikers -111 be successful intheir campaign "to add tbe entirebaatern portion of the state to theterritory that already Is cut off

| from freight transportation.,

[ CHILDREN WILL ENTERTAIN.The children of the De* Moine*.

: Wash., Children'a Industrial tchooiwill give * minstrel show at the Alhambra theatre Saturday evening.By the performance the childrenhope to raise money enough to payoff the money due oa their newhome. !

orTateordlng to a *t*tem*n| given

' Out ' » Consul General Altcchul of(

Nlcatetgua, who It considered Zt' ley*", personal representative In the[ Unit.-.- States.

Th* statement follow*th* arrival|SfMb ctblt messages for Altachul.*hl_n art believed to have been!ifr-ft. Z*l«y*.

1 Tfctnswe that Secretary Knox\u25a0 had »*nt passport* to th* Nicer-- a.-r.i repretentatlvt at Waahlng-. : ton «v**flashed to -clay* from here' l**t light. Th* m***age* received> tod-start supposed to be his reply:

"Pteildent Zelay* know* the turn' •,,»f* h»v* taken," said Altschul.

_tJ»H[N(ITt~N~U «'. Dec.,-.—. T_r ;tJailed Stale* It aa near warI *tl-'Nicaragua at it po**lble with-. out A •lifinite declaration by con-__^__B 'That body will convene1 -oeday

Knox Fires the Nicaragua!.Charge d'Affaires—An-other Gunboat OrderedOut.

tar t nite— f*r*«...'WASHINGTON. Dec, 2,—Th.re I*

every indication today thai Unci*Sam Intend* to force immediate so-lution Of the Niearaguan •-tuition,and that the action of SecretaryKno* In discontinuing diplomaticrelation* with the Z*l*y*n govern-men! meant an : Immediate move-ment looking toward * dominationof th* *ltuatten._ea__n______MM__|

Th* order for, th* transport Prai-rie to tall thie afternoon with 700marine* from Philadelphia for Cen-tral American water*, and order*.from th* navy departmentfor the crulter Albany and th* gun-boat Yorfctown, now at Magdalen*bar, to proceed to Cennto. on th*west co**t of Nicaragua, mean thatthis country hsa decided that warmeasure* ar* necessary. Th* actionof Secretary Knox, known to bewith the full approval of th* pre*!,dent, is *• near an open declarationof war as could be possible underth* circumstance*. A declarationof war would have to be made bycongress, and, congress will be In;session nest week by Wet time th*ships dispatched today art n*arlngtheir destination

If It should develop that actualus* of fere* wilt be required to re-»tor* peace, the matter can bequickly and effectively riassntod tojcongee**.

Th* marine* tailing from Phil...defphla today . are fully equippedwith ammunition an- supplies for *hard campaign In every way theirdeparture Hat th* appearance of"meaning business," -\u0084 '


President Zelaya It ready to givej up hit office and allow Secretary]of State Knos to name Ma (ucceeaa»**mi--.'—-.'.»*i **-*\u25a0»„_*\u25a0)*_*) eat* <___^_**-__..\u25a0rr_^._f>l*_*_s__|_a_fg*______|

H^ffl^lorcShoppingE«gH.4»Days Before.-*__S__y._ Chrislmas.*' ' i im. n \u25a0 | ,

1 "\u25a0 - -aaiiii IBtl>*iai*Jiatl',|ess_sej9aa*___ea )ia>i^Bl>j

Secretary of State Knoi return-ed the pa«*porta of the charged'affaires of Nicaragua last night,and at the tamii time handed him ttletter nrnililiigly .1. tin.in. theCentral American government, and. ,-i j.i-i in Hy President Zelaya.

Secretary Knox virtually an-bounces the recognition of theNiearaguan revolutionists and declares that It I* the conviction ofiln-. Unite- State. that tin- rebel-lion represent* >(.. sentiment of ->great majority of tb« Niearaguan*.

Knox's lt'ttcr practically . holdsZeis) - responsible for tbe death ofCannon and Uroco and iho otherindignities of Iho Niearaguan guv..-rnm.-ni.


* Some working man will lose their home*. _,Others will load themaalvss up with debt.All will suffer a lota of their Christma* fund.' fhe Seattle Electric company will, within a few month*, get right

of w**y for a new and much needed car line..Cns* Is th* result of the »upreme court decision Just rendered by

the state supreme court In the Ravenna or Meadow place boulevard_*_*%

jfae supreme court has amtilned ihe superior court In a decisionthat*tho abutting property on the Ilavcnna boulevard must ,1500 of the total cost of the enndematton of tbe boulevard.' '- -The park board pay* 9t2,a00 and 914,000 come* out of th* generalf_st*}l'V

-AM of this must be paid at one*. The part, board and the citycan do it. jjjl^fElir^-iiSJ^^tt^Bnt

Th* property owner* will have a hard time doing it. Some can't,and will be sold out by th* sheriff.


*• '" \u25a0 .---*"" '". \u0084.

NEW YiiltK. 1..- 2—"Tex" It Ickard, formerly' of Seattle, gnuthe big Main * «._-" "-^He waa announced thi* uftera cion a* the aucce«*ful bidder for

Hi.- Jeffrlea-Johnaon battle. BJc-i rd Is associate*, with Uleaaon, butmade the bid In bis own name. mil la*also understood to have.i finger In tbe pie."

.The baUle wlll*be in or near 8 an Francis, fllckard guaranteeda |?4_r_a of StOI.OOO and two third* of tbe receipts of tho moving pic*lures-"*,_-*Tho only positive- decision a m to the scene is the statement thatthe fight must In- held "In California, Nevada <•\u25a0' Utah."'

Atd they tre buying at this great

-aerjftce two 4" f.etit roadway* c_-

__^_PS about a mile in length fromWsWedlawn ay., at the north end of_Ht take, to University boulevard,\u25a0__**> university district.is .,Three years ago taw members ofi_4 j»rk board and other city of-f'.t'JM* sa.d the property owner*__*f) I Lave- to bay these mad-ays

'strtri'auJ '-i— .i"i i' "i "\u25a0" ;'\u25a0.\u25a0 .i'„ mi:

if tbe park board put at: SOfootspeedway In the c«-nter,..Now Itdevelop* that Seattle Elec-tric company engineer* have sur-veyed and planned, wit', the recallthat the company will be In th*council within A year asking for afranchise on these 40-foot strips,bought by the people.

The 8. E. Co. need* a new rout*to Green Lake, and the people payfor it.


IThs pollco are making frantic efforta to clean up Seattle.__uit night Chief of I'ollcc- Ward Issued strict Instruction* to bit

patrolmen to clote down all gambling game* and to enforce the ordi-nance compelling saloon* to close at 1 o'clock.

jOrders were alto Issued instructing the patrolmen to arrest alldisorder!) persona.

These order* ware Issued In the expectation that the grand Jurywould soon begin an Investigation of city affair*. v

It is the Intention of lb police department to have the city onIt* good behavior by the time the inquisitor* get around to this fea-ture of llielr work "??_';\u25a0 *

.-'* It It the tame plan that was carried out at the county hospital,

ajjktpt on a larger scale-:',. There It also « manliest dlaposltlon on the part of proprietor* ofdisorderly "cafet" to obey lie law regarding tin presence ofB~hmn Dlsorderl) women are for thp time being barred from ply-ing their trade openly in the*e place*.

GREAT CHANGE IN WEEK.;,> .Whether theae "cafe" proprietor* are becoming stiddenl) law-_bidltig~dntheirr 11*11 Initiative or whether they have the advantage of•insight tip* in.in headquarter* it, of court*, problematical. Thatthere 1,, been a great chango In their conduct of their places In *

Iho last week la, however, a certainty.:,". That ihl reformation on the part of tli. police and the propri-etors hat been brought about for the soli purpose of deceiving the_r_hd Jury I* obvious.'Gambling games galore have

b«en allowed to run tinder the eyes

of'the pohYe, In cigar stores. In thet-eekirooms of saloons, sad In thehottl*; "~

«\nd yet, hist night, with thegrand Jury in scission. Chief Ward

Issued Instruction! to close them.The orders of Chief Ward for

the arrest of nil disorderly personsIs a Joke

The Newport, where Chief Ward

(Continued on Page Seven.)

Hut in spile of this fact, Vacder-Ifthla*hlft the bur-V-4>r I 'i shift t!.-

den to the back of the sheriff. Hedoc* this, having assure at leant

' one slot machine man that be badin. objection to tbo operation of a

few eiut isciiiues in the county.

Sheriff Robert T. Hodge,whom Vanderv*«r ha* swornto "get," and for which pur-pose the county commissionershsve appropriated money, willdemand thla afternoon that hebe permitted to go before thegrand jury and tell all heknows of thla slot machinematter.

"If Vanderveer thinks he cansbow When I have at any time dur-ing my entire life been guilty ofone dishonest net, be I* welcometo i!,> It," said Sheriff Hodgt? thismorning. *T don't care how far begoes. 1 am willing to answer forevery net "l mine sine I becamesheriff. All 1 want I* thai tbetruth shall be known. I have knownfor a long time thai Vanderveerand Uie commissioner* were fram-ing tip to net' me. Let them -•> to !it. When the moke haa clearedaway you'll find me Man-ling up In i

the center of the ring with the ref-eree counting Vanderveer out.

"Vanderveer has laid greatstress upon the fact that I ama friend of Jean Romano, theproprietor of some of th* slctmachines that are eupponed tohave been operating In differ-ent parts of the county. '_ I ama friend of Romano's, and havebeen for a good many years,snd' hope to be for a good manyyear* to com*. V«nderv**ralso I .ik been a friend of Ro-mano's for a good long whiteand rode free in Romano'sautomobiles when he was cam-paigning for John F. Miller formayor,

"Iam not prepared to say wheth-er Mr. Hi.in.mo ever asked Mr.Vanderveer for favors, but I cansay that never In his life has Mr.Romano asked mo for anything oroffered me other than assistance inmy campaign, and this assistance



Wholesale Arrests of Saloonkeepers Part of ThisJob—Vanderveer the Only Official With WhomSlot Machine Owners Talked About AllowingThem to Operate in King County. * ,

..IS. ... . . _- . We may not be able to get anything on Bob Hodge,but w_ willruin hit reputation before we get through."

• This, in substance, is a statement purported to have beenmade by Prosecuting Attorney George F. .Vanderveer yes*tcrday.

Vanderveer intends to use the grand jury in an effortto discredit Hodge and to that end has promised immunityto persons who would go on the stand and swear to any-thing that might implicate Hodge in some dishonest act.

The arrest of saloonkeepers throughout the county on thecharge of operating slot machines was done in an attempt,toinjure Hodge. To make it appear to the public that machines'were being operated in large numbers throughout the entire_____

saloonkeepers were arrested .who.have not liar! slotmachines in their places of business for four years. -

In a public statement, Vanderveer has intimated thatSheriff Hodge knew that these machines'were in operation and.permitted them to remain in use.

As a matter of fact, the only public official with whomthe proprietors of these slot machines talked in an effort tosecure consent to the operation of these machines, wasProsecuting Attorney George F. Vanderveer.

was confined absolutely to the useof one automobile for two or three«iayt. The Idea thai Mr Romano*Is a rich man la absurd He wasenabled to offer the use of an auto-,mobile -use at that time he had, 'an mobile agency in Seattle.

"I am not ashamed of my friend-ship for Mr. Romano and don't in-!tend to give It up because thtprosecuting attorney of King coun-'ty doesn't like it." . v*


Vanderveer failed to keep thepromise be made to the grand jurythis morning thai in- would furnishH with conclusive evidence thatSheriff Hodge was responsible fora wholesale swindling of tin- clti-rrns of the county by Blot machine*.Vanderveer produced seven - wit-ncsacs—all saloon keepers in Ra.vcus.ale— to tell a tale of Immunitypromised them by Sheriff Hodge.The witnesses in no way connectedHodge with th.- operation of ma-chines in RaveiiKiin

Neither did th.- witnesses tell astory of fortunes made in slot __*,chines. Seventy dollars a month—half of which went to the saloonkeepers and th.- other half to theowner of the machines— was alltho money played In seven tug.chines In the seven saloons In Ha.vcnsdale. -

Hadn't Seen Hodge. I

Not one of the witnesses hadever spoken a word to SheriffHodge concerning the ..p. ration ofthe slot machines. Most of thesaloon men had not even seenHodge since be was elected sheriff.Hodge, according to the saloonnun, had never been in their placesof business while II- was in office.J. fi. Rellusky. one of the Ravens-dale saloon keepers, swore thatHedge had not been in Ravensdalusince he took orflce. The witnessfurther said that Hodge had no,visited his saloon for lfi months.

Never by an] one, according towitnesses, was Hodge's num.' men-tioned in connection with slot ma-chines. Jean Rouiano, accord Ingto the witnesses, owned the ma-chines. Monthly Romano visitedtho saloons, counted the money ivthe machines, kept half for the rentof the machines and gave thesaloon owner half.

He Dealt With Romano. '']

Frank I .ml wig. -1, conducts (he

busiest saloon in Huvensiiale, wasthe first witness before the jury,sad toUl a \u25a0tot thai was in all ma-teritil details corroborated by thooilier saloon keepers.

Ludwlg swore that he had threemoney machlnea in hi-- saloon,that the machines were tented tohim by .lean Romano, and that hebad an agreement with Romano bywhich Romano was to accept asrental half of the mono) made by,the machines.

When Romano asked I.udwlg'apermlt-slou to place slot machine*in hlu saloon ho swore that he toldRom&no that It was against th..law Romano, so I.ttdwtg told thajury, Informed him that "thorowould li. no trouble." l.udwlg

(Continued Bl Page Seven.)