STAR?TUESDAY, FEB. 0, 1917. PAGE 9 N. W. League Season Opens on Local Ball Lot April 24: Seattle vs. Great Falls LEAGUE WILL CLOSE UP ON SEPTEMBER 9 BY EDWARD HILL BASI.U \LL. the 1917 son of the X. \\ league will get under way in Seattle on April 24 with Herb lie- ter's scrappy t ireat Fall* an frcgation furnishing the oppo- sition for Dugdalc's newly renovated team. This is according to the dope from Spokane, where the league officials arc sipping soft drinks atul holding dry ban- quets while lining 'up the league's business for the com- ing gonfalon chase. Festivi- ties will be brought to a close on September 9, one week iter than last season. As is the usual custom, the Va«on will open in Seattle. Ticonia ami Spokane. Bob Brown tried to hook an opcti- i/ip date for Vancouver but Evas unsuccessful. THE HOLIDAY dates will be Ipmred around before the work of drawing up the schedule goc* on Bob Brown. Vancouver; Rum Ilall. \V. R, D»v«\v, llutte. ud I S. H. Jensen. tireat Full#. have this bualacy* well In hand Vancouver opens at Tmcotn* nud Butte at Spo- kane. NICK WIUJAMB ha* nlgned ,«p for two exhibition games In Port- land with a couple of faat *eml pro clubs there. Thl* will brine to a ck»* hia barn* Untiling trip from Stockton to th? Northwest. From Portland he will go directly to Spo- kane and put hia team In shape to open the season. The (tuned In TortUnd are net for Aprtl 11 and 15. EARL THOMPSON, the promt* ing young first eacker with Tacoma last yeer. 1* balking, and mar not plar with the Tiger* this neaaon. Earl ha* garnered a woo J Job down and doean t like to come Northweat to plar ball for ao \u25a0 abort a season. He haa written I Ruaa Hall that he la satisfied with I hia contract with the Tiger*, but r would like to keep his Job. I T**- Dr. J. R. Binyofi FREE Examination P-BEST $2.50 GLASSES ON EARTH We ar« one of the f.w eptleel In the Korthweat that really *rir.'l IcnMt from start t»» finish, and we are the omly ? Seattle M First Kiamtnatlon fr**. I>y grad J*te optometrist. Ola**"* not pr?crlbrrt unlesa absolutely uecea- ?trr. BINYON OPTICAL CO. ma rinvr avk. jSeer ftmrrm »«. fWae *«!« IMS «ee Dr. Edwin J. Brown HIMSELF aaatiM 'IWHili l' rxr " *? Vfji Lmkdtmt DCOUSII.t.. Hl*rh. Oat a lis ?? ?*' ?' '?*<» tar 111 ee. ar a ill ?? jflKr lot llt.ee Th?« prtcaa la alas* \u25a0tfwiiti wtiaeei FROM PRIZE RING TO STAGE GOES BOXER Richard Wheeler, the mala member of Wheeler and Dolan, dancers extraordinary appear- ing this week at the O-pheum. la no other than our old friend, "Fighting" Dick Wheeler, for- mer Pariflc Coast llgntweight chimp on. Dick la a native of San Francisco and has lought some of the best lightweights In the world. He trained Fred- die Welsh for his flrat flgnt with Willie Ritchie. Sine* taking up th# light fantaatlc and becoming an actor. Whealsr hat had oeca- aion to vlait many part* of tha world. Ha wai caught In Mos- cow, Ruaala. when tha war broka out. How got away from tha war stricken country makea quite a story. He haa agreed to tall the readera of TIA Star why He forsook the aquared circle for the foot- llghta and aome of hia eaperl- encea while traveling over the world. Tha flrat articla appeara to- morrow. Les Darcy May Box Dillon in Denver Is Latest Report DENVER, March 6 ?Jack Dillon, and Les Darcy, Aus- tralian champion, have accept- ed terma for a 20-round fight for a purss cf $20,000 to be fought In Denver within the next 60 days, according to In- formation recaived today. Tha battle will be staged In the Denver Stock Varde Stadium by Jack Kanner, promoter of the National Athletic club, who it to be backed by a group of business men. Cub Scconds Winners Over Coast Leaguers PORTER VI U.JS. Cal . March fi The Chicago Cub second* defeated the Salt l-»ke Coasters here yester- day in a training game, o to I. Till *?* TO in litv. r*n "lltninarby th» Rupture Htipport We five fre« trial to prove Its superior* ty. A. 1.1 MIHK.Kf* ?«. 110? Third *rr Western Union Life Spokani, U. S. A. «»wa>e.« February 20, 1917 > Washington Title Insurance Company, Seattle, Washington* Gentlemen^ Please be advised that our Finance Committee has decided to require title insurance on all Seattle loans hereafter made by the Western Union Life Insurance Company. Experience has proved that an absolute guaranty of title, based upon a thorough examination of the title, gives the highest oteasure of proteotion to the investors Please mall to this office a few additional schedules of rates and supply of applications tor title Insurance on nortgage loans* Tours truly RLR:VL President* Seattle. H I I AND JEFF ?Even Edison Makes Sonic Mistakes Captain Frank Foyston, of the Seattle Ice Hockey club, has been selected aa the most valuable player and best all- around man in the league The selection was made fol- lowing reports tsndsred league officiate In Vancouver by tha official acorera In Spokane, Portland. Vancouver and here. Two acorere chose Foyston for the first place and one ranked him second to Mickey Mackay, the Vancouver youth. Foyston will bo presented with a trophy by the Icagus for hia good work. ? ? ? THE SEATTLE and Vancouver teama will play six man hockey when they claah on the local Ice tonight In an exhlbltl'Mi fraca* Vancouver consented to thla. fol- lowing th« acceptance of the chal- lenge by Seattle. The six man game 1* played In the Kaat and He- al! le wants to try it out before the world * »«Tte*. *hlch will Mart hern on March 19 with Ottawa, of the National Hockey association, the probable opponent* of the local*. Tonight'* lineup Vancouver. Holmes Goal !<*hman Howe Defense Batrlck Carpenter ... l>efen#e (irlffla Walker Hover Mar Kay kAMPHK IN lITM UWHBliilßgr Purdue university Is to hsve all-year football practice. From their record laet year all- year ' practice ahouid make them fairly fit to tackle high achool teams. ? ? * If there la to be a military train- ing for »aseball player*, pleaae omit the Seattle Giants. They sol- diered eno-igh !a»t *ea*on. ? ? ? Hughie Jennings *»)* Detroit will win thp American league pen- nant. Hughlo deserve* a medal for optimism. Tennis Came Here to He Given Boost Kenttle bid* fair to become one of the tennis renter* of the country. Delegated to the annual meeting of the I'nlte 1 Hiatcs National l/iwn Tennis association hive laid plans to further the development of young player* here. Wants U. VV. Freshman Crew to Racc in Cal. A guarantee of 1100 toward de- fraying sxpenees of eendlng the U. of W. freshmen crew to California next month for thp races on the Oakland estuary has been made by Ralph Stroud, graduate manager of tthletics at the University Of Cali- fornia. Want U. W. Baseball Team to Pay Visit Haxebnll enthunlmtt* In Trrad- well am! Juneau, Alaska, would like to m-f the t'. of W. haacball Inam in action against somo of the mmiil- pro organizations In the North. lu- qulrie* have been made as fo wheth- er such a trip could hn made or not after the close of the university in June. S. A. C. Wins Amateur I Jockey Championship The first amateur lee hockey championship ever played for In Se- attle was won last night by the Se- attle Athletic club septet. It de- feated the Auto club, 2 to 1, In a hard-fought melee. Carl Stoeckcr Still Winning at Cue Game Keeplnc up bin brilliant plnjinj!. Carl Stoecker defeated Meade lout night at Hrown A- Union's billiard parlor*. 200 to 130, In one of the neriea of gammi now on for the city balk line title. READ STAR WANT ADS SEATTLE HOCKEY STAR HONORED BY LEAGUE; GAME HERE THIS EVE Morrla Onter Taylor Koynton . . , I.eft Wlrk Stanley Wllnon . . ..lUght Win*... Roberta Rltey-Klckef ft lilt y Moynra ? ? ? GOOD NEWS ban liwn nervwl the h<x - key fan* in the annoiinrf*- ntflt that no advani"* In price will made for the world* aerlea gamea. ? ? ? CORDON ROBERTS, the Van router atar aeorer. who loat the league honora to Heroin Morrla of Hostile by one joint. Mill be amonK the Mllllonalrea tonight. Me aaya ho will try and aoore more i>olnta than Morrla tonight. at any rate. Cut Down the High Cost of Living Huy your grocery *'»pplle» from firsthand and a«*e money Make up a list of your requirement*, s'ich Olive Oil, Coffee, Tee. Canned t#ooda. I>ry Fruit. Sugar. Flour, etc. and you will **? for yourself that 10' i to SO** ran ewaily be *a».-d bv Inking advantage of wh'lcsale prices. Call Up Elliott 652 Alaska and msll order* giv- en special attention. Vittacci Importing Co. Manufacturers and Wholssals Orocera Coffee Roaete'S 309 Occidental Ave. p/imESj 1 Aufe'll' I* IIM.M* ii»:>ThTß\ HAVE NO FEAR It In a*tont*hln* th* numhT c»f people who are afraid «>f th« dcntlat. Wh«in decayed mid dl*oa*ed tr»#? tH are neele* led they reat h *uch a ter- rible condition that e i>*r*on In \u25a0Im- ply compelled In thf end. f'»r health* Rnk". to 4 h«v« the teeth and mouth attended t<> r>o not w»|t nnt 11 your teeth ko to "plKfd." fom« to my office tli« firnt opportunity and hive them ei- anilned. More than likely your teeth »,ee,i hut little attention. But whether your mi" I* elrnple or <11 ffl - r lit 1 guarant** t<» put your mouth Into it clean. aound. healthful atwte hi lowept |»r4ce« and absolutely fr#?* from pain I fill and » xtra« t teeth absolutely ! without pain or had after effect*. P% I \ !.?*?** \I *Tl% l»l.\TI*T Third aad Pike r.atranee ISM Tblril Avp. Open Sunday, 9*30 a m. to 1 p. in Fred Mitchell Cheeae price* are *tirfenlng un- der the demand front the Kiuit. 'I*ll- - cheese advanced II cent* In Cortland yesterday. Onion* will take the big dive *oon. acconlln* lo the dope*(erx, due to the Influx of AuMrallun and New Zealand onion*. I'rli Paid l>e«|rr* far \egetable* und I mil 4 4 \ n.rTAm t i %r1 lehokea?Per do* 1 IWii l'»r **»k ?"? |tru**rl* f»prwiU P*r lb II ( t i>i»i|e \»w flat Duteh, lb ' 0 0J» V » Winnle**tead *O»*0O7 Carrot* Per »ack 71.01 l autlflotrer Per rrata. 2 do« ITI Celery Per crate ... «5O0«7 («m Hiiak* Per lb. 03H ( in umbere? No. I ft* No S 1.31 I ganiani Florida, per lb I.arllr . new. pir Ih l*#r.'?« H»r»eradUh -I. *1. p*r lb 10 |.rtllire Per c»*te? !x»ral httbAUM 131 Cal 5 6"#: 76 Ok ra Par boa 4>at<»n* - Oregon I ft o IS Yakima Oiff 10 Holltn* 04'* Oreen. pfr dnl 31 i Parsley? I Cal. per d<*« hunchea 1" Paraalpa l>r **rk mm mm IJII |P (.RAND CHALLENGE In HOCKEY GAME \u25a0 * ' For Trophies Donated by Mr. Alexander Panlages Vancouver vs. Seattle TONIGHT 8:30 P. M. SHARP INTRODUCING SIX-MAN HOCKEY Don't fall to Me this game, a. every alternate match In the world's aerie, will be under the Ea.tern rules. Reierved Beat» Now on Sale at the Arena Office,' 1220 Fifth Ave. * Phone Main 2493 HOCKEY HOCKEY "Mysterious Mitchell" Alwjve Un photo iaK< 11 of Creil Yapp, better known nowaday* a* Kred Mitchell, manager of the Chicago Cub*. When thla pic- ture wa» taken. MitchnJl *»» a member of Ihe Ix>* Angele* club, of Ibe I'aetfln Coast league. Hp rwdwl th<s nickname ?!»*? to the fact that Isolated }>imarif fnmi th«> rem of the player*, and wa» never »<-en except when on the t>ench or the diamond. Me wa* a pitcher. l-Yoni Idm AnKrlen he drifted around over the country to «u»ver»l minor leagued and finally landed with the lionton Brave*, where. It wu declared. hl» iu the real |>ower behind George Stalling*. MARKET REPORT Pepper* P«r lb ? Florida 10 re I rhlll. dried ?S0 14 Oreen. .. . 10 Peprorn NelfMka, p#r lb .... .o*o Rodlohee Cal . per do* J3 KntabaCH* Y*klma. «*<k J I*l *t«|iia*H P«r lb?Hubbard 03 T nrtilp*?? Cal . per **'k S 00 Yellow : 00 polatoea?~ Yakima Oem* 00 000 4& 00 Heed »6 00 locals Ti #0 lb. 05 4 I KI IT4 lirapefrull ? Cal *tOO?7S Florida .1:10171 Honey? New. CM* lOi'ol f -0 Ptralnad .Oix%o 00 OrangM N*W na%ol 3 000 3:» Pinrfipple Florida, »rate 4.60 Apple*? Jonathan 1 00 01 *.o Mivmtn wineaap 1.J&01 60 l«e« al cooklne 000 1.00 fipltrenberf 1io0;oo I ifilrloua 1 7[. 0 j ' 0 Horn* Meant f I oo« 1 50 Wln*®ap 1.000? oo Orkannn* lllark 1.:0?.OO Trllow Nrwtona 1 600. 00 J Mate Paid Produrera for Poultry, \ eel and Pork \u2666 *1 Hprlwa Chicken* .21' IHick* Fat ?? Fee* I »len« fndar \u2666 lb* 1 * i IIr?«» I lb* and over -to j I'leron* «!oo«t else. do*. I.SO Turkey* raaed 27 \rm\ Fancy. «& to 125-lb 130 14 Honalero Old. Ilva 11 | Pork Oood block ho*« ISO 14S >. Ij "C I'rl.** 1.. Krinilrr for lliittrr, l-ee* *nd 4 lir« «»o \u2666 \u25a0 \u2666 I Hillter? Htorage, cube* 94 Native Waahlngton ereeniery, cube 30 Native Waahlngton creamery, brh k .40 Storat". brick* Fee* ranch 29 Domeatlc wheel Llmbure<*r 290 .10 Oreeon triplets .21 Wlsconaln triplet* 28 Wlacnnaln twin* 28 YnUllaT Atn4llca 26 j* 4 ountry llwy und 4irala (Prl«e* paid wholesaler) ! 4 ? , 4 Alfalfa?N<v 1 10 00017 00 Alfulfa Meal 24 00025.00 Alfalfn and Mohisae* 2<". 00 027 00 , It run ?S 00029 00 Hurler 44 0046 00 4 orn Whole 4 . «O0 4 00 torn Cracked 4K oo'tf 4 9.00 4 hop* 4 " 00 0 4 .1 00 Oat* Pugel Ho'iiul ... 39 00040 00 l<:**t*rn Weahlngton 40.00041.00 Herat<-h Fond I: 00 0 5.1 oo Hltorla 31 000 3:00 Mr*** Ton . 12 00 j Timothy ?:' oo<tf ;; 00 i Mlxetl 21 00 0 22.00 j Kaiitern AVanhlneton double com* pre.«*ed 35 00 ! Wheat 67 00 0 60.00 Whent Hey 17.00018,00 (Copyright. 1 #17. If C. Ftaher Mh»V ?W V ? CINCINNATI FANS PIN THEIR FAITH TO MATTY AND HAL CINCINNATI, 0.. March 6 ? Baseball bug* hereabout believe the destiny of the Reds, as far as 1917 is concerned. Is in keep- ing of Christy Mathewson and Hal Chase. Matty has a bunch of youth, ful pitchers to work with thia season. If he can develop a star or two from among Lefty Gerner, Jim Ring. Mike Re- gan, Roy Sanders and Hod El- ler, all snared from the bushes last fall, Red prospects of a first divlaion berth won't be so bad, as Fred Toney, Pete Schneider and Clarence Mitchell, who ap- pear due for big years, are counted on to carry most of the burden. The old master of the pitching hill will devote most of hit time at the training camp to teaching hie pitch- er* the secrets that made him the most fatuous of the big league pitch- ers. Matty worked on Pete Schneld- ! er last fall, and made a big Improve* ment In his work Elmer Knetzer, ! who still Is with the team, likewise ' showed improvement. Chase will have charge of the bat- tins ftifl of the ramp. Hal only led the league la*t year, *o he la pretty well qualified to give instructions on how to hit the elusive pill. Chase likewise will drill the vets and rookies on base running, and per Pugilistic News and Gossip At wu expected, Eddie Plnkman, the gabby lightweight, m doing a lot of talking about what he cxpecta to Jo to Archie Wyard when he geta him into the ring Friday night at I>reamiand. ? ? ? "Kid" Dobie declares he wji fouled three tlmew In hla l>out with George Roes Saturviny, at the Long- shoremen'* abow. lie want* a re turn go with the Vancouver boy. ? ? ? Willie Hoppe will be brought back \u25a0 to Seattle ere long, according to re- ports. ? ? ? Sid Mitchell, local middleweight, fight* Nick Simpson in Portland tonight. ? e e Billy Murray, the middleweight, I* doing some winning fighting in Southern California. . . e The bout between Jimmy Duffy |:ind Ilert Forbes Friday night should hiring out some clever mitt wxirh. Homer Wins Contest for 1 irst Cub Crew PASADENA, March 6. ?A home run by Deal in the ninth Inning won the game for the Chicago Cubs from the Vernon Coast league club here yesterday, JO to 9. Jaek. Britton Is Loser to Downey BY BUI) FISHER. haps shotf them a few things about fielding A great fielding and throwing out- field is sure to wear the Red this year Kddy Rousch. Tom Griffith and Xeale can go and get 'em as far as any three In the majors. Cuban Player Signed None «et the world afire last year, so Chase will take them in tow. while Manuel Cueto, a Cuban slugger lift- ed from the Virginia league, will try to beat one of them out of his job. The team is certain to be strong at two Infield |>osltlons. first and tjiird or fln»t and second. It being « uncertain right now whether Heinle Groh will play third or second. Bill McKechnle, Dave Shean, Billy Lou- don, Larry Kopf and Tommy Ro- nmnach are candidates for the other two jobs, and all RedvJUe bugs can hope Is that they will fill the bill. The catching staff does not look extra promising so far. Ivy Wlngo land Tom Clarke both had poor sea- sons last year. KmII Huhn was sick most of the summer, but showed promise at the tail end. Hubn ban nn excellent chance of becoming one of the first-string backstops this year. Fifth or sixth place seems to be the best the Reds can hope for. There is no silly pennant tajk being stirred up here, as the team doean't look as good as the one Buck Herzog took South last spring. However, Herzog'a tactics as manager failed to get the results the team was capa- ble of, and If the Reds Oon't have anything else this year except har- mony. they are pretty sure to have that, and harmony never kept a team down In the race. REAL PAINLESS DENTISTS In order to Introduce onr new (whalebone) plate, which U tfc* lighteat and strongest plate know*. does not rorer the roof of the mouth; rou «aa bite corn oft the cob: guaranteed IB years. Oold crown «S.M lis set of teeth (whalebone) tft.oo |10 set of teeth 15.00 Bridge work, per tooth. gol< IS.Ofl White crowns 95.00 Oold fillings ?1-00 u* Stiver filling* ??? Platina flll!n«e - "? All work juarenteed fer II yeare. Hirt tmpreeeton taken In tte rawew» Ing and get teeth sania day. Kaaas- tnatton and advice free. Cell Hn 'aasta ef *sr Plate aad Bride* Wtrk. We ateed th* Teat et Time. Most of our present patronage te recommended by our early custom- ers, whm« work ts ettll giving good tstisfartion. Ask our customers wbe have tested our work When oomlag to our office, he ear* you are la the right piece Bring this ad with yen. OHIOi? ier tmrvKaiiTT w. COLUMBUS, 0., March 6.?Jack Britton, claimant of the welter- weight title, lost a 12-round newt- paper decision here last night to Bryan Downey, a local boxer. Com mil no this ahothib why w-s cur tobacco is mu and chkawsQ NY POUCH oTw-S CUT TOBACCO ISM'T AS 810 AS VOU* LOOSE - SACK, iur ITS aiTTER I JUDGE, THAT FELLOW HAS I AND CHtAPf ..BtCAOSt IT C- CAUGHT OH TO IT ALL s »' I s AH P ' [jstl G h * HERE'S something curious about W-B CUT Chew* ing?it takes less out of your pocket and put* a better chew into your mouth. No big plug sagging your pocket, 110 big wad sagging your cheek. Half as much of this rich tobocco goes twice as far as ordinary plug. W-B saves your silver and gives you a silver-lining feel- ing of happiness all over. You can't help from telling your friends about W-B. M»J« ky WF.YMAN BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Uaiw Sjaan, Ntw Twfc Ctj

The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1917-03-06 [p 9] · 2017-12-22 · will get under way in Seattle on April 24 with Herb lie-ter's scrappy t ireat Fall* an frcgation

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Page 1: The Seattle Star (Seattle, Wash.) (Seattle, Wash.) 1917-03-06 [p 9] · 2017-12-22 · will get under way in Seattle on April 24 with Herb lie-ter's scrappy t ireat Fall* an frcgation


N. W. League Season Opens on Local Ball Lot April 24: Seattle vs. Great FallsLEAGUE WILL



BASI.U \LL. the 1917son of the X. \\ league

will get under way in Seattleon April 24 with Herb lie-ter's scrappy t ireat Fall* anfrcgation furnishing the oppo-sition for Dugdalc's newlyrenovated team.

This is according to thedope from Spokane, where theleague officials arc sipping softdrinks atul holding dry ban-quets while lining 'up theleague's business for the com-ing gonfalon chase. Festivi-ties will be brought to a closeon September 9, one week

iter than last season.As is the usual custom, the

Va«on will open in Seattle.Ticonia ami Spokane. BobBrown tried to hook an opcti-

i/ip date for Vancouver butEvas unsuccessful.

THE HOLIDAY dates will beIpmred around before the work ofdrawing up the schedule goc* onBob Brown. Vancouver; Rum Ilall.

\V. R, D»v«\v, llutte. udI S. H. Jensen. tireat Full#. have this

bualacy* well In hand Vancouveropens at Tmcotn* nud Butte at Spo-kane.

NICK WIUJAMB ha* nlgned ,«p

for two exhibition games In Port-land with a couple of faat *eml pro

clubs there. Thl* will brine to ack»* hia barn* Untiling trip fromStockton to th? Northwest. FromPortland he will go directly to Spo-kane and put hia team In shape toopen the season. The (tuned InTortUnd are net for Aprtl 11 and15.

EARL THOMPSON, the promt*ing young first eacker with Tacomalast yeer. 1* balking, and mar notplar with the Tiger* this neaaon.Earl ha* garnered a woo J Job down

and doean t like to comeNorthweat to plar ball for ao

\u25a0 abort a season. He haa writtenI Ruaa Hall that he la satisfied withI hia contract with the Tiger*, but

r would like to keep his Job.

I T**-

Dr. J. R. Binyofi



We ar« one of the f.w eptleel

In the Korthweat that really

*rir.'l IcnMt from start t»» finish,

and we are the omly ? !» Seattle

M First Kiamtnatlon fr**.I>y grad J*te optometrist. Ola**"* notpr?crlbrrt unlesa absolutely uecea-?trr.

BINYON OPTICAL CO.ma rinvr avk.

jSeer ftmrrm »«. fWae *«!« IMS

«ee Dr. Edwin J. Brown

HIMSELFaaatiM 'IWHilil' rxr" *? VfjiLmkdtmt DCOUSII.t.. Hl*rh.

Oat a lis ?? ?*' ?' '?*<»

tar 111 ee. ar a ill ? ? ?« jflKrlot llt.ee Th?« prtcaa la

alas* \u25a0tfwiiti wtiaeei




Richard Wheeler, the malamember of Wheeler and Dolan,dancers extraordinary appear-

ing this week at the O-pheum.la no other than our old friend,

"Fighting" Dick Wheeler, for-

mer Pariflc Coast llgntweightchimp on. Dick la a native ofSan Francisco and has loughtsome of the best lightweightsIn the world. He trained Fred-

die Welsh for his flrat flgntwith Willie Ritchie.

Sine* taking up th# lightfantaatlc and becoming anactor. Whealsr hat had oeca-aion to vlait many part* of tha

world. Ha wai caught In Mos-cow, Ruaala. when tha warbroka out. How h« got awayfrom tha war stricken countrymakea quite a story. He haaagreed to tall the readera ofTIA Star why He forsook theaquared circle for the foot-

llghta and aome of hia eaperl-

encea while traveling over theworld.

Tha flrat articla appeara to-morrow.

Les Darcy May BoxDillon in Denver

Is Latest Report

DENVER, March 6 ?JackDillon, and Les Darcy, Aus-tralian champion, have accept-

ed terma for a 20-round fightfor a purss cf $20,000 to befought In Denver within thenext 60 days, according to In-formation recaived today. Thabattle will be staged In the

Denver Stock Varde Stadiumby Jack Kanner, promoter of

the National Athletic club, who

it to be backed by a group ofbusiness men.

Cub Scconds WinnersOver Coast Leaguers

PORTER VIU.JS. Cal . March fi

The Chicago Cub second* defeatedthe Salt l-»ke Coasters here yester-day in a training game, o to I.

Till *?* TOin litv.r*n b» "lltninarby th»

Rupture Htipport We

five fre« trial to prove Its superior*

ty.A. 1.1 MIHK.Kf* ?«.

110? Third *rr

Western Union LifeSpokani, U. S. A.

«»wa>e.« February 20, 1917

> Washington Title Insurance Company,Seattle, Washington*


Please be advised that our Finance Committeehas decided to require title insurance on allSeattle loans hereafter made by the WesternUnion Life Insurance Company.

Experience has proved that an absoluteguaranty of title, based upon a thoroughexamination of the title, gives the highestoteasure of proteotion to the investors

Please mall to this office a few additionalschedules of rates and supply of applicationstor title Insurance on nortgage loans*

Tours truly

RLR:VL President*


H I I AND JEFF ?Even Edison Makes Sonic Mistakes

Captain Frank Foyston, ofthe Seattle Ice Hockey club,

has been selected aa the mostvaluable player and best all-around man in the league

The selection was made fol-

lowing reports tsndsred league

officiate In Vancouver by thaofficial acorera In Spokane,Portland. Vancouver and here.Two acorere chose Foyston forthe first place and one rankedhim second to Mickey Mackay,the Vancouver youth.

Foyston will bo presentedwith a trophy by the Icagus forhia good work.

? ? ?

THE SEATTLE and Vancouverteama will play six man hockeywhen they claah on the local Icetonight In an exhlbltl'Mi fraca*Vancouver consented to thla. fol-lowing th« acceptance of the chal-lenge by Seattle. The six mangame 1* played In the Kaat and He-al! le wants to try it out before theworld * »«Tte*. *hlch will Marthern on March 19 with Ottawa, ofthe National Hockey association,

the probable opponent* of thelocal*. Tonight'* lineup

Vancouver.Holmes Goal !<*hmanHowe Defense BatrlckCarpenter ... l>efen#e (irlffla

Walker Hover MarKay


Purdue university Is to hsveall-year football practice. From

their record laet year all-year

'practice ahouid make

them fairly fit to tackle high

achool teams.? ? *

If there la to be a military train-ing for »aseball player*, pleaaeomit the Seattle Giants. They sol-diered eno-igh !a»t *ea*on.

? ? ?

Hughie Jennings *»)* Detroitwill win thp American league pen-nant. Hughlo deserve* a medalfor optimism.

Tennis Came Hereto He Given Boost

Kenttle bid* fair to become one ofthe tennis renter* of the country.Delegated to the annual meeting ofthe I'nlte 1 Hiatcs National l/iwnTennis association hive laid plansto further the development ofyoung player* here.

Wants U. VV. FreshmanCrew to Racc in Cal.

A guarantee of 1100 toward de-fraying sxpenees of eendlng the U.of W. freshmen crew to Californianext month for thp races on the

Oakland estuary has been made byRalph Stroud, graduate manager oftthletics at the University Of Cali-fornia.

Want U. W. BaseballTeam to Pay Visit

Haxebnll enthunlmtt* In Trrad-well am! Juneau, Alaska, would liketo m-f the t'. of W. haacball Inamin action against somo of the mmiil-pro organizations In the North. lu-qulrie* have been made as fo wheth-er such a trip could hn made or notafter the close of the university inJune.

S. A. C. Wins AmateurI Jockey Championship

The first amateur lee hockeychampionship ever played for In Se-attle was won last night by the Se-attle Athletic club septet. It de-feated the Auto club, 2 to 1, In ahard-fought melee.

Carl Stoeckcr StillWinning at Cue GameKeeplnc up bin brilliant plnjinj!.

Carl Stoecker defeated Meade loutnight at Hrown A- Union's billiardparlor*. 200 to 130, In one of theneriea of gammi now on for thecity balk line title.



GAME HERE THIS EVEMorrla Onter TaylorKoynton . . , I.eft Wlrk Stanley

Wllnon ....lUght Win*... Roberta

Rltey-Klckef ftlilt y Moynra? ? ?

GOOD NEWS ban liwn nervwlthe h<x-key fan* in the annoiinrf*-ntflt that no advani"* In price willb« made for the world* aerleagamea.

? ? ?

CORDON ROBERTS, the Vanrouter atar aeorer. who loat theleague honora to Heroin Morrla of

Hostile by one joint. Mill be amonKthe Mllllonalrea tonight. Me aayaho will try and aoore more i>olntathan Morrla tonight. at any rate.

Cut Down theHigh Cost of

LivingHuy your grocery *'»pplle»

from firsthand and a«*emoney Make up a list of yourrequirement*, s'ich a» OliveOil, Coffee, Tee. Cannedt#ooda. I>ry Fruit. Sugar.

Flour, etc. and you will **?

for yourself that 10' i to SO**ran ewaily be *a».-d bv Inking

advantage of wh'lcsale prices.

Call Up Elliott 652Alaska and msll order* giv-

en special attention.

Vittacci Importing Co.Manufacturers and Wholssals

OroceraCoffee Roaete'S

309 Occidental Ave.




HAVE NO FEARIt In a*tont*hln* th* numhT c»f

people who are afraid «>f th« dcntlat.Wh«in decayed mid dl*oa*ed tr»#? tH

are neele* led they reat h *uch a ter-

rible condition that e i>*r*on In \u25a0Im-ply compelled In thf end. f'»r health*Rnk". to 4 h«v« the teeth and mouthattended t<>

r>o not w»|t nnt 11 your teeth ko to"plKfd." fom« to my office tli«

firnt opportunity and hive them ei-

anilned. More than likely your teeth»,ee,i hut little attention. Butwhether your mi" I* elrnple or <11 ffl -

r lit 1 guarant** t<» put your mouthInto it clean. aound. healthful atwte

hi lowept |»r4ce« and absolutely fr#?*from pain

I fill and » xtra« t teeth absolutely! without pain or had after effect*.

P% I \ !.?*?** \I *Tl%l»l.\TI*T

Third aad Piker.atranee ISM Tblril Avp.

Open Sunday, 9*30 a m. to 1 p. in

Fred Mitchell

Cheeae price* are *tirfenlng un-der the demand front the Kiuit. 'I*ll--cheese advanced II cent* In

Cortland yesterday.

Onion* will take the big dive*oon. acconlln* lo the dope*(erx,

due to the Influx of AuMrallun andNew Zealand onion*.

I'rli Paid l>e«|rr* far\egetable* und I mil

4 4\ n.rTAm t i

%r1 lehokea?Per do* 1 ?»

IWii l'»r **»k ?"?

|tru**rl*f»prwiU P*r lb II( ti>i»i|e \»w flat Duteh, lb ' 0 0J» V »

Winnle**tead *O»*0O7Carrot* Per »ack 71.01 2»l autlflotrer Per rrata. 2 do« ITICelery Per crate ... «5O0«7(«m Hiiak* Per lb. 03H( in umbere?

No. I ft*No S 1.31

I ganiani Florida, per lb

I.arllr . new. pir Ih l*#r.'?«H»r»eradUh -I. *1. p*r lb 10|.rtllire Per c»*te?

!x»ral httbAUM 131Cal 5 6"#: 76

Ok ra Par boa4>at<»n* -

Oregon I fto ISYakima Oiff 10

Holltn* 04'*Oreen. pfr dnl 31

i Parsley?I Cal. per d<*« hunchea 1"Paraalpa l>r **rk


In HOCKEY GAME\u25a0 *


For Trophies Donated by Mr. AlexanderPanlages

Vancouver vs. SeattleTONIGHT8:30 P. M. SHARP


Don't fall to Me this game, a. every alternate match In theworld's aerie, will be under the Ea.tern rules.

Reierved Beat» Now on Sale at the Arena Office,' 1220 Fifth Ave.* Phone Main 2493


"Mysterious Mitchell"

Alwjve Un photo iaK< 11 of Creil Yapp, better known nowaday*

a* Kred Mitchell, manager of the Chicago Cub*. When thla pic-

ture wa» taken. MitchnJl *»» a member of Ihe Ix>* Angele* club,of Ibe I'aetfln Coast league.

Hp rwdwl th<s nickname ?!»*? to the fact that h« Isolated}>imarif fnmi th«> rem of the player*, and wa» never »<-en exceptwhen on the t>ench or the diamond. Me wa* a pitcher. l-YoniIdm AnKrlen he drifted around over the country to «u»ver»l minorleagued and finally landed with the lionton Brave*, where. It

wu declared. hl» iu the real |>ower behind George Stalling*.

MARKET REPORTPepper* P«r lb ?

Florida 10re I rhlll. dried ?S0 14Oreen. H» . . . 10

Peprorn NelfMka, p#r lb .... .o*oRodlohee Cal . per do* J3KntabaCH* Y*klma. «*<k J I*l

*t«|iia*H P«r lb?Hubbard 03Tnrtilp*??

Cal . per **'k S 00Yellow : 00

polatoea?~Yakima Oem* 00 000 4& 00

Heed »6 00locals Ti #0

lb. 05 4I KI IT4


Cal *tOO?7SFlorida .1:10171

Honey?New. CM* lOi'ol f-0Ptralnad .Oix%o 00

OrangM N*W na%ol 3 000 3:»Pinrfipple Florida, »rate 4.60Apple*?

Jonathan 1 00 01 *.oMivmtn wineaap 1.J&01 60l«e« al cooklne 000 1.00fipltrenberf 1io0;ooIifilrloua 1 7[. 0 j ' 0Horn* Meant f I oo« 1 50Wln*®ap 1.000? ooOrkannn* lllark 1.:0?.OOTrllow Nrwtona 1 600. 00

J Mate Paid Produrera forPoultry, \ eel and Pork

\u2666 *1Hprlwa Chicken* .21'IHick* Fat ??

Fee*I »len« fndar \u2666 lb* 1 *

i IIr?«» I lb* and over -tojI'leron* «!oo«t else. do*. I.SOTurkey* I» raaed 27\rm\ Fancy. «& to 125-lb 130 14Honalero Old. Ilva 11|Pork Oood block ho*« ISO 14S

>. Ij "C I'rl.** 1.. Krinilrr forlliittrr, l-ee* *nd 4 lir« «»o

\u2666 \u25a0 \u2666I Hillter?

Htorage, cube* 94Native Waahlngton ereeniery, cube 30Native Waahlngton creamery, brh k .40Storat". brick*

Fee* ranch 29

Domeatlc wheel

Llmbure<*r 290 .10Oreeon triplets .21Wlsconaln triplet* 28Wlacnnaln twin* 28YnUllaT Atn4llca 26

j*4 ountry llwy und 4irala(Prl«e* paid wholesaler)

! 4 ? , 4Alfalfa?N<v 1 10 00017 00Alfulfa Meal 24 00025.00Alfalfn and Mohisae* 2<". 00 027 00

, Itrun ?S 00029 00Hurler 4 4 0046 004 orn Whole 4 . «O0 4 00torn Cracked 4K oo'tf 4 9.004 hop* 4


00 0 4 .1 00

Oat* Pugel Ho'iiul...

39 00040 00l<:**t*rn Weahlngton 40.00041.00

Herat<-h Fond I: 00 0 5.1 ooHltorla 31 000 3:00Mr*** Ton . 12 00

jTimothy ?:' oo<tf ;; 00i Mlxetl 21 00 0 22.00

j Kaiitern AVanhlneton double com*pre.«*ed 35 00

! Wheat 67 00 0 60.00Whent Hey 17.00018,00

(Copyright. 1 #17. If C. FtaherMh»V ?W V ?



Baseball bug* hereabout believe

the destiny of the Reds, as far

as 1917 is concerned. Is in keep-

ing of Christy Mathewson and

Hal Chase.Matty has a bunch of youth,

ful pitchers to work with thia

season. If he can develop astar or two from among LeftyGerner, Jim Ring. Mike Re-gan, Roy Sanders and Hod El-ler, all snared from the busheslast fall, Red prospects of a firstdivlaion berth won't be so bad,

as Fred Toney, Pete Schneider

and Clarence Mitchell, who ap-pear due for big years, arecounted on to carry most of theburden.The old master of the pitching hill

will devote most of hit time at thetraining camp to teaching hie pitch-er* the secrets that made him the

most fatuous of the big league pitch-ers. Matty worked on Pete Schneld-! er last fall, and made a big Improve*ment In his work Elmer Knetzer,

! who still Is with the team, likewise' showed improvement.

Chase will have charge of the bat-

tins ftiflof the ramp. Hal only ledthe league la*t year, *o he la pretty

well qualified to give instructionson how to hit the elusive pill. Chaselikewise will drill the vets androokies on base running, and per

Pugilistic Newsand Gossip

At wu expected, Eddie Plnkman,

the gabby lightweight, m doing alot of talking about what he cxpectato Jo to Archie Wyard when he geta

him into the ring Friday night at

I>reamiand.? ? ?

"Kid" Dobie declares he wji

fouled three tlmew In hla l>out withGeorge Roes Saturviny, at the Long-shoremen'* abow. lie want* a return go with the Vancouver boy.

? ? ?

Willie Hoppe will be brought back

\u25a0 to Seattle ere long, according to re-ports.

? ? ?

Sid Mitchell, local middleweight,fight* Nick Simpson in Portlandtonight.

? e e

Billy Murray, the middleweight,I* doing some winning fighting inSouthern California.

. . e

The bout between Jimmy Duffy|:ind Ilert Forbes Friday night shouldhiring out some clever mitt wxirh.

Homer Wins Contestfor 1 irst Cub Crew

PASADENA, March 6.?A home

run by Deal in the ninth Inningwon the game for the Chicago Cubsfrom the Vernon Coast league clubhere yesterday, JO to 9.

Jaek. Britton IsLoser to Downey


haps shotf them a few things aboutfielding

A great fielding and throwing out-field is sure to wear the Red thisyear Kddy Rousch. Tom Griffithand Xeale can go and get 'em as faras any three In the majors.

Cuban Player SignedNone «et the world afire last year,

so Chase will take them in tow. whileManuel Cueto, a Cuban slugger lift-ed from the Virginia league, willtry to beat one of them out of hisjob.

The team is certain to be strongat two Infield |>osltlons. first andtjiird or fln»t and second. It being «

uncertain right now whether HeinleGroh will play third or second. BillMcKechnle, Dave Shean, Billy Lou-don, Larry Kopf and Tommy Ro-nmnach are candidates for the othertwo jobs, and all RedvJUe bugs canhope Is that they will fill the bill.

The catching staff does not lookextra promising so far. Ivy Wlngoland Tom Clarke both had poor sea-sons last year. KmII Huhn was sickmost of the summer, but showedpromise at the tail end. Hubn bannn excellent chance of becoming oneof the first-string backstops thisyear.

Fifth or sixth place seems to bethe best the Reds can hope for.There is no silly pennant tajk beingstirred up here, as the team doean'tlook as good as the one Buck Herzogtook South last spring. However,Herzog'a tactics as manager failedto get the results the team was capa-ble of, and If the Reds Oon't haveanything else this year except har-mony. they are pretty sure to havethat, and harmony never kept ateam down In the race.


In order to Introduce onr new(whalebone) plate, which U tfc*lighteat and strongest plate know*.does not rorer the roof of themouth; rou «aa bite corn oft thecob: guaranteed IB years.

Oold crown «S.Mlis set of teeth (whalebone) tft.oo|10 set of teeth 15.00Bridge work, per tooth. gol< IS.OflWhite crowns 95.00Oold fillings ?1-00 u*

Stiver filling* ???

Platina flll!n«e -"?

All work juarenteed fer IIyeare.Hirt tmpreeeton taken In tte rawew»Ing and get teeth sania day. Kaaas-tnatton and advice free.

Cell Hn 'aasta ef *sr Plateaad Bride* Wtrk. We ateed

th* Teat et Time.

Most of our present patronage terecommended by our early custom-ers, whm« work ts ettll giving goodtstisfartion. Ask our customers wbehave tested our work When oomlagto our office, he ear* you are la theright piece Bring this ad with yen.

OHIOi?ier tmrvKaiiTT w.

COLUMBUS, 0., March 6.?JackBritton, claimant of the welter-weight title, lost a 12-round newt-

paper decision here last night toBryan Downey, a local boxer.

Com milno this ahothib why w-s cur tobacco is mu and chkawsQ



s »' I s AHP ' [jstl G h*

HERE'S something curious about W-B CUT Chew*ing?it takes less out of your pocket and put* a

better chew into your mouth. No big plug sagging yourpocket, 110 big wad sagging your cheek. Half as muchof this rich tobocco goes twice as far as ordinary plug.W-B saves your silver and gives you a silver-lining feel-ing of happiness all over. You can't help from tellingyour friends about W-B.

M»J« ky WF.YMAN BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Uaiw Sjaan, Ntw Twfc Ctj