a V*__*l.» DECEIVE YOHH.-KI.K into HE- * 14EVINU THAT YOU OWE THIS HANK A LOT OK MONEY. THEN OO TO WOlllC AND I'AY OFF TIIE DEIIT 11Y DEIMSITINO A CERTAIN Sl'M EACH WEEK. .to In on Pays 4 PER CENT In are at Directors I. A MscPoi sou. '"hn W As*i». Im.eill, | 11,-, ll|.,t|l)ie|>tt. |Vae|l*Ortt», F.rUinaiut s. tnuli*. £ •*\u25a0 ***'!,. m _nV_ N. a, H.ilnrr. Chart** II tUhp, __ A. 11 BBS BBS.. lame* I- HoSeeee. t»- UNION SAVINGS* TRUST CO. 111 CHERRY .REIT. \u25a0eattl* sgenls Hank ot Cape Noma, Norn*. Al**ka. _________________j__S£3_Gs Grand Opera House Madame Gadski in Concert Thursday Evening, Dec. 15 Heir Mejrowtts. Accompanist. ITices, 11.10. tt. IS.M sod IJ- Hen* earl admission lit gallery. 11. huh- scriptton tickets may he obtained at all music stores, entitling subscribers to a "**ait at lhe d* Pa- ion mn run- carl, Tat I*, rrt-e. Bos office open CM *tit>*orl_ers Dee. I.*. General public. It*.*. II Seattlo .fsnif **i THE LEADING THEATER. -_••«•»— Main -3) Ind.. 4. AM. THIS WEEK JAMES NEILI AND COMPANY AN AMERICAN CITIZEN The Greatest American Comedy. "Play and Produ-tloa a Triumph." Popular \u25a0•—lie. tor. Tic. Itar- galn mattnee Saturday. tie. Eve- ning reservations must be railed for before I IS. mi>lUM<* teetora It o'clock noon. "Third Avenue \u25a0 Thaatof Russell * i'i-*. _4ansg*r*. "Ton bare seen th* Imitation —now see Ibe URAL. TH!!. ; " (A SWEDE I.V TUB PAHT.) Tonight and All We*_. TIM Landslide of Laughttr. Still th* Favorite, Yon Yonspn Present*.] by » matchless com- pen), aire no change In prtcea. li.it!) Phones. Mam it.. Alcazar ''£'~&,„ Thoaen—Sonart Mala 3*C_: Ind. si. TONTOHT AND a:.I. WEEK "The Black Flag*' N!<ht« and Sunday matinee. Z-c. 10c Wednesday and Saturday mat- tneeu. tie. 10c. DR. MILNE, I). I). HI. D. 8. Now Managing Director Crows Denial Oft100. of Philadelphia. Laoeated ax 11-1? HINCKLEY ULOCK. TIT BBCOND AVENUE. Ind. 264,1. Going Out of Business Price- in Pianos *nd Organs and Plnno Plsyers Are Rlaoght- erred to Quick Belling Point—Terms Made Easy. STORE OPEN EVENINGS _1309 _ H. and H. - CHESBRO PIANO DEALERS ; mi Modern Dental Parlors S2COND AYE. ANO PIKE STREET Over Paapla'i Bank HOPIATTB By our system of painless dentis- try we are sbls to crown, fill sad retract teeth absolutely without pain. W* use nothing but th* beet eSf materials. Exsminstlen Proa. Pell .*.-. ot Teeth that fit f.YOO •old Crown 45.00 OmU Killing. $1.00 •stiver rilling* so* Aft wsrfc guaranteed for 10 year*. our.-1. M to «. Hundajr. 4:10 to A RELIABLE TRANSFER CO. .Baggage, Furniture, Storage Office and storage room. 1219 First avenue. Poatofflee* building. . Phones—Sunset 602; Independent, m .' -__^_____HHB__B__B__WB» -fIIIETTO- WCUTLERY EVERY BLADE VfcWANTFI) ALBERT HANSEN Rich wnlry 706 First Aye. ASTORIA DEFEATED Seattle Athletic Club Downs Southerners by Score of II too t The Settle Athletic club foot- ball tram defeated the A*!»Ha clvTcti at llccreatton puk Sat unlay afternoon by th* score of 11 to 0. The game wss fast snd culling from start to finish. c«ery player on both trams seeming to put fntth hU betwl efforts lo "play the game." Neither side .scored during the first half, and during that stag* ol the struggle the critics t_-r.au '" predict a •> te- \u25a0' score. Seattle took a bra In the last half ol the con- test, howetcr. ami. after a succes- sion of punts and hard Ilne buck- ing, the ball wa* In Seattle's pris- —e-.-i.ti on Astoria's two-yard line. Newmeyer was shored over for the first touchdown. Iti-uUxia failed to kick. With lb* score of 5 to 0 In favor of th* local tc-iin. Cole kicked off to Astoria's 2i.-y._r_ tine. Seattle held tor down ml taking the !• ill advanced It until from the sis-yard Ua* Montgomery was sent over tar the Ist mil ieee.,l..!,mn HunttHin kicked the goal. The unit feature of the remain portion of the game waa a 50-yar,! run by Christy. Hut two plays w*re made after this, when the wbUtle blew and Ihe game was over with Seattle bating a .I*- cided al'!'. AI. .1.;. . Next Saturday afternoon the !>e- .-Uie Athletic club will line uj, »g_Jn»t th* strong Multnomah .'\u25a0 . a The Multnomah team Is one of the strongrst eggregatlona on the coast and the local rlub, football followers say. will be doing well tf the score is in snjr way rluso. 11.1.! ROUND-TIIE-TABLE GATHER INO BHOT Na 4. Strike your cue ball a trifle below the renter and to ths left, th* red ball one-third, and tbe shot will be made by two cushions, bringing the thn-.- balls together In the lower right-hand corner. BILLIARD 10URNAMENT An Inter-club billiard tournament Is now being i.isnneit between the Seattle AthMlc rlub and the Rai- nier club. A* many of the Uni- versity (fatfs members sr* slso connected with the other clubs, thst Institution w.i: not enter any rep- resentative playrrs In the tourna- ment. Th*re I* to be two Issue**. to be known a* - t»»« A anil class B, Tbls was 1 *•„'.. by the large number of entries. PLAYED TIE CAME l.'i.. ANGELES. Dec. 12—The game y<rsterday developed Into a pitchers' battle, with everything In favor of Newton up to tho eighth inning, when the Tacoma sluggers fell Upon the doctor's delivery for four bits, netting threes runs. As the local* had made three, the game ended after nine inning* with the score ot 3 to 3. A big crowd was in attendance and tbe playing waa fast and snappy at all times. Score- It. 11 15. Angel**. 10 00 0 200 o—3 3 2 Ta. ..ma 00000003 <>—3 M 0 .Batteries Newton and Bpiea; Overall and Graham. Umpire—Me- Donald. SWALLOWED POISON Domestic trouble caused Mrs. M. McDonald to attempt ml. Ids last Hattirdsv nlghl Shortly after pur- chasing some carbolic acid she- waa found writhing in the street in front of a drug store at Ninth av- enue south and Jackson street. Pa- trolman Iledgrs was called and tbe woman carried Into th* pharmacy. While the acid caused her great suffering It Is thought that sh* will liv*. At th* Heinle General hos- pital, where she wa* taken. It I* said thst she Is out of danger. The McDonalds live at CO. Tester wsy. MAKES AN APPEAL Private fllubh*. of company K. Nineteenth Infantry, has entered an appeal to tit" federal court from the court-martial, which sentenced htm to fir. ears In a military prison for an alleged shooting at American lake, last summer. Stnbba was ar- rested shortly after th* affair and tried at Tacoma. ll*was acquitted. I Imier he was tried by court-mar- ' tial and convicted. A ft ve-yo.r sen- tence waa Imposed, and be now claims that It was Illegal, as be had once been in Jeopardy. He ar- rived at Fort I .awton Saturday night and will be given a trial this , woc-k. iHJIMIIIIII IIMWIMIIIIiIII The Other End of the Popular Sport ± SOME lIOWI.EIt.. AS SEEN in TIIE TIN IIOYH. CtlACll I nit II MtV MID \V. F. in in. jit The past two years have been dls- aatrous to - Harvard football. Charges thxt fraternities and money have inn UeSrd i.i place poor turn on the eleven*, while far better material sa* tv lie found among th* m ember* of the squad, have tw*c*n hurled right md left. Coach Wrlghtlngton hss borne th* censure of the critics and has been upheld by the "swell tnob.** However. Harvard declilt-tl to \u25a0hake off f i...11'i-in tbls >e:ti She had the material to form an eleven Ihat st least gave the other mem* bers .af the "big four" a decent ar- gument. A real roach has been -»*- --cured for WH. lie Is W. T. Keid. Jr.. who ranges high In the rat v a 11 tl iii roach of sterling worth That he will turn a deaf «-ar to tb* wiles of the '.. -.i - and the Influence of wraith Is ..... ;r, I. snd that hr will glv* .. eapabts msn, rKh or poor, every chance ts expected by the student body. Sporting Briefs Tbe .-. .1" '." 1., titiri club will hold It* annual mrrtlag in the offices of President Kipllnger next Wednes- dgjr criming at o'clock. The (er. '•-**C>t_l of the University Of V. A.bi',.' etl *re is. a I *A!.l.* II! « it. in \u25a0-.; ' iii t...-.-, anil will .-i.i. rla competition fur honors durtng th* rtiraing season wltb the different class teams of th* university. This is the firm tram organised among the faculty In th* hlttory of he in stltutlnn snd th* profs are icing in fur all Its worth. MISS MIES HERE In order to secure "lorol color" for a new novel of Pacific roast lite whlrh ah. 1, writing. Miss Mai lie Ermine Wee*, author of "Hearts i.i .<.-.. i. "The t" ,-!«» "As the I Inert Pantsta." snd other pop- ulsr volumes. Is visiting th- city, DM waa here sir yesr* sgn and haa at vr.it friends in the city Thai Throbbing Head. . Would quickly lewir* you If you u»e,j Dr. King's New t.tf* 1111s. Thou* sand* of *ufferer* hay* >.',.) their malrh!**s merit for Hick snd N-r- --vou* ll' .1 c •. n. Tliey make pure blood nnd build ujt your health. Only r- .rents, motny bark if no. cured Hold by 0. O. OUV. In., druggial. Second Avenue and Y*i- lee. "*• Quality Counts at Bartell's Everything sold litre is severely cut prices. am hr Lyons' Tooth Powder .14* ' Colgate's Florida Water.... Ifte Illcksecker's Perfumes, per oa.. 4JJe Plnaud's Extracts In bulk per ox, Ml. Hast msn'* Perfumes In pretty boxes, $1.25 bottles at 05e Palmer's Perfumes in 1 ox. uni- tles, sold elsewhere at Mi and COc eacb, hern at 40* Perfums Atoralxers and Sprays. Dr. l^iiils Herbert's Malt Whisky (for medicine only) 11.23 bot- tles at 74* Infant sets with pretty little lirusht-s and Combs snd Mir- rors. SALOON j ROBBED Daring Thief Make* Way With Big Sum From A. M. Uiskcl'a Place One of Ihe iHll.lrXt robberies re- corded with the police department and one that mystifies the detect- ive* occurred at the saloon of A. M Illrkel. at 119 Yt**ler Way. formerly the t'oagrov* 1.1-inr company, be- tween 8 and » o'clock Haturday night. The men who turned ifcS tlli Ie Him.-led 111 setting away with }U4.GO tl chock* snd currency from the safe, while two bartt-odcrs were .it .HI behind the bsr sod st least I" men were In the room. The 1...1 In.*-, of lhe crime Is what surprise* *n.i bafflea the police. Tbe thief h-ad to make his way through the office and lietii tba bar In plain sight of those In th* room. y*t the trick was turned sue- ee-,.fully No one 111 the room lulms to hsve seen the rubbery sad the money waa nut visaed for a little v.r an hour from the time fee- job was dorm. A. '1 lltrknl. Ihn proprietor of the saloon, went behind the bar to cash some checks. He took the money drawer from the »af* and placed it on the tup. After ranh- Ing the i to-, k* bs was railed from behind ths bar by *om* friends and he «"e.e I there for several n.'.r. .!- \u25a0 conversing with them. He did not think anything about the money drawer and did not hare the least suspicion that anyone would'at- tempt to sneak It In the presence of so many people. After conversing with his friend* for s few moment*. Im went rose the street fur lunch. That was be- tween tt anil \u25a0> o'clock. mi his re- turn from lunch be sat in tba of. Hew all the evening. 1 I.- met drawer was called to bis attes^Um by some on* asking for ««iiie change, and vim, he wrnt to ok for It be was *urprl»<»d to find that It was gone. I "I cannot »*•« bow the trick la* ' Went ef All l_eeeien.iv A CM anything be worse tit.a la feel that Of minute will be y-'u; last? Sueb was th* tii-il.tic of Mr*. IL ll Kewi liecatury in -for three y»ar*." *h* __f____| **|l endured ln»ufT*rabl* patn from ff-t* get lon. \u25a0"'"" \u25a0 \u25a0 h and bowel ti. tH I. Ileralh e**me*a lu*vlt*bl* whentliK- I tore and all r*R»*4i** fallerd.jj At lenctb I was In 1 i- I to try l.',e-**-r|« Illttrr*. .md th* result >\u25a0\u25a0 ttilß i.x.c. I Improved al once, "l«e I'm a e.Tiu l.teiy recovered." m* 9 I Liver. Kidney. Htomirli ml _t_ea troubles lile.tri- Bttlers I* the <fct.iT me 11. ll.*. Only M It « _ i ira-tee 1 by & O. CUV, In* . drug-jut, Strand avenue and Y**l*r. mm Mia \u25a0(•>\u25a0. a )««il|H Pennyroyal Pills \u25a0 _..__~~ _ 0......1 Ml 11-l. ...... cc '",-*|.l*S*.a. . *«.. -cc....- l _i' •« \u25a0».« I - ... . I *\u25a0 •' ___•*__»"" * HII **»-**• t I lit 1.51.l l-ll e-*"-i»«a# - \u0084 Ht I. WI __AA ...en. \u25a0-.- e^- T\ —-w'/e.!*. l>. .»_. fake aa _.»•» *-*- e^^Je-'eW *..«.- —' ....-iSt^ I / , r ewel lee.ll.lt_M, \u0084, .C .a. !•-*.. a I _• at *• **"•* *-*\u25a0 ml aaat. W f-• rH-aUra \ *"» D re-..1..a.1.1. ... -W.IL.C |W 1 •*___, A I .'l—*' •• team. .. ...... M.ll Sl.ei. Wee.ee.pl.. Ill,l„e„l|,.l.,ll« le>Ce. *«•••>«. I'Ml. »* I*. Quality counts in the drug business, and you will be satisfied .it l..iitrtl'-i drug stores. These are strictly quality stores. Not an ounce of im- pure or stale drugs can come through our doors. Kvery or- der we fdace is distinctly understood to require first tjual- ity goods. Our prescription clerks fill prescriptions exactly as they are written hy your doctor. They know their husiness and know it well. They arc the most experienced men money can employ and they come to us because we can afford to pay them more—because we arc doing the business—the big business with the little profit —but in the aggregate large. Bring your prescriptions to Llartcll's. J New Store, Red Cross Annex 6to Second Aye. Old Store 506 Second Aye. Perfumes In boxes, with tmt Toi- let Sosp, at Tf. . .*(% Roger * 1lal let * l>erfu%a la 11-4 ox. tiles, st 05* Then we have soma . __hhU« sets of Kin est Imported Per- fumes, Ho(t|ie and Powders at 97.00 ml aH_SO Olovea and Handkerchief Aoxaes Collar and Cuff lime*. A Clgar Cases. ' Shaving Beta. MM Gentlemen's Traveling Set*. I.Helices' Manicure Seta, Military Brushes In . ctn.'l.'biiny with Sterling Mountings, worth 12.75, for :)2_oo £«_ i.i *__ii__jl___!lDJßH_fi!_Sl _LS2AlJkflil____l__!j w ZaMsEJ At-IM < _g*__p**rc__.-1-la^ "^—^TLJ _____ TIIE SEATTLE STAR MONDAY. DEC, is. 1004. turned without someone seeing the UU"f or thieves do It," .ml Mr. Illr- Ml Huiitwy inorntng. lime was a large nume_M* of turn at tha bur drinking and two bartenders In t-lalu sight of th. Inn Th« lob was one ot thi most darlug I ever heard of. The ml* Is at least seven fee* from thoVsr nd no one . mild lisvo i.su lti-c| over the bar and got thn bin "Whoever turned Ih* trick must luivii ,-trmi" through thn office and behind thn liar, lit ie.illl sight of tin 1 t. In the room, but tint person must have e.eeatt watching tin chance. 1 think It must have bt*en \u25a0OIMMM In our ronfldcnre. We fre- quently allow fi i.iiilj to go Into th* office to sit down, and I think It must have Ite-en someone who had previously Iw-en given tla.. It I leg* of going In llinro i.i drink. "I have list! robberies before, but this Is the 1nt1.1..-.1 that ever hup poned ill any place belonging to ta*. The follow must have had nerve lei go He them nml I*l.. \u25a0 the nosey. 1 have a list I'l some of th* checks stolen snd notified the banks to refuse payment" Until December 15 .V« have decided in make our rt halt I- ii plates with the licit tcrth fur $.1,50. Do not cover roof ttf mouth. Guaranteed to bite corn off the it tit Twelve years' guarantee. I it fir.t time. Teeth extracted without pain free by a new method. bo dan- grrott* drug*) or cocaine. Uk Gold Crowns At) eft Teeth Without iMalc*.«?^.«->U Filling. Ml,- Hour*; « a m to I p m : Hundsya OHIO PAINLESS DENTISTS 3Q7H l'"-t- BTItEET. Car. Third Av.nua 1 W. 11. Workman has nine* as- sistant t.i tl«ii«>ti I M*n»g»r <> D fiilvln. Of lln. M.-.ii tl.. I ii' -.ma Post er company. ll* was formerly a will known electrical engineer of I '10 Angelea. \u25a0_-\u25a0 NOW —^ •Is the time to select -SB? your Christmas prce- _s__ enls. <>\u0084, Hue. of Ilia Jr mWt_k iii'inds, Wat. he*. IHiish __!* fil Chains, locket*. Heart __f__f I'ln*. Links. Ilrai'i lets, Hi lies, Opera Glasses, 11.ml Hi_fcJ, Huuvcnlr HpcMrtis, Nap- kin Itlng*, Tea Het*. Out <ila**. Toilet Kets, Umbrellas snd other ar- ticles In our lln* Is complete, and our prices light down to th* bot- tom. We Are Watch Inspectors for the 6. N., N. P. and Interurban Railways HOUCHTON & HUNTER 701 KIUHT AVENHE. Near Cherry .Street. r.olil. rsOStOH m.ii.ai. ___» DENTISTS First In point nf •..•llenc* •nd durability of wurk. Imet.t.d by many; **e*ll*d by nun*. Pair.!***, p*rf*«t work at pleasing pHsaa PRICES— l____l_stl<an* frt*. hilv.r Killing* 35* Crown* and lSrwieik from $3.00 to IS.OO r«rm*n*nt list** (tbst fit) 15.00 Tw*lv*-y**r -ptsranlte Lady attendant*. II vi» i J. to *. Bundsys, t to 11. Moth i hon** BOSTON DENTAL PARLORS if BECOND AVENUIt Opp. Itos Msreh*. $12.00 Monthly Will Buy This Fine Home While You Live in It Free ]^=n____~~" ATI Jf if.j ___ T x \±s_~lV-^'' In Southeast Seattle ON THK CAKLINE ; ON THE LAKE. TAKE CAR ON WABHINOTON STREET to the most popular elo-ie iii suburb, having over twelve hundred property owners and two hundred houses sll built In four months. Two hundred sure* on the gently sloping west shore of lake Washington, plstted Into large city lota Come sr.d *** for yoiirsetf what has lew-en aceom* pllahed in two week*. We bare . .(.walks to the lake. gradtMl »trents, electric lights, telephone snd Cedar river illy water mains laid, perfect titles, free abstract* and warranty deeds. Only 15 minutes" rid*. Tsk* Wsahingloa street car to Southeast Heat tie Dis- Q^ Now crim- ; Qe-^v *-mo'tc mat* '^^ *"C ing ! --^ ___1 N ew Smoß* X^^\ Bit crs j f*^t I Size For\tell©*_ Cig-_vrs America's Best for 5c . The Kntitee.Ha Cigar I* a 5e- Cigar In pries only. In at vie and quality It compare* favorably with most lilt' Cigars. \u25a0 Schwab -_vcher Bros. •6-* Co., Inc. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS —»!»\u25a0——**-*****-****-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0— \u25a0*-*-*\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0****» MMMMtM ———— Unfortunate Men, Look! Are \.e| on* Willi ta. mm!* II wrung atari in life ' Is your weak- ened system crying out for help? Tou are nervous nii.l despondent, ill Ih* organs In th* body hi* tl*t» hk*-. you nre grow weaker, your strength la tn*t leaving you. and it will be lost to you forever. If you don't do something for yourself. My long experience makes me thor- oughly familiar with th* causes of your trouble* My treatment, known only to m*. will remove rill 111 effects of your 'tinea**. Ton can see a great Improvement from th* (li-it ailment. MY CURE FOR DISEASES _Jk_____ _~\___J___. It's painless and permanmt. and fl -"P*****".**•? Ifi no Inconvenience from duly. I M*\ *-*w-*wssi \u0084. can promise laatltig fraedom lo m \S* ___* __y 0-- every MUffe'lPl tie. Diseases of all Af \—\\__ ' WWWW __\X_\ I ULOOD POISON. A_fy^^i-_^-^yA«iES_ It may 1-. It* primary *tagc. /__*% i _\\\\________________\____\\___\ i^-WiVl hereditary nr contracted. I cure I *•,g»jLy*Sli I •i_SITTT u_____p_ijriJ, \ Ita complications, forever email- m jfff^p_f^i_ii I cstlng every vestlgs from the sys- —*. _. ,*,' *™\u0084 *\u25a0___; ..-,__ J„___^. tern Un. cure to slay rttrsd with- _\_______^ma______^_^_^W_mmtmm^^ mS_' out the use of Potassium or M*r- I2_j"" " " ' "r '"•'•• ~___s \u25a0 111 V VT* will glee you nn X-ray ssamtnatton and an honest, sclentlflo opinion of your ease KIII-Bof rharge. with nn absolute aUARANTE-B to rure you In Iho *hortest possible time without leaving an Injurious After -effect In the system. Oris personal vl*ll ts preferred, but If you cannot call, Viiit* us ORIENTAL DOCTORS i"""—M—WJPiil | " "im *&*__'- \u25a0m_l^Wm*m______e^^^__—re>a--m—^m-aa-^------\ommM 201 Second Avenue South, Corner Washington Street AAAA A£_\u25a0$&__\u25a0 AA AAAA wm^ mm mm mm vm mat fw w WW VV flfinieie^ 1 I Xmas Comes But f 1 Once a Year | JC ___ yon want good </*im, rutriAj nasi thkm Sj *5| iiE.ti:. |g» #S*9 110 teat d*lsy, but */(«• sac. f_*p**__ «Bjr fin* linsa of— Cs^ Jp LADIH AMi (JKMTH WKAHIM'I APPAttEI- 5f S P^ces Right £ ! CASH OR Prices Right A V/EEK «L CASH OR CREDIT —- $1.00 A WEEK tt* \u2666ji ji* e| Eastern Outfitting Co. 9 inc. % Corner Pike St. and Fifth Aye. & &9 Till" I'LACK TO DO YOt.'it XMAH BIIOPPINO _fe» Isiis%^sqtfps 9fi 3. t^^^ 4 «^ '-'\u25a0 - ___________*______i________________-__-» -anai-m i _».«.____-_____________. \_T O* ' If A____m*f^f!m\ 1/ -J!^ 3**^^^^] ARE YOU INTERESTED? Holiday Cnxxh at lowest prices in the city. Our great -'" per cent discount inore-ri*<.m sale. Brush ami Comb Set 7r»o Bra Comb and Mirror Set $1.50 Military Brushes, per pair $1.13 Ebonoid I'late Mirror 7..c Large Triplicate Mirror, regular $-'< $1.50 Buy "hubby" a box of cigars. Giristmas boxes 35c ami up. 75fie MAIN CORNER Second and Pike Street PRE) [VERT Phones; Main 787, Independent 798. Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry We must re thice our stock of unredeemed Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry at 50 per cent discount. We feel safe in sayinfj that there is not another store on the Pacific coast which ran equal the extraordinary low prices at which we arc disposing of this superb Vac of finery. Here you can find what you want for Christmas presents at out-half what you expected to pay and he better satisfied. Don't delay; come and make your selection now. Chicago Loan Office _ _ mmm^ __\u25a0: _____ _______ 117 Yesler Way, Opp. Seattle Hotel A Wonderful New c^S^< Discoveryfor Blood ({ ; Poison, the Disease fe r^» that Causes Ulcers, w4r\ !__*S * Sores, Eats Flesh - -4^^./^ - and Bones, Makes ____^j^^j\M t 'he Hair Fall Out. m6^|l/ p HAVE YOU GOT 4|/# blood poison? "Tjasrrsrc^r If other doctors have Ml been able to get control of your awful diss***— If other treatments bare not helped you—don't glv* up— we can help you. Our see-ret remedy stsrtled the world by It* wonderful results. No man need suffer from Blood Poison, and we shall devote our life ts saving all suffering men from this cursed blood disease. Blood poison I* a cruel master. It heeds not th* cruel agony, nor the vole* of prayer. It go** on mercilessly i_. 11». nlng th* blood, de- caying the flesh, ulcer*, mire**, copper-colored blotches eating the hone* and the Joints, and causing the hair to fall out. It saps th* strength ami health, robs the face of beauty, destroys th* power of love. Wo have discovered a mysterious secret of nslur* for those suf- fering from Blood Poison. Th* secret of this mighty heeler Is known to ii* slone. Our work Is to save men from Blood Poison, death tin.l despair. Unbelievers may scoff and sink down to foul corruption snd death. Doubt not, O readerl We ask no man to believe na but we give te every m.-in this precious pearl of purity, which quickly purifies the blood of the Blood Poison virus and makes It harmless. No man shalt sgaln be troubled with Blood Poison snd Its evil effects while we live. All our years of life have been devoted to this Pis- co very, and our remaining yeara shall b* devoted to sending tt brocd anal far to every suffering m»n and woman. Wa urg* every person suffering with Blood Poison to writ* us. We Moth not fame nor glory; our reward will be th* happiness and blessing- of th* multitude we save from th* cruel demon of Blood Poison. We Help You Quickly and Permanently Our patients cc' ye i.e. ago, by our Great Discovery, unknown to the profession, arc today sound and well and have health and chil- dren since we helped them. Don't Watte Your Time and Money •specimen!lug We hive Ihe only remedy. Absolute and positive prof*, sent sealed on application. 100-psg* book KR.KB. No branch office*. Address fully 11*1 follows: State Medical Institute Incorporated D. T. Richard*.. M. D. Office Hottni— la.m.to Bp. m Runways, 10 a. in. to Ip. m. only, ]

The Seattle star (Seattle, Wash.) 1904-12-12 [p 2]...woc-k. iHJIMIIIIIIIIMWIMIIIIiIII The Other End of the Popular Sport ± SOME lIOWI.EIt.. AS SEEN in TIIE TIN IIOYH. CtlACll I nit

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Page 1: The Seattle star (Seattle, Wash.) 1904-12-12 [p 2]...woc-k. iHJIMIIIIIIIIMWIMIIIIiIII The Other End of the Popular Sport ± SOME lIOWI.EIt.. AS SEEN in TIIE TIN IIOYH. CtlACll I nit


V*__*l.»DECEIVE YOHH.-KI.K into HE-


.to In on Pays 4 PER CENT In are at

DirectorsI. A MscPoi sou. '"hn W As*i».Im.eill, | 11,-, ll|.,t|l)ie|>tt. |Vae|l*Ortt»,F.rUinaiut s. tnuli*. £ •*\u25a0 ***'!,.m_nV_N. a, H.ilnrr. Chart** II tUhp, __A. 11 BBSBBS.. lame* I- HoSeeee. t»-


\u25a0eattl* sgenls Hank ot Cape Noma,Norn*. Al**ka.


Grand Opera HouseMadame Gadski

in ConcertThursday Evening, Dec. 15

Heir Mejrowtts. Accompanist.ITices, 11.10. tt. IS.M sod IJ- Hen*

earl admission lit gallery. 11. huh-scriptton tickets may he obtained atall music stores, entitling subscribersto a "**ait at lhe d* Pa- ion mn run-carl, Tat I*, rrt-e.

Bos office open CM *tit>*orl_ers

Dee. I.*. General public. It*.*. II


THE LEADING THEATER.-_••«•»— Main -3) Ind.. 4.



The Greatest American Comedy."Play and Produ-tloa a Triumph."

Popular \u25a0•—lie. tor. Tic. Itar-galn mattnee Saturday. tie. Eve-ning reservations must be railed forbefore I IS. mi>lUM<* teetora Ito'clock noon.

"Third Avenue\u25a0 Thaatof

Russell * i'i-*. _4ansg*r*.

"Ton bare seen th* Imitation —nowsee Ibe URAL. TH!!. ; "

(A SWEDE I.V TUB PAHT.)Tonight and All We*_.

TIM Landslide of Laughttr. Stillth* Favorite,

Yon YonspnPresent*.] by » matchless com-

pen), aire no change In prtcea.li.it!) Phones. Mam it..

Alcazar ''£'~&,„Thoaen—Sonart Mala 3*C_: Ind. si.


"The Black Flag*'N!<ht« and Sunday matinee. Z-c.

10c Wednesday and Saturday mat-tneeu. tie. 10c.

DR. MILNE, I). I). HI. D. 8.Now Managing Director

Crows Denial Oft100.of Philadelphia.

Laoeated ax11-1? HINCKLEY ULOCK.


Going Out ofBusiness

Price- in Pianos *nd Organs and

Plnno Plsyers Are Rlaoght-

erred to Quick Belling

Point—Terms MadeEasy.



; mi

Modern Dental ParlorsS2COND AYE. ANO PIKE STREET

Over Paapla'i Bank


By our system of painless dentis-try we are sbls to crown, fill sadretract teeth absolutely withoutpain. W* use nothing but th* beeteSf materials.

Exsminstlen Proa.Pell .*.-. ot Teeth that fit f.YOO•old Crown 45.00OmU Killing. $1.00•stiver rilling* so*

Aft wsrfc guaranteed for 10 year*.our.-1. M to «. Hundajr. 4:10 to A

RELIABLE TRANSFER CO..Baggage, Furniture, Storage

Office and storage room. 1219First avenue. Poatofflee* building.. Phones—Sunset 602; Independent,m .' -__^_____HHB__B__B__WB»



706 First Aye.


Seattle Athletic Club Downs

Southerners by Score of II

too t

The Settle Athletic club foot-ball tram defeated the A*!»HaclvTcti at llccreatton puk Sat unlayafternoon by th* score of 11 to 0.The game wss fast snd cullingfrom start to finish. c«ery player on

both trams seeming to put fntth hUbetwl efforts lo "play the game."Neither side .scored during thefirst half, and during that stag* olthe struggle the critics t_-r.au '"predict a •> te- \u25a0' score. Seattle tooka bra In the last half ol the con-test, howetcr. ami. after a succes-sion of punts and hard Ilne buck-ing, the ball wa* In Seattle's pris-

—e-.-i.ti on Astoria's two-yard line.Newmeyer was shored over for thefirst touchdown. Iti-uUxia failed tokick.

With lb* score of 5 to 0 In favorof th* local tc-iin. Cole kicked offto Astoria's 2i.-y._r_ tine. Seattleheld tor down ml taking the !• illadvanced It until from the sis-yardUa* Montgomery was sent over tarthe Ist mil ieee.,l..!,mn HunttHinkicked the goal. The unit feature ofthe remain portion of the gamewaa a 50-yar,! run by Christy. Huttwo plays w*re made after this,when the wbUtle blew and Ihe gamewas over with Seattle bating a .I*-cided al'!'. AI. .1.;. .

Next Saturday afternoon the !>e-.-Uie Athletic club will line uj,»g_Jn»t th* strong Multnomah .'\u25a0 .• a The Multnomah team Is one ofthe strongrst eggregatlona on thecoast and the local rlub, footballfollowers say. will be doing well tfthe score is in snjr way rluso.



Na 4.Strike your cue ball a triflebelow

the renter and to ths left, th* redball one-third, and tbe shot will bemade by two cushions, bringing thethn-.- balls together In the lowerright-hand corner.


An Inter-club billiard tournamentIs now being i.isnneit between theSeattle AthMlc rlub and the Rai-nier club. A* many of the Uni-versity (fatfs members sr* slsoconnected with the other clubs, thstInstitution w.i: not enter any rep-resentative playrrs In the tourna-ment. Th*re I* to be two Issue**.to be known a* - t»»« A anil classB, Tbls was 1 *•„'.. by thelarge number of entries.


game y<rsterday developed Into apitchers' battle, with everything Infavor of Newton up to tho eighthinning, when the Tacoma sluggersfell Upon the doctor's delivery forfour bits, netting threes runs. As thelocal* had made three, the gameended after nine inning* with thescore ot 3 to 3. A big crowd wasin attendance and tbe playing waafast and snappy at all times. Score-

It. 11 15.Angel**. 10 00 0 2 0 0 o—3 3 2Ta. ..ma 00000003 <>—3 M 0

.Batteries — Newton and Bpiea;Overall and Graham. Umpire—Me-Donald.


Domestic trouble caused Mrs. M.McDonald to attempt ml. Ids lastHattirdsv nlghl Shortly after pur-chasing some carbolic acid she- waafound writhing in the street infront of a drug store at Ninth av-enue south and Jackson street. Pa-trolman Iledgrs was called and tbewoman carried Into th* pharmacy.While the acid caused her greatsuffering It Is thought that sh* willliv*. At th* Heinle General hos-pital, where she wa* taken. It I*said thst she Is out of danger. TheMcDonalds live at CO. Tester wsy.


Private fllubh*. of company K.Nineteenth Infantry, has entered anappeal to tit" federal court from thecourt-martial, which sentenced htmto fir. ears In a military prisonfor an alleged shooting at Americanlake, last summer. Stnbba was ar-rested shortly after th* affair andtried at Tacoma. ll*was acquitted.

I Imier he was tried by court-mar- '

tial and convicted. A ft ve-yo.r sen-tence waa Imposed, and be nowclaims that It was Illegal, as behad once been in Jeopardy. He ar-rived at Fort I.awton Saturdaynight and willbe given a trial this ,woc-k. iHJIMIIIIIIIIMWIMIIIIiIII

The Other End of the Popular Sport ±


CtlACll I nit II MtV MID

\V. F. in in. jit

The past two years have been dls-aatrous to - Harvard football.Charges thxt fraternities and moneyhave inn UeSrd i.i place poor turnon the eleven*, while far bettermaterial sa* tv lie found among th*member* of the squad, have tw*c*nhurled right md left. CoachWrlghtlngton hss borne th* censureof the critics and has been upheldby the "swell tnob.**

However. Harvard declilt-tl to\u25a0hake off f i...11'i-in tbls >e:ti Shehad the material to form an elevenIhat st least gave the other mem*

bers .af the "big four" a decent ar-gument. A real roach has been -»*---cured for WH. lie Is W. T. Keid.Jr.. who ranges high In the rat va 11 tl iii roach of sterling worthThat he will turn a deaf «-ar to tb*wiles of the '.. -.i - and the Influenceof wraith Is ..... ;r, I. snd that hrwill glv* .. eapabts msn, rKh orpoor, every chance ts expected bythe student body.

Sporting BriefsTbe .-. .1" '." 1., titiri club will hold

It* annual mrrtlag in the offices ofPresident Kipllnger next Wednes-dgjr criming at • o'clock.

The (er. '•-**C>t_l of the UniversityOf V. A.bi',.' etl *re is. a I *A!.l.*II!«it. in \u25a0-.; ' iii t...-.-, anil will .-i.i. rlacompetition fur honors durtng th*rtiraing season wltb the differentclass teams of th* university. Thisis the firm tram organised amongthe faculty In th* hlttory of he instltutlnn snd th* profs are icing infur all Its worth.


In order to secure "lorol color"for a new novel of Pacific roastlite whlrh ah. 1, writing. Miss Mailie Ermine Wee*, author of "Heartsi.i .<.-.. i. "The t" ,-!«» i» "Asthe I Inert Pantsta." snd other pop-ulsr volumes. Is visiting th- city,DM waa here sir yesr* sgn and haaat vr.it friends in the city

Thai Throbbing Head. .Would quickly lewir* you If you u»e,j

Dr. King's New t.tf* 1111s. Thou*sand* of *ufferer* hay* >.',.) theirmalrh!**s merit for Hick snd N-r---vou* ll' .1 c •. n. Tliey make pureblood nnd build ujt your health.Only r- .rents, motny bark if no.cured Hold by 0. O. OUV. In.,druggial. Second Avenue and Y*i-lee. "*•

QualityCounts at


Everything sold litre is severely cut prices. amhr Lyons' Tooth Powder .14* 'Colgate's Florida Water.... IfteIllcksecker's Perfumes, per oa..

4JJePlnaud's Extracts In bulk per ox,


Hast msn'* Perfumes In prettyboxes, $1.25 bottles at 05e

Palmer's Perfumes in 1 ox. uni-tles, sold elsewhere at Mi andCOc eacb, hern at 40*

Perfums Atoralxers and Sprays.Dr. l^iiils Herbert's Malt Whisky

(for medicine only) 11.23 bot-tles at 74*

Infant sets with pretty littlelirusht-s and Combs snd Mir-rors.


Daring Thief Make* Way With

Big Sum From A. M. Uiskcl'a


One of Ihe iHll.lrXt robberies re-corded with the police departmentand one that mystifies the detect-ive*occurred at the saloon of A. MIllrkel. at 119 Yt**ler Way. formerlythe t'oagrov* 1.1-inr company, be-tween 8 and » o'clock Haturdaynight. The men who turned ifcStlli Ie Him.-led 111 setting away

with }U4.GO tl chock* snd currencyfrom the safe, while two bartt-odcrswere .it .HI behind the bsr sodst least I" men were In the room.

The 1...1 In.*-, of lhe crime Is whatsurprise* *n.i bafflea the police.Tbe thief h-ad to make his waythrough the office and lietii tbabar In plain sight of those In th*room. y*t the trick was turned sue-ee-,.fully No one 111 the room• lulms to hsve seen the rubbery sadthe money waa nut visaed for alittle • v.r an hour from the timefee- job was dorm.

A. '1 lltrknl. Ihn proprietor of thesaloon, went behind the bar tocash some checks. He took themoney drawer from the »af* andplaced it on the tup. After ranh-Ing the i to-, k* bs was railed frombehind ths bar by *om* friends andhe «"e.e I there for several n.'.r. .!- \u25a0

conversing with them. He did notthink anything about the moneydrawer and did not hare the leastsuspicion that anyone would'at-tempt to sneak It In the presenceof so many people.

After conversing with his friend*for s few moment*. Im went rosethe street fur lunch. That was be-tween tt anil \u25a0> o'clock. mi his re-turn from lunch be sat in tba of.Hew all the evening. 1 I.- metdrawer was called to bis attes^Umby some on* asking for ««iiiechange, and vim, he wrnt to okfor It be was *urprl»<»d to findthat It was gone. I

"I cannot »*•« bow the trick la* 'Went ef All l_eeeien.iv A

CM anything be worse tit.a lafeel that Of minute will be y-'u;last? Sueb was th* tii-il.tic ofMr*. IL ll Kewi liecatury in-for three y»ar*." *h* __f____| **|lendured ln»ufT*rabl* patn from ff-t*get lon. \u25a0"'"" \u25a0 \u25a0 h and bowel ti. tH I.Ileralh e**me*a lu*vlt*bl*whentliK-

I tore and all r*R»*4i** fallerd.jj Atlenctb I was In 1 i- • I to try l.',e-**-r|«

Illttrr*. .md th* result >\u25a0\u25a0 ttilßi.x.c. I Improved al once, "l«eI'm a e.Tiu l.teiy recovered." m*9 ILiver. Kidney. Htomirli ml _t_ea

troubles lile.tri- Bttlers I* the <fct.iTme 11. ll.*. Only M It « _

i ira-tee 1by & O. CUV, In* . drug-jut, Strandavenue and Y**l*r.mm Mia \u25a0(•>\u25a0. a )««il|HPennyroyal Pills\u25a0 _..__~~ _ 0......1 Ml 11-l. _»......cc '",-*|.l*S*.a. . *«.. -cc....- l _i' •« \u25a0».« I - ... . I*\u25a0

•' ___•*__»"" * HII **»-**•t I lit 1.51.l l-lle-*"-i»«a# - \u0084 Ht I. WI __AA ...en. \u25a0-.- e^-

T\ —-w'/e.!*. l>. .»_. fake aa _.»•»

*-*- e^^Je-'eW *..«.- —' ....-iSt^I / , r ewel lee.ll.lt_M, \u0084, .C .a. !•-*.. aI _• at *• **"•**-*\u25a0 ml aaat. W f-•rH-aUra\ *"» D re-..1..a.1.1. ... -W.IL.C |W

1 •*___, A I .'l—*' •• team. .. ...... M.ll

Sl.ei. Wee.ee.pl.. Ill,l„e„l|,.l.,ll«le>Ce. *«•••>«. I'Ml. »* I*.

Quality counts in the drug business, and you will besatisfied .it l..iitrtl'-i drug stores.

These are strictly quality stores. Not an ounce of im-pure or stale drugs can come through our doors. Kvery or-der we fdace is distinctly understood to require first tjual-ity goods.

Our prescription clerks fill prescriptions exactly as theyare written hy your doctor. They know their husiness andknow it well. They arc the most experienced men moneycan employ and they come to us because we can afford topay them more—because we arc doing the business—the bigbusiness with the little profit —but in the aggregate large.

Bring your prescriptions to Llartcll's. JNew Store, Red Cross Annex 6to Second Aye.

Old Store 506 Second Aye.

Perfumes In boxes, with tmt Toi-let Sosp, at Tf.. .*(%

Roger * 1lal let * l>erfu%a la11-4 ox. tiles, st 05*

Then we have soma . __hhU«

sets of Kin est Imported Per-fumes, Ho(t|ie and Powders at

97.00 ml aH_SO

Olovea and Handkerchief AoxaesCollar and Cuff lime*. AClgar Cases. 'Shaving Beta. MMGentlemen's Traveling Set*.I.Helices' Manicure Seta,

Military Brushes In . ctn.'l.'biinywith Sterling Mountings, worth12.75, for :)2_oo

£«_ i.i*__ii__jl___!lDJßH_fi!_Sl_LS2AlJkflil____l__!j w ZaMsEJ At-IM

<_g*__p**rc__.-1-la^ "^—^TLJ _____


turned without someone seeing theUU"f or thieves do It," .ml Mr. Illr-Ml Huiitwy inorntng. lime wasa large nume_M* of turn at tha burdrinking and two bartenders Int-lalu sight of th. Inn Th« lob wasone ot thi most darlug I everheard of. The ml* Is at least seven

fee* from thoVsr nd no one . mild

lisvo i.su lti-c| over the bar and got

thn bin"Whoever turned Ih* trick must

luivii ,-trmi" through thn office andbehind thn liar, lit ie.illl sight oftin 1 t. In the room, but tint personmust have e.eeatt watching tinchance. 1 think It must have bt*en\u25a0OIMMM In our ronfldcnre. We fre-quently allow fi i.iiiljto go Into th*office to sit down, and I think Itmust have Ite-en someone who hadpreviously Iw-en given tla.. It Ileg*

of going In llinro i.i drink."I have list! robberies before, but

this Is the 1nt1.1..-.1 that ever hup

poned ill any place belonging tota*. The follow must have hadnerve lei go He them nml I*l..\u25a0 thenosey. 1 have a list I'l some ofth* checks stolen snd notified thebanks to refuse payment"

Until December 15.V« have decided in make our

rt halt I- ii plates with the licittcrth fur $.1,50. Do not coverroof ttf mouth.

Guaranteed to bite corn offthe it tit

Twelve years' guarantee.I it fir.t time.

Teeth extracted without painfree by a new method. bo dan-grrott* drug*) or cocaine.Uk Gold Crowns At) eftTeeth Without iMalc*.«?^.«->UFilling. Ml,-Hour*; « a m to I p m : Hundsya


Car. Third Av.nua 1

W. 11. Workman has nine* as-sistant t.i tl«ii«>tiI M*n»g»r <> Dfiilvln. Of lln. M.-.ii tl.. I ii'-.ma Poster company. ll* was formerly awill known electrical engineer ofI '10 Angelea. \u25a0_-\u25a0


•Is the time to select-SB? your Christmas prce-_s__ enls. <>\u0084, Hue. of Ilia

JrmWt_k iii'inds, Wat. he*. IHiish__!* fil Chains, locket*. Heart__f__f I'ln*. Links. Ilrai'i lets,

Hi lies, Opera Glasses,

11.ml Hi_fcJ, Huuvcnlr HpcMrtis, Nap-kin Itlng*, Tea Het*. Out <ila**.Toilet Kets, Umbrellas snd other ar-ticles In our lln* Is complete, andour prices light down to th* bot-tom.

We Are Watch Inspectorsfor the 6. N., N. P. and

Interurban RailwaysHOUCHTON & HUNTER

701 KIUHT AVENHE.Near Cherry .Street.

r.olil. rsOStOHm.ii.ai. ___» DENTISTS

First In point nf ••..•llenc*•nd durability of wurk.

Imet.t.d by many; **e*ll*dby nun*.

Pair.!***, p*rf*«t work atpleasing pHsaa

PRICES—l____l_stl<an* frt*.hilv.r Killing* 35*Crown* and lSrwieik from

$3.00 to IS.OOr«rm*n*nt list** (tbst fit)

15.00Tw*lv*-y**r-ptsranlteLady attendant*.

II vi» i J. to *. Bundsys, tto 11. Moth i hon**


if BECOND AVENUItOpp. Itos Msreh*.

$12.00 Monthly WillBuy This Fine Home

While You Live in It Free

]^=n____~~" ATIJfif.j • ___ T x\±s_~lV-^''

In Southeast SeattleON THK CAKLINE ; ON THE LAKE.

TAKE CAR ON WABHINOTON STREET to the most popularelo-ie iii suburb, having over twelve hundred property owners andtwo hundred houses sll built In four months. Two hundred sure*

on the gently sloping west shore of lake Washington, plstted Intolarge city lota Come sr.d ***for yoiirsetf what has lew-en aceom*pllahed in two week*. We bare . .(.walks to the lake. gradtMl»trents, electric lights, telephone snd Cedar river illywater mainslaid, perfect titles, free abstract* and warranty deeds.

Only 15 minutes" rid*. Tsk* Wsahingloa street car to SoutheastHeat tie

Dis- Q^ Nowcrim- ; Qe-^v *-mo'tcmat*


ing ! --^ ___1 NewSmoß* X^^\ Bitcrs j f*^t I Size


America's Best for 5c. The Kntitee.Ha Cigar I* a 5e- Cigar In pries only. In at vie andquality Itcompare* favorably with most lilt' Cigars.


Schwab -_vcher Bros.•6-* Co., Inc.


—»!»\u25a0——**-*****-****-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0— \u25a0*-*-*\u25a0—\u25a0\u25a0****»MMMMtM————Unfortunate Men, Look!Are \.e| on* Willi ta. mm!* II wrung atari in life ' Is your weak-

ened system crying out for help? Tou are nervous nii.l despondent,ill Ih* organs In th* body hi* tl*t» hk*-. you nre grow weaker, yourstrength la tn*t leaving you. and it will be lost to you forever. If youdon't do something for yourself. My long experience makes me thor-oughly familiar with th* causes of your trouble* My treatment,known only to m*. will remove rill 111 effects of your 'tinea**. Ton cansee a great Improvement from th* (li-it ailment.

MY CURE FOR DISEASES _Jk_____ _~\___J___.

It's painless and permanmt. and fl -"P*****".**•? Ifino Inconvenience from duly. I M*\ *-*w-*wssi \u0084.

can promise laatltig fraedom lo m \S* ___* __y 0--every MUffe'lPl tie. Diseases of all Af \—\\__ ' WWWW __\X_\ I

ULOOD POISON. A_fy^^i-_^-^yA«iES_It may 1-. It* primary *tagc. /__*% i _\\\\________________\____\\___\ i^-WiVlhereditary nr contracted. I cure I *•,g»jLy*Sli I •i_SITTTu_____p_ijriJ, \

Ita complications, forever email- m jfff^p_f^i_ii Icstlng every vestlgs from the sys- —*. _. ,*,' *™\u0084 *\u25a0___; ..-,__ J„___^.tern

Un.cure to slay rttrsd with- _\_______^ma______^_^_^W_mmtmm^^ mS_'out the use of Potassium or M*r- I2_j"" " " ' "r '"•'•• ~___s

\u25a0 111 VVT* will glee you nn X-ray ssamtnatton and an honest, sclentlflo

opinion of your ease KIII-Bof rharge. with nn absolute aUARANTE-Bto rure you In Iho *hortest possible time without leaving an InjuriousAfter -effect In the system.

Oris personal vl*llts preferred, but If you cannot call, Viiit*us

ORIENTAL DOCTORSi"""—M—WJPiil | " "im *&*__'-\u25a0m_l^Wm*m______e^^^__—re>a--m—^m-aa-^------\ommM

201 Second Avenue South, Corner Washington Street

AAAAA£_\u25a0$&__\u25a0 AA AAAAwm^ mm mm mm vm mat fw w W W VVflfinieie^1

IXmas Comes But f1 Once a Year |JC ___ yon want good </*im, rutriAj nasi thkm Sj

*5| iiE.ti:. |g»#S*9 110 teat d*lsy, but */(«• sac. f_*p**__ «Bjr fin* linsa of— Cs^Jp LADIH AMi (JKMTH WKAHIM'IAPPAttEI- 5f

S P^ces Right £! CASH ORPrices Right


CASH OR CREDIT —- $1.00 A WEEK tt*\u2666ji ji*e| Eastern Outfitting Co. 9 inc. %K§ Corner Pike St. and Fifth Aye. &&9 Till" I'LACK TO DO YOt.'it XMAH BIIOPPINO _fe»

Isiis%^sqtfps 9fi3. t^^ 4̂«^'-'\u25a0 -___________*______i________________-__-» -anai-m i _».«.____-_____________.

\_T O* ' If A____m*f^f!m\ 1/


ARE YOUINTERESTED?Holiday Cnxxh at lowest prices in the city.Our great -'" per cent discount inore-ri*<.m sale.

Brush ami Comb Set 7r»o

Bra Comb and Mirror Set $1.50

Military Brushes, per pair $1.13

Ebonoid I'late Mirror 7..c

Large Triplicate Mirror, regular $-'< $1.50

Buy "hubby" a box of cigars. Giristmas boxes35c ami up.

75fie MAIN CORNERSecond and Pike Street PRE) [VERT

Phones; Main 787, Independent 798.

Diamonds, Watchesand Jewelry

We must re thice our stock of unredeemed Diamonds,

Watches and Jewelry at 50 per cent discount. We feel safe

in sayinfj that there is not another store on the Pacificcoast which ran equal the extraordinary low prices at

which we arc disposing of this superb Vac of finery. Hereyou can find what you want for Christmas presents at

out-half what you expected to pay and he better satisfied.Don't delay; come and make your selection now.

Chicago Loan Office_ _ mmm^ __\u25a0:_____ _______

117 Yesler Way, Opp. Seattle Hotel

A Wonderful New c^S^<Discoveryfor Blood ({ ;Poison, the Disease fe r^»that Causes Ulcers, w4r\ !__*S *

Sores, Eats Flesh - -4^^./^ -and Bones, Makes ____^j^^j\Mt

'he Hair Fall Out. m6^|l/ pHAVE YOU GOT 4|/#blood poison? "Tjasrrsrc^r

If other doctors have Ml been able to get control of your awfuldiss***—If other treatments bare not helped you—don't glv* up—we can help you.

Our see-ret remedy stsrtled the world by It*wonderful results. Noman need suffer from Blood Poison, and we shall devote our life tssaving all suffering men from this cursed blood disease.

Blood poison I* a cruel master. It heeds not th* cruel agony, northe vole* of prayer. It go** on mercilessly i_. 11». nlng th* blood, de-caying the flesh, ulcer*, mire**, copper-colored blotches eating thehone* and the Joints, and causing the hair to fall out. It saps th*strength ami health, robs the face of beauty, destroys th* powerof love.

Wo have discovered a mysterious secret of nslur* for those suf-fering from Blood Poison.

Th* secret of this mighty heeler Is known to ii*slone. Our workIs to save men from Blood Poison, death tin.l despair.

Unbelievers may scoff and sink down to foul corruption snd death.Doubt not, O readerl We ask no man to believe na but we give teevery m.-in this precious pearl of purity, which quickly purifies theblood of the Blood Poison virus and makes It harmless. No manshalt sgaln be troubled with Blood Poison snd Its evil effectswhile we live. All our years of lifehave been devoted to this Pis-covery, and our remaining yeara shall b* devoted to sending ttbrocd anal far to every suffering m»n and woman.

Wa urg* every person suffering with Blood Poison to writ* us.We Moth not fame nor glory; our reward will be th* happiness andblessing- of th* multitude we save from th* cruel demon of BloodPoison.

We Help You Quickly and PermanentlyOur patients cc' ye i.e. ago, by our Great Discovery, unknown to

the profession, arc today sound and well and have health and chil-dren since we helped them.

Don't Watte Your Time and Money•specimen!lug We hive Ihe only remedy. Absolute and positive

prof*, sent sealed on application. 100-psg* book KR.KB. No branchoffice*. Address fully 11*1 follows:

State Medical InstituteIncorporated

D. T. Richard*.. M. D.Office Hottni— la.m.to Bp. m Runways, 10 a. in. to Ip. m. only, ]