l»»Bty-Pv» OnU \u25a0 HUalk 1) \u25a0•" •» Can-tor VOL. I. HE SEATTLE STAR. BEATTLK. w VSIIINI.TON. WRDNKHDAT KVENINU. JUNE 7. I HIM). faaaw**^*9***p**w*»**a_ t ale phone Subscription. I* •> J Rlkts ISO J tIMI»IM»*vrtWW» NO. HS. LATEST KOVELTY A Race Between Automobiles. FEW* CniCWO TO SEW YCRk Fr«.oK tiparl Will C»«t».t With C!«»«Ui.d M.r> An Lotting Caattat i^ittcil, m:\v voiuc. Jun* ;.-i-nir» ..>m«- thln* ucf.in-jKrn occura lb« Intrrna- Uonal -\u25a0\u25a0* —tttMlt rar* betui^n Mr. \u25a0Alr\:iTvl«r VViiuun. \u25a0•( Oevvtand, re< rre>enUnc tb« ITaltcSl matra. and U. Chaxruct. th» Frencli r»i«ri, who at \u25a0MMM belda th* Kir >(• .»t\ record, 111 tw run in thl* rountry.* \u25a0 _• i Jun wb»a tiv «im| rac* will com* eft or J i«! what lb* <onr«» ta to b* rajux'i .< lai* Dm* •t*i«-i .1-nn- ttoly. ItliU«t!,M:. tlMMtf, «rr that th» tmcrw mil ;<>• twtwcea Chkvico an 1 S>« Vark, Tlm 4JMaar« la wrmr- thin* moot than IttM mlW* but Ui* mil 1.. , mllea abav* tb* origin •I propoaittea (that It »hmil4 I*K»*> w>lU'») wttl •••.«r.-i^y 1— conMlrrrd » m.tt»-«. !.(.•• vi!.m .by 21, Ckirrun «H Mr. Utnt.MV Th,< aftero<wn «i Minima »«. imt by »-\ »n! •"•,th>i»:j»ii<- autotno- l>:llirj«. num« of »ti-"n arc aetiuatnl- with th» ro«4 >)M(iti In France, They ar* u-..in'm«i>«« on >*• pe4M th.it If thi« i.n«i#i«i» tn«mi<Uiu>al r «.•\u25a0 la f >r Us* (""l* 1 <^f ')*»ri.t|.iim th* ».»r'<r« tnna; iXMinrt rcrra*! it WOtlH 1 t— to Mr. Wlntoti'a Uilaifr I" «'i i . Franc* for \u25a0»* wttrm b*> mil*- over ttu> rna<ta In the Pr»w h- staa'a land a Mcavr i|«.i and art t»r \u25a0M r»-.M.| ran b* nt*i>. Mr Wlota* undrfwtand* tfiat por- f«•!!)". bus ptrlrrt n»l la rut In J"V»i»«-». tar !•»\u25a0\u25a0 w< n <h*t th*r» »nuU not I— my »-\u25a0•• in taufkl th« \u25a0tat* autborttlt* ber* ahn«l tb* !»:•• rmbW tanttlm of mwt of tk» roa4» on ibi* bM* of, Ih* »atrr a* torn- l'xn-1 with Mm «-f Fr.tr.. <•. ami to mor* f.irr«.ijr drtstemMrat* ihr poor quality of Am-rv«n ru»4». b«fHre I for »ut»r<i<i»i>t ««tt jti.»a thai a-ttl pmduc* (mtrcif! ntntlltiuna la th* I r;.Ti*ry r»u»> of Mr. Winten'* 1»- Mr* to b»v* tti» rwv* la «a« I >iir>l \u25a0MnM WAINWRIGHT TO OVERSEE CADETS AN'.VAI'OUS. .Jon* 7. lUcbd. W«m«ri*lil. «bo commanded MM rruta*r Okioerater In th» altai k •cmlnat ivrt«4» S*«i. hu been ap- pointed temporary conunaadant of cwdeia at the naval «eadrmy. TESTING A NEW RAIL WTTJIBVJ'iS. I'a., Jure 7.—A n*w n«ll. which It la BBBVaI will r»%<>- lutlonU' (tit iiinn.i.f »irl h*arjr h«ii vi«- Mi r.jil-.l >: ib* <Wtwjri> Hi!:- In l!r,-vl !\u25a0» k rmrvalljr/ It la a tr\,— ml order of a nmr «l»« m fur riih«,t by th* luttttiivn- * Ohio. A thooiund i hi» of th# rail* war* turn"! out. and th-y will be dutrlh- \u25a0tad aJons* th» un-.i between C.»- -'•lnn»tl ml hi, til*, th- Intvnttma h*4c« to obtain a mur h faster imk Tit* nfw rail 1* extra hi-iv>. welsh- lisa- co« hundred |»>ur. to the rant 'At flrat t-i «iK'i- (h» principal feat- ur» of th- rail I* Ha ujrilnr»» and lift it ayroetry. Inar-il of brtnir fin«-l>- (Ijii»h.- i, a* Is tat* ordinary *>- found rail an all the le»1ln* rail- rood*. II rnuirh on lh« outaKle edse. Thf rnjl rn.i']« with ' liulk'" in Ih* •Mr, which ni*« »a il-» 'train »f til* «r»i«ti: of 'I- it iin. TIM "bit!**" la meant to provMe mure »!••<•! a* r»- litforet'm-nt •» h»fc ih -• Itil M ttr« .11 awl It \u25a0\u25a0 thoa«ht IbM II nill «1v» a much l»-!ifr lit* to the rail. Th*r- li hut one r"» 1 In Uir \u25a0•\u25a0• in'ry ualna; A him lr>-1 |i»in I rail at pre«ent; Did 1* the l*.t'«iturc, |t»wmrf ami I^ake Kit*, I.it i--»cl"'« imn rond from th« l»k \u25a0 1.-. Plttaburfr. The Rrtddurk mllle were fmreed to tUt In come nr* machinery to make t!:>- new raila. \u25ba.Hl—-In ..i •• » ill mait« at nrw ami *h-.ii,.| the new rail prov* vital la now fi iim \u25a0\u25a0 I fir It, th* It. * O. will •quip IM «j»f in throu«huut. ALL THINGS NOT ON THE LEVEL »\u25a0>\u25a0>.\u25a0!. -if -— «H»- Ill] In the Picture Fight Between Fit2sin:mons Jtnd Joffriat. KJSW TOHK. ,fun« 7.—After « aarafui Invfotl-rivtlon, i: cm defin- itely *..»it<i Wut innny •• {•\u25a0•m nf b»t» hav«* befra faked. on<l thai aport* tin not i ir» !.. put tliclr Mtß on Ihi' >'lt»-.I>!Tri»i 'pictur* fight." An un- di-rrurrent of opln* m ** notlrod tha^ •»»ry-thlna{ |* not on rtu- Itvfl, »r»l thon« who are n»f nn Hi- Im»i !•\u25a0 are ptayln* Ufa l.yrrfusinx to I,- t. llutli mm put In a PM4 diy'a work at quartera yeMPiilay. Inersaxo in Exports. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jun# 7.— Wht-n.flnia I* written to thr \u25a0lno«i yt-ar of I*W tlic export trade of the I'fll< I Rllti'H will Invn lir-iki-n all rrconln. Kven now lh« rrror>l »hoy.» that the ont»iil? l)unlnt?ft» (if our inanuffl'*lurliwf h:m Iwn nnre tnnn ||0.0co.0(,") In adntnc* of VUU, ivhlrh «ra« IM b.inrifr jf.ir <f hlitory. Ac- <v>r<llnw ft l'«e trMttlfT bureau i>f \u25a0 tattiitlra our \u25a0 xi >i it durlnc lii .\u25a0 paat *J#fon month* hay« TooteJ up more Ui*n 1109,069,000 it month. ill- *zport of trim «nd hi, r| tiiinuf jiiiir«-« I* r»- «l»>rt»ililr la larm •t.p,,r for Hi* cram. iiik exhibit. Tlir maaurarturwt at riitli<ii an- ati*> r.MKhiK alif.t.l M * more llmii liniH.rlniil *«port. Th» »infc'!« rIUM ..f «.»»ll> that ii.i» »h ii rjilitm .ft 111 export ara (arm prut- ueta, ' 'hi ma tli» Uat rlev.ii in 'inn tha 'mmrta .«f tha country tiav« ahowtl an lit. rxMw of ov. i I .I <mii i"0 Triad to Kill Nls Wifa MSJIAN'ON. r».. Juna T.-I'«ul A \u25a0 Smith. a ("M«in i mi 1.1.- .1 (li'inltKh aiirin|>( to HiuMi-rhi* »lf- laat nl«hl ami IMMtarkad UP 111 I til lit. In- dutcl mm K..111.M1 id «.«lk Into Mm country with him. and when »i loiu-iy (pot hi- m upon b> i and bmt her ill) aha «a» muwWn. ll' traa bout li> cut l»-r throat when a r»i in- ••r drove ii|> «m.I lir run away Tit* !rvacurr took her h>nt<«, »i> I Rmtth «l>fr*rti>c th.'iv, a«aln Iti.-l to kill h»r. First Natunlliad Filipino TAXTNTOJ*. Max. June I—ll T. Pliiiui* (llrnriiiu* l-hlliiii.il » \u25a0 - .i.l- mlltKl to .-itii.oru.hii. In tht> UnltMt Klalr« today •ltd I' |r..|.«l.|y th* only r>ll|.ilW In Ih* ..i 1.1 BO* rnjoylns all ihr r%hla »i>J liltlkcn <4 an Alum, no .Hllrii Mr «>\u25a0 l»>rn In th* town of I'aalK ' At th* •«• «f 14 ha ran away fr>>m hia itaiivf iu»u and •bii'ixxl abuarU vr»w «a t-ahtn bay. 10 DIVIDE PROPERTY Communes Organ- ized on Luzon. miruos co to %\\\t\ for ui> \u25a0\u25a0I Th*« *'• .'-.« iNk at th« \u25a0 \u25a0Mi*rlti*i »l That Plata Who r»«f P.Ull.ne.. Jl.\.Vll*\. Juno T.—lo ir>- north* •fa p«Xt of Lul<>n. rommuNl^tr »>• !«!••. Nt»» «\u25a0 purpo** I* to maka aa -iuaJ .i;\i»um of property bar* been (arnwl I%n«aan<ta of native*. , who euaa* to Ma»tU in qttral of foud and atwlivr ha»^ been turned jawft anrnw to Uw f«*r ttiat lt.*!r prtaenc* In III* oily wHI rau*<- >)!••\u25a0\u25a0»•«• \u25a0ml f*tnli»» M-injr <ramp«-l It. (run Ikr muMr> with «4w>tr hnuwfv.n «f. f-ct» upua their bvki Their -•) uj't>ti« »rr» \u25a0 <>nflar-ai<>d try th* in •u»<mi« The Arm rtf»n« am Mail- In* rk» to unfortunate*. In an a;- «>vnpl to deceive Ik* American »-l j d**r*. th* ln«ji»tnt troop* are •*!.) ti» tan tM*n irliol to <n*<-arr| their antforma. an I mv ln»tta.l ordinary htle rtochlnc Antth.r Jeplln Mm. Sold JOI'LJN, Mo., Jun* ».—Anothn h:« minim dral \u25a0*• clnod h»r» tmlay. '•\u25a0.I!-T A Co, of IWton. lhr"U*h A. Baxrr * Co. UuHr Jot-Uo a«»..«». botixht th« (VI T»»r» ratnea and a •««<r» Irjjx- for IIH.M*. Thla I* on* of ih» rtch**t mln»« In Ih» iluirlri anil I* prt>lur!r,if nrarir | half a mlllton dollars* worm of tine ' or* a year. It **» ownod by Cat.! Jantra <rN*i!l of Wrbb City. CLAIMANTS FOR PENSION •WAmiTN«»T>«N D Q, Juna t.— I OotamtMkmer of Ivtu'.imt 11, Clay Kvum aara i .'.ay that penalon pay menla ' 'T the Aval year would not mtmmi iiiuoobnoo Thta »iii I- a reduction from l.i#t year of It •*>,•••, (Hit th* aWr*a*» la due to the num- her of caaea n*WI up f..r further ac- tion and review Inatead of a dimin- ution In th* cumber of appllranU. for -nakma. Ip to late there have h*en about' i¥a> applications from aurrlvnra of the war with t4|/aln and from Mi" relaltvea of thoa* kii,»l or who dlod In the |N-ai'ii nmpa of thla country Tli" ilrcatimriit la m<kii <•t.--. la>l \u25a0\u25a0lT>>n In i»n«l"n at ntir* all iMMM or drpendrat rclatlvm nf th» men killfl In ih- war with Kpaln or who (Bad while In th* •«-rvir.-. Most of ih» appllcatliKM of »ur»lv.ira (or |i~n- <alona are b-i»<l upon tha for! that ihfv contraet«l malaria whlla In th« »<Tvir* and rondi>m) unfit let lm»t- --n<-»». 'A {»w < ;i*'t' are for rflaabtll- •).•• <sau««d '• -i, tti* .•ff»<-ta .f miull- fi..i and jreltaw fever. On* applicant for a p*n*lon, wiioa* mm» the ile- , |i.irtmpt:t wlthli'ill". contracted 12 «tl»tlnrt dlwnaea «h'!(- avrrlnfj hla rountry In th' 100 'l«y«' w»r with H\:i.n- ll< ha* no* >••«! r»-< \u2666-< •. \u25a0 I hla prnalon. Tha Fourth In Porto Rleo RAN .11-AN .It., m : June 7.— Th" Hlr».|<- hl> called » roaaa BkWt< Inx for K.iitiril (>\u25a0 pveninir to «lcr|.i> upon ; rutlonn for the »-»i»iir«ll m of th* fourth of July, Want Am«r can Rula. COl/iH, Colombia, June 7.-- Annpx- atlon la ih<- Unite) Htatea of the 'x |.nrlm'-'it "f PMMUM H n.ti .n| nl by a political part] rwi»ntly or- <inui"i la thin pan af CetaaiMa. Th» Colombian nr.-»« In OHM with ill* I »«ii«ir.x of the proiKMiil, whlcli meet* with cfinitldei-nble favor, \u25a0 -'ißlly from th« l.ii»c'T bualnmm Intcroiiti. Poisoned by Sugar. HT tsnvw. .Mo., hNM 7.—lt IB M. i> >rl< ! that thirty imMmMI of itrnn- It* Clt>', 111., vrfm polMned today by pttlnif «ÜB»r. n »r«l of th#m. it I* th«ti(rht, fjnnil :ivr. T3i!« r >ark.i|f» In whlrtj the xtipnr nan taken waa l.il>»!)i| In »n>»n Ink, In which ilin I'hyxlrliina think munt fnvi- contained parli green. Thl« •oakfii tb;ouyh th« auctr. HOTTEST EVER KKOWS Is the June Weather in New York. UMiMT.IN: 11.I 1. I'KOSTK\TIO\S ChlaagO Timpifilgra Cool* Sllfktlf Although The ol Mar Cm- i«n» 01*1 Ya»tara"aj. ' NCW vuiili, Jun» 1. - Today 'prutntara another •eurrher. At I \u25a0 m Hi.' thermometer *tood at M. It I* rtainir by Jumi"- Tti with- out .l.'.iM « .11 the twllrat Juna New Y<»k »>»• .\.i known. l*rna- trattiMM and fatalltie* y-»ierdajr »••!«• nameroaa, ih«n><N>ln4T >• dralb* and <i pruMntttnns dv* to th* killing »r.i(nrr. Tn- tiut wave la general over mi.- in Malai, tout th* hot- -1 te«t at»l of all w K«w York add in tmtnrdlala \tvliilty. CIUCUWV Jut»« T^Tlia . «»rrt«l heat of th* lam tow lUya Urn 11 Tb* uwrciiry took a lambi* Una martrina. and > -o!*r woath«r I* pr»- --< dii-4«d for today. Th* hntt catued thre* AaajaM X'MTday and wv»r*J ' provtratlooa. Woman Nor.awhtppad. WKIHTIfII CITT. lowa, Jun* t Mrs. J. I' Torrent*, wife of a prom> ln*nl .»ru««i»i In Kamrar. MaM \u25a0 horMwhlp •»\u25a0« went after Mlv b- trlla Parr, a |-r".i> * h>»>l teacher of th* \u25a0"">• |tl" »\u25a0\u2666>- i-i««—I her victim until the wiiip «v i.ruhm m th* ll.Mllf It la »ii.itf.| that a few <)*>• MM Mi. Ttirrenr*) went to th* druif ati-r* of her hn«l.»ri.| to aa>i»t him in Ih* cleaning up for «!i. .(.Hi « Ira -I*. Iha had on an aprun. ami •* Mm Parr im.«~-1 out of tht ealablMttnent >h* !la aald to feav* eielalmed: "llurapli! utottiar » NbMMM In town." Shot the Sh«ap. 1.. >>*o rftnrtc Or. Jun* 1.-P»r- --•ona *rn-.\rt in Inn mty la>t nt*bt artxurtii ilia- m«i thai band of trail •h«-|i, beloß|rinc to Itolx-rt fvtirr. •era abot Into near tiiv hm4 of |VU-t* rrveh, Mat Slondjiy. full par- , tii utat-w-t u>» aOaur w»r**nm:Ob- <aim<l farther than th* nhooUn* r*> aoltMl tn "\u25a0 !\u25a0\u25a0•• of 9M h-» I \u25a0' rbcep. A tare* nunrsber of aheep ar*> *>•• In* Mm \u25ba:>•\u25a0 thla »>-a»..n from \u25a0anaM and CMMlant eountle*. and In the {MM day* about «•.•\u25a0> naad t»4>« (>*Mk*>l Uirnuicti IM* city. THE Mil SPANIARDS A Board of Trade Slobbers Over. M«I I.H KITIC^ &F.1\.1 HEKr>|.|> To the Qovaramtnt of Spain, Tor- getting All *boMtthe Main* SutretUaa of l«.«t« WAHIIINOTON. D C June 7- line boanl of trade of fortamouth, Va., haa |.r«-n.-nt—l lh« Navy depart- m«"ii( a rrqunat that th» erularr, formerly th» B|>anl*h - i.» r Itetnu M«-r< \u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0•\u25a0. nh.ill he prtaentad to me Qui-rn IJT-nt of Hpaln a* an evi- <lrn< •• at the I'nltrd Ktatea to in I the I. u<- ii.»» .i *\u25ba.•! by the lat* »ii and to •(!..•« tin- r/fudwSt eilata in thta country. There la not the \u25a0 Harti' pn.«|H. t of the requeat be- line Kunli'l. NEW WAGE SCALE FOR IRON WORKERS r, Im T TIM »\u25a0\u25a0«•\u25a0 >f iron. Bti hi i ii a»ik\u25a0 \u25a0 Hn»l «'lili tni'l,l In Hi- in itt. r Ot III" nf« > ' . ii. i i Ililn ,\u25a0ll v ' .i.i . \u25a0 n I' I »n It \u25a0>, i. ... i,i f. ): pu<l Wrm i ii \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .\u25a0 in mi ni LOGGING CAMPS TO SHUT DOWN TACOMA, Inn. 7.—A1l til* •awmUli ii"l |OM(I campa on Orays Ilnrbnr hay« formed \u25a0 combine by which 10-'KllltJ Will I"' Kll«|T»nl''i| •\u25a0nmpVti'- ly for Mvi- ncrk*. A f"W amaller \u25a0 i in, \u25a0-> rebelled, bill were notified " .Mnniluv that th-y wnuM !>•• hnyri.l- tell mil. «.• they comt'llci »iih the i iitTinlnii. 11 ii ml red > r>f mm will bo ! temporarily thrown trill of trotX, but wllti few tXOtpttOTUI ore quite will- In*, for ttuspennlon the only mean* of k«- i In* up the prl?« o( lf.R". and, t ccrincjumtJy \\*ter., In tli» camp*. > Paradoxical m* It may »i nr>i,l oh» inllla are nearly all in fwvor of th* im.so. uiltiiouiiii It la primarily liit.Mi.lv.l to kf< i' up 11, i'il. nof li.«« I t.iiml.rr ima >nt\itn< ill, and a drop In lor* «i>uM huvf, II I" ri jii»l. a Im>l cffifl by «I»liik *ll«l«ot mill* a liaiio to cut prlcaa. Th» chltf imam for Hi-' mi Ha \u25a0<• -iiii- mine I* in.' mrr-»ui'i>ly of moat of th« liner r.niri-uia. Nrarl> all tlia larca mill* on iti« harbor b*v» « aurplui on Imn.l «lii«i wt)l laal IAMB llvr or »l« »s..k« Thru- they havi ronlra.t >.I fur at the i Jin. high 111..-, and Intern! ii. ».^>|. lumber up <wrr«a- --l-.i..llll«l> Tlio llirniti'iiK.l ..vi-r- --1 \u25a0 -lv. U"ii uf la««, ami r»na«<|U*nt rail In p| I. r. woul I ricil.!.- «h" faw inlUa «hictt tiavt* nun* on ham) i > purrhaao after Hi' fall at a rat* Which WOUM •U..1.1.. Hi. in tO tIWII.W- -all*. Hi" lumber market, not only linn-, but mi I*ua~vl aouit-t aa well. Ttta inw.ll tot ll** ..v.-r produ. llofl at l"«» la atataU to v* Uir tilth walvr In «ho aniallfr atreama. \u25ba\u25a0 r a y»ar or l«u Ilirri. \u25a0 hu» not I'.n watvr, rix'UKb tat any lK>iira.l«Kl p*rto<l to srira ail th* toa-a whl.-li hay* >•««« cut, on MM •iu.ii.t «tr*«n>a. ThU print;, whil* iH»it havr aan no f i••>>. «-<», <h* alr.«i»a li*v» bn»n unifurin- l»- hlrh. ana driving \u2666>•• •'«•" <\u25a0»<\u25a0• rt.-l >>n on a tmtf >nal«. Tha boom In tumbrr liaa ahai utartvd many oaw .!.,!- .m ih<> small wrrama «1»>. an! t!>« r< ».ill li"» l<«-ii an un|.r"i«vliiu«l ruaa oX !<>«\u25a0 talo Hi" harbor. A river 01 FIRE Chicago's Stream Is Again Ablaze. iiuuiv.j;BEisrnß\sßßiskn Schanta la Kin I«tlaf«l»aar* Alaaf Ika Baakt te Okaak Mia flrat. CIUCAOO, ; J»»» 7.—Th« north branch of III* Clrirairo rlv«r r%ufh< tlr» ••rain teat oMTht ami burawt brlaktr for aavvral mlt>ul.» l^ttlr d«jna«> «aa <a»». Th« liuitmrlKl •f til* city »UaW<*«( tit* al».»|iMlity ft »i- x fli««'ri*rT aa'aattMitoa Mn- to« «B4 i.?rrtu* « »Ur cU tWtu aJoaa- laßai i&or*. .i*©fjg »t»r iIUWM \u25a0!—afj th. atior*. Abducted But Cseap*4. BRIK. Pa.. June 7 -T»t> liaitana with* hand er«aa •\u25a0tK-xl »«*»«• TnU nun. 10 j. »r» ill. Ann of a, wwtthy munufjirturer, to go with tn*m. and mUm they «iH him Into the country •trapped htm to their orraa anS ear. rl«»l him ten mile*, lie mai»wr>-t to cm th«- atrapa whll* they were not watching him «i>4 returned borne. Ullon ax* aflar the ItaiUna. Cald Coaa to Iwropa. MTW YitltK. Jun« 7-Th« «n- n<ratK*n>»tit that tha National City hank \u25a0hipped on* million dollar* In r>>! I to I2urop* on th* ataamshlp I.U(-«nii r^mtiy *v a •urpria* to I Wall \u25a0trevt. Atthounh •i«rlln« »*\u25a0 Cbanr* haa r«l»d t*lh»r hl»h. It han o**n malntaln*d by ba.nkrrs that tb*r» iraa little llk*llhood or any ft.l aSpataj at BM proton! tlm«. T!i < vl*w, «hli h haa Mn h*ld by aom* of th- brat nujt>.<rmra In th* baaktnir bu*ln*aa, haa lad to tha b*ll*f that th« prra*nt rhlpmtnt »v arrancrd > by th* bv*ra In th* market who have aaaa <n>]u>trtou*ly worklnx for low - r price*. Another iK, taken by ninvrvt- i IK. mm. la that the Unlt*d M«Mj Ik iT»liirinir H0.000.00a In \u25a0"!•! annu- ally and now haa on hati.l inor* of th» predoua metal than any other rountry. and can eauUy affoni to aend •ertral million* to Europe. EipUaion at mn lowa Fir* CnTJWTON, lowa, Jun* 7 —Thnmaa Whit worth, of Markabur*. waa killad thla i.H.in.n< by an »xp!oakm of '' i«i*l«f and «*v*ral pMSM Injurni. >m» of whom may dl». Th* Rrn^nil •tor* of r>lward T«wna*n«l y.-%» di»- 'rov*r*d on flr» about 1 ovirwli thla mnrnlna*. Hi p"».W eiiplodol and wrrrlird th* MllMlna- Walla f*l| on Whit worth and hr Mj»talnr^l fatal In- Jurira. Mr« Tii»na«"n<l and h*r diiitMfr, Mr». I1iyl». and a«v*r«l ini-n « \u25a0\u25a0!.• Injurrd. Th* bulMlna* «a« o-f<i|.imi by th* Maanntr l'»li» and th* r»rorda w*r*all iVntroyr-J. DREYFUS IS SILENT Refuses to Grant Interviews. KIT lit WILL TUk BY JSD BY And Than the Or«nd Army of tha C- public of Franc Will Not r«ul Good OAYKNNB, June 7.^-Capt. l'rry fun 11 now in . li >\u25a0«• el i '.i pi 1 Arm \u25a0 *rl* iiri \ four 11 t.irii,.-- The ii.ii prl prlnoncr art til irfu»<"a iii •"" Inlrr- vlewpd. li. appears irrcntly fallicu- ed, but otherwise hi* lu-iiltii la fair- ly food. .., . \u0084...] ml LAW'S m PLAN He Would Have the Women Propose. lllh MNl.lMh'.i.Mill liIUII l«j• Kteh Warn** Should tea fraa t* Caoasa Mar Own Hut taai, NBW TOUK,Juna 7.—Dr. Jl.nl.nl l«w, of H«ui rralirt* >>. 1.-Cl<ir<-1 l>— fora an «».|imf» of mv!i«ij iui«ii, ! many bclonrtnx to women'• club*, \u25a0( tl»» KrrkTlry Lxc«ura. yraliT-Uy. Ill* •üb)r<-t was. - inrlwr fhyalral <-nm>lll'4t.' < Ill* cht«< r*t> r«"i» «<\u25a0 w«r* to «rom«n. "1 hop* to •*• '\u2666>• day." ha «H, | "»*•« woman ahull »•• (m- to «ak th* iuui aba luvaa to brooma hn* )iua- i \u25a0«n»l »a a mvi '• fraa to aak '!.< wo- j nan ha W>\*-a to tnteoma hit wire. ; Woowa attouM ba &Ma to \u25a0».\u25a0-\u25a0»•\u25a0 th* father of h»r cklMncti. «nd It atioul<l b* m> ao<*«l o0*o*« for tiar iv aaak tn tiuirrMca aa wall «• «« «1v» h<-r i •\u25a0•lf In niarri*a*a." Work on \u25a0ohainla Minas i tiVOBKK. Or . Juna T.—TUfrU from <ha Dortenla n>ln*«, uivl»r data ' of Juiwp l. atata that tba «im»w la i ft. '\u25a0 '!\u25a0 jrat MS th» btchml |«rla «n<l c»ni»r of «|M»f«jnp. but «1i» eontlnunl wajrra r«ln» erf ttt* paat week or mnr» Imv* b**n mritln* <•'• irmw rapidly, and prvparmttona «r» now lu-init mad* to rin a ruth of work. Its* M«uon win often at Icaat a ni'<nth tat* thta par, (Itara b*Tint b*en nvrt- mow In tk<> nvwntaina th» |>«M »IMi-r than *v av«r a»*n Ui«r* befor* by tha oUImiI pro*pM-tor. Tti« 014 n'nm, |an4 alao a number of naw pro*tM>et*, I Imva barn worked alt winter. Tba I minar* ara wall pl*a*a4 with th* »a» d<rr»lopmfnt work, »ikl grpatly •o^-ovirm^" 1 over their proapacta. Highway Robbery I*EnA.NV»N. Or. Juna 7.-Th# par- tleuavra of a boM hMrbwair ruWwry ' tmva Ju»l raaj*><~4 bara, La«« ntirhi. ; about » o'olack. H. <lunn ,in 1 Robert roram. two jroaiur man wtio M»< ntar jUU iil«<<!. l«fI tu»rn f.Tr.tv>w«...ll«lf an hour afterward tltr** ynung mm totrail Hum wimlwt »rvl bt«»tlnie in On atttKirba at th* «tty. , ll* <««• Uko Is aterfitWa «a>l hi« *»»«u JM(ti4«<l ll* wan *»v*r«lr l«-it-, «n «n-l robbed f>f lit «o>l \u25a0 watrh A warrant la out (or FVrrm'i »rrr«! FARMER EXECUTED Killed One of His Neighbors. BAD NIGHT DI» WITH FISTS Tlien »ft*ak H.ti.i. Oat a Own .mi killa* Hl* Victim In Col« Blood. MTTIrANY. Mo., June 7.—Freeman < \u25a0\u25a0» hr«i> w«* hanr*d thl» morning at « 41 ivimn had \u25a0 mw with <Im>. Ht«nJ"'r«iii»h. firmrr. In th» mm- mrr of 1»T. They fought with bar* fl»la until i ahiitii*tr-4, th»n shook hand*, both twin*, apparently »«tl»- --fl«-t. Onchran. a few minute* latrr, •*rur*d » *hol«un and hill.-.! tht de> trtnrtttm t*l*nnor<>u*;h. Largest Horse Shot Plant riTTBIIimO. I'a, June -Th« l Atnrrtran «t*»l and Wire company hi* c-iimlii l«l * denl for tht pur- cttaac of nil th* dock of tfie MMW< h^r»»r llnrm-ahn* company, r*r«>ntly firmr.l, {<> mak*- and export hor»e. ahoe*. Th« mi!;.nt of th.. plant will I-* lnrrcnii<il to Rlmi)M on* million of horaMhoes a vrnr. and It will be by far tin titrcrnt h»r**»hoe plant In th* world. Pandlaton's New Church PI •.l'M--T"VI Or*.; June 7.—The ' \u25a0MM \u25a0liil>->r.ii" rhun-h rvrnt that ! him iv.t Irnnaplrrd In thla i ly mat 1 j11• rnnmTTiitliMi of Urn new tllilllH* of worahlp " lh|l ' ""' '' "' ''\u25a0'\u25a0• H»- \u25a0I.-.iii.t Sinxiiiy Tin- bulldlnir hn« by m.mv btan pronounr«l th«" hnndnoin- r*t In ii,.- utati* ugf«i.i" ..f Portl and. with th* fuGfthlnKa and a n»w pll>r or^an In i>l«rf. reprraenta n to- tal coat of 111,000. Th» HI. nev. n. Wl.Hr M"rrl». 1 hlahop r»f th* .11.».•<.• of Q|a.gan; th* Hi Rev. LMMMI 11. Well*, hlfhnp of \u25a0pokMMI th* *•» William Bhnrt, of j iilrai'p rtiurrh, A'l^rH; th* U< \ W. Turner, of St. r«ter'a, liH Urandp; Hi.- K»v. ll«nry llirrln, ai Aac*n«lon churrti, Co»«i th* ll«v. Kr*lcrlrlc Fariir. of W«i mi. mil the r*clnr. th* n*v. W. I!, <\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0•< la wpi-p In »t- --; t»H"lnni». l»lahop Wells preachtril th* i mn»ocratlon a«rmon and Hlnhip '\u25a0 llorrla fnn<luct#d the .rjitUtn nvrvlc*. i Killad by a Foul Ball." j I,AWnnNCi:, Him, June 7.—K.J- m-l ( •\u25a0"in cnt(*h*r In A bull Knmo today lictuTi'ii tWO local r.lnen, wan \u25a0truck over the liimil by foul bull »nJ kIU*4L | ' OIL STOVES i -burner, foe; 2-burner, $i.oo: i-burner, larger, 7?c: 2-burner, larger, $i.?o; j-burner, larger, $2m2 < SPELGER & IIITRLBUT wt.i W«» Advartl»e I* go. HIB-11IT >»\u25a0-« At* NeaTs^Bath Tub EN AMELS "\u25a0 Acknowledged to be the best in the market. Third ami Pike. star PAINT co. \ _—, ——\u25a0—-^ SCeat ir. <1 >•• Our New Mm of . .urn Crockery and Glassware ; . Just Received. It Will Pay You. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR CO. | DOe-008 "Mr** Avvnu*. gl 1 ARE YOU GOIN6 TO BUILD? M. N. RICHMOND RARER CO. Sill Ueitllu Paper: 500 i;un Feet i! Piper fir 34c. 81IS ouiteitil An I ~*S. R. WAGONER, D.D.S.^* •\u25a0[ Pa»ir»l««t» Dentist. •^" UrnT».ih. mm. .-. >. \u25a0..•. i \u25a0 \u25a0«• •»••\u25a0' mi»« nm»e«. too up (jay •\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0.»\u25a0••, i' •"' «*• iIn imii 1 f«anal«e wlik »ll tut fJV . ,— $100 RiwaN to •»yo»§ •\u25a0<!\u25a0\u25a0 aajrtalaa but rirtt-claia^Bj^' I ._ Malarial la IM «\u25a0•*• wark. rf i \u25a0^ <>mr*lMft-i; IUIW :...:\u25a0.\u25a0 T«l»pb»n« Mala V-v \u25a0"*• ' I \u2666jSjJ^u Oh! What a Difference J "? $T£?aV \u2666 - s-W•*•"-*""""" ltt*"at fm^%MH,im HEADACHE WAFERS J^r /™lxn2x^ Ib ****t**towitb#•••*•* ****** -5^ I \ JC!\\ i^^ Wo Ouar«nt»* THor-n \u25a0' '\u25a0 ': - - ; . \u25a0'y:-.;"%. Stooad A»«. «\u25a0< C«l»aiili St. --i 0 DIAMONDS —^^ y>3*-». lUvt •?v«i 1«'l la Irtm tr m lltoKpvroval Our prtcri »r« \u25a0\u25a0 .' /yflfr |T^ km "Miulm •( *11 pfic<t»v" g>3 W. VV. HOUGHTON \IJr7O4 Flf.t Avow CWEI I- »=« Learn to Ride a Bicycle Auditorium Bicycle Riding Academy Third Ay«. and M«dl»oo St t ,4 .^ DANGEROUS NEGLECT OF IKE EYE jdmJ itanMHrMllloeriia of «-n«« In lb< l»>1» »lm»>t jMIHI LW^*? \ i. > i...t l,'in a««<Ur». lor »b»«llrlol»e»etl»tfui<ia. fIWjM ~ M?^3E^&\\ «'»' »suliim«»i lor lb>.i«culliHi olruvuordon la lb« l»>. 'A i A >^ul^^^^ ' ibll nnl« fnuni anraUrt /iiT"* *\u25a0 *H.II »l I.\r:RMII.I. optirim, rr> Flrtl at>. And Ours Are Sure to Be Mines. , "Aaotlwr roum «*•! oopp«r •• ao well thoUßht nf as an in- v««tm«nt thai «-.if|.«T mJt»« r«r dividend*. .vrter « i>rop- rri) 1 hu am proven to b< mine, its dlV!den<l» <-»mc * ilh th« rpariit'irlty it tb« a—»<*». The Oalumrt ami H»c!» hart nui«l<- tnnr* •tochhoMcnt rich \u25a0,than Oil ih.- famous Cutnatork."— WVr! 1. 1 \V<> (i«\.- l»in lrslnif to put thr*« facts into iinlir'turnl- «l>|p lnnKiinicv (or Mm* time. ami, to •»m< > extent, have b*c» fuecrixful. <'Uw>rwt«- an many of yuu mnittl nut hay* pur- rlutK'l nur I >ii»t »li« k». Wm <!<> not think any w-ouM v,.|. unt-irtly i i«<>in>i«l»h th» <-*rt»in"y of profit which will follow. Now. «!• ha\# no iMHBtm of «mm« .tut th» truth, but frt-- .|ii. ntly «* tonic for th* rtoqwnrc HN MMM In tmhaJf of \u25a0 tiorae-tbiof. Th« Jury, all In Mra, itavc a verdict of "Not Ituiliy " Shortly aft*r a frlfti-l »«*ih>«l up at Hi- i>ri« 'nrr ami mMi "Jim. th" <lincrr «\u25a0 past, didn't you ittt«l that hi.ru.-?\u25a0 "Well. T.>m. all *li.r,K I Um«BJM I took MM hor»». but •In** I heard th«« »r>vfriior'» «p»<«-ch. I don't tM>H«ve I did." Yini'd all own 1. *t <"r. . k utock if our |w>n «i> equal to th« governor"* tongue. JOHN E. McMANUS I SON. 918 Second Avanus tfl. \u25a0 \ A THE - WATER...;..» a I iit frA I Ln &-^H ' «vl^i^ Wouldn't Stop Running', ' ' __ r J*l3 >t /Ijjaj'i 'J? h«*u»e the faurri «ai worn out. T J LjJJ iff \u25a0Dd " """""' ">» I-"'I'1"' know that ( 3^- llvk' t"S\ \lL^4!v *rhM» th*r« la anythlnir In the Una) ' "*\jik I IHH^^ly * °f plumblnir. ir** or hot «»t<T fitting;.' IV r \u25a0^'Vfeaaic" i*\u25a0 '"" "I"'lt'lr> P'umblng of any kind.? .I p. jk^Rßi. \ I "int *c "'*"" '"I"11" 1" <h«t |lne. "'l ! ft l*-ai^'«» V*/ "\»-?i{» *" I1''"'"'1 t.> »n»»<r your call, an.l •s#TSs3*iS^3SiVi*MßK2^* our ehl "'«''» ••* moderate. *^f£fM,^ RAUTMAN PLUMBING CO. <^w^^P^ ' ' Cor. Third Ayr. and Spring St. Stoneware Needs... Glass Needs i liuin*. i iii«ll.'ii«, S.V. Iml tv p«r il.u .W, «v, KVi. livu'iiiiK IV! .. i »i« I Ii .n, .in. J. Ii v iilnv.l, i»r Ant , an , Sio. HfHti |*otl .' •iiiiiiu.wo. J>n «i-. |xr <lo>., J>c \u25a0 Milk (r... V', 10 Jut Rubbars, I dm., I*. COON BROS., 1417 Second Ava. r't^jaaafcaiß^-i mm PLAY TENT ;' j Feiitz Tent and Awning Co. 117 Y«»l«r Way. Just Opened ,—, SEATTLE AT FACTORY Wll_UlAfVl TAYLOR, PROP. Uteolflirlitjr Mat factory, l.ou'luu, KnglMid Tin- pal] I Urn In the city to lure your B*t i 0 to order and repair*! tir rrullo>l * Vulou nmu-ii, cetaic Flttt tvtout and Ualoa itn«t. "»jii«»»«

The Seattle star (Seattle, Wash.) 1899-06-07 [p ] · ItliU«t!,M:. tlMMtf,«rr that th ... ptayln* Ufa l.yrrfusinx to I,- t. llutli mm put In a PM4 diy'a work at ... rutlonn for the

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l»»Bty-Pv» OnU \u25a0 HUalk1) \u25a0•" •» Can-tor



faaaw**^*9***p**w*»**a_t ale phone Subscription. I* •>

J Rlkts ISO JtIMI»IM»*vrtWW»



A Race BetweenAutomobiles.


Fr«.oK tiparl Will C»«t».t With •C!«»«Ui.d M.r> An Lotting

Caattat i^ittcil,

m:\v voiuc. Jun* ;.-i-nir» ..>m«-thln* ucf.in-jKrn occura lb« Intrrna-Uonal -\u25a0\u25a0* —tttMlt rar* betui^n Mr.\u25a0Alr\:iTvl«r VViiuun. \u25a0•( Oevvtand, re<rre>enUnc tb« ITaltcSl matra. and U.Chaxruct. th» Frencli r»i«ri, who at\u25a0MMM belda th* Kir >(• .»t\ record,

• 111 tw run in thl* rountry.* \u25a0 _•

i Jun wb»a tiv «im| rac* will com*eft or J i«! what lb* <onr«» ta to b*rajux'i .< lai* Dm* •t*i«-i .1-nn-ttoly. ItliU«t!,M:. tlMMtf,«rr thatth» tmcrw mil ;<>• twtwcea Chkvicoan 1 S>« Vark, Tlm 4JMaar« la wrmr-thin* moot than IttM mlW* but Ui*mil 1.. ,

'« mllea abav* tb* origin

•I propoaittea (that It »hmil4 I*K»*>w>lU'») wttl •••.«r.-i^y 1— conMlrrrd »m.tt»-«. !.(.•• vi!.m .by 21, Ckirrun«H Mr. Utnt.MV

Th,< aftero<wn «i Minima »«.imt by »-\ »n! •"•,th>i»:j»ii<- autotno-l>:llirj«.num« of »ti-"n arc aetiuatnl-

with th» ro«4 >)M(itiIn France,They ar* u-..in'm«i>«« on >*• pe4Mth.it If thi« i.n«i#i«i» tn«mi<Uiu>alr «.•\u25a0 la f >r Us* (""l*1 <^f ')*»ri.t|.iimth* ».»r'<r« tnna; iXMinrt rcrra*! itWOtlH1 t— to Mr. Wlntoti'a UilaifrI" «'i i . Franc* for \u25a0»* — wttrm b*>mil*-over ttu> rna<ta In the Pr»w h-staa'a land a Mcavr i|«.i and art

t»r \u25a0M r»-.M.| ran b* nt*i>.Mr Wlota* undrfwtand* tfiat por-

f«•!!)". bus ptrlrrt n»l la rut InJ"V»i»«-». tar !•»\u25a0\u25a0 w< n <h*t th*r»»nuU not I— my »-\u25a0•• in taufkl th«\u25a0tat* autborttlt* ber* ahn«l tb* !»:••rmbW tanttlm of mwt of tk» roa4»on ibi* bM* of, Ih* »atrr a* torn-l'xn-1 with Mm «-f Fr.tr.. <•. ami tomor* f.irr«.ijr drtstemMrat* ihr poorquality of Am-rv«n ru»4». b«fHreI for »ut»r<i<i»i>t ««tt jti.»a thai a-ttlpmduc* (mtrcif! ntntlltiuna la th*I r;.Ti*ry r»u»> of Mr. Winten'* 1»-

Mr* to b»v* tti» rwv* la «a« I >iir>l\u25a0MnM


W«m«ri*lil. «bo commanded MMrruta*r Okioerater In th» altai k•cmlnat ivrt«4» S*«i. hu been ap-pointed temporary conunaadant ofcwdeia at the naval «eadrmy.


WTTJIBVJ'iS. I'a., Jure 7.—A n*w

n«ll. which It la BBBVaI will r»%<>-

lutlonU' (tit iiinn.i.f »irl h*arjrh«ii vi«- Mi r.jil-.l >: ib* <Wtwjri>Hi!:- In l!r,-vl !\u25a0» k rmrvalljr/ It la atr\,— ml order of a nmr «l»« m furriih«,t by th* luttttiivn- * Ohio. Athooiund i hi» of th# rail* war*

turn"! out. and th-y will be dutrlh-\u25a0tad aJons* th» un-.i between C.»--'•lnn»tl ml hi, til*, th- Intvnttmah*4c« to obtain a mur h faster imkTit* nfw rail 1* extra hi-iv>. welsh-lisa- co« hundred |»>ur. 1« to the rant

'At flrat t-i «iK'i- (h» principal feat-ur» of th- rail I* Ha ujrilnr»» andlift it ayroetry. Inar-il of brtnirfin«-l>- (Ijii»h.- i, a* Is tat* ordinary *>-found rail an all the le»1ln* rail-rood*. II• rnuirh on lh« outaKle edse.Thf rnjl i« rn.i']« with ' liulk'" in Ih*•Mr, which ni*« »a il-» 'train »f til*«r»i«ti: of 'I- it iin. TIM "bit!**"la

meant to provMe mure »!••<•! a* r»-litforet'm-nt •» h»fc ih -• Itil M ttr« .11

awl It \u25a0\u25a0 thoa«ht IbM II nill «1v»a much l»-!ifr lit* to the rail. Th*r-li hut one r"» 1 In Uir \u25a0•\u25a0• in'ry ualna;A him lr>-1 |i»in I rail at pre«ent; Did1* the l*.t'«iturc, |t»wmrf ami I^akeKit*, I.it i--»cl"'« imn rond from th«l»k \u25a0 1.-. Plttaburfr.

The Rrtddurk mllle were fmreed totUt In come nr* machinery to maket!:>- new raila.

\u25ba.Hl—-In ..i •• » ill t« mait« at nrwami *h-.ii,.| the new rail prov* vitalla now fi iim \u25a0\u25a0 I fir It, th* It. *O. will•quip IM «j»f in throu«huut.


»\u25a0>\u25a0>.\u25a0!. -if -— «H»- Ill]

In the Picture Fight BetweenFit2sin:mons Jtnd Joffriat.

KJSW TOHK. ,fun« 7.—After «aarafui Invfotl-rivtlon, i: cm b« defin-itely *..»it<i Wut innny •• {•\u25a0•m nfb»t» hav«* befra faked. on<l thai aport*tin not i ir» !.. put tliclr Mtß on Ihi'>'lt»-.I>!Tri»i 'pictur* fight." An un-di-rrurrent of opln* m **notlrod tha^•»»ry-thlna{ |* not on rtu- Itvfl, »r»lthon« who are n»f nn Hi- Im»i !•\u25a0 areptayln* Ufa l.yrrfusinx to I,- t. llutlimm put In a PM4 diy'a work atquartera yeMPiilay.

Inersaxo in Exports.WASHINGTON, D. C. Jun# 7.—

Wht-n.flnia I*written to thr \u25a0lno«iyt-ar of I*W tlic export trade of theI'fll< I Rllti'H will Invn lir-iki-n allrrconln. Kven now lh« rrror>l »hoy.»

that the ont»iil? l)unlnt?ft» (if ourinanuffl'*lurliwfh:m Iwn nnre tnnn||0.0co.0(,") In adntnc* of VUU, ivhlrh«ra« IMb.inrifr jf.ir<f hlitory. Ac-<v>r<llnw ft l'«e trMttlfT bureau i>f

\u25a0 tattiitlra our \u25a0 xi >i it durlnc lii .\u25a0 paat*J#fon month* hay« TooteJ up moreUi*n 1109,069,000 it month. ill- *zport

of trim «nd hi, r| tiiinufjiiiir«-«I* r»-«l»>rt»ililr la • larm •t.p,,r for Hi*cram. iiik exhibit. Tlir maaurarturwtat riitli<ii an- ati*> r.MKhiK alif.t.l M

* more llmii liniH.rlniil *«port. Th»»infc'!« rIUM ..f «.»»ll> that ii.i» »h >« ii

• rjilitm .ft 111 export ara (arm prut-ueta, ' 'hi ma tli» Uat rlev.ii in 'inn •tha 'mmrta .«f tha country tiav«ahowtl an lit. rxMw of ov. i I .I <mii i"0

Triad to Kill Nls WifaMSJIAN'ON. r».. Juna T.-I'«ul A \u25a0

Smith. a ("M«in i mi 1.1.- .1 (li'inltKh

aiirin|>( to HiuMi-rhi* »lf- laat nl«hlami IMMtarkad UP 111 I til lit. In-dutcl mm K..111.M1 id «.«lk Into Mmcountry with him. and when »i •loiu-iy (pot hi- m upon b> i and bmther ill)aha «a» muwWn. ll' traa

•bout li> cut l»-r throat when a r»i in-••r drove ii|> «m.I lir run away Tit*

!rvacurr took her h>nt<«, »i> I Rmtth«l>fr*rti>c th.'iv, a«aln Iti.-l to killh»r.

First Natunlliad FilipinoTAXTNTOJ*. Max. June I—llT.

Pliiiui*(llrnriiiu*l-hlliiii.il » \u25a0 - .i.l-mlltKl to .-itii.oru.hii. In tht> UnltMtKlalr« today •ltd I' |r..|.«l.|y th*onlyr>ll|.ilW In Ih* ..i 1.1 BO* rnjoylnsall ihr r%hla »i>J liltlkcn <4 anAlum,no .Hllrii

Mr «>\u25a0 l»>rn In th* town of I'aalK'At th* •«• «f 14 ha ran away fr>>mhia itaiivf iu»u and •bii'ixxl abuarU• vr»w «a t-ahtn bay.


Communes Organ-ized on Luzon.

miruos co to %\\\t\ for ui>

\u25a0\u25a0I Th*« *'• .'-.« iNk at th«\u25a0 \u25a0Mi*rlti*i »l That Plata

Who r»«f P.Ull.ne..

Jl.\.Vll*\. Juno T.—lo ir>- north*•fa p«Xt of Lul<>n. rommuNl^tr »>•

!«!••. Nt»» «\u25a0 purpo** I* to maka aa-iuaJ .i;\i»um of property bar*been (arnwl I%n«aan<ta of native*.

, who euaa* to Ma»tU in qttral offoud and atwlivr ha»^ been turnedjawft anrnw to Uw f«*r ttiat lt.*!r

prtaenc* In III*oilywHI rau*<- >)!••\u25a0\u25a0»•«•

\u25a0ml f*tnli»» M-injr <ramp«-l It. (runIkr muMr> with «4w>tr hnuwfv.n «f.f-ct» upua their bvki Their -•)

• uj't>ti« »rr» \u25a0 <>nflar-ai<>d try th* in•u»<mi« The Arm rtf»n« am Mail-In* rk» to unfortunate*. In an a;-

«>vnpl to deceive Ik* American »-l jd**r*. th* ln«ji»tnt troop* are •*!.)ti» tan tM*n irliol to <n*<-arr| theirantforma. an I mv ln»tta.l ordinary

• htle rtochlnc

Antth.r Jeplln Mm. Sold

JOI'LJN, Mo., Jun* ».—Anothn h:«minim dral \u25a0*• clnod h»r» tmlay.'•\u25a0.I!-T A Co, of IWton. lhr"U*h A.Baxrr * Co. UuHr Jot-Uo a«»..«».botixht th« (VI T»»r» ratnea and a•««<r» Irjjx- for IIH.M*.

Thla I*on* of ih» rtch**t mln»« InIh» iluirlri anil I* prt>lur!r,if nrarir

| half a mlllton dollars* worm of tine'or* a year. It **» ownod by Cat.!Jantra <rN*i!l of Wrbb City.


•WAmiTN«»T>«N D Q, Juna t.—IOotamtMkmer of Ivtu'.imt 11, ClayKvum aara i .'.ay that penalon paymenla ' 'T the Aval year would notmtmmi iiiuoobnoo Thta »iii I- areduction from l.i#t year of It •*>,•••,(Hit th* aWr*a*» la due to the num-her of caaea n*WI up f..r further ac-tion and review Inatead of a dimin-ution In th* cumber of appllranU.for -nakma.

Ip to late there have h*en about'i¥a> applications from aurrlvnra of

the war with t4|/aln and from Mi"

relaltvea of thoa* kii,»l or who dlodIn the |N-ai'ii nmpa of thla country

Tli" ilrcatimriit la m<kii <•t.--. la>l\u25a0\u25a0lT>>n In i»n«l"n at ntir* all iMMMor drpendrat rclatlvm nf th» menkillfl In ih- war with Kpaln or who(Bad while In th* •«-rvir.-. Most ofih» appllcatliKM of »ur»lv.ira (or |i~n-

<alona are b-i»<l upon tha for! thatihfv contraet«l malaria whlla In th«»<Tvir* and rondi>m) unfit let lm»t---n<-»». 'A {»w < ;i*'t' are for rflaabtll-•).•• <sau««d '• -i, tti* .•ff»<-ta .f miull-fi..i and jreltaw fever. On* applicantfor a p*n*lon, wiioa* mm» the ile- ,|i.irtmpt:t wlthli'ill". contracted 12«tl»tlnrt dlwnaea «h'!(- avrrlnfj hlarountry In th' 100 'l«y«' w»r withH\:i.n- ll< ha* no* >••«! r»-< \u2666-< •. \u25a0 I hlaprnalon.

Tha Fourth In Porto RleoRAN .11-AN .It., m : June 7.—

Th" Hlr».|<- hl> called » roaaa BkWt<Inx for K.iitiril(>\u25a0 pveninir to «lcr|.i>

upon ; rutlonn for the »-»i»iir«ll mof th* fourth of July,

Want Am«r can Rula.COl/iH, Colombia, June 7.-- Annpx-

atlon la ih<- Unite) Htatea of the'x |.nrlm'-'it "f PMMUM H n.ti .n|

nl by a political part] rwi»ntly or-<inui"i la thin pan af CetaaiMa. Th»Colombian nr.-»« In OHM with ill*I »«ii«ir.x of the proiKMiil,whlcli meet*with cfinitldei-nble favor, \u25a0 -'ißllyfrom th« l.ii»c'T bualnmm Intcroiiti.

Poisoned by Sugar.HT tsnvw. .Mo., hNM 7.—lt IB M.

i> >rl< ! that thirty imMmMI of itrnn-It*Clt>', 111., vrfm polMned today bypttlnif«ÜB»r. n »r«l of th#m. it I*th«ti(rht, fjnnil :ivr.

T3i!« r>ark.i|f» In whlrtj the xtipnrnan taken waa l.il>»!)i| In »n>»n Ink,In which ilin I'hyxlrliina think muntfnvi- contained parli green. Thl«•oakfii tb;ouyh th« auctr.


Is the June Weatherin New York.


ChlaagO Timpifilgra Cool* SllfktlfAlthough The ol Mar Cm-

i«n» 01*1 Ya»tara"aj.

' NCW vuiili, Jun» 1. - Today'prutntara another •eurrher. At I

\u25a0 m Hi.' thermometer *tood at M.It I* rtainir by Jumi"- Tti with-out .l.'.iM « .11 b« the twllrat JunaNew Y<»k »>»• .\.i known. l*rna-trattiMM and fatalltie* y-»ierdajr»••!«• nameroaa, ih«n><N>ln4T >• dralb*and <i pruMntttnns dv*to th*killing»r.i(nrr. Tn- tiut wave la general

over mi.- in Malai, tout th* hot--1

te«t at»l of all w K«w York add intmtnrdlala \tvliilty.

CIUCUWV Jut»« T^Tlia. «»rrt«lheat of th* lam tow lUya Urn 11Tb* uwrciiry took a lambi* Unamartrina. and > -o!*r woath«r I* pr»-

--< dii-4«d for today. Th* hntt catuedthre* AaajaM X'MTday and wv»r*J


Woman Nor.awhtppad.

WKIHTIfIICITT. lowa, Jun* t —Mrs. J. I' Torrent*, wifeof a prom>ln*nl .»ru««i»i In Kamrar. MaM \u25a0horMwhlp •»\u25a0« went after Mlv b-trlla Parr, a |-r".i> *h>»>l teacher ofth* \u25a0"">• |tl" »\u25a0\u2666>- i-i««—I her victimuntil the wiiip «v i.ruhm m th*ll.Mllf

It la »ii.itf.| that a few <)*>• MMMi. Ttirrenr*) went to th* druif ati-r*

of her hn«l.»ri.| to aa>i»t him in Ih*cleaning up for «!i. .(.Hi « Ira-I*. Ihahad on an aprun. ami •* Mm Parrim.«~-1 out of tht ealablMttnent >h*

!la aald to feav* eielalmed: "llurapli!utottiar » NbMMM In town."

Shot the Sh«ap.1.. >>*o rftnrtc Or. Jun* 1.-P»r-

--•ona *rn-.\rt in Inn mty la>t nt*btartxurtii ilia- m«i thai • band of trail•h«-|i, beloß|rinc to Itolx-rt fvtirr.•era abot Into near tiiv hm4 of

|VU-t* rrveh, Mat Slondjiy. full par-, tiiutat-w-t u>» aOaur w»r**nm:Ob-<aim<l farther than th* nhooUn* r*>aoltMl tn "\u25a0 !\u25a0\u25a0•• of 9M h-» I \u25a0' rbcep.

A tare* nunrsber of aheep ar*> *>••In* Mm \u25ba:>•\u25a0 thla »>-a»..n from\u25a0anaM and CMMlant eountle*. and Inthe {MM l« day* about «•.•\u25a0> naadt»4>« (>*Mk*>l Uirnuicti IM*city.


A Board of TradeSlobbers Over.

M«I I.H KITIC^ &F.1\.1 HEKr>|.|>

To the Qovaramtnt of Spain, Tor-getting All *boMtthe Main*

— SutretUaa of l«.«t«

WAHIIINOTON. D C June 7-line boanl of trade of fortamouth,Va., haa |.r«-n.-nt—l lh« Navy depart-m«"ii( a rrqunat that th» erularr,formerly th» B|>anl*h - i.» r ItetnuM«-r< \u25a0\u25a0!\u25a0•\u25a0. nh.ill he prtaentad to meQui-rn IJT-nt of Hpaln a* an evi-<lrn< •• at the I'nltrd Ktatea to inI theI. u<- ii.»» .i *\u25ba.•! by the lat* »ii

and to •(!..•« tin- r/fudwSt eilata inthta country. There la not the

\u25a0 Harti' pn.«|H. t of the requeat be-line Kunli'l.


r, Im T TIM »\u25a0\u25a0«•\u25a0

>f iron. Bti hi i ii a»ik\u25a0


Hn»l «'lilitni'l,l In Hi- in itt.r Ot III"nf« > ' . ii.

i i Ililn,\u25a0ll v ' .i.i .\u25a0 n I' I »n

It \u25a0>, i. ... i,i

f.): pu<l Wrm i ii \u25a0


.\u25a0 in mi ni


TACOMA, Inn. 7.—A1l til*•awmUliii"l |OM(I campa on Orays Ilnrbnr

hay« formed \u25a0 combine by which10-'KllltJ Will I"' Kll«|T»nl''i| •\u25a0nmpVti'-ly for Mvi- ncrk*. A f"W amaller\u25a0 i in, \u25a0-> rebelled, bill were notified

" .Mnniluv that th-y wnuM !>•• hnyri.l-tell mil. «.• they comt'llci »iih the

i iitTinlnii. 11 iimlred > r>f mm will bo! temporarily thrown trillof trotX, butwllti few tXOtpttOTUI ore quite will-In*, for ttuspennlon 1» the only mean*of k«- i In* up the prl?« o( lf.R". and,

tccrincjumtJy \\*ter., In tli» camp*.

> Paradoxical m*It may m« »i nr>i,loh» inllla are nearly all in fwvor ofth* im.so. uiltiiouiiii It la primarilyliit.Mi.lv.l to kf< i' up 11, i'il. nof li.«« It.iiml.rr ima >nt\itn< ill,and a drop Inlor* «i>uM huvf, II I" ri jii»l. a Im>lcffifl by «I»liik *ll«l«ot mill* a

• liaiio to cut prlcaa. Th» chltfimam for Hi-' miHa \u25a0<• -iiii-mine I*in.' mrr-»ui'i>ly ofmoat of th« linerr.niri-uia. Nrarl> all tlia larca mill*on iti« harbor b*v» « aurplui on Imn.l«lii«i wt)l laal IAMB llvr or »l«»s..k« Thru- they havi ronlra.t>.I fur at the iJin. high 111..-, andIntern! ii. ».^>|. lumber up <wrr«a---l-.i..llll«l> Tlio llirniti'iiK.l ..vi-r-

--1 \u25a0 -lv. U"ii uf la««, ami r»na«<|U*ntrail In p| I. r. woul I ricil.!.- «h" fawinlUa «hictt tiavt* nun* on ham) i >purrhaao after Hi' fall at a rat*Which WOUM •U..1.1.. Hi. in tO tIWII.W--all*. Hi" lumber market, not onlylinn-, but mi I*ua~vl aouit-t aa well.

Ttta inw.ll tot ll**..v.-r produ. lloflat l"«» la atataU to v* Uir tilth walvrIn «ho aniallfr atreama. \u25ba\u25a0 r a y»aror l«u Ilirri.\u25a0 hu» not I'.n watvr,rix'UKb tat any lK>iira.l«Kl p*rto<l to

srira ail th* toa-a whl.-li hay* >•«««cut, on MM •iu.ii.t «tr*«n>a. ThU

•print;, whil*iH»it havr aan no fi••>>.«-<», <h* alr.«i»a li*v» bn»n unifurin-l»- hlrh. ana driving \u2666>•• •'«•" <\u25a0»<\u25a0•

rt.-l >>n on a tmtf >nal«. Tha boomIn tumbrr liaa ahai utartvd many oaw

.!.,!- .m ih<> small wrrama «1»>. an!t!>« r< ».ill li"»l<«-ii an un|.r"i«vliiu«lruaa oX !<>«\u25a0 talo Hi" harbor.

A river01 FIRE

Chicago's Stream IsAgain Ablaze.


Schanta la Kin I«tlaf«l»aar*Alaaf Ika Baakt te Okaak

Mia flrat.

CIUCAOO, ; J»»» 7.—Th« northbranch of III*Clrirairo rlv«r r%ufh<tlr» ••rain teat oMTht ami burawtbrlaktr for aavvral mlt>ul.» l^ttlrd«jna«> «aa <a»». Th« liuitmrlKl

•f til* city »UaW<*«( tit* al».»|iMlity

ft »i- • x fli««'ri*rT aa'aattMitoa Mn-

to« «B4 i.?rrtu* « »Ur cU tWtu aJoaa-laßai i&or*..i*©fjg»t»r iIUWM \u25a0!—afj

th. atior*.

Abducted But Cseap*4.BRIK. Pa.. June 7 -T»t> liaitana

with*hand er«aa •\u25a0tK-xl »«*»«• TnUnun. 10 j. »r» ill. Ann of a, wwtthymunufjirturer, to go with tn*m. andmUm they «iH him Into the country•trapped htm to their orraa anS ear.rl«»l him ten mile*, lie mai»wr>-t tocm th«- atrapa whll* they were notwatching him «i>4 returned borne.Ullon ax* aflar the ItaiUna.

Cald Coaa to Iwropa.

MTW YitltK. Jun« 7-Th« «n-n<ratK*n>»tit that tha National Cityhank \u25a0hipped on* million dollar*In r>>! I to I2urop* on th* ataamshlpI.U(-«nii r^mtiy *v a •urpria* to IWall \u25a0trevt. Atthounh •i«rlln« »*\u25a0

Cbanr* haa r«l»d t*lh»r hl»h. It hano**n malntaln*d by ba.nkrrs thattb*r» iraa little llk*llhood or anyft.l aSpataj at BM proton! tlm«. T!i <vl*w, «hli h haa Mn h*ld by aom*

of th- brat nujt>.<rmra In th*baaktnirbu*ln*aa, haa lad to tha b*ll*fthatth« prra*nt rhlpmtnt »v arrancrd >by th* bv*ra In th* market who haveaaaa <n>]u>trtou*ly worklnx for low -• r price*.

Another iK, taken by ninvrvt-i

IK. mm. la that the Unlt*d M«MjIk iT»liirinir H0.000.00a In \u25a0"!•! annu-ally and now haa on hati.l inor* ofth» predoua metal than any otherrountry. and can eauUy affoni toaend •ertral million* to Europe.

EipUaion at mn lowa Fir*CnTJWTON, lowa, Jun* 7 —Thnmaa

Whit worth, ofMarkabur*. waa killadthla i.H.in.n< by an »xp!oakm of

'' i«i*l«f and «*v*ral pMSM Injurni.

• >m» of whom may dl». Th* Rrn^nil•tor* of r>lward T«wna*n«l y.-%» di»-'rov*r*d on flr» about 1 ovirwli thlamnrnlna*. Hi p"».W eiiplodol andwrrrlird th* MllMlna- Walla f*l| onWhit worth and hr Mj»talnr^lfatal In-Jurira. Mr« Tii»na«"n<l and h*rdiiitMfr, Mr». I1iyl». and a«v*r«lini-n « \u25a0\u25a0!.• Injurrd. Th* bulMlna* «a«o-f<i|.imi by th* Maanntr l'»li» andth* r»rorda w*r*all iVntroyr-J.


Refuses to GrantInterviews.


And Than the Or«nd Army of thaC- public of Franc Will

Not r«ul Good

OAYKNNB, June 7.^-Capt. l'rry

fun 11 now in . li>\u25a0«• el i'.ipi 1 Arm \u25a0

*rl*iiri \ four 11 t.irii,.-- The ii.iiprl prlnoncr art til irfu»<"a iii •"" Inlrr-vlewpd. li. appears irrcntly fallicu-ed, but otherwise hi* lu-iiltii la fair-ly food. .., . \u0084...]


He Would Have theWomen Propose.

lllh MNl.lMh'.i.Mill liIUII

l«j• Kteh Warn** Should tea fraa

t* Caoasa Mar Own Hut


NBW TOUK,Juna 7.—Dr. Jl.nl.nll«w, of H«ui rralirt* >>. 1.-Cl<ir<-1 l>—fora an «».|imf» of mv!i«ij iui«ii,

! many bclonrtnx to women'• club*, \u25a0(

tl»» KrrkTlry Lxc«ura. yraliT-Uy.Ill* •üb)r<-t was. - inrlwr fhyalral

<-nm>lll'4t.' < Ill* cht«< r*t> r«"i» «<\u25a0

w«r* to «rom«n."1 hop* to •*• '\u2666>• day." ha «H,

| "»*•« woman ahull »•• (m- to «akth*iuui aba luvaa to brooma hn* )iua- i

\u25a0«n»l »a a mvi '• fraa to aak '!.< wo- jnan ha W>\*-a to tnteoma hit wire.

; Woowa attouM ba &Ma to \u25a0».\u25a0-\u25a0»•\u25a0 th*father of h»r cklMncti. «nd It atioul<lb* m> ao<*«l o0*o*« for tiar iv aaaktn tiuirrMca aa wall «• «« «1v» h<-r i

•\u25a0•lf In niarri*a*a."

Work on \u25a0ohainla Minasi tiVOBKK. Or . Juna T.—TUfrUfrom <ha Dortenla n>ln*«, uivl»r data 'of Juiwp l. atata that tba «im»w la i ft.

'\u25a0 '!\u25a0 jrat MS th» btchml |«rla «n<lc»ni»r of «|M»f«jnp. but «1i» eontlnunlwajrra r«ln» erf ttt*paat week or mnr»Imv*b**n mritln* <•'• irmw rapidly,and prvparmttona «r» now lu-init mad*to i« rin a ruth ofwork. Its* M«uon

win often at Icaat a ni'<nth tat* thtapar, (Itara b*Tint b*en nvrt- mow Intk<> nvwntaina th» |>«M »IMi-r than*vav«r a»*n Ui«r* befor* by thaoUImiI pro*pM-tor. Tti« 014 n'nm,|an4 alao a number of naw pro*tM>et*, IImva barn worked alt winter. Tba Iminar* ara wall pl*a*a4 with th*»a» d<rr»lopmfnt work, »ikl grpatly•o^-ovirm^" 1 over their proapacta.

Highway RobberyI*EnA.NV»N. Or. Juna 7.-Th# par-

tleuavra of a boM hMrbwair ruWwry

' tmva Ju»l raaj*><~4 bara, La«« ntirhi.; about » o'olack. H. <lunn ,in 1 Robertroram. two jroaiur man wtio M»< ntarjUU iil«<<!. l«fI tu»rn f.Tr.tv>w«...ll«lfan hour afterward tltr**ynung mmtotrail Hum wimlwt »rvl bt«»tlniein On atttKirba at th* «tty. , ll* <««•Uko Is • aterfitWa «a>l hi« *»»«u

JM(ti4«<l <» ll* wan *»v*r«lr l«-it-,

«n «n-l robbed f>f lit «o>l \u25a0 watrhA warrant la out (or FVrrm'i »rrr«!


Killed One of HisNeighbors.


Tlien »ft*ak H.ti.i. Oat a Own .mi

killa* Hl* Victim InCol« Blood.

MTTIrANY. Mo., June 7.—Freeman< \u25a0\u25a0» hr«i> w«* hanr*d thl» morning at« 41 ivimn had \u25a0 mw with <Im>.Ht«nJ"'r«iii»h. • firmrr. In th» mm-mrr of 1»T. They fought with bar*fl»la until i ahiitii*tr-4, th»n shookhand*, both twin*, apparently »«tl»---fl«-t. Onchran. a few minute* latrr,•*rur*d » *hol«un and hill.-.! tht de>trtnrtttm t*l*nnor<>u*;h.

Largest Horse Shot PlantriTTBIIimO. I'a, June -Th«

lAtnrrtran «t*»l and Wire companyhi* c-iimlii l«l * denl for tht pur-cttaac of nil th* dock of tfie MMW<h^r»»r llnrm-ahn* company, r*r«>ntlyfirmr.l, {<> mak*- and export hor»e.ahoe*. Th« mi!;.nt of th.. plant willI-* lnrrcnii<il to Rlmi)M on* million ofhoraMhoes a vrnr. and It will be byfar tin titrcrnt h»r**»hoe plant In


Pandlaton's New ChurchPI •.l'M--T"VI Or*.; June 7.—The '

\u25a0MM • \u25a0liil>->r.ii" rhun-h rvrnt that! him iv.t Irnnaplrrd In thla i ly mat1 j11• rnnmTTiitliMi of Urn new tllilllH*of worahlp " lh|l ' ""' '' "' ''\u25a0'\u25a0• H»-\u25a0I.-.iii.t Sinxiiiy Tin- bulldlnir hn« bym.mv btan pronounr«l th«" hnndnoin-r*t In ii,.- utati* ugf«i.i" ..f Portland. with th* fuGfthlnKa and a n»wpll>r or^an In i>l«rf. reprraenta n to-tal coat of 111,000.

Th» HI. nev. n. Wl.Hr M"rrl».1 hlahop r»f th* .11.».•<.• of Q|a.gan; th*

Hi Rev. LMMMI 11. Well*, hlfhnp of\u25a0pokMMI th* *•» William Bhnrt, of jiilrai'p rtiurrh, A'l^rH; th* U< \ W.Turner, of St. r«ter'a, liH Urandp;Hi.- K»v. ll«nry llirrln, ai Aac*n«lonchurrti, Co»«i th* ll«v. Kr*lcrlrlcFariir. of W«i mi. mil the r*clnr.th* n*v. W. I!, <\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0•< la wpi-p In »t-

--; t»H"lnni». l»lahop Wells preachtril th*i mn»ocratlon a«rmon and Hlnhip '\u25a0

llorrla fnn<luct#d the .rjitUtn


i Killad by a Foul Ball." jI,AWnnNCi:, Him, June 7.—K.J-m-l ( •\u25a0"in cnt(*h*r In A bull Knmo

today lictuTi'ii tWO local r.lnen, wan\u25a0truck over the liimil by • foul bull»nJ kIU*4L | '

OIL STOVESi -burner, foe; 2-burner, $i.oo: i-burner, larger,

7?c: 2-burner, larger, $i.?o; j-burner, larger,

$2m2 <

SPELGER & IIITRLBUTwt.i W«» Advartl»e I* go. HIB-11IT >»\u25a0-« At*

NeaTs^Bath TubEN AMELS "\u25a0

Acknowledged to be the best in the market.Third ami Pike. star PAINT co. \

_—, ——\u25a0—-^

SCeatir. <1 >•• Our New Mm of . .urn

Crockery and Glassware ; .

Just Received. It Will Pay You.GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR CO. |

DOe-008 "Mr** Avvnu*. gl 1


Sill Ueitllu Paper: 500 i;un Feet i! Piper fir 34c. 81IS ouiteitil An I

~*S. R. WAGONER, D.D.S.^*•\u25a0[ Pa»ir»l««t» Dentist.•^" UrnT».ih. mm. .-. >. \u25a0..•. i \u25a0 \u25a0«• •»••\u25a0' mi»« nm»e«. too up(jay •\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0.»\u25a0••, i'•"' «*•

iIn imii1

f«anal«e wlik »ll tut fJV .,— $100 RiwaN to •»yo»§ •\u25a0<!\u25a0\u25a0 aajrtalaa but rirtt-claia^Bj^' I._ Malarial la IM «\u25a0•*• wark. rf i\u25a0^ <>mr*lMft-i;IUIW :...:\u25a0.\u25a0 T«l»pb»n« Mala V-v \u25a0"*• 'I

\u2666jSjJ^u Oh! What a Difference J

"? • $T£?aV \u2666 - s-W•*•"-*"""""ltt*"at

fm^%MH,im HEADACHE WAFERSJ^r /™lxn2x^ Ib****t**towitb#•••*•*******-5^ I \ JC!\\ i^^ • Wo Ouar«nt»* THor-n

\u25a0' '\u25a0 ': - - ; . \u25a0'y:-.;"%. Stooad A»«. «\u25a0< C«l»aiili St. --i

0 DIAMONDS—^^y>3*-». lUvt •?v«i1«'l la Irtmtr m lltoKpvroval Our prtcri »r« \u25a0\u25a0 .'

/yflfr|T^ km "Miulm •( *11 pfic<t»v"

g>3 W. VV. HOUGHTON\IJr7O4 Flf.t Avow -» CWEII- »=«

Learn to Ride a BicycleAuditorium Bicycle Riding Academy

Third Ay«. and M«dl»oo St

t,4 .^ DANGEROUS NEGLECT OF IKE EYEjdmJ itanMHrMllloeriia of «-n«« In lb< l»>1» 1« »lm»>tjMIHILW^*? \ i. > i...t l,'ina««<Ur». lor »b»«llrlol»e»etl»tfui<ia.fIWjM ~M?^3E^&\\ «'»' »suliim«»i lor lb>.i«culliHi olruvuordon la lb« l»>.'A i A >^ul^^^^ ' ibll nnl« fnuni anraUrt

/iiT"* *\u25a0 *H.II»l I.\r:RMII.I.optirim, rr> Flrtl at>.

And Ours Are Sure to Be Mines., "Aaotlwr roum «*•! oopp«r •• ao well thoUßht nf as an in-

v««tm«nt l« thai «-.if|.«T mJt»« r«r dividend*. .vrter « i>rop-

rri)1 hu am proven to b< • mine, its dlV!den<l» <-»mc * ilhth« rpariit'irlty it tb« a—»<*».

The Oalumrt ami H»c!» hart nui«l<- tnnr* •tochhoMcnt rich\u25a0,than Oil ih.- famous Cutnatork."— WVr! 1.

1• \V<> (i«\.- l»in lrslnif to put thr*« facts into iinlir'turnl-

«l>|p lnnKiinicv (or Mm* time. ami, to •»m<> extent, have b*c»fuecrixful. <'Uw>rwt«- an many of yuu mnittl nut hay* pur-rlutK'l nur I >ii»t »li«k». Wm <!<> not think any w-ouM v,.|.

unt-irtly ii«<>in>i«l»h th» <-*rt»in"y of profit which will follow.Now. «!• ha\# no iMHBtm of «mm« .tut th» truth, but frt--.|ii.ntly «* tonic for th*rtoqwnrc HN MMMIn tmhaJf of\u25a0 tiorae-tbiof. Th« Jury, all In Mra, itavc a verdict of "NotItuiliy" Shortly aft*r a frlfti-l »«*ih>«l up at Hi- i>ri« 'nrr

ami mMi "Jim. th" <lincrr «\u25a0 past, didn't you ittt«l thathi.ru.-?\u25a0 "Well. T.>m. all *li.r,K I Um«BJM I took MM hor»».but •In**I heard th«« »r>vfriior'» «p»<«-ch. I don't tM>H«ve I did."

Yini'd all own 1. *t <"r. . k utock ifour |w>n «i> equal to th«governor"* tongue."° JOHN E. McMANUS I SON. 918 Second Avanus

tfl.\u25a0 \ A THE - WATER...;..»a I iit frA I Ln

&-^H ' «vl^i^ Wouldn't Stop Running',' ' __

r J*l3 >t /Ijjaj'i'J? h«*u»e the faurri «ai worn out.T J LjJJ iff \u25a0Dd " """""' ">» I-"'I'1"' know that (3^- llvk' t"S\ \lL^4!v *rhM» th*r« la anythlnir In the Una)

' "*\jik I IHH^^ly*

°f plumblnir. ir**or hot «»t<T fitting;.'

IV r \u25a0^'Vfeaaic" i*\u25a0 '"" "I"'lt'lr> P'umblng of any kind.?.I p. jk^Rßi.\ I "int *c "'*""'"I"11" 1" <h«t |lne. "'l!ft l*-ai^'«»V*/ "\»-?i{» *"I1''"'"'1 t.> »n»»<r your call, an.l

•s#TSs3*iS^3SiVi*MßK2^* our ehl"'«''» ••* moderate.

*^f£fM,^ RAUTMAN PLUMBING CO.<^w^^P^ ' ' Cor. Third Ayr. and Spring St.

Stoneware Needs... Glass Needsi liuin*.i iii«ll.'ii«, S.V. Iml tvp«r il.u .W, «v, KVi.livu'iiiiKIV!.. i »i« I Ii .n, .in. J. Iiv iilnv.l, i»r Ant , an , Sio.HfHti |*otl .' •iiiiiiu.wo. J>n «i-. |xr <lo>., J>c

\u25a0 Milk (r... V', 10 Jut Rubbars, I dm., I*.

COON BROS., 1417 Second Ava.

r't^jaaafcaiß^-i mm PLAY TENT

;' j Feiitz Tent and Awning Co.117 Y«»l«r Way.


Wll_UlAfVl TAYLOR, PROP.UteolflirlitjrMat factory, l.ou'luu, KnglMid

Tin- pal] I Urn In the city to lure your B*t m« i0 to order and repair*! tir rrullo>l *Vulou nmu-ii, cetaic Flttt tvtout and Ualoa itn«t.
