The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work

The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

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Page 1: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

The Science of


Part 1

Why Evolution Does Not Work

Page 2: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood


• Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood.

• Hopefully helpful and not too “nerdy”.

• “Is that story true?”

• Two part series on Creation.

• Why Evolution does not work.

• Why Creation does work.

• Why it is important and what it means to Christians

Page 3: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

The Evidence

• There are four possible arguments:

• For Evolution

• Against Evolution

• For Creation

• Against Creation

• This sermon is on Why Evolution does

NOT work.

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Page 5: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood


• The Cambrian period shows thousands of species, but

there is nothing Pre-Cambrian. This is true on every


• Darwin himself was worried. Where are the transitional

fossils that Darwin hoped would be found later… They

have had 150years. No one has found these transitional


• Fossils that have be used to prove transition can be

called into question. (Horses)

• Using one small fragment of bone to reconstruct an

entire animal because it fits is done all the time. Too

many assumptions have been made.

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Page 7: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

• Carbon has isotopes with atomic weights between 9 and 15. The most

abundant isotope in nature is carbon–12, followed in abundance by

carbon–13. Together carbon–12 and carbon–13 make up 99% of all

naturally occurring carbon.

• Among the less abundant isotopes is carbon–14, which is produced in

small quantities in the earth's atmosphere through interactions involving

cosmic rays.

• In any living organism, the relative concentration of carbon–14 is the same

as it is in the atmosphere because of the interchange of this isotope

between the organism and the air.

• This carbon–14 cycles through an organism while it is alive, but once it

dies, the organism accumulates no additional carbon–14. Whatever

carbon–14 was present at the time of the organism's death begins to decay

to nitrogen–14 by emitting radiation in a process known as beta decay.

• The difference between the concentration of carbon–14 in the material to

be dated and the concentration in the atmosphere provides a basis for

estimating the age of a specimen, given that the rate of decay of carbon–14

is well known. The length of time required for one-half of the unstable

carbon–14 nuclei to decay (i.e., the half-life ) is 5,730 years.

Radioisotope/Carbon Dating

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Page 9: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

• So what is the problem with these estimates of the age of the earth?

What is a day to God?

• Prior to the fall of man there was no imperfection in God’s creation

so no radiation at all…so some would argue that all radioisotope

dating is flawed.

• Magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation and it is on a

decline that has been predictable. The further back we go the less

radiation. The ratio in the atmosphere is not stable.

• Genesis 1:6-8 And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the

waters to separate water from water.” So God made the expanse

and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it.

And it was so. God called the expanse “sky”… Did this “Expanse” or

“Firmament” KJV protect us from cosmic radiation until the flood? So

there was no or very little C14 prior to the flood. Thus anything pre-

flood would appear very old.

• The first mention of rain in the Bible is the flood which buries all

living creatures and things to create the fossil fuels, fossils of extinct

creatures (Didn’t fit on the Ark) and soak up all the C14.

• Carbon dating is not much good for anything over 100,000years.

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Missing Links?• Piltdown Man I and II were Hoaxes. Discovered by Charles

Dawson 1912 in a gravel pit in England were later proven to be

a modern human skull fragment put on top of an orangutan’s


• Ramapithecus: 1932 India was shown as evidence of the

evolution of man for 50 years was then shown to be not

fossilized teeth of the “missing link” but those of a modern


• Java Man 1891. Bone fragments retrieved but untrained

workers were assembled by Dr. Dubois…later proven to be not

750,000 years old but a mix of modern and ancient remains with

no connection to each other at all.

• Nebraska Man: 1922 was all a fraud based on a fossilized tooth

that later proved to be that of an extinct pig

• Lucy 1974 later proved to be an ape fossil, not a missing link

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• Peking Man: Homo erectus named because it was a upright

walker. It was suggested to be sub human as the skull was

small=small brain. However it has now been proven that

the brain size would be equal to the average European

male today.

• Neanderthal Man: found in Germany was later shown to

have skull deformities due to arthritis deforming and vitamin

D deficiency leading to thick ridges over the eyes and

curved leg bones

• Cro-Magnon Man: was based on a fossilized tooth found

near a cave with drawing considered to be primitive. later

proved to be indistinguishable from modern man.

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• Atheists often ask: If God truly exists why does he

not reveal Himself?

• Most of us would answer: He sent His son Jesus

Christ and He gave us His Word.

• “The discovery in 1953 of the double-helix structure

of the genetic code (DNA)…we are now in

possession of a very clear information filled

message that is so staggering in its complexity that it

cannot possibly have been produced without a

supernatural intelligence.” pg148 Creation. Remarkable

Evidence of God’s Design by Grant R. Jeffrey

• We now have that message!

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Genetics• Mutations usually bring about bad things. Evolution

says it brings about positive things.

• How do you make an eye through mutations. Or

reproductive organs.

• Single cell organism to us is a lot of genetic

code...millions and millions of different steps to get to

us. Darwin’s time had a very simplistic view of the

cell…it is way more complicated.

• Million monkeys typing for a million years will produce

Shakespeare...not according to the math. To write “In

the beginning God created the heavens and the

earth.” 45 keystrokes in the right order excluding

spaces it would take 1 billion monkeys typing with a

modified keyboard


000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years. It

doesn’t work!

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• Mutations are often bad but if induced by outside influence

often correct themselves. (Fruit fly experiment) Why

because there are backups coded into the DNA!

• DNA is a double helix of deoxyribonucleic acids that form

pairs to hold all of our information. It all coils up in the

nucleus of 60 trillion cells that make up our body.

• DNA if stretched out would be 6 feet long but so thin 1

trillion double helixes side by side would be one inch.

• The amount of information that can be stored in DNA is

staggering. All the essential genetic code for all of

humanity you could fit into a tylenol capsule.

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Life from Non Life

• Single cell organisms are much more

complicated that Darwin knew about.

• Miller-Urey Experiment...building blocks

of life does not equal life.

• Simplest organisms have 126 complex

proteins minimum. Proteins are long

chains hundreds/thousands long of

amino acids…remember the monkeys?

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Life from Non Life• Simplest organisms have 126 complex proteins

minimum. All life on earth have left handed


• What are enantiomers? Every protein is a chain that

twists into a 3D structure. It can twist to the left or to

the right.

• If evolution is true should there not be equal numbers

of left to right?? They are almost all to the left…How?

God is a Lefty!

• Many scientist will now concede that life from non life

is mathematically impossible for such a young earth

and therefore say that life started “out there”. I like to

agree ;)

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Page 21: The Science of Creation - standrewsmoncton.net...The Science of Creation Part 1 Why Evolution Does Not Work. Introduction • Apologies as this is a lot of repeat from Camp Wildwood

The Laws of Physics• The Laws of Physics: First Law of

Thermodynamics...Energy is neither created or


• Second Law of Thermodynamics...In any cyclic

process the entropy will either increase or

remain the same. Entropy is the measure of

disorder in a system.

• In other words the universe should be getting

more chaotic as time goes on...not more

organized. Evolution requires things to get more


• Sheldon Cooper should be ashamed.

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• “Evidence when examined with the presumption that

God does not exist, or that He does not have

effective control with His creation, could logically

support evolution. The same evidence examined

from a viewpoint that He does exist often yields

completely different conclusions...When we are faced

with evidence which can be explained in two different

ways, it seems most unscientific to withhold

consideration of one of these ways, just because it

does not fit with your own ideas of how it should

happen.” pg 11 Creation vs Evolution Handbook ,

Thomas F. Heinze

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Why it matters

• Romans 1:18-20 “The wrath of God is being

revealed from heaven against all the

godlessness and wickedness of people, who

suppress the truth by their wickedness, since

what may be known about God is plain to

them, because God has made it plain to them.

For since the creation of the world God’s

invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine

nature-have been clearly seen, being

understood from what has been made, so that

men are without excuse.”

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Suppressed Truth• Hopefully we have learned how evolution as a theory does not


• So why is it still taught as the only theory?

• Why were there all these efforts to find the missing link and the

hoaxes that were put forward as truth?

• Why are other perspectives not being listened to or laughed at?

• Science is not at odds with God as many believe and many

who start out trying to find evidence to disprove God find

exactly the opposite.

• Why is the truth in science not coming out? It is actively being


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Conclusion• It takes way more faith to believe in Evolution than

in Creation. (Tornado example)

• Evolution does NOT work.

• “It makes this difference-if man was gradually

evolved he is a rising being and improving. BUT if

man was created and his history is to be found in

Genesis, he is a fallen creature in need of a

Savior.” pg 78

• Jesus was there “In the beginning” (John 1:1-5).

Man is without excuse and will suffer God’s wrath in

the end if we don’t humble ourselves before our

creator God and accept the free gift of salvation

secured for us on the Cross by Jesus taking the

cup of God’s wrath and dying for us.