Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 www.stspyridonchurch.org THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014

THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014

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Page 1: THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014

Saint Spyr idon Greek Or thodox Church

PO Box 427 Newpor t , RI 02840

te l : (401) 846-0555, fax : (401) 841 -0960

www.stspyr idonchurch.org


JUNE 2014

Page 2: THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014


Reverend Dr. George E. Economou [email protected]


Parish Council President: Zoe Adamedes Chanters: George Spiratos

Basile Panoutsopoulos Choir Director: Paul Cotsoridis Organist: Jane Iandolo Religious Education: Marianne Menas Stewardship: Dr. James Rozes Philoptochos President: Zinovia Canale Acolytes: Theodore Panoutsopoulos GOYA President: Missy Mellekas JOY Advisor: Sandy Giannopoulos Soup Kitchen: Sofi Cofield, Rose Apostal,

Penny Hiotas and Jane Iandolo

Greek School:

Eleni Anagnostopoulos Loula Eliopoulos Thanasi Stefanopoulos Basile Panoutsopoulos

VOICE: Aliki Cooper ([email protected]) Affiliated Organizations AHEPA President: Michael Sisak Daughters of Penelope President:

Penelope Hiotas Island of Skiathos Organization:

Christina Logothets

The Saint Spyridon Voice is a monthly publication of St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, 390 Thames St., Newport, RI 02840

Office Hours

Priest: Tuesday & Thursday, 10 a.m. —1 p.m. ; For emergencies, call (401) 474-7700 (cell)

Church secretary, Ellen Anagnostos: Tuesday & Thursday, 9 a.m.—1 p.m.

Sunday Winter Hours Orthros 9 a.m. Divine Liturgy 10 a.m.

Weekday Festal Celebrations: Vespers—7 p.m.* Orthros—9 a.m. Divine Liturgy—10 a.m.


* Note: Holy Confession is available by appointment.

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JUNE 2014 PAGE 3


Pentecost occurred on the fiftieth (pentekoste in Greek) after the Jewish Passover and the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. This was also a day on which the Jews celebrated a great feast commemorating the giving of the Tables of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. Jerusalem was full of foreigners, Jews living abroad (called the “Diaspora”), who had come from all corners of the world to celebrate the feast. Several days earlier, a group of about one hundred and twenty disciples had gathered together with the apostles and the Theotokos. At Peter’s suggestion they had chosen a twelfth apostle to replace Judas, Matthias. The disciples were waiting in Jerusalem for the coming of the Comforter whom Jesus had promised. They were full of joyful expectation. They would finally know Him of whom Jesus had said, “It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you” (Jn 16:7). Since Jesus had departed and now sat at the right hand of the Father (Mk 16:19), He could now fulfill His promise. And so Jesus bestowed the Spirit upon them on the anniversary of the day that Moses had been given the Law, “for the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (Jn 1:17). When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all gathered in one place. And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language. And they were amazed and wondered, saying, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own language?...We hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” This is the story of Pentecost as told by Luke in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. We also celebrate this event with thanksgiving, singing the troparion of the feast:

Blessed are Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast revealed the fisherman as most wise By sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. Through them Thou didst draw the world into Thy net. O Lover of man, glory to Thee!

Troparion for Pentecost, tone 8

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Alexander (Sasha) Batrakov graduated from URI with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Engineering and minor in Physics. Alex is the grandson of Zina Bashlayeva and son of Jana Batrakov. He has been offered a fellowship to work on his master's degree at URI.

Alexander Antonopoulos graduated cum laude from Salve Regina University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and minor in Chemistry. Alex was awarded the Biology and Biomedical Award for 2014. He will pursue a Master of Science degree in Physiology. He is the son of Dr. Peter Antonopoulos and Dr. Ellen Spielberg.

Congratulations to our graduates!

Note: Please let us know if there are any other graduates so that we may include the them in our next issue.


Dr. Mercedes Coulombe fell asleep in the Lord on April 19, 2014. She is the mother of parishioner Mercedes "Missy" Mellekas. May her memory be eternal.

Christos Stefanopoulos fell asleep in the Lord on May 23, 2014. He is survived by his wife Sofia and children Maria Stefanopoulos Johnson, Athanasios, Georgia and Despina Haralambis. He also leaves 9 grandchildren, two brothers, one sister and several nieces and nephews. May his memory be eternal.


This year's Big Fat Greek Yard Sale was the best ever! Thanks to everyone who donated items, helped to price, helped to set up, and worked on the day of the sale. This was truly an experience of teamwork. Of course a special thank you is in order for Athena Eliopou-los who organized and chaired this major fund raiser. Her dedication and attention to detail is greatly appreciated and admired! We are planning a final dinner meeting for sometime in June. Look for the details. And as always if you have not paid your dues for this year, and would like to please send a check in the amount of $25.00 to Ionna Bairos-Moreau at 96 Sherwood Terrace, Ports-mouth, RI 02871.

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JUNE 2014 PAGE 5


Dear Dad: I’ve been looking for a card to send you which would in a measure express what is in my heart to say to you. But I have found none to suit. So I’m writing this letter to let you know what you’ve meant to me through the years. First of all, I’d like to tell you that your patient love and protection have not all been lost. Doubtless there are many things you’ve done for me; many thoughts and plans that you’ve entertained on my behalf, which have never found their way to my inner consciousness at all. But you will like to know that some of your fatherliness has found me! After long years, I’ve begun to appreciate it. Time, the greatest alchemist, turned the common ore to gold. Or perhaps I should say that it always was pure gold, only now my eyes hae been anointed and whereas I was blind to your golden qualities, now I am able to see them. Secondly, Dad, I’d like to hold up the ideal, so that it may create a desire in others to become to their children what you have always been to me. Thirdly, I want intellect and heart to grasp this fact: that the best of earthly fathers is but a faint reflection of what the heavenly Father is. I’m proud to remember that you worked with your hands as well as with your head. Do you remember the day when as a little boy I was playing tug of war? It was the little boys against the bigger boys. You watched us pulling; watched the little fellows straining every nerve against their competitors; yet, slowly, surely … losing. Then—I can see you yet—you went stealthily behind the smallest hindermost boy, and how you pulled! Over toppled the big boys, dragged right into the territory of the weaker side. That one action is representative of you. You were always throwing your weight on the other side. It was your delight to secure victory for the feeble, pitted against the strong. I remember, too, Dad, thinking as a very small kid of the Judgment Day. Oh, I know I’ve never expressed these inner feelings to you before, but this one thing I must tell you now. I imagined myself standing with the small and great before the Great White Throne, when the Books were opened in Heaven. I didn’t know then about the Other Book, or, if I did, I didn’t understand how my name was going to be written there. And so I planned in my frightened brain that I’d be sure to stand very close to you; that I’d hold your hand so tight, no one could tear me from your side. I imagined that in this way, I , your week dependent one, might slip through to the joys of heaven. It was a poor tangle of error, of course, but I venture to think it was a stepping-stone to a great truth. I was so sure you’d not wish to be separated from me there. I had learned as a toddling child that fathers know how to love. But I know that even you couldn’t get me a passport into heaven. That is the prerogative of the Only Begotten Son of God. You couldn’t by all right of your strength place your trembling child among the circle of the redeemed; but this I say—you did point the way in. Oh, that every father would do that! If father’s knew how their influence tell and weighs, they would be more particular about many things. I feel so glad and proud, Dad, that you were one of those who felt your responsibility. Well, Dad, there is much more I could say but I don’t want to make you weary. All I can say now in closing is that in your life I find an analogy most precious. As you were close to me as a boy, our Heavenly Father is not far from every one of us, His sin-sick children. He does not require us to put our wants in words. He’s not hard of hearing. He’s very near, all powerful and supremely tender. Like as a father pitieth, God pities me—so David saith. I’m groping at it—grasping at it, rather, because, you see, God’s so—so—loving—if He’s like my father!

From A Look at the World Through a Look at the Book (precursor to Pulpit Helps), August 19, 1971, compiled by Austin L. Sorenson.


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June 11th Bartholomew was crucified twice while spreading the Gospel of Jesus. He was one of the twelve apostles and at times preached with the Apostles Philip and John the Theologian. Once, Bartholomew and

Philip, by prayer, killed a snake that was housed and worshiped in a pagan temple and also healed a blind man. They were crucified and immediately there was an earthquake that killed their pagan judges and a part of the crowd. Seeing this, the pagans hastened to save the apostles, but Philip had already died. Bartholomew lived to translate the Gospel and teach in India. In Armenia, he was again crucified, but this time he was also beheaded by the brother of a girl he had cured of madness. He was buried in a lead coffin, and when his miracles continued because of his relics, the coffin was thrown into the sea. But the coffin would not sink, instead it floated to the island of Lipara. The bishop there had been waiting for it, having been foretold in a dream. Bartholomew appeared to Joseph the Hymnographer and blessed him to create “streams of heavenly wisdom” which are still powerful presence in church music today. He also appeared to an emperor insuring that he would protect his town. His relics were finally translated to Rome.



June 14th Methodios was tormented and humiliated because of his support of the icons, yet he endured and prevailed. Born in ninth-century Sicily, he was well educated before he

became a monk. In a short time he became the abbot of his Monastery in Henolakkos near Byzantium. Then Patriarch Nicephonos appointed him Archbishop of Kyzikios. Methodios was known for his efforts to better and spiritually elevate his people as well as for his staunch defense of the icons. For the latter the emperor had him exiled and imprisoned under inhuman conditions with thieves, in dampness, without light or enough food for seven years. Empress Theodora released him and elevated him to patriarch, and yet the heretics pursued him. They hired a woman and she accused him of having physical relations with her. His defense before the court put the heretics to shame. Finally, Methodios and Empress Theodora together convened a general synod and reaffirmed the veneration of icons.

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JUNE 2014 PAGE 7


The Holy Apostle Peter The son of Jonah and brother of Andrew the First-Called, of the tribe of Simeon and the town of Bethsaida, he was a fisherman and was at first called Simon, but the lord was pleased to call him Cephas, or Peter (In 1 :42). He was the first of the disciples to give clear expression to his faith in the lord Jesus, saying: "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God" (Mt 16:16). His love for the lord was very strong, and his faith in Him went from strength to strength.

When the lord was put on trial, Peter denied him three times, but it needed only one look into the face of the lord, and Peter's soul was filled with shame and repentance. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, Peter became a fearless and powerful preacher of the Gospel. After his first sermon in Jerusalem, about 3,000 souls were converted to the Faith. He preached the Gospel throughout Palestine and Asia Minor, in Italy and Illyria. He performed many wonders, healing the sick and raising the dead, and even his shadow had the power of healing the sick. He had a major struggle with Simon the Magician, who declared himself to be from God but was actually a servant of the devil. He finally put him to shame and overcame him.

Peter was condemned to death on the order of the wicked Emperor Nero, a friend of Simon's. After installing Linus as Bishop of Rome and exhorting and encouraging the flock of Christ there, Peter went to his death with joy. When he saw the cross' before him, he asked the executioner to crucify him upside-down, because he felt himself unworthy to die in the same way as his lord. And so this great servant of the greatest Master went to his rest and received a crown of eternal glory. The Holy Apostle Paul Born in Tarsus and of the tribe of Benjamin, he was formerly called Saul and studied under Gamaliel. He was a Pharisee and a persecutor of Christians. He was wondrously converted to the Christian faith by the lord Himself, who appeared to him on the road to Damascus. He was baptized by the Apostle Ananias, named Paul and enrolled in the work of the Great Apostles.

He preached the Gospel everywhere with burning zeal, from the borders of Arabia to the land of Spain, among both the Jews and the heathen, and receiving the title of "The Apostle to the Gentiles." His fearful sufferings were matched only by his superhuman endurance. Through all the years of his preaching, he hung from day to day like a thread between life and death.

Filling his days and nights with toil and sufferings for Christ, organizing the Church in many places and receiving a high level of perfection, he was able to say: "I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me" (Gal 2:20). He was beheaded in Rome in the reign of Nero, at the same time as St. Peter.

-From the Prologue from Ochrid by St. Nikolai Velimirovic.

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Christopher Canale volunteered at the Bristol VA Clinic helping them with recreational activities and developing friendships. During Sunday School, he spoke to the children about the importance of appreciating our veterans and asked them to make cards which he then delivered to the Vets. Chirstopher wrote the following note to thank the children for their participation:

To the Sunday School children who helped me with my Senior Project. Here are some pictures that I hope you like. Thank you so much for your help. The Veterans appreciated your thoughtfulness and you helped me make my Senior Project a huge success.

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The students of the Sunday School worked on cards for veterans with Christopher Canale

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JUNE 2014 Sunday Summer Hours




Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div.Lit. 9:30 a.m.

Sunday/Greek Schs

2. Nicephoros Patr.of


Erasmos of Ochrid

3. Lucillian & Paula

Martyrs. Athanasios the


Office Hours

Parish Council Mtg 7.

4.MetrophanesPatr .

of Constantinople

Mary and Martha


Bishishop of Tyre.

Nicander,Gorgias and


Office Hours


Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div. Lit. 9:30 a.m


9. Feast of Holy Spirit

Cyril of Alexandria

3 Virgin Martyrs.


10. Alexandra and

Antonina Matyrs

Timothy Bish.Prussa

Office Hours

11. Bartholomew and

Barnabas Apostles.


Barth.’s Name Day.

Office Hours


Peter the Athonite


Office Hours



Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div. Lit. 9:30 a.m.




Tychon Wonderwork.

40 Martyrs of Rome

17.Isaurus &Compan

of Antens, Manuel,

Sabel and Ishmael

Office Hours

18. Leontios, Hypatios

and Theodoulos of


19.Jude the Apostle

Martyr Zosima

Office Hours

22. 2nd Matthew

Zenon &Zenas

Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div.Lit. 9:30 a.m.


23. Agrippina Martyr of

Rome. Aristocleus,

Demetrius, Athanasius

24. Nativity of St John

Bapt. Eliz. mother of

St. John Bapt.

Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div. Lit 9:30 a.m.

25.Prokopios New

Martyr. Febronia the


26. David of

Thessalonica. Icon of

Theotokos of Tikhvin

Office Hours

29.Holy Apostles

Peter and Paul

Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div. Lit. 9:30 a.m.


30. Synaxis of the 12


Michael, New Martyr

of Athens.

1. July. Cosmas and

Damianos Unmercn.

Orthros. 8:30 a.m.

Div. Lit. 9:30 a.m.

Office Hours




ORTHROS.8:30 a.m

DIV. LIT. 9:30 a.m.




Greek School Grad.


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JUNE 2014 PAGE 11

Upcoming Events

June 1—Summer Hours begin, last day of Sunday School, Greek School end of year program June 3rd—Parish Council Meeting, 7 p.m. June 9th—Soup Kitchen June 11th—Daughters of Penelope meeting Regular Events

Religious Education—Sundays, immediately after Holy Communion (on hiatus for summer) Children’s Greek School— Monday-Thursday, 4-6 p.m. (on hiatus for summer) Adult Greek School— Mondays, 4-6 p.m.

Sunday Summer Hours: Orthros: 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.



Bishishop of Tyre.

Nicander,Gorgias and

Office Hours

6.Hilarion of Dalmat.

Attalos Wonderwork

7. Saturday of Souls


Orthros. 8:30

Div.Lit. 9:30 a.m.

Trisagion Prayers


Peter the Athonite

Office Hours

13.Akylina Matrtyr

Eulogios PatrAntioch

14. Methodios Patriarch

of Constantant.


Methodios Name day

19.Jude the Apostle

Martyr Zosima

Office Hours


Of Plympus

Kallistos 1st Patr. of


21. Julian Martyr

Terentius of Iconium

26. David of

Thessalonica. Icon of

Theotokos of Tikhvin

Office Hours

27. Sampson the

Innkeeper. Joanna the


28. Relics of Cyrus and

John. Pappias the





Greek School Grad.


Fathers Emergency

Tel.# 401-474-7700

Please use this number

for emergencies. only.

Thank you.

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The Parish Council held its May meeting on May 6th, 2014. The main topic for discussion was a review of the new Church Parking Lot Lease with the Midtown Oyster Bar. As a background, the lease for the church parking lot came up for renewal on May 1st ,2014. During the month of April, the Parish Council evaluated various leasing proposals for the church. Because of the parking problems which arose last summer and the associated complaints, the Newport Yachting Center was contacted to see if they wanted to lease the lot. Although they were interested, they only wanted to lease the lot from May through October and only offered the church $7,500, which was much, much less than the value of the 2014 Lease ($18,000). Their offer did include free parking for parishioners on Sundays, which was certainly a plus, but the money they offered was just too low. Another company which manages parking lots offered a very competitive lease, which would also include snow removal in the winter. The Midtown Oyster Bar also offered a very competitive lease package for the church, which included a one year lease, snow removal in the winter, a lease amount of $25,000 as well as paying for overflow parking at JT’s on Sundays (up to 10 spots) during the summer season. The Parish Council voted to accept the offer from the Midtown Oyster Bar. To further clarify the overflow parking procedures, parishioners can go to the JT’s lot (on Sundays) and tell the attendant that they are going to church. The attendant will let you in at no cost. The Midtown/JT’s will then take a head-count of cars in the lot and the Midtown will pay the attendant for the parishioners parking. As a gentle reminder, if you choose to park in the center aisle of the Church Parking Lot during Divine Liturgy, kindly be thoughtful of others and move your car immediately afterwards so people don’t get blocked in.

The paving of the parking lot is still scheduled for June…..A1 Paving will let us know when they have us penciled in. The Church formally requested that the ATM machine be removed from the parking lot by its owner due to a variety of reasons. Although they balked, it was finally removed several weeks ago. A new ATM will be serviced by Bill Caragianis of Automatic Vending/Newport Music. We are certain that having a local company will lead to enhanced customer service. Thanks Bill!

The repairs to the rotting beam were finally completed. Some additional repairs to the roof flashing, along with sealing the bricks seems to have done the trick with the leaks, which is when the contractor was given the go-ahead to finish the repairs.

Parishioner Penny Hiotas was selected as this year’s nominee for our Parish’s Laity Award. Please join us in congratulating Penny on this honor, and don’t forget to sign up for the Awards Dinner being held on June 8th.

As most of you must be aware by now, there will be no Hellenic Fest this year. We simply did not have anyone step forward and take on the chairing of the event and so, this year there will be no festival. I don’t need to remind you that unfortunately, our Church

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depends on this income to meet our budget obligations. So…..we can expect this year to have a shortfall of AT LEAST $25,000. Please remember this when considering your Stewardship to the church. Why not take what you would have spent on the Festival (food, parking, drinks, raffle tickets, add it up!) and make an additional gift to the church? This would really help close the budget gap….

Finally, next year our Parish will be celebrating its 100th anniversary and I’m sure we all want to make it special. A few preliminary meetings have been held, but in order to make it a success, we need EVERYONE’S PARTICIPATION! An organizational meeting will be held at the Church Hall on Tuesday, June 17th at 7pm. All are welcome and parishioners will be receiving a letter of invitation for this meeting. Hope to see you there!

Well, that’s it for now…..if anyone has any questions or comments, please contact any Parish Council member or myself. Best regards, Zoe Adamedes Parish Council President [email protected] Thank you to Stewards Tom and Costa Gianetis and Coastal Electric The Parish Council would like to acknowledge the help and generosity of Tom Gianetis, his father Costa and their team at Coastal Electric. They do so much for the church that no one really sees but this year they really helped us out so much that we would be remiss not to acknowledge their efforts. First of all, Tom Gianetis and his crew helped get the church up to code with regards to the Fire Department requirements. (Last year, the Fire Department inspected the church and hall and we failed). The Fire Department left a long list of items which needed to be addressed and Tom made sure that everything was completed. We owe them a huge thank you! Tom Gianetis also came through when the rotting support beam was found when doing the plaster repairs. There were some old electric wires hanging in the walls that needed to be taken care of before any structural Coastal Electric and Tom and Costa went down and took care of the problem. These repairs would have cost the church thousands of dollars. Thank you Tom and Costa for your fine example of STEWARDSHIP. Thank you to Nick and Ernie Georgiou at N&E Glass The Parish Council would also like to thank Nick and Ernie Georgiou for their donations of the side windows, various installations, as well as the new Plexiglas forms at the Iconostasion so we can place the new candles. Thank you Nick and Ernie for your Stewardship!

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Electronic Parish?? The Parish Council is considering the distribution of the bulk of the church mailings via EMAIL. This would save thousands of dollars each year in paper, postage, toner ink and wear & tear on the copying machine. Naturally, we would NOT DO AWAY COMPLETELY with mailing the bulletins, or other mailings, etc. It’s just that for some of us, receiving this information via email would work just as well. We need to hear from you to see if you would be interested in receiving your bulletins via email, or whether you would prefer a paper copy. Please make your wishes known by calling the church office, or by emailing your response to [email protected].


Dear Families, We have reached the conclusion of our 2013-2014 Sunday School year. We have collected money for OCMC and raised 172 for this year. Each child received a certificate, a picture of the whole Sunday School and a picture of each individual class. We thank the children who came each Sunday. We thank the parents and families who brought the children each Sunday. We thank Father who spoke to the children before classes and the congregation who supports the Sunday School. There will be a retreat again this year, so please look for information coming soon. All our thanks, The Sunday School staff

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2013-2014 Sunday School

Our beautiful myrrhbearers from Good Friday Service 2014

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The Center for Greek Language, Ministry of Education of Greece, organizes worldwide exams for Greek Language Proficiency Certification each May. These exams are organized both for people of Greek descent and non-Greeks studying the Greek language as a second/foreign language. As we have communicated to our community over the past two years, it has been a primary goal of our Greek School program to have our community Greek School students participate in the “Ellhnomathia” certification program. We are pleased to report that goal has been achieved this year with five students (and two adults) having taken the exam on May 20th in Boston! Successful candidates obtain official Certificate(s) of Greek Language Proficiency from the Ministry of Education of Greece at their exam level.

2014 Greek Language Proficiency Exam (Ελληνομάθεια) Students, L-R Nikolaos Spentzos, Panagiotis Panoutsopoulos, Anastasia Psilos, Theodoros Panoutsopoulos and

Sofia Stefanopoulos

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Families participating in 2014 Ελληνομάθεια Exam at the Boston Metropolis Official

Hellenic School Testing Site.

A special thank you to Ka. Eleni Anagnostopoulos and Dr. Basile Panoutsopoulos for teaching the Saturday Exam-Prep class! We urge all past students who have graduated from our Greek School program or are current students to consider taking this exam in the future. By doing so, they can determine their Greek Language certification level. For more information, visit the website of the Center for the Greek Language at: www.greeklanguage.gr/certification/node/16 - The last week of classes for this school year was the week of May 26th and the year-end Greek School presentation is scheduled for Sunday, June 1st after Divine Liturgy in the community hall. - To conclude the school year and plan for next year there will be a Greek School Parents’/Teachers Organization (PTO) meeting held on Sunday, June 22nd after Divine Liturgy. Please plan to attend if you have comments and feedback regarding the program.

Page 18: THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014



If you have any interesting video of a religious topic, burn it to a DVD, and then enter it into the St. Spyridon Orthodox Christian Film Festival. There are many chances to win prizes, even the younger ones in our parish! As we approach our 100th anniversary, this might be a good opportunity to give some thought to dusting off interesting archival pictures and turning them into a nice historical video presentation. Note, there is no minimum time limit for videos. Saturday, July 12, is the date. All event activities are free. Coffee and donuts will be available at arrival time, 9:30 to 10:00. Films will be viewed from 10:00 until 12:00. Lunch will follow. Once lunch is over, we will enjoy a 90 minute Rum Runner excursion in the harbor. [beginning at 1:45 PM sharp]. Hope to see you there!


The Maud Howe Elliott Chapter 245 of the AHEPA is pleased to announce that it is donating financial support to the local robotics team of Panagiotis Panoutsopoulos. The team of high school students is part of the robotics program organized by AIR (Aquidneck Island Robotics), the 4-H Club (Head, Heart, Hands, Health), and supported by the Navy (Naval Station Newport). Students are required to build, program, and drive a robot so that it can perform certain tasks. The team meets once a week as it prepares for the next years’ competitions. Panagiotis’ team was ranked second in the qualification rounds of the New England Regional competition through the Robot Skills, and it thereby qualified to go to the World Championships. In Robot Skills, robots are given 90 seconds to run an autonomous program to score the most points. Panagiotis’ team ranked 1st in this and became qualified for the World Championships in Anaheim, CA.

Page 19: THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014

JUNE 2014 PAGE 19


The next meeting of the Daughters of Penelope will be held Wednesday, June 11th. Plans are for a dinner/meeting and Daughters will be notified as to where.

We will be hosting the September Soup Kitchen and will be planning our menu at this meeting.

Please make every effort to attend and give your input! It was be our last meeting until September.

Penelope Hiotas President


Dear Friends,

Please call or email Sofi Cofield to sign up to help at this month's soup kitchen—this month it is on Monday, June 9th— (401 847 8593 / [email protected] )

Thank you for your help in our Ministry,

St. Spyridon Soup Kitchen Team Rose Apostal, Sofi Cofield , Penny Hiotas, and Jane Iandolo


Sunday Summer Hours begin Sunday, June 1st.

The times will be as follows: Orthros 8:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m.

Page 20: THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014 · Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church PO Box 427 Newport, RI 02840 tel: (401) 846-0555, fax: (401) 841-0960 THE SAINT SPYRIDON VOICE JUNE 2014

JUNE 2014 PAGE 20

In loving memory of

Gredo Vincent Volpicelli

In loving memory of

Constantine Hologgitas

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Order of AHEPA Maud Howe Elliott

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