The Rule of Order Part I

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  • 7/27/2019 The Rule of Order Part I


    Markov Algorithms as a Policy Programming ModelPart I 2013Q1

    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 1 Annals of a Running Dog


    The Rule




    POLICY ENFORCEMENTBusiness and Government Regulations

    An Occasional Paper

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    Markov Algorithms as a Policy Programming ModelPart I 2013Q1

    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 2 Annals of a Running Dog



    Motivation: Verification of Policy Suites Derived from Government and Business Regulations ................. 3

    Part I: Prologue on Cultural Context ........................................................................................................... 4

    Part I: IntroductionFirst Principles ........................................................................................................... 8

    Markov Algorithm ................................................................................................................................... 8

    Whats in a name? .............................................................................................................................. 8

    The Dijkstra Guarded Command ........................................................................................................... 17

    Syntax ............................................................................................................................................... 17

    Part I: The Sherr ..................................................................................................... 19

    Guarded Commands ............................................................................................................................. 20Service Points and Provable Reference Behavior .................................................................................. 21

    Design by Contract: Pre-, Post-, Invariant Conditions ....................................................................... 22

    The Guard ............................................................................................................................................. 26

    Descending into the weeds ............................................................................................................... 27

    Bridging to the practical .................................................................................................................... 28

    Policy Constructs ............................................................................................................................... 28

    Implementing XACML Data Flow ...................................................................................................... 29

    The Command ....................................................................................................................................... 32

    Tying back to Service Point and State Change .................................................................................. 32

    Part I: ConclusionBridge to Part II.......................................................................................................... 34

  • 7/27/2019 The Rule of Order Part I


    Markov Algorithms as a Policy Programming ModelPart I 2013Q1

    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 3 Annals of a Running Dog


    Motivation: Verification of Policy Suites Derived from Government and

    Business Regulations

    Call this the Law of order at both the macro and micro levels. Each Policy Suite is focused on controlling

    a small, coherent subset of Business Rules/Regulations. Developing the Policy Suites is, as of now, very

    much an art form. As we will see in Part II of this paper, we can find tutorial use cases that help guidethat artful process. In one of the Part II use cases, we will look at an important financial service business

    process, viz., Open Account, and how to identify the enforcement points for policies that ensure

    compliance with theGramm-Leach-Bliley Actprivacy requirements.

    The useful point to all the formalism contained herein is to be disciplined and precise. That is,

    disciplined and precise enough to be able to make and prove assertions about Policy Suites that

    represent Government and Business Regulation. The approach is akin to constructing Complete

    Axiomatic Systemswherein we can know exactly what is true and what is not.

    The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) from 1999 replaced the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and that

    deregulation is largely blamed as setting the stage for the Financial Crises of 2008. GLBA also has rulesto protect the disclosure of Non Public Information (e.g. Name, Address, SSN, Age, and Account

    Numbers in various combinations) during the execution of financial processes.

    TheSarbannes-Oxley Actof 2002 (affectionately referred to as SOX) concerns regulation of accounting

    practices and how business processes are implemented. Additionally, it specifies who can and cannot

    perform various roles within those processes. This set of regulations resulted from the several highly

    impactful accounting fraud collapses at the turn of the Millennium (Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and

    Adelphia, most notably).

    TheDodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Actof 2010 is the latest set of regulations.

    Dodd-Frank contains rules on financial transactions that are currently highly automated or will be in

    order to comply most efficiently.

    It is the Dodd-Frank regulations that will force many financial institutions to remediate automated

    systems across many asset categories end to end, from underwriting to high frequency trading to back

    office processing.

    The approach here can be highly impactful for both efficiency and effectiveness. Many regulations can

    be conflicting and therefore require some deep verification of their consistency. And this must be done

    in an easy-to-use fashion that helps hide the technical complexity of such tasks.

    The ultimate objective is the Part III white paper entitled, Codification of Core Dodd-Frank Concepts.

    This paper and subsequent Parts II and III are a candidate for an open, transparent regime that

    implements Policy Enforcement.

    This effort is seen as leading to a capability to model and control transactions within varying Sovereign

    Jurisdictions for the purpose of finding efficient venues.
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    Markov Algorithms as a Policy Programming ModelPart I 2013Q1

    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 4 Annals of a Running Dog


    Part I: Prologue on Cultural Context

    Think like a Machine.

    The Borg looms,


    We become Part of the Machine.
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 5 Annals of a Running Dog


    Accelerating since the 60s, we have been washed in this meme of the techno-culture of Machine-Space:

    2001, A Space Odyssey

    Star Trek,

    And,Star Wars
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 6 Annals of a Running Dog


    Man and machine are tightly integrating in and into the collective psyche. It is even more so today.

    How many can resist the Smart Phone message alert Ding!?

    And, of course, we have the current producer generations version of the Man-Machine Meme

    Neo Does the Matrix.

    In the end, it is allNeology(neo: new, logos: word); making new language.
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 7 Annals of a Running Dog


    It is with the above attitude in context of World Asset Exchange, Mobile Wallets and Social Media that

    we consider the audit of the critical functions of social/economic/financial activity: Monitor, Alert, and,

    Report and Remediate.

    But, can we adequately comply with all these new and old rules and regulations? As Jethro Tull sings,

    Aiming high where the eagle circles, Where he keeps his tail feathers clean, And

    he wonders Am I still a free bird? Or, just part of the machine.

    [emphasis added]

    Popular techno-culture like the Tablet, Smart Phone and Social Media allow and deliver us extremely

    intimate experiences with economic transactions and relationships. We need a new economic theory of

    not macro-, not micro-, or not even nano-, but ofpico-economic transactions.This is theSingularitythat

    Kurzweilspeaks of He isnow Director of Engineering at Googlewho also employs Vin Cerf, a Founding

    Father of the Internet, and Hal Varian, Founder of the School of Information at Haas Business School of

    Cal Berkeley.

    Google is, indeed, a great candidate for the Borg. (Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.)

    What are pico-economic transactions? We offer a personal example. The maintenance cost for a set of

    six grid computing server images at an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account is $0.15 per month the

    cost of a few sticks of gum charged to a credit card. AWS has had two price reductions of 20% and 25%

    over the past three years. Is the next one a 33% drop to $0.10?

    Computing is being commodity priced, if not commoditized. This is the Grail of Cloud. That is to say,

    the quest is for workloads to become interchangeable across differing Cloud providers. We are in a

    market of walled gardens at the moment. At the moment, web service dispatch via apis and

    virtualization is as close as we get.

    Of course, as with all businesses, the telecom/hardware/software/service providers wish to create

    walled gardens. This seems inevitable as it is the most sustainable profit modelwitness Apple as a not

    so modest example with the highest Market Capitalization (albeit dipping to #2 at this writing) of any

    equity stock in the World.

    It is in this cultural and business context/milieu that we consider a new policy programming model. To

    be truly effective, policy development, management and enforcement need to be turbocharged with

    automation. Such an approach is offered here.

    It is the Singularity to come.
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    Markov Algorithms as a Policy Programming ModelPart I 2013Q1

    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 8 Annals of a Running Dog


    Part I: IntroductionFirst PrinciplesMathematicianAndrey A. Markovs 100-year old work is seminal in the area of statistical computing

    Markov Chains. He also delved into the nature of algorithm in the domain ofAlan TuringandJohn von


    Taking it from the top from First Principles, on Wikipedia, we have a very straightforward definition ofMarkov Algorithm:

    Markov Algorithm

    The Rulesis a sequence of pair of strings, usually presented in the form

    ofpatternreplacement. Some rules may be terminating.

    Given an inputstring:

    1. Check the Rules in order from top to bottom to see whether any of

    thepatternscan be found in the inputstring.

    2. If none is found, the algorithm stops.

    3. If one (or more) is found, use the firstof them to replace the leftmost

    matching text in the inputstring with its replacement.

    4. If the applied rule was a terminating one, the algorithm stops.

    5. Return to step 1 and carry on.

    The important aspect of these algorithms is that they are Turing Complete, i.e., capable of representing

    any computation.

    Whats in a name?


    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose

    By any other name would smell as sweet."Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

    Juliet spoke this as she reveled in the thought of Romeo and his being of the House of Montague that

    was a blood enemy of her House of Capulet. As we will see below, there is plenty in a name. Alfred

    Korzybski,the Father ofGeneral Semanticswould ask the question, Would you eat honey if it werecalled bee vomit?

    Without getting caught up in a human psychological discussion of words and names specifically, lets

    examine the phonetic construction in the question Whats in a name? We turn to the Soundex

    Coding, Patented 1918/1922. It was used for Analyzing the 1880-1939 Censuses.
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 9 Annals of a Running Dog


    Experience Soundex coding. Try this 1997 Genealogy Web Service url with a last name, e.g., Sherr

    using Figure 1below.

    Figure 1: Description of the Soundex Coding Scheme

    Invocation through the Web Interface Form produces results of Sherr S600as in Figure 2below

    Figure 2: Soundex Coding Scheme Applied to Sherr

    Notice the form of the url request (we are talking aReSTfulinvocation):

    Click on the link and produce the page up above. If you embed the request in code, issue the request

    over an IPaddr:80 and intercept the html response from that port, and parse it, you now have legacy

    wrapped a function from 1996 by using a scripting language like python, php, perl, etc. with some

    modern api infrastructure (apigee,mashery,Layer 7,etc.) to orchestrate the request/response. In this
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 10 Annals of a Running Dog


    case, the process is synchronous, but does not have to be using ReST. This is a protocol implementation

    made Simple. Not bad for a Web Service that is 16 years old.

    The complexity arises as we focus on performance. But, it is dynamic binding that makes it all work


    Specifics for Implementing Soundex, Please

    [This section presents my thinking about the details of implementation. The discussion below shows the

    development of the solution in two versionsTable 1 and Table 5, the almost correct solution and the

    corrected solution, resp. To be honest, I try to keep it simple, because simple is hard enough. The two

    tables depict the solution creation process. They are the order in which yours truly understood the

    transformation. Hoping that this is instructive of how one may come to an understanding as opposed to

    just the final state. It is called learning to learn. It is meta*]

    Remember from above that the Markov Algorithm rule is of the form:


    The Soundex coding scheme above then looks like Table 1 below. Let the Subject String=

    and useregular expressionrecognition semantics for patterning and rewriting replacements.

    Note (a) that if no rule applies we stop, (b) that pattern recognition is caseless on the alphabet, and, (c)

    that the recognition iscontext sensitive.

    Using Rule 1below in Table 1, as a reminder to those fuzzy on regular expressions, in the patternon the

    Subject String to be Soundex Coded, ^ and $denote the beginning and ending context anchors of a

    string, resp.

    [.] denotes a string of exactly one character. [.*] provides a context meaning any string, including

    the null string. That provided context is around [BPVF] which denotes any one of the set of B, P,

    V, and F which is to be rewritten as 1 as per the replacementstring.

    In the replacement, ?1 denotes the first substring recognized by the pattern, ?2 the second, $4 the

    fourth, etc.

    A closer to English translation of Rule 1is

    If a match of any 1stcharacter, followed by a string of any length (including 0), followed by

    one character of BPVF, followed by a string of any length including the rest of the

    characters in the Subject String; then, replace it with the 1stsubstring (1 character), followed

    by the 2ndsubstring, followed by a 1, and then followed by the 4 thsubstring. The [ ]

    groupings represent the sequence of substrings (?1, ?2, $3, $4, etc.) recognized in the

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 11 Annals of a Running Dog


    Here is the whole ball of wax.

    Table 1: A Markov Algorithm for Standard American Soundex

    In the above Table 1, there are six phases to this algorithm as summarized in Table 2 below. The

    phases will be applied in the order they appear in the list of Table 1.

    This is because, in Markov Algorithms, the list of rules, by definition, is searched top to bottom until one

    applies to be executed, the process then returning to the top. The Algorithm stops when no rule appliesor it is explicitly stopped with a HALT.

    Rule Pattern Replacement Comment

    1 ^[.][.*][BPFV][.*]$ ?1?21?4 Closed lip explosive2 ^[.][.*] [CSGJKQXZ][.*]$ ?1?22?4 Open mouth explosive breath

    3 ^[.][.*] [DT][.*]$ ?1?23?4 Open mouth, tongue on palate

    4 ^[.][.*] [L][.*]$ ?1?24?4 Open mouth, tongue touches palate

    5 ^[.][.*][MN][.*]$ ?1?25?4 Explosive, lip to open mouth (M), open mouth, tongue on palate (N)

    6 ^[.][.*] [R][.*]$ ?1?26?4 Open mouth, explosive

    7 ^[.][.*] 11[.*]$ ?1?21?3 Remove internal sequences of same numbers

    8 ^[.][.*]22[.*]$ ?1?22?3

    9 ^[.][.*]33[.*]$ ?1?23?3

    10 ^[.][.*]44.*]$ ?1?24?3

    11 ^[.][.*]55[.*]$ ?1?25?3

    12 ^[.][.*]66[.*]$ ?1?26?3

    13 ^[BPFV]1[.*]$ ?1?2 Remove prefix sequences of same numbers

    14 ^[CSGJKQXZ]2[.*]$ ?1?2

    15 ^[DT]3[.*]$ ?1?2

    16 ^[.][L]4[.*]$ ?1?2

    17 ^[.][MN]5[.*]$ ?1?2

    18 ^[.][R]6[.*]$ ?1?2

    19 ^[.][.*][AEIOUYHW][.*]$ ?1?2?4 Remove vowels and vowel-like letters, retaining first letter

    20 ^[.]$ $1000 Assure exactly four characters remain, suffixing with 0s to fill out

    21 ^[..]$ $100

    22 ^[]$ $10

    23 ^[.]..*$ $1 Truncate to exactly four characters

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 12 Annals of a Running Dog


    Table 2: Phases of a Markov Algorithm for Standard American Soundex

    Lets apply the Soundex Algorithm of Table 1to the = Sherr which is detailed in Table 3.

    Table 3: Application to Sherrof Markov Algorithm for Standard American Soundex

    Iteration Subject String Rule Used Comment

    0 Sherr

    1 She6r Table 1:6

    2 She66 Table 1:6

    3 She6 Table 1:12

    4 Se6 Table 1:19

    5 S6 Table 1:19

    6 S600 Table 1:21

    7 HALT Table 1:End

    One of the fine points of Soundex is the way it eliminates sequences of similar consonants as with the

    rr from Sherr above. One needs follow the description of Soundex as in Figure 1which is as not

    obvious as it appears.

    The order of the rules for consonants and vowels must be followed as is. Otherwise, if Rule 19in Table 1

    above were applied first, then a German variant on Sherr asScherrer becomes H600 instead of

    H660 in Table 4below. Soundex aspires to retain the distinction of syllables. Sherr is one syllable.Scherrer is two.

    Speaking of subtle complexity, it should be noted that the Table 1Algorithm was corrected twice by the

    author to accommodate this aspectfirst from 17 to 23 rules and to 30. It requires a trick of phase

    markers to defer Rule 19 until after all the consonant transforms have been completed.

    This means a slight rework of Table 1to explicitly add the Phases I-VI of Table 2 to the algorithm.

    Phase Table 1 Rule #s Description

    I 1-6 Map each consonant to one of six audible categories

    II 7-12 Remove adjacent like categories internally

    III 13-18 Remove adjacent like categories at the front

    IV 19 Remove all vowels and vowel-like letters

    V 20-22 Normalize to exactly four characters

    VI 23 Truncate to exactly four characters

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 13 Annals of a Running Dog


    Table 4shows what is wrong with the algorithm of Table 1.

    Table 4: Application to Scherrer ofTable 1 (wrong!).

    Iteration Subject String Rule Used Comment

    0 Scherrer1 S2herrer Table 1:2

    2 S2he6rer Table 1:6

    3 S2he66er Table 1:6

    4 S2he66e6 Table 1:6

    5 S2he6e6 Table 1:12

    6 She6e6 Table 1:14

    7 Se6e6 Table 1:19

    8 S6e6 Table 1:19

    9 S66 Table 1:19

    10 S6 Table 1:12 Oops, need to prevent this!

    11 S600 Table 1:21

    12 HALT Table 1:End

    Table 5below is the Phase-Markers-Added to Table 1algorithm using #

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 14 Annals of a Running Dog


    Table 5: A Correct Markov Algorithm for Standard American Soundex

    Rule Pattern Replacement Comment

    0 ^[^#

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 15 Annals of a Running Dog


    Now for running though the corrected algorithm for Scherrer turn to Table 6below:

    Table 6: Application to Scherrer of Table 5 (correct!).

    Iteration Subject String Rule Used Comment

    0 Scherrer1 #Scherrer Table 5:0 Begin first phase with # marker

    2 #S2herrer Table 5:2

    3 #S2he6rer Table 5:6

    4 #S2he66er Table 5:6

    6 #S2he66e6 Table 5:6

    7 #S2he6e6 Table 5:12

    8 #She6e6 Table 5:14 S2 treated as a double category


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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 16 Annals of a Running Dog


    ApplyTable 5 to Lochson as detailed in Table 7

    Table 7: Application to Lochson ofTable 5 (correct!).

    Iteration Subject String Rule Used Comment

    0 Lochson1 #Lochson Table 5:0 Begin first phase with # marker

    2 #Lo2hson Table 5:2

    3 #Lo2h2on Table 5:2

    4 #Lo2h2o5 Table 5:5

    6 < Lo2h2o5 Table 5:18 Consonants handled, on to vowels


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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 17 Annals of a Running Dog


    The Dijkstra Guarded Command

    Guarded Commands of Dijkstra from Wikipedia offers a similar pattern as for Markov Algorithms for

    computation. The Dijkstra Guarded Command offers an if-then-else(-else)*fi structure around the

    differing Ruleswhich are not abstract string rewrites, but traditional executable statements in some

    programming language.


    ifG0 S0

    | G1 S1


    | Gn Sn


    This structure too has the merit of being Turing Complete. Without boring unduly, one can prove thesetwo representations equivalent.

    This also is left for the interested reader. [Hint: The form ofpatternreplacement is rendered


    The general Guard, Gi, is a complex logical statement that evaluates Trueor False. If Giis Truethen the

    statement Siis executed and the Guard is satisfied. If no Guard Giis True, nothing happens.

    Assuming top-down, left-right evaluation, then we can see the parallel to Markov rewrite rules.

    Spoiler alert on Guarded Command-Markov Algorithm equivalence!

    To convert a Dijkstra (Soundex code = D236) Guard into an equivalent Markov Algorithm, we need only

    embed the patterned rules into the pseudo-code below which implements the looping execution of the

    Markov Algorithm:

    _Exec = 1;

    while( _Exec == 1 )

    if G0 S0;

    | G1 S1;


    | Gn Sn;

    | _Exec = 0;

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 18 Annals of a Running Dog


    NB: Any compound Sican include a statement _Exec = 0; as a Haltindicator.

    The next section dives down into great detail on the structure and process of Policy Sets. These sets are

    the basis of Policy Based Specifications that are computationally complete. Policy Sets are useful in

    implementing Policy Enforcement Points for any automated interaction. WithHigh Frequency Trading

    accounting for roughly 60% of volume and the emerging Dodd-Frank regulations, automated policy

    enforcement appears to be the only option.

    Thus,a disciplined regimenfor definition, design, debugging, deployment and deprecation of Policy Sets

    is needed.

    Lets begin with the first step below.
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 19 Annals of a Running Dog


    Part I: The SherrThe Summary Slide below is how Guarded Command is summarized in the Sherr Lean thinking in a

    context of Policy Management and Enforcement (represented inBackus-Naur Form (BNF):

    This certainly has a European bias: Lean Implementation, Niklaus Wirth (Swiss), Guarded Commands,

    Edgers Dijkstra (Dutch), Programming by Contract, Bertrand Meyer (French). Of course, we have to add

    to this list Tim Berners-Lee (British) who developed the http protocol at CERN in Geneva. All these

    developments were 1968-90.

    It is Old Time Object Orientation and Service Programming from the European Academic Masters. Just

    because something is old, doesnt mean it is obsolete, especially with ideas.

    In fact, being Old means it has survived the test of time. Many times with New things, it is old wine

    in new bottles. The recent popularity of Python is a case in point. Python is Lisp (the original language

    for AI) without all those annoying parentheses. The Library construct of Python is content addressable

    memory and was a central feature of arrays in awk, the C-like pattern matching language of unix.

    And so, we turn our attention to First Principles as we provide very old ideas (Turing Computability,

    Markov Algorithms, Guarded Commands, Design by Contract, and Lean Programming) within a new

    container called The Sherr Guarded Command for Policy Management and Enforcement. Ideas are the

    ultimate reusable resource.

    In the spirit of taking it from the top, Wirths Law, Software gets slower than hardware gets faster,

    drives us to First Principles rather than layering more complexity on a morass of complexity. So, lets

    conceptualize operating as an appliance, that is, either hardware of software appliance.

    The value-add with the Sherr Guarded Command is the simplification of programming Policy

    Enforcement. This Policy Enforcement works in service oriented, distributed, time-displaced computing,

    that is, in the current and coming World of Cloud. Moreover, there is an almost fanatical clinging to the

    stateless processing in the http communications. The ostensible reason is to make processing

    asynchronous. But, state matters and must be accommodated as in ReST Architecture. This is done

    through Contextpreservation, augmentation and use.
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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 20 Annals of a Running Dog


    Guarded Commands

    Recall Rule 0 from the Table 5 Soundex Algorithm as an example of a Guarded Command which is

    abstractly, a specification of a state machine transition:

    The semantics of patterned rules are very precise and, literally, programmatic. The Markov idea of an

    ordered table of rules is simple. What is complex is controlling the execution of those rules.

    For many use cases of algorithm implementation, this sequence of construction works:

    Write the rules as Guarded Commands, order them, and supply the Contextwithin which

    they are invoked.

    In the case of this discussion using Regular Expressions as the heart of Guard, context sensitivity is

    supplied by the immediate Contextstring anchors (^ and $) and the substrings (denoted by [ ]

    expressions) surrounding the Contentcharacter(s) to be replaced by the Command.

    In detail, how does Rule 0work as the start of American Soundex implementation in Table 5?

    Recall, as part of correcting the error of Table 1, we needed to assure that certain rules would be

    skipped after some point. Since the scan of the rule list is always top-to-bottom, we used a context

    signifier ( [#

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 21 Annals of a Running Dog


    More precisely, deconstruct Rule 0, noting that algorithmic processing operates transparently to the

    background Context, viz., the formatting or location of the data:


    A string sits in a memory cache that is implementable in a number of ways

    Direct (PROM, DRAM, DISK), or, Mediated (Local or Remote Data Service Call),


    Subject String = Sherr


    The Soundexing Process has not yet begun,

    signified by none of the three phase markers appearing at the beginning of the Subject String


    Start Phase 1

    signified by appending # to the front (left) side of the Subject String

    Contentand Contextare a state duality that makes the complete computation (Guardand Command).

    Fundamentally, it is point of view. Generally, Contentis changed directly and internally within the

    computation. Contextis changed indirectly and externally from outside the computationanother

    process Content. Both are required.

    Service Points and Provable Reference BehaviorOnce defined and compiled into coherent Suites, Policies can be certified that they are meaningful,

    consistent, and complete to the purpose for which they are fit.

    The full Contextof the Policy life Cycle is depicted in Figure 5below (NB Certification is done prior to


    Figure 5: Policy Development; Policy State Life Cycle

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    Copyright 2012-13, David M. Sherr 22 Annals of a Running Dog


    As the lower right-hand box indicates, Certification of the Policy Suite is to a Reference Behavior. Thus,

    the Certification Process depends on being able to Prove the Behavior of the Policy Suite is equivalent to

    some Reference Behavior. We seek the next level of automation of Search: not just the ability to answer

    questions (i.e., deliver information), but to draw conclusions (i.e., share knowledge).

    The details of infrastructure and implementation of specific work-flows for any enterprise are discussedin a paper onEnterprise Policy Development. However, important to this discussion is to note that real

    value is in Deployment and Operation. Thus, Certification is a level of assurance for which one can

    establish measureable service levels, and, hence manage the non-compliance risk by the numbers.

    Design by Contract: Pre-, Post-, Invariant Conditions

    To talk of proving behavior requires a discussion of the atomic artifact in the current world, Service

    Request APIs. A Service Request API is satisfied via a Service Point. Service Points are the way

    functionality is delivered in an asynchronous, distributed World of Cloud. The Command of a Guarded

    Command contains the invocations of services via Service Points.

    Service Pointsare invoked under service level agreements which include the behavioral constraints as a

    part of their materialization. The following discussion is extracted from apaper delivered in Dec 2003 to

    the OECD on Measuring Electronic Business Processes. It is particularly relevant here.

    Service Point: The Picoeconomic Artifact

    TheService Point is the central artifact to define and measure. Collections of Service Points yield the

    Business Services that implement the tasks of Electronic Business Processes.

    Function Point, Precursor to Service Point

    In the 70s when writing COBOL/CICS applications, we would measure, a priori, the amount of work in a

    system development based on a notion called function point. A function point was either a function

    call or file interface. There was one platform, several mechanisms and a few environments to deal with.

    Life was relatively simple as there was not a lot of choice of how to implement our systems and IBM

    provided great engineering information on how to make the operations more efficient and manageable.

    This is NOT true in todays world of Information and Communications Technologies.

    Service Pointis a further abstraction of Function Point with other capabilities added. There is the idea

    of both supply and demand with respect to the functionality provided by a Service Point. It is obvious

    but worthy of noting that economies are primarily governed by supply and demand. If one is to have an

    effective artifact to measure economies of electronic business processes that use business services, then

    aspects of both need to be included in the abstraction.
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    Attributes of Service Points

    Figure 6: Relationships of Service Point Attributes

    A Service Pointsupplies:

    An interface to request the service containing a name and list of parametric variables called the

    function request signature;

    A delineation of the data/information needed/provided called the view specification;

    A semantic specification of constraints on how the functionality is achieved in terms of input

    state (preconditions), operational state (invariants) and outputs (post conditions)borrowed

    from the field of object programming, Design by Contractcalled behavior constraints.

    This is the functionality defined by the Service Point particularly when a formal business vocabulary

    exists to support the semantics of the constraints. It defines the computational requirements.

    A Service Point needs to deliver on the consumers requirements for Service in terms of

    Service Level Objectives

    Operational Times: When is the service required to be enabled and operational

    Performance: How does the service need to operatee.g., transaction per second, user

    response times, data capacity and transmission rates

    Transactional Capability: e.g., Best Efforts, No More Than Once, Once and Only Once,

    Fire and Forget

    Security Level: e.g., Public, Client, Partner, Representative, Agent, Administrator

    Quality of Service

    Availability: requirement for up-time

    Reliability: error rates tolerance

    Flexibility: time to change and test to meet competitive and evolving demands

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    Implied in this measure is substantial instrumentation, monitoring and operational data gathering and

    integration. Development of standards and reformation of firm system architectures are required to

    measure service points. Both are formidable undertakings. All this said doesnt mean we should not

    encourage it to happen.

    In fact, we undertake a first step herein.

    It is essential and necessary for us really to get our arms (do) and heads (think) around the problem of

    measuring electronic business processes.

    Behavioral Constraints: Illustration of the Conditions of Service Invocation

    Looking at Figure 6, lets take a deeper dive on theMeyers Design By Contract Contextof Behavioral

    Constraints on a Service invocation.

    From the Service Point supplies list above, the third bullet point breaks out Behavioral Constraints

    (Policy Suites) on application work flow rules. This breakout consists of security controls (identity and

    access) and compliance rules (e.g., SOX, GLBA, Dodd-Frank or Professional Certification statusbothRole and Action constraints).

    Table 8serves as a Summary Example. Consider an Order2Cashwork flow order change task under SOX

    oversight of a physical goods or service provider:

    Table 8: Behavioral Constraints for an Order2CashBusiness Process change_order Task

    Order2Cashis the basic sale transaction: order,pay [, deliver]. Deliveris a separate process, probably.

    On SOX controlling any change transaction, the goal is to forbid an OrderMaker from being able to

    change a delivery address for the receipt of Physical Goods or Services Renderedsimplest fraud

    change_order(order_no, delivery_address)

    Design By

    ContractCategory Description Application Security Compliance

    PreconditionConstraints on Input

    at point and time of

    Service invocation


    && order_noExistsIdentityKnown


    ~order_no( OrderMaker)


    Constraints on


    operation of Service

    per invocation



    IdentityPermitted &&




    Constraints on


    format and delivery

    of Service results

    order_no_status is

    ChangedN/A N/A

    Service LevelRequest

    Quality of ServiceExperience

    TXN:OnceOnlyOnce; PERF: RespTime < 3 sec.,BeginToEnd< 3 min;AVAIL:AnyTime; SECLEV:Agent

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    prevention. This rule makes collusion necessary for fraud. Multi-Party Fraud is much, much easier to

    detect than for a Single Party, since only one party is needed to blow the whistle.

    The principle is called Segregation of Duties. Different tasks, different people in a value supply chain.

    [Quick aside: This style of regulation requiring theoretically more people is what the cost is. We argue

    the necessity of incurring such costs. Regulation is an explicit cost to each party. Deregulation is an

    implicit cost to the whole system. Deregulation as a policy is always a triumph of hope over experience.

    It always precipitates the Tragedy of the Commons where benefits are obvious and the costs not. 2008

    is a Tragedy of Epic Proportions.]

    Detailed below, a little more explanation of Table 8 is helpful to describe instrumentation of the life

    cycle of a Service:

    The ContextPreconditions (Service Birth) allow the change_orderTask to proceed:

    Application is senseless if the delivery address is invalid.

    Security permits only known Identities to operate.

    Compliance (SOX) requires segregation of duties.

    Once invoked, the Service (Life) continues to operate with the Context Invariant

    Conditions persisting:

    The Application status of the Order remains Open since we operate in a multi -tenant,single Authoratative Store environment.

    The Security status persistence requires that the Identity of the interactor stays valid

    (think of revocation of a rogue traders privileges) and the Role of the interactor is an

    OrderMaker (although not the originator of the order_no).

    And because of the asynchronous nature of processing, the Context Post Condition

    (Service Death) is one where the Service doesnt complete until the status of the order is

    marked as Changed.

    By structuring the invocation of Services, we thus can make testable assertions about behavior, before,

    during and after invocation. So a set of Service Point descriptions at this detail dives the life cycle of


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    The Guard

    And now for 9thGrade English where Miss Bergey, Mennonite Missionary, taught how to parse/diagram

    sentencesgrammar in action, recognizing syntax. Miss Bergey was a grammatical purist, as pure as

    pure can be (Dont split infinitives!!cue ruler smackCatholic Nuns had nothing on her), and so are

    we formally pure here.

    Think of a like the shields of the Star Trek USS Enterprise:

    Shields Up, Deflecting Attack

    In the analogy, the Business is the USS Enterprise and the Sherris the fabric of the


    We use Backus-Naur Form (BNF) as a language, the generic structure of which emerges as through

    explanation of Figure 7 below.

    Figure 7: Syntactic Definition of Guard

    AnXACMLstatementhas a set of grammar rules which are intimately associated with specific semantic

    components around access control.
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    The Sherris a superset of XACML in that all XACML is acceptable to this definition scheme, but

    not vice versa. For instance XACML is largely a stateless policy evaluation UNLESS state is explicitly


    Descending into the weeds

    The advantage of expressing languages in BNF lies in the capabilities of well-developed oldtools from

    unix. These tools can (1) parse BNF(lexcourtesy of Googles Eric Schmidtcollaborating in his Berkeley

    days) and (2) compile lower level code (yacccourtesy of one of the many early small contributors to

    unix,Stephen Johnsonfrom his Bell Labs days). WhileGUIs exist for BNF,as we automate and use XML

    or json style semi-structured data (short of free text), we need machine readable forms of definitions so

    agents can dynamically create and interpret definitions in real or near-real time.

    The top level grammar of Figure 7 shows how to construct/deconstruct a well-formed statement in BNF.

    ::= means is defined as and is the meta -verb per se. are the meta-nouns of BNF.

    Juxtaposition defines concatenation of sequences and | is alternative choices. ~, &&, ||, ==,

    and => are part of the language being defined and are the logical operators Not, And, Inclusive

    Or,Equivalent and Implies,resp. ( Vx )and( x )are the logical quantifiers For All and There

    Exists, resp.,statements about sets of {x}, wherexis a free variable in the Proposition.

    Sentential logic(propositional logic) is the simplest of logic that allows us to define assertions regarding

    the state of the World, where the World includes its Mind (Collective Consciousness) as well. It is

    concerned with only what can be stated and proven with regard to basic grammatical structure where

    we construct compound statements using the logical operators, Not, And, Inclusive Or,

    Equivalent and Implies. For example,

    (Roses are Red &&Violets are Blue) =>I love You

    Another name for Sentential/Propositional Logic isBoolean Algebra. Boolean Algebra contains the First

    Principles of specification of Circuit Design for all our digital machines. A Law of Computer Science

    states that all Software can be rendered in Hardware and vice versa. So Logic is at the heart of all

    automationsoft or hard.

    Quantification Logic involves quantifying (1)over only members of setsor (2)members of sets and the

    sets themselves, first-order and second-order, resp. Sentential Logic is zeroth-order logic.

    Quantification Logic is the logic of processing sets of data to mine information from them. It is the

    basis of the newly codifying discipline called Data Science. This was just called Data Analysis in the notso old days. Once again, we have old wine in new bottles.

    Policies make assertions about states and changes in state for sets of data and their internal and

    external relationships. This is the complexity of second-order logic. Second-order Logic unfortunately

    suffers the flawthat one cannot, at the same time, be consistent and complete. Consistency means

    all statements can be modeled togethernamely, there is a possible world where all the rules apply
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    without conflictideal. (Muddled together, however, is how it appears in practice.) Complete means all

    true statements are provable.

    We can only find well defined areas in which we can be both consistent and complete. For these areas,

    we develop policy suites with confidence that automation is completely doable.

    Bridging to the practical

    Lets finish the discussion of Figure 7, the BNF definition of . A consists of logical

    statements which can be evaluated to be true or false by the principles presented just above. Evaluation

    is concerned with materializing the sets of data defined by the and its constituent parts.

    Because of the speed of change in systems performance requirements, materialization of data is always

    behind reality. Thus, real-time or near-time computing is necessary. Also, it is a workable strategy,

    moving processes to data instead of vice versa. Materialization of data is the impedance.

    Practically, we need a single source of each policy rule so that we may maintain in one place and then

    compile to deploy policies in any processing environment. Maintaining different definitions for each

    environment is a maintenance nightmare and so argues for a common, open definition. [This is The

    Major Objective for this entire white paper.]

    But what is the Contextof this discussion? Lets take a deeper dive into Policy Constructs.

    Policy Constructs

    A first principle is that The Business is controlled with clearly defined policies and rules.

    Of course, clearly becomes the issue. Common language is The Enabling Capability.

    The first question is What Components do I need to doEnd-to-End Policy Management?

    Figure 8: Components of Policy Definition and Design

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    Extracted from a detailed discussion, Figure 8 above depicts how Enterprise Intellectual Property in the

    form of Business Processes is used to define and select Work Flow Design Patterns and Use Case Policy

    Templates. And the Templates are used to create deployable AND auditable Operational Components.

    The discussion below is centered on the key (in Red) Policy architectural components, that is, those

    components drawn from the standard XACML architecture.

    Policy Information Point

    Policy Information is managed through a Policy User Interface that gathers Policy Information from

    Points of Presence and allows Policy Life Cycle management from Creation through Deprecation of

    Policies deployed through any Policy Administration Point of Presence.

    Policy Administration Point

    Policy Administration Points interface to Policy Repository Services which maintain policies and policy

    suites: (1) newly defined, (2) extant, and, (3) retired. The Repository supports the Policy Test Workspace

    which is where newly defined policies are moved through the life cycle maturing to Deployment,

    Operation, and Monitoring.

    Policy Decision Point

    There are Policy Decision Points of Presence which support Policies at the Points of Enforcement within

    Operational Components.

    Policy Enforcement Point

    Policy Enforcement culminates in the Policy Monitor which shadows the System Audit Log.

    Implementing XACML Data Flow

    With respect to the Data Flow Diagram on page 17 of the XACML 2.0 Specification

    (, this architecture herein virtualizes the Policy Information Point.

    We reproduce this diagram below as Figure 9. Its explanation follows.

    Figure 9: XACML 2.0 Data Flow Diagram
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    This diagram is heavily infused with knowledge like thePeriodic Table of Elementsin terms of the story

    (read knowledge) stored. We engage in Design through Narrative with heavy reliance on use cases that

    cover all the aspects we wish to impart.

    A Story of Access Control contained in Figure 9is elaborated belowa story of who, what, when, where,

    how and in many cases, why. The numbered list below corresponds to those in Figure 9. They are the

    sequence of processing through the XACML semantics.

    1. Policy

    Here we see the Policy Administration Point (PAP) to source the Policy from which Decisions are

    made during the processing of the access request.

    2. Access Request

    The access requestor interacts with a Policy Enforcement Point, thus beginning a journey

    through and with all the component entities that deliver GrantAccess. The PEP then turns to the

    central coordinator, context handler.

    3. Request

    Awakened, the context handler begins to coordinate among the Policy Decision Point and Policy

    Information Point, extracting Policy attributes from a catalogue of subjects (i.e., topics), target

    resources for the Policy (set) and embedding environment for the GrantAccess or DenyAccess

    event notifications.

    4. Request Notification

    A PDP is notified of the request and needs attributes to respond appropriately within the total

    request action and context. The PDP uses the context handler as a peer process to deliver

    attribute values from the Policy Decision is made.

    5. Attribute Queries

    Specifically, the PDP sends the set of attributes it needs to pick the right policy and apply the

    rules and logic to Decide.

    6. Attribute Query

    The context handler pulls the attribute values query by query from the appropriate Policy

    Information Point which, in turn, receives
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    7. Pulled information

    From the attribute values from information from the (a) catalogue of subjects, (c) the target

    resources and (b) embedding environments.

    8. Attributes

    Are returned per each attribute query.

    9. Resource Content

    Is pulled by context handler from the resource, and, then combined with the PIP returns


    Which are delivered to the PDP to make the Policy Decision, and return the context handler to


    11.Response Context

    From which the context handler send its


    To the PEP which emits either the GrantAccess or the DenyAccess event , and notifies residual


    To the obligations service for future assurance application in the larger context of processing

    think of it as residual liability.

    Thus, we see how data are marshaled to lead to the enforcement of policiesgranting/denying access

    to data or processes. This is a relatively simple action.

    The Sherr greatly expands XACML expressional capabilities to Grant/Deny (which is message

    pass-through and local) to Alert/Remediate (which is action invoking and global). This leads to a useful

    device, the Sherr.

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    The Command

    The community organization where this author lives has a slogan amply displayed on tee shirts: Less

    talk, more action.

    And so it is with the .

    Figure 10: Syntactic Definition of

    Figure 10lays out a concise BNFdefinition of the portion of the Sherr. It is, as the green arrow indicates, where the actionis. It is how one specifies how to

    change or prevent change to the state of a computation.

    Playing along with our Star Trek reference as we create a great integration with our technology, Jean Luc

    Picard would say

    Make it So

    Tying back to Service Point and State Change

    In Figure 6above, is at the center piece. Following the figure, the semantics are explained

    in detail.
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    Figure 10contains the syntactic definitions for of the Sherr.

    There is a new BNFconstruct introducedthe use of square bracketed ([ ]) expressions. The square

    brackets indicate that the expression within is optional.

    Harkening back to Table 8, the as definedbyFigure 10 is

    change_order (order_no, delivery_address)


    = change_order


    = (order_no, delivery_address)

    Completing the in Table 8,we append Service Contract Constraints, viz.,


    ( Identity Known && order_no Exists&&Identityis ~order_no(OrderMaker)

    &&delivery_address Valid)


    ( Identity Permitted && Roleis OrderMaker && order_no_status is Open)


    ( order_no_statusisChanged)

    Per Figure 7, each of the Table 10 Service Contract Constraints components is a , while Service Level Request is a four-element vector:


    TXN:OnceOnlyOnce; PERF: RespTime < 3 sec.,BeginToEnd< 3 min; AVAIL:AnyTime; SECLEV:Agent;

    As a final note, the set of a to an assures complete

    computational functionality. This is much like the use of special state characters in the correct Soundex

    algorithm of Table 5. In case of , the capability is more general.

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    Part I: ConclusionBridge to Part IIIn Part I here, we have explored the first principle foundations of computing as viewed in the context

    policy evaluation and enforcement. Take it from the top. We have separated the fly specks from the

    pepper. There is much more depth and breadth to cover, viz., creation of an Open Narrative to engage

    the World Mind. This is a goal of 2013.

    In Part II, we step out of the clouds and put our feet down on two illustrative tutorial use cases,

    connection to the money world, and, seamless payment systems, respectively, (1) OpenFinAcct, and,

    (2) ScanSKU2Cash. Stay tuned to @davidsherr.

    In Part II, we will turn our attention to codifying the core of Dodd-Fran Regulations from the CFTC point

    of view. Caveat: Commodities and FX traders beware. There is a Compliance Tool Kit business here.

    Open Compliance Intellectual Property (Platform as a Service) because, everybody has to do it. Only

    implementations are proprietary (Software as a Service)..