The Royal Cemeteries of Kush - V. The West and South Cemeteries

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    Volume V




    CEMETERIES AT MEROE~xcavated b)V the late


    Edited and Compiled b)V


    Curator Emeritus of Egyptian Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

    Published by the Museum of Fine Arts

    Boston, Massachusetts

    19 63

  • Copyright 1963, by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

    Library of Congress Card Number: 51-9344

    Manufactured in the United States





    I n the prefaces to previ-ous volumes in this series, the writer has sought to express his fundamentaldebt to the late George A. Reisner, Director of the Harvard University - Museum of Fine Arts Expedi-

    tion, the records of which form the basis of this work. This system of recording, evolved by Reisner, was

    followed by various assistants who worked on the sites, including the writer, Mr. Ashton Sanborn, the late

    Lyman Story, Amory Goddard and the late Mr. A. E. Austin, Jr. Despite the many hands involved, the

    diaries, object registers, photographs and survey, have provided a well nigh complete record of the work,

    and the compilation of these volumes would have been impossible had they been less well devised or less

    conscientiously followed.

    As in previous volumes I am very grateful for the invaluable assistance of a number of collaborators.

    Dr. L. M. Laming Macadam of Durham University has given me the benefit of his expert knowledge of

    Meroitic in the deciphering of a number of cursive inscriptions, some of which he has drawn for me him-

    self, and in other cases has corrected my own inadequate readings. Miss Suzanne Chapman has worked

    tirelessly and with great skill on the drawing of many of the objects and in inking almost all of them. Miss

    Mary B. Cairns has been indefatigable and accurate in preparing the typescript, and my friend Mrs. Oric

    Bates has been most helpful in sorting out the large body of small and fragmentary material in the Museum's

    storages, in the making of lists and in the many other tiresome but essential chores involved. Finally, but

    not least, I am grateful to the Director and Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts in placing at my disposal

    both adequate working space and the facilities of the whole organization.

    Museum of Fine Arts

    Boston, Mass., January, 1963


    Dows DUNHAM

  • Contents



    (FIGURES 152-188) 215; A-M POTTERY TYPES 337; N-P METAL



    (FIGURES 189-215) 357; SECTION IV (FIGURES 216-243) 392


    CHART 211








    39 1

    45 1




    Inside back cover


    Site Designations

    N. North Cemetery at Meroe (Beg. N.)

    S. South Cemetery at Meroe (Beg. S.)

    W. West Cemetery at Meroe' (Beg. W.)

    Ku. Cemetery at El Kurru = R.e.K. INu. Cemetery at Nuri = R.e.K. II

    General Abbreviations

    c. Course of masonry or brick construction.

    f.c. Foundation Course; that course of masonry uponwhich a building is founded; usually projectingsomewhat beyond the limits of the superstructure.

    F.D. Foundation Deposit.

    inc. Incised.

    inscr. Inscribed, Inscription.

    misc. Miscellaneous.

    Potter)! Designations

    Miscellaneous ExplanationsFor type designations of Superstructures and Sub-structures refer to Chart, p. 2 I I.

    References to Figures A-T. (Pottery, Metal Vessels, StoneVessels, Beads and Pendants:) Where the objectdescribed is the one illustrated, its dimensions aregiven first, followed by the figure reference initalics: 12 Figure A; IId Figure R. Where the objectdescribed is like the one illustrated, it is referred toas "type of Figure A 12 or Figure R lId" followedby its dimensions.

    Present Location of Objects: Objects now in Boston: if regis-tered in the Museum collections the registrationnumber, in parentheses, (23.345) is given; if not soregistered, the letter B is used. Objects not in Bostonare designated by the letter K, and were eitherdelivered to Khartoum or, in the case of unimpor-tant fragmentary material, left on the site.

    Workmen X and Y: Dr. Reisner, during excavation both at ElKurru and Meroe, distinguished two styles amongcertain amulets found in graves contemporary withthe early Kushite kings (Pi'ankhy to Tanwetamani),and he called them the products of "Workman X"and "Workman Y."

    BlackBlack topped wareBlack wareBrownBrown wareCoarseCoarse red wareDrabDrab wareDecoration, decoratedFineFine hard red wareFine red wareHardHard brown wareHard red wareIncisedPinkPolishedPinkish red warePaintedPink wareRedRed brown wareRed polishedRed wareSlipWareWhiteYellow


    ot to scale.


    Proportional Number: Number obtained by divid-ing the length of a grave by its width. This propor-tion varies greatly and, in graves where the burialis missing, gives some indication of the type of burialfor which it was made. Graves of the bed-burialKushite type were generally wide, while those withextended burials were usually narrow.


    Substructure: that portion of a tomb which liesbelow ground level.

    Superstructure: that portion of a tomb which risesabove ground level.


    The contents of a tomb in which objects are foundnot in their original position due to a variety ofcauses as natural collapse, rooffalls, decay of burial,or washing due to penetration of water or mud dur-ing summer rains. Usually distinguishable fromThieves' Debris.

    Thieves' Debris: material disturbed by ancientplundering.Objects found in Thieves' Debris are not necessarilyfrom the particular tomb in which they are found,although there is a probability that they are: theymay have been dropped by plunderers who hadbeen looting another tomb, or may have beenbrought to their finding place by thieves of a laterdate, and be contemporary with the thieves ratherthan with the tomb in which they are found. Ob-jects, on the other hand, which come from the orig-inal undisturbed deposit in a tomb must be con-temporary with it.









    Prop. No.


  • Introduction

    T he four volumes in this series already published are as follows:Volume I, El Kurru, 1950, Harvard University Press (for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston).Volume 11, Nuri, 1955, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.Volume Ill, Decorated Chapels oj the Meroitic Pyramids at Meroe and Barkal, by Suzanne E. Chapman,

    1952, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.Volume IV, Royal Tombs at Meroe and Barkal, 1957, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.This fifth volume is intended to be used in conjunction with them and brings to completion the

    record of the burial places in the Kushite cemeteries excavated by Reisner between the years 1916 and1923. It includes all the tombs in the great West Cemetery at Meroe as well as all those in the SouthCemetery not dealt with in Volume IV.

    The relative locations of the three cemeteries at Meroe North, South and West, are shown on thekey-map (folded at the back of this volume). The West Cemetery was in continuous use from the timeof PIrANKHY (2) to the end of the Meroitic Period. The South Cemetery was begun at the same periodand remained in use up to about 275 B.C., ending with the tombs of Kings ARAKAKAMANI and AMANISLOand of Queen Bartare (30), after which the tombs of rulers are found in the North Cemetery (see R.G.K.IV). Thus from about 750 to 275 B.C. there were two cemeteries serving the city of Meroe, a fact whichthe writer believes may be explained by the existence of two parallel groups of people living there whichhe has called the Napatan and the Meroitic groups, the latter being the indigenous inhabitants of whatwas at first an important provincial city subservient to Napata, and the former consisting of Napatanofficials stationed at Meroe but belonging to a different clan. Some years ago, before publication of thepresent series, the writer attempted to justify this conclusion,l and he believes this still to be valid.

    In the same place attention was called to another peculiarity of the two cemeteries at Meroe: the factthat, during the first few generations of their use, they contained tombs of two very distinctive types.In the first the deceased was buried in a natural sleeping position, without mummification and lying on abed, according to indigenous Kushite custom first recorded much earlier at Kerma and later at El Kurru.In the second type burial was extended, usually in a coffin, often showing indications of mummification,and frequently covered with a bead net, in conformity with Egyptian practice at the period. The conclu-sion was drawn that these two types of graves were those, in the first instance, of the indigenous Kushitepopulation, and in the second of Egyptians, the latter in all probability being priests, scribes or skilledcraftsmen working for the Meroitic aristocracy. Such an interpretation seems to be born out by the factthat on the average the bed-burials, where unplundered, were much more plentifully equipped with gravegoods than were the coffin burials.


    Most of the tombs dealt with in the following pages carry an estimation of date (italicised numbers inparentheses) conforming to the system employed in Volumes I-IV. In most instances this is expressedby a range of dates within which the writer believes the particular tomb to fall, and in all too many casesthis indication has had to be qualified by queries (?, ??) for lack of sufficient evidence. The basis forthese estimates are the following:

    Ist. The natural growth of the site. Each of the two cemeteries was begun on the highest groundavailable - in each case the western part of the site, and grew in a general easterly direction.

    1 Sudan Notes and Records XXVIII (1947), p. 1-9. The Kingdom cif Kush at Napataand MeTol, Part V of Outline of the Ancient History of the Sudan.

  • 2nd. Indications of date from the forms of superstructures and substructures as worked out on themain royal sites dealt with in the previous volumes and indicated on the chart in this volumewhich is condensed (with modifications) from those previously published. Further indicationsof date are supplied by comparing the objects with those from previously published sites inwhich the dating is fairly close.

    3rd. Overlapping: in the many cases where one grave or building is constructed over or intrudesinto an older one, attention to which has been drawn in each case by a note.

    4th. Masking: in a number of cases tombs have been placed in such a position that their super-structures block or restrict access to the chapel of another tomb immediately to the west,which therefore must be assumed to be older.

    All these four considerations have been helpful in the attempt to establish the relative dates of thetombs, and the general picture of development seems reasonably clear, although in far too many cases afirm date for individual tombs appears impossible to establish.

    The writer, perhaps more than the users of these publications, is very conscious of the shortcomingsresulting from the passage of over a quarter of a century between the completion of excavation and finalpublication. The sources available were the records of the Expedition and such physical objects as wereassigned by division to the Museum in Boston. Like all such records, subject to the element of humanerror and omission under the pressures of active field work, there are some gaps, occasional inadequatephotographs, or drawings not confirmed by photographs. Where it has been possible to correct suchdeficiencies from the objects in Boston, it has been done, but in a number of cases the objects are no longeravailable. This is particularly regrettable in the case of some Meroitic cursive inscriptions of which anumber were only recorded in hand copies made by Prof. Reisner in the field. Though he had givenmuch study to the previous pioneering work done by Griffith, it is obvious that he could not possiblyanticipate the considerable advances made in the decipherment of Meroitic cursive during the last quarterof a century. Being himself an excavator rather than a philologist the writer has sought the advice andcooperation of Dr. M. F. Laming Macadam of Durham University, who has devoted many years of studyto this particular field, and has been more than generous with guidance in these matters. He has agreed,when the work of archaeological publication should become available, to undertake a further study ofthe whole body of inscribed material which he hopes to publish in a 6th volume in this series.

    In 1959 Prof. Dr. Fritz Hintze published his Studien zur lvferoitischen Chronologie und zu den Opjertajelnaus den Pyramiden lion Meroe. 2 Dr. Hintze was kind enough to send to both the writer and Dr. Macadamcopies of this valuable contribution, and we have discussed it together in some detail. Many of therestorations of the texts of the offering tables have been obvious to us for some time. We have not in-cluded them because it was felt that philological commentary was irrelevant until the archaeological taskwas finished. Prof. Hintze has in the meantime covered some of this ground for us. Since we do notagree in every detail (though we do in the main) we shall in the final volume go over it again, makingreference to him where necessary. It may be as well, however, to remind readers of this series that pub-lication of the drawings and photographs of texts is not the end so far as we are concerned, but that com-mentaries on some of the Egyptian and Meroitic texts are intended. With reference to Dr. Hintze'schronological proposals, which differ in some respects from those published in Volume IV, the writerwould like to say here that both Macadam and he are most grateful to him for his interesting and valuablesuggestions, some of which are immediately acceptable, and might well have been arrived at by us aftercompletion of the task of presenting the enormous body of relevant material in usable form. We havepreferred, however, to reserve a definitive study of the royal and other names and their chronologicalgrouping until this has been done, when we plan to re-examine this whole question in the final publica-tion referred to above. In the meantime we prefer not to accept all of Dr. Hintze's suggestions, butrather to keep this publication consistent with the previous volumes pending further study based on thewhole body of material, and since this volume deals primarily with the tombs of secondary personalities,mostly nameless, the chronological grouping formerly used in this series, will be applied to them withoutprejudice to any eventual modification.

    2 Abh. d. D. Ak. d. Wiss. z. Berlin, Klasse f. Sprache, Lit. u. Kunst, Jahrgang 1959, No. 2.



    Selected Tombs in Chronological Order

    W 493 (2-5) Map 3-D. Figure I.




    GRAVE Pit grave Type III A. 197 x 80 - 94. ProportionalNo. 2.5-

    DISTURBED Notrace of burial; objects in debris of grave in disorder.REMARKS Older than W 494 (5-12) which is intact and intruded

    over W 493. Figure I, a.

    23- 3-17-26 K 10 faience Bes-amulets. H. 1.5 to 2. I 5 cm.Figure I, c, I/r-IO. [DEBRIS]

    27 (23.844) Gold Ptah-amulet, scarab on head. H. 1.45cm. Figure I, b. [DEBRIS]

    28,29 K 2 faience Ptah-amulets. H. 1.75 and 1.6 cm.Figurel,c,1112,13. [DEBRIS]

    30 B 8 yellow faience Udjats. L. 0.85 to I. I cm.Figure I, c, 211-8. [DEBRIS]

    31 B 9 blue faience Udjats. L. 05 to 1.05 cm.Figure I, c, 311-9. [DEBRIS]

    32 (23.770) Bronze Ibis with feather. H. 2.7 cm. FigureI, C,311O. [DEBRIS]

    33 B Faience Hathor-head am~let, molded, ringshank missing. H. 1.5 cm. Figure I, c, I r.4[DEBRISI

    34 K Faience Hathor-head amulet, molded. H. 1.65cm. Figure I, c, 412. [DEBRIS]

    35 B Faience Aegis-amulet, molded. H. 1.5 cm.Figure 4, c, 4/3. [DEBRIS]

    36,37 B 2 faience Hathor-head amulets, molded. H.19 and 2.05 cm. Figure I, c, 414,5. [DEBRIS]

    38 B Glazed steatite openwork Hathor-head amu-let, plain back. H. 2.25 cm. Figure I, c, 416.[DEBRIS]

    39 K Faience Ram's-head amulet. H. 1.3 cm.Figure I, c, 4/7. [DEBRIS]

    40,41 B 2 faience Ram's-head amulets. H. 1.3 and 1.4cm. Figure I, c, 4/8,9. [DEBRIS]

    42 K Faience Hawk-amulet. H. 1.65 cm. Figure I, c,4/10. [DEBRIS]


    23 -3-43 B Faience bird-amulet, pierced. H. 0.9 cm.FigureI, c, 41ll. [DEBRIS]

    44 B Faience flower element, ring top. Figure I, c,41 /2. [DEBRIS]

    45,46 B 2 faience standing Anubis-amulets, cut. H. 2.1cm. Figure I, c,S/r, 2. [DEBRIS]

    47 B Faience seated Sekhmet-amulet, cut. H. 2.1cm. Figure I, c, s/3. [DEBRIS]

    48 B Faience seated Isis(?), cut. H. 1.4 cm. FigureI, c, s14. [DEBRIS]

    49 B Lapis seated Isis and Horus(?). H. 1.9 cm.Figure I, c, 51s. [DEBRIS]

    50 B Faience cat, cut. H. 1.6 cm. Figure I, c, 516.[DEBRIS]

    51 B Faience seated figure. H. 2.1 cm. Figure I, c,517. [DEBRIS]

    52 B Faience seated Harpocrates(?) H. 2.1 cm.Figure I, c, 5/8. [DEBRIS]

    53 B Silver amulet: boy, corroded. H. 1.3 cm.Figure I, c, 5/9. [DEBRIS]

    54 B Soapstone nude female figure. H. 3.05 cm.Figure I, c, SilO. [DEBRIS]

    55 B Faience standing figure, unclear. H. 1.6 cm.Figure I, c, 5/ll. [DEBRIS]

    56 K Faience pendant plaque, plain back. H. 4.4cm. Figure I, d, 11r. [DEBRIS]

    57-59 (23.761 -763) 3 faience pendant plaques, plainbacks. H. 3.8 to 4.5 cm. Figure I, d, 1/2-4.[DEBRIS]

    60 K Faience pendant plaque, plain back. H. 4.5cm. Figure T, d, I/S. [DEBRIS]

    61 (23.773) Faience Bes-amulet, cut. H. 6.2 cm. Figure I,d,2/1. [DEBRIS]

    62 K Faience Bes-amulet, cut. H. 6.2 cm. Figure I,d, 212. [DEBRIS]

    63,64 B 2 faience Bes-amulets, cut. H. 6.2 and 4. I cm.Figure I, d, 2/3, 4. [DEBRIS]

    65 B Faience Ram's head with uraeus, cut. H. 4.5cm. Figure I, d,2/S. [DEBRIS]










    Figure I




    23- 3-66 (23.774) Faience Ptah, scarab on head, apes on shoul-ders: on back winged human figure with Udjaton head. Openwork. H. 7,5 cm. Figure I, d,2/6; e. [DEBRIS]

    67-70 B 75 mise. shells. Samples on Figure I, d, row 3.[DEBRIS]

    71 B 7 carnelian bottle-pendants, type of FigureT, III d. H. 1.3 to 1.9 cm. [DEBRIS]

    72 B I red faience bottle-pendant, type of FigureT, III d. H. 1.5 cm. [DEBRIS]

    73 B 18 blue faience cylinder beads, type of FigureR, Va. L. ca. 1.8 cm. [DEBRIS]

    74 B 8 carnelian beads and 2 of red jasper, types ofFigure R, I a, 11 d, III h and VI a. [DEBRIS]

    75 B Ca. 200 blue faience ring beads, type of FigureR, VI f. [DEBRIS]



    B 2 coiled silver wire rings. D. o.g to 1.0 cm.


    B Base gold band ring. D. 1.1 cm. [DEBRIS]

    K Alabaster vase. H. 14.0, D. 7.1 cm. Figure 1,f.[DEBRIS]

    B Frags. of two pottery vases, one grey W.

    (drawn type of Figure A, 34), the other

    PDbW. (similar form). [DEBRIS]

    B RBrW. saucer-lamp type of Figure F, 2~0.

    L. 7.6 cm. [DEBRIS]K Bronze bowl, broken, type of Figure N, 11. H.

    12.2, D. ca. 13.5 cm. [DEBRIS]K Bronze bowl, broken, type of Figure N, g. H.

    7.0, D. ca. 7.gcm. [DEBRIS]

    W 611 (2-5)? Map 2-E. Figure 2.

    PLUNDERED No trace of burial: objects in debris of chamber.

    REMARKS A fragment of mud-brick rubble to the north may be atrace of Super. but not certainly.

    Grave Type 11 with two holes (for bed-legs?) at W. end.Roof collapsed. Figure 2 a.









    Figure 2



    23- 3-426a K Base of a CRBrW. vessel. D. base 9.0 cm. Fig-ure 2, b. [DEBRIS]

    b K Base of round bottomed RBrW. vessel.[DEBRIS]

    c K Scraps sheet bronze. [DEBRIS]d,e K Few faded faience cylinder and ring beads.


    427 B Incomplete alabaster vase. H. 14.6, D. 8.1 cm.Figure 2, c. [DEBRIS]

    655a K Frags. DbW. ribbed jar type of Figure B, 9.D. rim ca. 8.0 cm. [DEBRIS]

    b I B Frag. HP-Grey W. ribbed jar with handles,type of Figure B, 12. H. ca. 17.0 cm. [DEBRIS]

    b2 B Neck and Base of HP-Grey W. vase type ofFigure A, 36. D. mouth ca. 3.8 cm. [DEBRIS]

    c I,2 B Frags. of 2 CRBrW. basins on stands, type ofFigure A, 23(?). Foot ribbed. D. top 18.8 cm.[DEBRIS]

    W 630 (2-5)? Map 2-E. Figure 3.




    GRAVE Pit-grave Type III A. 187 x 92 - 52 cm. Prop. No.2.0 +. Figure 3, a. Decayed bones of a small child, headW., in traces of wooden box coffin much smaller thangrave. Apparently an intact burial in a grave made foran adult.

    REMARKS Cut into by W 610 which is later.

    23- 3-436a (24949) Alabaster vase with knob handles, ca. com-plete. H. 12.1, D. 6.5 cm. Figure 3, b. [DEBRIS]

    b K Fragment of an alabaster jar with loophandles. D. ca. I 1.0 cm. Figure 3, c. [DEBRIS]

    437a K Fragment from base of a stand, R!3rW., WhoSlip. D. ca. 12.5 cm. 18, Figure B. [DEBRIS]

    b K Rim of BrW. bowl, Bk.Pol., type of Figure E,19. D. 10.5 cm. [DEBRIS]

    c,d K 2 sherds: BrW. incised Dec., and thin CRBrW.[DEBRIS]


    23 -S--655d K Shoulder frag. alabaster vase. Figure 2, j.[DEBRIS]

    e-g K Frag. red sandstone knob; frag. faience; partof a snail shell. [DEBRIS]

    656 B Beryl pendant. 0.65 x 0.4 x o.g cm. Figure 2, d.[DEBRIS]

    23-M-2 I 7 B Faience seated Isis and Horus, black details.H. 5.0 cm. Figure 2, e, 1. [DEBRIS]

    218 B Fragment blue faience Ram's head. H. 2.6 cm.Figure 2, e, 2 upper. [DEBRIS]

    219 B Faience Ptah, scarab on head, cut. H. 2.5 cm.Figure 2, e, 2 lower. [DEBRIS]

    220 B Mise. faience fragments. [DEBRIS]221 B Faience cylinder beads, type of Figure R, V a.

    L. 1.1 to 3.2 cm. [DEBRIS]222 B 12 blue and I red faience beads, type of Figure

    R, VI f, g. [DEBRIS]223 B Mise. scraps from a bronze vessel. [DEBRIS]

    23-M-236 B 3 faience amulets: Isis suckling Horus, cut. De-tails in black. H. 4.7 to 4.9 cm. Figure 3, d, 1-3.[DEBRIS]

    237 (23 759) Faience Bes-amulet with 4 feather headdress.Well cut. H. 4.7 cm. Figure 3, d, 4. [DEBRIS]

    238 (23.760) Blue faience amulet: seated Ape. H. 3.6 cm.Figure 3, d,5. [DEBRIS]

    239 B ca. 60 faience cylinder beads, type of Figure R.V b, and 8 ring beads, type of Figure R, VI ito j. [DEBRIS]

    686 K Blue faience amulet: obverse Bes, reverse Ptahwith atif-crown. H. 8.7 cm. Figure 3, e, f, I.fDEBRIS]

    687 (23.757) Blue faience Bes-amulet, cut. H. 7.0 cm. Fig-ure 3, e,f, 2. [DEBRIS]

    688 (23.758) Blue faience Bes-amulet, cut; black details.H. 7.3 cm. Figure 3, e,j,3. [DEBRIS]

    Note: The mise. potsherds numbered 23-3-444found in debris between W 630 and W 620,appear to have originated in the former grave.See below, p. 333.



    32 50




    e f

    Figure 3



    W 816 (2-5) Map 2-3-F. Figure 4.




    GRAVE Pit-grave E-W. Type III A. 200 x 89 - 53. Prop. No.2.2+. Plundered. Objects in grave debris.

    REMARKS Cut on W.byW 808 which is later: see Map.andp.325.



    Figure 4

    23-M-598 (23335) Solid gold standing figure (amulet) of Bastetwith suspension ring at neck and incised in-scription under base. "Bastet: May she grantvalor (and) strength to the Great ChiefPI-mlj" '. H. 4.7 cm. Figure 4, a. Inscription Fig-ure 4, b, c, 10: I. [DEBRIS]

    599 K Tiny gold plaque: Standing Bastet incised onone face. 0.6 x 0.35 x 0.2 cm. Figure 4> d.[DEBRIS]



    K Red stone barrel bead, polished. L. 1.25, D.0.5 cm. [DEBRIS]

    K Scattered faience beads of a mummy-net:cylinder and ring beads, blue, white, red andblack. Not measured. [DEBRIS]

    B Yellow faience Udjat and frags., of others ofyellow and blue faience. L. 1.0 cm. [DEBRIS]

    , The title should be read m! (I (or WT (I). See Gardiner, Onomastica I, p. 120 andYoyotteinB.I.F.A.O'57,P.86-87. There is a prince PI-m~jmentionedon the PiankhyStela, line 116 (Urk. I, part 3, 1905 ed. Schafer) and it may well be that the man ofour amulet is the same. Petrie, Scarabs and Cylinders, p. 39 lists five scarabs with thisname, of which one from the McGregor Collection (Newberry, Scarabs XXXVIII,25) and one in Munich (Petrie, op.cit. PI. LI E) have also the same title. I owe thesereferences to the kindness of H. DeMeulenaere and J. J. Clere.



    W 541 (2-6)? Map 2-D. Figure 5.




    GRAVE Rectangular pit-grave NW-SE. III A. 138 x 50 - 48.Prop. No. 2.8 -.

    BURIAL INTACT Half grown girl? No clear evidence of coffin.Figure 5, a.

    31.!$O I-O-IDb

    c d

    aFigure 5


    K Rounded base of RBrW. vessel, not measured.[GRAVE FILLING]

    K II cowries, cut. L. 1.5 cm.K Few faded blue faience ring beads. D. 0.35 cm.B Uninscribed amethyst scarab. I. I x 0.8 x 0.5

    cm. Not illustrated. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]B Two quartz Udjats, no details. I. I x 0.95 x 0.4

    cm. Figure 5, d. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]B U ninscribed quartz crystal scaraboid. I. I x 0.8

    x 0.4 cm. Not illustrated. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]B 2 carnelian disc beads, type of Figure S, X c.

    D. 0.9, Tk. 0.45 cm. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]B Inscribed steatite scarab. 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm.

    Figure 5, b. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]




    B Ivory Udjat, no details. 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm.Figure 5, c. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]

    B Faded faience disc bead. D. 1.6, Tk. 0.3 cm.X a, Figure S. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]

    B Red glass barrel bead, type of Figure R, II c.L. 0.8, D. 0-45 cm. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]

    B Faience ball bead with black "eyes". L. 0.4,D. 0.6 cm. XI a, Figure S. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]

    B & K Few blue faience ring beads, type of Fig-ure R, VI i-j. D. 0.3 to 0.4 cm. [DEBRIS OFBURIAL]

    B & K 41 cowries from wrists and ankles. L. 1.3to 1.8 cm. Not illustrated. [DEBRIS OF BURIAL]

    W 603 (2-6)? Map 3-E. Figure 6.


    23-M-2 I I B Blue faience Udjat: cut face, back plain. L. 1.6cm. Figure 6, d, 1/2. [AT NECK]

    2 I 2 B 3 faience Udjats: openwork. L. 0.9 cm. Figure6, d, 1/3-5. [AT NECK]

    213 B I faience Udjat: in rectangular frame. L. 1.3cm. Figure 6, d, 1/6. [AT NECK]

    214 Band 23-3--634 16 blue faience amulets: flywith Sekhmet-head and disc. L. ca. 1.5 cm.Figure 6, d, 2/1-11, e. Cf. 23-M-382 from W678

    ,(Figure 9, p. 12). [AT NECK]

    2 I5 B Steatite scarab set in corroded silver band.Seal face obscured. 0.95 x 0.65 cm. Figure 6, c;d, 2/12. [DEBRIS OF GRAVE]

    2 I6a-c B 3 silver and I gold ball beads. D. 0.65 cm.; Ifaience tubular. L. 1.3, D. 0.25 cm. Figure 6, d,1/7,8; 2/13. [DEBRIS OF GRAVE]


    Irregular pit-grave E-W. c.a 104 x 66 - 93. Prop. No.1.6 - (?). Figure 6, a.Badly decayed child, apparently intact, head W. onleft side. Skull and upper torso only preserved withbeads and amulets at neck. Figure 6, b.

    23- 3-370 B 2 RBrW. beakers, traces R.Pol. H. 10.95 and11.85 cm. 17, Figure A. [DEBRIS]

    B (see below 23-M-2I4).B 15 tiny blue faience ring beads, type of Fig-

    ure R, VI j. [ON BODY]B Fragment of a blue faience rosette pendant,

    type of Figure T, III a. [ON BODY]B Hollow gold Udjat: welded halves, no details.

    L. 1.3 cm. Figure 6, d, 1/1. [AT NECK]








    A:t nec.l~ bQQdsand amulth.


    Figure 6

    W 620 (2-6)? and (6-12)? Map 2-. Figure 7.




    GRAVE Rectangular pit-grave E-W. III A. 2 IQ x 64 - 45 (de-nuded). Prop. No. 3.3-. Intact.

    BURIALS Lower, and earlier: adult negroid skeleton extended onback, head W. in traces of wooden box coffin: noobjects.Upper, and later: small adult female extended on back,head W. in remains of bead net but without coffin.Figure 7, a, b.

    23-M-235 K Many faience beads of mummy-net of usualtypes, not recorded in detail. See Figure 7, b,from upper burial.


    a1:5"0 b

    Figure 7



    W 662 (2-6)? Map 2-E. Figure 8.



    SUPERSTRUCTURE Traces mud-brick, size not obtainable. Bricks26 x 13 x 8 cm.




    Rectangular pit-grave EW. III A. 206 x 78 - 43 cm.Prop. No. 2.6+.

    Intact. Adult extended on back, head W., in traceswooden anthropoid(?) coffin, with bead net and girdleof barrel beads. Figure 8 a, d.

    23- 3-715a,b; 72oa,b K Net of faience beads on body: bluecylinder, blue, red, black and white ring. Notmeasured. See Figure 8, d.

    715c: 72OC-e K Girdle of barrel beads in situ at waist: 16camelian, 16 obsidian(?), 8 corroded silver(originally at least 14). In order: 2 camelian,2 obsidian, 2 silver, and repeat. L. of beads ca.1.8 cm. Figure 8, c.

    819 (23.432) Twin alabaster vase with separately madenecks. H. 4.2, W. of pair 5.8 cm. Figure 8, b.



    Figure 8

    I I


    W 861 (2-6) Map 2-E. Figure 9.

    BURIAL Intact. Half grown child (L. lIO cm.) extended ODback, head W., hands on pelvis. No trace of coffin ornet. Objects in situ. Figure 9, a.

    Note: Grave partly under Super. of W 741 (see Map) andhence older.

    Shallow irregular pit-grave EW. 143 x 43 - 30 cm.Prop. No. 3.3+.










    Figure 9

    23- 3-631 (23.1459) Blue faience amulet: Fly with Lion's head(Sekhmet?) crowned with disc and uraeus. H.3.8 cm. Figure 9, h, c. [BESIDE LEGS OF BURIAL)

    Note: Cf. the similar but smaller amulets of this typein W 603 (above) 23-M-214. Both graves arethose of children. The only other exampleknown to the writer comes from the E. Palaceat Kawa: Kawa 11 p. 192, 8Z [0868] and PI.XCVI a.

    23- 3-632 and 719a B g2 faience flower beads, bored length-wise. L. 0.9 cm. XIII e, Figure S. [FROM NECKAND BESIDE LEGS]

    633 and 71gb B Over 30 faience ring beads, type of FigureR, VI j. D. 0.2 to 0.3 cm. [NEAR LEGS ANDA FEW AT NECK]

    718 B Steatite scarab. 1.15 x 0.8 x 0.57 cm. Figure 9,d. [AT NECK]

    W 486 (3-4) Map 3-D. Figures IO, I I.


    SUPERSTRUCTURE Traces ferricrete rubble mastaba, not defined.

    B FBrW. bottle, broken. H. 12.65, D.6.5cm.34.Figure A. [#5]


    go B Thin RBrW. cup. H. 4.8, D. 6.2 cm. 9, FigureA. [#11]

    B Gritty HBkW. jar with two handles, red ex-terior. H. 41.5, D. 25.2 cm. 3, Figure B. [#2)

    B Shallow bronze bowl, cracked. H. 5.9, D. ca.17.6 cm. Figure 11, a. [#4]

    89 (I in B) Two deep bronze bowls, cracked, type of Fig-ure N, 11. H. 10.1 and 10.3, D. ca. 12.3 cm.[#3,6)

    Wide pit-grave EW. III B. 215 x 127 - 123. Prop. No.1.7 -.No trace preserved. Pottery and other objects in situ.Figure 10 a-d.

    B CRBrW. pot, Wh.slip. H. 35.0, D. 30.3 cm. I,Figure B. [#1)






    m&1'\\ -j \'v//"....,'-



    e W 0 ea 1:100



    c Figure 10

  • m


    e-~~ ~I;I





    .. '



    Figure I I


    23- 3-1I7










    12 7


    23- 3-g2 B H Grey W. ribbed pot with two twin handles.H. 16.4, D. 15.3 cm. ID, Figure B. [f17]

    93 B CBkW. beaker. R. wash outside, Bk. inside. H.8.7, D. ca. 11.5 cm. 8, Figure A. [#8]

    94 K Faience "Zamzamiyeh", Who body, blueglaze, broken. H. 8.4 cm. Figure Il, b. [#9]

    95 B Faience "Zamzamiyeh" like 94 but smaller.H. 6,9, W. 5.45, Tk. 4.7 cm. [#10]

    96 (2 in B. rest K) 9 complete and 4 broken CRBrW.beakers like 93 above in form. H. ca. 8.0, D.ca. 12.2 cm. [#12-24]

    97 B Broken CRW cup, R. washed rim. H. I 1.9, D.ca. 13.4 cm. 7, Figure A. [DEBRIS]

    98 B Frags. PDbW. bottle, incomplete. H. 10.55,D. 5.8 cm. 35, Figure A. [DEBRIS]

    99 B ca. 25 faience cylinder beads, type of Figure R,Va. L. 0.35 to 0.45 cm. Figure Il, k, 2/1.[AT X ON TOMB PLAN]

    100 B ca. 100 faience cylinder beads, type of FigureR, V a. L. 1.4 to 2.0 cm. Figure Il, k, 4/I.[ATX]

    101 B ca. 20 faience band beads. L. 0.45 to 0.8 cm.VI a, Figure R; Figure Il, k,5/2. [AT x]

    102 B I faience twin cylinder bead. 2.0 x 1.7 x 0.85cm. Ve, Figure R; Figure Il, k, 5/1. [AT x]

    103 B I large faience cylinder bead. L. 3.65, D. 1.65cm. Figure Il e; k, 6/1. [AT x]

    104 B Lapis amulet: Ram-headed standing figure.H. 1.65 cm. Figure I I, n,9. [AT x]

    105-107 B 3 lapis amulets: Seated Isis and Horus. H. I. Ito 1.2 cm. Figure Il, n, 6-8. [AT x]

    108 B Lapis amulet: Hare. L. 0.85 cm. Figure Il, n,4. [AT x]

    109 B Lapis amulet: Seated ram-headed figure. H.1.1 cm. FigureII,n,5' [AT x]

    I loB Steatite amulet: Pataikos(?). H. 1.8 cm. FigureIl, n, 15. [AT x]

    I I I B Faience amulet: Pataikos, scarab on head. H.1.7 cm. Figure Il, n, 16. [AT x]

    I 12 B Serpentine amulet: Pataikos. H. 1.9 cm. FigureIl, n, Il. [AT x]

    113 B Faience amulet: Pataikos. H. 1.45 cm. Figure11, n, 12. [AT x]

    114, I IS B Lapis amulets: Pataikos. H. 1.5 and 1.7 cm.Figure Il, n, 14, 13. [AT x]

    116 B Misc. beads as follows: Grouped Figure Il, k,2/14. [AT X]a) I faience ball. D. 0.8 cm.b) 2 white glass flattened spheroid with bluespiral on one side. L. 0.6 and 0.8 cm.c) I white glass barrel. L. 0.6 cm.d) I black and white specked stone ball. D.0.6 cm.e) I lapis barrel. L. 0.65 cm.f) I silver discoid. L. 0.7 cm.g) I silver imitation cowrie shell. L. 0.8 cm.h) I conical shell. L. 0.9 cm.

    K Solid gold ram's head pendant, cut, ring attop. H. 1.6 cm. Figure I I, k, 3/1; I I, t. [AT x]

    (23.36 I) Solid gold amulet: Pataikos(?), scarab onhead. H. 1.9 cm. Figure Il c; k,]/2; m. [AT x]

    B 2 blue faience frogs, inscribed bases. 0.9 x 0.75cm. Figure Il, d; k, 313. [DEBRIS]

    B Blue faience scarab, inscribed. 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.65cm. Figure Il,]. [DEBRIS]

    B Steatite scarab, inscribed. 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.Figure Il, g. [DEBRIS]

    B Amethyst scarab, uninscribed. Base 0.6 x 0.5cm. Figure Il, n, I. [DEBRIS]

    B 2 amethyst scaraboids, uninscribed. Base 0.8 x0.7 cm. Figure Il, n, 2, 3 [DEBRIS]

    B 3 amethyst double cone beads, type of FigureR, III d. ca. 0.85 x 0.75 cm. [DEBRIS]

    B I green pebble pendant. L. 1.2 cm. Figure Il,k,3/9. [DEBRIS]

    B 5 carnelian ball beads, 3 ribbed. D. 0.5 to 0.7cm. Figure Tl, k,3/lO. [DEBRIS]

    B 2 crude faience scaraboids(?). 1.0 X 1.0 x 0.6cm. Figure Il, k, 3/Il. [DEBRIS]

    K Lapis plaque: Eye incised on one face, theother incised as drawn. 1.75 x 1.5 cm. FigureIl, h; k,3/12. [DEBRIS]

    129 B 6 faience Udjats, openwork, both sides alike.Hand cut. L. 1.4 to 1.8 cm. Figure Il, i; k,4/2-7. [DEBRIS]

    130 B Faience Udjat: molded and retouched, backplain. L. 1.7 cm. Figure Tl, k, 4/8. [DEBRIS]

    131 B Faience Udjat: hand cut, both sides alike. L.1.1 cm. Figure Tl, k, 4/9. [DEBRIS]

    132 B Faience Udjat: molded, details black, backplain. Figure ll, k, 4/lO. [DEBRIS]

    133 (23.81 I) Lapis barrel bead with a silver cap coveringeach end. L. 2.2 cm. Figure Il, j; k, 4/n.[DEBRIS]

    134 (23 787) Steatite amulet: Pataikos with monkey(?) onshoulders: inscription on back illegible. H. 3.2cm. Figure Il, k, 6/2; n, lOo [DEBRIS]

    135 B 9 faience Udjats: molded, black details, plainbacks. L. 1.6 to 1.9 cm. Figure I I, k, 513-1 I.[DEBRIS]

    136 B 2 green faience Udjats: molded, plain backs.L. 1.7 and 1.8 cm. Figure Il, k, 6/3. [DEBRIS]

    137 B 2 faience Udjats: cut, both sides alike. L. 1.9cm. Figure Il, k, 6/4. [DEBRIS]

    138 B Large blue faience Udjat: openwork, moldedand hand dressed, back plain. L. 3.9 cm. Fig-ure Il, k, 6/5. [DEBRIS]

    139 B 3 faience Udjats: molded, black details, backsplain. L. 2.4 to 2.9 cm. Figure Il, k, 6/6-8.[DEBRIS]

    140 B 20 split cowries (perhaps from two bracelets).Figure Il, k, row I. [DEBRIS]

    144 B PDbW. ribbed jar with two handles. In frags.H. 29.4, D. 21.0 cm. 9, Figure B. [#25]






    Figure 12



    I~I d








    Figure 13


    W 503 (3-4) Map 3-D . Figures 12~ 13.




    GRAVE Roughly rectangular pit-grave EW. with trenches atboth ends. III D. 280 x 163 - 97 cm. Prop. No. 1.7+.

    BURIAL Plundered out; objects disturbed. Figure 12, a, b.

    23- 3-81 B White quartzite rubber: flat face polished. 8.4x 4.5 x 2.8 cm. Figure 13, e. [DEBRIS]

    151 K Frags. of large bronze basin with two verticalloop handles. D. ca. 42.5 cm. Figure 13, a. [#1]

    152a K Frags. of a bronze vessel with vertical walls(perhaps a deep bowl). Rim turned over alead core. D. ca. 25.0 cm. Figure 13, b. [#7]

    152b (24.880) Yellow limestone vase with separately madeneck. H. 20.8, D. 8.1 cm. Figure 13, c. [#6]

    153 B CRW footed cup in fragments. White slip(?).H. I 1.9, D. 14.8 cm. 20, Figure A. [#8]

    154 B RW Zamzamiyeh, white slip. H. 12.7, W.10.5, Tk. 84 cm. 31 , Figure A. [#5]

    155 (+23-M-7 1O) B 119 blue faience disc beads, typeof Figure R, VI m. D. ca. 0.9 cm., strungwith ca. 275 ostrich shell disc beads, D. ca. 1.0cm. Order not recovered [#9]

    156 B Misc. beads and amulets. [DEBRIS]a) 3 blue-grey stone barrel beads, type of Fig-ure R, 11 b. L. 1.15 cm.

    23- 3-156 b) Few thin blue faience cylinder beads, typeof Figure R, V a. D. 0.55 cm.c) Fragmentary faience amulet: Anubis. H.ca. 3.0 cm. Figure 13, d.d) Frag. of a faience suspension ring from anamulet.

    221 B Frag. of a silver(?) figure with AteJ-erown andhands extended, palms up. Corroded; missingfrom waist down. Technique: an iron rod ofD. 0.4 cm. runs vertically through mass ofwhite plaster, over which is the thin metalshell. H. from waist up 4.6 cm. Figure 12, C.[DE.BRIS]

    23-M-707 B Frags. of a blue faience round topped plaque:in relief Haroeris on crocodile holding scor-pion, snakes, etc. Ring shank (perhaps 23-3-156 d above) missing. Figure 12, d; g 1. [#2]

    708 B Frags. of a blue faience round topped plaquewith incised decoration: tree, giraffe, and discwith pendant uraei. Possibly the back of 707split off, but its position in grave makes thisunlikely. Figure 12, e,. g, 2. [#3]

    709 B Blue faience amulet ca. complete. Seatedhawk-headed figure with complex crown,holding Ankh. H. I 1.0, W. 6,5 cm. Figure 12,/,.g,3 [#4]

    Note: This is a duplicate of 19-3-1 120 found in Ku.52, and appears to have come from the samemoId. Cf. RCK I, PI. LIV a, 317.

    W 567 (3-6) Map 2-D. Figure 14.

    23- 3-301 B Two faience amulets: ram's heads. Like 23-M-g6 in W 609 (below, p. 37). H. 1.0 and0.8 cm. Figure 14, C, 4,5. [DEBRIS]

    302 B Minute faience scarab bead, type of FigureS, XIV b. Like 23-M-g5 in W 609 (below,p. 37). L. 04 cm. [DEBRIS]

    303 B Beads: [DEBRIS]a) 2 red glass barrel, type of Figure R, 11 d.L. 0.8 cm.b) I colorless glass twin ball bead. L. 0.45 cm.

    322,323 K 2 similar bronze bowls, type of Figure N, I I.One bent, one broken. H. 11.1, D. 15.8 andca. 14.1 cm. [IN s. CORNER]

    324 B Grey ware bottle, white slip. H. I 1.5, D. 6.2cm. 37, Figure A. [IN S. CORNER]

    325 K 2 bronze mirrors, one with tang. The largerH. 20.3, W. 18.5, Tk. 0.2 cm. Figure 14, d. [INS. CORNER]


    Wide rectangular pit NE-SW. III C. 160 x 108 - 100.Prop. No. 1.5-.Plundered out. Objects disturbed, mostly in S. corner.Figure 14, a.

    Note: W 515 is superimposed over N. corner of W 567, isshallower and clearly later.

    23- 3-298 K Gold mounted steatite(?) scarab, inscribed.1.0 x 0.65 cm. over all. Figure 14, b; c, 1.[DEBRIS]

    B Blue faience amulet: Uraeus(?) like 23-M-g7in W 609 (below, p. 37). H. 1.25 cm. Figure14, C, 2. [DEBRIS]

    B Faience amulet: Hathor-head like 23-M-g6in W 609 (below, p. 37). H. 1.0 cm. Figure 14,C,3. [DEBRIS]








    K Potsherds: [DEBRIS]a) Frags. PDbW. jar, type of Figure B, 9. D.rim ca. 9.5 cm.b) Frags. RBrW. bowl. D. 20.0 cm. 21, FigureA.c) Misc. sherds of RW. one R. Pol.

    B Pottery: [DEBRIS]a) Frags. of RBrW. jar. H. 33.2, D. 21.8 cm.2, Figure B.b) Frags. similar to a.

    B 29 split cowrie shells. L. 1.2 to 1.35 cm.






    Figure 14

    W 715 (3-6)? Map 2-E. Figure 15.

    NO SUPERSTRUCTURENO CHAPELNO STAIRGRAVE Wide pit EW. with two holes at W. end only. III C.

    188xIII -46. Prop. No. 1.7-.BURIAL Intact. Adult skeleton on right side, head W. Objects

    in situ. Figure 15, a, b.

    Note: In contact with W 73 I which is intruded into its E. endand is presumed later.

    23- 3-705a,b B 2 similar bronze bowls, type of Figure N. I I.One broken. H. 10.1, D. ca. 12.0 cm.[AT W. END #3, 4]

    706 K Potsherds: Frags., CRBrW. and PDbW.ribbed. Forms not recovered. [DEBRIS]

    23-M-430, 433 (24.546) Girdle of agate barrel beads, type of Fig-ure R. II c, and shell disc beads, type of FigureR, VI f. Order: 5 barrel, 3 to 4 disc, and re-peat. Figure 15, d. [AT WAIST # I]

    431 (24.547) Chaplet of 7 blue UdJats, openwork, blackdetails, flat backs. L. 2.0 to 2.5 cm. Figure IS, c.[ON BROW # 2]

    432 (23.866) Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed. 1.8 x 1.4 x0.7 cm. Figure IS, d, e. [BODY DEBRIS]

    434-436 B Band beads as follows: 28 gold, Figure 15,1; 27red glass paste; 26 bule frit. All of same formand size. L. o. I5 to 0.25, D. 0.25 to 0.3 cm.[BODY DEBRIS]







    C 0-0f ':1

    Figure 1.5








    0-0, .. ,d

    gFigure 16



    W 761 (j-6) Map 2-F. Figure 16.




    GRAVE Wide rectangular pit EW. with 3 corner holes, III C.200 x 106 - 85 cm. Prop. No. 1.9-. The fourth hole(NE.) is not traceable. Figure /6, a.

    BURIAL Intact adult skeleton loosely contracted on left side,head E. (sic.). Objects in situ. Figure /6, a, e.

    Note: NE. corner cut into by later and shallower emptygrave W 857.

    23- 3-554 B Bronze bowl, type of Figure N, I I. Containingfrags. of wood and chips of PDbW. H. 10.1,D. 11.3 cm. [# 3]

    555 K Frags. of a crumpled bronze bowl. H. ca. 9.0cm. D. unclear. [# 4]

    556 K Bronze basin, cracked. H. 5.7, D. 20.0 cm.Figure /6, b. [# 5]

    557 B Pinkish-Grey W. pot, buff-white slip, cracked.H. 8.8, D. I 1.8 cm. 26, Figure A. [# 6]

    23-M-46I B Steatite scarab, inscribed. 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm.Figure /6, c. [BODY DEBRIS]

    462 B Blue faience amulet: Isis suckling Horus. H.2.8 cm. Figure 16, g 1. [BODY DEBRIS]

    463 B 7 lapis amulets: Pataikos. H. ca. 1.3 cm. Figure16, g, 2-4. [BODY DEBRIS]

    464 (23.805) 3 lapis amulets: scarab with legs. L. I. I cm.Figure 16, g, 5, 6 lower. [BODY DEBRIS]

    465 (23.803,804) 3 carnelian amulets like 464 above. L.1.4 cm. Figure 16, g, 6 upper, 7. [BODY DEBRIS]

    466 B 2 blue faience Udjats, openwork, cut, both sidesalike. L. ca. 1.0 cm. Figure 16, g, 8,9 upper.[#10 AT NECK]

    W 786 (j-6)? Map 2-F. Figure 17.

    23-M-467 B 14 blue faience scarab beads, type of Figure S,XIV b. (Workman X). Not measured. Figure16, g, Blower. [#1 AT NECK]

    468 B Quartzite pebble pendant, bored. H. 0.8 cm.Figure 16, g, 9 lower. [BODY DEBRIS]

    469 (23.806) Blue faience amulet: Squatting ape (Work-man Z). H. 1.3 cm. Figure 16, g, 10 lower. [#1]

    470 B 2 faience amulets: Pataikos(?). H. 1.3 and 1.6cm. Figure 16, g, 10 upper, I I lower. [#1 ]

    471 K 86 faience amulets: Standing Isis(?). H. 1.3 to1.6 cm. Figure 16, g, H-I4 upper, 12-14 lower.[#1]

    472 K 73 carnelian barrel beads, type of Figure R,Il c. L. 1.0 to 1.2 cm. [GROUP #2]

    473 B 9 red glass paste barrel beads, type of FigureR, Il c. L. 1.0 to 1. I cm. [GROUP #2]

    474 B About 130 gold band beads. L. 0.12, D. 0.2cm. Figure 16, d. [#1 AT NECK]

    475 B Many beads as follows:a) Many shell disc beads, type of Figure R, VIn. D. 0.4 to 0.5 cm. [GROUP #2]b) Faience ring beads, type of Figure R, VIt-u. D. 0.4 to 0.55 cm. [BODY DEBRIS]c) Ca. 20 faience cylinder beads, type of Fig-ure R, V a. L. 1.5 to 1.65 cm. [BODY DEBRIS]d) 9 red glass paste band beads, type of Fig-ure R, VI d. D. 0.2 cm. [BODY DEBRIS]e) Included in 474 above. [BODY DEBRIS]f) 2 blue frit multiple band beads, type of Fig-ure R, VI d. L. 0.35 cm. [BODY DEBRIS]g) Hollow gold cylinder beads, burst open,filled with grey cement. L. 1.7, D. 0.5 cm. Notdrawn. [BODY DEBRIS]

    Note: Group #2 appears to have been a girdle atwaist, consisting of groups of 4 carnelian or redglass paste barrel beads, alternating withgroups of 4 to 5 shell disc beads. Figure 16,].

    NO SUPERSTRUCTURENO CHAPELNO STAIRGRAVE Very wide rectangular pit-grave with 4 corner holes,

    III C. 122 x 110 - 56. Prop. No. 1. I +. Figure 17, a.BURIAL Apparently intact. Tightly contracted adult on left side,

    head S. (sic.) with objects in situ. Figure 17, a, b.Note: In contact with W 856 which is empty but of the same

    4-hole type (see Map). Relative ages unclear: W 856could have been plundered without disturbing W 786,except possibly its extreme N. end.




    B Broken bronze bowl. H. 10.4, D. 12.2 cm. [#5]K Bronze bowl. H. 8.1, D. 10.9 cm. Figure 17, c.

    [#6]B Bronze bowl, type of Figure N, 4. H. 6.9, D.

    12.1 cm. [#7]B Frags. PDbW. pot. H. ca. 15.5, D. ca. 153

    cm. Figure B, H. [DEBRIS]Sherds of RBrW. and frags. thick walled ala-baster. Discarded. [DEBRIS]

    K I pair crescent band gold hair-rings. D. ca. 1.5cm. Figure 17,1, 1,2/1. [#9 AT NECK]



    23-M-504 K I pair gold basket earrings. 1.4 x 1.3 cm. Fig-ure IJ,f, I, 2/2. [#IO AT NECK]

    505 B 155 faience Udjats and fragments, cut: 90 blue,L. 1.1 to 1.8 cm.; 65 yellow, L. 0.95 to 1.7 cm.Figure 17,], I, 2/3-8. [#8 DIADEM]

    506 B I steatite Udjat cut from base of an old scarab,with remains of bee hieroglyph on back. L. 0.8cm. Figure 17,], 1/9. [DEBRIS]

    507 (24 545) 95 carnelian barrel beads, type of Figure R,11 c. L. 1.1 to 1.3 cm. Figure 17,], 4/6-8.[#1, GIRDLE]

    508a(24'54I) About 500 shell disc beads, type of Figure R,VI f. D: 0.5 cm. [#1 GIRDLE]

    Note: The two previous items formed a girdle withgroups of 4 to 5 barrel beads alternating withgrouped disc beads of equivalent length. SeeFigure 17, b.

    508b B 16 purple glass band beads, type of Figure R,VI, d. L. 0.25 to 0.3 cm., and one cowrie shell.[DEBRIS]

    509 B 8 red glass paste barrel beads, type of FigureR, 11 a. L. 1.8 cm. Figure 17,],4/9-12. [DEBRIS]

    5 IQ B I gold barrel bead, type of Figure R, 11 c.L. 1.05 cm. Figure 17,],3/I. [DEBRIS]

    51 I B 3 gold band beads. L. 0.3 to 0.4 cm. Figure 17,f, 312, 3 [DEBRIS]

    512 B 5 gold ring beads. D. 0.3 cm. Figure 17,],3/4,5,[DEBRIS]

    23-M-5I3 B 3 carnelian barrel beads. D. 03 cm. Figure 17,f, 316,7 [DEBRIS]

    5 I4 B 15 garnet band beads, type of Figure R, VI d.[DEBRIS]

    5 I5 B Blue faience decorated cylinder bead. L. I.I 5cm. Figure 17,f, 2/9' [DEBRIS]

    5 I6 B 22 blue faience scarab beads, type of Figure S,XIV c. L. 0.35 cm. Figure I7,f, 318. [DEBRIS]

    517 K 14 large blue faience cylinder beads. L. 2.2, D.0.8 cm. Figure 17,], 4/1-3. [#1 AT NECK]

    518 B 4 barrel beads, 3 silver, I electrum. L. 1.6 cm.Figure 17, d,f 4113. [#1 AT NECK]

    Note: The two preceding items may have formed anecklace, but their grouping was not recovered.

    5 I9 B I blue faience barrel bead. L. 1.8, D. 0.7 cm.Not illustrated. [DEBRIS]

    520 K Blue frit scarab, inscribed. Legs cut free frombase. 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. Figure 17, e. [DEBRIS]

    52 I B Brown pebble. 2.5 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. Figure 17,f,415. [DEBRIS]

    522 B Lump of lead ore. 1.5 x 1.2 X 1.2 cm. Figure 17,f, 414 [DEBRIS]

    523 B Misc. beads as follows: [DEBRIS]3 I blue frit cylinder, L. 0.6 cm.; I04 silverband, L. 0.26 to 0.4 cm.; 9 blue faience ring,D. 0.6 cm. Not illustrated.

    561 B Pair of bronze armlets, wire above left elbow.D. 5.2 cm. [#4]

    562 B Pair of silver wire armlets, below left elbow.D. 49 cm. [#3]

    W 832 (3-6)? Map 2-F. (approximate only) Figure lB.

    NO SUPERSTRUCTURENO CHAPELNO STAIRGRAVE Rectangular pit-grave E-W. with 4 corner holes, III

    C. 192 x 74 - 58. Prop. ~o. 2.6-. Figure l8, a.BURIAL Decayed bones of a small child on left side, head W. in

    full sized grave, apparently intact but too decayed forphotography. Amulets, etc. apparently in situ onremains of body.

    23- 3-602 (24.941) Bronze bowl with incised decoration all over.H. 10.9, D. ca. 12.0 cm. Figure 18, e.[WEST OF HEAD]

    23-M-620 (23.771) Blue faience amulet: Double standing figureon crocodiles: One side Pataikos with scarabon head; the other side a hawk-headed figure.H. 3.7 cm. Figure 18, c. [ON BODY]

    23-M-62 I K Carnelian pendant: sun barque and disc(?).H. 4.4, W. 3.05 cm. Figure 17, h, 1-3/I.[ON BODY]

    622 (23.838) Silver amulet: standing Amun with two-feather headdress (broken). Ring at back. H.3.1 cm. Figure 18, h, 2,3/2. [ON BODY]

    623 (23.839) Silver amulet: standing hawk-headed figurewith two-feather headdress (incomplete). H.2.1 cm. Figure 18, h, 2,3/3. [ON BODY]

    624 B Ostrich shell disc: relief spiral on one face, holethrough center. D. 1.7, Tk. 0.25 cm. Figure IB,11, 1/2. [BODY DEBRIS]

    625 K Hollow gold cupped disc with ring welded toback. D. I A, Tk. 0.55 cm. Figure 18, h, 2/4[BODY DEBRIS]


    Figure 18


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    , ... ., ....




    23-M--626 K Solid gold amulet: seated Isis suckling Horus.H. 1.5 cm. Figure 18,]; h, 2/5. [BODY DEBRIS]

    627 K Hollow gold amulet: standing Isis sucklingHorus in relief. H. 1.18 cm. Figure 18, h, 113.[BODY DEBRIS]

    628 K Solid gold amulet: seated boy wearing doublecrown. H. 1.4 cm. Figure 18, h, 1/4.[BODY DEBRIS]

    629 K 6 gold amulets: gold wire twin boys; two ringson back of each. H. 1.1 cm. Figure 18, h, 1/5-7,2/6-8. [BODY DEBRISJ

    630 (23.436) and K 4lapis amulets: seated boy with side-lock. (One in Boston). H. 1.1 cm. Figure 18, h,1/8,9' [BODY DEBRISJ

    631 K 3 gold imitation cowries, pierced at both ends.L. 1.7 cm. Figure 18, h, 1-3/10. [BODY DEBRISJ

    632 K Pair of gold hair-rings(?). D. 1.0, W. 004 cm.Figure 18, h, 3/7, 8. [BODY DEBRIS]

    633 K 7 hollow gold twin barrel beads. L. 0.5, W.0.65 cm. Figure 18, h,3.'4-6. [BODY DEBRIS]

    634 (23.772) Large blue faience Cdjat. Modelled one sideonly, black details. L. 7.8 cm., Tk. 1.2 to 1.4cm. Figure 18, h, 1-3.'1l. [BODY DEBRIS]

    635 (23U52) Blue faience amulet: Sow, fine work. L. 23cm. Figure 18, g. [BODY DEBRIS]

    23-M--636 (23.846) Steatite scaraboid in gold frame: both facesinscribed. I. I X 0.7 x 0.3 cm. Figure 18, d.[BODY DEBRISJ

    637 B 4 carnelian bottle pendants. H. 1.2 to 1.3 cm.III d, Figure T. [GRAVE DEBRISJ

    638 B I carnelian ball bead. D. 0.4 cm.[GRAVE DEBRISJ

    639 B Faience beads as follows: [GRAVE DEBRISJCa. 300 ring, D. 0.3 to 0.6 cm.; I barrel, L. 0.4,D. 0.4 cm.; ca. 55 band, type of Figure R, VId, L. 0.3 cm.

    640 B Mise. beads: [GRAVE DEBRIS]a) I carnelian barrel. L. 0.32, D. 0.35 cm.b) 7 carnelian ball. D. 0.28 to 0.31 cm.c) I I lapis ball. D. 0.28 to 0.32 cm.d) I red glass paste ball. D: 0.31 cm.e) 6 shell disc. D. 0.38 to 0.73 cm.

    64 I B Split cowrie shells. 17 apparently at both wristsof burial and 8 more in grave debris.[AT \'VRISTS AND IN DEBRIS]

    642 B Bowl of a bronze spoon, handle missing. L.10.8 cm. Figure 18, b.[BESIDE BRONZE BOWL W. OF HEAD]


    NO SUPERSTRUCTURE 23-M-I72 B Large faience amulet: Ptah with atif-crown.H. 8.2 cm. Figure 19, h, 1/1. [GROUP 4J

    173 (23754) Faience amulet: Pataikos on crocodiles,hawks on shoulders, scarab on head. On backfigure of Sekhmet with drooping wings. H. 5 7cm. Figure 19, g; h, 1/2. [GROUP 4]

    J 74 B Faience amulet: Pataikos, scarab on head,worn. H. 3.2 cm. Figure 19, h, 113 lower.[CROUP 4J

    175 B Faience amulet: Bes. H. 25 cm. Figure 19, h,I/] upper. [GROUP 4J

    176 B Faience amulet: Bes, incomplete. H. 5.2 cm.Figure 19, h, 1/4' [CROUP 4J

    177 B Faience amulet: seated Sekhmet suckling aboy. Openwork. H. 7.2 cm. Figure 19, h, lis.[CROUP 4J

    178 B Faience amulet: seated Isis and Horus, incom-plete. H. 6.0 cm. Figure 19, h, 1/6. [GROUP 41

    179 B 2 faience amulets: seated Sekhmet, both in-complete. H. 4-4 cm. Figure 19, h, 1/7,8, lower.[GROUP 4]



    Irregular pit-grave EW., denuded. III B. 157 x 83 -37. Prop. '0. I .g-. Figure 19, a.Traces of body of a very small child on right side, head'rV. apparently disturbed. Group of amulets (#4) dis-turbed near E. end of grave. Figure 19, a, b.

    23- 3-163 B Bronze bowl. H. 6.7, D. ca. 15.5 cm. Figure 19,c. [N. OF HEAD]

    K Broken bronze cup with another corroded in-side it. H. 7.1, D. ca. 8.75 cm. Figure 19, d.[N. OF HEAD]

    K Db\V. vase in fragments, and parts of another.H. 14.9, D. ca. 8.0 cm. 36, Figure A.[GRAVE DEBRISJ

    K Mise. [GRAVE DEBRIS]a) 3 small frags. alabaster.b) 5 blue faience cylinder beads, type of Fig-ure R, V b.c) 3 garnet ring beads like those in 23-M-187below.









    hFigure 19


    23-M-180 B Faience amulet: Isis and Horus, incomplete.H. 2.3 cm. Figure 19, h, 1/7 upper. [GROUP 4]

    181 B Faience amulet: seated Sekhmet, incomplete.H. 2.3 cm. Figure 19, h, 1/8 upper. [GROUP 4]

    182 B Faience amulet: seated Isis and Horus, incom-plete. H. 4.7 cm. Figure 19, h, 2/1. [GROUP 4]

    183 B Faience amulet: Nefertum, incomplete. H. 6.0cm. Figure 19, h, 2/2. [CROUP 4]

    184 B Faience amulet: hawk, double crown brokenoff. H. without crown 4.3 cm. Figure 19, h, 213.[CROUP 4]

    185 (23.755) Faience amulet: 2 frogs on base, with 2threading holes. 2.7 x 1.6 cm. Figure 19, h, 2/4upper. [GROUP 4]

    186 (23.753) Oval piano-convex stcatite plaque withHathor-head in relief on obverse; incised dec.on reverse. Suspension ring above. H. 3.85 cm.Figure 19,1; h, 2/4 lower. [CROUP 4]

    W 609 (4-.5) Map 2-E. Figures 20-25.



    GRAVE Rectangular pit-grave E-W., with trench at \V. end,III D. 236 x 123 - 83. Prop. No. I.g+

    BURIAL Intact. Loosely contracted adult female(?) on left side,head W. (crushed). Presumed to have been on a bed.Objects in situ. Figure 20, a-c.

    Note: W 608 is clearly intruded partially over W 60g, isshallower and later. A few rubble blocks at 'vV. end arepresumed to be traces of Super. of'vV 608.

    23- 3-372 K Alabaster vase with knob handles. H. 6.05, D.3.0 cm. Figure 20, e. [#6]

    373 K Alabaster vase with knob handles. H. 4.5, D.3.25 cm. Figure 20, f. [#8]

    374 K Fine white limestone vase, bored handles, de-cayed. H. 6.3, D. 3.8 cm. Figure 20, g. [#7]

    375 B Ivory stick and frag. of another, tapered, in-cised lines around large end. L. 9.8 cm. Figure23,0,1/1,2. [#9]

    376 (24.881) Alabaster vase with bored handles. H. 23.3,D. 10.8 cm. Figure 21, a. [#4]

    377 B DbW. vase, white slip, one handle missing. H.6.6, D. 5.35 cm. 29, Figure A. [#50]

    378 K Globular alabaster vase in fragments. H. 15.5,D. 12.6 cm. Figure 20, d. [#5]

    379 B Lump of chalky blue-grey plaster. Form indi-cates it was contents of a bag. 6,5 x 44 x 3.3cm. [#22]

    23-M- 187 (23.756) Necklace: string of alternating gold and gar-net ring beads (10 yellow faience substitutedfor gold) with faience pendant Hathor-head inrelief. Figure 19, h, 2/5 upper. [AT NECK]

    188 B Faience amulet: Ram's head. (Workman X.)H. 2.0 cm. Figure 19, h, 2/5 center. [GROUP 4]

    189 B 3 red stone Udjats, fiat backed. L.o.7too.9cm.Figure 19, h, 2/68 centeT. [GROUP 4]

    190 B 4 faience Udjats and fragments. (Workman X.)L. 1.0 to 1.3 cm. Figure 19, e; 11, 2/5-10 lower.[CROUP 4]

    19 1 B Incomplete silver ring. D. 0.6, Tk. 0.1 cm.Figure 19, h, 2/10 center. [GROUP 4]

    192 B Ca. 25 faience cylinder beads, type of FigureR, V b. L. ca. 1.6 cm. Figure 19, h, 3 right.[GROUP 4]

    193 B Frags. of a seated boy in lapis, together with 2gold pins for use as in those from W 609 (see23-M -452 to 64 below p. 37). Figure 19, h,3lift. [GROUP 4J

    23- 3-380 K Large bronze basin with two upright handlesriveted in place. In fragments. H. ?, D. ca.33.5 cm. Figure 22, b. [#25J

    381 K Objects found inside 380 #2y [#24]a) Frags. soft brown wood (bed-leg?) Notmeasured.b) Frag. of an iron nail. L. 6.3 cm.c) 4 shells 1.8 x I. I X 0.7 cm.d) 3 ostrich shell disc beads. D. 0.6 cm.

    382 K Frags. of a bronze bowl, type of Figure :'-[, I I .D. ca. 14.5 cm. [#26]

    383 B Complete bronze bowl, type of Figure :'-[, I I.H. 12.3, D. 14.0 cm. [#29]

    384 K Bronze bowl, type of Figure N, I I, bent andbroken. H. ca. 16.4, D. ca. 1675 cm. [#27]

    384A B Bronze beaker. H. 12.4, D. 10.9 cm. Figure 22,d. [INSIDE #32]

    385 (23.778) Bronze basin, cracked, type of Figure 0, 10.Simple bail handle. H. I I .5, D. ca. 29.8 cm.[#28]

    385A B Bronze bowl, type of Figure K, I I. H. I 1.7, D.ca. I 1.9 cm. [#3 1J

    386 K Bronze bowl, type of Figure N, I I. In frag-ments, with cloth adhering. D. ca. 15.2 cm.[#30 ]

    386A K Bronze bowl, base broken, type of Figure K,11. D. 13.2 cm. [#32J

    387 K Bronze bowl in fragments, type of Figure 1\',I I. H. ca. 13.7, D. over 13.0 cm. [#33]


    I ..





    Figure 20






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    Figure 2 I



    1', :l


    Figure 22














    Figure 23

  • b








    %u; f;~'.t _'

    i) . ',. /I .,

    I C :5 4- 5 6 7 B S 10'---------Figure 25



    23- 3-401 (23 784a + b) Pair of blue frit ear-studs, one largerthan the other. H. 2.85 and 2.9, D. 3.25 and33 cm. Figure 23, 0, 113,2/2. [#11 J

    402 (23.786a + b) Pair of polished quartzite studs, onelarger than the other. H. 1.65 and 1.8, D. 1.5and 1.65 cm. Figure 23,0,3/2,3. [#13J

    403a B Yellow sandstone tablet, both sides incised,broken. 7.1 x 3.9 x 0.95 cm. Figure 23, L; 0,1/4' [DEBRISJ

    b K 2 yellow sandstone game pieces(?). H. 2.3 and25, D. 1.8 and 1.9 cm. Figure 23, 0, 3/4, 5[DEBRIS]

    404 K Bronze and iron fragments: [DEBRISJa) Fragment iron knife. L. 8.0, W. 2.45, T~.0.4 cm. Figure 22, g.b) Fragment of an iron blade (unclear). L.12.6 cm.c) Bronze adze-like tool or model. L. 4.1, W.2.05, Tk. 0.2 cm. Figure 23, b.

    405a B Fragments, small alabaster vase. H. 6.05, D.rim 3.0 cm. Figure 20, h. [DEBRlsJ

    b B Steatite oval disc with hole through center. 3.5x 3.9, Tk. 1.1 cm. [DEBRIS]

    c B Spiral shell. L. 4.3 cm. [DEBRISJd K 15 blue faience cylinder beads. L. 1.3 to 2.2

    cm. [DEBRIS Je K 3 faience ring beads. D. 0.5 cm. [DEBRISJf K I ostrich shell disc bead. D. 0.6 cm. [DEBRISJg B White quartzite pebble, one roughly flat face.

    5.9 x 43 x 2.1 cm. [DEBRISJ406a B Upper part of a blue faience vessel with scal-

    loped mouth. H. 4.2 cm. Figure 23, h. [DEBRIS]b B Ca. [5 silver ring beads, stuck together, type of

    Figure R, VI g. D. 0.4 cm. [DEBRISJc K Fragments of a red sandstone rectangular

    socket. 18.ox [1.5X [2.4cm. [DEBRISJ407a (24.879) Alabaster vase in form of a bound gazelle.

    Slate horns, eye sockets empty, red filled tri-angle on forehead and nose, plug at tail end.L. 17.6, W. 6.1, H. 8.0 cm. Figure 21, b, e. [#1]

    b K Alabaster vase similar to preceding. Hornsmissing, head separately made, no tail plug.L. 17.2, W.6'4,H. 8.2 cm. Figure2I,c,j. [#2]

    c K Alabaster vase similar to 407a and b. Headmissing, tail plug with tail indicated. L. 15.4,W. 7.[, H. 8.2 cm. Figure 21, d, g. [#3)

    23-M-[ K Glazed steatite scarab, worn, anciently re-paired (?). L. 4.5, W. 3.4, Tk. 1.9 cm. Figure23, p. [#IOJ

    2 K Carnelian scarab, uninscribed. I.2 X I. I X0.7cm. Figure 25, b-c, 1/1. [GROUP 16]

    3 K Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed. 1.3 x 0.9 x0.6 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 1/2. [GROUP 16]

    4 K Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed. 2.1 x 1.5 x0.7 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 113. [GROUP 16]

    5 K Glazed steatite scaraboid, inscribed. 2.2 x 1.3x 0.8 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 1/4. [GROUP 18J

    [#20][#55 UNDER #39]







    B Deep bronze bowl. H. 12.9, D. ca. 13.8 cm.Figure 22, e. [#35J

    K 5 bronze bowls, type of Figure N, I I. All bro-ken. D. ca. 11 to 12 cm. [#36-40]

    389 (24.962) Bronze vase with single handle. Seated apeon top of handle. Band of incised decorationwith debased hieroglyphic inscription aroundbody. H. 29.1, D. 7.4 cm. Figure 22, a, c. [#34J

    K Bronze colander with loop handle and flaringrim. Perforations decayed. D. 13.8 cm. Figure23, a. [#4 1 J

    391 a,c-e K 4 bronze bowls, type of Figure N, I I, more orless complete [#42, 46-48Ja) D. ca. 13.0 cm.c) D. ca. I 1.5 cm.d) H. 8.5, D. ca. 19.0 cm.e) D. ca. 13.5 cm.

    B Broken bronze bowl as preceding. H. 13.8, D.ca. 14.0 cm. [#43]

    392a,b B 2 bronze disc mirrors with tangs.a) Cloth adhering. H. 18.7, W. 16,5, Tk. 0.27cm. Figure 23, d. [#44]b) Cloth and part of a string of silver wirebeads adhering. H. 19.9, W. 183, Tk. 0.4-cm. Figure 23, e. [#45]

    K Bronze basin, broken, type of Figure 0, [0. H.13.8, D. 32.5 cm. [#49J

    K Broken bronze bowl, type of Figure N, 23. otmeasured. [#5 I]

    B DbW. vase, incomplete. H. 6.75, D. 4.7 cm.30, Figure A. [#53 UNDER # 12]

    396a,b (23 781,782) 2 ivory sticks with ape(?)-heads, andfragments, of another.a) L. 9.75, D. 0.75 cm.b) L. 6.8, D. 0.55 cm.Figure 23,0, 1/5,6.

    B 2 silver bracelets, corroded together, one in-side the other. D. 6.2, W. 2.1, Tk. 0.2 cm. Fig-ure23,j. [#17]

    B 6 ivory convex discs and fragments of 10 more,incised markings: 6 crosses and [0 parallellines. (Game pieces, associated with 23-3-375and 396 above.) D. 2.4 to 2.65, Tk. 0.4 to 0.6cm. Figure 23, 0, 2, 3/1. [# 19 AND WITH #15]

    K Various potsherds: [GRAVE DEBRISJa) Rim frag. RBrW. jar. Tk. 0.9 cm.b) Frags. RBrW. cup, R.Pol. D. rim 7.8 cm.15, Figure A.c) RBrW. sherds, handmade. Tk. 0.5 cm.d) Sherds of a PDbW. vase, type of Figure A,36.e) Sherds of large PDbW. jar.f) Rim frag. grey ware.

    B Fragments of a small bronze knife. W. 1.3, Tk.0.2 cm. Figure 22,j. [#52 UNDER #4]




  • 19 K

    20 K

    2[ K

    22 K

    23 K

    24 K

    25 K

    26 K

    27 K


    23-M- 6 K

    7 K

    8 K

    9 K

    10 K


    I [






    Glazed steatite plaque, inscribed. 1.75 x 1.0 x0.65 cm. Figure 25, hoc, 1:'5. [GROUP 181

    Glazed steatite plaque, inscribed. [.5 x 1.1 x0.5 cm. Figure 25, hoc, 1"6. [GROUP 18)

    Glazed steatite plaque, inscribed. ~ot meas-ured. Figure 25, hoc, l>, [GROUP 18)Glazed steatite seal: Cdial in relief, base in-scribed. [.9 x I. I X 0.7 cm. Figure 25, hoc, 2 '5[GROUP 18)

    Glazed steatite plaque: Two rows of scarabson back, base incised lmn twice. 1.3 x I. I x 0.6cm. Figure 25, hoC, 2.'1. [CROUP 18)

    K Glazed steatite plaque: Cdial on back, base in-scribed. I -45 x [. I X CL) cm. Figure 25, hoc, 2 '2.[CROUP 18]

    K Glazed steatite plaque: Cdial on back, base in-scribed. 1.45 x I. I x 0.45 cm. Figure 25, hoc, 2. '.'3-[cRoep 18)

    K Glazed steatite scaraboid: ['djal on back, baseinscribed. 1.3 x 0.95 x 0.5 cm. Figure 25, hoc,2. 4. [GROUP 18)

    K Rectangular carnelian plaque set in gold band,uninscribed. 1.9 x 1.2 X 0.6 cm. Figure 25, hoc,2. 6. [GROlJP 18)

    K Blue faience scarab, worn; inscribed. 1.5 x I. [x 0.6 cm. Figure 25, hoC, 2f [CROlJP 18]

    K Glazed steatite scaraboid, cowrie back, in-scribed. 1.6 x 1.0 x 0.45 cm. Figure 25, h-c, 3,'1.[FLOOR DEBRIS]

    K Blue faience scarab, inscribed. [.5 x 1.1 x 0.8cm. Figure 25, hoc, 3/2. [FLOOR DEBRIS)

    K Rectangular lapis plaque in gold frame, unin-scribed. 1.7 x 1.27 x 0S:l cm. Figure 25, b_c,3'3[#54 CNDER #53]

    Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed. 1.5 x 1.2 x05 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 3/4 [#54]\Yorn faience scarab, inscribed. I -4 x 1.0 x 0.6

    cm. Figure 25, b-c,3,'5 [#54]

    \Yorn faience scarab, inscribed. 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.7cm. Figure 25, hoc, 3:6. [FLOOR DEBRIS)

    Glazed steatite scaraboid, inscribed. 1.55 x 1.0x 0.5 cm. Figure 25, h-c,3/7. [FLOOR DEBRIS)

    \Vorn steatite scarab, inscribed. 1.35 x [.0 x055 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 4/1. [GROGP 14]

    Steatite scarab, slightly worn, inscribed. 1.35x 0.95 x 0.65 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 4/2.[GROUP 14]

    Steatite scarab, slightly worn, inscribed. 1.2 x0.85 x 0.6 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 4/3' [GROGP 14]

    Lapis cartouche plaque, one side inscribed. 2.3x I -4 x 0.55 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 4/4. [WITH #17)

    Lapis cartouche plaque, uninscribed, one sideconvex. 1.95 x I. I x 0.5 cm. Figure 25, b-c, 4'5[GROUP 15]

    23-M-28 K Rectangular lapis plaque, bored lengthwise.Broken, silver ring at each end of hole, 1.35 x1.0 x 0.45 cm. Figure 25, h-c, 4/6.[FLOOR DEBRISJ

    29 (23.818) Blue faience playing piece, hole through head.H. 2.7 cm. Figure 24, b, 1/1. [GROUP 161

    :30 B Blue faience amulet: Hathor-head, back plain.H. 3.55 cm. Figure 24, b, 1/2. [GROUP 16J

    3 I B Blue faience amulet: Bes, hand cut. H. 3.3 cm.Figure 24, b, 113. [GROUP 16)

    32 B Blue faience amulet: Bes, hand cut. H. 3.8 cm.Figure 24, h, 1/4. [GROUP 16 J

    :33-36 B 4 faience amulets: Pataikos. H. 2.85 to 3.8 cm.Figure 24, h, 1/5-8. [GROUP 16J

    37 (23. 81 9) Incomplete faience amulet: 4 apes supportinga recumbent ram or lion, with protective hawkbehind. Not clear. H. 2.6 cm. Figure 23, i; 24,b, 1/9' [GROUP 16J

    38-40 B 3 blue faience amulets: hawks with doublecrown. H. 2.7 to 3.1 cm. Figure 24, b, 2/1-3.[GROUP 16,23, AND DEBRIS)

    41 K Blue faience amulet: hawk, crown missing. H.1.9 cm. Figure 24, h, 2/4' [GROUP 161

    42 B Blue faience amulet: hawk with double crown.H. 2.4 cm. Figure 24, h, 2/5.[GROUP 16, 23, DEBRISJ

    43 K Blue faience amulet: hawk with double crown.H. 2.9 cm. Figure 24, b, 2/6. [CROUP 23J

    44 K Bronze amulet: hawk with double crown. H.2.6 cm. Figure 24, b, 2/7. [FLOOR DEBRISJ

    45 (23.820) Blue faience amulet: sun barque bearingscarab, plain back. L. 3.1, H. 3.0 cm. Figure24, h, 3/1. [GROUP 14)

    46 (23.82 I) Worn soapstone amulet: Bes, modelled bothsides. H. 6.1 cm. Figure 24, b,3/2. [GROUP 14)

    47 (23. 822 ) Faded blue faience amulet: pair of Ba-birds.H. 3.3 cm. Figure 24, h, 313 [GROUP 141

    48 K Red faience amulet: seated Nephthys. H. 3.8cm. Figure 24, b,3/4. [GROUP 14J

    49 K Blue faience amulet: Hathor-head, plain back.H. 3.2 cm. Figure 24, h, 3/5. [GROUP 14J

    50 B Blue faience amulet: Isis suckling Horus, blackdetails. H. 5.0 cm. Figure 24, h, 3/6.[GROUP 23J

    51 B \\lorn blue faience amulet, seated ape. H. 2.6cm. Figure 24, b, 2/8. [GROUP 23J

    52-55 B 4 blue faience amulets: frogs. L. 095 to 1.3cm. Figure 24, b, I! 10-T2, upper, 12 lower.[GROUP 23J

    56 X Blue faience amulet: frog like 52-55 above.Figure 24, h, I/ll lower. [GROUP 23J

    57 K Blue faience amulet: pair of frogs. L. 0.8 cm.Figure 24, b, I/T%wer. [GROUP 23)

    58 (23.823) Blue faience amulet: Isis suckling Horus. H.1.6 cm. Figure 24, b, 2/9. [FLOOR DEBRIS]

    59 B Blue faience amulet: boy with side-lock. H.1.9 cm. Figure 24, b, 2/10. [GROUP 16]


    23-M-6o (23.824-826) 7 faience flower pendants: 2 red,s blue(4 in B. unregistered). H. 1.4 cm. Figure 24, b,2,'1 I upper, middle, lower.[CROUP 21 AND DEBRIS)

    () I K Lapis amulet: Pataikos, scarab on head, goldstuds under arms, H. 2.6 cm, Figure b, 3/7upper, [CROUP 15]

    62 B Lapis amulet: Pataikos as preceding, goldstuds missing. H. 2.4 cm. Figure 24, b, 3/8upper. [CROUP IS)

    6:3 (23.827) Lapis amulet: Pataikos like preceding: onestud missing, H. 2.9 cm, Figure 24, b, 318lower.[CROUP IS)

    64 B Lapis amulet: Pataikos, two gold studs. H. 29cm. Figure 24, b, 3/9. [CROUP 15)

    h'j (23.828) 'Vorn hard stone amulet: One side Pataikos,the other hawk-headed. H. 3.3 cm, Figure 24,b, 37; c. [CROC;P 15]

    66 B 3 blue faience ['djats: both faces in relief, blackdetails. L. 4.3 cm. Figure 24, a, 8/1, 2.[GROCP 15)

    67 B .5 blue faience Cdjats: molded face, back knifedressed. L. 3.1 cm. Figure 24, a, 6'1, 2.[GROUP [5)

    68 K 2 blue faience Cdjals: molded face, black de-tails, back knife dressed. L. 3.2 cm. Figure 24,a,.'] 1,2. [CROUPS [6 + 2r]

    69 B Blue faience Cdjal: molded face, back plain.1.. 2.8 cm. Figure 24, a, I '1. [CROUP 16 OR 2 [ )

    70 B 4 blue faience Cdjals: openwork, one sidemolded, back plain. L. 2.8 cm. Figure 24, a,8'3,4. [GROUPS 16 A D 21]

    71 B 4 blue faience Cdjals: face molded, back plain.L. 2.7 to 2.8 cm. Figure 24, a, 6,3, 4.[CROUPS 16 AND 21]

    72,7:3 B 19 glass paste Udjals: 10 red, 9 blue: both sidesmolded. L. 1.7 cm. Figure 24, a, 3, 4/3, 4[CROUPS 16 AND 2 I ]

    74 B 39 blue faience L'djals: openwork, hand cutsides. L. [.5 to 1.9 cm. Figure 24, a, I, 2/2, 3.[CROUPS [6 AND 21]

    75 B 11 yellow faience Udjals: type of 74 preceding.L. 1.1 to 1.2 cm. Figure 24, a, I, 2/4,5.[CROUPS 16 AND 21]

    76 B 8 blue faience Udjals: type of 74 above. L. 1.1to 1.2 cm. Figure 24, a, I, 2/6, 7.[CROUPS 16 AND 2 r]

    77 B 6 red glass paste Udjals: hand cut, plain flatback. L. 0.8 cm. Figure 24, a, 1-3/8.[CROUPS 16 AND 21 ]

    78 B 10 white stone Udjats: like 77 preceding. L.0.8 cm. Figure 24, a, 3/5, 5/5,6. [DEBRIS)

    79 K Crystal Udjat: one side only cut. L. 1.5 cm.Figure 24, a, 4/5. [DEBRIS)

    80 K Amethyst matrix Udjat: one side cut. L. 1.9cm. Figure 24, a, 8/5. [DEBRIS]


    23-M-8I,82 K 2 carnelian Udjats: both sides cut. L. 1.7 and1.9 cm. Figure 24, a, 6/5, 7/5' [DEBRIS]

    83 K Red glass paste Udjat: one side cut. L. 1.4 cm.Figure 24, a, 5/7. [DEBRIS]

    84 K Carnelian Udjat: both sides cut. L. 1.75 cm.Figure 24, a, 4/6. [DEBRIS]

    85-87 K 3 lapis Udjats: one side cut. L. 1.2 to 1.4 cm.Figure 24, a, 1-3/9. [DEBRIS]

    88 B 26 blue faience Udjats: cut both sides. L. ca.[.8 cm. Figure 24, a, 6-8/6, 7. [DEBRIS)

    89 B 5 blue faience Udjats: molded both sides, open-work. L. 1.5 to 1.7 cm. Figure 24, a, 5/8, 9.[DEBRIS)

    90 B 3 blue faience Udjats: openwork, one sidecrudely cut. L. 1.5 to 1.6 cm. Figure 24, a, 4/7,8. [DEBRIS)

    91 B 5 blue and I yellow Udjats: hand cut, see plate.L. 0.8 to 0-4 cm. Figure 24, a, 1-3/10, If.[DEBRIS]

    92a B+K 54 red, blue, and yellow glass bottle pend-ants. H. 1.0 to 1.4 cm. III c, Figure T. [DEBRIS)

    b B Faded steatite scarab, inscribed. L. 1.3 cm.Figure 23, g. [DEBRIS]

    93 B+ K 153 steatite drum beads. L. 0.25 cm. VIIe, Figure R; Figure 25, a, 1/1.[#14, 16, 18 AND DEBRIS)

    94 B 70 blue faience drum beads. L. ca. 0.4 cm. VIIc, Figure R; Figure 25, a, 1/2.[#16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    95 B+K 180 blue faience scarab beads. L. 0.4 to 0.5cm. XIV b, Figure S; Figure 25, a, 113.[#14, 16, 18 AND DEBRIS)

    96 B+K 11 blue faience Hathor-heads and ram'sheads: flat backs. (Workman X.) H. 0.85 to0.95 cm. Figure 25, a, 1/4-6 upper and lower.[#15, 16 AND DEBRIS)

    97 B + K 97 faience Uraei: flat backs. (WorkmanX.) H. 0.8 to 0.9 cm. Figure 25, a, 1/7-10 upperand lower. [#15, 16 AND DEBRIS)

    98 B + K 70 faience boys: (Workman X.) H. 1.1 to1.2 cm. Figure 25, a, I/JI-14 upper and lower.[#15 AND DEBRIS]

    99 B+K 4 blue faience scarab-amulets: "Ankh" onbase. (Workman X.) L. 1.0 to 1.1 cm. Figure25, a, 1/15 upper and lower. [# 15 AND DEBRIS]

    100 B+K [0 blue faience boys with broad collars:(Workman X.) H. 2.2 to 2.3 cm. Figure 25, a,2/1-4. [#15 AND DEBRIS]

    101 B 292 blue faience Udjats: cut both sides. (Work-man X.) L. 1.0 to 1.4 cm. Figure 25, a, 2/5-7upper and lower. [# I5, 16, 2 I AND DEBRIS]

    102 B+K 20 blue faience Udjats: openwork, bothsides cut. (Workman X.) Figure 25, a, 2/8 upperand lower. [#16 AND DEBRIS)

    103 K I blue faience Udjat: openwork, flat back.(Workman X.) L. 2.3 cm. Figure 25, a, 2/9[#15]


    23-M-104 B I blue faience Uraeus: both sides alike. (Work-man X.) H. 1.9 cm. Figure 25, a, 2/10. [#15]

    105 K Many irregular carnelian drum beads. L. 0.2to 0.4, D. 0.35 to 0.4 cm.[#15, 16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    106 B Thousands of ostrich shell ring beads, type ofFigure R, VI f. L. 0.15 to 0.2, D. 0.35 to 0.4cm. [#16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    107 B ca. 100 ostrich shell disc beads, type of FigureR, VI k. L. 0.2, D. 0.55 cm.[#15, 16, 18, 24 AND DEBRIS]

    108 B Many white quartzite barrel beads, type ofFigure R, 11 c. L. 0.2 to 0.35, D. ca. 0.25 cm.[#16 AND DEBRIS]

    109 B Blue faience multiple ring beads, type of Fig-ure R, VI t, groups of 3 to 12. D. 04 to 0.45cm. [#15, 16 AND 18]

    110-112 B Blue faience ring beads, type of Figure R, VIn. D. 0.2 to 0.4 cm. (some multiple).[#15, 16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    I 13 B Blue faience cylinder beads, type of Figure R,V a. L. 1.2 to 2.7 cm. [#15,16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    I 14 B Blue faience cylinder beads, type of Figure R,Vc. L. 0.4 to 0.5 cm. [#16, 18 AND DEBRIS]

    I 15 B ca. 150 red glass paste band beads. L. o. I to0.45, D. 0.2 to 0.3 cm. [DEBRIS]

    116 B ca. 30 red glass paste barrel beads. L. 0.2 to0.3, D. 0.15 to 0.25 cm. [DEBRIS]

    I 17 B ca. 50 red glass paste ring beads. L. o. I to O. 15,D. 0.3 to 0.5 cm. [DEBRIS]

    118 B ca. 250 blue frit cylinder beads, made as longtubes and cut apart. L. 0.25 to 0.4, D. 0.2 to0.25 cm. [DEBRIS]

    119 B ca. 11 blue frit ring beads, irregular. D. 0.35to 0.4 cm. VI h, Figure R. [DEBRIS]

    120 B ca. 200 lapis band beads, type of Figure R, Vd. L. 0.12 to 0.4, D. 0.2 to 0.25 cm. [DEBRIS]

    121 (23.848) ca. 170 garnet(?) or glass band beads, typeof Figure R, Vd. L. 0.12 to 0.18, D. 0.23 cm.[DEBRIS]

    122 B ca. 120 black glass band beads, type of FigureR, Vd. L. 0.12 to 0.3, D. 0.3 cm. [DEBRIS)

    123,124 B ca. 550 faience ring beads; 300 black, includ-ing a few twins, and the'rest yellow. L. 0.1 to0.2, D. 0.2 to 0.3 cm. [DEBRIS]

    125 (24.542) String of cylinder beads, type of Figure R,Vd. 79 white quartz; 39 black specked syenite;20 opaque red glass.[RUNNING THROUGH GROUPS 15, 16]

    126-128 B 16 carnelian ball beads, type of Figure R, I a.D. 0.8 to 0.9 cm. [DEBRIS]

    129,130 B 5 carnelian barrel beads. L. 0.6 to 0.8, D. 0.7to 0.8 cm. Figure 23,j. [DEBRIS]

    131, I32 B 3 carnelian ring beads, type of Figure R, VI c.D. 0.9 cm. [DEBRIS]

    133 B 12 carnelian barrel beads, type of Figure R,11 c. L. 0.84 to 1.4, D. 0.6 to 0.8 cm. [DEBRIS]

    23-M- 134 B

    135,136 B

    137 B

    138 B

    139 B

    140 B

    141 B

    142 B

    143 B

    144 B

    145 B

    146 B

    147 B

    148 B

    149 B

    150 B

    151 K

    152 K

    153 K

    154 K

    155,156 B

    157 K

    158 K

    159 B

    160 K

    161 B

    27 garnet beads, type of Figure R, III d. L.0.45 to 07, D. 0.4 to 0.55 cm. [DEBRIS]4 amethyst ball beads, type of Figure R, I a.D. ca. 0.85 cm. [DEBRIS]8 green glazed quartz ball beads. D. 0.7 to 0.9cm. [DEBRIS]

    I green glazed quartz heavy ring bead. L. 0.5,D. 0.8 cm. [DEBRIS]I lapis cylinder bead. L. 4.3, D. 1.0 cm.[DEBRIS]

    2 blue frit cylinder beads, type of Figure R, Vc. L. 1.5 cm. [DEBRIS]2 porphyry barrel beads, type of Figure R, 11b. L. 2.2 cm. [DEBRIS]2 glass (or amethyst matrix?) barrel beads,type of Figure R, 11 b. L. 1.65 and 1.75 cm.[DEBRIS]

    I red glass paste barrel bead, type of Figure R,11 b. L. 1.85 cm. [DEBRIS)10 blue faience ribbed beads. L. 0.4 to 1.1, D.0.6 to 1.1 cm. III j, Figure R. [DEBRIS]I red glass paste ribbed ball bead. D. 1.1 cm.I e, Figure R. [DEBRIS)I blue faience pendant. L. 1.2, W. 0.8, Tk.035 cm. Figure 23, n. [DEBRIS)7 blue faience ball beads, type of Figure R, Ia. D. 0.6 to 1.5 cm. [DEBRIS]I blue faience irregular band bead. L. 0.6, D.0.7 cm. [DEBRIS]a) I blue faience barrel bead. L. 1.3 cm. Il c,Figure R. [DEBRIS]b) I ribbed steatite barrel bead. L. 1.3 cm.Il g, Figure R. [DEBRIS]2 lapis flower beads. L. 1.4 cm. XIII c, FigureS. [DEBRIS]182 gold band beads strung together. L. 0.15to 0.2, D. 0.3 cm. [GROUP 12)134 gold band beads strung together. L. 0.2 to03, D. 0.3 cm. [GROUP 12)262 gold band beads strung together. L. 0.1 to0.15,D.o.25cm. [GROUP 12)419 gold ring beads strung together. L. c.05 to0.25, D. 0.25 cm. [GROUP 12)

    73 gold band beads. L. 0.05 to 0.1, D. 0.15 to0.25 cm. [GROUP 12]

    625 gold disc beads. L. 0.05 to 0.25, D. 0.45cm. [GROUP 12JString of 366 electrum disc beads like 157 pre-ceding. [GROUP 12]2 gold earrings, bent. D. 2.4, Tk. 0.4 cm. Fig-ure 23, m. [DEBRISJI crushed gold cylinder. L. 1.9, D. 1.7 cm.[DEBRIS)Piece of gold wire with another wound spirallyaround it. L. ca. 5.0, D. 0.15 cm. Figure 23, k.[DEBRIS]





    K I tubular gold cylinder bead, welded. L. 0.8,D. 0.3 cm. [DEBRIS)

    K 2 gold cylinders, each with one closed end, thelarger apparently intended to fit over thesmaller. Larger (crushed). L. 1.5, D. 0.4 cm.[DEBRIS)

    K 2 gold amulets: twin boys like 23-M-{i2gfromW 832. (See Figure 18, h, 1/5-7, 2/6-8 above.p. 25.) L. 1.05, W. 0.65 cm. [DEBRIS)

    K a) Slim gold barrel bead. L. 1.7, D. 0.3 cm.[DEBRIS)b) Gold barrel bead with horizontal striationsnear ends. L. 0.8, D. 0.25 cm. [DEBRIS)

    K 2 gold crescent hair-rings(?). D. 1.3, W. 0-45cm. [DEBRIS)

    B a) 2 granulated gold disc beads. D. 0.7, Tk.0.1 cm. VIp, Figure R. [DEBRIS)b) I gold disc bead. D. 0.7, Tk. 0.05 cm. VIo,Figure R. [DEBRIS)

    B a) Pair of bronze crescent hair-rings, double.D. 1.8, Tk. 1.2 cm. Figure 23, c. [DEBRIS)b) I hair-ring like a) but larger. D. 2.4, Tk.0.3 cm. [DEBRIS)



    B 2 silver crescent rings. D. I.g, Tk. 0.4 cm.[DEBRIS)

    B Irregular mass of corroded silver. 2.5 x 1.0 cm.[DEBRIS]

    B a) Bronze pendant with iron shank. L. 1.2, D.o.g cm. [DEBRIS]b) Irregular lump of bronze. 2. I X I.5 cm.c) Yellow quartzite pebble. 1.0 x 0.8 cm.

    B Misc. frags. of a bronze vessel, a bronze lock(?),a bronze rivet, and an iron bar. Not measured.[FLOOR SWEEPINGS]

    B 18 scoop-shaped shells. Not measured.[FLOOR SWEEPINGS]

    B 2 blue faience ribbed barrel beads. L. 1.0, D.0.6 cm. [FLOOR SWEEPINGS]

    B I faded blue faience ball bead. L. 0.6, D. 0.75cm. [FLOOR SWEEPINGS)

    B Frags. of an ivory bracelet, half round section.Too fragmentary to draw or measure.[FLOOR SWEEPINGS)



    W 643 (4-5) Map I-D-E. Figures 26-28.




    Rectangular pit-grave SE-NW., trench near W. end,two holes at E. end. III CoD. 208 x 112 - 100. Prop.number I.g-. Figure 26, a.

    Disturbed. Upper torso and head of a half-grown child,head NW., legs missing. Many objects in situ. Figure26, a, b.

    23- 3-462 K Alabaster Zanzamiyeh, made in two halves,neck separately made. H. 12.4, W. 10.3, Tk.6.3 cm. Figure 26, c. [#1]

    463 (24.947) Alabaster vase, handles carelessly bored. H.12.75, D. 7.0 cm. Figure 26, d. [#2]

    464 (24.888) Alabaster vase, dummy handles. H. 9.4, D.6.75 cm. Figure 26, e. [#3]

    465 K Alabaster vase, dummy handles. H. 17.8, D.7.1 cm. Figure 26,j. [#4]

    466 (24.885) Alabaster vase, dummy handles, incom-plete. H. 12.6, D. 8.3 cm. Figure 26,g. [#5]

    467 K Alabaster vase, dummy handles. H. 13.5, D.8.8 cm. Figure 26, h. [#6]

    468 B Alabaster vase, dummy handles. H. 17.7, D.7.2 cm. Figure 26, i. [#7]

    469 K Alabaster vase, dummy handles. H. 12.6, D.8.25 cm. Figure 27, a. [#8]


    23- 3-470 K Alabaster vase without handles, separatelymade neck. H. 11.75, D. 7.1 cm. Figure 27, b.[#9]

    471 K Incomplete bronze bucket with bail handle.H. with handle 48.6, D. ca. 27.0 cm. Figure 27,c. [#10)

    472 B Bronze cup, base broken. H. 9'5, D. 8.6 cm.Figure 27, d. [#1 I]

    23-M-2g7 (23.849) Steatite scarab, back modelled as ram's headwith disc; base inscribed. 1.8 x 1.25 x 0.55 cm.Figure 27, h, 1. [ON BODY]

    298 K Glazed steatite scarab, inscribed. 1.4 x 0.9 x0.5 cm. Figure 27, h, 2. [ON BODY)

    2gg (23.850) Steatite circular seal, base inscribed. D. 1.33cm. Figure 27, h,3. [ON BODY]

    300 K Blue faience amulet: Nefertum, black details.H. 8.6 cm. Figure 28, a, 3,4/1. [ON BODY]

    301 K Faience amulet: walking lion. L. 1.5 cm. Fig-ure 28, a, 1/1. [GROUP 18 AT NECK]

    302 K 2 faience amulets: couchant lions, L. 1.65 and1.8 cm. Figure 28, a, 1/2, 3. [GROUP 18 ATNECK]

    303 K 2 faience amulets: sows (one broken). L. 1.4cm. Figure 28, a, 2/13. [GROUP 18 AT NECK]

    304 K Faience amulet: seated ape. H. 1.5 cm. Figure28, a, 1/4. [GROUP 18 AT NECK]

    305 (24.780) Faience amulet: Isis suckling Horus. H. 2.1cm. Figure 28, a, 1/5. [GROUP 18 AT NECK]





    Figure 26



    ,""" '2:;/III':&.~ ~ 0/:~!>N


    dFigure 61



    W 19 (35-40) Map IO-II-J-K. Figures 59-61 .

    SUPERSTRUCTURE Sandstone masonry, molded corners, type x. ca.10.80 M. Sq.

    ENCLOSURE Masonry, type 11, later altered to make room for W 20.

    CHAMBER Destroyed by plunderers.

    BURIAL Destroyed. Principal objects found deposited against S.and W. faces of Superstructure at X and Y on Plan.Figure 59.

    Note: The stair is partly overlaid by S. face of W 20, for theaccommodation of which the N.E. part of enclosingwall has been moved and re-built. Thus W 20 is clearlylater than W 19.

    22- 2-{}la+c Discarded. 3 sherds BrW. and 3 fragments ofbronze vessels. [DEBRIS IN THIEVES HOLE]

    6 I b B 2 fitting fragments of a blue glazed faiencevessel, yellowish drab body. Tk. ca. 1.0 cm.Not illustrated. [DEBRIS IN THIEVES HOLE]

    23- 3-87 1 (23.870) Granite stela. H. 45.5, W. 28.5, Tk. 11.2 cm.Figure 60, b, c, d.[AT X AGAINST S. FACE OF SUPER.]

    Under winged disc with uraei depends atablet with incised inscription in Meroitichieroglyphs reading "Son of Rr Osiris." Scene:male figure offering to Osiris enthroned withIsis behind. Below: four lines of Meroitic cur-sive text with the name TEDEQEN. Pub. byU. Monneret de Villard, "Inscrizione dellaRegione di Meroe" in Kush VII, 96-98 withPI. XXIII.




    In front of chapel emplacement. Type IV.

    23 -3-872 B Granite offering stand: small basin on a pillar.H. 70.4, D. base 28.0 cm. Figure 60, a, d.[AT X AGAINST S. FACE OF SUPER.]

    Unregistered A. B Rectangular gI:anite basin with lion's head inrelief in center of one long face. ca. 54.0 x 38.5x 25.0 cm. Figure 61, a, e.(AT Y AGAINST W. FACE OF SUPER.]

    Unregistered B,C. B Granite fluted column on a tripod base,separately made, onto the top -of which fits theoffering table D below. H. ca. 71.0 cm. Figure61, b, e. [AT Y AGAINST W. FACE OF SUPER.]

    Unregistered D (23.873) Granite offering table with sinkage onunder side to fit on B, C. above. Incised scene:Nephthys and Anubis at a table of offerings.Two bordering Meroitic cursive inscriptions,the inner one largely illegible (deliberatelychiselled out?). The owner's name is TEDE-QENQE as in the stela above. Pub. with23-3-871 above. Kush VII, 94-96, PI. XXII.L. over spout 37.0, W. 38.0, Tk. 9.5 cm. Figure61, b-e. [AT Y AGAINST W. FACE OF SUPER.]

    Note: The objects 23-3-87 I, 872 and UnregisteredA-D. all appear to have come from the samechapel. Although it cannot be proven thatthey belong to W 19, the fact that the chapelof that tomb has been completely destroyedand that the two deposits X and Y have beencarefully made against the faces of W 19, sug-gests that they had been piously removedfrom that chapel and deposited close to thepyramid when the chapel was dismantled at alater period.

    W 2 (ca. 40, re-used ca.60)? Map IS-G. Figures 62,63.

    Original Tomb:

    SUPERSTRUCTURE Stepped masonry (2 courses only). Type IX.8.00 M. Sq.


    CHAPEL Destroyed.

    STAIR Under Super., type VI.

    F.D. Gold wire rings under 4 corners.

    CHAMBER Single rock-cut, type V.

    BURIAL Plundered out, was on axial bench, attached W., typeVI.

    Altered Tomb:SUPERSTRUCTURE Red brick, plastered, type XII. 7.50 M. Sq.CHAPEL Red brick with pylon, type IV.NO STAIR

    BURIAL Plundered out. In red-brick dome-vaulted chamberbuilt into body ofSuper. on ground level. Figure 62, a, b.

    Note: A relieving arch of two sandstone blocks over old stairmay have been inserted to prevent subsidence whenstone pyramid courses were strengthened at rebuild-ing of tomb, at which time cramps were inserted inoriginal masonry courses to make a solid base for thelater brick Superstructure. Figure 63, a, b.

    No objects except F.D. rings.23- 1-336a,b (23.791,792) 2 gold wire rings. Not measured.

    Figure 63, c. [F.D. NE. AND SE.]336c,d K 2 gold wire rings. Not measured.

    [F.D. NW., SW.]


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    b ." /':I' ~Figure 62

    8 3

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    Figure 63

    SUPERSTRUCTURE Masonry on plinth, type IX. ca. I 1.00 M. Sq.

    ENCLOSURE Masonry, modified type 11.

    CHAPEL Masonry with pylon, type IV.

    CHAPEL RELIEFS West Wall: Man on lion throne with Isis be-hind-, Osiris seated with Isis behind +---, both seatedfigures carrying palm branches. Figure 65, a. Pub. RCKIll, PI. 2IE (after Lepsius). North Wall: Man on lionthrone with large and small figures behind -, armof a figure +--- offering in front. Not clear. Figure 65, b.South Wall not recorded.

    STAIR In front of chapel, type IV.

    ENTRANCE Type I(?).

    CHAMBER Single rock-eut under chapel, type V.

    BURIAL Plundered out. Axial bench attached at West, type VI.Figure 64.

    F.D. NE. corner only found. Gold wire ring.

    Note: The stair of W 13 runs un