The roles of teacher the roles of learner Motivation ( intrinsic and extrinsic ) - how to rise them ? Lession 4 : teaching and learning Final Task : The roles of teacher in the classroom as a promper and tutor ? As a prompter : + ............................................ ex : ........ + ................. ex........... Note : Tutor and advisor are different ( in our book, there was a paragraph : tutor as a advisor ......... ) . Tutor is an instructor ...... Looking for some info about : facilitator , manager Individuals, groups and organisations have roles and responsibilities in assessment. Some are indicated here but these are not comprehensive or definitive lists. Learners: engage actively in learning. are assessed as part of daily learning through a range of activities including dialogue and interactions with peers and teachers, practical investigations, performances, oral presentations and discussions. are assessed on written work and on products such as artwork, reports or projects. demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities through a wide range of evidence including specific assessment tasks, activities, test and examinations. shape and review their learning by reflection, setting learning goals and next steps including through personal learning planning. review their own learning through self assessment. collaborate in peer assessment. contribute to moderation activities.

The Roles of Learners

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the role of learners

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The roles of teacher

the roles of learner

Motivation ( intrinsic and extrinsic ) - how to rise them ?

Lession 4 : teaching and learning

Final Task :

The roles of teacher in the classroom as a promper and tutor ?

As a prompter :+ ............................................

ex :........+ .................


Note : Tutor and advisor are different ( in our book, there was a paragraph : tutor as a advisor ......... ) . Tutor is an instructor ......

Looking for some info about : facilitator , manager

Individuals, groups and organisations haveroles and responsibilitiesin assessment. Some are indicated herebut these are not comprehensive or definitive lists.


engage actively in learning.

are assessed as part of daily learning through a range of activities including dialogue and interactions with peers and teachers, practical investigations, performances, oral presentations and discussions.

are assessed on written work and on products such as artwork, reports or projects.

demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities through a wide range of evidence including specific assessment tasks, activities, test and examinations.

shape and review their learning by reflection, setting learning goals and next steps including through personal learning planning.

review their own learning through self assessment.

collaborate in peer assessment.

contribute to moderation activities.

After reading a couple of articles about the role of a student in the classroom, I found some common threads that were mentioned. Students, first of all, should be ACTIVE participants in their education. By active, this means that students should contribute to classroom discussions by not only answering direct questions posed by the teacher, but answers questions posed by their peers. This again, is not all that the student should do. Students should feel free to ask questions, or express their own ideas about a subject, not only to their teacher, but also their peers. This allow students to construct their own knowledge about their learning, and apply if to their education.

A students role is also to be motivated about their learning. This role is also tied to a teachers role as well. However, if students are truly interested in learning, it is their job to THINK. When thinking, students should be able to find some prior experience or knowledge to apply this new learning to. When doing so, they should mentally prepare themselves to learn more about this new concept or idea. Now, this does nto always happen, but a student who wants to be actively involved in their education, should THINK.

As the teachers role is now a facilitator (or should be), the students role is to take given information or instructions and coordinate that task for himself or group members, and begin the task. The student must be a task monitor by checking himself/herself in terms of on task study time, noise level, and quality work. He or she should be responsible for gathering materials needed for an assignment, when given directions to where resources can be found. He or she should also put back materials when finished. These are simplistic roles, but roles that I use in my classroom as a cooperative learning teacher. Students take on the roles of coordinators, task master, noise monitor, clean-up/maintenance. While all students take on different main roles, all students are still required to take part in the assignment and learning itself. For example, just because one student is the noise monitor, does not mean his/her sole role is to tell their team to keep an appropriate noise level in the classroom. He/she must also be involved in the task that the coordinator has assigned to him/her, and cooperate with team members to accomplish that task.

First, motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do something.Extrinsic motivationis when somebody else tries to make you do something.

Intrinsic/Extrinsic motivation and Hierarchy of Needs

MOTIVATION: Something that energizes, direct, and sustains behaviors.

INTRINSIC MOTIVATION: Internal desires to perform a particular task, people do

Certain activities because it gives them pleasure, develops a particular skill, or

Its morally the right thing to do.

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION: Factors external to the individual and unrelated to the

Task they are performing.Examples include money, good grades, and other


Intrinsically motivated students are bound to do much better in classroom activities, because they are willing and eager to learn new material.Their learning experience is more meaningful, and they go deeper into the subject to fully understand it.On the other hand, extrinsically motivated students may have to be bribed to perform the same tasks.

How can we motivate students intrinsically?

A theorists by the name of Abraham Maslow, has concluded that before we can be intrinsically motivated we must first satisfy some more basic human needs.According to Maslow there are five basic levels of human needs.

1.Physiological needs.We are motivated to satisfy needs that ensure our physical survival.Needs in this group include food, water, air, shelter, clothing and sex.Most people have satisfied their physiological needs allowing them to concentrate on higher level needs.For some though, physiological needs are dominant and are the biggest needs in their lives.

2.Safety needs.Once physiological needs are met one can concentrate on bringing safety and security to our lives.Safety and security needs include, order, stability, routine, familiarity, control over ones life and environment, certainty and health.

3.Social needsor love and belonging needs.These needs include love, affection, belonging and acceptance.People look for these needs in relationships with other people and are motivated for these needs by the love from their families.

4.Esteem needs.All people have a need for stable, firmly based, usually high evaluation of themselves for self-respect or self-esteem and for the esteem of others.These needs may therefore be classified into two subsidiary sets.These are, first, the desire for strength, achievement, adequacy, mastery of competence, confidence, independence and freedom.Second, we have what we call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect from other people), status, fame, glory, dominance, importance, recognition, dignity or appreciation.

5.Need for self-actualization.This level of hierarchy is concentrated on an individual being able to reach their full potential a human being.Once someone has satisfied the first four levels of needs then they have the ability to concentrate on functioning to their highest potential.But even if all these needs are satisfied, we may often still expect that a new discontent and restlessness will soon develop, unless the individual is doing what they are fitted for.Musicians must play music, artists must paint if they are to be at peace with themselves.What humans can be, they must be.They must be true to their own nature.

The first four needs are what we calldeficiency needs, because they come from things we are lacking. These needs can be met only by external sources, by the environment, people or things going on around us.

Self-actualization is agrowth need.This doesnt just address what we are lacking in our lives, but it gives us room to grow and develop as an individual. This need is always intrinsically motivated, because we do it out of pure enjoyment and desire to grow.

Maslow, does explain that self-actualization is rarely achieved, even as adults.But we as teachers, must make sure our students have satisfied their deficiency needs in order to move on to their growth one.Intrinsic motivation will not occur until they are well fed, safe in their environment, and can love and respect the teachers and their classmates.From there on motivation will be a breeze.

"Intrinsic motivation...is an internal form of motivation. You strive towards a goal for personal satisfaction or accomplishment."WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION?

1)External Motivator

Extrinsic motivation is an external form of motivation. For example, if your boss sets a deadline on a project and your bonus is tied to the deadline, that is a very clear form of extrinsic motivation. In fact, this example includes two extrinsic motivators: your boss's expectations and the bonus. So, extrinsic motivation doesn't always have to be another person, but it is some outside demand, obligation, or reward that requires the achievement of a particular goal.

2)Internal Motivator

Intrinsic motivation, however, is an internal form of motivation. You strive towards a goal for personal satisfaction or accomplishment. You may even work towards a long-term reward such as the development of a business or participating in a competition, but the primary motivator is internal.

EXAMPLESYou may have heard the story about the old man who had an empty lot next to his house. Every afternoon the neighborhood children played baseball in the lot. The old man, annoyed by all the yelling and commotion, developed a plan to stop the children from using the lot. One day while they were playing, he told them that he would pay each of them $5 every day they came to play in the lot. They thought he was a little nuts but were thrilled to be paid to do something they did anyway. After a few days, he told them he couldn't afford to pay the $5 but still wanted them to play in the lot, and asked if they would accept $1. They grumbled a little but agreed to take the $1. A few days more passed and he approached them with an apology telling them that he wouldn't be able to pay them anymore but hoped that they would still play in the lot anyway. The children responded by refusing to play in the "stinking" lot if he wasn't going to pay them.

This story is a good example of changing intrinsic motivation to extrinsic motivation. At first the children played in the lot for the enjoyment of it. However, once the man started paying them, their motivator became the money which was extrinsic motivation. Once that motivator disappeared, they no longer had the desire to play in the lot.

I experienced a similar situation with a hobby of mine. I enjoyed decorating cakes for family and friends for special occasions. When in college, I decided to make some extra money by starting a business of decorating cakes. However, as the business grew, my interest and enjoyment in decorating cakes declined. Eventually, I quit the business and didn't make cakes for anyone except my son for about five years. I found that as a hobby I did for personal enjoyment became tied to extrinsic reward (money) I began to dislike it and it became a chore or a demand.

Persistency of BehaviorTherefore, intrinsic motivation is more likely to lead to persistent behavior toward a goal when external motivators are not present. However, as you may realize, motivation needs to be based upon the circumstances and the personality of the individual involved. For instance, some people are satisfied with external reward and demand in a job situation and don't desire to develop personal goals. Or an athlete may be purely motivated by the excitement and adulation of the crowd. However, an individual who desires to achieve goals outside of a structured situation or outside rewards needs to have an intrinsic form of motivation.

The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has been one of the important theoretical conceptualizations of qualitative differences in engagement.

Intrinsic motivation refers to engagement in an activity with no reason other than the enjoyment and satisfaction of engagement itself. By comparison, extrinsic motivation refers to engagement that provides means to ends that go beyond the engagement itself. The goals of extrinsically motivated engagement might be the attainment of tangible rewards such as money, prizes, or other benefits; intangible rewards such as social approval, a sense of worthiness, or even a sense of conscientiousness; or the avoidance of tangible and intangible punishments such as time-out, scolding, rejection or sense of low self-worth.

Motivations rely on a type of reward system, or trade-off, that provides certain expected outcomes when certain conditions are met, according to Educational Psychology Interactive. Reward systems can come in the form of an internal result, like a feeling or expectation. They can also appear as an external influence, like a paycheck or getting someones approval. These types of reward systems are what differentiate intrinsic from extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivators are internal, or self driven. Extrinsic motivators are dependent on an external outcome.

Read more:http://www.ehow.com/about_6507395_difference-between-intrinsic-extrinsic-motivation_.html#ixzz2qi4v3P3fIntrinsic motivation is based on a persons natural inclinations in terms of whats important or enjoyable to him, according to PsychCentral. This is an internal drive that takes little effort or coaxing. A person will perform a certain task simply because he enjoys doing it. An example of this would be a hobby. Intrinsic motivation can also exist in cases where an external reward is present, like when a person enjoys his line of work and also receives a paycheck. Internal motivators may also be connected to a persons sense of purpose when it taps into his sense of who he is.

Extrinsic motivation is based on receiving a certain reward from an external source, like a person or place, according to PsychCentral. External rewards can come in the form of school grades, money, a promotion at work or approval from others. Under these circumstances, a persons actions are controlled by an external outcome, whereas intrinsic motivations are self-driven. The difference here is once the source of control is removed, theres no reason to follow through on the task when its extrinsically motivated

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are based on obtaining some type of goal, according to Purdue University Calumet. An example of an intrinsic goal is the feeling of relaxation that some people experience when gardening. The extrinsic goal would be an array of beautiful flowers. Intrinsic motivators can also connect with a person on an emotional level, which may or may not hold true for an extrinsic motivator. In cases where an external goal carries great personal value (like winning a contest), it can cause an emotional response; however, the response is still brought on by an external condition.