The Role of Writers in Nation Building

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  • 8/4/2019 The Role of Writers in Nation Building


    The Role of Writers in Nation

    Building and Nationhoodas analyzedin Salleh Ben Joneds Selected WritingsPresented by:

    Fouzia Hassan Abdullah

    P 34866, School of Languages and Linguistics,UKM, Bangi 2007

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    Introduction and background

    Malaysia Multiethnic, Multicultural & PluralSociety (Mainly: Malay, Chinese,Indians, Sabahan and Sarawakiansand minority)

    Study on the Role of Writers inNation Building

    Through Salleh Ben JonedsSelected writings:

    As I Please (1994)

    Nothing Is Sacred (2003)

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    The Nation Not natural occurring

    Fabrications and constructions perceived in the

    minds of man Like buildings, can rise or fall and disintegrate

    (Mc Leod, John. 2000:68)

    imagined political community Imagined: some members might never encounter

    each other in reality

    But in each lives image of communion

    Imagined as part of a greater collective

    (Benedict Anderson taken from McLeod. 2000:68)

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    Nation, Nationalism & Nation Building Nationalism : related in 2 senses

    Ideology (behavioural entity of nation)

    Sentiment (of loyalty towards nation)(Evans and Newham. 1998:346-349)

    Perpaduan Kaum dan Toleransi Agama di Malaysia injournal Pemikir, no 41 July-September 2005 by Ding Choo

    Ming. Stated Syed Husin (1976:53) expounded: at presentday, mass media and education have eminent role indissemination of information and knowledge,

    to promote understanding and tolerance amongmultiethnic groups that co-exist in Malaysia

    Salleh wrote on these in articles TheSpectre of Corporate-Lit from As IPlease

    A Samad Ismail-The Man and His Myth

    from Nothing Is Sacred

  • 8/4/2019 The Role of Writers in Nation Building


    Malaysian Situation Malaysian situation and context are ever

    changing Undergoing modifications Process of adjustment with the global world and

    situations at home

    Concept of nation constantly challenged Entrenched in ongoing struggle for adaptation andrevival

    Concept of nation being reshaped and re-interpreted

    (Claudia Derichs-Nationbuilding in malaysia under Conditions ofGlobalization:htpp:// 25.pdf)

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    3 phases of formation ofnational culture:

    According to Fanon:

    Initiation of colonial resistance in 3 phases;1. unqualified assimilation:

    Copying the dominant trends in literature of coloniser

    Native writers reproduce culture of colonisers

    Native cultural traditions ignored or marginalised2. turns backwards/falls back:

    Falls back on culture of indigenous and native peoplebefore colonization

    3. fighting phase: Native intellectual/writers directly involved in peoples

    struggle, modifications of narrations-efforts at forgingnational consciousness

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    A Samad Ismail-The Man and His Myth (Salleh

    Ben Joned. 1987)from Nothing Is Sacred

    Roles and tribulations and contentionsfaced by a writer in nation building:

    At one time, he was Deputy Editor-in-chief of theNew Straits Times Group. Then he disappeared

    from public view for a number of years, duringthat time, he was a guest of the Government atdetention Camp-the third such experience in hislong eventful career. Now, one is told, he is theNSTs Editorial Adviser- a position that is almostas difficult to define as the man himself(Salleh. 2003:345)

    A Samad Ismail: TheMan,%20Literature,%20and%20the%20Creative%20Communication%20Arts%20-%20Abdul%20Samad%20Ismail.mht
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    In Memoriam Isako Sanby Salleh Ben Joned (1994:136)

    in As I Please

    Manifests the 3rdPhase:Fighting Phase

    Ishak Haji Muhammad (PakSako)

    Wrote Putera Gunung Tahan

    Satirical and ridiculescolonisers in a subtle way

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    Malaysian Writers dilemma Testing the Parameter

    (Salleh.1994:51) We all know that our censorship laws are very

    stringent.Its up to the writers and publishers toexploit the limited freedom that exists. In otherwords, to test the parameters or perimeter of thepermissible

    The (Malay) Malaysian Writers Dilemma(Salleh.1994:47) Malaysian of Malay origin, self respect and dream of

    brotherhood of man are as vital as the air hebreathes

    But in this country, loyalty is a very difficultbusinessif a writer who stubbornly persists in tryingto see through and beyond the inherited blinkers ofrace and religion, what you call loyalty to truth andbeauty, justice and freedom can be considered abetrayal. (Salleh. 1994:57)

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    Malaysian Writers dilemma

    Rojak is Good for Nation Building(Salleh.1994:55)

    What is wrong with kebudayaan rojak?Malaysian like rojak. Its good for them. Unity indiversity is certainly better for our vitality of ourcultural life than the imposition of an artificiallyconceived national culture through legislation. Aliving culture, as everyone knows, grows naturally;

    it cannot be programmed or legislated accordingto abstract recipe

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    Restrictions, Prohibitions and Control:

    The Printing Presses and PublicationsActs, The Official Secrets Acts, TheInternal Security Act and the Seditious

    Publications (Prohibition) ordinancefurther impede and restrict the completefreedom of writers to give voice to theirthoughts. The Constitution further

    inhibits the complete freedom ofexpression in view of national security.

    l f h

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    Article number: 149 of theConstitution of Malaysia

    149.(1) If an act of parliament recites that action hasbeen taken or threatened by any substantial body ofpersons, whether inside or outside the Federation - (a)to cause, or to cause a substantial number of

    citizens to fear, organised violence against persons orproperty; or

    (b)to excite disaffection against the Yang di-PertuanAgong or any Government in the Federation; or

    (c)to promote feelings of ill-will and hostilitybetween different races or other classes of thepopulation likely to cause violence; or

    (d) to procure the alteration, otherwise than by lawfulmeans, of anything by law established; or

    (e) which is prejudicial to the maintenance or thefunctioning of any supply or service to the public or anyclass of the public in the Federation or any part thereof;or

    (f) which is prejudicial to public order in, or the securityof, the Federation or any part thereof,

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    Freedom of Expression

    In a United nations Paper by the GeneralAssembly, OBV/555,PI/1714 on the subject ofPress Freedom Events theme: Media,Development, Poverty Eradication; Speakers urgegovernments to reaffirm commitment to Freedomof Expression.

    Shashi Tharoor, Under Secretary General forCommunications and Public Information stresses:

    free press is an essential human right & thefoundation of all democratic societies.

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    Media possessed great power Journalism kindle dialogue that liberates

    societies to function effectively, by speakingtruth to power and exposing injustices.

    Governments to reaffirm their commitment to theright to seek, receive and impart information andideas through any media and regardless offrontiers as set out in article 19 of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.

    With freedom comes responsibility Shashi Tharoor: Media should not be vehicles for

    incitement or degradation, or for spreadinghatred.

    There is a need to strike a balance between pressfreedom and responsible reporting, and all writersshould likewise practice this.

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    There are many variants of writers; script writers, journalists, novelist, columnist,reporterand the list goes on.

    Should use their talents, ingenuities to capturethe hearts and minds of the people, to mould anation, to strive for their aspired identity againstthe neo colonialism.

    Should influence their audience through the lyricsthat exist in songs, through advertisements,through messages in films, through blogs on theinternet, through... and so on and so forthThe secret is in understanding human nature, stepstaken through historical incidences and lessons,through creativity and innovations.

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    Thank YouTerima Kasih

    Fouzia Hassan Abdullah Aspiring WriterPlease read my articles athttp://sinchan.wordpress.comat

    YOUNGMALAYSIAN website under the name F.Abdullah(English articles)
