The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)

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  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)

    Challenges to Successful Fertilization Environmental

    Sperm egg recognition

    o Sperm contacts the egg via an elongated acrosomal process Sperm egg fusion

    o Egg membrane rises around sperm head

    o Microvilli elongate around entering

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    Mammalian Ovum Fertilization The human egg is protected by the cumulus and the zona pellucida

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    Fertilization: More than Just Fusion of the Gametes Primordial follicles: the egg is arrested in the prophase of meiosis 1

    Hormonal stimulation reinitiates meiosis

    Meiosis 1 completes at the time of ovulation

    Meiosis 2 does not complete until the time of fertilization


  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    In anisogamous species, the extra chromosome sets are extruded as

    polar bodies small cells with little cytoplas

    Anisogamy: Stages of Meiosis

    Double Fertilization Angiosperms

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    External Fertilization Plants

    o Air environment

    o Water environment


    o Aqueous environment

    Works well for sessile and not so well for mobile life forms

    Internal Fertilization Sperm can only move through liquid

    Sperm released into the air will dry out and die

    All terrestrial animals and plants use internal union of gametes

    Evolution of Internal Fertilization Earliest plants and animals evolved in aquatic environments

    Internal gamete union in plants parallels the exploitation of

    terrestrial environments

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    Possible stages

    in evolution of carpel (a) and stamen (b) from leaf-like structures

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    Amphibians: First Animals to Move to Land Must move back to, and use water, for external fertilization

    Use behavioural adaptations to ensure reproductive success

    Reptiles: First Fully Terrestrial Animals Even those that have returned to the water still use the land for

    reproductive purposes

    Must use internal fertilization shelled egg formed

    Eggs must be penetrated by sperm prior to release

    Birds and Mammals Birds: as with reptiles, the shelled egg requires internal fertilization

    Terrestrial animals have evolved an incredible diversity of

    behavioural and anatomical adaptations to get male gametes

    into the female reproductive tract

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    Where does the embryo develop? Oviparous

  • 8/2/2019 The Role of Reproduction (Part 7)


    o Lay eggs in the environment and the embryo develop outside the

    mothers body


    o Retain the embryo within the mothers body during its early

    development stages