Bachelor-Thesis Josef Nitsch (st.nr. 10082913) The Role of Financial Markets during the Euro Crisis (Methods of Impact Measurement) academic year 2012/2013 University of Amsterdam Mentor: Dr. H. van Ophem UvA

The Role of Financial Markets during the Euro Crisis

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Page 1: The Role of Financial Markets during the Euro Crisis


Josef Nitsch (st.nr. 10082913)

The Role of Financial Markets during the Euro Crisis (Methods of Impact Measurement)

academic year 2012/2013

University of Amsterdam

Mentor: Dr. H. van Ophem UvA

Page 2: The Role of Financial Markets during the Euro Crisis

Thesis Josef Nitsch, ac. Year 2012/2013


In this thesis I try to find evidence against the notion that financial markets driven by

panic and fear caused or worsened the Euro – Crisis. With some significant results I can raise

doubts on the thoroughness of these claims. Specifically I used the European Commission´s

semiannually conducted surveys on the Euro-public´s satisfaction with Europe in such a way,

that I obtained a measure with which to demonstrate my objective. Throughout, the thesis

concerns itself with the findings of Aizenman, et al (2012), re-researches Aizenman´s evidence

and looks for alternative answers to Aizenman´s proposed conclusion that the Euro-Crisis is

best described by a multiple equilibrium model which once turned pessimistic renders us – the

Europeans – powerless until it loses impetus. I conclude that the crisis could rather be a matter

of solidarity.


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Thesis Josef Nitsch, ac. Year 2012/2013

Table of Contents

Introduction………………………………… 4

Literature Review……………………..……… 5

Description of the Model …………………………….. 7

Endogeneity-Bias and Theory………………… 8

Shortcomings of the Literature

And Research Method……………………… 9

Reverse Causation ………………………………….. 12

Research Setu-Up………………………..………… 13

The Data………………………………………… 15

Replication and Comparison……………………… 16

A Moment of Truth ………….…………………… 19

Conclusion…………………………………………. 26 AppendixI………………………………………………27

AppendixII……………………………………… …….29

AppendixIII………………………… ………………...31

AppendixIV…………… ……………………………...32

Reference-List…………………………………………. 33


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Since the beginning of the Euro-Debt crisis in 2009 it seems European policy-makers

were always one step behind the course of events taking place in financial markets. Complying

to what they described as “market pressures” they took supposedly inevitable actions to dampen

the damage to the EMU (European Monetary Union), imposing harsh austerity measures on

Southern-European states. In his recent paper “Panic-Driven Austerity in the Eurozone and its

Implications” DeGrauwe (2012) presents evidence which point at policy-makers having been

“gripped by panic and fear that erupted in the financial markets”. For the troubled Euro-

countries DeGrauwe proves that investors did not price premiums according to underlying

fundamentals (i.e. Debt/GDP ratio, etc.) but were instead bidding up premiums irrationally. His

evidence heavily relies on the obvious declines in troubled sovereigns’ bond premiums, after

the ECB’s announcement of its willingness to become a lender of last resort (OMT1-program,

August 2012).

In a reaction to rumors of speculative attacks on the Eurozone – and specifically against

Greece – the German regulation Authority BaFin (2010) has denied having found any evidence

supporting these claims. Ten days later (March 18, 2010) however, the same agency forbade

“naked CDS in government bonds” (BaFin, 2010), which are held to be the main weapons for

speculative attacks.

The question motivating this thesis is to find out by means of statistical evidence

whether financial markets really worsened the present crisis. DeGrauwe relies i.a. on statistical

evidence presented by Aizenman, et al (2012) who draw on a sample of 50 countries over a

timeframe of 2005 – 2010. Using the evidence of Aizenman et al, DeGrauwe paints a

frightening picture, in which society seems to have lost control on financial markets. The media

also has contributed to this suspicion.

In this thesis I examine DeGrauwe’s evidence – which is the work of Aizenman et al. I

try to see how strong this evidence is and research whether there is an alternative interpretation

possible to the recent Euro-Debt crisis: I hypothesize that financial markets accounted for the

specific monetary-policy constraints of Southern-European countries and contrary to

DeGrauwe’s findings, did price sovereign debt on rational analysis.

1 OMT is an acronym for Outright Monetary Transactions.


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Literature Review

DeGrauwe (2012) argues in his paper that financial markets demanded unreasonably

high yields on SWEAP2- debt. His main evidence is the regression depicted in figure 1 below.

Here sovereign bonds are compared by means of spreads which “are defined as the difference

between each country’s 10-year government bond rate and the German10-year government

bond rate.

Figure 1

DeGrauwe’s interpretation of the evidence is as follows: After the ECB announced the

OMT-program in August 2012, the bonds initially priced with the highest premia declined the

most. Since the ECB’s action however did not change the fundamentals of the SWEAP, the

sharp declines in premia prove the initial spreads not to have been based on fundamental

analysis. Furthermore, DeGrauwe (2013) argues that the austerity measures clearly had a

negative effect on the SWEAP’s GDP growth, something which according to finance-theory

should have been mirrored by further rising bond-premia. However premia declined instead, in

spite of further GDP-deterioration, merely due to the ECB’s willingness to be a lender of last


2 SWEAP = South-West-Euro-Area-Periphery: Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain. This acronym will be used throughout the thesis for the troubled euro-crisis countries and is originally used by Aizenman et al (2012).


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DeGrauwe (2012, p.3) explains these events by a theory which he summarizes as

follows: “Collective movements of fear and panic can have dramatic effects on spreads. These

movements can drive the spreads away from underlying fundamentals very much like in the

stock markets prices can be gripped by a bubble pushing them far away from underlying

fundamentals.” He concludes that “panic and fear are not good guides for economic policies”,

which rather ought to be conducted by rational decision-makers.

DeGrauwe quotes the work of Aizenman, et al (2012) and he refers to its findings.

Aizenman et al conduct a research which deals with CDS spreads-behavior during the crisis3. In

this paper Aizenman et al develop a model based on fundamentals which according to financial-

theory are considered to determine CDS-spreads. The model thus is built to produce reasonable

predictions for CDS-spreads and is tested w.r.t. the Eurozone. In particular Aizenman et al

compare the models’ explanatory power for the pre-crisis-period (2005-2007) with that of the

crisis-period (2008-2010). Their results suggest that financial markets’ CDS-pricing is well in

line with the fundamentals considering the pre-crisis period. CDS-pricing during the crisis

period however seems to have permanently parted away from fundamentals w.r.t. the Eurozone.

As opposed to non-Euro countries, whose risk-pricing dynamics converges to reasonable

predictability after 2009, the Eurozone stays largely unexplained by the model.

The interpretation Aizenman et al mainly give to their results is “that market-priced risk of

sovereign default follows waves of contagion, overreacting and mispricing risk of sovereign

default over a period of several years….The “good” (optimistic) expectational equilibrium

[during the EMU’s first 10 years] quickly switched to a “bad” (pessimistic) expectational

equilibrium in the SWEAP countries in 2010 as markets overreacted to fiscal deterioration and

generated extraordinarily high CDS.” Not only does this interpretation resemble that of

DeGrauwe’s negative bubble-theory, but Aizenman et al explicitly refer in the same paragraph

to DeGrauwe 2012.

3 Note, CDS spreads are highly correlated to bond-yields (or bond-premia) and accordingly can be regarded as a risk-measure, but they are not exactly the same. See Duffy (1998), or the “Appendix Data-sources” for more details.

Note also: CDS-spreads should not be confused with bond-spreads either, the latter being a mere comparative measure for DeGrauwe’s arguments. The next section “Description of the Model” offers more details on CDS-spreads.


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Description of the Model4

The model tested by Aizenman et al is defined as follows:

CDSit = αi+λt+θCDSit-1+Xit’β+εit

Next to a vector (X) containing the fundamentals, the model accounts for fixed effects

w.r.t. to time (λt) and entities (αi)5. The X-vector in turn contains the following fundamentals

used as predictors: ted-spread, inflation, trade/GDP, external debt and debt/taxbase6 or

alternately fiscal-balance/taxbase. As mentioned above, a country’s fundamentals supposedly

serve as basis for financial markets when pricing country risk. The justification for their usage

in this context arises from their implications w.r.t. a country’s economic health. A short

explanation with regard to each fundamental-variable included in the model, follows with a

note next to each fundamental w.r.t. to their expected correlation with the dependent variable


1.) Sovereign CDS-spreads (cds)7 are comparable to insurances against sovereign debt default.

They are measured in basis points, whereby 1 basis point equals $ 1000 to ensure $ 10

million of debt.8 Also CDS-spreads are highly correlated to bond-yields (Duffy, 1998).

This thesis follows the paper of Aizenman et al in that it uses data on 5year-maturity CDS

when testing the model. The sign of the correlation with its lagged value can be positive

and negative, depending on the perceived risk dynamics from one period to the next.

2.) The ted-spread (ted) is a measure for perceived risk during a specific period. It measures

the difference between US-treasury bills and the 3-month US$ LIBOR (London Interbank

Offered Rate). While treasury bills are supposed to be risk-free, lending to banks is not.

Consequently, the larger the ted-spread, the higher the perceived risk during a specific

period; i.e. ted is expected to correlated positively with cds (Aizenman et al, 2012, p. 55).

4 Since the model of Aizenman at al plays a central role in this thesis I include a thorough description. 5 (λt) and (αi) represent the respective intercepts of the fixed effects contained in the error-term. 6 Aizenman et al call the Debt/Taxbase measure (or alternately Fiscal-balance/Taxbase measure) also “fiscal-space”. 7 The use of Italics here and in the following definitions refers to the labels I used for each respective variable in my sample. Throughout the thesis I use italics when I refer to my sample-variables (cds, ted, infl etc.) and normal letterings when referring to the variables of Aizenman et al. 8 Footnote Aizenman et al, 2012, p.40: “For example, if the spread is 197 basis points, meaning 197,000 USD to insure against 10,000,000 in sovereign debt for 10 years; 1.97% of notional amount needs to be paid each year, so 0.0197 x 10 million = $197,000 per year.”


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3.) Inflation (infl) is known to exacerbate expected return on investment such as suggested by

the Fisher equation9. The higher the inflation the lower the expected real-return on bonds of

a specific country; i.e. infl. is expected to correlate positively with cds (Mishkin, 2012).

4.) Trade-Openness (trade) (measured by trade/GDP) allows a country to more efficiently use

its resources and thus diminishes country risk. A country engaged in trade is thought to

specialize in the goods it most efficiently can produce (Krugman et al, 2012). Therefore

trade is expected to correlate negatively with cds.

5.) External debt (exdebt) as opposed to internal debt is denominated in foreign currency and

cannot be inflated away by a country’s monetary-policy actions (Edward, 1984).

Accordingy exdebt is expected to correlate negatively with cds.

6.) Debt (debt) in general and alternately fiscal balance (fiscb) are held to be the key drivers of

country risk. Sustainability of debt depends on a country’s fiscal balance. Once a country’s

interest-rate payments on debt grew permanently larger than its fiscal-growth, its debt is

considered to be unsustainable and default is expected to occur (Spaventa, 1987). Therefore

debt is expected to correlate positively with cds while fiscb is expected to correlate

negatively with cds-pricing.

Endogeneity-bias and Theory

Apart from fixed-effects and fundamentals, the model contains the lagged-value (CDS(it-1))

of the dependent variable (CDSit) as additional regressor. As such econometric theory assumes

this variable to be endogenous since it correlates with the model’s residuals ε(it) which in turn

are modeled according to the equation εit = μi_ + vit, where μi_ represents the fixed-effects and

vit is the idiosyncratic (non-fixed) disturbance-term (Roodman, 2006, pp.14).

Being the dependent variable from one period ago, CDS(it-1)is co-determined by its

residuals ε(it-1) from one period ago. This bias supposedly can be overcome neither by OLS-

nor by fixed-effects estimation. In case of OLS-estimation the bias results from CDS(it-1)’s

potential correlation with the fixed-effects (μi_), which per definition are unchanged from one

period to the next and thus present in the model’s contemporaneous OLS-residuals ε(it).10

9 Fisher equation: 𝑟𝑟 ≈ 𝑖𝑖 − 𝜋𝜋, where r is the real interest rate, i the nominal interest rate and π is inflation. 10 This is a clear violation of the Gauss-Markov assumption that E(εit| Xit) = 0, where Xit is any regressor of the model in question.


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Secondly, in case the fixed-effects estimator is applied, endogeneity-bias is assumed due to the

correlation of CDS(it-1) with v(it-1), which is contained in iv of the contemproaneous

“demeaned” residual ∆ vit = vit – iv (Roodman, 2006, p. 18).11

As such the resulting endogeneity-bias is present in both estimators, in the OLS- as well as

in the fixed effects-estimator. Consequently the model is required to be estimated by the

Arellano and Bond’s GMM-estimator, which is specifically developed for handling this

problem, given that the panel-data stretch only over a few periods (small T), but contain a large

number of entities (large N). Aizenman et al however, apply this estimation-method labeled in

their specification as “Arellano-Bond” (Appendix table C2, p.58) only in two instances from a

total of 44 published regression-results. It is also only in these two instances that Aizenman et

al specify the use of the lagged dependent variable in its 1st difference. In all other 42 instances

Aizenman et al disclose the level of the lagged variable, labeled as y(t – 1) and explicitly accept

its correlation with the residuals12. However, in instances where this correlation is negligibly

small, CDS(it-1) can be treated as exogenous to its future value, thus possibly explaining the

observed practice of Aizenman et al.

For the sake of conciseness I postpone the Hausman-test for exogeneity to Appendix I., but

taking the results of Appendix I. into consideration I conclude that Aizenman et al indeed

justifiably treat the endogeneity of CDS(it-1) as negligible. Therefore I will also assume

exogeneity for CDS(it-1) throughout the rest of my thesis.

Shortcomings of the literature and Research Method

Economic theory has repeatedly pointed at the limitations of monetary policy to

countries participating in a monetary union (Gertler, 2003). Once hit by a recession the country

in question is not able to inflate itself out of its declining economy. With countries largely

differing in their economic competitiveness within the EMU, inflating the currency is not an

option. Instead problem-stricken countries have to endure a painful process called internal

11 This effect is called “dynamic panel bias” by Roodman (2006). 12 This is the reason why I adjusted the model in the discussion by presenting the level of the lagged dependent variable CDS(it-1) in the model, while Aizenman et al use its 1st difference ∆CDS(it-1) when introducing the model (p.44).


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devaluation (Roubini, 2011). Therefore the comparison13 of Eurozone-CDS with non-Euro-

CDS has to account for the specific constraints of monetary-policy which the Eurozone is

subjected to. Consequently I claim that Aizenman et al as well as DeGrauwe have overlooked

an important factor which financial markets likely considered for their risk-analysis. This claim

is strengthened by the fact that it is exactly this constraining situation of the Eurozone, which

has been alleviated when the ECB announced its OMT program. In light of this argument the

declines of Euro-spreads after the OMT-announcement are apt to an interpretation which allows

for reasonability of financial markets as opposed to DeGrauwe’s sentiment-theory.

Research Method

I clearly presume the model of Aizenman et al and de the theory of DeGrauwe to suffer

from omitted variable bias. I therefore introduce two additional variables to the model of

Aizenman et al, whose explanatory power goes around the ECB’s role during the crisis. In

doing so, I intend to strengthen my hypothesis with a measure unique to the Eurozone. The two

variables are: antiemu and its 1st differenced measure dantiemu14. Both variables measure

European’s aversion against the union’s economic framework. I claim that financial markets

accounted for public sentiment in the Eurozone when pricing country-risk. This argument is

based on the fact, that European public cohesion can substantially relieve monetary-policy

constraints in the form of intra-European aid- and bail-out programs. Voters’ opinions in this

respect deliver the necessary basis for their policy-makers to conduct such programs. Once this

basis is weakened by a change in public sentiment, the monetary constraints regain weight w.r.t.

risk-assessment. As a consequence I expect such changes to be measurable and of predictive

power to CDS-pricing evolution.

13 Aizenman et al specifically compare the SWEAP-countries to Panama, South-Africa, Malaysia, Mexico and Colombia, of which none is part of a monetary union. 14 To explain the introduction of the differenced variable dantiemu, consider the following example: it is well

known to investors that Germany for instance always had very low Euro-Sympathy while Greece’s values were

extremely unstable during the sampling period. In case the level of the sentiment is not influencing CDS-pricing

then it could be the difference between today and yesterday. That is, investors knew that Germans didn’t like the

EMU too much. But a relative change, even if small in absolute value, could be large enough to make investors



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The data I use for these two variables are provided by the European Commission’s

Eurobarometer website15. On it, the European Commission has published public opinion polls

conducted since the beginning of the 70ies in the Euro-Area. For my sample (which broadly

covers that of Aizenman et al) I specifically used one continuous survey for all Euro-countries,

“the standard Eurobarometer”, which has been conducted semiannually16.

less changes in public sentiment with Belgium experiencing the most stable values among all

Euro-countries, with dissatisfaction settling at somewhat above 50%.

15 See Appendix, Data-sources. 16 Note that for my experiments I used the “Autumn Reports” of each year.

During the nine consecutive

years of my sample (2004, 2012)

approximately 1000 people were asked

in each Euro-country the following

question: “Please tell me if you tend to

trust in the European Union.” After

transformation I obtain the mentioned

aversion-measure antiemu and its 1st

difference dantiemu. Figure 3 depicts the

movement of public opinion (antiemu)

during the 2004 – 2012 period for the

Eurozone countries included in my

sample. As can be observed, the largest

movements have taken place in the

SWEAP countries. From an initially

positive attitude towards Europe (low

antiemu values), disappointment in the

EMU is the largest in Greece (sample-id

nr: 39) climbing above 80% in 2012. At

the same time, non-SWEAP Euro-

countries underwent fewer changes in

public sentiment with Belgium and

Finland experiencing the smallest

changes in public dissatisfaction

reaching about 50%. Responsible for

these large swings are supposedly two

intertwined measures taken during the


Figure 3


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W.r.t. the SWEAP-countries the imposed austerity measures have decreased the EMU’s

popularity substantially, while on the other hand dissatisfaction in non-SWEAP Euro-countries

rose due to the controversial bail-out programs demanded from non-SWEAP populations.

Potential Reverse Causation

Whether the public cares about CDS-spreads or not, is important to determine potential

simultaneous bias (reverse causation) of the added variables to the model. It seems reasonable

to assume that the majority of the population is not directly influenced by CDS-pricing

developments. On the other hand it is equally likely that politicians – who evidently do care

about financial markets – will introduce policies which in turn make the general public

concerned about investors. This would weaken the introduced variables due to simultaneous


However the assumption that nevertheless antiemu and dantiemu are rather accounted

for by financial markets (sentiment CDS-pricing) than reversely, CDS-pricing is accounted

for by the Euro-population (rev. causation: CDS-pricing sentiment), is strengthened by the

fact that financial markets are known to react immediately to news. Accordingly the added

variables can be assumed consistent. To prove this, I compare the data on EURO-CDS as

opposed to WORLD-CDS, whose evolutions have differed substantially in 2008, according to

one of the main results of Aizenman et al.

Figure 4

EURO-CDS (Ecds) WORLD-CDS (cds)17

17 It’s the second peak (2011) which we’re interested in. This coincides with the Euro-crisis.







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012year

Ecds Ecds_mean1


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My data confirm this (figure 4). As can be seen EURO-CDS were almost not affected by

the inception of the financial-crisis (2008) while they peaked at the height of the Euro-crisis

(2011). The following figure (5) shows that the latter was synchronically paralleled by Euro-

sentiment, while both measures underwent a negligible effect in 2008.

Under the presumption that financial markets have an immediate reaction time, I

conclude that the added variables don’t suffer (substantial) simultaneous bias (endogeneity) and

as such have explanatory power w.r.t. CDS-pricing. Crucial hereby is the distinction between

financial-crisis and Euro-crisis.

Research Set-Up




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012year

antiemu antiemu_mean1




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012year

dantiemu dantiemu_mean1

Figure 5; antiemu (2004 – 2012) dantiemu (2004 - 2012)

As presented in figure 6 (= fig. 4b)

there are two peaks in CDS-pricing evolution

observable: the first occurs in 2008 and the

second in 2011. Both of these peaks represent

the inception of a crisis, with 2008 measuring

the effect of the world-wide financial crisis and

2011 measuring the inception of the Euro-

crisis. In other words figure 6 gives proof of

two breaks having occurred, which is in line

with the historic events. Aizenman et al

Figure 6

accordingly treat the peak in 2008 as a break in their


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sample and subject their research set-up to the following procedure18:

1. The whole sample is regressed with OLS-estimates and clustered standard errors

with the X-Vector containing {ted inflation trade exdebt debt year-dummies}.

2. The whole sample is regressed with OLS-estimates and clustered standard errors

with the X-Vector containing {ted inflation trade exdebt fiscb year-dummies}.

3. The whole sample is regressed with Fixed-Effects-estimators19 (no clustered

standard error) with the X-Vector containing {ted inflation trade exdebt debt


4. The whole sample is regressed with Fixed-Effects-estimators (no clustered

standard error) with the X-Vector containing {ted inflation trade exdebt fiscb


This set-up is repeated three times accounting for the break in 2008: First over the whole

sample period, secondly over the period before the break (pre-crisis) and thirdly it is followed

for the period after the break (crisis-period). Thus in total there are 4 x 3 = 12 regressions

published by Aizenman et al which are the basis for the regressions of this thesis.

As a starting point I intend to replicate the discussed procedure in order to obtain the

respective twelve residuals. Thereby I will also discuss similarities and dissimilarities between

the two samples (that of Aizenman et al and mine) and furthermore compare the results. This is

done in order to re-test the power of the model, draw conclusions on the correctness of the

applied specifications and finally to make assumptions about the differences between both


In order to justify the discussed procedure I ensure the occurrence of the mentioned

break in my replication-data by running a Chow-test. I include a detailed discussion of this test

in Appendix II. The outcome of the Chow-test confirms the practice of Aizenman et al and

consequently justifies the replication of the twelve respective regressions.

After obtaining the twelve residuals I subsequently intend to regress these on the two

assumedly omitted variables antiemu and dantiemu, which is the main objective of the


In case the estimators yield significance, a piece of evidence is obtained that Aizenman

et al as well as DeGrauwe overlook an important aspect in the Euro-crisis-development.

Consequently I regard such evidence as proof that financial markets actually did account for the

18 The break in 2011 is outside the sample of Aizenman et al. 19 I denote these estimators also as “fe”


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monetary-constraints of SWEAP-countries and priced risk accordingly. Such outcomes will

contradict the results of DeGrauwe as well as those of Aizenman et al to as large an extent as

they are significant.

With regard to the regressions of the obtained residuals on antiemu and dantiemu I

assume heteroscedasticity and I therefore use the “White”-standard-errors. Furthermore I treat

estimates as “significant” up to the 10%-level in all regressions.

The Data

I try to use exactly the same sources which were used by Aizenman et al20 when

replicating their regressions. While all sources except for one (“Economist Intelligence Unit”)

are accessible to me via internet, the dataset unfortunately includes many missing variables.21

To make up for this inconvenience I include additional data for the period 2011-2012 as well as

for the year 2004. I also add Finland to the sample which is not present in the sample of

Aizenman et al.22 By so doing my panel-sample contains 51 countries for the period 2004-2012.

Aizenman et al use a sample that stretches over 50 countries during the period 2005-2010.

20 Sources are disclosed on page 55 in Aizenman et al, 2012. 21 I received the Dataset of Aizenman et al on July 30th, 2013. After comparing I conclude that Aizenman et al disclose “maximum sample observations” in their paper as opposed to the amount of observations available per regression. 22 For a full list of the countries included in my sample please refer to Appendix III.

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- country | 0 id | 459 26 14.73566 1 51 year | 459 2008 2.584806 2004 2012 cds | 326 207.0859 392.2637 1.2 3905 CDSY1 | 293 176.7133 411.4138 0 3436.3 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- ted | 459 .6674444 .5670541 .183 1.719 infl | 441 4.299682 4.044072 -4.863278 28.18746 trade | 446 89.0781 40.98703 22.1183 210.3743 exdebt | 370 116.8028 162.3066 8.407328 1129.771 fiscb | 426 -.1141696 .2672414 -1.267699 .6669243 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- debt | 399 3.189987 3.058099 .2289787 25.11955 antiemu | 99 .5313131 .1089809 .35 .82 dantiemu | 88 .0263636 .0666985 -.12 .23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Figure 7


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Figure 7 above depicts all the available data in my sample. For the websites offering the

various data please refer to Appendix IV(Data sources) while a list with all country-names is

included in Appendix III. The variables of the model are written in italics in the text as I

continue. The economic justification for using these variables in the model is outlined on page 7

of this thesis, section The Model. Also included in the discussion on page 7 is the expected sign

of the correlation of each variable with the dependent variable. For interpreting the results in the

following section I clearly refer to this sub-section.

Replication and comparison

1. Whole sample regressions

Below (figure 8) I present the first four regressions23 of Aizenman et al. I type and

underline Aizenman’s results printed next to my own for reference and easy distinction. As

described in the previous section (p.14) I follow the procedure of Aizenman: Consequently I

start with respectively two OLS-regressions interchanging debt (OLSd) and fiscb (OLSf). The

second four columns in figure 8 below concern themselves with the fixed regression command.

As for OLS regressions, debt is interchangeably used with fiscb. The columns disclose the

following results where “A” denotes the results of Aizenman et al and FE is an acronym for

fixed effects regressions.

The Columns in this table are sorted by the type of estimators used together with the name of

the interchanged variables debt and fiscb. Accordingly the acronyms in the first line of each

column stands for the following regression set-ups:

Col. 1:















- col7:





Note, for all other regressions in this section I use these subdivisions labeled as shown above.

23 Aizenman et al, p. 48 – table 3.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable | OLSd OLSdA OLSf OLSfA FEd FEdA FEf FEfA -------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------- cds | L1. | 0.2 0.3*** 0.2 0.3*** 0.13 0.3*** 0.1 0.2*** | ted | 222.5* 17.5 271.3** 43.6*** 254.4** -29.6 196.1* 64.1 infl | 41.5 28.1*** 35.6 * 29.9 50.6** 38.6*** 53.3*** 35.7*** trade | -0.1 1.2 -0.4 -12.4 -9.5 -186.7 -7.9 182.7 exdebt | 0.2 17.0*** 0.16 9.8** -.12 57.0* 0.2 -53.7 debt | 32.4 13.8*** 110.9 48.2 fiscb | -287.8** -418.7*** 16.4 -910.3*** _cons | -229.4* -87.3*** -175.8** -82.5** 342.7 -389.5 545.9 -501.7* -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------- N | 177 300 186 300 177 300 186 300 r2 | 0.36 0.35 .36 0.35 0.30 0.19 .29 0.18 r2_a | 0.32 .31 -0.01 -.04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<0.10; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

Starting with the positive aspects of this lineup, the R^2s have some resemblance. So do the

estimated coefficients of the lagged variables’ estimators. However the overall results exhibit

negligible resemblance. While 17 out of 28 of the results published by Aizenman et al in the

above regressions are significant up to the 10% level, that is 61%, my results achieve 36%

significance. When running the regressions without time-dummies the results differ even more.

(Note, time-dummies are not disclosed in all tables presented in this section.)

Taken apart, accounting for the economic meaningfulness of my sample-estimators,

most have an arguably reasonable sign (with the exception of fiscb=16.4 being positive, though

its p-value is far from significant). As for the magnitude of the individual estimators I suggest

informed comparisons. For example accounting for fixed effects (col. 7) fiscb in my regression

and trade in Aizenman’s (col. 6 and 8) differ substantially from OLS-results (first four

columns) with up to a 156fold fixed effect (col.6; trade). Comparing both research set-ups

exdebt differs substantially between my results and those of Aizenman et al. However all these

results are not significant and thus do not lend themselves to informed inference.

Figure 8


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2. Pre-crisis Period Regressions

Years 2004 – 2007 (pre-crisis)

col. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable | OLSd OLSdA OLSf OLSfA FEd FEdA FEf FEfA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cds | L1. | 0.2 0.4*** 0.3** 0.5*** 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.2*** | ted | 45.5** 23.2 43.3*** 24.9*** 1.8 34.5*** 29.3 21.7*** infl | 17.3***8.7** 15.5** 7.5*** 0.2 9.8*** 3.4 6.5*** trade | -0.02 -14.0 -0.2 -24.6*** 0.7 -92.8* 0.6 -5.2 exdebt | -0.1 0.6 -0.03 1.4 0.05 -13.7 -0.2 debt | 15.5 18.3*** -16.5 123.4*** fiscb | -60.1 -202.9*** -311.8** -291.7*** _cons |-103.4 -44.1*** -42.3 -6.8 65.5 81.9 -2.1 107.4 -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------- N | 51 150 53 150 51 150 53 150 r2 | 0.74 0.76 0.69 0.68 0.31 0.84 0.48 0.89 r2_a | 0.70 . 0.65 . -0.4 . -0.07 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

As regards the pre-crisis period, again Aizenman et al disclose many more significant results

than I achieve. Such as explained in footnote 22 this can be due to Aizenman et al using

“maximum sample”- observations. Anyhow my sample is about a third the reported size of the

compared one. The ratio of significant results for this time-period is 17 out of 28, which is 61%

obtained by Aizenman et al (a result they achieve also with whole-sample regressions). My

results’ significance-ratio is however three out of 28 estimated coefficients, which is 11%.

Remarkably only one result (fiscb, col. 7) in my fixed effect regressions is significant.

The signs of all significant estimators are economically justifiable in both set-ups (mine

and that of Aizenman et al). R^2s in the OLS regressions (col. 1 – 4) look alike while they do

not when accounting for fixed effects (col. 5 – 8).

As for the magnitude of the individual estimators they again differ substantially between

both samples. For example comparing trade (col. 6 and 7) the magnitude obtained by

Aizenman et al is roughly 133fold the size of my estimator. However, as before my estimator in

this case is far from significant.

Figure 9


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3. Crisis Period Regressions

Year 2008 – 2010,’12 (crisis period)

col. | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable | OLSd OLSdA OLSf OLSfA FEd FEdA FEf FEfA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cds | L1. | 0.4*** 0.2*** 0.4*** 0.2*** 0.9*** -0.1 1.2*** -0.1 | ted |(om) 190.6*** (om) 197.3*** (om) 150.2*** (om) 186.7*** infl | -3.0 52.2 -5.8 52.9*** -36.4*** 29.5** -26.3* 27.2*** trade | -0.2 -94.5 -0.5 -96.4 -4.0 -489.7** -1.1 -191.4 exdebt | 0.2** 28.6** 0.15** 21.5* 1.7* 189.3 0.14 33.0 debt | 20.0 14.4 299.2*** -182.1 fiscb | -237.2* -150.7 115.2 -567.4 _cons | 199.9 -82.01 98.2** -61.9 -634.8 -621.4 -130.9 -200.3 -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------- N | 105 150 111 150 105 150 111 150 r2 | 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.45 0.70 0.58 0.60 0.61 r2_a | 0.41 . 0.41 . 0.43 . 0 .22 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

As for the crisis24 period 36% of Aizenman’s results are significant while I achieve a

significance ratio of 39% up to the 10% significance-level. Note that while Aizenman’s sample

ends in 2010 mine includes data for the next two years, too. However this does not alter my

results substantially.25 As before I assume that Aizenman disclose “maximum sample”


While the R^2 values display a good resemblance the overall estimators do not. Also,

though the sign of most estimated coefficients is again compliant to economic theory, the

magnitudes differ again substantially across both samples. An example is again trade when

compared between col. 7 and 8, resulting in a 174fold difference.


Overall, the comparison between both samples is disappointing especially with regard to

the significance-ratio but also w.r.t. the magnitudes of the estimated coefficients. Next to the

24 Again I used dummy-variables (not disclosed in the tables) and for the crisis-period I chose to leave out y08 avoiding the dummy-trap. 25 These regression-results are not included in the thesis.

Figure 10


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possibility of differing estimation-methods, as well as accounting for the “maximum

observation”-objection, an explanation could also be the use of different data-providers. Since

however the same data-sources are processed in my sample as those published by Aizenman et

al, the latter explanation misses some ground. Overall therefore the comparison is disappointing

in that it was expected to render more similarities than observed

Nevertheless I conclude that considering the small number of significant results

obtained using my sample, there is more justification for assuming omitted variables. Therefore

the tests for omitted variable bias in the subsequent section attain additional importance.


My replications in the previous section aim at one objective, namely to prepare the

ground for the up-coming analysis. As described in the section Research Method (p.10) I expect

to find evidence that Aizenman et all overlooked the SWEAP-countries monetarily constrained

situation. As I argued, anti-European sentiment among the European public is expected to be an

important component in the process of CDS-risk pricing. Should this be the case, then I ought

to be able to prove that the sentiment-measure antiemu and dantiemu shed some light on the

unexplained parts of the risk-pricing process and as such are to be regard as (one of the) omitted

variables in the model of Aizenman et al. I therefore regress the twelve residuals from all the

above estimations on both sentiment-measures respectively in order to check for their

significance in the model. I clearly expect a positive correlation. Additionally I expect the

results for the split regressions (1st period/2nd period) to differ in significance. Logically I

predict that sentiment became more important during the crisis period. As mentioned earlier I

allow for significance up to the 10%-level.

The three outputs reprinted below are subdivided in four columns each with

col. 1 Regression of OLS residuals on antiemu with debt included in the original regression

col. 2 Regression of OLS residuals on antiemu with fiscb included in the original regression

col. 3 Regression of fixed effects residuals on antiemu with debt included in the original regression

col. 4 Regression of fixed effects residuals on antiemu with fiscb included in the original regression

I first present the regressions on antiemu followed by those for dantiemu. After respectively three presentations I discuss the results. I highlight significant results in gray.


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1.Whole period (2004 – 2012); using antiemu

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ col.| 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- antiemu | 753.06461 816.3715 715.42858 954.65786* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t | 1.32 1.40 1.59 1.93 P>|t| | 0.192 0.166 0.117 0.058* -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 59 59 59 59 r2 | .06205424 .07147753 .08663858 .12757846 r2_a | .04559906 .05518766 .07061469 .11227281 legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

2. First period (2004 – 2007), using antiemu

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ col.| 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- antiemu | 13.293435 50.682977 16.882822 24.041053 t | 0.15 0.78 0.36 0.43 P>|t| | 0.885 0.447 0.725 0.675 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 18 18 18 18 r2 | .00159857 .04142858 .00810652 .01290988 r2_a | -.06080152 -.01848213 -.05388682 -.04878325 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

Figure 13

Figure 12


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3. Second period (2008 – 2012), using antiemu

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col.| 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- antiemu | 906.11018 931.10189 106.86709 311.73421 t | 1.09 1.11 0.29 0.43 P>|t| | 0.284 0.277 0.775 0.67 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 33 33 33 33 r2 | .06175104 .06406076 .00482045 .02887796 r2_a | .03148495 .03386917 -.02728212 -.00244855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

Unfortunately there is only one significant result out of twelve regressions (8.33%

<10%), which since significant only at the 10% level, that is 10% of significant results are

accepted to be wrongly estimated as such, renders antiemu insignificant. I conclude that the

initial assumption with regard to antiemu, being an omitted variable in the model of Aizenman

et al cannot be confirmed. Consequently it cannot be assumed that financial market accounted

for the absolute level of Euro-cohesion when pricing risk.

I proceed with presenting the results using dantiemu.

1.Whole period (2004 – 2012) using dantiemu

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ col.| 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dantiemu | 1061.4398** 1031.9093* 342.21594 566.28591 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ t | 2.06 1.90 0.96 1.49 P>|t| | 0.044 0.062 0.344 0.141 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 59 59 59 59 r2 | .05716214 .05295264 .00919157 .02081441 r2_a | .04062113 .03633777 -.00819103 .00363571 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

Figure 15

Figure 14


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2.First period (2004 – 2007), using dantiemu

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ col.| 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------

dantiemu | -132.84456 32.237855 18.054197 -55.760978 t t | -1.34 0.37 0.23 -0.48 P>|t | 0.198 0.714 0.817 0.639 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 18 18 18 18 r2 | .04224817 .00443581 .00245338 .01837979 r2_a | -.01761132 -.05778696 -.05989328 -.04297148 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

3.Crisis period (2008 – 20) using dantiemu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col.| 1 2 3 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------res obt with | OLSd OLSf FEd FEf -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- dantiemu | 1333.1871** 1302.5185** 42.683412 187.24281 t | 2.36 2.17 0.13 0.52 P>|t| | 0.025 0.038 0.899 0.608 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- N | 33 33 33 33 r2 | .07246078 .06795227 .00041683 .00564737 r2_a | .04254016 .03788621 -.03182779 -.02642852 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ legend: * p<0.1; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01

I conclude that differencing partly confirms my initial assumption. I obtain 4 significant

estimates out of 12 regressions (33%), whereby none is significant at the 1% level; three are

significant at the 5% level and one regression yields a 10% significance for the differenced


Figure 17

Figure 16


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As expected the 2nd period is more sensitive to the tested variable such as the last

regression (fig. 17) shows. For the pre-crisis period no significance is displayed. The highest

R^2’s is approximately 7% (fig. 17, col.1) which points towards the fact that there are more

omitted variables involved than dantiemu can explain. Counter intuitively though the fixed-

effects residual do not yield significance while the OLS-residuals do. Nevertheless, in order to

justify the OLS-significance I regard the following assumption as necessary:

If according to the results of my thesis, the true model looks like

CDSit = αi+λt+θCDSit-1+Xit’β+γ∆antiemuit+ φ (ϭ1μi_+ϭ2vit)

where (ϭ1μi_+ϭ2vit) = εit then

γOLS^hat =γ + φ𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(∆𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎.,εi,)𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎𝑣𝑣(∆𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎.𝑎𝑎)

and γfe^hat = γ + η𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(∆∆𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎.,∆𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎,)𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎𝑣𝑣(∆∆𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎.𝑎𝑎)

I assume the following interpretation of the significance of γOLS and the non-significance of


1. The bias of the fe-estimator could have the opposite sign (say, γ is positive and the bias

is negative) thus yielding the estimator insignificant.

2. Since φ^hat = 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎,𝜀𝜀𝑎𝑎)𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎𝑣𝑣(𝜀𝜀𝑎𝑎)

while η^hat = 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(∆𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶𝑎𝑎,∆𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎)𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎𝑣𝑣(∆𝑐𝑐𝑎𝑎)

the variance of εit can be

assumed to be larger than the variance of ∆vit making φ < η in case the numerators’

magnitude does not change this relationship. Then the OLS-estimator is less biased.

One economic explanation could be that the fixed effects have a much larger

between-entity variance than the non-fixed effects’ demeaned value specifically due to

the crises which occurred in the sample periods thus rendering counterintuitive results.

In summery I thus assume the bias of the OLS estimator to be smaller than that of the fixed-

effects-estimator. Only under this assumption can my hypothesis of omitted variable bias in the

literature be supported with the evidence I present in this thesis.

With these additional assumptions I conclude to have obtained enough proof for my

initial hypothesis, albeit only w.r.t. to the changes in sentiment (dantiemu). Accordingly

investors actually did care about changes in public sentiment, though they did not do so for the

absolute sentiment towards Europe as such. This applies throughout the crisis years and does

not apply w.r.t. the pre-crisis period which is in line with my initial assumptions. I also

where η = φϭ2


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conclude that my expectation with regard to the correlation (i.e. the sign) was correct. ( I

expected positive correlation with the residuals, i.e. the higher the differenced anti- sentiment

the more information is missing in the model of Aizenman et al.)

Interestingly, when accounting for fixed effects none of the results is significant. In

order to justify the proof obtained by OLS-regression I add the assumptions outlined in the

previous paragraph.


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With this thesis I attempt to prove that financial markets were not driven by “panic and

fear” when pricing default risk of Eurozone-countries. I specifically assume that the literature

(DeGrauwe, 2012 and Aizenman et al, 2012) does not account for the monetary constraints

Euro-countries are subjected to. Consequently the theory of “pessimistic bubbles” as well as the

model of Aizenman et al suffer from omitted variable bias. To prove my hypothesis I employed

to variables antiemu and dantiemu in order to measure rational decision-making in financial

markets during the crisis. The logic considerations I make in my thesis provide enough ground

to dismiss reversed causation and endogeneity of these to variables. The outcome of my

analysis suggests that financial markets indeed accounted for the EMU’s cohesion, which I hold

to be the basis for alleviating monetary constraints in the union via aid-transfers and bail-out

programs, next to role of monetary instruments of the ECB. However it is important to note,

that financial markets did not account for absolute cohesion in the EMU but were rather

influenced by relative changes in Euro-sentiment.

My results nevertheless cannot totally reject the theory of the literature (DeGrauwe)

which assumes financial markets to have been driven by “panic and fear” during the Euro-

crisis. Considering the relatively modest explanatory power of the assumed omitted variables,

there consequently must have been more drivers to sovereign default-risk assessment. Therefore

the “panic and fear” argument of DeGrauwe is not proven to be wrong.

However the outcomes of this thesis allow for a general point, too: since the change in

Euro-sentiment is proven in this thesis to be significant in risk-assessment, which in turn is

known to be decisive to the interest paid on debt – thus potentially driving countries into a debt

spiral – I conclude that Europe’s future might depend more on people’s opinions than one may

expect. That is, in general if optimistically changing an opinion just for the sake of optimism

can reasonably assumed to be an option to men, then – accounting for the indirect influence on

sovereign debt servicing- this change in attitude could well be (at least part of) the alleviation of

the Euro-crisis. As such Europe’s future can be regarded to be in the hands (or the minds) of

each individual European depending on the strength of his/her trust (i.e. solidarity) to his fellow



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Appendix I.

Endogeneity Test of Lagged Dependent-Variable CDS(it-1)

Testing for endogeneity of the lagged dependent variable CDS(it-1) in my dataset I apply

the Hausman-test. Next to all control-variables (i.e. the fundamentals including Dummies for

each period except for one to avoid the dummy-trap), I chose as instrumenting variable the first

lags of the two variables antiemu and dantiemu. This choice has been guided by the following


1. The lags of antiemu and dantiemu, i.e. antiemu(it-1) and dantiemu(it-1) are

contemporaneous to CDS(it-1). As explained in the section Potential Simultaneous Bias

these variables are assumed to be influencing CDS-pricing immediately.

2. With the same token I assume the influence of antiemu and dantiemu on future CDS to

be negligible, thus being adequate instruments for the lagged CDS.

3. Including more lags as instruments is therefore abandoned. Firstly it contradicts this set-

up (point 2.) and secondly I want to avoid overidentification.

4. The literature (Roodman 2006, p. 15) suggests using further lags of the tested variable,

i.e. CDS(i,t-2,3,etc.) as instruments. This however is not applicable to this situation due to

the correlation of the lags with the “demeaned” idiosyncratic disturbance term, such as

described in the section Endogeneity-bias and Theory.

Therefore I assume antiemu(it-1) and dantiemu(it-1) to be the best available instruments for the

Hausman test. However testing for their significance in the reduced form yields only one

significant F-test out of four tests executed. These four tests are: 1. Using the original model

with fixed effects and debt 2. Exchanging debt for fiscb in the controls.3. Using OLS-estimation

and debt. 4. Exchanging debt for fiscb in the controls.

As mentioned it is only in the second F-test (using the original model, i.e. fixed effects-

with fiscb in the controls) of the reduced form that the which yields antiemu(it-1) and

dantiemu(it-1) to be statistically significant. (F-value=9.51 and Pv=0.0042). Therefore I

consider the second set-up as decisive for the outcome.

Note: Due to the restricted availability of both variables (# antiemu(it-1) = 88 obs. and # dantiemu(it-1) =77 obs.),

all four test use only 54 observations each.

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Following the discussed procedure with four tests, I present the Hausman test such as I execute


I. CDSit-1 = αi+λt+γ1antiemu(it-1)+γ2∆antiemu(it-1 )+Xit’β+ε*it

II. CDSit = αi+λt+φε*it+θCDSit-1+Xit’β+εit

III. Finally I test for the significance of φ.

Significance of Reduced-Form Residuals (2nd test assumed to be most conclusive): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cds | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- res1. | -.3776779 1.105931 -0.34 0.735 -2.630386 1.87503 res2. | -.0982136 .4157554 -0.24 0.815 -.9450797 .7486525 res3. | -.6311552 .6944653 -0.91 0.385 -2.17852 .91621 res4. | -.3889811 .4314258 -0.90 0.388 -1.350258 .5722956

Conclusion Endogeneity-Testing

Due to the outcomes above – with all four tests confirming the Null-Hypothesis of exogeneity,

whereby specifically test nr.2 yields a t-value of -0.24 with a p-value of 0.815 – I conclud in

line with the practice of Aizenman et al, that the theoretic endogeneity of CDS(it-1) is

negligible. Consequently the use of the Arellano-Bond estimator is assumed superfluous.


I assume the reason why the endogeneity of CDS(it-1) is rejected to lie in the

abnormality of the sample period with regard to the financial crisis and the Euro-crisis. Both

events can potentially diminish the correlation between CDS(it-1) and v(it-1) (in ∆ vit = vit –

iv w.r.t. the fixed-effects estimation) as well as the correlation between CDS(it-1) and μi_ (in

εit = μi_ + vit, w.r.t. OLS-estimation) in such a way that CDS(it-1) can be treated as exogenous.

Figure 17


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Appendix II

Testing for the break

Testing for a break in the data which corresponds to the inception of the financial-crisis

in 2008, I conduct a Chow-test. This is done in order to justify the replication procedure of

Aizenman et al. Figure 6 of the section Research Set-Up, measuring the means of CDS during

each sample-period is reproduced here for convenience. It clearly demonstrates the break in


The Couw-test is used if a break is specifically suspected at a certain point in time. It assumes

the following build-up when adjusted to the Aizenman Model:

CDSit = αi+λt+θCDSit-1+Xit’β+ γ0Dt(τ ) + γ1[Dt(τ) * Yt-1] +

+Dt(τ) * Xit’ γ + εit

where τ denotes the hypothesized break date and Dt(τ) = �0| 𝑡𝑡 ≤ τ1| 𝑡𝑡 > τ ; that is Dt(τ) is a binary

variable that equals 0 before the break date and 1 thereafter.26 Stock&Watson (2012, p.599)

explain the further procedure regarding the Chow-test as follows:

26 Also Dt (τ )*Xit’γ denotes the inner product of the X-Vector with γ, which contains γi elements with i∈ {2,6} for the five controls. Dt(τ) is scalar.






2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012year

CDS cds_mean1

Figure 18


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“The hypothesis of a break can be tested using F-statistic that tests the hypothesis that γ0 = γ1 =

…= γm = 0 against the hypothesis that at least one of the γ’s is nonzero. This is often called a

Chow test”(Stock&Watson, 2012).

Test results with debt in the Controls27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L.cds | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Dt | 15.14332 39.83442 0.38 0.704 -63.68181 93.96846 DT1 | 1.008543 .0099432 101.43 0.000 .9888677 1.028219 DTinfl | -18.46642 3.192917 -5.78 0.000 -24.78463 -12.14822 DTted | 29.49045 14.41574 2.05 0.043 .9643071 58.01659 DTtrade | -.0984293 .3161719 -0.31 0.756 -.7240765 .5272178 DTexdebt | .2218111 .1509297 1.47 0.144 -.0768516 .5204737 DTdebt | -15.70928 5.426352 -2.89 0.004 -26.44705 -4.971504 _cons | -146.6115 56.40773 -2.60 0.010 -258.2322 -34.99076 -------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------

The F-test for joint significance of all three estimators yields F(7, 127) = 1845.89 for the sample used in my thesis. This is equal to a p-value of 0.0000 Test results with fiscb in the Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L.cds | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- Dt | -41.60702 28.24668 -1.47 0.143 -97.47403 14.25999 DT1 | 1.00775 .0093556 107.72 0.000 .9892457 1.026253 DTinfl | -18.98705 2.95559 -6.42 0.000 -24.83269 -13.14141 DTted | 34.7661 13.7881 2.52 0.013 7.495632 62.03657 DTtrade | .1320806 .2684937 0.49 0.624 -.3989532 .6631143 DTexdebt | .141955 .1355676 1.05 0.297 -.126174 .410084 DTfiscb | 162.4271 43.82224 3.71 0.000 75.75432 249.0998 _cons | -116.9512 50.2685 -2.33 0.021 -216.3736 -17.52889 -------------+----------------------------------------------------------------

The F-test for joint significance of all three estimators yields F (7, 134) = 2026.77 for my sample. This is equal to a p-value of 0.0000


Since both set ups (alternating between debt and fiscb) yield statistically significant

results at far above the 1% level I conclude that also the data I use for my thesis are

characterized by the break corresponding to the inception of the financial crisis in 2008. In line

with the practice of Aizenman et al I therefore specifically account for this break in my

27 Note: 1. I used the fixed estimator for these tests. 2. The estimates for the controls are left out in both tables.

Figure 19

Figure 20


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regressions by running 1.whole-sample regression 2. pre-break regressions and 3. after-break


Appendix III …………………………….Country List

28 There is also a second break in the sample in 2011, signaling the Euro-crisis. However the data become very sparse in the last two years of my sample. I therefore leave this consideration to a follow-up research.

country countryid country countryid country countryid Argentina 1 Ukraine 20 Tureky 38

Brazil 2 Venezuela 21 Greece 39 Bulgaria 3 Vietnam 22 Ireland 40

China 4 Vietnam 22 Italy 41 Colombia 5 Croatia 23 Portugal 42 Indonesia 6 Qatar 24 Spain 43

Kazakhstan 7 Australia 25 Austria 44 Lebanon 8 Chile 26 Belgium 45 Lithuania 9 Czech 27 France 46 Malaysia 10 Denmark 28 Germany 47 Morocco 11 Hungary 29 Netherlands 48 Panama 12 Iceland 30 Slovak 49

Peru 13 Israel 31 Slovenia 50 Phillipines 14 Japan 32 Finland 51 Romania 15 Korea 33

Russia 16 Mexico 34 South Africa

17 Norway 35

Thailand 18 Poland 36 Tunesia 19 Sweden 37


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Appendix IV ……………………………….Data sources

Sovereign CDS spreads ------------------------------------- CMA Datavsion

TED --------------------------------------------------------------- CMA Datavsion

Tax base, Fiscal balance,

Public debt, Trade, Inflation ------------------------------------ World Bank´s WDI

External Debt-------------------------------------------------------- WDI, UN

Euro-Survey Result -------------------------------------------------Eurobarometer

CMA source: Univeristy of Amsterdam

Eurobarometer: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm

UN: http://www.unece.org/

WDI: http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators


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