The Roamer of the Plain Mrs. Kercher Vocabulary Key

The Roamer of the Plain Mrs. Kercher Vocabulary Key

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The Roamer of the PlainMrs. KercherVocabulary Key

Page 2: The Roamer of the Plain Mrs. Kercher Vocabulary Key

1. hereditary - passing, or capable of passing, naturally from parent to offspring through the genes

A – acquiredS- inborn, ancestral

2. patriarchal - characteristic of an entity, family, church, etc., controlled by men

A – matriarchalS - fatherly

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3. totemism – The belief that people are descended from animals, plants, and other natural objects. Symbols of these natural ancestors, known as totems, are often associated with clans (groups of families tracing common descent). By representing desirable individual qualities (such as the swiftness of a deer) and helping to explain the mythical origin of the clan, totems reinforce clan identity and solidarity.

4. inevitable - unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary

A – unsure; escapableS – all locked up; fixed

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5. peril - exposure to injury, loss, or destruction; grave risk; jeopardy; danger

A – safety; securityS – hazard; jeopardy

 6. inextricable - incapable of being disentangled, undone, loosed, or solved

A – explainable; obviousS – baffling; obscure

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7. ambiguous - open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; equivocal

A – clear; definiteS – cryptic; doubtful

 8. venture – an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome, especially a risky or dangerous one

A – stillness; avoidanceS – adventure; wager; deal

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9. rash - acting or tending to act too hastily or without due consideration

A – careful; plannedS – adventurous; bold

 10. calabash gourd – a type of squash

A – tomatoS - pumpkin

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11. trample - to tread heavily, roughly, or crushinglyA – surrenderS – bruise; crush

 12. ravaged - to work havoc; do ruinous damage

A – aid; assistS – annihilate; break up

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13. resuscitation – to revive, especially from apparent death or from unconsciousness

A – let dieS – awaken; reactivate