The Rise of Darwins Atoll Theory Rachel Katz biography

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The Mentors Revd. John Stevens Henslow Adam Segwick

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The Rise of Darwins Atoll Theory Rachel Katz biography/charles.darwin.asp University of Edinburgh, then Cambridge The College Days The Mentors Revd. John Stevens HenslowAdam Segwick The Inspiration A Companion/Naturalist on the Voyage The Ship: H.M.S. Beagle Questions in the Field I have not one clear idea about cleavage, stratification, lines of upheaval. I have no books, which tell me much and what they do I cannot apply to what I see. In consequence I draw my own conclusions, and mostly gloriously ridiculous ones they are. Burkhardt pg.34 Asking for Help Very many thanks for your two notes, and especially for Maurys map: also for Books which you are going to lend me. Burkhardt 157 When I return to England, you [Henslow] will have some hard work in winnowing my Geology; what little I know, I have learnt in such a curious fashion, that I often feel very doubtful about the number of grains: whatever number, they may turn out, I have enjoyed extreme pleasure in collecting them. Burkhardt 34