The Righteous Shall Flourish Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa This God that I have come to know now can make all things possible. In Luke 1:45 the bible says, “There shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord” There shall be performance to your dreams, to your expectation. God says if you believe it, there’s going to be a performance. And I asked myself, with who are all things possible? Who will perform my dreams? Who will bring to pass my heart desires? Who will give me the grace to realize my dreams? - God! When I was a young preacher, people do promise me money, particularly here in America. I will give them my father’s address, my mother’s address- everything! Even where my father was buried- I gave them the address. And I will wait and wait and wait, I call some of them that I have their numbers and say, “I am just reminding you, you said that you are going to help me”. Until one day God said to me, “They didn’t call you, I call you. Don’t put my work load on people, put it on me and don’t make it hard for yourself because my yoke is easy, my burden is light. So I read, “There shall be a performance” and I said thank God. The word of God says, there shall be a performance. Now, one day I came across a scripture in Genesis, it says ‘And Joseph was put in prison and the Lord made him prosper in the prison’ and I said to myself what business was he doing there?- None! Joseph was not a businessman, he did no trading and selling in the prison, but God made him prosper, if God can make a man in prison prosper, what about me at home? It is my turn! Say it is my turn, I am the next! Joseph prospered in the prison and here I am at home suffering. I am not in trouble, Joseph was in trouble and he prospered.

The Righteous Shall Flourish Benson Idahosa

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The Righteous Shall Flourish Benson Idahosa

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Page 1: The Righteous Shall Flourish Benson Idahosa

The Righteous Shall Flourish

Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa

This God that I have come to know now can make all things possible. In Luke 1:45 the bible says, “There shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord”

There shall be performance to your dreams, to your expectation. God says if you believe it, there’s going to be a performance.

And I asked myself, with who are all things possible? Who will perform my dreams? Who will bring to pass my heart desires? Who will give me the grace to realize my dreams? - God!

When I was a young preacher, people do promise me money, particularly here in America. I will give them my father’s address, my mother’s address- everything! Even where my father was buried- I gave them the address. And I will wait and wait and wait, I call some of them that I have their numbers and say, “I am just reminding you, you said that you are going to help me”. Until one day God said to me, “They didn’t call you, I call you. Don’t put my work load on people, put it on me and don’t make it hard for yourself because my yoke is easy, my burden is light.

So I read, “There shall be a performance” and I said thank God.

The word of God says, there shall be a performance. Now, one day I came across a scripture in Genesis, it says ‘And Joseph was put in prison and the Lord made him prosper in the prison’ and I said to myself what business was he doing there?- None!

Joseph was not a businessman, he did no trading and selling in the prison, but God made him prosper, if God can make a man  in prison prosper, what about me at home? It is my turn! Say it is my turn, I am the next!Joseph prospered in the prison and here I am at home suffering. I am not in trouble, Joseph was in trouble and he prospered.

I am not chained, Joseph was chained and he prospered. I wasn’t betrayed, I am not jailed. Joseph was jailed and he prospered. So I said if God did it for Joseph, I am next. I am next without prison; I am next without jail- Halleluiah.“All things are possible to him that believes it”. All things are possible to him that believes. if you are a believer you’ve got the license to start to prosper. Tonight God is going to give you the license to start to prosper, because “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon” Psalm 92:12

Don’t deny it, the church is suffering much more than expected, the church is suffering, the Christians are suffering more than sinners.

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Almost all the banks in the nation belongs to sinners, almost all the best hotels belong to those who don’t go to church.

Marriot is owned by Mammon; they make millions daily, billions yearly. I have not seen one hotel yet where the proprietor speaks in tongue. If there are, maybe very few, and if there are, it’s going to be very small because 

Christians don’t believe in big things and that’s an insult to God. Because the devil is not as good as God, as a matter of fact there’s nothing bad in God and with God all things are possible, and all things are possible to him that believes.

I discovered that I can stop failing and start succeeding, if I can change the gear of my faith vehicle, if I can stop driving backward and start driving forward, if I can accelerate in the front, if my own gear can move to the gear of the speed of the faith of a believer, if I can stop talking downward and start talking upward.

If I can start to say the good things and stop saying the bad things, if I can stop singing the poor songs and sing faith songs, if I begin to call myself a child of the living God instead of a child of failure and disappointment. If I begin to look unto God instead of looking to my country because the bible did not say the government shall supply all your needs. 

The bible says “My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19

And let me inform you that there is no poverty in glory! Halleluiah!

I don’t preach caricature messages where preachers will tell you to hold that the Lord will soon come, that you should be patient with your sufferings when Jesus come you are no longer going to suffer- it’s a lie of the devil from hell- 

Jesus became poor that we through his poverty may become rich. Jesus died that your suffering might stop.

Jesus became the one that paid the price for my sickness, my suffering, my disease and sin and  many time we accept the God that forgives sin but we forget and refuse the God that bless people.

And when we see somebody that prospers in Christianity we begin to ask if he is still a Christian? As if the symbol of righteousness is iniquity and set-back.

The sign of holiness is not poverty. As a matter of fact, poverty is a disgrace to God. Because God’s word says in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be rich in health, even as my soul prospereth”- halleluiah.

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Don’t prosper in soul- prosper in spirit- prosper in job, prosper at home, prosper in business, prosper in town, prosper everywhere- prosper- in the name of Jesus- prosper. Halleluiah! The bible says you shall be the head and not the tail. The bible says you shall be a lender and not a borrower! The bible says you shall be blessed when you go out. You shall be bless when you come in. you shall be bless when you lie down; you shall be bless when you rise up.

Say- I am bless! Halleluiah!

Take curse out of your head- remove the curse out of your head. Stop liking only bad things. They don’t believe that they deserve good things! They are poverty-oriented! They have been taught that the poorer they are, the nearer they are to God, whereas, poverty is a disgrace to God.

How can your heavenly Father have everything and you have nothing? How can your God be the Alfa and Omega and you are nothing? How can your God say, the silver are mine and the gold are mine and thousands cattle on the hilltop and the hill where the cattle are standing belong to my God; and you have nothing on earth- it’s a trick of the devil for you to think “the poorer you are the holier you will become” that’s not true.

Revelation 3:8 says, “Behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it”

So I said to myself what can I do if I know I wouldn’t fail? What could you do if you know you couldn’t fail? How many miles can you go if you know there’s money to go there? How many houses can you build if you know God can provide the money?

I began to ask myself- Idahosa what could you do if you know you couldn’t fail? And God said- all things!

So when preachers in Africa come to me and say “Bro things are very down and there’s no money here, I say, I wish your God and my God are the same. Because if the God that I know is the one you know- you are the head and not the tail, you are blessed and not cursed. And guess what I began to teach my people to cancel the curse out of their head because Galatians 3:13 says, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law”

Say- “I am redeemed”

There’s no Christian that is under the bondage of enslavement that the devil try to put you in. if you believe that silver belong to God, God doesn’t use silver, if you believe that gold belong to God, God doesn’t use gold. If you believe that hundred cattle in the hilltop belong to your heavenly Father, God does not eat beef. So who does He have all these things for?

Say- me!

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We have been so tricked out of blessing that the only good song we know how to sing are suffering songs. We have been so oriented by sinners to believe that we have no rights to have access to our Father’s treasure.

And Jesus says, “I give you the keys to the kingdom” and many of you have the keys but you don’t know where the door is.

So you are living in hunger, stagnation and weakness. Your suffering would have gone long ago if you believe what I am saying tonight- your heavenly Father owns everything. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.

The money in the banks in this world comes from the heavenly Father. Government is not the owner of everything- God is the owner of everything. 

So what did I do? The first thing I did was to take my name out of the list of those who are cursed. I took my name out of the list of those who are not prospering. And the bible says, be it done to you according to your faith.

And so I said to myself that from now my faith is that I am good, I am on top, I am not at the bottom, I am the head, I am not the tail, I am in the front not at the back, I am blessed  I am not cursed. The Lord is shepherd, and that’s all I need. Halleluiah! 

I who was the president of Poverty Association, I remove my name! I who was the Chairman of “Have-nothing Incorporated”- I remove my name. I who was the chief of all sinners- I took my name away. And I say God, whatever faith it takes to be well, I’m going to be well. Whatever faith is takes to bless the poor I am not going to be the poor, I am going to be the one blessing the poor.

Then I read that the righteous shall flourish. And so I said God I am tired of having little things, I want to flourish and the Lord say if you hold me and I hold you, you will flourish. 

So for 32 years now I grabbed God’s trouser and for the last 17 years I refuse to let Him go and I began to believe that my God is not as small as the government.

My God is not as small as the biggest bank in the world. With bank many things cannot be done but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26)

And I began to learn lessons on how to live righteous life, on how to make Christ the strength of my life, and I began to learn the lesson that Paul learnt when Paul said it is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me.

I began to take God to my street people, I began to take God to the blind and they began to see, to the lame and they began to walk, to the deaf and they began to hear, to the weak and they became strong, to the down trodden and God began to lift them up.

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From that day I began to sing new songs, I tell myself the things that aren’t possible with man are possible with God. For with God nothing shall be impossible.

I began to think right, I began to wish myself good, no matter what you wish me, I will wish myself good. No matter how you look at me, I look at myself as beautiful. Then I began to find in the bible how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel. So I began to wear good shoes instead of bad shoes, I began to read in the bible, he shall worship God in the beauty of His holiness. So I began to pull my old poor garment and began to worship God in the beauty of His holiness. 

One night God said to me, son you know why you have small things- I said no. he said- because you don’t believe in big things. I said I do, He said no- show me one bog thing you have done. I looked round my whole life- not one! Then I read this scripture:

Ephesians 3:17-19, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, maybe able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God.We serve a full God. I’m a child of the God of fullness, full in health, full in job, full in prosperity, full in abundance, full of miracle, full of surprises, full in whatever I lay my hands to do. That God may fill your heart with the fullness of God.So I took my name out of the list of those who have nothing. First of all I understood for the first time 17 years ago when I read in the bible that Christ may dwell in my heart and not poverty to dwell in my heart.

Where there’s no Christ there are crisis, but where there’s Christ, there’s no crisis. That Christ may dwell in my own heart. So I said all the poverty that I have been thinking where has it some from? Not from God!

God never tell you, you are going to be sick. God never tell you, you are going to be down.  God never tell you, you are going to be weak, and God never tell you that.

The bible says every good and perfect gift come from God- the Father of light, every gift, every perfect gift, if it’s good and perfect, is a gift.

Many times I ask myself why American preachers always put ‘Don’t Copy’ in their tapes, because they are afraid that when you know it, they will not have any more. If your anointing is big you will not be afraid of somebody touching you. It’s because the one you have is so small you believe when I touch you I am going to take all, that’s why you come from the back stage before they know you already sneaked out!

And yet we have not a high priest that cannot be touched. Our high priest can be touched- halleluiah! 

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I am glad that God is touching you today! Wherever you are right now, God is touching you right now; He’s touching to meet your needs. That Christ may dwell in your heart. Say Jesus is dwelling in me!

The bible says that Christ may dwell in your heart. Do you know that Christ in you is not poor? You know the Christ in you is not down? The Christ in you is not sick! The Christ in you is well. Jesus in you have life abundantly!

If the God I am talking about is the one you know, Jesus dwells in me, where is the room for poverty? God cannot share His throne with two kings. And your heart is not big enough to occupy devil and Christ- halleluiah!

Your heart is not big enough to contain God and contain the devil. Your heart is not large enough to carry Jesus and carry poverty.

The first thing Jesus does when he enters a man’s heart is to sweep it clean. 

Say, ‘I am clean by His blood. I am made whole by His blood, I am a new creation by His blood’- Halleluiah!

Then I found that the bible says, Christ can dwell in me by faith and I said poverty- get out of my heart. Then the Lord told me I am going to teach you how to talk. So everything I want to say a doubtful thing, He say- push it back, that’s not from me.

Psalms 23:6 “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” Halleluiah! 

How many days of your life? - All. How many days of the month? - All of it. How many days of the week-all! HalleluiahAll the days of my life- goodness, mercy, shall follow me, all the days of my life! So I said, God I hear you. But I said, how can I do it? You’ve told me not to worry about prosperity, you told me that if I plant my seed, I will reap harvest, you told me if I seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, all other things shall be added.

I became a child of addition and no more a child of subtraction. I began to teach my children- you are the head and not the tail, you are first in the class, and my children are all straight “A” students. Where will they get the poor brain from? I’m smart, their mother is smart and God is smart- halleluiah!

My son won ‘Who is who among who is who in American High School’, my daughter has just won ‘Who is who among who is who in American High School’. All my children are among who is who so their father must be ‘Who is who’

So I said God how do I do the impossible? Listen to what God told me.

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I didn’t believe that prosperity can have a beginning, I didn’t know, I thought it was just for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and perhaps for the old man- Higgins or the Canaanites- no!

He said “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think” Ephesians 3:20So God told me that the solution is in your asking or thinking. God is able to do, I thought it was me, I didn’t know it was God.

Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit- halleluiah!

“Unto Him that is able to do” and so I asked God what do you mean and He said, give it unto me that is able to do. So that’s not my Father in this world, it’s my Father in heaven; unto Him you have no right to be poor. God is able to do.The Lord said to me- set goals and let me do it. Dream big dreams!

Somebody asked me in Tampa, he said, “How do you prosper with $1?” and I said $1 in a small hand passed to a big hand with a big  mouth of faith in a big God of blessings.So God began to teach me- He said- bless your people, tell them they are bless, so when you shake my hand in the morning- I’m bless, in the evening- I’m blessed, in the night- I’m blessed.

Everywhere I go- I am blessed- halleluiah!

I’m blessed, I’m well, I’m on top, I’m not down, I’m success, I’m not failure, the Lord is on my side. Halleluiah!

The righteous shall flourish, your skin have nothing to do with your prosperity. Your city has nothing to do with your prosperity, where God is, there’s life.

So God told me- I am able to do exceeding and abundantly above all we can ask or think. You know why you have never done anything big in life? You think you are the one going to do it.

So when you to buy a car you look for a car according to your income. And when you need small money you pray but when you need big money you go to the bank. That’s how you do in civilized nations, when you need $10 you go to God praying but when you need $1000 you go to the bank. Why? 

You talk big and act small. You serve a big God and live a small life- why? You don’t believe! you can shout and jump and rumble. Your jumping does not tell me your testimony. But you show me your faith by your work- halleluiah! 

You say- thank God I am poor, thank God I don’t have car- shame on you- shame on you! The righteous shall flourish.

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You say I am poor because I am holy- it’s a sign of iniquity. Because when you are a sinner you are cursed when you lie down, you are cursed when you go out; you are cursed when you go in.

Say I’m righteous I have right to flourish, I’m a righteous man. I can flourish.

This is the scripture that changed my life. Ephesians 3:20, “Unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above”I didn’t know I was not the doer, I thought I was the one that is going to do it but God told me, I am able to do exceeding and abundantly above.

So how far can I ask, God can do above, how much can I think, God can do above it, so I said, I’m going to take limit off God. I’m not going to be that black boy from Africa anymore, coming to ask for $1, no my God is not poor. God is prosperous. 

I told God I’m going to be the symbol of prosperity. The bible says that they may see you and glorify your Father which is in heaven, so here I am- halleluiah!

God is able to do exceeding, abundantly; above all you can ask or think. How much can you ask?

If you know you are not the one going to do it, ask for more. If you know you are not the one going to do it- think more.Because God say no matter how you think, I will beat you to it. 

So I changed my mind, I said God I will never build any school that is small, I will never be on TV that is small. I will never preach a message that is small, whether I am talking to 200 people or 2000 people or in a big church or in a crusade ground to half a million people or a million people.

God is a good God everyday- halleluiah! So I told myself I am going to be doing all that God told me He can do with me. For with God all things are possible.

Brother I have a prophecy for you- your heart desire have almost crumbled but God asked me to tell you- the wall that broke down shall be rebuilt again. Every fiber of your body and every area of your life that the caterpillar and cankerworm have eaten, God will bring it back. The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off, the Lord shall bring it to pass says the spirit of the living God.

Because you have praised the Lord in the face of all obstacles, because you have declared that I am a good God, from now shall I be the example of your proclamation. From my voice shall prove what you have testified. For you have told many that I am good to you for you have told many that I am good to you, from now I shall not only bless you but make you a blessing because your mouth have confessed that the Lord you serve is a good God, so shall it be unto you, says the spirit of the living God.

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In the name of Jesus rise up for the Lord shall say to you, your body is not made for sickness, your heart shall not beat for fear for the Lord your God is a healing God, put my yoke upon you for it is easy, my burden is light for I am the Lord that healeth thee. From this day shall you experience my power, says the Lord.

If you have a neck problem, in the name of Jesus be healed. I decree the healing of God upon your neck, be healed in Jesus name. Now be healed in the name of Jesus.

Shake your neck now- in the name of Jesus you are healed. Breathe in and release it! In Jesus name, let it go, in the name of Jesus turn that neck now, you are healed in Jesus name. 

Body be free, body be free from every injury, from every attack of Satan- lose, in Jesus name- lose!