THE REVIEW, HIGH POIHT, WORTH OAROIJITA Kills Germs r-- Is a Tonic (Immunity elate In) UN ik I OH T to i JN o 9 s TO LEAVE SIBERIA IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR-SEVE- N DAYS GIVEN TWO VESSELS WILL LEAVE NEW Additional information regarding the- - murder of P. J. Roney and Earl Boles, Americans, has been : received by the etate department tending to show that the, men were killed by fed- eral .soldiers and not by bandits as re- ported . by the Mexican government. ; Am appeal to the American people to extend ' aid to seven million Aus-trian- s threatened with anrchy and death by starvation, during the winter has been forwarded to Washington by Baron Eichof t, - who is head . of the Austrian peace delegation Baron Ei- choff says the representatives of the allied and associated powers in Paris are fully aware of the terrible distress by which Austria is actually afflicted. He says the United States is the only country which can ameliorate the con YORK WITHIN A FEW DAYS TO i ; BRING TROOPS BACkl o O&t your Drtigs mid Toi 1st IrtM rftM,ffp,"MI,l' ' fCTT TJT.T T7pl fclTO CUT THE flEVS J0FTHE SOUTH What Is Taking Place In The SoutS land Will Be Found, In Brief Paragraphs AO FURTHER NEED FOR Per Sale by OTAMSY'O JEWELRY STORE"" Everything In Jewelry and Diamond! With Departure of Americans Japan UOHlCStlC r Resolutions endorsing the treaty of WiU I Be Left Alone to Stop 'the , Advancing Bolshevik Horde. Revolution is likely to follow in the Versailles and denouncing as unpatri- - G fEFECT HEALTH WEL BE YOOIJ ' wtefMMliMr tfa oW-- f Mhloaed mad rU bU fcfW CQMowd vmmd fat rty ttUr day Pioneer Health Herbt mnm yU mmd hook. UUittU Mats. Art consists of compounds of iron, sulphur end oxygen in solution. It is a com- - mercial disinfectant, antiseptlo - and tonic Fer-S-nl is non-poisono- us and odor- less, and being scientific works like magic. Fer-Sn- l. being non-poisono- us, no fear need be felt from its use. Or-Su- l, being odorless, cannot in- jure dairy products from Its smell. Fr-S- nl kills the eggs and larvae of flies, mosquitoes and other Insects. There Trill be no Infantile Paralysis. Yellow Fever or -- Bubonic Plague if there is no carrying agent. Fer-Sn- l, being a liquid, is adapted for praying in the dairy, on poultry farms. In barns, stables, pigsties, coops, cess- pools, privies, etc When used as di- rected no fear need be felt from its sifter effects. Fer-S-nl holds the ammonia In the wastes, indicated above, until it is re- quired by plant life. Putrefaction is arrested and a nuisance becomes an asset. Fer-S-nl cures and prevents many of the diseases of animals and poultry. It Is unequaled for stopping the flow of blood from wounds. The Saving of the Creatures Bora on the Farm Is True Conservation at Its Source. Their Progeny Will Be Next Tear's Food Supply. We want a dealer in each town. In- sist that your dealer has FER-SU- I. for" you when you want it. NOW SOLD BT People's Drnr, Store, Salisbury, N. C Darlla? & Bonnoitt. Darlingrton. S. C Mitchell's Drug- - Store. Sumter. 8. C Murray Drugr Store, Columbia. S. C. TClrfcland Distributing Co., Columbia. 8. C. The)1 Gear Drug Co.. Spartanburg and Charleston. 8. C. Washington. Decision 'to withdraw the American troops from Siberia upon D r ug Company the completion of the repatriation of wake of prohibition, says Rev. G. Campbell Morgan, of London England, who is visiting in Syracuse, N. Y. The estimated requirements of the United States government, not includ- ing anything for the railroad adminis- tration for the next fiscal year were placed at five and a quarter billion dollars by Congressman James W. the Czechoslovak forces next month otic the attitude of senators who would defeat" It directly or by nullify- ing reservations, were unanimously adopted by the - Democratic national committee in session in Washington. The Republican leadership of the sen- ate was denounced. Reviewing the legislative record of the two ' Wilson administrations and the manner in which the war was won, the resolu- - has been reached toy the (American gov ra aa mmamaam ernment. The troops were sent to Siberia in accord with an agreement between Goode of Iowa, chairman of the house the United States, Japan and the en committee, in a statement at Chicago! tion expressed gratification that the terite powers to aid the Czechs and president was regaining health after The Spirit of protect the Siberian railroad. before the Illinois Manufacturers' As- sociation. It is announced that Jack Dempsey When the Czechs have been'remov ed, the American railroad commission, and George Carpentier of France will headed by John F. Stevens, which has meet in the ring some time in the spring at Tiajuana, Lower California, a breakdown "due to his efforts for world peace." V- - t t Complete on of all gov- ernmental agencies, together vith an awakened congress has given the campaign to rid the nation of radicals a broader aspect. The attorney gen- eral's department is engaged in a hot pursuit after all radicals all over the United States. been in Russia since before the fall of the former czar's government, will leave Vladivostok for home and the American soldiers, under Major Gen 'Gordon Mdse. Co.. Greenville. S. C. The Wohltmann Co., Charleston, 8. C Write for circulars and Indorse- ments. If your dealer does not have it now. ninety cents in stamps will bring you a 12 oz. bottle of FER-SU- L by parcel post. Westmoreland Chemical & Color Co. Philadelphia eral Graves, will follow as soon as transports can be made available. Two ' vessels are expected to leave New York within a few days. With the departure of the Ameri- cans, Japan will be left alone to assist in the efforts to stem the eastward march of the bolsheviki. . , nrSnirilFB" 5 Ecomomv NOW'S the time to conserve your Savings for to vour country and yourself. Your patri- otism calls for a liberal share of support to help win the war by investing in Government securities. You also want something, at hand fonthe inev- itable rainy day which comes to all. Our bank offers the strongest security for the safe keeping of your funds and our Savings Department pays 4 per interest, compounded quarterly. Your country and the banks this bank if you please are the safest places in the world for your money. It is fire and burglar. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA & PNEUMONIA Mothers should keep a Jar of Brme8 Vapo-aient- ha Salre convenient. When Croup, Influ- enta or Pneumonia threatens this delightful salve rubbed well into the throat, chest and nnder the arms, will relieve the choking, break congestion and promote restful sleep. BREST IS EVACUATED BY, THE AMERICAN TROOPS. willot sum mi clothes St, 60s ud 11.13 at an drag stores or scat prepaid bv Brsme Drug Co. Ji. Wilkesboro, N. C. New York. The last contingent of troops quartered at the military camp at Brest arrived here on the transport George Washington. She brought 237 officers, war workers and civil- ians, and 615 troops. Mexico. Miss Anna Manson; 24 years old, known as "Starlight, Sylph of the So- viets," recently sent to Ellis Island for deportation," is so eloquent of speech on the doctrines of free love, free thought, free speech and equal distribution of speech, that her cap- tors were hypnotized, and missedj the regular ferry to the island. She' was later individually escorted by one of New York's, most courtly detectives. Grover Bergdoll, one of two Phila; delphia brothers accused of draft dodging and who have been sought by the police for the last two years, was arrested in his mother's home, and taken to the Philadelphia federal build-ing- . International officers of the United Mine Workers of America will go be- fore the commission appointed by President Wilson to arbitrate final settlement of the controversy between the miners and operators with the backing of the rank and file of the miners of the country as a result of action at Columbus, Ohio, of the re- convened convention of the miners' organization. No promises of immediate reductions in food prices as the result of the dis- solution agreement between the gov- ernment and the packers is seen by Attorney General Palmer. He has made an explanation of the circum- stances leading up to the settlement. He states that lower prices must come from competition, or else our whole theory of democratic competition is wrong. An Eastern firm is spending $1,000 a month in want ads alone to main- tain an office force of 800. Copies of a plan for all American industry, modelled after the Blumb plan for the railroads, captioned "An Industrial Program by , Glenn E. Plumb," are being circulated in Wash- ington, and some of them have been received in government circles. Very briefly the plan proposes for all American industry the system of tri- partite railroad control advanced some time ago, with the backing of the great railroad brotherhoods, and which, it has been announced, will be made an issue at the elections. Receipt by the state department of advices that two more American oil men, F. J. Roney and Earl Bowles, had been murdered by Mexicans in the Tampico district of Mexico, has been followed by instructions to the American embassy in Mexico City to urge the Mexican government to take every possible step to bring about the capture and punishment of the mur-edrer- s. No further deportation of radical aliens will be undertaken until .the ex- periment with the transport Buford, the first Soviet aik. is completed, it is stated by the ccmmissioner-genera- J By a margin of one vote the Su- preme court has upheld the right of congress to define intoxicating liquors, in so far as applied to war-tim- e prohi- bition. Validity of the federal prohi- bition constitutional amendment and VIOLENT STORMS IN FRANCE INTERRUPTED WIRE SERVICE. WW mm New York. Violent storms in France nave seriously interrupted tel- egraph service between France and foreign countries, the French Cable Company announced. Long delays are to be expected, It is said. . SWITCH OFF! Put aside the Salts, Oil. Calomel, or Pills and take "Cascarets." V Capitol and Surplus Over $120,000.00 Ci FT TCv A I7MO PoTTQT H A f fT T TC A f f? A WIW 7irW Poron COTTON DESTROYED WHEN THE CONFEDERATE ARSENAL BURNS. J. H. Adams, yiCE Prest. Cashier G A. Pollock, Asst. Cashier Selma, Ala. The famous old Con- federate arsenal here, used In recent years as a cotton warehouse, was de- stroyed by fire last night with a loss estimated at approximately $70,000. Two hundred Ukrainians registered portions of the Volstead act affecting for army service in their native land j its enforcement was not involved, but WATER SHORTAGE IN NORFOLK, in a memorial service and mass meet VIRGINIA IS GROWING ACUTE. Norfolk, Va. City sprinklers, rail Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach dean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely whipping them Into action every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Oil, or Purgative Wa- ters? Stop having a bowel wash-da- y. Let Cascarets gently cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour and fer- menting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the colon and bowels all the "constipated waste matter and poisons so you can straighten up. Cascarets tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken, or cause any inconvenience, and cost so little too. Adv. You seldom hear a man speak of the hole in his pockebook any more. He refers to it as the rent. the opinion was regarded a3 sweeping and to leave little hope among the "wet adherents." The state department has been in- formed in a report from the United States consul at Mazatlan, Mexico, way tank cars and private artesian wells were Dressed into service to supply Norfolk with drinking water and, until the existing critical short that Harry V. Leonard and Harry O. Martin, members of the crew of the United States submarine tender Po- - age Improves, water will be rationed, ing held in Cleveland. This brought the total number of volunteers in Cleveland awaiting transportation to three thousand. Southern states business conditions as reflected in the report of the of railroads show mark- ed activity, with the railroads unable to meet all requirements for box cars and open-to- p cars, but with the situation improving. Tidewater coal dumping shows a substantial de- crease, due to car shortage and the let-u-p of shipping incident to the TELEPHONE IMPROVEMENTS AND RATES For the past 24 years our company has not. changed its tele- phone rates. Prices of everything else have advanced again and again during these years. Eggs can no longer be had at ten cents nor chickens at fifteen. The materials which we use in the main- tenance of our system and in the construction of new lines .have increased three tines since our present rates were established. Labor, also, has taken long and rapid strides toward high prices until at this time we are paying double, the old prices. It has been necessary to advance our telephone- - rates to off- set these greatly increased expenses. And, too, the company has made plans to install, at great expense, the automatic telephone system. The installation has already been started and it will be push- ed to completion in the shortest psssible time. Within a year it is expected that this system will be in operation in High Point one of the first cities in the south to adopt the new system. NORTH STATE TELEPHONE CO. five gallons daily being the allotment comoke, arrested in Mazatlan, Novem for each family. uei x5, aner a street ngnt witn a Mexican, had been sentenced to two MONEY CONTINUES TO FLOW FOR SOCIALISTS' DEFENSE. months imprisonment Foreign New York. Money to aid in the de- fense of five socialists suspended by Couztlan was destroyed by an earth- quake with 2,000 casualties, including the assembly continue to flow into the socialist party headquarters. Washington- - more than nna thnnsanr) HoaH tmnnvA- - USE "DANDERINE" IF HAIR IS COMING OUT For a few cents you can . save your hair and double Its beauty. It is understood the socialists will The government's campaign to rid ing tQ oficial report n the nation of more than three thousand Mexico Cit b presidential military seek to retain Charles E. Hughes to plead their cause before the assembly judiciary committee. 5,000 QUARTS WHISKEY IS SEIZTD AT WILMINGTON, OEL. neaaquarters troin advices received from officers in the Vera Cruz center of disturbance. The entiref garrison at Teocolo was killed or injured. The dead numbered thirty and the injured sixty. Virtually ah the roads in the surrounding district were flooded or destroyed. Three hundred dead are reported at Barranza, near- - Couztlan. Wilmington, Del. Five thousand fiatton Drug Co. fresh Drugs and Toilet Articles quarts of high grade whiskey, valued At least a dozen towns and villages in the state of Vera Cruz have been to- tally or partialy destroyed; Calca- - and Communist Labor parties, arrested in the recent raids, promises to be a long drawn out fight, department of justice officials declarer A dramatic story , of eight months hardship as a prisoner in a Mexican bandit camp was told by. Mrs. Cora Lee Sturgis, a Virginian, before a senate committee investigating the Mexican situation. Mrs. Sturgis told of her mother's death from starva- tion after the plantation had been looted by the bandits, and how she had been forced to go into the hills to cut wood and of a long tramp to an- other camp with a secret message from bandits to bandits sewed in the sole of her shoe. of immigration. Arguments on the constitutionality of the farm loan act have been be- gun in the Supreme court and will be at $75,000 and said to be consigned to New York from Baltimore by motor truck were seized here under a law prohibiting transportation through the state of intoxicating liquors in excess of one quart at a time. Some of the whiskey, liquor 4ealers say, is worth $20 a quart. Pfgscrlptfo&a Compounded by Registered Fh&rm&dsta PcU line Eastman Ke&aks and supplies. j2J leading drinks served at our FoootsSa. X7o bavo your favorite Ciar mad Tobacco. hualco, with 200 in habitants, is re- ported to be entirely engulfed- - Scores of persons have been killed in a violent earthquake which occur- red in many parts' of Mexico. The center of the disturbance is believed to have been near the volcano of Ori- - zaba. Press reports indicate that the state of Vera Cruz suffered more than iny othersection. although seismic RUSSIAN REDS CLAIM THEY CAPTURED 25,400 PRISONERS MATTON disturbances were felt throughtout the SMtUCi COMPANY North Main Street To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan-3erln- e" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little In your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applicatiops the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hair grow strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. Adv. concluded ' shortly. The proceedings !. Mexican reDublic i are the first involving the validity of Phone 21 More than a hundred persons have London. The capture of 25,400 pris- oners is claimed in an official state- ment issued by the soviet government at Moscow, giving details of the results of bolshevik operations on the south- ern front between December 21 and January 9. . The soviet statement says that 65t cannon, 50 bomb throwers, 11 tanks, 650 machine guns and enormous quan- tities of military supplies also were taken. the act to reach the Supreme court. Rhode Island's and- - Kentucky's rat- ification of the federal woman suf- - been killed or wounded in anti-dynast- ic manifestations at Sofia, according to press news published at Belgrade. frage amendment brings the number; Large crowds of maniffitnT,r wih! of states which have accepted it to ; ing the leading bourgeoise, assembled SilK Stockings twenty-fou- r, ivdutiudiiou uy twtuvo 7 before ths mlapp rl chm, t dud The loss of his job is apt to punc- ture a man's vanity and let a lot of egotism run out. more states is necessary before the amendment becomes effective. Congress reconvenes after a fort j. uu XJJU.& Live the Republic! Down With the King!". , Seven towns near Teocelo, south , of of Jalana. MpTfnn V n iro hcan THE COMMISSION OF CRIME PARTLY STOPPED IN CHICAGO night's holiday, with many months of Wsiiclhies are articles that women seldom buy for themselves TT is here their streak of Why . buy many bottles of other Vermi- fuges, when one bottle of Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" will act surely and promptly? Adv. hard labor in sight and adjournment whelmed by the earth disturbances and expected by a few leaders before the ; a at lairo ia r, Shortages may come and shortages may go, but there are always Christ- mas trees to burn. presidential campaign next fall. Thelites. Thirty-fou- r bodies had only recess looked for is brief a one ; recovered fflS when the news was in summer, when the national party . at Te0eelo. Intense excitement and conventions are in session. Innumer-- ! . . economy shows. , They have a mighty JL , appreciation lor wen mings, out iney i"6"o cxixiun me luuaDiiants 01 Cordoba and Orizaba. icvi iiicii uiu khwk.m iv , Dliy them. ' ," URINE able domestic and international prob- lems await the attention of congress, with partisan politics of the coming Chicago. More than 600 alleged criminals, police characters and Vaga- bonds were in jails and crime in. Chi- cago has been temporarily nullified by the police departments two day drive. Approximately 25 per cent of those ar-reste- d were identified , as "men with records,' the police said. For the first, time in many weeks not -- a hold-u- p was reported from noon Sunday until midnight and only flv automobiles were stolen. ..Iflrffat cad Moralnif. Havm Strong, Healthy Eymm. If they Tire, Itch, Smart or Ttiirn if sm This is the place to The first chamber of the Dutch par- liament has drafted and presented to 1 1 i look for women's watches the. largest, best assorted, attractive kwu jjiuuiiucuujr lj t.ii Lure. JTU- - 7 Iitical speeches of presidential candi-- 1 !et mem?randum suggesting ftlTrEMCC ritated Inflamed or llfUR LlLJ Granulated. use Murln stock of filled gold andsolid gold watches in this town. Everyone has a reliable works a real practical timekeeper their upkeep cost is low. Priced from $12.00 to $80.00. We feature the Elgin watch. V OTAYS JEWELEY STORE often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for tnfantor Adult. At all Druggists. Write for dates and. members yof congress np for " " u"aoie at Holland re-electi- are expected to flood the I Jequest frmer' Emperor William of Congressional Record. Germany to return to his own coun. - I try.

The review. (High Point, N.C.) 1920-01-15 [p ].€¦ · known as "Starlight, Sylph of the So-viets," recently sent to Ellis Island for deportation," is so eloquent of speech on the

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Page 1: The review. (High Point, N.C.) 1920-01-15 [p ].€¦ · known as "Starlight, Sylph of the So-viets," recently sent to Ellis Island for deportation," is so eloquent of speech on the


Kills Germs r--Is a Tonic (Immunity elateIn) UNik I O H T to








Additional information regardingthe- - murder of P. J. Roney and EarlBoles, Americans, has been : receivedby the etate department tending toshow that the, men were killed by fed-

eral .soldiers and not by bandits as re-

ported . by the Mexican government.; Am appeal to the American peopleto extend ' aid to seven million Aus-trian- s

threatened with anrchy anddeath by starvation, during the winterhas been forwarded to Washington byBaron Eichof t, - who is head . of theAustrian peace delegation Baron Ei-

choff says the representatives of theallied and associated powers in Parisare fully aware of the terrible distressby which Austria is actually afflicted.He says the United States is the onlycountry which can ameliorate the con



o O&t your Drtigs mid Toi1st IrtM

rftM,ffp,"MI,l' '



What Is Taking Place In The SoutS

land Will Be Found, InBrief Paragraphs


OTAMSY'O JEWELRY STORE""Everything In Jewelry and Diamond!

With Departure of Americans JapanUOHlCStlC r Resolutions endorsing the treaty of WiU I Be Left Alone to Stop 'the

, Advancing Bolshevik Horde.Revolution is likely to follow in the Versailles and denouncing as unpatri- - G fEFECT HEALTH WEL BE YOOIJ' wtefMMliMr tfa oW-- f Mhloaed mad rU bUfcfW CQMowd vmmd fat rty ttUr dayPioneer Health Herbtmnm yU mmd hook. UUittU Mats. Art

consists of compounds of iron, sulphurend oxygen in solution. It is a com- -mercial disinfectant, antiseptlo - andtonic

Fer-S-nl is non-poisono- us and odor-less, and being scientific works likemagic.

Fer-Sn- l. being non-poisono- us, no fearneed be felt from its use.

Or-Su- l, being odorless, cannot in-jure dairy products from Its smell.

Fr-S- nl kills the eggs and larvae offlies, mosquitoes and other Insects.There Trill be no Infantile Paralysis.Yellow Fever or --Bubonic Plague ifthere is no carrying agent.

Fer-Sn- l, being a liquid, is adapted forpraying in the dairy, on poultry farms.

In barns, stables, pigsties, coops, cess-pools, privies, etc When used as di-

rected no fear need be felt from itssifter effects.

Fer-S-nl holds the ammonia In thewastes, indicated above, until it is re-quired by plant life. Putrefaction isarrested and a nuisance becomes anasset.

Fer-S-nl cures and prevents many ofthe diseases of animals and poultry. ItIs unequaled for stopping the flow ofblood from wounds.The Saving of the Creatures Bora on

the Farm Is True Conservation at ItsSource. Their Progeny Will Be NextTear's Food Supply.We want a dealer in each town. In-

sist that your dealer has FER-SU- I. for"you when you want it.

NOW SOLD BTPeople's Drnr, Store, Salisbury, N. CDarlla? & Bonnoitt. Darlingrton. S. CMitchell's Drug- - Store. Sumter. 8. CMurray Drugr Store, Columbia. S. C.

TClrfcland Distributing Co., Columbia. 8. C.The)1 Gear Drug Co.. Spartanburg and

Charleston. 8. C.

Washington. Decision 'to withdrawthe American troops from Siberia upon D r ug Companythe completion of the repatriation of

wake of prohibition, says Rev. G.

Campbell Morgan, of London England,who is visiting in Syracuse, N. Y.

The estimated requirements of theUnited States government, not includ-ing anything for the railroad adminis-tration for the next fiscal year wereplaced at five and a quarter billiondollars by Congressman James W.

the Czechoslovak forces next month

otic the attitude of senators whowould defeat" It directly or by nullify-ing reservations, were unanimouslyadopted by the - Democratic nationalcommittee in session in Washington.The Republican leadership of the sen-ate was denounced. Reviewing thelegislative record of the two ' Wilsonadministrations and the manner inwhich the war was won, the resolu--

has been reached toy the (American gov ra aa mmamaamernment.

The troops were sent to Siberia inaccord with an agreement betweenGoode of Iowa, chairman of the housethe United States, Japan and the encommittee, in a statement at Chicago! tion expressed gratification that theterite powers to aid the Czechs andpresident was regaining health after The Spirit ofprotect the Siberian railroad.

before the Illinois Manufacturers' As-

sociation.It is announced that Jack Dempsey When the Czechs have been'remov

ed, the American railroad commission,and George Carpentier of France willheaded by John F. Stevens, which hasmeet in the ring some time in the

spring at Tiajuana, Lower California,

a breakdown "due to his efforts forworld peace." V- - t


Complete on of all gov-

ernmental agencies, together vith anawakened congress has given thecampaign to rid the nation of radicalsa broader aspect. The attorney gen-eral's department is engaged in a hotpursuit after all radicals all over theUnited States.

been in Russia since before the fall ofthe former czar's government, willleave Vladivostok for home and theAmerican soldiers, under Major Gen

'Gordon Mdse. Co.. Greenville. S. C.The Wohltmann Co., Charleston, 8. C

Write for circulars and Indorse-ments. If your dealer does not haveit now. ninety cents in stamps willbring you a 12 oz. bottle of FER-SU- L

by parcel post.Westmoreland Chemical & Color Co.


eral Graves, will follow as soon astransports can be made available. Two

'vessels are expected to leave NewYork within a few days.

With the departure of the Ameri-cans, Japan will be left alone to assistin the efforts to stem the eastwardmarch of the bolsheviki. . ,

nrSnirilFB" 5 EcomomvNOW'S the time to conserve your Savings for

to vour country and yourself. Your patri-otism calls for a liberal share of support to help winthe war by investing in Government securities.

You also want something, at hand fonthe inev-itable rainy day which comes to all. Our bankoffers the strongest security for the safe keeping ofyour funds and our Savings Department pays 4 perinterest, compounded quarterly.

Your country and the banks this bank if youplease are the safest places in the world for yourmoney. It is fire and burglar.



Mothers should keep a Jar of Brme8 Vapo-aient- ha

Salre convenient. When Croup, Influ-enta or Pneumonia threatens this delightfulsalve rubbed well into the throat, chest andnnder the arms, will relieve the choking, breakcongestion and promote restful sleep.


willot sum mi clothesSt, 60s ud 11.13 at an drag stores or scat prepaid bv

Brsme Drug Co. Ji. Wilkesboro, N. C.

New York. The last contingent oftroops quartered at the military campat Brest arrived here on the transportGeorge Washington. She brought237 officers, war workers and civil-ians, and 615 troops.

Mexico.Miss Anna Manson; 24 years old,

known as "Starlight, Sylph of the So-

viets," recently sent to Ellis Islandfor deportation," is so eloquent ofspeech on the doctrines of free love,free thought, free speech and equaldistribution of speech, that her cap-

tors were hypnotized, and missedj theregular ferry to the island. She' waslater individually escorted by one ofNew York's, most courtly detectives.

Grover Bergdoll, one of two Phila;delphia brothers accused of draftdodging and who have been sought bythe police for the last two years, wasarrested in his mother's home, andtaken to the Philadelphia federal build-ing- .

International officers of the UnitedMine Workers of America will go be-

fore the commission appointed byPresident Wilson to arbitrate finalsettlement of the controversy betweenthe miners and operators with thebacking of the rank and file of theminers of the country as a result ofaction at Columbus, Ohio, of the re-

convened convention of the miners'organization.

No promises of immediate reductionsin food prices as the result of the dis-solution agreement between the gov-ernment and the packers is seen byAttorney General Palmer. He hasmade an explanation of the circum-stances leading up to the settlement.He states that lower prices must comefrom competition, or else our wholetheory of democratic competition iswrong.

An Eastern firm is spending $1,000a month in want ads alone to main-tain an office force of 800.

Copies of a plan for all Americanindustry, modelled after the Blumbplan for the railroads, captioned "AnIndustrial Program by , Glenn E.Plumb," are being circulated in Wash-ington, and some of them have beenreceived in government circles. Verybriefly the plan proposes for allAmerican industry the system of tri-partite railroad control advanced sometime ago, with the backing of the greatrailroad brotherhoods, and which, ithas been announced, will be made anissue at the elections.

Receipt by the state department ofadvices that two more American oilmen, F. J. Roney and Earl Bowles,had been murdered by Mexicans inthe Tampico district of Mexico, hasbeen followed by instructions to theAmerican embassy in Mexico City tourge the Mexican government to takeevery possible step to bring about thecapture and punishment of the mur-edrer- s.

No further deportation of radicalaliens will be undertaken until .the ex-periment with the transport Buford,the first Soviet aik. is completed, itis stated by the ccmmissioner-genera- J

By a margin of one vote the Su-preme court has upheld the right ofcongress to define intoxicating liquors,in so far as applied to war-tim- e prohi-bition. Validity of the federal prohi-bition constitutional amendment and


mmNew York. Violent storms in

France nave seriously interrupted tel-egraph service between France andforeign countries, the French CableCompany announced. Long delays areto be expected, It is said. .


Put aside the Salts, Oil.Calomel, or Pills and

take "Cascarets."


Capitol and Surplus Over $120,000.00Ci FT TCv A I7MO PoTTQT H A f fT T TC A f f? A WIW 7irW Poron


Selma, Ala. The famous old Con-federate arsenal here, used In recentyears as a cotton warehouse, was de-

stroyed by fire last night with a lossestimated at approximately $70,000.

Two hundred Ukrainians registered portions of the Volstead act affectingfor army service in their native land j its enforcement was not involved, but WATER SHORTAGE IN NORFOLK,in a memorial service and mass meet VIRGINIA IS GROWING ACUTE.

Norfolk, Va. City sprinklers, rail

Are you keeping your bowels, liver,and stomach dean, pure and fresh withCascarets, or merely whipping themInto action every few days with Salts,Cathartic Pills, Oil, or Purgative Wa-ters?

Stop having a bowel wash-da- y. LetCascarets gently cleanse and regulatethe stomach, remove the sour and fer-menting food and foul gases, take theexcess bile from the liver and carryout of the colon and bowels all the"constipated waste matter and poisonsso you can straighten up.

Cascarets tonight will make you feelgreat by morning. They work whileyou sleep never gripe, sicken, orcause any inconvenience, and cost solittle too. Adv.

You seldom hear a man speak ofthe hole in his pockebook any more.He refers to it as the rent.

the opinion was regarded a3 sweepingand to leave little hope among the"wet adherents."

The state department has been in-formed in a report from the UnitedStates consul at Mazatlan, Mexico,

way tank cars and private artesianwells were Dressed into service tosupply Norfolk with drinking waterand, until the existing critical shortthat Harry V. Leonard and Harry O.

Martin, members of the crew of theUnited States submarine tender Po--

age Improves, water will be rationed,

ing held in Cleveland. This broughtthe total number of volunteers inCleveland awaiting transportation tothree thousand.

Southern states business conditionsas reflected in the report of the

of railroads show mark-ed activity, with the railroads unableto meet all requirements for boxcars and open-to- p cars, but with thesituation improving. Tidewater coaldumping shows a substantial de-

crease, due to car shortage and thelet-u-p of shipping incident to the


For the past 24 years our company has not. changed its tele-phone rates. Prices of everything else have advanced again andagain during these years. Eggs can no longer be had at ten centsnor chickens at fifteen. The materials which we use in the main-tenance of our system and in the construction of new lines .haveincreased three tines since our present rates were established.Labor, also, has taken long and rapid strides toward high pricesuntil at this time we are paying double, the old prices.

It has been necessary to advance our telephone- - rates to off-set these greatly increased expenses. And, too, the company hasmade plans to install, at great expense, the automatic telephonesystem.

The installation has already been started and it will be push-ed to completion in the shortest psssible time. Within a year itis expected that this system will be in operation in High Pointone of the first cities in the south to adopt the new system.


five gallons daily being the allotmentcomoke, arrested in Mazatlan, Novem for each family.uei x5, aner a street ngnt witn aMexican, had been sentenced to two MONEY CONTINUES TO FLOW

FOR SOCIALISTS' DEFENSE.months imprisonment

Foreign New York. Money to aid in the de-

fense of five socialists suspended byCouztlan was destroyed by an earth-quake with 2,000 casualties, including the assembly continue to flow into the

socialist party headquarters.Washington- -more than nna thnnsanr) HoaH tmnnvA- -


For a few cents you can . save yourhair and double Its


It is understood the socialists willThe government's campaign to rid ing tQ oficial report nthe nation of more than three thousand Mexico Cit b presidential military seek to retain Charles E. Hughes toplead their cause before the assemblyjudiciary committee.


neaaquarters troin advices receivedfrom officers in the Vera Cruz centerof disturbance. The entiref garrisonat Teocolo was killed or injured. Thedead numbered thirty and the injuredsixty. Virtually ah the roads in thesurrounding district were flooded ordestroyed. Three hundred dead arereported at Barranza, near- - Couztlan.

Wilmington, Del. Five thousand fiatton Drug Co.fresh Drugs and Toilet Articles

quarts of high grade whiskey, valued

At least a dozen towns and villages inthe state of Vera Cruz have been to-tally or partialy destroyed; Calca- -

and Communist Labor parties, arrestedin the recent raids, promises to bea long drawn out fight, departmentof justice officials declarer

A dramatic story , of eight monthshardship as a prisoner in a Mexicanbandit camp was told by. Mrs. CoraLee Sturgis, a Virginian, before asenate committee investigating theMexican situation. Mrs. Sturgis toldof her mother's death from starva-tion after the plantation had beenlooted by the bandits, and how shehad been forced to go into the hills tocut wood and of a long tramp to an-

other camp with a secret messagefrom bandits to bandits sewed in thesole of her shoe.of immigration.

Arguments on the constitutionalityof the farm loan act have been be-gun in the Supreme court and will be

at $75,000 and said to be consigned toNew York from Baltimore by motortruck were seized here under a lawprohibiting transportation through thestate of intoxicating liquors in excessof one quart at a time. Some of thewhiskey, liquor 4ealers say, is worth$20 a quart.

Pfgscrlptfo&a Compounded by Registered Fh&rm&dstaPcU line Eastman Ke&aks and supplies.j2J leading drinks served at our FoootsSa.X7o bavo your favorite Ciar mad Tobacco.

hualco, with 200 in habitants, is re-ported to be entirely engulfed- -

Scores of persons have been killedin a violent earthquake which occur-red in many parts' of Mexico. Thecenter of the disturbance is believed tohave been near the volcano of Ori--

zaba. Press reports indicate that thestate of Vera Cruz suffered more thaniny othersection. although seismic


MATTONdisturbances were felt throughtout theSMtUCi COMPANY

North Main Street

To stop falling hair at once and ridthe scalp of every particle of dandruff,get a small bottle of delightful "Dan-3erln- e"

at any drug or toilet counterfor a few cents, pour a little In yourhand and rub it into the scalp. Afterseveral applicatiops the hair usuallystops coming out and you can't find anydandruff. Help your hair grow strong,thick and long and become soft, glossyand twice as beautiful and abundant.


concluded ' shortly. The proceedings !.

Mexican reDubliciare the first involving the validity of Phone 21More than a hundred persons have

London. The capture of 25,400 pris-oners is claimed in an official state-ment issued by the soviet governmentat Moscow, giving details of the resultsof bolshevik operations on the south-ern front between December 21 andJanuary 9. .

The soviet statement says that 65tcannon, 50 bomb throwers, 11 tanks,650 machine guns and enormous quan-

tities of military supplies also weretaken.

the act to reach the Supreme court.Rhode Island's and- - Kentucky's rat-

ification of the federal woman suf--

been killed or wounded in anti-dynast- ic

manifestations at Sofia, accordingto press news published at Belgrade.frage amendment brings the number; Large crowds of maniffitnT,r wih!

of states which have accepted it to ; ing the leading bourgeoise, assembled SilK Stockingstwenty-fou- r, ivdutiudiiou uy twtuvo 7 before ths mlapp rl chm, t dudThe loss of his job is apt to punc-ture a man's vanity and let a lot ofegotism run out.

more states is necessary before theamendment becomes effective.

Congress reconvenes after a fort

j. uu XJJU.&Live the Republic! Down With theKing!". ,

Seven towns near Teocelo, south , ofof Jalana. MpTfnn V n iro hcan

THE COMMISSION OF CRIMEPARTLY STOPPED IN CHICAGOnight's holiday, with many months of Wsiiclhies

are articles that women seldombuy for themselves

TT is here their streak of

Why . buy many bottles of other Vermi-fuges, when one bottle of Dr. Peery'a "DeadShot" will act surely and promptly? Adv.

hard labor in sight and adjournment whelmed by the earth disturbances andexpected by a few leaders before the ; a at lairo ia r,

Shortages may come and shortagesmay go, but there are always Christ-mas trees to burn.

presidential campaign next fall. Thelites. Thirty-fou- r bodies hadonly recess looked for is briefa one ; recovered fflSwhen the news wasin summer, when the national party . at Te0eelo. Intense excitement andconventions are in session. Innumer-- ! . .economy shows. , They have a mightyJL

, appreciation lor wen mings, out ineyi"6"o cxixiun me luuaDiiants 01Cordoba and Orizaba. icvi iiicii uiu khwk.m iv ,

Dliy them. ' ,"URINEable domestic and international prob-lems await the attention of congress,with partisan politics of the coming

Chicago. More than 600 allegedcriminals, police characters and Vaga-

bonds were in jails and crime in. Chi-cago has been temporarily nullified bythe police departments two day drive.Approximately 25 per cent of those ar-reste- d

were identified , as "men withrecords,' the police said.

For the first, time in many weeksnot --a hold-u- p was reported from noonSunday until midnight and only flvautomobiles were stolen.

..Iflrffat cad Moralnif.Havm Strong, HealthyEymm. If they Tire, Itch,Smart or Ttiirn if sm

This is the place toThe first chamber of the Dutch par-liament has drafted and presented to

1 1 i look for women's watches the. largest, best assorted, attractivekwu jjiuuiiucuujr lj t.ii Lure. JTU- - 7Iitical speeches of presidential candi--1 !et mem?randum suggestingftlTrEMCC ritated Inflamed orllfUR LlLJ Granulated. use Murln

stock of filled gold andsolid gold watches in this town. Everyone has areliable works a real practical timekeeper their upkeep cost is low.Priced from $12.00 to $80.00. We feature the Elgin watch.

V OTAYS JEWELEY STOREoften. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe fortnfantorAdult. Atall Druggists. Write for

dates and. members yof congress np for " " u"aoie at Hollandre-electi- are expected to flood the

I Jequest frmer' Emperor William ofCongressional Record. Germany to return to his own coun.

- I try.