Have you ever.yet got a hold of "a TOY SrHEET IN HMf- l- TOYS THIS YEAR WILL COST Full to the brim of . all the CfceapesL Cisfcbisg Offer Yet Iwo Papers for Price of Cos shirt'. which' would not fade? have been successful to get the of NOFADE Remington brand shirts. A new shirt if it taoes from any cause, and the patterns you oueht to see them. $1.00 each London's Reliable Store. - v; At The Famous New goods arriving daily and the prices will appeal to all eco nomical buyers. We carry a com plete line of ladies Ready-to-Wear- s and Shoes. Look at These Prices! Coat Suits from $4.00 up. Serge Dresses, just the very thing for fall and winter, $3 up. Cloaks from $300 up. Hats for ladies and children, 50c up. ' All we ask is a trial, our goods and prices speak for themselves. The Famous 213 N. Main St., High Point, N C. American Cafe! First class in 1 the truest ; sense. Meals at all Hours. Choicest meats, fish, oys- ters, etc. , from my market daily. Give me a trial, I am sure you will be pleased. R. W GRAY .Prop. American Cafe. Opposite Postoffice. S. Main St. We ! t. " line of Most Everybody at tfno ws that a Pawn Shop is the place to get real live Bargains. For, the benefit of a few who haven't a plain concen-tio- n of what a Pawn Shoo really is, we will explain. 7 We lend money on articles of value for a certain length of time, if at the expiration 0f that time, the party does not redeem or renew the ticket it is then forfeited, and marked unredeemed. The article is then put on sale at a sacrifice price, and the purchasei is the one that gets the benefit of the bargain. Come in and look at our unredeemed values, there, mav -- be something that is just what you have wanted for a Ion? time. . High Point Pawn and Loan Co. 203 N. Main St. John W. Walker, Cigars! High Point, N.C. Phone 625. Gauge merless PumpM Guns kw; no holes o top foTs toblow ot ?nOW ets iVs sofid steel breech gun without sacrificing strength or Veil as ot)-S- .lid 'xtra n er 80IVe Button Cartridge majine without working through actio,.) "idl' v ..u.uaiU 1isiui aiiu "'"a- - " VOu how to t votir ammunition This hootr ic fr r We repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, also drill holes POINT Has It's Share of the Proof That Kidney s Sufferers Seek. - Backache? Kidneys. weak?. : ; Distressed with urinary ills? Want a reliable kidney remedy?; Don't have to look far." Use what High Point people recom mend." Every- - street in High Pont has its cases. Here's one High Point man's ex perience. Let H. C, Poole, of 601 E. Green St., tell it. Says Mr. Poole: Some'tlme ago 1 noticed that my kidneys were not doing their work properly, the kid ney secretions being irregular in pas sage and causing me a great deal of distress. My back was so weak that after stooping. 1 had to take lold of something and pull myself up again. I was trouDled Dy dizzy spells and my headached constant- - y My rest at; night was broken and in the' morning 4 1 was so. tired and weak that 1 could hardly drag myself around. Doan's Kidney Pills completely cured me.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. " Saved His Foot. H. D. Ely,-o- f Bantam, O., suf- fered from horrible uicer on his foot for four years. Doctor advised jam putation, but he refused and reluc- tantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve as a last resort. He then wrote: "(used your salve and my foot was soon completely cured," Best remedy for burns, cuts, bruises and eczema. Get a box to-da- v. Onlv 25c. All druggists or by mail. . H. E. Buck- - len & Co., Philadelphia or St Louis. Nervous and Sick Headaches Torr id liver, constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the causes ot these headaches. Take Dr. King's New Life pills, vou will besurpiised how quickly you will" get relief. They stimulate the dif- ferent organs to do their work prop; erly. No better regulator for liver and bou el. Take 25c and invest in a uoxtodav. . At all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia and St. Louis. A Consumptive Cough. A cough that bothers you con- tinually is one of the danger signals which warns cf consumption. Dr. King's New Discovery stop the cough, loosen the chest, banish fever and let you sleep peacefully. The first .dose checks the symptoms and gives prompt relief. Mrs A. F. Mertz, of Glenn Hi y;, Iowa, writes: "Dr. King's Nev b scovery cured stubborn cough after six weeks' doctoring failed to help." Tiy it, as it will do the same for you. Best medicine for coughs, colds, sore throat and lung troubles. Money back if it fails. Price 50c & T.OO. All Druggists, by mail. rCE. Buck len & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. Deposit I your money with us and let it bear interest: V Save a part of your earnings. Ready money is a good friend under any circumstances. De- posit it where it is safe and ready for you when you need it. CAPITAL - - $!,250moi UNDIVIDED PROFITS 425,000.03 DEPOSITS (An. 9) M75,436.25 Wachovia Bank & Trust F 1 Company i High Pdnt, re" Patte.r that maKes it SO DODUiar in over i - j 00, 000 homes. HOLLAND, 5 every montn, is a treat von should ... not miss ... Send'your order now at the low club price: The Review, $1.00 per year Holland's Magazine, , ' tl flfl npr VMf P VV J wdl (Equal to any $1.50 Magazine) BOTH TO YOU 1 ..; ONE YEAR Farm and Ranch (The Paper for the Farmer) Will be included at the club price of $1.75 for all three. Send Yonr Order Today KEVDEW Announcement Opening Connect- ing Link Between Raleigh and Mt. Gilead, (Charlotte Ex- tension) - To Agents and Connections: Effective July 1st, 1913 the Raleigh, Char- lotte & Southern Railway announces the completion of its connecting link between Varina, N. C. on the Raleigh & Southport Division, and Colon, N C. on the Durham & Charlotte Division. New stations have been established as follows: Duncan, N C 4.6 miles west cf Varina Corinth, 12 4 miles west of Varina Rosser, " IS miles west of Varina Colon, 23 miles west of Varina Through passenger service Will be inaugur- ated betweon Raieigh and the following ter- minal and important paints, incluping Inter- mediate stations . Aberdeen, N C Hallison, NC Asheboro, , Gulf, Carthage, Candor, Ellerbe, Troy, Mt. Gileac Star, Biscoe, Pinehurst, Apply to Agents for schedules. E D tvYLE, H S LEARD, . Traffic Manager General Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. U a Q IN OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT We are making a grand showing of hig'i grade carpets and rugs at unusuaily low prices even for this time of year. We have patterns that are the very latest in style and in cok rings and ari bound to please the most exacting customer. Linoleums, oil cloths, mattings, too. at prices way down to bedrock. It 1s a great time for bargains. Half wool ingrain carpet at 38c and 44c per yd. All Wool Ingrain carpet at 48c and 54c yd. Good mattings 1 3c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 22c yd Floor oil cloth 24c, 28c, and 30c yd. Linoleum, good quality 48c yd. 9x12 Brussels and Velvet Rugs only 13.98. 6x72 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $2 79. 27x54 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $1.79. W. I. KIR KM AN & CO THE FOURTH SERIES of the : Piedmont Building Loan Association Will Begin Payments Jan. 15th, 1913 The books zrt ojjeu for sub- scriptions now. Prepare to build a home by easy pay ments or save a few dollars at a good rate of interest W. C IDOL, Sec. & Treas. Utilized Spare Time. One can accomplish much by uUV teing epare moments." "That's right That tall .girl yoider has read seven -- uiiiiuer noveis tois .season while she w uuramy at bridpp t EXT ,. the extent . - of more than S20.000.aoo ' will have been provided for Amer- - the present year wanes, aocording to the . experts of the federal bureau r T I 01 foreign ana domestic commerce. This establishes a new record, the statisticians announced. A marked feature of the situation is that the United States is guarding with mcrasing jealousy its own pre duction of toys and and is - sending fewer abroad for the children of other countries. The production of home factories is kept for home youngsters. 1 he importation of playthings be fore the new year is ushered it um'11 aggregate $9,000,000, the experts figure. Added to this the home pro duction will; be fully., $11,000,000. With this flood of joy making par aphernalia it 13 thought certain by the federal experts the hearts of uvenile Americans will be made glad when Santa Claus comes around they are not overflowing with happiness before Dolls furnish one fourth of all the oys coming from abroad. Germany s by far the greatest purveyor of playthings, and its flaxen-haire- d dolls virtually are the only travelers of the kind that are admitted through the custom houses to the arms of American children. Constipation caus s dimness. Dr Miles' Laxative TaLlets will heiD you NEARLY EVERY CHILD HAS WORMS Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, etc., are indications of worms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is a reliable, thorough medicine for the removal of all kinds of worms from children and adults. Kickapoo Worm Killer in pleasatt candy form, aids digestion, tones system, over com- ing constipation and increasing the action of the liver. Is perfectly safe fcr even the most delicate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer mskes child ren happy and healthy. 25c. Guar anteed. Try Drug stores or by mail KickapDO Indi.n Medicine Co. Phil adelphia and St. Louis. Think of it a 12 page weekly newspaper covering all classes of news (the Kansas City Star) and eight page local weekly (The Re- view) both for only $1.00. Present subscribers cn take advantage of offer also by paying one year in ad- vance. ONTO RICHMOND. On account of Annual football game between University of North Carolina and University of Virginia the Southern Railway will operate a special train consisting of first class day coaches and standard Pullman sleeping cars from Charlotte, Salis- bury, High Point, Reidsville, Dan- ville and intermediate points to Richmond and return. The Special train will leave Charlotte at 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, inov, zbtn, and ar rive Richmond 6:50 a. m. Thursday Nov. 27ih. Returning will leave Richmond midnight November 27th. The following low round trip fares will apply from stations named: Danville. Va... $3 00 Ruffln, N. C $3.00 Reidsville, N C :.$3.00 HiSh Point, N. C .$325 Rates from all branch line points in some basis. Tickets sold for this special train will also " be good re- turning on regular train No 13,leav ing Richmond 10:45 a. m. Nov. 28. Passengers from branch lines will use regular train to and from junc tion point, connecting with special train. A rare opportunity to see Rich- mond and the greatest football game of the season at small cost. For Pullman reservations or any other information, see your neares Agent, or write R. H. Debutts, Diyi sion Passenger Agent, Charlotte N.C RALEIGH, CHARLOTTE & SOUTHERN RAILWAY Short line between: Raleigh. Fayetteville, Mt. Gilead, Star and Asheboro, N.C. Arrive Raleigh: 10:05 A M. and 4:55 P. M. Daily from Fayetteville. 10:55 A, M. Daily except Sunday from Asheboro, Mt. Cilead, Star and ntermediate points. Leave Raleigh 8:10 A. M. and 6:00 P. M.Daily for Varina. Lining-ton- . and Fayetteville, 4:20 P. M. Daily except Sunday for Varina, Duncan, Star, Mt. Hilead ai.d Ashe- boro. ... Leave Fayetteville: 7:10 A. M. and 2:10 P. M. for Lillington, Varina and Raleigh. - r Leave Mt. Gilead 6:15 A M and Asheboro 5:40 A. M. daily except Sunday for Star, Duncan , Va rina and Raleigh. Further information cheerfully furnished upon annlira. jtion to Agent?. H. S. Leard, GPA., 'Norfolk, Va., S. K. Adsit, TP A., ! Raleigh, N: C. Until further notice we will give with every paid in advance subscrip tion to The Review the Kansas City Star absolutely free. Remember you get the Review and the Kansas (Sty Star both one year for $1.00. Can you beat it? The Review has been trying for sometime to ''gel; a paper it could offer with a year s subscription to The Review absolute ly free and we count ourselves for tunate indeed in being able to an nounce such an offer. The Kansas City Star is a 12-pag- e, 7 column paper, chock full of interesting read- ing matter to suit the taste of all and comes to you weekly. It is es-pecia- ly of interest 10 the farmer. If you want a bargain, here it is Send in your orders at once Look out for sample copy of the Star which will be sent you sometime within tl e ext month, in the mean- time you oetter subscribe. tf NEW SCHEDULE ON NORFOLK SOUTHERN, Running Time to Norfolk Shortened--Freigh- t Cars Taken Off Express Trains. Effective Sunday, August 24th the Norfolk Southern Railroad put into ef- fect a new schedule for the night pas- senger trains between Raleigh and Norfolk. The change will shorten the running time between the two points approximately forty-fiv- e minutes. The most important feature of the new sched ule will be that the train leaving Nor- folk at 9:00 o'clock at night and also train leaving Raleigh at 9:30 pm for Norfolk will not have any freight cars in their make-u- p as has been the case here- tofore. ' - The night train from Norfolk will ar-rjv- e 6:30 a m instead of 7:15 a m. Pas- sengers will be allowed to remain in sleepers until 7:30 am so they will not , be inconvenienced The night train to Norfolk will leave Raleigh at 9:30 instead of 9:00 o'clock as at present, t he day train will arrive at Raleigh at 7:45 p m. The Railway Officials consider the elimination of the freight cars from the eight express the most important part of the improved schedule. Beginning Sunday also the day trains between Raleigh and Norfolk will make a dinner stop of fifteen minutes at Edenton in- stead of stopping only ten minutes there as now. As restaurant is close to the station passengers will be enabled to en- joy a mid-da- y meal where now they have only time to snatch a sandwich. INDIGESTION OVERCOME Overcome by Simple Remedy. Hurried and careless habits of eat- ing, a irregular meals and foods that do not harmonize, tend to weaken the digestive organs and result in different forms of stomach trouble. If you are one of the unfortunates trho have drifted into this condition, eat simple foods only, slowly, regu- larly and take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic. Mrs. H. J. Smith, Thomasville, Ga., says: "I suffered from a stomach trouble, was tired, worn out and ner-tou-s. A friend advised me to take Vinol. My stomach trouble soon dis- appeared and now I eat heartily and have a perfect digestion and I wish every tired, weak woman could have Vinol, for I never spent any money In my life that did me so much good." The recovery of Mrs. Smith was due to the combined action of the medicinal elements of the cods', livers aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol. We will return the purchase money every time Vinol fails to benefit. P. S. Our Saxo Salve stops itch- ing and begins healing at once. Matton Drug Company, High Point INSURANCE That Protects We sell the kind that makes il easy tor you while hv ng and a sure protectioi in case ot death. No high rate, the policy holder gets his or her insurance at the lowest possible figure. You get the dividends your policy earns and your policy increases rapidly in value each ' ' year. Quarterly, semiannual- ly or annual payments to suit the purchaser. We have attractive offers and clean cut, sound in- surance. Better let us talk it over. A postal card or telephone call will bring us. Claude A. Smith . W.L Stamey j Representing J Southern Life & Trust Co. of dreensboro, N. C J The "Pilot" insurance Company of the South. in lenses in our own workshop. Kb job too small. Reasonable prices and prompt attention. D. Rones Son Popular Priced Jewelers With 25 Years Experience. High Point, N. C. repeating shotgun, Model 28, is a tTroughVr (not a shell of wood) pennite a thor!furhlv safety ; t FiecL"M"SS TSrtrM. J'l? DouWTExtrwlTirjLw? PSJESrS guaranteed WJSiiJSbwfce Send 3 stampspostage for bir catalo rfMrlMn. T TraP Special and all other SJte JlMin fiiVarmS Ul Zton&n repeating rifles anf shotguns. Do it now! 42 Willow Street. New Haven. Con. If YOU Shoot n "e' fito1 or snptSU". you should have a copyof the Ideal Had powders, bullets IZaT of usel information for shooters. It tells all abour pnmers reloading tools for all aa a cunn snows ainiiluIlILIon : nnw tn moae... j " exnense in half a . "'"" send three " J?.Pee';0n . r i'"-jvij- iu x ne ivian Firearms Co., 42 Willow St.. New Haven, Conn- - Two cents a mile for the ten thousand miles what Ford Havel recently cost one owner. This is just another striking instance of Ford economy. The Fori! has brought motor travel down within reach of the average income. Better buy yours today. - Five hundred dollars is the new price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is five fifty; the town car seven fifty all f. o b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from HIGH POINT MOTOR COMPANY -- ouIsUlfr CourJer,Joiiri3aI ' "

The review. (High Point, N.C.) 1913-11-27 [p ]....The Review, $1.00 per year Holland's Magazine, tl, ' flfl npr VMf P VV Jwdl (Equal to any $1.50 Magazine) BOTH TO YOU 1..; ONE YEAR

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Page 1: The review. (High Point, N.C.) 1913-11-27 [p ]....The Review, $1.00 per year Holland's Magazine, tl, ' flfl npr VMf P VV Jwdl (Equal to any $1.50 Magazine) BOTH TO YOU 1..; ONE YEAR

Have you ever.yet got a hold of "a

TOY SrHEET IN HMf- l-TOYS THIS YEAR WILL COST Full to the brim of . all theCfceapesL Cisfcbisg Offer Yet

Iwo Papers for Price of Cosshirt'. which' would not fade?have been successful to get theof NOFADE Remington brandshirts. A new shirt if it taoes fromany cause, and the patterns yououeht to see them. $1.00 eachLondon's Reliable Store. - v;

At The Famous

New goods arriving daily andthe prices will appeal to all economical buyers. We carry a complete line of ladies Ready-to-Wear- s

and Shoes.

Look at These Prices!Coat Suits from $4.00 up.Serge Dresses, just the very

thing for fall and winter, $3 up.Cloaks from $300 up.Hats for ladies and children,

50c up. '

All we ask is a trial, our goodsand prices speak for themselves.

The Famous213 N. Main St., High Point, N C.

American Cafe!

First class in 1 the truest; sense.

Meals at all Hours.

Choicest meats, fish, oys-ters, etc. , from my

market daily.

Give me a trial, I am sureyou will be pleased.

R. W GRAY.Prop. American Cafe.

Opposite Postoffice. S. Main St.

We! t. "line

of Most Everybody

at tfnows

that a Pawn Shop is the placeto get real live Bargains.

For, the benefit of a fewwho haven't a plain concen-tio- nof what a Pawn Shooreally is, we will explain.

7 We lend money on articlesof value for a certain length oftime, if at the expiration 0fthat time, the party does notredeem or renew the ticket itis then forfeited, and markedunredeemed. The article isthen put on sale at a sacrificeprice, and the purchasei is theone that gets the benefit of thebargain.

Come in and look at ourunredeemed values, there, mav-- be something that is just whatyou have wanted for a Ion?time. .

High Point Pawn

and Loan Co.203 N. Main St.

John W. Walker,


High Point, N.C.

Phone 625.


kw; no holes o top foTs toblow ot?nOW ets iVs sofid steel breech

gun without sacrificing strength or

Veil as ot)-S- .lid'xtra n er 80IVe Button Cartridge

majine without working through actio,.)


..u.uaiU 1isiui aiiu "'"a- - "

VOu how to t votir ammunitionThis hootr ic fr

rWe repair Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, also drill holes


Has It's Share of the Proof ThatKidney s Sufferers Seek. -

Backache? Kidneys.weak?. : ;

Distressed with urinary ills?Want a reliable kidney remedy?;Don't have to look far." Use

what High Point people recommend." Every- - street in High Ponthas its cases.

Here's one High Point man's experience.

Let H. C, Poole, of 601 E. GreenSt., tell it.

Says Mr. Poole: Some'tlme ago1 noticed that my kidneys were notdoing their work properly, the kidney secretions being irregular in passage and causing me a great deal ofdistress. My back was so weakthat after stooping. 1 had to takelold of something and pull myself

up again. I was trouDled Dy dizzyspells and my headached constant- -y My rest at; night was broken

and in the' morning4

1 was so. tiredand weak that 1 could hardly dragmyself around. Doan's Kidney Pillscompletely cured me.''

For sale by all dealers. Price 50cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo,New York, sole agents for the UnitedStates.

Remember the name Doan'sand take no other. "

Saved His Foot.H. D. Ely,-o-f Bantam, O., suf-

fered from horrible uicer on his footfor four years. Doctor advised jamputation, but he refused and reluc-tantly tried Bucklen's Arnica Salveas a last resort. He then wrote:"(used your salve and my foot wassoon completely cured," Best remedyfor burns, cuts, bruises and eczema.Get a box to-da- v. Onlv 25c. Alldruggists or by mail. . H. E. Buck- -len & Co., Philadelphia or StLouis.

Nervous and Sick HeadachesTorr id liver, constipated bowels

and disordered stomach are thecauses ot these headaches. TakeDr. King's New Life pills, vou willbesurpiised how quickly you will"get relief. They stimulate the dif-ferent organs to do their work prop;erly. No better regulator for liverand bou el. Take 25c and investin a uoxtodav. . At all druggists orby mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co.Philadelphia and St. Louis.

A Consumptive Cough.A cough that bothers you con-

tinually is one of the danger signalswhich warns cf consumption. Dr.King's New Discovery stop thecough, loosen the chest, banishfever and let you sleep peacefully.The first .dose checks the symptomsand gives prompt relief. Mrs A. F.Mertz, of Glenn Hi y;, Iowa, writes:"Dr. King's Nev b scovery cured

stubborn cough after six weeks'doctoring failed to help." Tiy it,as it will do the same for you. Bestmedicine for coughs, colds, sorethroat and lung troubles. Moneyback if it fails. Price 50c & T.OO.All Druggists, by mail. rCE. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis.

Deposit I

your money withus and let it bearinterest:


Save a part of yourearnings. Ready moneyis a good friend underany circumstances. De-posit it where it is safeand ready for you whenyou need it.

CAPITAL - - $!,250moiUNDIVIDED PROFITS 425,000.03DEPOSITS (An. 9) M75,436.25

Wachovia Bank & TrustF 1 Company i

High Pdnt,

re" Patte.r thatmaKes it SO DODUiar in over

i -

j00, 000 homes.HOLLAND, 5 every montn,is a treat von should

...not miss...

Send'your order now at thelow club price:

The Review, $1.00 per


Holland's Magazine,, '

tl flfl npr VMfP V V J wdl(Equal to any $1.50 Magazine)


1 ..;


Farm and Ranch(The Paper for the Farmer)

Will be included at the club

price of $1.75 for all three.Send Yonr Order Today

KEVDEWAnnouncement Opening Connect-

ing Link Between Raleigh andMt. Gilead, (Charlotte Ex-

tension) -

To Agents and Connections:Effective July 1st, 1913 the Raleigh, Char-

lotte & Southern Railway announces thecompletion of its connecting link betweenVarina, N. C. on the Raleigh & SouthportDivision, and Colon, N C. on the Durham& Charlotte Division. New stations havebeen established as follows:

Duncan, N C 4.6 miles west cf VarinaCorinth, 12 4 miles west of VarinaRosser, " IS miles west of VarinaColon, 23 miles west of VarinaThrough passenger service Will be inaugur-

ated betweon Raieigh and the following ter-minal and important paints, incluping Inter-mediate stations

. Aberdeen, N C Hallison, NCAsheboro, , Gulf,Carthage, Candor,Ellerbe, Troy,Mt. Gileac Star,Biscoe, Pinehurst,

Apply to Agents for schedules.E D tvYLE, H S LEARD, .

Traffic Manager General Passenger AgentNorfolk, Va.

U a


We are making a grand showing of hig'igrade carpets and rugs at unusuaily lowprices even for this time of year. We havepatterns that are the very latest in style andin cok rings and ari bound to please the mostexacting customer.

Linoleums, oil cloths, mattings, too. atprices way down to bedrock. It 1s a greattime for bargains.

Half wool ingrain carpet at 38c and 44cper yd.

All Wool Ingrain carpet at 48c and 54c yd.Good mattings 1 3c, 15c, 18c, 20c and 22c ydFloor oil cloth 24c, 28c, and 30c yd.Linoleum, good quality 48c yd.9x12 Brussels and Velvet Rugs only 13.98.

6x72 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $2 79.27x54 Brussels and Velvet rugs only $1.79.




Piedmont Building

Loan AssociationWill Begin Payments

Jan. 15th, 1913

The books zrt ojjeu for sub-

scriptions now. Prepare tobuild a home by easy paymentsor save a few dollars at a goodrate of interest

W. C IDOL, Sec. & Treas.

Utilized Spare Time.One can accomplish much by uUVteing epare moments." "That's right

That tall .girl yoider has read seven-- uiiiiuer noveis tois .season while shew uuramy at bridpp t

EXT,.the extent. -

of more than S20.000.aoo'will have been provided for Amer- -

the present year wanes, aocordingto the

.experts of the federal bureaur T I01 foreign ana domestic commerce.

This establishes a new record, thestatisticians announced.

A marked feature of the situationis that the United States is guardingwith mcrasing jealousy its own preduction of toys and and is - sendingfewer abroad for the children of othercountries. The production of homefactories is kept for home youngsters.

1 he importation of playthings before the new year is ushered it um'11

aggregate $9,000,000, the expertsfigure. Added to this the home production will; be fully., $11,000,000.With this flood of joy making paraphernalia it 13 thought certain bythe federal experts the hearts ofuvenile Americans will be made

glad when Santa Claus comes aroundthey are not overflowing with

happiness beforeDolls furnish one fourth of all the

oys coming from abroad. Germanys by far the greatest purveyor of

playthings, and its flaxen-haire- d

dolls virtually are the only travelersof the kind that are admittedthrough the custom houses to thearms of American children.

Constipation caus s dimness. DrMiles' Laxative TaLlets will heiD you


WORMSPaleness, at times a flushed face,

unnatural hunger, picking the nose,great thirst, etc., are indications ofworms. Kickapoo Worm Killer is areliable, thorough medicine for theremoval of all kinds of worms fromchildren and adults. Kickapoo WormKiller in pleasatt candy form, aidsdigestion, tones system, over com-ing constipation and increasing theaction of the liver. Is perfectly safefcr even the most delicate children.Kickapoo Worm Killer mskes children happy and healthy. 25c. Guaranteed. Try Drug stores or by mailKickapDO Indi.n Medicine Co. Philadelphia and St. Louis.

Think of it a 12 page weeklynewspaper covering all classes ofnews (the Kansas City Star) and

eight page local weekly (The Re-

view) both for only $1.00. Presentsubscribers cn take advantage ofoffer also by paying one year in ad-


ONTO RICHMOND.On account of Annual football

game between University of NorthCarolina and University of Virginiathe Southern Railway will operate aspecial train consisting of first classday coaches and standard Pullmansleeping cars from Charlotte, Salis-bury, High Point, Reidsville, Dan-ville and intermediate points toRichmond and return. The Specialtrain will leave Charlotte at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, inov, zbtn, and arrive Richmond 6:50 a. m. ThursdayNov. 27ih. Returning will leaveRichmond midnight November 27th.The following low round trip fareswill apply from stations named:Danville. Va... $3 00Ruffln, N. C $3.00Reidsville, N C :.$3.00HiSh Point, N. C .$325

Rates from all branch line pointsin some basis. Tickets sold for thisspecial train will also " be good re-

turning on regular train No 13,leaving Richmond 10:45 a. m. Nov. 28.

Passengers from branch lines willuse regular train to and from junction point, connecting with specialtrain.

A rare opportunity to see Rich-mond and the greatest football gameof the season at small cost.

For Pullman reservations or anyother information, see your nearesAgent, or write R. H. Debutts, Diyision Passenger Agent, Charlotte N.C


SOUTHERN RAILWAYShort line between: Raleigh.

Fayetteville, Mt. Gilead, Star andAsheboro, N.C.

Arrive Raleigh: 10:05 A M. and4:55 P. M. Daily from Fayetteville.10:55 A, M. Daily except Sundayfrom Asheboro, Mt. Cilead, Star andntermediate points.

Leave Raleigh 8:10 A. M. and6:00 P. M.Daily for Varina. Lining-ton- .

and Fayetteville, 4:20 P. M.Daily except Sunday for Varina,Duncan, Star, Mt. Hilead ai.d Ashe-boro. ...

Leave Fayetteville: 7:10 A. M.and 2:10 P. M. for Lillington, Varinaand Raleigh. - r

Leave Mt. Gilead 6:15 A M andAsheboro 5:40 A. M. daily exceptSunday for Star, Duncan , Va rinaand Raleigh. Further informationcheerfully furnished upon annlira.

jtion to Agent?. H. S. Leard, GPA.,'Norfolk, Va., S. K. Adsit, TP A.,! Raleigh, N: C.

Until further notice we will givewith every paid in advance subscription to The Review the Kansas CityStar absolutely free. Rememberyou get the Review and the Kansas(Sty Star both one year for $1.00.Can you beat it? The Review hasbeen trying for sometime to ''gel; apaper it could offer with a year ssubscription to The Review absolutely free and we count ourselves fortunate indeed in being able to announce such an offer. The KansasCity Star is a 12-pag- e, 7 columnpaper, chock full of interesting read-ing matter to suit the taste of alland comes to you weekly. It is es-pecia- ly

of interest 10 the farmer.If you want a bargain, here it isSend in your orders at once Lookout for sample copy of the Starwhich will be sent you sometimewithin tl e ext month, in the mean-time you oetter subscribe. tf


Running Time to Norfolk Shortened--Freigh- t

Cars Taken Off ExpressTrains.Effective Sunday, August 24th the

Norfolk Southern Railroad put into ef-

fect a new schedule for the night pas-senger trains between Raleigh andNorfolk. The change will shorten therunning time between the two pointsapproximately forty-fiv- e minutes. Themost important feature of the new schedule will be that the train leaving Nor-folk at 9:00 o'clock at night and alsotrain leaving Raleigh at 9:30 p m forNorfolk will not have any freight cars intheir make-u- p as has been the case here-tofore. ' -

The night train from Norfolk will ar-rjv-e

6:30 a m instead of 7:15 a m. Pas-sengers will be allowed to remain insleepers until 7:30 a m so they will not

, be inconveniencedThe night train to Norfolk will leave

Raleigh at 9:30 instead of 9:00 o'clock asat present, t he day train will arriveat Raleigh at 7:45 p m.

The Railway Officials consider theelimination of the freight cars from theeight express the most important partof the improved schedule. BeginningSunday also the day trains betweenRaleigh and Norfolk will make a dinnerstop of fifteen minutes at Edenton in-

stead of stopping only ten minutes thereas now. As restaurant is close to thestation passengers will be enabled to en-joy a mid-da- y meal where now theyhave only time to snatch a sandwich.

INDIGESTION OVERCOMEOvercome by Simple Remedy.Hurried and careless habits of eat-


irregular meals and foods thatdo not harmonize, tend to weakenthe digestive organs and result indifferent forms of stomach trouble.

If you are one of the unfortunatestrho have drifted into this condition,eat simple foods only, slowly, regu-larly and take Vinol, our deliciouscod liver and iron tonic.

Mrs. H. J. Smith, Thomasville, Ga.,says: "I suffered from a stomachtrouble, was tired, worn out and ner-tou-s.

A friend advised me to takeVinol. My stomach trouble soon dis-appeared and now I eat heartily andhave a perfect digestion and I wishevery tired, weak woman could haveVinol, for I never spent any moneyIn my life that did me so much good."

The recovery of Mrs. Smith wasdue to the combined action of themedicinal elements of the cods', livers

aided by the blood making andstrength creating properties of toniciron, which are contained in Vinol.We will return the purchase moneyevery time Vinol fails to benefit.

P. S. Our Saxo Salve stops itch-ing and begins healing at once.Matton Drug Company, High Point

INSURANCEThat ProtectsWe sell the kind that

makes il easy tor youwhile hv ng and a sureprotectioi in case otdeath.

No high rate, the policyholder gets his or herinsurance at the lowestpossible figure.

You get the dividendsyour policy earns andyour policy increasesrapidly in value each

'' year.

Quarterly, semiannual-ly or annual paymentsto suit the purchaser.

We have attractive offersand clean cut, sound in-

surance. Better let ustalk it over. A postalcard or telephone callwill bring us.

Claude A. Smith. W.L Stamey


Representing J

Southern Life & Trust Co.of dreensboro, N. C J

The "Pilot" insurance Company of theSouth.

in lenses in our own workshop. Kb job too small. Reasonable

prices and prompt attention.

D. Rones SonPopular Priced Jewelers With 25 Years Experience.

High Point, N. C.

repeating shotgun, Model 28, is atTroughVr(not a shell of wood) pennite a thor!furhlvsafety ; tFiecL"M"SS

TSrtrM. J'l?DouWTExtrwlTirjLw? PSJESrSguaranteedWJSiiJSbwfceSend 3 stampspostage for bir catalo rfMrlMn.

T TraP Special and all other SJteJlMin fiiVarmS UlZton&n repeating rifles anf shotguns. Do it now! 42 Willow Street. New Haven. Con.If YOU Shoot n "e' fito1 or snptSU". you should have a copyof the Ideal Hadpowders, bullets IZaT

of usel information for shooters. It tells all abourpnmers reloading tools for all aa a cunnsnowsainiiluIlILIon : nnw tn moae... j "

exnense in half a . "'""send three " J?.Pee';0n. r i'"-jvij- iu x ne ivian Firearms Co., 42 Willow St.. New Haven, Conn--

Two cents a mile for the tenthousand miles what Ford Havelrecently cost one owner. Thisis just another striking instance ofFord economy. The Fori! hasbrought motor travel down withinreach of the average income.Better buy yours today. -

Five hundred dollars is the new priceof the Ford runabout; the touring car isfive fifty; the town car seven fifty all f.o b. Detroit, complete with equipment.Get catalog and particulars from


--ouIsUlfrCourJer,Joiiri3aI ' "