The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz

The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

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Page 1: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The Renaissance

SOL 13 Quiz

Page 2: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance?

a) Utopianismb) Feudalismc) Humanismd) Romanticism

Page 3: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Which of the following was created during the Renaissance?

a) The philosophy of Socratesb) The epic poetry of Virgilc) The art of Leonardo da Vincid) The history of Herodotus

Page 4: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Based on this quote, Machiavelli’s political writings supported the idea of -

a) absolute powerb) limited monarchyc) popular sovereigntyd) parliamentary government

Page 5: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

One difference between art of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance was that the art of the Renaissance was more focused on -

a) everyday life and family relationshipsb) the individual and worldly mattersc) the Church and salvationd) Greek and Roman civilizations

Page 6: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Which phrase completes this diagram?

a) Construction of Monasteriesb) Development of Guildsc) Growth of Universitiesd) Production of Books

Page 7: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

During the Renaissance, new accounting and bookkeeping practices were introduced with the use of ________ numerals?

a) Arabicb) Phoenician

Page 8: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This machine helped to spread new ideas during the Renaissance. It was invented by —

a) Sir Thomas Moreb) Desiderius Erasmusc) Johann Gutenbergd) Niccolo Machiavelli

Page 9: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

During which era did Petrarch create these works?

a) Classicalb) Hellenisticc) Medievald) Renaissance

Page 10: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The Renaissance first began in the city-state of

a) Flanders.b) Florence.c) Rome.d) Venice.

Page 11: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The banking family that supported the arts and were politically active were the

a) da Vincis.b) Tudors.c) Borgias.d) Medicis.

Page 12: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The center of the Northern Renaissance was

a) Flanders.b) Florence.c) London.d) Paris.

Page 13: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This “Renaissance man” was an artist, engineer, and scientist:

a) Raphaelb) Lorenzo de Medicic) Leonardo da Vincid) Michelangelo

Page 14: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Renaissance art includes all of the following except

a) sculpture that is three-dimensional.b) use of perspective.c) display of emotion.d) religious subjects exclusively.

Page 15: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

He is considered the “father” of humanism and was a poet.

a) Shakespeareb) Petrarchc) Machiavellid) Bruni

Page 16: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Machiavelli’s book on secular statecraft is entitled

a) The Prince.b) The Book of the Courtier.c) Florentine Politics.d) History of Florence.

Page 17: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This poet and playwright was from England:

a) Sir Thomas Moreb) Shakespearec) Petrarchd) Henry VII

Page 18: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Machiavelli’s The Prince supported absolute ________ of the ruler?

a) Powerb) Divinity

Page 19: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The Prince was written by this Renaissance writer?

a) Petrarchb) Machiavelli

Page 20: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

In Europe, the movable type printing press was developed by this person?

a) Johannes Gutenbergb) Bi Sheng

Page 21: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Art and literature from this time period focused on the Church and salvation only.

a) Medieval (Middle Ages)b) Renaissance

Page 22: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Art and literature from this era in Western Europe focused on individuals and worldly matters, along with Christianity.

a) Renaissanceb) Middle Ages

Page 23: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This man of the Renaissance painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper.

a) Leonardo da Vincib) Michelangelo

Page 24: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This movement celebrated the individual; stimulated the study of Greek and Roman literature and culture; and was supported by wealthy patrons?a) Monasticismb) Humanism

Page 25: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

This person painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and sculpted the statue David?

a) Michelangelob) Machiavelli

Page 26: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

The moveable type printing press and the production and sale of books (the Gutenberg Bible) helped spread ideas throughout this continent


Page 27: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

Northern Renaissance thinkers merged humanist ideas with this religion?


Page 28: The Renaissance SOL 13 Quiz. Which movement had the greatest influence on the Renaissance? a)Utopianism b)Feudalism c)Humanism d)Romanticism

In the 14th and 15th centuries, most goods arrived in northern Europe fromConstantinople after crossing the —

a) Black Seab) Indian Oceanc) Red Sead) Pacific Ocean